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Posts tagged ‘The Golden Age’

Paradise Remembered

“Myth is the history of the soul”  

William Erwin Thompson penned those words. The Paradise myth, along with all the legends and stories about the “First People” handed down through the ages, are vivid and haunting reminders of our origins.  Who among us does not have a deep desire to live in Paradise—or for Paradise to be restored here on Earth?  It’s the unconscious impetus in our quest for the American Dream: “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”  It’s what we seek and hope to find in most of our endeavors to make a comfortable and happy life for ourselves and for our families—and why we go to the wilderness and camp out in the forests and national parks.  We want to be in Paradise, if only for a few days and nights filling our eyes and hearts with “Kodak moments,” camping out under the stars, and sitting by a stream of cool, clear water drinking in the golden silence and peaceful beauty of the Natural World. 

Ken Burns has performed an outstanding service bringing the pristine peace and beauty of the natural world to the television for all to enjoy with his documentaries on the National Parks and Monuments airing on PBS again this weekend. Thanks primarily to John Muir, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, thousands of square miles of undeveloped lands and mountain ranges have been preserved and set aside for us and our progeny to visit and be nourished by and reminded of the Paradise our planet Earth still is—inspired even to do our parts in keeping it that way.


I’ve been reading my friend Richard Heinberg’s MEMORIES and VISIONS of PARADISE for the second or third time since it came into my hands many years ago, and my longing for Paradise has been quickened once again, this time with even deeper yearning.  Reading some of the stories about a once Golden Age when we were more angelic than human, and we spoke with the animals who “spoke” with us, I can almost taste the clean, fresh air and feel the pristine, magical Eden atmosphere. Here are a few memories from Richard’s book of what our ancestors, the “First People,” were like in the mythical Garden of Paradise:

The myths and traditions of the ancients do not portray Eden as the sort of technological Paradise that our present civilization tends to project into the future. If the Golden Age really existed, it must instead have been, as the Chinese describe it, an Age of Perfect Virtue—an age in which

they were upright and correct, without knowing that to be so was righteousness; they loved one another, without knowing that to do so was benevolence; they were honest and leal-hearted with­out knowing that it was loyalty; they fulfilled their engagements, without knowing that to do so was good faith; in their simple movements they employed the services of one another, without thinking that they were conferring or receiving any gift. There­fore their actions left no trace, and there was no record of their affairs.” *

They were kind and affectionate:

“The ability of human beings and animals to understand one another resulted in a condition, according to fifth-century B.C. philosopher Empedocles, ‘All were gentle and obedient to men, both animals and birds, and they glowed with kindly affection towards one another.'” *

They were radiant and could fly:

“According to virtually all accounts, human beings in the paradisal age were possessed of qualities and abilities that can only be called miraculous.

“They were wise, all-knowing, and able to communicate easily not only with one another but with other living things; moreover, they could fly through the air, and they shone with visible light.” *

They were wise and godlike in appearance:

“In contrast to the contemporary view of early humans as dull and brutish, the myths speak of them as sages. In Jewish folklore, Adam is described as being so wise and so beautiful to behold that the creatures of the Earth mistook him for the Creator and, together with the angels of Heaven, bowed down and chanted, ‘Holy, holy, holy.’ It is also said that God revealed the whole of the future to Adam, as well as the geography of the entire Earth. In these respects, Adam resembled Adapa, the Babylonian First Man, who ‘was equipped with vast intelligence …. His plane of wisdom was the plane of heaven’” The ancient Mayans similarly described the four First People as wise and all-knowing. According to the Popul Vuh, the Mayan book of lore and customs, the people of the first age were so perceptive that when ‘they lifted up their eyes … their gaze embraced all; they knew all things; nothing in heaven or earth was concealed from them.’ These created ones rendered thanks, saying,“‘Truly, thou gavest us every motion and accomplishment! We have received existence, we have received a mouth, a face; we speak, we understand, we think, we walk; we perceive and we know equally well what is far and what is near; we see all things, great and small, in heaven and upon the earth. Thanks be to you who created us, 0 Maker, 0 Former!'”*


The Golden Age was an age of innocence; its inhabitants simple and childlike—much like the late and memorialized Mr. Rogers as portrayed by Tom Hanks in the movie “Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.” With Richard’s permission, I will share a few excerpts from his thoroughly researched and captivating book, with little if any commentary from me.  I invite you to just read the stories and let the magic they still hold enchant your heart as you ponder them deeply in your imagination.  They may even trigger up memories of Paradise from out of the collective unconscious, as they did for me, and quicken in you an inspiration to live as though in Paradise.  Perhaps the adage “To become, act as if” may apply in our shared work of creating a heavenly home for our Creator here on Earth. Legends tell of a time when the Creator lived with his Creation and walked with Man in the Garden of Eden.  Listen to these stories.

ONCE UPON A TIME all human beings lived in friendship and peace, not only among themselves but with all other living things as well. The people of that original Age of Innocence were wise, shining beings who could fly through the air at will, and who were in continual communion with cosmic forces and intelligences. But a tragic disruption brought the First Age to an end, and humanity found itself estranged from both Heaven and Nature. Ever since then we have lived in a fragmented way, never really understanding ourselves or our place in the Universe. But occasionally we look back, with longing and regret, and dream of a return to the Paradise we once knew. . . .

The tribes of central and southern Africa preserved myths of an original time when the celestial God and human beings were friends, before the separation of Heaven and Earth. It was an age that was typified in the saying of the Ngombe tribe of Zaire: “In the beginning there were no men on earth. The people lived in the sky with Akongo and they were happy.” Ethnologist Paul Schebesta recorded the following tradition from the Bambuti Pygmies of central Africa:

After God had created the world and men, he dwelt among them. He called them his children. They gave him the name of father. … He showed himself a good father to men for he so placed them in this world that they could live without much effort and were above all free from care and fear. Neither ele­ments nor animals were inimical to man and foodstuffs grew ready to his hand. In short, the world was a paradise as long as God dwelt among men. He was not visible to them but he was in their midst and spoke to them.”

Summarizing African myths about the First Age, folklorist Herman Baumann wrote:

In the view of the natives, everything that happened in the primal age was different from today: people lived forever and never died; they understood the language of animals and lived at peace with them; they knew no labor and had food in plenitude, the effortless gathering of which guaranteed them a life without care; there was no sexuality and no reproduction—in brief, they knew nothing of all those fundamental factors and attitudes which move people today’

It was only when the people set themselves against the other creatures that God was driven away and the original harmony of Nature was destroyed.

And that will be the consideration of my next post in this series. Until then,

Be love. Be loved



* Richard Heinberg, MEMORIES and VISIONS of PARADISE — Exploring the Universal Myth of a Lost Golden Age. 

“The Hero’s Journey,” part 2 — The Quest

My Chorale PicThe “Quest” is ultimately for the “Elixir of Immortality,” says Joseph Campbell in The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Every quest is based upon our individual and collective subconscious memories of a heavenly state where life is peaceful, harmonious and, the best part, immortal. No one dies in heaven. No one even gets sick or suffers in heaven. No one is poor or hungry or has to pay rent in heaven. No one is lonely or depressed or even sad. Sounds like the kind of place anyone would want to live. Well, we all did at one time. 

Heaven is from whence we came and to which we long to return — and shall. Yes, even though we fight, strive and pay big bucks to the medical establishments and health food stores to stave off the inevitable end of our quest, we long for heaven.  We just don’t wanna die to get there. Hmm. Maybe we don’t have to.

Heaven is said to be right here now. We just need to turn around  and see it, as The Teacher instructed.  He was in heaven standing on the ground when he said “I go to prepare a place for you, so that where I am ye may be also.”  He didn’t say where I will be after I ascend, but “where I am” now. He was enjoying a state of consciousness that allowed him to be in heaven on earth right in the midst of a very troubled world.  

As the “Hero” of “The Greatest Story Ever Told,” Jesus completed his quest for the Elixir of Immortality.  He set out to restore conscious divine Presence in human flesh on earth, met and defeated the nemesis of the satanic human ego that had been hiding the Elixir of Immortality behind “the letter of the law” that kills any spiritual life in believers, then took the sting out of death itself by entering the kingdom of heaven without dying. He had completed the work he had come on earth to do well before his victorious ordeal with death. “Father . . . I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.” (17 John). He didn’t come here to “die for our sins,” as St. Paul’s Christianity teaches. He came here to show us how to live and therein glorify God. Then he said, in effect, “Now, you do it.  You be the hero of your life story. Turn around and enter the kingdom of heaven that’s within you exactly where you are here and now.”    

Actually, heaven is everywhere there’s consciousness – and that’s everywhere.  Our experience of heaven depends upon our own conscious awareness of being in heaven and living out of that awareness. There is no place where heaven isn’t. Even “hell” is in heaven.  That’s what makes it a hell: living in heaven on earth but not being aware of it and bumping into its laws and principles that would otherwise bring about a heavenly experience—like being forgiving, loving and kind instead of resenting, feeling sorry for ourselves, getting even and being rude toward one another; like giving instead of getting, and giving each other space to be ourselves instead of judging and killing one another with words, guns and bombs. We can let heaven be our experience now simply by loving ourselves and one another as ourselves. 

But, enough with the preaching. It’s really passion. I hunger and thirst for these things to become reality on Earth. And that’s what it will take on all our parts for the world to be transformed into the kingdom of heaven on Earth — the “Golden Age” that is waiting to be born through us — a deep hungering and thirsting on the part of humanity — as we were taught by The Teacher in his sermon on the mount: “Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be satisfied.” Heaven here and now is a quest worth hungering and thirsting after. 

Let’s look at some of the historical records that David Wilcock painstakingly researched and collected together in his captivating book THE SYNCHRONICITY KEY. I’m just finishing my second time through this fascinating and remarkable literary achievement. Let’s start with the Book of Daniel from the Old Testament of the Bible. Wilcock suggests that the book itself tells the story of “The Hero’s Journey.”


Daniel was the prophet who not only interpreted King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, but told him the dream itself, which the king had been so distressed over that he couldn’t even recall it. In this dream the king had beheld a great statue — “its brilliance extraordinary . . . its appearance was frightening.” The statue had a very telling composition, made as it was of various elements that bore significant signs of the times, both then and now as well as future. Its head was made of gold, its chest and arms of silver, its mid section and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, and its feet of a mixture of iron and potters clay. Then a stone, not made by human hands, struck the statue on its feet made of iron and clay and broke them into pieces, bringing the entire statue down to the ground where it shattered into such fine pieces that the wind carried the dust away like chaff so that not a trace of it could be found. But the stone that struck the feet of the statue “became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.” You can read the story yourself in chapter five of his book. A very profound story whose time of fulfillment may well have come.  For this part, I will borrow from Wilcock’s own insightful words, also giving you a sampling of his amazingly clear thought processes, much like Edgar Cayce, of whom David Wilcock is quite possibly a reincarnation.  I love where he goes with this story, one of my most favorite Biblical stories.

We clearly see an enormous statue of a man–the hero character in our story–built in layers of gold, silver, bronze and iron. Each of these layers ends up being smashed, one by one. Notice that the resulting rubble was said to look like the “chaff of the summer threshing floors.” Chaff is the unusable material that falls out of a mill that is used for grinding–or threshing–grain. The grain mill is one of the most common symbolic codes embedded in dozens of different myths, worldwide, to symbolize the 25,920-year precession of the equinoxes, according to de Santillana and von Dechend. The central axis of the mill symbolizes the earth’s axis as it drifts through the precession in de Santillana and von Dechend’s epic model. Each section of the statue corresponds to an age. The Golden Age is represented by the head-which is the beginning of each new cycle. In the final age, everything from the previous cycles is smashed by the stone in Nebuchadnezzar’s vision-and comes to a rather abrupt end.

Daniel clearly interprets each of the four main sections of the statue–gold, silver, bronze, and iron–as corresponding to a major cycle or age of human history. This begins with the Golden Age, represented here by the king. However, this vision seems to be far less relevant to Nebuchadnezzar than he may have wanted to believe at the time.

“You, 0 king, the king of kings–to whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom, the power, the might, and the glory, into whose hand he has given human beings, wherever they live, the wild animals of the field, and the birds of the air, and whom he has established as ruler over them all–you are the head of gold. After you shall arise another kingdom inferior to yours, and yet a third kingdom of bronze, which shall rule over the whole earth. And there shall be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron. Just as iron crushes and smashes everything, it shall crush and shatter all these.”

We are clearly going through the Iron Age now. Indeed, many traditional cultures have been crushed and shattered by the introduction of machines and technology. Many of these machines are made out of metal, which is signified by the iron. As we continue reading this prophecy, we find out that the people of this age are weakened by how divided they become. Nonetheless, a core of strength remains: “As you saw the feet and toes partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, it shall be a divided kingdom; but some of the strength of iron shall be in it, as you saw the iron mixed with the clay … the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly brittle.”

Feet are the symbol of understanding, both figuratively and literally. We stand on our feet. Human understanding of the laws and principles that govern the universe has been limited, to say the least, and is undergoing a download and upgrade.  Some of us are open to the download and some of us are closed to anything that disturbs the status quo. So there is currently a mixture of new and old in human understanding and the two do not bond together, just like clay and iron do not bond.  

The degree to which this Iron Age is a prophecy of our modern world becomes clearer when we skip ahead to 7:23: “There shall be a fourth kingdom on earth that shall be different from all the other kingdoms; it shall devour the whole earth, and trample it down, and break it to pieces.”

Once this Iron Age comes to a close, we again return to the Golden Age. This description is given in symbolic, dreamlike terms: And in the days of those [Iron Age] kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall this kingdom be left to another people. It shall crush all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever.

Moving ahead to 12:1, we again get a clear prophecy of the difficult times were in now, but also a revealing glimpse of what the Golden Age might be like once it finally arrives: There shall be a time of anguish,
such as has never occurred since nations first came into existence. But at that time
your people shall be delivered; everyone who is found writtenin the book.”

Some may believe those in the bookwill only be the Chosen,” whomever they think those people may be. Lets consider that the bookmight actually be the story of the Heros Journey itself . If this is the symbol that is being used, then how do we write ourselves into the book? How do we join the great story? It could be that everyone who takes up their own quest for the ancient Elixir of Immortality finds themselves in
the book
. Everyone who is willing to face the nemesis in the quest for a better, stronger and more loving world has dedicated themselves to the planetary healing process we now must go through. Once we defeat the nemesis on a global level, we access the treasure it has been guarding–and can now enter the Golden Age. Daniel’s description of the Golden Age is very interesting: “Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake; some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the skyand those who lead many to righteousness, like the starsforever and ever.”

This appears to be an undeniable reference to the same fourthdensity shiftthat is described in the Law of One series. The next stage of human evolution, when we free ourselves from the cycles of birth and death through reincarnation, does seem to involve a movement into a light body”–much like Jehoshua [Jesus] appeared after the resurrection. In chapter 21 we will discover there are more than I60,000 documented cases of Rainbow Body occurring in Tibet and China alone. This same passage also refers to “those who sleep in the dust of the earthand then awaken. This is clearly metaphorical, not literal. It is very likely a reference to people who have remained unaware of the spiritual principles that govern the universe, rather than to dead bodies rising out of the ground, as many Christian fundamentalists believe. (Wilcock)

I will leave it there for now. I will continue in my next post, which will reveal the encoded timeline for the Golden Age’s appearance and address the nature of the nemesis. Until then, 

Be love. Be loved.


Read my Health Light Newsletter on line at my second blog, Current feature: “Don’t Trade Perfect Love for Ebola Fear.”  

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