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Posts tagged ‘Balanced Budget’

Apocalypse of Light 2013, Part 4: Divine Economics page 3 — Reciprocity and Compensation


Tony's pictureIn a previous post I related how at our clinic in Baton Rouge, La. years ago we offered healthcare on a “giving basis,” allowing patients to give within their means for services received.  We had a high volume patient flow with a low volume cash flow.  The compensation wasn’t always balanced by the priceless worth of the services we offered.  Health in itself is priceless. In an effort to help patients understand the spirit of our Cooperative Fee System, often I would say “Your visit was paid for by the person who just left. You can pay for the person coming behind you.”  Precious few really caught the vision; most couldn’t quite make such a radical shift in their customary way of paying for services received.

One peculiarity I noted was how people tended to place more monetary value on a chiropractic adjustment than on an attunement, which was viewed as a form of “spiritual” healing and was therefore somehow exempt from monetary consideration — quite understandably, I will add.  The experience of sharing an attunement is priceless.  We simply do not know how to measure priceless spiritual gifts by material standards — and in truth we really can’t.  How do you reciprocate to God, for example, and compensate Him for the gift of life, other than with the spiritual currency of a life well lived in expressed love for God and one’s neighbor?  

On the subject of reciprocity and compensation, my friend and follower I mentioned in the last post offered this perspective in his comments to a previous blog post, referring to a question the founder of the attunement service, Uranda (Lloyd A. Meeker), once posed: 

From the  divine standpoint, I don’t think reciprocity in kind is the rule and more importantly there is a vertical dimension to this which is negotiated only by an exchange of spiritual substance. Your article caused me to remember Uranda’s pointed question, “How much is an attunement worth?” And he went on by degrees to suggest there really wasn’t compensation enough in human terms for an attunement.  But, of course, according to our response, so is it established unto us. Some may give much but it is little enough of what they have to give; some may give little but it is all they have to give. The considerations are not material but spiritual substance.

If I look at my own life from human appearances it’s easy to suppose I gave up far more materially than I ever gained by reason of spiritual expression. . . .   What [one has to] understand is that I have spent my life ‘laying up treasure in heaven.’  That’s the vertical dimension of divine economics and it can only be understood in terms of the generation of spiritual substance as the primary purpose for our being in this world.

We generate spiritual substance when the spirit of God is allowed to move upon the face of the waters of our consciousness — out hearts and minds.  When that happens there is Light.  As it was in the Beginning, so is it now and will always be.  Another word for Light is Life.  In other words, when we put Life, the real and lasting currency in divine economics, into our exchanges between one another, we generate spiritual substance, and that spiritual substance is stored in our consciousness — our “heaven.”  With his permission, I will share the rest of my friend’s comments, as he accurately articulates a very pivotal perspective from his own life experience, one with which I resonate deeply at many levels based upon my own experiences in serving the health needs of my patients.

Lest I be misunderstood, life long there has been an appropriate translation of that spiritual substance into the just fulfilling of material necessities — never extravagant, only fitting to the need; no more, no less. What I’ve noted about exchanges in the material world is that the thing itself exchanged — money for this or that object/service, etc — is not the primary concern. A true exchange in spirit — even if from outer appearances you may look to be receiving the ‘short end,’ as they say — always results in an increase of substance for both concerned. So my lifelong commitment to [my spiritual path], apparently getting the short end so far  as outside observation is concerned, was really an exchange of substance which resulted in laying up treasure in heaven for whatever purpose the Lord has and has yet to reveal.

The reference here is to something the Master Jesus is recorded to have said in his Sermon on the Mountain.  “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt , and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will be your heart.” (Matt 6: 19-21)


This vertical  dimension is where the real balance has to come; the earth responding in kind to the impulse of the spirit so that what rises up meets and corresponds to what is coming down from God out of the Heaven. That truly is out of balance in the  world and it is the vertical dimension that brings balance to the horizontal give-and-take on the plane of materiality. And it is this vertical dimension that has been largely ignored creating an inflated state of affairs in the world with ‘things’ being demanded and/or exchanged without regard to spiritual substance. But man won’t discover this until he gets beyond the two dimensional currency of the earth and discovers the vertical dimension of spiritual substance.

The interesting thing about the generation and use of spiritual substance for spiritual purposes is that what you give and what comes back may have an entirely different complexion. It’s an economy that  works through the whole.

 My friend, who was a university professor, cited an incident in his career which demonstrates an important misunderstanding of the principle of reciprocity.

I remember a circumstance years ago when I had very little and lived for a period of several months “rent free” with an acquaintance, for which I was very grateful. He  agreed I shouldn’t pay rent (though I picked up the cost of food for him and me) but at the end of that time he made the comment to me with a sigh, “Well, I guess that rent will come  back to me some other way,” implying it should have come from me. What he didn’t realize was there was a divine exchange going on. He had been a student of mine when I was still a graduate student and teaching assistant.  He’d had some difficulties and I excused him a final paper so he  could graduate. I had also introduced him to [my spiritual path] and lifted him up out of a very difficult circumstance. In other words I had extended spiritual substance to uplift him, and yet, apart from the ‘rent,’ he couldn’t see the outworking of divine reciprocity except it be in financial terms. What he had done was ‘given back’ bread  I had cast upon the waters, but for him it was another matter.


This opens up, for me anyway, a entirely new and fresh perspective with regard to paying for goods and services. If I only pay what they are worth in material terms, then I have given nothing more than what the merchant has invested into his business.  I have not appreciated, added to, his worth. As my friend put it, I only returned the “bread” he had cast upon the waters of life in hopes, and perhaps with faith, that he would receive it back with “interest,” or “lagniappe,” as we call it here in the South.  The “lagniappe” is usually given by the merchant in goods or services.  How about it being given by me for a change? And it doesn’t necessarily have to be in material or monetary terms, although a “tip” is always appreciated.

Giving with a thankful and generous heart, for example, appreciates the value of the transaction.  Complaint, on the other hand, depreciates its value.  We may well wonder if complaint about the state of our economy is not the root cause of the recessions and depressions we bring upon ourselves.  I personally have never felt good when I’ve allowed my complaint over prices to be voiced toward the cashier, who had nothing at all to do with pricing the goods I was purchasing.  My words, to my regret, only left a dissonant vacuum behind me. The wise admonition “Never underestimate the power of spiritual expression” my spiritual mentor reiterated, non too often for me, applies to all spirits we express in life, both loving and resentful. The spirit of thankfulness always uplifts the situation.  My friend concludes his comments with these timeless words:  

We live in this realm of divine exchange constantly, allowing the interactive nature of spiritual substance to give shape to whatever is appropriate in the current of the spirit, and those gifts we give and gifts we receive are not to be measured against human standards of valuation. This is the true meaning of Christ having given his life for the flock; of true love being the laying down of one’s life  for one’s friend, of  the gift [great spiritual messengers like Uranda] gave us at the expense of their own “personal fulfillment” that many might come and know what it means to lay up treasure in heaven to the restoration of divine balance to the human race.

This is what we had accomplished in our Baton Rouge clinic serving on a “Giving Basis.”  Together, through our passion and agreement to serve from a spiritual state of consciousness, we had generated quite a rich atmosphere of spiritual substance.  In such a buoyant atmosphere of rich spiritual substance, miracles of healing took place.  Results were forthcoming with little effort.  Spirit had created a healing matrix in our clinic and human flesh rushed to respond to the love with which we imbued and truly enriched our services.  This is what I am talking about — laying up riches in heaven. 

Those riches we laid up in heaven back then have continued to bring blessings into my life, and through me into the lives of those who have come to me for healing over yea these many years.  I celebrate my Golden Anniversary as a Chiropractor this year.  It’s been an incredibly rich and rewarding career and journey spiritually and, consequently but modestly, materially.  As my friend pointed out in his comments, the provision of the Lord is always just perfect for the need of the day. Never too much nor too little. I suspect the Lord has the same attitude toward His provision as my late mother-in-law had, God rest her soul, “Waste not, want not” — a legacy, I am thankful to say, her daughter faithfully carries forward.  I think of it every time I brush my teeth and turn off the running tap until I need to rinse.  The provision of life is really abundant.  As wise stewards of that provision, we can enjoy the riches of heaven without wasting the wealth of the earth.

In closing, let me thank my friend for taking the time to write and send me his comments. Through his words and shared insights, he really did add to (appreciate) the depth of our consideration.  I trust his commenting will inspire and encourage other readers to not be shy is sharing their thoughts with me and with others through my blog. 

I’ll share more from Walter Russell’s Messages of the Divine Iliad next post.  Until then,

Be love. Be loved.


Read my Health Light Newsletter online at and receive a two-minute sound attunement with quartz crystal and Tibetan bowls and tuning fork that will resonate in your pineal gland.




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Apocalypse of Light 2013, Part 4: Divine Economics, page 2 — Reciprocity and Compensation

Tony's picture 2 from Peggy


In man’s world of economics we work with three columns: Debit, Credit, and Balance.  Debits and credits are two unbalanced components that work against one another to maintain a balance.  It is so as well in God’s universe of rhythmic balanced interchange.

There is a vertical component and a horizontal component that together form a + sign. The vertical component in the Law of Balance is the spiritual or vibrational component — God or spirit. The horizontal component is the material plane of manifestation — Man and his world. When the Divine component is known and honored as the Cause and Source of everything on the horizontal plane, and the horizontal component is used to give expression to the vertical component of spirit, there is balance.  

In spiritual terms, when God is expressed through Man the experience is balance for Man and his affairs.  The result is a big plus (+).  No deficit, no debt and no credit.  Simply balance.  When the vertical component is ignored or forgotten altogether, the equation is unbalanced and the result is a big minus (–) in human affairs.  This is where we are now, and have been since our fall from grace in Paradise.

The Master Jesus spelled out the balanced equation very succinctly when he answered the chief priests and scribes who challenged him over the legality of paying homage to Caesar.  Seeing that Caesar’s image and inscription were on the coin of the realm, he replied: “Render, therefore, unto Caesar’s the things that be Caesar’s and unto God the things that be God’s” (Luke 20:22-25).  Of course, in truth, Caesar and all his coins and currency belong to God as well.  “The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein.”  It all belongs to God to be used to manifest the beauty of Creation and reveal the kingdom and power and glory of the Creator. This is the literal and true meaning of the word “apocalypse”– revelation.


Money represents life essence.  It’s even green in most currencies. When we use money as a means of sharing our life with others and  for conveying a spirit of love and appreciation, we render due homage to God and thus have a positive influence on our economy.  On the other hand, when we pay for goods and services with a begrudging attitude of complaint over the high cost and what-have-you, we withhold homage from God and thus have a negative impact on our economy.  It’s that simple.  Our economy is not about money. It’s about how we go about vibrationally exchanging our life essence for goods and services.  

Do I appreciate (increase) the value and worth of those who offer me their services and goods so that they they can continue to re-give with the money I exchange and the positive reinforcement of a grateful spirit, or do I depreciate (decrease) their sense of value and worth as merchants and people by conveying a spirit of complaint or criticism as I hand over my cash or credit card? I humbly confess that I have done both.


The currency of the God’s universe is life essence. We the people ARE the economy of God. Our bodies belong to Life, our minds belong to Truth, and our hearts belong to Love. For Life and Truth to flow through our bodies and minds, Love needs to flow through our hearts.  Love is the vertical component, and it comes down from God out of heaven right through the middle of our hearts in each moment.  Each moment is where the vertical touches and passes through the horizontal to imbue flesh with life.  And it is always NOW.  Life is only in the present moment where perfect balance abides as a fulcrum for the creative process of giving and re-giving. Our function as the economy of God is to extend the Creative Process from His balanced fulcrum of love to the material world — which is nothing more than light vibrating at lower and coarser frequencies so as to appear to have substance.  Through Man the frequency of Light shifts and begins to be visible and tangible.  We are God’s helpers in creating a visible world that may reflect the glory of God’s perfect sense of balance. 

Walter Russell writes: 

The universal law of balance is that principle of equal interchange between all creating things which preserves both the unity and the continuity of the universe.

There’s not anything more powerfully cohesive than love for preserving the unity and continuity of the universe.  My spiritual teacher repeated an admonition a hundred times if once:  “Never underestimate the power of spiritual expression.”  There is not anyone or any circumstance that can prevent me from being thankful, kind and considerate.  Rendering unto God what is God’s opens one to receive what God has to give to us and through us into the world.  


I received an excellent and in depth comment from one of my blog flowers and favorite authors, Hugh Malafry, whose captivating novels I have reviewed in this blog — notably The Light at Lindisfarne — in which he inquires about a statement I had made regarding Walter Russell’s source for his writings.  I had stated that the messages he recorded in The Divine Iliad were for mankind and not just for Walter Russell. My friend wrote: “Would it not be  better to open people to the sense that a like and confirming experience can be known by them when they are open to what Russell was open to?”  In other words, direct revelation from God is available to anyone who opens to it.  “Ask and ye shall receive. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened.” Genius, as Russell proved over and again in his life, is inherent in everyone.

The Light is in everyone and everything to its fullest extent. It is in every cell of one’s body, centering it. It is in the magnetic poles of everyone, controlling them.  You may have that Light of all-knowledge for the asking.  Knowledge is cosmic; it is universal. Desire what you will of it and it will unfold within you. You will suddenly become consciously aware of it by receiving a flash of inspiration. That flash is your answer. 

We are what we desire to be. We can be what we wish to be. If we make a plan of our own lives and desire that plan to be fulfilled, we will become that. And all the laws of the universe will help us to become that. Each step in the unfoldment of desire leads to new unfoldment.

Desire to be great and you will be.  Desire to kill and you can also kill. The universe helps equally in either case. The universe works with each person to help him fulfill his desire, no matter what that desire is. We can make or break ourselves. Our lives are our own making. If we work with the law of balance, we achieve balanced results.  If we break the law, the law breaks us to an equal extent—and immediately.

Then Russell pens this revelation in The Divine Iliad, which needs no explanation or commentary from me.

“Sit ye not and ask, acting not, for thy desire will not come thy way to thee unaided by thy strong arms.”


We can choose to give in order to receive.  Or we can give in order to foster the continuance of life in the body of Mankind.  Walter Russell saw giving in a different light and from a cosmic perspective.  He saw many things in a different way than most.  For example, he saw unbalance as necessary to motion.  He saw breaking the Law of Balance not as a “sin” against God but only as an offense against one’s self and humanity. God cannot be offended by human failure and disobedience. He writes . . .

The secret of harmonious human relations lies in a deeper understanding of rhythmic balanced interchange between opposite unbalanced halves of all transactions. Unbalance is necessary in order for interchange to take place, for without two unbalanced conditions motion could not take place at all.

No matter how great the desire is to walk, one cannot do so until he loses his balance by dividing it into opposite halves to become the basis of a two-way moving cycle. With one unbalanced half, he takes one step, and recovers his balance with the other half of the cycle in order to take the next step. If the interchange is equal, he will walk steadily. If not, he will stagger or fall. He has not committed a sin against God or the universe by thus falling. He has merely hurt his own body and gained an experience in so doing.

Vapors rising from the ocean are balanced by rains falling into it. The balance of this planet in its orbit is so perfect that an astronomer can tell to the split second where it is at any time-or when an eclipse of the sun or moon will take place.

If the earth should vary ever so slightly in its orbit and become out of balance with the other planets in this solar system, its oceans would rise over its highest mountains and sweep all expressions of life from its surface.

T he perpetuity of Creation is based upon the constant giving of one half of a cycle to the other half for the purpose of repeating the creative process through another cycle of giving for regiving. (Russel, The Divine Iliad)

In our day to day lives we play the roles of both merchant and customer, giver and receiver, server and servee.  I am both in every exchange, for I am you and you are me.  What I do to and for you I do to and for myself. I foster my own perpetuity when I give to you in exchange for what you re-give to me and others, for in truth there are no “others.”  

I have a bit more to write on this subject, and this post is already over seventeen-hundred words in length.  I’ll continue sharing my thoughts — and those of my friend who took the time to comment on this series theme — in my next post.  Until then, 

Be love. Be loved.


If you are moved to share some of your thoughts on the current theme, please feel free to email me at 

Read my Health Light Newsletter at for some interesting articles on health and wellness.

Apocalypse of Light 2013, Part 4: Divine Economy — Rhythmic Balanced Interchange

Tony's picture 2 from PeggyTHE ECONOMY OF GOD IS  BALANCE.  

     For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  Every ounce that is given is “regiven” so that it can be given again and again and again forever.  If the Human Race would adopt such an economy, our current financial crisis would soon cease to exist.  The only – and perhaps painful – catch is we would have to let go of our credit system.  In God’s universe there is no such thing as credit; only “Rhythmic Balanced Interchange.”  

     Walter Russell has a wonderful chapter in his 1948 book THE MESSAGE OF THE DIVINE ILIAD —  reprinted in 1971 by The University of Science and Philosophy — in which he details how God operates his “business” of running the Universe on a balanced budget — so balanced, in fact, that credit and debt aren’t even allowed for.  I’m going to excerpt the bulk of the chapter and publish it here in my blog over the next few posts — it is that good and pertinent to the times we are in of global economic ruin and immanent collapse.  

     I am doing this because I believe that we the people of planet Earth can save our economy from utter collapse simply by how we view and handle our daily business transactions and interchanges of goods and services between us at a grassroots level.  Never mind those at the top who own and run the world’s banking industry. They will meet their due demise — along with the monetary system they are destroying — and quite soon as some are predicting.  Let us be ready, then, to replace the monetary system, which is based on credit and debt, with a system that works throughout the Universe.

     We can do this without “they” — and we must do it if we are to avert a global catastrophe — in the not too distant future if the current trend continues. So, without any further commentary on my part, let’s read a little from Walter Russell’s chapter “THE LAW OF BALANCE.”  This is divine revelation.  He didn’t get this from research or out of his head. This was given to him from the CEO of the Universe.  You see, Walter Russell lived his entire life in a close partnership with God. It’s uncanny and true.  Everything he ever undertook and accomplished — and he undertook and accomplished much in his lifetime — he did working with God, and God worked with him. These messages are expressly intended for Mankind. They only came through Walter Russell.

Walter Russell

Walter Russell


THE LAW OF BALANCE is the Law of Love upon which the universe is founded. This law is given to man for his coming renaissance of greater comprehension. It is, of all laws, the most inclusive and the most simple. It consists of but three words. These three words are the very foundation of all our material existence, all phenomena of matter or interchange between humans, economically, socially and spiritually.

I will read to you from THE DIVINE ILIAD:

“Great art is simple. My universe is great art, for it is simple.

Great art is balanced. My universe is consummate art, for it is balanced simplicity.

My universe is one in which many things have majestic measure; and again another many have measure too fine for sensing.

  Yet I have not one law for majestic things, and another law for things which are beyond the sensing.  

I have but one law for all My opposed pairs of creating things; and that law needs but one word to spell it out, so hear Me when I say that the one word  of My one law is 


And if man needs two words to aid him in his knowing of the workings of that law, those words are

                     BALANCED  INTERCHANGE.

If man still needs more words to aid his knowing of My one law, give to him another one, and let those three words be


 Balance is the foundation of all human relations — of the universe itself. The stars of heaven move in obedience to it. They cannot do otherwise. Cosmic disaster of untold dimension would follow such disobedience. The starry universe is so absolute in its balance that the movement of a dewdrop on anyone planet necessitates the readjustment of the orbits of all the stars of heaven to that microcosmic event. Because of that law all happenings are universal. Any action anywhere is extended for repetition everywhere. All motion is as omnipresent as the Light of God is omnipresent. All effect is universal.

God is balance. From the stillness of His balance in the unconditioned One Light, He extends His balance to the conditioned universe of motion as two opposite unbalanced conditions of two lights which seek balance through each other.

Oppositely-conditioned pairs in Nature seek balance through each other by repeatedly giving all that each has to give to the other in rhythmic sequences. In Nature this process continues perpetually because in Nature all givings of one are perpetually balanced by equal regivings of the other. Nature never takes that which is not given.

This universe is founded upon love as manifested in the giving of one opposite to the other for regiving. The earth gives its forests to the heavens and the heavens give them back again to earth for equal regiving. Every dewdrop given by the heavens is equally regiven to the heavens by the earth.

Equal interchange between opposite conditions manifests the love principle of balance upon which God’s universal body is founded. Whatever is true of God’s universal body is true of man’s body. It is the equality of balance between the giving and regiving of Nature which makes its transactions perpetual. The lack of the love principle of rhythmic balanced interchange in the transactions of men is the reason for the ills of the body and for the disasters which make continuance of relations between men impossible.

The seller of goods is also a buyer. If the seller gives less to his customers than the value of what he charges, he deprives his customer of the ability to regive that which the seller needs to again become a seller. By sacrificing the good-will which is the foundation of continuance in any business, the love principle has been subtracted from the transaction in the measure of inequality of interchange.

      The converse is also true: if the buyer gives less to the seller than the value of the goods or services, the seller won’t be able to stay in business — something I leaned first hand in my career as a healthcare practitioner.

Neither man nor nation can continue an interchange of relations upon a harmonious basis of multiplying power when the universal love principle is violated. The law of balance is absolute. He who breaks that law will be equally broken by it. 


     That last sentence is prophetic as well as accurate: “He who breaks that law will be equally broken by it.” If one continues to live beyond one’s means, his finances will end up broken and he will end up “broke,” as we accurately say in pecuniary slang   

      I know first hand that this is how it works.  I lost my business twice in bankruptcy because I ran it outside the Universal Law of Balance.  The first time I lost it I had over $30,000 on the books, credit extended to my clientele so they could “afford” my care — in effect, live beyond their means.  That was not at all offset by my $100,000 in accounts payable to businesses who allowed me to run my business beyond its means.  You work with the system handed to you. 

      When the oil industry in Bell Chasse, where I practiced for five years, went bust and all the oil personnel evacuated the area literally overnight, my accounts receivable went with them.  I had worked outside the Universal Law of Balance and I went “broke.” The second time was when I had bypass surgery to save my life.  I was extended credit by the hospital, only my means did not match my debt.  Again, working outside the Law of Balance by extending credit and incurring debt, the system broke down.  I do carry a relatively small amount of credit card debt, which I am slowly paying down.  Yet, even though it is acceptable to have a credit card debt, I always feel the unbalancing effect of being out of line with my integrity when I can’t pay my credit card off at the end of each month. Credit and debt are simply not natural in this Universe of Rhythmical Balanced Interchange. 


        I practiced for fourteen years with a number of colleagues where we used what was called a “Cooperative Fee System” which allowed patients to pay within their means for services rendered.  This included exams, x-rays and treatments.  This was before insurance companies began paying for chiropractic care. It was also called “GPC” which stood for “God-Patient-Chiropractor.” The principle was sound enough: God gives life and health to the patient freely, the chiropractor facilitates its reception and release through his services, aligned with God’s generosity, and the patient gives within his or her means to the doctor in a spirit of gratitude for his services freely given — and so that he can continue delivering his services.  That’s how it was supposed to work — and by and large did — only many patients didn’t always prove to be as aligned with God’s generosity as we endeavored to be. I had an old and wise black man as a patient who frequently reminded me how generous God is:  “You jes can’t beat God givin,’ ” he would say in his all-knowing laughter as he gave his honest best within his means.  

      I did get a rubber-on-the-road education as to where many place their health on their list of priorities and it’s not up top. But there’s a complex social-politico-economic context in the human psyche in which this aberration is taking place, which I won’t get into now.  It also has to do with our basic sense of unworthiness — our lack of self-worth.  

That being said, nearly everyone thought we were being very generous — and “Christian,” as some called us.  Some thought we were a bit crazy to be so trusting of people. This aberration would show up when someone would ask, quite innocently and with genuine concern for my welfare: “But, how do you live, doctor?” (I wrote an article for a magazine by that title years ago. Maybe I’ll reprint it in a post.)  In actuality, we were challenging the Law of Balance, and I always felt a knot in my stomach when the money received at the end of a day didn’t really equal the value of the services we had rendered.  I definitely felt out of my integrity, although my spirit was thankful.  God IS generous! Life IS freely given to all! Health IS priceless!  But the rent and utilities and supplies were not free, although we somehow, by the grace of God and very wise management, were always able to meet our expenses.  The system worked in that we had a very high-volume of patient visits.  We didn’t take a lot home, but we learned to live within our means. We had put our lives and our services on a “Giving Basis” and that felt right and wholesome.  God IS good. Yet the Law of Balance has its consequences when disobeyed, even with the best and noblest of intentions and motives.  “He who breaks that law will be equally broken by it.” I would love to use the Cooperative Fee System again, and maybe there’s been enough of a change in consciousness for it to work.  Serving on a giving basis is much more fun than working on a getting basis, mainly because it allows for a full release of one’s spirit of generosity, of God. 


Now, everyone in the working class buys on credit.  The rationale is: “Everybody does business this way.” I was convinced of this myself, that is until I started reading Walter Russell.  How else would we be able to buy houses and automobiles, and the real estate and automotive industries be able to remain in business?  Nevertheless, based on the Law of Balance, we and these industries are operating beyond the safety of the law, and we’ve seen both the housing industry and the automotive industry broken over and again by this practice.

Of course there’s abuse of the system, on both sides.  But the system itself is dishonest and invites dishonesty and greed.  Doctors have a double fee system, although it’s illegal.  Yet they are not arrested and convicted of the crime because of a “discount” loophole in the law.  I played that game for years by “discounting” my services — not to the insurance carrier, mind you.  That would have been the bone- honest thing to do — although insurance is an abused and not entirely honest system also, which I’ll talk about in another post.  Auto repair shops have a double fee system: one fee for the insurance company and another if you pay cash, even if you cashed the insurance check.  It’s illegal, yet it’s the way we do business in this discount, dishonest and greed-ridden business world.  We all know that stores jack their prices before applying a “discount” during sales.  We need to find our way back to honesty and integrity in our financial and business affairs.  We CAN do it.

That’s what I will write about in my next few posts – and work at myself by walking my talk, if for no other reason than to be able to write with authority about how things CAN and DO work when we’re within our integrity with the Law of Balance. If you have any constructive input, here’s my email address: Let me hear from you. Until then, 

Be love. Be loved.


Read my Health Light Newsletter online at

106 countries visiting my blogs.  Recently I had 3 visitors from Vanuatu in the Pacific Islands.  Welcome!!! I had to Google it to see where it’s located.  Here’s what I found about this beautiful island:

Vanuatu is located about three-quarters of the way from Hawaii to Australia. It is west of Fiji and north of New Caledonia in the area known as Melanesia.

Principal Islands
The four major islands which make up about half of the land area are in order of size – Espiritu Santo, Malekula, Erromango and Efate. Other large islands are Ambrym, Tanna, Epi, Vanua Lava, Gaua (Santa Maria), Ambae, Maewo, and Pentecost.

Land Area
4709 square miles (slightly larger than Connecticut) 12 main islands, 58 inhabited islets, numerous uninhabited islets

Sea Area    262549 square miles.  The beach is Eratap Beach on Vanuata island. The islands below are the provinces of Vanuatu


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