Creating the New Earth Together

Posts tagged ‘Heart Space’

Sound — Carrier Wave for Intention

       When I am in my Sacred Heart my world and all those in it are there with me and my Father.  They are flooded and bathed in His love.

        While sharing attunement long distance today with a dear and faithful friend who was working with ancestral past issues that needed healing and peaceful resolution, I was keenly aware of our oneness within the tangible substance of love.  Love has no limitations when it comes to geographical distance.  Whatever my friend needed to have transpire in her world had a loving surround within which to heal and resolve.  This constitutes my sole role and purpose in offering attunement, close in or from a distance — to provide a loving enfoldment in my healing hands and let love work its magic without concern on my part for results.  The outworking is always perfect and magical.

To create a healing field for transmitting and extending the current of sacred energy, I use sound. Powered by a passionate desire to serve and provide a blessing, sound is the perfect carrier wave for spirit and consciousness.  Sound is a creator tool.  It carries intention where unto it is sent to set heavenly design and purpose in form.  

Through attunement with love, we answer the question posed to Job from out of the Biblical whirlwind: “Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven?  Canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?”   (Job 38:33)  

Occasionally, after an attunement, a curious client will ask if I felt anything, perhaps hoping for some insight into what may be ailing them.  Funny how we tend to suspect  something’s not quite right inside our bodies, a latent disease perhaps that hasn’t manifested symptoms just yet.   I usually say something that will point the client in the direction of life: “I felt a strong current of life moving through your body.”

Actually, what I focus my sense of perception on are the subtle ordinances of heaven, the patterns of health and wholeness in life itself, landing and being set in the earth of the physical body . . .  and sound is part of the technology the Creator uses to convey and set those ordinances.  I like what noted American journalist, George Leonard, author of Silent Pulseso eloquently wrote about sound:

At the root of all power and motion, there is music and rhythm, the play of patterned frequencies against the matrix of time. More than 2,500 years ago, the philosopher Pythagoras told his followers that a stone is frozen music, an intuition fully validated by modern science; we now know that every particle in the physical universe takes its charac­teristics from the pitch and pattern and overtones of its particular frequencies, its singing. And the same thing is true of all radiation, all forces great and small, all information. BEFORE WE MAKE MUSIC, MUSIC MAKES US.

We could paraphrase that last sentence and declare: “BEFORE WE MAKE LOVE, LOVE MAKES US.”  Unfortunately, “making love” is a phrase that is commonly associated with human sexual activity. As we know, Love is not “made” at a physical level of sexual intimacy between human beings.  Love is first “made” in the heart, the Sacred Heart.  Actually, love is not “made,” is it? Love is eternally present everywhere.  My point here is that Love makes us, and it does so in its own image and likeness.  We are love.  I am love.

Coming back to sound, I find recorded sound very useful in creating a carrier wave for heavenly ordinances.  World renown sound guru Jonathan Goldman has produced some very powerful CD’s of sacred sound.  I use and recommend his Ultimate Om and his award winning The Divine Name,  available on his website  You can listen to his CD’s on his website to see which one resonates with you.  

I also use and recommend Deborah Van Dyke’s Chords of the Cosmos for recordings of quartz crystal bowls being played on thirteen 5-minute tracts in triads of sacred harmony for balancing the energetic fields of the endocrine glands with their complementary chakras and with the cosmic energies of the zodiac.  She has some great CD’s for meditation and transformation, such as her Traveling the Sacred Sound Current.  She is a beautiful muse and powerful angel of sacred sound.  I know you will love and cherish her CD’s, as I do.

After 45 years as a chiropractor and nutritional therapist, I’ve come to realize that my real love is music – second only to attunement – and not healthcare.  Healthcare earns me a decent living and puts bread on the table, but music and attunement bring nourishment to my soul.  

Discovering the relationship between music and attunement has been a delightful process of awakening to the secrets hidden within the mystery of life itself.  There is so much more that we haven’t yet even begun to discover and revive, much less utilize, in the magical field of what is being called “sound healing.”  This is a misnomer, as sound doesn’t do the healing of itself but merely provides a carrier wave for the healing currents of Love.  Only Love heals.  

When I use sound to convey the healing currents during attunement sessions, I am transported in consciousness to a magical temple of the sacred healing arts that has never been destroyed in heaven.  It was in magnificent form on earth at one time in the ancient past, and it will be in form again. . . when we are ready to honor it and use it to fulfill sacred purpose.   This is what I came to bring, and I will hold it in my Sacred Heart as a seed if only for my time here.  In the meantime, anyone with clean hands and a pure heart can visit this temple and enter in to work with its divine technology.  

Sound is a powerful energy.  Self-serving humans only hurt themselves and create chaos with sound.  Musicians of today, and those who frequent their loud concerts, have destroyed their delicate hearing mechanisms — not to mention the noise they send out into the world that creates chaos. Ear phones are dangerous in this regard, as are cell phones with ear pieces.  

Sound is a creative force . . . and it will manifest the intention sent forth upon its waveform.  It does manifest it.  Look around and behold what has manifested over the years and continues to be maintained.  

There are those musicians and bands who are sending out positive and transforming intention upon the waveform of their music. These I acknowledge and celebrate.   If you know of some such groups and concerts you’ve attended, I would appreciate hearing from you.  Thank you.

Sound is a carrier wave for intention.  Let it be used for sacred purpose to bless and uplift . . . to create the New Earth. 

Thank you for reading my blog.  Till my next post, 

Be love . . . be loved.


Visit my second blog, Health Light Newsletter, for articles on health and wellness.


Entering your Sacred Heart

In my last post I wrote about the Sacred Heart and how it is the magnetic, silent, still center of your being, your “Heart of hearts,” from which we may have a view of infinity.  A place where we are alone with the Father. We will continue to explore our Sacred Heart and how we may enter it.  Glenda Green’s conversation with Jesus in her wonderful book, “Love Without End” continues in this excerpt from Chapter 6,  “The Heart Is Your Higher Intelligence.”

“The Sacred Heart has an exact location in the body which can vary slightly in every person, but it is approximately the same. It is located in the space between the spine and the physical heart, anywhere from an inch above the physical heart to three inches below it. Although the physical heart is slightly to left of center, the true axis is centrally located People who are living very physical lives, such as athletes and manual workers, often have a lower position of the heart vortex due to their need for physical balance. Scholars and musicians might need to look a bit higher. “

        ” He suggested that I look a little higher because of my receptivity to aesthetic inspirations and frequencies.

       “As you enter, you must release your attention into silence, letting it fall until it comes to rest. This is the way of quiet contemplation in which you may behold the oneness of all that is. This is your sacred place, for it is the pivotal link between the body and soul, the physical and the immortal, between yourself and God

       “When the heart is healthy and fully alive, it is the most natural place to be. But when it has been forgotten and abandoned, certain difficulties will accumulate around the prospect of re-entry. The most critical issue is that the heart carries an imprint of your true character and the love that you are. That is its only recognition of you. Therefore, when you attempt to enter with false identities, spurious agendas, impure thoughts, or excess baggage of any kind, you may not present a workable entry key. You are most worthy to be in the heart, for indeed it is your home, the center of your being. Nevertheless, as the defender of your immortal soul, its security system is formidable. By the will of God, that which is not you will not be recognized. All illusion, pretense, and judgment must be shed at the portal. Is this not also how you must enter the Kingdom of Heaven … as a little child?

      “There are two ways to enter. The easiest way is to quiet your mind through surrender and resolve, allowing your attention to become like a pebble cast into a great, still lake. Then float away into the stillness and vacuity until you come to rest. The other way is more difficult, although each attempt will bring you closer. The process itself is cleansing and transforming. It involves opening and reentering the heart directly, and re-anointing it as the sacred center which it truly is. In this approach, you will locate the doorway through which the heart communes with infinity, the one spirit and the Father.

      “To begin, you need to be aware that a circle of energy surrounds your body. It is much like a protective cocoon. Then establish within your mind’s eye a perceptual viewpoint on the back side of that circle, facing your spine. From that viewpoint, facing your back, scan the extent of your spine as if you were looking for the doorway to a cave. In looking for the heart’s doorway, you may at first find the opening very small, but as you enter, it will dilate and you may see infinity laid out before you.

    “For some people the door may be sealed so tightly that its presence will only be sensed, and a large stone, figuratively speaking, will have to be rolled naway before the opening becomes evident. Never despair … the opening is there. You will find it if you continue to look and it will open when you knock. Do not be shocked with your first perception. You may sense the cold, dark air of the cosmos. Often there is a chilling effect, for spirit is cooler than the body. Some may see a burning bush at the entrance; others may see the door encircled with flame. Others will see, or sense, a mighty angel with a sword guarding the entrance. You may hesitate to enter because of your perceptions of holiness and want to take off your shoes, symbolically speaking, or rinse off in baptismal water. Those who are not ready for this perception will deny it or run, for the holiness they perceive is their connection to God. By entering the portals of the heart in this way, you will inherit the wisdom which was placed there for you from the beginning. Your unfolding consciousness of the Sacred Heart will begin to revive many dimensions of intelligence that have been lost to you. At the very lease you will experience true relaxation.

In my next post, we will consider the true power of the heart.

“The heart is a magnetic vortex through which the blessings of all essences and potentialities are received, integrated, and focused into living. . . .  As you empower your heart, it will open to you.”

Till we meet here again, be loving . . . Be loved.


Excerpts taken directly from Glenda Green’s book, “Love Without End – Jesus Speaks,” Heartwings Publishing, Fort Worth, TX. Meet Glenda on the web at or Glenda Green on YouTube 

Your Sacred Heart


     There is a place within where we are whole and holy.  Where we can abide in the peace of the Presence of God.  Jesus described it variously as “your closet . . . the kingdom of heaven . . . the Father within . . .  the secret place of the Most High. . . the kingdom of God.”  In Glenda Green’s book Love Without End, Jesus speaks of it as our “Sacred Heart.”  I’ve heard it called our “heart of hearts” as it lies at the very core of our being.  It is here where we commune with our Beloved.  It is the place I go to and come from while sharing attunement and invite the one with whom I am sharing to go to as well.  I am reminded of a line from a poem my spiritual mentor penned:

 “Here earth’s pains are healed and cruel chaos of mind’s spawning is called again to order and to beauty.” 

But who is our Beloved?   And where is our Beloved?  Sufi Hazrat Inayat Khan writes poetically in The Mysticism of Sound:

Our Beloved is that which is our source and our goal; and what we see of our Beloved before our physical eyes is the beauty which is before us; and that part of our Beloved not manifest to our eyes is that inner form of beauty of which our Beloved speaks to us. . . .If only we would listen to the voice of all the beauty that attracts us in any form, we would find that in every aspect it tells us that behind all manifestation is the perfect Spirit, the spirit of wisdom.

Jesus speaks of the Sacred Heart as being our “higher intelligence” when Glenda inquires about the role of the heart with the mind.  In my last post we ended with a consideration of infinity. Jesus reminded Glenda many times during his four-month-long sitting for his portrait, ” contemplate infinity every day, inwardly as well as outwardly.”  When she asked him how one contemplated infinity inwardly, he replied:

Infinity is not a subject limited to vast spaces — or even to immeasurably small ones.  Infinity is not  about quantity at all.  It’s actually about quality.  Let me tell you about your heart.

The heart of which I speak is not the physical organ, although the physical organ is an appropriate symbol for the true heart, because  the physical organ nourishes your body with life blood every moment.  The heart of which I speak is the central focus point of your very soul. It is the lens through which your soul integrates all of your Earthly emotions and all of your divine awareness into a focused point of infinite integrity.  This point is on the threshold of your physical existence, at a point slightly below and behind your physical heart.  Locate it.

When she did locate her heart, which didn’t require any thought, Glenda says it was as if her whole framework just vibrated and pulsed with energy. She felt a sense of life within, an empowerment simply by focusing on the mere existence of this point within.  Jesus continued:

This is the source of power your Creator has established within you, not your mind.  Your mind is merely a servant, and it behaves well if it is given positive impulses: it behaves very poorly if it is given negative impulses.  The heart generates all of the Earthly emotions as well as the blissful emotions of the higher realms.  But it is so much more than just emotion. It is infinite awareness and the basis of all higher consciousness you will ever assimilate.  It is from this power, within the center of your being, that the entire script of your life is written.  Live in your heart — not in your mind — to fulfill the script of  your life or to rewrite it.  Your mind is powerless to bring that about.  But every desire of your heart will be fulfilled. . . .

. . . The heart is your connecting link to God and the universe, which integrates your own unique center of experience, awareness, and character with that which is beyond your comprehension. . . . The heart is magnetic, silent, and still.  The feeling of being there is like one of resting in a peaceful Heavenly lake, or floating in a vacuous space.  As a magnetic center, the heart is the great generator of all your life energy, and whenever you empower your heart you raise your energy level physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Within the heart you will also find clarity, resolve, steadfastness, intent, stillness, respect, justice, kindness and perceptions of greatness. 

Jesus then had Glenda draw a circle inside a triangle with rays of light extending outwardly from its circumference to add a focal point and to suggest an outreach into infinity. He then explained:

If I were going to tell you where the heart fits within the pattern of existence, this would be a visual way of illustrating it for you.  The heart is essentially the center point of stillness and peace from which one views infinity.  As a being views infinity, he is activating all levels of potential within and around himself.  The love that he is, the one spirit, and the adamantine particles [see a previous post on these particle] assemble their patterns of existence under the heart’s guidance. A person’s soul is the integrated oneness of love, spirit, adamantine particles, experience, deeds, hopes, and dreams which comprise his life.  The heart is the soul’s gateway, both into life and beyond into eternity.  The heart is the timeless and indestructible source of all higher knowledge. It is the one point within each person where the inner and outer forces are the same.  Within the heart, the will of God and your own may be brought into harmony. . . .

. . . In the depth of your being is your own sacred center.  It is the still, quiet chamber deep within where  you are one with the Father.  Through this connection is your own indigenous power.  Therefore, you cannot underestimate the value of this knowledge to your life.  Priceless to your life is knowledge of the heart itself.  This is a place you must go alone, for it is your sacred ground.  The very act of being there is the essence of prayer.  When I told my disciples to go into a closet to pray, I was being quite literal in two regards.  Any quiet secluded place will do.  The main thing is to select a place which is appropriate to the sacred chamber you are about to enter within your being. . . .”

We will continue this theme in the next installment, “Entering Your Sacred Heart.”  Until then,

Be loving and be loved,


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