Creating the New Earth Together

Posts tagged ‘Apocalypse of Light’

Angelic Presence In Heaven

Graphic Portrayal of Angelic Presence in the      Mercy Seat  

THE PINEAL GLAND provides our portal of entry as angels of light into our body temples.  Together with the Pituitary Gland, its partner in creation, situated in the bony saddle of the Sella Tursica—what I have seen as related to the “Mercy Seat” in the Ark of the Covenant in my book SACRED ANATOMY—the Father within, who is Love, ignites the spark of Life in the vibrational womb of the Mother and Life is born anew in each and every moment in our living temple. We live in Heaven and have our Being on Earth.  It is a profound privilege to be here on Earth in service to the One. 


I shared a song in my last post that I had composed and given voice to several decades ago entitled “THE FULLNESS THEREOF”— the opening lyrics of which are taken from Psalm 24 in the Old Testament of the Bible: “The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein.” I had just recently emerged from a transformative cocoon-like experience in my life’s journey emerging into a conscious awareness of my own angelic presence in heaven and a coming forth into the earth of my physical body, and in the context of the larger world into which I had incarnated some forty-eight years earlier.  I finally got around to recording the song some years later and shortly thereafter transferred it to a CD.  Last year I had several CD’s made to share with friends and family. 

The song itself can be used and sung by anyone to express the profound burst of sacred energy that pours out of heaven during the birth and full emergence of one’s authentic Self, which for me was an earth-shattering experience—or shall I say cocoon-shattering.  The butterfly comes forth and cannot return to the chrysalis womb that gave it wings and birth. It may light on a flowering event here and there, but it won’t stop flying in the air of the Spirit of Life that fills its wings and propels it forward.  The angel comes forth well before the physical body reaches the end of its earthly journey and succumbs to the laws of disintegration in what is called “death.” There is no death for the soul imbued with the Spirit of the Living God. 

And it is the Spirit of the Living God that incarnates in and through us human beings—made in the image and likeness of the Creator and, therefore, creator beings each one. This is the the reason and purpose for coming forth out of the cocoons of our isolated lives and conditions: that our Creator might be present in His and Her creation to see it, hear it, smell it, taste it and enjoy it. In return we share His life, His love, and His glory.


Music and song are ways to give glory to our Creator.  Worshipful song lyrics written by a scholarly friend, Hugh Malafry, then scored and sung by another friend, operatic baritone PenDell Pittman, come to mind:  

How shall we give Thee glory, who art the Living God?  Power? Who art the very flame of Love?  Kingdom? When the Universe of stars is but a cloak to Thee? Thou art all things.  All things come from Thee, return again unto Thee, and abide always in Thee. We are Thy Kingdom, Power, Thy Glory shinng.  We are Thy bones, Thy blood, Thy flesh singing praises into thee. To know Thee as thou art almighty God and living Word made flesh.

As a lagniappe, I am delighted to be able to include an audio recording of PenDell’s song.  I know you will love it and find deep solace for your soul hearing his rich and powerfully controlled vocal outpouring of his spirit through sacred verse and song: (Best enjoyed with earbuds)


How, indeed, shall we give God glory?  What better way than by giving Him presence and full emergence in and through us on earth.  Our coming forth as angels is more than a personal and individual event.  It is a collective event that signifies the coming into form and expression of the Spirit of the Living God, for whom we each provide individual and unique focus and expression.  We do it not for our own personal fulfillment but for the fulfillment of the One whose Body we comprise:  our eyes for Him to see His beautiful world; our ears that He may hear and enjoy the songs of the birds and crickets and the rush of the wind; our voice that He may speak the Word that gives life to flesh and living forms; our minds that He may share His Light and wisdom with all; our hands that He may touch His creation and extend His blessings; our feet that He may walk upon the sacred Earth; our hearts that He may give His love to us and through us to all of creation.


I’m writing here on behalf of all incarnate angelic beings in whose consciousness has dawned the awareness of their presence in Heaven on Earth and who have a burning desire in their hearts to come forth and shine their light more fully in these historic days of rebirth and ascension.  The time is ripe as our neighboring planets are in alignment and entering the Zodiacal House of Ares, a fire sign, in May.  (And today, April 30th, is the first solar eclipse of 2022, a partial eclipse in Taurus, starting at 2:30 pm.) The world is in crisis.  It’s safe, in other words, as the masses are distracted and preoccupied with pressing existential matters . . . such as climate change, economic crises, pandemics, and somehow restoring normalcy to life on this planet . . . and many souls looking for the Light in the midst of gross darkness.

These are days of advent leading to an apocalypse of angelic light that is even now transforming and transmuting our flesh bodies to a higher vibrational state of transparency, even as Gaia crosses the threshold to a new and higher frequency and state of being herself.  I say come on forth angels and reveal your divine light fully.  Let’s finish the work we came here to do for our Lord and King, whose Earth this is and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein. We are the living Son of Man coming in the clouds of the New Heaven to usher in and set the dominion of heavenly ordinances in the New Earth.  This is our Day of Apocalypse.  Let us shine our heavenly light and together create a Home for God on Earth.  So let it be, to the glory of God and the blessing of all Creation.     —Anthony


“Serve God Not Mammon” . . . . . . . An Existential Reboot

THESE ARE HARD AND CHALLENGING TIMES of existential moment requiring steadfast centering in the Truth of Love and of Life, the Source of our very being and existence; a time to renew our service to God and abandon our servitude to Mammon.¹ 

These are as well apocalyptic days of revelation of Light and exposure of dark forces, the would-be deceivers of the world, who are beginning to emerge from the shadows into the light of day in full view of the entire world believing they have succeeded in beguiling and enslaving the global community of Man.  But they will be aghast to discover their efforts were not only in vain but were used to expose them and bring them down, their control of the world taken from them and returned to the Lord and King of this universe.  In that exposure, many people the world over will be astonished, as they awaken to what’s been afoot all along, to see who “they” are.  The Truth will always out.  The Lord of host will have his day of victory over the dark forces of evil. That day is nigh, even at the door.  

This is also a time for repentance and forgiveness, and for rebooting. A time for transcending the material world of Mammon, for transcending what’s familiar and comfortable to embrace temporary discomfort and change from the old ways to a new way of being on a planet in transition herself.  

We are riding an ascending wave of transformation and transmutation occasioned by the Earth’s movement into a higher vibrational arm of the Milky Way Galaxy in direct alignment with the Sun of suns at the galactic core.  To the degree we are willing, our polarity is being shifted from the material world and its troubling affairs to the peaceful and magical world of Spirit, specifically the Spirit of Love, of Truth and of Life.  These are the important essences of life, the things that really matter in these hard times when polarization in disease and death is so prevalent.  It is a time for inner stillness, for watching and praying, and for seeing the salvation of the Lord of hosts.  For we are the hosts of Heaven come to return this planet to its Creator and rightful owner.  

In the spirit of renewal of our orientation in the Spirit of God as the only worthy recipient of our service of love and worship, our praise and our thanksgiving—and above all our expression—I offer the following meditation from the closing chapter of SACRED ANATOMY – where spirit and flesh dance in the fires of creation.  May it bring you peace and assurance that all is well, and well in the hands of the Lord and his angelic hosts.  May it also stir buried memories of a Paradise lost and by what gross error we brought Eden down upon our heads so that we don’t repeat it—even as we are on the threshold of doing so again in our day and on our watch.  Let us remember for ourselves, and for the rest of the Body of Mankind. 

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Worship, Sacrifice and the Search for Eden

       THE ANCIENT SEERS chanted mantras to evoke the presence of Purusha, the primordial Cosmic Being, the source of all human life, some part in which each of us is said to originate. As the presence of purusha began to be known during meditation, these ancients created the world’s first religious ceremonies to celebrate the purusha: “that Great Being of which we are all a part.” (From MANTRA, Sacred Words of Power by Thomas Ashley-Ferrand.)  

       As we have seen, worship had been, up until the time of the Master Jesus, an approach by man toward the LORD God after having departed His presence and gotten lost in a world that had literally crumbled under his feet and left him a vagabond and a wanderer. One can only imagine the pain in the hearts of those who knew life in the Motherland, where it is believed the Garden of Eden was located, just after she sank and the ocean waters covered her over so finally that there remained hardly any evidence at all that she had even once existed. The tropical islands of Hawaii are all that remain of Lemuria, or Mu, leaving us a small remnant as a reminder of what a beautiful and heavenly place Eden was. Before that fateful day the word “sacrifice” did not even exist in the Motherland.   

       Worship in the motherland of Mu was a celebration of life through ceremony and festivity, quite elaborate, according to one account from a diary of a young seminarian studying for the priesthood in Mu. In one entry he describes a festival procession honoring the God and the Goddess of the temple wherein She and all the priestesses were clad in flowing, transparent attire. He describes how he and his colleague priestess and friend had been chosen to spend the night before the festival together in the temple in preparation for the next day’s ceremony.  That preparation included sanctification of the temple through sacred sexual intimacy and ecstatic embrace in the unified release of love’s radiant substance of blessing.

      Reading his account in a book based on James Churchword’s research into this lost continent, Mu Revealed, by Tony Earll,  brings back haunting memories of a time we once knew the world and our presence and function in it as sacred in every respect.  There simply was not anything that was not sacred.  What happened to spoil it remains unknown, although theories and speculations have been put forward relative to the abusive manipulation of solar power.  Some say it was the worship of the physical body and of sexual promiscuity that brought human consciousness to its lowest level.  Whatever the details, it was the result of man reversing his polarity in God and orienting in the material world. The entire civilization abruptly came to a halt in a massive deluge as the continental shelf upon which Lemuria rested descended with its sixty-one million inhabitants into the depth of the Pacific Ocean, an ironical name for such an awesome grave-site of the cradle of humanity. 

       After the Deluge, as noted above, worship became a means of appeasing angry gods who had brought so much misery and desolation into the lives of human beings, hoping and praying that they would restore the Garden of Eden and return them to it.  Human beings began to offer sacrifices to appease the gods—and there was good reason for the emergence of a belief in many gods, as the very elements of earth and sky became visible and audible players in what seemed to be battles between them in the heavens. According to Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky’s account in his monumental work, Worlds in Collision (1950), the planet Mars was thrown into a near collision course with the Earth as Venus, then a comet born out of the side of Jupiter, was caught by our solar system and made into a planet herself. There must have been a period of painful memories of Paradise lost as mankind fell into a state of collective amnesia in the wake of such horrifying catastrophes. We had forgotten where Paradise was, or that it had ever even existed, except for oral traditions and legendary stories, and a longing that stayed in our hearts for what we knew not.

       That longing has sent men and women on a desperate search the world over for a heavenly place to call Home, a longing that could not be fulfilled by some external setting.  For Paradise was a state of consciousness that had taken tangible form in the Motherland through a people living together in peace and accord. It has been lying dormant in human consciousness, which had blotted it all out and buried it beneath layers of residue of failure and painful memories. To find it, man would have to look within himself and remember who he is and from whence he has fallen, and how.

      This was the “Good News” which the Master Jesus brought to humanity and to the world:   “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Turn around and see! It is within you and all around you!  I like the line from the movie “If You Build It They Will Come, “Is this heaven?” to which Kevin Costner’s character replied “No, it’s Iowa.” Perhaps the answer could have been “Yes! In Iowa!”

       When the Lord of Love incarnated through the man Jesus, according to the Biblical account, He brought the Good News that within us each one is the kingdom of heaven and that our bodies were ordained by the living God to be His very temples on earth, our temples as well. He himself reportedly did not openly use the temple in Jerusalem to worship God, a temple that had been built by Herod for the Jews, although he did, on one occasion at least, preach in it, and on another occasion drove the money changers out of it.  Indeed he even foretold of its destruction—that not one stone would be left upon another—which came to pass shortly after His departure.  Instead, he chose the wilderness, into which he retreated from time to time, as a setting to commune with His Father.  His place of worship was his own body temple.  His place of prayer was in his own “closet,” the “secret place of the Most High.” Here is where he taught his followers to go when they prayed, in secret where the Father, who sees in secret, would reward them in secret. (Matt. 6:5)

       Toward the end of his ministry on earth he shared a “Last Supper” with his disciples in an upper room, where he broke bread and drank of the fruit of the vine with them, asking that they continue doing so in remembrance of Him. “I am the true vine and my Father is the husbandman…and ye are the branches,” were some of his parting words.  Through this act he refocused the priesthood according to the order established by the High Priest Melchizedek.  The place of worship was thus moved from the temple of stone to the temple of living flesh and blood.

       The “upper room” may be seen as a metaphor for consciousness, or heaven.  In this sense, then, the Lord of Love elevated the place of worship of God to its rightful and original place in the upper room of consciousness in a living, breathing temple of flesh, and invited all to worship the Father “in spirit and in truth”— in other words, in the heaven that is within them and in the earth of their daily living. In so doing he reestablished for all time the human body as a sacred place wherein God dwells and walks with Man, and through Man in this world, a world which He “so loved” that He sent His own son to save it from perdition.

       Like many of his teachings which have seemingly been ignored—perhaps because they had not been accurately disclosed by those who redacted and compiled them in the form of the New Testament, or even have not been fully comprehended in the records that were handed down to us—human beings have continued in their traditional ways of building churches and cathedrals of stone and mortar wherein they have insisted upon establishing their so-called “tabernacles” for God to dwell with them.

       Truth be known, there is no representation of the Divine Presence in any building until a human being consciously living in divine identity enters it.  In these cold, marble-lined edifices we worship the image of a God whom we have made in the image and likeness of ourselves, which we then seek to appease with sacrifice and penance.  In a manner of speaking, the practice of sacrificing the human body as a token of repentance for sin has continued long after the Lord of Love had sanctified it as a holy temple of worship.  Castigating the flesh as something “sinful” hardly reveals an attitude of reverence for the body as a temple.  Seeing how human beings tend to view their bodies merely as a means for pleasure, and/or for getting them from birth to death, where they hope to end up in some “heaven hereafter,” it is little wonder they are plagued by so many physical ailments brought on by sheer abuse and neglect.

      The truth is the kingdom of heaven is at hand.  It is here now awaiting our entrance.  To enter we need only turn around and begin our ascent into the temple of light that is within us.  Worship the Father in spirit and in truth.  Worship God in the beauty of holiness, not Mammon in the debasing lure of worldly riches. 

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It is a time for a reset and rebooting of our way of living in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.  A time to look up and go up to a new and higher level of joy and peace where viruses and disease are no longer necessary to the evolution of our humanity for the revelation of our divinity.  A level where there is no suffering nor pain, nor crying, nor death.  Let us sing the song of Solomon to our humanity: “Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.  For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone . . . the time of the singing of birds is come . . . Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.”  The old is passing away making room for the new being born.  Let us rejoice and be glad in all of it.

I welcome your thoughts and feelings.  Until my next post, blessings of love and light,  

Anthony  (

¹ Mammon relates to material wealth or possessions, especially as having debasing influence.


Getting Back to Paradise, part 2: Reading the Transition Signals

Apocalypse of light

“The peasant doesn’t cross himself until he hears the thunder.”

In bringing this series to a conclusion with this and my next two blog posts, I will share excerpts from the closing chapters of Richard Heinberg’s MEMORIES and VISIONS of PARADISE.  But before I do, I would like to share some uplifting words my friend and favorite poet Don Hynes sent to me a few days ago, as they resonate with the theme of my current considerations.


After the fall, which was a planetary solar progression as much as human, moving through a cloud where our current reality became possible, the Atlantean manipulations were fatal death-like steps for humanity and the planet. The trauma of those nightmares is in the genetic memory of the human race and the trajectory of that epoch was downward, from the downfall of the Lemurian priesthood through Atlantean science-abused wars to the caveman, cannibalism and the following centuries of darkness and struggle. 

We are now passing through a very similar time of genetic manipulation, of atomic and biological warfare, and are in a subconscious way re-experiencing the ancient trauma along with the current horror. However, despite the obvious implications that our current trajectory is likewise downward, thinking of this as an historic and metaphorical “V,” my sense is that we are currently passing out of the cloud where our current reality became possible, as Uranda and many mystics forecast, into the clear sky and open heaven of the seven dimensional reality. We are on the upward stroke of the V, not the downward, and so my/our word to the people is FEAR NOT as we pass through this time of collective Gethsemane in our return to the Garden.

We Pass Through Nightmares
There are places we enter
at the peril of our planet,
dark chambers 
where manipulation 
of life itself becomes
the deadly fascination.
What was once horror,
now scientific reality,
barely stirs
our deadened senses,
”because we can”
the blanketing rationale
for behaviors unspeakable.
We’ve been here before
and it ended badly.
Contrary to the logic
of linear progression
we pass through nightmares,
remembering and feeling
what was once left behind
and now rushes past
as we ride the currents
of disease and terror,
of compassion beyond measure
into our new place
in the universe.  —Don Hynes


Don’s words are a clarion call to sanity and for an about-face retreat from our mad drive toward extinction — touchstone words to keep on hand as the transitional pressure gets more and more compressed, as it will.  The birthing of a new world is in process and the contractions are beginning to be closer and more intense.  It’s time to breathe deeply and exhale expectantly as we labor in love for the truth of life on our home among the stars. 


Richard Heinberg has been very active in the environmental movement since the 1980’s. He has written several books on climate and clean energy issues, including The Party is Over: Oil War and the Fate of Industrial Societies —  AFTERBURN: Society Beyond Fossil Fuel — Our Renewable Future: Laying the Path for One Hundred Percent Clean Energy — and his latest work The End of Growth, in which he examines how the expansionary trajectory of industrial civilization is colliding with non-negotiable natural limits. 

In the following excerpt, Richard takes a hard and sobering look at the shadows cast by coming events, the symptoms of mankind’s abuse of the earth’s generosity.  Keep in mind that this was written some forty years ago.  Since then climate and energy issues have gained greater attention as the environment continues to deteriorate further and time runs out on the implementation of viable solutions. His and other authors’ warnings having gone unheeded, Richard’s optimism about our future has diminished considerably. 

(For a rather sobering update on where we have come over the last several decades, you may wish to view — at a later time — Michael Moore’s recently-released film PLANET OF THE HUMANS, an hour-and-forty-minute documentary on the present state of our world and our ill-placed hope in biomass, wind turbans and solar panels; well worth watching.)

And now, without further ado, here’s an excerpt from chapter 12, “To Get Back to the Garden.

Warnings from the Collective Unconscious

When we diverge from the way we were designed to function, Nature sends warning signals. For example, when we eat foods we are unable to digest, our stomachs rebel; when we use our limbs in ways in which they were not designed to be used, our muscles and bones protest. When we do such things habitually over time, we are likely to receive not only external signals in the form of pain, accidents, or disease, but we may also receive internal signals. Such signals may take the form of nightmares and premonitions through which the body’s own unconscious wisdom attempts to alert us and to influence our behavior.

If this is true for us individually, perhaps it is also true for human­ kind collectively — that is, if humanity is ignoring an innate paradisal design (by envisioning and working toward a world characterized by artificiality, separateness, and the suppression of Nature), then we should expect to be receiving both external and internal warnings. On the collective level, such external warning signs might take the form of war, environmental degradation, famine, or plague; internal warn­ing signs might appear as widely occurring visions of apocalyptic events.

As Norman Cohn showed in The Pursuit of the Millennium, apoca­lyptic visions have tended to appear in profusion during historical periods of political and religious oppression, social upheaval, war, and pestilence. The Hebrew prophets lived in an age of defeat and captiv­ity; Jesus lived at the height of the decadent and oppressive Roman Empire; and medieval millenarian movements seemed always to flour­ish in places and times of unusual hardship. We see the same associa­tion of apocalyptic vision with societal stress among tribal peoples: in North America, Africa, and the Pacific islands, new spiritual movements that have arisen during the last century in response to the onslaught of civilization have invariably been prophetic and millenarian in character. 

There are many reasons for thinking that contemporary Western civilization is approaching a period of maximum divergence from the paradisal ideal. Instead of simplicity, innocence, and the ability to work in harmony with natural processes, industrial civilization values sophistication, abstraction, the concentration of wealth, and the complete subjugation of Nature. These values have not appeared suddenly or recently; rather, they can be traced back to the beginnings of civilization itself. But we do seem to be witnessing the culmination of their influence. And as we actualize the ultimate implications of long-term trends leading toward the centralization of social power, the technological domination of Nature, and the fragmentation of human consciousness, we find ourselves on what appears to be a collision course with a deeper reality.

We see external warning signals appearing everywhere around us. We hear, for example, of the death of thousands of lakes and forests from the effects of acid rain. As the thinning of the ozone layer creates an epidemic of skin cancer, we simultaneously discover that a greenhouse effect — created by the carbon dioxide released from the burning of fossil fuels — is altering global weather patterns. We hear of the disappearance of tens of thousands of species as the result of the clear-cutting of rain forests, and of the loss of millions of tons of irreplaceable topsoil due to modern mechanized agricultural practices. These and other warning signals portend catastrophes of truly apocalyptic dimensions, catastrophes that can be averted only if immediate steps are taken to change our fundamental relationship with the natural environment. 

At the same time, we are seeing an unprecedented eruption of what could be interpreted as internal, psychic warning signals. The past two decades have seen burgeoning numbers of people turn to millenarian fundamentalism for a sense of meaning and purpose. Christian fundamentalists look toward the imminent end of the world, the destruction of unbelievers, and the restoration of an earthly Para­dise characterized by all the qualities of the original Eden — peace, happiness, and, above all, the opportunity to dwell in the immediate presence of the Lord.

But while fundamentalist millenarianism draws upon apocalyptic scriptural visions from eras past, we are also surrounded by fresh and original prophetic utterances. The classic apocalyptic scenario — a final battle between the forces of good and evil, followed by the advent of a restored condition of peace and beatitude — appears, for example, in numerous science-fiction plots and in the psychic predictions of Edgar Cayce and the “channelers” of the 1980s. Moreover, near-death experiences are making their own contribution to what amounts to a contemporary explosion of apocalyptic prophecy. 

While conducting his NDE studies, Kenneth Ring began to hear reports of prophetic visions (PVs) of humanity’s future, and he de­cided to collect and compare them. Ring found that PVs seem to occur most frequently during core NDEs, and that there is an “impressive similarity” among the visions. In Heading toward Omega, Ring summa­rizes the common elements of the classic PV:

There is, first of all, a sense of having total knowledge, but specifically one is aware of seeing the entirety of the earth’s evolution and history, from the beginning to the end of time. The future scenario, however, is usually of short duration, seldom extending much beyond the beginning of the twenty-first century. The individuals report that in this decade there will be an increasing incidence of earthquakes, volcanic activity, and generally massive geophysical changes. There will be resultant disturbances in weather patterns and food supplies. The world economic system will collapse, and the possibility of nuclear war or accident is very great (respondents are not agreed on whether a nuclear catastrophe will occur). All of these events are transi­tional rather than ultimate, however, and they will be followed by a new era in human history marked by human brotherhood, universal love, and world peace. Though many will die, the earth will live.

Ring then quotes several PV reports. The following is from a woman whose near-death experience occurred in 1967: 

The vision of the future I received during my near-death experi­ence was one of tremendous upheaval in the world as a result of our general ignorance of the “true” reality. I was informed that mankind was breaking the laws of the universe and as a result of this would suffer. This suffering was not due to the vengeance of an indignant God but rather like the pain one might suffer as a result of arrogantly defying the law of gravity. It was to be an inevitable educational cleansing of the earth that would creep up on its inhabitants, who would try to hide blindly in the institutions of law, science, and religion. Mankind, I was told, was being consumed by the cancers of arrogance, materialism, racism, chauvinism, and separatist thinking. I saw sense turning to nonsense, and calamity, in the end, turning to providence.  

At the end of this general period of transition, mankind was to be “born anew,” with a new sense of its place in the universe.  The birth process, however, as in all the kingdoms, was exqui­sitely painful. Mankind would emerge humbled yet educated, peaceful, and, at last, unified.

Ring attempted to find a rational explanation for the remarkably consistent patterns of imagery in the PVs he had collected. Could these experiences be projections of unconscious fears? Or, perhaps, do individuals who perceive themselves as dying somehow generalize the experience as being “the death of the world”? Ring found both of these explanations unconvincing: Why not a greater variety of global-future scenarios? The PVs are just too consistent to be personal projections.  Could they, then, be eruptions of unconscious Jungian archetypes?

Ring found this explanation more plausible, but he was still uncom­fortable with the specificity and paranormal character of PVs. After examining all of the explanations he could devise, Ring found himself left with the interpretation the NDErs themselves insist upon: that PV’s are in fact exactly what they seem to be: inspired prophe­cies of future events.  

If this is the case, why is humanity propelling itself toward a cataclysmic day of reckoning? Ring invokes a sobering metaphor: he suggests that humanity is approaching — and subconsciously preparing for — a collective near-death experience. As we noted earlier, NDErs almost invariably undergo a sudden and radical restructuring of values. A typical comment is this: “My interest in material wealth and greed for possessions was replaced by a thirst for spiritual understanding and a passionate desire to see world conditions improve.”

Throughout history, moral reformers have sought to inspire hu­manity to change its collective values and to regain its sense of the sacred. Despite occasional and temporary successes, such exhortations have generally been ignored. We seem convinced that greed and aggression are constants, restrainable only by the force of law. But Ring’s hypothesis implies that human nature, when it comes face to face with annihilation, may dissolve to reveal a deeper and more profound nature, one that has been hidden for millennia behind the veil of the human ego. 

The Russians have a saying: “The peasant doesn’t cross himself until he hears the thunder.” That is, people tend to make basic changes in attitude and behavior only when their backs are to the wall. This observation seems as true for society as a whole as it is for individuals. Often, only a crisis will awaken us to the results of a destructive habit. In the case of late-twentieth-century humanity, the habitual behavior (and the potential awakening) is at a critical level and underlies all of our social, economic, scientific, and political realities. This crisis amounts to far more than just a serious inconvenience, or even a catastrophe on the scale of the Great Depression or the two world wars. Religious prophets and scientific futurists alike envision what amounts to the end of our entire way of life, and, conceivably — in the event of an all-out nuclear conflict or the irreversible destruction of the environment — the death of the human race itself. 

We recall the prophecies of the tribal peoples concerning a Great Purification, which will cleanse the world of human depravity but will also reunite Heaven and Earth, ushering in a new age of spirituality and light. Is this what we are all unconsciously laboring to bring about?

Yes — and with a large “critical mass” of humanity, that labor is conscious and deliberate, done with joy and a sense of mission and purpose; truly a labor of love.  Apocalypse means revelation.  Every death is an apocalypse of light — only the light is revealed in the invisible realms. What is needed is an apocalypse of light in the visible realms — as above so below — on earth as it is in heaven.  I see this occurring as this pandemic brings out the best of the human spirit. May it continue long after the crisis is over. 

I leave you with this tidbit of common-sense wisdom: “Like the proverbial bar of soap when squeezed, looking downward we go down; looking upward we go up.”  So, remember to look up when the squeeze is on.  Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved    


I think you will find solace in this video clip.  “Death is not an end-point. It’s a transformation moment.” 


Apocalypse of Light 2013, Part 1: “Let there be light!”

Sun rising

We have entered the Winter Solstice when our Mother Earth tilts her head once again toward Father Sun in her yearly cycle around our Star.  Light has begun to increase as the days grow longer in anticipation of Spring.  But this will be no ordinary Spring, just as it is being no ordinary Winter.  It’s snowing in West Texas and New Mexico even as I write this post and after a long drought in those parts.  The Mississippi River has been drying up due to a severe lack of ice melt and rain in the northern states.  The river’s been too shallow for some of its ordinary boat and barge traffic.  It isn’t expected to rise much as the current snow and rain fall up-river doesn’t appear to be adequate enough to make a huge difference.  Changes will be forced upon our transport systems if the river dries up altogether . . . but she won’t.

Weather patterns all over the globe have changed drastically.  The Earth’s magnetic poles are shifting.  Ice caps are melting fast and I wonder if it’s not in anticipation of a correction underway in the wobble of the Earth’s axis, in which event their colossal frozen weight will no longer be needed to compensate for the wobble.   As I said, this will be no ordinary Winter, nor Spring.  Is the planet perhaps moving through a renewal process back to being a a tropical garden of Eden once again.  It could well be so. You see, all of Creation is in the loving and care-full hands of the Creator.

A species in danger of extinction, man sees a dying world through his myopic view and failing vision.  His view is after his own survival and his vision is not of a New Earth but of an old world passing away along with the old man that created it atop the living, breathing soil of Gaia. How fragile does his world of concrete prove to be when Her layered crust quakes. There is little if any sense of right-expectancy in the hearts of human being the world over because man knows deep down inside that he has wronged and raped his Mother; that the world which he has built on her back rests upon a bed of sand, the shifting sand of monetary greed, rather than the solid bedrock of truth and generosity.   

But wake up, O Man! Turn around! For a Golden Age is at hand. Earth is not dying, my friends. Oh no, she is rather coming alive with renewal, and her awakening process is creating quite a stir on all her continents and throughout the fabric of her kingdoms, all the way from her misty atmosphere above down through her watery oceans to her molten core.  She stirs and stretches, yawns and breathes deeply as she greets the New Day, the New Age, the Age of Aquarius.  

Aqua, water!  The first of the Four Forces of Creation—water, air, earth and fire—and they come in that order of dominance, always working in concert together even as each one takes a turn at the leading role for its season. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall—all come and go on cue as the planet cycles through the seasons in Her solar orbit.

Fire and water sun and ocean

First the water washes in at the beginning of a new creative cycle, and the air blows in right behind it, overlapping the water cycle.  Our neighbors along the East Coast got a wallop of these two forces not long ago.  The tropical winds of Hurricane Sandy brought the tidal waters of the Atlantic ocean to and over the eastern shores of America, and the water has not ceased falling from the sky, again driven by the air currents of the trade winds and jet stream.  Rain, rain and more rain greets the New Year here in these southern parts of Louisiana and all across the South from California to Florida—snow storms across the North from Washington state to Main and the New York harbors.  Lots of water. An appropriate way to begin the year of our Lord 2013 and the Age of Aquarius. 

After the cold water splash in the face, the warm air of Spring will call forth the green grass, the leaf buds, and the fragrant flowers out of the Earth. And after their grand show, Summer will bring the fire of Sol to return the flaming, falling foliage back to the ground to seed and fertilize the soil for the next Spring.  What a dance to behold between the water, the air, the earth and the fire of Creation.  

O Man, wake up and open your eyes to see the New Day!  Put aside your fear and your rage, your wars and your poverty, your greed and avarice and your isolated insanity. Let there be love in your heart.  Let there be light in your eyes. Let there be friendship between the brothers and sisters of your global community. Behold, all things are being made new. Be thou made new as well, whole and holy.  A Golden Age dawns and with it a New Heaven refreshes and reseeds consciousness from above and a New Earth is waiting to be born out of it here below—and you have the privilege of experiencing the dance and playing a part in the magic of Creation. What a grand day to be alive and in the midst of it all! 

Here comes the Sun

Open up your heart and let your spirit, the Spirit of God, move upon the face of these troubled flood waters. Open wide your mouth and sing your creative command to them, even as you joined with your Creator in the Beginning when the Morning Stars sang together and the Sons of God shouted for joy: “Be still! Let there be Light!”  Be the light of your world.

Be love. Be loved.

Tony's picture 2 from PeggyAnthony

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Photo credits: Top pic by Denye Robbins (from a Facebook post). Other two unknown.



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