Creating the New Earth Together

Posts tagged ‘Masculine and Feminine Energies’

The Silent World of Vibrations, page 4: Pleiades, Orion and the Ordinances of Heaven

Seven Sisters of the Pleiades

Who hath put wisdom in the inward parts, or who hath given understanding to the heart?” —Job 38:35

I’M GOING TO SWITCH GEARS and share an excerpt from SACRED ANATOMY, a book of reflections and meditations on the energy anatomy of the body as a temple of worship that I authored and published back in the late 1980’s and early 90’s. In this post I share a portion of the chapter featuring the pancreas as both an organ and a sacred seal for the release and expression of spiritual essences.

(But first I want to say how much I am enjoying being human. Being a man who enjoys watching a football game on TV while snacking on beer and pretzels just as much as I revel in a beautiful sunset. Just being human and enjoying the simple pleasures of life on this material plane and in this amazingly beautiful world of Nature. I will miss it and will be sure to reenlist for another tour of service to the One, hopefully in the New Earth.)

Our sacred energy anatomy communicates by way of silent vibrations. Our cells communicate via light signals, our endocrine glands via light-bearing hormonal crystals, our brains and nervous system via electrical impulses shooting across synapses.

As below so above: the stars and constellations in the heavens share energy, information and intelligence silently by means of plasma. Suns govern planets and planets their moons by way of silent magnetic fields. Light creates a cosmos in silence. Zodiac signs set the dominion of the seasonal ordinances of Mazzaroth in the Earth . . . without making a sound. In a word, we are afloat in a sea of silent energy and vibrations . . . silent, that is, to our ears.

From my book . . . .

The Capacity to Know and Express Spirit

   As I said, this sacred site provides us with the capacity for spiritual expression, an experience of Third Plane Being. From this plane our heart, with the guidance of our feeling realm, rises to give us the capacity to discern and process spiritual essences.  Here spiritual things are discerned spiritually. This includes the awareness of the presence of spirit, specifically one’s own Angelic Presence. The pneumaplasm generated at this sacred site is fine enough to rise up and begin providing a medium for the transmission of the radiant emanations of spirit from the Fourth Plane of being, where the One I Am stands in the midst of the Seven Golden Candlesticks. 

   Realization of the Presence of the One I Am is the gift of the angel of this church, and with realization comes assurance that I Am the angel incarnate, the One standing in the midst.   I Am the blessing being poured out through my window of heaven into the world.  Being still, I may come to know that I am an aspect of God.  Therefore all things necessary for my presence and service on Earth are provided by my Father in heaven whose unconditional and irresistible love draws forth the substance of the Great Mother of Creation to provide flesh and form for all that I shall ever need to live a creative and fruitful life.  All that is needed is already present with me now and will manifest as needed.

When I contemplate the form and function of the body temple and all its intricate and interacting parts, knowing that here before me and with me is a manifestation of the ordinances of heaven, of the very principles and laws that govern all of Creation, I begin to see and understand with the spiritual eyes of my heart replicating patterns of both structure and function reflecting off the calm and still waters of consciousness within and all around me in the larger whole. Wisdom fills the “inward parts” of my soul.

Balancing Sacred Energy

A beautiful example of this type of contemplative visioning can be known studying the manner in which energy is held in a state of balance by various mechanisms of checks and balances for efficient and effective creativity. We have just considered the balancing of energy harvested from the foods we take into our body-temple. All energies originate in one Source and are initially divided into the duality of the masculine and feminine. They all start out as sacred forces and work together creatively so long as they are balanced.

The balancing of sacred energy, both in the individual body-temple and in the collective body of mankind, is accomplished by bringing the masculine and feminine energies into a place of accord where they work together with the Spirit of Blessing.

The feminine energy is of the heart realm and brings a nurturing sweetness into the mix, along with deep feeling and emotional intensity. The masculine energy is more mental and brings such elements as logic and reason, along with mental calmness for clear thinking.

Imbalance occurs when either one of them becomes overly dominant and controlling. For example, should the masculine seek to dominate and control the feminine, who then withdraws her sweetness, the energy level quickly drops in a relationship. It drops in the individual, as well as in the collective body of mankind, by reason of the same dynamics at work between the masculine and the feminine energies.

As these two sacred energies are brought together in a state of balance and co-creativity, a tremendous blessing is poured out of heaven into the world. Perhaps we might glean more about this important area of human relations by going deeper in our consideration. There is a series of questions in the Biblical story of Job that just might take us there.

The sweet influences of the Pleiades and the bands of Orion.

In this ancient story, hundreds of years older than the Book of Genesis, as recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible, one of several compelling questions asked of Job by the Lord from out of a whirlwind was, “Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?” (Job 38:31)

Throughout their writings Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda) and Lord Martin Exeter both place these two constellations in a vibratory context relative to our solar system.

The Creative Process works on the basis of creative triangles. The constellations of Orion and Pleiades in this context form a creative triangle with our Sun. Between these three points grid lines of cosmic forces are stretched and interconnected.

The Pleiades bring the influences of the Feminine vibration to bear in our solar system, and therefore in all of the natural world on this planet, including mankind. Orion brings to bear the influence of Masculine vibration.

The Feminine vibration creates the womb and atmosphere, the heaven, for the conception, gestation and nurturing of the things of Spirit in preparation for their birth into the world of form. The Masculine vibration creates the consciousness out of which the Creative Word is spoken and sent forth into the creative field—the earth—to draw creation into form. Both characterize the nature of God and Man and are essential to the proper unfoldment of the Creative Process through which creation is made manifest from out of the invisible heaven into the visible earth.


This representation of Orion and Pleiades as Masculine and Feminine vibrations respectively is also reflected in Greek and Roman mythologies at least a millennium or more later on in the history of man. For example, Pleiades, a winter constellation, in Greek mythology represented the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione placed by Zeus among the stars, although only six can be seen—because one of them is “lost.” As the story is told in Roman mythology, Orion the hunter, also a winter constellation, abducted one of the sisters and made love to her. Orion was banished by the moon goddess, Diana, who was in love with him. He died accidentally when Scorpio, a summer constellation, bit him on one of his hunting expeditions during exile. Thus they are not present together in any night sky. Orion is accompanied by his hunting dogs, Canis Major and Canis Minor.

This all sounds very much like a modern day soap opera. The man is fleeing the wrath of his scorned lover, to whom he was unfaithful, with his canine best friends at his feet hunting for prey. Little has changed in the saga of male-female relationships over the millennia. As English playwright and poet William Congreve dramatized the saga: “Hell hath no fury like the wrath of a woman scorned.”

All of this adds to the historical evidence that these constellations represent the masculine and the feminine aspects of Man. These vibrations, of course, are operative in both sexes: the masculine being more dominant in men and the feminine more dominant in women—yet their roles are in some instances reversed.

These seven sisters of Pleiades may be seen as correlating with the seven glands of our endocrine system and the seven spirits before the throne of God as John of Revelation describes his vision of a “throne set in heaven.”

(This, of course, is the subject and theme of my book SACRED ANATOMY — where spirit and flesh dance in the fires of creation.)

The Ordinances of Heaven

   One of the meanings of the phrase “to bind” is “to unite or hold, as by a feeling of loyalty or love.” This shines a new light on the question the Lord asked of Job, “Canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades . . . ?”  Rather than the common meaning of bind, which implies to hold back and suppress—an attitude which the human male has historically held toward the feminine, both in himself and in women—the question could be interpreted as asking: “Can you, man, commit yourself to a state of union with woman?  Can you hold her response in a focused current of love?   Can you embrace the feminine vibration of the Pleiades, both in yourself and in woman, so as to hold it steady while you honor her with the release of your masculine vibration into her womb to fertilize the seed planted there by the Spirit of God?”  The question really relates to the business of stewarding the Creative Process by which the invisible is made visible, or as the Lord’s Prayer creatively commands, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

This brings to light another question asked of Job: “Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? Canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?” This can be seen as pertaining to the relationship between God and Man, men and women, between mind and heart, and between Man and Nature. The ordinances of heaven are established as seeds planted in the soil of human consciousness and brought forth in their seasons. Man was put in charge of stewarding this process for the entire Earth.

In what is called “organic gardening,” for instance, the gardener does not merely put the seeds in the soil and forget about them until harvest time. If he did, there would likely not be a harvest. As any truly dedicated organic gardener will tell you, there is a marriage that takes place between the tiller of the soil and the soil itself. There is a love affair here which calls forth every ounce of care and consideration in the gardener for each step and phase along the way of the creative process that brings forth—first the plants, which require a certain kind of care, and finally the vegetables or fruit, which require something entirely different in the way of care. The gardener literally woos the garden until she yields herself into the hands of her lover. If he gets impatient with the soil and starts stimulating it with commercial fertilizers, she knows it and will begin to withdraw her sweetness and her response.

This is reflected in the bitter taste of vegetables grown on plants whose root systems lacked the depth required to reach for the minerals in the soil, which give vegetables their sweetness. If he does not feed her rich organic matter, she will lose her fertility. If he hurts her with pesticides and harsh chemicals, she will give it back to him in her fruit. The garden and the soil are man’s best friends.

   The sweet influences of the divine feminine vibration of Mother Nature long to be taken in hand by the true husbandman who brings, through his gentle but sure hands, the vibration of love that is characteristic of the divine masculine.  His is truly the tender, sure, yet gentle, patient and loving touch.

(See page 2 for the rest of this consideration. I welcome any thoughts, insights and realizations you may have and wish to share about this post.)

Anthony (

For a copy of SACRED ANATOMY simply send your request to me by email. Price is $35 + S&H.

Equalizing Masculine/Feminine Power

Jesus said: When you give rise to that which is within you, what you have will save you. If you do not give rise to it, what you do not have will destroy you. The Gospel of Thomas

* * *

I WANT TO RETURN to a passage from my previous post which I excerpted from Walter Russell’s THE UNIVERSAL ONE: When the potentials of the opposites are too far removed from equality, then will union cease.” In this statement the converse is implied: When the potentials of the opposites are equal, then union is possible and compelling. I will endeavor to develop this further in this post. For context, I will excerpt some of the larger consideration in which this statement occurs:

Every action is male. Every reaction is female. Every action is electro-positive. Every reaction is electro-negative. Every action has its equal and opposite reaction.

Every action and every reaction is a tone in an octave of the universal constant of energy. Equal and opposite reactions, when united, comprise a unit of an octave of the universal constant of energy.

An action and its opposite reaction are not two. Their energies, when combined, make one. Reaction is born of action; and action is born out of reaction. All idea, and all forms of idea are the result of union between equal or unequal opposite actions and reactions of force.

Perfection of mating lies in the union of exactly equal and opposite male actions and female reactions. In perfection of union lies stability.

Imperfection of mating lies in the union of unequal and opposite male actions and female reactions. In imperfection of union lies instability.

Unequal actions and reactions will unite with unwillingness which increases in proportion to their degree of departure from exact equality in opposition.

When the potentials of the opposites are too far removed from equality, then will union cease. . . .

That which is true of chemical unions is true of all species of organic life.

Now, all of the above is about chemistry and organic life. There is another and higher level of life experience which we’ve come to call the spiritual life, and which I prefer to describe as the life of the spirit. This life is the life of angels incarnate in the realm of creation. We have our mates, but rarely do we incarnate together. As mates, we partner in manifesting the qualities of Heaven in our expression and co-creative activities on Earth.

The incarnate angelic spirits we are can live creatively in loving and fruitful relationships without being limited by so-called “human incompatibilities.” Angels love one another unconditionally, human foibles notwithstanding . . . and when we angels use our human hearts and capacities to express our love for one another and for our world, they are purified and sanctified in the fire of love. They also tend to enjoy health and happiness. The potential of positive preponderance for both men and women is thusly brought into a sustainable state of equality and balance, for Spirit is the Source of our power. We may at times give our power away or have it taken from us, but no one can take away our Source of power within, our God-given capacity to express the power of love.

When the potentials of the opposites are equal, then union is possible and sustainable.

To deepen this consideration, I would like to revisit a section of a blog post of November, 2018, Masculine-Feminine Energy, Part IV, making some revisions and adaptations for this consideration.

Energy Must Flow

Energy wants and needs to flow in order to create forms, illusions though they are said to be. Masculine and Feminine forces interacting with one another make possible the flow of creating energy. The creating energy that flows through their interactions is the creative power of Love manifesting the Ideas in the Mind of the Creator.  

When I speak of masculine and feminine, I do not equate these words with male and female, nor with men and women. As we know, these energies are at work in both men and women. The feminine energy is by design, and hormonal chemistry, more dominant in women, and the masculine energy more dominant in men. This is not always the case, but is generally so.  The ideal would seem to be a balance between these two creative forces in both men and women — something that I have personally worked at in myself over the past two or three decades. 

These two forces are not attracted toward one another in the same manner as is commonly thought. As Walter Russell elucidates, masculine energy spirals centripetally (inwardly) toward its apex, or vortex center, and is thus contractive and magnetic. Contrarily, feminine energy spirals centrifugally (outwardly) away from its apex and is thus expansive and radiative. One inhales while the other exhales in order to restart the inhaling cycle. As the positive masculine force winds inwardly toward its maximum potential charge, it discharges energy via a feminine emoting phase of expansion, much like a spring winding and unwinding. So, there is a continuum here at work, demonstrated in this graphic:

Russell’s primary point is a correction to the current scientific misunderstanding of the law of attraction. The way he sees this law working is a positive charge of lower potential is attracted to a positive charge of greater potential, and that a negative charge repels both positive and negative charges.


Males and females of the same species couple by reason of the law of attraction: positive attracts positive. This is contrary to the current misunderstanding that positive attracts negative, or that the negative female is attracted to the positive male; that men radiate (positive) and women respond (negative) to men; that women are therefore the “weaker” sex and men the “stronger;” that women are to be obedient and subservient to men. All these thwarted concepts and attitudes are the result of a fundamental misunderstanding and therefore misapplication of the law of attraction, not to mention mental fabrications of the patriarchal and dominating male of the species.

Men are attracted to women and women to men by reason of their positive charge. A lower potential seeks a higher potential and a higher potential attracts a lower. This is the law or attraction at work, whether between members of the opposite or the same sex. These raw energies are no respecter of persons, hormonal chemistry taken into consideration — and genitalia not withstanding. Genitals are male and female in their design and function for procreation.  Energy is masculine and feminine in its function and it needs to flow between these two forces. As someone simply voiced in a recent conversation around the subject of LGBT, the chemistry allows the energy to flow, and that’s a large part of what relationships are all about, isn’t it.

Masculine energy is the magnetic force of this universe of integrating matter, which increases in density as pressure and positive charge increases. Feminine energy is radiative and is the repellant, or separative, force of this universe of disintegrating matter. Where they meet in what Russell calls the “inertial” plane, these forces come into a state of balance, which he designates as a “bi-sexual” zone.


How things work in the “physical” world of effects mirrors exactly how things work in the “spiritual” or vibrational realm of cause. In the world we have created, what happens on earth is an exact mirror of what is happening in the heaven of human consciousness. As above so below. Because of human interference and manipulation, the harmony and beauty in the Heaven of Divine Consciousness are not reflected in the world that man has created and maintains. Where man has not manipulated the design for the Natural World, such harmony, beauty and balance are evident. We might say that Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine forces work together in perfect balance and harmony in the pristine world of Nature. This is not accurately reflected in our world where historically males lord it over females — a dynamic that is rapidly changing these days with the “rise of the feminine” currently underway.

Consider what is happening today in Iran, as well as in the United States, where theocracies and authoritative autocracies impose their controls over women. These forced fundamentalist and so-called “Christian morals” are not being tolerated by the youth in Iran nor by the women in America. The call-out for change is unquenchable, and the feminine energy being discharged and given rise to cannot be put back under containment or suppression. It will destroy the structure enforcing the power and control of the oppressive male over women.


The Masculine gathers the energy of the expelled and exhaustive Feminine force unto itself to empower his creativity. He contracts light energy into integrating form. He is Brahma, the Creator, in Hindu religious tradition, which holds to the belief that the universe is cyclically created and destroyed. 

The Feminine discharges the built-up potential of the Masculine in order to disintegrate structured form. She is Shiva, the destroyer, in Hindu religion. She destroys form in order to re-create new form. In this sense, she sees to it that the Creative Process continues to cycle. She does not settle for what the Masculine has created as “permanent” reality, but rather clears the creative field in order for new creations to come into being — sometimes in a fitful outburst of wrathful anger. So, she gives her responsive but charged energy to Brahma so as to foster the ongoing process of creation. Then there’s Vishnu whose role it is to maintain and preserve Brahma’s creations. Vishnu is the second Hindu deity who is both male and female. Perhaps he/she is who Man is designed and intended to be as Steward of the Garden and partners in creation.


These two forces are integrated in the Natural World and are beginning to be allowed to integrate more and more in human beings. The so called “battle of the sexes” describes the creative dynamic at play between these two forces in the Creating Universe. As I said above, Masculine and Feminine forces are raw energies that are no respecter of persons or gender. In the hands of the self-centered human ego, they are being used to enslave women and men and destroy life on Earth, all to enrich the few who endeavor to maintain power and control over the masses. Not for much longer, however.

A third force is needed in order to bridle in these raw forces. Left to their own, they take on the false identities of human nature, dividing men and women in a competitive struggle for power and control over life and the illusory world they create, including their offspring, played out in the legal battle for custody in divorce courts. So long as one force dominates, imbalance and imposition of one will over the other will continue to sow the seeds of conflict and war.  So, a third force is needed . . . and is rising today . . . to harness and balance these two forces.  


Here is where Gurdjieff’s “Law of Three” comes into play, which states that when three forces come together, a fourth and totally different state is born of them.  That third force is the Truth of Love. Spirit. A spiritual force that originates from a higher level than that at which men and women presently conduct their waring affairs on the horizontal two-dimensional plane. The vertical component of Love transforms and levels the playing field, so-to-speak — the field that the poet Rumi speaks of: “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.” That field is the Consciousness of the New Heaven. When we meet in that field, a fourth and totally different state in possible: the New Earth.

This Spirit brings with it seven other spirits, or gifts, that are designed to help us meet the various needs and conditions that present themselves along life’s creating journey.  The late spiritual teacher Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda) presented them as “Seven Steps to the Temple of Light.” There’s Patience, the first step toward enlightenment. Tranquility and single mindedness, the second step. The gift of Blessing is the third step. Can you imagine men and women being a blessing to one another, co-creators instead of competitors?  A fourth gift is Purification, the detoxification of our words and feelings toward one another; our selfish intentions and motivations, not to mention our lack of respect for one another. In a word, purification of our hearts: “Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God”. . . in one another.

The expression and application of these four gifts of Spirit bring about the assurance and confidence of authenticity, along with the fifth step of Radiance, and with it the joy of success and victory. The sixth gift of Spirit is Wisdom, Sophia, whose gift is the sense of what is fitting in our speech and actions with one another. At this level of creativity, Masculine and Feminine forces are brought into balance. Peace is known at a deep heart level, bringing with it the experience of oneness with the All, Love, the seventh gift of Spirit. Enlightenment dawns. These are the qualities and gifts of our Being, our true and divine Self. 

In conclusion, I will simply reiterate what I have stated above. Our true identity is not as men and women. Our true identity is as Human Beings. I am not only a man. I am a human being in a male form with both masculine and feminine creative energies at my command for creative work on Earth.  My origin and Home is Heaven.  I have come here from Heaven, as we all have, to bring Love into the world and to let the New Earth descend from out of the New Heaven. Let us be about our divine mission and purpose together as Human Beings, God incarnate and in action on Earth. In a word, as partners in creation.

I welcome any thoughts and inspirations. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


Spirit of the New Earth Vibration, pg 6: Grounding Masculine Energy

“He who is near me is near the fire.  He who is far from me is far from the kingdom of heaven.” —Jesus  (The Gospel of Thomas)

In my awakening years I had engaged the fiery dance between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine and released the power of feminine energy through my very masculine body.  Back in the day this effulgence was known as “the outpouring of the Holy Spirit,” which I later learned is feminine in nature.  With spiritual awakening came an awareness that who and what I am is neither male nor female, but both. 

I am an angelic being with masculine and feminine energies at my command for creative purposes.  Incarnate in this wonderful male physical form, I discovered that it is far too fragile in its fallen state to fully accommodate the fiery revelation of the angel.  So I’ve learned to turn down the fire in order to remain incarnate and useful while moving through transformation toward spiritual maturity.   

My father’s generation was dominantly patriarchal. My generation’s role has been to provide a bridge for the next generation to cross over into a more balanced experience of these two powerful and complementary archetypal creative energies — which I opened up to full-throttle in my awakening years and nearly set my body aflame.  Those were destabilizing years of radical shift in self-awareness and identity.  I pray the upcoming generation survives to experience ascension to a higher level of being.  It has already undergone a transformation to a higher level of consciousness — and form follows consciousness. 



ONE OF THE CHARACTERISTICS of the Divine Masculine is his open-armed welcome of the Divine Feminine, because, after all, she is his natural dancing partner and the source of his empowerment.  He welcomes her also for the grounding she provides.

I recall an occasion in my own spiritual transformation when my physical form came into direct alignment with the radiant energy of my own angelic presence.  I had tapped into raw power and it was more than my outer form could handle.  At one point, I had difficulty staying on the ground. At night my body would burn with electrical currents running up and down my spine and legs.  My entire capacity felt as though it were on fire and I thought it would burst into flames at any moment. Then a presence was felt in the room like that of a woman.  I immediately felt at peace as the electrical currents subsided. 

At another point in the same time period of several weeks, I felt I was simply going to ascend into another dimension while singing in front of a group of people gathered for a worship service.  Sound has a way of shifting cellular oscillation.  I felt guided to make eye contact with a woman in the gathering with whom I shared a spiritual intimacy and whom I loved with a love that was from a place beyond this world.  As I deliberately looked into her eyes, I immediately felt drawn back down to the floor and anchored to the ground.  Her presence was a grounding force for me.

These were the first of many lessons to come to me about the design of true function between the masculine and the feminine.  I had a new and deeper respect for womankind from that point on, although I had a lot more to learn about both the masculine and the feminine before beginning to understand the dynamics between these two co-creative energetic forces.

In our society, what Carl Jung called “the Anima” (a man’s feminine side) is often squelched.  The young boy who starts to cry, for instance, is told by his father to stop crying and “Be a man!”  To display his feminine side is to appear weak in the eyes of his peers. The truth be known, the feminine reinforces the authenticity of the masculine.   Moore and Gillette knew this all too well when they wrote their books exploring the male and female psyche.

But if a man consciously seeks to develop a relationship with his Anima at the same time he seeks a deeper accessing of his masculine characteristics, he will find his masculinity affirmed and supported.

By acknowledging his feminine side a man raises his consciousness about complementary masculine structures, and can be inspired to achieve fullness of being as a man.  As his sense of deeply grounded masculinity becomes more secure, he is free to claim his feminine qualities without fear of being overwhelmed by them.  His capacity for creative expression will multiply exponentially.  His relationships with women in the outer world will likewise take a positive turn.  Such a man, his masculinity reinforced by his inner feminine, can meet life with a centered sense of wholeness and compassion not often seen in our culture. (The King Within, page 121)

In a word, he becomes “sensitive” to the finer vibrational frequencies of the feminine energies emerging from within himself as well as those around him, including the world of Mother Nature.  Perhaps he would then respect her more fully and acknowledge the sanctity of her presence.  Surely he would stop raping her for her resources and stripping her of her lush and verdant beauty. When a man rapes a woman, I have learned, it is not for sexual pleasure but for power and control. When he rapes the natural world for her resources he does so because he can, he has the power to do it, and that gives him a warped sense of control over the wild kingdoms of this world, as though he must conquer them to know that he truly is all-powerful and resourceful. This is less a demonstration of real power and more an application of brute force. The control he refuses to apply to his own appetite for satisfaction and pleasure is projected away from himself and forced upon his world, which embodies all the essences of the Feminine.

The Dominating Masculine

Raw, ungrounded masculine energy, in men as well as women, develops into an unbalanced charge of power that seeks a channel for release, much as the electrical charge in a thunder-head cloud seeks to ground itself through a bolt of lightning.  It is corruptive when used to control the power inherent in the feminine in order to suppress it. Nowhere is such corruption more prevalent than in the social structures of modern civilization where women have been made to compete with men in a patriarchal society for equal opportunities for employment and equal pay, not to mention the historical suppression and continual deprivation of women in the Middle East and other parts of the world. Vestiges of this deprivation are yet to be found in today’s Christian religions, such as in the Roman Catholic Church where women are excluded from its priesthood and its priests deprived of the natural companionship of a wife.

There was also a reversal of the roles the male and female played in the ritualistic approach to worship of and union with God. Whereas before, even in the first three centuries of the Early Christian Era,  it was the priestess who provided the erotic alchemy through which men might commune and merge with God, now it is the priest who is believed to provide the liturgical alchemy that makes such communion with the divine possible for women.  Sex is left out of the picture altogether, with the exception of its limiting but necessary role in procreation.  It is as though the early Church Fathers of the first ecumenical council held at Nicaea in AD 325, were intent upon making the statement that union with God is only possible by way of the all-male priesthood and is not to be sought after through the erotic alchemy of the feminine priestess, whose sacred order was simply eliminated altogether with the priestess decreed a witch and burned at the stake. Men have long maintained control over women, but that is coming to an end as the corruption in this male-dominated culture continues to erode the patriarchal model of leadership by imposition and intimidation.  Love neither imposes nor intimidates.

This patriarchal treatment of women as second class citizens appears to have roots as far back as the early Christian era when pagan goddess temples were either converted into Christian churches or utterly destroyed. In ancient religions, God was known and worshiped in male and female as well as sexless deities. According to Houston Smith, in The World’s Religions, in Islam Allah was simply “the God,” neither masculine nor feminine.  In pre-Islamic times, Allah “was worshiped by Meccans not as the only God but as….creator, supreme provider, and determiner of human destiny.”

In the Kabbalistic tradition the name of God once included an entire family: Father, Mother, Son, Daughter (Yod He Vav He), a name which is supposedly coded in our DNA, also known as the Tetragrammaton which is the Greek name for the four sacred letters in the word Yahweh (YHWH). “From this holy ‘Name of Names’ emanates the Ultimate Divine Vibration.  It is the ‘word of light’ that becomes life” (Deborah Van Dyke, Traveling The Sacred Sound Current: Keys for Conscious Evolution).

In its most ancient of forms, dating back six or seven thousand years ago to the Canaanite language, Allah was Alat, or Elat, the feminine gender.  The concept of God embodied by the word Allah was based in its meaning, which is Sacred (or Cosmic) Unity.  “All of these names,” writes Scottish Aramaic scholar Neil Douglas-Klotz, “are based around the root el and al, which points toward the unity of existence, embodied in a name that idealized the sacred.”

In truth, the sacred is embodied when the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine are one and function together as partners in creation, symbolized in Hindu tradition as the lingam, “which is not exclusively a phallic symbol, as is often thought. Rather, it symbolizes the masculine and the feminine conjoined.” (Thomas Ashley-Ferrand,  Mantra – Sacred Words of Power).

  The Egyptians, Greeks and Romans all worshiped gods and goddesses as equal partners in their lives and fate.  The God of Genesis is androgynous, creating Man male and female in our own image and likeness.  Interestingly enough, in the Judeo-Christian tradition, Wisdom (Sophia), who was present in the creation of this world, is a Goddess—or is at least seen as the feminine aspect of the androgynous deity—and the Holy Spirit is seen by some contemporary  Christian theologians as being the feminine aspect of God.  The Feminine Principle has also been acknowledged and accessed throughout the history of Christianity in the veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary as an intercessor between Roman Catholics and the Lord Jesus.        

The question might rightly be asked, as it has been by some, why is God worshiped today only as “He?”  Why should not God be known and worshiped in the feminine gender as “She?”   Is it not “She” who gives birth to “Him?”  Is not Mother God as divine as Father God and as responsible for the creation of this world?  There are cultures in the world that do still celebrate the Feminine Principle, although in by far the majority of religions in the world, women are subordinate to men and the feminine aspect of God is made to serve the will and pleasure of the masculine and often ignored or denied outright.  Women have had to demand to be heard and given equal rights alongside men. Today these cultural assumptions are all being challenged by the “liberated feminine” in men and women, who are both becoming acquainted with their whole Self.

Through all the tomes of spiritual writings, one instruction stands out above all the rest: “Man, know thyself and thou wilt know God.”  The Reality of God is known and understood to the degree that I know and understand myself, made male and female in the image and likeness of God.  Our approach to God, then, is rightly one of discovery of our authentic Self.  In our social, political and religious traditions we have been thoroughly dominated and led forth by an image of the masculine side of God, largely by a dark, intimidating image.  Is it not time for us to be generously immersed in a light, nurturing, understanding Goddess in partnership with a caring and benevolent Godhead? 

In my next post, I examine the nature and function of the Divine Feminine.  As always, I welcome your thoughts on the subject of this post.  Until then,

Ne safe.   Be at peace.   



A Nuclear Community, Part 4: Collective Sovereignty

If you continue in my word . . . you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (Jesus)

Continuing from where we left off in the last post:  In her timely and important book THE RETURN OF KING ARTHUR, poet and spiritual author Diana Durham speaks to the tenuous phase in the transitioning from the old to the new paradigm of leadership in community.  Letting go of our former beliefs—particularly those about the model of leadership in community—in order to let go to and fully embrace the new world being born, can be daunting, and hesitation for too long could prove fatal. One could drown in the rising tide of change in the direction and speed of the currents in the river of life if one holds onto the familiar shore of the past.  The only sane thing to do is let go and swim out into the central current of the river. 

Our beliefs about the truth—that the Spirit of God dwells within us, for instance, and that we are gods—are not the truth; they are but guides to the truth.  When we know the truth of our oneness with God, we move beyond our belief to knowing that I Am an aspect of that Divine Spirit.  We find freedom in knowing the truth, freedom from our beliefs. But oh how we love our beliefs and defend them with religious vigor:  “Oh no, I am not divine. I am only human.” Beliefs may need defending, and can be denied.  Truth, however, the Word of Life, needs no defense, and cannot be denied.  The Word of Life is “You are divine, made in the image and likeness of God, and in that Image and likeness you share the authority of God in speaking truth.”  

Heretofore we have depended upon leaders and mentors to lead us in the truth.  That model is fading away, leaving many floundering in the dark waters of today’s chaos looking here and there for someone to tell them what to do and in what direction to go, what to hold onto.  Looking around, we only see our elected leaders floundering themselves in the rising tides of rebellion and protestation desperate to hold onto power and control of the masses; and our mentors are fading away, moving on from their earthly roles. The pews in churches are emptying in the wake of corruption among the clergy, and in Rome itself, and their failure to deliver the goods, even offer resolutions to moral issues, such as contraception and abortion, by which the Faithful are able to abide.  The churches are largely out of touch with the Faithful’s spiritual needs and moral issues in life.  They cannot teach what they themselves do not know—and know that they know.

Our leaders and mentors have traditionally been men . . . even holy men such as Buddha and Jesus.  Someone recently posed the question in a conversation we were having about abortion, “What would Jesus do?” Unfortunately (or fortunately), Jesus is not recorded as having said anything about abortion in the scriptures. His only answer to a crowd poised for stoning a harlot was “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”  Today we have many “good” people casting stones at “bad” people.   

We’re left to decide our own course in the abortion controversy . . . and it is a conundrum that has found no resting place of resolution in the legal or legislative debates or courts of justice.  We are totally on our own solving this problem we ourselves have created.  A solution will not be forth coming without a fundamental change in human consciousness and subsequent change in human behavior.  Primarily a change in identity from human to divine.  We sometimes say “God only knows.” Well then, let us find our true identity in God and know and act with love in divine authority. 

Rise of the Feminine

A very interesting turn of events takes place in the story of the Grail Quest Diana revisits in her book when Sir Bedivere finally yields to King Arthur’s command and lets go of the sword.  The dominant masculine energy that once empowered leadership from the top is met by the rising Feminine, who comes to take back her power (the sword of truth) in equal and balanced partnership with the Masculine, a very poignant and prophetic event in the story.  This is from chapter eleven, “The Chalice of Collective Sovereignty,” as excerpted from my book SACRED ANATOMY and the chapter on the spiritual significance of the Pituitary gland:

Speaking of her own personal transformation within the container of intentional spiritual community that went through a transformation itself in the wake of the passing of its spiritual God-parent and leader, Diana writes:

There is a great fear of losing the sword—a fear of losing the tradition and forms that have embodied the truth for us, and a desire to try to preserve them in some way—to disobey Arthur’s command.  Twice Sir Bedivere, that most loyal and trusted knight, tries to hide Excalibur before finally obeying Arthur and throwing the sword into the lake.  After all, if we don’t preserve the sword, we might lose everything . . . .

Very often this is the way. The injection of spiritual reality brought by the great avatar, like Jesus or Buddha, one who is able to pull the sword of power, of spiritual authority, back out of the stone of fixed belief and tradition and wield it as a living reality, is turned after their death into a religion, a series of beliefs, a tradition.  And people warm themselves on the little spark that still glows in the embers of that tradition, but they don’t inherit the mantle of spiritual radiance. They have not become entrained into the understanding of what it really means to “Worship God”; they have not completed the quest . . . .

. . . . Thanks to Guinevere and Morgana (the heart’s wisdom), Excalibur is not destined to become a sacred relic of past glory “stored in some treasure-house of mighty kings.” The heart’s instinctual knowing of what is right has overridden the fears and the structures of the mind, thus ensuring that Arthur’s true legacy—the legacy of potency, of truth, as represented by his sword— has become a living possibility available within the subconscious mind for us all to draw on.  It has not fossilized into a tradition for the elite to fight over—whether a political elite or a priestly elite; it is beyond the reach of corruption, and can only be accessed by the innocent and the true. Thanks to the quest for the Grail, thanks to the heart’s compulsion to take on one’s individual path and authority, the Round Table could become what it was a promise of.  Our network could be transmuted from a community into a new and potent consciousness of oneness.

This is why no matter which thread of the plot we retrace to uncover the cause of Camelot’s downfall, we find ourselves staring into the face of the feminine, whether it be the actions of Guinevere and Morgana or the quest for the Grail itself.  Only the heart’s wisdom knows how to take us from symbol to reality and carries the passion and assurance that will allow the “old order” to change and find renewal.

So we can begin to approach the meaning of the fulfillment of the Grail quest from a number of different—but related—angles. First of all, the finding of the Grail . . . means that the sense of personal separation from inner source—which I have also called the Grail King energy, love, or God—is healed.  Once this happens, our dependency on a King Arthur mentor figure ceases, and we begin to live our lives from a direct sense of what fits, of what is ours to do.  We can trust the compulsion of our heart because the heart realm is now operating as a direct “transmitter” of our own inner being and purpose.  In this way, the heart realm is the place of connection, or oneness, with God or spiritual source, and once that consciousness of union with source is a grounded reality within us—once the ego that thinks of itself as the center of the universe is no longer dominant—then there is a basis for connecting deeply with others. The heart realm becomes the means of connecting with others, with one’s “neighbor.” Therefore, we also begin to share a sense of oneness with one another, and a sense of being—hologram-like—parts of a whole that also contain in miniature the design of the whole.

The sense of oneness with others, combined with the ability to discern direction for ourselves, enables the other meaning of the Grail to emerge, which is the aspect of collective leadership: the circle of many individuals forming one body.

Collective leadership is not possible while we are still dependent on a mentor figure both for our own sense of spiritual alignment and for a sense of direction.  Nor is it possible unless there is a sense of oneness to bind us together—as well as the ability to discern for ourselves (as opposed to being subject to “peer pressure”) what our actions need to be.

We remember that the individual sword—or sense of authority—is earned by going on a quest for the Grail.  Perceval is given the sword on his first visit to the Grail Castle.  The return of Arthur in a form of the return of many individuals wielding their individual swords—in other words, the condition of collective leadership—cannot come about until the Grail is found and this collective consciousness is formed . . . .(pp. 203-206)

The Grail is found in the legends, and finding the Grail symbolizes not only the individual experience of open-hearted connection to spiritual source in oneself but also the emergence of the possibility of collective leadership.  When Sir Bedivere throws that sword into the lake, a woman’s hand reaches up to take it. A new opportunity has been fertilized: a new union between masculine and feminine, and the emergence of an era of collective sovereignty. When we talk about the rise of the feminine we are describing a crucial aspect of this new era. Obviously this new possibility has been emerging for some time in the form of the suffragettes and the women’s movement.  Closely allied with the struggle for equal rights for women was the civil rights movement in the United States. Leadership has been rising up from the grassroots, bringing immense changes and balancing out some of the injustices of society’s myopic structures. Collective leadership implies both the roundness of the chalice cup—without hierarchy, containing all—the feminine; and the absoluteness of the sword, the element of individual responsibility required for true leadership: the masculine. (pp. 6-7))

     What Durham is describing here is a renewal process of the Pituitary Gland that appears to be underway, both within individuals and within the collective body of Man.  As these two energies find a way to work in harmony and balance within us as two in agreement, individually and collectively, the Spirit of the Womb can then work its hormonal and alchemical magic of renewal of life on the planet.  Paradise (Camelot) can then be restored.  

Where the kingdom is, there also is the King. Paradise cannot be restored until Man is restored.  Man will be restored when he acknowledges and pays homage to the King of Heaven; when he turns his heart away from the material world and toward the King in utter abandon and worship—not in some separate heaven somewhere, but right here within himself where the Kingdom of Heaven abides patiently awaiting for us to repent, turn around and enter in.  

In the Grail Quest story, when Perceval finally finds the Holy Grail, he was asked a test question, which he failed to answer correctly. The question posed was “Whom does the Grail serve?” If I recall correctly, the promise of the Grail was abundance of all that pleases and satisfies.  It seemed to Perceval, the simple fool that he was sitting there amongst the Knight of the Round Table, about to partake in the feast spread out before him, that the Grail serves human beings, and in that assumption he failed to answer the question correctly. The correct answer was, and still is: “The Grail serves the Grail King.” Having failed to give the right answer, he found himself outside the Grail Castle and in the company of an old hag who proceeded to list all his faults and shortcomings. 

And so it befalls men and women in the realm of self-serving and self-pleasing human relations, where the Grail King is not allowed to drink and savor the sweet nectar of love from the Holy Grail of the Pure Heart of Humanity.  We judge and measure one another by our faults and shortcomings.  Perhaps I will find words to expand on this theme in my next post. I welcome your thoughts.  Until then,

Be love. Be loved.



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