Creating the New Earth Together

Posts tagged ‘The Body Temple’

The Crown Portal to the Temple of Light (Reposted)

OVER THE LAST SEVERAL DAYS I’ve been dipping down into the bottomless pit of knowledge to explore the current activities in the world of medicine. Having spent more than half of my life in the healthcare field, I have a lingering sense of responsibility to help out friends who now look to me for guidance in these troubling pandemic times.  I assure you, the pit of knowledge is truly bottomless, filled with all sorts of conflicting opinions and tons of data one could spend hours and more studying and breaking down for easy assimilation and comprehension, a rather exhausting and futile undertaking . . . most of the time . . . and not always fruitless.

I waded through filthy waters full of deceit, lies, conspiracy, manipulation, censure, hype of all sorts, and sheer greed and avarice—though some of the water was clearer containing helpful information, insight and wisdom.

As I sit down to complete this week’s blog post, I feel a little used up mentally having just labored through several scientific interviews and medical news releases, and emerged from conversational interchanges on social media that deteriorated into argument and ridicule.  I had to delete the entire conversation in order to cut short the unravelling thread.  People are confused and fearful for their health and lives.

Yet this is the world into which we have chosen to incarnate and offer our services, a world mixed with the beautiful along with the ugly.  I embrace it all with love, forgiveness and compassion even as I put it out of mind now and return my attention to the place where I live and to which my soul longs to fully ascend.  Thank you for listening to my process. Now to my post.

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IN MY LAST POST, THE GREAT TREE, I shared a passage from the gospel of Mary Magdalene, or Miryam as her Master Jesus called her.  She was his Beloved Companion, after all, and he loved her more than he loved any of his other disciples, for which they resented and envied her, and questioned him.  His answer was “Why can I love her more than I love you?”  It was because she returned his unconditional love sevenfold, understood and kept his teachings more than they did.  I think we all tend to love most those who understand us and love us unconditionally.

Because of her love for Jesus, Miryam ascended to the level of “Apostle of apostles” and the “One who knew the All.”  Her soul ascended to the Crown at the Eighth Bough of the Great Tree and was utterly consumed by Spirit, represented and embodied by a woman clothed with the sun who dwells in this realm of eternal life. Miryam became the sun, and in her “responsive radiance” spent the remainder of her earthly journey in silence, because it was in the silence that her Master had spoken to her and revealed the truths inherent in the Great Tree. What a profound experience and sharing of her intimate relationship with Jesus, her beloved Lord and Master.


I am profoundly and deeply moved, because I am very much aware of this Great Tree in my own body temple, and the presence of Spirit at the Crown, which Uranda described and designated “The Temple of Light,” and to which he assigned seven steps of ascent. 

Now, I’ve always thought of the seventh step, Love, as the destination of the ascent.  However, Love is a step, the final step, leading to the Temple of Light, the implication being that the destination of the seven steps is the eighth landing, so-to-speak, above the seventh step. From this step one may ascend, as Miryam did, to the “Eighth Bough,” and in so doing enter the Temple of Light.  When one does enter his or her Temple of Light, one is filled with the radiance of the Spirit, consumed by the Sun and embraced by the Woman clothed by the Sun: the Great Mother. So much profound symbolism in these passages.

I would like to share a grand perspective of our total Humanity and whole holy Being, followed by something very personal about my experience of Attunement with Love, a gift from God given to the world through Uranda.  I first spoke of this in my book SACRED ANATOMY sixteen years ago, so this isn’t the first time I share it.

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      I mentioned life’s radiance as emanating from a point “within.”  We commonly think of our spirit as being within us, implying that I am inside my body.  But my experience has actually been that my body is inside me, in much the same way as the Earth, a relatively small deposit of cosmic rock with a molten core, is situated at the center of a vast magnetosphere.  This magnetosphere is known to flare outward and away from the Sun, like giant wings upon which our planet soars against the powerful and unrelenting currents of Solar Wind, eternally and irresistibly drawn toward its origin in the Sun but never quite able to come any closer to it.  Rather, the Sun comes to the Earth and to all the planets, engulfing them in its radiant light and solar winds.  In fact, if we take into consideration the entire outreach of the Sun’s rays, the planets are all contained within the Sun completely engulfed in its colossal magnetic force field as condensed particles of solar plasma.

  (Earth is surrounded by a system of magnetic fields, called the magnetosphere. The magnetosphere shields our home planet from harmful solar and cosmic particle radiation, but it can change shape in response to incoming space weather from the Sun.)  

This is also true of each one of us.   Our physical bodies have been described as “frozen light,” and are but a condensation of about a teaspoon of mineral ash expanded by air and water at the center of a rather large biosphere, which is said to extend some forty feet above, below and all around the physical body.   That biosphere is but the lower half of a larger force-field, symbolized by the figure 8.  The top half represents the invisible domain of spirit in the heaven and the lower represents the visible reflection in the earth of the perfect design of man in the heaven.  The two are joined together manifesting the oneness of heaven and earth.  This joining together may also be seen as a “double ring” marriage between the Beloved Lord or Lady with his or her triune human capacity for incarnation, which only death of the body can part them.

The Torus Energy Biosphere

      The upper spiritual half continually radiates the love of the Beloved to and through the lower physical half on the right side and draws upon it for response to the radiation up through the left side, ever lifting the body upward and keeping it upright and mobile.  Your body does not stand up solely on its feet.  It is, rather, suspended by a “skyhook” on a silver chord of pneumaplasm that connects it with the angel who dwells in the heavenly realm of spirit, the angel I am and we each one are. There is a compulsion in physical flesh to be drawn upward and inward toward the positive center of Being, just as the earth and all the planets are drawn toward the sun. I sense this focal point connecting the upper half with the lower to be located just above the head.

      Access to this point is through the heart, the fourth level of our sacred anatomy connecting the three above and the three below.  We move in the direction of our heart’s response. When the heart ponders the presence of the Beloved within long and longingly, sending unceasing, rich and passionate currents of love response upward to this One I AM, the body itself begins to feel the ebb and flow of these ascending and descending currents of energy.

      Perhaps I can attempt to describe the feeling in my heart toward this focal point of radiance above my head—of which I have become keenly aware during meditation and “self-attunement” as a spiritual practice—as clearly one of  being drawn and repelled at the same time. 

      On several occasions I have had the urge to ascend upward and somehow nestle inside the irresistibly warm and enfolding orb of this light, but could never seem to come any closer to it. 

Then, on one occasion, while it seemed as if I was finally about to disappear into this point of no apparent magnitude but definite position—where my heart had already ascended in utter ecstasy—this orb of condensed light suddenly descended and dispersed itself into and through my outer form, as a mighty rush of wind, filling my whole body both within and round about with light.

The MerKaBa

(This is the actual process and dynamic of ascension: the descension and full incarnation of the angel into the body temple, an experience that seems like an ascension. It is actually the descent of spirit down into the body temple transmuting it into a temple of light, symbolized by the six-pointed Star of David, also known as the MerKaBa.) 

The sheer rush of it caused my vocal chords to explode with the most awesomely haunting and penetrating sound I have ever heard, let along sung, and yet my lungs were not even engaged in this forceful release of whatever it was—the wind of spirit, I suppose.  It came from above my head as a real, palpable substance, and then seemingly exploded its vibrational essences through my vocal chords, giving them little if any choice but to release this sacred, transforming and transmuting sacred sound.

      In the instant this sound was released my whole outer being seemed to suddenly shift to a higher vibratory level and became completely engulfed inside a radiant sphere of substance that seemed to be made of pure light. I found myself suddenly in another dimension as though my body had ascended to the next vibratory level above the one in which we now function in these earth bodies. The strangest thing about this was that it seemed as though this sphere had been there all along and I had not noticed it. I had known about it but I had not experienced it until that moment when it revealed itself as this vibrational shift occurred and the atmosphere around my body became filled with the substance of Love, intensifying the force field. Then I became aware of it, suspended, as my body was, inside of it.  It seemed as though my feet were not touching the ground and I had the most powerful déja vu experience of my entire life. “This is where I belong,” I recall being assured in my heart. “This is Home.  This is who I am, this magnificent and powerful spirit enveloping and animating this human form.”  In the wake of that ecstatic moment was a deafening silence. 

      I did not want to leave that silent moment.  And I never shall leave it in consciousness for as long as I shall live, and I return to it often. I have had a couple of similar experiences since then—significantly enough while singing solo during worship services and therein focusing a creative current—but never quite as powerful as this first time. 

      I later came to understand that the first experience was that of a vibrational dam of resistance in my heart breaking, releasing a rush of current. After that initial surge of release, the experience became one of a natural and easy flow of spirit.  I recall how I had a challenge keeping my feet on the floor as I began to sing.  I had to deliberately look into the eyes of someone in the gathering—(another angel of sound)—in order to stay grounded.  I also recall feeling that this was the easiest and most natural experience I had ever known.  

      This focal point of connection truly is, without a doubt in my mind and heart, our ordained place to live, and we must—we can and we will—all return to it one day.  It is definitely available for experience when the conditions are just right, and therein is the key.  We must be willing to create, or occasion, the right conditions in which this magical alchemy of ascension may occur, which only the spirit and substance of love can provide sent upward in utter abandon to one’s Lord.

      The spiritual practice of Attunement is one way of creating such space. This is the source of inspiration behind this writing.  This is the work, I believe, we have all come here to do—our Father’s business—and it will not be complete until we return to this vibrational place together as One Body of many members in agreement and accord with the One Archangelic Spirit whose body it is.

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I welcome any thoughts you may wish to share, either by email or in the comment section below. Until my next post, 

Be love.  Be loved.

Anthony  (


Transmutation of the Earth, page 1

“I have thrown fire on the world. Look! I watch it until it blazes.” 

Jesus, from the Gospel of Thomas

Transmutation is by fire—the fire of love.  Continuing in this series “Crucibles for Transmutation and Ascension,” and sharing excerpts from my book SACRED ANATOMY—where spirit and flesh dance in the fire of creation. This post delves deeper into the chemistry and alchemy of transmutation, which begins deep within the soil of the earth and continues on up into and through our body temples where ceremonial vessels render gifts of Nature up to pay homage to their Creator.

Ceremonial Vessels

This sacred process continues in our body temples.  All of the body’s anatomy is used in the Ceremony of Ascension and is therefore sacred.  The ceremony is life itself, an eternal, sacred dance of atomic particles winding their way back Home, to ascend with their gifts through the body’s digestive system and to be renewed and sanctified in the shadow of their Creator.

Sacred vessels are used in this Ceremony of Ascension.   They are the glands and organs by which chemicals are produced to break down and purify substance and to move it upward toward the altar for sacrifice.  From our hands, with which we prepare the food for this service and lift it up to our mouths; to the tongue which conveys the food into the mouth to be ground and mixed with enzymes from the salivary glands; to the stomach, intestines and colon, which serve to prepare the substance for assimilation and absorption, with the help of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder and spleen—all are sacred vessels used to lift substance from one level to the next in an eternal process of ascension.   The heart, bloodstream and lymphatic system participate by circulating essential nutrients and oxygen from the lungs and phytochemicals in foods for the “burning” and consumption of the sacrificial offerings.  To “sacrifice” means to sanctify or make holy.   Thus is the substance from out of the vegetable and mineral kingdoms taken into the temple to give its essences into the building, maintenance and operation of our house of being.  In the process it is sacrificed.

What ascends upward on a continual basis is the refined atomic substance of the natural world of creation carried into the temple as gifts offered up from out of the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms.   What goes forth is rightly the blessing of life itself to all living forms.  That blessing is initially a barrage of digestive juices and enzymes which break up structures of food particles so that their essences may ascend more easily with the integrative cycle to become part of the body temple.  What cannot thus ascend is carefully but thoroughly eliminated from the temple through kidneys, bowels, lungs and skin to participate in the disintegrative cycle as fuel and fodder for the ongoing creative processes of life.   All of this is going on beyond our conscious awareness every moment of every day and night.

There are also the sacred vessels of mind, thoughts, words, heart, feelings and voice, as well as our tactile, visual and auditory senses.  All are rightly used by us as priests and priestesses in worship and blessing, communion and communication.

The word sacred derives from the Latin word for priest, sacerdos.  A priest, or priestess, is one who brings the radiance of the Christ into the world.  Anointed with the oil of love, he/she provides ritual space filled with love and reverence for God and all that is sacred, in which may be enacted the ceremony of communion with God in the cathedral of the Natural World.

All this, of course, relates to the true function of the angel in the temple restored to its beauty, glory and sacred purpose.   That restoration awaits the return of the body temple to this sacred service in the ceremony of life. That service and restoration is the initial work of each angel incarnate and can only be done by the angel him or herself.   For the temple itself is an extension of the incarnate angel.  Without the angel, not only would the temple be without meaning or purpose, but without existence as well.   So the initial requirement is to awaken to one’s own true identity and presence as an angel in this place of worship. Then the ceremony is conducted by a conscious angel on earth.

There is another ceremony, sometimes called “the temple service,” a term that refers to sacred sex.  As we shall explore later in depth, this service is specific to the final stage of ascension and transmutation of atomic substance into the realms of light, as incense rising, where it conveys essences of worshipful praise and thanksgiving upward and the outpouring of radiant love into the world. In this ceremony atomic substance is charged with the creative command of love.  All things work together for the perfect outworking of the Creative Process of life; all are therefore sacred and holy.               

In these ceremonies, as in a religious worship service at a cathedral or temple, something is offered upward of praise and thanksgiving to God, and something is offered outward in the form of blessing and sanctification. The ultimate benediction received in a ceremony of worship is a deeply felt connection with God in a personal way—a longing in the heart and soul of every man and woman on earth, whether consciously or unconsciously—consummated and celebrated in the “communion service.”   It is this longing that compels us along our paths to find happiness, joy and fulfillment in life—to discover God and Self as one.        

 As the vessels of the temple are so used in lifting praise and worship upward to God and conveying blessing outward into the world, they are sanctified in the radiant outpouring of love and consecrated as sacred vessels of the temple—made sacred in the sense that they are used by the priest or priestess in this Ceremony of Ascension to generate the spiritual substance of connection between the Spirit of God and the Body of God on Earth.  In this is the full meaning and purpose of life for human beings in the lower planes of Being.  In this lies the secret to health and longevity, to the radiant living of life, to majesty and excellence, to glory and beauty.  In this is the whole life purpose of the angel incarnate on Earth.  Our natural state is one of praise to our Creator as individual cells in His body, that in the state of praise, shared by all the cells in the body, the Body of God may rise up in the Earth to give Deity a means of being and acting in this realm of Creation. ♦

We have only something to give back to the Creator what has been his from the beginning.  We can’t give God anything he doesn’t already have and own, except perhaps praise and thanksgiving.  But even the angels offer up praise and thanksgiving to the Creator continually.  We don’t own anything of and on the Earth, real estate notwithstanding.  As Chief Seattle stated his truth and wise counsel: 

“Teach your children what we have taught our children: that the earth is our mother.  Whatever befalls the earth, befalls the children of the earth.  If we spit upon the ground we spit upon ourselves. This we know.  The earth does not belong to us; we belong to the earth.  One thing we know which the white man may one day discover: our God is the same god.  You may think now that you own him as you wish to own our land; but you cannot.  He is the God of all people.  And compassion is equal for all.  This earth is precious to God, and to harm the earth is to heap contempt on the Creator.  So love it as we have loved it. Care for it as we have cared for it.  And with all your mind, with all your heart, preserve it for our children and love it as God loves us all.” ― Chief Seattle 

Back in the days of my own spiritual awakening and coming forth, I was gifted with a powerful experience of oneness with the One whose Earth this is.  This song emerged from out of that ecstatic experience of oneness, sung in the first person “I.” It is profoundly meaningful and sacred to me in a very personal way.  I trust that you can hear it and identify with it in the light of your own emergence as a lord in your world. May it quicken in you a sense of oneness with the Lord of lords as a steward and co-owner of “the Earth and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein.” 

The Earth is the Lord’s.

As Chief Seattle said, the earth does not belong to us.  Rather we belong to the Earth, which belongs to the Lord.  People say they belong to this organization or that organization; to this church or that church; to this political party or that one.  In truth, we belong solely to God, to the Lord and Archangelic Sovereign of this planet and solar system. This I know.  Until my next post, 

Be love.  Be loved.


(If you would like a copy of Songs of the Earth, a CD I recently had made of this song and my Christmas song“This Angel’s Tree,” which I shared in the previous post, send me your request by email.)  

Crucibles for Transmutation and Ascension, page 3: Sacred Design of the Body Temple

Completing the story of King Solomon before continuing in the theme of this series, it is significant in the historical context that Solomon’s kingdom was a failed opportunity for Paradise to be restored on Earth and Man restored to his original role in Eden as co-creator with God.

As you read this post, keep in mind that another and final opportunity is with us today, and we either rise and seize the day or we fall down into oblivion.  The Earth will go on to become the Paradise it was created to be, only without humankind—perhaps for the habitation and true stewardship of Spiritual Man, made in the image and likeness of God decked with majesty and excellence, clothed with a body of light and radiant as a sun—or perhaps more like a Christmas Tree decorated with lights of all the colors of the rainbow.

I wrote a sweet little Christmas song back in my spiritual awakening days that was inspired by the symbol of the Christmas Tree. It’s called “This Angel’s Tree.”  This was back when I was more swift and agile on my feet. Have a listen: 


And now on to Solomon’s story, from which we may glean what we must cease doing in order to move with the returning cycle of restoration.  This excerpt is from my book SACRED ANATOMY, where spirit and flesh dance in the fire of creation. In this excerpt I reference the late biblical historian Grace Van Duzen’s legacy work, THE BOOK OF GRACE, A Cosmic View of the Bible.

Solomon’s kingdom represented the culmination of a failed cycle of resurrection for the Body of Mankind—which began to move, actually, with Seth, one of Adam’s sons, out of whose lineage came Noah and, through Noah’s lineage, Abraham. The cycle was initiated with the sparing of Isaac’s life as he was about to be slain in a sacrificial offering by Abraham, his father, upon a mountain in the land of Moriah. With this action, Abraham brought to an end an ancient pattern of human sacrifice that had long been an integral part of ceremonial worship on earth.  The rest of the cycle as recorded in the Old Testament is the story of the rise and fall of the nation of Israel, which had several kings and prophets before it came to an end.  Among these was King Solomon.

Solomon’s kingdom was, without exception, of the highest order, first spiritually and, consequently, materially.  Eden was in the process of being restored as heaven and earth were being revealed as the inseparable duality they are.  As Grace depicts in her book, his close attunement with God resulted in a reflection in the material wealth of his earthly kingdom of the heavenly wealth of the heavenly Kingdom of God.  His great wisdom and wealth attracted wisdom and wealth, such as the Queen of Sheba herself  (the only female Egyptian Pharaoh of that era) from the south of Solomon’s kingdom,  as well as King Hiram of Phoenicia from the north.  It was the highest point to which any remnant of human consciousness and civilization had ever risen in the cycles of restoration since the “Fall.” Referencing Immanuel Velikovsky’s book, Ages in Chaos, as her source, Grace speaks of the recognition of Solomon’s greatness by “Queen Sheba” (which turns out to be the name of the queen herself rather than a place):

‘Queen of Egypt and Ethiopia’ is a fitting description of Egypt’s sovereign at that time her kingdom including those countries.  Aside from the unique instance of a female ruler, the record of a pharaoh visiting a foreign king and acknowledging the superiority of that one, exhibited by Sheba, is not to be found anywhere.

Solomon’s glory and his kingdom deteriorated, however, as the king himself began to become subjugated to his great wealth and many wives, by means of whom he had acquired his wealth.

According to the story Grace so graphically portrays, Solomon took unto himself wives who were princesses of the surrounding nations, which then became part of his great kingdom.  In trying to please everyone in order to be accepted as the ruler of the world at that time, he lost his orientation in the one God and soon began to be ruled by his wealth and his “strange wives.” Instead of lifting them up to worship the one God of Abraham, he allowed them to continue in their sacrifices to their pagan gods, he himself joining with them by building altars to these other gods and worshiping them himself. Thus did his reign as a great spiritual and temporal ruler come to its sad demise, as did Queen Sheba’s, who is believed to have been murdered by Thutmose III, her nephew and successor—who also defaced the beautiful bas-reliefs of her image inside the walls of her temple in his covetous lusting after her fame and fortune. 

 This story is an important one in that it tells the tale of the zenith of the cycle and pattern of ascent initiated with Abraham that was intended to reunite Mankind with the One God and Creator of this world and of all its kingdoms, to the end that the kingdoms of this world might once again become “the kingdoms of our Lord and of  his Christ.”   As told by Grace in her book, it is as fascinating as it is foreboding.  If where we as a people are headed today is a repeat of where we have been in the past, then this story is well worth revisiting by the peoples of every nation as an example of how seeds planted inexorably come to harvest and how the divine design cannot be thwarted.

I do not believe, however, that Solomon’s story is a foreboding tale of our own journey.  For we are awakening, none too early, to the victorious nature of our divinely inherited destiny as sons and daughters of God, a tribute we alone cannot claim but must share with all who have gone before us. It is to this I would now like to give deeper consideration.  For our temples of flesh are the living structures upon which are based the architectural designs and ceremonial functions of the great temples of old. Let us continue our exploration.

Sacred Design of the Body Temple

Our body temples, built in the silence of the womb, have a specific and purposeful design.  For example, there is the “encampment” of all the body tissues, organs and systems where the activities of cellular life go on continually and the affairs of nourishment and elimination are carried out.  Then there is the “outer court” of the brain and nervous system, where communication and mental activities are conducted in a contained and highly organized system.  Part of the function in the outer court of the human temple relates to planning and preparation of foods for consumption—and, as we shall see, for sacrificial ceremony.  The primary activity in the outer court relates to the conscious living of life according to the laws that govern life in the universe with a mind that is naturally designed to revere and protect life’s sacred essences and keep sacred things sacred.

These two physical and mental aspects comprise the body temple.  Its spiritual aspects, the Holy Place and the Holy of Hollies, comprise the tabernacle and are rightly hidden from view.  Jesus is recorded to have proclaimed in his day that “the tabernacle of God is with men.”  The tabernacle of that time represented the dwelling place of God. As we shall explore later, the point of entry for the indwelling Spirit of God in our physical temple is established in a safe and sacred place, protected and hidden by a series of veil-like membranes in the center of the brain, corresponding to the tent and veils of the tabernacle of old.

The Holy Place is our heart, or feeling realm, and is of a spiritual nature.  Here is where the things of spirit are sown as seed, conceived and nurtured, then given first-form before they take on thought form in the mind and physical form in the material world of creation.   The heart, then, is a receptacle for spiritual essences as they emerge from out of the core of being.  It is also an altar where the ascending essences of the material world come to be blessed and offered upward.

At the very center of the temple is the Holy of Hollies wherein the Spirit of God dwells with each one.  One could think of it as a portal that opens up into the heavenly realms of light.  Like the Holy Place, it is a spiritual or vibrational space in the heart of hearts. It is known unmistakably during ecstatic moments of holy communion with the Beloved.

While the Holy Place of the heart is where the gifts of God are received into this world, the outer court is where the process of administering and stewarding such gifts of the spirit rightly takes place. Great care is needed here at the mental level of the outer court to protect the Holy Place and to keep the things of God pure and unadulterated by coarser vibrational substance.  The mind’s role is that of a guardian watching over the Holy Place of the heart to keep anything from defiling its delicate, creative atmosphere wherein the seeds of life germinate, open and begin to grow.

That which is sown and conceived in the Holy Place is in the form of blessing and spiritual nourishment for the body temple.  Those blessings are then bestowed upon the cells in the body in the form of life energy and renewal so that through them the blessings of radiant love in action might be extended further out into the world of creation, the natural world, which is our domain.  Thus is the Creator’s dominion extended to all forms in the world of creation through Man.

Ceremony of Ascension

As Grace Van Duzen has described, the entrance to Solomon’s temple was by way of a series of terraces.  Those who entered the temple did so in stages, ascending by way of these terraced steps, singing psalms as they approached the temple.  In our body temples too, as well as in the larger cathedral of the Natural World, both spiritually and physically there are patterns whereby substance may ascend before the throne of God in these temples of flesh and earth, with ceremony and sanctification.   The tradition of offering a prayer of blessing and thanksgiving before meals may be seen as part of this ceremony, preparing these food substances to enter the living temple.  Thus do we give the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms voice as they join in worship before the throne of God on earth.  As priests and priestesses we bless them and receive their copious gifts.  In our body temples, there is rightly a temple service of worship in progress.   I will call it the “Ceremony of Ascension.”   This service may be seen in the chemical processes at work continually in the body transforming and transmuting the foods we consume into breathing flesh and releasing their gifts of energy into the muscles and systems.  It is a sacred ceremony.  The derivation of the word ceremony itself is rooted in the word sacred.

The ceremony begins in the Natural World, where the elements seek their appointed paths upward in worship of the Creator. Seeds of previous harvests are soaked and split open by germinating acids that coat them for this specific purpose.  Rays of sunlight warm the good, brown and moist earth accelerating the growth of sprouting seedlings, their tender white and green stems reaching upward to greet His Majesty in the Sun, while their roots reach deep down into the soil to welcome awaiting elements in the fertile womb of Her Majesty and Goddess Gaia. Minerals of various densities deep within the belly of the Earth Mother find their way upward through the vegetable kingdom.  They are then broken apart (chelated) into pieces small enough to pass through the tiny veins of the plants growing in the humus soil above the layers of clay and rocks. Here they will be rearranged in preparation for use in flesh temples.  Organic acids in the soil help with this process, as roots of plants go deep to draw nutrients and water upward in this ancient ritual of ascent.

This sacred process continues in our body temples.  All of the body’s physiology is used in the Ceremony of Ascension and is therefore sacred.  The ceremony is life itself, an eternal, sacred dance of atomic particles winding their way back Home, to ascend with their gifts through the body’s digestive system and to be renewed and sanctified in the presence of their Creator.  Sacred vessels are used in this Ceremony of Ascension. 

We will explore these vessels in the next post of this series. Until then,

Be love. Be loved.


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