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Posts tagged ‘Planets’

Dawn of a Golden Age: Global Warming a Galactic Event

According to the following data gathered by David Wilcock and written up in his book The Source Field Investigations (2011), we are contributing very little, if anything at all, to global warming on Earth.    

While this information does not excuse us from being respectful stewards of our planet, Earth is experiencing a climate change, partially due to a shift taking place in the magnetic pole that is reducing the wobble of its axis, but mostly due to cosmic energies outside our galaxy impinging on us.  The mess we’ve made in our own bed with industrial pollution, the poisoning of our foods with chemicals, and the mismanagement of our waste, is making our slumber a nightmare in increasingly more places around the globe, but it is hurting us more than the planet. We need to wake up to our self destruction.  The planet is fine and on schedule with its evolution.  It’s we who are in a heap of trouble.

As my friend David Waskom described in my previous post, the ice cap on our planet is melting simply because it is no longer needed to stabilize the wobbling planet. We appear to be returning to our original tropical climate before the earth got tilted on its axis  . . . and we are not alone with climate changes.  All of the other planets in our solar system have been going through drastic climate changes for a number of decades, including the sun.  But, before we look at those statistics,  let’s review the data around the context in which these events are occurring.


In chapter eighteen “The Galactic Clock Strikes the Hour” Wilcock describes in well documented details what is actually occurring in the larger context of our Milky Way Galaxy as our solar system travels through the galaxy’s layers of energy zones depicted in the graphic below. (Click on the picture to enlarge it.)  The electromagnetic  radiation from space, known as “redshift,” was found to change intensity as it moved through galaxies’ spiraling, concentric layers, increasing in intensity as we move toward the center of the galaxy. Rogue astronomer Dr. William Tifft made this discovery while studying redshift.  His research and “amazing story” was written up in an April 1993 Discover magazine. 

Redshif has been a well guarded model for measuring how far away things are in the universe.  Tifft seriously challenged that model when he found that redshift radiation wasn’t consistent but changed intensity as it moved through galaxies and separated into concentric layers, which are actually “on the move.”  (It is estimated that our galaxy makes a full rotation over a period of 250 million years.)  Studying the same galaxies over a period of ten years, he noticed that their redshifts changed over time, suggesting an evolution taking place within galaxies.  Another study reported in the Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy in 1997 of 250 different galaxies found the same layers of energy in every single one of them. 


Dr. Harold Aspden published his book in 1972 on the remarkable results of his research, also available on his Energy Science Web site, which explored the idea that all matter is created from an aether—and he concludes that it has different levels of density, or thickness, and that . . . 

Galaxies can lock into slightly different sets of fundamental physical constants, so far as the different space domain origins of their primary radiation sources are concerned. . . .  Such domains have bearing on geological events, such as geomagnetic field reversals occurring as the solar system transits through boundaries separating adjacent space domains.


This is apparently precisely what is happening on planet Earth, as well as all the other planets.  Let’s read a bit further to understand the model more clearly.  Remember how we saw in the previous post how matter exists in parallel universes of  space-time and time-space.  Well, on a grandiose scale, our galaxy seems to be doing the same thing.   Tifft used the Greek letter Tau for time in his writing explaining that . . .

Quantum physics resides in tau-space and conventional dynamics operates in sigma-space . . . . At a given cosmic radius in tau-space, a galaxy occupies a temporal state. It must change that temporal state in discrete steps.

Wilcock continues with his exciting conclusions . . .

I was amazed at how well all of this fit together.  The model is extremely elegant.  When we combine Tifft and Aspden’s conclusions, we know that at least at some point, we could enter into a new space domain of tau-space, where matter and energy as we know it “locks into a slightly different set of fundamental physical constants,” and “changes its temporal state” in “discrete steps.”  Neither of these great scientists seem to be aware of how well their model extends to explain the 26-and 62-million-year cycles that were found in the fossil record—showing that these changes in the flow of time also affect biological life as well as the “fundamental physical constants” of matter and energy.


Now, we can begin to see current trends in global warming in a much grander context than our supposed and rather paranoid notion that we are to blame for melting the ice caps and heating up the globe.  So, let’s see what Wilcock says about what’s going on elsewhere in our solar system.  And I will cover this story in a couple of posts.  Let’s start with the Sun, a pivotal driver of global warming, as well as planetary changes throughout the solar system, and then visit our closest neighbors, Mercury, Venus and Mars.

As Wilcock points out prefacing this investigation . . .

In simple terms, if we’re at the boundary of one of these domains, complete with all the coherence-increasing, DNA-evolving properties that come along with it, we should expect to see measurable changes in the Sun and planets. This would provide “smoking gun” proof that the ancient prophecies were indeed correct. 

The Sun

Severe geomagnetic storm

Since at least the late 1970’s, the Sun’s overall radiation emissions have increased by 0.5 percent per decade. Between 1901 and 2000, the Sun’s magnetic field increased in size and strength by 230 percent. As of 1999, high increases in the amount of helium and heavier charged particles coming out of the Sun was “more active than in living memory. A mainstream geophysical team recently proved that the Sun has been more active since the 1940’s than in the previous 1,150 years combined.  The new brightening all started in the last 150 years. As of November 2004, the same group proved that the Sun is more energetic than it has been in at least eight-thousand years.

Then in 2006, NASA announced that the Sun’s “great conveyor belt,” a massive circulating current of hot plasma, had slowed down from a normal walking speed of 1.0 meters per second to 0.75 meters per second in the north—and only 0.25 meters per second in the south. 

The speed of the sun’s conveyor belt had been consistent prior to this time since the nineteenth century.  It takes 40 years (2 Mayan katuns) to complete a circuit.  The last peak was in 1985.  Since then the sun’s overall activity has been on the decline.  As Dr. Mike Lockwood notes, “If the Sun’s dimming were to have a cooling effect, we’d have seen it by now.”

 At the same time, scientists also fear there might be a massive new peak of solar activity that could potentially fry electronics on earth—and gave a surprisingly familiar target date of September, 2012 for when this might happen. A LiveScience article in 2007 seriously considered the social anthropologist Dr. Benny Peiser’s suggestion that the Sun could be responsible for measurable “global warming” on Mars, Jupiter, Neptune’s moon Triton and Pluto, as well as the earth.  Surprisingly, this is one of very few mainstream media articles to have ever made this obvious connection….


Anomalies on the surface as well as at the core of Mercury have scientists baffled.  Between2007 and 2009 radical and unexpected changes occurred on the surface of the planet.  One being ice appearing in its polar regions despite the planet’s high surface temperatures; another being significant pressure within the magnetosphere that it didn’t have in the 1970’s.  The planet seems to have a dense core and strong magnetic field.  Magnetic twisters ten times the as strong as any tornadoes seen on Earth were seen by the Messenger probe in 2009. 


Between 1978 and 1983 Venus’s atmospheric sulfur decreased dramatically while the oxygen content increased substantially, a condition which scientists suspect may explain the planets sudden change in brightness.  Venus is leaving a trail of charged plasma behind her 60,000 percent longer in 1997 that in the late 1970’s.  Wilcock writes:

Both the northern and southern hemispheres of Venus dramatically brightened in January of 2007, and a strange, unusual and mysterious bright spot appeared in July 2009 [as reported by Rachel Courtland in the same month in New Scientists magazine].  Regarding this sudden new bright spot, Dr. Sanjay Lamaye said, “It’s fair to say something unusual happened on Venus. Unfortunately, we don’t know what happened.” 


Wilcock writes . . .

Between the mid 1970’s and 1995, Mars developed clouds, had an overall reduction in atmospheric dust content, and revealed a “surprise . . . abundance” of ozone in its atmosphere.   The Mars Surveyor probe was damaged in 1997 by an unsuspected 200 percent increase in the density of Mars’s atmosphere.  In 1999, a hurricane appeared on Mars for the first time in more than twenty years, and was 300 percent larger than any previously seen.  The biggest global dust storm in “several decades” engulfed the entire planet very rapidly in 2001, “something quite unheard of in previous experience.”  [Check out the data source at this Hubble website link:]

As a side note, Wilcock notes that this storm peaked directly before the 9/11 event in New York City “. . . suggesting the possibility, however remote, that the massive stress everyone felt on earth from that event actually reflected back through time-space and had profound energetic effects upon our nearest neighboring planet.”  Mainstream media announced global warming on Mars in 2001 resulting in “rapid erosion of ice features at the south pole'” and “year-to-year losses of snow.”   NASA reported “‘recent global climate change” on Mars in 2003. “European astronomers noticed a glow on the night side of Mars for the first time” two years later.

All this is going on without human industrial pollution. Think about it.  We’re killing ourselves, not the planet.

We will continue with this in my next post, looking at climate changes on Jupiter and its moons, as well as on some of the other planets and moons in our solar system, including earth changes.  Until then,

Be Love.  Be loved.


Visit my other Lifting Tones blog to read my current article in Health Light Newsletter.


David Wilcock, The Source Field Investigations — The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations behind the 2012 Prophecies (2011).  

Immanuel Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision (1950), Earth In Upheaval (1955).

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