Creating the New Earth Together

Posts tagged ‘Great Pyramid of Giza’

Either We Evolve or We Perish

I just finished Graham Hancock’s Fingerprints Of The Gods and it left me with an almost overwhelming pall of hopelessness hanging over my head after reading the final chapter “Like A Thief in the Night” and the final sub-headings: “Walking in the last days” and  “The end of the world” in which the author recounts his visit to the Hopi Indian Reservation in 1994 up in the high plains of Arizona. Here are Hancock’s last words in his tome:

. . . I had made this journey because the science of prophecy is still believed to be alive among the Hopi: Pueblo Indians, distantly related to the Aztecs of Mexico, whose numbers have been reduced by attrition and misery to barely 10,000. Like the Ancient Maya whose descendants all across the Yucatan are convinced that the end of the world is coming in the year 2000 y pico (and a little), the Hopi believe that we are walking in the last days, with a geological sword of Damocles hanging over US. According to their myths, as we saw in Chapter Twenty-four:

The first world was destroyed, as a punishment for human misdemeanors, by an all-consuming fire that came from above and below. The second world ended when the terrestrial globe toppled from its axis and everything was covered with ice. The third world ended in a universal flood. The present world is the fourth. Its fate will depend on whether or not its inhabitants behave in accordance with the Creator’s plans …

I had come to Arizona to see whether the Hopi thought we were behaving in accordance with the Creator’s plans …

The end of the world

The desolate wind, blowing across the high plains, shook and rattled the sides of the trailer-home we sat in. Beside me was Santha, who’d been everywhere with me, sharing the risks and the adventures, sharing the highs and the lows. Sitting across from us was our friend Ed Ponist, a medical-surgical nurse from Lansing, Michigan. A few years previously Ed had worked on the reservation for a while, and it was thanks to his contacts that we were now here. On my right was Paul Sifki, a ninety-six­-year-old Hopi elder of the Spider clan, and a leading spokesman of the traditions of his people. Beside him was his grand-daughter Melza Sifki, a handsome middle-aged woman who had offered to translate.

‘I have heard,’ I said, ‘that the Hopi believe the end of the world is coming. Is this true?’

Paul Sifki was a small, wizened man, nut-brown in colour, dressed in jeans and a cambric shirt. Throughout our conversation he never once looked at me, but gazed intently ahead, as though he were searching for a familiar face in a distant crowd.

Melza put my question to him and a moment later translated her grandfather’s reply: ‘He says, “why do you want to know”?’

I explained that there were many reasons. The most important was that I felt a sense of urgency: ‘My research has convinced me that there was an advanced civilization – long, long ago – that was destroyed in a terrible cataclysm. I fear that our own civilization may be destroyed by a similar cataclysm … ‘

There followed a long exchange in Hopi, then this translation: ‘He said that when he was a child, in the 1900’s, there was a star that exploded – a star that had been up there in the sky for a long while … And he went to his grandfather and asked him to explain the meaning of this sign. His grandfather replied: “This is the way our own world will end – engulfed in
flames … If people do not change their ways then the spirit that takes care of the world will become so frustrated with us that he will punish the world with flames and it will end just like that star ended.” That was what his grandfather said to him – that the earth would explode just like that exploding star … ‘

‘So the feeling is that this world will end in fire … And having viewed the world for the past ninety years, does he believe that the behaviour of mankind has improved or worsened?’

‘He says it has not improved. We’re getting worse.’

‘So in his opinion, then, the end is coming?’

‘He said that the signs are already there to be seen … He said that nowadays nothing but the wind blows and that all we do is have a weapon pointed at one another. That shows how far apart we have drifted and how we feel towards each other now. There are no values any more – none at all – and people live any way they want, without morals or laws. These are the
signs that the time has come … ‘

Melza paused in her translation, then added on her own account: ‘This terrible wind. It dries things out. It brings no moisture. The way we see it, this kind of climate is a consequence of how we’re living today – not just
us, but your people as well.’

I noticed that her eyes had filled with tears while she was talking. ‘I have a cornfield,’ she continued, ‘that’s really dry. And I look up into the sky and try to pray for rain, but there is no rain, no clouds even … When we’re like this we don’t even know who we are.’

There was a long moment of silence and the wind rocked the trailer, blowing hard and steady across the mesa as evening fell around us.

I said quietly, ‘Please ask your grandfather if he thinks that anything can now be done for the Hopi and for the rest of mankind?’

‘The only thing he knows,’ Melza replied when she had heard his answer, ‘is that so long as the Hopi do not abandon their traditions they may be able to help themselves and to help others. They have to hold on to what they believed in the past. They have to preserve their memories. These are the most important things … But my grandfather wants to tell
you also, and for you to understand, that this earth is the work of an intelligent being, a spirit – a creative and intelligent spirit that has designed everything to be the way it is. My grandfather says that nothing is here just by chance, that nothing happens by accident – whether good or bad – and that there is a reason for everything that takes place … ‘

At the millstone grinding

When human beings from around the globe, and from many different cultures, share a powerful and overwhelming intuition that a cataclysm is approaching, we are within our rights to ignore them. And when the voices of our distant ancestors, descending to us through myths and sacred architecture, speak to us of the physical obliteration of a great civilization in remote antiquity (and tell us that our own civilization is in jeopardy), we are entitled, if we wish, to stop our ears …

So it was, the Bible says, in the antediluvian world: ‘For in those days, before the Flood, people were eating, drinking, taking wives, taking husbands, right up to the moment that Noah went into the Ark, and they suspected nothing till the flood came and swept all away.’ 

In the same manner it has been prophesied that the next global destruction will fall upon us suddenly “at an hour we do not suspect, like lightning striking in the east and flashing far into the west … The sun will be darkened, the moon will lose its brightness, the stars will fall from the sky and the powers of heaven will be shaken … Then of two men in the fields, one is taken, one left; and of two women at the millstone grinding, one is taken, one left …”

What has happened before can happen again. What has been done before can be done again.

And perhaps there is, indeed, nothing new under the sun …

The thread that runs through and connects the pages of Graham’s book weaves a fabric upon which is painted a prophetic picture for our generation specifically that warns of impending disaster for our world and its population based simply on a cosmic clock ticking away the centuries and millennia over the past 12,500 years since a highly advanced civilization was all but wiped off the face of the earth by a cataclysm. That civilization was known as Atlantis and is now believed to be buried beneath a two-mile thick cap of ice. Today that island continent is called Antarctica. Buried with it are the historical records of what this civilization did that brought about its destruction in literally the blinking of an eye – like a thief in the night.  It is likely we will never know the secret buried beneath those two miles of ice. An ancient lost civilization frozen in time and preserved till the day the ice melts and reveals its secrets.

Those who survived the cataclysm – the elite wealthy maritime intellectuals of Atlantis who knew what was adrift long before the pendulum struck the hour of doom when the hammer fell – made their way to various parts of the world that had suffered little damage, including the Nile Delta where they built the pyramids of Egypt and the Sphinx as geodetic markers in the Age of Leo the Lion to leave behind a mathematically precise architectural monument showing to scale the geographical points and the shape and size of the earth.

The survivors of the Deluge also left messages carved in stone which point to our day – when the sun rises on the Winter Solstice in the House of the constellation of Sagittarius at the South Gate of the Milky Way Galaxy between 1960 and 2040 AD – and when the pendulum of the cosmic clock strikes the hour when the hammer will likely fall again on the civilizations of man.  It is also the dawning of the Age of Aquarius which guards the North Gate of the Milky Way Galaxy. As I wrote about in a previous post, this is also designated in Mayan cosmology as “the place of creation.”

We ignore the myths of our ancient ancestors to our peril.  The dawn of a New Day lightens the horizon. It’s time to wake up and face the harvest of our sowing days as it spreads ugly before us.  We’ve run into a concrete wall and there’s no way to go forward – only up and over it.  It’s the way Gaia is going – up, up and away!

I leave you with this timely video message: “If we do not wish to die, then we must evolve.”

Barbara Mor reads from “The Great Cosmic Mother”


The “Jesus of Faith” Vs the “Jesus of History” part 3:1– Initiation and Incubation

“Say, ‘I am a child of Earth and starry Heaven; but my race is of Heaven [alone]’”

I have been sharing a perspective of the eighteen missing years of Jesus’ young adulthood from religious historian Michael Baigent’s book The Jesus Papers – Exposing the Greatest Cover-Up in History. In my last post, we explored a possible scenario that Jesus spent those years in Egypt—possibly living in a community of healers called the Therapeutae. I will continue to share Baigent’s perspective of events in Egypt that Jesus might have know about and even explored experientially.

Pyramids for Soul Travel

The Egyptians saw themselves as keepers of the balance and harmony of our universe. The Pharaoh bore the primary responsibility in this keep and the pyramids were his means of traveling to the Far-World for wisdom from the gods. Michael Baigent gives details of this travel from information gained during several pilgrimages he made to the pyramids in Egypt and other sites of historical interest.

To ALL OF US “PILGRIMS,” it is evident that the Pyramids are more than just the extravagant tombs we have been led to believe they are. Stephen Quirke states bluntly that the Pyramids, along with many other buildings that disintegrated over time, formed part of an ornate complex dedicated to the cult of the pharaoh as a divinity, adding that “they are only secondarily tombs.” The Pyramid of Djoser and other buildings in the complex at Saqqara, he explains, provide “unambiguous evidence” for their ritual use—in this case, for the Sed festival, a great festival held every thirty years or so that aimed to renew the power of the pharaoh.”

The most significant study of the cult of the pharaoh has recently been completed by Dr. Jeremy Naydler and presented in his book Shamanic Wisdom in the Pyramid Texts. He explains that the Sed festival was conducted to allow the pharaoh to bring the physical world and the Far-World into harmony, a balancing that would benefit all of Egypt. The “central rite” of the Sed festival “involved the king crossing the threshold between worlds,” with the aim of bringing himself into a “direct relationship to the normally hidden spiritual powers.” To allow this to happen, during the most secret parts of the ritual ceremony it appears that the king had “an ecstatic visionary experience.” This experience was deliberately induced by those conducting the rites, who well understood the linkage between the two worlds and the importance of the pharaoh as a point of contact between the two.

Naydler is blunt: his conclusion from his study of the Pyramid Texts is that “far from being funerary texts, [these texts] were primarily concerned with mystical experiences of a type similar to those that the living king had during the ‘secret rites’ of the Sed festival, for they can clearly be seen to belong to a genre of archetypal human experiences at the crossing point between this world and the spirit world.”

One of these texts reads: “O king, you have not departed dead, you have departed alive.” Another reads: “I have gone and returned. . . .  I go forth today in the real form of a living spirit.” Yet another text is entitled “Ascending to the sky . . . . and becoming an Akh.”

The Akh is “the shining one,” a “being of light,” and is the root of the word akhet, or “horizon.” It describes the end sought by the Ba: to convert into pure spiritual radiance. In terms of the dead, it reveals that the person after death, following a period when he is free of his body in his Ba [soul] form, eventually ascends to enter a state of transcendence and merges with the radiant Source of all. Stephen Quirke explains that “the akh is the transfigured spirit that has become one with the light.” The word used in the texts for this process is sakhu—meaning “to make [the deceased] an Akh … a being of light.”

As Baigent points out, scholars would dispute this experiential approach to texts and rites and relegate it all to “millennia of imaginative speculation” by priests who may have believed what they were writing but didn’t ascribe to the actual possibility of such occurrences  Naydler nevertheless suggests that the experiences of crossing the threshold of death while yet alive were indeed possible and real. Baigent writes:

IT IS HERE THAT I am reminded again of the unique term “ahket of Khufu” applied to the Great Pyramid of the pharaoh Khufu at Giza, which I referred to at the beginning of the chapter. Could this name, meaning “to blaze, to be radiant,” and indicating the point of entry into the Far-World on the horizon, possibly suggest that the pyramid was the place from which Khufu passed into the Far-World? And the place from which he returned?

With the responsibility of maintaining Ma’at upon him, could it be that Khufu sought answers from the spiritual beings in the realm beyond on how to ensure harmony in this world? And if he did indeed cross the threshold into the kingdom of gods, how did he do it? What specific techniques were known to the Egyptian priests who assisted Khufu and other Egyptians before and after him?

It is quite possible that Jesus himself visited the Great Pyramid of Giza (pronounced jeeza) and went through the ritual by which he initiated the process of revelation of his radiant divinity, which he revealed later on with three of his closest disciples, as the Gospels of Matthew and Mark both record. Jesus apparently crossed over the threshold between heaven and earth and visited with two great beings, Moses and Elias, with whom he had a conversation. He was “transfigured before them: and his face did shine like the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.” (Matt 17:2) How did he do this? And when and where did he initiate this process of transfiguration and revelation of his radiant divinity? Could it have been inside the Great Pyramid of Giza? Was not his mission, like the pharaohs such as Khufu, to bring balance and harmony back to the relationship between heaven and earth? Perhaps to restore harmony and balance between the planet itself and the solar system – or Solar Entity, as I prefer to call it?

Rites of Initiation

Golden plates were found in graves in Thessaly, Greece, that speak of a celebration or ritual “performance by the ‘blessed ones” that took place underground. The “blessed ones” are written about as being  “’The Holy Ones, who understand the mysteries.’ Meaning, it is evident, those who had been initiated.” One plate reads: “O fortunate and blessed one, you are a god, no longer mortal.” Another plate reads: “Say, I am a child of Earth and starry Heaven; But my race is of Heaven [alone]”–advice given to a Far-World traveler to prepare him for any query about who he was.

We cannot avoid it: we are forced to take seriously the idea of initiation in underground chambers, and of initiates sharing with the dead secret rites and knowledge. This is a strange claim for a modern person to take seriously, but we must view the ancients in their own terms: this is how they explained what happens, and there seems to have been little ambiguity or doubt involved. Simply because we find it hard to believe is no reason to think that they misunderstood what was occurring, or worse, that they made it up as part of a “pious fraud.” All the evidence at our disposal leads to the conclusion that those who passed through the initiation ceremonies felt that they had been well served. There are no reports of disgruntled initiates demanding their money back.

Perhaps it is time now to look at how the priests did it—that is, how they helped initiates actually leave their bodies and travel to the Far-World.


There was a ritual performed in underground chambers, facilitated by Egyptian priests, called the “initiation,” which included a process of “incubation,” whereby those who wished to cross over to the Far-World and “be introduced to the divine secrets” could do so and return safely. This was performed in underground sanctuaries accessible by way of tunnels. Baigent relates it to an interesting classic story:

These initiates, as they were called, would enter, take the right-hand path—which was always recommended in the ancient texts—and be rowed along an artificial river to reach the inner sanctuary, which served as the doorway or portal into the netherworld they sought and the kingdom of the gods. To return, the initiates could pass back across the river. In the meantime, the alternative tunnel provided the priests of the site direct access to the sanctuary, where they would wait for the initiates to arrive.

It was all rather reminiscent of the visits to the underworld that classical writers had described. They began with accounts of visitors to the infernal regions being rowed across the River Styx by the silent boatman Charon. Then, after entry into the sacred kingdom, the traveler experienced, as Vergil describes it, “places of delight, to green park land, Where souls take ease amid the Blessed Groves.”!

The author actually visited this site and describes in intriguing detail features he personally saw that are found in Vergil’s Aeneid, a scene where Aeneas visits the Sibyl of Cuma and asks for directions to the underworld. Vergil’s story turns out to be more fact than fiction. Homer also wrote stories about crossing over to the underworld:

THE VERY NOTION of crossing to the realm of the dead has had a long tradition in the Greek world. The earliest report of such a journey appears in the famous book XI of Homer’s great epic The Odyssey. Odysseus, on his complicated journey back to his home after the battles of Troy, is required by a witch, Circe, to descend into Hades, where Persephone is queen, in order to seek advice from the soul of a famous but dead Theban.

As I read Baigent’s description of what was called “incubation,” it sounded very much like what we know and practice today as meditation or contemplation — or even what today is known as a “sweat lodge.”  Only this ritual was performed by priests who knew the techniques and how to administer them. The question I am interested in having answered is whether or not Jesus had a personal experience of incubation during his sojourn in Egypt—perhaps as a preparation for his three-days in the sepulcher between his alleged crucifixion and his celebrated resurrection. Baigent alludes to this possibility but leaves us to our own conclusions and speculations.

THESE MATTERS MAY seem far too arcane to have any relevance whatsoever to our story, which, after all, concerns Jesus and the source of his teachings. Yet Jesus, as we shall soon see, also took an experiential approach to his mysticism. Could men like Parmenides have transmitted ideas to the classical world of the time of Jesus? Could they have added to the fertile mix of techniques that found a center in the great city of Alexandria and a Jewish expression in the Pythagorean-influenced group of Therapeutae whom Philo described living in a community outside the city?

Practice of Dying – Near Death Experiences?

Out of body experience

Plato explains through the words of Socrates that those who are involved in following philosophy correctly “‘are practicing nothing other than dying and being dead…truly, then, those who practice philosophy aright are cultivating dying.’” The only difference is that one returns to this world. It sounds very similar to a Near Death Experience.

At the point of death, Themistius informs us, “[the soul] has the same experience as those who are being initiated into great mysteries.”

This definitive assertion can be taken as a true expression of one who had himself been through the great mysteries. This is not just an intellectual belief but something learned from participating in such a journey to the Far-World.

Themistius continues:

At first one wanders and wearily hurries to and fro, and journeys with suspicion through the dark as one uninitiated: then come all the terrors before the final initiation, shuddering, trembling, sweating, amazement: then one is struck with a marvelous light, one is received into pure regions and meadows, with voices and dances and the majesty of holy sounds and shapes: among these he who has fulfilled initiation wanders free, and released and bearing his crown joins in the divine communion, and consorts with pure and holy men.

The Healer-Priests

In 1958 evidence was uncovered among the ruins of the ancient city of Velia in Italy of healer-priests of Apollo who survived the fall of that city. One of these was the Presocratic philosopher Parmenides. The date 446 A.D. was the latest date inscribed on the stone base of a destroyed statue, indicating a time somewhere around the beginning of the Christian period. Baigent describes their ritual practice:

These healer-priests were important: one of their titles was Pholarchos—“Lord of the Lair.” This is revealing, as these priests were specialists in an initiatory technique once well known in the ancient world as the technique of incubation.

In antiquity the best way of actually making contact with divinities of the underworld was through the practice of “incubation”—of awaiting a dream or vision while sleeping, as a rule, either on or even inside the earth.”

The ritual practice of incubation involves lying down in complete stillness and silence in an underground room, or perhaps a cave, in order to have a prophetic dream or to fall into a state of consciousness that is neither waking nor sleeping. It was here in the enclosed dark spaces that the seekers might have experienced passing across to the Far-world, where they could receive a vision from the Divine, the Source of all. The god of incubation was Apollo.”

. . . . The sacred journey was undertaken for healing or for a revelatory experience. These healer-priests of Apollo were experts in incubation and, as Kingsley explains, “used incantations to enter other states of consciousness.”

We can see here that the practices of ancient Greece, using such sites as found at Baia or the deep caves or underground sites that must have existed in Velia, were not so different from the uses made of the crypts beneath the temples in ancient Egypt. Such dark secluded places were chosen by seekers who, after dutiful preparation and appropriate ritual and incantation, lay in the stillness and entered another state of consciousness. We are left with little alternative but to seriously consider that they did indeed leave their bodies in their Ba form (according to the Egyptians) or in their psyche, or soul (according to the Greeks), and travel to the Far-World.

We can also see that by the time of Jesus the two traditions were drawing ever closer together. In fact, during the Greek and Roman domination of their country, the Egyptians despaired of their secrets surviving; the first-or second-century A.D. Hermetic text the Asclepius laments:

“A time will come when it will appear that the Egyptians paid respect to divinity with faithful mind and painstaking reverence to no purpose. All their holy worship will be disappointed and perish without effect, for divinity will return from earth to heaven, and Egypt will be abandoned…. When foreigners occupy the land … a prohibition under penalty prescribed by law (so-called) will be enacted against reverence, fidelity and divine worship. Then this most holy land, seat of shrines and temples, will be filled completely with tombs and corpses…. Only words cut in stone will survive to tell your faithful works.”

And so did it come to pass: Egypt became a land of darkness and stone-engraved mystery simultaneously with the rise of Christianity.  This ended the “First Sacred School” initiated by Abraham and cleared the way for the “Second Sacred School” initiated by Jesus.  I will leave it there for now. Until my next posts then,

Be love. Be loved


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4th Density Apocalypse 2012—-Part 5: The Healers Are Back

This video clip recently appeared on the Web.  I resonate with the tone of the message even though it contains a rather major discrepancy relative to which density Earth is being upgraded to.  The message in this clip says Earth is being upgraded to a “fifth dimension” while Ra’s message through Wilcock says we are upgrading to a “fourth density.”  The video message also says that Earth is completing four 25,920 Great Year cycles while the Ra material says we are completing three Great Year cycles and entering a fourth. So much for consistency in these channeled messages and prophesies. We are left to our own interpretations and conclusions about what’s really underfoot . . . not that it really matters. I simply enjoy the experience of being open minded as I review these amazing messages and writings. Something new is definitely happening on Earth and in the evolution of human consciousness. __________________________________________________________________


EgyptMost of Ra’s participation has been through psychic and dream interaction with Earthlings, although in 10,500 B.C., according to the L/L Research data, Ra assisted a priest who had an affinity with the “Law of One.”  This priest, never specifically identified by L/L Research, appears to have been Cayce in a previous incarnation, according to Cayce’s own readings.  Those readings detailed Cayce’s incarnation as an Egyptian high priest named Ra-Ta in 10,500 B.C., during which period Ra built the pyramids by levitation of rock. 

Part of the original purpose of the pyramids was to store the accumulated knowledge and wisdom of Atlantis in the advent of the Great Deluge, when that continent sank into the ocean—an event of which many Atlantians who were living on the island continent of Poseidia (part of Atlantis) were receiving visions.  Ra and his mother had been exiled from Sumeria near the Caspian Sea and had made their way to the slopes of what is now Mount Ararat in Turkey.  Ra’s prophetic abilities became apparent as he grew up.  At twenty-one he foresaw a worldwide cataclysm and pole shift that would inundate that part of the world.  He saw Egypt as a safe land to move to.  

Much of that knowledge and wisdom from Atlantis had to do with healing and rejuvenation. Ra would enter the pyramid he built in Egypt for periods of time in order to rejuvenate himself.  Thus his lifespan was unusually long.  Upon the completion of his work here, Ra “ascended into the mount—and was borne away.”  Ra-Ta was the same entity recognized in Egyptian Mythology as Ra the Sun God.  Ra-Ta is said to have come from the infinity forces or the Sun, and in their ignorance his followers became ‘sun worshipers.'” —Cayce

It was never Ra’s intention to be recognized and worshiped as a god by humankind. “They would define themselves as a partner/friend in assisting us, as a group as well as individually, in the evolution of our consciousness.”  

The plans for the pyramids, along with the imparted knowledge of the Law of One, did not work out.  The Egyptian priesthoods had. . .

. . . “quickly distorted” Ra’s message and “robbed it of the compassion with which unity is informed” [Law of One, Book One, Session 1, p. 66]. Ra never intended to be worshiped as a god; he was entirely focused on the Law of One, which states that all entities are manifestations of the One Infinite Creator, and hence no entity is above or below any other, regardless of their density of origin. . . .  

. . . .Those in power abused Ra’s teachings, as expressed through the high priest, and used them for self-serving purposes.  As a result of creating distortions in the evolutionary track of Earth, Ra has felt bound by their sense of  honor to hang in with us and make reparations. 

Ra apparently manifested a series of bodies in Egypt different from a normal-looking human body; those of Ra were tall, delicate, and had a golden luster.

As the story goes, and ends, Ra’s manifestation in the physical  “had been a mistake and did not bring about the intended results.”  When those in power, to whom were entrusted the “technical ways having to do with healing of body/mind/spirit complex,” only reserved this technology for themselves, the group soul called “Ra” left the people to their own wiles. In the Law of One, this is written about that event:

This was not intended by the Law of One.  We left your people. However, we have never left your vibration due to our responsibility for the changes in consciousness we first caused and then found distorted in ways not relegated to the Law of One.


I feel a certain resonance with this statement telling of a time of mass ascension when the god beings who walked with human beings on Earth returned to the higher realms of light to await a time when Earthlings would be more receptive to them and what they brought in the way of technological knowledge and wisdom.  That time appears to be now. We are back to complete the work we initiated some twelve-thousand-five-hundred years ago—not so much as healers of bodies as healers of the connection between humanity and God, between spirit and flesh.  (If you think about it, that’s only 125 one-hundred-year cycles—not that long ago, really.)


Perhaps Cayce and Wilcock were and are pushing the envelope of insights linking science and spirituality. These extraterrestrials brought advanced technology to us that would assist us in our evolution of consciousness.  Many great minds were influenced by Ra through Edgar Cayce’s readings.

From hundreds of pages of sensational documents and correspondence that have never before been made public, it is now clear that such luminaries as Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla had trance readings by Cayce, as did engineers at RCA, [computer engineers at] IBM, Delco, and the president and founder of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. Inventor Mitchell Hastings credited Cayce with helping him develop FM radio. NBC founder David Sarnoff and his family had secret readings.  Remarkable technological and electronic designs provided by Cayce in trance are now used in almost every large hospital and airport in the world. . . . Marilyn Monroe was even using beauty aids that Cayce had recommended. (Sidney Kirpatrick, Cayce, An American Prophet, 2000)


David Wilcock’s own readings as detailed in Wynn Free’s book have offered clear and accurate future predictions.  The author himself admits that this alone . . .

. . .does not constitute proof in most people’s minds that a dimensional shift is occurring.  Even with the documented scientific material that he has put together [some of which I’ve presented in this blog series], most people who do not want to believe it will simply never have the patience to read it carefully enough to understand. Hence, the Law of Free Will is still being preserved.  Yet whether or not you choose to believe in a coming dimensional shift is not really as important as living each day with an open heart, in joy, and without fear.  It is my personal belief and experience that Ra has the ability and wisdom to guide you into that state if it is something you choose for yourself.  And if the dimensional shift should prove to be real, then you will have automatically qualified yourself for the higher-dimensional path.  

As for my personal take on and experience of the stories and contents of this very provocative book, my consciousness has definitely shifted over the last fifty years, along with friends and associates with whom I’ve lived and interacted over the years.  I have personally experienced a frequency shift in the late 1970’s during meditation which changed the vibrational frequency of my body in a profound moment of levitation brought about by a deep heartfelt longing for union with God.  The shift lasted for several weeks.  When I would sing during those weeks, my body felt like it would float up into the air. The “veil of forgetting” has thinned in human consciousness. Angels are revealing themselves in every corner of the Earth. Apocalypse is NOW.  

In Biblical terms, the “Archangel,” the LORD of Lords and King of kings, is returning to take back His Earth.  He has sent his angels—you, me and millions of others—ahead of Him to prepare the way.  The light of His presence is being felt the world over . . . and He does come from the Sun, bearing the radiance of the Sun as a garment, bringing the warmth of love, the light of truth, and the gift of eternal life. (Is there any other kind?)  

Today we celebrate the re-birth of Gaia as she begins her ascension into the Fourth Density.  We are in the midst of the dawning of a Golden Age that is dominated, ruled, by the Spirit of Love.  Call it what you will.  The “Fourth Density” is as good a name as any. The “Kingdom of Heaven on Earth” is another — with the King and Queen present in it.  That’s my take.  What’s your’s?  Share if you like.  I would love to share your thoughts and inspirations on all that I’ve presented in these last few posts.  I don’t know what’s next.  Perhaps an inspiration will come in some of my readers’ comments.  Until then,

Be love. Be loved.

Tony's picture 2 from PeggyAnthony Palombo

Visit my Health Light Newsletter blog at for educational reading on health and wellness.  We are presently considering the spiritual or vibrational aspects of the seven endocrine glands, this post focusing on “The Blessings of the Pancreas.” 

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“Pyramid Power,” page 4: Healing Temples and More

Sumarian scholar Zecharia Sitchin, author of The 12th PlanetStairway to Heaven, and more recently The End of Days, writes that there is no evidence that the Pyramids of Giza were tombs for the pharaohs and, furthermore, that they were rather healing chambers used to concentrate aetheric energy.  It was Sitchin who first published research in 1976 about the Sumarian origins of the human race and Nibiru (Planet X), home planet of the Anunnaki, the alien creators of the human race—a fascinating and timely topic in itself, what with all the current speculation and doom-saying over the foreboding return of this “Dreaded One.” It is rather bizarre, if not significant, that Sumeria lies just above the Persian Gulf in the midst of Middle East turmoil—but that’s another topic.

Author Wynn Free notes in his recent book The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce that “Napoleon was said to have spent a night in the Great Pyramid. When he emerged, he was reportedly ‘pale and dazed,’ and when questioned about his experience he replied, ‘You wouldn’t believe me if I told  you.'”   Something extraordinary happens to substances that spend the night, or even days, in pyramids. 


The short answer to that question is money.  As my good accountant friend David Waskom keeps reminding me from time to time, “Nothing happens until money says it happens.”  A case in point is when Ciba-Geigy, makers of chemical fertilizers, found out through their own research project that seeds placed between two metal plates and zapped with a weak DC current for three days as they germinated could be caused to rewrite their DNA—essentially what happened in Dr. Golod’s pyramid experiments we’re about to consider—and be reverted back to a much older and stronger variety of wheat that could be harvested in four to eight weeks instead of the “normal” seven months. Essentially, they foresaw their profits on sales of fertilizers evaporating and the ultimate demise of their business. They abandoned the project altogether, never minding the deprivation of food to the starving in third world countries.  Fortunately the original research papers where not lost.  It didn’t happen because money said it wouldn’t.  I’m here to help see that this changes, never mind the money! This is why I write these blogs. 


Dr. Golod’s Pyramid

In 1990, Russian scientist and defense engineer Dr. Alexander Golod began building large pyramids within Russia and the Ukraine.  By 2001 seventeen pyramids had been built in eight different locations.  By the summer of 2010, more than fifty pyramids have been built worldwide, with the majority still in Russia and the Ukraine.   Breathtaking studies have come out of this project which were first published for the Western world by Dr. John  DeSalvo in 2001 on his Giza Pyramid Research Association Website.

Golod’s pyramids were constructed to comply with the Golden Section—the phi ratio of 1 to 1.618— using PVC pipes and fiberglass sheets.  His largest pyramid is 144 feet tall and weighs more than 55 tons.  It took five years to build and cost him more than a million dollars.  Only non-conductive materials were used without a single metal piece, as metal tended to decrease, if not nullify altogether, the “seemingly magic effects.”  

(Would love to have one of these myself here in Louisiana to do my healing work.  I probably worked as a priest or shaman in some of these ancient pyramids in a previous incarnation, seeing as how this topic has captivated my deep interest.)

Here is a list from Dr. DeSalvo’s website of some of these breathtaking studies, along with my comments and excerpts from David Wilock’s book The Source Field Investigations

  • Immune system of organisms increased upon exposure in the pyramid  (Leukocyte composition of the blood increased). Also increased regeneration of tissues. 

Russian medical scientist Dr. N.B. Egorova, head of a Russian Academy of Medical Science group, gave two groups of normal white laboratory mice strains of typhoid fever viruses and placed one group in a pyramid for a period of time.  Amazingly, 60 percent of the pyramid group survived compared to 7 percent of the control group.  Even when given lethal doses of the virus strain, 30 percent of the pyramid mice survived as compared to 3 percent who were unlucky enough to be in the control group. 

  •  Agricultural seeds placed in the pyramid for 1-5 days showed a 30-100% increase in yield.

 . . . Golod’s team kept agricultural seeds in a pyramid for one to five days before they were planted. This was done with more than twenty different seed varieties, planted across tens of thousands of hectares. In every single case, the pyramid seeds experienced a 20 to 100 percent increase in crop production. These plants did not get sick, and were not affected by droughts. The same effect could be achieved by placing rocks that were stored inside the pyramid around the edges of the crops. (Wilcock)

  •  Russian Military radar (locator) spotted an energy column rising several miles high in the sky above the 22m Lake Seliger pyramid.  Several months after this pyramid was built, the Ozone layer improved in the atmosphere in Russia.  
  • Areas near the pyramids seem to have diminished seismic activity.  Instead of one large powerful earthquake occurring, there are hundreds of tiny ones.  Also violent weather seems to decrease in the area of the pyramids.

 The pyramids were apparently bleeding off the charge of friction and geotectonic stress that would normally cause huge, catastrophic earthquakes to occur under the surface—obviously by a process that remains unknown to mainstream science. (Wilcock)

  • A pyramid complex was built in an oil field in Southern Russia (Bashkiria).  The oil became lighter (less viscous) by 30% and the yield of the oil wells increased.  These results were confirmed by (Gubkin) Moscow Academy of Oil and Gas.  
  • Newborns were given solutions that had been placed in the pyramid and their health indexes increased greatly.

This is a phenomenal story.  Professor A.G. Antonov and his associates from the Russian R & D Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, in the routine treatment of premature babies in their hospital ward, learned of the powerful healing properties of “pyramid water.” Knowing how the pyramids had remarkable strengthening effects on medications, and the drugs themselves were not even necessary, rather than using medicine in the treatment of these infants with only days to live, they used instead a placebo of a 40% solution of glucose in distilled water that had been stored in a pyramid. “By administering only one milliliter of this solution to twenty different premature babies who were almost certainly going to die, every single one of them enjoyed a complete recovery. The babies given only ordinary glucose solution were just as likely to die as before. . . .  Ordinary placebo solutions like glucose in water now became effective remedies that could successfully treat alcoholism and drug addiction. All you have to do is keep them in the pyramid for a few days first. The cure could be administered either by an intravenous needle or through simply drinking the liquid.” (Wilcock) 

  • Experiments with about 5000 people in jails in Russia showed that in a few months most crimes almost disappeared and behavior was much improved.  This was attributed to the salt and pepper added to their food which had been placed beforehand in the Pyramid.

This phenomenon also occurred in jails in which marble slabs that had been “treated” in pyramids were placed randomly in an around the jailhouses.  

The Russian National Academy of Sciences confirmed that pyramid energy could reduce criminal behavior and increase feelings of love and peace. All they did was store granite and other crystalline structures in the pyramid and then set them up in and around certain jails in Russia, which held a total of about five thousand prisoners,” According to the Giza Pyramid Research Association Web site’s summary of these results, “In a few months most crimes almost disappeared, and behavior was much improved.?” Nothing in the jails under study had changed except that this pyramid-charged granite had been built into their own surroundings.  (Wilcock)

  • The potency of pharmaceuticals increased with decreasing side effects.

The drug industry would be greatly downsized if they used pyramid power in the manufacturing of their drugs. Professor Klimenko and Dr. Nosik of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, in one study from the Ivanovskii R & D Institute of Virology, diluted a concentration of a naturally occurring virus-fighting compound called “venoglobulin” and placed it in a pyramid for a few days. The result was that it became three times more effective.  “Strangely, the drug worked just as well as they diluted it more—even though these ultra-weak concentrations, such as 0.00005 per milliliter, would have no effect whatsoeverr in the fight against viruses.” (Wilcock) 

  • There is an increase in survival of cellular tissue infected by viruses and bacteria  – The pyramids decrease the strength of various viruses and bacteria.  
  • When radioactive waste is placed inside the pyramids, there is a decrease in their level of radioactivity. Spontaneous charging of capacitors  (leyden jaw on top and energy source?) 

In fact, what Golod and his associates found out was that “anything that was harmful to life would transform, for the better, if it was kept inside the pyramid. Poisons and other toxins would miraculously become far less destructive after even a short stay in the Pyramid of Life. Radioactive materials decayed faster than they were expected to.” (Wilcock)  

  • Changes in superconductivity temperature thresholds and properties of semiconductors and carbon materials.  
  •  Ordinary water does not freeze even at 40 degrees below zero and retains its properties for years.
  • Synthesized diamonds turn out harder and purer.
  • It is interesting that the results seem to show that increasing the height of the pyramid increases the quality of the results. 


Here’s something for you athletes.  Instead of using steroids to improve your performance, try pyramid power!  That and a few more useful discoveries by the Russians:

 Dr. Uri Bogdanow, from the Scientific and Technological Institute of Transcriptions, Translation and Replication, conducted the following studies in some of Golod’s smaller pyramids.

  • Bogdanov and his associates found that rabbits and white rats became 200 percent stronger in their endurance, and their white-blood-cell counts went up. This discovery has obvious implications for professional sports. Such performance enhancements do not cause any of the damaging effects we see from the illegal use of steroids—in fact, those athletes would get healthier from the treatments. If the reality of this pyramid power were to spread, with national prestige and millions of dollars of endorsements at stake, what country wouldn’t want their Olympic athletes enjoying the benefits of these effects—not to mention all the other professional sports teams fiercely competing around the world? 
  • In the Arkhangelsk region of Russia, they had a serious problem with the water—and looked to Dr. Golod’s pyramids as a potential solution. Strontium and heavy metals were contaminating their supply. The municipal administration ordered a series of pyramids to be built over the area, and within a short time they were pumping out clean water. It appears that this water has remained pure ever since. The same thing happened in the town of Krasnogorskoe near Moscow, where a single pyramid was able to clear up all the salt that had been polluting their water.” 
  •  A team from the All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute in Moscow found that if they took seven one-hundred-gram chunks of granite that had been stored in the pyramid and arranged them into a one meter circle, that area was 5,000 percent less likely to be struck by lightning. They were able to confirm this by putting the granite on a flat, metallic plane, with an electrode that would discharge one thousand, four hundred kilovolts of power overhead. Normally, when they turned on the juice for a short time, there was a good chance that the electrical current would “arc out” and form a lightning bolt-striking the metallic plate and creating a nasty burn mark that melted right through. Over the course of one hundred different discharges, the circle of pyramid granite proved to have a remarkable effect on protecting the inside area from lightning strikes—there were five times fewer eruptions, which again is 5,000 percent. 
  • Remember the five-hundred-meter-wide column of energy that formed around the pyramid, as well as the much larger three-hundred-kilometer circle—which would have taken all the energy from Russia’s power plants to form? Apparently this enormous column doesn’t just sit there doing nothing—it actively deflects storms and severe weather from the area around the pyramid.” Incredibly, incoming storms go around this whole area, not through it. Imagine what this technology could do for areas that were prone to being destroyed by hurricanes. The cost of building pyramids could be much, much less than the expense of rebuilding from inevitable hurricane damage.
  • Yet another series of observations further added mystery and intrigue to the puzzle. The three-hundred-kilometer column of energy just mentioned had appeared around a twenty-two-meter pyramid that was built on Seliger Lake. Several months later, the ozone hole that had been sitting over that area substantially improved. As time went on, new streams of water appeared in the surrounding countryside. A stork felt comfortable enough to set up a nest. And most amazingly, the fields became covered with Bowers that shouldn’t even exist—as they were supposedly extinct. In short, the land was renewed, healed and transformed—suggesting that the life-giving energies harnessed by the pyramid had a significant effect upon everything around them.  

David Wilcock expresses his passion for natural energy such as pyramids provide, which I share: 

The full extent of the power of this ancient technology didn’t become clear until I read about what some of the other teams within the Russian National Academy of Sciences had discovered—where we see how the pyramids actually give us clear protection against catastrophic Earth Changes. Given the incredible damage that can be caused by hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes and the like, there is absolutely no reason why we shouldn’t be exploring these possibilities on a worldwide, massive scale. And if a skeptic comes along and tries to tell you we shouldn’t even try to use this technology, because it’s “fringe pseudoscience,” my obvious response would be, “How can we afford not to try it?” Do we dare to be so arrogant and overconfident in conventional science
that we completely ignore the power of a cheap, easy-to-build technology  that could save the earth? 

The fact that all this data has been overlooked, and never even mentioned as a possibility after all these years, seems to be little more than criminal when you consider how many lives could have been saved in the process. And it also makes you wonder if other cultures in the past have built pyramids for very practical reasons-perhaps because they were in a race against time with climate change and possible catastrophes that could have wiped out their own civilization. That could explain why they had such a strong incentive to build massive pyramids. 

And there’s more to come.  So, stay tuned.  Until then,

Be love. Be loved.

Dr. Anthony Palombo

Visit my other Health Light Newsletter blog at for an inspiring meditation on Seven Glands for Seven Spirits.






“Pyramid Power” Page 1:The Great Pyramid of Giza

EgyptThe ancient prophecies do not speak of a worldwide extinction—they foretell a coming Golden Age. (David Wilcock)


Not very long ago I saw, on a television program like NOVA or National Geographics,  the most intriguing scenario of Moses’s flight from Egypt and Pharaoh’s hot pursuit of him just after he had left Egypt with the Israelites.  As the scenario went, it seems that Moses, who was well trained in ancient Egyptian technology, made off with the key piece of technology that converted cosmic solar energy into electricity in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza.  The pyramid itself was an electrical plant that gathered solar energy, and the key mechanism for transforming that energy into electricity and transmitting it was none other than the Biblical “Ark of the Covenant.”   The research shows where there were tunnels underneath the pyramid through which water flowed, possibly as a cooling bath for hot equipment or to generate hydroelectric current as well.  It also showed that the Egyptians used light bulbs of sorts and even powered industrial and commercial engines to drive machinery and ships remotely.  In fact, the entire city depended on this electricity generated by pyramid power and, without the central arc-producing mechanism, Egypt was left in the dark and without power. Thus Pharaoh’s hot pursuit of Moses in the desert to retrieve the Ark of the Covenant.

Now, while I’ll admit this is a preposterous scenario of a well known Biblical event,  it’s not nearly as preposterous and unbelievable as what I’m about to present in the next few blog posts. So, hold onto your hats.


Considered the largest man-made structure on earth, the Great Pyramid of Giza spreads out over thirteen acres and stands forty stories high.  It weighs 6.3 million tons, constructed as it is out of 2.3 million limestone and granite blocks that weigh in at between 2.5 to 70 tons apiece.  It was originally overlaid with twenty-acres of “gleaming, brightly polished white casing stones—a total of about 115,000 blocks of pure white limestone averaging 100 inches, or 8.3 feet, in thickness,” some weighing as much as sixteen tons. Its blindingly bright reflection of the sun, visible from mountains in Israel hundreds of miles away, earned it the name Ta Khut, or “The Light.” 

The technology used to build this structure far surpasses anything known and used today to build skyscrapers.  Just the laying out and leveling off of its bedrock foundation required architectural skills unmatched by today’s standards.  No corner of the Great Pyramid’s base is more than a half-inch higher or lower than the other.  The limestone casings were carved to fit so tightly together on all six sides that the spaces between them measured one-fiftieth of an inch, narrower than a human fingernail, and were filled with a mortar so strong that the limestone block would itself break before the cement would give if one were to smash the casings with a sledgehammer.  There is no known cement or method in masonry today that could even come close to accomplishing such a feat.  

A series of earthquakes in 1356 that leveled areas of northern Egypt also shook the pyramid so hard that many of the casing stones broke off and slid down into a heap around its base.  These pieces were hauled away and used to rebuild Cairo, and what casings didn’t get shaken off by the earthquakes were broken off and hauled away to  be used in building mosques and palaces in Cairo and the new capital of El Kaherah. 

But that’s just half the story. . . 

Strangely, the pyramid is also located at the exact center of the earth’s landmass—the one true axis mundi.  Its east-west axis sits precisely on the longest land parallel, covering the greatest amount of land and the least amount of water on earth—passing through Africa, Asia, and America along the way.  The longest land meridian, crossing over Asia, Africa, Europe, and Antarctica, also passes right through the pyramid. The likelihood of finding this “perfect location” by accident is 1 in 3 billion. I didn’t know why this location was so important until years later, as we will see—but it has to do with the flow and positioning of natural energy fields from the earth that have remained unknown to mainstream scientists in our own modern times. (Wilcock)

 One final unexplained dimensional fact: the height of the Great Pyramid (5,449 inches), is equal exactly to the average height of land above sea level on earth, with Florida as the lowest level and the Himalayas as the highest.  With all of these features, one is led to believe that the “ancients” who built this phenomenal structure were beings with a highly advanced knowledge of a technology yet unknown to modern scientists, and were likely from outer space to have known some of the data discovered.

The King’s Chamber, for instance, is made of red granite, which is very hard, and the floor is inlaid with twenty different stones of various sizes and arranged in a series of six different rows, each row having a different width.  “In Anatomy of the King’s Chamber, [Bernard] Pietsch presents staggeringly complex and compelling evidence that a variety of measurements from Mercury, Venus, Earth, the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn—including their orbital periods—are encoded in the stones’ dimensions.”


The sarcophagus is also made of the same hard granite, yet it has round holes bored into it by drills that had to have had diamond tips, as soft copper was the only metal available at that time.  It is too large to pass through the portals of the chamber, so it had to have been constructed on site.  It has groves for a lid but there is no lid in sight, suggesting that it was not built to be a tomb for the king.  Perhaps it was used more as a preservative vault to mummify corpses, as experiments with dead animals later proved could be done in pyramids.  We’ll talk about this in the next post.  Then again, in keeping with the scenario of Moses’s alleged theft of the Ark of the Covenant, the sarcophagus may well have been exactly where the ark was positioned in this strategical “King’s Chamber” of the electrical generating pyramid—in which case the ark had to be small enough to take it through the portals of the chamber.


There are a number of measurements in and around the Great Pyramid that point to future celestial events and record certain planetary dimensions. The calculations made by Colonel Vyse and John Perring in 1840 opened a phase of study known as “Pyramidology.”  A skilled mathematician and amateur astronomer in Egypt by the name of John Taylor took Vyse’s data and applied mathematical and geometric formulas he found hidden in the data to planetary and astronomical events.  Here are a few of them.   

  • The perimeter of the base of the pyramid in “pyramid inches” correlate with the diameter of the earth from pole to pole as well as the length of a year on earth around its perimeter, 365 days. One “pyramid inch” equals one five-hundred-millionth of the earth’s diameter at the poles. Taylor concluded that “the builders of the pyramid must have known the true spherical dimensions of the planet, and built their whole measurement system off it.”
  •  The measurement of the diagonals of the pyramid, “the distance from one corner, over the top and down to the other corner, comes out to 25,826.4 pyramid inches—remarkably close to modern calculations of the true length of the precession of the equinoxes in years.”  In other words, the Mayan “Great Year.”  
  • The “invisible capstone” is suggested to be a message to earthlings that the creation of planet Earth is incomplete.  I disagree with this interpretation and will tell why shortly. Here’s Wilcock’s interpretation:

When we remember how well the Great Pyramid preserves the earth’s exact measurements, it is no surprise that Peter Lemesurier, the author of Great Pyramid Decoded, suggested the flattened top meant the earth itself, like the Great Pyramid, is somehow unfinished.  It could be that the folks who built the pyramid intended to return at some point—perhaps the end of the Great Year—to finish the job they started. The return of the capstone also transforms the pyramid from a six-sided object . . . to a five-sided object. According to Lemesurier, in Egyptian numerology, six means “imperfection” and five means “Divine Initiation.”


Wilcock’s investigations into ancient symbolism around the pineal gland leads him to suggest that the invisible capstone also symbolized the pineal gland, which is being awakened as the current Golden Age dawns, a “Divine Initiation.”  He recalls that the “Sibylline prophecies speak of the coming Golden Age in the Zorastrian tradition, and clearly state that this will be a time where ‘the Golden One shall arise again in the whole earth’—meaning everyone who is here.”

This I resonate with and will expand upon.  I would suggest that the Great Pyramid was build complete and that its design purposefully included an invisible capstone to represent Man in his original state of divinity—the Golden One. It may well have represented the LORD of Lords, who incarnated two-thousand years ago in the Master Jesus and whose earth this is, along with “the fullness thereof.”  It is reported by some that Jesus visited the Great Pyramid during his so-called “missing years.”  It may also and more specifically stand for the Priesthood, to use an archaic term, those divine beings—perhaps the Elohim who created this world—who represent the LORD to this universe in which we live and have our being and, in return, this universe to the LORD.  If indeed the six-sided object represented something imperfect to the Egyptians, then perhaps it was only in the sense that without Divine Man’s presence in the Earth, the invisible capstone is absent the Presence of the LORD and therefore the pyramid became imperfect and incomplete with the “Fall,” when human consciousness separated itself from Divine Consciousness and mankind fell from its spiritual identity down into its present state of material identity.  This I believe to be the true significance of the invisible capstone.


There is a spiritual renewal of human consciousness in progress today the likes of which has never occurred before.  It is virtually invisible, especially to mainstream media. Man is rightly the representative of the Creator to Creation and of Creation to the Creator.  Not just material man as we’ve known ourselves to be, but Spiritual Man, male and female, made in the image and likeness of the Creator God.  Human consciousness is supposed to be the invisible capstone of the Great Pyramid atop the Earth in the exact location of the center of the planet’s landmass, administering the technology of love as the governing force in human affairs.  This technology, hidden in the features of the Great Pyramid of Giza—and there is data indicating that this yet undiscovered technology is present and at least partially active—awaits the return of The Golden One, Spiritual Man, to his ordained position as co-creator of this world.  We will explore some of this data in the next post. Until then,

Be love.  Be Loved.


Reference: David Wilcock, The Source Field Investigations—The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies, 2011. 

Visit my other blog at for inspiring meditations on the spiritual essences of your sacred anatomy.  The current Health Light Newsletter theme is “Seven Glands for Seven Spirits.”




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