Creating the New Earth Together

Posts tagged ‘The Devil’

The Mystery of Consciousness: Conditioned by War and Deception


 Sitting in our back yard swing today, I watched a busy bumble bee hovering with watchful antennae over a blossoming azalea and chasing away other bees that are drawn to the same inviting pink flowers. It even hovers over my head when I sit to close to the bush near our patio. Even though I know that the female doesn’t sting unless messed with, it’s not a very comfortable feeling. The males have no stingers, as I’ve learned researching bumble bees’ sex and anatomical features . . . and I learned something else that fits squarely into the theme of this post.

Today I learned that the bumble bee worker can fly at a speed of 34 mph as she goes about gathering food pollen for the queen and the other bees in the hive. It can carry up to 90% of it’s body weight in pollen. That takes a lot of energy—and the bee is 40 minutes away from starvation at any time, so it feeds on the nectar of flowers on its journey back to the hive. Now here’s the fascinating and edifying part.  After it drinks all the nectar from a flower, the thoughtful bee leaves a chemical footprint on the flower petal as a signal to other bees not to waste their time and energy stopping for nectar . . . which disappears when the flower replenishes its sweet nectar! I am in awe of Mother Nature, who obviously has an all-encompassing Consciousness. 

Now, I can understand the bumble bee’s “pledge” and commitment to her queen and fellow bees in the hive, and to its task of gathering pollen for energy and nourishment for itself and them.  What I pondered while watching this busy bee hovering over the pink flowers of the azalea was why it is that she chases away other bees the moment they come by for nectar, which this particular bee doesn’t even take the time herself to enjoy.  It just hovers there over the bush guarding its treasure. 

Now, bumble bees aren’t the only creatures that covet their fodder.  We have a family of beautiful cardinals in our neighborhood that stop by our bird feeder regularly for a meal or a snack of birdseed.  We also have a flock of cute little sparrows that feed frequently and heartedly as well . . . but not while the cardinal is feeding!  No indeed!. They are not welcomed but are directly chased away by the cardinal, which is usually the male.  The female waits patiently until her mate has finished his meal. 

We love all our feathered friends, even with their humanlike quirks . . . which I also pondered sitting there.  I contemplate this instinctive characteristic as well while watching Nature specials on TV.  Why, I muse, do animals behave much like their fellow human inhabitants of the planet—the crowning creation?  I believe it has everything to do with the all-encompassing scope of Consciousness and its conditioning which influences the behavior of life-forms everywhere on the planet . . . and I don’t think I’m overlaying anything on the animals and creatures of the wild.  After all, we occupy the very top of the pyramid of living forms on the planet.  There is surely a “trickle down” flow of energy and spirit in this pyramid that is coded by attitudes and patterns of behavior upstream, where we live and carry out our often selfish life styles.  As I said, I don’t believe this is overlay.  Our connection with the wild kingdoms affords us a means by which peace and harmony can be offered to the animals and creatures of the Wild as well—and we see this happening in isolated instances where man and beasts feel safe with one another—as Dr. Jane Goodall demonstrated so beautifully in her groundbreaking work with chimpanzees in the apian world of the jungles of Africa.  


I received a letter from one of my blog followers and friend in the UK, Peter Watson, that opened up something in my consciousness relating to wars and the conditioning wars have had on the human psyche and collective consciousness and subconsciousness—a timely missive in this day when Russian President Vladimir Putin is conducting an atrocious “genocide” war of aggression against Ukraine, killing innocent civilians and destroying their homes and entire cities and villages. 

War seems to be the default solution to disagreements between nations and tribes, and all over . . . what ?!  Territorial occupation?  Natural resources?  Political and religious ideologies?  I’ve read reports that there are some thirty biolabs in Ukraine, many of them in the southeastern section.  These labs are located in China, as well as in other NATO nations where Gain-Of-Function virus research is being conducted, some of it funded by the US.  Are these labs what Putin is invading Ukraine over?  Does he actually feel that Russia, surrounded by NATO nations, is threatened by bioweapon destruction?  What has happened to negotiation and compromise over such matters of concern? Is war and the threat of destruction by nuclear force the only negotiating tools that work?!  I think not. 

Ukraine is not the only country where warring is going on.  According to Wikipedia, there are around 40 ongoing wars and conflicts presently in around three dozen countries, most of them in the Middle East, North West Asia and Sub-Saharan Arica, plus a major drug-war in Mexico. 


Human consciousness appears to be thoroughly conditioned by war . . . since the day in Biblical history when Cain slew Abel out of envy for the way his brother’s offerings were acceptable to the LORD and his were not.  But this warring pattern may have its heavenly origin that goes back well before Cain slew Abel.   

Human consciousness has been deeply scarred and conditioned by warring in Heaven.  According to sacred scriptures, these distorted patterns of usurping power and control have their origins in the Heaven of heavens.  John of Revelation wrote of this battle between the Forces of Light and the powers of darkness, as did Paul:

John: “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was there place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. (Rev12:7)

Paul: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against a spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12) 

We needn’t wonder how and why there are wars on earth—although the warring elements were cast out of Heaven long ago. They’ve continued to make war on earth.  But what of the wars constantly being waged in human consciousness: bickering, feuding, competing with one another, envying, hating, resenting, back-biting, judging and and condemning one another, constant complaining—not to mention the violence and warring depicted in computer gamming—and so many other conflicting and violent thought entertained in the heaven of human consciousness?  Humans are hard-wired, it seems, for warring.  


Here is my friend’s letter in which he writes about the conditioning of consciousness by war, religion, and education:

Dear Tony

 After WW2 in the UK we had a saying, “If you want to get ahead, get a hat.” Crowns were for Royalty, and self-esteem was at an all-time low. The Hun was our avowed enemy; loving our neighbour, the Hun, was out of the question. Every street was lined with bomb-sites. Yanks were saying they’d won the war for us. What really happened was that they’d delayed their involvement till both sides were exhausted, on their knees, then they came over to mop up. They brought chewing gum, nylon stockings for our girls, and rode around in jeeps wearing their smartly pressed uniforms, smoking cigars. Our boys were dressed in cheap itchy garb, with silly-looking helmets, so there wasn’t much love lost there either.

Education was mandatory for children, and we were taught more about how many battles the British had won, over the past centuries, than any other subject. Looking back you can see the incredible level of propaganda we were fed, and, worse than that, the overall impression we were falsely led to believe, was that without education we were worthless. On top of that, RI (religious instruction), taught us foremost that we were sinners, because some groundsman, called Adam in the far past, had eaten a forbidden apple, which was reserved for the Lord.

 Of course we were also taught to recite The Lord’s Prayer – the same as our mathematics times-table – so, by and large, that was our preparation for navigating the world-of-mankind, in a hostile universe, from which we’d evolved from apes.

Religion, as a Catholic means of excusing the joy-of-sex, without condemning our only means of propagation, invented the myth of a virgin-birth, which is still quite a widespread worldly belief. It’s been refined over time to explain the mystery of consciousness, and the role of being incarnating in human form, but without reference to our purpose (other than the same as Adam’s), or our present origin, which is also supposed to be from the dust-of-the-ground.

To skirt the truth of genuine being, as in the issue of God from heaven on earth, we came through a stage, several millennia, of begetting, wherein rogue sons-of-God came in unto daughters-of-men who bore them children of great renown. These would have been forebears of science, and the Egyptian gods, who still retained some ability to create crude life-forms for purposes of extending domination, through warfare, in the absence of dominion. Dinosaurs were a short-lived war-brigade, which suffocated when Earth’s water-mantle collapsed, high-atmosphere was lost, and Luna’s lesser light was extinguished.

 Creation myth by then was firmly established . . . .[and] virgin birth to explain the purity of Jesus; a level-of-perfection unattainable by sinners, who, cast out of heaven, are convinced they must die, and, unless they claim they believe that Jesus died to save us from our sins, will burn for eternity in hell. You couldn’t make this up!

 Religion plays down the ascension-process, which is natural to awakening from deception, and maturing in grace-and-stature, focusing as it does on the atrocity of the crucifixion, while falsely claiming God needs vengeance for Adam’s sin, and is not almighty enough to forgive without a high-priced sacrifice. This is swallowed – hook, line, sinker, rod and all – by supposedly intelligent people.

 By now the meanest wit should see that the whole world has been deceived, but no longer do we need to remain in the state-of-deception. Perhaps, in easing human beings out of deception, as did Jesus – “I have much to tell you, but ye cannot yet bear it” – Uranda used the idea of a hat, [referencing my previous post] to introduce Class acolytes to our latent, but dormant, creative abilities. Maybe it’s now time to remind us we merit a crown – as members of God’s Crowning Creation – undeceived by mankind’s ungodly education — all glory being to God, in the heaven of our God-given consciousness on earth.


I’ll leave you with something to ponder as you hold your cellphone in your hand.  This came from my poet friend Don Hynes, who is also committed to the transformation and elevation of human consciousness.

“One of the very simple but largely undiscovered teachings I’ve received in my solitude is the sense of each human being a “terminal” receiving input, performing output. All the “terminals” are connected to the central port of intelligence on Earth (and beyond) that we have termed “the wyrrd.” We need be careful about that which is received, although much of it arrives simply because we are all connected, but we do have substantial control about what goes “out.” It takes discipline on both reception and transmission but of these the more critical is transmission. That we can control and we must.

The input is being broadcast world wide without device, yet the cell phone has become an external terminal, which we use without much thought. The darker purpose of this external device is to provide “input” to the human “terminals” world wide, stoking fear, anger, hatred. Humans by and large “copy and paste” what they are being force fed on the input side to their output. Hence the many deranged voices one can witness on social media . . . .  I think there’s something here of a basic education that needs to be developed in the population at large . . . and I am voicing this through my poetry, avoiding the didactic or pedantic as much as possible.”

I voice the same message in my blog.  I will leave this to your own pondering without further comment.  As always, I welcome any thoughts you may have and wish to share. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved. 




Governance of Love – Vs – Dark Force Machinations

“In your patience possess ye your souls . . . And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh . . . for these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.”  —Jesus (Luke 21:19-22)

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A COLLEAGUE and long time friend, Will Wilkinson, sent me a presentation by Martin Cecil, a spiritual mentor to many, that struck me as being quite relevant to what’s afoot in the world today.  With Will’s agreement, I am publishing it here on my blog.  Pay particular attention to Will’s word substitutions, which he explains in his preface.  The subheadings in Martin’s presentation are mine.

WILL: Martin Cecil, leader of the Emissaries – a spiritual community I habituated for 21 years – spoke the following words extemporaneously in 1980 during a summer session I attended in Colorado. To make his insights more widely accessible, I’ve substituted for the Christian terms, specifically, God for Love, priesthood for spiritual government. Martin used the term “devil” often. I changed this to “wetiko,” a Cree term for “mind virus,” a malady affecting white men (I’d say affecting everyone). I renamed the piece; the original title was Worldwide Machinations. Today, forty years later, this message seems remarkably relevant.   

[Note: This is rather lengthy. You may want to print it out for reading later.  Also, for a direct connection with Will Wilkinson, and to join in his “Love Casting” event, go to his website at

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   Martin Cecil

 MARTIN: Consistently we concern ourselves with what is necessary to uplift—uplift toward a true point of centering. We ourselves have recognized this requirement in our own experience. There is always something higher than we ourselves are. The orientation should be upward if there is to be provided what is necessary from the standpoint of spiritual government. We make use of all our circumstances to extend the spiritual government.

We ourselves have upward orientation. We are very much aware that this is what is required of the whole world: upward, right orientation. In any pattern of government there is always the necessity that those who govern should be oriented upward. Of those in spiritual government it has been said that they rightly represent Life to the people and the people to Life. To do this those individual spiritual governors must be oriented upward.

When this country in which we now are was first initiated this requirement of orientation upward was in the consciousness of those concerned. “One nation under God.” Of course what that might mean may not have been too clearly understood, but at least there was this recognition that there was something higher—if there was to be anything of value in the nation which was forming, it would have to be oriented in that direction. Clearly this was the basic foundation of the country as it began to put in an appearance.

One might say that it had been the basic foundation for almost any nation that began to put in an appearance. Monarchies, for instance, were established on the basis of the representation of deity. The British monarchy is based in this idea—in a sense it’s become a figurehead, so that it isn’t real, and yet in another sense it is real because there is a sense not only of duty but of necessity, to play a role that is fitting in that position. That’s a very controlled situation, isn’t it? There is a role to be played upon which a great many people are depending. It’s important to many people that there should be a representation of something that is true to their highest vision. So there is value to the British monarchy on this basis. The Queen is also the head of the church. The divine right of kings was one of the factors in times past because the king was supposed to represent God. Well that’s right. He didn’t do it perhaps, but that’s the proper role he should have been playing. Seeing that there’s not all that much power exercised by monarchy these days, in a direct sense, then people are more comfortable with it actually. They feel the need of something higher, other than what they themselves have elected—most people have little confidence in that—they have little confidence in themselves. It is good to have someone in whom one may have a certain amount of confidence.


In this country there was a recognition of the need for the point of focus in deity; but that was rather a vague thing that was to be known individually speaking, because church and state were separate. And if the population ceased to be concerned with letting God (Love) be supreme in their own living, well the nation would disintegrate, because this was the basis upon which it had been initiated. For any government, in any nation, there always is the requirement of something higher. It is because of this that those who are interested in power—there always has been a lust for power in human beings, which comes to special focus obviously in some people; we have seen it exemplified in someone like Hitler, and there have been many such aspiring persons seeking to be supreme in the world; so there are those who have this particular lust for power. This may be interpreted in different ways by different people, according to the level from which you view the situation.

There is a presidential election coming up [in 2024] and there are those, strangely enough, who aspire to that position. The idea may be on the part of the electorate, more perhaps than on the part of the individual who is elected, that someone is being put in a position of great power. But in any pattern of government, if it is to work at all, there is always something higher. We recognize that this should be Life, from the true standpoint.

Someone who is put in the White House finds himself put in a box. There is very little freedom of movement there and one has to wonder where the enormous amount of money required to be elected to such a position actually comes from, because I don’t know many people in the world who are going to give away their money for nothing in return. Where you see very large sums of money being bandied around, you may be pretty sure that somebody is going to benefit from it. It may still be the fiction that anyone can become President of the United States, but that’s really not the case anymore, at least not unless you have considerable backing from somewhere. And if you have that backing from somewhere, there is an obligation too, somehow. So there is something higher than the President of the United States, in fact.


 Now of course there has always been the idea that there were shadowy figures in the background who were pulling the strings, accomplishing this and that on this basis; but it has been difficult, thus far, for these shadowy figures really to be located. You find someone who is in a position of apparent authority, such as the President of the United States, then you look beyond him to see why he’s there. “Oh he was elected by the people.” Well there were usually just two candidates who have the possibility of being elected, and they were both backed by somebody or other. It doesn’t really matter who’s elected, there is something higher. And whether it is clearly seen or not—it isn’t for the most part—there is always something higher wherever there is government. Here is a principle—because there is no true government on earth without Life, something higher than all those who participate in the processes of government.

We recognize the need for spiritual government and therefore acknowledge that there must be something higher than we are. If we provide the means by which the spiritual government can be extended, we only do that because there is something higher than we are. The same principle holds true in the governments of the world. There is no government that is supreme to itself. It may look that way. This is particularly so in the areas where there are dictatorships—but there is always something back of the dictator; there is always something higher. In this upside-down world we can say it’s higher. It’s really lower until we have the world the right way up.

There are nefarious controls in operation in the world, relative to the governments of the world, which are not on the front pages of the newspaper—because the same sort of controls that are back of the governments are back of the newspapers too. So we have rather a tight situation here which relates to what has been called the antichrist.

If we recognize that there is the Christ (the spirit of Love) springing forth from God (Love), which is the means for true spiritual government on earth, and every place else in the universe as far as that’s concerned, and we see that this operates on the basis of human beings insofar as this world is concerned, then we may recognize that the same principle is at work in the reverse sense, in view of the fact that it might be said that the wetiko virus runs the world the way things are now. Perhaps it’s changing a little. We trust that it certainly will, because we do what is required of us. But there must be human beings to do it. And if there is the government of Love on earth, which is the government of Life on earth in a specific sense relative to this world, then the government of the world as it now is functions on the basis of the same principle, only in the reverse.


We look at the governments of the world as though they were separate entities vying with each other. We know the principle: divide and conquer. So here on the surface are all these things occurring between the countries of the world, between the governments of those countries, which look like conflict and no doubt is warfare. We see the massive confrontation that occurs between the superpowers. And it is supposed that they have sort of traded things off so that a balance might be maintained. But we recognize human nature everywhere. If human nature is on both sides, then the ultimate focus relative to human nature in fact is on both sides. And the fact of sides is something that keeps people from recognizing the truth of the matter. If we can all be embroiled in conflict, then we are looking at happenings that are not the real happenings. The things that are described in newspapers and read about in books for the most part are not the real happenings at all. Political science, for instance, is phony. It’s dealing with things that are on the periphery and never seeing what really is going on behind the scenes. If the reality of divine nature experienced on earth through human form comes to focus somewhere—we have some consciousness of what that focus is—then we may see on the reverse side of the coin that human nature comes to focus somewhere.

In all generations there have been those who have delved—particularly in recent times—into the picture to see if they couldn’t come up with this nefarious bunch who are playing both ends against the middle, and maintaining a focused control relative to what is happening on earth for all people—the antichrist. We could say that if there is a focus of Love, there is a focus of anti-Love. In the true state one might say there isn’t either; there is just the way things are. In view of the false duality that has put in an appearance, we can see from this stance the focus of Love and the focus of anti-Love—disputing over the body of mankind. That dispute comes to focus in Love on one hand and in wetiko on the other hand. The wetiko mind virus requires human form to operate, just as Love requires human form to operate. As there begins to be a focus for the operation of the government of Life on earth, we may recognize that there will be a balancing—seemingly balancing for the moment—focus in form of wetiko.


Wetiko is pictured as a rather obvious sort of an entity. He’s really wetikoish! But we know very well that good and evil are opposite ends of the same stick, the stick of human nature. Therefore if you are seeking out some obvious wetiko in human form somewhere, you are not likely to find it. Virtually all the troubles that have come into the world may be traced back to good people. So wetiko would likely be related to some of the best people. This is an interesting thought. But when we come right down to it, we need to recognize two things—one relative to the focus of the government of Love and one relative to the focus of the government of wetiko: in either case it is essential that there should be the substance of operation. We are beginning to become increasingly aware of the spiritual substance essential to government. After the fall of man that spiritual substance insofar as human experience was concerned began to be dissipated quite rapidly. Those who were on hand at that time had some awareness of what was required to maintain government. This spiritual substance was required, but it was dissipated. So there had to be a substitute made which would serve the same purpose, but in the government of wetiko, the government of the anti-Love. We know what that substance is; we know what the substitute for pneumaplasm is; we call it money. Therefore the control of wetiko on earth requires this substance to operate, and it is through this substance that the operation of government is carried on. 

We are aware that there are great concentrations of money in various areas. Do you think all this happened just by chance? Or that conflicts have arisen this way and that way just by chance? There is always seemingly a reasonable explanation. Human nature is very good at that, isn’t it? We have great experience in justifying, excusing ourselves for doing things that we know darn well we shouldn’t do. We have expertise in human nature, which is very competent in rationalizing, explaining away almost anything. This spreads a veil of confusion over the whole human consciousness. You can’t seem to get ahold of anything. And there are all kinds of red herrings flapping around, and people catch sight of these things and go greedily after them with the best of intentions—good people trying to make a better world but doing everything actually to make it worse. And yet you could never convince such good people that what they were doing was destroying the world or playing into the hands of wetiko.

Now, wetiko is very specifically human beings—not the vast majority of the population of the world, but certainly the focus of wetiko could not put in an appearance if there wasn’t something to be focalized. What is focalized is the human nature that is present in everybody.  And if one can devise a method of utilizing human nature which is universally present, then you can really build an empire.  And people have done this—empires have come and gone; great leaders have come and gone. We live in a world these days which has, like it or not, become very much one in the external sense. So the prize is considerable if one is interested in such a prize: the world, to be exact. Heretofore, within recorded history, it has not been the whole world because it wasn’t as unified as it is today—one couldn’t call it unified; but it is in a certain sense, with communications and so on. Here is a prize indeed.

We might recall something with respect to Christ’s experience as it is recorded for us—the occasion of His temptations, as they have been called. The first one was, “Make these stones bread,” and relates in that sense to food, I suppose. The world is full of starving people. Human beings look for bread. One of the best controls that can be exercised over people is to get them hungry. They will do almost anything to get food. So this is a very usual ploy in the world, used at whatever level it may be, sometimes on a grand scale, sometimes on a small scale, a method of keeping human beings subject to the wetiko because they have got to eat, after all. Withhold the food and human beings will behave like animals in the sense of their subconscious drives. They are worse than animals, aren’t they? But it can readily be seen how control can be established over people on the basis of bread. And if people don’t have bread, they are not interested in the word of Life, the proper element of control. They are willing to sell their souls to the wetiko. We can see that that, from the standpoint of those who are starving, is quite reasonable. But there are others who are taking advantage of what human beings do under that sort of a circumstance.


Then there was the matter of casting oneself down from the pinnacle of the temple. Nowadays in the welfare states in which we live, there is less and less need to take any responsibility. If human beings relinquish responsibility, they are relinquishing it to someone. It isn’t as though all responsibility vanishes. But someone assumes responsibility and those who have relinquished it are then slaves. Here is a way of convincing people that they are acting for their own benefit by surrendering responsibility. You surrender responsibility to the government. But then, who’s the government? The people you elect or Mr. Moneybags behind the people you elect? And so it’s a sort of con game, isn’t it? Everybody is being conned into surrendering their responsibility in order to receive—they are paying for it with the surrender of their responsibility—in order to receive security; “We will be borne up. It doesn’t matter what we do; somebody is going to hold us up.”  And everybody becomes completely flabby, depending upon everybody else supposedly. It’s a democratic country, after all. When the fact of the matter is that in the surrendering of these responsibilities to some parental government, one is reverting into childhood and is then beholden to whoever it is that has taken over the responsibility. But then you have to keep going back and back and back because whatever level of government may be considered, there is always something beyond it, something higher than that. We see it from the standpoint of municipal government, county government, state government, federal government. Are you going to stop there, do you think? No. There is something back of the federal government. It doesn’t look as though it’s one thing that is back of the federal government of the United States. It doesn’t look as though it’s the same thing that’s back of the federal government of the United States as is back of the government of the Soviets. No, after all these are in conflict. Well as long as everybody can be conned into a consideration of the conflict, the real state of affairs is not seen.

I bring this out so that there may be a recognition that the more the government of Love comes into form and expression on earth, the counterbalance of the government of wetiko appears in focus. If we recognize that the restoration is the restoration of the government of Love through human beings on earth, then from the standpoint of the opposite end of the stick—it’s not the same stick by any manner of means—there is the government of wetiko coming increasingly to focus. This occurs out of the sight of virtually everybody, just as, thankfully, the government of Love has been out of the sight of virtually everybody. But we might anticipate, from the standpoint of the government of wetiko, that somewhere along the way they have it made, as they think, in which case there is no more need to keep out of the sight of anybody, because nobody can do anything about it anyway. It’s a fait accompli.

We see something a little differently here, because the same thing may be said to be true relative to the government of Love. There is a certain point at which it is a fait accompli. The government of wetiko doesn’t know that. It has no way of knowing. In fact what is happening in this unification process from the standpoint of wetiko can be most useful from the standpoint of Life. There is a point when the victory seems sure for wetiko. They can come out of hiding, so to speak. And suddenly everybody is amazed to see what has really been going on and how they have been fooled and conned—and in a position now that they can’t do anything about it. But all the world has been unified in this fashion. Here is an irresistible force present, the government of Love, which can overtop anything that wetiko can do. We think of wetiko as utilizing nuclear weapons, for instance; here is the power. But if you have nobody to fight, if the whole world is enslaved, what do you want these weapons for? They are useless. There is nobody to direct them at. Certainly not against the government of Love, because those who compose that government—who are they? They aren’t all in one place anyway. The only value of nuclear weapons is if you can get everybody in one place.


This one aspect of the government of wetiko relates to fear, doesn’t it? Fear is something to control people. Get people looking at these fearful things and they are hypnotized. So from the standpoint of individual human beings there is an awful danger here. The thing that is projected is not the danger—nuclear weapons—because if there is in fact a unification taking place in the world, do you suppose that there is likely to be a nuclear war? Those concerned are not interested in destroying themselves. But it’s a good ploy: scare everybody to death—that on the one hand; of course, greed on the other. Greed and fear are the two things which keep human beings in line. People think they are going to benefit by being taken care of so nicely by a government of benefaction. Do you think that’s really what it is? For the moment it seems all right, but gradually the moral fiber is being sapped out of people.

Do you see how it is, that there is nothing that can meet this state of affairs except on the basis of the government of Life—on the basis of those who are no longer in any way subject to the controls which operate to the benefit of wetiko? Could we say that’s true of us yet? If there are some apparent seeming benefits around, well let’s use that to the advantage of doing what needs to be done. We can use wetiko’s weapons against himself. The only way that people subject to human nature can see to deal with such a threat that is present, if they awaken to it, is to get into a battle with it, to protest, to object, and if necessary to pick up baseball bats or whatever and go to war. But against whom? That is not the way. That merely insures the slavery, the subjection. It looks so reasonable and anybody can argue about it. From our standpoint there is only one thing that is reasonable, and that is to stop being subject to wetiko in our own living moment by moment, so that there is something emergent which cannot be manipulated. Greed and fear are the two factors of manipulation. It doesn’t matter what the fear is about, as long as it’s there. And there is the greed element, isn’t there? “Well we want more. We want principally more money.” Aha, that’s the substitute substance, isn’t it? That’s wetiko’s substance. Well if we have some spiritual substance, this substitute substance can be allowed, if it’s freed up, to conform with what is present in the spiritual substance, and therefore be of value. But it isn’t a substance that we would use in any way to manipulate anybody. And we ourselves rightly cannot be manipulated by it.

We participate in the government of Love, which is possible by reason of spiritual substance. Spiritual substance in the government of Life brings everything into the dominion of Life. And we anticipate this. But it is not going to be done by wetiko’s methods. And it’s not going to be done because we get into a battle with wetiko.  It’s not going to be done because we become afraid of what we begin to see—and we are going to need to begin to see what is really happening. We have seen a very low level thus far, never penetrated very far. There are some people in the world who think they have seen something working, but we need to see what is really happening. So I draw all these things to your attention so that you may be aware of the absolutely essential fact of being clear of wetiko, so that nothing of wetiko’s domain can manipulate us. It still does to a certain extent. But by reason of our passion for Life we can be easily brought clear. On no other basis will we be brought clear. Passion for Life: the First Great Commandment. “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” Absolutely! Then we are in position to allow that true government to be a reality on earth and capable of handling anything that wetiko may do.  (Martin Cecil, August 13, 1980)

♦ ◊ ♦

We’re at war . . . with dark forces of evil over the Body of Mankind and the Earth herself.  However, the lust for power and control is a futile and fatal hunger.  In the larger context, there are cyclical events of cosmic proportion to which those who seek control of the world and ownership of the planet are either totally oblivious or arrogantly ignoring.  As these earth-toppling events unfold—and they will come to pass—the “powers that be” in this world will see their assumed power and control reduced to naught, and that all power and control are, always have been and will ever remain , in the hands of the Lord of hosts. 

Let this war against all that is good, right and holy, be met by the power of Love.  For only love can and will overpower fear, hate and greed.  Lust after Love, the only real Power that is, that cannot be contained, but must be shared and cast abroad.  Hunger and thirst after righteousness.

Anthony (

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“Who Am I?”

“Man is unique not because he does science, and he is unique not because he does art, but because science and art equally are expressions of his marvelous plasticity of mind.” Jacob Bronowski

In the PBS concert presentation of Les Miserables earlier this past Summer, Jean Valjean seeks an answer to the ancient question: “Who am I?”– to which Marius, the young man whose life he had just saved, responds “You are Jean Valjean.” But that answer doesn’t seem to satisfy Jean Valjean’s deeper query, as he keeps repeating “Who am I?”– as though asking “Who is this man I’ve become? What fate has brought me to this end? What have I done in past lives? What karma have I brought with me to this life? Why am I here now? WHO AM I?”

These questions stir deep currents in my soul. I will speak candidly here. Whether or not these were Jean Valjean’s deeper queries, they are mine today.  Oh, I can give answers to them, answers that I’ve learned during my spiritual awakening, but they somehow do not satisfy the deeper query of the mind — and it is the mind that is asking.

know who I AM.  My mind, on the other hand, has its uncertainties, as though it has a separate identity and history from who I Am — even a collective one.  After all, my personal intellect will evaporate with my physical body’s last breath. However, the Body of Mankind is still around after all these thousands of years, and the collective Mind, which we all share, is still alive and active in this world, having acquired its own separate identity as the “human ego.” 

But why are these questions visiting my mind now in this day and time — and they do seem personal. Is it my Catholic upbringing that has made it so easily susceptible to guilt and blame when things fall apart? Whence is this guilt that lingers in my mind — and in my heart? Has my mind poisoned my heart with guilt and blame?  Why the feelings of guilt over ancient failures and catastrophes, as though I was there and responsible for them? Was I there?!  Is this voice in my head the voice of the collective Mind awakening from its coma wondering what’s been going on all these eons of time while it slumbered in amnesia, and now asking “WHO AM I?” 

Lucifer — Light Bearer — Morning Star

The archaic word “Lucifer” has been with me for several decades, much like an archetypal presence, ever since I heard my spiritual mentor speak of the return of this “fallen angel” to its rightful place in Heaven as the “Light Bearer.” I have thought long and hard about this over the years, as something within me identifies with Lucifer.  My role in life seems to be associated somehow with Lucifer? Am I simply one of many incarnate angels whose role it is to be a Light Bearer in this world? 

Here is a passage from the Gospel of John that poses a question for me:

There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.”

Was the Evangelist John a Lucifer?

I’ll take this a step further and ask: Why is Lucifer also the name given to the Devil and Satan? And how can Satan, who is also called the “Prince of darkness” be a bearer of Light?  The prophet Isaiah had some words to say about Lucifer:

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” For thou hast said in thine heart, “I will ascend into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the Most High.”   

Yet, thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying: “Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?” (Isaiah 14:12-17)

This sounds more like a celestial event involving comets and planets than a biblical one involving angels and men — given the cataclysmic upheavals in our planet’s ancient history where, in one episode, the planet Venus, for instance, was given the name “Baal Zevuv” (which later became Beelzebub), and “Lucifer,” the “Morning Star,” due to her brightness in the early morning sky before she was “cut down to the ground” to become a comet for several terrifying decades until she was restored to the status of planet.

This all makes it obvious that one cannot take biblical accounts literally, as men in those days didn’t know what to make of the cataclysmic events occurring in the heavens and on the earth. So they made up stories to pass on to their offspring . . . and to record in the history books, which the Bible is, “The Story of Man.” 

The word Lucifer was not always associated with the Devil and Satan.  In one of the Gnostic Gospels, for example, Jesus calls Mary Magdalene “Mary Lucifer” because of her brightness of spirit, her mental acuity,  and her passionate love for him.  He was the Light of the world and she his “Beloved Companion” in their shared mission, his Light-bearer, the “Apostle of apostles.” She knew and understood him while the other disciples only believed in Him — except for John the Beloved, who also knew and loved him. They both shared a conscious awareness of his mission and purpose, his divinity, as well as their own.

Who and what is Lucifer?

Here’s my take: Lucifer in Heaven was a bearer of the Light of Truth, and after his fall from grace, from Heaven, he became the Devil and Satan, the “Prince of darkness” and “the Prince of this world.” If this is so, Satan is no longer in Heaven but on Earth; no longer an invisible but a rather visible entity on the material plane of this world, which we should be able to see. I believe we do — and not in the television series.

Where is this Satan, then? Is he embodied by Donald Trump, perhaps? Some may think so. Maybe by the Koch brothers and the Cabal that rule the world economy from Wall Street and the World Bank? Is he in Russia as Vladimir Putin, or more likely in the murderous dictator of Syria, Bashar Hafez al-Assad — who, by the way, was born in Damascus on September 11, 1965. Did Assad bring down the World Trade Center to celebrate his 36th birthday? The number 36 can be interpolated as three sixes — 666, the “number of the beast, which is also the number of a man.” The number 666 is also the address of the Jared Kushner Tower on Fifth Avenue, which was recently bailed out by Qatar in Saudi Arabia, where Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman lives in decadence. Perhaps he is the “Prince of this world.” Maybe the Devil is all of the above. So many “evil men” at which to point the finger.

Here’s something significant:  The Hebrew for the blamer is shatan, or obstacle; the Greek for divider is diabolos. Hmm….  

I don’t believe the Devil is anyone or anywhere “out there.” I believe that we humans are devils when we cast blame and pass judgement on one another, and are hateful and cruel toward ourselves and one another.

(I just learned today that human trafficking is the number one illegal money maker, a near forty-billion-dollar-a-year business globally — with illegal drug sales second and gun sales third.)

In my early years, while studying for the Catholic priesthood, my father used to advise me not to try and save the Devil, as he was lost forever. As I awakened spiritually, I began to understand more about who the Devil is, and I found myself doing exactly the contrary. This has been a central part of my life’s mission and purpose: saving Lucifer from perdition by inviting my own mind, drawn by its love for the beauty of Truth, to ascend to its appointed place in Heaven as the Light Bearer it was designed to be. This is my whole purpose for writing: to shine Light on the path of our sojourn through this “valley of the shadow of death.” 

I see light shining in this valley as more and more angels incarnate, emissaries of Light, are using their minds to shine the Light of Truth into the consciousness of mankind, enlightening us about our true state and that of our world — but also about our humanity and our true identity:  Be Your Humanity: Know Your Divinity

Life in this chaotic world is beginning to be brightened a bit because Lucifer is being restored to its heavenly role as Light Bearer . . . shining Light as well on our self-active past: 

The Ascent of Man such celebrated “great minds” as Dr. Jacob Bronowski, and Sir David Attenborough on Overpopulation, speak of is more about the awakening of the mind to its reckless past and to the stark realities of existence on a rather small planet that has limited accommodations for its voracious appetite for more of everything, including people. It is precisely man’s “marvelous plasticity of mind,” along with his wild and evil imagination, that are responsible for the dire straits in which we find ourselves today. 

I believe the so-called “Devil” is simply the self-active mind of man, and that Lucifer is the Truth-active Mind of Man, neither of which has a separate identity from who I AM.  For it is with our minds that we shine the Light of Truth in this darkened world full of hate and lies.  The mind is a wonderful capacity when used as a lens to refocus the Light of Truth from within and not as a reservoir of “knowledge” that, given its rather thin substance, can easily become overwhelmed and fragile with too much information and so-called “knowledge.” And its rightful place is not up front leading the way with its bright ideas and empty promises, but behind us, with our Spirit, the Light of Love that we are, leading forth in our lives.  This is the truth of our humanity and our identity, a truth we must come to love and cherish in our hearts.   

I’ll leave you to ponder these words of Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda):

The Truth, through the mind, through the working of intelligence, provides the design, the factors of form in concept or belief; and Love, through the heart, animates that which is accepted by the mind. And the physical body receives that which is so established, for the body as such has no choice but to receive that which is imposed upon it. . . .

Human beings accept certain things in the sense of intellectual beliefs, but that which is animated in the actual expression of their lives takes form on the basis of resentment ideas, fear ideas, rebellion ideas, or hate ideas. The real feeling manifests in the range of something which carries a critical, condemnatory or destructive attitude, and that which is of the Divine Design, even though it be seen, is not animated in the individual life because there is no particular feeling in regard to it. . . .  

Illumination comes when the mind accepts the Truth idea, and the Dominion idea, in a manner which allows the heart to animate the Dominion, Kingdom idea. Any constructive idea which becomes animated through the heart brings some degree of Illumination—vividness of comprehension and appreciation; for Illumination is simply comprehension coupled with due appreciation. By reason of appreciation there is the acceptance of value.  (Uranda)

I  will continue with the series on the spiritual significance of the Thyroid gland in my next post.  Until then,

Be love. Be loved.


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