Creating the New Earth Together

Posts tagged ‘Divine Masculine’

Spirit of the New Earth Vibration, pg 7: The Divine Feminine

“If you don’t know what to do, maybe you shouldn’t do anything and just wait for clarity; wait for the impulse to act.”  — Charles Eisenstein, Time of the Sixth Sun Movie

FIERCE LOVE is one of the chief gifts of the Divine Feminine working through the hearts of both men and women.  Other gifts are resilience and an empathic capacity to embrace pain and bring healing to old wounds in the heart.  From my own experience, some of her greatest needs are honesty, affection, unconditional love, finding her voice and being heard. 

A prophetic promise from the Book of Genesis is unfolding as the head of the serpent of the human intellect is being stepped on and “bruised” by the “heel” of the Feminine.  The masculine destroyer of Mother Nature’s creations for monetary gain is being told by the Great Mother through her rising spirit in womankind: “THAT’S ENOUGH! STOP! THUS FAR AND NO FURTHER!  The news media are not bringing it to us, but it’s happening everywhere the world over.  

Take time to view this brief movie trailer of Time of the Sixth Sun.  It’s happening.  We are moving into the Golden Age of a quantum new world where things are happening as fast as thought, and love and joy are bursting out all over.  The speakers all speak from out of a balanced field of Masculine and Feminine energy.  This is a turning point in the evolution of the human race and of the Earth.  As one speaker summed it up,

“During this time of change we don’t have to do anything to protect ourselves. Going to a secret place somewhere, or hiding food in the ground or guns and stuff, and trying to protect ourselves, it’s not going to work. It’s simply about being in your heart, being connected to the Mother Earth and Father Sky, being directly connected to the Great Spirit.  This is simple. Anybody can do it.”  (Drunvalo Melchizadek)

Excerpt from SACRED ANATOMY:

The Divine Feminine

The Divine Feminine is the negatively charged body of response of Mother God to the positively charged radiance of Father God. This is not a passive receptivity but a very actively charged energy that rushes to meet the positive radiation of love through the Divine Masculine, not to serve him, nor to be at his beck and call, but to empower and dance with him. For the dance to be enjoyable and creative, the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine must both be present on the dance floor of life and engaged with one another.  The commonly known animalistic male-female relationship is not sufficient, and dissolves with the revelation of Divine Man and Divine Woman on earth.

The Feminine Principle produces the alchemy that unites us with God and then draws to us the circumstances in which we find ourselves throughout our lives in and through which we may fulfill our mission and purpose for incarnating, which is to bring the things of God, the gifts of spirit, into the world.  In the Biblical story of the wedding feast at Cana, for example, which is believed to be a celebration of the sacred marriage of Jesus and Mary of Bethany, it is Mary of Bethany who arranges for the vessels of water to be brought to Jesus to be made into wine, bringing to him as well their life’s shared mission and destiny—echoing and rectifying that event in the Genesis story of the Fall wherein reportedly Eve brought Adam the “forbidden fruit,” and with it their life’s work of creating a world on Earth without their Creator but only with their own judgements of what feels good and what is deemed evil.  By turning the water into wine Jesus made the Truth of Life once more available to Man.  

In the story of the Grail Quest, the Feminine Principle, which operates through the heart realm, can be seen as being represented by the Grail itself—the chalice out of which Jesus drank at the Last Supper.  She is the chalice, the cup, for the life blood—the substance of one’s living symbolized by the wine—from which the Lord of the Sacred Dance partakes of life with us. The cup can thus be seen as the cupped hand of Divine Providence that brings to us each moment’s task, be it large or small.

Jesus is recorded to have asked his Father from the deep passion of his heart to take the “cup” of his betrayal and ignominious execution from him.  Sometimes the Feminine brings great challenges to us that will, if accepted courageously and met with a victorious spirit, bring us closer to our core quest in life, that of union with Source. “Thy will be done” was the attitude of the Master in this seemingly impossible situation that ultimately led to his resurrection from the tomb and ascension into the arms of his heavenly Father from whence he came—from whence we all came.

Containment being her very nature, the substance of the feminine energy provides a container filled with the water of truth that turns into the wine of life when she is allowed to embrace—spiritually as well as physically—the hot and fully erected vertical shaft of radiant masculine light. She is as the water surrounding the rod of plutonium in an atomic reactor that allows it to yield its power without burning a hole in the earth, to use a modern-day energy metaphor. If he will let her, she will ground him but not smother his fire nor use it all up loving her.   They both must come clean of their shadow side for this dance to be fun and generative of the essential substance of pneumaplasm that connects them both with the Divine and with each other.  At this level of intimacy, where there is accord between a man and a woman, is found the secrets to the creation of abundance.  In The Gospel of Thomas, Jesus is recorded as saying: “If two can make peace between themselves in a single house, they can say to a mountain, ‘Move!’ and it will move.”

In no way do I imply here that she is nice and sweet and agreeable at all times.  She can be that, but she can also be fierce and tenacious when it comes to exposing and putting down the lie, which she does with equal passion as she pushes forward to uncover and lift up the truth in any given situation in life.  There is nothing quite as exhilarating in the life of a relationship than to dance in the fierce fire of the passionate woman who sees you in the places you would rather not be seen. In the Arthurian legend she is represented by the “Hag.”  Diana Durham portrays the “Hag” as:

An old woman who visits Perceval at Arthur’s court during a banquet in his honor; she lists all his faults, chief among them his failure to ask the question [Whom does the Grail serve?] when in the Grail Castle and thus relieve the king and land from suffering. She is the truth-telling aspect of the deep feminine, and can also be said to represent here withered Mother Earth herself. (Return of King Arthur, page 13)

There is interesting and controversial history associated with this principle of the Feminine aspect of Man, actually spanning all the way back to Adam and Eve in the drama of Eden at the very beginnings of human existence on earth. It is significant that the Feminine is described as a “Principle,”which literally means “beginning.” She was present with God in the Beginning.  In the Latin Mass, the opening words of St. John’s Gospel are: “In principio [my emphasis] erat Verbum, et Verbum erat apud Deus, et Verbum erat Deus.”  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  The Word is the Feminine Principle out of which all of Creation springs forth.  She was called “Eve…mother of all the living…” and She is found not only to be with God in the beginning but is God.  She, the Divine Feminine, is God creating the flesh of all living things.

This ancient story, re-written by the great patriarch Moses, may well be fraught with bias.  It is said that the serpent beguiled the woman and that the woman led the man down the garden path which took them both out of Eden.  Who knows what really constituted the so-called “Fall of man?”  This we do know, women have been blamed for the Fall all down through the ages, a stigma that has caused them unwarranted deprivation and persecution. Women have been greatly feared and therefore suppressed by men in a male-dominated world.  Not understood by men, especially when their emotions take over their expression and their wrath becomes a force with which to be reckoned, women have been kept subdued by men and have been forced to withdraw into a state of obedience and subjection to them and to adopt what is considered to be “appropriate behavior” in order to keep emotions under raps.

On her darker side, woman has been a manipulator and a seducer as well, perhaps in an attempt to reclaim some of her power and control over her life. Historically, she was burned at the stake for her sorcery during the “witch-hunts” in sixteenth and seventeenth century Europe, when forty to sixty thousand people were executed and as many more tortured and imprisoned. This violence against the feminine has left a scar in the collective heart of womankind which overshadows and impacts male-female relationships even to this day.  Deep healing is needed in the heart of Mother God.

The world has not always been dominated by the male of the human species. There were periods of history when the feminine dominated life on this planet, when the Goddess was worshiped as Creator and revered as the Supreme Giver of life.  As I said earlier, in the ancient East, Elat, the feminine gender of the word Allah, was the name used to call upon deity.  In more recent history, however, since the male has dominated the scene, the importance of the role of the feminine in life has gone from one extreme to the other in some religious cultures.

There has been a masculine bias throughout the early history of Christianity, with the feminine principle all but eliminated entirely from the face of the Earth. For example, in the fourth century the early Church Fathers declared women to be “not worthy of life”—certainly not fit to serve as priestesses and bishops as they had been accustomed—and degraded the sexual act from the “ultimate sacrament” to a necessary function to propagate the human race. Before that, sex was a sacred ritual in which the alchemy of the Feminine Principle was engaged as a means of ecstatic union with the Divine.   The secrets of this ritualistic ceremony were held in safekeeping by many groups and organizations—such as the Freemasons, the Knights Templar, the Cathars, the Priory of Sion, the Essenes and the Egyptian cult of Isis and Osiris—until just recently.

Several books have been written and continue to emerge exploring these secrets.  Research-authors Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince have collaborated together in a most provocative book, The Templar Revelation. According to their exhaustive research, it was by way of this sacred sex ritual of “undefiled intercourse” that kings, emperors and pharaohs, as well as messiahs and saviors of mankind, fused with the Divine and became gods themselves, earning the title of Christ, or the Anointed One.

Jesus himself is reported to have become one with the Father within through the anointing by Mary of Bethany, his cosmic mate and partner in this sacred rite of passage, first from humanity to divinity and then back to humanity as God in the flesh.  This anointing was apparently not limited to pouring precious oils (spikenard) over the feet and into the hair, but included sacred sex wherein the two penetrated the veil between heaven and earth to fuse with the Divine.  Sex was called the “ultimate sacrament” because it was through this sacred ritual that sovereign rulers could come to know union with God and release the creative power that would bless and preserve their kingdom—the land and all their subjects—making them fertile and productive.

My next post will once again feature my favorite Arthurian legend author, Diana Durham, in her masterful consideration and interpretation of the legendary Holy Grail.  Until then, I bid you good day and pray health and happiness for you.          -Anthony (


Spirit of the New Earth Vibration, pg 6: Grounding Masculine Energy

“He who is near me is near the fire.  He who is far from me is far from the kingdom of heaven.” —Jesus  (The Gospel of Thomas)

In my awakening years I had engaged the fiery dance between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine and released the power of feminine energy through my very masculine body.  Back in the day this effulgence was known as “the outpouring of the Holy Spirit,” which I later learned is feminine in nature.  With spiritual awakening came an awareness that who and what I am is neither male nor female, but both. 

I am an angelic being with masculine and feminine energies at my command for creative purposes.  Incarnate in this wonderful male physical form, I discovered that it is far too fragile in its fallen state to fully accommodate the fiery revelation of the angel.  So I’ve learned to turn down the fire in order to remain incarnate and useful while moving through transformation toward spiritual maturity.   

My father’s generation was dominantly patriarchal. My generation’s role has been to provide a bridge for the next generation to cross over into a more balanced experience of these two powerful and complementary archetypal creative energies — which I opened up to full-throttle in my awakening years and nearly set my body aflame.  Those were destabilizing years of radical shift in self-awareness and identity.  I pray the upcoming generation survives to experience ascension to a higher level of being.  It has already undergone a transformation to a higher level of consciousness — and form follows consciousness. 



ONE OF THE CHARACTERISTICS of the Divine Masculine is his open-armed welcome of the Divine Feminine, because, after all, she is his natural dancing partner and the source of his empowerment.  He welcomes her also for the grounding she provides.

I recall an occasion in my own spiritual transformation when my physical form came into direct alignment with the radiant energy of my own angelic presence.  I had tapped into raw power and it was more than my outer form could handle.  At one point, I had difficulty staying on the ground. At night my body would burn with electrical currents running up and down my spine and legs.  My entire capacity felt as though it were on fire and I thought it would burst into flames at any moment. Then a presence was felt in the room like that of a woman.  I immediately felt at peace as the electrical currents subsided. 

At another point in the same time period of several weeks, I felt I was simply going to ascend into another dimension while singing in front of a group of people gathered for a worship service.  Sound has a way of shifting cellular oscillation.  I felt guided to make eye contact with a woman in the gathering with whom I shared a spiritual intimacy and whom I loved with a love that was from a place beyond this world.  As I deliberately looked into her eyes, I immediately felt drawn back down to the floor and anchored to the ground.  Her presence was a grounding force for me.

These were the first of many lessons to come to me about the design of true function between the masculine and the feminine.  I had a new and deeper respect for womankind from that point on, although I had a lot more to learn about both the masculine and the feminine before beginning to understand the dynamics between these two co-creative energetic forces.

In our society, what Carl Jung called “the Anima” (a man’s feminine side) is often squelched.  The young boy who starts to cry, for instance, is told by his father to stop crying and “Be a man!”  To display his feminine side is to appear weak in the eyes of his peers. The truth be known, the feminine reinforces the authenticity of the masculine.   Moore and Gillette knew this all too well when they wrote their books exploring the male and female psyche.

But if a man consciously seeks to develop a relationship with his Anima at the same time he seeks a deeper accessing of his masculine characteristics, he will find his masculinity affirmed and supported.

By acknowledging his feminine side a man raises his consciousness about complementary masculine structures, and can be inspired to achieve fullness of being as a man.  As his sense of deeply grounded masculinity becomes more secure, he is free to claim his feminine qualities without fear of being overwhelmed by them.  His capacity for creative expression will multiply exponentially.  His relationships with women in the outer world will likewise take a positive turn.  Such a man, his masculinity reinforced by his inner feminine, can meet life with a centered sense of wholeness and compassion not often seen in our culture. (The King Within, page 121)

In a word, he becomes “sensitive” to the finer vibrational frequencies of the feminine energies emerging from within himself as well as those around him, including the world of Mother Nature.  Perhaps he would then respect her more fully and acknowledge the sanctity of her presence.  Surely he would stop raping her for her resources and stripping her of her lush and verdant beauty. When a man rapes a woman, I have learned, it is not for sexual pleasure but for power and control. When he rapes the natural world for her resources he does so because he can, he has the power to do it, and that gives him a warped sense of control over the wild kingdoms of this world, as though he must conquer them to know that he truly is all-powerful and resourceful. This is less a demonstration of real power and more an application of brute force. The control he refuses to apply to his own appetite for satisfaction and pleasure is projected away from himself and forced upon his world, which embodies all the essences of the Feminine.

The Dominating Masculine

Raw, ungrounded masculine energy, in men as well as women, develops into an unbalanced charge of power that seeks a channel for release, much as the electrical charge in a thunder-head cloud seeks to ground itself through a bolt of lightning.  It is corruptive when used to control the power inherent in the feminine in order to suppress it. Nowhere is such corruption more prevalent than in the social structures of modern civilization where women have been made to compete with men in a patriarchal society for equal opportunities for employment and equal pay, not to mention the historical suppression and continual deprivation of women in the Middle East and other parts of the world. Vestiges of this deprivation are yet to be found in today’s Christian religions, such as in the Roman Catholic Church where women are excluded from its priesthood and its priests deprived of the natural companionship of a wife.

There was also a reversal of the roles the male and female played in the ritualistic approach to worship of and union with God. Whereas before, even in the first three centuries of the Early Christian Era,  it was the priestess who provided the erotic alchemy through which men might commune and merge with God, now it is the priest who is believed to provide the liturgical alchemy that makes such communion with the divine possible for women.  Sex is left out of the picture altogether, with the exception of its limiting but necessary role in procreation.  It is as though the early Church Fathers of the first ecumenical council held at Nicaea in AD 325, were intent upon making the statement that union with God is only possible by way of the all-male priesthood and is not to be sought after through the erotic alchemy of the feminine priestess, whose sacred order was simply eliminated altogether with the priestess decreed a witch and burned at the stake. Men have long maintained control over women, but that is coming to an end as the corruption in this male-dominated culture continues to erode the patriarchal model of leadership by imposition and intimidation.  Love neither imposes nor intimidates.

This patriarchal treatment of women as second class citizens appears to have roots as far back as the early Christian era when pagan goddess temples were either converted into Christian churches or utterly destroyed. In ancient religions, God was known and worshiped in male and female as well as sexless deities. According to Houston Smith, in The World’s Religions, in Islam Allah was simply “the God,” neither masculine nor feminine.  In pre-Islamic times, Allah “was worshiped by Meccans not as the only God but as….creator, supreme provider, and determiner of human destiny.”

In the Kabbalistic tradition the name of God once included an entire family: Father, Mother, Son, Daughter (Yod He Vav He), a name which is supposedly coded in our DNA, also known as the Tetragrammaton which is the Greek name for the four sacred letters in the word Yahweh (YHWH). “From this holy ‘Name of Names’ emanates the Ultimate Divine Vibration.  It is the ‘word of light’ that becomes life” (Deborah Van Dyke, Traveling The Sacred Sound Current: Keys for Conscious Evolution).

In its most ancient of forms, dating back six or seven thousand years ago to the Canaanite language, Allah was Alat, or Elat, the feminine gender.  The concept of God embodied by the word Allah was based in its meaning, which is Sacred (or Cosmic) Unity.  “All of these names,” writes Scottish Aramaic scholar Neil Douglas-Klotz, “are based around the root el and al, which points toward the unity of existence, embodied in a name that idealized the sacred.”

In truth, the sacred is embodied when the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine are one and function together as partners in creation, symbolized in Hindu tradition as the lingam, “which is not exclusively a phallic symbol, as is often thought. Rather, it symbolizes the masculine and the feminine conjoined.” (Thomas Ashley-Ferrand,  Mantra – Sacred Words of Power).

  The Egyptians, Greeks and Romans all worshiped gods and goddesses as equal partners in their lives and fate.  The God of Genesis is androgynous, creating Man male and female in our own image and likeness.  Interestingly enough, in the Judeo-Christian tradition, Wisdom (Sophia), who was present in the creation of this world, is a Goddess—or is at least seen as the feminine aspect of the androgynous deity—and the Holy Spirit is seen by some contemporary  Christian theologians as being the feminine aspect of God.  The Feminine Principle has also been acknowledged and accessed throughout the history of Christianity in the veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary as an intercessor between Roman Catholics and the Lord Jesus.        

The question might rightly be asked, as it has been by some, why is God worshiped today only as “He?”  Why should not God be known and worshiped in the feminine gender as “She?”   Is it not “She” who gives birth to “Him?”  Is not Mother God as divine as Father God and as responsible for the creation of this world?  There are cultures in the world that do still celebrate the Feminine Principle, although in by far the majority of religions in the world, women are subordinate to men and the feminine aspect of God is made to serve the will and pleasure of the masculine and often ignored or denied outright.  Women have had to demand to be heard and given equal rights alongside men. Today these cultural assumptions are all being challenged by the “liberated feminine” in men and women, who are both becoming acquainted with their whole Self.

Through all the tomes of spiritual writings, one instruction stands out above all the rest: “Man, know thyself and thou wilt know God.”  The Reality of God is known and understood to the degree that I know and understand myself, made male and female in the image and likeness of God.  Our approach to God, then, is rightly one of discovery of our authentic Self.  In our social, political and religious traditions we have been thoroughly dominated and led forth by an image of the masculine side of God, largely by a dark, intimidating image.  Is it not time for us to be generously immersed in a light, nurturing, understanding Goddess in partnership with a caring and benevolent Godhead? 

In my next post, I examine the nature and function of the Divine Feminine.  As always, I welcome your thoughts on the subject of this post.  Until then,

Ne safe.   Be at peace.   



Spirit of the New Earth Vibration, page 4: Sacred Sex

Continuing to share inspired visions in excerpts from SACRED ANATOMY, giving consideration to the Gonads as a sacred endocrine seal through which the gifts of the Spirit of the New Earth, patience and right expectancy, manifest in our lives . . . in this post I consider the worshipful essence of sacred sex and the “sex principle” as it is operative throughout the Universe . . . and venture into the historical background of sexual engagement as part of the dance between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine.  To flesh this out, I draw on the expertise of one of my favorite poets and Arthurian Legend authors, Diana Durham, for metaphorical and legendary story.     


I would just preface this consideration with a few words about present human behavior in this potent and delicate area of creative Self-expression. For the most part, we as humans have not known what we have been doing with our sexuality. All the dysfunction and violent behavior in this area of human activity is simply the evidence of the absence of right function and gentle behavior. Ultimately, sexual misbehavior and frustration can be seen as the result of the suppression of love. When we deny love expression, we deny our own Self-expression and betray our divine identity. This results in a buildup of frustrated energy. When the pressure reaches a level where it cannot be contained, and steps are not taken to release the energy in creative ways, then there will inevitably occur an explosive and often violent release. The more delicate and fine the area of function, the more potentially violent and destructive the release. Love is the finest and most delicate of substances and therefore the most powerful.

From my own experience, as I let love find expression continually—in spirit, thought, word and deed—my creative energies find a natural flow rather than getting bottled up inside. Right function can only come forth from me as I am the right person, my authentic divine Self. The wrong person can never do the right thing. Only the authentic person, who is the angel incarnate, knows how to function appropriately in the realm of sacred energy.

As we continue to discover our divinity and live out of our authentic Self, we emerge from the darkness and come into the light of the truth of love with our sexuality and see it for what it truly is.

Let us now explore this area of sacred function, looking at some of its battered terrain as well as the possibilities and potential for its renewal, transformation and transmutation in consciousness and, subsequently, in experience.


THE ULTIMATE PURPOSE of worship is to know union with God in one’s own temple.  The conscious experience of union with God is a glorious one. Glory is the unified radiation of love. It comes at the end of the Creative Process, not at the beginning, after radiation and response have been allowed to work their magic to initiate the attraction phase of the process that produces the alchemy which alone can bring about the experience of the union between God and human consciousness, between inner Spirit and outer form.  When physical sex is initiated on the basis of the Creative Process and allowed to embody it fully, Glory is known. To the degree that sexual energies—the transforming charge of the Creative Process—are of a quality and intensity that can generate the fine substance that makes our connection with Source at the core of our Being a tangible and knowable experience,  then sexual expression can be called worship and sex a sacred ritual. 

Having made this truthful statement, I acknowledge that human sexuality has been degraded to the level of lustful and recreational pleasure, pornographic voyeurism, pedophilia, and workplace sex harassment, amongst other abusive activities, that have all but stripped away any sanctity it once possessed.  There was a time when all things were held sacred, not the least of which our sexuality.  We appear to be returning to a level of consciousness we once knew, where we again see all things as sacred and connected to the Creator.

The Sex Principle

Sex is the very nature of the Creative Process, which moves in five phases: radiation—response—attraction—union—unified radiation.  It connects and engages the Creator with creation and integrates creation within itself.

The “Sex Principle” is operative throughout the Universe. It is what draws order out of chaos and continues to maintain creativity throughout the Cosmos.  It holds suns and their planets in spiraling patterns of perfect proximity in galaxies and keeps atoms from splitting apart.

Sex is the “main event” throughout Creation, particularly evident in the juicy womb of Mother Nature herself out of which springs forth all the green foliage and fragrant flowers we enjoy in the Spring.  If there is anything life is, it’s sexual.

Consider alone how sex occupies our own human consciousness.  Life on planet Earth is about the creative dance between the masculine and the feminine who are made to be intimate and to move together in the music and rhythm of life.  

The Creator is both masculine and feminine. God is male, as all things are sired by the positive seed of the Father and made flesh in the responsive Womb of the Great Mother.  God is also female, represented by the emergence of all life forms on this planet from out of the womb of Gaia, our Earth Mother. The two are not separate but exist and function as one. We could say that God is a unified field of consciousness and creativity in which the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine co-create the world in which we live. One can hardly speak of one without including the other, as we shall now explore.

Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine

The Divine Masculine in both men and women represents Father God. His is the positive expression of love that draws the Universe together.  In the four Vedas, the world’s oldest religious writings, he is called “Purusha,” the primordial Cosmic Being and source of all human life.  He articulates the creative Word, the Tone that sets the vibrational patterns as seeds for the forms of creation. He plants his seed in the womb of the Divine Feminine, making her egg fertile.  He is embodied in the vertical rod of creative power that goes forth as a shaft of light into the void of formless chaos to bring forth order and beauty through Her womb.

In the Eastern tradition, the Divine Masculine is a trinity comprised of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.  Brahma is worshiped as the creator of the Universe, Vishnu as the protector of the world and restorer of dharma (law and order), and Shiva, the formless of the three, as infinite, or transcendental, consciousness.  Shiva is a pillar of light who directs spiritual energy through the spine, connecting the kundalini shakti, his feminine aspect from which he derives his power, as it uncoils from its “power cell” in the sacral region of the pelvis up to the top of the head and beyond. He was historically called the “Great Destroyer” because he enables spiritual transformation and evolution by using the essences of our current level of understanding to move us to a higher plane, thus “destroying” the plane of departure.  He is now, perhaps more accurately, referred to as the “Great Spiritualizer,” in that he facilitates spiritual growth and transformation. The significance of this particular characteristic of the “masculine principle” will become more evident shortly as we explore the alchemy of our sexuality.

In the Genesis story of creation, the divine masculine is called Adam, which means blood, or sap, of God that circulates throughout the whole of creation distilling its essences and sharing them with all the rest of the Body of the Great Mother, which is comprised of the entire Universe. Adam was created to provide a consciousness for divine being on earth.  It is he who established a vibrational connection with all living things by giving them names. He is the Great Protector of Creation.  

In The Return of King Arthur, her signature work, Diana Durham portrays the masculine as represented by the sword in the hands of the knights of the Round Table, and by King Arthur, who represents “enlightened leadership, particularly the spiritual mentor who blesses, creatively challenges, and empowers his ‘subjects.’” 

He is represented by Sir Lancelot as the “heroic part of ourselves that must transfer its attention from achieving greatness to the inner work of transformation in order to become whole.”

He is represented by Merlin, the magician, as the “‘magical’ resurrective power that lies trapped in one’s own subconscious mind, gripped by the rigid structures of fear and shame.”

Contemporary authors on the subject of the male psyche, Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette, have written in depth around the theme of the mature masculine energies, giving them names that characterize their individual qualities: “Sovereign, Warrior, Magician and Lover.”  These archetypal energies, accessible in both men and women, represent the entire spectrum of energies necessary for an individual to create a world.  In men the sovereign energy is of the King.  In women, it is the sovereign energy of the Queen.  

The masculine is also represented in religious and social traditions by a number of symbols that personify God as a father figure. Such symbols as the sky, the sun, fire and lightening portray the father symbolically as associated with authority, reason, law, warlike spirit and penetrating power.  His is the thrust of creativity facilitated by the mental process of logic and reason.

The phallus itself has symbolized fertility, good luck and protection in ancient mythical cultures. The king was the archetypal symbol of the dominant male who had “divinely sanctioned power and absolute temporal authority over a tribe or nation.  The stronger the king’s symbolic link with supernatural forces, the more crucial became his leadership qualities, intelligence and health—authority going hand-in-hand with responsibility for the happiness of his subjects, hence the ancient sacrifices of the king (or his representative) when countries were overtaken by plagues or crop failures.” (Tresidder: Symbols And Their Meanings.)

It was vital, then, that the ruler of the nation become one with the divine so as to ensure the health, prosperity and fertility of his kingdom.  So long as his identity was with Love, the Divine King, his kingdom flourished.  All of this is symbolized by the sword in the Arthurian legend, as Durham interprets the myth here:

The sword is naturally the masculine symbol: phallus, scepter, wand.  All relate to the masculine domain of potency, government, purpose, power. . . .  The myths tell us in fact that this masculine power is only misused when it is not in partnership with the feminine of the Grail and is wielded by a consciousness that has not learned to stay polarized in the spiritual realm.  The pommel of the sword given to Perceval was of gold—the symbol of love.  So we could say that the true sword is always held in love.  The broken sword can also in fact symbolize the misuse of power. . . .

If we think of the sword as representing purpose, while the Grail represents identity, we can see that the myth is confirming an additional meaning: namely that without the healing of identity it is impossible, or at best very difficult, to have one’s purpose line up coherently in one’s life.

The Divine Masculine, then, is the achieving energy of God.  Introverted, his energy is a vessel for transformation. Extroverted, his energy is procreative and concerned with building and maintaining structure at every level of creation and with the mental process used in developing architectural design. His authority comes from Source, from the King whom he loves and serves with all his heart, his mind and his strength.  To so love and serve his King he must have a heart, his feminine partner, opened upward to serve his love response upward and to receive and extend his King’s love and blessing to others.  Through her he receives his power to achieve.


In my next post I will consider the transition to partnership from patriarchy, wherein a state of balance exists between the masculine and feminine energies. Until then, thank you for sharing my meditations and explorations. I welcome your thoughts. 


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