Creating the New Earth Together

Posts tagged ‘Bill Gates’

Reclaiming Our Hearts & Our Home, part 2

I received a response to my last post from my friend and favorite poet, Don Hynes, in which he takes the consideration to another level.  It prompted me to write a second article on the subject of reclaiming our hearts and our home.  Here’s Don’s letter:

Thank you Tony. This is an inspiring and very well presented issue of your blog. I found the interview with Vandana Shiva enlightening and grounded with the facts at hand as presented by RFK Jr.

Gates may be a psychopath but I would guess more likely he feels he is doing good for the world, good in his own eyes. This is the very same problem with human nature in general, doing “good” in their singular mental framework without seeing how ultimately destructive the result. This is why the Master could say, “Father forgive them, they know not what they do.” I’d guess the Pharisees and Sadducees as well as Pilate and the Romans thought they were doing good by attempting to murder Christ Jesus, getting rid of a dangerous radical, ban him from Facebook and Twitter.

What I gather from all this is that the substance of the Lord, of Creation, is present, and though oppressed, is waiting to be activated in a positive and wholesome way. This is the new heaven arising in the east and the new earth that will surely follow.


IS IT CURTAINS for the human race, or can we save our species from total obliteration, as environmentalists warn we’re headed?  Or is there a plausible alternative view and option?

There may well be both if philanthropist Bill Gates has any credence left in this highly critical social and political environment.  I know that I’ve been looking at Mr. Gates and his philanthropical activities askance over the past year or more, projecting ulterior motives onto his promotion of the Covid-19 vaccines, for one thing.  Well, I suppose someone with lots of money had to do it, even someone who is viewed as a “psychopath,” an impression one may have gotten from Robert Kennedy, Jr’s interview with Dr. Vandana Shiva in my previous post.  I’m not a psychologist, but I don’t believe the term applies in his case.   

In all fairness, and after some critical thinking, I’ve stopped to do a little research and listen to Bill Gates as a fellow human being who, as my poet friend allowed, may simply be doing his part to make the world a better place to live, if only “in his own eyes.” So, let’s have a look and a listen.  After all, it wouldn’t have to change how some of us may view him . . . although it may.  My view and opinion of him and his endeavors have changed considerably, for whatever that’s worth.  


Bill Gates has been developing and promoting ways to “save our planet” for a number of years, funding “Green Energy” endeavors and projects with his considerable wealth, much of it allegedly accruing from his interest in the Covid-19 vaccines.  Bill Gates was worth $125 billion the first of this year, and would be worth much more were he not such a generous philanthropist.  He gained the distinction of “THE richest man in the world” after his successful launching and promoting of Microsoft, currently worth $1.674 trillion on the market. His share of ownership, after stepping down from the company altogether in 2000, is 1.3%, or $7 billion.  

In 2010 he and his wife founded the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as a vehicle for their philanthropic activities. Ten years ago, Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett founded the Giving Pledge. Today, there are more than 200 billionaires from across the globe that have pledged to give away most of their fortunes to charity. The Gates foundation today has $50 billion in assets.  Bill and Melinda have pledged billions towards the effort to fight the virus and develop a viable vaccine.

Sadly, lately, Bill Gates has been the target of a number of wild conspiracy theories surrounding the coronavirus pandemic. Fortunately, a post about how Gates has spent decades of his life and many tens of millions of dollars supporting humanitarian causes went viral. The post states the very real fact that Gates has pretty much done “more to better life on earth…than any other human being to ever live.” While this is somewhat hyperbole, the fact is that Gates has given more than $50 billion to charity since 1994. The amazing thing is, his wealth has grown at an even faster pace than he’s given it away.  (Celebrity Net Worth)

Here’s a short clip in which Bill Gates offers an optimistic message about the future:

Listening to this, one could critique it by noting that Bill says nothing about the spiritual dimensions of consciousness as he lists assets along the path we might take, such as education, reduced population growth, extended life span, more science, more global understanding and sense of our common humanity, taking advantage of our innate curiosity and capabilities.  All these things are obviously mental and physical assets and activities that require little spiritual resource other than life energy.  Perhaps that’s not his role to play.  Others are offering spiritual inspiration and guidance of a transformational nature in the multilevel and multidimensional consciousness of the Body of Humanity.  We each have our unique and diverse roles to play.

Returning to Don’s comment above, I am compelled to ask the question “How is the “substance of the Lord, of Creation” going to be “activated in a positive and wholesome way” if not through human beings—through you and me?  We are the appointed keepers of the Garden of Eden here on Earth.  All through our biblical history, the delivery of the Lord’s salvation has been done through human beings: Abraham and Moses, for instance, and later on the Buddha and Jesus—not that I’m equating Bill Gates’ stature with that of the Buddha or Jesus, or even Abraham and Moses.  He is, however, a human being, one of us, who is also providing a dynamic focus of light energy in the field of planetary existential issues that impact all of humanity, such as climate control, global warming and world hunger; added to these now is the fresh water crisis and this pandemic.  His focus is at the mental level, like a light-bearer shining the light of possibilities in the darkness of global fear and uncertainty. 

Don concluded his comment saying “This is the new heaven arising in the east and the new earth that will surely follow.”  Well, I think the new heaven has descended upon human consciousness over the past few decades.  It awaits activation through human beings.  In its own season the new earth will follow and continue to unfold on the planet, and all of us are part of the means by which it unfolds, including Bill Gates and his fellow donors to the “Giving Pledge.”  They are part of the means by which the new earth emerges, perhaps even by which the old earth is held in place long enough for the new earth to take its place without too many perishing?  And perhaps the means by which it passes away.  Is this the provision of the Lord that I am questioning and judging as just another example of human nature’s bright ideas that result in destruction?  There’s nothing wrong or evil about human nature under the dominion and activation of the spirit of God.  It’s only in its self-active state that human nature is lost and therefore dangerous and destructive.  

To be honest, I don’t know how it is all to unfold, other than out of the new heaven. I am giving myself pause in my judgement of wealthy philanthropists in our world today.  Surely even “they” have a purpose in the Divine economy and plan for the restoration, as we each one have.  In reality there is no they, only US.  We are one human race and one Creation under the Sun.  Let me not think that I know what those who take the initiative to do what they see is theirs to do, what they should and shouldn’t do. Let me rather be about what is mine to do while sending them love and gratitude.  For, as the co-founder of Chiropractic Dr. BJ Palmer wrote:

”We never know how far reaching something we may think, say or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow.  It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness.”

Perhaps I’m giving away too much of the store here.  I don’t know.  I want to believe . . . NO, I KNOW that every angel now incarnate on Earth is here to take part in the restoration of the Earth and of Humanity in one form and another, and what Bill Gates’ part is, or anyone else’s part to play, is not my business. It’s the Lord’s business. 

My part is to be about my Father’s business, and writing this blog is just one part of my role at this stage of my earthly sojourn of eighty years.  I write about what’s on my platter in the moment and Bill Gates has been on it for some time.  God bless him . . . and, yes poet, Father forgive him and all others who may not know what they do.  God knows, and that’s enough for me.

Speaking of sending love, during my Attunement sessions these past several days I’ve noticed a marked increase in the intensity of the current of love moving through my heart and hands. We have crossed a threshold into a new dimension and layer of cosmic energy pouring out from the radiant core of the Milky Way Galaxy and of the Sacred Heart of God.  Love’s light is increasing.  Praise be to God in the Highest Heaven.

Do send me your thoughts . . . and your vision for a new world.  I may share them unless you prefer not. Until my next post, 

Be love. Be forgiving 


In celebration of the blue-sky sunshiny days we’re having in the aftermath of harsh winter storms, I share this exuberantly jubilant poem by E. E. Cummings, “I Thank You God.”

i thank You God for most this amazing
day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything 
which is natural which is infinite which is yes. 
(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun’s birthday; this is the birthday
of life and of love and wings: and of the gay great
happening illimitably earth)
how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any—lifted from the no of all nothing—
human merely being doubt unimaginable You?
(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened.)

Reclaiming Our Hearts & Home

“The mind, once enlightened, cannot again become dark.” –Tomas Paine in a letter addressed to Abbe Raynal on the Affairs of North America

In keeping with the theme of this blog, Creating a New Earth Together, I would like to share an important and entertaining interview with Dr. Vandana Shiva by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  I am posting it as specific and prevailing events that define aspects of a world passing away as a new world emerges through passionate souls such as Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Dr. Vandana Shiva.  Robert is a tenacious researcher and challenger of the status quo whose expressed mission in life is to expose in the light of truth those who work in the shadows to enrich themselves at the expense of the larger body of humanity and of the Natural World; and Vandana is a bright spirit and beautiful human being who embodies vibrantly the Divine Feminine as a worthy spokesperson for Mother Earth.  I love her fun-loving, impish smile and can-do spirit.  (You can follow the interview with the transcript below the video.)

In this interview we gain a broader awareness of what’s happening behind the scenes in the commercial agriculture industry and the commandeering of our food supply by land-grabbing tycoons enriching their portfolios by buying up farm lands along with global seed banks and genetically modifying seeds in order to grow plants that are impervious to weed-killing glyphosate in Roundup.  There are fifteen of these seed banks in the world cataloging, storing and preserving some 786,000 different seeds for growing our food on the planet.

The goal of these billionaire-backed technocrats is to solve humanity’s problems with their technology, such as world hunger.  The problem is their technological solutions only create more problems, such as greater starvation in third-world countries where the soil is depleted by chemical fertilizers that stimulate the plants to grow fast and produce an empty harvest.  Technologies that promote back-to-back planting and harvesting, exhausting and depleting the soil of minerals, and destroying the microorganisms that make our vegetables and fruit rich with life-supporting vitamins and minerals.  This is happening in India, Vandana’s homeland, and has been for some time:

Vandana: I see the industrial agriculture and industrial processing and the industrial mindset as invasions into our bodies. Earlier, it was happening indirectly, the cancers through the toxics. You’ve been fighting on the Monsanto cancer cases. All of that is an invasion into the body. But now there’s a conscious denial that there’s a harmony between the soil’s health, the plant health, and our health. Our gut microbiome is a rain forest of diversity. And if it doesn’t receive diversity of food and it doesn’t receive fresh food, it is like a war against our gut microbiome, which is 90% of us in terms of biodiversity. We are 10% human, 90% other beings who keep us healthy, who make us. And the war against our bodies is at its last stages. (Emphasis added)

But it’s happening at a time when awareness on health is growing so much. Where awareness of biodiversity is growing so much. And now they’re thinking, “Oh, [let’s do] what we did when colonialism started, just change the mindset, call them barbarians, civilize them.” I mean, they’re basically carrying on the civilizing mission narrative. And that’s why I wrote my book, Oneness Vs. the 1%.  I said Bill Gates keeps talking about innovation; all he’s doing is colonization. And I’ve basically shown how it’s colonization.


It’s worth noting, as RFK, Jr. explains, how glyphosate in Roundup kills vegetation by sucking the minerals out of plants. This chemical, an industrial detergent that chelates minerals — accidentally discovered to also be an herbicide then bottled and marketed as such — has found its way into our bodies via our food where it’s reeking havoc in the lining of our intestines causing the modern condition known as “leaky gut syndrome,” the underlying cause of food intolerances and many diseases.  

We need to stop the genetic modifying of our seeds and food supply.  WE NEED TO WAKE UP AND RECLAIM OUR LAND, OUR FOOD AND OUR HEALTH !

The whole truth and full scope of this existential crisis is discussed at length in this interview. 

RFK Jr. Interviews Vandana Shiva: The Gates Empire ‘Will Own Everything’

AS A CLOSURE, Vandana invites us all to become Earth Activists to protect our Home and reclaim our food through “nonviolent regenerative agriculture” and biodiversity; to put our hands in the soil and bless the Earth with our loving and caring touch. Enjoy her victorious spirit in this short video clip:

Any thoughts you wish to share. Email them to me as I always appreciate it when my readers share their perspectives. Until my next post,



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