Creating the New Earth Together

Posts tagged ‘The Thymus Gland’

The “Angelic Gland”

“What if we actually knew each other as angels and called each other by our tonal, angelic names and that we loved one another so much that we could do no harm but only blessing toward one another? What if we knew only oneness and isolation were not even possible?”

I think the awareness that we are angels incarnate in human forms is fairly widespread.  My post today is an excerpt from my book SACRED ANATOMY – where spirit and flesh dance in the fires of creation, which expands on the chapter’s topic of the Thymus Gland and the Spirit of Purification. 

This was written some thirty years ago when I was in the throes of a profound and traumatic spiritual awakening. My consciousness was literally exploding with one realization after another, and I was compelled to write them down and share them.  I had ascended the mountain top and the world of form lay before me in sacred primal nakedness.  I saw with new eyes and I was enlightened and whelmed by what I was seeing.  I’ve come down from the mountain top and joined my fellow travelers in the valley of shadows where purification is in full force, but my memories of those days of awakening in consciousness are vivid.  I would like to have remained in the light of the mountain top, but that’s not how enlightenment works. “Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water” is how it works — only now I chop wood and carry water with a keen awareness of who I Am, and with an assurance that all is well.  I do long for the full revelation of angelic being through all of Humanity, as the excerpt above from the Foreword of my book expresses: “What if we actually knew each other as angels. . . .”   

The “Angelic Gland”

   The Thymus is often referred to as the “angelic gland” by virtue of the role it plays in keeping the child’s skin and countenance clear and translucent.  This changes as the child approaches puberty and the thymus gland shrinks in order that the maturing body may adapt to a lower vibratory world so as not to be crushed by the violence therein.  A medical procedure is employed to shrink the thymus gland with x-ray radiation should this natural atrophy not occur in a timely fashion.  This does not eliminate or diminish the focus of spirit, however.  Even if the gland is removed by surgery, the essence of spirit focused here remains present and operative, generating the fine substance of the heart.

[Note: Around puberty the T cells migrate to the bone marrow as the thymus shrinks in size. Later on, in our “golden years,” the thymus gland reconstitutes and returns to its original size and function. This accounts for the childlike countenance and sweet disposition that often comes over the elderly.]

   The Spirit of Purification works at this fourth vibratory level in the body temple to guard the sacred space of the upper region in the cranium and keep anything from entering here that would defile or in any way hurt this sanctum.  The golden essence of love’s light is constantly intensified and clarified in order to assure a pure-hearted expression of creative power.  Thus the color gold was seen by John in the region of the paps of this One like unto the Son of man.

   Uranda closes Lesson Forty-two in his Steps to Mastership with these reassuring words:

“And girt about the paps with a golden girdle.”  And He is girt about the MIDDLE PART OF HIS BEING with a Golden Girdle, the Golden Girdle of PERFECT SOUL EXPRESSION which surrounds and fills the vital parts of Being.  The Solar Center, which is the throne of so-called subconscious mind; the Heart, the throne of all feeling and emotion; the Lungs, the throne of Spirit cleansing and Life-giving—ALL are GIRT ABOUT with the PERFECT BEING OF OUR FATHER, the MASTER-SELF WITHIN. Such must be the state of those who would enter in and SEE the glories of  Fourth Plane Being.  Meditate upon these revelations and let them fill thy Life and Light thy Way, that thy attainment may be sure.

   The only thing standing in the way of attainment in Fourth Plane Being is the veil of the heart which connects the third level of being with the fourth. This veil has become laden with the residue of past failures, both individual and collective, so that it has taken on an opaque and thick texture and consistency. To enter here this veil must be pierced, or, as in the Master Jesus’ experience, “rent in twain.” He left the third and entered into the fourth dimension of being, passing through the veil of the collective impure heart.  Waiting on the other side of the veil, in the fourth dimension, is the incarnate angel, the One standing in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks, one’s true identity.  

  By the light of this center in the Fourth Plane I am able to know with assurance who I am and what my purpose is on earth.  I know myself as an angel, an emissary of heaven’s light, who has come on earth to bring a special gift.  That gift is none other than my Self, a gift that I alone can bring.  Assurance in this is the gift of the Spirit of Purification.                                              

   Assurance that I am present as an angel of light is the experience of what Uranda calls “Fourth Plane Being,” attainment of which comes through meditation upon the realization that leads ultimately to the revelation of the “Master Self within.” It comes with a lot more than that, but it does require the mind and heart to give their focused response to the reality of the presence of the One I Am standing in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks and to eventually, but utterly yield all control and defer all power to this One.  In the end the outer human ego is dissolved as it yields up its right to exist as a separate and isolated entity.  It is only in losing one’s life in this way that one truly finds it. What follows this dissolution of the outer human ego is blessed assurance of one’s own angelic presence.  One is no longer two selves in a house divided, but only the one Self I Am standing in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks in the fourth plane of being.

   Fourth plane being is the place of connection between the three levels above it and the three below.  It is the level where the renewed sense of self comes through the fire of purification as the angel incarnate, who is the fire, emerges through the veil to take charge of his or her own incarnating capacities.  It is the level currently available and accessible to us. As my heart is purified in my own angelic fire of love, I begin to know God in myself and to see God in others.   I know myself and others as angels.

   The experience of emergence of angelic identity does not come, as I say, without some real in-depth work. Nor does it come without the outer shell of the false self cracking open and falling away at some point in what is often described as the “dark night of the soul,” in which the individual may struggle with “multiple personalities” and mental illusions. One may feel his/her very existence threatened and the familiar self actually dying, only to discover the revelation of a new state of being waiting in the wings to come forth.  Try as it has through many methods of so-called “spiritual enlightenment,” the false ego cannot ascend through the veil and enter the fourth plane of being.  It may think it has attained “nirvana” by rising to the very top of the third plane where serenity and peaceful bless are known in the “sea of glass like unto crystal,” but union with God is not known yet.  All that can occur here is the coming forth of the angel from the higher into the lower planes of being.  The false ego cannot enter into heaven. The true Ego, the Master Self, can come forth from out of heaven and enter into the earth. 

   When the angel comes forth, the human ego dissolves.  This happens inevitably for every one when the outer form passes away in what is called death.  It can happen as well in the cycles of transformation.  Real transformation from out of the experience of the old self and into that of the new and real Self invariably initiates the uncomfortable and sometimes painful experience of radical change and often major personal life crises of physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual dimensions.  Plato described this transition as moving from out of “the cave” of isolation, where life is observed as confused reflections on the walls of the cave, into the light of day where one is fully engaged as a liver of life rather than an observer only.

This passage of the soul from out of the dark cave and into the light of day is made much easier with the assistance of a “spiritual midwife,” or mentor.  One need not go it alone these days with the many spiritual guides and personal transformation facilitators available.

We have been moving through a transformation of human consciousness for several decades now, so the process has become more readily accessible, as well as more easily navigated. The time has also been shortened and the veil is more transparent and thin so that passage from “out of the cave” into the light of day takes less time than it used to.  In my next post I will explore this theme and share some professional insights of a spiritual midwife, Dr. Joan Borysenko, clinical psychologist and medical scientist, who has done much work in body-mind healing and spiritual transformation. Until then,

Be love. Be loved.


The Role of the Thymus Gland Protecting the Body Temple

“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you ?” (1 Cor. 3:16)

In the previous post, I detailed the functions of the thymus as an endocrine gland as well as a key player in what I have called the “immune alliance” of the body temple.  The following excerpt from SACRED ANATOMY continues to elaborate on this dual function with intricate details that describe a powerful and ruthless process, under the direction and control of the Spirit of Purification, whose primary role it is to protect the body temple. It is imperative, for the sake of the ongoing presence and expression of the Spirit of Life in and through our human capacities, focused in and operating through the Thyroid gland, that nothing is allowed to enter the Holy Place of the heart that would defile it or in any way diminish or hinder the governance of the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Love, focused in the Pituitary and Pineal glands respectively. 

It is my intention and desire in publishing these excerpts from my book to provide enlightenment about the miracle of life transpiring in our bodies, which are, individually and collectively, the temple of the Living God on Earth. In reading this excerpt, one may come to appreciate more fully the intricacies and complexities of interaction and communication between the various parts of our anatomy and physiology, and therein be inspired to maintain a personal atmosphere that is conducive and supportive to the work of the Spirit of Purification in one’s temple, so that Life may continue to manifest its radiance in the form of robust health and happiness.  As stated earlier, the key to protection is a balanced immune system.  

Protecting the Body Temple

   The Thymus is probably the most powerful and active of all the seven endocrine centers when it is functioning in a balanced manner, and balance is the key here to a healthy immunity.  In the healthy person there is just the right amount of immune response to repel infection or heal a wound, and just enough of the system involved to stop the response.  There is neither over-active response nor under-active response as just the right amount and types of white blood cells and immune factors are recruited to meet and resolve each challenging “invader.” An invader, as we have noted, is anything that is not “self” and therefore does not belong in the body-temple.  Over-active response results in auto-immunity and allergies, for example, while under-active response makes the body susceptible to infection.

   The key to a balanced immunity is the body’s ability to distinguish between what is self and what is non-self.  The job is usually easy as virtually every living organism and cell has its own unique set of “antigens” (surface molecules called “barcodes”) that identify them.  Early in life, through real encounters, the young immune system learns to recognize these barcodes if given the opportunity.  That opportunity is all too often missed in early childhood where antibiotics are used indiscriminately.  Should such use continue on a regular basis, the child will grow up to be an adult with an “immature immune system.” Immature immune systems abound today with the widespread use of antibiotics, not only within the human system but also in the animals grown for human consumption.  

   On the other hand, where herbs, such as Echinacea, and phytonutrients found in whole foods rich in Vitamins A and C, are used to support the young immune system, it will fare well in its encounters with antigens and pathogens of all kinds and develop properly into a strong fortress as the child matures into adulthood. The problem arises when too much dependency is placed upon antibiotic medication, both in childhood and in later years.  A weak and immature immune system is easily confused and overwhelmed by an onslaught of bacteria and viruses, many of them made stronger by adapting to antibiotics.  The job of distinguishing between self and non-self becomes more complex as viruses, such as HIV which causes Auto-Immune Disease Syndrome (AIDS), take on the surface protein molecules (barcodes) of the immune cells themselves, leading lymphocytes into a battle with themselves and thereby completely destroying the body’s ability to protect itself against opportunistic scavengers, such as bacteria, parasites, viruses, molds and fungus, many of which are produced by the body itself on site where their services are needed to clean up the debris of decay resulting from infection.  Infection is the body’s way of handling the pathology caused by invaders. 

   All this goes to say that our immune system, while powerful when balanced and educated through experience, is impotent when its delicate balance is disrupted and can even be left in a state of incoherence when not allowed to develop.  Therefore a lot of effort and energy is expended by the body balancing white blood cells and immune co-factors to provide exquisite protection and defense against harmful invaders.  Green, living foods are essential as a source of these co-factors. 

   The natural defenses of the immune system consist of an extremely elaborate and complex network of billions of lymphocytes, each one designed for a specific mission.  These cells communicate with one another like construction crew members erecting a tall building.  The result is a sensitive system of checks and balances that produces an immune response that is prompt, appropriate, fierce and  effective, as well as self-limiting.

   As we’ve noted, the thymus is joined by other organs keeping the body cells well fed, repaired and clean. Pockets of white blood cells (leukocytes, from the Greek leukos, meaning “white,” but also “light” or ”brilliant” or clear) can be found throughout the body-temple. The reticuloendothelial tissue of the tonsils, lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow are gathering sites for lymphocytes where cells grow and develop.  Though not commonly recognized for this role, the largest immunological organ of the body is the intestine with its “Peyer’s patches” cells embedded within its wall.  It is estimated that twenty-five percent of the intestines is involved in immunity with an additional seventy to eighty percent of all antibody-producing cells being located in our digestive system.  At any given time there are more than 100 trillion bacteria in our digestive system.  The cells that comprise the body are outnumbered ten-to-one by foreign organisms in and on our bodies.

   Leukocytes recognize foreign invaders and coordinate the natural defenses of the body.  There are three different types of leukocytes, or white blood cells: Granulocytes, monocytes and lymphocytes, each group having its own function.   They all originate in bone marrow and circulate from there by way of the bloodstream throughout the body.  About half of them come to rest in the Thymus, where they continue to differentiate and mature before returning to the bloodstream. Hence they are called T lympho-cytes, or “T cells.”  These are involved in the inflammatory process and in destroying foreign invaders such as cancer cells.   First to recognize the presence of foreign cells and infections, they recruit other cells and start up the immune response, releasing different classes of immune co-factors or bio-chemical signals that activate “B Cells” (blood-plasma cells), for example, to produce specific types of antibodies.  Each B Cell is a self-contained factory that manufactures one specific type of antibody (immunoglobulin).  These antibodies, large proteins, are programmed to identify invaders by their antigens (barcodes).

   There are the “Killer Cells” that kill cancer cells and those carrying viruses. “Macra-phages”  inform the white blood cells about the architecture of the invaders so that it can design the right antibody for the job, initiate immune response and scavenge dead organisms and cells.  “Phagocytes” gobble up infected cells like “PAC-Men.”   Eosinophils kill parasites and “Mast Cells” chemically trigger other cells into action and are involved in allergic reactions.  While many white blood cells recognize and react to specific antigens which starts a specific immune response against an individual class of invaders, other types of cells respond in a nonspecific manner, killing any and all invaders.

   Much more could be said about our powerful immune alliance and its many checks and balances that keep its response measured and timely.  It is fascinating, for instance, how the mother passes on her immune cells to her child, first by her blood stream and then by way of her colostrum-rich milk, emphasizing the tremendous value of supportive nutrition during pregnancy and breast-feeding after birth to give the infant all the support it needs in building its own immune alliance.  This is true for the animal kingdom in general wherein each species passes on its collective immunity and adaptations to the progeny through the egg or the milk.

   Much has been written on the subject of stress and the immune system, a system that actually “talks” to our nervous and hormonal systems and vice versa.  All these systems are integrated as one, as we have noted, and work together in governing our emotional as well as physical feelings.  Stress and fatigue depress the immune system while joy and laughter stimulate it.  Balance in all aspects of our lives is what this is all about.

   Perhaps we can learn something from our body’s ruthless intolerance of non-self invaders of the body-temple in developing a sense of diligence in purging from our hearts and minds feelings and thoughts that are not true to our authentic Self but which invade our personal space without notice and threaten to defile our holy place within.  The simple act of tagging them as not you, naming and acknowledging them as being there in your feelings but not identifying with them, allows them to be released into the purifying fires of the Spirit of Purification, where the energy maintaining them may be harvested and blended back into the circulation of Life in and through the body temple and the individual. In this is Life eternal.

One of my blog followers expresses poetically how his heart is like a furnace in this passionate response to my previous post: 

My heart is a cauldron; a fuming, bubbling lava lake in the core of the volcano. Any thought, word, deed that happens to drop into its reach is decomposed, dissolved from its structure into its original component chemistry, purified, and recycled into the system.

My heart is a bottomless lake; the specific weight of any structure of thought, and emotion, drags it down, slowly, under its own weight; ever lower, deeper. Until, crushed by the pressure of the deep, it fragments, floating back to surface in the unrecognizable guise of its pristine origins.

My heart is a drop of pure elixir; the cure for all ills. The most concentrated, refined, the purest essence of ecstasy. It is the stuff of tears of joy. The product of the cellular absorption of the wonderful way all fits into a multi-dimensional Rubik cube.

Our body temples are created to accommodate the incarnate beings we are –“angels from the realms of glory,” if you will. We are each a unique differentiation of the One Great Spirit, from whom we all spring forth through living flesh to appear on earth and co-create a heaven. The purpose of the incarnate angel is to accommodate the creative expression of the Spirit of God.  In my next post, “The Angelic Gland,” I will expand on this theme and show how our sacred energy anatomy facilitates this expression. If you have any thoughts or inspirations to share, please do so. My email address is below. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.



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