Creating the New Earth Together

Posts tagged ‘Zodia Cycles’

Our Cymatic Universe: Shaped by “The Music of the Spheres”

“If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.” –Tesla

As those who follow my blog know, I encompass many aspects and areas of life on planet Earth. Lately I’ve been exploring the heavens and cosmic influence of the planets upon human consciousness and behavior, having recently read Richard Tarnas’s epic book COSMOS AND PSYCHE — Intimations of a New World View, in which he examines the impact of planetary alignments and their archetypal influence on human consciousness and historical events.  In this post, I will share my thoughts on how this influence works on the basis of acoustic cymatics, the shaping of matter by sound vibrations.  Let me first define and demonstrate what cymatics is.

Our Cymatic Universe

Cymatics is the science of sound made visible. It is based on the principle that when sound encounters a membrane such as your skin or the surface of water, it imprints an invisible pattern of energy. In other words, the periodic vibrations in the sound sample are converted and become periodic water ripples, creating beautiful geometric patterns that reveal the once invisible realm of sound. If we could see the sounds around us with our eyes we would see myriads of holographic bubbles, each with a kaleidoscopic-like pattern on its surface. (John Stuart Reed)

Below is a picture graphic of cymatic images created by sounds, specifically the first octave of twelve piano notes with which all of our music here in the West is composed. (Right click on the image to open in a new tab for magnified viewing.) 

For a real treat, click on this link for a five-minute demonstration of cymatics created by music:

In my book ATTUNEMENT WITH SACRED SOUND–The Magical Use of Sound in Energy Work and Healing, there’s an entire section devoted to this topic. (For a copy of my book, send me your request by email. Price with local postage is $40.)

Sound Bubbles

Vibrations move out from their source in all directions. The picture below, along with this excerpt from my book, demonstrate and describes this phenomenon.

The term “sound wave” tends to create in the mind’s eye an image of a wave of sound, rather like a water ripple, moving vibrations of air molecules toward your ear in a wave-like motion when, in reality, sound does not propagate as a wave but moves out from its source spherically with one small part of the sphere’s leading edge reaching your ear. According to acoustic physics researcher, John Stuart Reid, all sounds that humans hear propagate in this way. He calls these spheres “sound bubbles” and they carry the sound by contracting and expanding according to its pitch (if it is a musical sound) or its frequency. The violin bubble image (above) demonstrates this principle graphically, illustrating a musical note emerging from a violin. (More about John Stuart Reid’s work can be found at his website, 

Causality and Correlation

Richard Tarnas queries the causality and correlations in his research, asking how planetary alignments impact our psyche? What is the nature of the medium by which their influence is transmitted? (Highlights mine)

In the modern era, with the dominant Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm in the background of all thought and discourse on the subject, considerable confusion has been produced by the conventional scientific attempt to interpret—and thus reject the possibility of—astrological correspondences within a modern mecha­nistic cosmological framework. In effect, the Cartesian-Newtonian standpoint led to a single simple question that, within its framework, was regarded as decisive for the issue of astrology’s validity: How can the planets influence events on the Earth if no physical forces have been observed that could cause those events ?  . . . . To a great extent the question of physi­cal planetary influence reflected the residual strength of materialist and mechanistic assumptions in contemporary scientific thought, even after the conceptual shifts introduced by quantum physics. Physical forces represented the only kind of relationship that could be imagined to exist between celestial bodies and hu­man life. This approach to astrology also, less obviously, reflected certain lingering literalist and mechanistic tendencies in the astrological tradition itself that made it vulnerable to a reductionist critique after the ancient Ptolemaic-Aristotelian cosmology was rejected and replaced by Newtonian science. Above all, how­ever, the modern dismissal of astrology reflected the virtually universal modern conviction that the cosmos was disenchanted.

Given the nature of the evidence now known, it is difficult to imagine any physical factor that could serve as the ultimate source or medium of the observed astrological correlations. At least on the basis of the principal categories of data I have examined, it seems to me highly unlikely that the planets send out physical emanations, like electromagnetic radiation, that causally influence events in human life in a mechanistic way so as to produce the observed correlations. The range of correspondences between planetary positions and human existence is just too vast and multidimensional—too manifestly ordered by structures of meaning, too suggestive of creative intelligence, too vividly informed by aes­thetic patterning, too metaphorically multivalent, too experientially complex and nuanced, and too responsive to human participatory inflection—to be explained by straightforward material factors alone. Given as well the consistent nature of correlations involving the Sun, the Moon, and all the planets of the solar system from Mercury and Venus to Neptune and Pluto, irrespective of their size or dis­tance from Earth, any causal factor resembling gravitational influence seems to be equally improbable.

I believe that a more plausible and comprehensive explanation of the avail­able evidence would rest on a conception of the universe as a fundamentally and irreducibly interconnected whole, informed by creative intelligence and pervaded by patterns of meaning and order that extend through every level, and that are expressed through a constant correspondence between astronomical events and human events. Such a view is concisely reflected in the Hermetic axiom “as above, so below,” which describes a universe all of whose parts and dimensions are integrated into an intelligible whole. In the perspective I am suggesting here, reflecting the dominant trend in contemporary astrological theory, the planets do not “cause” specific events any more than the hands on a clock “cause” a specific time. Rather, the planetary positions are indicative of the cosmic state of archetypal dynamics at that time. The words of Plotinus, the most influential philoso­pher of later classical antiquity, speak directly to this understanding:

The stars are like letters which inscribe themselves at every moment in the sky. … Everything in the world is full of signs …. All events are co­ordinated. . . . All things depend on each other; as has been said, “Everything breathes together.”

I resonate with his perspective. As one reads through Tarnas’s book, one is made aware of the progressive changes in human consciousness and the developments of civilizations, one development leading to another from century to century in perfect sequence and synchronicity with repeating cycles of planetary alignments.  We have been moved along the path of evolution by a Universal Intelligence, if you will, playing, upgrading and rewriting the “Music of the Spheres.”

The questions that arises in my mind are “What did Hermes imply when he envisioned the axiom ‘As above, so below’?”  Was he thinking only in terms of a physical universe, with the stars and planets “above” and the earth “below,” or was he envisioning a spiritual, vibrational causal dimension above this physical manifestation of a Divine order and harmony infusing and shaping the cosmos?  And is the enchantment of the universe inspired by the presence of a Divine Entity or merely by figments of human imagination projected upon the dark screen of outer space? Or perhaps a combination of both?

I envision a “unified field” of spirit clothed by form, of a Creator outfitted by Creation, bringing the inaudible Music of the Realms of Light into the audible realm of form, orchestrating and playing the “Music of the Spheres” upon the stars in the heavens and the planets orbiting our Star in the Milky Way Galaxy. 

Cymatic Archetypal Patterning

Here is my contribution to Richard Tarnas’s exhaustive research into the repetitive coincidences of planetary alignments and global events and human behavior . . . and, most significantly, human evolution.

Vibrational imprints upon the sea of human consciousness, produced by Zodiac constellations and planets in various configurations of alignment, may well be what give rise to the archetypal patterns of subtle energy that tend to shape human behavior and historical events, both personal and social—all on the basis of the principle of resonance.

As is demonstrated in the cymatic graphics above, sound, vibrations, energy, when impacting the sea of the collective consciousness of humanity, create kaleidoscopic-like patterned ripples that activate certain archetypal characteristics, their light side as well as their shadow side, which shape and manifest in global events, as well as in individuals born under specific “zodiacal signs” during specific planetary alignments. Their lives and life’s work alter the course of history and move humanity forward in the ongoing cycles of evolution and transformation. All that has gone before has brought us to this moment in time and space in our evolution. The hand of God is firmly upon these cycles. The Tone is sounding at its source in our Sun moving out to create resonant vibrations in all the planets. When they align, their collective vibrations and combined “music” bring about changes in the cymatic pattern on the surface of the human consciousness and consequently in human behavior; changes in our Earth and in all life on the planet.  Our Universe is shaped by the Tone sounding in the Music of the Spheres.

Notice I did not say “predetermine” or “predestine” human behavior, but only “shape.” There is still free will and personal choice in our determinations and behavior, a topic I will entertain shortly in another post.

Evolution Driven by Sound Vibrations

Evolution is in the hands of Divine Providence who sets forth the “ordinances of heaven.” How the ordinances of heaven are “set in the earth” is on the basis of vibrations, sound, the “Music of the Spheres,” as mathematical physicist Pythagoras described the orchestral symphony of our Universe.

Space is Not a Silent Void

Space is full of sound. All of the Planets and Stars generate radio waves that can be reproduced as sound. Contrary to popular belief, Space is NOT a silent void, there is a lot going on that we cannot see. Some of the stars have beautiful voices, some of them are not so pleasant, but all this represents much more than we can imagine beyond Quantum Physics, so Please Enjoy and Acknowledge. (by JARI)

(The second half of this 18-minute video is a beautiful, uplifting visual and musical meditation on the “Music of the Spheres,” which I know you will enjoy. View it on your expanded screen with auxiliary speakers.)

The Missing Essential Link . . . Restored

However, it is more than sound by which the ordinances of heaven are set in the earth. From the Beginning, it has been ordained by the Divine Design of Man that the ordinances of heaven be set in the earth by way of Man’s Consciousness polarized upward in Divine Consciousness and in oneness with the Creator.  This essential link and interface between heaven and earth has been missing . . . until now.  We are awakening to our rightful place in the Divine Design for Man and our role in the Creative Process.  Human consciousness is once again becoming available to and engaged with the Creator of the New Heaven and the emerging New Earth.  A reminder of this Divine ordination has been handed down to us — as my friend noted in his letter featured in my previous post — in what is called “The Lord’s Prayer” by these oft-repeated words: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”— which will provide topic for a future post. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


Our Cymatic Universe: Shaped by “The Music of the Spheres”

“If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.” –Tesla

As those who follow my blog know, I encompass many aspects and areas of life on planet Earth. Lately I’ve been exploring the heavens and cosmic influence of the planets upon human consciousness and behavior, having recently read Richard Tarnas’s epic book COSMOS AND PSYCHE — Intimations of a New World View, in which he examines the impact of planetary alignments and their archetypal influence on human consciousness and historical events.  In this post, I will share my thoughts on how this influence works on the basis of acoustic cymatics, the shaping of matter by sound vibrations.  Let me first define and demonstrate what cymatics is.

Our Cymatic Universe

Cymatics is the science of sound made visible. It is based on the principle that when sound encounters a membrane such as your skin or the surface of water, it imprints an invisible pattern of energy. In other words, the periodic vibrations in the sound sample are converted and become periodic water ripples, creating beautiful geometric patterns that reveal the once invisible realm of sound. If we could see the sounds around us with our eyes we would see myriads of holographic bubbles, each with a kaleidoscopic-like pattern on its surface. (John Stuart Reed)

Below is a picture graphic of cymatic images created by sounds, specifically the first octave of twelve piano notes with which all of our music here in the West is composed. (Right click on the image to open in a new tab for magnified viewing.) 

For a real treat, click on this link for a five-minute demonstration of cymatics created by music:

In my book ATTUNEMENT WITH SACRED SOUND–The Magical Use of Sound in Energy Work and Healing, there’s an entire section devoted to this topic. (For a copy of my book, send me your request by email. Price with local postage is $40.)

Sound Bubbles

Vibrations move out from their source in all directions. The picture below, along with this excerpt from my book, demonstrate and describes this phenomenon.

The term “sound wave” tends to create in the mind’s eye an image of a wave of sound, rather like a water ripple, moving vibrations of air molecules toward your ear in a wave-like motion when, in reality, sound does not propagate as a wave but moves out from its source spherically with one small part of the sphere’s leading edge reaching your ear. According to acoustic physics researcher, John Stuart Reid, all sounds that humans hear propagate in this way. He calls these spheres “sound bubbles” and they carry the sound by contracting and expanding according to its pitch (if it is a musical sound) or its frequency. The violin bubble image (above) demonstrates this principle graphically, illustrating a musical note emerging from a violin. (More about John Stuart Reid’s work can be found at his website, 

Causality and Correlation

Richard Tarnas queries the causality and correlations in his research, asking how planetary alignments impact our psyche? What is the nature of the medium by which their influence is transmitted? (Highlights mine)

In the modern era, with the dominant Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm in the background of all thought and discourse on the subject, considerable confusion has been produced by the conventional scientific attempt to interpret—and thus reject the possibility of—astrological correspondences within a modern mecha­nistic cosmological framework. In effect, the Cartesian-Newtonian standpoint led to a single simple question that, within its framework, was regarded as decisive for the issue of astrology’s validity: How can the planets influence events on the Earth if no physical forces have been observed that could cause those events ?  . . . . To a great extent the question of physi­cal planetary influence reflected the residual strength of materialist and mechanistic assumptions in contemporary scientific thought, even after the conceptual shifts introduced by quantum physics. Physical forces represented the only kind of relationship that could be imagined to exist between celestial bodies and hu­man life. This approach to astrology also, less obviously, reflected certain lingering literalist and mechanistic tendencies in the astrological tradition itself that made it vulnerable to a reductionist critique after the ancient Ptolemaic-Aristotelian cosmology was rejected and replaced by Newtonian science. Above all, how­ever, the modern dismissal of astrology reflected the virtually universal modern conviction that the cosmos was disenchanted.

Given the nature of the evidence now known, it is difficult to imagine any physical factor that could serve as the ultimate source or medium of the observed astrological correlations. At least on the basis of the principal categories of data I have examined, it seems to me highly unlikely that the planets send out physical emanations, like electromagnetic radiation, that causally influence events in human life in a mechanistic way so as to produce the observed correlations. The range of correspondences between planetary positions and human existence is just too vast and multidimensional—too manifestly ordered by structures of meaning, too suggestive of creative intelligence, too vividly informed by aes­thetic patterning, too metaphorically multivalent, too experientially complex and nuanced, and too responsive to human participatory inflection—to be explained by straightforward material factors alone. Given as well the consistent nature of correlations involving the Sun, the Moon, and all the planets of the solar system from Mercury and Venus to Neptune and Pluto, irrespective of their size or dis­tance from Earth, any causal factor resembling gravitational influence seems to be equally improbable.

I believe that a more plausible and comprehensive explanation of the avail­able evidence would rest on a conception of the universe as a fundamentally and irreducibly interconnected whole, informed by creative intelligence and pervaded by patterns of meaning and order that extend through every level, and that are expressed through a constant correspondence between astronomical events and human events. Such a view is concisely reflected in the Hermetic axiom “as above, so below,” which describes a universe all of whose parts and dimensions are integrated into an intelligible whole. In the perspective I am suggesting here, reflecting the dominant trend in contemporary astrological theory, the planets do not “cause” specific events any more than the hands on a clock “cause” a specific time. Rather, the planetary positions are indicative of the cosmic state of archetypal dynamics at that time. The words of Plotinus, the most influential philoso­pher of later classical antiquity, speak directly to this understanding:

The stars are like letters which inscribe themselves at every moment in the sky. … Everything in the world is full of signs …. All events are co­ordinated. . . . All things depend on each other; as has been said, “Everything breathes together.”

I resonate with his perspective. As one reads through Tarnas’s book, one is made aware of the progressive changes in human consciousness and the developments of civilizations, one development leading to another from century to century in perfect sequence and synchronicity with repeating cycles of planetary alignments.  We have been moved along the path of evolution by a Universal Intelligence, if you will, playing, upgrading and rewriting the “Music of the Spheres.”

The questions that arises in my mind are “What did Hermes imply when he envisioned the axiom ‘As above, so below’?”  Was he thinking only in terms of a physical universe, with the stars and planets “above” and the earth “below,” or was he envisioning a spiritual, vibrational causal dimension above this physical manifestation of a Divine order and harmony infusing and shaping the cosmos?  And is the enchantment of the universe inspired by the presence of a Divine Entity or merely by figments of human imagination projected upon the dark screen of outer space? Or perhaps a combination of both?

I envision a “unified field” of spirit clothed by form, of a Creator outfitted by Creation, bringing the inaudible Music of the Realms of Light into the audible realm of form, orchestrating and playing the “Music of the Spheres” upon the stars in the heavens and the planets orbiting our Star in the Milky Way Galaxy. 

Cymatic Archetypal Patterning

Here is my contribution to Richard Tarnas’s exhaustive research into the repetitive coincidences of planetary alignments and global events and human behavior . . . and, most significantly, human evolution.

Vibrational imprints upon the sea of human consciousness, produced by Zodiac constellations and planets in various configurations of alignment, may well be what give rise to the archetypal patterns of subtle energy that tend to shape human behavior and historical events, both personal and social—all on the basis of the principle of resonance.

As is demonstrated in the cymatic graphics above, sound, vibrations, energy, when impacting the sea of the collective consciousness of humanity, create kaleidoscopic-like patterned ripples that activate certain archetypal characteristics, their light side as well as their shadow side, which shape and manifest in global events, as well as in individuals born under specific “zodiacal signs” during specific planetary alignments. Their lives and life’s work alter the course of history and move humanity forward in the ongoing cycles of evolution and transformation. All that has gone before has brought us to this moment in time and space in our evolution. The hand of God is firmly upon these cycles. The Tone is sounding at its source in our Sun moving out to create resonant vibrations in all the planets. When they align, their collective vibrations and combined “music” bring about changes in the cymatic pattern on the surface of the human consciousness and consequently in human behavior; changes in our Earth and in all life on the planet.  Our Universe is shaped by the Tone sounding in the Music of the Spheres.

Notice I did not say “predetermine” or “predestine” human behavior, but only “shape.” There is still free will and personal choice in our determinations and behavior, a topic I will entertain shortly in another post.

Evolution Driven by Sound Vibrations

Evolution is in the hands of Divine Providence who sets forth the “ordinances of heaven.” How the ordinances of heaven are “set in the earth” is on the basis of vibrations, sound, the “Music of the Spheres,” as mathematical physicist Pythagoras described the orchestral symphony of our Universe.

Space is Not a Silent Void

Space is full of sound. All of the Planets and Stars generate radio waves that can be reproduced as sound. Contrary to popular belief, Space is NOT a silent void, there is a lot going on that we cannot see. Some of the stars have beautiful voices, some of them are not so pleasant, but all this represents much more than we can imagine beyond Quantum Physics, so Please Enjoy and Acknowledge. (by JARI)

(The second half of this 18-minute video is a beautiful, uplifting visual and musical meditation on the “Music of the Spheres,” which I know you will enjoy. View it on your expanded screen with auxiliary speakers.)

The Missing Essential Link . . . Restored

However, it is more than sound by which the ordinances of heaven are set in the earth. From the Beginning, it has been ordained by the Divine Design of Man that the ordinances of heaven be set in the earth by way of Man’s Consciousness polarized upward in Divine Consciousness and in oneness with the Creator.  This essential link and interface between heaven and earth has been missing . . . until now.  We are awakening to our rightful place in the Divine Design for Man and our role in the Creative Process.  Human consciousness is once again becoming available to and engaged with the Creator of the New Heaven and the emerging New Earth.  A reminder of this Divine ordination has been handed down to us — as my friend noted in his letter featured in my previous post — in what is called “The Lord’s Prayer” by these oft-repeated words: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”— which will provide topic for a future post. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


Wheels Within Wheels: Breaking the Cycles of War, part 3

The  zodiac “wheel” cycle of 1,260 years is subdivided into smaller cycles: 630, 315, 260, 52 and as small as 13 years. In his controversial book The Synchronicity Key, lecturer and author David Wilcock studies repetitive events that fall within the zodiac cycle measured by the Mayan Great Year of 1,260 years connecting the Roman Empire in the Age of Aries with the modern world in the Age of Pisces. This zodiac cycle is accented by periods of war that mirror the many and various wars that took place during the reign of the Roman Empire. His purpose for studying this cycle and documenting his findings is to show how in our day, on this side of the zodiac cycle, the pattern of repeating wars has been broken and the pall of nuclear war that’s been hanging over our heads for decades is no longer a threat.

My purpose in blogging about Wilcock’s investigation is to bring his finding into the light of day for our more current awareness so that we can put to rest the background fears of nuclear annihilation that have kept us from moving forward with a revitalized sense of assurance that all is indeed well.

But this is not the only nor primary reason why all is well. The primary reason why all is well is because we are being watched over by “guardian angels” — in the form of “Watchers,” according to David Wilcock’s cosmology. But more about that in a future  post.

In the previous post, we looked at two incidents where the imminent threat of nuclear war was defused. In this post I will present another war that mirrored a war in the Roman Empire on the far side of the zodiac cycle. I will again let David Wilcock tell the story from his investigative journalism in an excerpt from The Synchronicity Key. 



Rome went to war against Antiochus III in 192 B.C. Antiochus III was a king who ruled over Greater Syria and western Asia. Antiochus III invaded Greece with a ten-thousand-man army, triggering the Roman-Syrian War, which raged from 192 to 188 B.C.

When we advance this same time period ahead by 2,160 years, we have 1968 to 1972. This precisely corresponds to the key turning points of the Vietnam War—which also was a war in Asia.

The United States first began covert operations in North Vietnam in 1964. On August 2, 1964, three North Vietnamese PT boats fired on the USS Maddox. This led to the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, in which Lyndon Baines Johnson, Kennedy’s former vice president, gained permission to wage war against North Vietnam without a congressional declaration. The United States began bombing North Vietnam in 1965 while troop levels topped two hundred thousand. In 1967, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara said the bombing raids were not effective enough to solve the problem and more needed to be done.

Then, in January 1968 — 2,160 years after the Asian king Antiochus III invaded Greece with ten thousand men, plunging him into an all-out war with the Roman Empire — North Vietnamese and Vietcong forces swept into South Vietnam. The Asian enemy attacked several cities, in­cluding the capital — similar to Antiochus’ attack on Greece in the Age of Aries. This bold and daring military maneuver was called the Tet Offensive. Though this attack was repelled, it was a political and psychological victory, causing great questions about whether the United States was involved enough in the war. General William Westmoreland requested a doubling of the troop presence in February, calling for an additional 206,000 men. The idea of ordinary young men being drafted into military service suddenly became a very real and very terrifying prospect.

Then, on March 16, 1968, American soldiers massacred hundreds of innocent people in the village of My Lai. In 1969, when the incident be­came public knowledge, it caused shockwaves through the American po­litical and military establishment as well as the general public. The American people had an opportunity to demand the end of the war right there, but the political will was not yet strong enough.

These three events­—the Tet Offensive, the proposed doubling of the troop presence, and the My Lai massacre—dramatically increased the emotional impact of the war. The number of young men being drafted suddenly skyrocketed.

Again, these events all occurred in 1968–precisely 2,160 years after Rome went into full-scale war against the Asian king Antiochus III in 192 B.C.

A BITTER TASTE OF TREASON — Served on a Fifty-Two-Year-Old Platter

Furthermore, on March 17, 2013, it was revealed that presidential candi­date Richard M. Nixon had deliberately sabotaged peace talks with Viet­nam that same year, 1968. I happened to find this article through synchronicity, while looking for other information on Nixon to help flesh out this part of the book. This incredibly treasonous story was cov­ered by Rachel Maddow on MSNBC, as well as in other media outlets, but I wouldn’t have found it if I hadn’t already been looking for links to Nixon and 1968. We now know that Nixon bribed the Vietnamese with promises that they would get a much better peace deal if they held off until he became president. This shocking betrayal of the American people guaranteed that the deadly Vietnam War would grow much, much larger-and far more profitable for the military-industrial complex.

This treasonous secret deal with the enemy provided fuel for much greater military power in Nixon’s presidency. President Eisenhower had warned America about the growing, potentially “disastrous” menace of the military-industrial complex in his closing address on January 17, 196I. Eisenhower was another mentor figure who gave America a magic gift in this speech, which could ultimately be used to defeat the nemesis: “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military­ industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists-and will persist.”

The president at the time, Lyndon Baines Johnson, was aware of Nix­on’s treasonous deal but said nothing. Nixon thereby sentenced hundreds of thousands of additional young men into the military draft, and tens of thousands more American soldiers into their deaths—when it was all entirely preventable. The audiotapes that proved Nixon did this were declassified by the LBJ Presidential Library in 2013. The story was pub­lished literally the day before this chapter of the book was being revisited for its final publication for the first time since 2010.

It is interesting that fifty-two years elapsed between Eisenhower’s pro­phetic warning in January 1961 and the final exposure of Nixon’s treason in 2013. The Maya strongly believed that history moved in fifty-two-year cycles, which were made up of four smaller cycles of thirteen years. Peo­ple throughout Mesoamerica celebrated this “Sacred Round” cycle as “the Binding of the Years” and used it to help them understand past and future events.”  For example, the Spanish conqueror Hernan Cortes be­gan destroying the Aztecs shortly after his initial, peaceful visit in No­vember 1519 — causing the Aztec prophecy of “nine hells” of fifty-two years to begin. Five “Sacred Round” cycles of fifty-two years add up to the tzolkin cycle of 260 years, which was widely revered throughout Mesoamerica. Australian professor Robert Peden discovered that the 260-year tzolkin cycle is a perfect “common denominator” for all the orbits of the planets in our inner solar system. The period of 260 years is a sub cycle that divides perfectly into the exact length of every orbit within the inner solar system. It is quite astonishing that the “primitive” cultures of Mesoamerica were somehow able to discover this number.

They also constructed an estimated three hundred to five hundred pyra­mids out of huge stone blocks-which again suggests they may have had
access to advanced technology.


According to Helmer and Masson, Rome went to war with the Syrian king Antiochus III in 192 B.C.; 2,160 years later, in 1968, the Vietnam War dramatically expanded. (Remember that we now have absolute proof that Nixon bribed the Vietnamese government to extend the war.) The Roman-Syrian War lasted five years, finally ending in 188 B.C. If we ad­vance 188 B.C. forward by 2,160 years, we arrive at 1972, which is the exact year that a cease-fire was negotiated by Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho.

John Lennon’s song “Imagine,” released in September 1971, now seems oddly prophetic as a foretelling of the defeat of the Cabal. In ar­chetypal terms, “Imagine” was a harbinger of the Elixir of Immortality that would soon be seized — the promise of peace — once the dragon of the Cabal, and its military draft of ordinary young men, had been slain.

“I hope someday you’ll join us; and the world will live as One.”

The final peace treaty was signed with Vietnam and went into effect on January 27,1973. This led to the formal announcement of the end of the draft and the withdrawal of the last American troops from Vietnam.

[On April 30,1975, the North Vietnam Army tanks rolled through the gates of the Presidential Palace in Saigon headquarters, effectively ending the war, winning the war for Communist Russia — a huge loss for the USA, the nemesis defeating the hero in our Nation’s “Hero’s Journey.“]



There are a few other more recent breaks in the cycles of war as the United States in this age of Aquarius pulls away from the Roman wars that occupied the Age of Aries. These more recent incidences are the anti-terrorists wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, occasioned by the “9/11” attacks and destruction of the World Trade Center in New York, and the nuclear arms crisis of Iran, a crisis still unsettled now that President Trump has canceled the Iranian Nuclear Treaty.  With the US pulling out of the INF treaty with the USSR yesterday, the nuclear arms race is likely to start up again. What insanity on the part of our leaders. I will present these events in my next two posts of this series.  As always, I welcome your thoughts in the Comment section. Until my next post, fear not.  

Be love. Be loved.



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