Creating the New Earth Together

THE WORLD IS IN A STATE OF CACOPHONY, plagued by the clamor of a “noisome pestilence,” as the psalmist sings, then invites you into the secret place in the pure heart: “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him shall I trust. Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. (Psalm 91:3)

The snare of the fowler refers to the coarse net of the human mind that snares and holds onto wayward and negative “birdbrain” thoughts and theories. The noisome pestilence refers to the ongoing pandemic crises that fill the media airways with life threatening fear mongering narratives designed to promote vaccines and sustain the flow of revenues into Big Pharma’s coffers and the pockets of the investors in human misery—and destabilize the social and economic climates of the masses. Nothing motivates people quite like fear.

Robert Reich pretty well sums up the moral crisis of our times:

“The moral crisis of our age has nothing to do with gay marriage or abortion: it’s insider trading, obscene CEO pay, wage theft from ordinary workers, Wall Street’s continued gambling addiction, corporate payoffs to friendly politicians, and the billionaire takeover of our democracy.”

Today we have a new noisome pestilence in the conviction of a former US President on thirty-four counts of criminal activity. The National News media are having a hay day with this one as advertising agencies flock to primetime to sell their wares. It is a noisome world we’ve created.


But enough of my ranting on the human world condition. There is a place of disconnect from the madding crowd and of blissful peace in your Heart of hearts. The heart entertains the finer essences of spirit. Take comfort in your Soul. Nothing dismisses fear in a troubled heart quite like love and a appreciation.


As I initiated my previous post, the creation and publishing of a Fourth Edition of SACRED ANATOMY has left me in a pensive space with renewed curiosity in the magic of the body’s internal communication system and alchemical processes. I am finding much food for thought and meditation in Joseph Chilton Pearce’s enlightening book THE BIOLOGY OF TRANSCENDENCE ~ A Blueprint of the Human Spirit. I will bring this series to a place of rest with these words of summation of his insight into “The Brain in the Heart,” excerpted from his closing commentary in “The Heart and Dominion.”


  1. The heart’s electromagnetic field is holographic and draws selectively on the frequencies of the world, our solar system, and whatever is beyond.
  2. Through glial action, our neural system selectively draws the materials needed for world-structuring from the electromagnetic fields as coordinated by and through the heart.
  3. Our emotional-cognitive brain makes moment-by-moment qualitative evaluations of our experience of the resulting world structure, some of which we initiate in our high cortical areas and others of which form automatically and instinctually in the old mammalian brain.
  4. Our emotional-cognitive brain has direct unmediated neural connections with the heart. Through these neural connections the positive and negative signals of our response to our present moment are sent to the heart moment by moment.
  5. The heart’s neural system has no structures for perceiving or analyzing the context, nature, details, or logic of our emotional reports. Thus the heart can’t judge the validity of or the reason for these reports and responds to them as basic facts. The heart responds on all levels: electromagnetically, through the unmediated neural connections to the limbic brain, and through neural connections to a myriad of body functions. Additional responses include hormonal shifts between the heart and the body and the heart and the brain, and perhaps shifts on sound and thermal levels as suggested by Schwartz and Russek.
  6. When the heart makes such an adaptive shift, suspending its stable norm, our perception changes accordingly. The world we experience in a state of fear, rage, dire emergency, competition, or struggle is quite different from that which we experience in a state of harmony and love.
  7. During an initial negative response, our brain shifts from the slower reflective intellect of the frontal lobes and neocortex to the quickly reflexive reptilian brain and its links with the emotional-cognitive brain’s survival memories and maneuvers. This shift from forebrain to hindbrain is not voluntary or within our awareness — it just happens and always appears logical, practical, common sense.
  8. The dialogue between our heart and brain is an interactive dynamic where each pole of our experience, heart and brain, gives rise to and shapes the other to an indeterminable extent. No cause-effect relationship can be implied in such an organic, stochastic, and infinitely contingent process. This mirroring is another vital example of the creator-created dynamic.
  9. In response to a negative signal, the frequency realm of the heart drops from coherent to incoherent. This is a survival maneuver that opens the heart spectrum to an indefinite or variable state. In this fluid situation our body, brain, and heart can respond in new ways to an emergency, if the old survival responses initiated by our lower brain systems are insufficient. (See figure 8 below)

(Figure 8. In periods of frustration, fear, or ager, the em spectrum is incoherent. In times when love or appreciation is experienced, it is coherent. Courtesy of HeartMath Institute.)


In most instances of survival issues the Interpreter Mode in our forebrain aligns with and locks in on these concerns to form a nearly unbreakable tape loop between the forebrain and hindbrain. This shifts all attention and energy to the hindbrain and its survival mode. The forebrain’s creative intellect then serves these survival needs while the heart continues to receive variations of the same negative report repeated ad nauseam by the forebrain-hindbrain loop. This response can continue long after the original negative event, so that we live in a closed circuit of resentment and offenses against our neighbor or world, a self-fulfilling and self-perpetuating negative loop.

Again, the heart has no neural structures by which to judge the illusory or delusory nature of the reports the brain sends it. Whether the report comes from the hindbrain and its ancient sensory-motor and survival systems or from the forebrain’s creative imagination, all the heart can do is respond accordingly.

As mentioned in the summary above, in a negative state our energy shifts from the forebrain to the hindbrain and, reinforced by the heart’s automatic response to negativity, our thinking, judgments, and perceptions are altered in the interest of defense. In our archaic, defensive mode of mind we have limited our access to our intellectual capacities except as selectively used on behalf of our defenses or revenge strategies. We then use the same selective process to intellectually justify our reflective action: Defensiveness is always rationally cloaked as common sense, while revenge is always cloaked as justice. [Netinyaho’s “Holy War.” of revenge against Hamas?]

The ancient defenses are comfortably familiar; they are locked into our very body and memory, patterns of reaction that are make up the commonly shared cultural world in which we participate. Defensiveness is supported by powerful and ancient field energies that are part of our consensus reality itself. In a negative belligerent state of mind I have crowd comfort, herd support. This is why it is so hard to recognize and alter our defensiveness in those instances where it hurts instead of helps.

Nature’s economical habit of building new evolutionary structures on the foundations of older ones has led to our current magnificent potential and terrifying dilemma. Our potential can’t be utilized and our dilemma can’t be resolved by either intellect or moral and ethical effort alone (if at all). But we have within us this other link, the three-way connection among our emotional-cognitive brain, our prefrontal lobes, and our heart. Here in this connection lies our hope and transcendence — if we can break away from the madding crowd. Through understanding and using our heart’s intelligence along with our brain’s intellect we can resolve our dilemma. Whatever language or rationale it might take, our task is to discover — or rediscover — these two potentials, align them, and come into transcendent dominion over our life [and our worlds].


Another word for align is attune. Attunement with the tonal frequency of Love in the heart and attunement with the tonal frequency of Truth in the mind aligns these two capacities for the generation and birth of life. Love and Truth are the Godparents of Life. The Father of Love needs the Mother of Truth in order to give birth to Life. The power of love alone is not sufficient. There’s plenty of love in the world. What the world needs now is the integrity and freedom clear and unadulterated Truth affords.

I would like to close with some poignant yet simple words spoken by my spiritual mentor, the late Lord Martin Cecil, 7th Marquess of Exeter (1909-1988). This is the last service he gave one month before his passing in January of 1988. This service was given on December 13, 1987, and is entitled “Radiant Light The Transforming Power.”

Lord Martin Cecil

There is just one way, and that is the way of light. And when light is allowed to shine in the realm where the prince of darkness has held sway heretofore, there is what might be described as war. I am sure all of you have had some experience in this regard. I am not talking about this superficial war that constantly goes on in the advertising world, or in the world of politics, or in the world of religion, or in any of the human worlds—I am not talking about that. But when the light begins to shine because you let it shine, all sorts of dark things erupt—there is war in this way. But darkness has no power over light. Why is it that so easily there is a fearful attitude toward the darkness? “It’s going to prevail. Oh dear me! It’s going to overwhelm me. This darkness is building up all around!” What about letting the light shine, then where did the darkness go? It is the constant radiation of the light that dispels the darkness. It’s rather magical, isn’t it? Even in a room like this, if you put out all the lights it’s dark. Darkness appears to have triumphed. But put on the lights, where did it go? It wasn’t anything in the first place.

Let your light so shine. We are reaching a point where we begin to understand what that means: no more fear of the darkness. Many children are afraid of the dark. We have all been children. The easiest way to dispel that fear is to turn on the light. Let your light so shine. I am the light of the world, of my world in particular. If my light shines in my world it’s not dark anymore to me. It may be dark to the creatures of darkness round about, but to me, no. This shining of the light comes, as we know, individually speaking. One must let it happen, for oneself. But there begins to be a collective shining of the light in consequence. And the darkness is in the process of being dispelled. Keep the light coming.

“Keep the light coming.” Simple words expressing the simple truth. Until my next post,

keep your light shining.


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