Creating the New Earth Together

Posts tagged ‘attnement intensives’

Attunement with Sacred Sound

Anthony Palombo

Anthony Palombo

Welcome to Healing Tones!  I have much to share and a passion to get it out there.  I hope you are touched in some way and become a subscriber and “follower” of my blog (click on RSS above to subcribe).   My second post is a report about our March 19-20 workshop intensive, Attunement with Sacred Soundk, at Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, Colorado.   Enjoy!

   Visit my second blog at .

March Intensive A Huge Success

Attunement with Sacred Sound Workshop Intensive at Sunrise Ranch
This was our fifth workshop intensive, our third at Sunrise Ranch.  Over a two-day period, March 19-20, our circle grew from eight Friday morning to eighteen for the Circle of Sound Equinox celebration Saturday evening, drawing thirty-four in all into our dedicated container.  Our theme was the manifestation of a beautiful world through attunement with sacred sound.  It was a totally co-creative event marked by spirited participation on the parts of those attending and spontaneous presentations by several, with soft and easy co-facilitation by Tony & Bonnie Palombo.

We were treated to a Shamanic journey by David Ward, from Ashland, Oregon, who demonstrated his use of crystals inserted inside gloves to assist him in directing energy using the principle of “holophasics,” then spoke of his fascinating healing work which takes him into the underworld to assist departed souls in navigating this dark terrain and finding their way to the light, a journey about which he is presently authoring a book.  Laurence Layne, visiting from St. Augustine, Florida, dropped in to speak about his favorite topic, The Spiritual Nature of the Physical Body, focusing on the relationship between the nervous system and the endocrine glands and how we use these two systems in our attunement work. Mai Tran, from Southern California, presented a brief yet very enlightening explanation of the Chakras as she uses them in offering attunements as a Reiki practitioner.  Finally, Alan Martens, from Sunrise Ranch, demonstrated the Ancient Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation, five exercises that, done diligently, can take one to the fabled “Fountain of Youth” within.

These were the spices that added flavor to our time together, the main ingredient being the ongoing exploration of sacred sound as a carrier wave for consciousness in the attunement current.  Each workshop brings forth something new, and this one brought into our creative field the significance and utter delight of the F Sharp Major triad, F# A# C#.

Now, we’ve had a 16 inch A# quartz crystal bowl for some time but didn’t know its significance, as it didn’t quite harmonize with the other bowls – that is until we discovered the F# chord.  It has now become the center piece of this harmonic triad, which we were guided to use as the harmonic tones in “balancing the cervicals” during attunements. I am seeing it also as the ascending chord at the level of the “Eighth Chakra” with its F# fundamental tone that matches the F# frequency of the Pineal gland.  So, we have B D# F# as the harmonic triad of the Crown Chakra/Pineal gland, and F# A# C# extending the ascending sound current as a sonic bridge to the next level above.  When we played this harmonic triad on the quartz crystal bowls and toned it with our voices, something magically uplifting was felt.

Keith Hancock has been playing around with the key of F# Major for some time and he improvised on the piano, playing only the black keys, which the key of F# Major largely consists of.  It was an open and joyful sound . . . a “joyful noise” as the psalmist writes.  We took five bowls of the F# Major chord into the Dome chapel Sunday morning and played an improvised melody on them during service.  It was just beautiful. The sacred sounds of the bowls filled the dome with awesome resonating frequencies and overtones, echoing the “music of the spheres.”

We filled our container with activities of sacred healing arts technology:  attunement principles and technique; power point presentations bringing in the ancients – such as Apollo, the Greek god of music, harmony, medicine and poetry, and his son the great singer Orpheus, father of truth, wisdom and divination, who gave us stringed instruments, such as the cithara (guitar) and the lyre (harp), and whom the muses taught to play such sweet music as to sway men and gods, enchant plants and even stir inanimate objects. The name Orpheus means “he who heals by the light,” signifying a particular level of healing likely through the application of sacred sound.  The power of his healing voice and music was ascribed to certain magical formula, incantations and charms that are inscribed in the ancient Orphic Tablets.

From the Orphic mystery teachings comes the Platonic Schools of Wisdom which gave us Pythagoras, who gave us our modern musical octave which is based on the Golden Mean (Pi = 1.618), and the musical interval of the “Perfect Fifth.”  We brought in Sufi Master Hazrat Inayat Khan with his mysticism of sacred sound; the “Healing Fifth” harmony of do-sol that brings the endocrine and chakra systems into balance; the phenomena of cymatics with Dr. Peter Guy Manners, of the crickets hymn of praise, both by DVD, and of overtones and harmonic chant with Jonathan Goldman on CD; toning to resolve and reclaim dissonant energy; voice placement and exercises; quartz crystal and Tibetan singing bowls and tuning forks; and just plain fun and laughter.

At the beginning we each and altogether set our intentions for a beautiful new world as seeds into the sacred soil of spirit substance, which we nurtured with our love and friendship throughout the intensive, intoning sessions with a harmonic chant to each of the Seven Spirits of Love.  Toward the end of our time together we shared reading a consideration of the Seven Steps to the “Secret” of Manifestation, a compilation of excerpts from Uranda’s 1933 instruction paper, Instantaneous Manifestation, and Carnelian Sage’s wonderful little book, The Greatest Manifestation Principle in the World.  In closing we created a sacred sound vessica and sent our intentions forth upon the waves of harmonic chant to the Spirit of the New Earth – that’s the grounding root tones of the C Major triad, C E G.  We came, we learned, we shared, we sang, we drummed, we danced, we played, we blessed, we shared attunement, we co-created . . . and it was all very, very good!

(Visit Tony’s blog at )

P.S. I invite you to visit me on the web at : .  Other attunement sites worth visiting are:,

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