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Cornerstone of the Body Temple

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“. . . we remember that the Master said, ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed.’ Its first point of manifestation is very small, but when it is grown it becomes the greatest of the herbs of the field.” (Uranda)

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THE PINEAL GLAND, a pea-size member of the endocrine system nestled in the center of the brain, is the designated point and place of fusion in the body temple between Heaven and Earth for each individual.  When the body temple is a house of prayer and thanksgiving, used as a place of worship of God, it is lifted up vibrationally to a higher level to fuse with the Spirit of Love and is filled with the substance of Love.

When a critical number of individual souls have fused their body temples with the Spirit of Love at this level, and are in tune with the Tone of Love and in step with the pulsations and rhythms of Life, then will the Body of Mankind be filled with the substance of Love.  When the Body of Mankind is filled to over-flowing with the substance of Love, the whole world will begin to be filled with the substance of Love, which no evil can withstand.  The Pineal gland plays a pivotal role in this fusion with and infilling of Love substance. Man restored will then play his appointed role in setting the ordinances of the New Heaven in the New Earth in order for the Cycles of Restoration, pre-ordained in the Inner Plane, to be set in the Outer Planes.  Spiritual mentor, Martin Cecil, once stated it beautifully and succinctly . . .

We are here to fill the world with the substance of love, to fill the world with the transforming power of love. Nothing can withstand that. The transformation occurs. Nothing can stop it. It only happens when there is someone on hand to do it. It doesn’t come magically out of the sky. It’s done because one loves to do it: that’s the only thing to do; one can’t do anything else. Then the world begins to be filled with the substance of love and behold, all things are made new, not in the twinkling of an eye necessarily, but pretty fast nevertheless.  

Used as a house of worship of the treasures and idols in the outer world plane, the body temple crumbles and returns to its origin in the elements of the earth . . . “ashes to ashes, dust to dust” . . . and is blown away by the winds of change into oblivion, as the Story of Daniel portrays in the previous post and this one.  In the final drama of the story, the little white stone, representing the kingdom of Daniel’s “God of Heaven,” is established during the rise of several kingdoms and would remain to fill the whole earth after these other kingdoms had passed away — a prophetic story casting its shadow onto our world today presently undergoing radical change as the old mind-made kingdom crumbles beneath our feet. 


OUR STORY OF DANIEL takes us to the end of an empire that was founded upon worship of the elemental gods of iron, silver, brass and gold.  Today’s industrial empire is founded upon worship of money and addiction to fossil fuels.  Daniel’s God was a God of love, the “cornerstone” of the temple of the living God.  That cornerstone is embodied by the Pineal Gland in our body temples.   It’s location in between the two hemispheres of the brain is strategic to the outworking underway even now of the transformation of human consciousness and the restoration of Mankind to its noble stature.  As stated in my book Sacred Anatomy, a new paradigm is emerging that is guiding us back to love in spite of ourselves.

Read on and be lifted up in your understanding . . .         

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Significance of the Cornerstone

The Pineal Gland

ONE OF THE KEY ELEMETS of the presence of this One who dwells in the midst lies with the secrets inherent in this “little stone” of the Pineal Body.  The Pineal is “a stone cut out without hands,” rejected by men of science for many decades as being insignificant and irrelevant to any important or vital processes in the body.   This “stone which the builders rejected . . . has become the cornerstone of the temple.”  In truth, it has been so from the beginning. What comes to focus by virtue of this tiny gland, the Spirit of Love at the physical plane of being, is even now bringing about a transformation of the body of humanity. We, and all of the kingdoms of this world, are destined to become the “kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ.”  (Rev. 11:15)  

It is, without a doubt, by perfect divine design that the Pineal Body is situated between the two lobes of the brain, where all the structures of beliefs, concepts, busy and ambitious thought processes and images of gold are held sacred so as to be used in building and maintaining this empire and civilization.   Here this little stone, with its radiant field of love, is in the most strategically placed position to strike the great image of this empire of man on its feet made of a mixture of iron and clay.

The feet symbolize the capacity of understanding.  The image’s feet were made of a mixture of iron and clay, substances which do not bond together.   They also represent the foundation upon which this mind-made world stands and the mental understanding as to how it works and is maintained.    As that foundation crumbles, as it is doing today, all hell breaks loose as disorientation creates havoc. The foundations of human civilization are synthetic, produced by constructs such as science, politics and religion.   It is held together, not by the power of love which governs the natural world, but by the concepts and beliefs of those who rule the masses, and by the masses who worship these beliefs and concepts.

Those concepts declare, for example, that if someone has something that you need or want, you have the right to go to war with him and take it from him if you can, and that the lives of young men and women are dispensable to that cause and end.   The whole world supports this belief.  The whole world is thus deceived.  The world’s concepts also declare that if someone hates you and seeks to do you harm, you have the right to hate him back and seek to destroy him first.

 Man’s civilization is governed by the laws of the Medes and Persians, with one exception. The laws of the Medes and Persians could not be altered.  The laws of this civilization can be changed, and are changed, when they no longer serve the needs of those who make them.  Fortunately for us the God of Heaven does not rule His Kingdom nor Her Queendom on the same arbitrary basis, nor out of convenience.   The ordinances of heaven that govern the kingdoms of this world are absolute and immutable.   They hinge on the One Law of Love . . . and Love never fails.  Love radiates forth and response leaps to obey its irresistible attraction.  Community happens, bringing blessings to the whole and to all the parts that make up this whole, holy world.

In a word, man’s civilization is founded upon an understanding of how hate, fear and greed can get us, as individuals and as nations and peoples, just about anything we covet.  The only price we pay is that we must, upon acquiring it, treasure it with our hearts and guard it with our very lives or else someone will come along and try to take it from us.  For where one’s treasure is, there one’s heart is as well.  This is the basis upon which we have established life in this world and have learned to survive in it.  It is not the truth of how life is meant to be lived, and deep down inside our heart of hearts we know that. At deeper levels, hearts desire companionship, trust, meaning.  There would likely be no coveting were these desires met in us individually and nationally.

Upon the very altar of our hearts we continue to worship the gods of gold, silver, brass, wood, stone and now oil, plutonium and the silica of the computer microchip.  In return these gods give us fleeting power over our worlds and over others. We may praise the God of Heaven on Sundays—and at times when He comes through for us as in the story of Daniel—but we turn right around and resort to worshiping these other gods and appeasing them so that they will continue to deliver unto us the material goods we so earnestly believe will bring us life, liberty, security and happiness.  In so doing we compromise our hearts and therein defile our temples.

This paradigm of understanding is being dismantled and transformed by the Spirit of Love now intensifying its radiance through the point of focus this little stone, the Pineal Body, provides in the body temple.   Those who find themselves drawing near to Love and leaving the world to its own demise are experiencing a transformation the likes of which has never before occurred in the recorded history of this planet.  Responding to the Spirit of Love, they find themselves drawn toward love and toward others so responding. 

As the radiation of Love increases and permeates the cells of the brain, it cleanses the atoms which comprise it.  The Pineal becomes a powerful magnetic center which draws all the atoms in the human brain into a pattern of service in the temple.  Its bio-magnetic force field, like a computer reformat program, erases programs in the memory cells of the brain.  Thought patterns that were once held “sacred” for the security they promised are become as iron mixed with clay as they no longer hold together.  Beliefs that were once worshiped are suddenly seen as shams and levers for manipulation by commercial advertising and evangelism.   Belief in “the truth” gives way to the actual experience of truth and the resultant freedom from these limitations

These “sacred” thought patterns and beliefs have been established by isolated and competing human egos. As these old concepts and viewpoints of how the world of man works crumble, giving way to the new thought patterns born out of love for the LORD God and for one another, our world does not make sense any longer.  Nothing is certain anymore, as though it ever was.  We just believed it was because of the structures, the golden images, in our heads.  We are awakening to the stark reality that the LORD of this world is truly the God of heaven and rules yet;  that until we come to love Him above all and with all, and our neighbor as ourselves, there is no hope for this civilization; that oneness is the truth of love and of life.

As we no longer function out of fear, hate and greed, but begin to function out of love, the feet of this great image continues to crumble, for we the people are the feet of this great civilization, the “grass roots” as we are called in the political system.   When we change the way we see things and the way we behave toward God, toward ourselves and one another and toward the natural world, then will the empires of gold, silver, brass, iron, stone and oil come tumbling down to be blown away by the wind of spirit in expression through us so that there will not remain even a memory of it.

The Spirit of Love is even now melting the feet of this golden image in the heart and soul of humanity through this little stone.  Speaking to us vibrationally through the Pineal, it is compelling us all to listen to its voice and heed its command:   “Love one another.  Do good unto those that hate you.  Love your enemies.  Do unto others as you would they should do unto you.”

The Golden Rule is returning to human conscious-ness, and its power is destroying the “laws of the Medes and Persians,” all by virtue of the silent and radiant presence of Love focused in this tiny gland.  The changes are occurring in everyone at the same time even as I write because of one thing and one thing only:   God loves each and every one of us the same and His Spirit of Love, even the LORD of Love who incarnated 2000 years ago, is with us and has been all these two thousand years.  What He set in motion then has now come full cycle.   The victory is His and well at hand for those who believe in what He brought and do what He commanded.  Such are the friends of God.  What He brought was unconditional love, the One Law upon which all other laws hinge.  He sounded the Tone of unconditional love and has filled the Seven Levels of Being with the substance of love. He has opened the Seven Seals that are even now pouring out radiant currents of love into the hearts of human beings everywhere.  Purification is underway in the temple of the living God.

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The news media brings this reality before our eyes and ears daily.  Simply observe the profanity, violence and inhumane behavior gushing forth out of the heart of humanity like foul sewage water pouring out of a cistern as fresh water pours in from above and below pushing out the residue that has settled on the bottom for millennia, now rising to the surface and spilling out over the edges of the cauldron of the human heart.  It’s all coming out, the “good, the bad and the ugly.”  From a higher, fourth-dimensional viewpoint, there’s much cause for rejoicing in all of this chaotic filth coming out of our collective heart because right behind it is the cool, clear water of the truth of love which is life . . . and “Unconquerable Life prevails.”   

Thank you for joining your heart with mine as we meditate on these timely cosmic events and the impact we have on them as well as the impact they have on us.  Until then,

Be love.  Be loved. 


For health issues, visit my other blog, Health Light Newsletter

Our Cymatic Universe: Shaped by “The Music of the Spheres”

“If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.” –Tesla

As those who follow my blog know, I encompass many aspects and areas of life on planet Earth. Lately I’ve been exploring the heavens and cosmic influence of the planets upon human consciousness and behavior, having recently read Richard Tarnas’s epic book COSMOS AND PSYCHE — Intimations of a New World View, in which he examines the impact of planetary alignments and their archetypal influence on human consciousness and historical events.  In this post, I will share my thoughts on how this influence works on the basis of acoustic cymatics, the shaping of matter by sound vibrations.  Let me first define and demonstrate what cymatics is.

Our Cymatic Universe

Cymatics is the science of sound made visible. It is based on the principle that when sound encounters a membrane such as your skin or the surface of water, it imprints an invisible pattern of energy. In other words, the periodic vibrations in the sound sample are converted and become periodic water ripples, creating beautiful geometric patterns that reveal the once invisible realm of sound. If we could see the sounds around us with our eyes we would see myriads of holographic bubbles, each with a kaleidoscopic-like pattern on its surface. (John Stuart Reed)

Below is a picture graphic of cymatic images created by sounds, specifically the first octave of twelve piano notes with which all of our music here in the West is composed. (Right click on the image to open in a new tab for magnified viewing.) 

For a real treat, click on this link for a five-minute demonstration of cymatics created by music:

In my book ATTUNEMENT WITH SACRED SOUND–The Magical Use of Sound in Energy Work and Healing, there’s an entire section devoted to this topic. (For a copy of my book, send me your request by email. Price with local postage is $40.)

Sound Bubbles

Vibrations move out from their source in all directions. The picture below, along with this excerpt from my book, demonstrate and describes this phenomenon.

The term “sound wave” tends to create in the mind’s eye an image of a wave of sound, rather like a water ripple, moving vibrations of air molecules toward your ear in a wave-like motion when, in reality, sound does not propagate as a wave but moves out from its source spherically with one small part of the sphere’s leading edge reaching your ear. According to acoustic physics researcher, John Stuart Reid, all sounds that humans hear propagate in this way. He calls these spheres “sound bubbles” and they carry the sound by contracting and expanding according to its pitch (if it is a musical sound) or its frequency. The violin bubble image (above) demonstrates this principle graphically, illustrating a musical note emerging from a violin. (More about John Stuart Reid’s work can be found at his website, 

Causality and Correlation

Richard Tarnas queries the causality and correlations in his research, asking how planetary alignments impact our psyche? What is the nature of the medium by which their influence is transmitted? (Highlights mine)

In the modern era, with the dominant Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm in the background of all thought and discourse on the subject, considerable confusion has been produced by the conventional scientific attempt to interpret—and thus reject the possibility of—astrological correspondences within a modern mecha­nistic cosmological framework. In effect, the Cartesian-Newtonian standpoint led to a single simple question that, within its framework, was regarded as decisive for the issue of astrology’s validity: How can the planets influence events on the Earth if no physical forces have been observed that could cause those events ?  . . . . To a great extent the question of physi­cal planetary influence reflected the residual strength of materialist and mechanistic assumptions in contemporary scientific thought, even after the conceptual shifts introduced by quantum physics. Physical forces represented the only kind of relationship that could be imagined to exist between celestial bodies and hu­man life. This approach to astrology also, less obviously, reflected certain lingering literalist and mechanistic tendencies in the astrological tradition itself that made it vulnerable to a reductionist critique after the ancient Ptolemaic-Aristotelian cosmology was rejected and replaced by Newtonian science. Above all, how­ever, the modern dismissal of astrology reflected the virtually universal modern conviction that the cosmos was disenchanted.

Given the nature of the evidence now known, it is difficult to imagine any physical factor that could serve as the ultimate source or medium of the observed astrological correlations. At least on the basis of the principal categories of data I have examined, it seems to me highly unlikely that the planets send out physical emanations, like electromagnetic radiation, that causally influence events in human life in a mechanistic way so as to produce the observed correlations. The range of correspondences between planetary positions and human existence is just too vast and multidimensional—too manifestly ordered by structures of meaning, too suggestive of creative intelligence, too vividly informed by aes­thetic patterning, too metaphorically multivalent, too experientially complex and nuanced, and too responsive to human participatory inflection—to be explained by straightforward material factors alone. Given as well the consistent nature of correlations involving the Sun, the Moon, and all the planets of the solar system from Mercury and Venus to Neptune and Pluto, irrespective of their size or dis­tance from Earth, any causal factor resembling gravitational influence seems to be equally improbable.

I believe that a more plausible and comprehensive explanation of the avail­able evidence would rest on a conception of the universe as a fundamentally and irreducibly interconnected whole, informed by creative intelligence and pervaded by patterns of meaning and order that extend through every level, and that are expressed through a constant correspondence between astronomical events and human events. Such a view is concisely reflected in the Hermetic axiom “as above, so below,” which describes a universe all of whose parts and dimensions are integrated into an intelligible whole. In the perspective I am suggesting here, reflecting the dominant trend in contemporary astrological theory, the planets do not “cause” specific events any more than the hands on a clock “cause” a specific time. Rather, the planetary positions are indicative of the cosmic state of archetypal dynamics at that time. The words of Plotinus, the most influential philoso­pher of later classical antiquity, speak directly to this understanding:

The stars are like letters which inscribe themselves at every moment in the sky. … Everything in the world is full of signs …. All events are co­ordinated. . . . All things depend on each other; as has been said, “Everything breathes together.”

I resonate with his perspective. As one reads through Tarnas’s book, one is made aware of the progressive changes in human consciousness and the developments of civilizations, one development leading to another from century to century in perfect sequence and synchronicity with repeating cycles of planetary alignments.  We have been moved along the path of evolution by a Universal Intelligence, if you will, playing, upgrading and rewriting the “Music of the Spheres.”

The questions that arises in my mind are “What did Hermes imply when he envisioned the axiom ‘As above, so below’?”  Was he thinking only in terms of a physical universe, with the stars and planets “above” and the earth “below,” or was he envisioning a spiritual, vibrational causal dimension above this physical manifestation of a Divine order and harmony infusing and shaping the cosmos?  And is the enchantment of the universe inspired by the presence of a Divine Entity or merely by figments of human imagination projected upon the dark screen of outer space? Or perhaps a combination of both?

I envision a “unified field” of spirit clothed by form, of a Creator outfitted by Creation, bringing the inaudible Music of the Realms of Light into the audible realm of form, orchestrating and playing the “Music of the Spheres” upon the stars in the heavens and the planets orbiting our Star in the Milky Way Galaxy. 

Cymatic Archetypal Patterning

Here is my contribution to Richard Tarnas’s exhaustive research into the repetitive coincidences of planetary alignments and global events and human behavior . . . and, most significantly, human evolution.

Vibrational imprints upon the sea of human consciousness, produced by Zodiac constellations and planets in various configurations of alignment, may well be what give rise to the archetypal patterns of subtle energy that tend to shape human behavior and historical events, both personal and social—all on the basis of the principle of resonance.

As is demonstrated in the cymatic graphics above, sound, vibrations, energy, when impacting the sea of the collective consciousness of humanity, create kaleidoscopic-like patterned ripples that activate certain archetypal characteristics, their light side as well as their shadow side, which shape and manifest in global events, as well as in individuals born under specific “zodiacal signs” during specific planetary alignments. Their lives and life’s work alter the course of history and move humanity forward in the ongoing cycles of evolution and transformation. All that has gone before has brought us to this moment in time and space in our evolution. The hand of God is firmly upon these cycles. The Tone is sounding at its source in our Sun moving out to create resonant vibrations in all the planets. When they align, their collective vibrations and combined “music” bring about changes in the cymatic pattern on the surface of the human consciousness and consequently in human behavior; changes in our Earth and in all life on the planet.  Our Universe is shaped by the Tone sounding in the Music of the Spheres.

Notice I did not say “predetermine” or “predestine” human behavior, but only “shape.” There is still free will and personal choice in our determinations and behavior, a topic I will entertain shortly in another post.

Evolution Driven by Sound Vibrations

Evolution is in the hands of Divine Providence who sets forth the “ordinances of heaven.” How the ordinances of heaven are “set in the earth” is on the basis of vibrations, sound, the “Music of the Spheres,” as mathematical physicist Pythagoras described the orchestral symphony of our Universe.

Space is Not a Silent Void

Space is full of sound. All of the Planets and Stars generate radio waves that can be reproduced as sound. Contrary to popular belief, Space is NOT a silent void, there is a lot going on that we cannot see. Some of the stars have beautiful voices, some of them are not so pleasant, but all this represents much more than we can imagine beyond Quantum Physics, so Please Enjoy and Acknowledge. (by JARI)

(The second half of this 18-minute video is a beautiful, uplifting visual and musical meditation on the “Music of the Spheres,” which I know you will enjoy. View it on your expanded screen with auxiliary speakers.)

The Missing Essential Link . . . Restored

However, it is more than sound by which the ordinances of heaven are set in the earth. From the Beginning, it has been ordained by the Divine Design of Man that the ordinances of heaven be set in the earth by way of Man’s Consciousness polarized upward in Divine Consciousness and in oneness with the Creator.  This essential link and interface between heaven and earth has been missing . . . until now.  We are awakening to our rightful place in the Divine Design for Man and our role in the Creative Process.  Human consciousness is once again becoming available to and engaged with the Creator of the New Heaven and the emerging New Earth.  A reminder of this Divine ordination has been handed down to us — as my friend noted in his letter featured in my previous post — in what is called “The Lord’s Prayer” by these oft-repeated words: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”— which will provide topic for a future post. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


As Below So Above—Divine Cosmology

“When quietly fall the shades on parting day
And whispering shadows ush’ring in the night
Creep o’er the hills and vales imbibing light.
When, harsh, the eye of heaven ceases prey
On verdant sights of Nature’s vast array,
And all that’s bright seems lost, to my dismay.
Then lift I, mind and heart, to heav’n’s embrace,
And there behold in awe majestic wealth:
A myriad worlds and worlds of heavenly dust,
In splendor clad with awe-inspiring grace.
Nay, what seemed lost to darkest night’s cruel stealth
Doth shine against that darkness thrice august.”

(The poem is my attempt at sonnet writing in English Lit Class.  I got an A− on it.  I thought it deserved an A+ of course.  But I was pleased anyway to have the teacher’s recognition of my budding poetry writing talent.  I loved English Literature.)


The Design of the Inner Realms of Light is exactly and precisely mirrored in the design of the Cosmos, where heavenly bodies orbit around central hubs of focused light, all governed by the Law of Attraction.  Also known as The One Law and The Law of Love, this Law simply stated is: Positive Radiation and Negative Response. Everything in the Cosmic Universe radiates God’s love and responds to God’s radiance.  Love is the sole Focus of Divinity, as well as of the Cosmos.  Love is all there is in the entire Universe.

The extension of the One Law in the unfolding of the Creative Process is stated by Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda):  “Radiation Response Attraction Union Unified Radiation.”  As can be demonstrated with a set of magnets, a positive attracts a negative and repels another positive. Spiraling galaxies are held together by this One Law.  Suns hold their planetary satellites and planets their moons in orbits around them on the basis of this Law of Attraction.  Creation unfolds on the basis of this Creative Process, manifesting the beauty and precision of a Divine Order and Design. 


Looking up at the night sky, one can behold that order and design made manifest.  The Design of God, which involves level upon level of focalized spiritual essences and coordinated creative activity.  Every galaxy embodies a Divine Entity in charge of that particular galaxy surrounded by angelic hosts.  Every Sun in each and every galaxy provides a cloak for a LORD God.  Our Sun provides the outer radiant garment for the LORD of Love, also known as the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings, who has visited our planet a number of times.  I am reminded of the opening words from a powerful sacred solo written and sung by two dear friends:

How shall we give Thee glory, who art the Living God? Power? Who art the very flame of Love. Kingdom? When the Universe of stars is but a cloak to Thee. Thou art all things. All things come from Thee, return again unto Thee, and abide always in Thee . . . .

At the supreme apex of Being is the GOD of Gods encircled by heavenly hosts whose “cloak” is the entire vast Cosmos. There is focalized order, in other words, throughout GOD’s Heaven reflected in the Cosmos.  When we pray the “Lord’s Prayer” we invite this heavenly design and order to manifest itself in our world: “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.”

Would that we inhabitants of the Earth would follow through with that invitation by allowing this prayer to manifest, to allow the order and harmony in the invisible realms of Light, GOD’s Heaven, to create order and harmony in the visible realm here on Earth. I grant you that no earthly soul has the faintest clue as to what that would look like.  All we can know is that the Creating Spirit of God, Love, is an organizing Force that alone knows how to bring order out of chaos.  All we have to do is let the light of Love shine through us into the whirling chaos and watch the impeccable order and beautiful harmony of Heaven appear through us on Earth, manifesting in season a true community, a community of friends of God and of one another.


In that Design are various combinations and configurations of 3’s, 7’s, 12’s 13’s 17’s, etc., and an infinite number of pairs of opposites.  It is by way of the various designs and configurations of stars in the Cosmos that control and governance is extended so that order and harmony are made possible.  Without design, control cannot be offered, and chaos results. It is due to our resistance to design and control that the world is in a chaotic state today.

We can observe the control of the positive and negative aspects of the One Law, where a positive central Sun attracts a negative and responsive field of planets and satellites, while at the same time repelling another solar system or galaxy with their radiant positive core, thereby keeping them from colliding with one another.  In this dynamic, repulsion is as crucial to order as attraction, otherwise everything would compress into a gigantic chaotic mass.  The Law works to maintain order and harmony, provided it is allowed to work the way it is designed to work. 

Physicists have learned they can manipulate this Law, to a point, by splitting the atom to release the awesome power of the Universe, which is the power of Love, by destroying the balance of the atomic fabric of Creation through fission.  But fission is not the result of Love’s power working through natural design and control principles.  The power of Love brings things together on the basis of fusion.  Fission is man’s bright idea realized tragically in the explosion of atomic warheads that kill and destroy.  Even in our use of fission to generate electricity we have harnessed power that destroys if accidentally released from a compromised atomic reactor.  On top of that, we’ve created an insoluble problem of storing used radioactive material in a safe place.   

Water is used to cool the radioactive rods and control the release of energy.  Of course, if the water leaks out through a damaged reactor, all hell breaks loose, as was the case with the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan created by an earthquake and a tsunami.  Then there was the explosion of the nuclear plant at Chernobyl in the Ukraine that sent a plume into the atmosphere with radioactive fallout that was 400 times greater than that released in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, which was an atrocity in itself, well justified of course.


Water has been metaphorically used as a symbol of truth, because of how its design and consistency offers a controlling element, as well as a cleansing one.  Water is a excellent solvent as it loosens the bonds that hold certain elements together, like dirt and rust, freeing them from their structured settings.  Water is also used in plants to move building blocks and nutrients up into the fruit.  Water floats giant ships, as well as small fishing boats and canoes.  Water has a memory that records whatever is placed or mixed into it.  Another characteristic of water is its tendency to seek its own level all the way down from the snow-covered mountains to the rivers and creeks in the valley, even down to the swamps and marshlands, winding its way eventually back to its origin in the waters of the oceans and seas. We measure our land elevations on the basis of sea levels.  Water is a great symbol of truth. It is honest.


Design is a controlling factor in the formation of community.  For example, in Jesus’s ministry a community of 12 disciples was drawn together.  His presence in their midst at the central hub made 13 altogether.  So the numbers 12 and 13 have particular significance in the Sacred Geometry manifesting everywhere in our galaxy and solar system.

There were originally 12 planets, for example, orbiting around our Sun, which made a configuration of 13 heavenly bodies.  We can account for only 9 planets, which leaves 3 planets unaccounted for.  It is thought that the asteroid belt was once a planet that exploded, although NASA doesn’t validate this theory.  Then there is the Kuiper belt, which is home to three officially recognized dwarf planets: Pluto, Haumea and Makemake.  

It is believed that there is a “Ninth Planet” named Nibiru that travels an elongated orbit around our Sun, depicted by the blue orbit in this graphic.  My point is that our solar system is out of wack at the present time and therefore does not offer a balanced and coherent design through which control can be offered to its individual parts and through it to other star systems.  Design is an essential factor in controlling the development and movement of cosmic systems, all of which are contained in a web of magnetic energy force-fields. 

Here on Earth, we organize our societies and communities based on a pattern of focalization as well.  It’s the only way things work anywhere in the cosmos, even in and throughout our physical bodies. Having cut ourselves off from the whole where the One Law governs creation throughout the cosmic community, we have made our own laws by which we seek to govern and control people and nations.  Based on segmentation, segregation and border systems, our laws keep things separate rather than joined together as one global community, a oneness from which we cannot actually escape.  The fact is, the human race is one species, one community, separated only by man-made laws, constitutions declaring independence, and imaginary borers.  The fact also is we are very inter-dependent upon one another.  Our independence is an arbitrarily imposed illusion, a figment of human imagination.  We are inseparably one race, one people.

Do we not think that the power and force of the Light of Love can organize a global community that works as orderly as the cosmos it created and maintains without our bright mental ideas?  I have a feeling that we are on the verge of abandoning our mind-made world in lieu of a Spirit-made world.  What do you think, dear reader?  Are you ready to let go of what hasn’t worked, and doesn’t have enough time left to prove it can ever work, and let go to the way Love works in building true community?  Just look up at the night sky to the heavens and see the evidence all around us, around our planet and our solar system, that proclaim the genius and trustworthiness of Love to create a world that works in harmony with the rest of the Universe; that shouts out to us mortals . . .

“Let Love command!   Let wonders form!   Let Heaven’s beauty shine!   Let every living thing Sing praise for Light Divine.”

Those lyrics are from an Emissaries of Divine Light hymnal, originally a global community drawn together on the basis of the truth of love as a light that human beings are designed to radiate into the world.  Its members are dispersed throughout the world now integrated into communities with other light-workers who share the common purpose of creating a New Earth out of the New Heaven that has emerged in human consciousness over the past decades.  There is no greater invitation and call-out to the inhabitants of the Earth than “Let Love Command.”  Let our Global Community be drawn together by Love, and under the dominion of the Lord of Love.  It’s the only Way Life can work to bring about peace and harmony between peoples and nations.  Let Love command our expression in life. I welcome your thoughts and comments on this post.  Until my next post,

Be love.  Be loved.


Our Cymatic Universe: Shaped by “The Music of the Spheres”

“If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.” –Tesla

As those who follow my blog know, I encompass many aspects and areas of life on planet Earth. Lately I’ve been exploring the heavens and cosmic influence of the planets upon human consciousness and behavior, having recently read Richard Tarnas’s epic book COSMOS AND PSYCHE — Intimations of a New World View, in which he examines the impact of planetary alignments and their archetypal influence on human consciousness and historical events.  In this post, I will share my thoughts on how this influence works on the basis of acoustic cymatics, the shaping of matter by sound vibrations.  Let me first define and demonstrate what cymatics is.

Our Cymatic Universe

Cymatics is the science of sound made visible. It is based on the principle that when sound encounters a membrane such as your skin or the surface of water, it imprints an invisible pattern of energy. In other words, the periodic vibrations in the sound sample are converted and become periodic water ripples, creating beautiful geometric patterns that reveal the once invisible realm of sound. If we could see the sounds around us with our eyes we would see myriads of holographic bubbles, each with a kaleidoscopic-like pattern on its surface. (John Stuart Reed)

Below is a picture graphic of cymatic images created by sounds, specifically the first octave of twelve piano notes with which all of our music here in the West is composed. (Right click on the image to open in a new tab for magnified viewing.) 

For a real treat, click on this link for a five-minute demonstration of cymatics created by music:

In my book ATTUNEMENT WITH SACRED SOUND–The Magical Use of Sound in Energy Work and Healing, there’s an entire section devoted to this topic. (For a copy of my book, send me your request by email. Price with local postage is $40.)

Sound Bubbles

Vibrations move out from their source in all directions. The picture below, along with this excerpt from my book, demonstrate and describes this phenomenon.

The term “sound wave” tends to create in the mind’s eye an image of a wave of sound, rather like a water ripple, moving vibrations of air molecules toward your ear in a wave-like motion when, in reality, sound does not propagate as a wave but moves out from its source spherically with one small part of the sphere’s leading edge reaching your ear. According to acoustic physics researcher, John Stuart Reid, all sounds that humans hear propagate in this way. He calls these spheres “sound bubbles” and they carry the sound by contracting and expanding according to its pitch (if it is a musical sound) or its frequency. The violin bubble image (above) demonstrates this principle graphically, illustrating a musical note emerging from a violin. (More about John Stuart Reid’s work can be found at his website, 

Causality and Correlation

Richard Tarnas queries the causality and correlations in his research, asking how planetary alignments impact our psyche? What is the nature of the medium by which their influence is transmitted? (Highlights mine)

In the modern era, with the dominant Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm in the background of all thought and discourse on the subject, considerable confusion has been produced by the conventional scientific attempt to interpret—and thus reject the possibility of—astrological correspondences within a modern mecha­nistic cosmological framework. In effect, the Cartesian-Newtonian standpoint led to a single simple question that, within its framework, was regarded as decisive for the issue of astrology’s validity: How can the planets influence events on the Earth if no physical forces have been observed that could cause those events ?  . . . . To a great extent the question of physi­cal planetary influence reflected the residual strength of materialist and mechanistic assumptions in contemporary scientific thought, even after the conceptual shifts introduced by quantum physics. Physical forces represented the only kind of relationship that could be imagined to exist between celestial bodies and hu­man life. This approach to astrology also, less obviously, reflected certain lingering literalist and mechanistic tendencies in the astrological tradition itself that made it vulnerable to a reductionist critique after the ancient Ptolemaic-Aristotelian cosmology was rejected and replaced by Newtonian science. Above all, how­ever, the modern dismissal of astrology reflected the virtually universal modern conviction that the cosmos was disenchanted.

Given the nature of the evidence now known, it is difficult to imagine any physical factor that could serve as the ultimate source or medium of the observed astrological correlations. At least on the basis of the principal categories of data I have examined, it seems to me highly unlikely that the planets send out physical emanations, like electromagnetic radiation, that causally influence events in human life in a mechanistic way so as to produce the observed correlations. The range of correspondences between planetary positions and human existence is just too vast and multidimensional—too manifestly ordered by structures of meaning, too suggestive of creative intelligence, too vividly informed by aes­thetic patterning, too metaphorically multivalent, too experientially complex and nuanced, and too responsive to human participatory inflection—to be explained by straightforward material factors alone. Given as well the consistent nature of correlations involving the Sun, the Moon, and all the planets of the solar system from Mercury and Venus to Neptune and Pluto, irrespective of their size or dis­tance from Earth, any causal factor resembling gravitational influence seems to be equally improbable.

I believe that a more plausible and comprehensive explanation of the avail­able evidence would rest on a conception of the universe as a fundamentally and irreducibly interconnected whole, informed by creative intelligence and pervaded by patterns of meaning and order that extend through every level, and that are expressed through a constant correspondence between astronomical events and human events. Such a view is concisely reflected in the Hermetic axiom “as above, so below,” which describes a universe all of whose parts and dimensions are integrated into an intelligible whole. In the perspective I am suggesting here, reflecting the dominant trend in contemporary astrological theory, the planets do not “cause” specific events any more than the hands on a clock “cause” a specific time. Rather, the planetary positions are indicative of the cosmic state of archetypal dynamics at that time. The words of Plotinus, the most influential philoso­pher of later classical antiquity, speak directly to this understanding:

The stars are like letters which inscribe themselves at every moment in the sky. … Everything in the world is full of signs …. All events are co­ordinated. . . . All things depend on each other; as has been said, “Everything breathes together.”

I resonate with his perspective. As one reads through Tarnas’s book, one is made aware of the progressive changes in human consciousness and the developments of civilizations, one development leading to another from century to century in perfect sequence and synchronicity with repeating cycles of planetary alignments.  We have been moved along the path of evolution by a Universal Intelligence, if you will, playing, upgrading and rewriting the “Music of the Spheres.”

The questions that arises in my mind are “What did Hermes imply when he envisioned the axiom ‘As above, so below’?”  Was he thinking only in terms of a physical universe, with the stars and planets “above” and the earth “below,” or was he envisioning a spiritual, vibrational causal dimension above this physical manifestation of a Divine order and harmony infusing and shaping the cosmos?  And is the enchantment of the universe inspired by the presence of a Divine Entity or merely by figments of human imagination projected upon the dark screen of outer space? Or perhaps a combination of both?

I envision a “unified field” of spirit clothed by form, of a Creator outfitted by Creation, bringing the inaudible Music of the Realms of Light into the audible realm of form, orchestrating and playing the “Music of the Spheres” upon the stars in the heavens and the planets orbiting our Star in the Milky Way Galaxy. 

Cymatic Archetypal Patterning

Here is my contribution to Richard Tarnas’s exhaustive research into the repetitive coincidences of planetary alignments and global events and human behavior . . . and, most significantly, human evolution.

Vibrational imprints upon the sea of human consciousness, produced by Zodiac constellations and planets in various configurations of alignment, may well be what give rise to the archetypal patterns of subtle energy that tend to shape human behavior and historical events, both personal and social—all on the basis of the principle of resonance.

As is demonstrated in the cymatic graphics above, sound, vibrations, energy, when impacting the sea of the collective consciousness of humanity, create kaleidoscopic-like patterned ripples that activate certain archetypal characteristics, their light side as well as their shadow side, which shape and manifest in global events, as well as in individuals born under specific “zodiacal signs” during specific planetary alignments. Their lives and life’s work alter the course of history and move humanity forward in the ongoing cycles of evolution and transformation. All that has gone before has brought us to this moment in time and space in our evolution. The hand of God is firmly upon these cycles. The Tone is sounding at its source in our Sun moving out to create resonant vibrations in all the planets. When they align, their collective vibrations and combined “music” bring about changes in the cymatic pattern on the surface of the human consciousness and consequently in human behavior; changes in our Earth and in all life on the planet.  Our Universe is shaped by the Tone sounding in the Music of the Spheres.

Notice I did not say “predetermine” or “predestine” human behavior, but only “shape.” There is still free will and personal choice in our determinations and behavior, a topic I will entertain shortly in another post.

Evolution Driven by Sound Vibrations

Evolution is in the hands of Divine Providence who sets forth the “ordinances of heaven.” How the ordinances of heaven are “set in the earth” is on the basis of vibrations, sound, the “Music of the Spheres,” as mathematical physicist Pythagoras described the orchestral symphony of our Universe.

Space is Not a Silent Void

Space is full of sound. All of the Planets and Stars generate radio waves that can be reproduced as sound. Contrary to popular belief, Space is NOT a silent void, there is a lot going on that we cannot see. Some of the stars have beautiful voices, some of them are not so pleasant, but all this represents much more than we can imagine beyond Quantum Physics, so Please Enjoy and Acknowledge. (by JARI)

(The second half of this 18-minute video is a beautiful, uplifting visual and musical meditation on the “Music of the Spheres,” which I know you will enjoy. View it on your expanded screen with auxiliary speakers.)

The Missing Essential Link . . . Restored

However, it is more than sound by which the ordinances of heaven are set in the earth. From the Beginning, it has been ordained by the Divine Design of Man that the ordinances of heaven be set in the earth by way of Man’s Consciousness polarized upward in Divine Consciousness and in oneness with the Creator.  This essential link and interface between heaven and earth has been missing . . . until now.  We are awakening to our rightful place in the Divine Design for Man and our role in the Creative Process.  Human consciousness is once again becoming available to and engaged with the Creator of the New Heaven and the emerging New Earth.  A reminder of this Divine ordination has been handed down to us — as my friend noted in his letter featured in my previous post — in what is called “The Lord’s Prayer” by these oft-repeated words: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”— which will provide topic for a future post. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


“Cosmos And Psyche” page 3 . . . Mazzaroth and Original Man

“Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season?” (Job)

In this series I am exploring the heavens and cosmic influence of the stars and planets upon human consciousness and behavior, sharing excerpts from Richard Tarnas’s book COSMOS AND PSYCHE — Intimations of a New World View.  I must acknowledge that the current alignment of five planets is having a noticeable impact on my mental and emotional realms. I’ve been experiencing what I would describe as the “Job syndrome” of disillusionment and discouragement, along with a deep sadness about the human condition, globally and especially here in America where we are so divided. On the plus side, cosmic energy is greatly intensified, accelerating the rhythms of transformation and ascension of consciousness. This alignment will last until February 20, 2020, so hold on to your seat. 

The Book of Job has been my favorite Old Testament read.  At a hauntingly deep level, I identify with the story or Job. From what I was taught in Bible class many years ago, Job was not a single individual but rather a people, a remnant of the inhabitants of Eden, who, in spite of much tribulation after leaving Paradise, Job continued to call upon the Lord. When the Lord did finally answer Job, it was “out of the whirlwind,” and his answer was in the manner of a reproach to Job and his three friends after much complaining, useless advice and arguments had passed between them:

“Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me. Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hath understanding . . . Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened; or who laid the cornerstone thereof; When the morning stars sang together and the sons of God shouted for joy?” 

These questions have haunted me over the years — like we’re supposed to know the answers to them, and the many questions that follow in this encounter between Job and the Lord . . . such as:

“Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades or loose the bands of Orion? Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?” (Job 38:31-33)

The cosmos holds much history for Man to remember.  Job is/we are being queried and challenged in this passage about things relating to stars and constellations in the heavens.  Arcturus, for example, is a giant red star that travels around in the Milky Way Galaxy and enters our immediate neighborhood every nine-hundred years. It’s presently in the constellation of Bootes. I think of Arcturus as being a giant tuning fork that goes around tuning up his countless suns in the galaxy, similar to the violin and oboe used to tune up the orchestra before a performance. The Music of the Spheres is kept in tune and on Tone by Arcturus — my thoughts only of course. 

I’ve recently learned that the Hebrew word for the Zodiac is Mazzaroth, the original divine science of what has devolved into modern-day astrology; and the constellations of the Pleiades and Orion, that play pivotal roles in the steadfast positioning of our solar system in the galaxy, exert a magnetic gravitational influence on our sun and the entire solar system. 

Then there are questions about the natural world over which Man was given dominion; about animals he actually named, even created. Apparently Job had forgotten his role in God’s Creation, which is Man’s creation as well, and he was being cajoled and pushed by the Lord to remember and reconnect with his origins and with the Creator. 

Man at one time knew and engaged the Science of Mazzaroth. I spell “Man” with a capital M for a reason. Original Man, made in the image and likeness of God, has long been absent from Paradise. What we are today, and who we are in outer form, is a remnant of Original Man now fallen from grace and stature, disconnected from Divine Consciousness and from the natural world, itself being in a fallen state.

However, these outer forms are not who we are.  They are but vehicles for our incarnation as divine beings — “sons of God” who once “shouted for joy” when the “morning stars sang together.” Original Man is a spiritual being, made in the image and likeness of God, who is a spirit. These earthen forms are, by design and function, temples for the presence of the Spirit of God on earth. They are not Man. Man is a spiritual entity who is embodied by the entire solar system, as I considered in a previous post.

There’s obviously a lot more to this scenario and Biblical story than what has been handed down to us. However, this is far too controversial a subject for a blog. Suffice it to say there is another story in Genesis not being told by our Biblical scholars, perhaps not even recognized.

Along this line of thought, I received an interesting letter in response to my last post from a friend and fellow wayfarer, Peter Watson. With his permission, I will share it here, as he articulates essences that preempted where I was headed in this series. So, without further introduction, here is Peter’s letter:

Dear Tony, it is indeed a great pleasure, and a privilege to read and resonate with the thoughts of others in agreement.

Having been hoodwinked by the subtlety of the trickster, (and seen how others are blindly led, by patriotism, to commit atrocities of war), a thoughtful person becomes wary of profiteering politicians with good intentions that defy the wise commandment to “love thy neighbor.” We are, after all, one race of people on one planet, sharing the same sacred blessing of one life.

How humanity became divided by the trickster is still undoubtedly a mystery, since so many otherwise decent young people are still easily led astray, to indulge in acts of violence, against neighbors they have never met, and would probably treat honorably as friendly guests in non-political and non-denominational encounters.

I’d venture to say it is the true nature of all people to be as little children in a school playground when first meeting others of different creeds and colours. What happens to trick people into thinking otherwise, and adopt fiendish attitudes, between the playground and the killing-fields should be exposed ASAP if humanity is to somehow avoid extinction by self-destruction.

Just think of the waste of time, energy, and material-resources that would be eliminated if the arms-race could be officially ended in a tie, leaving the fear-motivation to die!

We can pin-point that motivation, which so easily leads nice decent young people astray, to indulge in acts of violence against neighbors they have never met, by honestly seeing the point at which seeds of hatred originate. It is not at all hidden, and in plain view for everyone to see as and when we expose it to the light-of-truth. You’ve got it, if you’re on the same thought-wavelength; it’s the human heart, right at the centre of the emotional realm. And you’ve said it Tony, “We have ventured inward to explore the realm of spirit and consciousness, only to realize there’s an invisible One around which the Cosmos and all of Creation orbits—and the “ordinances of heaven” are being set in the earth by this One without our help or interference.

This is certainly so at a microscopic level, on up through the mineral kingdom, and to some extent in the kingdom of vegetation, but above that, in the animal kingdom where many pedigree species survive by tooth and claw, the ordained reflection of the One-who-dwells – the creative-animator – our ordinances-of-heaven become blurred and eclipsed by human diversion.

Unbeknown to humanity-in-amnesia (and we shall need to look into the origin of that state at some point to see the past cause sustaining the ongoing low-consciousness syndrome), the purpose-of-consciousness, and indeed the purpose of the miraculous capacity of the human mind it encompasses, remain to be properly understood.

Job, as rightful representative of the remnant of man in his true stature, is asked several questions – relating to cosmic consciousness — which some theologists have assumed is God’s way of mocking and belittling mankind. And, where consciousness is at such a low ebb-and-flow, it’s an entirely logical and reasonable view of how far mankind has fallen, from the grace and stature of original man, male and female made in the image and likeness of God, to the warring creature who’s highest aspiration is a dust-to-dust reunion, and which apparently is all it merits since it insists upon riding the satanic merry-go-round (eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die), in the carnival-of-death.

That mortal material merry-go-round is an apt adage of the fallen state-of-consciousness, in which humanity worships it knows not what, instead of being in the peaceful and sweet creative consciousness of the One who dwells.

During the Golden Age of Man, prior to the initial disruption and the subsequent patterns of civilization attempting to be as God, and starting with an unordained garden eastwards in God’s Eden in which “there was not a man”, Man, male and female, shared the consciousness of God, knew the ordinances of heaven, and so of course set the dominion thereof in the earth, thus realizing and manifesting the will of God in heaven on earth, precisely as should and would occur if so-called Christians understood, and admitted into consciousness, the sacred meaning of the Lord’s Prayer.

Instead, religion and politics have been used to sow seeds of hatred rather than love, and science is devoted to exonerate, or at least mitigate, the unholy mess mankind thrives and dies in.

However seeds of hatred cannot originate in the heart unless they slyly slip by the unsuspecting and naive mind. Political and religious emotional manipulations are the two main tools in the armoury of the trickster.

Why should we not also be conscious of a dynamic state of oneness between the human psyche and the cosmos?” Only due to non-participation in the way life works, as personified by the prophets, and of course demonstrated by man in his true stature during the Golden Age, before the imitation garden where the first labor-intensive slave was fashioned from the material-realm; much the same as modern labor-saving devices are manufactured, only the dust-of-the-ground creature was animated.

So, while the “ordinances-of-heaven” are being set in the earth (of our earth-forms, else we wouldn’t be here), it is despite human help or interference, whereas it would be so greatly enhanced and accelerated with our understanding cooperation, since that is, after all, the purpose of man. Surely this should focus our greatest endeavor at this particular time, when so much else is coming into the alignment of agreement in heaven on earth.

There’s much to explore and develop further here, and I won’t go there at this time. I do wish to emphasize the temporary nature of the human condition. “This, too, shall pass.” I feel that we are headed toward another Golden Age here on planet Earth. In my next post, I will share my thoughts on how the influence of planetary alignments work to draw forth archetypal patterns of behavior from within the human psyche to move the cycles of transformation and evolution forward. So, stay tuned. Until then,

Be love. Be loved.


A Time of Radical Transformation — Reshaping Hallowed Space

“Sacred tones our voices sound reshaping hallowed space. Let Love command. Let wonders form. Let heaven’s beauty shine. Let every living breath Sing praise for Light Divine.”

Cymatic Image of
    the note A

World News today is all about the noisy passing of the old world under the old heaven, where there’s really nothing new. At the same time, we’ve entered a transitional cycle of purification and transformation, not only of human consciousness but of the earth and the entire solar system. Nothing of human experience will ever be the same on planet Earth.

We have come to the end of a road forged by science, religion, and politics, and paved with the currency and lucrative profits of commercial enterprise. Take heart, however, for a New Day has dawned with the rising of the Maya’s “Fifth Sun!” The Tone of the Seventh Angel’s trumpet is sounding loud and clear, re-configuring the cymatic image in the template of the New Heaven for the New Earth. Together we forge a new road with our love for the truth of life — the truth of life that is oneness, something we all desire. United, we rise to a new level — a level of co-creation in partnership with one another and with the Natural World.

“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.” (Rev. 21:1)

This will be the final post in this series,”The Spiritual Significance of the Pineal Gland,” with excerpts from my book Sacred Anatomy

Anthropologist, shaman, historian and investigator, Carlos Barrios, of Spanish descent, was brought up alongside the indigenous Maya Mam tribe in Huehuetenango in the highlands of Guatemala.  In exploring the many different Mayan calendars and the stories they contain, he unveiled a number of inaccuracies in the interpretations anthropologists who visit the temple sites have made.  For example they imagined the implications that the world would end rather than go through a transformation, the more accurate interpretation by the Mayan elders, who alone know how to read the calendars. 

Carlos’ investigations — published in his Book of Destiny: Unveiling the Secrets of the Ancient Mayans and the Prophecy of 2012 — uncovered a legend which has its beginnings in a time prior to the arrival of Hernando Cortez and his fleet of Spanish galleons from the East at what is today called Vera Cruz, Mexico, on Easter Sunday in 1519. The ships with their billowing sails resembled butterflies skimming the ocean surface, and their arrival marked for the islanders the return of a very important ancestor, whose return was prophesied to be as one “coming like a butterfly.” This marked the beginning of a new era the Mayans had anticipated through their calendars, which they termed the “Nine Bolomitkus, or nine Hells of 52 years each.” 

As the nine cycles unfolded, land and freedom were taken from the native people.  Disease and disrespect dominated. What began with the arrival of Cortez lasted until August 16, 1987 – a date many people recall as Harmonic Convergence.  Millions of people took advantage of that date to make ceremony in sacred sites, praying for a smooth transition to a new era, the World of the Fifth Sun.

From that 1987 date until now, Mr. Barrios says, we have been in a time when the right arm of the materialistic world is disappearing, slowly but inexorably.  We are at the cusp of the era when peace begins, and people lie in harmony with Mother Earth.  We are no longer in the World of the Fourth Sun.  This is the time in-between, the time of transition.

As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing Earth changes.  All this, Mr. Barrios says, was foreseen via the simple, spiral mathematics of the Mayan calendars.  “It will change,” Mr. Barrios observes.  “Everything will change.”    He said Mayan Daykeepers view the Dec. 21, 2012, date as a rebirth, the start of the World of the Fifth Sun.  It will be the start of a new era resulting from and signified by the solar meridian crossing the galactic equator, and the earth aligning itself with the center of the galaxy.

At sunrise on December 21, 2012, for the first time in 26,000 years the Sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic. This cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred Tree, The Tree of Life, a tree remembered in all the world’s spiritual traditions.   Some observers say this alignment with the heart of the galaxy in 2012 will open a channel for cosmic energy to flow through the earth, cleansing it and all that dwells upon it, raising all to a higher level of vibration.

This process has already begun, Mr. Barrios suggested.  “Change is accelerating now, and it will continue to accelerate.”  If the people of the earth can get to this 2012 date in good shape, without having destroyed too much of the Earth. . . we will rise to a new, higher level.  But to get there we must transform enormously powerful forces that seek to block the way.

We are living in the most important era of the Mayan Calendars and prophecies.  All the prophecies of the world, all the traditions, are converging now.  There is no time for games.  The spiritual ideal of this era is action.  (From an article on the internet.)

This all relates to the transformation process underway in our body temples occasioned by vibrational shifts that are occurring in our immediate vicinity of the Milky Way Galaxy. The action needed is not physical or mental but spiritual or vibrational in nature.  “Not by power or by might, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.” It is as we express the Spirit of Love that we know love and experience transformation and renewal.   It is only as we start being peaceful ourselves that we bring peace to our world.

As these heavenly bodies change their proximity to one another and approach conjunction, the vibrational lines of force in the Earth change and intensify, including the vibratory intensities of these seven endocrine centers, which form the “Tree of Life” in our body temples.  When these change, all the cells of the body undergo change accordingly. 


This impacts the mind as well and the speed at which thoughts form and then materialize bringing us to a point where spontaneous creation is not only possible but a daily occurrence. The vibratory intensity of the emanations of spirit through the Pineal into the body temple increases, creating more powerful hormones than we knew were possible to our endocrine system.  With its hormones it is striking at the very foundations of this world founded on fear, hate and greed.  This little stone is one that is not cut out or produced by human hands.   It is a gift from God and is therefore sacred.  It is the “secret place of the Most High” which has been established for His covenant with Man.  The Pineal connects us with Heaven above and Earth beneath our feet.

This Seventh Level of Being is the highest level of attainment of union with the divine here on earth.  In The Triune Ray, Uranda describes it as the point of radiant action:

The highest, or seventh, plane was, and is, the Christ vibration, which means that it is that which is the purely active radiation of the Divine, or God, Beings who are creating the world. The sixth plane is the next lower vibration, where union takes place and the change from negative response to positive action is manifest.

These words of Uranda lead naturally into our next meditation, the Pituitary Gland.  (From Sacred Anatomy)

Amidst tragic news of recent mass shootings, I leave you with the compelling words of a hymn from Songs Of Praise And Thanksgiving, which I borrowed from the hymnal of Emissaries of Divine Light.

”Let Love Command. Let wonders form. Let Heaven’s beauty shine….”

Until my next post,

Let your light shine.


Image credit: Photographic images from Cymatics: A Study of Wave Phenomena and Vibration, by Hans Jenny, © 2001 MARCOmedia Publishing, Eliot, ME, USA. Used by permission.

Peace in Heaven and on Earth

The Heart Nebula (Thanks to Gary Courtland-Miles)

A Fresh New Beginning

In this Year of our Lord 2018, we find ourselves afloat in space on a planet that is one of nine sister planets (that we’re aware of), all of which appear well established in their orbits around the sun, our star in the heavens.  This stability hasn’t always been so well established and peaceful. Immanuel Verikovsky has shown in his trilogy Worlds In Collision, Earth In Upheaval and Ages In Chaos that in our historical past our solar system has experienced a radical shift and taken on a new planet and, therefore, a new configuration. The once-comet-now-planet Venus, he proposes, was born out of Jupiter and eventually captured by the sun after bouncing around the solar system like a billiards ball, colliding with Earth as well as with Mars, wreaking havoc while nearly obliterating the human race along with all living creature, until it was finally knocked into an orbit around the sun by Mars to become a member of our solar system.  For hundreds of years fear gripped the hearts of human beings. Rituals of human sacrifice numbering into the hundreds of thousands every year of men, women and children were performed to appease the gods of Venus and Mars and hopefully stave off the end of the world. To this day, “The End” is prophesied to be “Near.”

Velikovsky speaks to this fear of cataclysmic upheaval in Worlds In Collision:

The average man is no longer afraid of the end of the world. Man clings to his earthly possessions, registers his landholdings and fences them in; peoples carry on wars to preserve and to enlarge their historical frontiers. Yet the last five or six thousand years have witnessed a series of major catastrophes, each of which displaced the borders of the seas, and some of which caused sea-beds and continents to interchange places, submerging kingdoms, and creating space for new ones.

Cosmic collisions are not divergent phenomena, or phenomena that, in the opinion of some modern philosophers, take place in defiance of what is supposed to be physical laws; they are more in the nature of occurrences implicit in the dynamics of the universe, or, in terms of that philosophy, convergent phenomena. “Lest by chance restrained by religion,” — and we may read ‘science’ instead of ‘religion’ — “you should think that earth and sun, and sky, sea, stars, and moon must needs abide for everlasting, because of their divine body,” think of the catastrophes of the past; and then “look upon seas, and lands, and sky; their threefold nature . . . their three textures so vast, one single day shall hurl to ruin; and the mas­sive form and fabric of the world held up for many years, shall fall headlong.” *

“And the whole firmament shall fall on the divine earth and on the sea: and then shall flow a ceaseless cataract of raging fire, and shall burn land and sea, and the firmament of heaven and the stars and creation itself it shall cast into one molten mass and clean dissolve. Then no more shall there be the luminaries’ twinkling orbs, no night, no dawn, no constant days of care, no spring, no summer, no winter, no autumn.” *

“A single day will see the burial of all mankind. All that the long forbearance of fortune has produced, all that has been reared to eminence, all that is famous and all that is beautiful, great thrones, great nations – all will descend into one abyss, will be overthrown in one hour.” *

The vehemence of flames will burst asunder
the framework of the earth’s crust.*

With those kind of doomsday words of warning, little wonder the hearts of people were gripped with fear. With fear comes weakened immune systems and chronic stress, not unlike the current global atmosphere wherein disease finds us vulnerable hosts.

A New Beginning

But, take heart. There was method in all this madness, however bleak the prospects of survival must have been for our ancestors who suffered through such horrific cataclysmic upheavals.  With the new configuration of planets comes a new energetic dynamic in the solar system, as well as in the evolution of human consciousness.  The conflagrations and deluges had destroyed “all corrupted flesh” and cleansed the earth of the genetically manipulated creations of fallen man. Some survivors had escaped death by fleeing to the Himalaya mountains as they rose up out of the sea during massive earthquakes and the sinking of continents like Lemuria and Atlantis. China and India had their beginnings from these remnants of lost civilizations. Noah-type characters appear in legends and stone carvings in many parts of the world that closely resemble the deluge described in the story of Noah in Genesis. The destruction was global.

In Fingerprints Of The Gods and Magicians Of The Gods, Graham Hancock writes about “the shining ones” with long white beards and white robes who traveled to various postdiluvian settlements to teach them agriculture, architecture, language and writing skills. Their mission was to restore the “garden of the gods” that had been their homelands before the deluge and conflagration. But their mission and efforts were frustrated, so they left feeling defeated, in some cases by boat and in other cases by walking upon the ocean waters, but in all cases they departed by ocean and disappeared into the horizon; perhaps ascended. They did accomplish, however, their main objective of helping to begin again the rebuilding of civilizations on the planet.

I believe that what may have frustrated these “shining ones” was their loss of the power they once enjoyed to create living things. Something had drastically changed in the energy field of the planet. It was as though they were barred from partaking of the “Tree of Life” and thus maintaining their immortality on the pohysical plane. Whatever the case, things were different than before the cataclysmic upheavals that, for one thing, caused the earth’s axis to tilt some 23 degrees and the orbit of the Earth to change. Added to these changes, a new planet, Venus, joined our solar system and the orbit of Mars was altered as well.

Was all of this upheaval on Earth and in our solar system a first step preparing us for the day and place we would find ourselves in at this time in the history of Mankind? The “Place of Creation?” All the factors are in place for a new beginning for the planet and for the human race as we make, with our Earth Mother, an historical frequency shift.

The “Place of Creation”

I return to my post of December 24, 2017. In the year of our Lord 2012 our solar system aligned with the Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy and we find ourselves once again in the “Place of Creation.”  I will end this post with this excerpt from that post reminding us that we have an 80-year window of opportunity to attune ourselves to the divine plan for the restoration of Mankind to the dignity and nobility we once knew as sons and daughters of God.  We are two-thirds of the way across the front of this window.

I am reminded of a passage in the Book of Revelation (12:14):

“And when the dragon saw that he was cast down unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.  And to the Woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and a half time, from the face of the serpent.”

That’s three-and-a-half periods of time, whatever that signifies – days, months, years or perhaps decades or centuries. And I will not even speculate here, only mention that we are in the midst of the “Rise of the Feminine” as She confronts the male-dominated social, political and economic world order. She has taken flight to take her rightful place as co-creator with the Masculine, having been persecuted for hundreds of decades for her positive masculine expression of her truth — her “man child,” for which she has been “travailing in birth” to deliver, and which the dragon seeks to devour.  OMG! How descriptive of current events in the “war of the sexes.” That entire chapter bears reading.

The significance of this alignment lies in the access we have while traveling through this 80-year window of creation to unlimited energy and power to co-create a new world upon the surface of our Home among the stars. This is the time for which we have been born into this world, and we have only 25 more years in which to complete our work of renewal. The New Heaven has been created and established in the collective consciousness of a critical number of human beings in the Body of God on Earth over the past fifty-five years. The New Earth is already emerging out of the chaos of the times, for out of all chaos order emerges. Never mind the mass media which makes its fortune airing the chaos in the world. There is much more occurring of a positive, creative and integrative nature under the radar of the media than the negative stuff of this disintegrating mind-made world that is shown on television newscasts and pictured in newspapers. So, my word today is “Take heart and be about the work of rebuilding and re-birthing the New World of order and beauty from out of the New Heaven of love and truth and life.  Let us make all things new again.”

There is peace in the Heaven of our solar system and galaxy. Let there be peace on Earth as well. Our time has come. ”

“As above, so below” — “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.”

Until my next post, then,

Be love. Be loved.


Read my Healthlight Newsletter online.


*Velikovsky’s references:

1  Lucretius De rerum natura, v (trans!. C. Bailey, 1924).

2 The Sibylline Oracles, transl. Lanchester.

3 Seneca Naturales quaestiones III, xxx (transl. J. Clarke).

4 Seneca Epistolae morales, Epistle xcl (transl. R. M. Gummere).



The “Place of Creation”


80-Year Celestial Gateway Window

Every 2160 years, the Winter Solstice was known by the ancient Mayans as the “Place of Creation” in the heavens. The window of this celestial gateway is open for a period of about 80 years. Since about 1960, then, and for the next 25 years, we are poised on Earth in a powerful and dynamic alignment of our Star with the dark rift in the central bulge of our Milky Way Galaxy and the constellation of Sagittarius.  The image below may help you envision this cosmic event.

(Click on the image to enlarge the details):

In his book Maya Cosmogenesis, Major Jenkins writes:

The Maya understood this dense, bright bulge as a Cosmic Center and Creation Place, a conclusion based solely on naked-eye observation that is, in fact, very true: the center of our saucer-shaped galaxy lies within this bright and wide part of the Milky Way . . . that hyperdense region out of which the Milky Way and everything in it, including us, has poured.

This Day Foretold 12,000 Years Ago

Graham Hancock has researched lost ancient civilizations extensively as his life’s work and legacy and has published his findings in a number of books, the most recent one being MAGICIANS OF THE GODS, The Forgotten Wisdom of Earth’s Lost Civilization, in which I am presently engrossed. His more popular book, FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS, was published several years earlier. This book, the one I am currently reading, is a compelling read as the author unravels ancient history through the telling of stories of lost ancient civilizations, those that existed in antediluvian times – before the cataclysmic Deluge that wiped out much of the world’s population, both human and animal, and sank the entire continent of Atlantis – as well as those who had managed to survive the Great Flood and took up the restoration of human civilization in postdiluvian times – such ones as Noah and his family, among several other groups of humans who had become hunters and gatherers in a devastated and upside-down world. I am finding it quite fascinating to read stories from legends and actual discovered accounts of the peoples who set out to restore civilization in the radically altered and rearranged geography of the planet.

Catastrophism holds a particular interest in my curious mind. All this to introduce this excerpt from Graham’s book that speaks to the meaning and significance behind the Mayan Great Year calendar as it pertains to us today:

It is not my purpose here to go in depth into the whole enigma of the Mayan calendar, not least since I wrote about this subject at some length in Fingerprints of the Gods. However, my understanding since the publi­cation of Fingerprints in 1995 has moved on, and it is important to be clear that in signaling the decades around 2012 as the end of a great cycle, the Maya were not speaking of the end of the world, as such, but rather of the end of an age– “a time of great transformation and world rebirth” — that would be followed by the beginning of a new great cycle or world age. This, in the Mayan scheme of things, is the turbulent and dangerous time of transition we live in today. It is therefore strange, and indeed somewhat eerie, to find the solar and astronomical coordinates of the exact same 80-year window between 1960 and 2040 prophesied by the Maya to mark a turning point in human history, carved in high relief on a 12,000-year-old pillar in Gobekli Tepe in far-off Turkey.

Gobekli Tepe is an ancient temple-setting on top of a hill in the southern part of Turkey, quite close to Mount Ararat where Noah’s Ark reportedly came to rest as the flood waters receded and revealed dry land to the survivors aboard the Ark. It is believed that Noah and his entourage settled here and established this sacred site where he built an altar to make a sacrifice to the God who had saved them from perishing in the deluge. Resembling a navel, Gobeklitepe is a word meaning “potbelly hill,” a name quite fitting for the geographical location of the re-birth of human civilization after the Deluge. It was first surveyed by archaeologists from Istanbul, Turkey, and again by German archaeologist Klaus Schmidt in 1994, who determined that it was built during the late Paleolithic, when the region was still inhabited by hunter-gatherers.

Rebuilding Civilization

Graham Hancock proposes that Noah, who came from the advanced civilization of Atlantis, brought agriculture and architecture to the people of the region, building this temple to show them how to build with stone and planting seeds he had brought with him on the Ark to show the people how to grow their own food. Noah is numbered among the “Seven Sages” – depicted in ancient drawings as carrying a small basket in one hand, which is thought to contain seeds preserved from antediluvian civilization – who traveled the postdiluvian world bringing ancient technology and agriculture forward to re-establish civilizations and restore the “homeland of the gods” as they knew it on the lost continent of Atlantis.

“Place of Creation”

The prized find among the pillars of this temple site was pillar 43 on the surface of which was etched a partial picture map communicating an “Ancient Cosmic Geography” depicting the Zodiac cycle which the axis of the Earth moves through during the Winter Solstice in its 25,920-year precession (see graphic below).  It shows the Winter Solstice sun in the House of Sagittarius, a prophetic map pointing to our time, 11,600 years in the future, the epoch of 2012, when the 80-year window in which the “Place of Creation” will arrive again.

Graham Hancock brings to light Paul Burley’s insights.  A registered engineer and environmental geologist, Burley’s studies were published on Hancock’s website in 2013 in the form of a paper Paul had written in 2011 entitled “Gobekli Tepe: Temples Communicating an Ancient Cosmic Geography.”

Precession of the Earth’s Axis through the Zodiac belt

Every 25,920 years the axis of our wobbling planet travels through the belt of the twelve constellations of the Zodiac, which form the background behind our sun and around our solar system. This Zodiac belt provides what is called the “House” of our Star, thus we say that our sun is “in the House of ” a specific constellation.  For example, our sun is presently in the House of Sagittarius at this time of the Winter Solstice, which is on the other side of the sun from us. In other words, our sun lies between us and Sagittarius.  At the time of the Spring Equinox come March 20, 2018, our sun will in the House of Aquarius, the “New Age” which dawned back in the 1960’s and through which we are currently traveling, and indeed creating. The graphic to the left, which I borrowed from Graham Hancock’s book, depicts what this looks like: (Click on the image to enlarge the details)

All Things New

The significance of this alignment lies in the access we have while traveling through this 80-year window of creation to unlimited energy and power to co-create a new world upon the surface of our Home among the stars. This is the time for which we have been born into this world, and we have only 25 more years in which to complete our work of renewal. The New Heaven has been created and established in the collective consciousness of a critical number of human beings in the Body of God on Earth over the past fifty-five years. The New Earth is already emerging out of the chaos of the times, for out of all chaos order emerges. Never mind the mass media which makes its fortune airing the chaos in the world. There is much more occurring of a positive, creative and integrative nature under the radar of the media than the negative stuff of this disintegrating mind-made world that is shown on television newscasts and pictured in newspapers. So, my word today is “Take heart and be about the work of rebuilding and re-birthing the New World of order and beauty from out of the New Heaven of love and truth and life.  Let us make all things new again.”

To all my friends and readers who celebrate the birth of the Lord of Love two-thousand-plus years ago, have a very Merry and Blessed Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year in 2018. For all of my friends and readers who celebrate and welcome the return of light to the western hemisphere, Happy Winter Solstice!  Lest I leave out my Jewish friends, I pray you each one had a Happy and Blessed Honukkah earlier this month. To all my followers and readers, my prayer for you is that you continue to . . .

Be love and be loved.


Read my HealthLight Newsletter online at

Golden Age and Golden Race — part 2: Ancient Zorastrian History

Historical Background

A time when time was not

My Chorale PicWe once lived in a world quite different from the one we have created for ourselves today.  In a word, we lived in a paradise where time was not measured, cold winds did not blow in winter storms, and heat waves did not parch the verdant soil.  It was a “Golden Age” wherein disease and death were not experienced by human beings, who walked the earth for hundreds of years and then ascended back into the higher realms of Light when their missions were complete. A time when gods inhabited the Earth and walked among us, bringing heavenly ordinances with them to set the dominion thereof in the earth. Together, we created a world of infinite beauty and copious abundance. Then the “evil one” came and all was lost – or “hidden by the gods,” as the ancient peoples perceived the natural cycles of planetary evolution that brought about changes that radically impacted our own evolution of consciousness and physical form.

So goes the story of Man as recorded in ancient scriptures, the most ancient of which are to be found among the Zoastrian archives – predating the ancient Greek and Roman classical literature, in which grew the roots that brought forth our Western culture and where the golden age tradition got its start.

My Source

I am intrigued and greatly entertained by the exhaustive research of David Wilcock which he has so masterfully compiled into his fascinating book THE SOURCE FIELD INVESTIGATIONS – The HIDDEN SCIENCE and LOST CIVILIZATIONS behind the 2012 PROPHECIES —  of which Graham Hancock, author of Fingerprints of the Gods, writes in the foreword: “Magnificent. . . . There is a tremendous amount of good science here, much of it new to Western readers.” On the back of the book’s jacket he writes: “David Wilcock is a leading thinker who makes a magnificent case . . . that a Golden Age is indeed within our grasp and can be brought into manifestation if only we choose to make it so.”

On page 416 Wilcock references a 1952 scholarly paper by H.C. Baldry entitled “Who Invented the Golden Age?” which he wrote for the Classical Quarterly journal, which one has to be a scholar oneself to read. In this paper, Baldry offers his analysis of how the idea of a Golden Age got its start.

“There are many passages in ancient literature which depict an imaginary existence different from the hardships of real life – an existence blessed with Nature’s bounty, untroubled by strife or want. Naturally this happy state is always placed somewhere or sometime outside normal human experience, whether off the map in some remote quarter of the world, or in Elysium after death, or in the dim future or the distant past. Such an imaginary time of bliss in the past or the future has become known as the golden age . . . .

“[We know that] (i) the picture of a happy existence remote from ordinary life … came from sources earlier than any extant classical literature; (ii) this traditional picture was normally known in antiquity before the Roman Empire as the age of Kronos [Time] or Saturnus; [and] (iii) gold and the use of gold had no place in the traditional picture …. When first mentioned in [Hesiod’s] Works and Days (42-46) [circa 800 BC] it is not explained, but briefly alluded to as the state which men would now enjoy if the gods had not hidden the means of life from them….

“References in later literature show an even greater variety of belief about the time and place of the happier life – a variety which cannot be traced back to Hesiod or any other single source, but suggests an old and widespread tradition handled at different times and places, and by different authors, in many different ways . . . . Further confirmation may be sought in the various parallels contained in Eastern literature, notably the Indo-Iranian myth in which Yima of the [Zoroastrian] Avesta and Yama of the [Hindu] Vedas must have had their common source – the story of a past age of happiness under a ruler who, when it ended, became lord of a Paradise inhabited by the souls of the blessed. . . .”

Wilcock continues:

The Golden Age represented a “Paradise inhabited by the souls of the blessed.” Baldry mentions a common source that we can trace all the Golden Age prophecies back to – namely the primordial “Indo-Iranian myth” which gave rise to both Zoroastrianism and Hinduism. Both religions appear to be talking about the same hero-king, the name slightly changed depending on which religion you look at. His name was Yima in Zoroastrianism and Yama in the Vedas.


Wilcock references the Traditional Zoroastrianism Website for an “extremely comprehensive collection of research articles on the subject, and in ‘History of the Ancient Aryans’ by Porus Homi Havewala,” he writes, “ we find out more about this primordial Indo-Iranian civilization that later (probably much later) splintered off into Zoroastrianism and Hinduism:

“All of the ancient Zorastrian scriptures speak of an earlier homeland from where our people came, the lost “Airyane Vaejahi” or seedland of the Ayrans. From this homeland the Indo-Europeans or Aryans moved to upper India, Iran, Russia and the nations of Europe such as Greece, Italy, Germany, France, Scandinavia, England, Scotland and Ireland. . . .  The “Vendidad” is one of the ancient scriptures of the Zorastrians. . . . In the first “Fargad” or chapter, the Golden Age of the ancient Aryans is outlined with their greatest king “Yima Kshaeta” (Yam Raj in the Indian Vedas), who banished old age and death.

Then, the ice age broke on the ancient home, and the Aryans were forced to migrate southward, to the southeast and the southwest. Mr. Bal Gangadhar Tilak, a great Brahmin (Indian Aryan) scholar of India in the last century, studied the Vedas and the Vendidad to find an ancient homeland of the Aryans. The Vedas are scriptures written by the Indo-Europeans or Aryans after they migrated to India. From the descriptions of the weather patterns mentioned in the Vedas, Tilak concluded that the ancient home must be in the Arctic regions, i.e., above present Russia. The Aryans migrated from the ancient home to Iran, and from there to India and Greece and Europe. Tilak also said that the most ancient historical scripture was the Iranian Vendidad, which actually describes the ancient homeland of the Aryans ….”

“Thus Spake Zarathushtra”

The great nineteenth-century Indian scholar Bal Gangadhar Tilak concluded that the Zoroastrian Vendidad was the “most ancient historical scripture” in the world. The name Zoroaster is actually a Greek pronunciation of”Zarathushtra,” so both names refer to the same man. Zarathushtra allegedly made contact with Ahura Mazda, the Zoroastrian equivalent of God – but according to the Vendidad, this was only a more recent reconnection.

“Zarathushtra asked Ahura Mazda: “O Ahura Mazda, righteous Creator of the corporeal world, who was the first person to whom You taught these teachings?” Then spoke Ahura Mazda: “YIMA the splendid, who watched over his subjects, O righteous Zarathushtra. I first did teach the Aryan religion to him, prior to you.'”

Wilcock continues:

The author then describes the prior Golden Age in which “there be neither cold wind nor hot wind (neither extreme winter or summer), [and] there be no sickness nor death,” in which people are “undying and unwanting, and gloriously happy.” We then have a very interesting statement about time: “In the first I,OOO years of his rule, Yima the splendid enjoined righteous order on his Aryan subjects. He controlled invisible time itself, making it so much larger in size so as to praise and spread the righteous law.” It is very interesting to speculate on what was meant by controlling “invisible time itself.” Given what we now know, this carries much more potential impact than most people may realize. Graham Hancock points out similar statements from Egyptian texts in his introduction to this book — that life is maintained by the “progress and movement of time” – and these words now sound very cutting-edge.

As the Vendidad continues, we have what appears to be a very clear description of the coming of the last major Ice Age.

“That glorious age of the Aryans did not last for ever, O Zarathushtra. It was time for the evil one’s attack. I Who am Ahura Mazda spoke then to Yima Kshaeta: ‘O splendid Yima, toward the sacred Aryan land will rush evil as a severe fatal winter; evil will rush as thick snow flakes falling in increased depth. From the three directions will wild and ferocious animals attack, arriving from the most dreadful sites. Before this winter, any snow that fell would melt and convey the water away. Now the snow will not melt (but will form the Polar ice cap) … Now, there will be no footprints discernible at all on the packed sheets of hard ice that will form.'”

Concluding this section, he writes:

Hence, the ancient Aryan civilization appears to have originated in what is now the frozen wasteland of northern Russia-prior to the coming of the last great Ice Age. Given all the work of Graham Hancock and others, we can safely associate this with the time of the purported civilization of Atlantis.

I will leave it there for now to be continued in my next post. I find it most interesting, as well as significant, that all of this took place in the Middle East and Europe, where devastating turmoil is the current experience of that part of the body of Humanity. And here we are in the Americas, the West, enjoying a completely different lifestyle in a country that holds great promise for the future of Mankind, a promise that our forefathers entrusted into our hands.  Or are we?

Out of the East our tomorrows arise daily with the rising Sun.  As I have pointed out before, with the passing of the old world a new world emerges from out of the ashes.  Let us consider ourselves fortunate that we live in Western Civilization, but also responsible for the future of Mankind and the Earth upon which we live and have our being.  It is up to us to seize the day – or rather let the Day seize us – and allow the Golden Age of our time emerge and fill the world with love, happiness and abundance of life. Let us not live in fear or condemnation of what is befalling Humanity on the other side of the globe, lest it fall upon us here as well and destroy every hope of a Golden Age emerging.  For what we fear may well come upon us. Let us rather be utterly compassionate for our brothers and sisters suffering and dying in the Middle East– and in other countries like Nigeria — as the angels incarnate in each one of them play their chosen roles in dismantling the old barbaric world of yesteryear.  Let us be about our role and business of building the New Earth here in America, the land of love, a land that too many have taken for granted. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


Read my HealthLight Newsletter at for its diverse articles on health and wellness. This issue’s feature is the second installment of a series entitled “Living Medicines Vs Pharmaceuticals.”





Golden Age and Golden Race

My Chorale Pic

Our “Hero’s Journey” ideally ends with the hero defeating his nemesis and seizing the Elixir of Immortality, his journey’s quest. That quest for Humanity has come full cycle as we travel with our Mother Earth through the Zodiac belt into the beginning of a new cycle with the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.  To seize the Elixir of Immortality, we must defeat the nemesis of our own delusions of mortality hidden from our eyes by the fabricated human ego in which we have misplaced our identity. The delusion is maintained every time we excuse our shortcomings with “I’m only human, you know.” This lie is reinforced by the religions of the world, particularly by the Catholic Church which reminds its parishioners every year to “Remember thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return.” The truth is you are divine and cannot die. The truth is you are a human being, made in the image and likeness of God. The religions know this, yet they view and treat their “believers” as sinners and dust.

The Elixir of Immortality is to be found hidden behind religious dogmas, although revealed clearly and proclaimed loudly by the very Lord whose Gospel Christianity preaches from its pulpits: “The kingdom of heaven is within you.” The kingdom of Heaven is the Elixir of Immortality and it is within us, not in some promised hereafter.  Religion itself is the nemesis humanity must defeat in order to end its quest for a heavenly state where suffering and death are not a part of life on planet Earth.

We are faced once again with a crucial choice that will determine the future of our progeny and the entire human race. That choice is between living in a “Golden Age” that is at hand to be welcomed, stewarded and enjoyed for the next two-thousand-plus years and plunging humanity down once again into the “Dark Ages.” The choice is our’s . . . and we are making it now by our behavior on the planet.


The planet herself is moving into a higher vibratory state, driven by ancient cycles of evolution unfolding on schedule within the larger energetic field of the Milky Way Galaxy. The question for us to answer is: Are we with Gaia in her ascension process? If our answer is “Yes,” then she will take us into the Golden Age of Aquarius with little effort on our part. I say “little effort” because all that is required of us is that we live in peace and harmony with one another and with the Natural World. That we love the Lord of God with all and one another as our selves. That we put down our arms and stop warring over the land and its resources that we think will give us security, along with power and control over others. For in truth, there are no “others.” There is only Oneness. There is only Love.

If the answer is “No,” then Gaia will swallow up the world we have fabricated upon her surface and take most of us with it. According the prophecies in The RA Material, Book I of The Law of One, those of us who cannot move with Gaia will then have to be relocated to another third-density planet in the galaxy where we will have yet another opportunity to evolve spiritually and learn what it means to steward and care for our habitat. Planet Earth will go on to fulfill her destiny as a fourth-density planet. Those who can move on with her will return to Earth in fourth-density “rainbow bodies” — incorruptible bodies made of white light that refracts into the colors of the rainbow.

Gaia has been a generous and forgiving hostess to third-density human beings for tens-of-thousands of years. According the RA Material, She has been used to relocate other third-density beings, as well as second-density beings such as some of the animal, insect and plant species on the planet, beings that were left homeless when their planets were destroyed or made uninhabitable, such as Maldek and Mars respectively.  Maldek was once one of our sister planets that orbited where the asteroid belt now lies. Mars’ atmosphere was destroyed by weapons of mass destruction. Those beings who destroyed their planets have been living out their karma on Earth for thousands of years, incarnating over and again in order to learn their lesson and clean up their group karma. Apparently, they haven’t learned their lesson very well yet. They need to repent from their ways and be caused to wake up before it is too late to change and ascend to a higher level of consciousness and being. The Golden Age — the Kingdom of Heaven — is at hand and beckoning us all to enter in and enjoy living in this beautiful and magical world our Mother Earth has created and dressed for us.


Roman poets wrote of the “Golden Age” and apparently mistranslated the words saecula and aetas as both meaning “age,” when in fact saecula may mean either “race” or “age,” and aetas should be translated as “race.” I lifted this information from David Wilcock’s exhaustive literary work The Source Field Investigations, which I am reading for the second time due to its density of interesting and significant historical research.  I would like very much to review this one section on the origins of the idea of a Golden Age in this blog, perhaps over several posts.

Essentially, the first Zodiac Age has historically been a “Golden Age” when life on Planet Earth is in every way a Paradise experience.  Wilcock writes:

The coming of the Age of Aquarius, surrounding the year 2012, is the repetition of a cycle that has already occurred before—a cycle in which everyone on earth apparently had mystical abilities much greater than what most of us now possess, leading them to have perpetual bounty of life ‘untroubled by strife or want . . . a Paradise inhabited by the souls of the blessed.’ [He’s quoting from H.C. Baldry’s 1952 scholarly paper “Who Invented the Golden Age?”]. The pursuit of gold was seen as ‘one of the causes of degeneration from that happy state.’ Unfortunately, our current scientific models are woefully insufficient to explain how something like this could be possible—but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t actually happen.

These “souls of the blessed” are not necessarily a special select group of souls, as Wilcock points out.

It is extremely important to mention that this Golden Race is not some weird and sick Hitlerian vision of a bunch of blond-haired, blue-eyed wunderkinder, or Nietzschean overmen, that everyone else must die off in order to make room for.  Just like the Cayce Readings said about the “Fifth Root Race,” this Golden Race may well be everyone on earth, within a finite period of time—not just a particular nationality or skin color. 

We are the Golden Race. Every human being on the planet volunteered to come here at this time to bring one thing and one thing only: LOVE. Today we celebrate once again the incarnation and birth of Jesus the Christ, the Anointed One of God — the Lord of Love.  He came on Earth for the same reason: to bring LOVE. Apparently, he saw some potential is us because he said that we shall do the works that he did, and even greater works would we do.  He saw sons and daughters of God incarnate on Earth, not white, yellow, brown and black humans.

There are nearly seven billion sons and daughters of God incarnate on Earth today, so there’s a whole lot more potential now than there was two-thousand years ago.  There are some 317 million incarnate souls in the USA. There are 565 million in all of North America and 385 million in South America. That adds up to nearly one-billion souls living in the Americas — one-seventh of the world’s population — and on Google Globe you don’t see any borders between countries.

America is the land of love. That’s what the word means: Loveland. We live in a country that is consecrated to Freedom and to the Spirit of Love.  This is holy ground upon which we walk daily with freedom to be who and what we are.  Let us walk upon its sacred soil with respect and reverence for life. Let us exercise our freedom to bring love into the world. Not just at Christmas time, but always. Let’s be the Golden Race the ancients foretold would arise in the Earth to bring in the Golden Age of Aquarius.

Have a Golden Christmas and a New Year full of love, of peace, and of joy.

Be love. Be loved.


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