Creating the New Earth Together

Posts tagged ‘music’

Oneness With The Ocean of Motion


By PenDell Pittman, MM, MA — Attunement Practitioner, Author and Musician

“We live in an ocean of motion.” This famous little phrase describes the quiet, yet all-encompassing platform of our lives. The rhythm of our breathing, the hum of our nervous system, the wide range of verbal utterances that we voice or hear are but a few reminders, close at hand, of the infinite spectrum of vibration within us and surrounding us.

Vibration with a purpose is “energy”, and specific ranges of energy are identified by us human beings, based on our own sensing of them. Our eyes see the energy range of “visible light”, our ears hear “audible sound”, our skin senses heat and impacts of motion on our physical bodies. Tastes and smells are also particularized ranges of energy. Scientific instruments and other devices engage energy ranges beyond the discernment of our five senses – radio and TV frequencies, microwaves, infrared and ultraviolet light, x-rays, gamma rays, cosmic rays, etc.

Further, the thoughts we think, the emotions we feel, and the whole of “consciousness”, human and otherwise, are waves of energy. The world of so-called “form” around us is but another spectrum of energy, one that moves slowly enough to appear to us to be “solid” and inanimate. Social systems, economies, governments, and countless other forms of human interaction represent the movement of energy among people. Beyond earth, the moon, the planets, the sun, its sun, whole galaxies appear to follow ancient rhythms and resonances. 

The book you now hold in your hands, Attunement with Sacred Sound, by fellow musician and Attunement practitioner, Dr. Anthony Palombo, provides a pivotal revelation about the phenomenal connection you and I have to the powerfully grand energies of all creation. The seeming platitude that states, “We are all one,” or “We are one with everything,” is quite true, in fact! Keep reading and you will discover more about just how profoundly this is the case.

Dr. Anthony Palombo – “Tony” – and I have known each other for almost 40 years. Never has there been a time, in my observation, when Tony has not exhibited a conscious attitude that consistently recognizes the connection between “heaven and earth” (the intangible and the tangible, if you will), a core kinship between all people, and the resonance that entrains throughout all of “creation”, with its infinite components. Tony’s is a noble stance and vision, to be sure, but why is it relevant to us now? Because, if we are to receive the full spectrum of learning, guidance, and inspiration from studying this book – a work that, I believe, largely distills (without coming close to fully biographing) Tony’s life’s work – we will find ourselves adopting that same outlook as Tony has – one filled with awe, wonder, discovery, and a sense of privilege to know and work in this precious, delicate, and, dare I say, sacred field.

What allows the “magic pill” of Attunement with Sacred Sound to uniquely provide healing, relief and upliftment (for many millennia now), where other remedies may not? (And it has been proven to do just that.) For that matter, why exactly does music have “charms to sooth a savage breast”? In answer, we can observe one profound insight (of many) about one of the immutable, universal laws, with just a little “plinking” on a basic piano keyboard. 

Please observe the diagram above, that of a piano keyboard, with its black and white notes. We will focus on the white keys only, for now. Note that there is a repetitive pattern of “letter names” given to those white keys, each of which, when played, sounds a unique musical pitch, or frequency. The keys are named “A” through “G”, and then that pattern of names repeats “an octave higher” (or lower). Without us getting too technical (or bored, I hope), please briefly observe with me the “speed of vibration”, the “frequency”, of two of the piano’s notes — the two “A”’s, shown above:

“The Lower A” (the “A” key to the left) sounds at a frequency of 440 Hertz (Hz), a measurement for “cycles (or complete vibrations) per second”. (Incidentally and interestingly, this 440-Hz, modern-day “concert A” runs four cycles per second faster than the mystical 436-Hz “A” that served as a cornerstone of the work of Pythagoras over 2,500 years ago.)  The “A” that is an octave higher than “A-440” (i.e. the “A” key shown to the right, on the keyboard diagram above) vibrates at a frequency that is exactly twice the speed of the lower “A”, or 880 Hz. Why is this important – to people in general, and to Attunement practitioners and enthusiasts, in specific? It is because the undeviating octave demonstrates a crucial element that binds together the entire Universe, us and all of “creation”.

The Law of the Octave — named for the eight primary, “white” keys that sit between and include, for example, an “A” and the next higher “A”. This universal law recognizes that musical notes sounding an octave apart – with frequencies that are multiples of two (2), relative to each other — have a closely kindred harmonic nature, a unique tonal relatedness that epitomizes unification. This can be heard distinctly when notes in octave are sounded.

Please note that the octave is not, by any means, the only relationship between pitches. Wait until you read Tony’s expositions on the “Perfect Fifth”, harmonics, overtones, and the other sonic wonders of the sound world that come into robust play in health, healing, and Attunement. However, the uniquely “divine” design of the octave illustrates the cohesive nature of the entire, endless frequency spectrum.

Now, here’s where things get pretty cosmic! An “A” vibrates at 440 Hz; and the “A” an octave higher, vibrates at twice the speed (880Hz); the next, higher “A”, an octave above, vibrates at twice that speed (880 x 2, or 1,760 Hz); the next higher “A” at 3,520 Hz, then 7,040 Hz; and so on — continuing to infinity. Along the way, these associated frequencies surpass the audible range and move into the ranges of radio; TV; microwaves; infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light; x-rays, etc. Yet, at any octave, a multiple of (in this example) “A-440” remains in harmonic concord with every other octave of “A” that resonates throughout the heights of the infinite frequency spectrum.

This energy spectrum vibrates, not just throughout the aforementioned range of higher frequencies, but at an equally infinite range of lower frequencies, as well. Infinite literally means infinite, after all.  As we observe frequencies below “A-440”, we find kindred octaves resonating at exactly one-half 440 Hz (440 divided by 2, or 220 Hz); then the next lower “A” at 110 Hz, then at 55Hz; and so on — continuing to infinity. At 27.5 Hz, we near the lowest frequencies audible to humans and approach the range of Schumann Resonances, electromagnetic waves that exist between the earth’s surface and the earth’s ionosphere. When tonal frequencies (like a musical sound) “slow down” sufficiently, they become “rhythms”.

A rhythm that is near and dear to each of us is our own heartbeat – something we just can’t live without – beating at a “frequency” around 1Hz, or one beat per second. Our bodily processes (and that of many organisms on earth) adhere to daily circadian oscillations, coordinating our capacities to the earth’s day-night rhythms. The earth rotates around its axis at a frequency of once per day, revolves around the sun at a frequency of once per year, and responds to the monthly frequencies of the moon’s cycles. Our sun revolves around its sun, as far as we can tell, and the Milky Way itself marches majestically — and for us, QUITE slowly –through the heavens, true to its own frequency that encompasses millions of years. So, to the best of our present understanding, there are infinitely fast vibrations and infinitely slow ones.    

Putting aside, for a moment, the Grand Scale of It All, WHY is all this directly significant to us, and how does it affect our everyday lives? We have a glimpse into the why and how, brought to us once more by that Law of the Octave.

The Law of the Octave reveals a constant, orderly, powerfully resonant framework that governs and integrates the entirety of this infinite, cosmic frequency spectrum – the entire Ocean of Motion that is our Universe. The immutable design governed by the Law of the Octave connects all energy. And our own connectedness with all energy – through the thousands of resonating processes in motion at any given moment, in our own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual-expression capacities, and in our world – is living evidence of the actual, tangible attunement that, in truth, we share with the Creator and with all of Creation.


The practice of Attunement, as so ably and comprehensively introduced by Tony in this book, helps enrich the sacred resonance of our capacities with the Creator, while helping remove dissonance from the creative fields that penetrate and surround us. Whereas “sound therapy” alone uses the relatively slow-moving (though miraculous) realm of sound itself as the source of upliftment, the overall Attunement process engages a much wider (potentially infinite), higher-frequency spectrum of harmonics, one that encompasses the range of audible sound, plus so much more, while differentiating itself through countless, simultaneous Life processes. Sound healing, and any other process that is in resonance with Spirit, is a harmonious aspect of that Spirit substance, and therefore provides, at least to some extent, a resonant field for the energy and blessings of that Spirit.

Sound acts as a carrier wave of sorts for the Attunement current — toning and amplifying the emanations of the endocrine glands, relaxing and entraining the nervous systems, clearing the mind, soothing emotions, and helping one to release various resonances with external stresses. The playing of sustained sound also can be used by an experienced practitioner as an instrument to amplify his or her perceptions. As the sonic and “Spirit” ranges of energy entrain together during an Attunement session, their synergy — true to the Law of the Octave — also activates harmonics in all frequency ranges, from the infinitely high to the infinitely deep.

We are literally moving in harmonic resonance, in attunement, with all of Creation. We not only live in the “universal ocean of motion”, but we play radiantly conscious roles in the flow of its Currents, as we allow our every action to entrain with the infinitely high and deep Tones of the Creator. We are an integral part of the Cosmic Symphony, for sure. Let’s join Tony now, for an in-depth expose of just how integral we really are!  

I hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed PenDell’s music presentation, even if you are not musically inclined — although I can’t imagine there is anyone who does not hum a tune now and then and generally enjoy music.  Perhaps he has imparted to you a deeper appreciation of music, and of musicians.  I welcome any comments you wish to share, which I will forward to my renown guest author.  In my next post “Are We Ascending Yet ” I will return to the theme of ascension. Until then,

Be love.  Be loved.

Anthony (

Note: I have a few copies of my book ATTUNEMENT WITH SACRED SOUND left should you wish a copy.

I invite you to check out my HealthLight Newsletter at    


Sound — Carrier Wave for Intention

       When I am in my Sacred Heart my world and all those in it are there with me and my Father.  They are flooded and bathed in His love.

        While sharing attunement long distance today with a dear and faithful friend who was working with ancestral past issues that needed healing and peaceful resolution, I was keenly aware of our oneness within the tangible substance of love.  Love has no limitations when it comes to geographical distance.  Whatever my friend needed to have transpire in her world had a loving surround within which to heal and resolve.  This constitutes my sole role and purpose in offering attunement, close in or from a distance — to provide a loving enfoldment in my healing hands and let love work its magic without concern on my part for results.  The outworking is always perfect and magical.

To create a healing field for transmitting and extending the current of sacred energy, I use sound. Powered by a passionate desire to serve and provide a blessing, sound is the perfect carrier wave for spirit and consciousness.  Sound is a creator tool.  It carries intention where unto it is sent to set heavenly design and purpose in form.  

Through attunement with love, we answer the question posed to Job from out of the Biblical whirlwind: “Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven?  Canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?”   (Job 38:33)  

Occasionally, after an attunement, a curious client will ask if I felt anything, perhaps hoping for some insight into what may be ailing them.  Funny how we tend to suspect  something’s not quite right inside our bodies, a latent disease perhaps that hasn’t manifested symptoms just yet.   I usually say something that will point the client in the direction of life: “I felt a strong current of life moving through your body.”

Actually, what I focus my sense of perception on are the subtle ordinances of heaven, the patterns of health and wholeness in life itself, landing and being set in the earth of the physical body . . .  and sound is part of the technology the Creator uses to convey and set those ordinances.  I like what noted American journalist, George Leonard, author of Silent Pulseso eloquently wrote about sound:

At the root of all power and motion, there is music and rhythm, the play of patterned frequencies against the matrix of time. More than 2,500 years ago, the philosopher Pythagoras told his followers that a stone is frozen music, an intuition fully validated by modern science; we now know that every particle in the physical universe takes its charac­teristics from the pitch and pattern and overtones of its particular frequencies, its singing. And the same thing is true of all radiation, all forces great and small, all information. BEFORE WE MAKE MUSIC, MUSIC MAKES US.

We could paraphrase that last sentence and declare: “BEFORE WE MAKE LOVE, LOVE MAKES US.”  Unfortunately, “making love” is a phrase that is commonly associated with human sexual activity. As we know, Love is not “made” at a physical level of sexual intimacy between human beings.  Love is first “made” in the heart, the Sacred Heart.  Actually, love is not “made,” is it? Love is eternally present everywhere.  My point here is that Love makes us, and it does so in its own image and likeness.  We are love.  I am love.

Coming back to sound, I find recorded sound very useful in creating a carrier wave for heavenly ordinances.  World renown sound guru Jonathan Goldman has produced some very powerful CD’s of sacred sound.  I use and recommend his Ultimate Om and his award winning The Divine Name,  available on his website  You can listen to his CD’s on his website to see which one resonates with you.  

I also use and recommend Deborah Van Dyke’s Chords of the Cosmos for recordings of quartz crystal bowls being played on thirteen 5-minute tracts in triads of sacred harmony for balancing the energetic fields of the endocrine glands with their complementary chakras and with the cosmic energies of the zodiac.  She has some great CD’s for meditation and transformation, such as her Traveling the Sacred Sound Current.  She is a beautiful muse and powerful angel of sacred sound.  I know you will love and cherish her CD’s, as I do.

After 45 years as a chiropractor and nutritional therapist, I’ve come to realize that my real love is music – second only to attunement – and not healthcare.  Healthcare earns me a decent living and puts bread on the table, but music and attunement bring nourishment to my soul.  

Discovering the relationship between music and attunement has been a delightful process of awakening to the secrets hidden within the mystery of life itself.  There is so much more that we haven’t yet even begun to discover and revive, much less utilize, in the magical field of what is being called “sound healing.”  This is a misnomer, as sound doesn’t do the healing of itself but merely provides a carrier wave for the healing currents of Love.  Only Love heals.  

When I use sound to convey the healing currents during attunement sessions, I am transported in consciousness to a magical temple of the sacred healing arts that has never been destroyed in heaven.  It was in magnificent form on earth at one time in the ancient past, and it will be in form again. . . when we are ready to honor it and use it to fulfill sacred purpose.   This is what I came to bring, and I will hold it in my Sacred Heart as a seed if only for my time here.  In the meantime, anyone with clean hands and a pure heart can visit this temple and enter in to work with its divine technology.  

Sound is a powerful energy.  Self-serving humans only hurt themselves and create chaos with sound.  Musicians of today, and those who frequent their loud concerts, have destroyed their delicate hearing mechanisms — not to mention the noise they send out into the world that creates chaos. Ear phones are dangerous in this regard, as are cell phones with ear pieces.  

Sound is a creative force . . . and it will manifest the intention sent forth upon its waveform.  It does manifest it.  Look around and behold what has manifested over the years and continues to be maintained.  

There are those musicians and bands who are sending out positive and transforming intention upon the waveform of their music. These I acknowledge and celebrate.   If you know of some such groups and concerts you’ve attended, I would appreciate hearing from you.  Thank you.

Sound is a carrier wave for intention.  Let it be used for sacred purpose to bless and uplift . . . to create the New Earth. 

Thank you for reading my blog.  Till my next post, 

Be love . . . be loved.


Visit my second blog, Health Light Newsletter, for articles on health and wellness.


Resonance and the “Divine Matrix”


In case there is any doubt left in human hearts and minds that sound is what shapes creation, look at this picture of the hexagon pattern on Saturn’s north pole. Those familiar with Cymatics will readily recognize this sonic phenomenon. RESONANCE AND THE “DIVINE MATRIX”

Resonance is a timely theme for my blog.  I’ve been exploring working with what Gregg Braden calls the “Divine Matrix” and what others in the field of  “Quantum Healing” are calling “matrix–resonance,” a process whereby one taps into fields outside one’s own.  In this process one brings into consciousness and heart an ancient, or not so ancient, spiritual teacher and ascended master, like Jesus or Buddha, and then allows a resonance to take place with their matrix or field.  It’s the “field effect” author Joseph Chilton Pearce writes about in his book “THE BIOLOGY OF TRANSCENDENCE.”  The purpose for engaging this process could be, for instance, to raise one’s frequency to a higher level with the intention of offering the greatest possible blessing of healing.  This, according to world renown sound-healer Jonathan Goldman, constitutes a formula for healing: “Frequency + intention = healing.”

I’ve been engaging this process lately tapping into the field of the Master Jesus.  For example, I read some of his recorded words in the Gospels, especially where he is healing someone or sending healing currents to someone at a distance.  As I focus on the image of this Great Physician (not a picture someone has made, but what I imagine being in his presence would feel like, with emphasis on the feeling aspect),  I find myself entering into his matrix and resonating with his vibration, which, from the Aramaic shem, translates into name.  The name/shem/vibration of Jesus is the frequency of love, as he was and is the embodiment of the spirit of Love.  To “come in the name of the Lord,” then, is to come in the vibration of Love.   When my field resonates with his shem/name/vibration, my field becomes a healing matrix out of which all things that I bring into consciousness for healing and renewal may be made new, and I do feel the healing quality and the potency of his matrix which I then extend to my world of service and the person, for instance, with whom I am sharing attunement.  I also experience a very powerful mental focus and undeniable authority.  The meaning  of the Biblical text,  “Behold, I make all things new” comes alive  in the present moment from out of the distant past.

A great exercise would be to bring a spiritual teacher — such as Jesus or Buddha, or even more contemporary teachers such as Mother Teresa, the Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, or teachers that some of my colleagues in the attunement field and I know, such as Uranda and Roger de Winton —  into consciousness and then notice and name some of the essences one may feel resonating in one’s heart.  One’s field, then, would begin to take on those qualities based on resonance, creating a matrix for the extension of those essences and qualities of healing and renewal in and through the “attunement current” one is offering into one’s world of service.

We did this exercise in one of our workshops in Houston years ago with the “Seven Spirits,” which we in the attunement field associate with the seven seals of the endocrine system, what I refer to as our “Sacred Anatomy” in my book by the same name.  Uranda assigned these seven spirits, which are referenced in the description of  “a throne set in heaven” by John in his Book of Revelation in the Bible, to the seven hormonal glands of the endocrine system.  The Pineal gland in the center of the brain plays the role of a throne in the body temple for the spirit of love to abide and oversee the creative processes in the temple. It is this same process with which I found myself working during an attunement session one day when an inspiring poem about these spirits came through me.  Bringing each of these spirits by name into consciousness while holding a contact point on each endocrine center during the attunement process, allows one to come into resonance with the essence and qualities of these spirits, creating a healing matrix.  The shared unified field, then, takes on the qualities of these spirits, surrounding and permeating both client and the practitioner in a “divine matrix,” as Gregg Braden would call it.

It is the working of this dynamic precisely that opened a door of perception in the resonating chambers of my heart many years ago of the tonal frequencies of these seven spirits, which are in reality harmonic overtones of the one Tone of Love differentiated as the light of love shines through the sacred anatomy of our body temples.  This sacred anatomy of our endocrine glands provides the inner terrain of the crystal-like substance of hormones that transforms and steps down the high-frequency of the creative power of love so as to make creation at all levels possible and capable of manifesting the myriad and impeccable designs of Life for our body temples.  This is the miracle and wonder of our sacred anatomy.

These same spirits, or vibrational essences, as one can imagine, are related to the seven colors of the rainbow light spectrum, so that one may think of a color and allow a feeling for its quality to resonate in the heart.  One may even “hear” the tone of that color in terms of a musical note, or at least one of its harmonics.  One may then hum or tone that note to provide a carrier wave for that spirit to move out upon and into one’s creative field of service, whether it be in offering healing to another, blessing one’s world, or simply exploring one’s own tonal “signature frequency” by giving voice to these tones resonating in one’s heart.

This “technique,” if you would, can be effectively employed while offering healing to the organs, glands, tissues and skeletal structures of the body temple. It can also be used to enfold a life situation or world event in a healing matrix held in consciousness, a more common name for this heaven out of which our worlds emerge.  To envision the organ, situation or event as being whole, healthy, new and radiantly functional already, creates a matrix that is resonant with that vision, just as seeing the organ, situation or event as being distorted or dysfunctional holds that pattern in the matrix, thereby reinforcing the distortion pattern in the form.  Then, as Uranda put it, when all the “factors” are in place, one may speak the creative command of love, “Return to the Divine Design” or “Let the will of God be made manifest on earth as it is in heaven,” the heaven that I create in my own consciousness for the restoration of this form to its intended state of health and function in the context and for the greatest possible blessing of the Whole.  See it new and then let it be so.  This is the vibrational function of the “aumen” at the end of one’s prayer:  “Let it be so.” This is all about resonance, isn’t it?

For my readers who are not familiar with the attunement service I write about, and who may wish to learn more about it, you are welcome to visit my website or the website of the International Emissaries Attunement Guild, .  For a copy of my poem, The Seven Spirits of Love, you may send your request to me by email at

May your light shine brightly,


Note: to subscribe to my post, simply click on “Sign me up” under “Email Subscription” in the right hand column of this page.  There is no cost for subscribing.

Listen to the “Music of the Spheres!”



 There’s music “out there” . . . “in here” . . . and EVERYWHERE!

         It never fails.  Everytime I ask for something of the Universe, I receive it, and almost always it comes through someone else.  A friend and colleague sent this to me yesterday and I couldn’t wait to pass it on to my blog readers.  I’ve been asking for this a long time. This is the “stuff” we’re made of.  Enjoy! 

Scientists have simulated the sounds set to be made by sub-atomic particles such as the Higgs boson when they are produced at the Large Hadron Collider. The aim is to give physicists at the LHC another way to analyse their data. The sonification team believes that ears are better suited than eyes to pick out the subtle changes that might indicate the detection of a new particle.  “We can hear clear structures in the sound, almost as if they had been composed. They seem to tell a little story all to themselves. They’re so dynamic and shifting all the time, it does sound like a lot of the music that you hear in contemporary composition,” he explained.

Although the project’s aim is to provide particle physicists with a new analysis tool, Archer Endrich believes that it may also enable us to eavesdrop on the harmonious background sound of the Universe.   He said he hoped the particle collisions at Cern would “reveal something new and something important about the nature of the Universe”.  And Mr Endrich says that those who have been involved in the project have felt something akin to a religious experience while listening to the sounds.  “You feel closer to the mystery of Nature which I think a lot of scientists do when they get deep into these matters,” he said.   “It’s so intriguing and there’s so much mystery and so much to learn. The deeper you go, the more of a pattern you find and it’s fascinating and it’s uplifting.”

Click on this link and listen to the “God particles” playing the eternal “Music of the Spheres”!

Attunement with Sacred Sound

Anthony Palombo

Anthony Palombo

Welcome to Healing Tones!  I have much to share and a passion to get it out there.  I hope you are touched in some way and become a subscriber and “follower” of my blog (click on RSS above to subcribe).   My second post is a report about our March 19-20 workshop intensive, Attunement with Sacred Soundk, at Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, Colorado.   Enjoy!

   Visit my second blog at .

March Intensive A Huge Success

Attunement with Sacred Sound Workshop Intensive at Sunrise Ranch
This was our fifth workshop intensive, our third at Sunrise Ranch.  Over a two-day period, March 19-20, our circle grew from eight Friday morning to eighteen for the Circle of Sound Equinox celebration Saturday evening, drawing thirty-four in all into our dedicated container.  Our theme was the manifestation of a beautiful world through attunement with sacred sound.  It was a totally co-creative event marked by spirited participation on the parts of those attending and spontaneous presentations by several, with soft and easy co-facilitation by Tony & Bonnie Palombo.

We were treated to a Shamanic journey by David Ward, from Ashland, Oregon, who demonstrated his use of crystals inserted inside gloves to assist him in directing energy using the principle of “holophasics,” then spoke of his fascinating healing work which takes him into the underworld to assist departed souls in navigating this dark terrain and finding their way to the light, a journey about which he is presently authoring a book.  Laurence Layne, visiting from St. Augustine, Florida, dropped in to speak about his favorite topic, The Spiritual Nature of the Physical Body, focusing on the relationship between the nervous system and the endocrine glands and how we use these two systems in our attunement work. Mai Tran, from Southern California, presented a brief yet very enlightening explanation of the Chakras as she uses them in offering attunements as a Reiki practitioner.  Finally, Alan Martens, from Sunrise Ranch, demonstrated the Ancient Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation, five exercises that, done diligently, can take one to the fabled “Fountain of Youth” within.

These were the spices that added flavor to our time together, the main ingredient being the ongoing exploration of sacred sound as a carrier wave for consciousness in the attunement current.  Each workshop brings forth something new, and this one brought into our creative field the significance and utter delight of the F Sharp Major triad, F# A# C#.

Now, we’ve had a 16 inch A# quartz crystal bowl for some time but didn’t know its significance, as it didn’t quite harmonize with the other bowls – that is until we discovered the F# chord.  It has now become the center piece of this harmonic triad, which we were guided to use as the harmonic tones in “balancing the cervicals” during attunements. I am seeing it also as the ascending chord at the level of the “Eighth Chakra” with its F# fundamental tone that matches the F# frequency of the Pineal gland.  So, we have B D# F# as the harmonic triad of the Crown Chakra/Pineal gland, and F# A# C# extending the ascending sound current as a sonic bridge to the next level above.  When we played this harmonic triad on the quartz crystal bowls and toned it with our voices, something magically uplifting was felt.

Keith Hancock has been playing around with the key of F# Major for some time and he improvised on the piano, playing only the black keys, which the key of F# Major largely consists of.  It was an open and joyful sound . . . a “joyful noise” as the psalmist writes.  We took five bowls of the F# Major chord into the Dome chapel Sunday morning and played an improvised melody on them during service.  It was just beautiful. The sacred sounds of the bowls filled the dome with awesome resonating frequencies and overtones, echoing the “music of the spheres.”

We filled our container with activities of sacred healing arts technology:  attunement principles and technique; power point presentations bringing in the ancients – such as Apollo, the Greek god of music, harmony, medicine and poetry, and his son the great singer Orpheus, father of truth, wisdom and divination, who gave us stringed instruments, such as the cithara (guitar) and the lyre (harp), and whom the muses taught to play such sweet music as to sway men and gods, enchant plants and even stir inanimate objects. The name Orpheus means “he who heals by the light,” signifying a particular level of healing likely through the application of sacred sound.  The power of his healing voice and music was ascribed to certain magical formula, incantations and charms that are inscribed in the ancient Orphic Tablets.

From the Orphic mystery teachings comes the Platonic Schools of Wisdom which gave us Pythagoras, who gave us our modern musical octave which is based on the Golden Mean (Pi = 1.618), and the musical interval of the “Perfect Fifth.”  We brought in Sufi Master Hazrat Inayat Khan with his mysticism of sacred sound; the “Healing Fifth” harmony of do-sol that brings the endocrine and chakra systems into balance; the phenomena of cymatics with Dr. Peter Guy Manners, of the crickets hymn of praise, both by DVD, and of overtones and harmonic chant with Jonathan Goldman on CD; toning to resolve and reclaim dissonant energy; voice placement and exercises; quartz crystal and Tibetan singing bowls and tuning forks; and just plain fun and laughter.

At the beginning we each and altogether set our intentions for a beautiful new world as seeds into the sacred soil of spirit substance, which we nurtured with our love and friendship throughout the intensive, intoning sessions with a harmonic chant to each of the Seven Spirits of Love.  Toward the end of our time together we shared reading a consideration of the Seven Steps to the “Secret” of Manifestation, a compilation of excerpts from Uranda’s 1933 instruction paper, Instantaneous Manifestation, and Carnelian Sage’s wonderful little book, The Greatest Manifestation Principle in the World.  In closing we created a sacred sound vessica and sent our intentions forth upon the waves of harmonic chant to the Spirit of the New Earth – that’s the grounding root tones of the C Major triad, C E G.  We came, we learned, we shared, we sang, we drummed, we danced, we played, we blessed, we shared attunement, we co-created . . . and it was all very, very good!

(Visit Tony’s blog at )

P.S. I invite you to visit me on the web at : .  Other attunement sites worth visiting are:,

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