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Archive for the ‘Attunement’ Category

The “Rainbow Body” of Light

AS PROMISED, here is the excerpt from the last chapter of my book SACRED ANATOMY. I am also pleased to announce that both of my books — Sacred Anatomy and Attunement with Sacred Sound — are now available online at the Amazon Bookstore. You can also order directly from my publisher, Wise Publications, online at Check out the listing, place an order, and spread the word!

The subject of this post may not seem relevant to current global events — with wars waging in the Middle East and in the Ukraine, and several other places, and numerous other existential crises looming on the horizon — and that’s how it should be to perhaps serve as a reprieve from worries over turbulent world events.

It is relevant ,however, to the evolution of human consciousness and subsequent transformation and transmutation currently underway that are bringing about radical changes in our human capacities. We may not be headed in the direction this consideration suggests and even implies. However, our physical bodies are undergoing a steady process of transformation and transmutation into translucent “light bodies.” So, as per the instruction, “Let your light so shine . . . .” Enjoy!

TIBETAN BUDDHISTS practice the “Rainbow Body,” the apparent dematerialization and transmutation of the physical body. The practice may be spread out over many years of meditation until the actual transfiguration is achieved — although more as a gift of spirit than an achievement of mental effort.  A Biblical passage tells of a “transfiguration” of Jesus wherein he appeared in a glorious form with Moses and Elijah in the presence of three of his disciples, and another of his glorified body being resurrected from the grave.  What follows here may give us some inkling of the potential inherent in our own sacred anatomy.

The Sufi call it “the most sacred body” and the “supracelestial body.” Taoists call it “the diamond body,” and those who have attained it are called “the immortals” and “the cloud walkers.” In various other traditions it is called by such descriptive names as “the divine body” (Trantric yoga), “the body of bliss” (Kriya yoga), “the superconductive body” (Zoroastrian Vendanta), “the luminous body or being” (ancient Egypt), “the radiant body” (Gnosticism), “the perfect body” (Mithraic liturgy), “the immortal body” (Hermetic Corpus), and “the Golden Body” (Emerald Tablets of the alchemical tradition). —(Wilcock, The Source Field Investigations.)

Here is a description of the process taken from Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light by Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche and reprinted in David Wilcock’s book, The Source Field Investigations.

This is one of many depictions of the Rainbow Body from Tibet: Body of Light: Tibetan, ja-lus.  Also known as the “rainbow body.”  Certain realized beings . . . achieve the transformation of their ordinary bodies into a Body of Light. . . . In this process the physical body dissolves into its natural state, which is that of Clear Light.  As the elements of the body are purified, they transform from their gross manifestation (body, flesh, bones, etc.) into their pure essence as the five colors: blue, green, white, red and golden yellow.  As the body dissolves into these five colors a rainbow is formed, and all that remains of the physical body are fingernails and hair. . . .

Over 160,000 documented cases of the Rainbow Body have occurred in Tibet and China alone.  David Wilcock cites a most extraordinary event that took place in Kham, a small village in Tibet, in 1998, when a Gelugpa monk, Khenpo A-chos, died leaving nothing of his earthly form behind.  He was described as having . . .

. . . a warm, spiritual nature that touched everyone he met. . . . he often spoke of the importance of cultivating compassion. He had the ability to teach even the roughest and toughest of types how to be a little gentler, a little more mindful. . . . The witnesses reported a rainbow appearing over Khenpo A-chos’s hut a few days before he died, and that “dozens of rainbows appeared in the sky afterward.  He was not sick and nothing appeared to be wrong with him — he simply chanted a mantra.

According to the eyewitnesses, after his breath stopped his flesh became kind of pinkish. One person said it turned brilliant white. All said it started to shine. Lama A-chos suggested wrapping his friend’s body in a yellow robe, the type all Gelug monks wear. As the days passed, they maintained they could see, through the robe, that his bones and his body were shrinking. They also heard beautiful, mysterious music coming from the sky, and they smelled perfume. After seven days, they removed the yellow cloth, and no body remained. Lama Norta and a few other individuals claimed that after his death Khenpo A-chos appeared to them in visions and dreams … Lama A-chos told Tiso that it takes sixty years of intensive practice to achieve the rainbow body. “Whether it always takes that long, I don’t know,” acknowledges Tiso, “but we would like to be able to incorporate, in a respectful way, some of these practices into our own Western philosophical and religious traditions.” … To our knowledge, says Tiso, the bodies of most Christian saints did not disappear or shrink after their deaths …. However, he adds, bodily ascensions are mentioned in the Bible and other traditional texts for Enoch, Mary, Elijah, and possibly Moses. And there are numerous stories of saints materializing after their death, similar to the widespread phenomenon known as the “light- body.” 

As I say, time was when we could “fly over the rainbow.” There was a design in place for such spirit and soul travel. That design was lost, along with the Garden State, and had not been present on earth for many thousands of years when the Lord of Love incarnated on Earth. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that it was human consciousness that got lost. The design did not go anywhere but was hidden in a cloud of mystery for a season until such time that the Sons and Daughters of God would again emerge on Earth through the sons and daughters of Man. That time came with the incarnation of the Lord of Love . . . and continues to this day.

The Lord of Love incarnated with the specific mission of restoring that design on earth as a way by which mankind might be brought back into his Father’s House of many mansions. He referred to it as “the kingdom of heaven” and he did not point to some place up in the sky in some hoped-for “hereafter.” He pointed to the hearts of human beings as portals of entrance into this kingdom. His simple instruction was “Let not your heart be troubled.” Entering into the kingdom of heaven was a frequently repeated theme in his sermons and instructions. His first instruction was that we should “repent” (literally turn around) in order to see that the kingdom of heaven is truly at hand, all around us and right within our own body temples. His commandment and methodology were simple: Love the LORD thy God with all, and thy neighbor as thy Self.

Heaven, then, is not so much a “place” to go to as it is a state of consciousness into which we may ascend, step by step, as the Master Jesus did during his life and ministry.   It is a state into which we may enter any moment we are willing to relinquish our desperate grip on the material world of form and begin living life from out of the world of spirit right here and now, both within us and all around us.  It is the House of God, in which, as He indicated, there are “many mansions.” 

As we saw and explored in some detail, there are specifically seven such mansions, and they all lead to “The Way” upward into the temple of light within these temples of flesh. Within these temples, our sacred anatomy provides us with the hormonal chemistry by which, when activated by the Spirit of Love in expression through our hearts, the Spirit of Truth in expression through our minds, and the Spirit of Life in expression through our bodies, the alchemy of resurrection and ascension is set in motion. The remaining four spirits, moving through the endocrine glands and sacred energy seals, take care of the rest as the body temple is elevated, easily and naturally, back to the vibrational level where it no longer experiences pain, nor suffering, nor death itself, but only life eternal. I believe, and personally know, that this is our destiny.

Heinberg referenced traditions that speak of a rainbow bridge connecting heaven and earth so that incarnate beings could ascend to revitalize themselves and then return to earth. This pattern of renewal continues to manifest itself when we feel the need to take a vacation into the wild country to be close to Mother Nature, or a spiritual retreat to draw closer to God in a place of sanctuary. It manifests powerfully during attunement — and I strongly believe that attunement with sacred sound is a core aspect of the divine technology governing this mechanism of renewal.

As we have seen in depth, we have such a bridge within the sacred anatomy of these flesh temples in the seven endocrine glands that provide a focused grounding for the Seven Spirits before the throne of God. It is the Way the Master was going when he said to his disciples in John 14:2-3:

Much is contained in these poignant words.  At some level we know the Way back to Eden because we were once there.  We walked with God.  We walked together as gods and goddesses and we took part in the creation of Eden.  There is much we know — and are beginning remember — about the forms we once inhabited to walk and play in Eden in an atmosphere of loving kindness and generosity.  For now it suffices to say that these flesh temples are designed for more than simply worshiping God up in His Highest Heaven.  As we have seen, they are designed as transformers to facilitate the very process of ascension through the levels of consciousness and into the kingdom of heaven which, as the Master said more than once, is at hand.

The purpose of all the comings and goings of the great prophets of old, and holy men and women of all times,  indeed of the Lord of Love Himself, was to restore human consciousness to its true state of oneness with God, so that God may have a means for being and acting on Earth.  Once that has occurred — and it is occurring even now — worship of God will be transformed into a continual experience of oneness with God in action on earth.

Today it is fairly widely accepted that the place to truly worship God, whether in the solitude of one’s own sanctuary or in a congregational setting, is at the altar of one’s own heart.  Like Jacob, who, awakening from out of his dream, realized the presence of the divine in human flesh, there is an awakening taking place in the Body of God on Earth to the stark realization that “The Lord is in this place and I knew it not!”, and that the human body is truly a temple wherein the Living God dwells.  Here in these flesh temples is enacted every moment of every day the ceremony of life itself lived daily in this beautiful Cathedral of Gaia, our Earth Mother and Home among the stars.  We are all privileged to be on Earth at this time to finish the work of restoring Eden.  Let us all be about our Father’s business.   ~Fin

* * *

REGARDLESS of how it may appear, we are moving in an upward spiraling direction toward the Light of Love which is drawing us, individually and as a collective body, into a conscious state of union with Source. The key to ascension to a higher level of consciousness is to open in love response to that which is higher in spiritual awareness. My point of response upward is to the Lord of Love as I have come to be aware of His Presence in my life and in the world.

The radiation of love now moving as an Attunement Current through many light-workers and into the consciousness and body of humanity, drawing response from the hearts of awakening and aware human beings, is creating an irresistible force of attraction that is drawing together a new Body of Humanity into a state of union, providing a means for the Presence and action of God on Earth — the Great Spirit of the Archangel responsible for this Earth and our solar system. A Field of unified radiation is even now surrounding and encompassing the earth and the entire solar entity, creating a hedge of radiant protection. The Body of Man, now in process of being restored, is become the conscious Temple of the Living God in this corner of the Universe. My heart rejoices in this momentous and historical day which the Lord has made.

Until my next post . . .

Be Love. Be loved


*MerKaBa: Merkaba Meditation is a type of meditation that opens up your way of life’s infinite potential and lifts your being. (Note: I have not personally experienced the MerKaBa, nor the “rainbow body.” But I will one day.)

The Great Exchange Between the Realms

Sunrise at the Pyramid of Giza

* * *

MY HEART IS FULL this morning as I put fingers to keyboard and mind to articulating this fullness. It’s been a turbulent two weeks mentally and emotionally . . . but a victorious hurdle-jump, Thank you Father, with an increase in the intensity of energy, especially love energy.

Just after landing this morning and a dreamy night’s sleep, Cynthia Bourgeault’s EYE OF THE HEART caught my eye from my chairside table and invited me—more like a command than an invitation: “Pick me up! I’ve got more to share with you and with your audience.” So I sat down with a cup of Earl Grey tea and read Chapter Three: THE GREAT EXCHANGE.

As I finished reading, Bonnie joined me in the living room with a fresh cup of coffee. What transpired next was sheer magic as we engaged in a most stimulating conversation about the many levels of consciousness out of which the people in our world live and express . . . from the inspiring sublime spiritual down to the grosser levels of human degradation and depletion where getting is more dominant than giving. Our interchange was initiated by what I had just finished reading . . . along with the last sentence of a passage from an excerpt I share in my previous blog post—and with which Bonnie particularly resonates:

“In this realm the fruits of our human striving—both conscious and unconscious—are offered up to the whole. From this realm, in turn, we receive blessing, inspiration, guidance, and vivifying force, which are ours to share and bestow here below. Like a Sufi dervish, we receive and bestow, receive and bestow, as we turn and are turned within the greater cosmic dance.

After our conversation, I turned my attention to the world-radiation service hundreds of us share every morning, receiving and bestowing a unified current of Love from Heaven into the Earth and the world of human beings. Even as the radiant Attunement Current moved out through my hands and entire being, an equally full responsive current returned to ascend upward in gratitude for the blessings bestowed.

This giving-and-receiving dynamic spilled over into my breakfast time as I blessed the gifts of Mother Earth’s bounty, welcoming them into my body temple and lifting their essences of grateful praise up to the One who created them and breathed life into their forms. What an utterly delightful state of mind and consciousness, I thought, is available to us in this mansion of the Father’s House! I just have to share it with you and all who read my blog. I pray for the capacity for writing and sharing what I’m seeing in my heart. I surrender to the River . . . and the River speaks . . . through me and through Cynthia. I certainly hear the rush of many waters as I ponder what I shall write. Listen.

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“Blessed is the Lion whom the man devours, for that lion will become man. But cursed is the man whom the lion devours, for that lion will become man.” —Gospel of Thomas, Logion 7


In this tiny, cryptic saying from the Wisdom teachings of Jesus, we actually find the kernel of the entire complex Gurdjieffian notion of the Trogoautoegocrat* laid out in less than thirty words—Certainly the moral kernel of it. Food, transformation, upward and downward exchange between the realms—it’s all here, together with the stunningly unequivocal answer to the question “What happens when we throw ourselves into the mix? The answer is that we wind up in the eye of the needle.

In the first of these parallel, trompe l’oeil [imaginary] transformations, man devours the lion, which means that he has digested, i.e. integrated, the fire and strength of his animal nature into the higher order of his conscious humanity; and the lion, thus transformed, steps forward as a servant and a vehicle. This is upward transformation.

In the second, when the lion devours the man, the man simply loses himself in his lower order bestiality; his human consciousness and cleverness become servants for his primordial rage, and what emerges is chaos and destruction. This is devolution, the downward trans-formation. And as the saying ironically acknowledges, “that lion has now become man.” It gets up in the morning, puts on its clothes, makes breakfast, makes policy, determines the fate of the world — and fills the atmosphere around him with the psychic toxins of his rage, fear, and alienation. This is “the terror of the situation,” according to Gurdjieff. And we do not have to look far from our immediate world situation to see it playing out.

A book authored and recently released by Kyle Harper touts a telling title: Plagues Upon the Earth: Disease and the Course of Human History. In the introduction is a fairly accurate assessment of how insidiously humankind is being devoured by the lower kingdoms, particularly by the parasitic and pathogenic realms of Nature, while our sciences proclaim to be “winning the battle” over diseases. This recent pandemic is a classic case in point. The human immune system is greatly overtaxed handling a toxic environment.

The goal of this book is to tell the story of how we have acquired our distinct disease pool and what it has meant for us as a species. It is a history in which we are a part of nature, rather than apart from it.” Harper’s argument is based on four sections of humankind’s technological innovations and how they impacted our relationship with diseases: fires, farms, frontiers, and fossils. “Modernity is not a one-way street to human supremacy over nature, but a kind of escalating ratchet, in which humans have gained a remarkable but unstable advantage over an ever-growing number of parasites.” Pathogens have one goal, and that is to pass on their genetic code. Humans have crafted themselves to be the perfect hosts for this goal due to our immensely dense population and the high transmission rate of our global interconnection. Humans are a successful species, and pathogens and parasites have benefited from our success.

The truth is, we do not belong at the evolutionary level of creation, certainly not at the level of “survival of the fittest.” Our mansion in the Divine Design is several levels higher, where we were made perfect and completein the image and likeness of God.” Our Human forms may be evolving, but not our Being, who and what we are.

We do not offer much in the way of blessing to our earthly habitat, nor to our own and other species. Out of all species on the planet, we are the only specie that is methodically destroying our sources of sustenance: poisoning our food crops with carcinogenic pesticides, polluting our air and water with toxic chemicals, and raping our planet of its mineral resources, not to mention our proliferating toxic landfills. The metaphorical Lion is devouring man and has become man, who is consuming his habitat and is therein cursed before he is born.

This is all a reversal of the divinely-ordained purpose of transmutation and exchange between the realms, where blessings and nourishment rain down from above and refined substance ascends in currents of praise and thanksgiving to the Creator of all the realms.

This bestial devouring activity has infected the nations of the world. On the global scene, nations compete with one another for dominance. The current hegemon is the United States of America, Inc., whose apparent goal is to foist its Democratic “genetic code” onto other nations . . . whilst oligarchic elements, both here and abroad, seek to infect Democracies with authoritarianism. The Military Industrial Complex—against which President Eisenhower warned us six decades ago—is the authoritarian Lion that has devoured and become Corporate America, amassing great wealth on the battlefields of nations. War is Big Business. We may not like nor want to look at this ugly side of our nation’s—nor our specie’s—character profile; but ignoring it doesn’t change it. The Lion has devoured the man, who is in dire need of transformation.

Cynthia continues sharing her profoundly insightful vision and perspective:

“The role of a conscious human being is to provide the phenomenal earth world with energies which otherwise would not be effectively transmitted to the creations and units which make up our world,” writes William Segal, one of the most brilliant first-generation students of the Gurdjieff Work. That is the bare, perhaps unglamorous bottom line. Whatever we like to think we’re up to in our philosophical or spiritual fantasies — saving the world, saving our souls, attaining full enlightenment — in terms of cosmic exchange, we are transformers, of molecules and of meaning in equal measure. It is the cosmic function apportioned to us in the great Trogoautoegocrat. If we do it a certain way, something happens to us and to the planet; if we do it another way, something else happens.

All the world’s spiritual traditions have tried to orient us rightly here through a fundamental baseline morality: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Even in the absence of any further instructions, a simple adherence to the great moral precepts emerging from the first axial age will keep
humans basically in right alignment to perform their required part in the great exchange. The transmission chain will flow smoothly. The lion will proceed toward man.

But the shadow side of these ancient moral teachings is that they tend to rely on an individualized, fear-and-punishment-driven vision of an afterlife to motivate compliance. In the pervasively secular and skeptical culture of our times, where the fires of hell hold about as much clout as Santa or the tooth fairy, the human moral compass has increasingly defaulted to unabashed self-interest. “Go for the gusto!” “Get all you can get!” “You’re worth it!” We all know the slogans; they are the mantras of our brave new world. And that is not merely a personal moral failure, claims Gurdjieff; it is an ecological catastrophe, for it amounts to a systemic breakdown, as across a broad sector of an entire pivotal species, “the lion devours the man,” and the flow of those essential energies between the realms is destabilized.

Even at the turn of the last century, Gurdjieff was already deeply concerned about what he saw to be a significant drop in the level of being required of our human species and hence of our ability to play our required part in the cosmic homeostasis. There’s little question that the past hundred years of our
planetary unfolding have more than borne out his concerns. When we collectively devolve, simply using our ambition and cleverness to live as successful lions, in that same downward spiral we fall below the critical threshold needed to maintain our place as “conscious human beings,” the fundamental pre-requisite for our full participation in the great exchange. When that function goes unperformed (or gets performed in a distorted or toxic way), it is not merely “our immortal souls” that suffer; the entire cosmic equilibrium is thrown out of whack.

I think we all sense in our bones that there is a closer and more organic connection than we would com-fortably like to admit to between the kinds of energies we humans pump into the atmosphere as the fruit of our moral actions and the tangible effects of this “imaginal pollution” on the biosphere. We sense this, but we do not know why, for the traditional metaphysical maps are still based on outmoded science, and the modern scientific maps (with the notable exception of the one proposed by Teilhard de Chardin, who was at least bold enough to make a first stab at a new paradigm) do not yet integrate — or in most cases even acknowledge — the moral dimension implicit in all this. What does the handoff between radial and tangential energy actually look like? In what sense is human virtue an actual “food” supporting organic life on earth? And where and how in our own work of conscious transformation does the exchange between the realms actually get played out?

These are among the crucial missing pieces embedded in those overlapping diagrams of the worlds we started to consider in the previous chapter. In this chapter I will continue to explore this perhaps strange new way of fitting the pieces together in the hopes that it might open up a fresh angle of approach to some of the tragic impasses (intellectual, spiritual, ecological) of our own times. As we move beyond the traditional moral arguments into a closer look at the actual mechanics of the exchange that goes on here at this all-important mi-fa junction point, I think we will see with deepening resolve — and perhaps with deepening “remorse of conscience,” as Gurdjieff would put it — why our human orientation toward the good is not a personal virtue but a collective cosmic responsibility.

The operative word for me is “collective.” As we human beings continue to increase our love for one another, unconditionally, even as the Lord of Love loves us each one, that collective Body will naturally and magically come together. We all know this. All that remains is for us to consistently do it. Our Creator needs us as One Body to do the Greater Works sorely needed in our world.

I leave you to ponder these things as I turn my attention to Holy Week when Christians the world over observe Lent with ashes on their foreheads reminding them of their earthen origin . . . and destination . . . one scenario anyway. I have another to share in my next post. Until then,

Be love. Be loved.


*Trogoautoegocratic refers to an open system dependent on external, higher forces. A system under trogoautoegocratic law will submit to a process of transmutation in order to sustain indefinitely. Transmutation is the generation of heat and light through conscious works and voluntary sacrifice.

Sacred Organic Minerals, page 2

Twelve Cosmic Rays

“  . . . and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and  thunderings  and voices.”   (Rev. 4:5)

2017 DecemberWE’VE BEEN CONSIDERING COSMIC POWER and the role the Mineral Kingdom plays in grounding cosmic power in the Earth.  We saw how organic minerals ground and channel cosmic energy in and through our body-temples.  Let us read on in Sacred Anatomy and meditate on the mystery of life that unfolds through our body-temples.  Here’s the final installment in this series, which starts with a recalling of the last paragraph of the previous  post and Uranda’s instructions with regard to the Twelve Cosmic Rays:

In his Steps To Mastership, lesson thirteen, Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda) gives instructions relative to what he refers to as the “Twelve Cosmic Rays,” among other sacred factors essential to the process of spiritualization, or transmutation, of physical matter, which are “sometimes spoken of as zodiacal influences which form the directing urges by which mankind functions on the physical plane.”  He then makes this revealing statement: “The points of contact within the body through which the twelve Cosmic Rays are enabled to transmit life to the body, are the twelve Organic Minerals found in the body substance.”

Uranda further instructs: “There is a Tree of Life on every plane of being.  The twelve fruits of the Tree of Life on the physical plane are the twelve body minerals.” He then goes on to say that all twelve minerals are needed for health in the body, which must be attained before one can be influenced by the Twelve Cosmic Rays. These twelve minerals and cosmic rays are represented by the “twenty and four elders” who stood around the throne and bowed down to the One who sat thereon casting their crowns down before Him. Cosmic energy is released in our bodies when these twelve minerals are present and their powers made available to the One I Am.

These organic minerals are: Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron, Fluorine, Chlorine, Silica, Manganese, Sulphur, and Iodine.  Their functions in the body temple are many and varied. All are essential to the function of the endocrine glands and the nervous system’s capacity to carry electrical current, as well as in the production of enzymes. All are instrumental in the ceremony of ascension in both the body temple and in the larger Cathedral of the Natural World.

 Calcium’s function is to build bones and teeth, help with blood coagulation, reduce neuromuscular irritability and facilitate contraction of muscles and nerve conduction in the heart muscles. Magnesium is used in tooth formation, nerve conduction, muscle contraction and enzyme activation. It balances Calcium one-to-two respectively.  Sodium plays a large role in acid-base balance, osmotic pressure, blood pH, muscle contractility and nerve transmission. Potassium’s role is with muscle activity, nerve transmission, intracellular acid-base balance and water retention, and energy management.  It assists in escorting glucose into muscle cells for energy. Phosphorus in closely associated with Calcium and its functions with bone and teeth formation.  It is used in establishing and maintaining acid-base balance, is a component of nucleic acids and is involved in energy production.  Iron assists in the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin, contributes to the production of certain enzymes and iron-sulphur proteins.   Fluorine is used in bone and tooth formation.  Chlorine is used in acid-base balance, osmotic pressure, blood pH and kidney function.

 Silica’s chief role is in the alchemical production of bone tissue through a process of “biological transmutation.”  I suspect it also plays a role in memory storage, similar to that of the silica microchip in the computer.   It is believed that bones provide an atomic memory engram depository that contains the record not only of contemporary legacies but of ancient ones as well.  Manganese is essential to joint mobility and ligament tone, strength and elasticity. It is also vital to the function of the Pituitary gland and plays a component part in the makeup of manganese-specific enzymes.  Sulphur is an antibiotic that also helps with joint motility.   Finally, Iodine is essential to the production of thyroxine in the thyroid gland (T4) and triodothyronine (T3), both essential to growth and development.  It also plays a role as an energy-control mechanism and in fetal differentiation.

 Not mentioned by Uranda are the seventy-two or more trace minerals that play empowering roles in the balancing of body chemistry, especially with the hormones.  Just to name a few of them,  Selenium, found in wheat germ oil, plays a key role as part of the Vitamin E complex in the cardiovascular system. Technically, Selenium is a component of the enzymes glutathione peroxidase, which metabolizes hydroperoxides formed from polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as enzymes that take the iodine out of thyroid hormones before they are recycled.  Chromium is a trace mineral that promotes the utilization of glucose by the muscle cells, thereby supporting the glucose tolerance factor in the bloodstream.  Molybdenum is a transitional metal that forms oxides and is a component of a coenzyme essential to the activity of xanthine oxidase, sulfite oxidase, and aldehyde oxidase, enzymes involved in preventing toxic levels of sulfite, xanthine and aldehyde (such as formaldehyde) in the blood stream.

Magnesium, which most Americans are deficient in, and the trace mineral Gold are essential to balanced and clear mental function.  The presence and function of Gold in the brain is not surprising in light of the presence of the focus of Love in the Pineal.  The trace mineral silver is a protective element that vibrationally alters pathogens, such as harmful bacteria and viruses, upon contact.

These elements of the mineral kingdom are not only present in a healthy body, their levels and ratios to one another are critical to maintaining healthy function, strength and vitality in the body.  Calcium is in critical ratio to Phosphorus, Magnesium and Potassium; Sodium is balanced by Potassium; Copper and Zinc need to be in balanced ratio, as well as Sodium and Magnesium, Copper and Iron.  The degree to which these minerals are present in their proper levels and ratios, the body is healthy.  To the degree they are not, the body is sick and dying.

 While Copper intensifies cellular activity, activating estrogen in cell proliferation, Zinc, which activates progesterone and testosterone, cools it down.  The body contains two to three grams of Zinc, found mainly in bones, teeth, hair, skin, the liver, muscle, leukocytes and in the testes.  It plays a role in skin integrity, enzymes, wound healing and growth.  Inorganic Copper is a heavy metal whose unbound ions are toxic.   Almost all of the Copper in the body is present as an organic mineral component of copper proteins, thereby reducing the in-vivo concentration of unbound copper ions almost to zero.  On average, an adult has about 150 mg of Copper in the body, of which about 10 to 20 mg are in the liver.  (Most of the information about the function of these minerals was taken from The Merck Manual, Seventeenth Edition.)

So we see there is an amazing interrelationship of checks and balances in the way minerals and trace minerals are arranged and proportioned in the body by reason of the chelating activity in the vegetable kingdom, which is designed to provide nutritional nourishment for the animal kingdom, a kingdom which our present physical capacities are yet part of. 

Up until recently these essential nutrients have been virtually ignored in commercial farming.  In America, our agricultural lands were declared demineralized and, therefore, unfit for farming as early as the 1940’s, resulting in Americans becoming the most over-fed and under-nourished nation in the world.  Whereas the human body needs some fifty nutrients for healthy function, our soils are given but a handful of commercial chemicals with which to work in order to produce vegetables and fruit that are pleasant to the eyes but empty of life-sustaining nutrients.

Adrenal exhaustion is presently surfacing as the primary malady of people in this country and the fundamental, underlying cause of nearly all bodily malfunctions.   In his important book,  Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome,  naturopathic physician Dr. James L. Wilson decries the fact that  doctors have been dealing with . . .

“. . . a  problem of monstrous proportions that is largely unrecognized by the medical establishment.  This has left millions of people suffering from an untreated problem that interferes not only with their ability to function but also with their capacity to enjoy life.  It is difficult to assess exactly how much money is lost by corporations due to worker absenteeism, poor or clouded decision making, alcoholism, drug abuse, ‘nervous breakdowns,’ burnout, employee conflict, acute and chronic illness, loss of employees, and a host of other costly problems that stem from the effects of over-stressed adrenal glands.” 

Little wonder that this is so, since ninety-five percent of Americans have been declared severely deficient in organic minerals and trace elements.  If they are not in the soil, of course, they are not to be found in our foods and therefore not in our bodies in sufficient levels or appropriate proportions. Where minerals and essential trace elements for the conduction of life’s energy are lacking in the human body, the stress of daily activities is almost unbearable.

These precious elements work their vibrational magic within the body according to their specific vibratory frequencies. They are the gifts of the mineral kingdom and can only be taken up into the body in colloidal form as they naturally appear suspended in vegetation.  All of these are elements that are readily available today, more than ever before its seems, as Mother Nature yields up her secrets to us in a copious stream of these and other “healing nutrients” in the form of whole food supplements and herbs.  I am forever amazed at the timely provision of life as it demonstrates its loving care for the body of Mankind on earth.  All that remains is for us each one and all to open up and receive these bountiful gifts with joy and thanksgiving while efforts are increasingly being directed by organic farmers the world around toward replenishing the soil and returning to organic gardening practices. 

Organic farming has begun to appear throughout the land, with organically produced vegetables and fruits becoming plentifully available in supermarkets.  One way to tell if a vegetable was grown in mineral-rich soil is its sweetness.  Minerals make your carrots sweet.  If they’re not sweet, they were grown in mineral-depleted soil.  To safeguard your body’s health, I recommend a daily supplementation of organically grown minerals and trace minerals.  They are essential to the utilization of vitamins . . . and to our reception of cosmic rays.

Standard Process Laboratories in Palmyra, Wisconsin has been making wholefood supplements available to doctors and their patients for over a hundred years.  They maintain a large organic farm on site.  Its founder, Dr. Royal Lee, was a dentist who believed that a person’s teeth depend on a well-nourished physical body.  So he developed a line of wholefood supplements in order to provide his patients with vitamin-and-mineral-rich supplements. I’ve used them in my practice for many decades with rewarding success . . . and I supplement my daily diet with them.

I welcome any thoughts you may have and wish to share.  This being Christmas weekend, I wish you each one a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year in 2023.  Until my next post, 

Be love.  Be loved. 


Picture credit: “Eye of the Divine” (Twelve Cosmic Rays) by Goa Lobaugh.  See his art at

Love Attracts Love

When the potentials of the opposites are too far removed from equality, then will union cease.—Walter Russell THE UNIVERSAL ONE

IN THE IMPLICATE ORDER OF HEAVEN, which is where we serve our Creator as functional co-creators, like attracts like. Love attracts love. In this electric negative triune world of creation, a positive electric charge of lower potential is attracted to a positive charge of greater positive preponderance in order to find its maximum potential and equilibrium.

According to The Universal Law of One, positives are attracted toward positives of a higher potential and fuse as the lower potential positive unit increases it’s potential and equalizes with the higher potential of the stronger positive. The two then become one as the lower potential positive is consumed by the higher.

This is not congruent with what we were taught in high school science. We were taught that a positive repels a positive and attracts a negative. We had bar magnets to demonstrate this axiom. Well, it ain’t so, according to Walter Russell, who demonstrates in THE UNIVERSAL ONE how a positive charge attracts positives and a negative discharge repels both positive and negative charges. Let’s apply this at a pragmatic level.

As humans beings, we seek a higher potential of awareness of who we are, of knowing the truth of ourSelves, our transcendent being, our greater divine Self. As our greater divine Self, radiant incarnate beings that we are, we are attracted toward beings of higher positive preponderance in order to fulfill our own maximum positive potential and equilibrium as human beings. This is why we are attracted to spiritual gurus and teachers — not to put positive potential into us but to draw it forth from within us. In a word, to realize our own potential.

This is also what draws human beings to religion. We seek an increase in our experience of Spirit, of spiritual power and awareness, of joy, of peace and happiness; ultimately in our connection with God, the Positive One of all positives. Religion doesn’t put power, joy, peace and happiness into our hearts. Being still and prayerful during an hour-long worship service provides the quiet conditions within us that allows these gifts of the Spirit to emerge from within us into our hearts, minds and body temples.

What we seek at a core level is life eternal . . . only to be told by our priest or preacher that we have to die in order to obtain it. This is, of courses, an untruth . . . and a deceptive redaction of sacred scripture, of the teaching of the Christ incarnate in Jesus: “The kingdom of heaven is within you and all around you.” Repent, turn around, and behold it! We can’t behold it unless we are aware of being in it ourselves, and rejoicing to be in it. We can come into a greater awareness of the Kingdom of Heaven in which we are now present — NOW, while we are incarnate. It only requires an elevation of our consciousness to a level above the animalistic physical realm to which human consciousness has fallen. We are not creatures. We are creators seeking our maximum potential of creative power and equilibrium with our Creator in order to be worthy co-creators with God. We are love attracted to Love.

In human relations, this principle is the dynamic of attraction at work between men and women, men and men, women and women. It’s the sex principle operating in and through all creating units in this creating Universe. Returning to the phrase at the top: When the potentials of the opposites are too far removed from equality, then will union cease.” The converse is implied: When the potentials of the opposites are equal, then union is possible and compelling. I will develop this further in my next post, as it’s a thought-process interrupting perspective.


I am reminded of a passage in Revelation (18:4) “Come out of her my people, and be not partakers of her iniquity.” This entire chapter and the one preceding it describe the world and the human state of today. I encourage you to read it, if only to increase your motivation to come completely out of the world . . . but only in your heart, your mind and particularly your consciousness. Not physically.

I am reminded of another more uplifting passage from the Song of Solomon. Enjoy it being sung by a choir as you read it.

“My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land; The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.” [Song of Solomon 2:10-13]

Here in the South our winter is just around the corner from Autumn now dawning. So why am I quoting Solomon’s Song of Songs that sings of winter as past? The winter I speak of is the “winter of our discontent,” as Shakespeare has Richard III bemoaning his plight. The human race is in the winter of its discontent over its self-created existential plight.


While doing an internet search for the full biblical text of the Song of Solomon, I was pleasantly surprised to find this meditation by John Gray, a dear friend who himself is a light in the darkness for many who are drawn to his shining. I excerpted these closing thoughts of his meditation and will use it as grounding for this post:

Rise up. It is our consciousness that rises; our feet stay on the ground. Rising up doesn’t mean leaving; it means being more fully here. The beloved within speaks to “my love, my fair one”— to my mind and heart—and says, “rise up.” This same message is contained in words of the psalm, “Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lifted up… and the King of glory shall come in.” [Psalm 24:7] The seat of experienced spiritual identity rises, is lifted up. Our understanding, symbolized by our feet, stays firmly on the ground and our awareness ascends to accommodate heaven. We stand and walk, upright. We are angels on earth.

In the rising up, our minds and hearts are cleansed, purified and restored. Response to the command rise up comes first; the making new of heart and mind occurs as a result of that. It is clearer to me than ever that purification is not a matter of dealing with the impure, trying to face it, to fight it, or to somehow scrub it out. No, that’s diving down where we don’t belong. There’s nothing to be gained and all to be lost by going into that bottomless pit. That’s the fall again. 

Things come up to be seen and met in us all the time, for sure. But let’s let them come up to us. On their way up they’re cleansed and purified, or they’re cast out. Let the creative process do the sorting!  Let’s not be deceived into getting upset or doing battle with an adversary or thinking we have to fix things. That’s not what our hearts and minds are for; they’re not designed to be battlegrounds. Rise up and come away and stay away from all that, and be in the holy realm where all is already forever pure. 

Then, behold I make all things new! Life is not difficult; it’s wondrous and truly magical. The God of peace is with us.

I think that I will leave you to ponder John’s words. I welcome your thoughts and insights. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


Transmutation Demystified, Part 5: Our Vortex Energy Field

OUR PHYSICAL BODIES, living temples that they are, live within a energy vortex field of swirling electric waves that flow counter-clockwise in an upward moving spiral that appears to be connected at an apex with an inverted torque-like energy vortex, in shape much like that of a tornado (See diagram below).

The Turkish Whirling Dervishes have a long-standing tradition that demonstrates this energy vortex dramatically. Here’s a bit of their history, including an entertaining video demonstration.

You’ve undoubtedly heard the term ‘whirling dervish’ before, but you may not be aware of the important cultural and spiritual tradition of these frenzied, spinning Turkish dancers. For outsiders, watching the Whirling Dervishes dance and spin is a breathtaking sight. For devoted members of the Mevlevi Order of Islam, however, the spinning has special significance. 

A Frenzied Spinning

The best-known characteristic of a Whirling Dervish is the spinning dance called the Sema ceremony. The Dervishes wear all white long gowns with full skirts and tall hats. Seemingly tireless, the dancers can spin and whirl for hours at a time with their arms held up in the air. They assume this stance so that they are open to receive the blessings and energy from heaven. Each individual dervish spins from right to left using his own heart as a pivot point. Keeping time to the accompanying music, the dervish will rotate slowly at first, picking up speed as the music intensifies until the group of dervishes is all whirling in a fast-paced frenzy with their white gowns spinning. 

Finding Sufism

The goal of the whirling or spinning is to achieve a state of Sufism. A form of Islamic mysticism, Sufism is a state of inner power and peace that allows the person to feel a deep love and connection to the rest of the world. Sufism is achieved through rituals and devote practices…one of those is dancing or spinning. 

A Centuries-Old Tradition

Whirling Dervishes, as part of Sufism, is a custom that dates back more than 700 years. The Mevlevi Order of Islam was founded in 1312 in the city of Konya in Turkey. The Order was established by the devoted followers of Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, also known as Mevlana, who was a 13th-century Islamic mystic, theologian, and accomplished Persian poet. Under the leadership of Mevlana’s son, Sultan Walad, the Mevlevi Order quickly grew and spread into surrounding cities and towns . . . . (Underscores added. Click on the link for a bit of Rumi’s history.) History Daily

Now I’ve done whirling exercises from time to time and it’s not as easy as the Sufi make it look. I think the rhythm and cadence of their music helped facilitate the dance. If you try it, make sure you do it at the foot of your bed or your reclining chair so that you can flop down on your back while your brain and visual cortex stop spinning the room around you. It’s quite dizzying at first, however I’ve not yet learned how to turn off the dizzying after-effect, so I just fall back onto the bed. It’s a lot of fun, actually, and I do feel an uptake in my energy and improvement of my balance after a few moments. I’ve read that it actually turns your ageing clock back a bit. I encourage you to try it if you haven’t done so already.

The position of the hands is significant and purposeful. The right hands of the dancers are turned palms up to receive blessings and light from heaven above and their left hands are turned palms down to extend the blessings and light of heaven into the earth. And they seem to spin within a swirling energy vortex.

A subject of regression who had been regressed to a prior incarnation during the time of Jesus, described the atmosphere around him as a vortex of swirling light energy. This piqued my interest considerably, as I have experienced my own energy field as a sphere of light during an Attunement meditation that opened up to an ecstatic experience of levitation . . . accompanied by a rush of wind and an awesome vocalized sound that raised the frequency of my body’s cells.

Quite often during Attunement times I feel a lifting up of my physical body from my heart chakra, like a skyhook suspended from a point above my head was attached to my chest. If I’m lying down on a table, my chest often rises up. On one occasion during an attunement class, the student who was offering the attunement apparently thought he was doing something wrong, so he pulled his hands away and stopped sharing the attunement. I wished he hadn’t.

In Walter Russell’s signature work THE UNIVERSAL ONE—in which he challenges the scientific community with his own table of elements and his inspired concept of the inner workings or the Universe, as well as religion with his own cosmogony and “knowledge” of God’s Creative Powers—is this passage in his NEW LAWS AND PRINCIPLES chapter: (See graph below)

132. The nearer to the axis and to the apex of the cone the greater the density, temperature, pressure, potential, power-time and all effects of electro-positive preponderance. 133. The nearer to the base of the cone the greater the tenuity, the speed time and the tendency to ionize, and the lower the temperature, pressure, potential and all effects of electro-negative preponderance. (THE UNIVRSAL ONE, page 260)


In my previous post I stated this principle:

What manifests and takes shape in the explicate order under the heaven reflects Life’s design for forms in the implicate order of the heaven. There is only One Law governing the Creative Process: Radiation–Response–Attraction–Union–Unified Radiation. This law governs the electric universe at all levels, including and especially at the level where Man was created to live and function at the crossover point between Heaven and Earth as co-creator with God. The substance of connection between Man and Creator is the medium through which the Tone of the Word that creates Life on Earth is propagated so as to be perceptible by Man and re-sounded in the expression of his living. That medium is the rarified substance of pheumaplasm (spirit substance).


Near-Death-Experiences (NDE’s) reportedly involve travel through a silvery tunnel toward a bright light that beckons the individual soul to rise up and come closer.

I gather there is some kind of levitating force, much like that produced by a magnet, which draws the soul up into another level of consciousness and being. From this elevated level, the person observes his or her body and those surrounding it from above, then has a telepathic conversation with another being or guide about whether or not it’s time for the soul to leave the physical realm. It’s all very interesting and intriguing to think about.

What piques my interest particularly is the source of the levitating power that draws the soul upward. In my inner Mind’s eye I envision two triangular vortices of energy that join at an apex or axis, as Russell states above and diagrams below, that have a place of manifestation and focus in our bodies. That focal point is situated in the Pineal Gland located in the Golden Mean Center of the brain.

Looking at the graphic below — which I borrowed from Russell’s book and adapted to my purpose here — in your mind’s eye superimpose an image of the body temple over the lower pyramidal graphic. Where the two spiraling vortices intersect one another, there is an area where the two opposing triangles join at their bases, one pointing up and the other pointing down. The one pointing upward, in my perspective analogy, comes to point in the Pineal Gland at the 7th level of the seven endocrine glands, which are paired with seven spinning chakra vortices. (Click on image to enlarge it)


7 Pineal

6 Pituitary & 5 Thyroid

4 Thymus-Heart

3 Pancreas & 2 Adrenals

1 Gonads


Counting down from the Pineal gland, we come to the Pituitary gland at the 6th level, and below the pituitary lies the Thyroid gland in the neck. These three energy centers form an upright triangle with the Pineal focusing the Spirit of Love at the apex and the Pituitary and Thyroid glands at the two corner of the base, focusing respectively the Spirit of Truth, and the Spirit of Life.

The lower inverted triangle encompasses the Heart with the Thymus gland focusing the Spirit of Purification at the lower apex—a fiery frequency of the Spirit of Love stepped down four levels. This is the Spirit, or vibration, currently stirring in the hearts of every person on earth, incinerating what doesn’t belong in this holy place designed as a crucible for Love’s purifying and transforming fire. As my friend Chris Jorgensen described this pivotal point in my previous post:

The crossover point is the sacred place where the Radiation of Being is consciously known and shared. It is the point where Love is made visible. It is Assurance in divine Presence. The current vibration of the world is the Spirit of Purification, the crossover point—the energy, frequency and radiation of the Heart-Thymus. It is a singular point where Heaven and Earth meet.


I took note of the way the Whirling Dervishes use their own hearts as pivot points around which to whirl—a significant posture to assume seeing as the heart is the true center of gravity in our sacred energy anatomy.

Below the level of the Heart center and Thymus gland are three glands in the body that manage hormonal chemistry throughout the body temple—just as the upper three glands administer the hormonal alchemy of incarnation and the ongoing conception and generation of Life in the sanctuary of the temple. The Pancreas at the 3rd level which facilitates emotional and spiritual expression and the realization of manifestation; the two Adrenal glands at the 2nd level that empower physical action and mental focus; and the Gonadal glands at the 1st level where the Spirit of the New Earth patiently fostering a sense of right expectancy. Beyond the 1st level in one’s extended world of creativity.

Based on what Russell cited above in his two principles, the higher one’s consciousness rises to the apex at the crossover point, the denser the plasma that comprises the silvery substance of the chord connecting the person with the Realms of Light, and the greater is the pressure and temperature.


I am reminded of a passage in the Old Testament that speaks of the fiery furnace being heated seven times hotter than it was wont to be heated in order to incinerate Daniel’s three friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego—which proved to be the right temperature to burn the shackles that bound them without burning the three friends. But greater than that was the 4th Presence seen by King Nebuchadnezzar of “one like unto the Son of Man.”

This is the Spirit of the One that dwells in the midst, the Spirit of Angelic and Archangelic Presence that cannot be touched by the fire of purification for that Spirit is Love, the very fire itself. Nor can the dense plasma of consciousness rising to the apex be touched or penetrated by what is occurring of a violent and destructive nature in the outer world. It can, however, be touched and penetrated, consumed and transmuted, by the high frequency of Love radiating from the One in the midst. What can ascend ascends, and what cannot ascend falls back down toward the less dense lower levels toward the base to participate further in the ascending cycles of the ongoing Creative Process.

“Who shall ascend unto the hill of the Lord? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.”

I will continue in this vein in my next post. As always, I welcome your thoughts on what I have presented. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


Transmutation Demystified Part 4: At the Crossover Point

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” (Psalm 91)

* * *

PROCEEDING TO THE FINAL two misconceptions our featured author and science mentor, Walter Russell, rectifies in his book A NEW CONCEPT of the UNIVERSE, this excerpt reminds me of a quip uttered by a friend and attunement colleague: “Nothing’s wrong. Everything matters.” Used as a verb, if you will, the word “matters” would mean materializes or manifests.

The flip side of this coined quip could read “Nothing’s wrong, everything un-matters,” as in disintegrates, in the life/death cycle in this “Creating Universe,” as Russell calls it, implying that there is no beginning nor ending to God’s eternal Creation, as energy — which is what everything is — cannot be created nor uncreated or destroyed. The Universe of Light is as eternal as its Creator. Let’s hear what Dr. Russell has to say about matter. Does anything really “matter” or is it all an illusion? Hmmm.

* * *

Now you see it. Now you don’t.

Misconception of Matter

4. Electric matter is but a mirror which reflects qualities outside itself to simulate those qualities within itself.

In the Mind of any creator of any product is the IDEA of the formed body which Mind desires to produce. Also the knowledge, energy and method of production are in the Mind of the creator of that product and not in the product. The architect does not say that the energy, idea, or construction methods are in the temple of his conceiving, nor should man say that they are in the temple of God’s conceiving.

To thus claim that energy is a property of matter is to deprive The Creator of His omnipotence and omniscience. The entire universe manifests power, but the universe is not the power which it manifests.

Not one particle of matter which constitutes the material body of any product can move of itself. It can move only through desire and command of the Mind of its creator extended to it electrically.

The powers of “attraction” and “repulsion” which science mistakenly attributes to matter are electrical effects performing their one and only function of dividing an equilibrium into two opposing conditions, which extend equally from a dividing equator. The magnetic Light controls the balance of these two opposing conditions which interchange two ways in their endeavor to void their opposing conditions, but the stresses and strains which seem to make matter attract and repel matter are electric effects.

Electric effects of motion can be insulated from each other — but the magnetic Light of The Creator, which causes those effects, cannot be insulated from matter by matter.

All matter is electric. Electricity conditions all matter under the measured control of the ONE MAGNETIC LIGHT which forever balances the TWO electrically-divided, conditioned lights of matter and space.

Divided matter strains to find balance in the zero of equilibrium from which it was divided. The senses of man are mightily deceived by the illusions of appearance which cause him to conclude otherwise.

Newton’s apple was not attracted to the ground by gravitation. The high potential condition of that solid apple sought a similar high potential condition. That is to say it “fell” toward the earth to fulfill Nature’s law of like seeking like.

Had Newton sat with the apple for a week or two he would have seen that same apple “rise” unto the heavens as a low potential gas seeking a like low potential position to balance its electrically-divided state. The “rising” of the decaying, expanding apple again fulfills Nature’s law of like seeking like.

All polarizing bodies add to their densities and potentials. The apple which fell to the ground was a polarized body. All polarized bodies must reverse their polarities and depolarize. They then lose their densities and potentials. The depolarized apple returned to the zero of its beginning.

The Newtonian law is in this respect invalid because it accounts for but one half of the apple’s growth-decay cycle. This is a two-way universe of opposed effects of motion — not a one-way Universe.

Misconception of Substance in Matter

5. Sense of observation has led to the erroneous conclusion that there are 92 different substances of matter.

This universe is substance-less. It consists of motion only. Motion simulates substance by the control of its opposing wave pressures of motion which deceive the senses into seeing substance where motion alone is. The senses do not reach beyond the illusion of motion, or do those who believe that they can gain knowledge of the secrets of this vast make-believe universe even faintly comprehend the unreality of this mirage of polarized light-in-motion which they so firmly believe is real.

Motion is two-way, for all motion is caused by the division of an equilibrium, and its extension in two opposite directions to create the two opposite conditions of pressures necessary to make motion imperative.

One of these two conditions of electric motion thrusts inward toward a center to create a centripetal vortex to simulate gravity. On the other side of the dividing equator, the other condition thrusts outward from a center to create a centrifugal. vortex to simulate vacuity.

Moving waves of oppositely-conditioned matter simulate substance, but there is no substance to the motion which simulates IDEA in matter. If a cobweb could move fast enough, it would simulate a solid steel disc — and it could cut through steel. If such a thing could happen it would not be the “substance” of the cobweb which cut through the steel — it would be the motion which cut it.

Fast-moving short waves simulate solids, while slow-moving long waves simulate the gases of space which surround solids. Waves of motion are substance-less, however. They merely simulate substance.

Motion itself is controlled by the Mind of the Creator Who uses it to express His desire for simulating IDEA of Mind by giving it a formed body. There is no other purpose for motion.

Desire in the Light of Mind for creative expression is the only energy in this universe. All motion is Mind motivated. All motion records Mind thoughts in matter.

All matter is but pressure-conditioned motion. Varying pressure conditions yield varying states of motion. Varying states of motion are what science misinterprets as the elements of matter.

Varying pressures in a wave are tonal.  In each octave wave there are four pairs of tones, each of which has the same relative position in its octave color spectrum as it has in its octaves of chemical elements.

Waves are, therefore, electric pressure-conditioned octaves of tone.

* * *


This graphic from Russell’s book demonstrates how electrical currents spin a vortex of energy, a “field” if you will, as bodies of matter are created and un-created and returned to their origin as invisible plasma, or gas.

The crossover point is at the equator where Light abides in stillness offering control to the movement of atoms and providing a fulcrum for balancing the opposing actions of radiation and gravitation. (Another word for gravitation is response or attraction.) It’s also the place of greatest pressure, as well as the point of transmutation.


What manifests and takes shape in the explicate order under the heaven reflects Life’s design for forms in the implicate order of the heaven. There is only One Law governing the Creative Process: Radiation–Response–Attraction–Union–Unified Radiation. This law governs the electric universe at all levels, including and especially at the level where Man was created to live and function at the crossover point between Heaven and Earth as co-creator with God. The substance of connection between Man and Creator is the medium through which the Tone of the Word that creates Life on Earth is propagated so as to be perceptible by Man and re-sounded in the expression of his living. That medium is the rarified substance of pheumaplasm (spirit substance).

Pneumaplasm is the silvery substance comprising the plasma chord of connection between the Angel and his/her incarnating human capacity. Essentially it is transmuted flesh generated by the movement of the Spirit of God in expression through body, mind and heart. The flow of Spirit, of Love, enters the body by way of the heart as it is open in love response to the Spirit of God — as Handle celebrated in his MESSIAH: Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting portals, that the King of glory may come in.” — and as the Lord of Love commanded when he gave us the First Great Commandment.

A friend and attunement colleague, Chris Jorgensen, of the International Association of Attunement Practitioners, recently penned a succinct description of the crossover point in a context relating to Attunement:

The crossover point is the sacred place where the Radiation of Being is consciously known and shared. It is the point where Love is made visible. It is Assurance in divine Presence. The current vibration of the world is the Spirit of Purification, the crossover point – the energy, frequency and radiation of the Heart-Thymus. It is a singular point where Heaven and Earth meet.

Living in Attunement at the crossover point we find ourselves alone in our own radiation and pneumaplasm. This sacred setting is not a school, or a place to find an external leader to direct or instruct, nor is it the place of questioning. At this crossover point we know our own divine name, our sense of purpose, and the commission for the life-pattern that we have created and continually enfold in love . . . and, we know the answers to any of our questions.

The electric technology for the transmutation and ascension of flesh to a higher vibrational state, and for the generation of spiritualized atomic substance, is already in place. All one need do is come into the place of greatest pressure and greatest stillness at the crossover point of no magnitude between Heaven and Earth and look up in utter love and abandon and say — with all of one’s heart and with all of one’s mind and with all of one’s strength— “I love you Lord God” — and never leave that place of stillness. Live in the place of attunement with the tone of that love response upward and the outward flow of life will continually be strong and radiant. Transmutation is natural.

As always, I welcome any thoughts you may wish to share either in the comment feature or by email. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved


“Transmutation With Regard to the Entire Earth” (reposted)

“When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; what is man, that thou art mindful of him?  and the son of man that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hath crowned him with glory and honor.” (Ps 8:3-5)


I LIVE IN AWE of the beauty, order and harmony in this vast Universe, and love  contemplating the design of things, both physical and vibrational, and by what power and force they function and move about — like how do the yellow purslane know when the sun rises and sets so they can open and close with its rhythm and timing?  Mysteries such as this give me a sense of wonder at the magic of Nature.

When I first met my spiritual mentor, Lord Martin Cecil, in 1968, my heart was split wide open and my mind lept for joy with what I was hearing him articulate.  For eighteen enlightening and engaging years I sat at his banquet table feasting on every marcel of clarifying truth that trumpeted through his resonant voice, and learning how to live them.  Those were transformative times. Today I find deeper understanding of what he brought forth in his plethora of services when I revisit them.

In 1979 he gave a rather in-depth and detailed consideration to the design, both physical and spiritual, or vibrational, of planet Earth.  Borrowing the transcription from my friend David Barnes’ blog The Great Cosmic Story, I published excerpts of it on my blog in increments starting in June, 2020 and took it up again in my post of July 19th, 2020.

In his presentation, Martin speaks forthrightly to incarnate angels everywhere who are emerging in an apocalypse of light, speaking truth to power and handling situations in the world with assurance, integrity and spiritual authority. 

For a comprehensive appreciation of the consideration, I recommend that you take the time to visit these two posts and read the excerpts before reading the one I am reposting here.  I am publishing here the portion of Lord Exeter’s consideration taken from my post of July 25, 2020 for meditation.  



“Transmutation With Regard to the Total Earth” (continued)

We have been considering the resurrection. The womb may be said to be the means by which life is born. The substance of love was first necessary if there was to be the substance of the womb. There is nothing else but love substance, all the way through—love substance but at different vibratory levels. And the substance of the womb is the heaven in relationship to the life that is to be born. We find at every level there is a heaven involved—a connection. You may remember that the second day of the creative cycle described in Genesis spoke of the firmament, the heaven, the connection between the waters above and the waters below, between the truth above and the truth below—the means by which what is below may be brought forth. The heaven at any level is rightly a state where there is a particular atmosphere and a particular enfoldment and a particular control, by which the creative process may continue. All that indicates the presence of what is called truth. So there is a heaven connecting the substance of love above with the substance of life below. There is one heaven.

We may also see that this total area is the Triune Heaven relative to this area here—what we have called the Triune Earth. What is above is spirit, present in the dimensional world, and the fourth, the level of the heart, represents the connection, the heaven, between what is above and what is below. What is below is the Triune Earth—we could look at them as spheres, which gives them another dimension, one inside the other. The visible earth is at the center. Insofar as physical vision is concerned, that is the only one that is visible. All the others are invisible. And if we were looking at the planet earth we might recognize the fact that it is much larger than the physical ash at the center. It could extend out to about the orbit of the moon.

The human view of things, which is based in involvement with externals, always emphasizes the lowest level, so that the earth, the planet, is thought of as being the thing—but it’s only one seventh of the thing. I’m not saying that all the various concentric spheres are regularly the same amount bigger than the one inside. This is merely a diagram of something. But here is a whole. The waters above connected with the waters below by the sphere represented by form, which relates to the substance of the heart—the pure heart, if the creation is as it should be, the pure heart which is the window through which what is above can shine into what is below and therefore be present relative to what is below. It all is there back of what is below—it all permeates what is below. But if the fourth sphere is dense, cloudy, then the larger spheres are not known relative to the smaller spheres in the middle, relative to the earth and to human nature. So the concern is that this veil should be dissolved, the clouds should be dissolved, so that it all may be known as One.

The smallest part of it is the earth. The smallest of us is our physical bodies. There is much greater stature than that. Now we see the earth as quite a large planet in fact, relative to the physical earth—much larger than the physical earth. However even if it is as large as the orbit of the moon in fact, that is very small still relative to the size of the solar system. So here we begin to see the symbol of largeness in one direction and smallness in the other direction.

Now this heaven, which includes the realms of what we call spirit in the dimensional world—seven, six and five—is the cool place, where there is a temperate atmosphere. It’s a comfortable place for angels to dwell. And it is a place of control—this is the kingdom. As the connecting sphere becomes a window through which the nature and quality of heaven may shine, it emerges into the three lowest spheres as the fire of transmutation. In other words, the hot place is the Triune Earth. Here is where the fire is burning in order to transmute the substance, beginning with the physical substance of the earth, into substance of a higher vibratory level. Here is the returning aspect of the cycle—ascension, something moving up. There is the process of transmutation at work in the earth. This is the primary level of where the transmutation is occurring, so that there may be a movement upward, not as though the earth was going someplace—that might not be the concept with respect to the earth but it has been in Christianity. The physical earth is supposed to pop up out of the graves and go to heaven someplace.

But there is no movement in fact in this fashion. It is a transmutation of the substance exactly where it is, not someplace else. And what is occurring may be said to refine—a refiner’s fire by which the substance is refined and changes its nature. We can see this in a very elementary way: the changing of the nature of the mineral earth as it is lifted into the bodies of living forms, whether vegetable or animal or whatever. The substance of the flesh of your body is different to a model of your body made in marble. The flesh of your body and all its various parts are composed of entirely different substance—it’s a different quality, a different nature. So there has been that much transmutation in the experience of your own physical body from the mineral level—something has been happening.  It is assumed that it is in the nature of a circle: the substance is just lifted up into your physical body, it stays there for a while, and then bang, it collapses down into the mineral kingdom again. This is not exactly the way it works now, in fact, but it certainly is not the way it was designed to work in the original creation—it isn’t a circle. There is a continuing movement upward, and whatever has been sufficiently refined to move to the higher level moves to the higher level. And what is not capable of moving to the higher level drops down to the lower level, so that it may be acted upon again by the creative fires in the refining process, and gradually it is lifted up. There is less and less left in the way of ash and more and more moving in the ascending spiral.

There is a transmutation occurring with respect to this total planet, not just with respect to the earth aspect of it, which is the very smallest aspect. There is something happening with respect to this total planet—a movement upward; an ascending cycle is at work. But since man left his position it has been a very slow and limited process. Everything has been at a standstill virtually. It is not working the way it should—only partially so—and very little has occurred of the true creative process since man fell. It couldn’t, because there was no man in place to let it happen.

This outlines something which is incapable of being encompassed by the human mind; but it is something that is happening, whatever words may be used to describe the process, of which it is necessary to become increasingly aware. Here is something actually occurring with which we are associated. If we tend to sort of blot it out of our experience with the idea that mentally speaking we can’t grasp it, then we certainly can’t participate in a way that is going to be of any value in the process itself, for which we carry a very definite responsibility.

As angels we carry that responsibility, and we are here to let that responsibility be fulfilled. As we move together these things naturally will clarify themselves to the extent that we are willing to let it be so, willing to let the Word of God be spoken in our own individual and collective experience. There is the ascending cycle at work, even though it isn’t working the way it should work. It is limited and restricted, and a lot more is descending than needs to descend in the true state.


How simple and simply wonderous is the Creator’s design for our Home among the stars. The heavens and the Earth, the invisible and the visible, are inseparably one.  The last paragraph of Lord Exeter’s presentation holds the key to how the process of transmutation of the total planet unfolds with our participation. 

As angels incarnate, we have access to the power of love that, when given expression through feelings, thoughts, words and actions, generates the fine substance of spirit — what has been called pneumaplasm — that serves as a vibrational bridge between the Heaven and the Earth.  Through this substance moves patterns of design for the New Earth that are pre-ordained by the Creator and established in the New Heaven.  In a word, this pneumaplasm allows for an attunement between what is above and what is below.  The Spirit of God moves upon the face of these waters, as it did in Genesis, and manifests light, the light that is the life of man and of all creation on the surface of the planet.  It also brings the transmuting fire of love to bear on the physical substance of the earth, the earth of our planet and the earth of our physical bodies by which we incarnated and through which we live and serve our Creator here in earth. 

As I say, we have access to this power — along with the spiritual technology in the Attunement service — to extend the currents of love through our hearts, our consciousness and our hands in blessing to our planet, the blessing of Father Sun to Mother Earth.  We play our parts in this attunement blessing in the process of transmutation by which the earth and all that lives on her surface is lifted up in the refiner’s fire and caused to ascend to a higher frequency.  This is now being done by many angels on earth who recognize and have assumed their responsibility and purpose for incarnating —  and I know that they welcome other incarnate angels to join them in this blessing of our Home among the stars. 

Close friend and colleague, Chris Jorgensen, co-founder of the International Association of Attunement Practitioners, recently wrote . . .

All living things create an atmosphere-energy-substance through their moments of living. A person’s atmosphere of living substance is generated by the radiation of Being, Life, moving through the human form. Every act, thought, feeling, and spiritual expression counts towards the creation or the dissipation of one’s personal atmosphere. The right use of the body, mind, and heart that creates living substance immediately effects one’s physical well-being, mental understanding, and emotional serenity. So, all moments of living are important because the experience of life is dependent on the nature and quality of one’s living atmospheric, energetic substance. . . .  In Attunement we use the word pneumaplasm as a name for the living atmospheric energetic substance. . . . 

. . . . Sharing Attunement with any life-pattern(s) will generate pneumaplasm, and the quality and range of pneumaplasmic substance will be unique to the form. In the bio-pyramid of life forms on the planet, the human form has the potential to generate the finest and highest quality of pneumaplasm. Mankind – male and female – was created to be the crowning creation of all living forms for this planet. Through the human form the nutrition from the higher frequencies of Spirit/Being could come into the many life forms on the planet. Mankind was [is] here to be a conscious steward of the divine for the Earth!   

If you have any thoughts along these lines and wish to share them, feel free to do so in the Comment section, or share them with me by email.  As always, I welcome comments from my readers as I enjoy and value others’ thoughts on the topics I choose to write about. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


Cornerstone of the Body Temple

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“. . . we remember that the Master said, ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed.’ Its first point of manifestation is very small, but when it is grown it becomes the greatest of the herbs of the field.” (Uranda)

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THE PINEAL GLAND, a pea-size member of the endocrine system nestled in the center of the brain, is the designated point and place of fusion in the body temple between Heaven and Earth for each individual.  When the body temple is a house of prayer and thanksgiving, used as a place of worship of God, it is lifted up vibrationally to a higher level to fuse with the Spirit of Love and is filled with the substance of Love.

When a critical number of individual souls have fused their body temples with the Spirit of Love at this level, and are in tune with the Tone of Love and in step with the pulsations and rhythms of Life, then will the Body of Mankind be filled with the substance of Love.  When the Body of Mankind is filled to over-flowing with the substance of Love, the whole world will begin to be filled with the substance of Love, which no evil can withstand.  The Pineal gland plays a pivotal role in this fusion with and infilling of Love substance. Man restored will then play his appointed role in setting the ordinances of the New Heaven in the New Earth in order for the Cycles of Restoration, pre-ordained in the Inner Plane, to be set in the Outer Planes.  Spiritual mentor, Martin Cecil, once stated it beautifully and succinctly . . .

We are here to fill the world with the substance of love, to fill the world with the transforming power of love. Nothing can withstand that. The transformation occurs. Nothing can stop it. It only happens when there is someone on hand to do it. It doesn’t come magically out of the sky. It’s done because one loves to do it: that’s the only thing to do; one can’t do anything else. Then the world begins to be filled with the substance of love and behold, all things are made new, not in the twinkling of an eye necessarily, but pretty fast nevertheless.  

Used as a house of worship of the treasures and idols in the outer world plane, the body temple crumbles and returns to its origin in the elements of the earth . . . “ashes to ashes, dust to dust” . . . and is blown away by the winds of change into oblivion, as the Story of Daniel portrays in the previous post and this one.  In the final drama of the story, the little white stone, representing the kingdom of Daniel’s “God of Heaven,” is established during the rise of several kingdoms and would remain to fill the whole earth after these other kingdoms had passed away — a prophetic story casting its shadow onto our world today presently undergoing radical change as the old mind-made kingdom crumbles beneath our feet. 


OUR STORY OF DANIEL takes us to the end of an empire that was founded upon worship of the elemental gods of iron, silver, brass and gold.  Today’s industrial empire is founded upon worship of money and addiction to fossil fuels.  Daniel’s God was a God of love, the “cornerstone” of the temple of the living God.  That cornerstone is embodied by the Pineal Gland in our body temples.   It’s location in between the two hemispheres of the brain is strategic to the outworking underway even now of the transformation of human consciousness and the restoration of Mankind to its noble stature.  As stated in my book Sacred Anatomy, a new paradigm is emerging that is guiding us back to love in spite of ourselves.

Read on and be lifted up in your understanding . . .         

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Significance of the Cornerstone

The Pineal Gland

ONE OF THE KEY ELEMETS of the presence of this One who dwells in the midst lies with the secrets inherent in this “little stone” of the Pineal Body.  The Pineal is “a stone cut out without hands,” rejected by men of science for many decades as being insignificant and irrelevant to any important or vital processes in the body.   This “stone which the builders rejected . . . has become the cornerstone of the temple.”  In truth, it has been so from the beginning. What comes to focus by virtue of this tiny gland, the Spirit of Love at the physical plane of being, is even now bringing about a transformation of the body of humanity. We, and all of the kingdoms of this world, are destined to become the “kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ.”  (Rev. 11:15)  

It is, without a doubt, by perfect divine design that the Pineal Body is situated between the two lobes of the brain, where all the structures of beliefs, concepts, busy and ambitious thought processes and images of gold are held sacred so as to be used in building and maintaining this empire and civilization.   Here this little stone, with its radiant field of love, is in the most strategically placed position to strike the great image of this empire of man on its feet made of a mixture of iron and clay.

The feet symbolize the capacity of understanding.  The image’s feet were made of a mixture of iron and clay, substances which do not bond together.   They also represent the foundation upon which this mind-made world stands and the mental understanding as to how it works and is maintained.    As that foundation crumbles, as it is doing today, all hell breaks loose as disorientation creates havoc. The foundations of human civilization are synthetic, produced by constructs such as science, politics and religion.   It is held together, not by the power of love which governs the natural world, but by the concepts and beliefs of those who rule the masses, and by the masses who worship these beliefs and concepts.

Those concepts declare, for example, that if someone has something that you need or want, you have the right to go to war with him and take it from him if you can, and that the lives of young men and women are dispensable to that cause and end.   The whole world supports this belief.  The whole world is thus deceived.  The world’s concepts also declare that if someone hates you and seeks to do you harm, you have the right to hate him back and seek to destroy him first.

 Man’s civilization is governed by the laws of the Medes and Persians, with one exception. The laws of the Medes and Persians could not be altered.  The laws of this civilization can be changed, and are changed, when they no longer serve the needs of those who make them.  Fortunately for us the God of Heaven does not rule His Kingdom nor Her Queendom on the same arbitrary basis, nor out of convenience.   The ordinances of heaven that govern the kingdoms of this world are absolute and immutable.   They hinge on the One Law of Love . . . and Love never fails.  Love radiates forth and response leaps to obey its irresistible attraction.  Community happens, bringing blessings to the whole and to all the parts that make up this whole, holy world.

In a word, man’s civilization is founded upon an understanding of how hate, fear and greed can get us, as individuals and as nations and peoples, just about anything we covet.  The only price we pay is that we must, upon acquiring it, treasure it with our hearts and guard it with our very lives or else someone will come along and try to take it from us.  For where one’s treasure is, there one’s heart is as well.  This is the basis upon which we have established life in this world and have learned to survive in it.  It is not the truth of how life is meant to be lived, and deep down inside our heart of hearts we know that. At deeper levels, hearts desire companionship, trust, meaning.  There would likely be no coveting were these desires met in us individually and nationally.

Upon the very altar of our hearts we continue to worship the gods of gold, silver, brass, wood, stone and now oil, plutonium and the silica of the computer microchip.  In return these gods give us fleeting power over our worlds and over others. We may praise the God of Heaven on Sundays—and at times when He comes through for us as in the story of Daniel—but we turn right around and resort to worshiping these other gods and appeasing them so that they will continue to deliver unto us the material goods we so earnestly believe will bring us life, liberty, security and happiness.  In so doing we compromise our hearts and therein defile our temples.

This paradigm of understanding is being dismantled and transformed by the Spirit of Love now intensifying its radiance through the point of focus this little stone, the Pineal Body, provides in the body temple.   Those who find themselves drawing near to Love and leaving the world to its own demise are experiencing a transformation the likes of which has never before occurred in the recorded history of this planet.  Responding to the Spirit of Love, they find themselves drawn toward love and toward others so responding. 

As the radiation of Love increases and permeates the cells of the brain, it cleanses the atoms which comprise it.  The Pineal becomes a powerful magnetic center which draws all the atoms in the human brain into a pattern of service in the temple.  Its bio-magnetic force field, like a computer reformat program, erases programs in the memory cells of the brain.  Thought patterns that were once held “sacred” for the security they promised are become as iron mixed with clay as they no longer hold together.  Beliefs that were once worshiped are suddenly seen as shams and levers for manipulation by commercial advertising and evangelism.   Belief in “the truth” gives way to the actual experience of truth and the resultant freedom from these limitations

These “sacred” thought patterns and beliefs have been established by isolated and competing human egos. As these old concepts and viewpoints of how the world of man works crumble, giving way to the new thought patterns born out of love for the LORD God and for one another, our world does not make sense any longer.  Nothing is certain anymore, as though it ever was.  We just believed it was because of the structures, the golden images, in our heads.  We are awakening to the stark reality that the LORD of this world is truly the God of heaven and rules yet;  that until we come to love Him above all and with all, and our neighbor as ourselves, there is no hope for this civilization; that oneness is the truth of love and of life.

As we no longer function out of fear, hate and greed, but begin to function out of love, the feet of this great image continues to crumble, for we the people are the feet of this great civilization, the “grass roots” as we are called in the political system.   When we change the way we see things and the way we behave toward God, toward ourselves and one another and toward the natural world, then will the empires of gold, silver, brass, iron, stone and oil come tumbling down to be blown away by the wind of spirit in expression through us so that there will not remain even a memory of it.

The Spirit of Love is even now melting the feet of this golden image in the heart and soul of humanity through this little stone.  Speaking to us vibrationally through the Pineal, it is compelling us all to listen to its voice and heed its command:   “Love one another.  Do good unto those that hate you.  Love your enemies.  Do unto others as you would they should do unto you.”

The Golden Rule is returning to human conscious-ness, and its power is destroying the “laws of the Medes and Persians,” all by virtue of the silent and radiant presence of Love focused in this tiny gland.  The changes are occurring in everyone at the same time even as I write because of one thing and one thing only:   God loves each and every one of us the same and His Spirit of Love, even the LORD of Love who incarnated 2000 years ago, is with us and has been all these two thousand years.  What He set in motion then has now come full cycle.   The victory is His and well at hand for those who believe in what He brought and do what He commanded.  Such are the friends of God.  What He brought was unconditional love, the One Law upon which all other laws hinge.  He sounded the Tone of unconditional love and has filled the Seven Levels of Being with the substance of love. He has opened the Seven Seals that are even now pouring out radiant currents of love into the hearts of human beings everywhere.  Purification is underway in the temple of the living God.

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The news media brings this reality before our eyes and ears daily.  Simply observe the profanity, violence and inhumane behavior gushing forth out of the heart of humanity like foul sewage water pouring out of a cistern as fresh water pours in from above and below pushing out the residue that has settled on the bottom for millennia, now rising to the surface and spilling out over the edges of the cauldron of the human heart.  It’s all coming out, the “good, the bad and the ugly.”  From a higher, fourth-dimensional viewpoint, there’s much cause for rejoicing in all of this chaotic filth coming out of our collective heart because right behind it is the cool, clear water of the truth of love which is life . . . and “Unconquerable Life prevails.”   

Thank you for joining your heart with mine as we meditate on these timely cosmic events and the impact we have on them as well as the impact they have on us.  Until then,

Be love.  Be loved. 


For health issues, visit my other blog, Health Light Newsletter

Love, an Antigravity Force

“True love demands sacrifice, because true love is a transforming force and is really the birth-pangs of union on a higher plane.” –Anonymous¹

OUR HUMAN FAMILY has not been under so much pressure as it is now for some time. Listening to all the reports on the state of our planet’s shifting ecology, we are in the throes of an existential crisis—at least existence as we’ve known it in our lifetime.  Like a house of cards blown by a wind, our “civilized” world is collapsing around us, as though clearing the space for something new.  Will we go down in history as yet another lost civilization, or will we ascend to a higher level of consciousness and create a more balanced and sustainable world?  A heaven on earth?

The answer to that question lies largely in the polarity of our orientation, and with what tonal frequency we resonate at a spiritual level in our hearts.  What vibrational tone moves us, and in what direction?  What do we most value and love?  Because we will dance to the music that resonates in our hearts and go in the direction of that which we love, that with which we desire union.  What is it that my soul longs to know oneness with? 

The simple answer to such a longing is to be found in the directive of the Master Jesus, what has become well known as The Two Great Commandment:  “Thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all of thy heart, and with all of thy mind, and with all of thy strength.” With all of one’s heart, mind and body.  Nothing held back.  “And the second is like unto the first: thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”  In these two directives, as I would call them, lie the sacred path of ascension. 


We are all blessed by our friendships.  I’ve been blessed and privileged to share a brief but potent time of Attunement every morning with a dear friend and colleague long distance.  We’ve known each other for over twenty years now and I’ve come to love him as a brother . . . and I can say as myself because he exemplifies to me qualities that I know are true of my own inner Self, primarily unconditional love and acceptance of me just the way I am . . . which has inspired me to love and accept myself, and others, unconditionally.  This has been my experience over the years with all my friends and attunement colleagues.  So much love and appreciation has been expressed by so many.  

The current of love that flows between my friend and myself seems to have grown more intense and substantial over the years.  This past year the Attunement Current has been increasingly more intense and has become a powerfully magnetic force that has had an uplifting impact on my physical body, as though every cell is being drawn up into an ascending current of magnetic energy.   

While the Attunement Current in itself is a powerful healing force — healing in the literal sense of mending back together that which has been fragmented and separated from the whole — there are powerful cosmic forces on the move “out there” which are having enormous impact on us and on all life forms on the planet.  While we call this force the Attunement Current, it is the magnetic current of love that is increasing in its manifestation through human hearts the world over, interestingly more so since this viral pandemic has disrupted “business as usual” in human affairs. 

It’s as though a Great Pause has been ordered in the Music of the Spheres here on Earth by the Great Conductor as a new score in the symphony of Life awaits the downward beat of the Conductor’s Baton, and the orchestral musicians are poised in eager readiness to play the first notes in their score together with one magnificent and harmonic transforming sound.  One can hear the cacophony of instruments tuning as the pure sound of the oboe plays the tonal A 440.  We can even hear an Overture  pre-sounding in the heaven of consciousness.  The Song Celestial is about to be played and sung on Earth.  It’s time to finetune our instruments of body, mind and heart with the Tone of Love. 

When I see and hear musicians playing their instruments and singing in concerts, I see angels of sound come down out of the Realms of Light to bring heavenly music to Mankind and to this beautiful planet.  Last night we attended a Christmas Concert presented by the Masterworks Chorale I sang with for several years, now back from a long pause due to this pandemic.  It was so good to hear these angels singing their sweet and glorious songs, especially the children’s choir and the brass ensemble.  Christmas music  is my favorite tradition each year.   God bless all musicians, who have come together in choirs and orchestras the world around, finding one another and regrouping to offer their musical gifts to the world, sorely in need of such upliftment at this time of trial and tribulation. 

I’m thinking of our neighbors up in the Midwest who are in anguish in the wake of devastating multiple tornado strikes that tore through several states last night from Arkansas through Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri and Tennessee, leaving death and unprecedented destruction in its 250 mile path, and so many homeless in cold winter nights.  They will be having a different Christmas this year as they help one another recover and rebuild, along with hundreds who have come from other areas to lend a hand.  There is so much goodwill in human hearts.  People come together in hard times.  We are so blessed to live in such a world of generous and caring friends and neighbors.  God bless us all, as Tiny Tim exclaimed in that wonderful Christmas Story.  Let us gather in Rumi’s field of no right doing or wrong doing and offer a prayer for those whose worlds have been so suddenly upended. 

I will leave you with this timely video that was shared on Facebook this week by a friend.   



Here we are.  Let the New World be born through all of us together.  Everything we do matters.  Until my next post,

Be Love.  Be loved.


¹ Anonymous:  From The Recapitulation of the Lord’s Prayer written anonymously and published by a 20th Century British contemplative, a student of the Russian philosopher P. D. Ouspensky.  I borrowed this “mystical gem” from Cynthia Bourgeault’s beautiful book THE WISDOM JESUS.


Our Unified Creating Fields


THERE IS A UNFIED CREATING FIELD enveloping our physical bodies.  It’s a large part of who and what we are. In fact, this field IS who we are, and it’s at our command. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, we create our worlds and our physical forms by every spirit-imbued thought, word, intention and emotion we entertain and utter and every enactment we perform within our creating field.

At the center of our creating field resides the creation of our physical form.  The field itself is a holographic microcosmic identical clone of a macrocosmic Holographic Universe, which is enveloped in a Unified Field itself, at the center of which resides the Creating Universe, in which all is One.  Creation comes and goes via this Unified Creating Field.

As Rumi so poetically describes it, there is no right or wrong doings in this field.  It’s all perfect, even as the pre-forms of creation continually evolve as the frequencies of Light, the artistic medium of the Creator, step down into lower frequencies to ultimately give visible birth to forms on Mother Nature’s colorful canvas.  Every process and phase of evolution of form is perfect.

All is one in the One whose Creating Field it is.  Even the body of Humanity, in which there exists so much divisiveness and conflict, is one with the All and contained within the Univied Creating Field, in which it is constantly being acted upon by Creative Forces in the Field.

Another word for this Field is the Heaven, the “Kingdom of Heaven” as the Master Jesus referred to it, which he said is both within us and all around us — a heaven that was the first creation in Genesis: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep.  And God said: Let there be Light.”  Out of light was created the entire universe, the forms of which materialize and dematerialize, along with the heaven that gave them birth.  There is a heaven for every level of form.  Old heavens and old earths pass away even as new heavens and new earths replace them.  All comes out of and returns to the One.

Our old earth and world are in the process of passing away even as a New Heaven and a New Earth are in the process of coming forth out of the Unified Field of Divine Creation.  “Behold I create a new heaven and a new Earth, for the old heaven and old earth are passed away.”

In the old heaven are “the former things,” the memory patterns of past events, both creative and destructive, “ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing” that have maintained the dis-eased and corrupt human state, along with whatever healthy and wholesome state there is and has been.  That world is, as Rumi put it so succinctly, “too full to talk about.”  And that is my own experience when I let go of it all and lie down in Rumi’s quiet field of simply being, where the meditations of my heart and the thoughts of my mind are worthy of being heard and listened to, and where judgement is not.

Come with me now as I reflect on what I have learned when I was active in the old world as a practitioner and healer of human ills and anguish.  There is something to learn there that can increase our understanding of the chaos currently manifesting in a world in transition from old to new.


While I was attending Dr. Milton T. Morter’s seminars and training classes in Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique (BEST), I heard him expound in vibratory-field language his view, based on his research and practical explorations, how “hereditary diseases” land in our physical bodies.  The gist of it is that patterns of so-called “hereditary diseases,” such as cancer, coronary heart disease and diabetes, do not always arise from out of our genetics, but rather descend from our personal energy fields cluttered with disease patterns from out of the past.  Allow me to elucidate.

According to this scenario, we bring a lot of vibrational energetic baggage with us when we incarnate that may determine our behavior and experience of health and dis-ease.  It’s all present in our personal energy fields, with which we interact on a momentary basis.  Disease patterns that were shaped by strong emotions, such as resentment, anger, fear, anxiety and grief — that were causal in relationship to various disease patterns in prior personal and ancestral incarnations — can be brought down into the physical body from the field on the basis of the principle of resonance.  If one who has inherited such a field package holds onto a strong and unresolved emotional pattern for a long period of time, for instance, a disease pattern in the field shaped by such emotional dissonance may bring the disease associated with it down into one’s physical body.  In other words, “hereditary diseases” such as cancer and diabetes, are not necessarily genetically caused, but may descend from out of one’s personal field — as well as the collective unified field, as I will develop shortly.

I thought that was pretty ingenious. I still do. The question might then be posed, can the field be cleared of all such dissonant patterns?  I believe this is what energy healers, such as Dr. Morter and the Morter Health System, and light workers and energy healers around the globe today, are about in their attunement work and service.  In fact, I’m sure of it . . . and the vibration of Love is the power that does the clearing. “The Father within, he doeth the works,” as the Great Physician himself acknowledged and taught when he walked on earth as a healer of the sick, the blind, and the lame.


I remember very vividly an experience I had back in my early years of clinical practice of clearing a disease pattern in the field around a young boy’s kidneys. His great-grandfather had come to me with an absolute faith that I could help his great-grandson, who was in a hospital miles away from my office.  The child was on dialysis and scheduled for a kidney transplant from his mom the next day. The dissonant and erratic pattern was like a balloon of hot air.  I could feel it and caress it, and within less than a minute, after confirming my upward connection with the Father within the Unified Field, and placing my hands over the great-grandfather’s kidney area, this ball of dissonant energy began to dissipate like a deflating balloon. I knew in an instant that the elderly gentleman and I had done all that we could, and that is exactly what turned out to be the case.  The child’s kidneys began to function again during that night.  He was taken off dialysis and the transplant schedule the same day. The attending surgeon said it was a miracle, as he had no other explanation for the sudden change.  I met the little boy and his mom a few weeks later, and he was a bubbling ball of playful energy.  Needless to say, this “Centurion” experience was a huge teaching for me of the power of attunement and agreement, even at a distance.

I love attunement.  It is a most magical way of clearing the field around the physical body.  Love has to be allowed to flow and radiate within and through the field.  This remote healing experience taught me that faith on the part of both practitioner and recipient, or surrogate as in this case, is essential to the spontaneous clearing of the field and healing of the dis-eased physical form.  And I think that such faith is degree-sensitive.  The greater is one’s faith and belief, the quicker the clearing and healing.


Could this field-dynamic also be at work on a collective level, such as in the Body of Mankind as a unified whole having a shared mass consciousness and a collective unified creating field?  I believe it is.  This pandemic, for instance, may well have its vibrational origin and cause in the collective unified field where such patterns as the Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918 — which ironically has come up in news items and conversations comparing this pandemic to that one — are implanted.  No doubt strong patterns of fear and anxiety were and are associated with that pattern, as are prevalent in this one.  The oxidative stress of the G5 factor, which I address in my Healthlight Newsletter at, may well be creating the conditions in which this dynamic works even quicker.

A theory, much like a vision planted in my brain, to borrow a line from Simon and Garfunkel’s “Sound of Silence,” has developed in my mind about this so-called pandemic — “and still remains within the sound of silence,” as only a brave few have dared break their silence over this deceptive manipulation of the masses, and many more are coming forward daily.  First, that it is orchestrated, and second that in order to create a mass panic that could manifest a pandemic, all that one, or ones, need do is announce the outbreak of a coronavirus in Wuhan, China — at the beginning of the “normal” yearly flu season — that has spread and threatens to become a pandemic, and fear for one’s life grips the hearts of the masses — a fear that is remnant of and resonant with the fear aroused in the populace in 1918 — and down descends the influenza pattern into the body of humanity.  Truly a wetiko, a mind-virus, an invisible pattern in the field manifesting in the physical bodies of people the world over.  Little wonder not one single scientific lab has been able to isolate this “virus” and actually capture a picture of it in their electron microscopes.  Because it’s invisible.  It’s not a thing.  It’s a vibrational pattern in the unified field creating deadly influenza symptoms and death in the masses, just like the influenza of 1918 — and manifesting in the fearful and thus immune compromised, and in the elderly who are already dying from underlying morbidities, such as heart disease and diabetes — all of which are being reported as dying “from” Covid-19 rather than “with” Covid-19, a blatant case of data enhancement and downright lying.


My friends, we are shadow boxing, ghost chasing and there truly is no vaccine that medicine can concoct to immunize the people from it.  Only one thing can dissolve the pattern of fear in the field, this mind-virus, and that’s love. Perfect love casts out fear.  My friend Will Wilkinson in Hawaii is on the right track with his “Love-Casting Club.” Casting love into the Unified Creating Field of the Body of Humanity will dissolve the fear we’ve inherited from our fathers and forefathers back to the fifth generation.  Dissolve the pattern of fear and this shadowy manifestation of disease will vanish like the mist before the rising sun.  If you think you would like to join Will in Love Casting, let him know by email.  His email address is:


We each individually and all together as a body of Humanity have a choice to make as to what field, what heaven, we’re going to move forward in and work out of in creating our world: the old heaven polluted with fear, hatred, impatience, greed and corruption, and other patterns of past failures and destruction, in an old earth that’s beyond salvaging, all of which is passing away — or the New Heaven filled with the spirits of love, compassion, patience, creativity, kindness and generosity that is available to us now.  We only have our little heaven, our unified creating field, to work out of in creating our world and our lives.  The good news is that our personal and collective creating fields are contained within the Unified Field and are fed and nourished by it. This is God’s Heaven where all is well.  There are no disease patterns in it, no viruses or pandemic patterns either.  So we have the Creator of Heaven and Earth with us in all that we undertake to create.  It is in the old heaven where things are not so well.  It needs to be left behind and allowed to pass away to make room for the New Heaven out of which a New Earth is being born.  “Behold, I make all things new!” That is my word in this new day.  Let’s make it our collective word.

The Unified Field is at our command because it’s who and what we are.  Let us cast our bread, our prayer, upon these waters, for what we wish to create in our world and in our lives, and give thanks that it is already done according to our word; then be prepared to receive our creation with gratitude and praise to the One. This Law works.  Let’s let it work with our participation and the full empowerment of Love for the Truth of Life.  This is the wholistic path to health and happiness.  Until my next post, here’s to your joy and success creating your health and your world anew.

Anthony Palombo, DC 


Credits:  1. Passage about the “Field” is by RUMI.   2.  Graphic of “The One” is taken from THE UNIVERSAL ONE BY Walter Russell.

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