Creating the New Earth Together

Posts tagged ‘Global Warming’

Getting Back to Eden, part 5: The Process of Transformation 2


Is it not written in your law, ‘I have said, “You are gods”?’  —Yeshua 

Paradigm shifts have occurred in our consciousness rather frequently over the course of the last several decades, and innovations have emerged in the ways we do things.  In the way we relate to God, for example, we’ve gone from church affiliation and attendance to spiritual transformation by way of “paths” to enlightenment and Self realization; from being mere humans to angels incarnate in bodies that are temples of a living God; from awareness as humans seeking an experience of God to that of God seeking a fuller experience of our humanity, as expressed in the saying “I am God being Human.”

In the field of healthcare, we’ve gone from the medical model of treating the symptoms of disease to the holistic model of treating the whole person and addressing the cause; from physical medicine to “energy medicine,” embracing esoteric energy healing modalities; from running costly and invasive diagnostic tests to honoring the body’s innate intelligence and wisdom by reading its energy fields and meridian circuits via muscle-testing for first hand information from the body itself about its condition and need for intervention and/or nutritional support; and from reactive passive healthcare to proactive preventive wellness care. We’ve even found a way via bio-energetic inquiry to discern and treat the cause of dis-ease at the emotional and subconscious levels with “Neuro-Linguistic Programing,” an approach too innovative and subtle for the reductionist “fix the problem from outside-in” mindset. Ultimately, we’ve dared to transplant organs from one body to another, even clone living forms via genetic engineering and test-tube creation.

In the tech world we’ve gone from naturally endowed intelligence to artificial intelligence; from building structures with bricks and mortar to constructing matter at the atomic level with nanotechnology; from assembly-line manual labor to robotics; from land lines to cell phones, from writing letters to sending emails, and now texts; and from attending seminars and conferences to teleconferencing in virtual “face time” space. We’ve gone from doing research in a library to “Googling” just about anything we want to know.

In science and physics we’ve seen leaps upward and out into the macrocosm of space and downward into the microcosm of quantum physics. We’ve “progressed” from mechanical and chemical engineering to genetic engineering of plants, foods, and, God help us, our own species.

In a word, we’ve evolved in our consciousness — and in our identity — as well as in our expression and functions, from being “creatures of circumstance” to creators; from being “mere humans” to becoming gods in our own right.

Transformation, the changing of the outer form of things, has been the main event of the last sixty years. And now with this coronavirus pandemic, social distancing has isolated us from one another—coupled by job and economic disruptions, world-wide social transformation is underway. The last 40 years of the 20th Century were particularly marked by transformation, preparing us for radical changes in the new millennium. The most important and pivotal transformation underway is a spiritual one, more like a transmutation of our identity from human to divine.


It seems the number 40 carries the energy of change in numerology.  A Facebook friend posted this recently: “The Latin root of the word ‘quarantine’ is ‘forty.’ The official lock-down started March 23 and will likely end May 1st. That is EXACTLY 40 days.” She cited biblical events, such as the 40 days Moses stayed on Mount Sinai to receive the Commandments and the 40 days of his wandering in the wilderness with the children of Israel; and Jesus fasting in the desert for 40 days.  The optimum number of weeks for human gestation is 40, and the rest period for a woman after giving birth is 40 days.  Essentially it is the time needed for preparing a person, or people, to make a fundamental change, to let go of things we no longer need to live fully and move forward into a new beginning in a New Earth. 


Richard Heinberg sheds light on the process of transformation in MEMORIES AND VISIONS OF PARADISE, characterizing the personal transformation of Jesus and the Buddha as “opening a door between worlds.”

The process of transformation need not be arduous. Indeed, in some respects it is more play than work — though not the competitive, win/lose play of civilized adults, but more the spontaneous, mutually trusting, experimental, and ecstatic play of young children and wild animals. As psychologist O. Fred Donaldson puts it, “Play is nature’s way of triumphing over culture.”  If Paradise is our natural state of being, then the deepest and most compelling force at the core of the collective unconscious is one that is always urging us toward that state of equilibrium. As we deliberately work toward a future characterized by respect and care for Nature and toward the nurturing of love, forgiveness, compassion, and celebration in ourselves and in one another, our conscious efforts resonate with the pattern at the core of our being. Heaven and Nature rush to return to a condition of balance and accord.

It is also true that as we move in the transformational process, we are working against social conditioning that continually tends to divide us both from one another and from the very ground of our own being. Hence, the need for the spiritual quest, which in all its guises is essentially a process of cutting through the crust of ego that prevents us from experiencing and revealing our own innate paradisal character.

This quest is neither new nor unprecedented. It is neither more nor less than the archetypal hero’s journey, identified by Joseph Campbell as being central to every mythic tradition. Every culture remembers exemplary men and women who have accomplished inter­nal transformations, and who have left instructions by which others can do the same. While the details of the instructions may differ, all spiritual exemplars agree on the broad outline of the process. It consists, first, of a withdrawal from the world-as-it-is, and a deliberate act of purification. This is followed by a period of integration within the system of universal spiritual values. The process culminates in a final realization of unity with the ultimate Principle of all that is. While the details of the process are individual, the essential outline of the journey is always the same, as is the goal: Paradise — the realization of oneness with Heaven and Nature.

The heroic quest is fundamentally a symbolic journey, representing the progressive unfoldment of the hero’s transcendent character and destiny. Jesus and the Buddha are figures who accomplished the profound inner transformation by which a door was opened between worlds, and human society was led to a partially or temporarily restored condition. Ultimately, the records of their lives are metaphors for what must occur in the experience of anyone who takes up the quest.

In every hero myth, the first stage in the journey consists simply of hearing and responding to a call. The hero or heroine must realize that the world is in need of healing, and that his or her own actions will make a difference to others. For the Buddha, the call came when he was thirty years of age and first saw sickness, old age, and death. He was so profoundly moved by the suffering he saw that he stole away from his sleeping wife and child to seek the key to liberation from the universal human condition. For Jesus, the first awareness of the call came when he was only twelve years old. He left his parents and spent three days in the temple among the doctors, discussing theology. When his worried parents finally found him, he said simply, “Wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?”

As we lift our attention above our conditioned wants and fears long enough to become aware of the purposes of a greater Whole, we suddenly see the possibility that our lives could have significance beyond comfort and self-satisfaction. The call may be faintly sensed, or it may blare. In either case, a conscious decision must be made to either listen or shut it out. To ignore the call is to die to the purposes of life. But to listen and to accept the challenge of the quest requires a willingness to leave behind the ruts established for us by heredity and environment, and to explore unfamiliar territory. We cannot enter Paradise without leaving behind our present cultural or psychic envi­ronment.

The second stage of the quest involves coming to terms with a dragon, demon, or enemy. Seeing suffering, we seek its cause, and causes of human suffering are legion. At the beginning of this stage we may see a dragon that is external to ourselves — an immediate source of injustice and cruelty. We may decide that the dragon is embodied in a philosophy we detest, or in a person whose actions seem to cause others pain. Many people become fixed in this phase of the quest and never proceed further. Their lives are spent battling the demons of the world, which, even when apparently slain, seem to grow new heads and return to torment them again.

As long as we continue battling external demons, we are incapable of fully bringing peace to our world. Eventually, if we remain true to the call — if we continue to listen — we will come to understand that the real dragon is within us: all the problems of our world have been produced by tendencies present in ourselves. Until and unless our internal dragons can be dealt with, even the most valorous external battle cannot fully bear fruit. Some of the great heroes in religious literature seem to have realized this from the beginning. Both Jesus and the Buddha, for example, knew from the outset that the victory they sought was a triumph over their own lower natures. Gandhi, on the other hand, began his career with the belief that the dragon consisted entirely of governmentally enforced racism; only gradually did he come to see his own attitudes and behavior as the battleground for the forces of good and evil.

Once the dragon is recognized as being an internal force, a different kind of battle begins. This stage of the process, in which the hero is wrestling with his own inner demons, doesn’t seem especially paradisal. It involves the exposure of one’s weaknesses and the surrender of personal attachments. Paradoxically, it seems, one can only get to Paradise by being willing to go through hell. But this conflict, too, must come to an end. The resolution of the battle with the inner demon is represented in the story of Jesus’ temptations in the wilderness. Before Jesus began his public ministry, and after he had fasted in the wilderness for forty days, the Devil appeared to him. The Devil first offered Jesus bread, symbolizing personal fulfillment at the physical level; then he challenged Jesus’ authority; and finally he offered the kingdoms of the world, “if thou will fall down and worship me.” But Jesus, refusing physical desire, the need to prove himself, and personal ambition as motives for his behavior, replied, “Get thee hence, Satan!” For him, the demon was gone.

A similar story of the Buddha says that while he was sitting under the Bodhi tree, immediately before attaining enlightenment, he was tempted by the god-demon Mara. Amid both violence and offers of pleasure and power, he simply sat and remained calm, “like a lion seated in the midst of oxen.” Mara and his armies, frustrated, left in defeat.

The dragon or demon can be fully tamed only through consistent inner work over a period of years. Yet, there is an instantaneous quality to the essential transformation that eventually comes: at any time a sudden change of state may occur and Paradise will be present, if only for a moment. The hero tames the dragon not by fighting it, but by refusing to fight it — by facing it, courageously holding steady, and expressing the character of innocence and love. Suddenly, the hero realizes that Paradise has been there all along, unnoticed.

Even after the hero has momentarily achieved paradisal awareness, he must still learn to sustain and communicate that state. From this point on, he is certain that he has known the true and natural condition of human consciousness — the pearl of great price, for which the wise person will sell everything (Matthew 13:46).

After having developed the ability to consistently maintain paradisal consciousness, the hero returns to the mundane world with a healing balm. Having found Heaven, he must share it — which means sharing himself, his state of being. For the individual, the return is the culmination of the journey, but the quest is not complete until the world has been restored.

Richard is interviewed briefly in Michael Moore’s recently released film PLANET OF THE HUMANS, an hour-and-forty-minute documentary update on the present state of our world and our ill-placed hope in biomass, wind turbans and solar panels — well worth your time watching.

Hello Octogenerians! 

On a more personal note, I will join the elder generation of octogenerians and complete my 80th trip around the sun on May 20, 2020. There’s got to be a few 40’s in those numbers, as I have certainly gone through many changes in those eighty years. I have been greatly blessed by many life-long friends and clients over the years.  I thank you for following my blogs and sharing them with your friends.  Feel free to share your thoughts by email. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved



Getting Back to Paradise, part 2: Reading the Transition Signals

Apocalypse of light

“The peasant doesn’t cross himself until he hears the thunder.”

In bringing this series to a conclusion with this and my next two blog posts, I will share excerpts from the closing chapters of Richard Heinberg’s MEMORIES and VISIONS of PARADISE.  But before I do, I would like to share some uplifting words my friend and favorite poet Don Hynes sent to me a few days ago, as they resonate with the theme of my current considerations.


After the fall, which was a planetary solar progression as much as human, moving through a cloud where our current reality became possible, the Atlantean manipulations were fatal death-like steps for humanity and the planet. The trauma of those nightmares is in the genetic memory of the human race and the trajectory of that epoch was downward, from the downfall of the Lemurian priesthood through Atlantean science-abused wars to the caveman, cannibalism and the following centuries of darkness and struggle. 

We are now passing through a very similar time of genetic manipulation, of atomic and biological warfare, and are in a subconscious way re-experiencing the ancient trauma along with the current horror. However, despite the obvious implications that our current trajectory is likewise downward, thinking of this as an historic and metaphorical “V,” my sense is that we are currently passing out of the cloud where our current reality became possible, as Uranda and many mystics forecast, into the clear sky and open heaven of the seven dimensional reality. We are on the upward stroke of the V, not the downward, and so my/our word to the people is FEAR NOT as we pass through this time of collective Gethsemane in our return to the Garden.

We Pass Through Nightmares
There are places we enter
at the peril of our planet,
dark chambers 
where manipulation 
of life itself becomes
the deadly fascination.
What was once horror,
now scientific reality,
barely stirs
our deadened senses,
”because we can”
the blanketing rationale
for behaviors unspeakable.
We’ve been here before
and it ended badly.
Contrary to the logic
of linear progression
we pass through nightmares,
remembering and feeling
what was once left behind
and now rushes past
as we ride the currents
of disease and terror,
of compassion beyond measure
into our new place
in the universe.  —Don Hynes


Don’s words are a clarion call to sanity and for an about-face retreat from our mad drive toward extinction — touchstone words to keep on hand as the transitional pressure gets more and more compressed, as it will.  The birthing of a new world is in process and the contractions are beginning to be closer and more intense.  It’s time to breathe deeply and exhale expectantly as we labor in love for the truth of life on our home among the stars. 


Richard Heinberg has been very active in the environmental movement since the 1980’s. He has written several books on climate and clean energy issues, including The Party is Over: Oil War and the Fate of Industrial Societies —  AFTERBURN: Society Beyond Fossil Fuel — Our Renewable Future: Laying the Path for One Hundred Percent Clean Energy — and his latest work The End of Growth, in which he examines how the expansionary trajectory of industrial civilization is colliding with non-negotiable natural limits. 

In the following excerpt, Richard takes a hard and sobering look at the shadows cast by coming events, the symptoms of mankind’s abuse of the earth’s generosity.  Keep in mind that this was written some forty years ago.  Since then climate and energy issues have gained greater attention as the environment continues to deteriorate further and time runs out on the implementation of viable solutions. His and other authors’ warnings having gone unheeded, Richard’s optimism about our future has diminished considerably. 

(For a rather sobering update on where we have come over the last several decades, you may wish to view — at a later time — Michael Moore’s recently-released film PLANET OF THE HUMANS, an hour-and-forty-minute documentary on the present state of our world and our ill-placed hope in biomass, wind turbans and solar panels; well worth watching.)

And now, without further ado, here’s an excerpt from chapter 12, “To Get Back to the Garden.

Warnings from the Collective Unconscious

When we diverge from the way we were designed to function, Nature sends warning signals. For example, when we eat foods we are unable to digest, our stomachs rebel; when we use our limbs in ways in which they were not designed to be used, our muscles and bones protest. When we do such things habitually over time, we are likely to receive not only external signals in the form of pain, accidents, or disease, but we may also receive internal signals. Such signals may take the form of nightmares and premonitions through which the body’s own unconscious wisdom attempts to alert us and to influence our behavior.

If this is true for us individually, perhaps it is also true for human­ kind collectively — that is, if humanity is ignoring an innate paradisal design (by envisioning and working toward a world characterized by artificiality, separateness, and the suppression of Nature), then we should expect to be receiving both external and internal warnings. On the collective level, such external warning signs might take the form of war, environmental degradation, famine, or plague; internal warn­ing signs might appear as widely occurring visions of apocalyptic events.

As Norman Cohn showed in The Pursuit of the Millennium, apoca­lyptic visions have tended to appear in profusion during historical periods of political and religious oppression, social upheaval, war, and pestilence. The Hebrew prophets lived in an age of defeat and captiv­ity; Jesus lived at the height of the decadent and oppressive Roman Empire; and medieval millenarian movements seemed always to flour­ish in places and times of unusual hardship. We see the same associa­tion of apocalyptic vision with societal stress among tribal peoples: in North America, Africa, and the Pacific islands, new spiritual movements that have arisen during the last century in response to the onslaught of civilization have invariably been prophetic and millenarian in character. 

There are many reasons for thinking that contemporary Western civilization is approaching a period of maximum divergence from the paradisal ideal. Instead of simplicity, innocence, and the ability to work in harmony with natural processes, industrial civilization values sophistication, abstraction, the concentration of wealth, and the complete subjugation of Nature. These values have not appeared suddenly or recently; rather, they can be traced back to the beginnings of civilization itself. But we do seem to be witnessing the culmination of their influence. And as we actualize the ultimate implications of long-term trends leading toward the centralization of social power, the technological domination of Nature, and the fragmentation of human consciousness, we find ourselves on what appears to be a collision course with a deeper reality.

We see external warning signals appearing everywhere around us. We hear, for example, of the death of thousands of lakes and forests from the effects of acid rain. As the thinning of the ozone layer creates an epidemic of skin cancer, we simultaneously discover that a greenhouse effect — created by the carbon dioxide released from the burning of fossil fuels — is altering global weather patterns. We hear of the disappearance of tens of thousands of species as the result of the clear-cutting of rain forests, and of the loss of millions of tons of irreplaceable topsoil due to modern mechanized agricultural practices. These and other warning signals portend catastrophes of truly apocalyptic dimensions, catastrophes that can be averted only if immediate steps are taken to change our fundamental relationship with the natural environment. 

At the same time, we are seeing an unprecedented eruption of what could be interpreted as internal, psychic warning signals. The past two decades have seen burgeoning numbers of people turn to millenarian fundamentalism for a sense of meaning and purpose. Christian fundamentalists look toward the imminent end of the world, the destruction of unbelievers, and the restoration of an earthly Para­dise characterized by all the qualities of the original Eden — peace, happiness, and, above all, the opportunity to dwell in the immediate presence of the Lord.

But while fundamentalist millenarianism draws upon apocalyptic scriptural visions from eras past, we are also surrounded by fresh and original prophetic utterances. The classic apocalyptic scenario — a final battle between the forces of good and evil, followed by the advent of a restored condition of peace and beatitude — appears, for example, in numerous science-fiction plots and in the psychic predictions of Edgar Cayce and the “channelers” of the 1980s. Moreover, near-death experiences are making their own contribution to what amounts to a contemporary explosion of apocalyptic prophecy. 

While conducting his NDE studies, Kenneth Ring began to hear reports of prophetic visions (PVs) of humanity’s future, and he de­cided to collect and compare them. Ring found that PVs seem to occur most frequently during core NDEs, and that there is an “impressive similarity” among the visions. In Heading toward Omega, Ring summa­rizes the common elements of the classic PV:

There is, first of all, a sense of having total knowledge, but specifically one is aware of seeing the entirety of the earth’s evolution and history, from the beginning to the end of time. The future scenario, however, is usually of short duration, seldom extending much beyond the beginning of the twenty-first century. The individuals report that in this decade there will be an increasing incidence of earthquakes, volcanic activity, and generally massive geophysical changes. There will be resultant disturbances in weather patterns and food supplies. The world economic system will collapse, and the possibility of nuclear war or accident is very great (respondents are not agreed on whether a nuclear catastrophe will occur). All of these events are transi­tional rather than ultimate, however, and they will be followed by a new era in human history marked by human brotherhood, universal love, and world peace. Though many will die, the earth will live.

Ring then quotes several PV reports. The following is from a woman whose near-death experience occurred in 1967: 

The vision of the future I received during my near-death experi­ence was one of tremendous upheaval in the world as a result of our general ignorance of the “true” reality. I was informed that mankind was breaking the laws of the universe and as a result of this would suffer. This suffering was not due to the vengeance of an indignant God but rather like the pain one might suffer as a result of arrogantly defying the law of gravity. It was to be an inevitable educational cleansing of the earth that would creep up on its inhabitants, who would try to hide blindly in the institutions of law, science, and religion. Mankind, I was told, was being consumed by the cancers of arrogance, materialism, racism, chauvinism, and separatist thinking. I saw sense turning to nonsense, and calamity, in the end, turning to providence.  

At the end of this general period of transition, mankind was to be “born anew,” with a new sense of its place in the universe.  The birth process, however, as in all the kingdoms, was exqui­sitely painful. Mankind would emerge humbled yet educated, peaceful, and, at last, unified.

Ring attempted to find a rational explanation for the remarkably consistent patterns of imagery in the PVs he had collected. Could these experiences be projections of unconscious fears? Or, perhaps, do individuals who perceive themselves as dying somehow generalize the experience as being “the death of the world”? Ring found both of these explanations unconvincing: Why not a greater variety of global-future scenarios? The PVs are just too consistent to be personal projections.  Could they, then, be eruptions of unconscious Jungian archetypes?

Ring found this explanation more plausible, but he was still uncom­fortable with the specificity and paranormal character of PVs. After examining all of the explanations he could devise, Ring found himself left with the interpretation the NDErs themselves insist upon: that PV’s are in fact exactly what they seem to be: inspired prophe­cies of future events.  

If this is the case, why is humanity propelling itself toward a cataclysmic day of reckoning? Ring invokes a sobering metaphor: he suggests that humanity is approaching — and subconsciously preparing for — a collective near-death experience. As we noted earlier, NDErs almost invariably undergo a sudden and radical restructuring of values. A typical comment is this: “My interest in material wealth and greed for possessions was replaced by a thirst for spiritual understanding and a passionate desire to see world conditions improve.”

Throughout history, moral reformers have sought to inspire hu­manity to change its collective values and to regain its sense of the sacred. Despite occasional and temporary successes, such exhortations have generally been ignored. We seem convinced that greed and aggression are constants, restrainable only by the force of law. But Ring’s hypothesis implies that human nature, when it comes face to face with annihilation, may dissolve to reveal a deeper and more profound nature, one that has been hidden for millennia behind the veil of the human ego. 

The Russians have a saying: “The peasant doesn’t cross himself until he hears the thunder.” That is, people tend to make basic changes in attitude and behavior only when their backs are to the wall. This observation seems as true for society as a whole as it is for individuals. Often, only a crisis will awaken us to the results of a destructive habit. In the case of late-twentieth-century humanity, the habitual behavior (and the potential awakening) is at a critical level and underlies all of our social, economic, scientific, and political realities. This crisis amounts to far more than just a serious inconvenience, or even a catastrophe on the scale of the Great Depression or the two world wars. Religious prophets and scientific futurists alike envision what amounts to the end of our entire way of life, and, conceivably — in the event of an all-out nuclear conflict or the irreversible destruction of the environment — the death of the human race itself. 

We recall the prophecies of the tribal peoples concerning a Great Purification, which will cleanse the world of human depravity but will also reunite Heaven and Earth, ushering in a new age of spirituality and light. Is this what we are all unconsciously laboring to bring about?

Yes — and with a large “critical mass” of humanity, that labor is conscious and deliberate, done with joy and a sense of mission and purpose; truly a labor of love.  Apocalypse means revelation.  Every death is an apocalypse of light — only the light is revealed in the invisible realms. What is needed is an apocalypse of light in the visible realms — as above so below — on earth as it is in heaven.  I see this occurring as this pandemic brings out the best of the human spirit. May it continue long after the crisis is over. 

I leave you with this tidbit of common-sense wisdom: “Like the proverbial bar of soap when squeezed, looking downward we go down; looking upward we go up.”  So, remember to look up when the squeeze is on.  Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved    


I think you will find solace in this video clip.  “Death is not an end-point. It’s a transformation moment.” 


“Who Am I?”

“Man is unique not because he does science, and he is unique not because he does art, but because science and art equally are expressions of his marvelous plasticity of mind.” Jacob Bronowski

In the PBS concert presentation of Les Miserables earlier this past Summer, Jean Valjean seeks an answer to the ancient question: “Who am I?”– to which Marius, the young man whose life he had just saved, responds “You are Jean Valjean.” But that answer doesn’t seem to satisfy Jean Valjean’s deeper query, as he keeps repeating “Who am I?”– as though asking “Who is this man I’ve become? What fate has brought me to this end? What have I done in past lives? What karma have I brought with me to this life? Why am I here now? WHO AM I?”

These questions stir deep currents in my soul. I will speak candidly here. Whether or not these were Jean Valjean’s deeper queries, they are mine today.  Oh, I can give answers to them, answers that I’ve learned during my spiritual awakening, but they somehow do not satisfy the deeper query of the mind — and it is the mind that is asking.

know who I AM.  My mind, on the other hand, has its uncertainties, as though it has a separate identity and history from who I Am — even a collective one.  After all, my personal intellect will evaporate with my physical body’s last breath. However, the Body of Mankind is still around after all these thousands of years, and the collective Mind, which we all share, is still alive and active in this world, having acquired its own separate identity as the “human ego.” 

But why are these questions visiting my mind now in this day and time — and they do seem personal. Is it my Catholic upbringing that has made it so easily susceptible to guilt and blame when things fall apart? Whence is this guilt that lingers in my mind — and in my heart? Has my mind poisoned my heart with guilt and blame?  Why the feelings of guilt over ancient failures and catastrophes, as though I was there and responsible for them? Was I there?!  Is this voice in my head the voice of the collective Mind awakening from its coma wondering what’s been going on all these eons of time while it slumbered in amnesia, and now asking “WHO AM I?” 

Lucifer — Light Bearer — Morning Star

The archaic word “Lucifer” has been with me for several decades, much like an archetypal presence, ever since I heard my spiritual mentor speak of the return of this “fallen angel” to its rightful place in Heaven as the “Light Bearer.” I have thought long and hard about this over the years, as something within me identifies with Lucifer.  My role in life seems to be associated somehow with Lucifer? Am I simply one of many incarnate angels whose role it is to be a Light Bearer in this world? 

Here is a passage from the Gospel of John that poses a question for me:

There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.”

Was the Evangelist John a Lucifer?

I’ll take this a step further and ask: Why is Lucifer also the name given to the Devil and Satan? And how can Satan, who is also called the “Prince of darkness” be a bearer of Light?  The prophet Isaiah had some words to say about Lucifer:

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” For thou hast said in thine heart, “I will ascend into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the Most High.”   

Yet, thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying: “Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?” (Isaiah 14:12-17)

This sounds more like a celestial event involving comets and planets than a biblical one involving angels and men — given the cataclysmic upheavals in our planet’s ancient history where, in one episode, the planet Venus, for instance, was given the name “Baal Zevuv” (which later became Beelzebub), and “Lucifer,” the “Morning Star,” due to her brightness in the early morning sky before she was “cut down to the ground” to become a comet for several terrifying decades until she was restored to the status of planet.

This all makes it obvious that one cannot take biblical accounts literally, as men in those days didn’t know what to make of the cataclysmic events occurring in the heavens and on the earth. So they made up stories to pass on to their offspring . . . and to record in the history books, which the Bible is, “The Story of Man.” 

The word Lucifer was not always associated with the Devil and Satan.  In one of the Gnostic Gospels, for example, Jesus calls Mary Magdalene “Mary Lucifer” because of her brightness of spirit, her mental acuity,  and her passionate love for him.  He was the Light of the world and she his “Beloved Companion” in their shared mission, his Light-bearer, the “Apostle of apostles.” She knew and understood him while the other disciples only believed in Him — except for John the Beloved, who also knew and loved him. They both shared a conscious awareness of his mission and purpose, his divinity, as well as their own.

Who and what is Lucifer?

Here’s my take: Lucifer in Heaven was a bearer of the Light of Truth, and after his fall from grace, from Heaven, he became the Devil and Satan, the “Prince of darkness” and “the Prince of this world.” If this is so, Satan is no longer in Heaven but on Earth; no longer an invisible but a rather visible entity on the material plane of this world, which we should be able to see. I believe we do — and not in the television series.

Where is this Satan, then? Is he embodied by Donald Trump, perhaps? Some may think so. Maybe by the Koch brothers and the Cabal that rule the world economy from Wall Street and the World Bank? Is he in Russia as Vladimir Putin, or more likely in the murderous dictator of Syria, Bashar Hafez al-Assad — who, by the way, was born in Damascus on September 11, 1965. Did Assad bring down the World Trade Center to celebrate his 36th birthday? The number 36 can be interpolated as three sixes — 666, the “number of the beast, which is also the number of a man.” The number 666 is also the address of the Jared Kushner Tower on Fifth Avenue, which was recently bailed out by Qatar in Saudi Arabia, where Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman lives in decadence. Perhaps he is the “Prince of this world.” Maybe the Devil is all of the above. So many “evil men” at which to point the finger.

Here’s something significant:  The Hebrew for the blamer is shatan, or obstacle; the Greek for divider is diabolos. Hmm….  

I don’t believe the Devil is anyone or anywhere “out there.” I believe that we humans are devils when we cast blame and pass judgement on one another, and are hateful and cruel toward ourselves and one another.

(I just learned today that human trafficking is the number one illegal money maker, a near forty-billion-dollar-a-year business globally — with illegal drug sales second and gun sales third.)

In my early years, while studying for the Catholic priesthood, my father used to advise me not to try and save the Devil, as he was lost forever. As I awakened spiritually, I began to understand more about who the Devil is, and I found myself doing exactly the contrary. This has been a central part of my life’s mission and purpose: saving Lucifer from perdition by inviting my own mind, drawn by its love for the beauty of Truth, to ascend to its appointed place in Heaven as the Light Bearer it was designed to be. This is my whole purpose for writing: to shine Light on the path of our sojourn through this “valley of the shadow of death.” 

I see light shining in this valley as more and more angels incarnate, emissaries of Light, are using their minds to shine the Light of Truth into the consciousness of mankind, enlightening us about our true state and that of our world — but also about our humanity and our true identity:  Be Your Humanity: Know Your Divinity

Life in this chaotic world is beginning to be brightened a bit because Lucifer is being restored to its heavenly role as Light Bearer . . . shining Light as well on our self-active past: 

The Ascent of Man such celebrated “great minds” as Dr. Jacob Bronowski, and Sir David Attenborough on Overpopulation, speak of is more about the awakening of the mind to its reckless past and to the stark realities of existence on a rather small planet that has limited accommodations for its voracious appetite for more of everything, including people. It is precisely man’s “marvelous plasticity of mind,” along with his wild and evil imagination, that are responsible for the dire straits in which we find ourselves today. 

I believe the so-called “Devil” is simply the self-active mind of man, and that Lucifer is the Truth-active Mind of Man, neither of which has a separate identity from who I AM.  For it is with our minds that we shine the Light of Truth in this darkened world full of hate and lies.  The mind is a wonderful capacity when used as a lens to refocus the Light of Truth from within and not as a reservoir of “knowledge” that, given its rather thin substance, can easily become overwhelmed and fragile with too much information and so-called “knowledge.” And its rightful place is not up front leading the way with its bright ideas and empty promises, but behind us, with our Spirit, the Light of Love that we are, leading forth in our lives.  This is the truth of our humanity and our identity, a truth we must come to love and cherish in our hearts.   

I’ll leave you to ponder these words of Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda):

The Truth, through the mind, through the working of intelligence, provides the design, the factors of form in concept or belief; and Love, through the heart, animates that which is accepted by the mind. And the physical body receives that which is so established, for the body as such has no choice but to receive that which is imposed upon it. . . .

Human beings accept certain things in the sense of intellectual beliefs, but that which is animated in the actual expression of their lives takes form on the basis of resentment ideas, fear ideas, rebellion ideas, or hate ideas. The real feeling manifests in the range of something which carries a critical, condemnatory or destructive attitude, and that which is of the Divine Design, even though it be seen, is not animated in the individual life because there is no particular feeling in regard to it. . . .  

Illumination comes when the mind accepts the Truth idea, and the Dominion idea, in a manner which allows the heart to animate the Dominion, Kingdom idea. Any constructive idea which becomes animated through the heart brings some degree of Illumination—vividness of comprehension and appreciation; for Illumination is simply comprehension coupled with due appreciation. By reason of appreciation there is the acceptance of value.  (Uranda)

I  will continue with the series on the spiritual significance of the Thyroid gland in my next post.  Until then,

Be love. Be loved.


Earth’s Climate Changes Again . . . Yet Life Prevails

With all the media airing of the climate teen-activism taking place all over the world, spearheaded by 16-year-young Swedish climate activist, Greta Thunberg, I think it’s time I revisit the topic of global warming as a cosmic event — which I blogged extensively about back in 2012

It has come to my awareness via social media that this entire panic-stricken movement may well be politically motivated and even orchestrated, one commentator describing Greta as an “Eco-hysteria girl . . . a victim of extreme psychological terrorism by radical left-wing handlers.” Scary right-wing propaganda, to say the least.

Although my first flush of feeling when this all began to air was empathy for and support of Greta and the teen-activists, I’m still feeling my way through all the repercussions and knee-jerk reactive journalism. Of one thing I am certain: global warming is a cosmic event to which we are contributing very little.  But before you write me off as a “denier,” hear me out.    

Historically, the climate of the Earth has changed on a regular basis — and panic is not a very conscious, nor necessary, response to it.  I don’t mean to be picky or critical here, but “protesting climate change” is protesting the natural evolutionary cycles of not only our planet, but of our sister planets as well, along with the entire solar system as it travels through energetic climate changes in our Milky Way Galaxy.  In a word, it’s protesting against the cosmos itself.  Here’s an excerpt from my June 16, 2012 blog post:

(I love this graphic depicting the earth’s magnetic field being blown back by solar wings, like a woman’s hair blown by the wind, while the front facing the sun is bowed in the shape of a protective shield keeping us from being burned to a crisp.)

Since at least the late 1970’s, the Sun’s overall radiation emissions have increased by 0.5 percent per decade. Between 1901 and 2000, the Sun’s magnetic field increased in size and strength by 230 percent. As of 1999, high increases in the amount of helium and heavier charged particles coming out of the Sun was “more active than in living memory. A mainstream geophysical team recently proved that the Sun has been more active since the 1940’s than in the previous 1,150 years combined.  The new brightening all started in the last 150 years. As of November 2004, the same group proved that the Sun is more energetic than it has been in at least eight-thousand years.

At the same time, scientists also fear there might be a massive new peak of solar activity that could potentially fry electronics on earth—and gave a surprisingly familiar target date of September, 2012 for when this might happen.  A LiveScience article in 2007 seriously considered the social anthropologist Dr. Benny Peiser’s suggestion that the Sun could be responsible for measurable “global warming” on Mars, Jupiter, Neptune’s moon Triton and Pluto, as well as the earth.  Surprisingly, this is one of very few mainstream media articles to have ever made this obvious connection….

Climate Warming: A Cosmic Event

Severe weather brought on by radical climate change, then, is occurring on the surface of all the planets. Our mass protesting and blaming is only imposing erratic and dissonant vibrations upon the energetic climate of the collective consciousness of humanity, as well as that of the earth.  Fear is not a worthy motive for activism or remedial action. That this all may be a politically orchestrated event is a very sad commentary.     

All that aside, I don’t think our scientists know exactly what percentage of climate warming is due to cosmic factors and how much is due to carbon emissions. Besides, atmospheric carbon can be and is being dealt with by Mother Nature, whose infallible economics includes adaptation in order to maintain balance between all the creative forces: water, air, earth and fire— and the word “adaptation” is the operative word here. I’ve read reports about a marked increase in the proliferation of green foliage on the planet, for example, that is taking carbon out of the atmosphere while putting oxygen back into it. It’s called the “Circle of Life” in the theme song of the movie Lion King.  What a timely message that movie shouted out to the world.  

Now, protesting our use of “fossil” fuel for energy is another thing altogether. Protest we should. Cleaner energy sources are available.  It may be a misnomer, however, to call petroleum a fossilized residue of decomposed dinosaurs and other gigantic extinct reptiles and ancient plants. Oil may have a rather extra-terrestrial origin, writes one scientist/historian.

Historical Catastrophic Climate Changes

According to geophysicist Immanuel Velikovsky, naphtha was deposited on the surface of the earth by Venus when she was a comet during her near collision with the earth some 3570 years ago — as well as with Mars, throwing that planet out of its orbit and thus further threatening the earth itself. Ironically, during this upheaval, Mars shielded Earth from a direct hit by the massive comet by nearly colliding with Venus itself, throwing her off her Earth-bent course.  There’s been a lot of cataclysmic activity in Earth’s relatively stable history, and there will likely be more yet to come.  

Velikovsky details how this sticky, volatile substance came from the tail of Venus when it was a comet in his controversial book Worlds In Collision, all of which took place in Biblical days during the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt and forty years in the wilderness — which he claims accounts for all the seemingly miraculous cataclysmic disruptions reported in the Biblical stories, such as the parting of the Red Sea and the “pillar of fire” phenomena. The miracle was the Israelites being in the right place at the right time. It’s a very interesting scenario if you wish to read about it in my 2012 blog posts.

Venus was actually given the name “Baal Zevuv . . . Lord of the Flies” (which later became  Beelzebub), because of the plague of insects and other varmints that rained down out of its tail upon Egypt as Moses called for the release of the Israelites from bondage. Venus was also called “Lucifer”(light-bearer) because of her brightness as the “Morning Star” before she was “cast down” to the ground from the heavens.  The prophet Isaiah writes about this celestial drama:

“How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn. Thou hast been cast down to the ground, thou who once laid low the nations.” (Isaiah 12:14) 

The comet Venus kept the nations’ peoples in a state of fear and dread for several decades until she was captured by the sun and became a planet. Sounds like a science fiction episode, doesn’t it.  If you care to read more about this very interesting historical event, I wrote a series of blogs on the subject back in February, 2018, under the heading “War in Heaven and on Earth.” 

It’s interesting how many of the Biblical stories written around that time have their origin in celestial and cataclysmic events; similar to the Greek mythologies upon which the signs of the Zodiac symbols are based. All this to say our Mother Earth has been through more drastic climate changes in her past than we are having today.

The Question we need to ask is: What the hell are we doing to ourselves?!

All this, however, is a mute point in light of the fact that what is really at stake here is not so much the future of planet Earth as the future of our civilization and of life as we now know it — and not only because of climate change, but also, and chiefly, because of what we are doing to our lifeline with our Earth Mother — not to mention the malignant population explosion.  Our way of life is self-destructive.

We are the only species on the planet that contaminates our water before we drink it, pollutes our air before we breathe it, and poisons our food before we eat it — and the forces of Nature are rising up to wake us up. (About the only good to come out of this insanity is the development of a Healthcare Industry to treat cancer and our many other resulting diseases.) There is one creative force we cannot compromise, and that’s fire, which cannot be poisoned, contaminated nor polluted. Its nature is not to be consumed but to consume, and consume it will, human and wild life habitats and lives notwithstanding.

Yet Life goes on creating after the fires burn themselves out or are extinguished — and the floods subside, the hurricanes move on, and the earthquakes settle down. “Unconquerable Life prevails,” to borrow a line from one of my favorite poems. Perhaps I could share that poem as a closure to this post. It speaks truth and sanity to ambitious and arrogant human consciousness. 


From age to age

Love’s word rings forth,

“The truth is true and all is well,

Unconquerable life prevails.”

Oh, man, whose strident dreams Lead gravewards,

Return to calm and noble

Character of life.

Blaze forth pure virtue;

Depart false ambition’s restless schemes.

Busy thought and troubled feeling

Trespass not in virtue’s wise serenity

Where firm control and awful power

Eternally abide.

Here earth’s pains are healed

And cruel chaos of mind’s spawning

Is called again to order and to beauty. 

                 —Martin Cecil

“Return to calm and noble character of Life. . . Depart false ambition’s restless schemes.” 

We could all do a lot of both about this time, as the world seems to be going mad. A line from the Psalms comes to mind:

“A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten-thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.”(Psalm 91:7) 

The question might be posed as to who the wicked are.  And the answer would be “We have all done our share of wickedness.” There’s no one or ones to blame for our plight other than ourselves, and that’s a fruitless undertaking.  A much more fruitful undertaking would be to remember who we are, our true identity as sons and daughters of God and brothers and sisters inspired by the One Spirit of Life. 

The first verse of that psalm offers a steady and sure lifeline to those disturbed and distraught by current world events:

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”

One might ask where this “secret place” is located so that one may come and dwell there.  The secret place of the Most High is within us, in the heart of one’s heart. It’s always there and cannot be disturbed. 

And I will leave you with these thoughts to ponder . . . until my next post.

Be love. Be loved



Either We Evolve or We Perish

I just finished Graham Hancock’s Fingerprints Of The Gods and it left me with an almost overwhelming pall of hopelessness hanging over my head after reading the final chapter “Like A Thief in the Night” and the final sub-headings: “Walking in the last days” and  “The end of the world” in which the author recounts his visit to the Hopi Indian Reservation in 1994 up in the high plains of Arizona. Here are Hancock’s last words in his tome:

. . . I had made this journey because the science of prophecy is still believed to be alive among the Hopi: Pueblo Indians, distantly related to the Aztecs of Mexico, whose numbers have been reduced by attrition and misery to barely 10,000. Like the Ancient Maya whose descendants all across the Yucatan are convinced that the end of the world is coming in the year 2000 y pico (and a little), the Hopi believe that we are walking in the last days, with a geological sword of Damocles hanging over US. According to their myths, as we saw in Chapter Twenty-four:

The first world was destroyed, as a punishment for human misdemeanors, by an all-consuming fire that came from above and below. The second world ended when the terrestrial globe toppled from its axis and everything was covered with ice. The third world ended in a universal flood. The present world is the fourth. Its fate will depend on whether or not its inhabitants behave in accordance with the Creator’s plans …

I had come to Arizona to see whether the Hopi thought we were behaving in accordance with the Creator’s plans …

The end of the world

The desolate wind, blowing across the high plains, shook and rattled the sides of the trailer-home we sat in. Beside me was Santha, who’d been everywhere with me, sharing the risks and the adventures, sharing the highs and the lows. Sitting across from us was our friend Ed Ponist, a medical-surgical nurse from Lansing, Michigan. A few years previously Ed had worked on the reservation for a while, and it was thanks to his contacts that we were now here. On my right was Paul Sifki, a ninety-six­-year-old Hopi elder of the Spider clan, and a leading spokesman of the traditions of his people. Beside him was his grand-daughter Melza Sifki, a handsome middle-aged woman who had offered to translate.

‘I have heard,’ I said, ‘that the Hopi believe the end of the world is coming. Is this true?’

Paul Sifki was a small, wizened man, nut-brown in colour, dressed in jeans and a cambric shirt. Throughout our conversation he never once looked at me, but gazed intently ahead, as though he were searching for a familiar face in a distant crowd.

Melza put my question to him and a moment later translated her grandfather’s reply: ‘He says, “why do you want to know”?’

I explained that there were many reasons. The most important was that I felt a sense of urgency: ‘My research has convinced me that there was an advanced civilization – long, long ago – that was destroyed in a terrible cataclysm. I fear that our own civilization may be destroyed by a similar cataclysm … ‘

There followed a long exchange in Hopi, then this translation: ‘He said that when he was a child, in the 1900’s, there was a star that exploded – a star that had been up there in the sky for a long while … And he went to his grandfather and asked him to explain the meaning of this sign. His grandfather replied: “This is the way our own world will end – engulfed in
flames … If people do not change their ways then the spirit that takes care of the world will become so frustrated with us that he will punish the world with flames and it will end just like that star ended.” That was what his grandfather said to him – that the earth would explode just like that exploding star … ‘

‘So the feeling is that this world will end in fire … And having viewed the world for the past ninety years, does he believe that the behaviour of mankind has improved or worsened?’

‘He says it has not improved. We’re getting worse.’

‘So in his opinion, then, the end is coming?’

‘He said that the signs are already there to be seen … He said that nowadays nothing but the wind blows and that all we do is have a weapon pointed at one another. That shows how far apart we have drifted and how we feel towards each other now. There are no values any more – none at all – and people live any way they want, without morals or laws. These are the
signs that the time has come … ‘

Melza paused in her translation, then added on her own account: ‘This terrible wind. It dries things out. It brings no moisture. The way we see it, this kind of climate is a consequence of how we’re living today – not just
us, but your people as well.’

I noticed that her eyes had filled with tears while she was talking. ‘I have a cornfield,’ she continued, ‘that’s really dry. And I look up into the sky and try to pray for rain, but there is no rain, no clouds even … When we’re like this we don’t even know who we are.’

There was a long moment of silence and the wind rocked the trailer, blowing hard and steady across the mesa as evening fell around us.

I said quietly, ‘Please ask your grandfather if he thinks that anything can now be done for the Hopi and for the rest of mankind?’

‘The only thing he knows,’ Melza replied when she had heard his answer, ‘is that so long as the Hopi do not abandon their traditions they may be able to help themselves and to help others. They have to hold on to what they believed in the past. They have to preserve their memories. These are the most important things … But my grandfather wants to tell
you also, and for you to understand, that this earth is the work of an intelligent being, a spirit – a creative and intelligent spirit that has designed everything to be the way it is. My grandfather says that nothing is here just by chance, that nothing happens by accident – whether good or bad – and that there is a reason for everything that takes place … ‘

At the millstone grinding

When human beings from around the globe, and from many different cultures, share a powerful and overwhelming intuition that a cataclysm is approaching, we are within our rights to ignore them. And when the voices of our distant ancestors, descending to us through myths and sacred architecture, speak to us of the physical obliteration of a great civilization in remote antiquity (and tell us that our own civilization is in jeopardy), we are entitled, if we wish, to stop our ears …

So it was, the Bible says, in the antediluvian world: ‘For in those days, before the Flood, people were eating, drinking, taking wives, taking husbands, right up to the moment that Noah went into the Ark, and they suspected nothing till the flood came and swept all away.’ 

In the same manner it has been prophesied that the next global destruction will fall upon us suddenly “at an hour we do not suspect, like lightning striking in the east and flashing far into the west … The sun will be darkened, the moon will lose its brightness, the stars will fall from the sky and the powers of heaven will be shaken … Then of two men in the fields, one is taken, one left; and of two women at the millstone grinding, one is taken, one left …”

What has happened before can happen again. What has been done before can be done again.

And perhaps there is, indeed, nothing new under the sun …

The thread that runs through and connects the pages of Graham’s book weaves a fabric upon which is painted a prophetic picture for our generation specifically that warns of impending disaster for our world and its population based simply on a cosmic clock ticking away the centuries and millennia over the past 12,500 years since a highly advanced civilization was all but wiped off the face of the earth by a cataclysm. That civilization was known as Atlantis and is now believed to be buried beneath a two-mile thick cap of ice. Today that island continent is called Antarctica. Buried with it are the historical records of what this civilization did that brought about its destruction in literally the blinking of an eye – like a thief in the night.  It is likely we will never know the secret buried beneath those two miles of ice. An ancient lost civilization frozen in time and preserved till the day the ice melts and reveals its secrets.

Those who survived the cataclysm – the elite wealthy maritime intellectuals of Atlantis who knew what was adrift long before the pendulum struck the hour of doom when the hammer fell – made their way to various parts of the world that had suffered little damage, including the Nile Delta where they built the pyramids of Egypt and the Sphinx as geodetic markers in the Age of Leo the Lion to leave behind a mathematically precise architectural monument showing to scale the geographical points and the shape and size of the earth.

The survivors of the Deluge also left messages carved in stone which point to our day – when the sun rises on the Winter Solstice in the House of the constellation of Sagittarius at the South Gate of the Milky Way Galaxy between 1960 and 2040 AD – and when the pendulum of the cosmic clock strikes the hour when the hammer will likely fall again on the civilizations of man.  It is also the dawning of the Age of Aquarius which guards the North Gate of the Milky Way Galaxy. As I wrote about in a previous post, this is also designated in Mayan cosmology as “the place of creation.”

We ignore the myths of our ancient ancestors to our peril.  The dawn of a New Day lightens the horizon. It’s time to wake up and face the harvest of our sowing days as it spreads ugly before us.  We’ve run into a concrete wall and there’s no way to go forward – only up and over it.  It’s the way Gaia is going – up, up and away!

I leave you with this timely video message: “If we do not wish to die, then we must evolve.”

Barbara Mor reads from “The Great Cosmic Mother”


Peace in Heaven and on Earth

The Heart Nebula (Thanks to Gary Courtland-Miles)

A Fresh New Beginning

In this Year of our Lord 2018, we find ourselves afloat in space on a planet that is one of nine sister planets (that we’re aware of), all of which appear well established in their orbits around the sun, our star in the heavens.  This stability hasn’t always been so well established and peaceful. Immanuel Verikovsky has shown in his trilogy Worlds In Collision, Earth In Upheaval and Ages In Chaos that in our historical past our solar system has experienced a radical shift and taken on a new planet and, therefore, a new configuration. The once-comet-now-planet Venus, he proposes, was born out of Jupiter and eventually captured by the sun after bouncing around the solar system like a billiards ball, colliding with Earth as well as with Mars, wreaking havoc while nearly obliterating the human race along with all living creature, until it was finally knocked into an orbit around the sun by Mars to become a member of our solar system.  For hundreds of years fear gripped the hearts of human beings. Rituals of human sacrifice numbering into the hundreds of thousands every year of men, women and children were performed to appease the gods of Venus and Mars and hopefully stave off the end of the world. To this day, “The End” is prophesied to be “Near.”

Velikovsky speaks to this fear of cataclysmic upheaval in Worlds In Collision:

The average man is no longer afraid of the end of the world. Man clings to his earthly possessions, registers his landholdings and fences them in; peoples carry on wars to preserve and to enlarge their historical frontiers. Yet the last five or six thousand years have witnessed a series of major catastrophes, each of which displaced the borders of the seas, and some of which caused sea-beds and continents to interchange places, submerging kingdoms, and creating space for new ones.

Cosmic collisions are not divergent phenomena, or phenomena that, in the opinion of some modern philosophers, take place in defiance of what is supposed to be physical laws; they are more in the nature of occurrences implicit in the dynamics of the universe, or, in terms of that philosophy, convergent phenomena. “Lest by chance restrained by religion,” — and we may read ‘science’ instead of ‘religion’ — “you should think that earth and sun, and sky, sea, stars, and moon must needs abide for everlasting, because of their divine body,” think of the catastrophes of the past; and then “look upon seas, and lands, and sky; their threefold nature . . . their three textures so vast, one single day shall hurl to ruin; and the mas­sive form and fabric of the world held up for many years, shall fall headlong.” *

“And the whole firmament shall fall on the divine earth and on the sea: and then shall flow a ceaseless cataract of raging fire, and shall burn land and sea, and the firmament of heaven and the stars and creation itself it shall cast into one molten mass and clean dissolve. Then no more shall there be the luminaries’ twinkling orbs, no night, no dawn, no constant days of care, no spring, no summer, no winter, no autumn.” *

“A single day will see the burial of all mankind. All that the long forbearance of fortune has produced, all that has been reared to eminence, all that is famous and all that is beautiful, great thrones, great nations – all will descend into one abyss, will be overthrown in one hour.” *

The vehemence of flames will burst asunder
the framework of the earth’s crust.*

With those kind of doomsday words of warning, little wonder the hearts of people were gripped with fear. With fear comes weakened immune systems and chronic stress, not unlike the current global atmosphere wherein disease finds us vulnerable hosts.

A New Beginning

But, take heart. There was method in all this madness, however bleak the prospects of survival must have been for our ancestors who suffered through such horrific cataclysmic upheavals.  With the new configuration of planets comes a new energetic dynamic in the solar system, as well as in the evolution of human consciousness.  The conflagrations and deluges had destroyed “all corrupted flesh” and cleansed the earth of the genetically manipulated creations of fallen man. Some survivors had escaped death by fleeing to the Himalaya mountains as they rose up out of the sea during massive earthquakes and the sinking of continents like Lemuria and Atlantis. China and India had their beginnings from these remnants of lost civilizations. Noah-type characters appear in legends and stone carvings in many parts of the world that closely resemble the deluge described in the story of Noah in Genesis. The destruction was global.

In Fingerprints Of The Gods and Magicians Of The Gods, Graham Hancock writes about “the shining ones” with long white beards and white robes who traveled to various postdiluvian settlements to teach them agriculture, architecture, language and writing skills. Their mission was to restore the “garden of the gods” that had been their homelands before the deluge and conflagration. But their mission and efforts were frustrated, so they left feeling defeated, in some cases by boat and in other cases by walking upon the ocean waters, but in all cases they departed by ocean and disappeared into the horizon; perhaps ascended. They did accomplish, however, their main objective of helping to begin again the rebuilding of civilizations on the planet.

I believe that what may have frustrated these “shining ones” was their loss of the power they once enjoyed to create living things. Something had drastically changed in the energy field of the planet. It was as though they were barred from partaking of the “Tree of Life” and thus maintaining their immortality on the pohysical plane. Whatever the case, things were different than before the cataclysmic upheavals that, for one thing, caused the earth’s axis to tilt some 23 degrees and the orbit of the Earth to change. Added to these changes, a new planet, Venus, joined our solar system and the orbit of Mars was altered as well.

Was all of this upheaval on Earth and in our solar system a first step preparing us for the day and place we would find ourselves in at this time in the history of Mankind? The “Place of Creation?” All the factors are in place for a new beginning for the planet and for the human race as we make, with our Earth Mother, an historical frequency shift.

The “Place of Creation”

I return to my post of December 24, 2017. In the year of our Lord 2012 our solar system aligned with the Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy and we find ourselves once again in the “Place of Creation.”  I will end this post with this excerpt from that post reminding us that we have an 80-year window of opportunity to attune ourselves to the divine plan for the restoration of Mankind to the dignity and nobility we once knew as sons and daughters of God.  We are two-thirds of the way across the front of this window.

I am reminded of a passage in the Book of Revelation (12:14):

“And when the dragon saw that he was cast down unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.  And to the Woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and a half time, from the face of the serpent.”

That’s three-and-a-half periods of time, whatever that signifies – days, months, years or perhaps decades or centuries. And I will not even speculate here, only mention that we are in the midst of the “Rise of the Feminine” as She confronts the male-dominated social, political and economic world order. She has taken flight to take her rightful place as co-creator with the Masculine, having been persecuted for hundreds of decades for her positive masculine expression of her truth — her “man child,” for which she has been “travailing in birth” to deliver, and which the dragon seeks to devour.  OMG! How descriptive of current events in the “war of the sexes.” That entire chapter bears reading.

The significance of this alignment lies in the access we have while traveling through this 80-year window of creation to unlimited energy and power to co-create a new world upon the surface of our Home among the stars. This is the time for which we have been born into this world, and we have only 25 more years in which to complete our work of renewal. The New Heaven has been created and established in the collective consciousness of a critical number of human beings in the Body of God on Earth over the past fifty-five years. The New Earth is already emerging out of the chaos of the times, for out of all chaos order emerges. Never mind the mass media which makes its fortune airing the chaos in the world. There is much more occurring of a positive, creative and integrative nature under the radar of the media than the negative stuff of this disintegrating mind-made world that is shown on television newscasts and pictured in newspapers. So, my word today is “Take heart and be about the work of rebuilding and re-birthing the New World of order and beauty from out of the New Heaven of love and truth and life.  Let us make all things new again.”

There is peace in the Heaven of our solar system and galaxy. Let there be peace on Earth as well. Our time has come. ”

“As above, so below” — “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.”

Until my next post, then,

Be love. Be loved.


Read my Healthlight Newsletter online.


*Velikovsky’s references:

1  Lucretius De rerum natura, v (trans!. C. Bailey, 1924).

2 The Sibylline Oracles, transl. Lanchester.

3 Seneca Naturales quaestiones III, xxx (transl. J. Clarke).

4 Seneca Epistolae morales, Epistle xcl (transl. R. M. Gummere).



War in Heaven and on Earth, page 3


                       Our Solar Entity – Celestial Body of the Archangel

Earthlings saw angels doing battle in the heavens and archangels slaying dragons.  They saw Lucifer, the Morning Star, cut down from on high; they even saw witches flying on broomsticks — the stuff of legends, folklore, and religious beliefs. They prophesied the end of the world and made human sacrifices to placate the gods and stave off the destruction of the world. Such was the climate for hundreds of years during cataclysmic events Immanuel Velikovsky writes about in his heavily documented Worlds in Collision — from which I will share a few more excerpts.

Lucifer Cut Down

It can be said that the planet Mars saved the terrestrial globe from a major catastrophe by colliding with Venus. Since the days of Exodus and Joshua, Venus was dreaded by the peoples of the earth.

For about seven hundred years this terror hung over mankind like the sword of Damocles. Human sacrifices were made to Venus in both hemispheres in order to propitiate her. After centuries of terror, one sword of Damocles was removed from above the heads of mankind, only to be replaced by another. Mars became the dread of the peoples, and its return was feared every fifteen years. Before this, Mars had absorbed the blow, even the repeated blows of Venus, and had saved the earth.

Venus, which collided with the earth in the fifteenth century before the present era, collided with Mars in the eighth century. At that time Venus was moving at a lower elliptical velocity than when it first encountered the earth; but Mars, being only about one­-eighth the mass of Venus, was no match for her. It was therefore a notable achievement that Mars, though thrown out of the ring, never­theless was instrumental in bringing Venus from an elliptical to a nearly circular orbit. Looked at from the earth, Venus was removed from a path that ran high to the zenith and over the zenith to its present path in which it never retreats from the sun more than 48 degrees, thus becoming a morning or an evening star that precedes the rising sun or follows the setting sun. The awe of the world for many centuries, Venus became a tame planet.

Isaiah, referring figuratively to the king of Bbylon who destroyed cities and made the land into a wilderness, uttered his remarkable words about Lucifer that fell from heaven and was cut down to the ground. The commentators recognized that behind these words applied to the king of Babylon must have been some legend about the Morning Star. The metaphor regarding the king of Babylon implied that his fate and the fate of the Morning Star were not dissimilar; both of them fell from on high. But what could it mean that the Morning Star fell from the heights? asked the commentators.

Significant are the words of Isaiah about the Morning Star, that it “weakened the nations” before it was cut down to the ground. It weakened the nations in two collisions with the earth, and it weakened the nations by keeping them in constant fear for centuries.

The Book of Isaiah, in every chapter, provides abundant evidence that with the removal of Venus, so that it no longer crossed the orbit of the earth, danger was not eliminated, but became even more threatening. . . .

Meteorites fell from the sky as stones.  One of those stones is the “black stone of Kaaba” venerated as the holiest thing in Mecca which pilgrims come from afar to kiss.  According to Moslem tradition, it fell from the planet Venus, although another legend says that Archangel Gabriel brought it down.

Kaaba is older than Mohammedanism. Mohammed, in the early part of his career, worshiped Venus (al- Uzza) and other planetary gods, which even today enjoy great veneration among the Moslems as the “daughters of the god.”

Who, then, is this Archangel Gabriel?

The Archangels

In the Scriptures the destruction of the army of Sennacherib is said to have been caused by a “blast,” and a few verses later it is said to have been the act of an angel of God.” The Talmudic and Midrashic sources, which relate that the army of Sennacherib was destroyed by a blast and scourge accompanied by a terrible din on the night following the day when the shadow of the sun returned ten degrees, are
more specific: the scourge was inflicted by the Archangel Gabriel “in the guise of a column of fire.”  In the present research it has been established that it was the work of Mars.

Are archangels planets? “An old tradition, dating back to Gaonic times, had it that there are seven archangels, each of whom is associated with a planet.”  “The seven archangels were believed to play an important part in the universal order through their association with the planets and the constellations. There is some variation, in the different versions, in the angels assigned to the planets.”  In some medieval writings Gabriel is associated with the moon, but in one or two with Mars.”

The following, however, makes the identification of Gabriel possible: Gabriel is connected with the foundation of Rome. The Jewish legend says that when Solomon took the daughter of Pharaoh to wife, “the Archangel Gabriel descended from heaven and inserted a reed in the sea. About this reed more and more earth was gradually deposited, and, on the day on which Jeroboam erected the golden calves, a little hut was built on the island. This was the first dwelling-place of Rome.” Here Gabriel is cast in the role the Romans ascribed to Mars, that of the founder of Rome?* Our assumption that it was the planet Mars which caused the destruction of the army of Sennacherib in the spring of -687 is implied also by rabbinic sources: Since the Archangel Gabriel is another name for the planet Mars, the ancient Jews knew the origin of the “blast” and the identity of “the angel of the Lord” who destroyed the Assyrian army.

*It was Aeneas who founded the city of Rome in the eighth century before the present era after he was saved when Troy was captured and went to Carthage and from there to Italy.

Gabriel is the angel appointed over fire; he is also, according to Origen,” the angel of war. Thus we again recognize in him Mars Nergal. The rabbinical tradition says that the Assyrians of the host of  Sennacherib, before they died, were permitted by Gabriel to hear “the song of the celestials,” which can be interpreted as the sound caused by a close approach of the planet. The words of Isaiah (33 : 3) 
“at the noise of the tumult [hamon] the people fled,” should, according to the Jewish tradition as related by Jerome, refer to Gabriel, Hamon being another of his names.”

The planet Mars is red, and Maadim (the red or the one who redens) is the name for Mars in the Hebrew astronomical texts. On­e text says: “The Holy One created Mars–Maadim–that he should throw them [the nations] down into hell.”

A few rabbinical sources attribute the destruction of Sennacherib’s army to the action of the Archangel Michael; some ascribe it to both archangels.

Who, then, is the Archangel Michael?

The entire story of Exodus is connected with the Archangel Michael. In Exodus 14 : 19 the pillar of fire and of cloud is called Angel of God. According to the Midrash it was the Archangel Michael who made himself “a wall of fire” between the Israelites and the Egyptians. Michael is said to be made of fire. The Haggadah states: “Michael was appointed High Priest of the celestial sanctuary at the same time that Aaron was made high priest of Israel,” that is, in the time of the Exodus. Michael was also the angel who appeared to Joshua, son of Nun.

The celestial struggle at the Sea of Passage is depicted in the familiar image of the Archangel Michael slaying the dragon. Michael produces fire by touching the earth, and it was the emanation of this archangel that was seen in the burning bush, He has his abode in heaven and is the forerunner of Shehina [Shekinah] or God’s presence, but as Lucifer, Michael falls from heaven and his hands are bound by God. All these attributes and acts of the Archangel Michae lead us to recognize which planet he represents: it is Venus.

The Archangel Michael, or the planet Venus, and the Archangel Gabriel, or the planet Mars, saved the people of Israel on two dramatic occasions. At the Sea of Passage, when the hosts of Egypt, pursuing the fleeing slaves, could be seen in the distance (“the chil­dren of Israel lifted up their eyes, and, behold, the Egyptians marched after them; and they were sore afraid,”  the sea was torn apart, and the slaves walked on the bottom of the sea and reached the other shore. Their enemies were thrown high by the released tides, which fell down when a spark passed between Venus and the earth.

Eight hundred years passed after the Exodus. The Assyrian hosts, which a generation earlier had removed the Ten Tribes of Israel to an exile from whence they never returned, invaded Judea with the express purpose of crushing rebellious Judah and removing him from his homeland and from the scene of history. A blast from the planet Mars fell upon the camp of the Assyrians and annihilated it. Those rabbinical sources which ascribed this act to both archangels were not wrong. Venus pushed Mars toward the earth, and thus both were instrumental in the destruction.

The author of the apocryphal book of the Ascension [Assumption] of Moses knew that “Venus and Mars are each as large as the whole Earth.” 

Because of their intervention at moments when the national existence of Israel was at stake, Michael and Gabriel were looked upon as “guardian angels” of the eternal people.

Gabriel is the Hebrew Hercules (Heracles). Actually the classic authors made it clear that Hercules is another name for the planet Mars. In the Gospel of Luke (1:26) Gabriel is the angel of Annunciation to the Virgin.

In the Roman Catholic Church Michael is the conqueror of Satan, “head of the host of heaven and first of the saints after Mary.

Planet Worship in Judea in the Seventh Century

In the Northern Kingdom the process of disassociating the deity from the celestial object had not yet been completed when the Kingdom was destroyed (-723 or -722), and its population was led away into captivity, from which they did not return. “And they [the tribe of the Northern Kingdom] left all the commandments of the Lord their God, and made them molten images, even two calves, and made a grove, and worshiped all the host of heaven and served Baal” (II Kings 17: 16).

Only a few years after the deliverance of Judea from the hand of Sennacherib, Manasseh, son of Hezekiah, ”built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the Lord” (II King, 21: 5). “For he [Manasseh] built again high places which Hezekiah his father had broken down, and he reared up altars for Baalim, and he made groves, and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served
them” (II Chronicles 33 : 3). 

“Baalim” or “Baal” are shorter versions of Beelzebub (Baal Zevuv), names given to Venus when she was a comet. This sheds an historical light on the story of Elijah and his contest between the worshipers of Baal and those who worshiped the Lord God. Then there’s this legend behind our Halloween witches on broomsticks:

The Pageants of the Sky

Cosmic perturbations took place, catastrophes swept the globe, but did witches fly through the air on brooms? The reader would agree that cosmic catastrophes, if they occurred, could leave, and must have left, similar memories all around the world; but there are fantastic images that do not appear to represent realities. We shall follow this rule: if there exists a fantastic image that is projected against the sky and that repeats itself all around the world, it is most probably an image that was seen on the screen of the sky by many peoples at the same time. On one occasion a comet took the striking form of a woman riding on a broom, and the celestial picture was so clearly defined that the same impression was imposed on all the peoples of the world. It is well known how, in modern times, the forms of comets impress people.

Besides being a source for creative imaging (pareidolia), folklore, and religious beliefs, cataclysmic upheavals of the past tell us that we live in a world that is far from stable and that has its own cycles and seasons of evolution which impact our planet’s climate and weather far more than anything we humans could possibly do. I will continue sharing Velikovsky with you in the next post. Until then,

Be love. Be loved


Read my HealthLight Newsletter online for informative articles.




Golden Age and Golden Race — part 2: Ancient Zorastrian History

Historical Background

A time when time was not

My Chorale PicWe once lived in a world quite different from the one we have created for ourselves today.  In a word, we lived in a paradise where time was not measured, cold winds did not blow in winter storms, and heat waves did not parch the verdant soil.  It was a “Golden Age” wherein disease and death were not experienced by human beings, who walked the earth for hundreds of years and then ascended back into the higher realms of Light when their missions were complete. A time when gods inhabited the Earth and walked among us, bringing heavenly ordinances with them to set the dominion thereof in the earth. Together, we created a world of infinite beauty and copious abundance. Then the “evil one” came and all was lost – or “hidden by the gods,” as the ancient peoples perceived the natural cycles of planetary evolution that brought about changes that radically impacted our own evolution of consciousness and physical form.

So goes the story of Man as recorded in ancient scriptures, the most ancient of which are to be found among the Zoastrian archives – predating the ancient Greek and Roman classical literature, in which grew the roots that brought forth our Western culture and where the golden age tradition got its start.

My Source

I am intrigued and greatly entertained by the exhaustive research of David Wilcock which he has so masterfully compiled into his fascinating book THE SOURCE FIELD INVESTIGATIONS – The HIDDEN SCIENCE and LOST CIVILIZATIONS behind the 2012 PROPHECIES —  of which Graham Hancock, author of Fingerprints of the Gods, writes in the foreword: “Magnificent. . . . There is a tremendous amount of good science here, much of it new to Western readers.” On the back of the book’s jacket he writes: “David Wilcock is a leading thinker who makes a magnificent case . . . that a Golden Age is indeed within our grasp and can be brought into manifestation if only we choose to make it so.”

On page 416 Wilcock references a 1952 scholarly paper by H.C. Baldry entitled “Who Invented the Golden Age?” which he wrote for the Classical Quarterly journal, which one has to be a scholar oneself to read. In this paper, Baldry offers his analysis of how the idea of a Golden Age got its start.

“There are many passages in ancient literature which depict an imaginary existence different from the hardships of real life – an existence blessed with Nature’s bounty, untroubled by strife or want. Naturally this happy state is always placed somewhere or sometime outside normal human experience, whether off the map in some remote quarter of the world, or in Elysium after death, or in the dim future or the distant past. Such an imaginary time of bliss in the past or the future has become known as the golden age . . . .

“[We know that] (i) the picture of a happy existence remote from ordinary life … came from sources earlier than any extant classical literature; (ii) this traditional picture was normally known in antiquity before the Roman Empire as the age of Kronos [Time] or Saturnus; [and] (iii) gold and the use of gold had no place in the traditional picture …. When first mentioned in [Hesiod’s] Works and Days (42-46) [circa 800 BC] it is not explained, but briefly alluded to as the state which men would now enjoy if the gods had not hidden the means of life from them….

“References in later literature show an even greater variety of belief about the time and place of the happier life – a variety which cannot be traced back to Hesiod or any other single source, but suggests an old and widespread tradition handled at different times and places, and by different authors, in many different ways . . . . Further confirmation may be sought in the various parallels contained in Eastern literature, notably the Indo-Iranian myth in which Yima of the [Zoroastrian] Avesta and Yama of the [Hindu] Vedas must have had their common source – the story of a past age of happiness under a ruler who, when it ended, became lord of a Paradise inhabited by the souls of the blessed. . . .”

Wilcock continues:

The Golden Age represented a “Paradise inhabited by the souls of the blessed.” Baldry mentions a common source that we can trace all the Golden Age prophecies back to – namely the primordial “Indo-Iranian myth” which gave rise to both Zoroastrianism and Hinduism. Both religions appear to be talking about the same hero-king, the name slightly changed depending on which religion you look at. His name was Yima in Zoroastrianism and Yama in the Vedas.


Wilcock references the Traditional Zoroastrianism Website for an “extremely comprehensive collection of research articles on the subject, and in ‘History of the Ancient Aryans’ by Porus Homi Havewala,” he writes, “ we find out more about this primordial Indo-Iranian civilization that later (probably much later) splintered off into Zoroastrianism and Hinduism:

“All of the ancient Zorastrian scriptures speak of an earlier homeland from where our people came, the lost “Airyane Vaejahi” or seedland of the Ayrans. From this homeland the Indo-Europeans or Aryans moved to upper India, Iran, Russia and the nations of Europe such as Greece, Italy, Germany, France, Scandinavia, England, Scotland and Ireland. . . .  The “Vendidad” is one of the ancient scriptures of the Zorastrians. . . . In the first “Fargad” or chapter, the Golden Age of the ancient Aryans is outlined with their greatest king “Yima Kshaeta” (Yam Raj in the Indian Vedas), who banished old age and death.

Then, the ice age broke on the ancient home, and the Aryans were forced to migrate southward, to the southeast and the southwest. Mr. Bal Gangadhar Tilak, a great Brahmin (Indian Aryan) scholar of India in the last century, studied the Vedas and the Vendidad to find an ancient homeland of the Aryans. The Vedas are scriptures written by the Indo-Europeans or Aryans after they migrated to India. From the descriptions of the weather patterns mentioned in the Vedas, Tilak concluded that the ancient home must be in the Arctic regions, i.e., above present Russia. The Aryans migrated from the ancient home to Iran, and from there to India and Greece and Europe. Tilak also said that the most ancient historical scripture was the Iranian Vendidad, which actually describes the ancient homeland of the Aryans ….”

“Thus Spake Zarathushtra”

The great nineteenth-century Indian scholar Bal Gangadhar Tilak concluded that the Zoroastrian Vendidad was the “most ancient historical scripture” in the world. The name Zoroaster is actually a Greek pronunciation of”Zarathushtra,” so both names refer to the same man. Zarathushtra allegedly made contact with Ahura Mazda, the Zoroastrian equivalent of God – but according to the Vendidad, this was only a more recent reconnection.

“Zarathushtra asked Ahura Mazda: “O Ahura Mazda, righteous Creator of the corporeal world, who was the first person to whom You taught these teachings?” Then spoke Ahura Mazda: “YIMA the splendid, who watched over his subjects, O righteous Zarathushtra. I first did teach the Aryan religion to him, prior to you.'”

Wilcock continues:

The author then describes the prior Golden Age in which “there be neither cold wind nor hot wind (neither extreme winter or summer), [and] there be no sickness nor death,” in which people are “undying and unwanting, and gloriously happy.” We then have a very interesting statement about time: “In the first I,OOO years of his rule, Yima the splendid enjoined righteous order on his Aryan subjects. He controlled invisible time itself, making it so much larger in size so as to praise and spread the righteous law.” It is very interesting to speculate on what was meant by controlling “invisible time itself.” Given what we now know, this carries much more potential impact than most people may realize. Graham Hancock points out similar statements from Egyptian texts in his introduction to this book — that life is maintained by the “progress and movement of time” – and these words now sound very cutting-edge.

As the Vendidad continues, we have what appears to be a very clear description of the coming of the last major Ice Age.

“That glorious age of the Aryans did not last for ever, O Zarathushtra. It was time for the evil one’s attack. I Who am Ahura Mazda spoke then to Yima Kshaeta: ‘O splendid Yima, toward the sacred Aryan land will rush evil as a severe fatal winter; evil will rush as thick snow flakes falling in increased depth. From the three directions will wild and ferocious animals attack, arriving from the most dreadful sites. Before this winter, any snow that fell would melt and convey the water away. Now the snow will not melt (but will form the Polar ice cap) … Now, there will be no footprints discernible at all on the packed sheets of hard ice that will form.'”

Concluding this section, he writes:

Hence, the ancient Aryan civilization appears to have originated in what is now the frozen wasteland of northern Russia-prior to the coming of the last great Ice Age. Given all the work of Graham Hancock and others, we can safely associate this with the time of the purported civilization of Atlantis.

I will leave it there for now to be continued in my next post. I find it most interesting, as well as significant, that all of this took place in the Middle East and Europe, where devastating turmoil is the current experience of that part of the body of Humanity. And here we are in the Americas, the West, enjoying a completely different lifestyle in a country that holds great promise for the future of Mankind, a promise that our forefathers entrusted into our hands.  Or are we?

Out of the East our tomorrows arise daily with the rising Sun.  As I have pointed out before, with the passing of the old world a new world emerges from out of the ashes.  Let us consider ourselves fortunate that we live in Western Civilization, but also responsible for the future of Mankind and the Earth upon which we live and have our being.  It is up to us to seize the day – or rather let the Day seize us – and allow the Golden Age of our time emerge and fill the world with love, happiness and abundance of life. Let us not live in fear or condemnation of what is befalling Humanity on the other side of the globe, lest it fall upon us here as well and destroy every hope of a Golden Age emerging.  For what we fear may well come upon us. Let us rather be utterly compassionate for our brothers and sisters suffering and dying in the Middle East– and in other countries like Nigeria — as the angels incarnate in each one of them play their chosen roles in dismantling the old barbaric world of yesteryear.  Let us be about our role and business of building the New Earth here in America, the land of love, a land that too many have taken for granted. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


Read my HealthLight Newsletter at for its diverse articles on health and wellness. This issue’s feature is the second installment of a series entitled “Living Medicines Vs Pharmaceuticals.”





Our Electromagnetic Universe, page 3, The Body Electric, part 3

Your Heart's Electromagnetic Field

Your Heart’s Electromagnetic Field

Tony Pics for SA BookWe’ve been considering the effect of electromagnetic radiation on ourselves and on other creatures of the natural world. In this blog post I would like to report on some of these effects. I have a personal interest in this topic which was greatly heightened during our recent visit with family living dangerously close to high-power electrical lines in the San Francisco area. I am deeply concerned that the electromagnetic field generated by the powerful currents moving through these power lines may well be affecting their health, and perhaps even their energetic interactions. So I am re-reading Dr. Robert Becker’s book THE BODY ELECTRIC — ELECTROMAGNETISM AND THE FOUNDATION OF LIFE in order to gain a clearer understanding of electromagnetic radiation and its impact on human and animal life.


Electromagnetic Radiation

Electromagnetism can be discussed in two ways—in terms of fields and in terms of radiation. A field is “something” that exists in space around an object that produces it. We know there is a field around a permanent magnet because it can make an iron particle jump through space to the magnet. Obviously there’s an invisible entity that exerts a force on the iron, but as to just what it consists of—don’t ask! No one knows. [Walter Russell would challenge that statement if he were still around] A different but analogous something—an electric field—extends outward from electrically charged objects. 

Both electric and magnetic fields are static, unvarying. When the factor of time is introduced, by varying the intensity of the field as in a radio antenna, an electromagnetic field results. As its name implies, this consists of an electric field and a magnetic field. The fluctuations in the field radiate outward from the transmitter as waves of energy, although somehow these waves simultaneously manage to behave as streams of massless, chargeless particles (photons). As to just how this happens, again—don’t ask! Sometimes the phenomenon is called an electromagnetic field (EMF), to emphasize its connection with the transmitter; sometimes it’s called electromagnetic radiation (EMR), to emphasize its outward-flowing aspect. However, the two terms refer to the same phenomenon and are interchangeable. The only  meaningful distinction is between static and time-varying fields.

 Each energy wave consists of an electric field and a magnetic field at right angles to each other, and both at right angles to the direction the wave is traveling. The number of waves formed in one second is the frequency; the distance the energy travels (at the speed of light) during one oscillation is its wavelength. The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength, and vice versa.

Now, that’s pretty much the gist of the matter, the basic understanding of electromagnetism today. If you want to understand how this phenomenon manifests, then I would encourage you to purchase Walter Russell’s enthralling book THE SECRET OF LIGHT, which I’ve referenced and blogged on in earlier posts. Also, see the previous post for information about the history of electricity and microwave technology.

Let’s jump over to the section in Becker’s book where he talks about the impact electromagnetic fields have on our physical bodies and our brains. Let’s start with this frightening bit of information:

The human species has changed its electromagnetic background more than any other aspect of the environment. [This was published in 1985]. For example, the density of radio waves around us is now 100 million or 200 million times the natural level reaching us from the sun. Nor is there any end in sight.When superconducting cables are introduced [which they have been], they’ll increase the field strength around power lines by a factor of ten or twenty. Electric cars, magnetically levitated transport vehicles, and microwave-beam satellites for transmitting solar power to earth would each add strong new sources of electromagnetic contamination.

Dr. Becker calls it “contamination” for valid reasons. He goes on to do the research into the impact it has on human and animal life. Understand, it’s the low and very low and extremely low frequencies waves (LF, VLF, and ELF) that are issues. ELF waves approximate the dimensions of the earth; at 10 Hz one wave is about 18,600 miles long. These are the ones that affect subtle disturbances in our own energy fields and that of animals because of the resonance factor. Higher wavelengths of energy have more noticeable effects on us, like burn our skin. 

Higher waves, like X-rays, gamma waves, and ultraviolet wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation—the shortest are gamma waves, a tenth of a billionth of a millimeter long, vibrate sextillions of times a second—are termed “ionizing radiation, because the higher photonic energy can knock electrons away from atoms, creating highly reactive ions where they don’t belong. They are “free radicals” that can cause cancer. Much of the damage from nuclear radiation is caused in this way. All lower frequencies, beginning with the longer ultraviolet wavelenghts, are nonionizing, but nonetheless affect us in detrimental ways.

We can protect ourselves from the higher frequencies because we notice their impact on our bodies. As Becker explains,

Except for light and infrared heat, we can’t perceive any of these energies without instruments, so most people don’t realize how drastically and abruptly we’ve changed the electromagnetic environment in just one century.

Nor do we notice the impact low frequency waves have on our bodies and minds. Experiments were done with animals, but the results cannot be applied necessarily to humans because of the varying factors like fur, feathers, skin thickness, bone size, and the general shape of the animals that complicate RF and MW absorption beyond our capacity to gauge it. In a sense, Becker says, “…the entire population of the world is willy-nilly the subject of a giant experiment.”  


This is what grabbed my attention. The experiments Becker and his colleagues, Howard Friedman and Charlie Bachman, carried out on human subjects showed rather conclusively that electromagnetic fields of 5 to 11 gauss, which are ten to twenty times earth’s background and well above the level of most magnetic storms, when the lines of force were passed through the brain from ear to ear, cutting across the brainstem-frontal current, slowed down the subjects’ reaction time pressing a button in response to a red light. Steady fields produced no effect, but when modulated with a slow pulse of a cycle every five seconds (a delta wave frequency), people’s reactions slowed down. Passed from back to front, the force field had no effect. 

They were excited and eagerly planning further experiments when they “came upon a frightening Russian report. Yuri Kholodov had administered steady magnetic fields of 100 and 200 gauss to rabbits and found areas of cell death in their brains during autopsy. Although his fields were ten times as strong as ours, we stopped all human experiments immediately.”

Friedman duplicated Kholodov’s experiments with more scrutiny and found that all the animals had been infected with a brain parasite peculiar to rabbits. He explains why:

However, in half the animals the protozoa had been under control by the immune system, whereas in the other half they’d routed the defenders and destroyed parts of the brain. The experts suggested that we must have done something to undermine resistance of the rabbits in the experimental group. The code confirmed that most of the brain damage had occurred in animals subjected to the magnetic fields. Later, Friedman did biochemical tests on another series of rabbits and found that the fields were causing a generalized stress reaction marked by large amounts of cortisone in the bloodstream. This is the response called forth by a prolonged stress, like a disease, that isn’t an immediate threat to life, as opposed to the fight-or-flight response generated by adrenaline.

Here’s the clincher, over which I will leave you to ponder. 

Soon thereafter,  Friedman measured cortisone levels in monkeys exposed to a 200-gauss magnetic field for four hours a day. They showed the stress response for six days, but it then subsided, suggesting adaptation to the field. Such seeming tolerance of continued stress is illusory, however. In his pioneering lifework on stress, Dr. Hans Selye has clearly drawn the invariable pattern: Initially, the stress activates the hormonal and/or immune systems to a higher-than-normal level, enabling the animal to escape danger or combat disease. If the stress continues, hormone levels and immune reactivity gradually decline to normal. If you stop your experiment at this point, you’re apparently justified in saying, “The animal has adapted; the stress is doing it no harm.” Nevertheless, if the stressful condition persists, hormone and immune levels decline further, well below normal. In medical terms, stress decompensation has set in, and the animal is now more susceptible to other stressors, including malignant growth and infectious disease.

In the mid-1970’s, two Russian groups found stress hormones released in rats exposed to microwaves, even if they were irradiated only briefly by minute amounts of energy. Other Eastern European work found the same reaction to 50-hertz electric fields. Several Russian and Polish groups have since established that after prolonged exposure the activation of the stress system changes to a depression of it in the familiar pattern, indicating exhaustion of the adrenal cortex [the etiology of chronic stress and chronic fatigue syndrome]. There has even been one report of hemorrhage and cell damage in the adrenal cortex from a month’s exposure to a 50-hertz, 130-gauss magnetic field.

Further experiments with ELF magnetic fields on animals showed impact on endocrine glands and activation of the “fast” flight-or-fight hormones centering on adrenaline from the adrenal medulla. Soviet biophysicist N.A. Udintsev documented an insulin insufficiency and rise in blood sugar. Notably, animals showed no indication they were aware of these hormonal changes, when normally they would react as though they were under attack. They showed no outward signs of fear, agitation, or illness. 

Most humans certainly wouldn’t be able to detect a 100-gauss magnetic field, at least not consciously. Only several years after Friedman’s work did anyone find out how this was happening. 

In 1976 a group under J.J. Noval at the Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory at Pensacola, Florida, found the slow stress response in rats from very weak electric fields, as low as five thousandths of a volt per centimeter. They discovered that when such fields vibrated in the ELF range, they increased levels of neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brainstem, apparently in a way that activated a distress signal subliminally, without the animal’s becoming aware of it. The scariest part was that the fields Noval used were well within the background levels of a typical office, with its overhead lighting, typewriters, computers, and other equipment [cell phones]. Workers in such an environment are exposed to electric fields between a hundredth and a tenth of a volt per centimeter and magnetic fields between a hundredth and tenth of a gauss. 

That’s more than enough to digest in one blog post. What you do with this information is up to you, of course. Just be aware that there are these factors to consider when your health, physical and mental, gets off kilter. I consider these factors each and every time a client presents bizarre or even “normal” symptoms. What’s “normal” anyway when all medical research has to work with are humans who live in this kind of environment. Is there any wonder our healthcare system is failing us?  We have no truly health model of a human being to measure against. 

This all can be overwhelming and depressing if you let it worry you and don’t embrace it with a higher frequency of energy. That would be the frequency of LOVE, wouldn’t it? We’ve created an environment which will not very much longer be able to support our animal flesh bodies.

But I believe that there’s a greater purpose being served by all this electromagnetic pollution. This may well be the catalyst that is setting in motion the ultimate transmutation of our species to a fourth-density state of being, along with our planet Earth. It would undoubtedly be less traumatic were we to meet it with equal or greater radiant force and let Love work its vibrational alchemy from within.  We may not have to do anything about what’s happening in the electromagnetic and atmospheric terrains of our environment. What could we do anyway, shut down the power lines and dismantle our electrical power plants and grids?  Then what? Regress to candlelight days? No, we’re headed smack dab into a vibrational brick wall that we will only be able to transcend as spiritual beings with light bodies. Our flesh bodies will have to ascend to a higher frequency and transmute. In the meantime, enjoy your electromagnetic universe! 

Be love. Be loved.


 References: THE BODY ELECTRIC, by Robert O. Becker, M.D., and Gary Selden

Apocalypse of Light 2013, Part 1: “Let there be light!”

Sun rising

We have entered the Winter Solstice when our Mother Earth tilts her head once again toward Father Sun in her yearly cycle around our Star.  Light has begun to increase as the days grow longer in anticipation of Spring.  But this will be no ordinary Spring, just as it is being no ordinary Winter.  It’s snowing in West Texas and New Mexico even as I write this post and after a long drought in those parts.  The Mississippi River has been drying up due to a severe lack of ice melt and rain in the northern states.  The river’s been too shallow for some of its ordinary boat and barge traffic.  It isn’t expected to rise much as the current snow and rain fall up-river doesn’t appear to be adequate enough to make a huge difference.  Changes will be forced upon our transport systems if the river dries up altogether . . . but she won’t.

Weather patterns all over the globe have changed drastically.  The Earth’s magnetic poles are shifting.  Ice caps are melting fast and I wonder if it’s not in anticipation of a correction underway in the wobble of the Earth’s axis, in which event their colossal frozen weight will no longer be needed to compensate for the wobble.   As I said, this will be no ordinary Winter, nor Spring.  Is the planet perhaps moving through a renewal process back to being a a tropical garden of Eden once again.  It could well be so. You see, all of Creation is in the loving and care-full hands of the Creator.

A species in danger of extinction, man sees a dying world through his myopic view and failing vision.  His view is after his own survival and his vision is not of a New Earth but of an old world passing away along with the old man that created it atop the living, breathing soil of Gaia. How fragile does his world of concrete prove to be when Her layered crust quakes. There is little if any sense of right-expectancy in the hearts of human being the world over because man knows deep down inside that he has wronged and raped his Mother; that the world which he has built on her back rests upon a bed of sand, the shifting sand of monetary greed, rather than the solid bedrock of truth and generosity.   

But wake up, O Man! Turn around! For a Golden Age is at hand. Earth is not dying, my friends. Oh no, she is rather coming alive with renewal, and her awakening process is creating quite a stir on all her continents and throughout the fabric of her kingdoms, all the way from her misty atmosphere above down through her watery oceans to her molten core.  She stirs and stretches, yawns and breathes deeply as she greets the New Day, the New Age, the Age of Aquarius.  

Aqua, water!  The first of the Four Forces of Creation—water, air, earth and fire—and they come in that order of dominance, always working in concert together even as each one takes a turn at the leading role for its season. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall—all come and go on cue as the planet cycles through the seasons in Her solar orbit.

Fire and water sun and ocean

First the water washes in at the beginning of a new creative cycle, and the air blows in right behind it, overlapping the water cycle.  Our neighbors along the East Coast got a wallop of these two forces not long ago.  The tropical winds of Hurricane Sandy brought the tidal waters of the Atlantic ocean to and over the eastern shores of America, and the water has not ceased falling from the sky, again driven by the air currents of the trade winds and jet stream.  Rain, rain and more rain greets the New Year here in these southern parts of Louisiana and all across the South from California to Florida—snow storms across the North from Washington state to Main and the New York harbors.  Lots of water. An appropriate way to begin the year of our Lord 2013 and the Age of Aquarius. 

After the cold water splash in the face, the warm air of Spring will call forth the green grass, the leaf buds, and the fragrant flowers out of the Earth. And after their grand show, Summer will bring the fire of Sol to return the flaming, falling foliage back to the ground to seed and fertilize the soil for the next Spring.  What a dance to behold between the water, the air, the earth and the fire of Creation.  

O Man, wake up and open your eyes to see the New Day!  Put aside your fear and your rage, your wars and your poverty, your greed and avarice and your isolated insanity. Let there be love in your heart.  Let there be light in your eyes. Let there be friendship between the brothers and sisters of your global community. Behold, all things are being made new. Be thou made new as well, whole and holy.  A Golden Age dawns and with it a New Heaven refreshes and reseeds consciousness from above and a New Earth is waiting to be born out of it here below—and you have the privilege of experiencing the dance and playing a part in the magic of Creation. What a grand day to be alive and in the midst of it all! 

Here comes the Sun

Open up your heart and let your spirit, the Spirit of God, move upon the face of these troubled flood waters. Open wide your mouth and sing your creative command to them, even as you joined with your Creator in the Beginning when the Morning Stars sang together and the Sons of God shouted for joy: “Be still! Let there be Light!”  Be the light of your world.

Be love. Be loved.

Tony's picture 2 from PeggyAnthony

Visit my Health Light Newsletter at for inspiring and clarifying commentary on health issues. The current theme is “Seven Glands for Seven Spirits,” which explores the spiritual, vibrational essences at work in and through your endocrine system of hormonal glands.

Photo credits: Top pic by Denye Robbins (from a Facebook post). Other two unknown.



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