Creating the New Earth Together

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The Mystery of Consciousness: Manifestation By The Spoken Word


Rainbow Heart

Creation unfolds out of consciousness—another word for heaven—in very specific stages and rhythmic phases of development following an immutable design governed by Spirit which holds safe and secure the true design and control for living forms.  It is the Spirit of Love, Father God, that begets Life in the Womb of Mother God, the Spirit of Truth.  With our hearts we play a gestational and nurturing role in the process of creating living forms, a process that has been in operation since the beginning of creation when the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters of consciousness, and God said “Let there be light.”

Looking back into the far distant and ancient past, when Egyptian Gods walked the Earth and worked their magic of creating forms, we find the same pattern manifesting through the Creative Process:

Radiation ↔ Response ← Attraction ↔ Union → Unified Radiation.   


It is said that the mouth speaks out of the abundance of the Heart.  The radiation of love is through the heart. Response to the radiation of love comes from the unformed quantum field of infinite possibilities and probabilities where energy waves collapse into particles the moment the light of love shines upon them and the creative Word is spoken.  Living forms are thus created and imbued with the light of love for the purpose of shining light into the creative field; the light that is life for all of creation.  Consciousness provides the matrix in which thought-forms shape intention and vision in an imaginal realm.  Voice and tongue provide the utterance and projection of the Word into the creative field.  Union follows attraction as coherence of structure allows the release of a unified Ray of Love’s Light. Thus has it been and will be for all eternity; surely as far back as history records.  


We are constantly creating our worlds with the utterances of our tongues. I found this interesting piece of Ancient Egyptian history relating to the creator god Ptah while researching the role of sound in creation:  

Ptah is the creator god of the Memphite theology. [Memphis was the capital of Ancient Egypt]. He was said to be the creator of all things, including other creator gods. Self-generated, Ptah, the god of the primeval mound (Tatenen), created by thinking of things in his heart and then naming them by means of his tongue. This is referred to as Logos creation, a label that references the Biblical “in the beginning was the Word (Logos)” [John 1:1]. The Egyptian gods Shu and Tefnut came into being from the mouth of Ptah. Ptah was sometimes equated with the Hermopolitan chaos pair Nun and Naunet. Besides being a creator god, Ptah is a chthonic god of the dead, who seems to have been worshiped since the early dynastic period.

Whether used self-actively in “darkened understand,” as the Gita says, or Spirit-actively by Man restored to the image and likeness of his Creator as God in action on earth, the principles governing the Creative Process are the same and apply without discrimination.  The heart is at the center of creation. “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” 


My critical inquiry goes in the direction of understanding who these Egyptian Gods were that walked the Earth in post-Edenic times.  For surely they were “as God” knowing good and evil and having the knowledge and power to create.  We learn of the “Elohim” from Hebraic scriptures.

In Genesis 1, the Hebrew word for God is “Elohim”, which is the general term for god or gods and is also, rather interestingly, a plural word.  In Genesis 1 Elohim is referred to as “him” (male singular) but speaks in plural (“Let us make man in our image”). However, in Genesis 2, the four-lettered name of God, YHWH, (Yahwey) first appears, and God is mostly referred to by this unique name from there on in.

Was Ptah perhaps one of the Creator Beings of Elohim?  Uranda (Lloyd A. Meeker) in his teachings speaks of a time when creator beings looked out into the unformed void of the Cosmos for a fitting place to create, as he put it, “a Home among the stars.” As I can best recall, they formed the collective group of God Beings known as Elohim.  In their collective One Heart they conceived an image of this Home and then spoke it into existence, sending forth a unified Triune Ray of Light into the unformed cosmic nebulae. The result was a dynamic response to their radiation, followed by an attraction that brought together atom with atom, particle with particle, and molecule with molecule into a cohesive solar entity around lines of force that provided design and control patterns bringing order out of chaos.  And here they established their Home among the stars, our Home among the stars.  To hear Uranda relate the story in detail, one has a sensing that he was there and possibly one among the Elohim.  


What piqued my interest in this legend about Ptah is the way in which he is said to have created things by speaking them into existence . . . having thought about them in his heart before “naming them by means of his tongue”— creation by the Word.  Along this line, I would like to share a presentation by Uranda of “Instantaneous Manifestation” dating back to January 1,1933 toward the beginning of his “Ministry of Truth”   


The first step toward the attainment of instantaneous manifestation is LOVE. LOVE is the shaping force in all creation. This, then, is the secret of why it is so necessary to “love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind,” and to “love thy neighbor as thyself.” That which you send out always comes back to you. If you send out from yourself thoughts of limitation and lack, limitation and lack appear in manifestation to carnal mind. Everyone is manifesting every day. All that appears in your life is manifested according to Law. Do not look at the art of manifestation as if it were something entirely new to be learned. All you need to learn is HOW TO CONTROL COMPLETELY EVERY MANIFESTATION WHICH YOU BRING FORTH. What you seek to know is the perfect application of the Law. You know that the Law works, otherwise you would have nothing but a complete void—you would not even have physical life.

These then are the SEVEN LAWS which govern manifestation:

  1. LOVE THE LORD THY GOD with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
  1. LOVE the thing which you wish to bring forth into manifestation, for this is intense desire and makes possible the application of the Third Law.
  1. CONCENTRATION, which is the elimination from the mind of every thought not directly related to the manifestation.
  1. VISUALIZATION, which is the building of a perfect mold through which the manifestation may come. Each detail must be perfectly visualized or it will not be perfectly manifested.
  1. Become ONE WITH YOUR CREATION so that you lose all consciousness of separate identity. BECOME IT.
  1. SPEAK THE WORD. Having become one with that which you desire to bring forth, you now BRING FORTH YOURSELF.
  1. GIVE THANKS TO GOD THAT IT IS SO. Here you regain consciousness of your identity as being apart from your manifestation. 

Complying with the First Law you become one with God, for if you love God with all of your every sense and part of your being there is no room for anything else. Doing this, you are lifted above consciousness on the material plane of existence to the point where you are vibrating in perfect harmony with the ONE SOURCE of all things. If you desire bread you do not go to a hardware store. You go to the source of the food supply in your locality; that is, a grocery store. Therefore if you desire to bring forth into manifestation a hat, you cannot do so and remain on the plane where the hat will finally manifest. You must change your vibrations and make them harmonize with the one substance from which all things come, before you can influence that substance and make it take form. This is attained by love. You must love the first great cause with all that you are.

Love expressed through the mind that is not supported by the physical expression, that is, the heart, is one-sided and has no power to bring forth quickly. You see, then, that the perfect love which the soul has for God must be allowed to radiate fully and completely through both mind and body before the mind and body can become aware of oneness with God. “Faith without works is dead.” Faith is of the mind, while works are of the body. A mind which is in perfect attunement with the soul has perfect faith, and the body which is in perfect attunement with the soul is a perfect channel for perfect works. Your soul is now in harmony, or a state of oneness, with God; therefore all that is required of you is to so blend and harmonize your mind and body with your soul that you lose all distinction between them and so become aware of God’s oneness with you. This being done, you are vibrating in perfect harmony with the one substance from which all things are created.

Imperfect attunement with this one substance, which is God, brings forth an imperfect manifestation. This shows you why it is that all selfishness and disharmony with your fellow human beings must be eliminated. If you love God with all that you are, you love all of God, and since God is in every man, woman and child, you will love every man, woman and child when you love God. When you become one with God you will love the God substance in every person and thing. You may wish to change the form in which the God substance is manifesting, but you will love the God substance in every manifestation, whether the manifestation be perfect or imperfect, and this love will express in all of your radiation. Contemplation on these words will give you a complete understanding of the first law of manifestation.

When you have attained to this perfect understanding you may give attention to the Second Law, which is: Love the thing which you wish to bring forth into manifestation. Being one with the God substance you may direct your love to the object which you are manifesting. Your vibrations are instantly harmonized with that which you truly love. Thus it is that through love of God you become one with God, and being one with God substance you find that the idea of a thing, or the name of a thing, is the thing itself. The next step, then, is to love the hat which you are bringing forth, and this love is an intense desire to express yourself as a hat. This automatically brings into action the Law of Concentration, so that everything not related directly to the process of manifesting yourself as a hat is excluded from the realm of your attention.

With the perfect control of the attention a fact, the next Law is easily applied. With nothing to distract the attention, perfect visualization is natural, and every detail is perfectly harmonized in the picture. 

Here is a test. Perfect love of a thing brings perfect acquaintance with it. Therefore if you have complied with the Second Law, you will know every detail which is to be incorporated into the manifestation. If you are not divinely aware of every detail in your creation you are not a worthy creator.

When you have complied with every Law thus far it will be easy to obey the dictates of the Fifth Law. Here you become aware of yourself as being’ one with the vibration on which your manifestation is to come forth. This is an understanding of the Law of Being which applies to your particular creation. Remember that the only difference between things is one of vibration. When you harmonize yourself with the vibrations of a hat, you become a hat. When you harmonize yourself with the vibrations of God, you become God, or one with God. Therefore the Fifth Law of Manifestation is to become one with creation so that in consciousness you are it.

The Sixth Law is the point of coming forth. This is done by the use of the spoken word. The spoken word, the creative word, is an acknowledgment that you are it. “Be still, and know that I am God.” Being one with it, you acknowledge that oneness and say, “I am a hat. Let there be a hat in manifestation now.” This law will be easily understood and applied when you have progressed to it. Until you have so progressed, further words concerning it will have little value to you.

The Seventh Law is most important, for through the application of it you make your creation permanent. That which you have created remains in manifestation to you only so long as you solidify it through praise and thanksgiving. Therefore you see the great reason for the many psalms of praise and thanksgiving.

Earnest application of the Seventh Sacred Law will cause that which you now have to grow and multiply. It brings you back to the First Law and makes you see how it is, and why it is, that God works in circles. It is only through the circle that a thing may be complete and yet be endless.

This is my instruction to you. Study it well, that you may learn to live it, for “Faith without works is dead.”


Uranda’s successor, British Lord Martin Exeter, with the agreement of a circle of men and women in a state of accord, gathered around the very location where their vision was to materialize, manifested a dome chapel on Sunrise Ranch in Eden Valley near Loveland, Colorado . . . and later on a pavilion, along with skilled builders . . . and later yet two Lear jets, along with two experienced pilots.  He was a pilot himself, and a lean man of action who drew hundreds of men and women to his ministry.  Among his final words before departing in 1988 was a command to the effect: “Now you do it.  Manifest God in action on Earth through Man restored.” His words have been in my heart ever since.  I came to know oneness with his spirit, my spirit, just hearing him speak and sharing in the radiation of the Word. </strong>

We are here to do the “greater works” relating to the creation of the New Earth, the design and nature of which is being handed down to us via the New Heaven by the Creator of heaven and earth.  How shall we go about these greater works? We’ve talked about them for decades.  But, enough with words.  Words without works are empty.  We speak these days about the “veil” of the heart thinning and clarifying.  As a close friend exclaimed recently, it’s time to go ahead through the veil to the other side and be about the business of manifesting the New Earth and a new way of living.

There is something more that can be done and needs being done. With One Heart, One Mind and One Way, what is it that we are called together to do?  Can we now envision the New Earth in our One Heart and speak that vision into being with our Word as God in action on Earth?  The Way appears and opens before us as we come together in a place of accord. I welcome any thoughts you might have along this line.  Until my next post,

Be love.  Be loved. 


Steps of Ascent 1: Fusing Flesh with Spirit

When two substances vibrate together at the same rate of frequency, they fuse into one substance.

I would like to complete this cycle of sharing from my book SACRED ANATOMY in my blog.  In this post, I visit the final chapters where I meditate on the process of transmutation of flesh and ascension to higher levels of vibration, in some instances where the “rainbow body” is experienced.  The way of ascension is available and open to those who seek that path.  I am such a seeker.  Here is an excerpt from the last chapter of my book.  I think you will enjoy reading it. 


     LET US COMPLETE our meditative journey through the sacred anatomy of the body temple with a final meditation on the steps of ascent that can take us, individually and collectively, into the garden state within, where we would know our oneness with God while we are incarnate in these flesh temples. I will start by returning to the very beginning of this writing. 

     What if, indeed, we could travel through all the dimensions of the seven planes of being; if there were no veil between heaven and earth; and if we could ascend back up into the Realms of Light and return to this plane once we had rejuvenated our bodies and souls. 

     As we have just finished considering at length, the love-technology, chemistry and alchemy to enable this process are already available to us in our sacred anatomy.  All we need do is take the steps leading to absolute and total attunement with love so that our bodies absorb the radiation of love so fully that they become as radiant as love itself. All we need do is utterly abandon ourselves to the Father’s will within and let love work its wonderful magic upon our hearts, our minds and our bodies.

     The technology of love is inherent in what I have spoken of as the Creative Process, sometimes referred to as The Divine Formula: radiation, response, attraction, union, unified radiation.  The irresistible attraction of love, the Father within, will do all the work of drawing us upward into the Garden state.  Our work is to take the steps leading into the Temple of Light where oneness is known with the All and with all of Creation.

Fusing Flesh with Spirit

       RESONANCE with the vibration of love induces the processes of resurrection and ascension.  There is a law of physics which states that when two substances vibrate together at the same rate of frequency, they fuse into one substance. The Universal Entity within which we are contained—and yet, strangely, from which we feel so separate—sounds the Tone that summons all resonant substance out of chaos and into order.  This Tone is conveyed to all things in the universe through the connecting substance of what I will call “pneumaplasmic space” and is carried through tissue by the current of life itself.  [The word pneumaplasm was coined by Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda) to identify the substance of connection between spirit and flesh that provides a medium for the transmission of life’s designs and instructions for creating and maintaining our body temples.]

       When the body oscillates at the same frequency as this Tone, which is differentiated into seven frequencies, as with light, the two become one.  Light, or spirit, no longer remains silent and invisible, and form no longer remains mere physical flesh.  Spirit is seen and experienced as radiating through flesh and flesh as transparent substance.  An entirely new and different state of being is known when flesh fuses with spirit. 

     Now, what that is is yet largely unknown for all practical purposes.  However, it is certainly not mere theory and speculation any longer.  From my own personal though very limited experience, it is entirely knowable and, in fact, known in isolated human experience, including the Master Jesus’s experience as it has been recorded and handed down to us.  

       ATTUNEMENT is a technology of love and as such a sacred healing art purposed for facilitating transformation, resurrection, transmutation and ascension—essentially the fusion of flesh with spirit.  In the attunement process, the molecules that make up the cells of the body are drawn upward to resonate with the vibration of love.  All the molecules of the body are obedient to the commands of love as they are sent forth into the body-temple by the Seven Spirits of Love, which are energetic vibratory forces operating through the seven endocrine glands and their many and varied hormone crystals, which, as we have seen, carry the vibrational directives of spirit in the form of light to the body cells.

     As the attunement practitioner works with the seven endocrine glands and corresponding Chakra centers, attuning them and bringing them into a state of coherence within themselves and into harmony and balance with one another, the Seven Spirits, or vibratory forces of the Spirit of Love, find clearer and, therefore, more potent focus.  Rarified substance of pneumaplasm begins to accumulate and fill the sacred space between spirit and flesh, providing a medium for the propagation of the Tone throughout the entire body-temple. The differentiated Tone goes forth creating harmonics throughout the body-temple manifesting as health and wellness.  Flesh is imbed and fused with Spirit. 

     This is a technology anyone may learn and utilize as a spiritual practice in uplifting the vibratory frequency of the physical body so as to make it more available to the process of attraction and union with one’s own incarnate Divine Being.  A simple act of kindness or an expression of thankfulness generates this substance as well.  

       Further, each one of us oscillates to the Tone in unique sets of harmonic frequencies.  A perfect analogy of this can be readily enjoyed while listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, or some other choral group.  Here one may hear voices ranging from high soprano to deep bass, and, although they are all singing at least in four-part harmony and blend together in their parts to create ideally a pure and single sound as though it were one voice singing each part, if you listened to each voice individually you would discover that no two of them are alike. Each one has its own unique quality of tone and resonance, as well as projection and penetration. 

     Well, one might argue, these differences in vocal capacity and pitch are determined by hormones and resonant structures in the vocal apparatus and cranial bones and so forth, and  I would agree.  But what force and design determines the number and varying combinations of hormones used in the growth and development, and further refinement and playing, of the artist’s musical instrument, which the body is to the incarnate angel?  It is spirit, of course, and each one of us is unique.

     Here is something you can do right now to find your own uniqueness of spirit and tonal frequency. Come to a place of stillness and quiet and listen for those harmonic tones as they vibrate in the inner and inaudible spaces within.  They are often felt in the thymus region just over the heart.  There will be a dominant tone sounding above all the rest in each one, depending upon which endocrine gland is dominant in the individual—and there is a dominant endocrine gland in each one of us.  When you find that tone, begin sounding it, softly and then loudly. Notice how you feel as you sound it.

     Now place your open hands on your lap about six inches apart with palms facing one another to create an energy ball. Then go to a part in your body that hurts or is ill and place an image of that part inside the energy ball.

     The key here is to be still and sense which part of your body has a certain pressure within it seeking, as it were, to find release. Now, allow yourself to enter into that place of pressure in your body, wherever it may be, and listen carefully to what is going on in this space, naming the color, taste and even the smell of what you feel.

       Initially, one may feel emotional patterns of grief or deep frustration and self-pity, even worry and anxiety. That is all right. That is what is present in this particular space.  Now, go ahead and start groaning with your voice, perhaps just sighing or breathing deeply and fiercely at first.  Let those deep feelings be vented outward through whatever sounds they may naturally make.  (You might wish to be somewhere private where no one will hear you and think you are in distress or something.)  Do not be surprised or alarmed if you start crying without seeming cause.  Keep on letting the flow of the feeling currents translate themselves into audible sounds. 

     Now, gently move those harsh sounds upward a pitch or two until they become more coherent and you reach a pitch that just locks in and holds your voice in an easy but strong release of sound.  Hone in on that sound so that it becomes more clear and beautiful.  Then just pour out your spirit of unconditional love and acceptance of yourself and your feelings through that clear and beautiful note.  Soften it a bit and just enjoy playing around with it.  Listen to it lovingly, because that is your own unique resonant expression of the Tone that orchestrates the entire Universe.  It is your resonant tone, or at least a close relative harmonic of it.  Sing some of the other harmonic notes and create “your song.”  Obtain a quartz crystal bowl tuned to that pitch, or one of its harmonics, and play it as you sing your song. Use this to help fuse your spirit with your body, your Self with your incarnating equipment, your harp.

       As you become more adept in utilizing this simple technique of toning, you will actually begin to feel lighter physically and your flesh will feel as though it were glowing with light.  That is because it is.  This is magic—white-light magic—and it is fun and practical as well.

       Now, one can team up with a friend and have a lot more fun harmonizing your individual tones. Two people make an entirely new configuration of harmonic possibilities. Add a third and a fourth and still further possibilities of harmonic chanting are possible. As the numbers in the group change, so do the overall harmonics change creating a unified expression of a single sound. Perhaps this is an echo of the “sound of many waters.”  Notice it is not plural.  It is a single consolidated blend of sound of many waters that make audible the silent Tone that plays all of our instruments at the same time from one Core of Being. In that place at the Core of Being we are one.  We are the One. This is the essence of true community. ♦

I will tell you about an amazing experience of group toning in my next post. Until then, 

Keep toning.



Attunement with Sacred Sound

We will pause in our review of Glenda Green’s book, Love Without End, to share something about Attunement from a brochure I just finished writing as it flows naturally from the current of our meditation on the Sacred Heart.

What is Attunement? 

    Attunement is a sacred healing art and a spiritual practice.  It is sacred in that it serves life, and life is sacred. As a sacred healing art, attunement is a technology of Love. It serves to increase the flow and radiance of life in the body by healing, clarifying and strengthening its connection with spirit in the heart — the Sacred Heart —  where oneness with Love is known.  

   As a spiritual practice, one can use attunement to focus a current of Love in one’s Sacred Heart and allow love to radiate outward without concern for any particular desired results. The radiance of love alone brings peace to the heart, clarity to the mind and healing to the body. The Father, who is Love, knows what our real needs are even before we ask.  Entering Sacred Heart space is the only requirement for experiencing attunement with the healing power of Love.  

     As a sacred healing art, attunement is administered by focusing a current of love and then extending the hands to share that current with another. The endocrine system of hormonal glands inside and the Chakra centers of energy outside and enveloping the body can be used as key gateways in the energy body to access organs and systems in the physical body. The practitioner may work with these two systems to bring about a state of balance and harmony in the body’s energy fields. 

What is Sacred Sound? 

    Sacred Sound is sound used specifically to convey life’s healing currents. The sound can be produced using Tibetan and quartz crystal singing bowls, tuning forks, recordings (such as CD’s), as well as the human voice to create an atmosphere for healing . . . and so much more.  Offering a musical carrier wave for spirit, Sacred Sound produces a heavenly harmony of tones that lift the heart and mind to peaceful heights of serenity and utter stillness. Sacred Sound actually transforms and realigns the molecules of the body bringing them into beautiful patterns of harmony that manifest the health and radiance of life in body-mind and heart.  

Toning Aum

   Simply toning Aum with the release of a moderately deep breath, starting with the “ah” sound and open mouth for 5 seconds, then slowing closing the mouth around the ah sound to form the Aum sound, then breathing out the “m” sound through the nose for 10 seconds, will stimulate the pineal gland in the center of the brain and release beneficial hormonal chemistry for the ascension of consciousness to a higher frequency.  Caution: Do this just a few time so as not to over stimulate the pineal gland to the point of becoming ungrounded.

What does attunement feel like?

    Depending on one’s openness to receive, one may experience a feeling of peace and inner stillness. A definite and magical healing can occur and is often keenly felt as a penetrating current moving at a core level within. Some have compared it to touching heaven and being “surrounded by a cloud of angels.” Others have likened their experience to being “kissed by an angel.”  One may come away feeling as though one has left this world and entered a realm of light and peace, which I like to think of as the “kingdom of heaven within,” the inner “closet” the Master Jesus spoke of where one may enter and pray “in secret” to one’s “heavenly Father.”  By whatever name called, it is a place of communion with the Beloved and therefore sacred.  The “Sacred Heart” describes it best for me.

What is the purpose of attunement? 

    Attunement is not so much “given” as it is “shared” by two or more who come together in a spirit of thankfulness. The whole and holy intention of attunement is to clarify and lift one’s own frequency of life energy to a higher level of vibration, above the level where problems, distress and dis-ease are experienced and where oneness with Love is known and keenly felt. Attunement brings a natural sense of wholeness to one’s experience of oneself.    

    Besides being used for personal healing, attunement can also be used to send healing currents to loved ones, or to enfold a life situation in love for peaceful resolution. Anyone can do this, as attunement with love is our natural state.

     Harmony and balance are keys to health, happiness and longevity. Attunement — with or without sacred sound — offers all this and more as one makes attunement with love a way of life and part of one’s daily health and wellness care.

     Thankfulness in all things keeps one attuned with Life’s creative flow. Self-attunement is taught and recommended as a way of re-visiting the sacred space created during an attunement session in one’s quiet moments of morning and evening prayer and sanctification. 

Fees and Appointments

    Attunements are offered freely. Love offerings are welcomed and deeply appreciated. I invite you to call today to schedule an attunement session. Call anytime, day or night, for long-distance attunement and for special enfoldment.

Love’s blessings,                      


For appointments call  (337) 802-5510

For health articles, visit my Health Light Newsletter blog

Mind and Heart in Love

 Continuing with my book review of Love Without End – Jesus Speaks by renowned portraitist Glenda Green, the topic of how the mind and heart work together – or don’t, as the case may be – came up early in the book. The general impression is that the mind seeks to dominate the heart by taking advantage of its troubles.  This occurs sometimes between a professional and his/her client, which then becomes an ethics issue related to the right use of power. These two capacities are intended and designed to form a partnership in the process of bringing forth creation. The author records Jesus on the subject of the mind-heart relationship: 

 The mind will actively seek to compensate or to exploit the heart’s troubles, but it will never seek to remove or to cure them. For the heart’s despair is the mind’s option for power.

She asks if the mind behaves that way always, and he answers:  

Well, often. But actually the mind can be a very good servant, if you allow it to be just that. You must realize and hold firmly to an understanding that the mind has no power of its own. The mind either integrates and projects from experience, or else it develops a logical matrix to serve, to explain, and to implement the powers of the heart and the soul. The problem arises when the heart is oriented negatively in some way toward life, because when the heart gives the mind a negative impulse such as insufficiency, insecurity, fear, or anger, the mind operates with reverse logic

She then asked Jesus for an example:

The most obvious example is simply the absence of data or experience—a tangible mystery—which the mind fills with its own inventions for fear of losing control.

But now, let‘s look at this. When a man’s heart has become attuned to scarcity, his mind will work overtime to generate ways and means of making money. Theres a certain logic to this in relation to survival pressures, but it never solves the problem or changes the basic belief. The man just copes, or grows rich, to finance and perpetuate poverty consciousness in himself or others. And so he overworks to support a kind of material wealth which dominates his life but never results in a deep and true sense of prosperity. There is only compensation for lack, for the mind only solves problems of logic or balance — never problems of life.

The man‘s poverty consciousness resulted from wearing so many blinders to the abundance of life that he eventually believed in scarcity and then invested in it. Now by comparison, there was another man who beheld the wondrous universe with awe as he expressed his gratitude for the infinite supply. This man has given his mind a positive impulse, and so his mind will seek ways to make that abundance real in his life.

With less effort, greater prosperity is attained. The same is true of physical well being. A man who believes in illness will struggle all of his life to be well. And his mind will provide him many ways to prevent or to remedy the ailments without ever removing the source of trouble. Yet a man who believes in health and wholeness will set his mind to the positive service of making it true. Given any negative belief or impulse the mind will operate dysfunctionally. There may be perfect logic, but applied in reverse mode (as if reflected by a mirror) to compensate for—not solve—the problem.  

He continued with a sense of wonder:

My Father’s universe is infinite and infinitely abundant. By beholding and believing in this the mind can then work in a direct and proper way to bring abundance. If given a positive impulse the mind works properly. If given a negative impulse, the mind works in reverse. That is its logic.

Just behold infinity. Behold, and be in awe of the infinite everlasting creation

He finished this brief discourse by reciting one of Glenda’s favorite passages from the Gospels:

Consider the lilies of the field. They do not labor or spin, yet I tell you noeven Solomon in all his splendor was arrayed like one of these. Behold infinity every day and all that you seek shall be given you.”

We touch infinity while sharing attunement with another in the healing current of love.  It pours out through our hearts and hands and fills every cell of our bodies and every corner of our souls.  It overflows like water to satisfy every thirst for love in our worlds.  Behold infinity in the Attunement Current of Love. Let love radiate without concern for results.  Let the mind and heart be in love with one another to fulfill their individual and collective purposes together.  Let Love command.

Love be with you today and always,


Resonance and the “Divine Matrix”


In case there is any doubt left in human hearts and minds that sound is what shapes creation, look at this picture of the hexagon pattern on Saturn’s north pole. Those familiar with Cymatics will readily recognize this sonic phenomenon. RESONANCE AND THE “DIVINE MATRIX”

Resonance is a timely theme for my blog.  I’ve been exploring working with what Gregg Braden calls the “Divine Matrix” and what others in the field of  “Quantum Healing” are calling “matrix–resonance,” a process whereby one taps into fields outside one’s own.  In this process one brings into consciousness and heart an ancient, or not so ancient, spiritual teacher and ascended master, like Jesus or Buddha, and then allows a resonance to take place with their matrix or field.  It’s the “field effect” author Joseph Chilton Pearce writes about in his book “THE BIOLOGY OF TRANSCENDENCE.”  The purpose for engaging this process could be, for instance, to raise one’s frequency to a higher level with the intention of offering the greatest possible blessing of healing.  This, according to world renown sound-healer Jonathan Goldman, constitutes a formula for healing: “Frequency + intention = healing.”

I’ve been engaging this process lately tapping into the field of the Master Jesus.  For example, I read some of his recorded words in the Gospels, especially where he is healing someone or sending healing currents to someone at a distance.  As I focus on the image of this Great Physician (not a picture someone has made, but what I imagine being in his presence would feel like, with emphasis on the feeling aspect),  I find myself entering into his matrix and resonating with his vibration, which, from the Aramaic shem, translates into name.  The name/shem/vibration of Jesus is the frequency of love, as he was and is the embodiment of the spirit of Love.  To “come in the name of the Lord,” then, is to come in the vibration of Love.   When my field resonates with his shem/name/vibration, my field becomes a healing matrix out of which all things that I bring into consciousness for healing and renewal may be made new, and I do feel the healing quality and the potency of his matrix which I then extend to my world of service and the person, for instance, with whom I am sharing attunement.  I also experience a very powerful mental focus and undeniable authority.  The meaning  of the Biblical text,  “Behold, I make all things new” comes alive  in the present moment from out of the distant past.

A great exercise would be to bring a spiritual teacher — such as Jesus or Buddha, or even more contemporary teachers such as Mother Teresa, the Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, or teachers that some of my colleagues in the attunement field and I know, such as Uranda and Roger de Winton —  into consciousness and then notice and name some of the essences one may feel resonating in one’s heart.  One’s field, then, would begin to take on those qualities based on resonance, creating a matrix for the extension of those essences and qualities of healing and renewal in and through the “attunement current” one is offering into one’s world of service.

We did this exercise in one of our workshops in Houston years ago with the “Seven Spirits,” which we in the attunement field associate with the seven seals of the endocrine system, what I refer to as our “Sacred Anatomy” in my book by the same name.  Uranda assigned these seven spirits, which are referenced in the description of  “a throne set in heaven” by John in his Book of Revelation in the Bible, to the seven hormonal glands of the endocrine system.  The Pineal gland in the center of the brain plays the role of a throne in the body temple for the spirit of love to abide and oversee the creative processes in the temple. It is this same process with which I found myself working during an attunement session one day when an inspiring poem about these spirits came through me.  Bringing each of these spirits by name into consciousness while holding a contact point on each endocrine center during the attunement process, allows one to come into resonance with the essence and qualities of these spirits, creating a healing matrix.  The shared unified field, then, takes on the qualities of these spirits, surrounding and permeating both client and the practitioner in a “divine matrix,” as Gregg Braden would call it.

It is the working of this dynamic precisely that opened a door of perception in the resonating chambers of my heart many years ago of the tonal frequencies of these seven spirits, which are in reality harmonic overtones of the one Tone of Love differentiated as the light of love shines through the sacred anatomy of our body temples.  This sacred anatomy of our endocrine glands provides the inner terrain of the crystal-like substance of hormones that transforms and steps down the high-frequency of the creative power of love so as to make creation at all levels possible and capable of manifesting the myriad and impeccable designs of Life for our body temples.  This is the miracle and wonder of our sacred anatomy.

These same spirits, or vibrational essences, as one can imagine, are related to the seven colors of the rainbow light spectrum, so that one may think of a color and allow a feeling for its quality to resonate in the heart.  One may even “hear” the tone of that color in terms of a musical note, or at least one of its harmonics.  One may then hum or tone that note to provide a carrier wave for that spirit to move out upon and into one’s creative field of service, whether it be in offering healing to another, blessing one’s world, or simply exploring one’s own tonal “signature frequency” by giving voice to these tones resonating in one’s heart.

This “technique,” if you would, can be effectively employed while offering healing to the organs, glands, tissues and skeletal structures of the body temple. It can also be used to enfold a life situation or world event in a healing matrix held in consciousness, a more common name for this heaven out of which our worlds emerge.  To envision the organ, situation or event as being whole, healthy, new and radiantly functional already, creates a matrix that is resonant with that vision, just as seeing the organ, situation or event as being distorted or dysfunctional holds that pattern in the matrix, thereby reinforcing the distortion pattern in the form.  Then, as Uranda put it, when all the “factors” are in place, one may speak the creative command of love, “Return to the Divine Design” or “Let the will of God be made manifest on earth as it is in heaven,” the heaven that I create in my own consciousness for the restoration of this form to its intended state of health and function in the context and for the greatest possible blessing of the Whole.  See it new and then let it be so.  This is the vibrational function of the “aumen” at the end of one’s prayer:  “Let it be so.” This is all about resonance, isn’t it?

For my readers who are not familiar with the attunement service I write about, and who may wish to learn more about it, you are welcome to visit my website or the website of the International Emissaries Attunement Guild, .  For a copy of my poem, The Seven Spirits of Love, you may send your request to me by email at

May your light shine brightly,


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Attunement with Sacred Sound

Anthony Palombo

Anthony Palombo

Welcome to Healing Tones!  I have much to share and a passion to get it out there.  I hope you are touched in some way and become a subscriber and “follower” of my blog (click on RSS above to subcribe).   My second post is a report about our March 19-20 workshop intensive, Attunement with Sacred Soundk, at Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, Colorado.   Enjoy!

   Visit my second blog at .

March Intensive A Huge Success

Attunement with Sacred Sound Workshop Intensive at Sunrise Ranch
This was our fifth workshop intensive, our third at Sunrise Ranch.  Over a two-day period, March 19-20, our circle grew from eight Friday morning to eighteen for the Circle of Sound Equinox celebration Saturday evening, drawing thirty-four in all into our dedicated container.  Our theme was the manifestation of a beautiful world through attunement with sacred sound.  It was a totally co-creative event marked by spirited participation on the parts of those attending and spontaneous presentations by several, with soft and easy co-facilitation by Tony & Bonnie Palombo.

We were treated to a Shamanic journey by David Ward, from Ashland, Oregon, who demonstrated his use of crystals inserted inside gloves to assist him in directing energy using the principle of “holophasics,” then spoke of his fascinating healing work which takes him into the underworld to assist departed souls in navigating this dark terrain and finding their way to the light, a journey about which he is presently authoring a book.  Laurence Layne, visiting from St. Augustine, Florida, dropped in to speak about his favorite topic, The Spiritual Nature of the Physical Body, focusing on the relationship between the nervous system and the endocrine glands and how we use these two systems in our attunement work. Mai Tran, from Southern California, presented a brief yet very enlightening explanation of the Chakras as she uses them in offering attunements as a Reiki practitioner.  Finally, Alan Martens, from Sunrise Ranch, demonstrated the Ancient Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation, five exercises that, done diligently, can take one to the fabled “Fountain of Youth” within.

These were the spices that added flavor to our time together, the main ingredient being the ongoing exploration of sacred sound as a carrier wave for consciousness in the attunement current.  Each workshop brings forth something new, and this one brought into our creative field the significance and utter delight of the F Sharp Major triad, F# A# C#.

Now, we’ve had a 16 inch A# quartz crystal bowl for some time but didn’t know its significance, as it didn’t quite harmonize with the other bowls – that is until we discovered the F# chord.  It has now become the center piece of this harmonic triad, which we were guided to use as the harmonic tones in “balancing the cervicals” during attunements. I am seeing it also as the ascending chord at the level of the “Eighth Chakra” with its F# fundamental tone that matches the F# frequency of the Pineal gland.  So, we have B D# F# as the harmonic triad of the Crown Chakra/Pineal gland, and F# A# C# extending the ascending sound current as a sonic bridge to the next level above.  When we played this harmonic triad on the quartz crystal bowls and toned it with our voices, something magically uplifting was felt.

Keith Hancock has been playing around with the key of F# Major for some time and he improvised on the piano, playing only the black keys, which the key of F# Major largely consists of.  It was an open and joyful sound . . . a “joyful noise” as the psalmist writes.  We took five bowls of the F# Major chord into the Dome chapel Sunday morning and played an improvised melody on them during service.  It was just beautiful. The sacred sounds of the bowls filled the dome with awesome resonating frequencies and overtones, echoing the “music of the spheres.”

We filled our container with activities of sacred healing arts technology:  attunement principles and technique; power point presentations bringing in the ancients – such as Apollo, the Greek god of music, harmony, medicine and poetry, and his son the great singer Orpheus, father of truth, wisdom and divination, who gave us stringed instruments, such as the cithara (guitar) and the lyre (harp), and whom the muses taught to play such sweet music as to sway men and gods, enchant plants and even stir inanimate objects. The name Orpheus means “he who heals by the light,” signifying a particular level of healing likely through the application of sacred sound.  The power of his healing voice and music was ascribed to certain magical formula, incantations and charms that are inscribed in the ancient Orphic Tablets.

From the Orphic mystery teachings comes the Platonic Schools of Wisdom which gave us Pythagoras, who gave us our modern musical octave which is based on the Golden Mean (Pi = 1.618), and the musical interval of the “Perfect Fifth.”  We brought in Sufi Master Hazrat Inayat Khan with his mysticism of sacred sound; the “Healing Fifth” harmony of do-sol that brings the endocrine and chakra systems into balance; the phenomena of cymatics with Dr. Peter Guy Manners, of the crickets hymn of praise, both by DVD, and of overtones and harmonic chant with Jonathan Goldman on CD; toning to resolve and reclaim dissonant energy; voice placement and exercises; quartz crystal and Tibetan singing bowls and tuning forks; and just plain fun and laughter.

At the beginning we each and altogether set our intentions for a beautiful new world as seeds into the sacred soil of spirit substance, which we nurtured with our love and friendship throughout the intensive, intoning sessions with a harmonic chant to each of the Seven Spirits of Love.  Toward the end of our time together we shared reading a consideration of the Seven Steps to the “Secret” of Manifestation, a compilation of excerpts from Uranda’s 1933 instruction paper, Instantaneous Manifestation, and Carnelian Sage’s wonderful little book, The Greatest Manifestation Principle in the World.  In closing we created a sacred sound vessica and sent our intentions forth upon the waves of harmonic chant to the Spirit of the New Earth – that’s the grounding root tones of the C Major triad, C E G.  We came, we learned, we shared, we sang, we drummed, we danced, we played, we blessed, we shared attunement, we co-created . . . and it was all very, very good!

(Visit Tony’s blog at )

P.S. I invite you to visit me on the web at : .  Other attunement sites worth visiting are:,

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