Creating the New Earth Together


TO WALK ACROSS A BED OF RED HOT COALS requires a generous amount of absolute confidence and faith that one’s feet will not get burned and therefore no pain will be experienced. This is an example of what Joseph Chilton Pearce, author of THE BIOLOGY OF TRANSCENDENCE, A Blueprint of the Human Spirit, calls “unconflicted behavior,” which engages a biological response that allows one to utterly transcend one’s physical and material circumstance and live in another dimension beyond space and time.

Unconflicted behavior opens us to a freedom from doubt but does so only when we are free of doubt of any sort to begin with—a true catch-22: Because unconflicted behavior occurs only when we are free of doubt, opening to and unconditionally accepting the state are simultaneous, not linear, events and so are not subject to any form of logic. That is, the sudden, intuitive hint of the actuality of unconflicted behavior was not like a question asking me if I was willing to allow the state or to go along with it. Rather, the opening of this state coincided with my instant acceptance of it without qualification.

Carlos Castaneda’s metaphor of a “cubic centimeter of chance” suggests a rather wide margin for the nanosecond speed with which this opportunity opens and closes, almost like a single pulse we must fall through at the instant of its opening. This is why that greatest model of unconflicted behaviors, Jesus, urged us always to be aware and awake—we never knew at what instant It, or He, or Whatever might come.

Mindfulness, being completely in the moment where you are, present-time consciousness are all ways of describing wakefulness and awareness. The author goes on to relate personal stories of extraordinary, superhuman behavior he has experienced that defied logic and reason. I suspect that some rock climbers could tell similar stories.

The way Pearce describes his several unconflicted events it’s like something or someone takes over his behavior and performs flawless feats of accomplishment—like processing bank checks at a bank clearinghouse where he worked operating a check-proofing machine while he took a break or a nap and then closed-out well before his fellow bank workers. But let’s hear the story in his own words:

Immediately I was  seen  as  the boy wonder. What no one knew was that I never closed out at each individual packet of items as required. In fact, I didn’t close out and check my balance until the end of the night when the shift was over, as to do so would awaken me, break the flow of things, and result in errors. Instead I continued operating straight through, and for something like three months I ran more items than anyone else without making any errors at all. This was nearly unbelievable to everyone, including my supervisor—for the “force” did such superior work that I was given a raise.

Sleep, however, was my true bonus [he was attending university and working nightshifts] and my carefully guarded secret—until one morning when my supervisor discovered by chance that I had closed out and balanced only at the end of my shift. From his response you might have thought I had violated his mother! But an error among those fourteen of fifteen thousand items could have taken all day to trace out and though no errors had occurred, I was threatened with immediate dismissal if I did not close out regularly as required. My explanations were limp and unconvincing to say the least, and with anxious eyes following my work from that point on, I had no choice but to comply. The result was that I made errors, ran fewer items, and slept through my classes all day.

Closing-out was part of the greater issue of unconditional trust in my unconflicted behavior to run the machine — closing-out would have been, in effect, to doubt, and such doubt would cause me instantly to revert to my usual conflicted state.

Joseph Chilton Pearce

Another story from his book tells about the time he climbed an “impossible” sheer and unstable dirt cliff that had an overhang, his legs hanging straight down toward the beach below as he propelled his body over the top at the utter disbelief of his friends. Unconflicted behavior can empower us to do extraordinary things.


I’m looking at this phenomenon and thinking of it in terms of human consciousness and our creative potential. From what the author of this book and these stories say and demonstrate, doubt and fear are the only barriers holding us captive from achieving the state of unconflicted behavior. The conflict itself stems from trying to serve two masters, as a biblical passage describes what in effect is double-mindedness: “No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon” (Luke 16:13). When used in biblical texts, the word “mammon” refers to wealth and money. It can appropriately refer to fear and doubt.

“Perfect love casts out fear.” Serving God includes obeying the First Great Commandment to love the Lord our God with all of one’s heart, all of ones soul and all of one’s mind, and the second, like unto the first, to love one’s neighbor as oneself. Upon these two commandments hinge all the law and the prophets. As we actually abide by these two commandments, we will soon find ourselves united as one Body of Humanity. The Body of God in action on Earth.

There is a resurrecting spirit at work in the hearts of men and women the world over. It’s the Spirit of Love and it is drawing together a unified body from the four corners of the Earth—and it’s not coming together under the banner of an organization or a religion, but is rather an organism of parts that blend and work together in a state of accord and in a naturally coordinated manner, empowered as it is by the One Spirit of Life. One Life, one Heart, one Way forward out of the valley of the shadow of death and up the rising mountain that is the living Body of God in action on Earth. These words express the essence of our oneness:

This is a Body in which all the cells play their unique parts without being concerned with what others are doing in their roles; in other words minding one’s own business and not imposing one’s opinion as to what or how others are or should be playing their parts.

It is also a holographic organism in which each cell in the Body is a complete model of the Whole Body of which it is an integral and essential part. At a transcendent level of shared Divine Consciousness, individuals are aware of the roles others are playing and seek to coordinate their activities with others so that a state of harmony is enjoyed.

In essence it’s a network of friends in God who love one another with unconditional acceptance and appreciation. It was through my connection with others in this Body, this network, for example, that I was empowered to publish a fourth and revised edition of my signature work SACRED ANATOMY ~ Temple of the Living God ~ A contemplative study of the human body as a temple of worship and an instrument for creation. (Soon to be available though my publisher Wise Publications.) Creativity comes naturally and easily when we’re connected with our Creator and with one another in the One Body of the Creator. A friend and spiritual brother in South Korea recently described it as dancing with our Heavenly Father within. Such a dance is joyful, he went on to say . . . so long as we let the Father lead in the dance. Life, then, is simply about learning the steps.



There are many paths to transcendence today; so many that one could surmise that the Universe is going all out to tell us that it’s time to rise up out of the old and into a new state of consciousness. Let’s look at a couple of them.


The MERKABA is an ancient mystical symbol for light (Mer), spirit (ka) and body (ba). It is a spiritual activator and brings access to higher consciousness. You can learn more about the use of Merkaba in your meditation practice here.

Sacred Geometry Symbol for Spiritual Awakening

The Merkaba is often associated with transformation, ascension, and the expansion of consciousness. It represents the interconnectedness of the spiritual and physical realms, serving as a vehicle for spiritual evolution. Also known as the “light body” or “chariot,” some believe it enables individuals to transcend their physical limitations and access higher realms of consciousness. It’s also seen as a symbol of protection and a tool for meditation and energy work. It’s believed to harness divine energy that shields against negativity and promotes well-being.



Attunement and Sacred Sound work are two wonderful paths to transcendence, and there are many others in the field of holistic healing and consciousness evolution. I’ve offered workshops and published my research in ATTUNEMENT WITH SACRED SOUND ~ The Magical Use of Sound in Energy Work and Healing. (Now available from my publisher, Wise Publications. It’s also available from Health Light Publishing in St. Augustine, Florida.


I have participated in Jonathan Goldman’s Healing Sounds Intensives, which were powerfully transforming experiences, especially toning with a hundred sound healers, some doing harmonic overtone chant while others toning harmonic pitches, altogether creating harmonies that actually created a Merkaba around the class participants. I highly recommend his CD’s, especially one called “ULTIMATE OM” and another “THE DIVINE NAME” to play during meditation. I use them as a carrier-wave for spirit and intention with my long-distance Attunement service. His most recent release, “The Humming Effect” is a powerful tool for transcendence. Most everyone can hum.


Another source is the Shift Network with a host of transformational teachers and intersessional guides, such as Gregg Braden, Michael Beckwith, Dr. John Beaulieu, Dr. Sue Morter, Ram Das, Andrew Harvey, Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen, Raja Choudhury, Grandmother Flordemayo, and many other beautiful people.


Spiritual expression — the expression of the Spirit of Love and its many qualities in living — is, without question, the most direct path to transcendence one can take. Simply by being thankful, a quality of Love, lifts one above one’s circumstance at hand. Complaining about a troubling circumstance drops one down to the same level as the circumstance. One doesn’t have to be an Einstein to know “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” An attitude of gratitude brings altitude . . . and transcendence!

If you have enjoyed this post, I welcome and invite you to tune in for another post in this series on THE BIOLOGY OF TRANSCENDENCE. Until my next post,

Be love. Be Thankful


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