Creating the New Earth Together

Archive for the ‘Consciousness’ Category

Gurdjieff’s Ray of Creation: A Cosmic Symphony

“In my Father’s house are many mansions.”

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BEFORE getting into the main topic of this post, I would like to share a comment on my previous post by my poet friend, Don Hynes, along with his songful poem of blessing:

“This is a beautiful post. The historical scheme may be questioned but the vibration is perfect. In this air cycle of awakening our purpose is to accelerate human conscious-ness that it may rise with the ascending vibration of the Sun enveloping the Earth. Of course the specific consciousness is my own, the individual always, but also to befriend each other in this task, those seen and unseen, known and unknown, that all may rise in this new day. If you will allow, I’ll close with a few poetic words that might add to your masterwork:

We are an old people,
the stories say among the first,
who walked the land
when fresh with the Creator’s touch.
Though scarred with years of trouble
we still sing the blessing songs,
greeting the Sun each day
with the thankfulness it deserves.
And so I sing for you this morning
a song of your belonging,
child of a distant Light
and ancient Mother,
may you walk in beauty
all your days, and if forgotten
may this song remind you.

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THANK YOU DON. We are indeed “an old people” . . . and we live on an old planet in an even older universe. How old nobody can really know, though scientific estimates have been made. What is time anyway? Everything happens in this eternal now. There is, however, great but simple method to the ongoing unfolding evolution of the universe as it moves forward through cycles of chaos-to-order and dissonance-to-consonance.

As George Gurdjieff reminds us in his Law of Seven (also called the Law of Octaves) — which I explored in my previous post — “nothing continues forever.” Creation unfolds within an energetic and musical continuum. Or as Russell Walter postulates, “Everything that is, is of everything else that is. Nothing is of itself alone. All created things are indissolubly united”. . . and sing together the “Music of the Spheres,” as George Gurdjieff demonstrates in his “Ray of Creation.” And there’s no one more articulate and comprehensive in unpacking Gurdjieff ‘s complex and profound vision of “worlds within worlds” than Episcopal prelate and author, Cynthia Bourgeault. So I will share excerpts from her book THE EYE OF THE HEART in bringing you Gurdjieff’s cosmogony in the context of her life’s journey in search and discovery of the “Imaginal Realm”. . . and its location and function within the Ray of Creation. This first excerpt if from chapter two “Worlds Within Worlds.”

The Ray of Creation

Gurdjieff actually makes use of two cosmic maps, and to situate the imaginal sphere of operations within his teaching, you have to overlay them.

The first, and probably more widely known of these (because of its close tie-in with the enneagram and the Law of Seven), is his Ray of Creation, which, as I have mentioned already, is the Gurdjieffian version of the Great Chain of Being. In most respects this follows the standard processionary model of traditional [religious] sophia perennis metaphysics, with progressively denser and colder kingdoms emerging out of that initial fiery explosion of the divine will-to-form that sets the whole thing in motion. The counter-entropic trajectory is not at first clearly visible.

What is immediately interesting about this map, however, is that the entire ray is located within the physical universe — although of course, the word physical here must be expanded to the widest and wildest reaches of our cosmological imagination. Gurdjieff’s “Megalocosmos,” the vast celestial canvas on which his map is drawn, stretches even beyond the fourteen billion years of our present “universe story,” reaching back into that implicitly endless matrix from which big bangs emerge like virtual particles. It is on the grandest possible cosmic scale that his vision plays out.

So too, the realms on this ray are not named by spiritual or theological names, as is typical of sophia perennis metaphysics. You will not find here logoic realms, angelic realms, heaven and hell realms — or for that matter, imaginal realms. Instead, you will find actual inter-planetary locations, named in an order that some of you may find strangely familiar: dominus (Holy Absolute), siderum (all galaxies), lactera (Milky Way, our galaxy), sol (our sun),fatum (fate, our own solar system or sphere of planetary influence), mixtus orbis (“mixed realm,” our planet earth), regina coeli (queen of the heavens, the
moon) — or do, si, la, sol, fa, mi, re, do. (bold emphasis added)

Wait a minute! Isn’t that our modern Western musical scale?

Indeed, it is. And this is where the second fascinating feature of the Ray of Creation comes in. According to Gurdjieff, our modern major scale actually preserves in the names of its notes and the arrangement of its intervals a vestigial memory of an ancient esoteric teaching about the “cosmic solfeggio,” not only in the way in which the created order originally came into existence but also in the way in which energy is continuously transmitted and replenished along the Ray of Creation. That knowledge is still there, hidden in plain sight in the musical scale, to be dug out by those so inclined; its articulation dovetails precisely with what in the Gurdjieff work is known as the Law of Seven, the Law of World Maintenance.

This is not the place to get sidetracked into a lengthy discussion of the Law of Seven. . . . But from the point of view of imaginal exchange, it does yield up one very interesting piece of data, again a stable feature of the Law of Seven. If you look at the schematic that follows, you notice those two lines cutting across the map, between do and si near the top and between fa and mi closer to the bottom. These correspond to the “hesitation” points on the ray — half steps on the musical scale — where a new infusion of energy, or a different kind of energy, must be introduced in order to keep the whole ray flowing on trajectory. Otherwise the whole thing will veer off track or be halted at a threshold it cannot cross. In Gurdjieffian terminologies, these are the “shock” points, the places where the entire progression is the most vulnerable but, equally, the most permeable.


In the case of the higher (do-si) shock point, that bridging energy is provided by the will of the Holy Absolute, still close enough to ground zero to easily span the descending gap. In the latter case, as we will see shortly, the shock point falls right between fa, the traditional endpoint of the so-called subtle realms, and mi, the beginning of those “dense material realms.” And this is exactly the place where traditional metaphysics and I locate the imaginal realm. In other words, the mi-fa shock point falls right in the middle of the imaginal intertidal zone. In and of itself, if you ponder it deeply, this realization will tell you most everything you need to know about the primary cosmic function of the imaginal realm and our specific human contribution to this sphere of operations. But since these ideas may be very new to some of you not previously familiar with Gurdjieffian metaphysics, rest assured that I will circle back in chapter 3 and unpack them much
more systematically.

I like this first map because it is real. Not only does it accord with a more contemporary understanding of the relationship between matter and energy, it also situates the whole unfolding here (admittedly a huge and vast “here”) rather than in some mirage-like “spiritual” realm that floats “above” our visible solar system like a huge celestial theme park. It calls us to order, to a path of transformation that does not lead us away from materiality but straight into it and through it. Particularly when we enter those two lowest realms, mi and re, we are talking about our actual earth and our actual moon, and we are discussing planetary evolution along lines strikingly parallel to Teilhard de Chardin’s. Nor will Gurdjieff let us off the hook here. For him, the major vehicle mediating that mi-fa shock is the biosphere — yes, organic life on earth! — and its ultimate recipient is the moon, not our eternal souls. And yes, our conscious attention and willing participation will certainly make a huge difference in how our contribution is mediated and in which realm it is received. But willingly or unwillingly the tribute is exacted, and it is paid in the coin of this realm, in flesh and blood. Our inner work exists within the Megalocosmos and for the sake of the Megalo-cosmos, not the other way around; it is important never to forget this.


Our own Earth realm has long been known on the cosmological maps as mixtus orbis, the “mixed realm.” While the full explanation for this designation is complex, something does seem to get mixed and mingled here. We humans are curiously bilingual; we speak the language of this world with all its charms and nuances, but we also strain toward that invisible other that seems to hover right beyond us in those dazzling glimpses and visions: that intuition of “another intensity,” in the words of T. S. Eliot, to which we know we also belong. That invisible but always interpenetrating other is the imaginal realm.”

The earlier metaphysical roadmaps, as mentioned, tended to draw a sharp dividing line between matter and spirit, with the result that the imaginal, hovering just on the horizon of our mixtus orbis, often appeared to be a world in itself, with no obvious commerce with our own. As the last outpost of the “spiritual” realms, how and why would it bridge the divide into the material realms? In the previous chapter I tried to recast this traditional metaphysical habit in terms of the more contemporary under-standing that there is in fact no such “divide” but rather a single continuum of energy manifesting in various degrees of subtlety or coarseness. Transposing the metaphysical map from its original Platonic milieu to this more Einsteinian one in fact takes us far beyond traditional esoteric understandings of the imaginal, which focused on the personal and elusive nature of this realm, into a new appreciation of its collective and evolutionary importance.

It was Gurdjieff who really got the ball rolling here by adding in the key puzzle piece (undetectable through the lens of traditional sophia perennis metaphysics), which he called “reciprocal feeding.” He proposed that along the entire Ray of Creation (his equivalent term for the Great Chain of Being), there is a continuous, active exchange proceeding in both directions — not only from higher realms to lower but also from lower to higher — in order to maintain the entire ray in a state of dynamic equilibrium according to a cosmic principle to which he gives the rather unwieldy name “Trogoautoegocrat.”

Mouthful though the term may be, the idea itself is a remarkably prescient attempt to view the entire created order as what we would nowadays call a “self-specifying system,” a whole greater than the sum of its parts, whose chief metaphysical feature is no longer involution — the gradual loss of energy as the lower end of the chain plunges steadily toward entropy — but rather an elaborate homeostasis that preserves (and even increases) the energy of the total system as each realm makes its required contri-bution to the whole.

Gurdjieff referred to this system as “reciprocal feeding” for good reason: the exchange he has in mind involves the actual transformation of cosmic substances based models—more like digestion than the simple information-sharing favored in contemporary consciousness . . . .

But the idea itself is fairly straightforward and so flagrantly timely for a planet careening toward ecological catastrophe that I believe it’s simply no longer conscionable to allow it to be held captive in a maze of Gurdjieffian Fourth Way esoterica. More to our immediate concern here, this broader vision of what amounts to a vast intergalactic bootstrapping is utterly essential if we hope to have some true feeling for what the imaginal realm is all about, beyond just some allusive bandwidth of inner guidance and bedazzling intensity. If exchange is indeed the principal business of this realm, we must picture this exchange from the outset as a two-way street. (All bold emphasis added)


That’s a very appropriate question to ask at this point in the series.  My destination, after laying the groundwork, is the creating ground of the “Imaginal Realm” and the “reciprocal feeding” that takes place in the “exchange between the realms.”  This is the realm where we’re destined to ascend in consciousness, where the two realms meet — and from whence we, as a “conscious circle of humanity,” co-create and recreate the “mixed realm” of the New Earth . . . and our moon, which is included in Gurdjieff’s Ray of Creation. Our fascination with going to the moon is significant at this time . . . but are we in position, mentally and spiritually, to take on the re-creation of our moon while our Home planet goes neglected and raped for her resources? I think not. We would treat Her Majesty no differently. But then, maybe not!

I do hope you enjoy flowing with Cynthia’s stream of consciousness as much as I do. I will share more in my next post, “Worlds Within Worlds.” As always, I welcome your thoughts, insights and inspirations. Until next time,

Be love. Be loved.


Transmutation Demystified Part 3: Our Electric Universe of Light

“When they shall know the Light of Me in them, then they shall be Me and I them.” —Russell, from THE DIVINE ILIAD

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SIMPLY PUT, TRANSMUTATION is about energy changing pressure and frequency to manifest new forms. Literally the verb “to transmute” means to change or alter in form, appearance or nature, especially to a higher form, by changing the pressure — as in raising the temperature to change water into steam and air — or by changing the frequency at which a substance vibrates — as in changing the pitch of a guitar string by changing its tensile pressure. All the notes used in a musical composition, regardless of its complexity, can be created on a single piano string simply by changing its tension, or tensile pressure.

In chemistry, all of the elements are created from a single element by a process of transmutation in which the Universal substance of Light changes its potential for power as it transmutes from one form and substance to the next. There are not many elements. There is only one. Change that one element’s pressure, and its form and nature, as well as appearance, change. How amazing is that!

As Walter Russell describes elements: “The elements of matter are but varying aggregations of corpuscular light units gathered together in systems familiarly known as atoms.”

One of the privileges and responsibilities we have as Human Beings made in the image and likeness of our Creator is to transmute the atomic fabric of our physical bodies into the spiritualized substance of pneumaplasm to enrich our connection with our Creator. That connection is by way of what has been described as a “silver cord” in Ecclesiastes: “Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. (Eccl 12:6). It is by means of this silvery substance that the ordinances of heaven descend into the earth to make all things new. This is not simply a belief or even a theory. It is a scientific phenomenon.

Pursuant to a deeper understanding of this transmutation process, the topic of this series, let’s move along with Walter Russell in rectifying a few more scientific misconceptions about the electric universe in which we live as we lay the foundations for understanding the alchemy of transmutation.

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2. Misconception of Electro-Magnetism

“The Einstein theory of the constitution of matter conceives this universe to be “one great ocean of electro-magnetism, out of which – and into which – flow the streams of gravitation, matter and energy.

“Radiation, the equal-and-opposite mate to gravitation, without which gravitation is impossible, is entirely ignored in this fantastic and unnatural concept.

“Equally fantastic is the claim of this theory that “it is impossible to have gravitation without matter,” and “for space to exist without gravity or without matter.”

“The weak point in this theory is the fact that electro-magnetism is not an existent force in Nature; nor are there electro-magnetic fields or magnetic fields. Wave fields are electric – exclusively electric.

“Electricity is the only force which God makes use of to create this universe. And the only two “tools” God makes use of for creating His universe of matter and motion are the two pairs of opposed spiral vortices. One of these opposite pairs meets at apices at wave amplitude to create spheres of matter and the other opposed pair meets at cone bases upon wave axes to void matter and motion.


“These two pairs of opposed electric spiral vortices are the basic units which construct all matter. Together they form the electric waves of motion which create the various pressure conditions which are needed to produce the many seemingly different elements of visible matter.

“Electricity is divided into two equal-and-opposite forces which thrust away from each other to build this polarized universe.

“When inability to thrust away from each other takes its sequential turn in the pulse of the universal heartbeat, depolarization voids all opposition. Thus the universe consists of cycles of life followed by death – growth followed by decay, and generation followed by radiation – each expressed simultaneously and repeated sequentially forever without end.

“That which science calls magnetism, and believes to be a force which has the power of lifting tons of steel, is God’s still Light which balances and controls the equality of electric division, but electricity alone performs all of the work of this universe. The magnetic Light which controls the universal balance performs no work whatsoever.

“A bar magnet picks up nails because of the electric current which divided that steel into its activated polarized condition and not because of its focal poles of stillness which center its two activities. Even though the electric current has been withdrawn, the steel retains its electric activity for long periods and acts as though the current still remained.

“Magnetic Light control might be likened to the rudder of a ship which controls the direction of the ship’s motion without in any way motivating that motion.

“It might again be likened to the fulcrum which extends its power of expression through motion to the lever, without in any way acting to motivate that expressed motion of the lever.

“God’s still magnetic light is the fulcrum of this creating universe. Electricity is the two-way lever which extends from that fulcrum to give the universe its pulsing heartbeat of simulated life-death sequences.

“Wherever God’s Light appears in matter, there stillness centers motion, but there is no motion at that point. The center of gravity in a spherical sun or earth is one locatable point where God’s Light is. Likewise, the two still centers of north and south spiral vortices are other locatable balancing points of control. Likewise, the shaft which connects all pairs of opposed poles is an extension of stillness from the zero of wave beginnings to the zero of wave amplitude, and the return of motion to the zero of its beginnings in the stillness of its borning place on its wave axis.

“This is a universe of Light-at-rest from which two opposed lights-of-motion appear to manifest the IDEA which is eternally sealed in the light-at-rest.

3. Misconception of Energy

“Failure to recognize that this universal body of moving matter has been created by some power outside of itself has led science to conclude that the energy which created matter is within itself. Even more erroneous is the conclusion that energy is a condition of matter, such as heat.

“This failure has led to the conclusion that Creation will disappear when heat energy “runs down.” The first and second laws of thermodynamics are built upon this obviously wrong conclusion. The universe will never “run down.” It is as eternal as God is eternal.

“The poem is not the poet, however, nor is the symphony its composer. In a like sense this universe is not its own Creator. Whatever qualities or attributes there are in any product — whether it be an adding machine or a universe — have been extended to that product by their creator to manifest qualities, attributes and energies which are alone in the creator of that product.

“Nor is the IDEA which matter manifests within matter. IDEA is never created. Idea is a Mind quality. Idea never leaves the omniscient Light of Mind. Idea is but simulated by matter-in-motion.

“IDEA never leaves its invisible state to become matter. Bodies which manifest IDEA are made in the image of their creator’s imaginings.

“Every creation, whether by God or man, is an extension of its creator. It is projected from him by a force which is within its creator and not in the projected product.

“All of the knowledge, energy and method of creating any product are properties of Mind alone. There is no knowledge, energy, life, truth, intelligence, substance or thought in the motion which matter is.” — From A NEW CONCEPT OF THE UNIVERSE

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Throughout Russell’s writings he uses the capitalized word “MIND” as his choice of a term for God, as the Mind of God is one with God. The term “MIND” implies Divine Consciousness, which helps allay any possible concern that he is inferring mental or intellectual activity. He is not. Walter Russell was a genius whose mind was opened upward and receptive to the Truth and to the Genius of God as made manifest throughout His “Creating Universe.” He knew the real meaning of the phrase “mind over matter,” using his mind to channel his creativity. His mind was a true and faithful Light Bearer. I will share more about some of the fruits of his ingenious creativity later as I honor him in this blog series.

The second excerpt above brought up a curious thought in my mind as to what may be implied in the biblical creation story where man is created in “the image and likeness” of God. Did the Creator of heaven and earth simply project an image of Himself into the imaginal realm of His consciousness as a template for the creation of man? Just a thought that crossed my mind as I read the excerpt.

I write these blog posts simply because I enjoy the creative fun of writing as a vehicle for sharing my thoughts and meditations. I always hope my readers enjoy reading them. I invite you to share any thoughts you may have on the subject of this post.

In my next post I will present Russell’s final two misconception rectifications which are concerned with the nature of the substance of matter. So stay tuned. Until then,

Be love. Be loved.


Transmutation Demystified, Part 2: Rectifying Misconceptions

“Great art is simple. My universe is great art, for it is simple. Great art is balanced. My universe is consummate art, for it is balanced simplicity.” Walter Russell, THE DIVINE ILIAD

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TRANSMUTATION IS NO MYSTERY — any more than the digestion of food is a mystery. Transmutation of the earth itself, though presently limited, is an ongoing process of ascension . . . one in which we human beings could well play a more conscious stewarding role. Let me elucidate.

There are some 14 inorganic minerals and 72 trace minerals or more being chelated (literally clawed apart from their covalent bonds) and lifted up through the roots of your garden vegetable plants, transformed and transmuted into organic vegetables that are easily consumed, digested, ingested and absorbed into your body . . . transmuted again into flesh and bone . . . and not one of these steps can be circumvented. Inorganic minerals cannot be transmuted into living flesh without passing through the chelation process of the vegetable kingdom where they are dissembled and rearranged for use in animal organisms, such as our bodies. They are the building blocks of the body temple and facilitators of its chemical processes and nutrient utilization.

But that’s not the final destination for these elemental building blocks, nor their last transmutation to undergo. They have yet a higher purpose to serve and a sacred role to play in this Whole Holy World.

Creation comes from God through Man and returns to God through Man. How this occurs and unfolds is the magic of transmutation, which is no longer a mystery, as “The mystery of God is finished on earth.” (Rev 10:7)

Let me share with you the rest of this amazing story, a story that demystifies not only transmutation, but a story that demystifies as well the “mystery” of God and of our relationship to our Creator. This will be a fascinating series . . . albeit a bumpy ride for a structured mindset.

Before we get into the story, let’s take a few posts to rectify some longstanding misconceptions in the scientific community, which will establish a foundation for our consideration of transmutation. For this I will rely on my science mentor, Walter Russell, and his illumined consort and beloved companion, Lao Russell. (Click on his name above to visit my previous post about him).

We are at the beginning of a glorious New Age of knowledge and awareness of our oneness with all life. May we bring into being in this twentieth century the Life Triumphant for all peoples everywhere and thus fulfill our sole purpose on earth—which is to discover our divinity and live it” LAO RUSSELL

Misconceptions Rectified

1. The cardinal error of science lies in shutting the Creator out of His Creation.

“This one basic error topples the whole structure, for out of it all of the other misconceptions of light, matter, energy, electricity, magnetism and atomic structure have grown.

If science knew what LIGHT actually IS, instead of the waves and corpuscles of incandescent suns which science now thinks it is, a new civilization would arise from that one fact alone.

“Light is not waves which travel at 186,000 miles per second, which science says it is,— nor does light travel at all.

“The light of incandescent suns is but an effect of one of the two equally-opposed electric pressure conditions which interweave this universe into visible solids and liquids surrounded by invisible gases of space.

“These two opposite electric conditions which form the basis of the constitution of matter are the compressed condition of gravity pressure and the expanded condition of radiation pressure. These two electric conditions are the equal-and-opposite pressures which make motion imperative and without which motion is impossible.”

This is essential to our understanding of transmutation, as we’ll see later.


“The positive electric condition compresses large volumes of light-waves into small volumes by winding them up centripetally into spiral vortices by thrusting inward from without. That is what gravitation is.

“The negative electric condition expands small volumes of light-waves into larger volumes by unwinding them centrifugally into voiding equators where matter disappears. This is what radiation is. Radiation thrusts outwardly from within to depolarize matter and void motion.

“The light of suns and the dark of space are but two opposite conditions of the same thing. They interchange constantly. Each becomes the other sequentially.

Science excluded God in its considerations because of the supposition that God could not be proven to exist by laboratory methods.

“This decision is unfortunate for God IS provable by laboratory methods. The locatable motionless Light which man mistakenly calls magnetism is the invisible, but familiar, Light which God IS — and with it He controls His universe — as we shall see.” —Walter Russess, A New Concept Of The Universe

* * * * *

The disappearance of matter is precisely when the final process of transmutation of flesh to a higher order of Light takes place, as we shall see . . . and it need not all fall back into the soil which gave it rise.

I welcome any thoughts you may wish to share. Next weekend I will post the second misconception of science relating to “electro-magnetism.” Walter Russell proposes and demonstrates how and why there is no such force in Nature. Until then,

Be love. Be loved


New Jerusalem: City of Peace

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase ‘each other’
doesn’t make any sense.

THIS POEM BY THIRTEETH CENTURY SUFI MYSTIC and great Persian poet, Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Rumi, has been circulating for several years.  I’ve given it consideration over the past several months and have come to see and experience this “field” of Rumi’s not so much as a place to go as a place one cannot leave.  It’s the eternal here and now.  It’s where I live and have my being. The Master Jesus called it “the Kingdom of Heaven.” In Genesis it’s called Eden, a garden state, indicating a realm where seeds of intention are planted, nurtured and germinate.  David Bohm calls it the “implicate order” of vibrational essences and patterns for manifesting forms in the “explicate order.” Episcopal priest and mystical author Cynthia Bourgeault describes this field as the “imaginal realm.” In a word, Rumi’s “field” is at the Center of my turning world were I AM known.  A place of absolute silence and tranquility where “nothing is wrong; everything matters,” to borrow a wise saw from a friend. 


While in an elevated Field of the Spirit, John of Revelation had a vision which he describes as a “new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven.”        

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away, and there was no more sea.  And I John saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.  (Rev 21:1)

Recently I heard this field of Rumi’s described as the realm of the “Source Code” where the patterns of creation for the “new Jerusalem” are held and made available for downloading, to use a tech term, into human consciousness.  I resonate with this perspective . . . up to the point of interpretation.  

This is a field, as Rumi described, where judgement of right and wrong is utterly non-existent.  Where the design for the New Earth, the new Jerusalem, is held inviolate and out of sight of the judgmental human mind.  The old Jerusalem doesn’t qualify for inclusion in Rumi’s field, burdened as it is with the “Law of Moses” and a slew of Old Testament laws detailing all the “wrongdoings and rightdoings” for the Jewish people. 

The design for the new Jerusalem comes down from God out of Heaven into the pure and peaceful heart where it can be nurtured and protected.  This relates to what is occurring NOW everywhere, and not to any particular sect or religion, such as the Jews, Muslims or Christians, all three of which occupy the old Jerusalem, the “Holy City.”  They’ve all been given their opportunities and failed utterly to show people the Way by which they may enter the kingdom of heaven now without having to die in order to go there . . . they themselves failed to enter in. 

This is in no way intended to be anti-Semitic, anti-Christian or anti-Muslim.  It’s just what is and has been all down through the ages.  I have nothing against the Jews, the Muslims, or the Christians.  My discomfort lies in the interpretation of the passage in Revelation in which John sees in a vision “the new Jerusalem” coming down from God out of heaven.  To explore and uncover what’s warranting my discomfort, I have given a lot of meditative time to the meaning of the world “Jerusalem” itself. 


Jerusalem. A holy city for Jews, Christians, and Muslims; the capital of the ancient kingdom of Judah and of the modern state of Israel. The name means “city of peace.” Jerusalem is often called Zion; Mount Zion is the hill on which the fortress of the city was built.  (Wikipedia)

The word Salem means peaceful and complete.  It was the “Holy City” in ancient Hebrew history where the temple of Jerusalem was located, and where “Melchizedek” reigned as High Priest and “King of righteousness.” For Christians, Jerusalem is also the place where Jesus preached, died and was resurrected. Many also see the city as central to an imminent Second Coming of Jesus. Jerusalem is now a major pilgrimage site for Christians from around the world.  For Muslims, Jerusalem is a site of key events in the life of Jesus and other important figures. It’s also the spot where, according to traditional interpretations of the Koran and other texts, the prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven. Mohammed was carried from Mecca to Jerusalem, and then from Jerusalem into the heavens, where he conversed with prophets before returning to earth. For more than 1,300 years, there have been Muslim shrines in Jerusalem. (Washington Post)


There was a shift from the Levite priesthood of Abraham’s day to the priesthood of Melchizedek, the title “Priest of the Most High God” that Shem inherited from Noah, his father.  Here’s a bit of history about this shift: 

Psalm 110, in referring to a future messiah of the Davidic line, alludes to the priest-king Melchizedek as a prototype of this messiah. This allusion led the author of the Letter to the Hebrews in the New Testament to translate the name Melchizedek as “king of righteousness” and Salem as “peace” so that Melchizedek is made to foreshadow Christ, stated to be the true king of righteousness and peace (Hebrews 7:2). According to the analogy, just as Abraham, the ancestor of the Levites, paid a tithe to Melchizedek and was therefore his inferior, so the Melchizedek-like priesthood of Christ is superior to that of the Levites. Furthermore, just as the Old Testament assigns no birth or death date to Melchizedek, so is the priesthood of Christ eternal.  (Wikipedia)


After the “Fall” when man lost conscious awareness of the Garden State in which he was created in God’s image and likeness, and the Presence of the Creator in the Garden, there arose a need for an intercessor, a go-between, to represent and speak for God in man’s fallen state.  The priesthood was that intercessor between God and man and between man and his Creator.  Adam was the first “Priest of the Most High God.” The priesthood came down through Adam’s lineage and was passed on to Noah, whose eldest son Shem (or Melchizedek) was High Priest in the temple at Salem.  Shem and Melchizedek may be one and the same, as Melchizedek is thought not to be the name of an individual but rather a “High Order” of the priesthood; a title given to the “Priest of the Most High God,” or simply High Priest.

Shem inherited the land of Salem and Melchizedek [Shem] is the king of Salem.  Shem reigned in righteousness (Melchizedek’s name means King of Righteousness), and the priesthood came through him. If Shem is indeed Melchizedek, the name is then used as a title, not an actual name. This title would seem to fit the biblical account of the Godliness and righteousness ascribed to Shem.  Shem, Noah’s Son that was still alive at the time of Abraham and that would make him the oldest man alive qualifying him as a candidate for the order of Melchizedek

Melchizedek, also spelled  Melchisedech, in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), a figure of importance in biblical tradition because he was both king and [high] priest, was connected with Jerusalem, and was revered by Abraham, who paid a tithe to him. He appears as a person only in an interpolated vignette (Genesis 14:18–20) of the story of Abraham rescuing his kidnapped nephew, Lot, by defeating a coalition of Mesopotamian kings under Chedorlaomer.

In the episode, Melchizedek [Shem] meets Abraham on his return from battle, gives him bread and wine (which has been interpreted by some Christian scholars as a precursor of the Eucharist, so that Melchizedek’s name entered the canon of the Roman mass), and blesses Abraham in the name of “God Most High” (in Hebrew El ʿElyon).  In return, Abraham gives him a tithe of the booty.  (


Another translation of the phrase “for the former things are passed away” is “for the old order of things has passed away.”  The old order of the Levite priesthood has passed away and the new priesthood, according to the order of Melchizedek, characterized by the sharing of communion with bread and wine, had been established on earth by the Lord of Love himself during the “Last Supper” with his disciples before his crucifixion.  His one and only message in the form of a commandment was that we love the Lord our God with all, and that we love our neighbor as ourselves.  Another way he phrased his commandment was “That ye love one another as I have loved you.” He did not establish a religion with a plethora of laws.  In fact he cautioned against making any more laws than the ones he had given, lest they keep one from doing the right and fitting thing in the circumstance at hand.  The Jewish religion, of course, rejects Jesus altogether as the promised messiah, which means it also rejects the entire New Testament of the Bible, including John’s Book of Revelation . . . so the point of this blog post carries little weight if any for anyone who embraces the beliefs, and denials, of Judaism.  This denial does not dismiss the truth that the old order of things in heaven and on earth pass away to give room for the new order.    


The “new Jerusalem” is none other that the New Earth now being born from out of the New Heaven, and it is designed by God to be a “City of Peace.”  We have entered a new Golden Age wherein peace and love will abide and flourish in the hearts of human beings and spill over into the world — and there will be no need for an intervening priesthood as the conscious awareness of God’s presence within every man and woman will be restored and man will awaken to the realization that he has direct access to God within himself.  This awakening is already happening. 

Those who insist on holding onto the belief that the new Jerusalem is to be an earthly city or nation governed by a religious sect are not in position to see the City of Peace in the Heaven and therefore exclude themselves from participating in the birthing process of the “new Jerusalem.” Contention and war are not possible in this City of Peace, neither is isolation, superiority, entitlement and exclusion of others. 

Our Home among the stars


The City of Peace is the Garden of Eden remembered once again by Man restored.  It’s a “CITY IN A STAR” as my spiritual mentor, the late Martin Exeter, describes here below. Here is an expanded perspective of the Garden of Eden from an cosmic point of view:

The Garden is so close that we cannot in fact get out of it, and yet we don’t know it is there. We don’t know it is there because there is this veil, or I suppose it might be called a transformer, in between, which steps down the Garden Radiation to something that human beings can stand in their murky state. And it is because of this that they have continued to exist and that the potential for a return to the true state has been present. It is present because life is still in the carcass of mankind. I suppose if one were to use one’s imagination a little one might recognize that the heaven of this earth is a City in the Star. It was called the Holy City, wasn’t it, coming down from God out of heaven to take form. We may have a view of something rather vast, at least from the standpoint of human proportions: a mighty star which is composed of heaven and earth. It is all one thing. In the United States there are many cities but it is still one nation. In this star there are many cities but it is still One Star, something whole. Of course that is not the end of the wholeness either, as far as that is concerned, but it is about as far as we need to go this evening, I think.    (The Great Cosmic Story  To enjoy this entire enlightening consideration, simply click on the link)

This City is poised to fully manifest on Earth, and it will be painful for those who resist the purification of their hearts in the fire of Love that is already burning in the hearts of men and women the world over.  It will be cause for rejoicing for those who dwell in heaven.  The “sign of the Son of Man” already appears in the clouds of heaven, in the consciousness of Man now being restored.  Look not down to see where the new Jerusalem might appear, nor where one may believe it will appear, nor where Jesus might return.  Look up into the clouds of consciousness and see and welcome the City of Peace already descending. 

Angels are uncloaking their radiant beings and apocalyptic light is shining in the dark shadows of Eden.  Rumi’s “field”— the kingdom of heaven — the new Jerusalem — the City of Peace — the City in our Star — are all at hand within and all around us.  The pure of heart see God in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.  Let not your heart be troubled. Let it be purified in the fire of Love — love for the Lord our God and love for one another.  Be at peace.  This is what is at hand. . . and shall be henceforth. 

Thank you for sharing my meditations and thoughts.  Feel free to share yours in the comment section or by email.  Until my next post,

Be love.  Be loved





Creation in a Holographic Participatory Universe

“Our brains mathematically construct ‘concrete’ reality by interpreting frequencies from another dimension, a realm of meaningful, patterned primary reality that transcends time and space. The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”  — David Bohm ¹

There is nothing more demonstrative of the magnificent perfection of God’s Creation than the Universe of stars and galaxies. The only thing that surpasses it in wonder is the capacity we have to encompass a living image of it in our consciousness . . . and the miracle of eyesight that brings it all into our brains — as a holographic construct, according to David Bohm — where alone we can know it as being real. The Universe is specifically designed and balanced to support life and consciousness.  That, in essence, is the principle of biocentrism, a topic I’ve been blogging about for several weeks now. 

Having contemplated the theories of Quantum Physics as presented by Dr. Robert Lanza and Bob Berman in BIOCENTRISM,  I still ponder over the experiments that prove beyond any shadow of doubt that the physical world is observer-dependent for its existence.  Without the presence of consciousness and life, the Universe itself would not exist, for it is Life via Consciousness that creates the Universe and not the other way around, Darwinism notwithstanding.  This is the essence of Biocentrism.  I will share a few excerpts from their book for your erudite reading . . . and mental stretching.  (Underscores added for emphasis)


Authors who write books and producers who create movies and documentaries, such as What the Bleep Do We Know?, about time travel based on quantum physics have very limited, if any, understanding of quantum physics, according to the authors of BIOCENTRISM, who decry the circulation of so much “New Age nonsense” based on preposterous implications of the science. 

“Quantum theory deals with probabilities, and the likely places particles may appear, and likely actions they will take”— and doesn’t imply that humans can travel backwards in time to change their own history.  This chapter elucidates the complex nature of quantum physics — and “can provide a life-altering understanding of the latest version of one of the most famous and amazing experiments in the history of physics.”

I will not attempt to detail the actual experiments, which include the famous “double-slit” experiment that altered forever the scientific view of light — and everything else.  I will simply relate the eye-opening results and discoveries of these experiments.  Basically, the many scientists who performed the varied and progressively complex experiments over three-quarters of a century all came to the same history-altering conclusions, which I will share in excerpts.  But first, it’s interesting how this all got started.


It all really started early in the twentieth century when physicists were still struggling with a very old question—whether light is made of particles called photons or whether instead they are waves of energy. Isaac Newton believed it was made of particles. But by the late nineteenth century, waves seemed more reasonable. In those early days, some physicists presciently and correctly thought that even solid objects might have a wave nature as well.

The final conclusion of the experiments is that light is both wave and particle.  Waves, like those produced by two pebbles tossed upon the calm surface of a pond at the same time, meet each other and produce places of higher and lower crests. Some waves reinforce each other or, if one’s crest meets another’s trough, they cancel out at that spot.  These were called “interference patterns” in the experiments. This was one way the wave function of light was determined.  The second way was how the beam of light passed through both slots in the barrier board, unlike particles that passed through one or the other slit but not both.

So this early-twentieth-century result of an interference pattern, which can only be caused by waves, showed physicists that light is a wave or at least acts that way when this experiment is performed. The fascinating thing is that when solid physical bodies like electrons were used, they got exactly the same result. Solid particles have a wave nature too! So, right from the get-go, the double-slit experiment yielded amazing information about the nature of reality. Solid objects have a wave nature!

Now, for a look at the graphic details of the experiments, you’ll have to obtain a copy of the book and read how the complex experiments were performed, as I myself am still having a challenge following the details and connecting all the dots — and the graphics are simply too many for a blog this size.  The “weirdness” of the observations and conclusions did indeed entertain me and stretch my mental capacity.  The wave-and-particle nature of light is fascinating enough.  

Unfortunately, or fortunately, this was just the appetizer. Few realized that true strangeness was only beginning. 

The first oddity happens when just one photon or electron is allowed to fly through the apparatus at a time. After enough have gone through and been individually detected, this same interference pattern emerges. But how can this be? With what is each of those electrons or photons interfering? How can we get an interference pattern when there’s only one indivisible object in there at a time?  Somehow, these individual photons add up to an interference pattern! 

There has never been a truly satisfactory answer for this. Wild ideas keep emerging. Could there be other electrons or photons next door” in a parallel universe, from another experimenter doing the same thing? Could their electrons be interfering with ours? That’s so far-fetched that few believe it. 

The usual interpretation of why we see an interference pattern is that photons or electrons have two choices when they encounter the double slit. They do not actually exist as real entities in real places until they are observed, and they aren’t observed until they hit the final detection barrier. So when they reach the slits, they exercise their probabilistic freedom of taking both choices. Even though actual electrons or photons are indivisible, and never split themselves under any conditions whatsoever, their existence as probability waves are another story. Thus, what go “through the slit” are not actual entities but just probabilities. The probability waves of the individual photons interfere with themselves!  When enough have gone through, we see the overall interference pattern as all probabilities congeal into actual entities making impacts and being observed—as waves.  

Sure it’s weird, but this, apparently, is how reality works. And this is just the very beginning of quantum weirdness. Quantum theory, as we mentioned in the last chapter, has a principle called complementarity, which says that we can observe objects to be one thing or another — or have one position or property or another — but never both. It depends on what one is looking for and what measuring equipment is used. . . .

It turns out that the mere act of measurement, of learning the path of each photon, destroyed the photon’s freedom to remain blurry and undefined and take both paths until it reached the barriers. Its “wave-function” must have collapsed at our measuring device, . . . as it instantly “chose” to become a particle and go through one slit or the other. Its wave nature was lost as soon as it lost its blurry probabilistic not-quite-real state. But why should the photon have chosen to collapse its wave-function? How did it know that we, the observer, could learn which slit it went through? . . . .  We’re back to quantum theory’s complementarity—that you can measure and learn just one of a pair of characteristics but never both at the same time. If you fully learn about one, you will know nothing about the other.


Okay, let’s try something else.  In nature, as we saw in the last chapter, there are entangled particles or bits of light (or matter) that were born together and therefore share a wave-function according to quantum theory. They can fly apart — even across the width of the galaxy — and yet they still retain this connection, this knowledge of each other. If one is meddled with in any way so that it loses its “anything’s possible” nature and has to decide instantly to materialize with, say, a vertical polarization, its twin will then instantaneously materialize too, and with a horizontal polarity. If one becomes an electron with an up spin, the twin will too, but with a down spin. They’re eternally linked in a complementary way.

After more, and more complex, experiments with this quantum entanglement of twin particles, their conclusions were: 

It’s our knowledge alone with which the photons or electrons seem concerned. This alone influences their actions . . . .  Okay, this is bizarre. Yet these results happen every time, without fail. They’re telling us that an observer determines physical behavior of ‘external’ objects. . . .  It doesn’t matter how we set up the experiment. Our mind and its knowledge or lack of it is the only thing that determines how these bits of light or matter behave.

It forces us, too, to wonder about space and time. Can either be real if the twins act on information before it happens, and across distances instantaneously as if there is no separation between them? 

Again and again, observations have consistently confirmed the observer-dependent effects of quantum theory. In the past decade, physicists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology have carried out an experiment that, in the quantum world, is equivalent to demonstrating that a watched pot doesn’t boil. “It seems,” said Peter Coveney, a researcher there, “that the act of looking at an atom prevents it from changing.” (Theoretically, if a nuclear bomb were watched intently enough, it would not explode, that is, if you could keep checking its atoms every million trillionth of a second. This is yet another experiment that supports the theory that the structure of the physical world, and of small units of matter and energy in particular, are influenced by human observation.) . . . .  In the last couple of decades, quantum theorists have shown, in principle, that an atom cannot change its energy state as long as it is being continuously observed.

Of course, experiments were conducted to prove this principle true, which led to this conclusion: 

However, when the researchers kept checking the atoms every four milliseconds with a brief pulse of light from a laser, the atoms never made it to the higher energy state, despite the force driving them toward it. It would seem that the process of measurement gives the atoms “a little nudge,” forcing them back down to the lower energy state — in effect, resetting the system to zero. This behavior has no analog in the classical world of everyday sense awareness and is apparently a function of observation. . . .

. . . . Eugene Wigner, one of the twentieth century’s greatest physicists, stated that it is “not possible to formulate the laws of [physics] in a fully consistent way without reference to the consciousness [of the observer].” So when quantum theory implies that consciousness must exist, it tacitly shows that the content of the mind is the ultimate reality, and that only an act of observation can confer shape and form to reality—from a dandelion in a meadow to sun, wind, and rain.

And so, a fourth principle of Biocentrism:  Without consciousness, “matter” dwells in an undetermined state of probability. Any universe that could have preceded consciousness only existed in a probability state.

♦ ◊ ♦

There are many implications in what I’ve just shared.  One is that we create — and have the power to re-create — our worlds in our own consciousness, where alone our worlds exist. The one that stands out for me, however, is based on the Creation story in Genesis that tells how we are each made in the image and likeness of our Creator, all sharing the same wave-function of Divine Being.  We may not all vibrate at the same frequency as humans, each listening and dancing to the beat of a different drummer, but as angels, divine beings, we are each and all together vibrating at the same frequency of Love.  That makes us entangled partners in the invisible realm of Spirit, in the Heaven of this Earth.  We share an inseparable bond as members of one body, and what I do impacts every other member of the Body of God on Earth. So, let me be careful what I think, say and do. 


This “holographic universe” David Bohm writes about involves significantly more than he encompasses.  The following excerpt from one of Martin Exeter’s considerations¹ opens my mind to a larger and deeper comprehension of what’s actually involved in the process: 

I have described this process in a little different terms. There is a vibrational state of primary reality transcending space and time. Obviously something emerges into space and time. It emerges there because of human beings. There might be a general tendency to say, “Do you mean to say that the universe doesn’t exist except by reason of human beings?” Certainly it doesn’t exist in the way it does to human beings except by reason of human beings. If a human being wasn’t there to make the interpretation, so that the concrete holographic model is there, the universe wouldn’t exist that way. It exists in essence as frequencies from another dimension, a realm of meaningful, patterned primary reality that transcends time and space. That exists; that is—that is the reality. But the holographic model of the universe may be said to be the creation of man. It puts in an appearance in the consciousness of human beings that way. You certainly couldn’t say that it exists anywhere else but in your own consciousness, could you? You are accustomed to saying, “It’s out there; it is so concrete, after all.” But factually it exists nowhere else but in your own consciousness. Man is this sensitive mechanism by which the frequencies from this other dimension may be interpreted to produce what we are aware of. This is the way we see it. It isn’t the way it actually is in its original state—it has been interpreted into this three-dimensional hologram, including our own physical forms.


I have been very aware that the way I see the world, how I translate what I see in the world, is very important because in that moment that I’m observing the world, I’m also creating the world based on how I translate what I see. I’m thinking particularly of the gift of Attunement. This is an amazing technology of love; to be able to actually bring someone into my consciousness, between my hands vibrationally, and into the imaginal realm of my heart, and offer them the opportunity to experience love, to have the experience of wholeness. 

We are concerned, I’m sure, with our function in the heaven being to receive what is coming down from God out of His Heaven into our consciousness, into the heaven of this particular world. Our responsibility is in this heaven. How do these patterns of the new earth come out of the new heaven into our consciousness? In what form? Well, I think they come in the form of our thoughts, during meditation; they come as whole and perfect. 

In my work with Attunements over the years, I’ve taken note of the fact that while I’m sharing attunement with a person’s physical body, I consider the part that I’m offering an attunement to, a particular organ, or the entire person, whatever I may be working with, as already whole and complete, not fixed, not partial, but as totally functional, healthy and whole. That’s the image that I am receiving out of the heaven for this person, for this person’s physical body. Then what I am offering attunement to is wholeness. “Wilt thou be made whole?” When Jesus asked this question, I don’t know what the answer might have been, but apparently it was, “Yes, I would love to be made whole.” So that was His approach, to offer wholeness in His healing work. So I think these images of the new earth come into our consciousness out of the new heaven in this way — as visions of wholeness.

Now, if I look out at the world and I complain about it, or condemn it, or I think it’s bad, or even good, I’m actually imposing a judgment on it and fixing it where it is, not allowing it to change, to evolve and to be made new. That really impresses itself upon me in the service of Attunement. I don’t offer attunement to a tumor, for example. Why would I want to heal or increase life in a tumor?  Why would I want to increase sickness in someone by thinking of them as being sick; perhaps seeing them and judging them as being miserable in their illness. Why not see them as being in a state of ease rather than dis-ease, and offer them an attunement to wholeness?  What I project in my translation of what I am seeing alters what I am seeing.  For example, disease is a part of the healing process.  What I mean is, the way we see things, the way we translate what we see is a moment of re-creation

Take Ukraine, for example, or what’s happening now with the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v Wade — and more recently the deadly shootings in Uvalde and Highland Park.  How do we see these things? Are they good or bad? Well, that’s not for me to say, is it?  They are what they are, and they’ll keep evolving if I don’t fix them in my consciousness as being a certain way.  If I offer them love, for example, a transforming power, or compassion, they are more likely to resolve, be made new and evolve into something less imposing, arbitrary and destructive.  Behold I make all things new!  Think about it . . . and, if inclined, do share your thoughts with me by email . . . and thank you for sharing mine.  Until my next post, 

Be love. Be loved. 


¹ Quote by David Bohm is from his book WHOLENESS AND THE IMPLICATE ORDER, which I excerpted from “The True Hologram,” a presentation by Martin Exeter featured in THE GREAT COSMIC STORY blog by David Barnes — quite an enlightening consideration. 


Breaking the Cycles of War, part 1

“Ezekiel saw the wheel, way up in middle of the air. It’s a wheel in a wheel, way up in the middle of the air.  Now the little wheel turns by faith, and the big wheel turns by the grace of God. It’s a wheel in a wheel, way up in the middle of the air.”

The lyrics above are from a Gospel song. I remember the Bible story from my youth; it read then like a heavenly visitation.  When I read the story today, it reads more like a visit by aliens from outer space. The description of the image itself could well be that of a spaceship with wings and fire spewing out of its thrusters. As for the message this “Lord” gave Ezekiel to deliver to the Israelites, which takes up the bulk of the book, it unfolds as a chastisement and purging of the Jewish population. 

This engenders in me a suspicion that the many and diverse peoples and nations on the planet may well have their roots in genetic projects installed by beings from other star systems who came here in spaceships to find a viable atmosphere and terrain for their projects to develop and evolve. The Israelites, in this scenario, were one such project that had apparently gone sour. 

According to the story, the people thought their Creator had abandoned them and left them to their own devices. They became rebellious and fell into whorish and adulterous behavior, inbreeding with the Egyptians, yet another genetic project.  The cleansing slaughter of the rebellious ones and their adulterated progeny was an apparent effort at purifying the gene pool in order to create a “Chosen People.” What resulted from this bloody purging was the emergence of the Twelve Tribes of Israel.

It’s a fascinating story, especially if one reads it as one chapter in the history of the origins of the peoples and nations currently populating the planet.  What do we really know about the origin of nations . . . and that of humanity?  Have these aliens returned to check on their projects? Are they waging a proxy war with one another over exclusive rights to the planet for their projects, pitting us against one another, nation against nation, to fight their battles? All of these questions and more investigative author David Wilcock addresses in his provocative book The Synchronicity Key.

(I published this series back in 2019, 3.5 years ago . . .”Time, times, and a half a time”. . . recalling a significant biblical phrase mentioned in Daniel (12:7) and Revelation (12:14) to be references that represent a period of 1260 years, based on the 360 day Jewish year multiplied by 3.5.)  


The “wheels within wheels” image has been used metaphorically in describing cycles of various kinds, such as seasonal and cosmic cycles that repeat yearly, and in some instances over hundreds and thousands of years. Our four seasons are examples of yearly cycles. The Mayan’s “Great Year,” consisting of 25,920 years, is an example of a larger cycle that moves in increments of 1260 years of Earth’s precession through the twelve “Houses” of the Zodiac, which in turn move through 540-year quarter cycles.  Each cycle initiates and completes a stage of evolution of our solar system and of our species. 

The planets spiral through the cosmos, although they appear to move in circular orbits around our sun.  The sun, of course, is not stationary but is flying through space in its own orbit around the Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy, which itself is traveling through space. You can easily invision, then, colossal spirals being traced in space by our solar system. The entire picture is one of wheels within wheels.

These wheels are turned by electrical energy (the “grace of God” perhaps?) spiraling — as we saw in my blog series “Masculine/Feminine Energy” — in opposite directions inward and outward in relation to a central vortex, of which there are an infinite number that make up the visible universe. According to Walter Russell, it is this dynamic dance of the positive/negative, masculine/feminine energetic forces that drives the rotation and revolution of heavenly bodies and keeps them moving.

Our physical body alone is composed of countless electromagnetic fields of energy that interact with one another under the direction of Intelligence inherent within energy itself — and where there is Intelligence there is Consciousness through which it works.  Being part of a microcosm that shares an intimate working relationship with a macrocosm, we are impacted by what goes on energetically in these two realms of the “creating universe.” By the same intimate relationship, what goes on in our realm of activity, creatively and destructively, impacts the microcosm and the macrocosm. The field where this impact occurs is the Collective Consciousness which we share with our solar Entity. 

I have frequently referred to our solar system as an Entity in my writings, and for good reason, as well as accuracy.  Our star system with planets orbiting a central sun is a living entity embodying the Great Father Spirit, just as our planet Earth is a living entity embodying the Great Mother Gaia. Our solar Entity generates a Mind which we share — one Mind shared by all living beings on the planet.  Mind and matter are created by Consciousness seeded by the Creator. We are the Creator incarnate, and we have been using our Collective Consciousness to create a world upon the face of the Earth, not all of which is in harmony with the Natural World created by Father Sun and Mother Earth.


There have always been those who have taken selfish advantage of this realm of creating consciousness by sowing the seeds of greed and fear in its sacred soil, manipulating the masses to give up their power to their elected leaders who have sworn an oath to protect them.  In our day, they are the “negative elite” who control the world’s finances . . . and a lot more:  the media, for instance, so that the people hear and see only what they allow to be released. 

Known as the “Cabal,” they are comprised primarily of the central banking system with financial depositories both here and abroad. It was established during the First World War period when the Federal Reserve was created as a central “depository” for all the gold that was taken from the countries that were defeated and/or destroyed in the wars with an ill-begotten and dishonest plan that it would be used to secretly back up their currencies. According to David Wilcock’s investigations, this mass confiscation of gold started in 1895 when the Japanese invaded Korea and plundered their central banks. The pillage spread to other countries, including Germany whose gold was taken by the Bolsheviks and used to create the Soviet Union.  We have gold and silver, but the Federal Reserve will not allow the government to create our currency. Two presidents tried it and both were assassinated. Credit and debt are what back up our currency — and channel interest profits into their coffers. The pity of it all is that we the people allow it. 

Those countries that refused to give up their gold for “safe keeping” in the Federal Reserve had their gold forcefully taken, never to be returned to these countries, although some demanded a return.  The Cabal uses its stolen and acquired wealth to finance both sides of wars — which the Cabal itself instigate by fraudulent means in order to reap huge profits that flow into their pockets from the Military Industrial Complex. But that’s not the entire gist of the story.

This story is about “The Hero’s Journey” Joseph Campbell conceived and wrote about. The story itself is as ancient as the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Paradise and the legendary Quest for the Holy Grail, what Campbell calls the “Elixir of Immortality.” The story forms the very structure of all successful screenplays for movies. The hero with his/her flaws strikes out on a journey in search of the desires and longings of his/her heart, only to be faced with the “nemesis” that stands between the hero and the prize, often his/her own character flaw and shadow.  Either he/she will defeat the nemesis or be defeated by it. This story is not limited to the individual’s life journey and drama, but can be seen played out in the collective by nations and by religions, even by Humanity on a global scale. The Cabal is this civilization’s nemesis that must be faced and defeated if we are to have a future and a Golden Age.


There’s much taking place behind the scenes in the cycles of historical events that have been repeating for eons, and specifically since the rise of the Roman Empire with whom we share a Zodiac cycle of 1260 years — and whose various wars are mirrored by the wars on this end of the cycle, history repeating itself in patterns of corruption and greed for power and control over the wealth and natural resources of nations. In some instances, according to Wilcock’s investigations, the key instigators and players themselves reincarnating in an effort to clean up their karma and achieve a more positive outcome in their hero’s journey and quest for the elixir of immortality.

For example, Wilcock cites the astonishing similar facial features of Adolf Hitler and the Carthaginian warlord Hannibal, a typical aspect of true reincarnations. These two warlords, who rose to power in the same year separated by 2160 years, had similar battle tactics as well. Hannibal (221 BC) crossed the French Alps with his giant elephants to invade Carthage, and Hitler (1939) invaded Poland with his army of tanks. They both had issues with the Jewish Nation as well. The name Hannibal means “Ba’al is my lord” or “With the grace of Ba’al,” the equivalent of “Satan” in Hebrew, becoming “Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies,” the very nemesis of the Hebrew Nation.  Hitler conducted his holocaust against the Jews in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. Both were betrayed and committed suicide. 

President Richard Nixon shares a Zodiac cycle with look-alike Roman Emperor Scipio Africanus, both men offering bribes to enemy countries to end or extend their wars so as to benefit them politically. President Jimmy Carter shares a 1260-year cycle with his look-alike Cato, the Roman Censor, both men exerting their political efforts in restoring the morality of their countries in the wake of Nixon and Scipio respectively.  

More currently, Vladimir Putin‘s aggression against Ukraine, and his paranoia over the encroaching proximity of NATO nations, comes approximately 1260 years after Frankish King Pepin III begins his expedition to Septimania and Aquitaine in 762 CE and his conquering of the cities of Carcassonne, Toulouse, Rodez and Albi.  Duke Waifer of Aquitaine plunders Burgundy and Pepin invades Aquitainian-held Berry and the Auvergne, capturing the fortresses of Bourbon and Clermont. Waifer’s Basque troops are defeated by the Franks and deported to northern France with their wives and children.  

In most instances, however, it is the patterns of human thought and behavior, deeply ingrained into the collective consciousness and human psyche, that find easy access to resonant substance in mentally disturbed individuals who then act out these patterns of sociopathic and psychopathic behavior in atrocities of all kinds.  It has been estimated that globally approximately three percent of men and one percent of women are sociopaths.  


Take heart, however, for the cycle of repetitious wars has been broken in our time. This part of the story I will leave to David Wilcock himself and his highly acclaimed book, from which I will excerpt a couple of paragraphs that wrap up his investigation in an optimistic and encouraging summary. 

A Grand, Compassionate Design

Now that we have passed the Mayan calendar end date of December 21, 2012, we have crossed over into the Age of Aquarius, as I argued in The Source Field Investigations. This massive change, propelling us into a Golden Age, has already begun-and will undoubtedly get more and more interesting as time goes by. We can clearly see that the 25,920-year “master cycle” is much more than a slow, boring wobble in the earth’s axis. Instead, it seems to represent a mechanism that is written into the mind of our galaxy and all its stars, planets, and satellites. This grand cycle appears to work like the mainspring in a cosmic clock. It powers our evolutionary path and our events in history through the Hero’s Journey archetypes in nice, neat cycles of time. In Law of One terms, this grand story was carefully planned out, long before we ever got here, as the “preferred method” to help us awaken to the basic need to love one another – regardless of race, color, religion, gender, or nationality. We keep repeating the same events and the same atrocities, until we no longer choose to create them. Once we finally decide not to discriminate against one another, and decide to strive for a better world, peace and freedom will finally be ours for the taking — and we will enter into an unprecedented Golden Age.

We can be much more confident that everything is going to work out once we understand that the most distressing wars and political events are not random. There is a grand, compassionate design to the workings of history that unfold before us. As a collective consciousness, this appears to be the method by which we are ultimately prepared for a whole new way of thinking, acting, and being. Our living universe is not sadis­tic. We are not meant to simply keep suffering the same wars and atrocities, right on schedule, as if this were some form of ongoing, ritual torture. We do have free will, and this means we do meet up with whatever we create. As we grow and evolve, the histories of our nations can increas­ingly detach from negative timelines and gravitate toward other, health­ier cycles the earth [and I would add the galaxy] has to offer us. We may even experience an epic, worldwide curtain call–the ultimate piercing of the veil. In that case, the whole mechanism and its hidden players, both positive and negative, may finally be revealed, and we will enter into an entirely new structure of time itself. This is where the dance of free will comes in. What channel of the greatest show on earth are we collectively deciding to watch? What future are we voting for by the thoughts and actions we take each moment?

A Benevolent Spirit Prevails

Very well said. I believe there is a great and benevolent Spirit embodied by our Milky Way galaxy that is sending out energetic waves of love and compassion that impact our solar system, and that this Spirit is calling for a frequency shift to hasten our evolutionary process and synchronize it with that of the Earth.  If, indeed, historical events do repeat in cycles, what synchronous event will come to pass 2160 years after the victorious Hero’s Journey of the One whose birthday we celebrate at Christmas? Will we have finally come clear of fear and prejudice and truly love one another as ourselves and partake of the Elixir of Immortality?  I hope and pray we will not have to wait that long. I wouldn’t mind coming back for that either.  

Until my next post . . .

just be who you are: love.



War in a Culture of Fear

THE RUSSIAN AGGRESSION AGAINST UKRAINE may be seen and understood as the manifestation of a war culture in human consciousness. What Neale Donald Walsch says in the article linked below about the Syrian crisis of 2013 is applicable, in the way I see it, to the Ukrainian crisis today, as well as to all 27+ live conflicts currently occurring worldwide. 

As above so below.  As in human consciousness so in our world. 

The underlying motivating force behind war may well be fear; a fear buried deeply in the mass subconscious.  It’s a fear of Divine retribution — or rather a fear of an imagined and well deserved wrath of God in punishment for betraying His trust, and betraying God himself. 

As a race of humanity, many of our specie look upon so-called “natural disasters” as punishment for sinful ways.  Lightning and thundering are outbursts of an angry God.  The Deluge in Noe’s day and the cataclysms in Moses’s day, detailed by Immanuel Velikovsky in his signature work WORLDS IN COLLISION — even hurricanes and tornados — are punishing “acts of God.”  Ultimately, we fear annihilation of our species by ecological collapse and, once more in my lifetime, by nuclear war. 

We are bent on punishing ourselves for separating from our Creator and betraying the trust He placed in us to eat heartedly of the fruit of the Tree of Life and to keep our hands off the fruit of Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil.  It seems our attitude is that, if God doesn’t punish us, then we will punish ourselves with war and self-destruction.  This fear is literally driving us mad, not to mention crippling our immune systems.  It appears we have a death-wish for our specie. 

Read with Neale Donald Walsch wrote about war in the link below:

There can be no justification, in a spiritual sense, for a military attack by the United States on Syria, whatever the intention or cause.  The very first message of Conversations with God, on pg. 5 of Book One, says that We Are All One. If this is true (and it is), then killing each other to resolve our problems — even our biggest problems — can never be the answer . . . .  The spiritual wisdom on this matter says that we cannot continue with the insanity of using killing to end killing, violence to end violence. Negativity only breeds negativity . . . . the problem in the world today is that we keep trying to solve the problem in the world today at every level except the level at which the problem exists.


The solution to war is the same today as it has always been: REPENT. Turn around and face the Creator with humility and naked acknowledgment of our betrayal.  We can only do this as individuals, but we do it for all of mankind when we do it individually.  As a member of the body of Mankind I can speak for the whole body:  “Here I am, Lord. I heard your voice in the Garden and I was afraid.  I am sorry for betraying you.  Please forgive me.  I love you, Lord, with all of my being.”  We each have the authority to speak these words — for our selves and for the Body of Mankind. Who has the integrity and the willingness to do this?  I do.  I am responsible for the war in Ukraine, and for all wars, past and present, in the world.  Only by owning up to our responsibility, individual and collective, and giving our utter love to the One whose world this is, our Beloved Lord and King, will wars stop being waged on earth. 

Let us replace our culture of fear with the culture of love, and thereby put an end to war.  Cast fear and war out of our consciousness.  Only thus will our world reflect the culture of love present above it in our heaven.  It only exist in our consciousness, our heaven.  In God’s Heaven there is only peace and love . . . and forgiveness.  Our Creator awaits our return.  Let’s not keep Him waiting another moment. 

Am I being a bit naive or overly simplistic? I think simple is more accurate.  It’s the truth, and the truth is simple.  I welcome your thoughts and insights.  Until my next post,

Be love.  Be Loved. 


Escape from Plato’s Cave

If you make people think they think, they will love you.  If you make them think, they may hate you.

I LOVE TO THINK CRITICALLY. To be found wanting, and sometimes completely wrong, about what I have believed, especially for years.  It helps to distance my sense of identity from my intellect . . . and my human ego, which has been rather large, and troublesome at times.  I have a good mind and I enjoy using it correctly.  It’s given me much pleasure and service. But I am not my mind. 

I invite you to think with me for the length of this post about the current state of humanity . . . honestly . . . and about the way we’ve been going about creating our world.  I will use Plato’s allegory of the Cave in order to demystify where we have been in our awareness up until today, when we appear to be emerging from our hypnotic sleep.  I hope that you will enjoy the thinking process.  

♦ ◊ ♦

MOST OF WHAT WE HAVE CREATED in our world has been patterned after reflections from out of the past cast upon our clouded mental lens and filed away in our subconscious mind.   Much of it is reflected in the opaque substance of the veil separating human consciousness from Divine Consciousness, blocking inspiration from within.

For example, here in the USA we love our freedom and our democracy that grants us that freedom . . . and we have historically sought to destroy (as in kill) anyone who threatens, or whom we think threatens, that freedom or our democracy.  It’s just the way we’ve always done it.  History doesn’t repeat itself.  We keep reenacting history and stuffing the expansive nature of life into historical molds.  Uranda spoke to this “mould” acceptance several decades ago: 

Human beings have banded together to accept a mould into which all shall be crowded to smother a consciousness of those powerful inner drives. Society has tried to crowd the individual into an arbitrary mould; and to whatever degree one accepts that mould, he is “good.” To whatever degree one resists that, he is “bad.” Doing bad things is almost always the result of a misapplication of the principles of living in the early life of the individual, which has set up a pattern of internal conflict. We need to emerge out of the prison that has been established by these arbitrary moulds. In the world of humanity it is conceived that the only safe place for any good person is in “prison.”

The Master Jesus saw this condition in his day and sought to free the people from their culture of hate for the suppressive and persecuting Romans. His teaching to “Love your enemies; do good to those that hate you” did nothing for his popularity.  On the contrary, he was hated by the Scribes and Pharisees who kept the faithful imprisoned by the Law of Moses: “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you teach the Law of Moses, but you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in.”  We have our own Scribes and Pharisees today continuing to keep the faithful from entering the kingdom of heaven before death takes them Home, and refraining from entering themselves.  Religion is big business — as are wars . . . and the politics of both.  


As my friend on the other side of the pond reminded me, the English still hate and fear the “Hun”— a derogatory term for the Germans in WWI who crushed neutral nations and imposed brutal rule upon conquered peoples.  More recently the British suffered the destruction of much of England by Hitler’s German forces.  Hatred and fear of tyrants in neighboring countries continue to ignite and fuel confrontations and wars. The past tends to condition our perception and the way we handle our affairs in the present, as well as our expectancy of the future, clouding inspired vision of new possibilities and ways forward without fear and hatred, and absolutely without war.

The saving and redeeming grace is that what separates also connects.  Cleaning up our mental lens, both conscious and subconscious . . . and purifying the veil of our hearts connecting us with the Divine . . . is the only way to see what IS rather than what we have been taught and deeply programmed to BELIEVE.  Love alone casts out fear and purifies the heart. 

Our future arises from out of what we do now; the seeds we plant in the soil of the present moment. We chose to pattern it after the way things have always been.  It’s time we let go of the past entirely . . . and let the dead bury the dead.

Waking up out of our hypnotic stupor, we may be bedazzled by the beauty that’s always been there under our noses, so-to-speak, but covered over by our dark projections.

The following story came to me today as I read from blogs that I follow.  I won’t reveal whose blog this came from so as not to arouse any bias that might get in the way of seeing and realizing what is being implied by this allegory. Suffice it to say he’s a very reliable and trustworthy blogger. It’s an old story that still holds sway in today’s world. It demonstrates, for one thing, the wise saw that says it’s easier to fool people than to convince them they’ve been fooled.  Here’s the story.

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About 2,400 years ago, the Athenian philosopher Plato (student of Socrates, mentor of Aristotle) described the Allegory of the Cave, writing while using the voice of his martyred mentor Socrates.  Socrates is most famous for his powerful logical approach for avoiding hubris, beginning all philosophical and logical quests for truth with the position that “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing”.

In his political masterwork “The Republic”, Plato uses the Allegory of the Cave to justify his core political thesis that the ideal ruler is the “Philosopher King”, essentially a wise philosopher-dictator who accepts the power thrust upon him by the people who are collectively wise enough to choose a good master.  Modern readers can immediately detect the conflict of interest which lies at the heart of this Platonic ideal, that being that Plato (and by inference Socrates) are basically nominating themselves as authoritarian rulers over Athens. Personally, I find the logic that the Cave allegory justifies the philosopher-dictator as the ideal leader both a bit contrived and circular. However, I suggest that the Allegory of the Cave is a profound and immortal insight into a fundamental aspect of human society which is at the center of the observations of both 20th century political philosopher, author, and Holocaust survivor Hannah Arendt as well as her 21st century intellectual successor Dr. Mattias Desmet. 

The Cave is essentially a metaphorical thought experiment which uses a literary device similar to those employed in Aesop’s Fables, in which stories of talking animals are used to bypass the human mental defense mechanisms that can make it so hard for each of us to accept observations and critiques concerning fundamental behaviors. The Cave relates a fundamental, prototypic human myth.  It tells the story of the inevitable coupling of human discovery with the tribal rejection which all true innovative pioneers, all dissenters, all paradigm shifters know far too well.

The setting for the Allegory of the Cave is a hypothetical dark cavern inhabited by a group of prisoners who are all bound hand and foot facing the same wall. The prisoners have been there since birth; they have grown up together, and this is the only reality that they know.  Behind them is a burning fire maintained by the rulers of the cave.  The rulers have different objects and puppets which they hold up so that the prisoners can see the shadows cast by the objects as they interrupt the light of the fire, and the rulers make sounds and generate echoes for the prisoners to hear. These rulers of the cave are the puppet masters, able to control the reality which the prisoners are able to experience. As these shadows and sounds are all that the prisoners have experienced since birth, they do not question and do not know anything different from this shadow reality. They think that this is what life is, a reality of shadow, sound and echo.

The prisoners compose and share names for the shadows, develop competitions to determine who is best able to guess which shadow will turn up next, and give each other awards and praise for the ones with the most accurate predictions. From their standpoint, this is life.

One day, one of the prisoners gets loose.  His chains break, and in a confused state he stands for the first time, looks around, and sees the fire. Lying on the ground next to the fire he sees the puppets and objects which correspond to the shadows on the wall. In a great leap of insight, he concludes that the shadows came from these objects, and that the puppets and fire represent a greater reality than that which he had previously known.

Feeling empowered and  energized like never before, he begins to explore the cave, finds his way to the entrance, and leaves the shadowy fire-lit confines. The bright sun burns his eyes causing great pain, so he shields them with his hands. Gradually his eyes adjust to this new environment. He drops his hands and opens his eyes fully, seeing for the first time the greater world outside the cave. He sees color, sun, trees, animals, grass, mountains, and has yet another epiphany that he has become able to see the true nature of the world for the first time. The shadows had been mere surrogates of this greater truth.  There was much more to life than he had ever imagined. Filled with joy over this new experience, he feels a wave of gratitude and awe as awareness dawns that he has become able to directly perceive the true nature of the real world.

Then he remembers his fellow prisoners, the people he had shared his entire life with. He pities them for being trapped in their limited understanding of reality, for their ignorance of the larger real truth which they are neither able to experience nor perceive.  Overwhelmed with waves of pity, empathy, and anger at the puppet masters who have imprisoned and manipulated the reality of those that he has grown up and spent his entire life with, he returns to the cave determined to share what he has learned and help the prisoners see the larger reality, and to help free them from their bondage by the puppet masters.

The freed prisoner returns to the cave and his friends, hoping to enlighten and free them from their chains.  But they cannot understand what he is saying and trying to do. He tries to explain the greater reality that he has seen and experienced, but they cannot even begin to understand what he is trying to describe. Imprisonment in the cave is the only reality they have ever known, and they cannot understand anything else. They notice that the eyes of the freed prisoner have changed due to exposure to the sun, and that he now has trouble seeing, naming and interpreting the shadows. They laugh at him, and all concerned agree that leaving the cave is a waste of time. They then threaten to kill both the escaped prisoner as well as anyone else who dares to break their bonds and leave the cave.

♦ ◊ ♦

Human beings defend their beliefs, often with their life blood . . . and with the life blood of their fellow man. We as a race have yet to unshackle ourselves and come out of Plato’s cave?  We are still held prisoners of our past . . . and we appear to feel safe and comfortable in our state of deception . . . too comfortable. Thankfully, some of us have felt uncomfortable with our comfort, as many have awakened . . . or been awakened by one global crisis or another, and the politics thereof . . . and masses of protesters are begging and eager for the leaders of our nations to stop making war with one another . . . and to please do something about banning assault rifles on the streets again, as they were banned between 1994 and 2004, thank you then President Bill Clinton!  And that’s all I’ve got to say about that!

Returning to the first line of this post, without critical thinking and extensive research, one is not likely to see the profiteering and manipulative politics churning beneath the deceiving surface play of events.  One has to turn away from the news media and peer through the smoke screens to see the puppeteers controlling what we see and hear about what’s going on in the world . . . the cave wall.  Then throw off the shackles and leave the cave, without taking up battle with the puppeteers.  Bask in the sunlight and breathe the fresh air of the beautiful world of Mother Nature.  As one enlightened soul commented on Facebook on the R.E.M song lyrics “It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)”. . .“Mostly I have such a deep appreciation of Life with all of its sides. Gratitude seems to give me a door to bring love to the scene.”   Now that’s what’s real . . . and peacefully comforting.  Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


The Mystery of Consciousness: Conveyor of Light and Love

Where your heart is, there also is your treasure. 

A LINE FROM A POPULAR POEM BY RUMI about a field “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing” has been repeating in my head since I published my previous post: “When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.”  And it truly is. There’s just so much going on in our world today for one to crowd into one’s thimble-size mind.  Another saying that Rumi penned from his home in Konya, Turkey, speaks of the heart’s treasure: “I looked in temples, churches and mosques. But I found the Divine in my heart.” 

In the movie “The Sound of Music,” Maria (Julie Anderson) sings “I go to the hills when my heart is lonely.”  Today, amidst the devastation in Ukraine and the repercussions the sanctions levied against Russia are having on the economy here and globally, I go to my heart to find peace and sanity.  Peace, because love abides here; sanity, because in my heart I know and understand that all is well in the Hands of God. 

By divine design, we human beings are the hands of God here on Earth.  Whatever happens, let me be a beacon of light in the darkness of human consciousness . . . and human consciousness is truly filled with darkness.  But darkness is simply the absence of light.  It’s not something of itself.  It’s nothing.  Light is something! Let there be light! 

A large mass of humanity has withdrawn from the light of love and hunkered down in the shadows of fear and uncertainty.  But let the Spirit of Love move upon the face of the waters of human consciousness and, Voila! There is light! And the light shines in the darkness, but the darkness does not comprehend it. “How can you be so calm and peaceful amid such atrocities and violence?! Where is your outrage!? Your condemnation of Putin and his murderous foot-soldiers who have exterminated tens-of-thousands of their fellow countrymen, women and children included?!” Such reactions are only incapacitating spiritually and contribute nothing but fuel to the fires raging in human hearts and minds, clouding and darkening vision.  If there’s one thing needed at this time it’s clear vision.

Whatever happens, let me be a beacon of light in the darkness

I find it somewhat challenging to refrain from outrage and remain non-judgmental in all of this death and destruction being heaped upon Ukraine and her citizens.  But that doesn’t mean I have blinders over my eyes.  I see clearly what is happening—at least what the news is telling and showing us—but only with my eyes. 

“A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten-thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee, for only with thine eyes shalt thou see and behold the reward of the wicked.” (Psalm 91:7). 

I looked up the word wicked and it has several connotations and applications: vicious, depraved, (wicked habits); mischievous or playfully malicious (a wicked joke); obnoxious or offensive (a wicked stench); formidable or excellent (a wicked tennis player).  The Psalmist most likely would characterize the wicked as “vicious” and “depraved.” Who, then, are these “wicked” ones who are reaping their rewards? I think we all have had some part in wickedness; surely any and all who have lived for the material treasures of the world rather than the spiritual treasures of Heaven. 


Perhaps it’s a bit of a stretch, although a good segue to the theme of this post, the word “wicked” has the word “wick” as its root—which is a woven chord for conveying liquid, like the wick of a candle which is designed to convey the melting candle wax up to fuel the flame for light.  Consciousness is a conveyor of Spirit, given to us by the Creator as a means of connecting with Heaven and for conveying the Light of Truth and Love into the world.  By design, we are much like the whirling dervishes of Turkey who spin ’round and ’round, with one hand pointed upward toward heaven and the other hand turned downward toward the earth, as they provide a channel for bringing Love down from God into the world.  

There’s a wise saw that says you can’t fix a problem at the same level as the problem, but from a level above the level of the problem.  And so it is with the problems that plague human consciousness.  The solutions are to come from above and not from below.  The design for the New Earth descends from Heaven above into the heaven of human consciousness . . . but only as there is room to receive it.  Filled with wickedness, there’s no room for the Truth of Life, which is Love.  We need to cast the devil—literally the divider—out of our heaven, as Jesus did: “Get thee hence!”  Then there will be room for the Truth of the New Earth to emerge from the New Heaven and replace the old earth. 

A large part of the old heaven is occupied by the Christian belief that Jesus came down to earth from Heaven to die for our sins and redeem “us sinners” from the hands of the Devil.  That is a redaction and a lie conjured up by Saint Paul and the Council of Nicaea, the most grievous of lies ever perpetrated upon human beings. 

The truth is that Christ, the Son of God, incarnated in Jesus and came to show us how to love God and one another.  That’s the truth, and I think it’s time that Christians, and particularly Catholics, do away with their crucifixes and repent for having worshiped the murderous crucifixion of the Son of God all these centuries.  I am certain that He doesn’t want nor like that his crucifixion is still being celebrated as the purpose for his visitation to this planet.  We can celebrate His life and victory over death by His resurrection without dragging him through that ignominious ordeal in our memories and our Holy Week liturgies.  Please, take him down from the cross and worship the Father in spirit and in truth, which is all He asked.  His true passion was and is the return of Love of God and love for one another to humanity and to His Father’s world. 

If a cross is needed, one can replace the crucifix with the balanced cross of St. Benedict, which is a plus ⊕, symbolizing a cross-over point between Heaven and Earth, which is what Jesus was and what we are designed to be.  (This cross is believed to protect one from the Devil and was used in exorcisms to cast out demons.)

I’ll leave you with the beautiful and rich Russian choral music of Grechaninov’s Passion Week, Op. 58:1, Behold the Bridegroom, performed by the Phoenix Bach Choir, Kansas City Chorale, conducted by Charles Bruffy.  Enjoy this first track of the album.

Have a Happy Easter Sunday. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved. 



The Mystery of Consciousness: Conditioned by War and Deception


 Sitting in our back yard swing today, I watched a busy bumble bee hovering with watchful antennae over a blossoming azalea and chasing away other bees that are drawn to the same inviting pink flowers. It even hovers over my head when I sit to close to the bush near our patio. Even though I know that the female doesn’t sting unless messed with, it’s not a very comfortable feeling. The males have no stingers, as I’ve learned researching bumble bees’ sex and anatomical features . . . and I learned something else that fits squarely into the theme of this post.

Today I learned that the bumble bee worker can fly at a speed of 34 mph as she goes about gathering food pollen for the queen and the other bees in the hive. It can carry up to 90% of it’s body weight in pollen. That takes a lot of energy—and the bee is 40 minutes away from starvation at any time, so it feeds on the nectar of flowers on its journey back to the hive. Now here’s the fascinating and edifying part.  After it drinks all the nectar from a flower, the thoughtful bee leaves a chemical footprint on the flower petal as a signal to other bees not to waste their time and energy stopping for nectar . . . which disappears when the flower replenishes its sweet nectar! I am in awe of Mother Nature, who obviously has an all-encompassing Consciousness. 

Now, I can understand the bumble bee’s “pledge” and commitment to her queen and fellow bees in the hive, and to its task of gathering pollen for energy and nourishment for itself and them.  What I pondered while watching this busy bee hovering over the pink flowers of the azalea was why it is that she chases away other bees the moment they come by for nectar, which this particular bee doesn’t even take the time herself to enjoy.  It just hovers there over the bush guarding its treasure. 

Now, bumble bees aren’t the only creatures that covet their fodder.  We have a family of beautiful cardinals in our neighborhood that stop by our bird feeder regularly for a meal or a snack of birdseed.  We also have a flock of cute little sparrows that feed frequently and heartedly as well . . . but not while the cardinal is feeding!  No indeed!. They are not welcomed but are directly chased away by the cardinal, which is usually the male.  The female waits patiently until her mate has finished his meal. 

We love all our feathered friends, even with their humanlike quirks . . . which I also pondered sitting there.  I contemplate this instinctive characteristic as well while watching Nature specials on TV.  Why, I muse, do animals behave much like their fellow human inhabitants of the planet—the crowning creation?  I believe it has everything to do with the all-encompassing scope of Consciousness and its conditioning which influences the behavior of life-forms everywhere on the planet . . . and I don’t think I’m overlaying anything on the animals and creatures of the wild.  After all, we occupy the very top of the pyramid of living forms on the planet.  There is surely a “trickle down” flow of energy and spirit in this pyramid that is coded by attitudes and patterns of behavior upstream, where we live and carry out our often selfish life styles.  As I said, I don’t believe this is overlay.  Our connection with the wild kingdoms affords us a means by which peace and harmony can be offered to the animals and creatures of the Wild as well—and we see this happening in isolated instances where man and beasts feel safe with one another—as Dr. Jane Goodall demonstrated so beautifully in her groundbreaking work with chimpanzees in the apian world of the jungles of Africa.  


I received a letter from one of my blog followers and friend in the UK, Peter Watson, that opened up something in my consciousness relating to wars and the conditioning wars have had on the human psyche and collective consciousness and subconsciousness—a timely missive in this day when Russian President Vladimir Putin is conducting an atrocious “genocide” war of aggression against Ukraine, killing innocent civilians and destroying their homes and entire cities and villages. 

War seems to be the default solution to disagreements between nations and tribes, and all over . . . what ?!  Territorial occupation?  Natural resources?  Political and religious ideologies?  I’ve read reports that there are some thirty biolabs in Ukraine, many of them in the southeastern section.  These labs are located in China, as well as in other NATO nations where Gain-Of-Function virus research is being conducted, some of it funded by the US.  Are these labs what Putin is invading Ukraine over?  Does he actually feel that Russia, surrounded by NATO nations, is threatened by bioweapon destruction?  What has happened to negotiation and compromise over such matters of concern? Is war and the threat of destruction by nuclear force the only negotiating tools that work?!  I think not. 

Ukraine is not the only country where warring is going on.  According to Wikipedia, there are around 40 ongoing wars and conflicts presently in around three dozen countries, most of them in the Middle East, North West Asia and Sub-Saharan Arica, plus a major drug-war in Mexico. 


Human consciousness appears to be thoroughly conditioned by war . . . since the day in Biblical history when Cain slew Abel out of envy for the way his brother’s offerings were acceptable to the LORD and his were not.  But this warring pattern may have its heavenly origin that goes back well before Cain slew Abel.   

Human consciousness has been deeply scarred and conditioned by warring in Heaven.  According to sacred scriptures, these distorted patterns of usurping power and control have their origins in the Heaven of heavens.  John of Revelation wrote of this battle between the Forces of Light and the powers of darkness, as did Paul:

John: “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was there place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. (Rev12:7)

Paul: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against a spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12) 

We needn’t wonder how and why there are wars on earth—although the warring elements were cast out of Heaven long ago. They’ve continued to make war on earth.  But what of the wars constantly being waged in human consciousness: bickering, feuding, competing with one another, envying, hating, resenting, back-biting, judging and and condemning one another, constant complaining—not to mention the violence and warring depicted in computer gamming—and so many other conflicting and violent thought entertained in the heaven of human consciousness?  Humans are hard-wired, it seems, for warring.  


Here is my friend’s letter in which he writes about the conditioning of consciousness by war, religion, and education:

Dear Tony

 After WW2 in the UK we had a saying, “If you want to get ahead, get a hat.” Crowns were for Royalty, and self-esteem was at an all-time low. The Hun was our avowed enemy; loving our neighbour, the Hun, was out of the question. Every street was lined with bomb-sites. Yanks were saying they’d won the war for us. What really happened was that they’d delayed their involvement till both sides were exhausted, on their knees, then they came over to mop up. They brought chewing gum, nylon stockings for our girls, and rode around in jeeps wearing their smartly pressed uniforms, smoking cigars. Our boys were dressed in cheap itchy garb, with silly-looking helmets, so there wasn’t much love lost there either.

Education was mandatory for children, and we were taught more about how many battles the British had won, over the past centuries, than any other subject. Looking back you can see the incredible level of propaganda we were fed, and, worse than that, the overall impression we were falsely led to believe, was that without education we were worthless. On top of that, RI (religious instruction), taught us foremost that we were sinners, because some groundsman, called Adam in the far past, had eaten a forbidden apple, which was reserved for the Lord.

 Of course we were also taught to recite The Lord’s Prayer – the same as our mathematics times-table – so, by and large, that was our preparation for navigating the world-of-mankind, in a hostile universe, from which we’d evolved from apes.

Religion, as a Catholic means of excusing the joy-of-sex, without condemning our only means of propagation, invented the myth of a virgin-birth, which is still quite a widespread worldly belief. It’s been refined over time to explain the mystery of consciousness, and the role of being incarnating in human form, but without reference to our purpose (other than the same as Adam’s), or our present origin, which is also supposed to be from the dust-of-the-ground.

To skirt the truth of genuine being, as in the issue of God from heaven on earth, we came through a stage, several millennia, of begetting, wherein rogue sons-of-God came in unto daughters-of-men who bore them children of great renown. These would have been forebears of science, and the Egyptian gods, who still retained some ability to create crude life-forms for purposes of extending domination, through warfare, in the absence of dominion. Dinosaurs were a short-lived war-brigade, which suffocated when Earth’s water-mantle collapsed, high-atmosphere was lost, and Luna’s lesser light was extinguished.

 Creation myth by then was firmly established . . . .[and] virgin birth to explain the purity of Jesus; a level-of-perfection unattainable by sinners, who, cast out of heaven, are convinced they must die, and, unless they claim they believe that Jesus died to save us from our sins, will burn for eternity in hell. You couldn’t make this up!

 Religion plays down the ascension-process, which is natural to awakening from deception, and maturing in grace-and-stature, focusing as it does on the atrocity of the crucifixion, while falsely claiming God needs vengeance for Adam’s sin, and is not almighty enough to forgive without a high-priced sacrifice. This is swallowed – hook, line, sinker, rod and all – by supposedly intelligent people.

 By now the meanest wit should see that the whole world has been deceived, but no longer do we need to remain in the state-of-deception. Perhaps, in easing human beings out of deception, as did Jesus – “I have much to tell you, but ye cannot yet bear it” – Uranda used the idea of a hat, [referencing my previous post] to introduce Class acolytes to our latent, but dormant, creative abilities. Maybe it’s now time to remind us we merit a crown – as members of God’s Crowning Creation – undeceived by mankind’s ungodly education — all glory being to God, in the heaven of our God-given consciousness on earth.


I’ll leave you with something to ponder as you hold your cellphone in your hand.  This came from my poet friend Don Hynes, who is also committed to the transformation and elevation of human consciousness.

“One of the very simple but largely undiscovered teachings I’ve received in my solitude is the sense of each human being a “terminal” receiving input, performing output. All the “terminals” are connected to the central port of intelligence on Earth (and beyond) that we have termed “the wyrrd.” We need be careful about that which is received, although much of it arrives simply because we are all connected, but we do have substantial control about what goes “out.” It takes discipline on both reception and transmission but of these the more critical is transmission. That we can control and we must.

The input is being broadcast world wide without device, yet the cell phone has become an external terminal, which we use without much thought. The darker purpose of this external device is to provide “input” to the human “terminals” world wide, stoking fear, anger, hatred. Humans by and large “copy and paste” what they are being force fed on the input side to their output. Hence the many deranged voices one can witness on social media . . . .  I think there’s something here of a basic education that needs to be developed in the population at large . . . and I am voicing this through my poetry, avoiding the didactic or pedantic as much as possible.”

I voice the same message in my blog.  I will leave this to your own pondering without further comment.  As always, I welcome any thoughts you may have and wish to share. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved. 




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