Creating the New Earth Together

Posts tagged ‘Man-Woman Equality’

Spirit of the New Earth Vibration, pg 8: The Holy Grail

“If your humanity overflows, divinity inevitably happens. If your humanity is allowed to reach its very peak, divinity is a living reality for you. If your humanity is not allowed to reach its peak, divinity is just empty talk.  It’s “up there.”  (Sadhguru Joggi Vasudev)¹      

As I continue to share excerpts from my book SACRED ANATOMY, it is not without an awareness that the subject of our sexuality is not a very relevant one in light of today’s many critical and existential issues.  It is only relevant to an ongoing creative cycle that offers promise of a Golden Age and a New Earth emerging out of the New Heaven.  In this new cycle all creating things continue to be sacred.  The energetic vibration of the first seal in the endocrine system, the Gonads, is one of newness and right-expectancy.  The gift of the Spirit of the New Earth working through this seal is patience.  With these considerations, I continue to share a vision of what might be as we co-create a new world. 


THE HOPE AND POSSIBILITY for restoring connection with Source and returning to the state of union with the LORD God in the Garden of Paradise forms the basis for the Grail Quest in the Arthurian Legend.  Metaphorically speaking, once the cup is reunited with the sword, the feminine with the masculine, and King Arthur restored to the throne with his Queen as an equal and worthy partner in all their royal duties and functions, the magical kingdom of Camelot is restored. Once human consciousness is reunited with divine consciousness and the divine is once again present and in action in human affairs, Paradise can be restored on Earth.

The symbolism of this legendary myth may be seen as pointing to the restoration of the Wounded Fisher King’s sexual potency and productivity.  Remember, it is the Wounded Fisher King who is guardian over the Grail in his home, the Grail Castle. He is wounded early in the story and the wound was caused by a spear that pierced him through his thighs, which also involved his genitals, according to Wolfram von Eschenbach’s version of the story in Parzival.  His wound, which casts a shadow of infertility upon the land and consequent poverty upon the subjects of his kingdom, will not heal.  So his life and entire kingdom are cast into desolation and misery.  It is foretold that healing would be possible only when an innocent fool—Perceval in the story—stumbles into his court and inquires about the purpose of the Grail. 

The placing of the wound in the King’s genitals has been taken by some as reflecting on the church’s suppression of natural sexuality.  It was believed, then, that only by going on a quest for the Holy Grail, would the spiritual stagnation prevalent at that time be eliminated and replaced by enlightenment. There is no mistake that this quest was specifically focused in the feminine, as an Italian painting of Venus being adored by Grail knights portrays. In this fifteenth century painting, Venus is depicted by the artist inside the vesica pisces—representing, as we shall soon see, the womb of the Great Mother, or the Grail itself—with rays of light pouring out from her genital region and with knights and heroes below looking up to her in adoration. While the portrayal of this painting may be seen today as that of “lusting after the flesh,” certainly as lusting after the female body and the pleasure of sexual intimacy, it was seen back then in Eighteenth century Europe as a celebration of sacred sexuality, one of the key elements of Europe’s underground tradition, and of feminine wisdom or Sophia.  The painting clearly portrays how the power of female sexuality was held as something most sacred and that lusting after intimacy with the feminine was a lusting after union with divinity itself, the prime gift of the Holy Grail.  

The restoration of the legendary magical kingdom of Camelot obviously rests upon the sacred reunion of the masculine with the feminine so that the two become one, as it was in the Beginning.  The Grail Quest story indicates that would happen only when the cup and the sword are reunited, the sword representing the empowered masculine and the cup the empowering feminine. Perceval is instructed in the story to be careful not to seduce or be seduced by a woman and to be sure, upon finding the Grail, to ask the question, “Whom does the Grail serve?”  Perceval is so taken by the magical properties of the Grail, which generously serves up his heart’s desire of food and drink, that he fails to ask the right question and soon finds himself outside the King’s court and back out in the wilderness, only now with an unquenchable thirst for the magical experience of the Grail in the King’s court once again. Eventually, after much anguish and bitter toil—and ultimately deep, passionate longing for the Grail—he finds his way back to the Grail Castle.      

(My favorite author on this theme of the search for the Holy Grail is Diana Durham, whom  I’ve introduced in an earlier chapter.  Diana presents her enlightening insights into the Arthurian Legend as she thoroughly and invitingly explores the spiritual significance and essences hidden in its mythical symbolism in The Return of King Arthur. I will include an excerpt from her book in my consideration of the Vesica Pisces in my next post.)

The restoration of the magical kingdom of Camelot—of our sexuality—is possible once the King is honored and served up love from out of the Holy Grail of the human heart.  That would happen only when the man and woman, upon receiving each other’s hearts as they engage their sexuality, ask the right question and heed the answer: The Grail serves the Grail King. The King of Creation, who created the Grail in the first place, is the worthy recipient of the sacred and juicy essences generated and rightly sent upward in the alchemy of sexual union and ecstasy. The secrets to such alchemy and ecstasy lie hidden in the mysteries of feminine sexuality, or more specifically the “Feminine Principle.”  

The suppression of the mysteries of feminine sexuality may well be at the roots of the scandalous turbulence we are witnessing today in the Catholic church relative to pedophile priests.  Thwarting the natural design and purposes of life for human beings can only lead to distortions in behavior. The Divine Feminine cannot be left out of human experience without repercussions. She will find her way into human relationships at the most intimate levels without respect to gender, and those who attempt to deny Her will find themselves seeking union with Her in the shadows of deviant behavior with the same irresistible passion that drives them to seek union with the Divine, for She is divine. 

Historically, the Feminine Principle was once the centerpiece of much controversy and, as we have noted, persecution—strangely enough focused in a hatred and fear of midwives who posed a threat to the status quo of civilized decency because of their knowledge and skills in minimizing the pain in childbirth, when painful childbirth was taught by the Church to be the punishment for original sin.  During the early centuries of the Christian era, women’s sexuality was regarded with fear. Knowledge of the secrets of the Feminine was considered to be so fiercely powerful that it posed a unique threat to Christian thinking and to the authority of the Church itself.  This gave rise to the atrocities perpetrated by the Church against the Cathars during the Albegensian Crusades in thirteenth century France when over a hundred thousand, mostly women, were massacred. 

Even to this day there is no Christian concept of sex for joy only, let alone the idea—as in Tantrism or alchemy—that it can bring spiritual enlightenment. On the contrary, the Catholic Church forbids contraception and other Christian groups, such as the Mormons, frown upon post-menopausal sex. The authors of The Templar Revelation leave little doubt that all of these regulations were really about control over women, who it was thought must be made to view their sexuality with apprehension, “either because it is joyless, their marital duty and nothing else, or because it leads inevitably to the pain of childbirth.” 

Vesica Pisces 

The controversy and persecutions were over the alchemical power inherent in the tiny gland at the top of the gothic archway of the vulva, an archway that embodies the mystical Vesica Pisces, an image in sacred geometry formed by overlapping circles, possibly one of the most profound motifs of ancient and modern times. It represented in ancient religions, among other things, the vulva of the Great Mother and the joining of God and Goddess in the creation of the Universe.  In Christianity, it is the symbol of Jesus Christ which was used by the early Christians to mark their meeting places, referencing by its piscine shape the miracle of the loaves and fishes.  It represented a lot more than that, however.  (Excerpted from SACRED ANATOMY)

I will reveal the “lot more” the Vesica Pisces represents in my next post. I will close by sharing something most thought-provoking that Bishop Desmond Tutu said recently:

I have this secret longing—well, it’s not so secret as I’ve said it before—for women to take over and say “Men, we gave you all of this time. . . . You’ve made a mess of things. Women are taking over.” And women who would be feminine—not women who try to be like men—women who remember that they are life nurturers.  And I’m absolutely certain we would see a different world order.¹

Well, it’s happened before, as we shall see in my next post. Until then, be safe.   Anthony

¹ Transcribed from Time of the Sixth Sun documovie series, featuring Indigenous Elders, Wisdom Keepers and Visionary Thought Leaders sharing their knowledge and teachings, as you go on an inspiring global cinematic journey offering great insights into the incredible changes happening on our planet at this time.

Spirit of the New Earth Vibration, pg 7: The Divine Feminine

“If you don’t know what to do, maybe you shouldn’t do anything and just wait for clarity; wait for the impulse to act.”  — Charles Eisenstein, Time of the Sixth Sun Movie

FIERCE LOVE is one of the chief gifts of the Divine Feminine working through the hearts of both men and women.  Other gifts are resilience and an empathic capacity to embrace pain and bring healing to old wounds in the heart.  From my own experience, some of her greatest needs are honesty, affection, unconditional love, finding her voice and being heard. 

A prophetic promise from the Book of Genesis is unfolding as the head of the serpent of the human intellect is being stepped on and “bruised” by the “heel” of the Feminine.  The masculine destroyer of Mother Nature’s creations for monetary gain is being told by the Great Mother through her rising spirit in womankind: “THAT’S ENOUGH! STOP! THUS FAR AND NO FURTHER!  The news media are not bringing it to us, but it’s happening everywhere the world over.  

Take time to view this brief movie trailer of Time of the Sixth Sun.  It’s happening.  We are moving into the Golden Age of a quantum new world where things are happening as fast as thought, and love and joy are bursting out all over.  The speakers all speak from out of a balanced field of Masculine and Feminine energy.  This is a turning point in the evolution of the human race and of the Earth.  As one speaker summed it up,

“During this time of change we don’t have to do anything to protect ourselves. Going to a secret place somewhere, or hiding food in the ground or guns and stuff, and trying to protect ourselves, it’s not going to work. It’s simply about being in your heart, being connected to the Mother Earth and Father Sky, being directly connected to the Great Spirit.  This is simple. Anybody can do it.”  (Drunvalo Melchizadek)

Excerpt from SACRED ANATOMY:

The Divine Feminine

The Divine Feminine is the negatively charged body of response of Mother God to the positively charged radiance of Father God. This is not a passive receptivity but a very actively charged energy that rushes to meet the positive radiation of love through the Divine Masculine, not to serve him, nor to be at his beck and call, but to empower and dance with him. For the dance to be enjoyable and creative, the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine must both be present on the dance floor of life and engaged with one another.  The commonly known animalistic male-female relationship is not sufficient, and dissolves with the revelation of Divine Man and Divine Woman on earth.

The Feminine Principle produces the alchemy that unites us with God and then draws to us the circumstances in which we find ourselves throughout our lives in and through which we may fulfill our mission and purpose for incarnating, which is to bring the things of God, the gifts of spirit, into the world.  In the Biblical story of the wedding feast at Cana, for example, which is believed to be a celebration of the sacred marriage of Jesus and Mary of Bethany, it is Mary of Bethany who arranges for the vessels of water to be brought to Jesus to be made into wine, bringing to him as well their life’s shared mission and destiny—echoing and rectifying that event in the Genesis story of the Fall wherein reportedly Eve brought Adam the “forbidden fruit,” and with it their life’s work of creating a world on Earth without their Creator but only with their own judgements of what feels good and what is deemed evil.  By turning the water into wine Jesus made the Truth of Life once more available to Man.  

In the story of the Grail Quest, the Feminine Principle, which operates through the heart realm, can be seen as being represented by the Grail itself—the chalice out of which Jesus drank at the Last Supper.  She is the chalice, the cup, for the life blood—the substance of one’s living symbolized by the wine—from which the Lord of the Sacred Dance partakes of life with us. The cup can thus be seen as the cupped hand of Divine Providence that brings to us each moment’s task, be it large or small.

Jesus is recorded to have asked his Father from the deep passion of his heart to take the “cup” of his betrayal and ignominious execution from him.  Sometimes the Feminine brings great challenges to us that will, if accepted courageously and met with a victorious spirit, bring us closer to our core quest in life, that of union with Source. “Thy will be done” was the attitude of the Master in this seemingly impossible situation that ultimately led to his resurrection from the tomb and ascension into the arms of his heavenly Father from whence he came—from whence we all came.

Containment being her very nature, the substance of the feminine energy provides a container filled with the water of truth that turns into the wine of life when she is allowed to embrace—spiritually as well as physically—the hot and fully erected vertical shaft of radiant masculine light. She is as the water surrounding the rod of plutonium in an atomic reactor that allows it to yield its power without burning a hole in the earth, to use a modern-day energy metaphor. If he will let her, she will ground him but not smother his fire nor use it all up loving her.   They both must come clean of their shadow side for this dance to be fun and generative of the essential substance of pneumaplasm that connects them both with the Divine and with each other.  At this level of intimacy, where there is accord between a man and a woman, is found the secrets to the creation of abundance.  In The Gospel of Thomas, Jesus is recorded as saying: “If two can make peace between themselves in a single house, they can say to a mountain, ‘Move!’ and it will move.”

In no way do I imply here that she is nice and sweet and agreeable at all times.  She can be that, but she can also be fierce and tenacious when it comes to exposing and putting down the lie, which she does with equal passion as she pushes forward to uncover and lift up the truth in any given situation in life.  There is nothing quite as exhilarating in the life of a relationship than to dance in the fierce fire of the passionate woman who sees you in the places you would rather not be seen. In the Arthurian legend she is represented by the “Hag.”  Diana Durham portrays the “Hag” as:

An old woman who visits Perceval at Arthur’s court during a banquet in his honor; she lists all his faults, chief among them his failure to ask the question [Whom does the Grail serve?] when in the Grail Castle and thus relieve the king and land from suffering. She is the truth-telling aspect of the deep feminine, and can also be said to represent here withered Mother Earth herself. (Return of King Arthur, page 13)

There is interesting and controversial history associated with this principle of the Feminine aspect of Man, actually spanning all the way back to Adam and Eve in the drama of Eden at the very beginnings of human existence on earth. It is significant that the Feminine is described as a “Principle,”which literally means “beginning.” She was present with God in the Beginning.  In the Latin Mass, the opening words of St. John’s Gospel are: “In principio [my emphasis] erat Verbum, et Verbum erat apud Deus, et Verbum erat Deus.”  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  The Word is the Feminine Principle out of which all of Creation springs forth.  She was called “Eve…mother of all the living…” and She is found not only to be with God in the beginning but is God.  She, the Divine Feminine, is God creating the flesh of all living things.

This ancient story, re-written by the great patriarch Moses, may well be fraught with bias.  It is said that the serpent beguiled the woman and that the woman led the man down the garden path which took them both out of Eden.  Who knows what really constituted the so-called “Fall of man?”  This we do know, women have been blamed for the Fall all down through the ages, a stigma that has caused them unwarranted deprivation and persecution. Women have been greatly feared and therefore suppressed by men in a male-dominated world.  Not understood by men, especially when their emotions take over their expression and their wrath becomes a force with which to be reckoned, women have been kept subdued by men and have been forced to withdraw into a state of obedience and subjection to them and to adopt what is considered to be “appropriate behavior” in order to keep emotions under raps.

On her darker side, woman has been a manipulator and a seducer as well, perhaps in an attempt to reclaim some of her power and control over her life. Historically, she was burned at the stake for her sorcery during the “witch-hunts” in sixteenth and seventeenth century Europe, when forty to sixty thousand people were executed and as many more tortured and imprisoned. This violence against the feminine has left a scar in the collective heart of womankind which overshadows and impacts male-female relationships even to this day.  Deep healing is needed in the heart of Mother God.

The world has not always been dominated by the male of the human species. There were periods of history when the feminine dominated life on this planet, when the Goddess was worshiped as Creator and revered as the Supreme Giver of life.  As I said earlier, in the ancient East, Elat, the feminine gender of the word Allah, was the name used to call upon deity.  In more recent history, however, since the male has dominated the scene, the importance of the role of the feminine in life has gone from one extreme to the other in some religious cultures.

There has been a masculine bias throughout the early history of Christianity, with the feminine principle all but eliminated entirely from the face of the Earth. For example, in the fourth century the early Church Fathers declared women to be “not worthy of life”—certainly not fit to serve as priestesses and bishops as they had been accustomed—and degraded the sexual act from the “ultimate sacrament” to a necessary function to propagate the human race. Before that, sex was a sacred ritual in which the alchemy of the Feminine Principle was engaged as a means of ecstatic union with the Divine.   The secrets of this ritualistic ceremony were held in safekeeping by many groups and organizations—such as the Freemasons, the Knights Templar, the Cathars, the Priory of Sion, the Essenes and the Egyptian cult of Isis and Osiris—until just recently.

Several books have been written and continue to emerge exploring these secrets.  Research-authors Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince have collaborated together in a most provocative book, The Templar Revelation. According to their exhaustive research, it was by way of this sacred sex ritual of “undefiled intercourse” that kings, emperors and pharaohs, as well as messiahs and saviors of mankind, fused with the Divine and became gods themselves, earning the title of Christ, or the Anointed One.

Jesus himself is reported to have become one with the Father within through the anointing by Mary of Bethany, his cosmic mate and partner in this sacred rite of passage, first from humanity to divinity and then back to humanity as God in the flesh.  This anointing was apparently not limited to pouring precious oils (spikenard) over the feet and into the hair, but included sacred sex wherein the two penetrated the veil between heaven and earth to fuse with the Divine.  Sex was called the “ultimate sacrament” because it was through this sacred ritual that sovereign rulers could come to know union with God and release the creative power that would bless and preserve their kingdom—the land and all their subjects—making them fertile and productive.

My next post will once again feature my favorite Arthurian legend author, Diana Durham, in her masterful consideration and interpretation of the legendary Holy Grail.  Until then, I bid you good day and pray health and happiness for you.          -Anthony (


Spirit of the New Earth Vibration, page 5: From Patriarchy to Partnership

Since the time I wrote SACRED ANATOMY 25 years ago, much has changrd in the area of relationships between men and women.  For example, the “war between the sexes” has transformed into a partnering paradigm as women have taken back their power and arisen to assume their rightful place as equals in co-creation alongside men — and men have rediscovered their nurturing feminine side. Actually, that transformation was already underway when I was writing my book.  Here’s an excerpt from the chapter entitled “Sacred Sex.”

From Patriarchy to Partnership                  

  HUMAN CIVILIZTION today is dominated by the masculine energy of achieving, characterized as Martian by John Gray in his best-selling books on the theme of men being “from Mars” and women “from Venus.”  Our health care system, for example, has been based on fixing what is broken through manipulation of the laws of physics and chemistry on the physical plane by physicians and chemists. This differs from the more feminine role of facilitating the healing process, a spiritual or vibrational process, the nurturing approach of the healer who sees disease as a process to be assisted toward completion rather than aborted by intervention, only to surface again and again until it can complete itself—often in what is called “terminal illness” and ultimately in death. 

The masculine in us generally wants the results of its efforts now. The feminine, on the other hand, is more accustomed to waiting patiently for the cycles of creation to work through and unfold in their natural seasons.  In a word, the masculine in us is more concerned with setting the agenda and promoting it so as to obtain the results it needs in order to feel “successful” and “productive,”  while the feminine is more concerned with processing feelings and thoughts that form the subconscious terrain which  resources the ultimate fruition of the creation in progress.  She is concerned, as we saw earlier, in making a home for being and family, and in creating a safe space for love to be shared in all its many facets and experiences.  In healing, she knows how to empower the person to take charge of his/her healing process and participate in it fully.  The wise masculine honors her natural capabilities in these areas. 

In my office, the “doctor” has given way to the healer, who is the authentic Self.  He no longer prides himself in having an answer for every ill brought to him, nor thinks of himself as inadequate for not having one to give on the spot.  This transformation has introduced a bit of confusion among some patients who, understandably, expect precisely that kind of traditional “fix-me” passive care.  I have found that when I start out with “I don’t rightly know,” and say it audibly so that the patient can hear it, the innate wisdom of the patient’s body begins speaking with me. This kind of communication with the innate intelligence of the body-temple is at a vibrational level and is, for me, an experience of direct conversation with Source. What I do know, and share with the patient, is that as we both hold the dis-ease process in a nurturing atmosphere, one that is void of fears and impatience but filled with unconditional love, absolute assurance and complete acceptance, the right things to say and to do come to us in the quiet, unconcerned and worry-free atmosphere of spirit. “Be still and know” is Mother Nature’s guiding principle.  

In a refreshing way, the Martian masculine, who is good at fixing things, is giving space to the Venusian feminine who seeks to rejoin the parts that have become disconnected, knowing that the currents of life, once again flowing through and between the parts, will bring about health in them—and, by reason of their vibrational alignment, will bring wholeness in the body-mind-spirit.  The person is made whole once the misaligned and disconnected parts are re-joined to one another, and that is the role of the feminine, the home and family builder.

The parts that need to be healed the most are the inner and outer aspects of the person, one’s spirit with one’s form. It is the healing of this fracture at the very core of one’s being that brings forth the healing current, what I have also referred to as the “attunement current,” from within with full force and penetration in the body tissues and organs. This constitutes the core essence of the attunement service Uranda brought through his ministry.

Speaking of attunement, those who work in the field of subtle energies find themselves in the presence of the Divine Feminine out of which the healing current arises. Working with spirit-substance for any period of time at all, one finds one’s masculine and feminine energies naturally and easily coming into balance with one another. 

A colleague, friend and master practitioner-teacher in the attunement field, Paul Price, demonstrates such a balance in his healing ministry. Paul has worked in the attunement field for thirty-five years. He has an attunement center up in King City, Ontario, in a pastoral setting as part of a small farm, spiritual community and retreat center called “King View,” where he also offers classes in Attunement.  In a recent article Paul writes of his experience working with cancer patients over the past twenty years and some of the factors he has seen consistently arising in their consciousness. He writes:

    Almost without exception, when I begin to work with clients and friends who have cancer, they ask, “What have I done wrong?” I also find that people who are on a spiritual path often express a sense of guilt and shame with respect to why they have cancer. There are many theories surrounding causes for cancer and I have looked into a number of them.  In some situations, they seem to fit. But I personally feel that there are complexities here in the larger energetic, or vibrational, field.

I have worked with children and young people who have had the perfect diet since birth, lived in a home where meditation and spiritual awareness were present from Day One, and a malignant melanoma appears.  I have worked with individuals who have lived an amazing spiritual life, and cancer seemingly beats them.  I have worked with others who could care less about anybody but themselves, and miracles have occurred for them. I have stopped trying to figure this out.

From an Attunement practitioner’s standpoint, it is important that we work in a complementary way with our clients, marrying our talents with traditional and other natural modalities.  I endeavor to nurture a sense of joy and passion for living in those I work with, reminding them that their spirit does not have cancer, and that no matter what modality they use, it is this joy and appreciation for life that allows their internal body chemistry to participate more fully in the healing process.

In this way I encourage them to participate in their own healing, challenging the attitude of relying solely on external factors.  Cancer, like all other diseases, is part of a larger vibrational pattern which we all need to work with. In order to work creatively with cancer, we as practitioners have to come to a place that doesn’t see “that person over there with cancer” and “I’m safe over here.”  It is a collective vibrational pattern which we all work with.  And although I am presently blessed with cancer not manifest in form in my body, it is in fact in the larger body of which I am a part.  My creative work with the fears and foibles surrounding this allows me to work from a clearer vibrational stance in my Attunement care.

Only as we all work together creatively with this will we actually begin to alter the vibration to a point where cancer can no longer exist. These days I do see more remission occurring, but still not what I would call a lot of miraculous changes.  I think those of us who work with these more intense situations need to know within our own hearts that we make a difference.  We often feel a sense of failure when the outcome in a situation is the passing away of the form.

I feel it is important that we not continue to add to the vibration of failure when, in fact, we have played a creative part in changing the vibration to a point where miracles actually do occur.  These miracles are a result of individuals holding sacred the work they have done in themselves, regardless of the seeming outcome.  If we can inspire in ourselves, and then in others, a sense of freedom in circumstance, rather than bondage to circumstance, we are contributing toward true healing. (Attunement Guild Newsletter, April 2004)

Paul’s words strike a resonant chord within the heart where these matters of spirit are understood at deeper levels.  The mind, by giving up its vain attempts to understand disease and figure things out, makes space available for the heart to have her own thoughts, the intuitive thoughts of spirit, to speak her truth and to articulate finer essences—along with encompassing the person while focusing the healing currents of love and compassion.  By honoring the feminine in healthcare, we take on the authentic role of a healer more fully. 

Paul’s comments are addressed with his colleagues in the Attunement field in mind, but they apply to all of us physicians and practitioners of the healing arts, who work with peoples’ lives in our care for their bodies, and there is no way to avoid it.  Their bodies are inhabited by people, angels all, who come to us for assistance in healing their fractures—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  They are looking for much more than a quick fix for their pain, although they want that too.  Chronic pain takes its toll on the human nervous system.  While we’re helping relieve their pains with our masculine technology of science, we can lead them in the path of healing with our feminine technology of love, compassion and understanding.

This is the role of the feminine in us, and she is rising to take back her power and play that role alongside her masculine partner.  She does not want to take over his job, or to replace him.  “Alternative” healthcare is perhaps a misnomer in that the word itself implies “instead of.” The words “complementary” and “integrative” are perhaps more accurate—although there are many instances where natural healing modalities are being used instead of drugs and surgery. 

The point I wish to focus here is that both can work together in the same arena without either the “fixer,” on the one hand, feeling threatened, or the “healer,” on the other, feeling she is more, or less, important. These two are already working together beautifully in many clinics and hospitals throughout America, as well as abroad. Alternative health care is coming into its own, and in many cases replacing some of the tools and methods of traditional medicine—and that is how it should work out in a society on the move toward real progress and growth.

I can envision a future where we live in a state of health rather than dis-ease, where our bodies do not break down and need fixing. The “fixer,” while still present and available for crisis intervention—and there is going to be a lot of that needed for quite some time—is being invited by life itself, the sheer power of spirit finding expression through fierce passion, to play a partnership role with the emerging feminine. She is not asking him to change what he is or what he does.  She is merely asking him to move over a bit and give her equal space alongside him to bring her gifts of healing—and they are many. 

As I indicated, this is occurring throughout the Western world presently as alternative healthcare takes its place alongside mainstream medicine.  The unhealed human masculine, which is a substitute for the Divine Masculine, is decreasing in force and authority as the authentic Self in healthcare practitioners, both male and female, is emerging from within to take charge of stewarding the healing process, a service sorely needed in today’s world of radical and invasive drug-based disease management practices.

In my next post I will consider further the role of the Divine Feminine and the quality of being “sensitive” to the finer vibrational frequencies of the feminine energies. Blessings of peace and joy to you on this beautiful Easter weekend.   

Anthony Palombo

“The Chalice of Collective Sovereignty”— Restoring Camelot

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     “I hear people everywhere saying that the trouble with our time is that we have no great leaders any more. If we look back we always had them. But to me it seems that there is a very profound reason why there are no great leaders anymore. It is because they are no longer needed. The message is clear. You no longer want to be led from the outside. Every man must be his own leader. He now knows enough not to follow other people. He must follow the light that’s within himself, and through this light he will create a new community. You see, wherever I go in the world, this to me is a general trend. I am aware of the fact that there are already people in existence today—take us—who really belong to a community which does not yet exist. That is, we are the bridge between the community we’ve left and the community which doesn’t exist yet. —(Laurens Van De Post, A Walk with a White Bushman,” 1986)

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My Chorale PicDemocracy, as we profess to practice it here in America, is not working. Leadership from above-down is being rejected globally as people are awakening to their own inner spirit guidance. The paradigm of leadership has shifted from top-down governance to governance from within the individual, and the grassroots community.

In truth, we do not have a democracy here in America. Democracy is grassroots government: “Of the people, by the people and for the people.” Our government leaders are elected to serve “we the people.” They are our employees not our bosses, yet as a whole they do not serve the interests of the people but are beholden to their campaign donors and lobbyists. So, in reality, we do not have a true democracy here is America. What we do have in Washington, and on Wall Street, is a cartel of corporations enabled by an aggressively lobbied congress and empowered by an ambivalent, dictatorial, narcissistic president. It’s a legal entity called “Corporate America,” and its enterprises are raking in massive profits on the backs of “we the consumers.” A paradigm shift is due and in the offing.

That shift will not come, however, without trade-offs and radical change.  One trade-off is the relinquishing of our addiction to oil and to all the “stuff” produced by Corporate America.  Liberty Mutual Insurance has a sensible slogan: “Only pay for what you need.” We do need clean energy . . . and we could do without all the “stuff” we buy but don’t really need. We don’t really need wars, nor space travel.  We do need to take care of our own here at home.

Another trade-off is the obvious need to let go of our old-school ways of being told what we can and cannot do.  In other words, the safety net that lets us feel secure within the boundaries of “the law”– a law that has lost its sanctity as those in high places skirt around it, largely with impunity. The fact that the U.S. Supreme Court holds the position that a sitting president cannot be indicted on criminal charges speaks to the provision in our government for a dictatorship.

So, letting go of the way we’ve felt “safe” within a law-based governance is a challenge in light of the fact that not everyone has yet awakened to their inner spirit guidance. While there is wisdom in not burning all our bridges just yet, there is greater wisdom in building new bridges to the future, bridges that are vibrationally supported by the shift in cosmic energy toward a new paradigm of leadership.  Because, as the new paradigm emerges, as it will, the old paradigm will continue to fail us, eventually collapsing altogether, leaving us to our own devices in a state of anarchy, if only for a transitional period.  So, we are hesitant to let go of “the devil we know” in lieu of the one we don’t — and rebellion is not the answer. 

Where cities like Paris, France, and Hong Kong, China are in a state of turmoil as their citizens march in the streets in violent protests against injustice and corrupt leadership, only death and destruction will ensue.

The world has had Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi who have set the tone and the precedent for real change through peaceful non-compliance and non-violent resistance.  Legendary Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh led the movement of non-violent resistance in Vietnam until he was exiled. He taught compassion as the only way to end terrorism.  These men arose from out of the grassroots of the societies they sought to rescue from the murderous hands of bigots and tyrants.

This kind of leadership can be seen emerging throughout the global community today.  This is what author Diana Durham speaks to in her book The Return of King Arthur, from which I have borrowed these excerpts for inclusion in Sacred Anatomy

Speaking of her own personal transformation within the container of an intentional spiritual community that went through a transformation itself in the wake of the passing of its spiritual God-parent and leader, Diana writes:


There is a great fear of losing the sword—a fear of losing the tradition and forms that have embodied the truth for us, and a desire to try to preserve them in some way—to disobey Arthur’s command.  Twice Sir Bedivere, that most loyal and trusted knight, tries to hide Excalibur before finally obeying Arthur and throwing the sword into the lake.  After all, if we don’t preserve the sword, we might lose everything . . . .

Very often this is the way. The injection of spiritual reality brought by the great avatar, like Jesus or Buddha, one who is able to pull the sword of power, of spiritual authority, back out of the stone of fixed belief and tradition and wield it as a living reality, is turned after their death into a religion, a series of beliefs, a tradition.  And people warm themselves on the little spark that still glows in the embers of that tradition, but they don’t inherit the mantle of spiritual radiance. They have not become entrained into the understanding of what it really means to “Worship God”; they have not completed the quest . . . .

. . . . Thanks to Guinevere and Morgana (the heart’s wisdom), Excalibur is not destined to become a sacred relic of past glory “stored in some treasure-house of mighty kings.” The heart’s instinctual knowing of what is right has overridden the fears and the structures of the mind, thus ensuring that Arthur’s true legacy—the legacy of potency, of truth, as represented by his sword— has become a living possibility available within the subconscious mind for us all to draw on.  It has not fossilized into a tradition for the elite to fight over—whether a political elite or a priestly elite; it is beyond the reach of corruption, and can only be accessed by the innocent and the true. Thanks to the quest for the Grail, thanks to the heart’s compulsion to take on one’s individual path and authority, the Round Table could become what it was a promise of.  Our network could be transmuted from a community into a new and potent consciousness of oneness.

This is why no matter which thread of the plot we retrace to uncover the cause of Camelot’s downfall, we find ourselves staring into the face of the feminine, whether it be the actions of Guinevere and Morgana or the quest for the Grail itself.  Only the heart’s wisdom knows how to take us from symbol to reality and carries the passion and assurance that will allow the “old order” to change and find renewal.

So we can begin to approach the meaning of the fulfillment of the Grail quest from a number of different—but related—angles. First of all, the finding of the Grail . . . means that the sense of personal separation from inner source—which I have also called the Grail King energy, love, or God—is healed.  Once this happens, our dependency on a King Arthur mentor figure ceases, and we begin to live our lives from a direct sense of what fits, of what is ours to do.  We can trust the compulsion of our heart because the heart realm is now operating as a direct “transmitter” of our own inner being and purpose.  In this way, the heart realm is the place of connection, or oneness, with God or spiritual source, and once that consciousness of union with source is a grounded reality within us—once the ego that thinks of itself as the center of the universe is no longer dominant—then there is a basis for connecting deeply with others. The heart realm becomes the means of connecting with others, with one’s “neighbor.” Therefore, we also begin to share a sense of oneness with one another, and a sense of being—hologram-like—parts of a whole that also contain in miniature the design of the whole.

The sense of oneness with others, combined with the ability to discern direction for ourselves, enables the other meaning of the Grail to emerge, which is the aspect of collective leadership: the circle of many individuals forming one body.

Collective leadership is not possible while we are still dependent on a mentor figure both for our own sense of spiritual alignment and for a sense of direction.  Nor is it possible unless there is a sense of oneness to bind us together—as well as the ability to discern for ourselves (as opposed to being subject to “peer pressure”) what our actions need to be.

We remember that the individual sword—or sense of authority—is earned by going on a quest for the Grail.  Perceval is given the sword on his first visit to the Grail Castle.  The return of Arthur in a form of the return of many individuals wielding their individual swords—in other words, the condition of collective leadership—cannot come about until the Grail is found and this collective consciousness is formed . . . .(pp. 203-206)

The Grail is found in the legends, and finding the Grail symbolizes not only the individual experience of openhearted connection to spiritual source in oneself but also the emergence of the possibility of collective leadership.  When Arthur throws that sword into the lake, a woman’s hand reaches up to take it. A new opportunity has been fertilized: a new union between masculine and feminine, and the emergence of an era of collective sovereignty. When we talk about the rise of the feminine we are describing a crucial aspect of this new era. Obviously this new possibility has been emerging for some time in the form of the suffragettes and the women’s movement.  Closely allied with the struggle for equal rights for women was the civil rights movement in the United States. Leadership has been rising up from the grassroots, bringing immense changes and balancing out some of the injustices of society’s myopic structures. Collective leadership implies both the roundness of the chalice cup—without hierarchy, containing all—the feminine; and the absoluteness of the sword, the element of individual responsibility required for true leadership: the masculine. (pp. 6-7)

   What Durham is describing here is a renewal process of the Pituitary Gland that appears to be underway, both within individuals and the collective body of Man.  As masculine/feminine energies find a way to work in harmony and balance within us as two in agreement in the Spirit of Love, individually and collectively, the Spirit of the Womb can then work its hormonal and alchemical magic of renewal on the planet. Camelot can then be restored where men and women partner together to provide a home for God on Earth. 

This post brings this series on the spiritual significance of the pituitary gland to a close. I trust you have gained a deeper appreciation for your sacred anatomy. I will leave you with this powerful interview of Thich Nhat Hanh by Oprah Winfrey.  Until my next post . . .

Be love. Be loved.


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Rise of the Masculine In Men and Women

Taken 12/01/2012

For the past several decades, we have been experiencing the “Rise of the Feminine.” This resurgence of feminine energy in virtually all sectors of society — including the political sector, which has traditionally been dominated by men in both the congressional and the executive branches — is being met with much welcome and celebration by both women and men.  The infusion of estrogen into the bloodstream of the body politic has been a refreshing and nurturing reprieve from the testosterone-laden climate in Washington and elsewhere. Let’s face it, guys, the aggressive corporate male of our species has taken us down the industrial path to an existential crisis, according to climatologists — not that the shadow side of women’s wiles haven’t played their alluring part.  Both genders have let our shadow sides take the lead in human endeavors to achieve what we each want out of life.  Notwithstanding all of the competitive strife, we are encouraged, I believe, by the rising of the female of our species to help bring about a balance, and hopefully a change in our suicidal course toward extinction. The Masculine is rising alongside the Feminine. 

I take note of the fact that in virtually all situations where women are speaking out and taking on leadership roles, there are men present in the mix supporting them — which may well be being prompted by the rise of feminine energy is men, as we men are “getting in touch,” as we say, with own own femininity. So, I thought it timely, in the wake of my recent series on masculine-feminine energy, to acknowledge the Rise of the Masculine prior to and alongside the Rise of the Feminine, and perhaps see it in a new light.  It could well be that women are also experiencing the rise of their own Masculine energy while men are experiencing the rise of their Feminine energy.  Whatever the scenario, something of a balancing of these two energetic creative forces is trying to take place in the Human species. 


In these articles I have been capitalizing the words “Masculine” and “Feminine,” but not the words “male” and “female,” for the purpose of differentiating between energy and gender, a distinction I made in my last post.  For me, the words “Masculine” and “Feminine” represent the Divine creating energy of the Universal One Walter Russell writes about, which is shared in a co-creative partnership with Man, who was created both male and female. The words “male” and “female” represent the specific genders of our species, distinguished by our anatomical, chemical (hormonal), physical and psychological makeup.  

While I celebrate the men who have risen up with the women in support of their movement underway — a movement that is boldly ignoring the domineering male ego while giving women back their power and voice to speak and be heard and assume their rightful place in the forefront of human endeavors as equal partners in co-creation with men — I am also cognizant of the energetic factors at play behind the scene, so-to-speak, in the spiritual or vibrational levels of our Being, as well as in the larger galactic context. There is something much larger and grander afoot in the overall scheme of things than the rather miniscule “battle of the sexes” that’s been being waged for all too many centuries now.  It’s time we took a break from our competitive warring and put a listening ear to the shifting frequency of the harmonic Tone sounding in our galactic home among the stars.

We’re not just being invited to harmonize with this Tone, which is sounding the vibrational frequency of Love. We are being compelled to do so or perish. What we have created on Earth, and the way we have been behaving toward one another and toward our planet, can no longer be sustained by the Tone of Love — and the Tone of Love is what creates and sustains the Natural World, the Earth and our entire Universe.  Love has accommodated us thus far in our evolution from out of the cave world into which we tumbled in our fall from grace, but it is moving on in the larger cycles of planetary evolution and transformation, and we need to hurry and finish growing up in order to move on with it — and not as passive passengers but as active stewards of the evolution of our species and of our planet.  And, yes, that is a mouth full. 

So, a timely and compelling resurgence of both Masculine and Feminine energy is afoot, and it has nothing to do with women’s and men’s so-called “rights.” It’s much larger than that. It’s about the creation of a new world that is in harmony with the Tone of the Universal One and the Natural World itself.


The “Rise of the Feminine” is not so much or merely a women’s movement as it is a natural and timely movement of the Divine Feminine energy through the body of Mankind. In other words, the rise of the Divine Feminine is taking place in both genders of our species, in women and men alike, and it is doing so simultaneously with and in response to the rise of the creating force of the Divine Masculine.

It wasn’t too many years ago that we saw the “Men’s Movement” sweep through our species here in America and elsewhere. These two movements are taking place in both men and women, and they’re doing so at a time when the “New Earth” project is emerging from out of the “New Heaven” — something that men and women throughout the world have been welcoming into their consciousness yea these many, many years since the dawning of the “Age of Aquarius.”

If you’ve read my previous two posts — and if you haven’t then I would encourage you to do so — you will recall how Walter Russell describes the Masculine force of energy as the attractive, magnetic, contracting and integrating force of the Universe moving centripetally (inward) toward the apex of a spiraling vortex. The Feminine force he describes as the radiant, expelling and disintegrative force moving centrifugally (outward) from the apex of the same spiraling vortex of energy.  The Masculine builds up form while the Feminine dismantles form in a creative destructive process of clearing the deck, so-to-speak, for the creation of the next new form — only one of her more nurturing roles. This creative process is ongoing eternally at both the level of consciousness (cause) and the level of form (effect).  Mental constructs and outdated concepts and belief systems are discarded in this way.

We are experiencing such a discard now, along with a radical revision and transformation of our consciousness that is allowing us to invision new possibilities for life on Earth. To refer back to a Biblical prophecy, the “old heaven” and the “old earth” are passing away in our time, making room for a “New Heaven” and the “New Earth” to manifest. The image of the “New Jerusalem,” if you will, has descended down from God out of Heaven into the consciousness of enough human beings on earth to begin transforming our collective consciousness. We see it and feel it as a real possibility. 

It’s time for us to go to work now as equal partners in letting a New Earth and a New World be born — a vision and dream that was held by one of our own generation, the late Scott Peck, beloved author of “The Road Less Traveled” and “A World Waiting To Be Born” — whom I celebrate with profound gratitude.  The dream has been dreamt. The image is firmly planted in our consciousness, as Simon and Garfunkel sang out some years back when the cancerous “Silence” was being disturbed and broken and we began to speak our truth in poems, songs, books, blogs and demonstrations.

My wife Bonnie and I recently saw the movie Bohemian Rhapsody about the British rock band Queen and their amazing lead singer, Freddie Mercury, played by Remi Malek in an outstanding performance worthy of an Oscar. I don’t know if some of the film footage was of Queen’s actual concert at Knebworth in 1986 or not, the last time the four original members of Queen performed on stage together and when they sang that powerful mantra “We Are The Champions” with the crowd. Over a million people attended that Queen tour, one of the largest ever, which was part of a global “Aids Benefit” for the famine in Ethiopia involving several bands in various locations. But the sight and sound of so many young people our age all gathered in one place and in one accord was heart stopping.  A shift took place in the way I have been viewing rock concerts, which are not my “cup of tea.” I prefer good jazz and the classics. 

Such gatherings have been taking place at concerts all over the world for several decades, and I now see how their “rock” sounds have been instrumental in shattering the silence of the youthful masses, along with the stigmas attached to AIDS and homosexuality, among other fixations in the collective consciousness. They have literally rocked the foundations of our culture and disrupted the status quo.  It is perhaps telling how Freddie and several others in his circle of male friends became confused about their own sexual orientation, feeling the emergence of their femininity, which I felt was given rise by the music they were writing and singing. 

But what I also see in all of this is the Feminine force at work clearing out the old to make room for the new. I see a  phenomenon that speaks loudly and clearly that we very much want a new world on the face of our planetary home — and even more obvious, that we have the energy and the power in our hearts to create it — and God knows we have the technology.  


What we are witnessing and experiencing in our time is the rise of Spirit from within the heart of Humanity — which is the Heart of God incarnate on this planet. It is Love that is drawing us to each other and gathering us in concerts and demonstrations — and also in relationships. Let there be no wavering or doubt that Love is in charge and moving us all into position to do our part each one in revisioning and transforming the consciousness of Humanity by bringing our individual spirits and gifts into the process of creating the New Earth. We simply need to let love command — an unconditional love that “keeps no record of wrong,” as novelist Ted Bekker describes love in his book The Rise of the Mystics, which I just finished reading,  I am finding this kind of love a challenge to have consistently in my heart — and it is the heart that keeps record of wrong.  “Let it go” the song in Frozen sings out.  “Let it go!” I tell my heart.

This morning my wife asked me what I thought these recent blogs are all about, and, more pointedly, what I have learned in writing them. We were having one of those heart-rending moments couples have when love is asking for more and deeper change yet. Perhaps, after some personal reflection and introspection, that could be the content of my next blog — and why not? I have indeed learned much, about myself and about my partner.  I have also learned something about human behavior and the greater potential of success and harmony available to us as co-creators on this beautiful planet Earth, pregnant with life yet to be born, nurtured and stewarded by men and women in partnership with one another in Love’s embrace.  

I sincerely thank you for sharing my thoughts and views . . . and I would love sharing yours.  So, email me at  Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved,



Masculine-Feminine Energy, part IV: Energy Must Flow

As with a lot of my writings, this post is as much for my own conscious evolution and spiritual transformation as it is for my readers’. If you benefit from them as well, then I am thankful.  This is heady stuff, I will admit. However, we do have minds – although Walter Russell says there is only one Mind we all share – and there are many errors and incomplete truths we hold as sacred in these minds. We are wise to open them up and have another look at things we have been told by those who have gone before. Even the Teacher Jesus said that he had many things to share with his disciples, but they could not “bear” them then.  Well, we’ve evolved since then and there are things we need to unlearn and learn anew. That’s where my passion lies in writing this blog. 

So, let the creating, transforming Masculine-Feminine Energy flow as I put fingers to the keyboard and apply a fraction of the newfound knowledge that Walter Russell has left us in his signature work THE UNIVERSAL ONE to our experience and handling of Masculine-Feminine energy. 


We can be so preoccupied with our creations in life as to become oblivious to the subtle energies at work within us that bring them about. The creating energy of life is very subtle, when one stops to think about it. For example, consider the giant sequoias that have taken decades and even centuries to grow. On a smaller scale, consider the lowly grass blade that seems to grow so fast in Summer that one might even be able to observe it growing. Yet these creations of Mother Nature make no commotion as they slowly increase their mass molecule by molecule. The slow growth of our own bodies testifies to the subtle nature of the creating energy of life.  What Walter Russell presents in his book about energy is also a testament to the subtle but unconquerable nature of life. My desire in this post is to explore some of the implications of his writings. So, I’m just going to write down my thoughts as they present themselves, trusting they will flow together in a coherent manner. 


Energy wants and needs to flow in order to create forms, illusions though they are said to be. Masculine and Feminine forces interacting with one another make possible the flow of creating energy. The creating energy that flows through their interactions is the creative power of Love manifesting the ideas in the Mind of the Creator. This is how Walter Russell’s cosmology works. 

When I speak of Masculine and Feminine, I do not equate these words with male and female, nor with men and women. As we now know in this age of enlightenment, these energies are at work in both men and women. The Feminine energy is by design, and hormonal chemistry, more dominant in women and the Masculine energy more dominant in men. This is not always the case, but is generally so.  The ideal would seem to be a balance between these two forces in both men and women — something that I have personally worked at in myself over the past two or three decades. 

These two forces are not attracted toward one another, as is commonly thought. Walter Russell’s view is that masculine energy spirals centripetally (inwardly) toward its apex, or vortex center, and is thus contractive and magnetic. Contrarily, feminine energy spirals centrifugally (outwardly) away from its spex and is thus expansive and radiative. One inhales while the other exhales only to restart the inhaling cycle. As the positive masculine force winds inwardly toward its maximum potential charge, it discharges energy via a feminine emoting phase of expansion, much like a spring winding and unwinding. So, there is a continuum here at work. (Is this perhaps what our emotions are all about?)

Russell’s primary point is a correction to the current scientific understanding of the law of attraction. The way he sees this law is that positive charge is attracted to and attracts positive charge, and that negative charge repels both positive and negative charge.   


Males and females of the same species couple by reason of the law of attraction: positive attracts positive. This is contrary to the common understanding that positive attracts negative, or that the negative female is attracted to the positive male; that men radiate (positive) and women respond (negative) to men; that women are therefore the “weaker” sex and men the “stronger;” that women are to be obedient and subservient to men. All these thwarted concepts and attitudes are the result of a fundamental misunderstanding and therefore misapplication of the law of attraction, not to mention mental fabrications of the patriarchal human ego. 

Men are attracted to women and women to men by reason of their positive charge. A lower potential seeks a higher potential and a higher potential seeks out a lower. This is the law or attraction at work, whether between members of the opposite or the same sex.  Men are attracted to men in some cases, and women to women on the same basis. These raw energies are no respecter of persons, hormonal chemistry taken into consideration – and genitalia not withstanding. Genitals are male and female in their design and function.  Energy is masculine and feminine in its function and needs to flow between these two forces. As someone simply voiced it in a recent conversation around the subject of LGBT, the chemistry allows the energy to flow, and that’s what relationships are all about, isn’t it.

Masculine energy is the attractive force of this universe of integrating matter, which increases in density as pressure and positive charge increases. Feminine energy is magnetic and is the repellant, or separative, force of this universe of disintegrating matter.  Where they meet in what Russell calls the “inertial” plane, these forces come into a state of balance which he designates as a “bi-sexual” zone. (I do not yet see the implication nor the application here.) 


How things work in the “physical” world of effects mirrors exactly how things work in the “spiritual” or vibrational realm of cause. In the world we have created, what happens on earth is an exact mirror of what is happening in the heaven of human consciousness. As above so below. Because of human interference and manipulation, the harmony and beauty in the Heaven of Divine Consciousness are not reflected in the world that man has created and maintains. Where man has not manipulated the design for the Natural World, such harmony, beauty and balance are evident. We might say that Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine forces work together in perfect balance and harmony. This is not accurately reflected in our world where historically males lord it over females – a dynamic that is rapidly changing these days with the “rise of the feminine” currently underway.  

The Masculine gathers the energy of the expelled and exhaustive Feminine force unto itself to empower his creativity. He contracts light energy into integrating form. He is Brahma, the Creator, in Hindu religious tradition, which holds to the belief that the universe is cyclically created and destroyed. 

The Feminine discharges the built-up potential of the Masculine in order to disintegrate structured form. She is Shiva, the destroyer, in Hindu religion. She destroys form in order to re-create new form. In this sense, she sees to it that the Creative Process continues to cycle.  She does not settle for what the Masculine has created as “permanent” reality, but rather clears the creative field in order for new creations to come into being – sometimes in a fitful outburst of wrathful anger. So, she gives her responsive energy to Brahma so as to foster the ongoing process of creation. Then there’s Vishnu whose role it is to maintain and preserve Brahma’s creations.  Vishnu is the second Hindu deity who is both male and female. Perhaps he/she is who Man is designed and intended to be as Steward of the Garden.


These two forces are integrated in the Natural World and are beginning to be allowed to integrate more and more in human beings. The so called “battle of the sexes” describes the creative dynamic at play between these two forces in the Creating Universe. As I said above, Masculine and Feminine forces are raw energies that are no respecter of persons or gender. 

In the hands of the human ego, they are being used to enslave women and men and destroy life on Earth, all to enrich the few who maintain power and control over the masses. Not for much longer, however.

A third force is needed in order to bridle in these raw forces. Left to their own, they take on the false identities of human nature, dividing men and women in a competitive struggle for power and control over life and the illusory world they create, including their offspring, played out in the legal battle for custody in divorce courts. So long as one force dominates in the affairs of human beings, imbalance and imposition of one will over the other continue to sow the seeds of conflict  and war. So a third force is needed – and is rising today – to harness and balance these raw forces.  


Here is where Gurdjieff’s “Law of Three” comes into play, which states that when three forces come together, a fourth and totally different state is born of them.  That third force is Love. Spirit. A spiritual force that originates from a higher level than that at which men and women presently conduct their waring affairs on the horizontal two-dimensional plane. The vertical component of Love transforms and levels the playing field, so-to-speak — the field that the poet Rumi speaks of: “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.” When we meet in that field, a fourth and totally different state in possible: the New Earth.

This Spirit brings with it seven other spirits, or gifts, that are designed to help us meet the various needs and conditions that present themselves along life’s creating journey.  The late spiritual teacher Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda) presented them as “Seven Steps to the Temple of Light.” There’s Patience, the first step toward enlightenment. Tranquility and single mindedness, the second step. The gift of Blessing is the third step. Can you imagine men and women being a blessing to one another instead of being competitors?  A fourth gift is Purification, the detoxification of our words and feelings toward one another; our selfish intentions and motivations, not to mention our lack of respect for one another. The expression and application of these four gifts of Spirit bring about the assurance and confidence of authenticity, along with the fifth step of Radiance, and with it the joy of success and victory. The sixth gift of Spirit is Wisdom, Sophia, whose gift is the sense of what is fitting in our speech and actions with one another and with our shared world. At this level of creativity, Masculine and Feminine forces are brought into balance. Peace is known at a deep heart level, bringing with it the experience of oneness with the All, Love, the seventh gift of Spirit. Enlightenment dawns. These are the qualities and gifts of our Being, our true and divine Self. 

In conclusion, I will simply reiterate what I have written above. Our true identity is not as men and women. Our true identity is as Human Beings. I am not only a man. I am a human being in a male form with both masculine and feminine creative energies at my command for creative work on Earth.  My origin and Home is Heaven.  I have come here from Heaven, as we all have, to bring Love into the world and to allow Love to create the New Earth. Let us be about our divine mission and purpose together as Human Beings, God incarnate on Earth. 

Thank you for sharing my thoughts and meditations. I welcome yours. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.



Masculine-Feminine Energy, part III: A Balancing Act

Masculine and Feminine forces balance one another in the “Creating Universe” of Walter Russell.  In this third post of the current series, he expands his consideration of electricity and magnetism to include the balancing act performed by the masculine and feminine forces.  I shall excerpt this chapter in its entirety, along with graphics, from his 1927 signature work THE UNIVERSAL ONE.

(Note: you can open the graphics in a new tab by right clicking on the image for a drop down window and a bit larger image. Also, all underscores are mine.)  



Again it must be repeated that in this universe of motion-in-equilibrium all energy equalizes itself in two equal and opposite swings of the cosmic pendulum, no matter where in the cycle those opposites of motion appear.

The cosmic pendulum swings forever between positive and negative electricity, eternally transferring its constant of energy from one dimension to another, but never changing that constant.

The opposing energies of the two swings, added together, make one equalized unit of the universal reproductive constant.

More than this, these opposing swings are simultaneously equalized at corresponding points in each of the ten octaves.

Electric action and its magnetic resisting reactive flow are simultaneous and in equilibrium at all times.

Positive electricity is an endothermic, contractive force which is actively absorbing a comparatively large quantity of generative light units of heat which raises its potential, and is expelling a smaller number of them, devitalized into magnetic radio-active emanations, thus slightly lowering its potential.

Negative electricity is an exothermic, expansive force which is reactively absorbing a small quantity of generative light units of heat which slightly raises its potential, and is expelling a greater number of them, devitalized into magnetic radio-active emanations, thus lowering its potential.

In the term “negative electricity,” the word “electricity” is used in the generic sense, as the inclusive word “man” is used to represent both sexes.

Electro-positive systems are preponderantly charging systems, while electro-negative systems are preponderantly discharging systems.

Charging systems are in the positive half of the octave, the tones of which are generatively dominant. These systems are forcing magnetism out, and because of this they grow more compact. They therefore grow smaller, tone by tone to the fourth tone of the octave. Their atomic volume lessens and their density increases as magnetism is squeezed out, just as a sponge lessens in volume and increases in density as water is squeezed out.

Now must it be clearly understood that magnetism, expelled by electricity from within a charging system, did not enter that system as magnetism or as negative electricity. It entered as positive electricity and became devitalized into negative electricity by nucleal absorption of its positive charge. It was then expelled from the higher inner pressure to the lower outer pressure of the system.

Discharging systems are in the negative half of the octave, the generative tones of which are weakened. Weakening genero-activity results in weakening radio-activity which causes the systems to grow less compact. They, therefore, grow larger, tone by tone, from the fourth to the master tone. Their volume increases and their density decreases as magnetism is allowed to return, just as a sponge increases in volume and decreases in density as water is allowed to return.

By a study of the charts, pages 17, 83 (See chart), it will be seen that when magnetism returns to negative systems it does not return as negative electricity. It impacts against the inertial plane between itself and the system, is regenerated and reconverted into negative electricity after it has made its centripetal journey to the apex of its spiral orbit with ever increasing pressure, and started on its centrifugal run with lowering pressure back to the inertial plane.

Charging systems are simultaneously discharging but their positive charges become increasingly preponderant and dominant until the consequent increase of potential changes the dimensions of the system. They then appear to be another substance.

Discharging systems are simultaneously charging, and their negative discharges become decreasingly dominant until the consequent lowering of potential changes their dimensions. When they have readjusted their various dimensions, they in their turn appear to be another substance.

Charging systems are preponderantly generative, male systems, while discharging systems are preponderantly radiative, female systems. Charging systems are exactly balanced by discharging systems.

For example, exercise discharges energy. It is thus a female activity. At the same time it triggers an increase in muscle mass, a male activity of contracting energy, which in turn radiates discharged energy, a female activity — and the cycle is ongoing, one force giving itself to and empowering the other.  My young son used to say “Let’s go for a walk to get some energy” — and he was right-on.  While we expend energy exercising we increase the potential of our core energy. One can also think of this as the “Breath of Life,” which is twofold in its function and activity: inhaling and exhaling.  But it’s one breath.


All systems are divided into seven tones of energy.

One charging tone, and its exact mate in a discharging tone, balances as one unit constant of energy.

There are four exactly equal unit constants of energy in each octave.

An octave is one universal reproductive constant. Ten octaves constitute one cycle.

Tone 1+ is a charging system exactly balanced in all its periodicities by tone 1−.

Likewise tone 2+ is balanced by tone 2−, and tone 3+ by 3−. Tone 4± is a double tone which is neither positive nor negative. It is bi-sexual.

These seven tones of four unit constants make up the total universal constant of energy which is omnipresent throughout the entirety of this universe of Mind.

Consider, for an example of positive charge attracting positive charge, the sun of our solar system.

It is the nucleal center of this system, the point of maximum positive charge. It is therefore the high potential point of the system.

Consider this planet. It is a doubly charged mass, which means that it is both positive and negative.

Its preponderance of positive charge is always toward the nucleal center, which means that it is always toward the light.

Its preponderance of negative discharge is always away from the nucleal center, which means that it is always away from the light.

The positive charge of this planet is therefore preponderant in that portion which is in daylight and the negative discharge is preponderant in that portion which is night.

The daylight portion of the planet is generative and endothermic, which means active, contractive and heat absorbing.

The daylight portion is that in which the potential is increasing, where flowers open their petals and relive, where life is regenerative and wide awake.

The dark portion of the planet is radiative and exothermic, which means inactive, expansive and heat expelling.

The dark portion is that in which the potential is lowering, where flowers close their petals and become dormant, where life is devitalized and fast asleep.

Well, not all of life is dormant at night, as one reader pointed out in a recent comment. There are flowers that open at night only. The Moonflower comes to mind, as well as Four O’Clocks, the Evening Primrose and Casablanca Lily.  One may well explore as to whether nighttime bloomers are female plants and daytime bloomers male. All flowers are Mother Nature’s creations using Father Sun’s energy. Unlike in man’s world, there is no competition in the Natural World of the Creating Universe. There is only cooperation and co-creation.

Russell explains how the light rays and heat of the sun do not travel to the planets directly but pass trough a very dark and cold space on their way to the surface of our earth, for example. In other words, we do not feel the heat of the sun directly. This is fascinatingly rectifying of common belief and orthodox thinking.  

Just so with all of the other planets.

The positive charge moves around them as they revolve, ever keeping as near as possible to their positive nucleus, the sun.

It is a well known fact that high potential discharges into lower potential.

Consider the radiative rays of the sun as negative light units expelled by positive contraction, which forces them to seek lower pressures and lower potential.

It might be argued that these negative rays are attracted by the positive charge of the daylight portion of the planet.

Consider the law of pressures as stated elsewhere which says that between any two masses is a line or plane of equalized pressures.

As the light units which constitute the rays circle spirally and centrifugally around the sun in their search for lower pressures exactly as this mass of light units which is our planet circles around the sun, they continue to expand and become increasingly negative the farther they recede from the sun.

It must be interpolated right here that “light rays” do not proceed directly from the sun to a planet in straight lines. They follow the orbital lines of lowering pressures exactly as does this planet.

All direction is curved and every curve is a part of an orbit.

When the light units which we familiarly term “light rays,” reach the inertial plane of equalized pressures between the mass of the sun and the mass of this planet, their expanded masses impact against it and continue beyond it in an ever increasing state of solidity.

These expanded, negative particles which have reproduced themselves in transit then become positively charged as they impact with, and plunge gravitatively through the pressures which increasingly rise as they near the mass of this planet.

Eventually they impact against the planet as positive charge attracted toward another positive charge. The potential of each is increased by this impact and the heat generated by magnetic resistance to the impact is absorbed as accumulated energy until it becomes devitalized and is released by the turn of the planet away from the light.

For another example, consider the familiar lightning flash which we know as “forked lightning.” Lightning is a highly generative, positive charge seeking its own pressure and potential.

The maximum positively charged high potential and high pressure of this planet is that part which is nearest its center.

Lightning and all the forks of lightning are gravitative. They always seek the planet. Never do they proceed in the opposite direction toward negative discharge except in rare instances where a minor charge leaps upward toward a cloud of higher positive charge, or higher potential.

This latter effect is exactly analogous to that of an iron nail leaping upward toward a magnet.

Lightning seeking its own potential and an apple falling to the ground are effects of exactly the same cause. Gravitation is the cause of each.

Each is taking a “short cut across lots,” through intervening pressures, to find its equal pressure.

Later it will be seen that the cause of rotation and revolution, together with all of their respective variations and periodicities, can only be solved through the understanding that positive charge attracts positive charge, and negative discharge repels both positive charge and negative discharge.

Well, there you have it – or maybe you don’t and have to read it a couple of times, as I had to. In my next post, I will attempt to apply all this newfound knowledge to our experience and handling of our masculine-feminine creating energy.  This will admittedly be a challenge — and I do have a dawning sensing as to how I will proceed in such a delicate thinking process, especially in the wake of a recent in-depth and insightful conversation my wife and I had with one of our sons and his wife during their richly nourishing visit from Ashland, Oregon, this week — a couple who, for me, exemplify the grounding of masculine-feminine energy in the dance they do together in their shared creative field. We shall see how this unfolds in my final post of this series. Until then, 

Be love. Be Loved.


Masculine-Feminine Energy, Part II: Opposing Forces

It is not the negative “charge” of the female which is attracted to the positive charge of the male, but rather the positive charge of each attracts the other.” (Walter Russell)

In his comprehensive work and captivating book THE UNIVERSAL ONE, Walter Russell lays out a scientific foundation for understanding how the “Creating Universe” works energetically. In sharing excerpts from his book, my hopes and intentions are to offer insight into the way we see and experience out sexuality. We incorrectly identify with our male and female genders, saying “I am a man” or “I am a woman.” However, these are not our identities. On the physical plane of life, the words “male” and “female” identify the gender of our human capacities. But we are not our human capacities. We are Human Beings inhabiting these earthen forms, endowed with mental, emotional and spiritual capacities for the expression of our creativity.  

Russell says we are “creating” human beings, and the energy that empowers our creativity is twofold in nature: masculine and feminine.  However, it is One energy, not two different forces. It is the energy of the Universal One — what Russell calls “Mind” (with a capital “M”) throughout his book, and what we have come to call “God.” This energy moves in two different and opposing directions: inward and outward, toward and away from the apex of a spiraling vortex of creating energy.  On the spiritual level, the words “masculine” and “feminine” identify the nature of our singular creating energy. Note that I use the singular “energy” with a hyphen between the words masculine and feminine to call attention to this reality of singleness. 

In this post, I share Walter Russell’s explanation of the opposing manner in which this singular energy moves and interacts within itself as it creates and dismantles form through a creative process. I find this explanation, and all of Russell’s thought processes and concepts, both fascinating and rectifying. I hope you do as well. (Tip: if you don’t understand what he’s saying, just keep moving as he’ll say it another way the next few lines.) So, with no further ado, I give you the genius himself, Walter Russell. 


Walter Russell

It must be remembered that electricity is the attractive force and that magnetism is the repellant force. The attractive force attracts only attractive force, which is itself.

Electricity attracts electricity. Electricity does not attract the repellant force.  Neither does electricity repel the repellant force.

On the other hand, magnetism, which is the repellant force, does nothing but perform its function of repelling. It does not attract itself. A repellant force cannot be an attractive force, nor can the attractive force be a repellant force.

Each can but fill its own office; one attracts, and thus gathers light units together into an appearance of solids of matter. The other repels, and thus pries light units apart into the dissolution of solids of matter, into gases and vapors.

Magnetism is that force within the universal Mind substance which tends to preserve the Oneness of universal uniformity.

Magnetism desires a formless and dimensionless universe, just as electricity desires a universe of form and dimension.

Magnetism prevents the apparent separation, or division, of divine Mind into parts as electricity attempts this apparent separation.

All the force of electricity is exerted in the attempt to create the illusions of form and dimension.

All the force of magnetism is exerted in the attempt to destroy all illusion, all form and all dimension.

Neither force completely fulfils its desire, for each partially thwarts the other.

The energy of magnetism is the elastic energy of expansion, a straining energy ever pushing toward the inertial line of equalized pressures which lies between any two masses, while the energy of electricity is ever pulling toward the pulsing heart, the gravitational nucleus of every mass.


One of the outstanding characteristics of motion is elasticity which also appears to be an attribute of the One substance.

Elasticity is due to opposition.

Elasticity is that force developed in the One substance of Mind as a reaction to the action of electricity.

It is this quality of elasticity which gives magnetism its rebounding force.

This elastic, magnetic reaction which is forever and eternally pressing against electric action, is that force which surely restores all opposed motion to inertial equilibrium.

Imagine electricity as a compressed spring, with magnetism eternally ready to take advantage of any let-up in the contractive force which is holding it in compression, no matter how slight a relaxation that may be.

If one could imagine such a thing as an absolutely complete and sudden withdrawal of all electric contractive energy, the instantaneous response from this elastic counter pressure would cause a cosmic explosion which would instantly destroy all appearance of form. The universe would then be one of equalized pressures, and opposed motion would be at an end.

This sudden expansion is exactly what occurs when man combines two or more elements which desire to get away from each other because they are tonally too far removed from each other to be possible mates. The elasticity of magnetism takes advantage of the sudden letup in the process of generation and rebounds so swiftly that it instantly tears apart form which otherwise might take a million years to disintegrate.

It is this force of elasticity in magnetism that is constant in its resistance to any appearance of integration into any form whatsoever.


Magnetism is radiative and repellant, as electricity is gravitative and attractive. Magnetism repels, electricity attracts.

That which electricity integrates through gravitation, magnetism disintegrates through radiation.

Magnetism is the brake upon the wheels of electricity resisting its generation of higher potential and registering that resistance in heat.

Electricity is the accelerator which speeds magnetic radiation, the expansion of which is registered in cold.

Electricity and magnetism are actually opposing forces which leap away from each other in exactly opposite directions.

Forces which depart one from the other do not attract each other.

Opposing forces oppose each other.

To say that positive charge and negative discharge attract each other is to say that electricity and magnetism attract each other.

This would be equivalent to saying that centripetal force attracts centrifugal force, or that generation attracts degeneration, or that a charging body attracts a discharging one.

One might as appropriately say that life attracts death.

Electricity and magnetism are opposites, and opposites move in opposite directions.

One is accustomed to thinking that male, which is preponderantly positive, attracts female which is preponderantly negative.

It is not the negative “charge” of the female which is attracted to the positive charge of the male, but rather the positive charge of each attracts the other.

In youth, when the attraction of opposite sexes is at its maximum, the positive charge of each sex is at its maximum.

In age the negative discharge increases, the disintegrating magnetic force dominates, the positive charge decreases, and as a result the attraction of each sex for its opposite decreases until it disappears and repulsion takes its place.

The apparent attraction of each action to its reaction is due to the desire of the active force within each for accumulation, and the consequent continuance of the evolving idea of itself through that accumulation.

When action is preponderant as positive charge, form of idea evolves. When reaction is dominant as negative discharge, form devolves. The record of the idea of both action and reaction is registered in inertia.

The chemist, when breaking up compounds, is accustomed to seeing a negative element seek the positive pole, and a positive element seek the negative pole.

He would know better how to interpret this if he would think of his elements in terms of sex, and also consider the process of regeneration of negative discharge by impact against the inertial plane between a discharging and a charging mass.

When the positive charges of negative reactions are attracted to positive poles, centrifugally dominant force is conquered by centripetally dominant force. The negative reaction then becomes a positive action. The equalization causes reproduction. The union of an action with its reaction is always followed by the reproduction of separate actions and reactions. These reproduced actions and reactions are rebounds of the union.

Magnetism opposes electricity in its desire to transform this universe into one solid, motionless, non-elastic ball of positive electricity. Electricity opposes magnetism in its desire to transform the universe into one of equalized pressures where opposites disappear into dimensionless non-opposition, Positive electricity is preponderantly electric. Positive charge attracts positive charge.

Negative electricity is dominantly magnetic. Negative discharge repels both negative and positive charge, for both are electric and magnetism repels electricity.

Again must it be written down that electricity and magnetism are not opposites, nor are they two forces. There are no opposites of anything in this universe of the One Thing.

Mind is the One substance. Thinking Mind is the One force.

If Mind were not a thinking substance the universe would be without force. It would be without life. It would indeed be a dead universe.

Thinking is a positive action. To every action there is an equal reaction which is the opposite or negative matrix, of that action.

The minus charge of the reactive negative matrix is equal to the plus charge of the active positive form of idea.

The positive form of an idea is stored in inertia as a negative matrix of that form.

There is but One active force of thinking Mind and that is the father force. Man calls it electricity.

Electricity appears as the first action of the process of thinking and disappears, like temperature, in motion-in-inertia.

Electricity therefore has no existence. It belongs to motion, and not to substance.

It is desire which causes the One substance to appear to change in state as it performs its function of recording form of idea.

Opposites are born of attempted division of unity or Oneness.

The very first action which attempts division of unity develops the reactionary apparent opposite reaction which opposes that attempted division.

The father force, acting upon the desire of Mind to create, finds that as Mind is the only substance, idea and its form must be developed out of that One substance of Mind.

The father force which is the image making faculty of Mind, proceeds to create idea and then to fashion the form of that idea out of the One substance.

The opposing magnetic force is then born to prevent the fashioning of the substance of Mind into form. For a time it vainly opposes such formation, but eventually it succeeds.

Electricity and magnetism are the two major dimensions of the universal constant of Mind.

Therefore the beginning of creation is the beginning of an attempted separation of the One substance by the One force of the substance.

The very attempt to divide the One substance gives the appearance of, but does not make, two substances.

It only develops two equal and opposing states of motion which man calls “forces.” It but creates two illusions.

Part of the energy used in the attempted division into two is given to each, and the sum total of this energy is the exact amount of the energy of the One.

Electricity and magnetism are attributes of motion only and as separate entities they are but illusions of the substance of matter.

Form, or solidity of matter, is an electromagnetic record of states of motion. Therefore solidity of matter is but an illusion which is measurable by electro- magnetic dimensions which, in themselves, are but illusions.

Out of the father force then, is born the mother force, which man calls magnetism. The symbolism of the creation of Eve out of Adam is basically sound.

The father force creates all idea and gives it the appearance of form; but that idea cannot be perpetually held as idea in the appearance of form, nor can it be reproduced without the union of the father with the mother force from which the father force has parted and with which it makes an equilibrium of unity.

Both idea and the form of idea return to motion-in-inertia as memory and remain there for a time as formless idea.

A union of the father force with the mother force brings it back again into the form of idea, for the united energies of these apparent opposites make the total required by the One.

Just so with positive electricity and negative electricity. They are not two forces. They are but two aspects of One force attempting to separate, each by its own opposite method, thus becoming two forces.

They never succeed in so doing. Each is charged with the other, permeated more or less in accord with its periodicity.

I love the dynamic creative tension he describes between these two opposing aspects of the One force.  I hope I am making us think outside the traditional box of scientific knowledge.  In my next post we’ll see how these two opposing forces balance one another. Until then,

Be love. Be loved.



On Human Relations, part 3, page 4: Man-Woman Equality

I think what we see here is more about cosmic energies, driven by love, seeking a balance in human relationships and affairs and equal partnership in co-creating a beautiful world.

My Chorale PicIn my last post, I offered my perspective and take on the seemingly phenomenal explosion of same-sex relationships. Much of the “explosion,” however, seems to be more about public awareness due to social media than actual increase in terms of numbers. Homosexuality has likely been around since the separation between man and woman in the Garden of Eden. Biblical references abound in both Old and New Testament scriptures. I think what we see here is more about cosmic energies, driven by love, seeking a balance in human relationships and affairs and equal partnership in co-creating a beautiful world.

As I understand their nature, cosmic energies are both positive and negative, or masculine and feminine, and that is by divine design in order to foster Creation itself. It is the Law of Love at work. Positive energy is by nature radiant, a masculine characteristic, and negative energy is by nature responsive, a more feminine characteristic. Creation involves equal partnering between masculine and feminine energies.  It is governed by the Law of Balance, which Walter and Lao Russell wrote so eloquently about in their books I’ve been reviewing and referencing in this blog series. If that partnering is prevented between men and women — as is surely the case in today’s male-female relationships where the man lords it over the woman yet in a social order that denies women equal privilege, pay and participation in decision making and governance — then these cosmic energies, which obey only divine order and the cosmic laws of Creation, will rise up to partner in same-sex relationships. Ideally, these co-creative energies seek to partner in a balanced way in each individual human being, where they are equally operative, and will do so as the individual pursues and completes a spiritual path that leads to true Self awareness and activation.

Mind you, these individuals are “same-sex” only in physical appearance and not in spiritual or vibrational essence and reality. These energies have no persona, no respect of person. Nor do they have ego, either male or female.  In other words, they are not the person. They are cosmic energies, pure and simple, and they belong together bringing forth Creation as equal partners in a balanced relationship.

The problem arises out of our insistence on identifying with them. Our correct identity is as a Human Being. I am a Human Being incarnate in a male form. My wife is a Human Being incarnate in a female form. We were drawn together by Love, as are most couples. It has been our conscious choice to find a balance in our relationship and to learn what it means to partner in life. This “Work” is an ongoing process.

This balance is obvious between Walter and  Lao Russell when you read their writings. They worked at it and succeeded in achieving man-woman equality. Jesus and Mary Magdalene established the pattern of spiritual intimacy and equality that manifested itself in their mental and physical relationship. They were full partners in their shared ministry — and it was a shared ministry, as I will write about when I review Cynthia Bourgeault’s timely and provocative book The Meaning of MARY MAGDALENE — Discovering the Woman at the Heart of Christianity

But let’s read a little more from Lao’s chapter on Man-Woman Equality. At the end of this chapter, Lao takes an action step toward creating a movement in the USA that could change the status quo.

In her own words . . .

Portrait of Lao Russell

Portrait of Lao Russell

Our present unbalanced civilization is scientifically impossible to endure. It is fast disintegrating even now and its decay has accelerated very dangerously since 1900. It is so badly unbalanced in so many departments and institutions that any attempt to balance all of them simultaneously would not be effectual, besides which there is not time to do it that way. The most necessary and the most hopeful one of the unbalanced conditions is man-woman equalization.

This essential to world happiness could become a living flame which would illumine the whole world with a new light if every woman started immediately to “do something about it,” aided by every man who believed in it. Such a movement can succeed only if organized into strength of numbers. One alone can do but little but if everyone joined together in a multiple ONE UNIT of twenty millions or more before the next election, it might be quite possible to make the first great step in that direction by electing many women senators and congresswomen, and even the Vice President for the next Presidential term. Such a world innovation adopted in this country would arouse the whole world of women in other countries where such an innovation would be impossible at the present time. This country should lead the world in this respect as it has in so many respects.

The way to do this speedily and powerfully is for you and every woman everywhere, to call a few friends to gether and form themselves into a unit of the Man-Woman Equalization League. It must be started by
women but every man who is in sympathy with the movement should become an equal member of it. Every truly great man will immediately realize its import and become an enthusiastic working member of it. That UNITY is its very purpose

The League never got off the ground. However, one can go to the Foundation website and find there ways to participate in various programs and projects. I will end this excerpt with a few final words from Lao.

The appeal for this organization is so strong that its growth would become millions in one year if every woman would but realize that women have the power to save the world from another chaos by merely asserting themselves as equal inheritors of the earth and of the business of managing all earthly affairs equally with men. . . . 

When women once realize this saving power which is theirs, and the responsibility which is theirs, this movement will become the mighty crusade which it ought to be. . . .

It is hardly necessary to call your attention to the power which is vested in so many million votes.Unless something of this nature is initiated at once we shall go farther and farther into the chaos which a man-made world is so fast falling into. It is scientifically impossible for peace and happiness to come to such an unbalanced world as this is, where the physical values are so preponderant over spiritual values. We have either got to balance the FatherMother basis of Creation or perish over and over again until we dobalance it.

I therefore say to every woman who reads this book: Will you start today to dedicate yourself to this world service? And I also say to every man: Will you help woman to give birth to this man-woman equalization movement for world unification and peace, and become a member of the Man-Woman Equalization League?

I will leave you with this video interview of Lao Russell.

You can also view it at : Lao Russell Interview PM Magazine


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On Human Relations, part 3, page 3: Man-Woman Equality

My Chorale Pic

In GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU, Lao Russell writes to the inequality between man and woman in high places where women’s spiritual nature would offer a depth of perspective that would help bring about a balanced approach to decisions that impact both men and women, such as decisions about war and environmental issues. It is not enough simply for men to see women as physical objects for his comfort and pleasure and for the purpose of procreation, child rearing and homemaking.

(Clearly, society’s view of homosexuality and lesbianism has undergone radical transformation since Lao wrote and published these words in 1955. This was just prior to the sexual revolution of the 60’s. Bear this in mind as you read this first paragraph.)

Lao Russell

Lao Russell

No great achievement of world import ever comes from countries where women are openly denied any approach to equality with men and they stand still for centuries. Physical interchange with women, unaccompanied with mental interchange, holds a nation to a physical level, just as it does with an individual. Neither individuals nor nations ever progress through physical interchange alone. Miscegenation ruined Greece. Thallic worship ruined many cities and countries while homosexuality, which resulted from such unbalanced conditions, created many a Sodom and Gomorrah.

My take on this view of homosexuality is, first of all, that it is outdated, but nevertheless based on historical and Biblical rocord. In the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, man had devolved to a lower animal nature, having lost sight and experience of his spiritual nature. Over the eons of time, man has evolved from his purely physical identity to a more integrated sense of identity.  In other words, physical man has given birth to Spiritual Man during the current phase of our evolution and awakening in consciousness to the multi-dimensional nature of the Whole Man. What we as a race of Human Beings are experiencing is the integration of the masculine and feminine energies in both men and women — along with the imbalances that appear in the evolutionary process. Let me elaborate on what I mean by imbalances.

Spiritual Man is both male and female, made in the image and likeness of the Creator.  Form notwithstanding, whatever sexual energy is dominant in an entity will determine the individual’s sexual orientation. There will be confusion and incongruencies in form until Spiritual Man fully emerges as a Light Being. These human bodies are temporary, substitute forms and they are giving way to the emergence of our original forms for incarnation. These were spiritual forms made of pure light. Evolution is leading to the restoration of our true state of being as co-creators with God on this physical plane. In the transitional phase, which we are currently undergoing and have been for some time, imbalances are experienced. This necessitates a non-judgmental state in our hearts and minds. We cannot judge what is emerging.

This was the original condition we were given in Eden if we were to have access to the Tree of Life: that we not judge the Creative Process that brings forth good out of evil–or evol, if you will.  The Tree of the knowledge of good and evol is the Creative Process, and that tree belongs to the Creator. We were told not to eat of its fruit lest we should die. Of course we disobeyed the Creator and ate of the “forbidden fruit”—which is simply judgement. The rest is history — or his story; the story of the rise and fall of the man-made, mind-made world. As I said, this is my take on these matters of very current concern, considering the recent Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage.

Lao writes with a woman’s understanding heart about the primary and pivotal imbalance in this man-made world.

Within the last fifty years, countries like Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Iran and Japan which gradually added to the status of woman by giving her greater dignity, progressed very rapidly from almost static levels. The countries which have risen to the highest levels in culture, invention, science, industry and engineering are the ones in which its women interchange mentally with men as well as physically. Middle Europe and the United States have given almost all of the world’s great
achievements to the world, while the Slavs, Mongols, Arabs, and other Asiatic and African nations have given practically none of it. Whatever scientific, engineering, industrial or inventive advancement has come to Slav countries has been subsidized from Anglo-Saxon countries.

The advancement of women to mental esteem has been encouraging but there has been too little of man-woman equality in high places, such as industry and government. In these important departments of life the world is still a man’s world, made by man for man, and in man’s image. It is not a peaceful world, or a united one in any of its many departments, and it never will be as long as it is a man’s man-made world. Until women become the acknowledged mental equal of man and share with him the executive management of industrial and national responsibilities, it will be impossible to have an enduring civilization of happy, peaceful, successful people.

An unbalanced civilization is as operatively impossible as it would be for a man to continually walk and work while even three degrees away from perpendicular. Wherever one sees world and national affairs being discussed and weighed for decisions which affect all peoples, both men and women, you see great rows of men occupying the seats of judgment as to how the world must act. Everyone is familiar with pictures of man-groups in such high places as Senate and Congressional gatherings, the great conferences of The United Nations, the international assemblies at world conferences, the English Parliament or the cabinet of the President of the United States. With but few exceptions here and there all these managers of world affairs are men, all engaged in making a man’s unbalanced world which is as divided against itself as Man and Woman are divided against each other in a home where man is “master in his own house.”

I am quite sure that present-day man has not given serious thought to this man-woman equality in high places—especially here in the United States where men revere their women so highly. I feel that those thinking ones who read this book and remembering the great import of their wives in their work will do all in their power to commence what could be the greatest movement the world has even known. This action would be the spiritual rebirth the world is seeking and which all thinking men have been desiring to come into being to save it.

Our present state of world affairs is not in harmony with God’s One Law. That means that the whole human race is endeavoring to build a civilization by working against God instead of working with Him. It is a defiance of God’s command which Nature will not tolerate. Man alone can never manifest His Creator. Every creation of God or man springs only from unity, not from separateness. Creation stems only from united Father-Mother-hood. Man can no more create an enduring civilization without woman than he can create a baby without woman.

All ideas of the Mind, as well as all created bodies which manifest Mind, must have a mother as well as a father. The great error of man in this respect lies not so much in selfishness and ego as it does to the hold-over of his pagan memory of woman’s value to him as being purely physical. Until man and woman can equalize their mental relations and work together for spiritual unity, a balanced civilization is impossible.

We have long heard the hackneyed phrase that woman’s place is in the home. To organize, beautify and manage a home requires a great deal of executive ability which women perform with great credit when they must do it alone, but gloriously so when mates work together. Women have been called upon in war emergency meassures and asked to fill places unfamiliar to them, places which none but men have ever filled. They not only did the work with equal skill and merit but very often with greater efficiency than men.

When women fought for equal suffrage, one of the most familiar criticisms used to ridicule the idea of women as voters was the claim that they would vote for the man who had nice curly hair rather than the one who had brains. Then there was the ridicule of woman as statesman or as industrial director. “What would a woman know about government? What would she do in a conference of trained diplomats?”

Looking upon the results of our all-men world conferences since the end of World War I is it not fair to ask if the present dreadful plight the world finds itself in could not have been avoided if the balancing influence of women’s spiritual nature had been present? Every man and woman must realize that it is not in woman’s nature to kill, for her purpose on earth is to give life, not take it.

That alone is crucial to the survival of the human race. Women would find a more civilized way of settling issues between nations than war. Indeed, there would likely be fewer issues to settle between world nations if the feminine nature of Mankind was given equal place at the table of governing bodies.  More on this in my next post.

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