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Archive for the ‘Overpopulation’ Category

“Choice” Was Never About Abortion

“Man does not engage the Natural Laws of Life without consequence.”

I’m going to weigh in on the Roe vs Wade controversy, mainly because “Choice” was never about abortion but about women’s freedom to choose in matters pertaining to their health care and their physical body, which includes access to Family Planning services, and abortion if deemed necessary. This right is being taken away from them in our Nation of the “Free and the Brave” causing quite an uproar, and rightly so.

Looking at the current crises created by five Conservative Supreme Court Judges (whose votes to reverse Roe vs Wade are yet to be certified as final), through the freedom of choice lens, there is a pending threat to women’s right to privacy in matters of their procreative functions and futures.  Pregnancy is a personal and private matter which the government has no business policing—and that’s what this Supreme Court and state lawmakers are bent on doing. 


There are several and varying lenses through which one can choose to see this issue besides the partisan political lens, each one soliciting a different emotional and judgmental response.  I will consider a few of these lenses . . . and suggest another myself. No matter through what lens one views abortion, by and large the procedure is done to save a life. In this view, abortion is a pro-life choice in likely the majority of cases.

1. There’s the lens of constitutionality. Freedom of choice is guaranteed to the citizens of America by the Constitution Bill of Rights. Through this lens one sees the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe vs Wade an infringement upon a woman’s right to privacy and autonomy in making decisions about the reproductive functions of her own body.

2. The lens of Planned Parenthood. Through this lens a woman sees the services offered by mislabeled “abortion clinics” as offering safe and healthy services, that include the guidance of a physician and help in planning the size of her family based on various personal factors, including a mutual decision-making process between a couple.

3. The lens of abortion as a criminal act of violence against a “unborn child” and therefore a murderous act punishable by law.  The state of Louisiana is trying to pass a bill that makes abortion punishable by death.  I will develop this further.

4. The lens of religious morality through which abortion is seen as a sinful act punishable by a righteous God who calls for “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”—basically the death penalty, if not here than hereafter.

5. The lens of child pregnancy due to rape or incest which puts both mother and child at risk. Abortion of the fetus is the only way forward that makes any sense whatsoever on all counts.  I include here adult pregnancy due to rape, in which case abortion of the fetus is desirable and necessary for obvious reasons.

6. The lens of viability of the fetus and its development to the stage where it is considered capable of living outside the womb.  Through this lens one may rightly question whether or not a “person” is present with the embryo or not. This is the lens I would like to consider.

7. Finally—though not less relevant—there’s the lens of the personal responsibility of men without whom pregnancy cannot occur . . . and who, by and large, leave the woman to manage her pregnancy and to raise their offspring. The ultimate cause of conception, as we know, is the impregnation of the ovum by the male sperm, whether through consensual or forced sex, or by invitro fertilization.  Once the ovum is impregnated by the sperm, the Natural Laws of Life are engaged, and there will be consequences for which both partners are responsible to steward together.  A friend posted this on Facebook recently:

Mark Hollis: Pregnancy is a matter of personal responsibility. We all know what causes pregnancy. This decision by the US Supreme Court is all about denying the personal responsibility of men for their own actions. I will say this to men who want to deny personal responsibility: For at least 18 years, any woman can sue a man for 1/4 of his salary to raise any child he may have decided he has no responsibility for.  We all know how pregnancies occur.


 It is a medical fact that an embryo becomes a fetus eight weeks after conception and is fully formed with all its limbs and organs, though not fully developed, by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy.  This is when I believe a fetus becomes a human being.  I rest my belief simply on the basis that a being does not incarnate in a human body until its “house of being” is complete, fully functional, and ready for occupancy—in much the same way that you would not move into your house being built or repaired until the work is complete and your house ready for you to move into it. 

I’ve heard a few women comment that they felt an energetic wave like a presence enter their field and abdomen at about the end of their first trimester of pregnancy.  The point I wish to consider here is that, up until the point of completion of embryonic development, there is no “person” present in the fetus.  What is present is a mass of protoplasm being organized by Life into a human body.  From a technical standpoint, an abortion of a human fetus before the end of the first trimester is not the killing of a baby and therefore should not be considered a criminal act.  It isn’t murder.  It is certainly the destruction of a living organism—which deserves to be carried out in a ceremonial atmosphere of dignity and thankfulness, as well as due respect for and honoring of the sacredness of life—but it is not the killing of a person.  Someone may take me to task on this perspective, but I cannot see it any other way.


When I look at abortion through the lens of an overpopulated world, I run into a conflicted human consciousness.  While we want to have children, we are facing global famine due to overpopulation and ecological collapse.  So, abortion, which really no one “wants,” can be viewed as contributing to the solution of this problem, as can birth control in any and all forms, which the Catholic Church frowns upon.  Beyond the issue of “freedom of choice,” we are facing much more pressing and dire choices.  Here we have two problematic events running parallel to one another with one event unintentionally slowing down the progress of the other.  There’s a dilemma we don’t seem to know how to face, much less solve.  We want and enjoy sex—and we do need to keep propagating our species—while bringing children into this chaotic and toxic dying world seems selfish and unkind, to say the least.  On the other hand, while the unfortunate and “necessary evil” of abortion does somewhat stem the tide of the population explosion, the majority of both sexes in the US want free access to it. 

This recent “pandemic” may be seen through the same lens, along with the rise in terminal illnesses like cancer and heart disease, as contributing to population reduction. While we don’t want the pandemic hanging around, we were glad to have clean air without smog in our big cities during lockdown. If there’s anything Life seeks to maintain at all cost, it’s balance and homeostasis.  This planet can support just so many consumers, especially the voracious consumers we’ve become as a species.  

According to the World Health Organization, there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions every year. This corresponds, sadly, to approximately 125,000 abortions per day.  It saddens my heart to see these numbers. Yet, in spite of the apparent ongoing escalation in abortions, global human population growth amounts to around 83 million annually, or 1.1% per year.  We are a runaway, greedy species that wants what we want at any cost . . . and at the expense of the rest of the species and occupants of this tiny planet.  It’s appalling to say the least. 


I will close with this passionate plea posted on Facebook this past week by Paula Backus under the caption **Trigger Warning**: (A “trigger law” is a law banning abortion that lies dormant in many states and is automatically activated if and when the Supreme Court overturns Roe vs Wade.)

I’m not pro-murdering babies.-

I’m pro-Becky who found out at her 20-week anatomy scan that the infant she had been so excited to bring into this world had developed without life-sustaining organs.-

I’m pro-Susan who was sexually assaulted on her way home from work, only to come to the horrific realization that her assailant planted his seed in her when she got a positive pregnancy test result a month later.-

I’m pro-Leah who found herself in a toxic, emotionally abusive relationship that would in no way support the health, happiness, and vitality of life of the unborn child.-

I’m pro-Theresa who hemorrhaged due to a placental abruption, causing her parents, spouse, and children to have to make the impossible decision on whether to save her or her unborn child.-

I’m pro-little Cathy who had her innocence ripped away from her by someone she should have been able to trust and her 11-year-old body isn’t mature enough to bear the consequence of that betrayal.-

I’m pro-Melissa who’s working two jobs just to make ends meet and has to choose between bringing another child into poverty or feeding the children she already has because her spouse walked out on her.-

I’m pro-Brittany who realizes that she is in no way financially, emotionally, or physically able to raise a child.-

I’m pro-Emily who went through IVF, ending up with SIX viable implanted eggs requiring selective reduction to ensure the safety of her and a SAFE number of fetuses.-

I’m pro-Jessica who is FINALLY getting the strength to get away from her physically abusive spouse only to find out that she is carrying the monster’s child.-

I’m pro-Vanessa who went into her confirmation appointment after YEARS of trying to conceive only to hear silence where there should be a heartbeat.-

I’m pro-Lindsay who lost her virginity in her sophomore year with a broken condom and now has to choose whether to be a teenage mom or just a teenager.-

I’m pro-Courtney who just found out she’s already 13 weeks along, but the egg never made it out of her fallopian tube so either she terminates the pregnancy or risks dying from internal bleeding.

You can argue and say that I’m pro-choice all you want, but the truth is:  I’m pro-life. Their lives. Women’s lives.

You don’t get to pick and choose which scenarios should be accepted. It’s not about which stories you don’t agree with. It’s about fighting for the women in the stories and the CHOICE that is theirs to make.

Women’s rights are meant to protect ALL women, regardless of their situation!

Overturning Roe does not stop abortions, it stops SAFE abortions!


I offer yet another lens to look through. The abortion of a human fetus, whether induced or natural, as in miscarriage and stillbirth, has repercussions beyond this physical plane of being.  After all, the creation of a human body is the creation of a living temple intended for the incarnation of an angel, a divine being. In this sense, pregnancy is a sacred event that calls for respect and reverence as well as joy. The creation of a child in the womb of a woman is a miracle and an awesome privilege for all women. 

This being the weekend of Mother’s Day, it is only fitting that I close with at least an honorable mention, and certainly a word of gratitude for and celebration of Motherhood.  I can only imagine the vibrational dynamic at play in the Realms of Light when a baby is being created in the womb of a woman.  I would imagine that an angel is given an assignment and opportunity to incarnate on Earth and bring the light of love to this baby’s parents and to this world.  Babies are all about love.  No doubt there’s great anticipation and joy in the angel’s heart as he or she considers the privilege of going down into the physical plane of being and walking upon the earth and breathing the life-giving air.  Then suddenly, with or without warning, the pregnancy is terminated or the baby dies in childbirth, and the opportunity for incarnating is taken away.  Without being overly sentimental, I ponder at this level of consciousness when I listen to all this uproar over abortion and the problems over procreation human beings have created for themselves.  Abortion isn’t a solution to any problem.  It is a problem . . . and we are not handling it very selflessly or responsibly.  It’s not up to the Supreme Court nor the government to decide this issue.  It’s up to us, the people and responsible citizens of planet Earth.  

My offering is that we take a broader view and give consideration to the spiritual aspects and implications of pregnancy and abortion as much if not more than the physical and personal implications, certainly more than the legal implications. This crisis is offering us an opportunity to rise above our human selves and transform our consciousness to see from a higher level with the viewpoint of the angels we are incarnate on a beautiful planet.  That’s all.    

As always, I welcome any thoughts my readers have and may wish to share.  Until my next post,

Be love.  Be loved.


The Two Trees of Eden

“Adam came into being from enormous power and wealth, but he was never worthy of you, for had he been worthy of you he would not have died.” —Jesus, from The Gospel of Thomas¹

ACCORDING TO THE BIBLICAL RECORD OF CREATION handed down to us in the Book of Genesis, among the many trees in the garden planted “eastward in Eden” were the “tree of life” and the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” Both trees grew “in the midst” of the garden.  Now, the garden is the heaven of consciousness, and the East is from whence our tomorrows come. A garden is where seeds are planted for tomorrow’s harvest. So this entire setting relates to the seeding of consciousness for tomorrow’s creations.

For the duration of this writing, let us think of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil as being the double helix DNA molecule—in which case I will call it “the tree of the knowledge of good and evolve,” in so far as our flesh arises out of the unfolding evolutionary cycles of the genetic code as the DNA spiral turns to impart the sequence of genetic information to messenger molecules (mRNA) for the further generation of protein, the building blocks of the body temple.  The fruit of this tree becomes deadly only when we interfere with the evolving processes of life, which can only result in evil creations, distortions of the true design for living forms, which will not be sustained by life and live forever.  So, our DNA spiral very much resembles a tree with code sequences as leaves that, if even touched, much less altered, will result in death.  When left alone, they will continue to evolve according to the Divine Design of life and bring forth appropriate forms for a changing environment.  

Now, let us think of the “tree of life” in our bodies as being the sacred anatomy of our endocrine system, comprised of seven hormonal glands that are under the control and direction of Spirit, the incarnate angel, differentiated into seven vibrational frequencies that nourish them. These sacred parts of our physical anatomy serve as “lamps of fire” (as John of Revelation describes the “seven spirits before the throne of God” set in heaven) that shine the light of Love and Truth into the world through our living.  We can eat freely from the tree of life by giving expression to the spirits of Love, such as patience, thankfulness, compassion and joy, to name but a few.  

We could say that these “trees” are in the midst of the garden of our consciousness, as are our human capacities—remembering that our incarnating capacities are not limited to flesh and bone but include our energetic field that extends out to include, for example, the seven Chakras.  It is all encompassed by the heaven of our consciousness.

The two trees are planted eastward in Eden, indicating they have something to do with the future.  It is from the code sequences set in the DNA spiral that our future bodies roll out into the eternal present.  And it is by way of our seven endocrine glands that we continue to express the radiant energy of life itself through hormonal crystals, messengers of light.  It is truly a tree of life. 

All this to say there are endless and eternal cycles within cycles at work in the Creative Process of Life constantly bringing forth the world of Creation in which we live and have our being . . . and with our human intellects we can’t even begin to comprehend them, much less manage and control them, albeit we tinker with the idea, as well as with the genetic code sequence itself that determines the shape and functions of outer forms.

I am reminded of a warning man was given in the garden, repeated here by Eve to the serpent: “But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die”— to which the serpent replied, “Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” He lied, and has been lying ever since—significantly and with dire consequences in our day with this rampant genetically-modified coronavirus and experimental and risky spike protein injection. 

We have dared to touch and manipulated the DNA tree to create a virus designed to attack human lung tissue and kill its host . . . and I ask, to what end, other than our own? It’s utter insanity.  


There’s another story I would like to visit that may provide background and context for what I have presented above, and that is the possibility of rogue activity on the part of the creator being(s) who made the “clay man,” as a friend in England calls him. There are two creation events in the first and second chapters of the Book of Genesis respectively, as I’ve written about in a previous post. These two trees that grew in the midst of the garden eastward in Eden, put there by the “LORD God,” are mentioned only in the second chapter of Genesis—in which is also recorded this second creation event.  In this event the “LORD God” forms a man from clay and imbues him with life, whereby he becomes a “living soul.”  The stated purpose for creating this man is found in this passage: “and there was no man to till the ground.”  In other words, man was created to be a servant and manual laborer, a slave.

There has arisen a controversy over these two separate events, one in which God creates Man “in his own image and likeness” as the final touch to his magnificent and “completed” Creation, and a second event in which the LORD God—a group of God beings called Elohim—forms a single man from the dust of the ground.  This event is soon followed by the creation of woman from a rib taken out of the side of the man. 


Now, this is no fairy tale made up by Moses when he wrote the Book of Genesis.  It is said that his creation story was based on ancient Sumerian scriptures, some of which were the retelling of mythical oral traditions and stories.  We can discern a lot from myths, as celebrated author and mythologist Joseph Campbell has elucidated, which are metaphors and stories that point to ancient historical events before a written language came into being and usage.  

Along this line, I want to share with you a letter I received from one of my blog followers and close friend, Donald White, in response to my previous post.  Here is his comment that speaks to this controversial rogue behavior, as well as the two creation events, and the conversation Eve had with the serpent which I cited above.

The Genesis story you’ve referred to here, as to whether God as a plurality: “Let US make man in OUR image…”, or “gods” (prior wise ancients, or advanced aliens) devised mankind through genetic manipulation, is perhaps the key to your conclusive consideration of what’s taking place in the evolutionary cycle we’re now experiencing.

Having studied extensively the Sumerian/Babylonian “Myth of Creation” from which 6th Century BC exiled Israelite, Judah, leaders formed their Genesis biblical story, I’m impressed by the quite detailed Creation stories of this early civilization.

Of course I’m referring to the extant Sumerian cuneiform texts that speak of this godly set of individuals, male and female, who were mankind’s creators and masters. They were referred to as the “Anunnaki,” a reference to the common father of the primary Sumerian god who was known as Anu.

As the story goes (as interpreted by Zechariah Sitchin) the two principal sons of Anu were Enki and Enlil who vied competitively for control of the world at that time, and both sons figured heavily in the Creation saga.  Enki was a great scientist and, with his medically-trained sister Ninharsag, the ‘mankind’ project was advanced as a way to lighten the work load of the Anunnaki as they developed their kingdom on earth. The project had received the “go-ahead” from a council of peers and particularly Lord Enlil who was the head Anunnaki leader.

What appears to be genetic manipulation was utilized by Lord Enki and Lady Ninharsag to alter the genes of our primate ancestor to ‘jump-start their evolutionary process. . . .  Mankind, after several notable failed genetic experiments, was born!

Following this story line (and contrary to the moralistic biblical tale), the “Fall of Mankind” wasn’t due to human misdeeds (Original Sin) but was due to a falling out between Lord Enki and his brother, Lord Enlil.  Apparently, Enki decided to improve the new human being so that procreation could commence amongst the fledgling human community. The ability “to Know” (procreate) caused a stir amongst the Enlilites who realized they could no longer control the burgeoning population of the new sentient being.

The human servants in the Mesopotamian “Garden of Eden” were then cast out of the elite Anunnaki community because, God forbid, they might learn all about how to build their own civilization!

A saying of the Master Jesus comes to mind: “I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them.”  This may be one of those things, which, even for many of us, are too much to bear, especially if beliefs prevent exploration and critical thinking.  Personally, I am interested in the possibility that those creator beings, advanced aliens—or rogue “fallen angels”—have reincarnated today and are bent on completing their unfinished genetic experimentation, perhaps even attempt to terminate the “mankind project.” Authors such as David Wilcock (THE SYNCHRONICITY KEY) and Graham Handcock (FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS) write about the reincarnation of historical figures, group-incarnations, and even simultaneous multiple incarnations.  


“Unworthy” Adam was created by the “LORD God” from clay, not in the image and likeness of God, and therefore not an immortal spiritual being.  Adam became a “living soul” when the  LORD God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life—by whatever creating process was thus employed.  Adam and Eve had another son to replace Abel who was slain by his brother Cane.  His name was Seth, from whom descended Noah, who was “perfect in his generations” and “found grace in the eyes of the LORD.”  This was a time when men “began to call upon the name of the LORD.”  It may well be that with Seth began a redemptive cycle with angels, spiritual Man, incarnating on earth in human beings, the “immortal and invisible images” of God the Supreme Being and Creator of the universe.


Be that as it may, we live in a day when angelic hosts are incarnate on planet Earth and men entertain angels unaware and wrestle unknowingly with powers and principalities.  As Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:12, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” 

Let me conclude this post by saying that the current events on planet Earth are being moved by a greater Power and Force than the powers of darkness, all in the design and seasons of the Lord, who can even use lies, deceit (aka “noble lies”)², and genetic manipulation to achieve his purposes.    As in the days of Noah, flesh has greatly multiplied upon the face of the earth and “the thoughts and imaginings of men’s hearts are only evil continually.”  A reduction of the human population by our own undoing, painful and uncomfortable as it is, can be seen as a “good” consequence of eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 

This generation, it is said, is reserved unto fire, the purifying fire of love.  Just look out at the events happening on Earth and see that this is so.  While wind-driven fires destroy forests and peoples’ homes and towns, and floods wash away peoples’ lives, at the same time a tidal wave of love is rising in the hearts of men and women everywhere.  An apocalypse of angelic light is underway bringing joy to a new world dawning as an old world passes away. 

It is a time of woe for the inhabitants of the earth and a time of rejoicing for those who dwell in the heavens.  Let us dwell in the heavens with compassion in our hearts for our fellow men, women and children who inhabit the earth, hundreds of thousands dying from multiple catastrophic events.  Those of us remaining now face an escalating climate crisis as the Earth moves on in its transmutation to a higher density, frequency and form.  Let love radiate without concern for what the future may bring, as it will be perfect in the eyes of the Creator. 

In my next post, “The Great Tree,” I will share a passage from The Gospel of the Beloved Companion by Jehanne De Quillan in which Jeshua shows Mary Magdalene a vision of a “great tree” which she proceeds to ascend up to its crown.  Until then,

Be love.  Be loved.

Anthony  (

¹ The Gospel of Thomas, Translation & Annotation by Stevan Davies, Series Editor Andrew Harvey.

² A “noble lie” is one that is told to protect the general public from the truth about what actually occurred but is rather intended to deceive the public while protecting the liar.








“Rewilding The World”. . . . . . To Save Our Planet and Ourselves

Sir David Attenborough and BBC have produced a sobering, yet hopeful, documentary entitled OUR PLANET a couple of years ago which is being featured on NETFLIX as a television series.  We’ve seen a few of the episodes and I have to say I am shocked and saddened by the reduction in the size and scope of the earth’s wilderness and utter destruction of wildlife and their natural habitats.  Their numbers have decreased at an alarming rate pretty much in proportion with the rate of exponential growth of the human population. 

David’s answer to saving the world and the human race is largely based on what he calls “rewilding the world“— since we depend on a balanced and healthy biosphere in which wild animals play an integral and important role. They are not separate from us in the ecosystem.  Our existence is dependent upon how we live on this planet in balance with Nature.  This is not the case now and hasn’t been for several decades. 

Just this year David published a message to humanity, and last year he produce “A Life on our Planet,” a trailer of which I’ve posted below. I invite and encourage you to take the time to view the videos below.  It’s past time we do something to save our planet . . .  and ourselves.  Take 12 minutes out of your day to spend with David Attenborough via these three clips. Let the information and messages he presents enter the larger consciousness of humanity through your consciousness.  When you’ve finished viewing them, share this post with your friends and relatives.  And if you have NETFLIX, look for David’s documentaries and enjoy them.  I am finding them most inspiring and hopeful. The photography alone is incredible, taking you up close and personal to these beautiful creatures, both great and small, where you can hear them breathing.  I am moved to tears at times seeing the beauty of our planet and its wild inhabitants and seeing how badly we’re treating them.  I am so aware that the Creators enjoys his/her creation through our eyes and ears.  Lend them yours.  Enjoy! 

(View with full screen and listen with earbuds or headphones for a richer experience.)


SEPTEMBER 2020 — A Life On Our Planet

JAUARY 1, 2021 — A Message from David Attenborough

There are many authors and concerned planetary citizens, such as Richard Heinberg (The End of Growth) and Sir David Attenborough, who have been sounding the alarm and wakeup call for at least half a century.  Yet little has been done in the way of significant and essential changes in the industrial complexes of human society. Well, we’ve run out of time.  The eleventh hour has struck.  The brick wall is right in front of our faces: “THUS FAR AND NO FURTHER” reads the handwriting on the wall — Simon and Garfunkel’s “words of the prophets . . . written on the subway walls And tenement halls, And whispered in the sound of silence.”  The whispers and silence of the sixties have been shattered by the shout-outs of Sir David Attenborough, Richard Heinberg and others.  The question is, Who’s listening?  

Apparently, Some Are Listening.

We do see some withdrawal from fossil fuels taking place in certain countries.  Here in the U.S. President Biden is focusing his attention on clean renewable energy, intent on weening America from fossil fuels altogether in two or three decades.  It appears this trend in the area of renewable energy alone has gone global.  It’s a start, but we’re still cutting it close.

There are other areas calling out to us for stewardship, as Sir Attenborough features in his documentaries. Coral reefs are bleaching in warming and acidic sea waters and dying, along with their aquatic inhabitants.  Palm oil farms in Africa are replacing wildlife habitats, driving our apian brothers and sisters out of their familiar dwellings into smaller forests.

On the High Seas, the ocean home of Blue Whales is under threat.  Unsustainable fishing is depleting the coastal herring fish that whales and sea lions feed and depend on.  In some coastal sea waters, fishing restrictions are being put in place where cormorants and boobies feed on sardines and anchovies, allowing our airborne creatures to multiply and grow.  Biodiversity is increasing in protected areas allowing the fish population to increase in number, eventually spilling over into fishable waters, benefitting both sea and human life. 

But in the wild, grasslands are being lost to agriculture, except in places like Mongolia where wild horses survive and thrive — and in India where the great grasslands are aggressively protected.  Where the grasslands are protected, the grazing herds are bouncing back. (

I am encouraged by Sir Attenborough’s documentary OUR PLANET that we can do this: restore our planet’s wilderness to a healthy and balanced ecosystem, the very foundation upon which the human species entirely depends for its survival and longevity.  So, let’s just do it, by God, the only way we can do it.  Although David refers to the planet as “our planet,” Earth does not belong to us.  We are tenants along with the inhabitants of the wild kingdom, put here to steward this Garden of Eden and care for the birds of the air and fishes of the sea and the creatures that crawl upon the earth.  In the words of the psalmist: 

“The earth is the LORD’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.” (Psalm 24)

We were given dominion over creation, not ownership. The word dominion literally means lordship.  As lords and ladies under the loving reign of the Lord of lords, we tend the Garden in partnership with Nature.

I welcome any thoughts you may wish to share.  Until my next post,

By love.  Be loved


Lagniappe:  When you have an hour to spare, you may thoroughly enjoy this “Deep Dialogue” between astrologer Pam Gregory and Stewart Pearce.  A very important, timely and current astrological reading for our times.   

Transmutation of Planet Earth, page 2: Beyond Transformation

Earth and Moon

“Whoever is near me is near the fire. Whoever is far from me is far from the Kingdom.” —Jesus, from The Gospel of Thomas

Transmutation is by the unified radiation of love.  In this post I will push the envelope a bit to contemplate further the process of transmutation and ascension.  We have completed the process of transformation of consciousness sufficiently to move on to what’s next. I will share a presentation by contemporary spiritual teacher Lord Martin Exeter (1909-1988), whom I was honored and privileged to know as my mentor in transformation—words that may bring to remembrance the commission we signed up for as angels before incarnating on Earth. I will share a part here and another part next weekend.  I started sharing this consideration in a blog post back in June.  If you haven’t yet read that excerpt, it will help in understanding this one, as it flows from the other. He was speaking about true angelic stature, and then moved into a consideration of the transmutation of the total earth, the earth of our planet as well as that of our physical body.

As Lord Exeter points out toward the end of his presentation, the mind is incapable of comprehending how this process plays out.  However, as he emphasizes, it is something that is occurring with which we are associated, and as angels it is necessary that we become increasingly aware of it, as we have a responsibility to participate in the process in a meaningful way.  In other words, we can’t just blow it off as something the mind simply cannot comprehend.

As we know, there is a Creative Process, and we—Man, male and female, made in the image and likeness of God—are created with capacities that equip us to participate in creation.  How can we participate in creation unless we know what is actually going on within the context of the ascending and descending cycles of the creative process. We can’t as long as we are distracted by and preoccupied with the problems in our mind-made world.  From the Creator’s standpoint, these problems are insignificant.  They are simply the outworking of cycles set in motion by self-centered, self-active humans who are bent on consuming the earth and her resources expending minimal effort replenishing them.

The world we have created is not much different from the world that was destroyed by the Great Deluge of Noah’s day.  We have multiplied flesh upon the face of the earth and polluted our world beyond the point of return to healthfulness.  And now we are “at war” with a virus that is changing our way of life and threatening our economy and our very existence, taking out the inflicted on an hourly basis.  From the standpoint of an over-crowded planet, this may be Mother Nature’s way of reducing the population, albeit by a very small fraction relatively speaking.  From one viewpoint, it may be a “harvesting” of souls—reminiscent of what was foretold in the “RA Material” that both Edgar Casey, and today David Wilcock, have delved into and published research on—(a brief review of which I will include later in this series).

Jacob’s “ladder” reaching up to heaven from the earth is busy with angels ascending back Home with others descending to don infant forms created by our runaway species.  Abortion may well be a Godsend, allowed because of the “hardness of men’s hearts,” the same reason divorce and remarrying among the Israelites was permitted by Moses.

Who is to say abortion is not a divine intervention to put a rein on the number of people populating this relatively small planet?  Religious groups who object to abortion may well be going against the Creator’s efforts to stem the tide of Earth’s population explosion, and the flow of angels descending to incarnate, thousands of them finding their earthly destinations terminated and having to return to the realms of light. 

How many of us ever think about this, the dilemma we may be creating here on earth for the Creators responsible for maintaining a balance in this world between occupancy and sustainability without imposing on our freedom of will and choice?  In an orderly Universe where design and control are essential patterns in the creative process, do we not imagine that there are just so many angels assigned to this planet simply due to its size?  Seven-billion seems to be about right, as we started being over-crowded and an exhausting drain on our natural resources shortly after passing that mark just a few decades ago.  Even seven-billion self-centered humans unconscious of their angelic presence are too many.

And we squabble with one another over racial discrimination and economic disparity in the midst of the impending collapse of our uncivilized world, dubiously grateful for a common viral enemy uniting us, though not for long as people rush to get back to “normal “ and “business as usual,” neither of which appear likely.

When will we as a race of human beings begin seeing what’s occurring on Earth from the Creator’s viewpoint above Creation?  See what’s actually going on from a heavenly perspective?  It’s finished.  Game over.  Time to stop playing children’s games and get back to the real mission for which we as divine beings, angels of light and love each one, signed on, part of which relates to the process of transmutation and ascension already occurring and has been from day one, only it’s wanting to move on to a higher and finer vibratory level.  It needs our conscious participation.  

This is what Lord Martin Exeter offered to the awakening world some forty-one years ago and addresses in this excerpt: a view from above—or from within, depending on one’s viewpoint.  Take the time, be still, and let the current moving through his words be received into your heart, where alone true understanding is possible.  It’s in our hearts where we are being given understanding of these things so that we can participate in the creative process in a meaningful way.  Listen with a still and open mind and heart.  

“Transmutation as it Relates to the Total Planet”

So there is this largeness in the representation of God in one’s own experience but smallness in representing the people to God. There is always humility before God. This obviously is representing the right attitude of the people toward God: you are humble before God, you are very conscious of your insignificance in God. But the fact of insignificance in God, because God is so limitless, in no way denies your stature in the world. We have that stature, we are responsible for it. This is related to the upward view and the downward view. There is another way this is sometimes considered—the inward view and the outward view. Now we can see how this inward view, when people look in, there is a tendency for them to think that they are looking toward something rather small. And when we look out it’s this vastness—we live in a big world, and that big world goes on and on and on in a vast universe. We think of the largeness therefore as being external and the smallness internal, which, from our previous considerations, you can see is just the reverse of the fact. The smallness is external, the largeness is internal.

(Right-click on the image and open in a new window for a larger view—or spread image with fingers.)

Let’s start with the smallness of the physical level of things. This is the smallest part of the whole. When looking into the universe, the physical substance in the universe fills a minute fraction of the total space. In other words the physical substance is the smallest aspect of the universe. Let us look at this little circle here as representing this planet, the earth, numbered 1. Relative to the total circle, the earth at the center is very small. We have seen that the substance of love in its pure essence fills and encompasses the whole dimensional world. At the moment we are looking at it from the standpoint of the planet earth; or we could look at it at the same time from the standpoint of our own physical bodies, represented by that little core numbered 1. The outermost circle represents the undifferentiated substance of love that is present everywhere from the circumference to the center. Every level illustrated by the circles that I have drawn is back of that first level. All of the levels therefore are present relative to that little circle at the center—that is the place where the substance is richest—all the levels are there. That is the only place where all the levels actually are. Each level permeates the level below it and extends beyond it, and this is illustrated here. So do not let us think of the seventh level, the substance of love, as merely being a little strip around here. It isn’t—it’s right from here to the center. It’s all‑inclusive.

We have noted that the level of the womb, numbered 6, could be said—if we are considering the creative process—to be the residue which was of such a nature that it couldn’t remain in the pure essence of the substance of love. In the creative process, fire is used as a symbol of what occurs. When a fire burns, ash remains; there is a residue remaining. As the fire burns in the pure substance of love, there is that which naturally falls into the next lower vibratory level, so that each subsequent level, as the fires burn, is the ash relative to the one higher, until we come finally down to the earth itself, which is the residue of everything that has happened in the creative process. We can see something moving, coming down from God in the creative process, but it isn’t a one‑way street. There is the working of the creative fires and the residue which results therefrom. But when the whole thing has been done and these various layers of residue are there, is the creative process going to quit? What would be the point? You just have a lump of something. It doesn’t work merely in one direction, even from the very start. There is what is represented by Jacob’s ladder, something ascending and descending. It’s all going on at the same time. There is a provision for ascension, so that the ash may not remain as ash.

We see something of this from the standpoint of the earth, the planet. Clearly there is a means here on the surface of the earth by which a transmutation is taking place. The mineral substance is being lifted up into what are considered to be animate forms of various sorts. There is an ascending process occurring. Substance is being lifted, the ash of the earth is being lifted into other configurations. As it is lifted the nature of the flesh of the earth, which was before seemingly an inanimate mineral, now becomes something else, much more resilient and flexible, and the forms into which it is lifted become progressively more complex. Here is some evidence, at the initial level of transmutation, of what may be called ascension, the means by which substance is being resurrected so that it need not remain ash. This cycle of ascension is going on and we have a responsibility in this area.

One can see, after reading Lord Exeter’s words, what is required of us if we are going to take on this responsibility.  For one thing, an elevation of our consciousness to a level well above where it was forty-one years ago when he opened up this consideration; and, most important, being present and conscious as angels.  I will continue along these lines in my next post.  As always, I welcome comments from my readers and enjoy sharing others’ thoughts along these lines.  Until then,

Be love.  Be loved


Getting Back To Paradise, part 1: Purification First

“It may be that some little root of the sacred tree still lives. Nourish it then, that it may leaf and bloom and fill with singing birds.”  Black Elk

In the quiet stillness of these times, I will continue sharing my current stream of thought around the theme of “Paradise Remembered.” In this post I revisit Richard Heinberg’s MEMORIES and VISIONS of PARADISE to start bringing this series to a positive finale, starting with this promising passage: 

A new Paradise awaits, but humanity must first undergo a cathar­tic cleansing. Few prophets have looked beyond the day of Purification to describe the events of the restored Golden Age, for the world to come will be inconceivable in terms of the present one. With the return of Paradise, history — as a chronicle of wars and intrigue, of plots and villains — will be finished. Humanity and Nature, Heaven and Earth will once more be joined in peace and harmony as a new Creation-Time begins. 


In the biblical story of the Fall, an angel with a flaming sword was placed at the entrance to Eden guarding the way to the Tree of Life, lest fallen Man partake of its fruit and live forever in his fallen state.  The angel represents the ONE I AM; the sword represents TRUTH; the fire represents the purifying SPIRIT OF LOVE. The story, of course, is a metaphor indicating that in order to return to Eden, we must pass through the fire of purification and prove that we can be true to the Truth of Love, true to our true Self.

The first order of business is the cleansing of the heart, especially of immune-crippling fear and shame. Buried deeply in the heart of humanity are fearful memories of a cataclysmic past in which the human race and all living things were nearly and literally wiped off the face of the earth, such as what occurred in the days of Noah with the Deluge.  We carry shame in our hearts for having brought this calamity, and all those that followed, upon our own heads by forgetting to live by the Law of One, and fear that calamity will happen again. It was said, however, that the Creator would not destroy the world again by water, and that this generation is “reserved unto fire.” What are some of the implications of this prophecy, and by what possible means would such a fiery cleansing take place?


In addressing these questions, I turn to a consideration of the Creative Process in which matter is drawn together for a season and then undone and recycled for future creative purposes.  Integration is an equal partner to dis-integration in this process—and their cycles run concurrently, only integration tends to be a bit more subtle, and dis-integration tends to gain a lot more attention.

As examples: devastating forest fires make news headlines, while new growth in their wake receives little if any media coverage.  Plagues, like the current pandemic, devastate our sense of security, along with the human population — although to little extent compared to the 1.4% current population growth rate — and the daily death toll makes leading story for the morning news. On the other end of the population spectrum, we’re less likely to see announcements of new births in our daily newspaper as we see obituaries. 

Ironically, while we all celebrate new births with congratulatory sentiment, we may harbor reservations about the wisdom of bringing a child into this turbulent and overpopulated world.  We are, after all, leaving our children a mess to clean up.  My concern for our grandchildren is that they will suffer painful hardship in the collapse of this un-civilized world—and I don’t think there’s any doubt remaining that this will come to pass, if not in our lifetime, in theirs.

On our walk a few days ago we met up with a young friend who, with his wife, have agreed not to have children and bring more human beings into this world. Such conscious thinking and wisdom are exemplary.

As a species, we do need to curb population growth, and the starting place is with individuals.  Family-planning is essential, with conception-and-birth control taking precedence over abortion.  For those who do not wish to bring more children into the world, adoption is a beautiful way to fulfill a couple’s desire to have children and a family. If we the people do not take this matter into our hands, the powers that be, that manipulate the masses for profit, will do it in ways that are ungodly and do irreversible damage to the genetics of our species. 

Dan Brown’s INFERNO may be fiction, but the reduction of the human population by means of a viral epidemic, or vaccinations, has been conceived in human consciousness, the matrix in which the patterns of human civilization are set, and out of which our world is born. That said, let us not energize that conception by focusing our mental judgments on it, nor on those “evil-doers out there,” lest the conceived possibility take on a life of its own and become our-worst-fears-realized.

The creating processes of integration and disintegration are unfolding continually.  The question I pose is this: “Is there a ‘critical mass’ in place on earth sufficient to move the Creating Process in a more dominantly integrative direction?”  I sense that we’re getting there, if we’re not there already.  


Historically, ages end with cataclysmic events. According to the Ancients, there have been four Ages in our history.  Richard Heinberg cites them:

World Ages

If the magical landscape fixes Paradise in space, its position in time is defined by its placement at the beginning of a series of world ages. We have already noted the Greek and Hindu conceptions of the ages or yugas of the world, respectively; there are also close parallels among other cultures. The Iranians, for example, knew four cosmic ages that, in a lost Mazdaean book, the Sudkar~nask, are referred to as the ages of gold, silver, steel, and “mixed with iron.” In the Iranian conception, as in the Greek and Hindu, each age is a step in the world’s deterioration, a process that is leading to a final apocalyptic cleansing.”

The Mayans counted their world ages as consecutive Suns­ — Water Sun, Earthquake Sun, Hurricane Sun, and Fire Sun — according to the nature of the catastrophe that closed the epoch. The Hopi also spoke of four worlds — Tokpela, Tokpa, Kuskurza, and Tuwaquchi — the first of which is described in paradisal terms.  Following their creation in the Tokpela world, the first people went their directions, were happy, and began to multiply. With the pristine wisdom granted them, they under­stood that the earth was a living entity like themselves. She was their mother; they were made from her flesh …. In their wisdom they also knew their father in two aspects. He was the Sun, the solar god of their universe …. Yet his was but the face through which looked Taiowa, their creator …. These universal entities were their real parents, their human parents being but the instruments through which their power was made manifest . . . . . 


We are the generation to see the end of the “mixed-with-iron” age and the beginning of the “Information Age”– the age of “Artificial Intelligence” or “AI.” That has such a foreboding sound to it.  Are we actually relegating our intelligence to the computer?  Sounds like a final step downward in the devolution of our species — from spiritual beings who had access to all knowledge — past, present and future — down to the level of these animal bodies with brains that have limited vision, and down further yet to the mineral kingdom where we hand over our “intelligence” to a computer silicon chip in which our vision and view of reality is determined by “data” rather than spiritual discernment.   

Returning to the question I posed earlier, by what possible means will this generation be cleansed by fire? Heinberg speaks to this question in the final chapters of his book. I will conclude with these excerpts in two or three posts.

To Get Back to the Garden

EDENIC CONSCIOUSNESS MAY BE RECOVERABLE by individuals in rare moments of spiritual insight. Perhaps nearly everyone glimpses Paradise at some instant during his or her lifetime. But is it also possible for all of us together to live in the Garden once again — to return and stay? This final chapter will offer two reasons for thinking that it is possible. We will see, moreover, how signs of strain and disintegration in the founda­tions of our present civilization, together with some intriguing developments at the growing tips of society, suggest that a new Golden Age may already be struggling to be born.

The Attainability of Paradise

The evidence of anthropology and archaeology may not prove (though it certainly does not deny) the former existence of a Golden Age — that is, of a unitary culture in which people were universally and continually telepathic, lived close to Nature, and possessed miraculous powers. But, as we saw in chapter 8, anthropological and archaeologi­cal discoveries have shown, almost beyond a doubt, that two of the most destructive aspects of civilization (the use and justification of violence as a means of social change, and the desire for dominance over other human beings and over Nature) were acquired only re­cently. The findings of archaeologists show that in the past human beings did live — and therefore in principle are capable of living — in peace and harmony both among themselves and with Nature.

Moreover, the evidence of psychology suggests not only that a subjective condition of oneness, peace, and innocence is attainable, but also that it is the natural and healthy mode of human consciousness. If the human body functions best in the absence of the ego-states of blame, fear, and resentment (as medical experiments show that it does), then the fact that we are living in an ego-based world, in which Paradise is the exceptional experience, must therefore be an unusual and temporary state of affairs.

If we were able to live in Paradise once, we ought to be able to do so again. And if the most natural and healthy way of life available to human beings is defined by the expression of the essential paradisal qualities of character and the subsequent experience of universal harmony, then what is natural should in principle also be attainable. In short, we may be designed to live in Paradise.

Why, then, do we routinely assume that Paradise is beyond our reach? Perhaps it is partly because we have an unrealistic concept of what that state is or should be. We tend to think of Paradise as a place or time in which all human desires are satisfied; since people’s desires tend to conflict, we therefore assume that Paradise could never actu­ally exist. But the Paradise of myth and vision is not a state in which conflicting personal desires are somehow all fulfilled. Rather, it is one in which all human desires and motives are completely subsumed within a larger creative purpose. If individual desires are satisfied in Paradise, this is only because it is the overwhelming desire of all individuals that the consummate accord of Nature and Cosmos be nourished and maintained.

The inhabitants of Paradise — whether in myths of the First Age or in near-death visions — are universally characterized by their expres­sion of specific values and qualities of character. And, as Aldous Huxley (among others) has shown, a comparative study of the relig­ions of the world reveals that these values and qualities — honesty, compassion, and love — are universal and innate. Whether it was a historical reality or not, Paradise exists in the eternal present as an image expressing our deepest sense of what is right and true about ourselves.

Looked at in this way, Paradise may be seen as serving a specific function, as a design for living embedded in the circuitry of human consciousness. All biological organisms, including human beings, contain elements of design. We know, for example, that the pattern of the DNA molecules in our cells governs the basic design of our physical bodies. Perhaps we also contain within us a neurological or psychic program for the optimal design of social and spiritual relations between ourselves, the Cosmos, and Nature — a design of telepathic oneness and interspecies communion that represents the goal toward which our individual and collective experience would naturally tend to unfold.

Provided there are no significant interferences, the design inher­ent in the DNA molecules in our cells is expressed automatically and accurately in the formation of our physical bodies. Perhaps the same is potentially true of the neurological design of Paradise: provided its expression is not blocked, the pattern of oneness with the universal currents of life, as well as of miraculous abilities, should be automati­cally and accurately reflected in our ordinary experience.

At present, however, it is not. As we have seen, nearly all of the world’s spiritual traditions agree that the innate paradisal design is being thwarted in its expression by certain now-universal patterns of attitude, thought, and behavior.

Could it be that simple?  Could Paradise be, as Scott Peck imaged, A World Waiting To Be Born ?  Awaiting our expression of it?  Of its Spirit?  Is the “fire” unto which this generation is reserved the fire of Spirit in expression through us?  The spirit of love, of truth and of life?  Energetically, cosmic conditions are just right for the birth of a new world and a new human race, with our conscious participation as “spiritual midwives,” as we travel with the planet and solar system, at breakneck speed, into uncharted waters in space.  Our once clouded vision is clarifying and expanding to encompass the image of a Golden Age coming down from God out of a New Heaven manifesting a New Earth.  Let us welcome it with joy and celebration.

Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For lo the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land. . . .  Make haste, my beloved, and be thou like to a roe or to a young hart upon the mountains of spices. (Song of Solomon

The Teacher taught that fear is cast out of the heart by “perfect love”— unconditional love consistently expressed in living.  Shame is cleansed by forgiveness. That’s one means of purifying the heart of humanity.  Another way is by the fire of nuclear fission.  But then there would be no flesh left with which to start over, as in the days of Noah and his family.  Let us opt for the fire of Love — and grant God his wish that none should perish but that all should come to enjoy life eternal in Paradise restored — for, as Black Elk encouraged, It may be that some little root of the sacred tree still lives. Nourish it then, that it may leaf and bloom and fill with singing birds.”

Until my next post,  

Be love. Be loved.


Genetic Engineering of Our Species?

“And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness” — Genesis

Are we evolved spiritually enough to resume the role of co-creators of our human species using genetic engineering? This is the question I was left asking as I finished reading Dan Brown’s INFERNO a few days ago. (If you’re planning to read the book, then don’t read here any further as I don’t wish to give away the ending for you. Come back to it after reading the book.)

The last chapters of Dan’s book present a solution to overpopulation that may well be worth considering (if it is at all achievable): genetic sterilization of one-third of the human population — the same percentage of the population of Europe that was wiped out in three years by the Bubonic (Black) Plague in the mid fourteenth century (1347-50), nature’s way of purging the cancerous growth of the human population. With genetic engineering, however, there would be no plague, no bodies in the streets and no hospitals overflowing with the sick and dying.

The “villain” in the novel, genetic engineer and “Transhumanist” Bertrand Zobrist, “who believed we are living on the threshold of a glittering ‘posthuman’ age…of true transformation,” developed a highly contagious airborne DNA-altering virus vector and released it into the water and air in Instanbul, Turkey. In a matter of a few weeks, “Inferno,” the name he gave his creation, had gone viral and had, as planned, infected one-third of the world’s human population. There were no symptoms, no side-effects, and no one knew they were infected and, therefore, sterile.

This does sound like some “Orwellian dystopia of the future,” as professor Robert Langdon thought to himself  upon hearing what Zobrist had done. Moments later he found himself arguing in favor of such a radical but promising breakthrough in genetic engineering. “Bertrand Zobrist has redesigned our species . . . in an attempt to save us . . . transforming us into a less fruitful population.”  Sienna Brooks, Zobrist’s long-time lover, protege, and now conflicted defender who set out to destroy the virus vector before it could be released, confesses her fear:

The most frightening thing of all is not that Inferno causes sterility, but rather that it has the ability to do so. An airborne viral vector is a quantum leap — years ahead of its time. Bertrand has suddenly lifted us out of the dark ages of genetic engineering and launched us headlong into the future. He has unlocked the evolutionary process and given humankind the ability to define our species in broad, sweeping strokes. Pandora has opened her box, and there’s no closing it now. Bertrand has created the key to modify the human race . . . and if those keys fall into the wrong hands, then God help us. This technology should never have been created. . . .

Professor Langdon was confused about her conflicted state of mind. If she wanted to destroy the virus, he argued, why did she not cooperate with Dr. Elizabeth Sinskey and the World Health Organization, which she headed up, or report it to the Center for Disease Control or some other government agency? Sienna replied and Robert responds:

“You can’t be serious! Government agencies are the last entities on earth that should have access to this technology! Think about it, Robert. Throughout all of human history, every groundbreaking technology ever discovered by science has been weaponized — from simple fire to nuclear power — and almost always at the hands of powerful governments. Where do you think our biological weapons come from? They originate from research done in places like WHO and CDC. Bertrand’s technology — a pandemic virus used as a genetic vector — is the most powerful weapon ever created. It paves the way for horrors we can’t yet even imagine, including targeted biological weapons. Imagine a pathogen that attacks only those people whose genetic code contains certain ethnic markers. It would enable widespread ethnic cleansing on the genetic level.”

“I see your concerns, Sienna, I do, but this technology could also be used for good, couldn’t it? Isn’t this discovery a godsend for genetic medicine? A new way to deliver global inoculations for example?”

“Perhaps, but unfortunately, I’ve learned to expect the worst from people who hold power.”

I couldn’t argue with her on that point. There’s simply too much hunger for power-and-control in the world, especially in the governing sector. We have to grow up — mentally, emotionally, and especially spiritually.

How would it work?

Well, let’s look at the math to see how this technology might work. There are approximately 7-billion people on Earth at this time. We are adding about 100-million people each year to the population (250,000 each day, rain or shine). The graph is an exponential curve. By the middle of the current twenty-first century, there will be approximately 9-billion people competing for food and shelter on earth. Now, one-third of the current 7-billion population would be about 2.3-billion. With 2.3-billion people made sterile and, therefore, not having babies, that would reduce the number of new people added to the population each year.

Now, it is estimated that 7-billion people will add 2-billion to the population by the year 2050 for a total of 9-billion. Two-thirds of 7-billion, or 4.7-billion fertile humans, would add roughly only 1.2-billion babies to the population by the middle of this century, for a total of 8.2-billion as opposed to 9-billion. Now, only two-thirds of that 1.2-billion humans would be fertile, thus a winnowing of the human population at a manageable rate would take place over time, reducing the birth-rate until the population curve actually inverts and our total numbers begin to decrease.

A moral question

Repeating the question I posed at the top of this post: Are we evolved spiritually enough to resume the role of co-creators of our human species using genetic engineering? After all, we are gods incarnate. Collectively, we are the Creators of our species, according to the plural subject in Genesis: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” Who are “us” that created man in “our” image and likeness in the Beginning?  Are we not the Creators of our very own species?

My personal opinion?

I think genetic engineering to turn the exponential curve of population growth around is a great idea whose time has not yet come. We have a long ways to go before we can be trusted with such technology. The mentally oriented human ego is yet too self-centered and self-serving to be trusted with the awesome responsibility of engineering the genetic material of the human body. We are still blind to the consequences of our own actions. Just because we can do something doesn’t mean that we should.  A case in point: science and medicine are working at helping people live longer, healthier lives while utterly ignoring the current crisis of overpopulation — a topic I will explore further in my next post. It’s what Bertrand Zobrist was working on before he woke up to the stark realization of where extending longevity would inevitably take the human species. What do you think? Share your thoughts, if you like. I would love to hear them. Until my next post, then,

Be love. Be loved.


Read my Health Light Newsletter online at



The Cancer of Overpopulation

I’m reading Dan Brown’s latest release INFERNO, and I must say the scenario depicted in the story is uncomfortably realistic. The bottom line is the blatant fact that the human species has terminal cancer simply based on the etiology and definition of cancer: the uncontrolled replication of cells. In other words, exponential growth with no checks and balances.

Here’s a passage from the book that gave me pause. It’s Bertrand Zobrist, the villain and mad scientist in the story, who’s solution to overpopulation and inevitable demise of the human race is to create a plague by releasing a virus into the water, explaining to Dr. Elizabeth Sinskey, the biologist who heads up the World Health Organization (WHO), the data behind his doomsday scenario.

“Consider this. It took the earth’s population thousands of years–from the early dawn of man all the way to the early 1800’s–to reach one billion people. Then, astoundingly, it took only about a hundred years to double the population to two billion in the 1920’s. After that it took a mere fifty years for the population to double again to four billion in the 1970’s. As you can imagine, we’re well on track to reach eight billion very soon. Just today, the human race added another quarter-million people to planet Earth. A quarter million. And this happens every day–rain or shine. Currently, every year, we’re adding the equivalent of the entire country of Germany.”

Based on these mathematical determinants alone, by the middle of the current twenty-first century, the population of Earth will have reached nine billion people. It is estimated that the earth can comfortably support about four billion people with her natural resources. Is this the “elephant in the room” that no one wants to talk about? Dr. Sinskey defends her organization against Zobrist’s accusation that the WHO is ignoring the problem by citing its recent spending of millions of dollars sending doctors into Africa to deliver free condoms and educate the people about birth control. Zobrist counters by citing the activity of Catholic missionaries who poured in behind the WHO and told the Africans that if they used the condoms they would all go to hell. The result was a new environmental issue of landfills overflowing with unused condoms. As the conversation unfolds, Zobrist points to a passage in the works of  Florentine Renaissance historian, Niccolo Machiavelli:

“When every province of the world so teems with inhabitants that they can neither subsist where they are nor remove themselves elsewhere, the world will purge itself.”

In my lifetime, the population of Earth has nearly doubled. Will my children and grandchildren and their babies see and experience the painful but inevitable purge of the human species? Are we now poised on the precipice of Dante Alighieri’s INFERNO, book one of his Divine Comedy, with its seven “rings” of hell and sea of human bodies wallowing in their own waste and begging for death to end their misery? And, as Dante proposes, must we pass through hell and purgatory in order to arrive at Paradise? In other words, is there a Golden Age to follow this dark age we seem to be entering?

Every Tuesday now as the garbage truck stops in front of our house to dump our trash dumpster into its huge belly, I wonder how long it will take us to run out of space for landfills. In my youthful days, we had a burning barrel for paper trash, dug a hole for cans and bottles, and carried out food scraps in a slop bucket to feed to the hogs and chickens.  But those days are long gone. Thankfully, we have recycling today to take care of much of our paper and other solid waste–and we have a compost bin for our food waste and back-yard garden–if only everyone took responsibility to collect their recyclables and deliver them to the collection sites.  I see so much laziness and lack of caring for the Earth in our town. I want to knock at doors and say “Wake up! Don’t you see where this carelessness is headed?! Take care of your Home!”

I will leave you with this encouraging fact in the world of physics. For every disintegrative process there is an integrative process taking place. It’s a universal principle of cosmic economy. Some of us have the job of managing and stewarding the disintegrative process, and others of us are employed in the integrative process (and there is a new integrative process underway, has been for some time only the news media doesn’t cover it.) It’s the nature of the Creative Process to “waste not, want not,” as my wife says and her mother before her — and balance is maintained at all cost. So will it be for our human species and planetary Home among the stars.

As always, I welcome your thoughts and comments. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


Read my Health Light Newsletter online at

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