Creating the New Earth Together

Posts tagged ‘Climate crisis’

The Earth is the Lord’s


(Click on the link below to listen to a sound tract of my Earth Day Song)

The Earth Is The Lord’s

“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof,

The world and they that dwell therein”


I come in the midst of Heaven to bless the fullness thereof.

I stand in midst of the Earth and welcome the fullness thereof.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the Fullness thereof.


Behold, I come in the sea and put my hand on the tides thereof.

And, lo, I come in the wind and put my hand on the currents thereof.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the rhythms thereof.


Behold I come in the Earth and put my hand on the Seasons thereof.

And, lo, I come in the Sun and put my hand on the Fire thereof.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the Season’s thereof.


I come in the towering mountains, I come in the rolling hills,

I come in the blue-green forests, I come in the sweet daffodil.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the beauty thereof.


I mount the sky on wings of eagles,

I run on hooves through the bondless plains.

I plunge the deep in whales of the ocean

I nourish my own in the fields of grain.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the kingdoms thereof.


Who will stand with me in the midst of the fullness thereof?

And put a hand of care on the boundaries of the fullness thereof?

Earth is the Lord’s and the boundaries thereof.


Behold, I’ll come to thee and put my fire in the heart thereof

And, lo, I’ll come through thee and give my love to the fullness thereof.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the Power thereof.


Behold, I’ll come to thee and put my thoughts on the wheel thereof.

And, lo, I’ll come through thee and shed my Light on the fullness thereof.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the Wisdom thereof.


And, yes! I’ll come to thee and put my breath in the flesh thereof.

And, yes! I’ll come through thee and share my Life with the fullness thereof.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.


Who will stand with me and welcome the fullness thereof

And who will dwell with me in the heaven of the fullness thereof?

The Earth is the Lord’s and the heaven thereof.


Come and share with me in blessing with the Spirit of Love

The world and they that dwell in the Earth, and the fullness thereof.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the People thereof.


The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof

The world and they that dwell therein.


“The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.”

(Psalm 24;1)

(The link below will take you to an audio recording of my Earth Day Song)

The “Mystery of Consciousness”. . . The Addiction to Narrative

“Don’t be afraid to face the facts, and never lose your ability to ask the questions: Why? and How?”   Immanuel Velikovsky 

CONSCIOUSNESS IS NO MYSTERY.  Like a seedbed wherein ideas are planted, nurtured by unwavering belief, and given birth in their seasons, consciousness is the matrix for creation.  It is very fertile soil, so fertile that one has to be very careful about the nature of the seeds one plants. 

This fertile soil can be cultivated and seeded from below as well as from above and within.  Our physical bodies and the natural world are the fruits of seeds planted by Life from above.  The world that man has constructed and imposed upon the surface of this planet, with its skyscrapers, concrete roadways and parking lots, industrial and commercial complexes, along with its burgeoning landfills, are all the product of seeds planted by human beings from below . . . none of it compatible with the fine living, breathing fabric of our beautiful Home among the stars. 

Not all is a burden to the Earth, as many of our ideas and dreams, visions and asperations are creative and harmonious with the natural climate of Gaia.  There is a saying among the spiritually awake when an idea presents itself for manifestation, “Put it in the heaven.”  A more common expression is “Put it on the back burner.” If it is resonant with Life, it may be useful to the creation of a living world.  What we now have is a dying world created by dying human beings. 

Weeds find their way into this sacred soil as well, deposited there by birds-of-sorts in their fertilizing poop. There’s a biblical passage that cautions “Beware the snare of the fowler,” the web-like net of the human mind that snares fleeting ideas. The soil of consciousness can become cluttered with weed-yielding seeds, so we have a responsibility to “Tend and keep the Garden.”

The content of human consciousness is generally a clutter of “false ambition’s restless schemes” . . . busy thoughts and self-serving ideas and concepts—many of them like concrete: thoroughly mixed up and permanently set . . . and ardently defended when challenged.  Just consider the “narrative” put forth by the official guardians of the nation’s health with regard to the current global health crisis.  Try and put forward an alternative narrative on social media, even amongst friends and family, and you’ll find yourself quickly censored and cancelled.  Mark Twain had something to say about this: “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they’ve been fooled.”


Human consciousness, in its state of uncertainty and insecurity, greatly values official and popular narratives, and will ardently defends them against any and all challenges to the contrary.  It’s an addiction affording a sense of comfort, though false, in knowing what’s going on in the world, especially in a life-threatening crisis.  Most are fear mongering motivators. 

There are a number of crises constantly going on in our world of many problems.  One such crisis is in the Christian world of religious beliefs and doctrines.  I ran into this one several months ago during a fairly pleasant conversation with a nephew who is heavily invested in the Pentecostal narrative that “All men are sinners”—until I suggested he consider the passage in Genesis that says he is made in the image and likeness of God and is therefore Divine.  He vehemently objected to even the suggestion of a different narrative about the nature of man. “Oh No! I am a sinner! The Bibles says all men are sinners.”  I recall a biblical passage that declares “All men are liars.” (Psalm 116:11).  It was Paul who declared all men to be sinners, but Paul didn’t know the Master, nor did he ever hear Him speak of His Gospel of the Kingdom of Love.

Then, there’s this “pandemic” which has polarized the population of the world in two different camps believing in two opposing narratives.  Friends and families have been torn apart by this controversy.  The attitude is taken, on both sides, “Don’t mess with my belief if you don’t want to start a heated argument.  I need to believe in this for my own sanity and security.”  Apparently, this is not a good time nor topic for inquiry and critical thinking.

People have been censored and imprisoned, even scrubbed out, for putting forth a narrative that radically differs from the “official” narrative . . . and not only in modern times.  We have the historical precedent of the crucifixion of Jesus.  He was denied not once but three times by a disciple, abandoned by all but two or three, and crucified by those to whom he had come to offer salvation and a Way into the Kingdom of Heaven without having to die—all for proclaiming his divinity and the divinity of all men, male and female, made in God’s image and likeness.  He brought forward a narrative that was radically different from the long-standing Hebrew doctrines, and it was rejected by staunch believers in an ancient narrative that a Messiah would come and set things to right here on earth.  “My kingdom is not of this world” he told Pilate . . . yet another narrative that no one in his day could quite comprehend much less adopt.  The narrative of a temporal kingdom with a Messiah as king was deeply invested in by the religious authorities of the day, as well as the Zealots among the people, who cried out for his crucifixion. 


Then there’s the “climate crisis” everyone’s polarized in . . . well, almost everyone, most actively our youth since it’s their future that’s at stake.  Here’s a report by Somini Sengupta, Global Correspondent on climate issues for the New York Times from a recent survey of 10,000 young people on the issue of climate change. 


Four Takeaways on the youth climate movement: They’ve grown up in a pandemic.  They’ve come of age in an era of strongman leaders.  The climate crisis looms over their very lives. Generation Z, the cohort born after 1996, has inherited a set of compounding uncertainties. It explains, in some measure, the vibe of the youth climate movement. Powered by rage and distrust, it is decentralized and it is increasingly focused on the inequitable effects of global warming.

The global youth movement known as Friday for the Future has called on its members to organize protests around the world this Friday, March 25 (yesterday).  Its rallying cry is “climate reparations and justice.”

Here’s what I find most revealing about this generation of climate activists: They distrust government.

In a survey of 10,000 people between ages 16 and 25 in 10 countries, three-fourths said they think “the future is frightening.”  The survey was funded by an advocacy group, Avaaz, led by researchers at the University of Bath in England and published in The Lancet in December.  It asked respondents to answer “yes” or “no” or “prefer not to say” to a series of questions.

More than 64 percent said their governments were not “doing enough to prevent a climate catastrophe”; more than 61 percent said they did not have trust in their government; and more than 58 percent said their governments were “betraying” them.  In the U.S., they are mostly female and white.

This state of protest in the consciousness of our youth, seeded and nurtured by fear of extinction of our species, and anger toward the government for not doing more to avert an existential crisis, ignores the fact that the government has little real control over the climate of the planet.  The climate of the earth and all the planets is largely controlled and determined by what’s happening with the Sun at the center of our solar system.  Earth is part of a unit and moves with what is moving within it—which for the past several years has been a gradual heating-up, bringing about climate changes on all the planets, severe storms and turbulences just like those here on Earth. 

Our planet is not in jeopardy of extinction.  We are.  Not by climate change alone but by our own hand.  We’re poisoning our water, our air and our earth with our waste and industrial pollution. The fourth Creative Force, fire, cannot be polluted, and is at work cleansing and purifying the earth and its inhabitants. 


Returning to the ill-conceived cancellation of Jesus by the radical fundamentalists of his day—a cancellation that was echoed and repeated at the ecumenical Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325, a council of Christian bishops convened by Roman Emperor Constantine, in which Jesus’s message of the Kingdom of love was literally redacted and the official narrative of Christianity for the entire world established and published in the Nicaean Creed, a narrative recited at Sunday Services in the Christian world year ’round. The narrative Jesus brought and offered to the world hasn’t been successfully cancelled but continues to be offered by the Lord of lords and King of kings.  His Kingdom is the Kingdom of Heaven from which his Father, who is Love, seeds the sacred soil of Consciousness from which Mother God brings forth the fruits of the Tree of Life in the Garden of the Natural World and so-called “wild kingdoms,” even with a few faithful stewards on hand to tend and keep it. 

The youth of today protest to the government for its lack of doing more about the “climate crisis.”  The truth is, WE are the government.  As youth choirs sing out these days, “We are the world.  We are the people.” It’s our job to set things to right here on Earth.  We are the designated keepers of Eden. 


When was the last time you looked around and marveled at the beauty of Mother Nature’s wonderful world?  The wondrous works of the Creator, seeded from above by Father Sun, as the Native American Indians saw the world and honored the Earth and the Great Spirit whose world it is?  As I stated earlier, we must take great care for what seeds we sow in the garden of human consciousness.  Seeds of fear for what the climate prophets predict lies ahead for mankind and the planet invite that which we most fear to come upon us. The narratives we uphold and hold sacred in consciousness have the potential of doing more than simply defining what is thought to be going down in our world.  They have the seminal potential of determining what will transpire down the road, if not sooner.  


When I think deeper about it, why do we need a narrative at all?  About anything? Why, indeed?  A narrative is not needed to define what’s going on in the world. It’s plain to see. As the current popular quip puts it, “It’s what it is.”  The world is what it is . . . and how we’ve made it.  There’s a saying in the Bible “Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.” The New World—the biblical “New Jerusalem”—comes down from God out of Heaven . . . “adorned as a bride for her husband” . . . all ready to be received and established on Earth.  That’s why we’re here.  The only reason why we were put here: to know the ordinances of Heaven and to set their dominion in the Earth.  Let us lift up our hearts unto Heaven and welcome the New Earth . . . even as we totter on an existential precipice “between the devil and the deep blue sea,” as the ancient saying goes.  

I leave you with these timeless words in the form of a poem composed by a remarkable spiritual teacher, Lord Martin Exeter.  May they quicken the angelic spirit of love for the truth of life in you, my cherished reader and follower.

                            THUS IT IS

From age to age

      Love’s word rings forth,

          “The truth is true and all is well,

                 Unconquerable life prevails.”

Oh, man, whose strident dreams

       Lead gravewards,

               Return to calm and noble

                       Character of life.

Blaze forth pure virtue;

        Depart false ambition’s restless schemes.

Busy thought and troubled feeling

        Trespass not in virtue’s wise serenity

              Where firm control and awful power

                      Eternally abide.

Here earth’s pains are healed

       And cruel chaos of mind’s spawning

              Is called again to order and to beauty.

 Thus it is. Until my next post,

Be love.  Be loved. 



What’s UP for Our Species?

“Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, Santayana declared, and the metaphor is apt. The mind that seeks the deepest intellectual fulfillment does not give itself up to every passing idea.” —(Richard Tarnas, COSMOS AND PSYCHE)

My last post engendered considerable response from readers who shared some very thoughtful views in a lengthy and rich conversation on a group Face Book page around the topic of the current climate crisis.  The last word on the so-called “climate crisis,” of course, has not been written, and may never be. I did receive a lead to my next book to read, COSMOS AND PSYCHE, which I am thoroughly enjoying. Thanks Don!

One of my followers, Marco, from Alojera, Canarias, Spain, shared these three perceptions:

1.That our environment is radically changing and requiring human behavior to adapt in ways that will challenge past behavior.

Yes, and “adapt” is the operative word for the purpose of the current post — as in evolve.

2. That aforementioned human behavior (particularly since the industrial revolution) has increasingly reflected a sense of identity separate and superior from the planet and its natural cycles; and that such separate, superior identity has been fertile ground for the emergence of aberrant, predatory, and ultimately self-defeating identity, convinced not of humankind belonging within a mutually interdependent ecosystem, but in an intrinsically fearful, competitive, and winner-takes-all matrix. 

On the one hand, the industrial complex may be playing a remedial role in getting the oil off our water planet, two substances that don’t mix well together. The late geology professor John Waskom, offered a rationale for the burning of oil, a foreign substance deposited on Earth by Venus when she was a comet some 3570 years ago — according to Dr. Immanuel Vlikovsky, author of Worlds In Collision, who was extremely knowledgeable in the texts of ancient peoples. Dr. Waskom’s scenario was that beings with technological expertise were sent here by the Creators specifically to pump the oil out of the ground and dispose of it. On the other hand, I don’t think the Creators had it in mind to turn the oil into plastic and other polluting and cancer causing chemicals. This has been the doings of “aberrant, predatory, and ultimately self-defeating” humans.

3. That as a result of the above, man is fearful of change, deeply convinced of his reliance on an unsustainable life-style. And unless something changes radically in man’s psychological assumptions, the species will not survive this phase of environmental change.

Radical change is the only path to survival. The question is: Who is it that hopes to survive this “unsustainable life-style?” More to the point: “Who can survive it?” Perhaps those who have thoroughly established a more sustainable life-style in an isolated and insulated community can.

A more transcendent question is: Why limit our thinking to mere survival of our species?  We can radically change our psychological assumptions. Why not think in terms of transcending the human condition altogether and creating a totally new and “greener” world on what seems to be emerging as a New Earth. God knows Gaia is doing her part to clear the way for a restoration to occur.

Behold, I create a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and old earth are passed away; and there is no more sea.

Because the new heaven and new earth are one and the separate “sea” of fallen human consciousness that had been maintaining the old earth is no more.  Human consciousness is transformed and transmuted into Divine Consciousness.  This is how the New Earth appears: “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts.” 

Marco added this quotation from Homer’s The Odyssey, which speaks to the pathetic attitude of irresponsible humans. 

 Men are so quick to blame the gods: they say that we devise their misery. But they
themselves — in their depravity — design grief greater than the griefs that fate assigns.

Question: Is there really a “climate crisis?  This reader’s comment suggests otherwise:

I agree much more can be done to care for the planet, but panic is not good, and it’s scaring children. Many say it’s urgent, but 500! scientists and engineers just told the UN it’s not an emergency, that climate policy is relying on inadequate models, so maybe some balance is required. Indeed, the Russian climate model says things are not as extreme . . . .  Science is wonderful and very useful, but I believe science doesn’t know everything and hasn’t factored in all the variables . . . . [Go to this link for the whole story.]…/scientists-tell-un…/ 

My poet friend sent me these words of wisdom:  When there’s a meme [an idea or behavior circulated on social media] being pushed at a mega scale it behooves one to ask why and for what purpose.”

So I ask why and for what purpose. As I said in my previous post, I am feeling my way through all the reactive journalism and commentaries around the subject of climate change. 

So, what is up for the Human Species?

All of this uproar over climate change poses a few questions in my own mind:  

1. Are we facing the inevitable demise of our species, perhaps in the form of some sort of transmutation of our flesh bodies to a higher form of, say, the frequency of light?

2. This question gives rise to another: Is the earth’s warming climate preparing the way by creating a vibrational caldron as a crucible in which this transmutation might occur “in the twinkling of an eye” and without too much suffering on the part of humans?

3. In other words, are we being asked by the Great Spirit Creator to let go of our attachment to these earthen forms, at least our identity with them, in order to cross over the alchemical threshold where physical materialization meets the spiritualizing realm, the abode of angels . . . if only in consciousness at first?

Transmutation of form follows transformation of consciousness, as consciousness is the matrix out of which form appears. In other words, there is a creative process to be stewarded here whereby all things are made new.  Re-creation in consciousness is accomplished by Spirit as it finds expression through us in our living.  My spiritual mentor articulated this principle forty years ago:

When the spiritual action is present the design in form appears. This is the principle which we have doubtless known for a long time but by which the restoration is made possible. Behold, I make all things new. As there is the means on earth by which the spiritual action may appear, then the substance in the realm of form leaps to reveal it. All this can occur very quickly when there is spiritual action and to the extent that there are people on the face of the earth who are willing to let it happen, who are no longer insisting that material substance should be held in the structured forms set up by fallen human nature.  (Martin Cecil)

Lest We Forget Our Past

What’s buried deep in the human psyche that’s pushing up for conscious acknowledgment and remembrance? Are we awakening from our mass amnesia and remembering our traumatic past so that we do not repeat it?

In an effort to answer these questions, I would like to revisit a post from last year and excerpt the closing paragraphs. The post itself is a review of Graham Hancock’s classic Fingerprints Of The Gods.” Below is a link to the post itself.


When human beings from around the globe, and from many different cultures, share a powerful and overwhelming intuition that a cataclysm is approaching, we are within our rights to ignore them. And when the voices of our distant ancestors, descending to us through myths and sacred architecture, speak to us of the physical obliteration of a great civilization in remote antiquity (and tell us that our own civilization is in jeopardy), we are entitled, if we wish, to stop our ears…

So it was, the Bible says, in the antediluvian world: “For in those days, before the Flood, people were eating, drinking, taking wives, taking husbands, right up to the moment that Noah went into the Ark, and they suspected nothing till the flood came and swept all away.”

In the same manner it has been prophesied that the next global destruction will fall upon us suddenly “at an hour we do not suspect, like lightning striking in the east and flashing far into the west … The sun will be darkened, the moon will lose its brightness, the stars will fall from the sky and the powers of heaven will be shaken ….”

What has happened before can happen again. What has been done before can be done again.

The thread that runs through the pages of Graham’s book weaves a fabric upon which is painted a prophetic picture for our generation specifically that warns of impending disaster for our world and its population based simply on a cosmic clock ticking away the centuries and millennia over the past 12,500 years since a highly advanced civilization was all but wiped off the face of the earth by a cataclysm. That civilization was known as Atlantis and is now believed to be buried beneath a two-mile thick cap of ice. Today that island continent is called Antarctica. Buried with it are the historical records of what this civilization did that brought about its destruction in literally the blinking of an eye — like a thief in the night.  It is likely we will never know the secret buried beneath those two miles of ice. An ancient lost civilization frozen in time and preserved till the day the ice melts and reveals its secrets. . . .

The survivors of the Deluge . . . left messages carved in stone which point to our day — when the sun rises on the Winter Solstice in the House of the constellation of Sagittarius at the South Gate of the Milky Way Galaxy between 1960 and 2040 AD — and when the pendulum of the cosmic clock strikes the hour when the hammer will likely fall again on the civilizations of man.  It is also the dawning of the Age of Aquarius which guards the North Gate of the Milky Way Galaxy.  As I wrote about in a previous post, this is also designated in Mayan cosmology as “the place of creation.”

We ignore the myths of our ancient ancestors to our peril.  The dawn of a New Day lightens the horizon. It’s time to wake up and face the harvest of our sowing days as it spreads ugly before us.  We’ve run into a concrete wall and there’s no way to go forward — only up and over it.  It’s the way Gaia is going — up, up and away!

I believe that collectively — and restoration is a collective experience of transformation, as we are all in the same boat — we have the spiritual substance necessary for Spirit to work through in averting a cataclysmic demise of our species, and to turn the tide of self-destruction by climate collapse or nuclear war.  I see this substance of love being generated by people the world over.  My wife and I participated recently in a diverse group dialogue on the issue of racial justice. The atmosphere in the room was one of accord that we are one race, the human race.  I came away with an uplifted sense that all is well. Unconquerable Life is prevailing, our differences adding color to its expression through us. We are beginning to truly love one another.  Let’s let this atmosphere increase and clarify to give Spirit a means for making all things new through Man restored. 

I leave you with this timely video message: “If we do not wish to die, then we must evolve.” Barbara Mor reads from The Great Cosmic Mother — Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth:

Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved



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