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The “Rainbow Body” of Light

AS PROMISED, here is the excerpt from the last chapter of my book SACRED ANATOMY. I am also pleased to announce that both of my books — Sacred Anatomy and Attunement with Sacred Sound — are now available online at the Amazon Bookstore. You can also order directly from my publisher, Wise Publications, online at Check out the listing, place an order, and spread the word!

The subject of this post may not seem relevant to current global events — with wars waging in the Middle East and in the Ukraine, and several other places, and numerous other existential crises looming on the horizon — and that’s how it should be to perhaps serve as a reprieve from worries over turbulent world events.

It is relevant ,however, to the evolution of human consciousness and subsequent transformation and transmutation currently underway that are bringing about radical changes in our human capacities. We may not be headed in the direction this consideration suggests and even implies. However, our physical bodies are undergoing a steady process of transformation and transmutation into translucent “light bodies.” So, as per the instruction, “Let your light so shine . . . .” Enjoy!

TIBETAN BUDDHISTS practice the “Rainbow Body,” the apparent dematerialization and transmutation of the physical body. The practice may be spread out over many years of meditation until the actual transfiguration is achieved — although more as a gift of spirit than an achievement of mental effort.  A Biblical passage tells of a “transfiguration” of Jesus wherein he appeared in a glorious form with Moses and Elijah in the presence of three of his disciples, and another of his glorified body being resurrected from the grave.  What follows here may give us some inkling of the potential inherent in our own sacred anatomy.

The Sufi call it “the most sacred body” and the “supracelestial body.” Taoists call it “the diamond body,” and those who have attained it are called “the immortals” and “the cloud walkers.” In various other traditions it is called by such descriptive names as “the divine body” (Trantric yoga), “the body of bliss” (Kriya yoga), “the superconductive body” (Zoroastrian Vendanta), “the luminous body or being” (ancient Egypt), “the radiant body” (Gnosticism), “the perfect body” (Mithraic liturgy), “the immortal body” (Hermetic Corpus), and “the Golden Body” (Emerald Tablets of the alchemical tradition). —(Wilcock, The Source Field Investigations.)

Here is a description of the process taken from Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light by Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche and reprinted in David Wilcock’s book, The Source Field Investigations.

This is one of many depictions of the Rainbow Body from Tibet: Body of Light: Tibetan, ja-lus.  Also known as the “rainbow body.”  Certain realized beings . . . achieve the transformation of their ordinary bodies into a Body of Light. . . . In this process the physical body dissolves into its natural state, which is that of Clear Light.  As the elements of the body are purified, they transform from their gross manifestation (body, flesh, bones, etc.) into their pure essence as the five colors: blue, green, white, red and golden yellow.  As the body dissolves into these five colors a rainbow is formed, and all that remains of the physical body are fingernails and hair. . . .

Over 160,000 documented cases of the Rainbow Body have occurred in Tibet and China alone.  David Wilcock cites a most extraordinary event that took place in Kham, a small village in Tibet, in 1998, when a Gelugpa monk, Khenpo A-chos, died leaving nothing of his earthly form behind.  He was described as having . . .

. . . a warm, spiritual nature that touched everyone he met. . . . he often spoke of the importance of cultivating compassion. He had the ability to teach even the roughest and toughest of types how to be a little gentler, a little more mindful. . . . The witnesses reported a rainbow appearing over Khenpo A-chos’s hut a few days before he died, and that “dozens of rainbows appeared in the sky afterward.  He was not sick and nothing appeared to be wrong with him — he simply chanted a mantra.

According to the eyewitnesses, after his breath stopped his flesh became kind of pinkish. One person said it turned brilliant white. All said it started to shine. Lama A-chos suggested wrapping his friend’s body in a yellow robe, the type all Gelug monks wear. As the days passed, they maintained they could see, through the robe, that his bones and his body were shrinking. They also heard beautiful, mysterious music coming from the sky, and they smelled perfume. After seven days, they removed the yellow cloth, and no body remained. Lama Norta and a few other individuals claimed that after his death Khenpo A-chos appeared to them in visions and dreams … Lama A-chos told Tiso that it takes sixty years of intensive practice to achieve the rainbow body. “Whether it always takes that long, I don’t know,” acknowledges Tiso, “but we would like to be able to incorporate, in a respectful way, some of these practices into our own Western philosophical and religious traditions.” … To our knowledge, says Tiso, the bodies of most Christian saints did not disappear or shrink after their deaths …. However, he adds, bodily ascensions are mentioned in the Bible and other traditional texts for Enoch, Mary, Elijah, and possibly Moses. And there are numerous stories of saints materializing after their death, similar to the widespread phenomenon known as the “light- body.” 

As I say, time was when we could “fly over the rainbow.” There was a design in place for such spirit and soul travel. That design was lost, along with the Garden State, and had not been present on earth for many thousands of years when the Lord of Love incarnated on Earth. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that it was human consciousness that got lost. The design did not go anywhere but was hidden in a cloud of mystery for a season until such time that the Sons and Daughters of God would again emerge on Earth through the sons and daughters of Man. That time came with the incarnation of the Lord of Love . . . and continues to this day.

The Lord of Love incarnated with the specific mission of restoring that design on earth as a way by which mankind might be brought back into his Father’s House of many mansions. He referred to it as “the kingdom of heaven” and he did not point to some place up in the sky in some hoped-for “hereafter.” He pointed to the hearts of human beings as portals of entrance into this kingdom. His simple instruction was “Let not your heart be troubled.” Entering into the kingdom of heaven was a frequently repeated theme in his sermons and instructions. His first instruction was that we should “repent” (literally turn around) in order to see that the kingdom of heaven is truly at hand, all around us and right within our own body temples. His commandment and methodology were simple: Love the LORD thy God with all, and thy neighbor as thy Self.

Heaven, then, is not so much a “place” to go to as it is a state of consciousness into which we may ascend, step by step, as the Master Jesus did during his life and ministry.   It is a state into which we may enter any moment we are willing to relinquish our desperate grip on the material world of form and begin living life from out of the world of spirit right here and now, both within us and all around us.  It is the House of God, in which, as He indicated, there are “many mansions.” 

As we saw and explored in some detail, there are specifically seven such mansions, and they all lead to “The Way” upward into the temple of light within these temples of flesh. Within these temples, our sacred anatomy provides us with the hormonal chemistry by which, when activated by the Spirit of Love in expression through our hearts, the Spirit of Truth in expression through our minds, and the Spirit of Life in expression through our bodies, the alchemy of resurrection and ascension is set in motion. The remaining four spirits, moving through the endocrine glands and sacred energy seals, take care of the rest as the body temple is elevated, easily and naturally, back to the vibrational level where it no longer experiences pain, nor suffering, nor death itself, but only life eternal. I believe, and personally know, that this is our destiny.

Heinberg referenced traditions that speak of a rainbow bridge connecting heaven and earth so that incarnate beings could ascend to revitalize themselves and then return to earth. This pattern of renewal continues to manifest itself when we feel the need to take a vacation into the wild country to be close to Mother Nature, or a spiritual retreat to draw closer to God in a place of sanctuary. It manifests powerfully during attunement — and I strongly believe that attunement with sacred sound is a core aspect of the divine technology governing this mechanism of renewal.

As we have seen in depth, we have such a bridge within the sacred anatomy of these flesh temples in the seven endocrine glands that provide a focused grounding for the Seven Spirits before the throne of God. It is the Way the Master was going when he said to his disciples in John 14:2-3:

Much is contained in these poignant words.  At some level we know the Way back to Eden because we were once there.  We walked with God.  We walked together as gods and goddesses and we took part in the creation of Eden.  There is much we know — and are beginning remember — about the forms we once inhabited to walk and play in Eden in an atmosphere of loving kindness and generosity.  For now it suffices to say that these flesh temples are designed for more than simply worshiping God up in His Highest Heaven.  As we have seen, they are designed as transformers to facilitate the very process of ascension through the levels of consciousness and into the kingdom of heaven which, as the Master said more than once, is at hand.

The purpose of all the comings and goings of the great prophets of old, and holy men and women of all times,  indeed of the Lord of Love Himself, was to restore human consciousness to its true state of oneness with God, so that God may have a means for being and acting on Earth.  Once that has occurred — and it is occurring even now — worship of God will be transformed into a continual experience of oneness with God in action on earth.

Today it is fairly widely accepted that the place to truly worship God, whether in the solitude of one’s own sanctuary or in a congregational setting, is at the altar of one’s own heart.  Like Jacob, who, awakening from out of his dream, realized the presence of the divine in human flesh, there is an awakening taking place in the Body of God on Earth to the stark realization that “The Lord is in this place and I knew it not!”, and that the human body is truly a temple wherein the Living God dwells.  Here in these flesh temples is enacted every moment of every day the ceremony of life itself lived daily in this beautiful Cathedral of Gaia, our Earth Mother and Home among the stars.  We are all privileged to be on Earth at this time to finish the work of restoring Eden.  Let us all be about our Father’s business.   ~Fin

* * *

REGARDLESS of how it may appear, we are moving in an upward spiraling direction toward the Light of Love which is drawing us, individually and as a collective body, into a conscious state of union with Source. The key to ascension to a higher level of consciousness is to open in love response to that which is higher in spiritual awareness. My point of response upward is to the Lord of Love as I have come to be aware of His Presence in my life and in the world.

The radiation of love now moving as an Attunement Current through many light-workers and into the consciousness and body of humanity, drawing response from the hearts of awakening and aware human beings, is creating an irresistible force of attraction that is drawing together a new Body of Humanity into a state of union, providing a means for the Presence and action of God on Earth — the Great Spirit of the Archangel responsible for this Earth and our solar system. A Field of unified radiation is even now surrounding and encompassing the earth and the entire solar entity, creating a hedge of radiant protection. The Body of Man, now in process of being restored, is become the conscious Temple of the Living God in this corner of the Universe. My heart rejoices in this momentous and historical day which the Lord has made.

Until my next post . . .

Be Love. Be loved


*MerKaBa: Merkaba Meditation is a type of meditation that opens up your way of life’s infinite potential and lifts your being. (Note: I have not personally experienced the MerKaBa, nor the “rainbow body.” But I will one day.)

Transmutation of the Elements of Matter, part 1

God is the Light of Mind. God’s thinking Mind is all there is. Mind is universal. Mind of God and Mind of man are ONE. —Walter Russell

* * *

NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS—or so it seems. The world of form around us is said to be an illusion and that which appears solid is in a state of flux and constant motion. The very elements that comprise the material world from which our bodies arise are constantly undergoing transmutation. I had a visual experience of the liquid nature of the world many years ago as I was in a deep meditative trance during an attunement session. I went into an altered state of consciousness. When I opened my eyes and looked around the room, the carpet in the room appeared to be alive and crawling with ants, as were the walls and furniture. This alteration of consciousness lasted for only a few moments as I came out of my trance. Nothing is as it seems.


We do perceive our world to be solid and hard as we bump up against things. I’ve come to understand this to be nothing more than our body’s electrical charge being repelled by the negative electrical charge of the electrons spinning around inside the atoms that make up the molecular structure of the material world—or so the current scenario of the structure of the atom goes, a scenario that’s being challenged by scientists, including Dr. Walter Russell, whose revolutionary concepts of the the universe of matter have piqued the interests of leading-edge scientists and some of those thinkers involved in the science and consciousness movement. His published work has seamlessly interwoven science and spirituality. 

By negative I do not mean pessimistic or destructive. I’m referring to electrical positive charge and negative discharge, noting that this is a discharge of electrical current and not the neutral grounding principle of the electrical circuitry in the wiring of your house where a “hot wire” carrying a positive current of electricity discharges its power via a neutral “grounding” wire that, with the flip of a switch, lights up the room or powers a motor. That’s not an example of positive and negative electricity. That’s an example of a positive charge discharging its power into the neutral and receptive ground, as in the case of lightning and thunder bolts.

This is dramatically demonstrated—sometimes painfully and fatally so—when someone who is grounded grabs a “hot” wire with the palm of his hand, the positive side of the hand. The hand tightens around the wire and it is nearly impossible to pull it away. If, however, one brushes up against the hot wire with the back side of one’s hand, the negative side, the hand is repelled. The positive electrical charge is a magnet to the positive side of the hand and repels the negative side.


According to Russell’s inspired vision of this electric universe, a negative charge repels both negative and positive charges, simply based on its unwinding centrifugal force of radiation outward from its vortex apex of positive magnetic centripetal contraction—the latter inhaling and compressing energy and the former exhaling and decompressing the energy of bifurcated Light. (See diagram above)

Undivided Light is the stable fulcrum of this energetic leveraging dynamic. It’s also the still and immovable point of control for this rhythmic heartbeat of the Cosmos. The Earth and all the planets are attracted to and repelled from the Sun simultaneously. Light is the still point of rest and origination for all of Creation.

The radiant magnetic presence of the sun is always available to the orbiting planets, whose lesser potentials attracts them to the greater potential of the sun even as their negatively charged bodies repel them from the sun, thereby keeping them in a creative proximity to the sun and to one another, and in a state of equilibrium. I suspect there’s a lot more science and physics at work involving the atmosphere, ionosphere and the Van Allan Radiation Belts of charged particles that shield the Earth from powerful solar winds.

In the Divine Design of Creation, the Light of Love shines radiantly into the darkness upon the face of the deep of space and shapes hallowed space . . . and continues to sanctify and reshape unhallowed space by means of Love’s purifying fire. Man’s role in this creative dynamic is to respond to the radiance of Love and to be drawn by its magnetic power to participate in Creation.

Let me share something with you that has enlightened my understanding of this illusory universe of matter—illusory only in that we cannot see the whole picture, which includes the invisible vibrational essences, with our physical and mental faculties. We can only discern them at the higher level of perception our hearts afford. Spiritual or vibrational things are spiritually or vibrationally discerned.

The mind’s netlike substance can only snare the larger thought patterns; the smaller essences slip right through its net. With the finer substance of our hearts we understand the fine essences of spirit. If we were to see the whole picture, we would see the continuum of differentiated energy and understand the vibratory nature of the material world. We would not then be fooled by the illusion of its seeming stability. Because it is in constant motion at the molecular level, it is quite susceptible to change—sudden change, as cataclysms, earthquakes, tornadoes and hurricanes demonstrate. As part of a vibrational continuum of consciousness—the heaven and the earth being one inseparable whole—a change in the upper realms affects change in the lower realms.


Science and physics observe the Universe of matter using mental and physical modes of observation. They then draw conclusions based on what they observe in laboratories and develop theories about the construction of the physical world based on those very limited observations of appearances. After all, physics is a physical science, and scientific research is largely a mental exercise. What scientists and physicists cannot see and observe is the invisible vibrational reality behind the physical world of matter that gives it it’s properties and characteristics, along with its activities and movements—and how is all fits together into One Universal Whole.

That word alone (Uni-verse) means to turn as One around a stable fulcrum point of balancing Power which has position but no magnitude. Here in the Western hemisphere, we use the words God, the One and Creator or Great Spirit to speak of this unspeakable and ineffable nameless ONE. In Eastern religious sects, words such as Allah, Elohim, Yahwey, Purusha and a host of other names are used. Walter Russell uses the word “MIND” in his writings . . . and this brings me to something I wish to say about the human mind in the context of reading and studying the works of geniuses, such as Walter Russell was in his productive and creative life of service to the ONE.

The human mind is sometimes intimidated by complex intellectual considerations. Our minds are wonderful instruments for refocusing the Light of Truth that allows us to comprehend and navigate the many and various features and aspects of the physical material world of effects. Opened upwards, we are able to discern the invisible vibrational essences in the realm of Cause with the heart, for it is in our hearts, as we considered above, where spiritual and vibrational factors of Reality and Cause are understood. It has been demonstrated that there are a considerable number of “brain cells” in the physical heart. The popular saying “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he” speaks to this truth.


When I first opened Walter Russell’s book, THE UNIVERSAL ONE, several years ago, I was utterly at a loss mentally at comprehending what I was reading. I only started reading because of the headings of the chapters, which piqued my interest a great deal, for I have always been curious when it came to understanding what makes things what they are and by what force they are moved about. So I stayed with him “through thick and thin” as we say; through page after page and chapter after chapter. Suddenly, as if by some spontaneous shift in my faculty for understanding, I began reading his thought processes. I tapped into his mind, and I believe into the MIND of God, dare I say, whence Russell’s thoughts and words appeared to be arising and falling on the pages.

Once I began flowing with the current weaving through his uniquely poetic style of writing and expressing his understanding of the secrets of the Universe, I began to actually enjoy his writings. My next desire was to share some of his wisdom and insights with others through my blogs—which immediately presented a challenge. I suspect there are not very many of my followers who are interested in comprehending the secrets of the Universe, or the genius of Walter Russell . . . and I do appreciate that. Yet, I venture forward into the challenging endeavor of sharing what I find exciting and inspiring in this Universe of creating forces.

So I would encourage you to read the excerpts from Russell’s work more with your heart than with your mind in order to sense the current of his thinking. If you show interest in the topic, then you will begin to understand his thinking. Simply focus on the words and re-read challenging sentences. But also allow your heart to be involved in discerning his spirit and passion for revealing and sharing with his colleagues and the world what he has been allowed to “see” during his thirty-nine-day illumination period in 1921. His mind was a luciferous bearer of insight into the Reality behind the Universe during his creative life’s journey of 92 years (1871-1963). Of this I am convinced. So I will proceed with this introduction to a new series of blog posts under the heading “Transmutation of the Elements of Matter.”


We appear at birth into this material world of elemental forms. During the first thirty-five or forty years we grow our physical bodies, educate our minds to function intelligently in this world, and ideally mature emotionally and spiritually in order to navigate the vibrational terrain of life. . . all of it the accomplishments of the achieving centripetal flow of positive masculine energy, the magnetic force that draws form together.

If and as we transcend physical reality to embrace the world of Spirit and live our creative lives of about forty or fifty years out of a spiritual consciousness and awareness of our divine identity and authentic Self, we bring forth the unique gifts of our life’s work. In the end of our life cycle, and by way of the expenditure of energy we put forth—a responsive function of our negative feminine energy—we dismantle our physical forms and then simply disappear back from whence we appeared. As Shakespeare put it in poetic verse: “Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.”

We refer to this end-phase of life as the “golden years” because the golden glow of youthful and childlike radiance returns with the centrifugal unwinding of our life energy as the light of the angel yet incarnate begins to shine through the thinning veil of the opaque heart and facial countenance.

I am reminded of two of my ageing attunement mentors. Dr. George Shears, whose countenance shown with light as his form seemingly faded thin weeks before making his transition and final transmutation back to pure spirit. It was a wonderful experience and privilege to abide in the shadow of his light during our almost daily attunement sessions while attending a three-month Art of Living class at Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, Colorado, where he lived out his final days of service here on Earth. Sometimes his hand rested on my chest as he fell asleep. I loved him very much, as I did his nephew, Dr. William Bahan, “Bill” as we called him, my professional mentor, whose personal field of radiance was at times a palpable hedge extending several feet around his body toward the latter days of his presence on earth, considerably dense as I approached to shake his hand on one occasion. I looked up into his welcoming and un-filtering eyes as I entered his protective hedge without resistance, as I know there was much in my personal field that yet needed purification and clarification.

The world of energy is fascinating but exacting to navigate. As the saying goes, “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.” The terrain of the elemental earth is alive with movement. Men are wasteful in their ignorance of this as they impose their destructive machinery tearing into the mountains for minerals and the sacred earth for fuel. There is an easier and less destructive way that remains hidden from the eyes of the foolish. I will continue exploring this alchemical way of the Transmutation of the Elements of Matter in my next few posts. I welcome any thoughts and insights you may wish to share. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


Transmutation Demystified, Part 5: Our Vortex Energy Field

OUR PHYSICAL BODIES, living temples that they are, live within a energy vortex field of swirling electric waves that flow counter-clockwise in an upward moving spiral that appears to be connected at an apex with an inverted torque-like energy vortex, in shape much like that of a tornado (See diagram below).

The Turkish Whirling Dervishes have a long-standing tradition that demonstrates this energy vortex dramatically. Here’s a bit of their history, including an entertaining video demonstration.

You’ve undoubtedly heard the term ‘whirling dervish’ before, but you may not be aware of the important cultural and spiritual tradition of these frenzied, spinning Turkish dancers. For outsiders, watching the Whirling Dervishes dance and spin is a breathtaking sight. For devoted members of the Mevlevi Order of Islam, however, the spinning has special significance. 

A Frenzied Spinning

The best-known characteristic of a Whirling Dervish is the spinning dance called the Sema ceremony. The Dervishes wear all white long gowns with full skirts and tall hats. Seemingly tireless, the dancers can spin and whirl for hours at a time with their arms held up in the air. They assume this stance so that they are open to receive the blessings and energy from heaven. Each individual dervish spins from right to left using his own heart as a pivot point. Keeping time to the accompanying music, the dervish will rotate slowly at first, picking up speed as the music intensifies until the group of dervishes is all whirling in a fast-paced frenzy with their white gowns spinning. 

Finding Sufism

The goal of the whirling or spinning is to achieve a state of Sufism. A form of Islamic mysticism, Sufism is a state of inner power and peace that allows the person to feel a deep love and connection to the rest of the world. Sufism is achieved through rituals and devote practices…one of those is dancing or spinning. 

A Centuries-Old Tradition

Whirling Dervishes, as part of Sufism, is a custom that dates back more than 700 years. The Mevlevi Order of Islam was founded in 1312 in the city of Konya in Turkey. The Order was established by the devoted followers of Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, also known as Mevlana, who was a 13th-century Islamic mystic, theologian, and accomplished Persian poet. Under the leadership of Mevlana’s son, Sultan Walad, the Mevlevi Order quickly grew and spread into surrounding cities and towns . . . . (Underscores added. Click on the link for a bit of Rumi’s history.) History Daily

Now I’ve done whirling exercises from time to time and it’s not as easy as the Sufi make it look. I think the rhythm and cadence of their music helped facilitate the dance. If you try it, make sure you do it at the foot of your bed or your reclining chair so that you can flop down on your back while your brain and visual cortex stop spinning the room around you. It’s quite dizzying at first, however I’ve not yet learned how to turn off the dizzying after-effect, so I just fall back onto the bed. It’s a lot of fun, actually, and I do feel an uptake in my energy and improvement of my balance after a few moments. I’ve read that it actually turns your ageing clock back a bit. I encourage you to try it if you haven’t done so already.

The position of the hands is significant and purposeful. The right hands of the dancers are turned palms up to receive blessings and light from heaven above and their left hands are turned palms down to extend the blessings and light of heaven into the earth. And they seem to spin within a swirling energy vortex.

A subject of regression who had been regressed to a prior incarnation during the time of Jesus, described the atmosphere around him as a vortex of swirling light energy. This piqued my interest considerably, as I have experienced my own energy field as a sphere of light during an Attunement meditation that opened up to an ecstatic experience of levitation . . . accompanied by a rush of wind and an awesome vocalized sound that raised the frequency of my body’s cells.

Quite often during Attunement times I feel a lifting up of my physical body from my heart chakra, like a skyhook suspended from a point above my head was attached to my chest. If I’m lying down on a table, my chest often rises up. On one occasion during an attunement class, the student who was offering the attunement apparently thought he was doing something wrong, so he pulled his hands away and stopped sharing the attunement. I wished he hadn’t.

In Walter Russell’s signature work THE UNIVERSAL ONE—in which he challenges the scientific community with his own table of elements and his inspired concept of the inner workings or the Universe, as well as religion with his own cosmogony and “knowledge” of God’s Creative Powers—is this passage in his NEW LAWS AND PRINCIPLES chapter: (See graph below)

132. The nearer to the axis and to the apex of the cone the greater the density, temperature, pressure, potential, power-time and all effects of electro-positive preponderance. 133. The nearer to the base of the cone the greater the tenuity, the speed time and the tendency to ionize, and the lower the temperature, pressure, potential and all effects of electro-negative preponderance. (THE UNIVRSAL ONE, page 260)


In my previous post I stated this principle:

What manifests and takes shape in the explicate order under the heaven reflects Life’s design for forms in the implicate order of the heaven. There is only One Law governing the Creative Process: Radiation–Response–Attraction–Union–Unified Radiation. This law governs the electric universe at all levels, including and especially at the level where Man was created to live and function at the crossover point between Heaven and Earth as co-creator with God. The substance of connection between Man and Creator is the medium through which the Tone of the Word that creates Life on Earth is propagated so as to be perceptible by Man and re-sounded in the expression of his living. That medium is the rarified substance of pheumaplasm (spirit substance).


Near-Death-Experiences (NDE’s) reportedly involve travel through a silvery tunnel toward a bright light that beckons the individual soul to rise up and come closer.

I gather there is some kind of levitating force, much like that produced by a magnet, which draws the soul up into another level of consciousness and being. From this elevated level, the person observes his or her body and those surrounding it from above, then has a telepathic conversation with another being or guide about whether or not it’s time for the soul to leave the physical realm. It’s all very interesting and intriguing to think about.

What piques my interest particularly is the source of the levitating power that draws the soul upward. In my inner Mind’s eye I envision two triangular vortices of energy that join at an apex or axis, as Russell states above and diagrams below, that have a place of manifestation and focus in our bodies. That focal point is situated in the Pineal Gland located in the Golden Mean Center of the brain.

Looking at the graphic below — which I borrowed from Russell’s book and adapted to my purpose here — in your mind’s eye superimpose an image of the body temple over the lower pyramidal graphic. Where the two spiraling vortices intersect one another, there is an area where the two opposing triangles join at their bases, one pointing up and the other pointing down. The one pointing upward, in my perspective analogy, comes to point in the Pineal Gland at the 7th level of the seven endocrine glands, which are paired with seven spinning chakra vortices. (Click on image to enlarge it)


7 Pineal

6 Pituitary & 5 Thyroid

4 Thymus-Heart

3 Pancreas & 2 Adrenals

1 Gonads


Counting down from the Pineal gland, we come to the Pituitary gland at the 6th level, and below the pituitary lies the Thyroid gland in the neck. These three energy centers form an upright triangle with the Pineal focusing the Spirit of Love at the apex and the Pituitary and Thyroid glands at the two corner of the base, focusing respectively the Spirit of Truth, and the Spirit of Life.

The lower inverted triangle encompasses the Heart with the Thymus gland focusing the Spirit of Purification at the lower apex—a fiery frequency of the Spirit of Love stepped down four levels. This is the Spirit, or vibration, currently stirring in the hearts of every person on earth, incinerating what doesn’t belong in this holy place designed as a crucible for Love’s purifying and transforming fire. As my friend Chris Jorgensen described this pivotal point in my previous post:

The crossover point is the sacred place where the Radiation of Being is consciously known and shared. It is the point where Love is made visible. It is Assurance in divine Presence. The current vibration of the world is the Spirit of Purification, the crossover point—the energy, frequency and radiation of the Heart-Thymus. It is a singular point where Heaven and Earth meet.


I took note of the way the Whirling Dervishes use their own hearts as pivot points around which to whirl—a significant posture to assume seeing as the heart is the true center of gravity in our sacred energy anatomy.

Below the level of the Heart center and Thymus gland are three glands in the body that manage hormonal chemistry throughout the body temple—just as the upper three glands administer the hormonal alchemy of incarnation and the ongoing conception and generation of Life in the sanctuary of the temple. The Pancreas at the 3rd level which facilitates emotional and spiritual expression and the realization of manifestation; the two Adrenal glands at the 2nd level that empower physical action and mental focus; and the Gonadal glands at the 1st level where the Spirit of the New Earth patiently fostering a sense of right expectancy. Beyond the 1st level in one’s extended world of creativity.

Based on what Russell cited above in his two principles, the higher one’s consciousness rises to the apex at the crossover point, the denser the plasma that comprises the silvery substance of the chord connecting the person with the Realms of Light, and the greater is the pressure and temperature.


I am reminded of a passage in the Old Testament that speaks of the fiery furnace being heated seven times hotter than it was wont to be heated in order to incinerate Daniel’s three friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego—which proved to be the right temperature to burn the shackles that bound them without burning the three friends. But greater than that was the 4th Presence seen by King Nebuchadnezzar of “one like unto the Son of Man.”

This is the Spirit of the One that dwells in the midst, the Spirit of Angelic and Archangelic Presence that cannot be touched by the fire of purification for that Spirit is Love, the very fire itself. Nor can the dense plasma of consciousness rising to the apex be touched or penetrated by what is occurring of a violent and destructive nature in the outer world. It can, however, be touched and penetrated, consumed and transmuted, by the high frequency of Love radiating from the One in the midst. What can ascend ascends, and what cannot ascend falls back down toward the less dense lower levels toward the base to participate further in the ascending cycles of the ongoing Creative Process.

“Who shall ascend unto the hill of the Lord? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.”

I will continue in this vein in my next post. As always, I welcome your thoughts on what I have presented. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


Transmutation Demystified Part 3: Our Electric Universe of Light

“When they shall know the Light of Me in them, then they shall be Me and I them.” —Russell, from THE DIVINE ILIAD

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SIMPLY PUT, TRANSMUTATION is about energy changing pressure and frequency to manifest new forms. Literally the verb “to transmute” means to change or alter in form, appearance or nature, especially to a higher form, by changing the pressure — as in raising the temperature to change water into steam and air — or by changing the frequency at which a substance vibrates — as in changing the pitch of a guitar string by changing its tensile pressure. All the notes used in a musical composition, regardless of its complexity, can be created on a single piano string simply by changing its tension, or tensile pressure.

In chemistry, all of the elements are created from a single element by a process of transmutation in which the Universal substance of Light changes its potential for power as it transmutes from one form and substance to the next. There are not many elements. There is only one. Change that one element’s pressure, and its form and nature, as well as appearance, change. How amazing is that!

As Walter Russell describes elements: “The elements of matter are but varying aggregations of corpuscular light units gathered together in systems familiarly known as atoms.”

One of the privileges and responsibilities we have as Human Beings made in the image and likeness of our Creator is to transmute the atomic fabric of our physical bodies into the spiritualized substance of pneumaplasm to enrich our connection with our Creator. That connection is by way of what has been described as a “silver cord” in Ecclesiastes: “Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. (Eccl 12:6). It is by means of this silvery substance that the ordinances of heaven descend into the earth to make all things new. This is not simply a belief or even a theory. It is a scientific phenomenon.

Pursuant to a deeper understanding of this transmutation process, the topic of this series, let’s move along with Walter Russell in rectifying a few more scientific misconceptions about the electric universe in which we live as we lay the foundations for understanding the alchemy of transmutation.

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2. Misconception of Electro-Magnetism

“The Einstein theory of the constitution of matter conceives this universe to be “one great ocean of electro-magnetism, out of which – and into which – flow the streams of gravitation, matter and energy.

“Radiation, the equal-and-opposite mate to gravitation, without which gravitation is impossible, is entirely ignored in this fantastic and unnatural concept.

“Equally fantastic is the claim of this theory that “it is impossible to have gravitation without matter,” and “for space to exist without gravity or without matter.”

“The weak point in this theory is the fact that electro-magnetism is not an existent force in Nature; nor are there electro-magnetic fields or magnetic fields. Wave fields are electric – exclusively electric.

“Electricity is the only force which God makes use of to create this universe. And the only two “tools” God makes use of for creating His universe of matter and motion are the two pairs of opposed spiral vortices. One of these opposite pairs meets at apices at wave amplitude to create spheres of matter and the other opposed pair meets at cone bases upon wave axes to void matter and motion.


“These two pairs of opposed electric spiral vortices are the basic units which construct all matter. Together they form the electric waves of motion which create the various pressure conditions which are needed to produce the many seemingly different elements of visible matter.

“Electricity is divided into two equal-and-opposite forces which thrust away from each other to build this polarized universe.

“When inability to thrust away from each other takes its sequential turn in the pulse of the universal heartbeat, depolarization voids all opposition. Thus the universe consists of cycles of life followed by death – growth followed by decay, and generation followed by radiation – each expressed simultaneously and repeated sequentially forever without end.

“That which science calls magnetism, and believes to be a force which has the power of lifting tons of steel, is God’s still Light which balances and controls the equality of electric division, but electricity alone performs all of the work of this universe. The magnetic Light which controls the universal balance performs no work whatsoever.

“A bar magnet picks up nails because of the electric current which divided that steel into its activated polarized condition and not because of its focal poles of stillness which center its two activities. Even though the electric current has been withdrawn, the steel retains its electric activity for long periods and acts as though the current still remained.

“Magnetic Light control might be likened to the rudder of a ship which controls the direction of the ship’s motion without in any way motivating that motion.

“It might again be likened to the fulcrum which extends its power of expression through motion to the lever, without in any way acting to motivate that expressed motion of the lever.

“God’s still magnetic light is the fulcrum of this creating universe. Electricity is the two-way lever which extends from that fulcrum to give the universe its pulsing heartbeat of simulated life-death sequences.

“Wherever God’s Light appears in matter, there stillness centers motion, but there is no motion at that point. The center of gravity in a spherical sun or earth is one locatable point where God’s Light is. Likewise, the two still centers of north and south spiral vortices are other locatable balancing points of control. Likewise, the shaft which connects all pairs of opposed poles is an extension of stillness from the zero of wave beginnings to the zero of wave amplitude, and the return of motion to the zero of its beginnings in the stillness of its borning place on its wave axis.

“This is a universe of Light-at-rest from which two opposed lights-of-motion appear to manifest the IDEA which is eternally sealed in the light-at-rest.

3. Misconception of Energy

“Failure to recognize that this universal body of moving matter has been created by some power outside of itself has led science to conclude that the energy which created matter is within itself. Even more erroneous is the conclusion that energy is a condition of matter, such as heat.

“This failure has led to the conclusion that Creation will disappear when heat energy “runs down.” The first and second laws of thermodynamics are built upon this obviously wrong conclusion. The universe will never “run down.” It is as eternal as God is eternal.

“The poem is not the poet, however, nor is the symphony its composer. In a like sense this universe is not its own Creator. Whatever qualities or attributes there are in any product — whether it be an adding machine or a universe — have been extended to that product by their creator to manifest qualities, attributes and energies which are alone in the creator of that product.

“Nor is the IDEA which matter manifests within matter. IDEA is never created. Idea is a Mind quality. Idea never leaves the omniscient Light of Mind. Idea is but simulated by matter-in-motion.

“IDEA never leaves its invisible state to become matter. Bodies which manifest IDEA are made in the image of their creator’s imaginings.

“Every creation, whether by God or man, is an extension of its creator. It is projected from him by a force which is within its creator and not in the projected product.

“All of the knowledge, energy and method of creating any product are properties of Mind alone. There is no knowledge, energy, life, truth, intelligence, substance or thought in the motion which matter is.” — From A NEW CONCEPT OF THE UNIVERSE

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Throughout Russell’s writings he uses the capitalized word “MIND” as his choice of a term for God, as the Mind of God is one with God. The term “MIND” implies Divine Consciousness, which helps allay any possible concern that he is inferring mental or intellectual activity. He is not. Walter Russell was a genius whose mind was opened upward and receptive to the Truth and to the Genius of God as made manifest throughout His “Creating Universe.” He knew the real meaning of the phrase “mind over matter,” using his mind to channel his creativity. His mind was a true and faithful Light Bearer. I will share more about some of the fruits of his ingenious creativity later as I honor him in this blog series.

The second excerpt above brought up a curious thought in my mind as to what may be implied in the biblical creation story where man is created in “the image and likeness” of God. Did the Creator of heaven and earth simply project an image of Himself into the imaginal realm of His consciousness as a template for the creation of man? Just a thought that crossed my mind as I read the excerpt.

I write these blog posts simply because I enjoy the creative fun of writing as a vehicle for sharing my thoughts and meditations. I always hope my readers enjoy reading them. I invite you to share any thoughts you may have on the subject of this post.

In my next post I will present Russell’s final two misconception rectifications which are concerned with the nature of the substance of matter. So stay tuned. Until then,

Be love. Be loved.


Transmutation Demystified, Part 2: Rectifying Misconceptions

“Great art is simple. My universe is great art, for it is simple. Great art is balanced. My universe is consummate art, for it is balanced simplicity.” Walter Russell, THE DIVINE ILIAD

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TRANSMUTATION IS NO MYSTERY — any more than the digestion of food is a mystery. Transmutation of the earth itself, though presently limited, is an ongoing process of ascension . . . one in which we human beings could well play a more conscious stewarding role. Let me elucidate.

There are some 14 inorganic minerals and 72 trace minerals or more being chelated (literally clawed apart from their covalent bonds) and lifted up through the roots of your garden vegetable plants, transformed and transmuted into organic vegetables that are easily consumed, digested, ingested and absorbed into your body . . . transmuted again into flesh and bone . . . and not one of these steps can be circumvented. Inorganic minerals cannot be transmuted into living flesh without passing through the chelation process of the vegetable kingdom where they are dissembled and rearranged for use in animal organisms, such as our bodies. They are the building blocks of the body temple and facilitators of its chemical processes and nutrient utilization.

But that’s not the final destination for these elemental building blocks, nor their last transmutation to undergo. They have yet a higher purpose to serve and a sacred role to play in this Whole Holy World.

Creation comes from God through Man and returns to God through Man. How this occurs and unfolds is the magic of transmutation, which is no longer a mystery, as “The mystery of God is finished on earth.” (Rev 10:7)

Let me share with you the rest of this amazing story, a story that demystifies not only transmutation, but a story that demystifies as well the “mystery” of God and of our relationship to our Creator. This will be a fascinating series . . . albeit a bumpy ride for a structured mindset.

Before we get into the story, let’s take a few posts to rectify some longstanding misconceptions in the scientific community, which will establish a foundation for our consideration of transmutation. For this I will rely on my science mentor, Walter Russell, and his illumined consort and beloved companion, Lao Russell. (Click on his name above to visit my previous post about him).

We are at the beginning of a glorious New Age of knowledge and awareness of our oneness with all life. May we bring into being in this twentieth century the Life Triumphant for all peoples everywhere and thus fulfill our sole purpose on earth—which is to discover our divinity and live it” LAO RUSSELL

Misconceptions Rectified

1. The cardinal error of science lies in shutting the Creator out of His Creation.

“This one basic error topples the whole structure, for out of it all of the other misconceptions of light, matter, energy, electricity, magnetism and atomic structure have grown.

If science knew what LIGHT actually IS, instead of the waves and corpuscles of incandescent suns which science now thinks it is, a new civilization would arise from that one fact alone.

“Light is not waves which travel at 186,000 miles per second, which science says it is,— nor does light travel at all.

“The light of incandescent suns is but an effect of one of the two equally-opposed electric pressure conditions which interweave this universe into visible solids and liquids surrounded by invisible gases of space.

“These two opposite electric conditions which form the basis of the constitution of matter are the compressed condition of gravity pressure and the expanded condition of radiation pressure. These two electric conditions are the equal-and-opposite pressures which make motion imperative and without which motion is impossible.”

This is essential to our understanding of transmutation, as we’ll see later.


“The positive electric condition compresses large volumes of light-waves into small volumes by winding them up centripetally into spiral vortices by thrusting inward from without. That is what gravitation is.

“The negative electric condition expands small volumes of light-waves into larger volumes by unwinding them centrifugally into voiding equators where matter disappears. This is what radiation is. Radiation thrusts outwardly from within to depolarize matter and void motion.

“The light of suns and the dark of space are but two opposite conditions of the same thing. They interchange constantly. Each becomes the other sequentially.

Science excluded God in its considerations because of the supposition that God could not be proven to exist by laboratory methods.

“This decision is unfortunate for God IS provable by laboratory methods. The locatable motionless Light which man mistakenly calls magnetism is the invisible, but familiar, Light which God IS — and with it He controls His universe — as we shall see.” —Walter Russess, A New Concept Of The Universe

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The disappearance of matter is precisely when the final process of transmutation of flesh to a higher order of Light takes place, as we shall see . . . and it need not all fall back into the soil which gave it rise.

I welcome any thoughts you may wish to share. Next weekend I will post the second misconception of science relating to “electro-magnetism.” Walter Russell proposes and demonstrates how and why there is no such force in Nature. Until then,

Be love. Be loved


Spirit of the New Earth Vibration: Sacred Alchemy of the Vesica Pisces

“I Have Found the One My Soul Loves” 

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THE SCRIPTURAL QUOTE ABOVE is the fourth verse of the third book of the Song of Solomon, also known as the Song of Songs.  One can see this as finding one’s soul’s love embodied in a lover; also as finding one’s Beloved within one’s own heart. 

Lusting after union with the Divine via sacred sex has a rich as well as controversial history.  It has degenerated over the centuries to lusting after the pleasures of the flesh, particularly the female body which has been objectified in modern social entertainment and our commercial enterprises.  

The Roman Catholic Church has played a pivotal role in this degeneration, relegating sex outside of the “Sacrament of Holy Matrimony” to the performance of a sinful act, creating a controversy that has led to the persecution of women for their enjoyment of sex outside the arbitrary perimeter of “sex for the purpose of procreation.” It has also placed a burden on the shoulders of the faithful with its anti-birth-control and anti-abortion decrees from the Vatican.

This is the current state of fallen human consciousness in the old heaven and old earth.  Notwithstanding, many couples have found the Beloved in one another and share a romantic love that draws them together in inseparable union with the Beloved and with one another, finding and experiencing their own Divine Self as one with the other, where in truth there is no “other.”  Such couples experience spiritual intimacy in physical intimacy.

THIS SERIES of posts features a meditation on the Spirit of the New Earth Vibration.  New earth throughout the Universe is born of the sacred union between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine—masculine energy drawing form together and feminine energy giving form birth and nurturing it to maturity, then unraveling it and returning its essences back to the One from whom it arose—and it’s all one entity, one process accomplished by way of a spectrum of vibrational frequencies of light and sound.  Here on Earth it is born through Human Beings—created male and female in the image and likeness of their Creator and sharing equally in power and dominion. 

(For an in-depth consideration of this creative relationship, I invite you to visit my blog series of October, 2018 entitled Our Masculine/Feminine Energy.) 

IN SACRED ANATOMY I explore and meditate upon the historical experience of Sacred Sex as it was once openly and ceremonially practiced.  The following in an excerpt from the chapter of this consideration.  .


The controversy and persecutions were over the alchemical power inherent in the tiny gland atop the gothic archway of the vulva, an archway that embodies the mystical Vesica Pisces, an image in sacred geometry formed by overlapping circles, possibly one of the most profound motifs of ancient and modern times. It represented in ancient religions, among other things, the vulva of the Great Mother and the joining of God and Goddess in the creation of the Universe.  In Christianity, it is the symbol of Jesus Christ which was used by the early Christians to mark their meeting places, referencing by its piscine shape the miracle of the loaves and fishes.  It represented a lot more than that, however.

Throughout earliest traditions, the Vesica Piscis represented the source of immense creative power and energy, a vibrational portal, if you will, between heaven and earth that makes possible the outpouring of love into the world, as well as a birth canal for all of Creation.  This same portal in sacred sex becomes the way into the presence of the Beloved, the “secret place of the Most High.”

This portal appears not only in the union between God and Goddess, the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine.  It also appears “in the midst” where two or more are gathered in the name—or shem in the Aramaic, meaning vibration—of love.  In meditation, where heart and mind play the roles of two gathered in love, it is the “window of heaven” at the Crown Chakra which opens with the alchemy produced by the Pituitary Gland and the Pineal Body as rising currents of the ascending flame of love, offered as incense upward, engage their hormonal chemistry. Through this portal of light streams the inspiration and revelation of divine wisdom into human consciousness.  As a geometrical design of the human eye, it represents the aperture for the “third eye.”  These are all internal workings of the spiritual anatomy of the body temple which are activated from within by one who possesses the knowledge of sacred alchemy. 

This knowledge was celebrated by the Knights Templar in a most clever and subliminal way by affixing a rosebud, symbolic of the clitoris, atop the Gothic arches of the Cathedrals they built for the Church in Europe.  Women were known to have a unique capacity to enjoy sex, which was part of the basis for men’s hatred and fear of them.  This tiny protuberance at the top of the arch of the vulva is the only human organ whose function, it seems, is solely to give pleasure.   

While the function of the clitoris, placed by perfect design in a spot where it might be stimulated during intercourse, may be seen as that of solely giving pleasure, it also serves as a neurological triggering mechanism for the entire process of alchemy which creates the substance of connection with the divine.  It is through the medium of this substance of pneumaplasm, as we have already considered, that the spiritual gifts of heaven are conveyed into the earth, such as the gift of healing and the gift of premonition and intuitive discernment of events before they happen.

The fleeting pleasure experienced in orgasm is a glandular one which can be easily aroused by physical stimulation.  The Dionysian ecstasy of fusion with the divine, however, entails more than mere physical stimulation of the genitalia.  Sacred alchemy is activated by ones who know the sacredness of their own body temples and have obtained intuitively through exploration the inherent priestly knowledge protected so occultly and diligently for the past two millennia, now resurfacing in human consciousness.  Such ones are themselves priests and priestesses of a High Order. They reveal themselves as lovers as they approach the altar of sacred sex with a deep and passionate love for the Beloved.  In sacred sex the priest and priestess truly represent God and Goddess in wedlock enjoying the fruits of their creation and reveling in the pleasure of ecstatic union their alchemy affords them. The Vesica Pisces, both as vibrational and physical aspects of our sacred anatomy, contracts and opens, quivering as the fire of love falls from heaven and pours out into their creative field, blessing and sanctifying all that is contained in their worlds. Yes, a woman’s sexuality is truly intended by her Creator to be ecstatically pleasurable.   

It is not that men are not so equipped, as many have learned who have risen above the traditional rush to climax and explored the delicate glands around the base of the head of the penis, which, with gentle touch, or lying still during intercourse, occasions such alchemy within the male that leads to sexual ecstasy.  I am inclined to believe that the alchemy of ecstatic union with the Divine is entirely the domain of the feminine, even in the male who has enough feminine energy to produce such alchemy.

These two organ/glands, the glans clitoridis and the glans penis, are connected to the same Source of power, the Divine Feminine, that ultimately draws both the man and the woman into ecstatic union within the ascending flame arising out of the altar they have erected, either in solitude or in conjugal rapture.  These are altar pieces which are literally erected from within by aroused sexual energies that are no less sacred than the ceremonies intended to facilitate worship in a Basilica, nor than the One so worshiped. In the Motherland of Lemuria, they played an intricate and generative role in the Temple Service itself.

Clean Hands and Pure Heart

These verses from Psalm 24 say something about the qualifications for finding one’s own personal Holy Grail, as well as knowing whom the Grail serves:

The earth is the LORD’S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.

Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place?  He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. . . .   

Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting portals; and the King of glory shall come in.  Who is this King of glory?  The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory.        

The Psalmist sings of the King energy as coming into the heart when the gates and portals of the heart are swung open. The secrets of the Holy Grail are revealed to one whose hands are clean and whose heart is pure.  Another way of saying this is: one who’s mind meditates daily upon the spiritual laws of being and obeys them in one’s living, and who’s heart is lifted up and open to the purifying currents of love pouring forth from out of Heaven. It is in this governance of spirit and openness to love, as poet and modern-day muse Diana Durham elaborates in splendid detail in The Return of King Arthur that the enlightened mind and purified heart, symbolized by the sword and the cup, find their resting place together in the Kingdom of Heaven restored, through these sacred vessels, to the kingdoms of this world. 

 I will continue in this consideration and expand on its theme in my next post. Until then, be happy.  Be safe.   


The Sacred Alchemy of Transmutation

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“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” —Jesus, Matt 6:33

MY FATHER, the deeply religious man he was, quoted the above biblical passage to me many time during my formative years.  These words proved to be a guiding light throughout my years of quest for truth.  For him, the “kingdom of God” was to be found in a “heaven hereafter” as one leads a good Christian life and frequents the sacraments, particularly Holy Eucharist.  I would discover twenty-eight years later that it is truly “at hand” within me and all around me, just as the Teacher had taught. 

My quest for truth unfolded in seven-year cycles. At seven I began my quest in the school system, in which I didn’t fare so well, what with the duties of farm life that left little time for homework . . . and model airplanes.  At fourteen, I entered Catholic Seminary to study for the priesthood, where the truth evaded me — more likely because it was evaded in redacted scriptures and dogmas.  Besides, an arbitrarily imposed celibate life tended to complicate my quest, along with my sexuality. 

When I turned twenty-one, I left the seminary to pursue a healing career in Chiropractic, where the truth found me, on my twenty-eighth birthday, through my mentor, Dr. William Bahan, who introduced me to my spiritual mentor, Lord Martin Cecil, and the teachings and writings of Uranda (Lloyd A. Meeker).  The “truth” I had so longed to know came trumpeting out of their mouths . . . that the kingdom of God is truly at hand and that my body is a temple for the presence of God on Earth and more.  It is a temple of worship. 

Four seven-year cycles later I sat at my computer to begin writing my book SACRED ANATOMY, which took nine years to complete and another year to edit and publish.  That’s roughly nine seven-year cycles after my incarnation in 1940.  We don’t live life. Life lives in and through us.  So If, in your youthful eagerness, you feel the urge to write a book or a blog to share what you’ve “learned” in your training years, just remember that ideas and theories, along with urges, will gather evidence and proof through experience, much of which comes when and where you least expect. Be patient with the creating cycles of growth and maturity, and don’t question Life when it takes a sudden turn in a new direction.  I’ve always felt a compulsion to write a book.  My mentor tempered my eagerness one day by saying “Works first, then words.”  Or, as the saying goes, “Chop wood and carry water,” then you’ll have something authentic and original to draw from.   I am forever grateful for the wisdom of my teachers and elders who came into my life when I was ready.  Life knows what’s best for us.     

FOR FIFTY-TWO YEARS as a wholistic practitioner it has been my role and privilege to serve at the physical level of life’s domain and to bring the higher vibrations of Spirit into the lower levels of Life’s expression in and through the human body.  In keeping with the nature of that service, I have sought to elevate my own consciousness, and that of those whom I served, so as to gain insight beyond the surface of anatomical structure and physiological function and into the energetic world of the Spirit that creates the physical body and continues to maintain it through its years and decades of useful service.  It was for this reason and purpose that I wrote down my inspirations and realizations and compiled and published them in SACRED ANATOMY.  

The consideration of our sacred anatomy, presented here in the form of a meditation on transcendent essences, is not a scholarly study of human anatomy and physiology—although those aspects are given due consideration for accuracy. It is rather a presentation of firsthand esoteric knowledge, as previously noted, and inspired visionary insight and revelation.    

In that light, I will continue sharing excerpts from my book focusing on the reproductive system and the hormonal glands of the gonads that produce the seeds that initiate the creative process for the creation of the body temple—under the guidance and protection of the Spirit of the New Earth.  In this excerpt I share my meditation on the role these sacred vessels and their function play in the transmutation of the physical substance of the body temple to the refined substance of spiritualized flesh for the light body of the incarnate angel—and for purposes beyond in the higher levels of Archangelic Incarnation.  

I believe It is our role as divine beings on the physical material plane to fuel the fires of ascension by which physical substance is refined and transmuted to a higher form.  The source of that fire is the transmuting flame of Love at the highest vibration, stepped down to the frequency of the Spirit of the New Earth at the lower end of the energy spectrum, as we considered in the previous post—which I encourage you to read, if you haven’t already, for the context it provides for this post.  


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The Spiritualization of Atoms  

THERE IS A REMARKABLE and significant similarity between the conical shape and function of the Pineal Gland and that of the male and female genitalia on the opposite end of the endocrine system.  They both serve as pointed vessels for focused release of a unified radiant current during sexual orgasm. 

The sensation of intense pleasure during erection of both the glans penis and the clitoris, intensifying as orgasm begins to occur, is powerfully felt in the space behind the eyes where the Pituitary gland with its anterior and posterior lobes rests in the Sella Tursica of the sphenoid bone at the base of the brain. With the facilitation of the Hypothalamus, and the Limbic System just above it, the pleasure center of the brain, the Spirit of the Womb  working through the Pituitary gland receives the release of the golden light of love emanating from the Spirit of Love focused in the Pineal gland, embracing it on its way to the eyes and forehead and creating the sacred alchemy which allows the fire of love to pour forth from within.  The fire extends down and out through the sexual organs as well as outward through the eyes and permeating the entire body.  All the cells in the body temple are permeated by the radiant outpouring of love and therein rejuvenated in the ecstasy of sexual orgasm—or unified radiation when and where glandular climax is controlled and withheld.

Dr. Wilhelm Reich, a medical scientist, in his research in the field of what is known as “cosmic plasma,” discovered that a radiant positively charged current of energy is released during orgasm.  He called it “Orgon” and postulated that it originated in solar winds as sun substance.  Orgon is thought to give life energy to the cells of the body.¹ 

With the outpouring of love’s emanations comes a refinement of spiritual substance (pneumaplasm) as it is drawn into the core of the ascending flame where it is refined even further.  This rarefied substance then rises to mingle with the substance of love contained within the heart. The heart provides a safe space for the alchemy of transmutation to take place.  From this crucible, the substance continues on its journey upward reaching into the core and bringing the experience of heaven into the body temple.  Upon touching the core of love in our heart of hearts, pneumaplasm acts as a connecting substance between earth and heaven through which the currents of love pour forth into the body-temple and through the body-temple into one’s world.  Thus are the atoms comprising our flesh spiritualized and lifted up through the Seven Seals to participate in the generation of the refined pneumaplasm connecting the body with the spirit at the level of Seventh Seal of the Pineal gland — spoken of in the Book of Ecclesiastes (12:1) as “the silver chord.”  

The experience of this release through the eyes is especially unifying as the two look into each other’s eyes to receive one another as angels while their union makes itself evident and powerfully felt.  Such moments of sacred sexual intimacy reveal the state of ecstatic union with the Beloved, from Whom a rich outpouring of love is known throughout the temple in waves of delightful pleasure. In his instructions on the “seven seals” Uranda describes what occurs at this level:

Here thou seest the activity of the Gonad Glands (ovary or testis) in harmony with the Christ Center in the Sacral region of thy spine.  Here it is that the active Spiritualization process begins, and as the body substance responds to the action of this Seal it is prepared for the ASCENSION. 

This Seal has been variously called the Cave of Darkness, the Serpent’s Seat, the Coil of Kundalini, the Manger of Birth (Bible), and by other names.  As this transmuted substance begins its ascension through the Seven Seals, it is spoken of all through the Bible as the River of Life; and the Tree of Life which extends from one side of the River of Life to the other side represents the Positive and Negative phases of the Seven Seals, under or through which the River of Life is flowing.  The Branches of the Trunk of the Tree extend from the Glands on the one side and from the Christ Centers in the Spine on the other side.  (Steps To Mastership, Lesson Fifty-four)²

These sacred vessels can be appreciated for the facilitation they provide in the process of ascension of atoms into the spiritual body of the angel incarnate.  Caressing them gently so as not to arouse glandular contraction, or simply being still during intercourse, helps to initiate the movement of the current within the ascending flame, drawing atoms from out of the body substance into the upward spiraling flow.  In a rising current, atomic substance ascends before the throne of God in one’s temple, represented by the Pineal Body, to be transmuted by sacred alchemy into angelic light substance.  Thus is union with the Divine attained through this sacred practice and ritual.

This is an alchemical fire that burns through and within the flesh but does not consume it. The Crown Chakra plays a role here as well. A single ascending current of silvery substance begins to flow and can be felt moving up through the Pineal Gland of both lovers, enriching the Silver Cord of connection.  In the midst of this sacred alchemy one suddenly knows the other as oneself. Flesh becomes vibrationally fused so that the partners feel what each other is experiencing as they lose all sense of separateness, spiritually as well as physically.

This is, without exception, a most holy and powerful experience of union with the Beloved. Out of this union between two angels on earth comes a most exquisite, yet easy, release of love through a unified current of radiation as a portal is opened in heaven through which light pours out in ceaseless currents. These sacred times of worship, either alone or with another conscious angel, can be used to extend a radiant blessing into one’s world in consciousness. Consciousness then becomes an extension of the altar, now sanctified by the oil of love, upon which we may offer the tithes of our world of service upward for healing and spiritualization. For anything that touches the altar is sanctified. Sexual intimacy is very much an integral part of our angelic function as co-creators with God, and we would continually know that and participate in ascension as we return these sacred vessels to their holy purpose: the worship of God.

♦ ◊ ♦

The world would be transformed in a cosmic moment were these sacred vessels sanctified and returned to their sacred function. In the wake of such transformative change, spiritualized atomic substance would begin to ascend to find its way back Home in the Heaven of heavens before the throne of God, whose creating substance it is.  In this sacred function, we as the Body of Man restored would fulfill and complete our primary purpose for existence: the return of praise and thanksgiving by way of spiritualized flesh to the Creator, whose world this is. This could only be done by divine beings, angels incarnate, who have come forth in a radiant apocalypse of light, and taken charge of the physical material world in the name of our Lord and King.  It will never be done by “mere humans” eking out transient pleasure in self gratification, often without thought given to the possible consequence of conception. Such temporary pleasures are as nothing compared to the ecstatic pleasure of priestly function in service to the Lord of the Sacred Seven. 

I invite and welcome your thoughts and inspirations. Until my next post,

Be love.  Be loved.



¹ From Robert Temple’s audio book THE NEW SCIENCE OF HEAVEN.

² URANDA, Steps To Mastership, Lesson 54. 



Steps of Ascent 1: Fusing Flesh with Spirit

When two substances vibrate together at the same rate of frequency, they fuse into one substance.

I would like to complete this cycle of sharing from my book SACRED ANATOMY in my blog.  In this post, I visit the final chapters where I meditate on the process of transmutation of flesh and ascension to higher levels of vibration, in some instances where the “rainbow body” is experienced.  The way of ascension is available and open to those who seek that path.  I am such a seeker.  Here is an excerpt from the last chapter of my book.  I think you will enjoy reading it. 


     LET US COMPLETE our meditative journey through the sacred anatomy of the body temple with a final meditation on the steps of ascent that can take us, individually and collectively, into the garden state within, where we would know our oneness with God while we are incarnate in these flesh temples. I will start by returning to the very beginning of this writing. 

     What if, indeed, we could travel through all the dimensions of the seven planes of being; if there were no veil between heaven and earth; and if we could ascend back up into the Realms of Light and return to this plane once we had rejuvenated our bodies and souls. 

     As we have just finished considering at length, the love-technology, chemistry and alchemy to enable this process are already available to us in our sacred anatomy.  All we need do is take the steps leading to absolute and total attunement with love so that our bodies absorb the radiation of love so fully that they become as radiant as love itself. All we need do is utterly abandon ourselves to the Father’s will within and let love work its wonderful magic upon our hearts, our minds and our bodies.

     The technology of love is inherent in what I have spoken of as the Creative Process, sometimes referred to as The Divine Formula: radiation, response, attraction, union, unified radiation.  The irresistible attraction of love, the Father within, will do all the work of drawing us upward into the Garden state.  Our work is to take the steps leading into the Temple of Light where oneness is known with the All and with all of Creation.

Fusing Flesh with Spirit

       RESONANCE with the vibration of love induces the processes of resurrection and ascension.  There is a law of physics which states that when two substances vibrate together at the same rate of frequency, they fuse into one substance. The Universal Entity within which we are contained—and yet, strangely, from which we feel so separate—sounds the Tone that summons all resonant substance out of chaos and into order.  This Tone is conveyed to all things in the universe through the connecting substance of what I will call “pneumaplasmic space” and is carried through tissue by the current of life itself.  [The word pneumaplasm was coined by Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda) to identify the substance of connection between spirit and flesh that provides a medium for the transmission of life’s designs and instructions for creating and maintaining our body temples.]

       When the body oscillates at the same frequency as this Tone, which is differentiated into seven frequencies, as with light, the two become one.  Light, or spirit, no longer remains silent and invisible, and form no longer remains mere physical flesh.  Spirit is seen and experienced as radiating through flesh and flesh as transparent substance.  An entirely new and different state of being is known when flesh fuses with spirit. 

     Now, what that is is yet largely unknown for all practical purposes.  However, it is certainly not mere theory and speculation any longer.  From my own personal though very limited experience, it is entirely knowable and, in fact, known in isolated human experience, including the Master Jesus’s experience as it has been recorded and handed down to us.  

       ATTUNEMENT is a technology of love and as such a sacred healing art purposed for facilitating transformation, resurrection, transmutation and ascension—essentially the fusion of flesh with spirit.  In the attunement process, the molecules that make up the cells of the body are drawn upward to resonate with the vibration of love.  All the molecules of the body are obedient to the commands of love as they are sent forth into the body-temple by the Seven Spirits of Love, which are energetic vibratory forces operating through the seven endocrine glands and their many and varied hormone crystals, which, as we have seen, carry the vibrational directives of spirit in the form of light to the body cells.

     As the attunement practitioner works with the seven endocrine glands and corresponding Chakra centers, attuning them and bringing them into a state of coherence within themselves and into harmony and balance with one another, the Seven Spirits, or vibratory forces of the Spirit of Love, find clearer and, therefore, more potent focus.  Rarified substance of pneumaplasm begins to accumulate and fill the sacred space between spirit and flesh, providing a medium for the propagation of the Tone throughout the entire body-temple. The differentiated Tone goes forth creating harmonics throughout the body-temple manifesting as health and wellness.  Flesh is imbed and fused with Spirit. 

     This is a technology anyone may learn and utilize as a spiritual practice in uplifting the vibratory frequency of the physical body so as to make it more available to the process of attraction and union with one’s own incarnate Divine Being.  A simple act of kindness or an expression of thankfulness generates this substance as well.  

       Further, each one of us oscillates to the Tone in unique sets of harmonic frequencies.  A perfect analogy of this can be readily enjoyed while listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, or some other choral group.  Here one may hear voices ranging from high soprano to deep bass, and, although they are all singing at least in four-part harmony and blend together in their parts to create ideally a pure and single sound as though it were one voice singing each part, if you listened to each voice individually you would discover that no two of them are alike. Each one has its own unique quality of tone and resonance, as well as projection and penetration. 

     Well, one might argue, these differences in vocal capacity and pitch are determined by hormones and resonant structures in the vocal apparatus and cranial bones and so forth, and  I would agree.  But what force and design determines the number and varying combinations of hormones used in the growth and development, and further refinement and playing, of the artist’s musical instrument, which the body is to the incarnate angel?  It is spirit, of course, and each one of us is unique.

     Here is something you can do right now to find your own uniqueness of spirit and tonal frequency. Come to a place of stillness and quiet and listen for those harmonic tones as they vibrate in the inner and inaudible spaces within.  They are often felt in the thymus region just over the heart.  There will be a dominant tone sounding above all the rest in each one, depending upon which endocrine gland is dominant in the individual—and there is a dominant endocrine gland in each one of us.  When you find that tone, begin sounding it, softly and then loudly. Notice how you feel as you sound it.

     Now place your open hands on your lap about six inches apart with palms facing one another to create an energy ball. Then go to a part in your body that hurts or is ill and place an image of that part inside the energy ball.

     The key here is to be still and sense which part of your body has a certain pressure within it seeking, as it were, to find release. Now, allow yourself to enter into that place of pressure in your body, wherever it may be, and listen carefully to what is going on in this space, naming the color, taste and even the smell of what you feel.

       Initially, one may feel emotional patterns of grief or deep frustration and self-pity, even worry and anxiety. That is all right. That is what is present in this particular space.  Now, go ahead and start groaning with your voice, perhaps just sighing or breathing deeply and fiercely at first.  Let those deep feelings be vented outward through whatever sounds they may naturally make.  (You might wish to be somewhere private where no one will hear you and think you are in distress or something.)  Do not be surprised or alarmed if you start crying without seeming cause.  Keep on letting the flow of the feeling currents translate themselves into audible sounds. 

     Now, gently move those harsh sounds upward a pitch or two until they become more coherent and you reach a pitch that just locks in and holds your voice in an easy but strong release of sound.  Hone in on that sound so that it becomes more clear and beautiful.  Then just pour out your spirit of unconditional love and acceptance of yourself and your feelings through that clear and beautiful note.  Soften it a bit and just enjoy playing around with it.  Listen to it lovingly, because that is your own unique resonant expression of the Tone that orchestrates the entire Universe.  It is your resonant tone, or at least a close relative harmonic of it.  Sing some of the other harmonic notes and create “your song.”  Obtain a quartz crystal bowl tuned to that pitch, or one of its harmonics, and play it as you sing your song. Use this to help fuse your spirit with your body, your Self with your incarnating equipment, your harp.

       As you become more adept in utilizing this simple technique of toning, you will actually begin to feel lighter physically and your flesh will feel as though it were glowing with light.  That is because it is.  This is magic—white-light magic—and it is fun and practical as well.

       Now, one can team up with a friend and have a lot more fun harmonizing your individual tones. Two people make an entirely new configuration of harmonic possibilities. Add a third and a fourth and still further possibilities of harmonic chanting are possible. As the numbers in the group change, so do the overall harmonics change creating a unified expression of a single sound. Perhaps this is an echo of the “sound of many waters.”  Notice it is not plural.  It is a single consolidated blend of sound of many waters that make audible the silent Tone that plays all of our instruments at the same time from one Core of Being. In that place at the Core of Being we are one.  We are the One. This is the essence of true community. ♦

I will tell you about an amazing experience of group toning in my next post. Until then, 

Keep toning.



Spirit of the New Earth Vibration, pg 12: Ecstasy At All Levels

When you strip naked without shame and trample your clothing underfoot just as little children do, then you will look at the son of the living one without being afraid.  —Jesus, from The Gospel of Thomas

Upon giving further thought and consideration to this series on the Spirit of the New Earth Vibration, it seems only fitting that I complete the series by sharing the last two sections of this chapter in my book — the complete title of which is SACRED ANATOMY . . . were spirit and flesh dance in the fire of creation.  So here they are in two posts.  I think you will agree that they bring the consideration of Sacred Sex to an appropriately exalted level.  Enjoy.


     IT IS AT THE PHYSICAL PLANE of Being where we ground the experience of Life’s juicy sexuality, a sexuality that permeates our entire being, starting with the seventh level in the Pineal where I Am love radiantly abiding and drawing my creative field together; to the Pituitary where in wisdom I embrace with deep care that which is drawn to me, the true and beautiful in myself and in my lover;  to the Thyroid where we infuse our flesh with the radiance of life and prepare to share that radiance with our world; then on down into the Thymus where with hearts pure and sure we know and know that we know the presence of the Beloved, whom we love with our whole and shared heart; through the Islets of Langerhans in the Pancreas where our cup overflows with joy unspeakable in that realization of the Presence of the One in whom we find ourselves unified; on to the Adrenal glands where all power in heaven and on earth is given to us to fulfill love’s purpose and passion; and the final warm and loving embrace of the new earth of sacred flesh by the angel of the Gonads in the right and left hands of God, hands that now we are and have always been, male and female partners in love’s co-creativity and life’s pro-creativity.  All is consummated within an ascending flame of love that brings sweet, ecstatic union with the Divine. The endocrine glands can thus be seen as representing in flesh the metaphorical Holy Grail all seek to find, and it is here within these flesh temples.

     Ecstasy literally means being put out of a state of stasis, of balance and equilibrium, on the physical plane and transported into a higher state of joy and even rapture.  Physical oneness between flesh bodies is born out of the spiritual union of incarnate angels. The Seven Spirits before the throne of God (described by St. John in the Book of Revelation as “lamps of fire”) work as one in orchestrating the Ceremony of Ascension by which the outer self becomes one with the inner Self.  Human flesh becomes spiritualized substance in the purifying and rarifying fire of Love through the Divine alchemy of the Masculine and Feminine Principles working within the individual, or between two angels incarnate.   

     We are wise to be patient with this powerful sexuality of Life which draws substance together in the ascending currents of the fire of Love.  As true stewards of substance we are careful so as to let only those substances that belong together, are creative and purposeful together, mix and blend in our hearts and in our flesh so as not to confuse and compromise our heart substance.  This is the essence behind the commandment of old relative to the act of adultery, the mixing and blending of substances that do not belong together.    

     Patience is of utmost importance here so that we do not abort cycles that are working out to bring forth creative and intimate relationships between ourselves and others.  The human tendency all too often is to rush into physical intimacy before the substance of friendship has had a chance to grow, mature and blossom, and before we mature to the point where we know our inner Self as who we are and begin to sufficiently master the blending and marriage between the inner Self and the outer capacity to know Self.  Spiritual intimacy with another is born out of personal and individual intimacy with the Truth of Love that alone brings forth Life. Spiritual intimacy, then, prepares the way for the experience of the magical and sacred alchemy of physical intimacy.    

     The sexuality of Life belongs to the Ones who created it, Father God and Mother God.  It permeates all levels of Creation. When we enjoy the physical intimacy of sex, God does as well.  When God is included in the enjoyment of sex consciously, the experience of spiritual ecstasy is inevitable and transcends, though not necessarily excludes glandular orgasm.  Orgasm is not seen by the angel as the purpose of sex.  For the angel, orgasm is a chosen experience and is entirely up to his/her own discretion.  It is seen as a means to an end rather than an end in itself. It is mainly seen as a means of infusing one’s creative field with the substance of love, the creative power.  It is necessary for procreation, although this is obviously not its exclusive purpose.  Whether there is the experience of orgasm or the release of unified radiation through a point of stillness, both heaven and earth sing together as the two hands of God come together to applaud and celebrate the communion shared by his angels incarnate.  Angels love one another and know the other as self.  In such a state of shared union with the Beloved, we discover that we are God enjoying our sexuality.

     We sometimes refer to sexual intercourse as “making love,” and yet love cannot be “made.” Love is already and fills the entire temple from its radiant abode in the “seventh heaven,” which is the domain of the Pineal Body.  Here is where love is “made,” if we want to use that word. What is made here is more of a covenant with God, a sacred agreement with the Almighty.  We return full cycle to our consideration earlier of the ark of the covenant of love in the tabernacle of God that is with men. The word “covenant” derives from the Latin “convenire,” which means to convene, to come together in an agreement.  If our agreement as angels, before we even incarnated, was to bring spiritualized flesh back to God, then the Pineal Body can be seen as our appointed place of rendezvous with God on earth, hence the intensity of radiation of love one feels in this gland during sexual intimacy and ecstasy when the fire descends through heaven’s portal and fills the temple with light and glory.      

     As we keep this covenant sacred, honoring and nurturing our vertical connection and intercourse with Love above the worldly horizontal when we share in physical intimacy, the power of Love has a clear shot into our worlds from the level of the Seventh Heaven.  Our genital organs themselves become the external altars and vessels for our Temple Service, a means of releasing that power into the creative field to bless and sanctify all things therein.  We enjoy the pleasure of love’s unified release into the world in all its dimensions and levels through these wonderful and entirely practical vessels of our sacred anatomy.

The ascending current of the flame of Love is pleasurable beyond any pleasures known to man, simply because it affords us the experience of knowing oneness with the Beloved, and affords the Beloved the enjoyment of all the mansions of the Father’s House.  In the ecstasy of union, my Beloved and I are one.  Sexual intimacy affords human beings the highest form of union with God on the physical plane of being. From this place of union the lord of the temple speaks the creative command, “Behold, I make all things new.” ♥

“Abiding in Love Always” is the topic of my next and final post in this series.  As always, I welcome any thoughts my readers may wish to share.  Thank you for sharing my thoughts and meditations.   — Anthony

Spirit of the New Earth Vibration, pg 11: Divine Alchemy

I am the Spirit of the New Earth

I welcome the substance by which I create all things new

in patience and right expectancy

I am the spirit of love

The vibrational tone of the Spirit of the New Earth is a low frequency in the red zone of the rainbow spectrum of Love’s White Light as it moves through the Gonadal seal of the seven endocrine glands.  The radiation of Love at this base level moves earth substance with the currents of masculine/feminine energy working as one creating force to bring forth new life forms.  

The Creative Process had already moved down through all six levels above, beginning in the Pineal Gland where the violet frequency of Love moves down into the Pituitary Gland and, stepped down to the blue vibration of the Spirit of the Womb or Truth, conceives the seed of Life which is then nurtured by the masculine/feminine parental hormonal energies provided by the anterior and posterior lobes of this Mother Gland. 

Life is thus born of the union of Love and Truth in and through the Thyroid gland that proceeds to give vitality to the body cells, and the parathyroid glands that metabolize calcium for bone building and strengthening. 

The vibration of Love is further stepped down to provide a purifying fire in the Thymus gland, the heart of the immune system, and through it in immune cells distributed throughout the body temple.  The Vibration of Love is stepped down further as the River of Life descends the steps of the temple to the level of the Pancreas and the Islets of Langerhans, where the vibration of Blessing is focused and sent forth through joyful currents of emotional energy. 

From this level, the current of Love steps down one more level to empower the Adrenal glands and fill the temple with the Light of the Spirit of the Single Eye, bringing the mind to a sharp focus for the shining of the Light of Truth into the world.  The final step is down into the realm of creative activity, the domain of the Spirit of the New Earth, where new life is born through the Womb of the Great Mother, portrayed here by the graphic of the Vesica Pisces. 

The Vesica Pisces

THE TWO CIRCLES forming the Vesica Pisces can also be seen to represent the inner world of spirit and Divine consciousness and the outer world of form and human consciousness. These two worlds, or realms, are connected in human consciousness where they overlap, the one being the realm of darkness and void and the other being the realm of light and manifest form.  In other words, the realm of creator and the realm of creation, which are inseparably one.

Diana Durham writes: “Thus the vesica symbolizes both the deep feminine, the source of creation, and the place of connection between spirit and form, heaven and earth.” Durham continues:

What other symbol has such connotations?  The Grail chalice itself: the feminine form and vessel of the chalice or cup, whose shape clearly echoes that of the womb and whose appearance in the Grail Castle signifies the beginning connection with the Grail King energy of the inner realms. . . .

The womb contains both menstrual blood or the newly forming baby.  Both blood and baby are symbols of life. . . .  The cup of the Eucharist holds wine, the symbol of Christ’s blood and a symbol of life.  So something is held in, or issues out of, the Grail that is life-giving. . . .

Perhaps the most central meaning of both aspects of the Grail is given here in this beautiful and simple passage from the Psalm 23: “Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.”  The heart is full to overflowing with the presence of love, irrespective of outer circumstance—“in the presence of mine enemies.” The heart that is open to the presence of the heavenly king energy, in other words the experience of union—connection—with the divine source: this is what finding the Grail symbolizes in the Grail quest.  The container is the heart, and that which is contained within it, the life-giving substance, is the substance of love.

If the two circles of the vesica pisces symbol represents the inner and outer, the spiritual and material worlds, and the vesica shape is the place where the two connect, then finding the Grail also means to find the place of connection between these two worlds and to let them be joined instead of separated.  This place of connection symbolizes the purified heart realm. (The Return of King Arthur, pp .67-69)

Sharing in Sacred Sex, two lovers are connected with the sovereign energy of the King and Queen bringing with it the experience of ecstatic union with the Divine.  In order to enter this state, both must be conversant with the secrets of sacred alchemy . . . that, when allowed to work in their lives and in their “lovemaking,” bring a natural awareness of design and control inherent in the truth of sacred sex. 

That control is found to work particularly within the male who withholds his ejaculation so as to provide a radiant positive pole in his erection for the negative response of his receptive female partner as she opens her vesica to receive his love.  They must also be open in their hearts to love and be willing to go through a process of purification, for it is through the heart that one accesses the secrets of the sacred alchemy of the “deep feminine.”  

For that alchemy to be actualized there needs to be an arc of love between the two lovers. With the charge produced by this arc, the One Law we considered earlier in our meditation on the Pituitary Gland and the Creative Process (positive action—negative response—attraction—union—unified radiation), which is the power that creates and renews the world, is engaged.  

(In order to fully grasp and appreciate this symbolism, it would be most helpful and really necessary to read Diana’s book in its entirety.  In her chapter “The Dance” she shows in a most wonderful and understandable way how the dance between the masculine and the feminine works to create the arc of creative juice that renews the world.)

Divine Alchemy

Constraints imposed by the Church in the early centuries of the Christian Era, pushed the practice of alchemy underground.  The erotic roots of alchemy have apparently been shrouded by the pseudo-alchemical process of changing baser metals into gold, which was employed as a smoke screen to keep the real ritual of alchemy occult. The true alchemy occurred during sacred sex and was of divine origin, its purpose being to transmute human flesh, symbolized by lower metals, into the substance of love, symbolized by gold, thereby spiritualizing flesh.  An ancient rite of the anointing of the “sacred king” was based on the idea that the true priest or king received his divine power through the high priestess, without whom he was nothing.

Alchemy can be found in Egyptian religious practices as far back as the early centuries of the Christian Era and this knowledge was procured by the goddess Isis herself, who, according to the story in one treatise, “obtained the secrets of alchemy from an ‘angel and prophet’ through her feminine wiles.” (The Templar Revelation, Chapter 7, “Sex: The Ultimate Sacrament”)

Here in the West, outside of the intimate worlds of individual couples who have explored this “taboo,” we do not share  a consciousness of the sacred in our sexuality, much less a common knowledge of the alchemy produced through sacred sex.  It certainly is not included in our religious upbringing as a sacred part of us, much less a sacred ritual.  It is rather looked upon with much shame and guilt.  The authors of The Templar Revelation point out that this ritual was more about a couple becoming gods than about erotic sex.  First the high priestess becomes the goddess and then endows the man with divinity through the alchemy of her sexuality.  Through their union, their shared world was infused with “a regenerative balm,” as were they. . . .  The priestess’ body became a virtual “gateway to the gods” as the goddess/priestess united with the god/priest in a marriage rite that served the purpose of procreation as well as a way by which she bestowed wisdom on man.  The anointing of Jesus by Mary of Bethany, who was a priestess, was such a pagan ritual.     (Ibid, pp. 257-258)

Jesus is usually thought of in Christendom as having been celibate, and there seem to be as many arguments that support this idea as there are that prove its fallacy.   Without entering into the debate, I would simply suggest that Jesus had a sweetheart, and she was Mary of Bethany, which Picknett and Prince believe is one and the same as Mary Magdalene.

According to Elaine Pagels, author of The Gnostic Gospels. . . , while the other disciples despised her for her intimate relationship with the Master, Jesus honored Mary of Bethany with the title of “Apostle of Apostles.”  One text says “she spoke as a woman who knew the All.” She was raised by the Master above all the other disciples and declared by him to be the futuristic ruler of the “Kingdom of Light.”   He also called her “Mary Lucifer” and “Mary the Light-bringer.” As the texts portray the relationship between Jesus and Mary, he so loved her that there was nothing he could refuse her, including her request to raise up her brother Lazarus from the dead, which he did strictly out of love for her. This respectful treatment of her and loving regard by Jesus was not a small thing as it emphasized a basic shift needed at a core level of human consciousness during a period of history when women were still looked down upon as not being worthy even of life.

With this account of the quality of substance between them, the marriage feast at Cana could well have been their own wedding feast.  I have no problem with that, and there is ample evidence to support this scenario.   Why would the Master Jesus have circumvented this pivotal and most powerful aspect of our humanity whereby we experience the pleasure of union with our Creator and with one another in the physical plane of Being ?

The piece I wish to articulate here relates to the fact that this area of sexual function has long been hidden in the dark corners of human consciousness amid the rubble of the ancient residue of past failures on the part of Man, male and female, to come clean before the Lord of Creation, naked and unashamed of who we are.  Sexuality’s redemption and return to sanctity seems long overdue and, in the experience of many, is well underway. ♦                                              _____________________________________________________________________________    

I hope you have enjoyed this blog series as much as I have enjoyed sharing from my book SACRED ANATOMY.   I will now rest for a season until I am prompted from within to put hand to keyboard.  Wishing you happiness and joy until next we meet. —Anthony

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