Creating the New Earth Together

Posts tagged ‘Angelic Incarnation’

The Crown Portal to the Temple of Light (Reposted)

OVER THE LAST SEVERAL DAYS I’ve been dipping down into the bottomless pit of knowledge to explore the current activities in the world of medicine. Having spent more than half of my life in the healthcare field, I have a lingering sense of responsibility to help out friends who now look to me for guidance in these troubling pandemic times.  I assure you, the pit of knowledge is truly bottomless, filled with all sorts of conflicting opinions and tons of data one could spend hours and more studying and breaking down for easy assimilation and comprehension, a rather exhausting and futile undertaking . . . most of the time . . . and not always fruitless.

I waded through filthy waters full of deceit, lies, conspiracy, manipulation, censure, hype of all sorts, and sheer greed and avarice—though some of the water was clearer containing helpful information, insight and wisdom.

As I sit down to complete this week’s blog post, I feel a little used up mentally having just labored through several scientific interviews and medical news releases, and emerged from conversational interchanges on social media that deteriorated into argument and ridicule.  I had to delete the entire conversation in order to cut short the unravelling thread.  People are confused and fearful for their health and lives.

Yet this is the world into which we have chosen to incarnate and offer our services, a world mixed with the beautiful along with the ugly.  I embrace it all with love, forgiveness and compassion even as I put it out of mind now and return my attention to the place where I live and to which my soul longs to fully ascend.  Thank you for listening to my process. Now to my post.

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IN MY LAST POST, THE GREAT TREE, I shared a passage from the gospel of Mary Magdalene, or Miryam as her Master Jesus called her.  She was his Beloved Companion, after all, and he loved her more than he loved any of his other disciples, for which they resented and envied her, and questioned him.  His answer was “Why can I love her more than I love you?”  It was because she returned his unconditional love sevenfold, understood and kept his teachings more than they did.  I think we all tend to love most those who understand us and love us unconditionally.

Because of her love for Jesus, Miryam ascended to the level of “Apostle of apostles” and the “One who knew the All.”  Her soul ascended to the Crown at the Eighth Bough of the Great Tree and was utterly consumed by Spirit, represented and embodied by a woman clothed with the sun who dwells in this realm of eternal life. Miryam became the sun, and in her “responsive radiance” spent the remainder of her earthly journey in silence, because it was in the silence that her Master had spoken to her and revealed the truths inherent in the Great Tree. What a profound experience and sharing of her intimate relationship with Jesus, her beloved Lord and Master.


I am profoundly and deeply moved, because I am very much aware of this Great Tree in my own body temple, and the presence of Spirit at the Crown, which Uranda described and designated “The Temple of Light,” and to which he assigned seven steps of ascent. 

Now, I’ve always thought of the seventh step, Love, as the destination of the ascent.  However, Love is a step, the final step, leading to the Temple of Light, the implication being that the destination of the seven steps is the eighth landing, so-to-speak, above the seventh step. From this step one may ascend, as Miryam did, to the “Eighth Bough,” and in so doing enter the Temple of Light.  When one does enter his or her Temple of Light, one is filled with the radiance of the Spirit, consumed by the Sun and embraced by the Woman clothed by the Sun: the Great Mother. So much profound symbolism in these passages.

I would like to share a grand perspective of our total Humanity and whole holy Being, followed by something very personal about my experience of Attunement with Love, a gift from God given to the world through Uranda.  I first spoke of this in my book SACRED ANATOMY sixteen years ago, so this isn’t the first time I share it.

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      I mentioned life’s radiance as emanating from a point “within.”  We commonly think of our spirit as being within us, implying that I am inside my body.  But my experience has actually been that my body is inside me, in much the same way as the Earth, a relatively small deposit of cosmic rock with a molten core, is situated at the center of a vast magnetosphere.  This magnetosphere is known to flare outward and away from the Sun, like giant wings upon which our planet soars against the powerful and unrelenting currents of Solar Wind, eternally and irresistibly drawn toward its origin in the Sun but never quite able to come any closer to it.  Rather, the Sun comes to the Earth and to all the planets, engulfing them in its radiant light and solar winds.  In fact, if we take into consideration the entire outreach of the Sun’s rays, the planets are all contained within the Sun completely engulfed in its colossal magnetic force field as condensed particles of solar plasma.

  (Earth is surrounded by a system of magnetic fields, called the magnetosphere. The magnetosphere shields our home planet from harmful solar and cosmic particle radiation, but it can change shape in response to incoming space weather from the Sun.)  

This is also true of each one of us.   Our physical bodies have been described as “frozen light,” and are but a condensation of about a teaspoon of mineral ash expanded by air and water at the center of a rather large biosphere, which is said to extend some forty feet above, below and all around the physical body.   That biosphere is but the lower half of a larger force-field, symbolized by the figure 8.  The top half represents the invisible domain of spirit in the heaven and the lower represents the visible reflection in the earth of the perfect design of man in the heaven.  The two are joined together manifesting the oneness of heaven and earth.  This joining together may also be seen as a “double ring” marriage between the Beloved Lord or Lady with his or her triune human capacity for incarnation, which only death of the body can part them.

The Torus Energy Biosphere

      The upper spiritual half continually radiates the love of the Beloved to and through the lower physical half on the right side and draws upon it for response to the radiation up through the left side, ever lifting the body upward and keeping it upright and mobile.  Your body does not stand up solely on its feet.  It is, rather, suspended by a “skyhook” on a silver chord of pneumaplasm that connects it with the angel who dwells in the heavenly realm of spirit, the angel I am and we each one are. There is a compulsion in physical flesh to be drawn upward and inward toward the positive center of Being, just as the earth and all the planets are drawn toward the sun. I sense this focal point connecting the upper half with the lower to be located just above the head.

      Access to this point is through the heart, the fourth level of our sacred anatomy connecting the three above and the three below.  We move in the direction of our heart’s response. When the heart ponders the presence of the Beloved within long and longingly, sending unceasing, rich and passionate currents of love response upward to this One I AM, the body itself begins to feel the ebb and flow of these ascending and descending currents of energy.

      Perhaps I can attempt to describe the feeling in my heart toward this focal point of radiance above my head—of which I have become keenly aware during meditation and “self-attunement” as a spiritual practice—as clearly one of  being drawn and repelled at the same time. 

      On several occasions I have had the urge to ascend upward and somehow nestle inside the irresistibly warm and enfolding orb of this light, but could never seem to come any closer to it. 

Then, on one occasion, while it seemed as if I was finally about to disappear into this point of no apparent magnitude but definite position—where my heart had already ascended in utter ecstasy—this orb of condensed light suddenly descended and dispersed itself into and through my outer form, as a mighty rush of wind, filling my whole body both within and round about with light.

The MerKaBa

(This is the actual process and dynamic of ascension: the descension and full incarnation of the angel into the body temple, an experience that seems like an ascension. It is actually the descent of spirit down into the body temple transmuting it into a temple of light, symbolized by the six-pointed Star of David, also known as the MerKaBa.) 

The sheer rush of it caused my vocal chords to explode with the most awesomely haunting and penetrating sound I have ever heard, let along sung, and yet my lungs were not even engaged in this forceful release of whatever it was—the wind of spirit, I suppose.  It came from above my head as a real, palpable substance, and then seemingly exploded its vibrational essences through my vocal chords, giving them little if any choice but to release this sacred, transforming and transmuting sacred sound.

      In the instant this sound was released my whole outer being seemed to suddenly shift to a higher vibratory level and became completely engulfed inside a radiant sphere of substance that seemed to be made of pure light. I found myself suddenly in another dimension as though my body had ascended to the next vibratory level above the one in which we now function in these earth bodies. The strangest thing about this was that it seemed as though this sphere had been there all along and I had not noticed it. I had known about it but I had not experienced it until that moment when it revealed itself as this vibrational shift occurred and the atmosphere around my body became filled with the substance of Love, intensifying the force field. Then I became aware of it, suspended, as my body was, inside of it.  It seemed as though my feet were not touching the ground and I had the most powerful déja vu experience of my entire life. “This is where I belong,” I recall being assured in my heart. “This is Home.  This is who I am, this magnificent and powerful spirit enveloping and animating this human form.”  In the wake of that ecstatic moment was a deafening silence. 

      I did not want to leave that silent moment.  And I never shall leave it in consciousness for as long as I shall live, and I return to it often. I have had a couple of similar experiences since then—significantly enough while singing solo during worship services and therein focusing a creative current—but never quite as powerful as this first time. 

      I later came to understand that the first experience was that of a vibrational dam of resistance in my heart breaking, releasing a rush of current. After that initial surge of release, the experience became one of a natural and easy flow of spirit.  I recall how I had a challenge keeping my feet on the floor as I began to sing.  I had to deliberately look into the eyes of someone in the gathering—(another angel of sound)—in order to stay grounded.  I also recall feeling that this was the easiest and most natural experience I had ever known.  

      This focal point of connection truly is, without a doubt in my mind and heart, our ordained place to live, and we must—we can and we will—all return to it one day.  It is definitely available for experience when the conditions are just right, and therein is the key.  We must be willing to create, or occasion, the right conditions in which this magical alchemy of ascension may occur, which only the spirit and substance of love can provide sent upward in utter abandon to one’s Lord.

      The spiritual practice of Attunement is one way of creating such space. This is the source of inspiration behind this writing.  This is the work, I believe, we have all come here to do—our Father’s business—and it will not be complete until we return to this vibrational place together as One Body of many members in agreement and accord with the One Archangelic Spirit whose body it is.

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I welcome any thoughts you may wish to share, either by email or in the comment section below. Until my next post, 

Be love.  Be loved.

Anthony  (


Angelic Presence In Heaven

Graphic Portrayal of Angelic Presence in the      Mercy Seat  

THE PINEAL GLAND provides our portal of entry as angels of light into our body temples.  Together with the Pituitary Gland, its partner in creation, situated in the bony saddle of the Sella Tursica—what I have seen as related to the “Mercy Seat” in the Ark of the Covenant in my book SACRED ANATOMY—the Father within, who is Love, ignites the spark of Life in the vibrational womb of the Mother and Life is born anew in each and every moment in our living temple. We live in Heaven and have our Being on Earth.  It is a profound privilege to be here on Earth in service to the One. 


I shared a song in my last post that I had composed and given voice to several decades ago entitled “THE FULLNESS THEREOF”— the opening lyrics of which are taken from Psalm 24 in the Old Testament of the Bible: “The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein.” I had just recently emerged from a transformative cocoon-like experience in my life’s journey emerging into a conscious awareness of my own angelic presence in heaven and a coming forth into the earth of my physical body, and in the context of the larger world into which I had incarnated some forty-eight years earlier.  I finally got around to recording the song some years later and shortly thereafter transferred it to a CD.  Last year I had several CD’s made to share with friends and family. 

The song itself can be used and sung by anyone to express the profound burst of sacred energy that pours out of heaven during the birth and full emergence of one’s authentic Self, which for me was an earth-shattering experience—or shall I say cocoon-shattering.  The butterfly comes forth and cannot return to the chrysalis womb that gave it wings and birth. It may light on a flowering event here and there, but it won’t stop flying in the air of the Spirit of Life that fills its wings and propels it forward.  The angel comes forth well before the physical body reaches the end of its earthly journey and succumbs to the laws of disintegration in what is called “death.” There is no death for the soul imbued with the Spirit of the Living God. 

And it is the Spirit of the Living God that incarnates in and through us human beings—made in the image and likeness of the Creator and, therefore, creator beings each one. This is the the reason and purpose for coming forth out of the cocoons of our isolated lives and conditions: that our Creator might be present in His and Her creation to see it, hear it, smell it, taste it and enjoy it. In return we share His life, His love, and His glory.


Music and song are ways to give glory to our Creator.  Worshipful song lyrics written by a scholarly friend, Hugh Malafry, then scored and sung by another friend, operatic baritone PenDell Pittman, come to mind:  

How shall we give Thee glory, who art the Living God?  Power? Who art the very flame of Love?  Kingdom? When the Universe of stars is but a cloak to Thee? Thou art all things.  All things come from Thee, return again unto Thee, and abide always in Thee. We are Thy Kingdom, Power, Thy Glory shinng.  We are Thy bones, Thy blood, Thy flesh singing praises into thee. To know Thee as thou art almighty God and living Word made flesh.

As a lagniappe, I am delighted to be able to include an audio recording of PenDell’s song.  I know you will love it and find deep solace for your soul hearing his rich and powerfully controlled vocal outpouring of his spirit through sacred verse and song: (Best enjoyed with earbuds)


How, indeed, shall we give God glory?  What better way than by giving Him presence and full emergence in and through us on earth.  Our coming forth as angels is more than a personal and individual event.  It is a collective event that signifies the coming into form and expression of the Spirit of the Living God, for whom we each provide individual and unique focus and expression.  We do it not for our own personal fulfillment but for the fulfillment of the One whose Body we comprise:  our eyes for Him to see His beautiful world; our ears that He may hear and enjoy the songs of the birds and crickets and the rush of the wind; our voice that He may speak the Word that gives life to flesh and living forms; our minds that He may share His Light and wisdom with all; our hands that He may touch His creation and extend His blessings; our feet that He may walk upon the sacred Earth; our hearts that He may give His love to us and through us to all of creation.


I’m writing here on behalf of all incarnate angelic beings in whose consciousness has dawned the awareness of their presence in Heaven on Earth and who have a burning desire in their hearts to come forth and shine their light more fully in these historic days of rebirth and ascension.  The time is ripe as our neighboring planets are in alignment and entering the Zodiacal House of Ares, a fire sign, in May.  (And today, April 30th, is the first solar eclipse of 2022, a partial eclipse in Taurus, starting at 2:30 pm.) The world is in crisis.  It’s safe, in other words, as the masses are distracted and preoccupied with pressing existential matters . . . such as climate change, economic crises, pandemics, and somehow restoring normalcy to life on this planet . . . and many souls looking for the Light in the midst of gross darkness.

These are days of advent leading to an apocalypse of angelic light that is even now transforming and transmuting our flesh bodies to a higher vibrational state of transparency, even as Gaia crosses the threshold to a new and higher frequency and state of being herself.  I say come on forth angels and reveal your divine light fully.  Let’s finish the work we came here to do for our Lord and King, whose Earth this is and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein. We are the living Son of Man coming in the clouds of the New Heaven to usher in and set the dominion of heavenly ordinances in the New Earth.  This is our Day of Apocalypse.  Let us shine our heavenly light and together create a Home for God on Earth.  So let it be, to the glory of God and the blessing of all Creation.     —Anthony


Veiled Angelic Presence

Our Home among the stars

We are angels incarnate, come down from Heaven and cloaked in garments of flesh and bone taken up from the humus soil of the Earth to shine the light of love in the spirit of truth to steward the birth and creations of life. 

Recently, a group of us in different parts of the globe gathered in the upper room of consciousness for an hour to extend a stable hand into an unstable world.  We did this every day for three days.  In this upper room we are adorned in garments of light, lovingly present to one another and intimately known as kindred spirits, here to do our Father’s bidding.  Other smaller groupings of angels gather in “The Field” poet Rumi speaks of every week to hold the world in loving, healing hands, administering a radiant current of unconditional love. 

These kinds of angelic gatherings are becoming more and more frequent in our world as more and more awakened souls retreat from involvement in worldly affairs to make themselves available to heavenly affairs, standing with feet firmly planted in the physical world, angels in veiled presence, extending a firm and confident collective hand holding an old world changing form as it surrenders the substance of its dismantling structures upward, giving form to a New World. 

This is an historical event on planet Earth, and we are all privileged to be here at this time to play our individual and collective parts in the ascension process of a planet that is very special and precious to us and to our Lord and King.

Flower Light

In the day and time appointed, we will unveil our angelic presence in an apocalypse of Light, a revelation already in progress. Until that day and time, we remain cloaked in these blessed human garments.  In that day all of the natural world will shine with light in the colors of the rainbow and darkness will be no more. 

I resound with Handel’s proclamation in his immortal oratorio Messiah, based on Psalm 24: 

Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in . . . .  Who is the King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory.” 

Back in the day I wrote and sang several songs, as many were doing.  This song pops into mind as I write this post:


I see your face in the flow’rs that grace the path you place beneath my feet.

I see your face in the starlit sky that hovers high above my head tonight.

I see your face, yet the beauty lies within these eyes that see.

I hear your voice in the rippling sound of water rushing by as I draw near.

I hear your voice in the quiet space the stars embrace, their music fills my ear.

I hear your voice, yet the music sounds within the heart of me.


REFRAIN:  The heavens play your music 

While the Earth resounds the tone.

Your presence fills all the spaces

In my heart as in the sky.

So I’ll dance and sing the happy song of Life.


I feel your breath in the wind that blows upon my face and rustles through the trees.

I feel your breath in the storms that rage then quietly go — their passion fills me so.

I feel your breath as it ebbs and flows with every breath I take.


I know you’re here as I open to my world my very senses tell me so.

I know you’re here in the stillness of my heart and mind, your presence fills me so.

I know you’re here, and your spirit is the very life of me.  (Refrain)


FINAL REFRAIN:  The heavens play your music While the Earth resounds the Tone.
Let us join the celebration In our hearts as in the skies,

As we dance and sing the happy song of life.

I welcome any thoughts you may wish to share. Until my next post,

Be love.  Be loved


Angelic Stature

“Keep peace amidst the turmoil and your crown in the chaos.”

I received several responses to my previous post, which I always welcome and truly appreciate.  Don Hynes’s poem, from which the above quote is taken, found resonance in many.  With this post, I wish to visit my previous post where I intentionally omitted two phrases from the passage I borrowed from Martin Exeter’s service, which I did simply in an effort to be discrete so as not to place word barriers in anyone’s way that may bar them from reading on and hearing what I had to say.

The phrases I omitted are “the blatherings of Satan” and the phrase referring to angels “presenting themselves before the Lord and refusing to be distracted by Satan.”  My rationale is that words, like “Lord” and “Satan,” carry familiar baggage accumulated over the years from repeated usage with limited understanding . . . which also makes them useful in connecting with an audience.  The Master Jesus referenced the “laws and the prophets” and spoke in parables to connect with the people of his day.  With his disciples, whom he came to call “friends,” he spoke more directly as they had become seasoned enough for straight talk without the necessity for parables.   

Since the time these words of Lord Exeter were spoken some forty-three years ago, human consciousness has begun to awaken to the awareness of the oneness of heaven and earth in a multidimensional world of Reality. Those of us who have awakened to the truth know that neither God nor Satan are separate from human beings.  God is not “up there in heaven,” and Satan is not “down there in hell” somewhere, or lurking around whispering evil thoughts into our ears.  God is “so close as to not even be near,” as one spiritual author wrote, and Satan is none other than our own human mind when it is self-active and running its own thoughts rather than being the still lens it was created to be focusing the truth of love for our expression in living.  It can play the role of Satan with its blathering, or it can play the role of Lucifer, the Light-bearer.  My mind is at my command, and I decide the role it will play: “Be still and know that I Am your lord, Lucifer, and the Lord of lords is my Lord, to whom alone I am answerable.” Within the divine order and cosmology, there exists a network of focused points of light, some greater than others, nevertheless all contained within the wholeness of the One Supreme Being and Creator of the Universe. Thus the phrases “Lord of lords” and “King of kings.”

Perhaps I could take the liberty of paraphrasing so as to bring it all closer to home. For example: “I present my outer self before my inner Self and tell my blathering mind to be quiet and focus on what I have to say and do!”  That could be seen as the first step toward the resolution of noisome dissonance in my consciousness: stop the blathering of the mind and be quiet. The next step might best be understood in the context of this phrase: “I present myself in silence before the LORD of lords, having put my blathering mind behind me.” Just saying this effects an inner alignment of my human capacities—and attunement with the WORD, another verbal symbol for the LORD.  Yet, even this does not entirely remove the connotation of separateness. 

Finite words, symbols that they are, fall short in the effort to articulate infinite reality. It may be that we have come to that moment in time where silence alone is all that is necessary to resolve the dissonance in our collective consciousness and in the world. I recall a phrase from the Scriptures that says something about silence: “The Lord is in his holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before Him.” (Habakkuk 20:20) There are times while watching the news that I know the meaning of this passage and I simply reach for the remote control and turn off the television, and the blathering of the media.     

I would now like to present an excerpt from an evocative service given by Lord Martin Exeter (1909-1988) given back in 1979.  Lord Martin Cecil Exeter became the Seventh Marquees of Exeter with the passing of his brother in 1981, He first moved to the Cariboo in the 1930s to take care of his family’s large ranch at 100 Mile House, BC., where he played a central role in its development.  In this excerpt, Lord Exeter speaks candidly to the reality of angelic presence in the world of dissonance and specifically how we as angels present ourselves to people in our worlds.  In his address to this particular gathering, he refers to those present as “emissaries,” signifying those who represent a higher realm of Being to a lower; in this case the Creator to creation. He speaks specifically to the “stature” of the angels incarnate and the role the angels play in the resurrection and ascension—first of human consciousness and then of the earth—to a higher level of being.

Whether or not human beings are aware, we are creator beings. As creator-beings—another term for angels—we incarnated on Earth at the bequest of our Creator.  In effect, we volunteered to come here and represent the Creator to His creation and creation to the Creator.  Included in our domain of representation are the people on earth—each of us individually having those in our immediate worlds for whom we are responsible in our representation.  Martin offers a comparative perspective with regard to the size of the earth, which may seem large to us, whereas in comparison to our universe, our planetary domicile and domain are very small.  On the other hand, the One whom we represent is large in comparison to the angel, and the countless host of angels that are in God are each one as a grain of sand in comparison to God. So we represent something very great and large to a rather small and seemingly insignificant world, and something comparatively small to an Almighty God.  If we think of this in terms of stature, our angelic stature is large relative to humans, while being quite small relative to God.

Martin speaks forthrightly to incarnate angels everywhere who are emerging in an apocalypse of angelic light speaking truth to power and handling situations in the world with assurance and integrity:

As angels, we do not wish to behave in a brash manner. At the same time we should never deny our stature in our dealings and relationships with the people. It seems that very often emissaries have felt at a disadvantage somehow when working with people in the world. What is meant when it is indicated that one should be spiritual? In the human view this means innocuous, unimportant, unnecessary. The attitude of human nature is that it can get along very well without anything spiritual, except possibly as some sort of an adjunct to human nature. If spiritual things can be used to advantage in what human nature wants to do, well let’s include spiritual things. But it is all self‑centered, isn’t it? As angels, we are certainly not at any disadvantage with respect to people. Our stature is vast relative to the stature of any particular human nature. And while this should not make us conceited—this is angelic nature—we certainly would not deny our authority or our ability to handle what needs to be handled as angels.

The Master never denied His own reality. Occasionally that seemed to get Him into hot water, but He was able to handle the hot water quite easily—no problem. As there is the greater emergence into expression of the angelic nature, we find ourselves at a considerable advantage in the world and in our dealings with people. We really know what it is that is going on, whereas human beings in the world have very little idea as to what is going on. They see things in a very restricted way. There is a very limited outlook and a great deal of uncertainty. Of course human nature puts on a good front occasionally, but let us not be fooled by that. As incarnate angels we are far more capable of handling what needs to be handled than anyone else is, no matter how much of an expert they may be. I’m not speaking particularly of some sort of technical expertise in which we might not be well‑versed. I am thinking of this more in terms of the handling of human nature, the handling of people. In all aspects of human nature function where people are concerned, we need to recognize that we ourselves have a far larger vision, a far greater understanding, than human nature people could possibly have. So we don’t downgrade ourselves. Let’s not put the day off, so that we have to be presented with some particular situation before we will admit that we really do know. Why not admit that we really do know right now?

The pressure of our representation of God to the people—which is what it is—is not particularly in question at the moment, at least not in a specific way in the external sense; but the opportunities will arise certainly in the days to come, where all of you will be handling people and situations in a manner that reveals your capacity to represent God. God isn’t silly and God isn’t stupid. God understands what the situation is. If we represent Him, that is true of us. We don’t need to bog ourselves down in some vast cosmic view and say, “Well I don’t understand that.” That’s not the point. Why would it be necessary to understand that? The only thing that is necessary is to understand the field of our own responsibility which, much of the time, is seemingly quite small. But occasionally we find ourselves projected into a situation where there are other people who are presumably supposed to be experts, but we find out that they are not, that we know a lot more than they do. They have all the book-learning which we may not have, but we have the understanding—and it’s not “Let it be by the hand of another,” but “Let it be by the Word of God.” And we are on hand to speak the Word of God.

Human beings have peculiar concepts about the Word of God—a sort of rolling thunder expression. But I don’t think you have much acquaintance with the Word of God in that clothing; that only happens in movies, doesn’t it, where a disembodied, echoing voice comes on the scene. That isn’t really the way it works. That’s fanciful imagination. Man was created with the voice mechanism so that the Word of God could be spoken on earth. And if the voice mechanism of man is not available to be used, the Word of God is not spoken on earth. But we are offering this mechanism for use, and so the Word of God can be spoken on earth because we are here and because we are handling these situations. And we don’t have any concept that what we say must sound as though it was God speaking, because that would be pandering to human nature, wouldn’t it? And it wouldn’t go down very well with human nature either.

All that is necessary is to speak the words that are necessary and that are fitting in the situation as it arises, having an awareness that we are the ones to handle it. This doesn’t mean either that we go barging in and pushing everybody else aside and say, “Well now I’m going to handle this!” We have no evidence that the Master ever did any such thing. He was quite discreet. However, when He found Himself in a situation, He did not deny His own reality. And He found Himself in a situation very often where the ball was tossed to Him. And we will find ourselves in such situations, partly because people want to test out, but partly also because there is an increasing awareness on the part of many that here is someone who could have the answer. So if the ball is tossed to us we handle it in whatever way may be fitting. We may hold onto the ball and provide what is necessary in a direct way. On the other hand it may be fitting sometimes to toss the ball back. The Master was very expert at this, so that those who were trying to put Him on the spot found themselves put on the spot.

What He said on such occasions has been clothed in a certain type of language, in the King James version of the Bible, which commonly we would not speak nowadays. That has tended to give a sort of aura which is deemed to characterize the words of God, as though we had to speak in Biblical language. No, we speak in the tongue that is now understood. We speak in tongues in this sense, so that those to whom we speak can understand us and can have the opportunity of receiving what it is we offer, without our engendering wrong reactions by what we say or how we say it. We learn to be very diplomatic on many occasions; we also learn to be very forthright on some occasions—whatever is fitting. And as we learn to offer what is spiritually fitting we are speaking the Word of God. This is the way by which what needs to be done on earth in our fields of responsibility may be done. We find that our stature is far greater than human nature stature.

Let us not ever try to inflate ourselves in human nature, because somebody is going to prick the balloon and then there is a sense of being shattered. On that basis one is always on the defensive. We are not on the defensive. We are just offering into every situation what is needed there. But our stature relative to human nature is great. We need to have a consciousness of this as our angelic nature emerges, begins to come forth. We are small before God, but we are large before people. I would stress the fact that being large before people doesn’t mean that we stand up and beat our chests. It just means that we reveal that we are capable. We are capable of doing whatever it is that needs to be done. We don’t thrust ourselves forward, but when we find the ball is in our hands we carry it, we do with it whatever is necessary. But there needs to be this sense of stature relative to human nature, so that you are never intimidated by human nature. You represent God to the people—and you couldn’t do this without being large. So there comes a consciousness of stature. It is enhanced by reason of the fact that one does find out, in various situations, that it really is true, that one has the stature. And, for some at least, there may be a little amazement to find out that one was so much more capable than everybody else in the human nature field. This is not to say that we may not find that there are those in the human nature field still who at the same time have some sensing of the reality of angelic stature. These people you will find work with you. Sometimes it will seem that the most unlikely people are the ones who work with you. The ones you have fingered as being the ones are not the ones at all. You let it prove itself out while retaining your own integrity and your own stature, your own sense of angelic nature.

So there is this largeness in the representation of God in one’s own experience but smallness in representing the people to God. There is always humility before God. This obviously is representing the right attitude of the people toward God: you are humble before God, you are very conscious of your insignificance in God. But the fact of insignificance in God, because God is so limitless, in no way denies your stature in the world. We have that stature, we are responsible for it. This is related to the upward view and the downward view. There is another way this is sometimes considered—the inward view and the outward view. Now we can see how this inward view, when people look in, there is a tendency for them to think that they are looking toward something rather small. And when we look out it’s this vastness—we live in a big world, and that big world goes on and on and on in a vast universe. We think of the largeness therefore as being external and the smallness internal, which, from our previous considerations, you can see is just the reverse of the fact. The smallness is external, the largeness is internal.

It has been said that we do not live inside our bodies but that our bodies live inside of us, at the center of our rather large energetic field, similar to the earth at the center of its gigantic magnetic field.  Our spirit is much larger than our form.  I welcome your thoughts as you wish to share them. Until then,

Be love. Be loved.


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