Creating the New Earth Together

Posts tagged ‘energy healing’

Sacred Organic Minerals, page 2

Twelve Cosmic Rays

“  . . . and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and  thunderings  and voices.”   (Rev. 4:5)

2017 DecemberWE’VE BEEN CONSIDERING COSMIC POWER and the role the Mineral Kingdom plays in grounding cosmic power in the Earth.  We saw how organic minerals ground and channel cosmic energy in and through our body-temples.  Let us read on in Sacred Anatomy and meditate on the mystery of life that unfolds through our body-temples.  Here’s the final installment in this series, which starts with a recalling of the last paragraph of the previous  post and Uranda’s instructions with regard to the Twelve Cosmic Rays:

In his Steps To Mastership, lesson thirteen, Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda) gives instructions relative to what he refers to as the “Twelve Cosmic Rays,” among other sacred factors essential to the process of spiritualization, or transmutation, of physical matter, which are “sometimes spoken of as zodiacal influences which form the directing urges by which mankind functions on the physical plane.”  He then makes this revealing statement: “The points of contact within the body through which the twelve Cosmic Rays are enabled to transmit life to the body, are the twelve Organic Minerals found in the body substance.”

Uranda further instructs: “There is a Tree of Life on every plane of being.  The twelve fruits of the Tree of Life on the physical plane are the twelve body minerals.” He then goes on to say that all twelve minerals are needed for health in the body, which must be attained before one can be influenced by the Twelve Cosmic Rays. These twelve minerals and cosmic rays are represented by the “twenty and four elders” who stood around the throne and bowed down to the One who sat thereon casting their crowns down before Him. Cosmic energy is released in our bodies when these twelve minerals are present and their powers made available to the One I Am.

These organic minerals are: Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron, Fluorine, Chlorine, Silica, Manganese, Sulphur, and Iodine.  Their functions in the body temple are many and varied. All are essential to the function of the endocrine glands and the nervous system’s capacity to carry electrical current, as well as in the production of enzymes. All are instrumental in the ceremony of ascension in both the body temple and in the larger Cathedral of the Natural World.

 Calcium’s function is to build bones and teeth, help with blood coagulation, reduce neuromuscular irritability and facilitate contraction of muscles and nerve conduction in the heart muscles. Magnesium is used in tooth formation, nerve conduction, muscle contraction and enzyme activation. It balances Calcium one-to-two respectively.  Sodium plays a large role in acid-base balance, osmotic pressure, blood pH, muscle contractility and nerve transmission. Potassium’s role is with muscle activity, nerve transmission, intracellular acid-base balance and water retention, and energy management.  It assists in escorting glucose into muscle cells for energy. Phosphorus in closely associated with Calcium and its functions with bone and teeth formation.  It is used in establishing and maintaining acid-base balance, is a component of nucleic acids and is involved in energy production.  Iron assists in the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin, contributes to the production of certain enzymes and iron-sulphur proteins.   Fluorine is used in bone and tooth formation.  Chlorine is used in acid-base balance, osmotic pressure, blood pH and kidney function.

 Silica’s chief role is in the alchemical production of bone tissue through a process of “biological transmutation.”  I suspect it also plays a role in memory storage, similar to that of the silica microchip in the computer.   It is believed that bones provide an atomic memory engram depository that contains the record not only of contemporary legacies but of ancient ones as well.  Manganese is essential to joint mobility and ligament tone, strength and elasticity. It is also vital to the function of the Pituitary gland and plays a component part in the makeup of manganese-specific enzymes.  Sulphur is an antibiotic that also helps with joint motility.   Finally, Iodine is essential to the production of thyroxine in the thyroid gland (T4) and triodothyronine (T3), both essential to growth and development.  It also plays a role as an energy-control mechanism and in fetal differentiation.

 Not mentioned by Uranda are the seventy-two or more trace minerals that play empowering roles in the balancing of body chemistry, especially with the hormones.  Just to name a few of them,  Selenium, found in wheat germ oil, plays a key role as part of the Vitamin E complex in the cardiovascular system. Technically, Selenium is a component of the enzymes glutathione peroxidase, which metabolizes hydroperoxides formed from polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as enzymes that take the iodine out of thyroid hormones before they are recycled.  Chromium is a trace mineral that promotes the utilization of glucose by the muscle cells, thereby supporting the glucose tolerance factor in the bloodstream.  Molybdenum is a transitional metal that forms oxides and is a component of a coenzyme essential to the activity of xanthine oxidase, sulfite oxidase, and aldehyde oxidase, enzymes involved in preventing toxic levels of sulfite, xanthine and aldehyde (such as formaldehyde) in the blood stream.

Magnesium, which most Americans are deficient in, and the trace mineral Gold are essential to balanced and clear mental function.  The presence and function of Gold in the brain is not surprising in light of the presence of the focus of Love in the Pineal.  The trace mineral silver is a protective element that vibrationally alters pathogens, such as harmful bacteria and viruses, upon contact.

These elements of the mineral kingdom are not only present in a healthy body, their levels and ratios to one another are critical to maintaining healthy function, strength and vitality in the body.  Calcium is in critical ratio to Phosphorus, Magnesium and Potassium; Sodium is balanced by Potassium; Copper and Zinc need to be in balanced ratio, as well as Sodium and Magnesium, Copper and Iron.  The degree to which these minerals are present in their proper levels and ratios, the body is healthy.  To the degree they are not, the body is sick and dying.

 While Copper intensifies cellular activity, activating estrogen in cell proliferation, Zinc, which activates progesterone and testosterone, cools it down.  The body contains two to three grams of Zinc, found mainly in bones, teeth, hair, skin, the liver, muscle, leukocytes and in the testes.  It plays a role in skin integrity, enzymes, wound healing and growth.  Inorganic Copper is a heavy metal whose unbound ions are toxic.   Almost all of the Copper in the body is present as an organic mineral component of copper proteins, thereby reducing the in-vivo concentration of unbound copper ions almost to zero.  On average, an adult has about 150 mg of Copper in the body, of which about 10 to 20 mg are in the liver.  (Most of the information about the function of these minerals was taken from The Merck Manual, Seventeenth Edition.)

So we see there is an amazing interrelationship of checks and balances in the way minerals and trace minerals are arranged and proportioned in the body by reason of the chelating activity in the vegetable kingdom, which is designed to provide nutritional nourishment for the animal kingdom, a kingdom which our present physical capacities are yet part of. 

Up until recently these essential nutrients have been virtually ignored in commercial farming.  In America, our agricultural lands were declared demineralized and, therefore, unfit for farming as early as the 1940’s, resulting in Americans becoming the most over-fed and under-nourished nation in the world.  Whereas the human body needs some fifty nutrients for healthy function, our soils are given but a handful of commercial chemicals with which to work in order to produce vegetables and fruit that are pleasant to the eyes but empty of life-sustaining nutrients.

Adrenal exhaustion is presently surfacing as the primary malady of people in this country and the fundamental, underlying cause of nearly all bodily malfunctions.   In his important book,  Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome,  naturopathic physician Dr. James L. Wilson decries the fact that  doctors have been dealing with . . .

“. . . a  problem of monstrous proportions that is largely unrecognized by the medical establishment.  This has left millions of people suffering from an untreated problem that interferes not only with their ability to function but also with their capacity to enjoy life.  It is difficult to assess exactly how much money is lost by corporations due to worker absenteeism, poor or clouded decision making, alcoholism, drug abuse, ‘nervous breakdowns,’ burnout, employee conflict, acute and chronic illness, loss of employees, and a host of other costly problems that stem from the effects of over-stressed adrenal glands.” 

Little wonder that this is so, since ninety-five percent of Americans have been declared severely deficient in organic minerals and trace elements.  If they are not in the soil, of course, they are not to be found in our foods and therefore not in our bodies in sufficient levels or appropriate proportions. Where minerals and essential trace elements for the conduction of life’s energy are lacking in the human body, the stress of daily activities is almost unbearable.

These precious elements work their vibrational magic within the body according to their specific vibratory frequencies. They are the gifts of the mineral kingdom and can only be taken up into the body in colloidal form as they naturally appear suspended in vegetation.  All of these are elements that are readily available today, more than ever before its seems, as Mother Nature yields up her secrets to us in a copious stream of these and other “healing nutrients” in the form of whole food supplements and herbs.  I am forever amazed at the timely provision of life as it demonstrates its loving care for the body of Mankind on earth.  All that remains is for us each one and all to open up and receive these bountiful gifts with joy and thanksgiving while efforts are increasingly being directed by organic farmers the world around toward replenishing the soil and returning to organic gardening practices. 

Organic farming has begun to appear throughout the land, with organically produced vegetables and fruits becoming plentifully available in supermarkets.  One way to tell if a vegetable was grown in mineral-rich soil is its sweetness.  Minerals make your carrots sweet.  If they’re not sweet, they were grown in mineral-depleted soil.  To safeguard your body’s health, I recommend a daily supplementation of organically grown minerals and trace minerals.  They are essential to the utilization of vitamins . . . and to our reception of cosmic rays.

Standard Process Laboratories in Palmyra, Wisconsin has been making wholefood supplements available to doctors and their patients for over a hundred years.  They maintain a large organic farm on site.  Its founder, Dr. Royal Lee, was a dentist who believed that a person’s teeth depend on a well-nourished physical body.  So he developed a line of wholefood supplements in order to provide his patients with vitamin-and-mineral-rich supplements. I’ve used them in my practice for many decades with rewarding success . . . and I supplement my daily diet with them.

I welcome any thoughts you may have and wish to share.  This being Christmas weekend, I wish you each one a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year in 2023.  Until my next post, 

Be love.  Be loved. 


Picture credit: “Eye of the Divine” (Twelve Cosmic Rays) by Goa Lobaugh.  See his art at

Cornerstone of the Body Temple

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“. . . we remember that the Master said, ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed.’ Its first point of manifestation is very small, but when it is grown it becomes the greatest of the herbs of the field.” (Uranda)

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THE PINEAL GLAND, a pea-size member of the endocrine system nestled in the center of the brain, is the designated point and place of fusion in the body temple between Heaven and Earth for each individual.  When the body temple is a house of prayer and thanksgiving, used as a place of worship of God, it is lifted up vibrationally to a higher level to fuse with the Spirit of Love and is filled with the substance of Love.

When a critical number of individual souls have fused their body temples with the Spirit of Love at this level, and are in tune with the Tone of Love and in step with the pulsations and rhythms of Life, then will the Body of Mankind be filled with the substance of Love.  When the Body of Mankind is filled to over-flowing with the substance of Love, the whole world will begin to be filled with the substance of Love, which no evil can withstand.  The Pineal gland plays a pivotal role in this fusion with and infilling of Love substance. Man restored will then play his appointed role in setting the ordinances of the New Heaven in the New Earth in order for the Cycles of Restoration, pre-ordained in the Inner Plane, to be set in the Outer Planes.  Spiritual mentor, Martin Cecil, once stated it beautifully and succinctly . . .

We are here to fill the world with the substance of love, to fill the world with the transforming power of love. Nothing can withstand that. The transformation occurs. Nothing can stop it. It only happens when there is someone on hand to do it. It doesn’t come magically out of the sky. It’s done because one loves to do it: that’s the only thing to do; one can’t do anything else. Then the world begins to be filled with the substance of love and behold, all things are made new, not in the twinkling of an eye necessarily, but pretty fast nevertheless.  

Used as a house of worship of the treasures and idols in the outer world plane, the body temple crumbles and returns to its origin in the elements of the earth . . . “ashes to ashes, dust to dust” . . . and is blown away by the winds of change into oblivion, as the Story of Daniel portrays in the previous post and this one.  In the final drama of the story, the little white stone, representing the kingdom of Daniel’s “God of Heaven,” is established during the rise of several kingdoms and would remain to fill the whole earth after these other kingdoms had passed away — a prophetic story casting its shadow onto our world today presently undergoing radical change as the old mind-made kingdom crumbles beneath our feet. 


OUR STORY OF DANIEL takes us to the end of an empire that was founded upon worship of the elemental gods of iron, silver, brass and gold.  Today’s industrial empire is founded upon worship of money and addiction to fossil fuels.  Daniel’s God was a God of love, the “cornerstone” of the temple of the living God.  That cornerstone is embodied by the Pineal Gland in our body temples.   It’s location in between the two hemispheres of the brain is strategic to the outworking underway even now of the transformation of human consciousness and the restoration of Mankind to its noble stature.  As stated in my book Sacred Anatomy, a new paradigm is emerging that is guiding us back to love in spite of ourselves.

Read on and be lifted up in your understanding . . .         

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Significance of the Cornerstone

The Pineal Gland

ONE OF THE KEY ELEMETS of the presence of this One who dwells in the midst lies with the secrets inherent in this “little stone” of the Pineal Body.  The Pineal is “a stone cut out without hands,” rejected by men of science for many decades as being insignificant and irrelevant to any important or vital processes in the body.   This “stone which the builders rejected . . . has become the cornerstone of the temple.”  In truth, it has been so from the beginning. What comes to focus by virtue of this tiny gland, the Spirit of Love at the physical plane of being, is even now bringing about a transformation of the body of humanity. We, and all of the kingdoms of this world, are destined to become the “kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ.”  (Rev. 11:15)  

It is, without a doubt, by perfect divine design that the Pineal Body is situated between the two lobes of the brain, where all the structures of beliefs, concepts, busy and ambitious thought processes and images of gold are held sacred so as to be used in building and maintaining this empire and civilization.   Here this little stone, with its radiant field of love, is in the most strategically placed position to strike the great image of this empire of man on its feet made of a mixture of iron and clay.

The feet symbolize the capacity of understanding.  The image’s feet were made of a mixture of iron and clay, substances which do not bond together.   They also represent the foundation upon which this mind-made world stands and the mental understanding as to how it works and is maintained.    As that foundation crumbles, as it is doing today, all hell breaks loose as disorientation creates havoc. The foundations of human civilization are synthetic, produced by constructs such as science, politics and religion.   It is held together, not by the power of love which governs the natural world, but by the concepts and beliefs of those who rule the masses, and by the masses who worship these beliefs and concepts.

Those concepts declare, for example, that if someone has something that you need or want, you have the right to go to war with him and take it from him if you can, and that the lives of young men and women are dispensable to that cause and end.   The whole world supports this belief.  The whole world is thus deceived.  The world’s concepts also declare that if someone hates you and seeks to do you harm, you have the right to hate him back and seek to destroy him first.

 Man’s civilization is governed by the laws of the Medes and Persians, with one exception. The laws of the Medes and Persians could not be altered.  The laws of this civilization can be changed, and are changed, when they no longer serve the needs of those who make them.  Fortunately for us the God of Heaven does not rule His Kingdom nor Her Queendom on the same arbitrary basis, nor out of convenience.   The ordinances of heaven that govern the kingdoms of this world are absolute and immutable.   They hinge on the One Law of Love . . . and Love never fails.  Love radiates forth and response leaps to obey its irresistible attraction.  Community happens, bringing blessings to the whole and to all the parts that make up this whole, holy world.

In a word, man’s civilization is founded upon an understanding of how hate, fear and greed can get us, as individuals and as nations and peoples, just about anything we covet.  The only price we pay is that we must, upon acquiring it, treasure it with our hearts and guard it with our very lives or else someone will come along and try to take it from us.  For where one’s treasure is, there one’s heart is as well.  This is the basis upon which we have established life in this world and have learned to survive in it.  It is not the truth of how life is meant to be lived, and deep down inside our heart of hearts we know that. At deeper levels, hearts desire companionship, trust, meaning.  There would likely be no coveting were these desires met in us individually and nationally.

Upon the very altar of our hearts we continue to worship the gods of gold, silver, brass, wood, stone and now oil, plutonium and the silica of the computer microchip.  In return these gods give us fleeting power over our worlds and over others. We may praise the God of Heaven on Sundays—and at times when He comes through for us as in the story of Daniel—but we turn right around and resort to worshiping these other gods and appeasing them so that they will continue to deliver unto us the material goods we so earnestly believe will bring us life, liberty, security and happiness.  In so doing we compromise our hearts and therein defile our temples.

This paradigm of understanding is being dismantled and transformed by the Spirit of Love now intensifying its radiance through the point of focus this little stone, the Pineal Body, provides in the body temple.   Those who find themselves drawing near to Love and leaving the world to its own demise are experiencing a transformation the likes of which has never before occurred in the recorded history of this planet.  Responding to the Spirit of Love, they find themselves drawn toward love and toward others so responding. 

As the radiation of Love increases and permeates the cells of the brain, it cleanses the atoms which comprise it.  The Pineal becomes a powerful magnetic center which draws all the atoms in the human brain into a pattern of service in the temple.  Its bio-magnetic force field, like a computer reformat program, erases programs in the memory cells of the brain.  Thought patterns that were once held “sacred” for the security they promised are become as iron mixed with clay as they no longer hold together.  Beliefs that were once worshiped are suddenly seen as shams and levers for manipulation by commercial advertising and evangelism.   Belief in “the truth” gives way to the actual experience of truth and the resultant freedom from these limitations

These “sacred” thought patterns and beliefs have been established by isolated and competing human egos. As these old concepts and viewpoints of how the world of man works crumble, giving way to the new thought patterns born out of love for the LORD God and for one another, our world does not make sense any longer.  Nothing is certain anymore, as though it ever was.  We just believed it was because of the structures, the golden images, in our heads.  We are awakening to the stark reality that the LORD of this world is truly the God of heaven and rules yet;  that until we come to love Him above all and with all, and our neighbor as ourselves, there is no hope for this civilization; that oneness is the truth of love and of life.

As we no longer function out of fear, hate and greed, but begin to function out of love, the feet of this great image continues to crumble, for we the people are the feet of this great civilization, the “grass roots” as we are called in the political system.   When we change the way we see things and the way we behave toward God, toward ourselves and one another and toward the natural world, then will the empires of gold, silver, brass, iron, stone and oil come tumbling down to be blown away by the wind of spirit in expression through us so that there will not remain even a memory of it.

The Spirit of Love is even now melting the feet of this golden image in the heart and soul of humanity through this little stone.  Speaking to us vibrationally through the Pineal, it is compelling us all to listen to its voice and heed its command:   “Love one another.  Do good unto those that hate you.  Love your enemies.  Do unto others as you would they should do unto you.”

The Golden Rule is returning to human conscious-ness, and its power is destroying the “laws of the Medes and Persians,” all by virtue of the silent and radiant presence of Love focused in this tiny gland.  The changes are occurring in everyone at the same time even as I write because of one thing and one thing only:   God loves each and every one of us the same and His Spirit of Love, even the LORD of Love who incarnated 2000 years ago, is with us and has been all these two thousand years.  What He set in motion then has now come full cycle.   The victory is His and well at hand for those who believe in what He brought and do what He commanded.  Such are the friends of God.  What He brought was unconditional love, the One Law upon which all other laws hinge.  He sounded the Tone of unconditional love and has filled the Seven Levels of Being with the substance of love. He has opened the Seven Seals that are even now pouring out radiant currents of love into the hearts of human beings everywhere.  Purification is underway in the temple of the living God.

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The news media brings this reality before our eyes and ears daily.  Simply observe the profanity, violence and inhumane behavior gushing forth out of the heart of humanity like foul sewage water pouring out of a cistern as fresh water pours in from above and below pushing out the residue that has settled on the bottom for millennia, now rising to the surface and spilling out over the edges of the cauldron of the human heart.  It’s all coming out, the “good, the bad and the ugly.”  From a higher, fourth-dimensional viewpoint, there’s much cause for rejoicing in all of this chaotic filth coming out of our collective heart because right behind it is the cool, clear water of the truth of love which is life . . . and “Unconquerable Life prevails.”   

Thank you for joining your heart with mine as we meditate on these timely cosmic events and the impact we have on them as well as the impact they have on us.  Until then,

Be love.  Be loved. 


For health issues, visit my other blog, Health Light Newsletter

Resonance with the Music of the Spheres


A Presentation at the Attunement Summit of June 19, 2021

Resonance is easier experienced than explained.  I think we all know from experience what it is, so perhaps we could explore some of the implications of resonance as they relate to attunement, and do some experiential exercises.

This Biblical passage speaks to the dynamic of resonance: “The spirit of this world comes and finds nothing in me” — because the Master had no strings attached to this world that would resonate with the coarse vibrations of man’s world at the time.

 Understanding Harmonic Resonance

Everything has a certain frequency at which it vibrates. This is known as an object’s resonant frequency. Some objects have two or more resonant frequencies, just as we have not one, but several endocrine and chakras centers that resonate differently.

When sound or light waves, which have their own resonant frequency, hit an object, it will lead to harmonic resonance if that frequency corresponds to the resonant frequency of the object.

When that happens, they are tuned to one another; therefore, both of them will sync together. They entrain.

Sometimes, in order for harmonic resonance to occur, the amplitude of the vibration of an object must increase due to the corresponding vibrations of the other object.

(This has implications and application in the dynamics at work during attunement.)

Imagine that you’re a clock and the universe is also a clock. If you are in tune and your frequencies match, you will start ticking together through harmonic resonance.

The Chakra’s Emitting Tones

Each chakra has its frequency of vibration, sound, color, and symbol to which it is tuned. When it is balanced, cleansed, and energized, then the chakra is in harmony and plays its most beautiful melody, emitting inherent vibrations.

Many aspects of life can affect these chakra frequencies and ruin the harmony, such as chaotic sounds, stress, and unhealthy thoughts and emotions.

On the other hand, things like certain people’s voices, beautiful music, positive mantras, and the vibrational energy of colors and precious stones can help to bring our chakra frequencies back into harmonic resonance.

Entrainment occurs when one rhythmic vibrating object resonates and synchronizes with another object — demonstrated by one explorer who put several Big Ben clocks with swinging pendulums in a room together. In the morning he discovered they were all ticking and swinging together in sync.

In a TED talk Judie Diamond sent to me recently, Dr. Lee Bartel, who works with honey bees, tells the story about a cricket who chirps in sync with a squeaky fan belt on a piece of machinery in his shop.  He goes on to explain how he uses sound to entrain brain waves and body cells to 40 Hz, which he discovered affected  symptomatic improvement in patients with Alzheimer’s and dementia, even fibromyalgia.  He explains how 40 Hz creates Gamma waves in the brain by way of entrainment. This is equivalent to the low E on a piano.

Gamma rays are right on the edge of the electromagnetic spectrum between x-ray radiation and light.  They are given off by stars, and by radioactive substances. They are extremely high frequency waves, and carry a large amount of energy. They pass through most materials, and are quite difficult to stop – you need lead or concrete in order to block them out.  They are used to kill cancer cells, which, unlike healthy cells, cannot repair themselves once damaged by gamma rays.  There is an implication here relating to the impact stars and heavenly bodies radiate vibrations that resonate within our own body-mind-spirit continuum. There is a very high frequency available to us that, when attuned to, can raise the vibrational frequency of cellular oscillations. It is the spirit of the Creators’ world.

Resonance occurs in music. For example, the musical pitch F, when sounded, sets in motion the overtones and undertones A and C, along with an infinite number of other overtones and undertones.

Resonance also occurs in the vibrational terrain of the heart and the mind.  For example, when someone speaks, the words convey meaning and intention, both of which are vibrational in nature.  When such words are heard by a listener, “heart strings” and “mindsets” are struck and resonate with the words of the speaker, along with the subliminal intention they convey.

Resonance is happening when we laugh, and tear up.  We have a “funny or silly bone” that resonates with the tone of a joke or comedian’s act — as well as a tender place that is touched by a beautiful scene, or an act of compassion and extraordinary kindness and generosity by someone.

Just think of the scene of Tim Conway and Harvey Korman on the Carol Burnett Show in the dental office, in which Tim accidentally stabs himself with the Novocain syringe paralyzing his arm and leg. How many are smiling or laughing? That’s resonance.

Sound-based language has an immediate resonant effect and impact upon the vibrational terrain of human activity without mental interpretation. Music is a prime example of sound-based language; it’s a universal language. The Aramaic, when spoken, is another good example of sound-based language. It’s the language that Jesus spoke with the peasants.

The Aramaic Prayer of Jesus has emerged from out of the past and been revived and set to music and danced to.  I’ve learned to articulate it and it was quite easy to wrap my tongue around it.  I frequently say the Aramaic prayer during an attunement session.  Here is a rendition of the prayer by the San Antonio Vocal Arts Ensemble. (Be sure to listen to the music after the prayer.)

English translation of the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer

Oh Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos,

Focus your light within us. Create your reign of unity now.

Your one desire then acts with ours, As in all light, so in all forms.

Grant what we need each day in bread and insight.

Loose the cords of mistakes binding us,

As we release the strands we hold of others’ guilt.

Don’t let surface things delude us,

But free us from what holds us back.

From You is born all ruling will, the power and the life to do,

The song that beautifies all, from age to age it renews.

Truly – power to these statements – may they be the ground

From which all our actions grow. Amen. 


PREMESIS: The Seven Spirits named by Uranda are, in essence, vibrational frequencies—music, in other words—inaudible music composed and orchestrated by the invisible light, the Light of Love, the true Music of the Spheres.  This is the nature of the Chakra as well. They are energy vortices that emit tones, which I’ve discovered harmonize with the tones of the endocrine centers.

The seven vibrational, or spiritual, essences manifesting and orchestrating the biochemical functions of the seven endocrine glands, nourishing the glands themselves, are sensitive to audible sound and visible light and color, and respond to such by the principle of resonance.

It is my conviction that the “Spirit” of each endocrine center is invoked and summoned forth by sound vibrations based on the principle of resonance. That invocation is partly in response to the musical tones of the Chakras.

I firmly believe that this is why and how we enjoy beautiful music, which is sometimes capable of lifting us into a state of rapturous ecstasy.  For me it is God listening and enjoying the music through me.  Or, rather, I am God enjoying beautiful music. The endocrine glands produce their hormonal chemistry that shapes how we feel physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually as we listen to music that resonates in our soul, heard with our ears, as well as with our Chakras.


As many of you know, I work with sacred sound in my attunement service.  I have found that sound may be used to create a carrier wave for spirit and intention.  I first became aware of this early in my experience of sharing attunement.  The energy in the current resonated in my vocal chords and I had the urge to hum.  When I did, the texture of the energy became smooth like silk.  From that experience, I went on to explore the use of sound in energy healing.

Each endocrine gland resonates to a specific frequency or pitch, starting with the pineal gland that resonates to F# and ending with the gonads that resonate to C natural—according to my own perceptions.

The Chakras also resonate to musical pitches, according to Tantric Yoga traditions handed down, which I’ve discovered are the tonic tones that give rise to the corresponding Major Fifth harmonic frequency, or pitch, of the spiritual energy focused and expressing in and through the endocrine glands.

For example, the Crown Chakra resonates to a B natural pitch, which is the tonic tone – the Do – of the Pineal gland’s harmonic Major Fifth tone F#. (do B, mi D#, sol F#)

For a full list of musical intervals between the Chakras and the Endocrine centers, email me and I will be more than happy to send you a chart from my book Attunement With Sacred Sound, along with a copy of my notes.  My book is also available at a cost of $32 plus postage and handling.


Keep in mind that overtones and undertones are set in motion by these pitches as well as they play upon a vast array of tissue cells throughout the body temple.

I can only imagine the cymatic configurations created in the atomic substance that make up the fabric of our anatomy and physiology.  Mending of broken parts and renewal of old parts take place.  New earth is thusly created.

Cymatics, as you are likely aware, is the phenomenon of sacred geometrical shapes and patterns that sound frequencies produce in matter, such as water.

Our bodies being composed largely of water, some 85% of it, one can only envision the impact sound has on and in them.  Here is a clip of Anna-Maria Hefele demonstrating polyphonic overtone chant.


It is important, as I approach another soul to offer my service, that my energetic atmosphere be clean and buoyant, and that my presence in our shared field is the presence of Love.  As I identify with the Attunement Current, with Love, as what I AM, I can rest assured that I am offering a pure tone for my client’s energetic body to resonate with. Whatever is dominant in my own personal emotional and mental lens — to use one of Lloyd’s useful metaphors — will find resonant substance in the capacities of another.  This is the basis, as we know, upon which response is given rise to radiation. As Paul Price has often reminded us, we bring the essence and quality of our momentary living to our attunement altar.

Resonance plays a large part in the dynamic at play in attunement.  One may simply enter the place of stillness, in Rumi’s agenda-less field of non-judgment of right and wrong, in order to assure that only the pure Tone of Love is reverberating in one’s heart and mind before extending hands and entering another’s personal and sacred space.

“Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?  Or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully.” (Psalm 24: 3-4)


Mother Earth’s natural heartbeat rhythm is the frequency of 7.83 Hz, also known as the “Schumann Resonance”.

The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth‘s electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.[1]   (Wikipedia)

Schumann Resonances were first documented by Nikola Tesla in 1899. A German physicist named Winfried Schumann studied them extensively and began trying to measure them in the 1950s, and got his name attached to them (although accurate measurements weren’t possible until the 60s—and Tesla’s numbers were right from the start.) The resonances arise from lightning storms—of which there are around 2000 occurring planet-wide at any given moment—exciting the cavity of air between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. Acoustically speaking, life on Earth arises and exists within a room whose boundaries are these. Due to the ongoing nature of the storms, this torus-shaped expanse that encases us is forever singing, like a wine glass forever flicked by the finger of fate. The fundamental frequency of that song, the do of its tonality, is, on average with slight variations, 7.83 Hz: the fundamental Schumann Resonance. (That’s about 8 trips around the planet per second.)

To say that the fundamental Schumann Resonance has an influence is an understatement: all of life on Earth—including us and our thoughts and feelings—arises within it and its harmonics. That sounds like a world do if I’ve ever heard one—and that’s the frequency associated with C and the Root Chakra in the Muzoracle system. (While 7.83 Hz is far below the range of our hearing, we can hear—and certainly feel—the resonance two octaves higher, at 31.32 Hz; three octaves higher than that we find our middle C at 250.56 Hz.)  (

Everything from our brain waves and biorhythms to our states of consciousness are directly correlated to the Earth’s frequencies.  The Schumann resonance has been steady at 7.83Hz until three years ago when it began to accelerate to somewhere in the 15 to 25Hz levels. The Earth is rapidly shifting her vibration.  (Google Search) Ω


“The Reward of the Wicked” — Everything Matters

“A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten-thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee; for only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.”

I’ve been viewing videos about the horrible culture of human and sex trafficking, particularly involving innocent children.  It made my stomach sick. I had no idea it is such a huge business in the world of the rich and famous coast to coast and globally.  It’s impossible to behold and see this wickedness with eyes only. My heart bleeds for the children.  Thankfully, this evil is being exposed and its days are numbered. 

The question always comes up for me when I read the biblical passage above, “Who are the wicked?” And the answer always is to be found in Jesus’s answer to those who would stone Mary Magdalene for her sins: “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”  Who am I to cast judgement on anyone?

We have all contributed to the wickedness in the world, as well as to whatever goodness there is there, and there’s plenty.  No, we may not be involved in human trafficking or sexual exploitation of the innocent, but we have all done our share of wicked behavior, in our thoughts, our words and/or our deeds.  Everything we do individually matters in the collective consciousness to which we all contribute and out of which we all, in the absence of mindfulness, express.  

A friend and colleague once said: “Nothing is wrong.  Everything matters”—and so it is, although it’s hard to imagine how evil-doers matter and how what they do isn’t wrong.  “They?” Is there a “they” or is there only a “we?”  Or maybe only an “I,” and it’s what I think, say and do that matters in the collective experience?  How often have I heard my mind say “That man needs a bullet to the head.” Horror of horrors that I should even think such a thought, much less voice it, benign as it may well be unless I empower it with deep feeling that launches it into the mass consciousness where it’s then available to some unstable person.  Think about it. 

A quote from my past college days springs to mind:  “There’s no telling how far reaching something we may think, say or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow. It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.” The developer of the philosophy of Chiropractic, Dr. B.J. Palmer, handed down these eternal words of wisdom. 

Now, I know I’m “preaching to the choir” here—although intentionally through the choir as a way of sending my words and spirit into the mass consciousness, depending on how they are fielded and received by my readers.  Agreement is a powerfully enabling force—and that’s all I seek from my audience when I blog: agreement in the truth, in what’s right.

We are wise to see and behold the “reward of the wicked” only with our eyes.  We have hearts, however, to feel the energetic texture of what we are seeing and the largeness of spirit to receive it, hold it, and let it be bathed in love, compassion and forgiveness.  In this service to the One, the world, and we, are healed. 


So many truthful saws (to borrow a poetic term) have been given to us over the years and eons of time.  William Shakespeare’s sonnet lingers yet in my memory from College English days:

“Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments. Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove: O no! It is an ever fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken; it is the star to every wandering bark whose worth’s unknown, although his height be taken. Love’s not Time’s fool, though rosy lips and cheeks within his bending sickle’s compass come: Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, but bears it out, even to the edge of doom.”

Then there’s this famous passage from the Bhagavad~Gita:

Arjuna: Yet tell me, Teacher! by what force doth man
Go along his way, unwilling; as if one
Pushed him that troubled path?

Krishna: Life it is! Life’s urge it is! used in darkened understanding,
Which pusheth him. Mighty of appetite,

Powerful, and strong is this!—man’s enemy or friend!
As smoke blots the white fire, as clinging rust

Mars the bright mirror, as the womb surrounds

The babe unborn, so is the world of things

Foiled, soiled, enclosed in wrong uses of Life’s urge.

The wise fall, caught in it; the unresting foe

It is of wisdom, wearing countless forms,
Fair but deceitful, subtle as a flame.

Sense, mind, and reason—these, 0 Kunti’s Son!
Are booty for it; in its play with these

It maddens man, beguiling, blinding him.
Therefore, thou noblest child of Bharata!

Govern thy heart.
Constrain the entangled sense!

Resist the false, soft sinfulness which saps
Knowledge and judgment!

Yea, the world is strong,
But he who discerns is stronger, and the Christed mind 

Is strongest; with high o’er all the ruling Soul.

Wherefore, perceiving Him who reigns supreme,

Put forth full force of Soul in thy own soul!

Fight! vanquish foes and doubts, dear Hero! slay

What haunts thee in fond shapes, and would betray!

The beloved poet Rumi gave us this transcendent poem that speaks to another level of being and a safe place for meeting one another.

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase “each other”
doesn’t make any sense.
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don’t go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don’t go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the door sill
where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don’t go back to sleep.

There are so many wise words, not the least of which are those of the Master Jesus recorded and handed down to us by the scribes and cloistered monks who spent their entire lives translating and copying scroll after ancient scroll in order to preserve the wisdom of the ages for posterity.  I feel so blessed and thankful—as well as compelled to take heed of what has been given to us in the way of the Word.  God has spoken to His people through so many. Dare I let God speak through me and through you and all those who lift up their hearts and minds to the One whose Earth this is . . . “and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein.”

Anyone can wax eloquent with words.  What matters is everything that I and every one of us think, say and do in our daily lives.  Nothing is wrong.  Everything matters.  Every emotionally-charged thought materializes.

Do we not see this pandemic plaguing the population of the planet as nothing more nor less than the “reward of the wicked?” The fall out of the wicked thoughts and actions of mankind that have “foiled, soiled” the collective heart and consciousness and filled them with all sorts of ill uses of the gift of Life itself, “Life’s urge . . . used in darkened understanding”?  It’s all mattering, manifesting on Earth from out of the spoiled heaven of the mass consciousness of humanity. The prayer of the crucified Man from Galilee must be our prayer today: “Father, forgive us, for we know not what we do.”

Beyond prayer, let us wake up and see and know what we are doing to ourselves and to God’s Earth before it’s too late and time is no more.  Personally, I believe we’ve already passed that point where and when time is no more.  This pandemic may well be our last wake-up call.

Yet, with all that said, the LORD of lords, whose Earth we inhabit, I know is taking full advantage of this crisis to bring about a balance and harmony between the Earth and the Heaven out of which it was born.  To make once again Heaven and Earth one. All is well and in God’s hands.

As a colleague acknowledged in a conference call yesterday, this pandemic has brought about a greatly needed pause in our busy lives that we would likely never have found time nor a way to arrange willingly and deliberately. A pause to remember that we are one community of people who really do love and care for one another.

I’ll leave it there.  Any thoughts stirred and wanting to be shared?  I welcome them.  Until my next post . . . if there is one,

Be love. Be loved




Crossing the Dark Threshold into the Light of Day, Cont’d.

And life itself told me this secret: “Behold, I am that which must overcome itself again and again.” (Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus spoke Zarathustra)

Continuing in this series on The Thymus Gland and the Spirit of Purification, and the theme of the previous post, citing Dr. Joan Borysenko’s professional perspective on Plato’s metaphorical description of the process of transformation as an emergence from out of the “cave” of isolation into the light of day — along with my own perspectives shared in my book SACRED ANATOMY:

Crossing the Threshold (cont’d)

    The traditional way [of treating an ill condition] generally prevails as the person proceeds to undertake a life-long regimen of medication to keep the symptoms suppressed and death at bay, and it is sometimes like pulling teeth to get a person to let go of the grip he/she has on the doctor’s “diagnosis.”  This only tends to assure the permanency of the condition by sending the message to the brain that in order to be able to continue treating the diabetes, for instance, the “disease” must be maintained in the body.  As long as the symptoms of dis-ease are being suppressed and not heeded for their message, and the appropriate action to address the cause is withheld, then the healing process is disrupted, thus making the symptoms of dis-ease necessary and prolonging the inappropriate therapeutic action of symptom-suppression. Where this suppression is being accomplished, as with most therapies, by the use of harsh and imposing chemicals, it can become dangerously toxic to the rest of the body over time.

[This also applies to alcohol and drug addictions as well as mental illness. One must maintain one’s identity as an “alcoholic,” for example, in order to participate in an AA program.]

    I hyphenate the word “dis-ease” in order to remind myself as a physician, and to inform my patients,  that we are not treating a “condition,” which the word “disease” implies,  but simply listening to the places where the person is experiencing the discomfort or pain for messages from the subconscious signaling where changes need to be made in one’s life style and attitude, as well as what kind of support can be given to enable the healing process already underway.  Dis-ease is always an indication that a healing process is underway. This process gets underway at the moment of insult or injury and starts with the subconscious mind asking for the cooperation and assistance of the conscious mind.  Pain and discomfort is its way of asking.  When the subconscious is satisfied that help is being given and changes are beginning to be made, the symptoms may be turned off, simply because they are no longer necessary. In the case of a fever, the temperature will be turned down when the purpose for the fever — the incineration of toxins — is satisfied.  What thwarts the healing process most is failure on the part of the physician, and the person experiencing the dis-ease, to hear what the body is trying to convey, and therefore failing to render the appropriate care and assistance. 

   Often that message does not get through to the conscious mind until the individual is at death’s door.  Even then a radical shift in consciousness, or in the vibratory pattern maintaining the ill condition, can bring about miraculous shifts in the healing process and the person suddenly begins to manifest that altered state in the physical body itself.  Remissions of illness occur.   Life prevails.  Sometimes the answer is not available until it becomes evident that one’s life is at stake and death seems imminent. Such intensities of energy create pressure inside the subconscious which engenders the feeling that one has been backed into a corner where it appears there is no way out but death, when suddenly one looks up in prayer to a higher Source of power and the answer comes popping up from out of the subconscious, as though caught up in the sudden upward flow of prayerful energy and sucked into the conscious mind.   Like the proverbial bar of soap that, when squeezed in a fist, will go in the direction it is pointed, we sink or swim in the ocean of life depending on what direction our deepest and most heartfelt response is given.

   Dr. Borysenko sites Victor Frankel’s moving story from his book, Man’s Search For Meaning, in which he relates how he survived four Nazi death camps simply by looking up to a higher power in times of crisis, therein turning his obviously limiting circumstances and horrible suffering into opportunities for discovering the genius of life’s indomitable transforming spirit.

…In those most terrible of times some people succumbed to the inevitable epidemics that swept the camp, dying before the brutality of the Nazis and the fire of the ovens could consume them. But those who were able to find some meaning in their suffering were more likely to hold onto life….  Frankel and others like him created ritual out of horror, growth out of destruction by choosing to believe that there was some transcendent meaning to their suffering.

   She then brings it all home for me when she focuses in on the core purpose for all of life’s experiences and challenges, which can lead us to further spiritual discovery and growth: 

    When we set our sights on a higher meaning, we automatically cast ourselves in the role of the dweller at the threshold, an initiate in a great story.  We’re not powerless, trapped or worthless.  We are passing through the fire on the way to a purification of sufficient value that our suffering becomes worthwhile when weighed against it.  Part of the value of suffering and dwelling at the threshold is that it initiates or intensifies the search for what is most sacred.  For only in placing our minds on the promise of that sacredness can we emerge from the liminal period not only intact but transformed, healed.                          

    The late American psychologist, Abraham Maslow, spoke of the deep need to find not only personal meaning in our lives but trans-personal, or spiritual.  A need is like a biological drive, an instinct.   It’s part of the genes, part of the race memories that form the collective unconscious that all people share.  When a biological drive is thwarted the organism suffers in some way.  The particular kind of suffering that accompanies a thwarted drive for trans-personal meaning is a feeling of emptiness, of meaninglessness about life that can progress to depression if the need isn’t attended to.

   I love where Joan leads in the direction of discovering what is most sacred inside ourselves as the purification process burns away the outer shell of our substitute self only to reveal the authentic Self. The analogy comes to mind of a kettle of molten gold bubbling inside a furnace with the dross floating to the top to be scrapped off and discarded.  What remains is the purified precious metal.  I am, and we each one are, as “gold tried in fire” and found worthy of being called precious and lovable as we emerge through the fire of the Spirit of Purification, which stands guarding the way to the Tree of Life in the fourth plane of being.

   I see the drive inside of us toward spiritual meaning, toward the experience of union with God, as being much more than genetic and biological.  I see it as the irresistible compulsion of spirit, of love itself, to find expression through human hearts in this world, a world which has tried without success to suppress and even destroy its expression down through the ages.  This futile attempt to suppress love has been the basic, underlying cause of all human sufferings, including mental depression — especially mental depression, for it is the false ego usurping control of our lives through the capacity of the human mind that has put forth the greatest effort to both prevent love from governing human hearts and to subdue the natural processes of life to serve its own ends.  The human mind is far too small a capacity for the false ego to use in its attempts to hold back the forces of the natural world and to thwart the purposes of God for humanity.  It may summon the help of the heart, a much larger capacity, by putting up dams of resistance in the form of ill feelings and judgments.  But all the dams it puts up cannot hold back the purifying waters of the Spirit of Purification. They finally break asunder, often bringing untold suffering, mental anguish and insanity into the lives of human beings.  Even through all of this, the truth of love can be revealed. This is so on both the individual and the collective levels. The Spirit of Purification is very much at work today cleansing the hearts of human beings and the collective heart of humanity of fear, hatred and terror.  

   The false ego itself, individually and collectively, is deflated in pattern after pattern of failure, until it grows weary and tired of resisting the irresistible spirit of love.  It is in the wake of such failures that the truth of the One present, but heretofore missing in action, has the opportunity to come forth and allow the false ego to dissolve and pass away.  Both mind and heart are thus transformed by the coming forth of the angel and the radiation of love that is even now shining brightly on earth through a growing number of hearts.  Nothing can thwart the compelling and irresistible power of love to transform human beings and to restore the world back into a place of beauty, love and light.

   Actually, the world of beauty, love and light exists already in the fourth plane of being.  All it takes to know it is for each one to cross over the threshold of purification by fire and enter into it.  The kingdom of heaven is then surely known to be within.  Upon entering in, one is wise to simply abide there and from this place bring forth beauty, love and light into one’s world, now seen as a creative field to offer love, truth and life into rather than a world of hell and chaos from which one sought ways to escape.  For what wanted to escape no longer exists, and the one who has come forth, the angel of light and sound, is eternal and is not going anywhere but always lives in heaven and is delighted when received by his/her own in this world. (From SACRED ANATOMY)

I always enjoy hearing from my readers and followers. So, if you have any thoughts you would like to share, I would love hearing them.  I will conclude this series on the thymus gland in my next post. Until then,

Be love. Be loved


Role of the Thyroid in Shifting Frequency

“If flesh came into being because of spirit, it is wonderful.  If spirit came into being because of the body, it is exceedingly wonderful.  I am amazed that this great wealth has appeared in this poverty.”                                                                                           —Jesus, from The Gospel of Thomas

Continuing in this series on The Spiritual Significance of the Thyroid Gland, this excerpt from SACRED ANATOMY is the final post of this series. These meditations on our sacred energy anatomy may appear couched in archaic thought-forms and words. They are, after all, words and currents of the heart. I would ask you to keep this in mind as you read and process them in your heart, where true understanding is known and available. 

Just as a recap, there are seven endocrine glands, seven colors in the rainbow spectrum of light, and seven “lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God,” as described by John in The Book of Revelation in the Bible. Each endocrine gland provides an energetic center for the activity of Spirit in the body temple, and through the body temple in the world we each create and steward.  The fifth differentiated spirit of God, the Spirit of Life, works in and through the sacred center of the Thyroid Gland. I will excerpt the entire passage from Revelation here for context and perspective, as well as inspiration. John describes his experience being “in the spirit on the Lord’s day.”

“And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; and in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;  And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.       

“And he had in his right hand seven stars; and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edge sword; and His countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.” (Rev. 1: 12-16)

Then later on John relates how a door was opened in heaven and he saw this vision:

“And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.   And he that sat was to look upon like jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.  And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

“And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.”    (Rev 4:2-6)

Changing Vibratory Frequency 

As considered earlier, it is the Spirit of Life focused at this level of the Thyroid that creates the hormonal crystals which convey to the body cells their vibratory frequencies.  Any change in their rate of oscillation, then, would be the domain of the Spirit of Life. These first three centers of sacred energy obviously play key roles in the transformation and transmutation process, although all seven endocrine centers are involved.  

As there is attunement with the Spirit of Love in one’s heart — one has come to the point in one’s spiritual growth where one knows utter love for and abandon to the will of the One within, nothing wavering or withheld — the fire of the transmuting Love descends from out of heaven within and consumes the body temple in an ascending flame. The body is lifted up to a higher frequency of union with the Beloved, even the very Lord that I am and that each one of us is as incarnate God beings.  The angel thus fully incarnates and takes charge of his or her renewed body temple, now encapsulated in a seamless garment of radiance, down to the foot.  Through this garment nothing can enter that would do harm to or defile the temple. 

    Occasionally, after completing an attunement session with someone, I have placed my hands on either side of the recipient’s throat Chakra to feel the flow of life pouring out from this powerful gateway. The current is so strong that it often pushes my hands upward and outward.  I can actually feel the shape of what I would call “wings” opening out to encompass the body temple, and I remember words from the Book of Malachi (4:2):  “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings . . . .”    

In such moments as these I am ever so aware of the presence of the angel in the midst, even at the door, ready to emerge any moment from behind our wall and arise with healing in His wings.  These words, then, come immediately into my heart: “The Lord is in His holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him.”  And earlier on in the same chapter are found these words: “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.”(Habakkuk 2:14,20)

Radiance is the nature of Life.  Uranda offers a meditation on each of the seven spirits in a little booklet entitled Seven Steps to the Temple of Light.  Of Life he writes:

Radiance is the wellspring of Life, and it relates to the Temple of Light.  Radiance is the Shining of the Wonderful One, and Radiance always is; yet no man can know that Radiance until he has let the Wonderful One have His Way.

Radiance is the ever-expanding Essence of the Wonderful One made manifest in the body of man.  Radiance is the Presence made visible in the world of physical things, that I AM THAT I AM may be known of men.

Radiance is the Essence and Spirit of Selfless Service.  Such Service serves not for a reward, nor does it seek results, for it knows that fruition comes as a natural result of Radiation.  The Law is, and cannot be otherwise.  That which is, is without seeking, trying or striving, for it is.  That which abides in that which is, is that in which it abides so long as it abides therein.  To abide in constant Realization of the Presence, fully assured that the Presence of the Wonderful One is that which is, is to be the Radiance of the Presence. As the One is ever serving through the Radiance, giving the Life that brings full fruition, the Blessed One who has Realized the Presence of the Wonderful One is fused into the Radiance and thereby becomes a “servant of the Lord,” even a Channel for the Radiance of the Wonderful One within. . . .

 . . . Radiance shines forth from the Blessed One who lets the Wonderful One act through him in all that is done, for then it is that the outer self acts not of itself, but is an extension of the Perfect and Eternal Activity of the Wonderful One.   Responding thus to the Radiance, the Blessed One is blended into the Radiance, and is thereby uplifted into the final union with the Wonderful One — and this is Life Eternal.  Let Love Radiate.

All of this is accomplished by the Spirit of Love working in and through the hormonal chemistry produced in these endocrine glands, with primary roles played by the Pineal, Pituitary and Thyroid glands, with the added assistance of the Hypothalamus, as we have already considered, which serves as an interface at the floor of the brain for coordination between the endocrine glands and the central nervous system, providing us with vibrational information crucial to our creativity and balanced function on the physical plane of this material world. 

These special three endocrine glands, in coordination with the sense organs, the brain and central nervous system, comprise the core aspects of our sacred anatomy.   We shall now leave the upper part of the temple and proceed into the body of the temple to explore together the remaining four endocrine glands and their function in what I will call “service in the temple.”  The service these lower four seals provide facilitates the process by which substance may ascend into the temple and be prepared for transmutation. 

With the next post, I will begin a series of meditations on the Spiritual Significance of the Thymus Gland and the Spirit of Purification. I invite you to share any thoughts or inspirations that may have come to you during these meditations.  Until my next post, 

Be love. Be loved.


Email: (Sacred Anatomy is available upon request)

Culling and Purification by Resonance

“The prince of this world cometh, and findeth nothing in me.” (Jesus)

I would like to pause in this series to focus on purification of the heart, mainly because it’s what we’re going through, individually and collectively, as conditions in the global climate, and in world politics, heat up. In the physical body, purification is a function of the Thymus gland and immune system — which we will consider later. In the spiritual body, purification takes place in the heart. 



There was good reason why shepherds mixed goats in with their herd of sheep in Biblical days. The reason was to protect the sheep from being attacked by wolves. It seems the strong body odor of the goats provided a protective shield around the herd, acting as sort of a “wolf-repellent.” I guess wolves don’t particularly like goat for dinner, or being gored by their pointed horns.  Whatever the reason, wolves tended to stay away from sheep herds that had goats mixed in with them. Upon returning from the grazing fields to the corral, the sheep were culled out from the goats and placed in separate enclosures — thus the Biblical parable of the shepherd separating the sheep from the goats.


Today we are experiencing the reality portrayed by this parable, only the culling is by resonance. It’s vibrational and it works through the heart. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

The full passage from James Allen’s book reads:

“As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” As the plant springs from, and could not be without, the seed, so every act of a man springs from the hidden seeds of thought.

Those seeds of thought lay dormant in the heart and spring forth in resonance with a vibration in an outside source — a teacher, for example Jesus, or a spiritual guru — or, in the case of a terrorist, a radical ideology.

In musicology the principle of resonance states that when a single tone is played, that tone will find a similar and sympathetic frequency in another instrument and cause it to sound,


Resonance occurs between all vibrating substances, including people. We tend to gravitate towards people who “strike a chord” in us, as we say. That’s resonance — and here in the US there’s been a lot of resonance experienced in us as we’ve listened to the rhetoric coming out of Washington DC these past few years. The fact is, our resonance with the tone of that rhetoric, and lack thereof, has served as a culling factor in calling us out and amplifying the split in our Nation right down the middle into right and left “camps.” Not “right and wrong” but simply “right and left” — conservative and liberal — and there are degrees of conservatism and liberalism. We have the “far right” and the “far left,” and the “moderates” in between these two extremes.  We are divided and separated from one another by our political views — our resonance with different ideologies and views — none of which are worthy of us,

Before we got separated into camps, we were all mixed together, like the sheep with the goats, and we respected one another’s political views and orientation. Not anymore. Unless you are prepared to meet the repercussions, you are wise to avoid bringing up politics at a family gathering. 


This holds true with the topic of religion as well – perhaps even more so. There’s nothing more vexing to my spirit than evangelical rhetoric. I was brought up Catholic and truly believed that only Catholics would go to heaven when they died. All the other religions were outside the circle of “chosen ones.” I used to preach this narrow and misguided view trying to convince others that, if they wanted to go to Heaven, they needed to become Catholics. I was a “staunch Catholic,” even an aspirant to the priesthood. But I was not being a Christian. A true Christian would love people just the way they are and respect their beliefs.

My awakening came when a wise teacher told me with a compelling tone of authority: “You are not a Catholic. You are a human being made in the image and likeness of God.” Shortly after that surprisingly resonant encounter with primal truth, I stopped being a Catholic and set out on a path toward learning how to live life as an authentic human being made in the image and likeness of God, with love, respect and compassion for all – “believers” and “nonbelievers” alike.  


Resonance is a good thing, as it exposes and releases the hidden patterns of thought and feeling that spur our behavior. It lets us see what’s really inside ourselves and gets it out here where we can observe it, bless it, and take steps to change the way we think in our hearts.  In this sense, it’s a blessing, for instance, when feelings of fear and hate are triggered by what someone says, or preaches from their political lectern — or what we see on social media and hear in the news. Only we do not have to act on those feelings.

I recall a television interview with Dr. Depak Chopra, a highly regarded and beloved spiritual guru. It was during the 2016 presidential elections when Donald Trump was rising to take the helms of our Nation’s government. The interviewer asked Dr. Chopra what he thought about the hate and fear-mongering rhetoric pouring out of this man’s mouth on a daily basis. Depak’s countenance immediately changed as he began formulating his response. He said that he experienced real fear for the first time and it shocked him. The fear in his heart had been hidden from him until this moment in time. He expressed utter dismay in its eruption, triggered up in resonance to the tone of Donald Trump’s rhetoric.


Then he shared his realization of what was taking place vibrationally and proceeded to demonstrated how he handled the fear as the mindful person he is. Rather than let the feeling consume his outer being, he observed it with love and embraced it with compassion so as to transform it and reclaim the energy it was holding captive back into the Whole. I was utterly amazed and edified by his mastery and humility.  Even the greatest among us have hidden thoughts and feeling reactions in our hearts that can and will resonate with similar thoughts and feelings in others when they are vented with passion.

Then he said something most profound and prophetic. He said that the repercussions of Trump’s rhetoric had knocked the lid off of the collective unconscious and has released all sorts of ill patterns of thought, feeling and unwholesome spirits that have lay dormant there for eons. Those unholy patterns of thought, feeling and behavior are finding expression through the masses and being acted out, particularly by those who resonate with the tone of Trump’s rhetoric.

The lid is off the id and anything can happen . . . not just here in America, but globally.  Apocalypse — a revelation of what has been hidden, of truth and of deception — is happening.


Take heart, however, for we can seize the opportunity to let our hearts be cleansed of hidden ill thoughts and feelings that are triggered up, so that when the “prince of this world” comes, it finds nothing in us that resonates with its dissonant hateful tones. These ill thoughts and feelings are held in distorted patterns by energy that has been leached and stolen from the Whole, from the Source of all energy.  Stolen by the human ego, the self-active human mind, which is bringing great wrath to bear on the earth and humanity because it knows that its days are numbered and it has but a short time to exist in its present self-centered state —  and it resists transformation and redemption. In the metaphor above, the wolf is the self-active human mind, the prince of this world, and he has learned to come in sheep’s clothing. 


We all have a mixture of sheep and goat in us — of true and false beliefs and convictions, of good and bad spirits and attitudes, and buttons that get pushed. Perhaps we have hidden our true convictions behind traditional and conventional beliefs and attitudes in order to avoid judgment and criticism, or inciting an argument with friends we don’t want to lose. Real friends are precious, though rare. Or we criticize and judge so as to appear “only human” in the sight of our peers. My point is that we have a mixture of both pure and vile in us that keeps us, in appearance anyway, out of range of the  wolf’s “evil eye,” so to speak; and there is no one eligible to throw the first stone. 


Whereas I do my best to respect another’s beliefs, short of imposing mine on others, I have come to make no excuses for my own convictions gained by experience of truth in living life beyond my prior beliefs. Truth does, after all, free us of our beliefs.  Should the wolf come, my Spirit will be my “shield and buckler.” There’s no need to defend my truth, nor my Self.  Action may be appropriate, but not defense. The true shepherd steps forward to protect his sheep from the wolf when there are no goats in the herd. The pure of heart see God, see the good in all. There comes a time when one simply cannot hide behind convention and tradition any longer. “Let the chips fall where they may” has served as an appropriate attitude. We can come clean of our beliefs, the ego’s feelings not withstanding.


The Ego is simply our sense of self; the capacity with which we are consciously aware of who we are. The word “ego” is Latin for “I am,” as we learned in high school. We have been taught that we are “only human.” But that is our human ego speaking. We are Human Beings, and our Being is divine, made in the image and likeness of God. We can begin the process of remembering who we are by changing how we see ourselves, not as “merely human” but as Human Beings, as Divine Man, masculine and feminine. That is the truth of the matter. Our sense of self, our ego, is being called to “come up hither” and give us the capacity to know who we truly are, our Divine Self.


OM in a drop of oil

Speaking and acting out of love, expressing the qualities of Being, such as peace, thankfulness, and compassion, we sound a Tone with which those who have resonant substance in their hearts can resonate. With many now so living and expressing out of love, a line is drawn upon the Earth based on resonance to the Tone of the Seventh Angel’s Trumpet. 

That Angel visited this planet two-thousand-plus years ago and set the Tone for the culling of the body of Man on Earth. Those who resonate with the Tone of Love rise up in joy. There is no need to judge those who do not resonate with Love but who yet resonate with fear and hate. That’s not my business. The Lord would that none should perish, but that all should come to repentance and turn from their orientation in the material world and discover their spiritual orientation and true identity as sons and daughters of the Father and brothers and sisters to one another.  It is my prayer as well.  But let us not tarry, as time is no more. 

Until my next post, when I will resume sharing excerpts from Sacred Anatomy, let your beautiful light shine,


I welcome your thoughts and responses. My email address is

One Who Dwells in the Midst

      I love reading biblical stories and imagining what life might have been like in ancient times. One can also gain an insight into the evolution of human consciousness — or devolution, as in the more primal areas of human behavior dictated by the reptilian brain. Not much evolution there when you consider how we place more value in moon rocks than in the lives of migrants seeking asylum from murderous regimes in war-torn homelands. I am appalled at what is happening to families, especially to women and children, at our southern borders here in America.

This is not who we are. “Love it or leave it!” are not acceptable options here in America, land of the free and the brave. As David Brooks pointed out today on PBS’s Brooks and Shields interview with Judy Woodruff , Americans want and love a multicultural democracy. Racism is not wanted nor welcome here. Who in their right mind can love the corruption festering in high places of government and Corporate America? Or the lack of true governance and wise stewardship of our planet and her resources?  And, besides, real leaders do not just up and leave, or go back to where they came from, simply because they do not accept and support what’s going on in high places, or in a world to which they seek to offer true leadership. True Americans stay in there and push forward to bring the truth of loving and compassionate governance to the people they seek to lead toward a more truthful way of living together as “one Nation under God, with liberty and justice for all.” That’s what the feminine leadership in the Burnsville, Minnesota community is doing. Check out the story aired on the Today Show this morning. My feminine and masculine sides both said YES! This can happen everywhere!

I fear our great nation is facing complete collapse unless we change the way we treat one another. . .and our Earth mother. Will this civilization go the way of ancient kingdoms, as in the days of the prophets of old?

In my last post, I related the story of Daniel the Prophet and King Nebuchadnezzar’s troubling dream of a great image made of gold, silver, brass and iron. His feet were made of iron mixed with clay. The troubling part of the dream, besides the king’s inability to remember it, was when a small stone struck the image on its feet, causing them to crumble, bringing the entire image down into oblivion.

The image in the dream was interpreted by Daniel — who also told the king his dream — as representing kingdoms of his era that would fall into oblivion. The small stone represented the Heavenly Kingdom of Daniel’s God which grew into a great nation that filled the entire world. Here’s the rest of the story.


But before King Nebuchadnezzar’s reign came to an end, his entire kingdom was taken away from him, an event that was foretold in a dream once again, this one being of a gigantic tree that covered the entire earth which “holy men from above” had come down and cut off all its branches, leaving only a stump with a brass band around it to keep it from perishing entirely.  Daniel told the king that he was that tree, whose power had grown so that he ruled the entire world of that day.

Soon after his dream Nebuchadnezzar found himself suddenly banned from his kingdom to live in the wilderness and eat grass like the other animals.  Instead of cursing his lot, however, he lifted his heart and mouth up to heaven and praised the God of Daniel, acknowledging Him as the giver of all things, including his kingdom for which he had once proudly taken full credit for its very existence.  His wealth and his kingdom were then restored to him, along with his lords and counselors.  In his own words: “and I was established in my kingdom, and excellent majesty was added unto me.”  He then praised, extolled and honored the King of heaven.


It was his son, Belshazzar, king of the Chaldeans, who resorted to worshiping their gods of gold, silver, brass, iron, wood and stone, bringing that empire down into final ruin.  While celebrating and drinking out of the vessels taken from out of the temple of God in Jerusalem, he saw a hand writing upon the wall these words:

MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN,” which Daniel interpreted, with some consternation himself, to mean: “God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it…. Thou art weighed in the balance, and art found wanting…. Thy kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians”  (Daniel 5:24-28).  

The king immediately tried to appease Daniel’s God by commanding that Daniel be clothed with scarlet and given the gold chain he had promised to anyone who could interpret the writing on the wall, along with making him the third ruler of the kingdom.  But that night Belshazzar was slain and Darius the Median took over the kingdom.


Daniel had several visions after this, all foretelling what was to come to pass, not unlike John of Revelation. They come as well toward the end of a cycle of repeated failure.  In fact, they were strikingly similar and read very much like the visions John saw when he turned to see the voice that spoke with him. Daniel also had a vision of a glorified man after he himself had been on a twenty-four-day fast mourning the visions he had been having pointing to the destruction of Jerusalem,  a city which, as Daniel reminded the Lord, bore his name, “Salem.” It was just after this period of mourning and fasting, sitting by the river Hiddekel, that Daniel saw…

 “A certain man clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with fine gold of Uphaz: His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude.”  (Daniel 10:5-6)  

It was then that Daniel, foreseeing the necessity of a new cycle for the redemption of mankind and the restoration of the world after so many prior failures, foretold the coming of the Messiah, the incarnation of the Lord of Love, who would himself initiate the cycle.

Invariably, toward the end of a world cycle, there is the One who is present at the very core of the fire which fuels the creative process underway.  This is the Lord of the Sacred Seven who is responsible for the Creative Processes at work in and through this world over which he is Sovereign.  He made himself known through Abraham, through Jacob, through Moses and the prophets such as Daniel, and finally through John the Beloved on the isle of Patmos, after the cycle He had initiated came to a certain point of completion for Him personally, although it failed to complete itself in the collective experience of those who were with Him at the time. 

The cycle would have to be re-initiated at a level where human consciousness would be in a future time when cosmic factors would come into alignment again and make it possible.  His presence and personal victory impacted human consciousness sufficiently to transform it and lift it to a level where the cycle could be initiated again. That initiation has taken place in our day, as the peoples of the world are awakening to the presence of the Divine within themselves.

This same Lord of the Seven Planes of Being for this Whole Holy World is making His presence felt once again at the end of this cycle of 2000 years, which marks the beginning of a cycle of renewal and restoration for the entire planet and solar entity, including Mankind and the natural world on the planet.  For those who are moving on the vibration of Love, the Presence of the One who dwells in the midst is unmistakably felt. His radiance shines forth into the world by reason of the presence of this tiny gland, this “white stone” of the renewed Pineal.  Uranda expressed this dynamic in his usual authoritative voice:

“The grain of sand, so called, that is contained in the Pineal Gland acts on the same principle as that utilized in the crystal set radio. This ‘grain of sand’ is, in reality, a crystallized particle of the highest vibration of physical substance, and it is through this that the highest vibration possible in the physical body is released into Radiant expression, from the Father within. This crystallized substance is not subject to external activities or influences of the physical body, but it is like the germ in the seed which is the focal point through which life forces are released into active expression. The Radiance is shining through this seventh seal at all times, and to the degree that we are, in our consciousness, attuned thereto, the expression of the Father [love] is released into our lives, moment by moment.” – Uranda

I will continue sharing excerpts from Sacred Anatomy in my next two posts, bringing this series to completion.  We will consider how the little stone in the king’s dream casts its prophetic shadow on the transformation of human consciousness and behavior unfolding in our time. Until then….

Be Love.  Be loved.


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SACRED ANATOMY: The Pineal Gland–Cornerstone of the Temple

“The physical body is Real and beautiful beyond words to describe. It is wonderful beyond all the imaginings of mankind. In it are revealed the secret things of God.  Through it work the Cosmic Forces of the Universe.”—Uranda


The Spirit of Love

Between the two hemispheres of the brain, below the posterior portion of the corpus callosum — the thick tissue connecting the two lobes of the cerebrum which hover over this inner sanctum like two arched wings — is a hallow space called the “Cave of Brama.”  In this cavity, enthroned atop the corpora quadrigemina — four small eminences on the back side of the brain stem serving as relay stations for auditory and visual impulses — is a small protuberance called the Pineal Body, or epiphysis cerebri.  Its pinecone shaped head, from which it derives its name, points back toward the “arbor vitae” (tree of life) of the cerebellum in the occipital cavity of the cranium.

       Situated in the exact position of the Divine Proportion of the Golden Mean (.618 the distance on a line drawn from the front of the brain to the rear, and from the top of the skull to the bottom), behind and slightly above the level of the Pituitary Gland, the Pineal is about the size of the first digit of your little finger.  Its functions, however, are vast and relate primarily to the natural rhythms of the body.  It produces hormonal crystals, such as melatonin and serotonin, which synchronize the body’s circadian rhythms regulating some physiological activities, such as the sleep cycle, with the rotational cycles of the earth, as well as regulating blood flow to the brain, thereby influencing behavioral patterns and mental activity.  –The Pineal Gland located at the Golden Mean of the Divine Proportion of the Brain —      

The color frequency of the Pineal is Violet correlating with the seventh wavelength of the light spectrum.  Violet is a passionate color and I wonder if perhaps, it isn’t here in the “seventh heaven” where our sense of deep passionate love for truth and for life itself is most deeply known.  This color also represents the purple garments of royalty befitting a king, and is not Love, rightly, the benevolent King and ruler of our hearts and of this whole holy world?  I perceive its musical pitch to correlate with F Natural. (This pitch shifted to a higher frequency of F# sometime during the dawning of the 21st century.)

       As with all the endocrine glands, the Pineal is ductless and therefore secretes its hormones directly into the blood stream.  Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 are nutrients which support the health and function of the pineal gland.

The “Third Eye”

        In former times the Pineal has been called by various names.  In the fourth century the Greek philosopher, Herophilus said it was the “sphincter of thought,” or the “origin of thought.”  Indian mystics said it was the “third eye,” the “eye within” and the “contemplative eye.”  Rene Descartes, the sixteenth century French philosopher, said the pineal was the “seat of the soul,” the seat of our consciousness.  Science, on the other hand, called it the pineal body, when no one understood what its functions were or if indeed there were any. For a while it was called the pineal gland and in the last decade it has been called the pineal organ because of its direct connection with the brain in producing its primary hormone, melatonin.

       Lawrence Blair, in his book Rhythms of Vision in Chapter 6 entitled “The Subtle Anatomy of Man,” says there is a debate as to whether the “third eye” can be attributed to the Pineal or to the Pituitary, or as he states it:

    …to the Brow or to the Crown Chakra; it is perhaps a somewhat academic point but I personally favor the Crown as being its most likely location. The corresponding physical organ, the pineal, is known to contain vestigial retinal tissue, and its structure is likened by modern physiology to a third, albeit atrophied, photo-receptor.

     A further interesting physiological fact is that the pituitary gland (or the Brow Chakra) is connected to the left eye and governs the lower half of the brain, whereas the pineal expressing the Crown Chakra, is connected to the right eye and governs the upper half of the brain.    

       Perhaps no one has written with as much detail and insight about this little gland as has Dr. Jacob Liberman, optometrist and pioneer in the therapeutic use of light and color,  and the art of mind-body integration.   Dr. Liberman’s work has centered around developing a way for treating the cause of human ailments—physical, mental and spiritual— with light and color. In his brilliant book, Light: Medicine of the Future,  Dr. Liberman integrates the biochemical, psychological and spiritual properties of light.  He says the awareness of how light and color affect our lives was expounded upon as far back as 1840 by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, whose dying words suggested that  the “second shutter”  be opened in order to let “more light come in.”  He was not referring to the window blinds, but rather to the third eye” of the pineal gland.  Three different eyes were thought to exist: the flesh eyes for visual perception of light, the “eye of reason,” or “mental eye” and the “contemplative eye,” which Goethe says, “appreciates God.”  Dr. Liberman suggests that we must “integrate our vision to incorporate all the three eyes, as well as opening up the second shutter, but in doing so, we begin to open up our vision in a way that opens up our lives.”  Further, he cites Jonathan Swift’s insightful words, who wrote, “‘Real vision is the ability to see the invisible.’”   Liberman’s view is that by integrating these three eyes, we can experience what otherwise seems invisible.

Dr. Liberman explains how the average individual perceives only a small fraction of the stimuli coming at them from the environment.  “My personal experience is that as the inner eye opens, as we begin to see what at one time we felt was invisible, we tune into a broader spectrum, not only of the electromagnetic spectrum, but of the subtle energies that are not even within this electromagnetic spectrum.”   The word subtle relative to energies speaks to me of spiritual or ethereal light; that which is behind and before solar light and fills the spaces between the elements of the molecular world.   We are speaking here of the substance of love which creates a bond between us and with the natural world around us.

       Speaking of the primary function of the Pineal Body, Liberman attributes the very primal instinct of bonding between individual life forms, such as between parent and child, to the all encompassing role of the Pineal.  “This bond,” he writes, “thought to develop out of the ‘heart-to-heart’ synchronization between mother and child, is a microcosm of humanity’s synchronized relationship with nature and the rest of the universe.” 

       Acting much as a light meter and physiological metronome attached to the physical eyes, the Pineal relays information received through the hypothalamus about the outside world of space and time, such as the length of the days and the seasons of the year,  to the body and the mind by way of hormonal messengers, alerting the body to the need to generate changes. These hormones alter moods, circadian (twenty-four-hour) rhythms and seasonal reproductive cycles so as to synchronize with changes in the natural world with which we are connected.

Dr. Liberman continues:  

     The timing of physiological events is very critical to the health and propagation of a species.  Since the pineal gland seems to adjust the entire physiology of organisms to their environment, the physical size of this gland seems to vary according to where animals live.  Thus, the pineal is relatively small in animals living at or near the equator, whereas its size increases proportionately the further north or south of the equator animals live.

     In certain species, such as the elephant seal, the pineal gland at birth occupies 50% of the brain.  If the size of the human pineal gland is directly related to the degree to which living creatures are in touch with their environment, does the size of the human pineal (pea size) indicate something about the state of our consciousness?  Would a change in our consciousness, and a closer connection between us and nature, increase the size of our pineals?  Whatever the answer to these questions, respect for nature by all living creatures is not only a moral necessity but is definitely crucial to the longevity and quality of life. . . .  In creatures such as birds, lizards, and fish, light stimulates the pineal by penetrating directly through the skull.  In many reptiles, the pineal has all the photo-receptive elements characteristic of an eye. It is therefore referred to as a “third eye” because, in many creatures, it resembles an eye in both structure and activity.  However, in humans, as well as in all hairy creatures, light stimulates the pineal exclusively by way of our eyes, therefore making it an integral part of the visual system.  The technical name of the pineal is epiphysis cerebri, which literally means “top of the brain.” It is my belief that humans originally also received light stimulation through the top of the head, as is vividly described in many metaphysical and ancient spiritual writings. This indicates that at one point in human evolution, perhaps prior to the development of the brain hemispheres, the pineal may have actually been positioned at the top of the human brain. . . .  Today, the pineal is recognized as playing a major role in every aspect of human function.  It acts as the “regulator of regulators.”  Aside from its documented effects on reproductive function, growth, body temperature, blood pressure, motor activity, sleep, tumor growth, mood, and the immune system, it also seems to be a factor in longevity. (pp. 31-33)

Whatever the evolutionary history of this tiny gland, its very existence appears to haunt us, as little was known of its purpose and function until recently.  Although it has tended to be rejected as having any significant role to play in the body,  it has been discovered that it plays an intimate and vital role with the eyes.  I suspect at one time—perhaps before “the Fall” when Man lived in the Garden of Eden—it served as an internal eye, a vibrational “window of heaven,” through which we were able to “see” into the realms of light, into heaven, and communicate daily with the LORD God.

–The Pineal enthroned atop the Corpora Quadrigemina–

       Considering its makeup of retinal tissue and its close association with the corpora quadrigemina with its relay stations for auditory and visual impulses, one can even imagine how the Pineal may have served as a transmitter of sorts by which we heard the heavenly sounds of angelic voices singing in the realms of light.

       I like to think of the Pineal Body as the throne of deity on earth, the deity of divine being,  a remarkably exact reflection of the “throne set in heaven” John describes in the Book of Revelation in the Bible, even  down to the fine details of  the “four beasts full of eyes before and behind,” the significance of which we shall explore shortly.

Of the seat of the soul Uranda says this:

   Meditation upon the Cosmic Principles of Light, Love and Life, keeping the attention centered in the Seat of the Soul—that is, IN the Throne of thy Father within thee, in the center of thy head— seeking the while to detect the INFLOW of Cosmic Vibrations through thy hair, followed by the OUTFLOW through thy WHOLE body in a glorious  Radiance of the Christ in which thy WHOLE, HOLY BEING is enfolded, will speed thy conscious comprehension of the ONE TRUTH that thou art ONE with the ALL that is ONE.   (Steps To Mastership, Lesson 43)

An excellent pineal attunement technique is toning with one’s focus in the forehead where the “third eye” is sending out radiant beams of light. Toning a high pitch will resonate with the high frequency of this sacred energy center. 

I welcome your thoughts and inspirations. I will continue in my next post with a consideration of the spiritual significance of the Pineal gland as the focus for the Spirit of Love. Until then, 

Be love. Be loved.


Credits: Graphic illustrations by David Stefaniak.

Contact the author to inquire about obtaining a copy of SACRED ANATOMY. 

My Heart a Sea of Glass. . .Mingled with Fire


When my heart is quiet and my mind is still, my inner landscape becomes a sea of glass clear as crystal, mingled with fire.  Upon this crystal sea of quiet stillness is reflected the light of my spirit divine.  And I am immediately in love with what I see and what I know of who I am.

Then my heart wants to sing and I hear the sounds of light in heaven begging to be sounded on earth . . . the music of the spheres.   Thus am I guided in my quest for the sacred harmonies of the cosmos that make this world, my form, so beautiful, so magical.

I connect these two realms of heaven and earth with the music of the Soul of my soul. The inaudible becomes heard, the invisible  seen, the unspoken finds words in my heart, which alone understands the mystery of the Word made flesh.  The mystery of God is finished in my earth . . . and I know the awful power and sublime bliss of attunement with the One I Am.

Attunement with Sacred Sound

Sound is a natural carrier wave for spirit and for consciousness.  I have found it very useful in my attunement healing work.   I use tuning forks, singing bowls and voice to create sound waves.   Over the years I have collected several such tools for sacred sound. (Click on the above link to obtain a copy on my book exploring this methodology in depth.)

When I found an “A” bowl forged of Tibetan metals that sings a pure tone when stroked with the soft leather-bound end of the baton, I could then play three complete harmonious chords during attunement with sacred sound sessions. They are:

1) the A Major chord (A C# E) for the Spirit of the Womb (Pituitary and Crown Chakra),

2) the F Major chord (F A C) for the Spirit of Purification (Thymus gland and Heart Chakra), and

3) the D Major chord (D F# A) for the Spirit of the Single Eye (Adrenal glands and the Chi power center and/or Root Chakra).

Sacred Anatomy

Now, these pitches and chords are not etched in stone as the pitches and chords for specific energy sites in the body.   Like our physical forms, this is a work in progress, and as we continue to evolve spiritually in consciousness, the flesh of our body temples will continue to spiritualize, the cells that comprise the flesh thus oscillating to higher and higher frequencies, ascending as they shift frequencies.

This said, however, I am inclined to embrace my original inspired realization that the harmonic tones of the light of the sun and the light of love are comprised of relative frequencies, seven in number, and since our physical bodies are created by love from out of the vibrational substances of light and sound, and are positioned at the crossover point between these two creating forces of sunlight and lovelight,  the frequencies of the sacred energy sites of the seven endocrine glands and the seven Chakra are relative harmonics of the tones of these two luminous realities. Indeed, they are prisms for refracting the light of the Spirit of Love into seven spirits and the light of the sun into seven colors and musical pitches.

This is what I mean by the term “sacred anatomy” in my book by the same name. All of the anatomy of our body temples is sacred and connected to everything in heaven above and earth below, as are all things in the Universe. So, I’m not saying anything new here.   I only wish to emphasize the special role the seven hormonal glands of our endocrine system play, in concert with the seven chakras, grounding sacred energy and therein bringing the Creator in touch with Creation . . . God incarnate in human flesh.  Is there anything more special, more mystical and mysterious, more enjoyable than this?!  We have the best seat in the House of many mansions to enjoy the Symphony of the Music of the Spheres.

Is not this something worth being and living in attunement with?!  Worth keeping my heart and mind a sea of glass clear as crystal and mingled with the fire of my love for life?!  Surely it is.

How to do that and still live in the world of turmoil and strife?  The key lies in finding the still point of one’s turning world.  For once one finds it, one will never want to leave it, and once it finds you it will never let you leave it.  One can find it through attunement.  One can find it through meditation.  Of this be assured:  while you are looking for it, it is looking for you, for a creation without a creator is impossible and will always seek out its origins for sovereign benediction and for attunement with the Light of the Creator. Creation also seeks its creator for change and renewal.  Should it not find its creator, it will disintegrate without the blessing of its creator, and that is truly sad. This is why evening and morning sanctification, where one takes one’s world into one’s heart and hands for blessing and forgiveness, is so uplifting.  Because it’s also centering.

I start an attunement session by asking the person to come into the present moment completely with no thought of doing or accomplishing anything other than simply coming into the present moment and being now here.  Putting these two words together we have nowhere.  To help them I suggest they get in touch with the feeling that they will be here for the rest of their life with nothing demanding their attention, either from yesterday or tomorrow, not even in the immediate future after the session.  Be here now forever.  I take that attitude myself so that I can offer the greatest possible blessing.  I then assist them to come to a place where that is the truth of the matter, for the here and now can be taken into every moment of life.   Or, more accurately stated, every moment of living can be brought into the here and now.

So thoroughly can one become absorbed into the here and now and be present in the center of one’s turning world that one can lose the sense of going anywhere, as on a journey, and gain the sense that somewhere is always coming to where one is. One may have to don an automobile or a jet liner to accomplish this task, just as we had to don a physical body in order to walk in a world of space and time. But one no longer sees oneself as moving out of the present here and now at the center on one’s revolving world.  This simple change in perspective is the resolution of all forms of stress, for it puts to rest the desire to be somewhere other than where one is now, and to have anything more than what one has now. All things come to one who waits in patience upon the creative cycles that move one’s world toward the center where I am. And they come at a rate that I can easily handle them appropriately and successfully with the greatest of ease and to the blessing to all concerned.  Above all, it creates the unhurried atmosphere inside of a sea of glass clear as crystal mingled with fire.

Be love. Be loved.








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