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Archive for the ‘Love’ Category

The Transcendence of Resurrection

THE WAY I SEE IT, Jesus was never not in complete and utter control of his physical body throughout the ordeal of His trial and conviction, the mockery of being crowned with thorns, spit upon and flogged, the carrying of his cross through the streets of Jerusalem and up to the hill of Golgotha, even through the crucifixion and apparent death of His physical body. The silver cord of connection with his body was never loosed or severed. In the end He simply transcended his physical body and rose in consciousness to what spiritual author Joseph Chilton Pearce describes as the “causal body”— with which He may even have had an NDE (Near Death Experience). At least this is the way I see it.

This was not unique to Jesus, as we each have a causal body, only it’s not so much a “body” as an essence of spirit. That spirit is who we are, and it is not a separate entity from God the Creator, any more than the Son of God was separate from His Heavenly Father. As He truly proclaimed in John10:30: “I and my Father are one.” So is it with each and every incarnate Being. To come to a conscious awareness and actual experience of that oneness with our Creator is the challenge of our earthly journey.

At the age of eighty-four I’ve become peculiarly and intensely interested in transcendence. I wasn’t aware of this interest until I inadvertently withdrew a book from off the shelf of our library and opened it to the author’s final chapters where he addresses what is now the very topic of this blog post: Jesus’s transcendent experience, otherwise called and celebrated as his “Resurrection” from the tomb — where, from all outward signs, his “dead” body was placed, wrapped in a shroud of white cloth, anointed with precious healing oils and laid to rest. What occurred after Joseph of Arimathea and a few women had laid his limp body to rest in the tomb, rolling a stone over its entrance, is a process I am compelled from within my heart to meditate upon and explore in a series of posts.

The Holy Shroud of Turin, with its scorched image of Jesus’s entire body imprinted on it, provides ample cause to contemplate what awful transmuting fire must have moved through His body to resurrect the living currents of vital energy that could lift it up to a higher vibrational level of manifestation. His resurrection was at the same time clearly a supernatural and a biological event of transcendence and transmutation.


Yes, indeed, shine your light! But you first must rise! To “rise” is another matter altogether. It’s a required step toward shining. In a transcendent state, to which we all aspire, one’s light is found to have always been shining — only not outwardly — until one rises up in consciousness and identity to the level of one’s “causal” body where one’s radiance is the light of one’s world.

I can easily relate to Joseph Chilton Pearce’s perspective of “bodies within bodies”: physical, subtle and causal. From my own spiritual path the word “pneumaplasm,” coined by Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda), serves my understanding best as descriptive of the “subtle” body. The “causal” body lives and moves independent of the physical and subtle bodies, whereas the subtle body, or pneumaplamic body, is generated out of the physical body as the causal body of spirit expresses its divine qualities with feeling, thought and action of a benevolent quality. Spiritual expression brings about the release of the transforming power of love — the only way open to human beings today as the physical and mental approaches failed miserably.

Again, my spiritual path defines the “causal body” simply as “spirit.” Spirit is divine in nature. Physical and subtle bodies are by nature human. The two are brought together when spirit incarnates and transmits its godly characteristics and benevolent qualities to the human person for expression. Patterns of design and control for the unfolding of one’s earthly journey are also established in the subtle body (pneumaplasm) for the execution of dominion over one’s world. Not domination but dominion.

The word “dominion” derives from the Latin for “lord”: dominus. Dominion is exercised by the lord incarnate whose “body” (of sorts) is causal by divine design, exercising dominion over the physical body, and by way of the body over ones world, in a benevolent, loving, non-imposing manner. Domination, to the contrary, is exercised by the human ego that has taken possession of one’s mental faculty in order to force its contriving and self-serving will upon one’s physical body and one’s world. It’s an apt model of David Hawkins’ Power VS Force –The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior.” They’re not so hidden to one who has risen in consciousness and in identity to the level of spirit in one’s causal body — causal in the sense of creator and designer of the physical body.


Prince of Peace

The Master Jesus spoke those words just before his passion and crucifixion on Calvary. His exact words as recorded in John 16:33 are, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  He transcended His physical body and maintained His identity with His causal body, which in his case was and is our Lord and King, the “Only Begotten Son of God.” Having complete control over His physical body via His subtle body, He did not let it die. The Only begotten Son of the Father was not sacrificed for the sins of the world, a rationalization Paul later contrived, nor for any other purpose rationalized subsequently in Christian dogma. He overcame death by not dying. He then proceeded to raise up his comatose physical body, transmute it to a higher vibration so as to fuse it with His causal body, His very Being, and return to His Father in Heaven — after spending forty days with His disciples eating and drinking with them and bestowing upon them His benediction of love and comfort. These things of spirit are beyond space and time. They are truly and literally timeless.

There is much to share along these lines revisiting Joseph Chilton Pearce’s THE BIOLOGY OF TRANSCENDENCE ~ A Blueprint of the Human Spirit — author of THE CRACK IN THE COSMIC EGG. The book is filled with quotable passages that have the ability to bring about a radical shift in perspective. His chosen character on which to shine light is Jesus himself and his passion and compassion, as the following excerpt demonstrates.


I like the way he speaks his truth. I’ll share more along these lines in my next post of this series. Until then, have a Happy Easter Day.


The “Rainbow Body” of Light

AS PROMISED, here is the excerpt from the last chapter of my book SACRED ANATOMY. I am also pleased to announce that both of my books — Sacred Anatomy and Attunement with Sacred Sound — are now available online at the Amazon Bookstore. You can also order directly from my publisher, Wise Publications, online at Check out the listing, place an order, and spread the word!

The subject of this post may not seem relevant to current global events — with wars waging in the Middle East and in the Ukraine, and several other places, and numerous other existential crises looming on the horizon — and that’s how it should be to perhaps serve as a reprieve from worries over turbulent world events.

It is relevant ,however, to the evolution of human consciousness and subsequent transformation and transmutation currently underway that are bringing about radical changes in our human capacities. We may not be headed in the direction this consideration suggests and even implies. However, our physical bodies are undergoing a steady process of transformation and transmutation into translucent “light bodies.” So, as per the instruction, “Let your light so shine . . . .” Enjoy!

TIBETAN BUDDHISTS practice the “Rainbow Body,” the apparent dematerialization and transmutation of the physical body. The practice may be spread out over many years of meditation until the actual transfiguration is achieved — although more as a gift of spirit than an achievement of mental effort.  A Biblical passage tells of a “transfiguration” of Jesus wherein he appeared in a glorious form with Moses and Elijah in the presence of three of his disciples, and another of his glorified body being resurrected from the grave.  What follows here may give us some inkling of the potential inherent in our own sacred anatomy.

The Sufi call it “the most sacred body” and the “supracelestial body.” Taoists call it “the diamond body,” and those who have attained it are called “the immortals” and “the cloud walkers.” In various other traditions it is called by such descriptive names as “the divine body” (Trantric yoga), “the body of bliss” (Kriya yoga), “the superconductive body” (Zoroastrian Vendanta), “the luminous body or being” (ancient Egypt), “the radiant body” (Gnosticism), “the perfect body” (Mithraic liturgy), “the immortal body” (Hermetic Corpus), and “the Golden Body” (Emerald Tablets of the alchemical tradition). —(Wilcock, The Source Field Investigations.)

Here is a description of the process taken from Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light by Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche and reprinted in David Wilcock’s book, The Source Field Investigations.

This is one of many depictions of the Rainbow Body from Tibet: Body of Light: Tibetan, ja-lus.  Also known as the “rainbow body.”  Certain realized beings . . . achieve the transformation of their ordinary bodies into a Body of Light. . . . In this process the physical body dissolves into its natural state, which is that of Clear Light.  As the elements of the body are purified, they transform from their gross manifestation (body, flesh, bones, etc.) into their pure essence as the five colors: blue, green, white, red and golden yellow.  As the body dissolves into these five colors a rainbow is formed, and all that remains of the physical body are fingernails and hair. . . .

Over 160,000 documented cases of the Rainbow Body have occurred in Tibet and China alone.  David Wilcock cites a most extraordinary event that took place in Kham, a small village in Tibet, in 1998, when a Gelugpa monk, Khenpo A-chos, died leaving nothing of his earthly form behind.  He was described as having . . .

. . . a warm, spiritual nature that touched everyone he met. . . . he often spoke of the importance of cultivating compassion. He had the ability to teach even the roughest and toughest of types how to be a little gentler, a little more mindful. . . . The witnesses reported a rainbow appearing over Khenpo A-chos’s hut a few days before he died, and that “dozens of rainbows appeared in the sky afterward.  He was not sick and nothing appeared to be wrong with him — he simply chanted a mantra.

According to the eyewitnesses, after his breath stopped his flesh became kind of pinkish. One person said it turned brilliant white. All said it started to shine. Lama A-chos suggested wrapping his friend’s body in a yellow robe, the type all Gelug monks wear. As the days passed, they maintained they could see, through the robe, that his bones and his body were shrinking. They also heard beautiful, mysterious music coming from the sky, and they smelled perfume. After seven days, they removed the yellow cloth, and no body remained. Lama Norta and a few other individuals claimed that after his death Khenpo A-chos appeared to them in visions and dreams … Lama A-chos told Tiso that it takes sixty years of intensive practice to achieve the rainbow body. “Whether it always takes that long, I don’t know,” acknowledges Tiso, “but we would like to be able to incorporate, in a respectful way, some of these practices into our own Western philosophical and religious traditions.” … To our knowledge, says Tiso, the bodies of most Christian saints did not disappear or shrink after their deaths …. However, he adds, bodily ascensions are mentioned in the Bible and other traditional texts for Enoch, Mary, Elijah, and possibly Moses. And there are numerous stories of saints materializing after their death, similar to the widespread phenomenon known as the “light- body.” 

As I say, time was when we could “fly over the rainbow.” There was a design in place for such spirit and soul travel. That design was lost, along with the Garden State, and had not been present on earth for many thousands of years when the Lord of Love incarnated on Earth. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that it was human consciousness that got lost. The design did not go anywhere but was hidden in a cloud of mystery for a season until such time that the Sons and Daughters of God would again emerge on Earth through the sons and daughters of Man. That time came with the incarnation of the Lord of Love . . . and continues to this day.

The Lord of Love incarnated with the specific mission of restoring that design on earth as a way by which mankind might be brought back into his Father’s House of many mansions. He referred to it as “the kingdom of heaven” and he did not point to some place up in the sky in some hoped-for “hereafter.” He pointed to the hearts of human beings as portals of entrance into this kingdom. His simple instruction was “Let not your heart be troubled.” Entering into the kingdom of heaven was a frequently repeated theme in his sermons and instructions. His first instruction was that we should “repent” (literally turn around) in order to see that the kingdom of heaven is truly at hand, all around us and right within our own body temples. His commandment and methodology were simple: Love the LORD thy God with all, and thy neighbor as thy Self.

Heaven, then, is not so much a “place” to go to as it is a state of consciousness into which we may ascend, step by step, as the Master Jesus did during his life and ministry.   It is a state into which we may enter any moment we are willing to relinquish our desperate grip on the material world of form and begin living life from out of the world of spirit right here and now, both within us and all around us.  It is the House of God, in which, as He indicated, there are “many mansions.” 

As we saw and explored in some detail, there are specifically seven such mansions, and they all lead to “The Way” upward into the temple of light within these temples of flesh. Within these temples, our sacred anatomy provides us with the hormonal chemistry by which, when activated by the Spirit of Love in expression through our hearts, the Spirit of Truth in expression through our minds, and the Spirit of Life in expression through our bodies, the alchemy of resurrection and ascension is set in motion. The remaining four spirits, moving through the endocrine glands and sacred energy seals, take care of the rest as the body temple is elevated, easily and naturally, back to the vibrational level where it no longer experiences pain, nor suffering, nor death itself, but only life eternal. I believe, and personally know, that this is our destiny.

Heinberg referenced traditions that speak of a rainbow bridge connecting heaven and earth so that incarnate beings could ascend to revitalize themselves and then return to earth. This pattern of renewal continues to manifest itself when we feel the need to take a vacation into the wild country to be close to Mother Nature, or a spiritual retreat to draw closer to God in a place of sanctuary. It manifests powerfully during attunement — and I strongly believe that attunement with sacred sound is a core aspect of the divine technology governing this mechanism of renewal.

As we have seen in depth, we have such a bridge within the sacred anatomy of these flesh temples in the seven endocrine glands that provide a focused grounding for the Seven Spirits before the throne of God. It is the Way the Master was going when he said to his disciples in John 14:2-3:

Much is contained in these poignant words.  At some level we know the Way back to Eden because we were once there.  We walked with God.  We walked together as gods and goddesses and we took part in the creation of Eden.  There is much we know — and are beginning remember — about the forms we once inhabited to walk and play in Eden in an atmosphere of loving kindness and generosity.  For now it suffices to say that these flesh temples are designed for more than simply worshiping God up in His Highest Heaven.  As we have seen, they are designed as transformers to facilitate the very process of ascension through the levels of consciousness and into the kingdom of heaven which, as the Master said more than once, is at hand.

The purpose of all the comings and goings of the great prophets of old, and holy men and women of all times,  indeed of the Lord of Love Himself, was to restore human consciousness to its true state of oneness with God, so that God may have a means for being and acting on Earth.  Once that has occurred — and it is occurring even now — worship of God will be transformed into a continual experience of oneness with God in action on earth.

Today it is fairly widely accepted that the place to truly worship God, whether in the solitude of one’s own sanctuary or in a congregational setting, is at the altar of one’s own heart.  Like Jacob, who, awakening from out of his dream, realized the presence of the divine in human flesh, there is an awakening taking place in the Body of God on Earth to the stark realization that “The Lord is in this place and I knew it not!”, and that the human body is truly a temple wherein the Living God dwells.  Here in these flesh temples is enacted every moment of every day the ceremony of life itself lived daily in this beautiful Cathedral of Gaia, our Earth Mother and Home among the stars.  We are all privileged to be on Earth at this time to finish the work of restoring Eden.  Let us all be about our Father’s business.   ~Fin

* * *

REGARDLESS of how it may appear, we are moving in an upward spiraling direction toward the Light of Love which is drawing us, individually and as a collective body, into a conscious state of union with Source. The key to ascension to a higher level of consciousness is to open in love response to that which is higher in spiritual awareness. My point of response upward is to the Lord of Love as I have come to be aware of His Presence in my life and in the world.

The radiation of love now moving as an Attunement Current through many light-workers and into the consciousness and body of humanity, drawing response from the hearts of awakening and aware human beings, is creating an irresistible force of attraction that is drawing together a new Body of Humanity into a state of union, providing a means for the Presence and action of God on Earth — the Great Spirit of the Archangel responsible for this Earth and our solar system. A Field of unified radiation is even now surrounding and encompassing the earth and the entire solar entity, creating a hedge of radiant protection. The Body of Man, now in process of being restored, is become the conscious Temple of the Living God in this corner of the Universe. My heart rejoices in this momentous and historical day which the Lord has made.

Until my next post . . .

Be Love. Be loved


*MerKaBa: Merkaba Meditation is a type of meditation that opens up your way of life’s infinite potential and lifts your being. (Note: I have not personally experienced the MerKaBa, nor the “rainbow body.” But I will one day.)

Cleansing Our Lens of Perception

Rainbow Heart

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”

* * *

IN CHAPTER SIX of EYE OF THE HEART Cynthia Bourgeault’s writing is, for me, the clearest and most pragmatic of all I’ve read of her writings thus far. This essay is about cleansing our “lens” of perception — not only so that we see the world, both physical and spiritual aspects, as they are; but more importantly so that we “see” ourselves as we truly are, and not as we imagine ourselves to be — the “price” of seeing clearly being the self-centered and isolated egoic self in exchange for the “Real I” as part of the greater Whole.

It’s not necessary to synthesize this chapter for the sake of brevity, as it’s already as succinct and comprehensive as it can be. I think it serves my readers best as an excerpt without interpretation or condensation. I think you will thoroughly enjoy reading and flowing with Cynthia’s stream of consciousness. (Note: you may want to refer back to my previous post when she references the various “worlds” through which we travel as we ascend in consciousness.)


IN THE PAST two chapters we’ve been looking at some of the ways in which imaginal causality expresses itself in this world. Now it’s time to look a bit more closely at some of the ways in which this expression can be distorted — or in other words, areas in which some purification of the vehicle is necessary in order to ensure a greater reliability and consistency of connection.

The Sufis call this work “polishing the mirror” or “cleansing the lens of perception.” For Christian readers long accustomed to associating purification with sorrow and penance, this “housecleaning” metaphor may indeed offer a refreshing new take. In this more praxis-oriented context, the issue is not so much remorse for our moral failings (although that never drops out of the picture) as it is a deliberate effort to keep the viewing screen clear so that what falls on it is not immediately distorted by lower-order agendas.

The biggest single area of distortion lies in the tendency to drag the interpretation down to the level of magical thinking. At this level the focus is on individual “signs and wonders,” almost invariably drawn from the stock repertory. An eagle feather drops in your path, a rainbow appears in the sky, a shooting star streaks across the night sky, and suddenly you are in receipt of a personal message from God! Or perhaps you race on ahead and start filling in the pieces of the imaginal puzzle with your own imagi-nation and mental calculations. Then you are in some ways worse off than if you had never begun, conscripted to a scenario that exists only in your own head. In both cases there is a level confusion going on here, and this confusion is what will inevitably switch the message (however accurate it may have been at its initial point of impact) onto a generally unreliable track.

Who is this “I” who is receiving the message? The confusion is between two levels of consciousness, which in the classic typologies of both East and West are known as “psychic” and “subtle.” The bottom line is that imaginal causality belongs to the subtle level of consciousness; all attempts to capture it at the psychic level will lead to distortion — at best innocuous, at worst downright dangerous.

The psychic level of consciousness is that intermediate state at which a growing sensitization to transpersonal (a.k.a. “psychic”) phenomena is still firmly tied to an egoic (or narrative) self-center . . . and insofar as it does signal the initial opening of the imaginal capacities, it represents progress. But it is a very unstable place in the growth curve, and until the tension is ironed out a lot of damage can be done.

I will speak only in passing here of those more dangerous levels of magic and the occult, which happen in exactly this configuration at its extreme negative pole, i.e., a pronounced psychic capacity tied to a strong, amoral personal will. With concentrated attention and training, it is indeed possible to draw down the energy of World 24 and even World 6 to wreak havoc on this earth plane. Gurdjieff called such people “hasnamusses,” but perhaps the old term evil will serve just as well. We see them in the Hitlers, the Jim Joneses, the cult leaders run amuck, and in many more who wreak harm in a much more subtle but pervasive way (I would personally place Ayn Rand in that category): too much psychic power, too little love.

The moral inversion at work here is not only an affront to the image of our common humanity, it also badly misinterprets the nature of the higher energy itself, which appears under this filter to be simply an impersonal, amoral, “spirit in third person,” another mechanistic force to be harnessed — not, as it really is, a powerfully compassionate and coherent relational field bearing the moral heart of God. When Teilhard de Chardin insisted adamantly toward the end of his life that “God is a person, God is person,” he was not picturing an old man with a beard up in the sky. He was saying, rather, that as we proceed further and further into those luminous spheres, we encounter more and more fully the personal, radiant, tender, and intimate presence of the divine heart, which can never be relegated to an “it.” It is always a “thou,” and it pulls us inevitably toward greater thouness, the ultimate sacrifice that is love’s.

The imaginal realm properly corresponds to the subtle level of consciousness, which in turn corresponds to a different kind of selfhood. We move here necessarily from a narrative or egoic seat of selfhood to the beginnings of authentic witnessing selfhood. The concept is not well understood in Christian spiritual theology, which still tends to confuse the mythical beast of “true self” with the high egoic functioning of world 48. Witnessing selfhood is a World 24 phenomenon. That discrete sense of a personal “I” marching along a linear timeline held in place by memory and desire, gradually shifts to a larger and more unboundaried selfhood, the “wave” form of oneself, as it were.

Paying attention not to what you are but to that you are is how the anonymous medieval author of The Cloud of Unknowing summarized this fundamental shift in perspective.’ For Gurdjieff, this would be the beginning of the transition from “essence” to “Real I.” I have written extensively about this transition elsewhere, most recently in my book The Heart of Centering Prayer, so I will not elaborate further here.” But I would want to make very clear, with regard to our present concern, that imaginal causality can only be reliably read beginning at the level of witnessing selfhood and sooner or later demands that one join it at that level. The cost of admission to this new and more intense bandwidth of reality is ultimately your phenomenal self. Those things that you once thought were you — your history, your emotions, your particularities, your “descriptions” (as Beatrice Bruteau calls them) — are precisely those things offered into the refiner’s fires in order to create a being that can reliably listen and respond.

Seeing with the Eye of the Heart

In the Western Inner traditions there is a strong implicit thread that this shift to a new seat of selfhood is inextricably linked to a new operating system of perception, centered in the heart. “Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God,” said Jesus, in these words of the sixth beatitude inaugurating not only a new pathway of purification but in fact a new phenomenology of it. The heart is already implicitly identified as the seat of imaginal vision, and as the teaching gets fleshed out over the centuries, particularly in mystical Sufism, the consensus continues to build that the heart (rather than the cognitive mind, i.e., the brain) is the true organ of spiritual perception and the seat of our imaginal selfhood. . . . (All embolden emphases added)

—Bourgeault EYE OF THE HEART


Over the past eighty-three years I have re-created my physical body twelve times over. With each new body a new mind was created as well, which allowed me to think anew and see anew, influenced by teachers and friends. What wasn’t created anew was my heart. Not my physical heart but my spiritual heart. That came with my spirit when I incarnated — and to the degree my mind has played its role in protecting my heart, I have retained some innocence. To the degree my mind has been self-centered and self-active, and has failed to protect it, my heart has accumulated such ill patterns as shame, guilt, and blame, to mention but a few of the many impure and disruptive feeling patterns and emotional impulses cluttering and sullying my heart’s lens of perception.

Many of these patterns were established in early childhood and during my youthful years of “exploring the field,” so-to-speak, mostly with wreckless abandon and blind disregard for how my actions may have impacted and affected those around me. Some of them came with the larger collective body of which I became a member when I incarnated. Looking back now — which can be a dangerous and even fatal exercise — patterns of regret, remorse and self-loathing crop up for release and forgiveness — literally to be given up for transmutation in the purifying fire of unconditional love.

At the end of this eighty-three-year-old tunnel, I find my Self in the Light of this New Day as inseparably part of a Body, having no isolated and insulated existence — in the presence of my LORD God, naked and unashamed, having been freed of shame and guilt in the Presence of unconditional Love. As the lens of my heart continues to be cleansed — largely under the pressure of challenging circumstances and recurring memories of past “moral failings” — I continue to participate in the purification of the Heart of Humanity, which is the Heart of God; and I relinquish all identification with the debris rising up and out of my personal field and the collective field of this Body, of which I am but one member of billions. None of it is who or what I am. I assume identity with my true Self as being one with the angelic Fire of Purification. One with Love. Love is what and who I Am. Love is what and who you are.

I know it to be the truth, for myself and for each and every one of us. We belong to One Body, outside of which we are nothing. That Body is the Body of God on Earth. So, if you think and feel that you are insignificant, a nobody, then I encourage you to let go of that isolated and insignificant self and let go to your true Self. You, as a Human Being and incarnate angel, are essential and vital to the healing and restoration of the Body of God on Earth. That’s no small and insignificant role we are privileged to play while we are on Earth.

Knowing this as truth brings with it a certain responsibility from which these is no escape. There’s work to be done — spiritual, emotional, mental as well as physical — as none of us are free of our past, personal and collective, as long as one of us is bound to it.

Let us not be “burned up” with the debris that’s on fire and disintegrating in Worlds 96 and 192. Neither let us be distraught and destroyed with it. Rather let us identify with the Fire, be one with the Spirit of Purification, whose place of presence is the Heart. Let my heart, one with the Heart of God, be purified in love’s fire so that I may see as God sees me and all the members of His Body.

We belong in Gurdjieff’s World 24 . . . in the “Kingdom of Heaven”. . . where we receive our instructions: the ordinances of heaven from the Holy Absolute in World 1, their “dominion” of which we are ordained to set in the earth and manifest Creation.

Gurdjieff’s map of the worlds may be useful in helping one see where one is currently living: in heaven or in hell . . . or perhaps in between. If you’re moving through hell, as the saying goes, remember that it’s only an illusion, so just keep moving . . . UP! Up, up and away, as the song goes. Leave the world to its own undoing, and just let love radiate through your heart without concern for results. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


At The Crossover

Christ the Redeemer at Rio de Janeiro

“I am come that they may have life and have it more abundantly . . . that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.— Gospel of John


While attending a memorial service for a departed friend recently, I sat down in one of the pews waiting for the service to begin. When I looked up toward the closed casket, my eyes were met by a large crucifix on the wall behind it with the graven image of the crucified Jesus. I felt a sudden pall of sadness; not for our departed friend and his family, but for our Lord and King whose crucifixion is still being celebrated by Christians two-thousand-plus years after his victory over death and his glorious resurrection.

I long for the day when Christians take down the crucifixes in their churches and elsewhere — ideally, do away with “Good Friday” altogether and only celebrate Jesus’s victory over death and His Resurrection from the tomb. It’s not that He didn’t make the best use of what was imposed upon Him by the world. He did ask His Heavenly Father to take that cup from Him in the Garden of Gethsemane, yet He yielded to His Father’s Will. He knew well what was ahead and yet embraced it fully and used it for a higher purpose: a victory over death and the opening of a portal to eternal life for all of mankind.

His victory is what I celebrate during Holy Week . . . and I invite all of my Christian readers and friends to celebrate with me. Let the joy that was His be fulfilled in our hearts and souls this day.


The crucifix can be seen as a crossover symbol, with its vertical and horizontal aspects joining and crossing at the point of the Golden Mean, the Divine Proportion (1.618) — the vertical representing Heaven and the horizontal representing Earth. The Spirit of God descends from Heaven and touches the Earth. Angels descend from the Realms of Light and incarnate in earthen forms in order to extend that Spirit below the horizontal into the world; to serve the Creator on Earth and bring Heaven here. By extending your arms, like the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro demonstrates, you assume the posture of a cross, signifying that your body temple provides a crossover point between the invisible and visible realms — between Heaven and Earth.

This is the true meaning and significance of the Cross of Jesus. He came to Earth not to die but to demonstrate for us how to live in union with His Father and bring the experience of Heaven on Earth into our lives. Sadly, the world rejected Him and redacted His teachings to align with the traditional religious concepts held sacred in the human mind . . . then crucified His body on the cross at Golgotha, the “place of the skull.”

We are a death-oriented people. We worship death as a necessary evil; a way of escape from pain and hardship, as well as the way to enter Heaven. Truth is, HERE on earth is where the ultimate experience of life take place. Angels in the realms of Light long to have the experience of living on this beautiful planet where Mother God, the Queen of Heaven, creates a Paradise of Edenic beauty and bounty on Earth — Her Queendom. Where delicious fruits and crisp vegetation can be tasted and lifted up in flesh temples as loving tithes to Her Lord and King.


It is said that Martin Luther threw an inkwell at the devil upon awakening one night, and that he was plagued by many demons. My mentor used to cite this incident and then would suggest that he must have smashed the inkwell against his own skull, making and bringing home the point that our demons are in our own heads and projected out there; that the crucifixion of the Christ Spirit is taking place in the skull of human beings where the self-active mind of man shuts out the Kingdom of God from being experienced, by the priesthood and by the faithful. Christians pray unceasingly “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” but they do not allow it to be done. They have their own wills to exercise and fulfill in their lives, individually and collectively.

Am I being too harsh or irreverent? I don’t think so. After all I include myself among those who once recited the Lord’s Prayer daily in seminary while studying to become a Catholic priest. I, too, believed that Jesus died for my sins and that we had to die in order to go to Heaven. How well I recall the many times I knelt at the foot of a large crucifix in the seminary chapel gazing up into the eyes of the image on the cross depicting the brutal crucifixion of Jesus and feeling a deep sadness while trying to get in touch with the anguish and pain He must have felt, abandoned by His world He came to save, with hands and feet nailed to a wooden cross. As I recall those formative days of that fourteen-year-old young man’s life — responding to a calling, a “vocation,” to serve the Lord as His priest — words come to mind the Master spoke to the weeping women of Jerusalem as he carried His cross up the “Via Dolorosa” in the “Holy City” of Jerusalem on the way to Golgotha:

“Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children. For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck.

There’s so much prophecy encoded in that response to the weeping women. Those days have come for millions in war-torn countries such as Ukraine, and where earthquakes and torrential floods have displaced millions from their homes and devastated villages leaving mothers nothing to bring their children home to and raise a family; husbands and fathers gone off to fight their country’s battles and defend their homelands from enemy invaders; too many never to return home, dead or alive.

I feel in my gut that those days have arrived for the entire world and they will be apocalyptic for the human race and for all life on Earth — unless we turn away from our self-centered destructive ways and return to our LORD and KING of Heaven and Earth. This is His world, after all, as are we His body.

A passage from the Book of Malachi (3:7) in the Old Testament wants to be brought forward here:

“Ever since the time of your ancestors you have turned away from my decrees and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you,” says the Lord Almighty.”


There have been six documented mass extinctions, the last one being at the end of the last ice age 12,800 years ago with the Younger Dryas meteor impact that melted the ice cap and caused an apocalyptic deluge that washed away entire advanced civilizations in North America and in parts of Europe and Asia, raising sea levels and sinking the great civilization on the island of Atlantis. Evidence of this massive rush of waters over land can be seen here in the scablands of Washington State and the region around the Great Lakes and the lakes themselves. We may well be headed for a seventh mass extinction.

I highly recommend Graham Hancock’s “Ancient Apocalypse” now streaming on Netflix. It’s a well documented series on our cataclysmic past, a topic well worth visiting at this time — as it seems humanity needs a sobering splash of cold water in the face in order to wake up to reality.

It could well happen again as conditions in the heavens are similar in the Winter Solstice of today as they were in the Summer Solstice 12,800 years ago when Earth wandered into the thick debris tail of the Taurid comet and got showered by a raining mass of meteors. The Zodiacal science of Mazzaroth is an exact science, and our absence from the crossover point of dominion over the whole earth has allowed our planet to be knocked off of its appointed orbit and start wobbling on its axis. Like the Children of Israel, we are wandering in the wilderness of the cosmos into dangerous areas where cataclysms have happened in times past. The Taurid comet observes a 26,000-year cycle, according to Graham Handcock’s documentary. That’s approximately the length of two precession cycles of the earth’s axis around the 12 Zodiac constellations, each cycle being 12,700 – 12,800 years.

I don’t mean to be a prophet of doom and gloom here. But, based on our cataclysmic past, we earthlings would do well to take heed — or as my parents would say “You better straighten up and fly right!”

I will close with those uplifting words from Psalm 24 immortalized in Handle’s Messiah:

“Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.”

Happy Easter


The Silent World of Vibrations, page 4: Pleiades, Orion and the Ordinances of Heaven

Seven Sisters of the Pleiades

Who hath put wisdom in the inward parts, or who hath given understanding to the heart?” —Job 38:35

I’M GOING TO SWITCH GEARS and share an excerpt from SACRED ANATOMY, a book of reflections and meditations on the energy anatomy of the body as a temple of worship that I authored and published back in the late 1980’s and early 90’s. In this post I share a portion of the chapter featuring the pancreas as both an organ and a sacred seal for the release and expression of spiritual essences.

(But first I want to say how much I am enjoying being human. Being a man who enjoys watching a football game on TV while snacking on beer and pretzels just as much as I revel in a beautiful sunset. Just being human and enjoying the simple pleasures of life on this material plane and in this amazingly beautiful world of Nature. I will miss it and will be sure to reenlist for another tour of service to the One, hopefully in the New Earth.)

Our sacred energy anatomy communicates by way of silent vibrations. Our cells communicate via light signals, our endocrine glands via light-bearing hormonal crystals, our brains and nervous system via electrical impulses shooting across synapses.

As below so above: the stars and constellations in the heavens share energy, information and intelligence silently by means of plasma. Suns govern planets and planets their moons by way of silent magnetic fields. Light creates a cosmos in silence. Zodiac signs set the dominion of the seasonal ordinances of Mazzaroth in the Earth . . . without making a sound. In a word, we are afloat in a sea of silent energy and vibrations . . . silent, that is, to our ears.

From my book . . . .

The Capacity to Know and Express Spirit

   As I said, this sacred site provides us with the capacity for spiritual expression, an experience of Third Plane Being. From this plane our heart, with the guidance of our feeling realm, rises to give us the capacity to discern and process spiritual essences.  Here spiritual things are discerned spiritually. This includes the awareness of the presence of spirit, specifically one’s own Angelic Presence. The pneumaplasm generated at this sacred site is fine enough to rise up and begin providing a medium for the transmission of the radiant emanations of spirit from the Fourth Plane of being, where the One I Am stands in the midst of the Seven Golden Candlesticks. 

   Realization of the Presence of the One I Am is the gift of the angel of this church, and with realization comes assurance that I Am the angel incarnate, the One standing in the midst.   I Am the blessing being poured out through my window of heaven into the world.  Being still, I may come to know that I am an aspect of God.  Therefore all things necessary for my presence and service on Earth are provided by my Father in heaven whose unconditional and irresistible love draws forth the substance of the Great Mother of Creation to provide flesh and form for all that I shall ever need to live a creative and fruitful life.  All that is needed is already present with me now and will manifest as needed.

When I contemplate the form and function of the body temple and all its intricate and interacting parts, knowing that here before me and with me is a manifestation of the ordinances of heaven, of the very principles and laws that govern all of Creation, I begin to see and understand with the spiritual eyes of my heart replicating patterns of both structure and function reflecting off the calm and still waters of consciousness within and all around me in the larger whole. Wisdom fills the “inward parts” of my soul.

Balancing Sacred Energy

A beautiful example of this type of contemplative visioning can be known studying the manner in which energy is held in a state of balance by various mechanisms of checks and balances for efficient and effective creativity. We have just considered the balancing of energy harvested from the foods we take into our body-temple. All energies originate in one Source and are initially divided into the duality of the masculine and feminine. They all start out as sacred forces and work together creatively so long as they are balanced.

The balancing of sacred energy, both in the individual body-temple and in the collective body of mankind, is accomplished by bringing the masculine and feminine energies into a place of accord where they work together with the Spirit of Blessing.

The feminine energy is of the heart realm and brings a nurturing sweetness into the mix, along with deep feeling and emotional intensity. The masculine energy is more mental and brings such elements as logic and reason, along with mental calmness for clear thinking.

Imbalance occurs when either one of them becomes overly dominant and controlling. For example, should the masculine seek to dominate and control the feminine, who then withdraws her sweetness, the energy level quickly drops in a relationship. It drops in the individual, as well as in the collective body of mankind, by reason of the same dynamics at work between the masculine and the feminine energies.

As these two sacred energies are brought together in a state of balance and co-creativity, a tremendous blessing is poured out of heaven into the world. Perhaps we might glean more about this important area of human relations by going deeper in our consideration. There is a series of questions in the Biblical story of Job that just might take us there.

The sweet influences of the Pleiades and the bands of Orion.

In this ancient story, hundreds of years older than the Book of Genesis, as recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible, one of several compelling questions asked of Job by the Lord from out of a whirlwind was, “Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?” (Job 38:31)

Throughout their writings Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda) and Lord Martin Exeter both place these two constellations in a vibratory context relative to our solar system.

The Creative Process works on the basis of creative triangles. The constellations of Orion and Pleiades in this context form a creative triangle with our Sun. Between these three points grid lines of cosmic forces are stretched and interconnected.

The Pleiades bring the influences of the Feminine vibration to bear in our solar system, and therefore in all of the natural world on this planet, including mankind. Orion brings to bear the influence of Masculine vibration.

The Feminine vibration creates the womb and atmosphere, the heaven, for the conception, gestation and nurturing of the things of Spirit in preparation for their birth into the world of form. The Masculine vibration creates the consciousness out of which the Creative Word is spoken and sent forth into the creative field—the earth—to draw creation into form. Both characterize the nature of God and Man and are essential to the proper unfoldment of the Creative Process through which creation is made manifest from out of the invisible heaven into the visible earth.


This representation of Orion and Pleiades as Masculine and Feminine vibrations respectively is also reflected in Greek and Roman mythologies at least a millennium or more later on in the history of man. For example, Pleiades, a winter constellation, in Greek mythology represented the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione placed by Zeus among the stars, although only six can be seen—because one of them is “lost.” As the story is told in Roman mythology, Orion the hunter, also a winter constellation, abducted one of the sisters and made love to her. Orion was banished by the moon goddess, Diana, who was in love with him. He died accidentally when Scorpio, a summer constellation, bit him on one of his hunting expeditions during exile. Thus they are not present together in any night sky. Orion is accompanied by his hunting dogs, Canis Major and Canis Minor.

This all sounds very much like a modern day soap opera. The man is fleeing the wrath of his scorned lover, to whom he was unfaithful, with his canine best friends at his feet hunting for prey. Little has changed in the saga of male-female relationships over the millennia. As English playwright and poet William Congreve dramatized the saga: “Hell hath no fury like the wrath of a woman scorned.”

All of this adds to the historical evidence that these constellations represent the masculine and the feminine aspects of Man. These vibrations, of course, are operative in both sexes: the masculine being more dominant in men and the feminine more dominant in women—yet their roles are in some instances reversed.

These seven sisters of Pleiades may be seen as correlating with the seven glands of our endocrine system and the seven spirits before the throne of God as John of Revelation describes his vision of a “throne set in heaven.”

(This, of course, is the subject and theme of my book SACRED ANATOMY — where spirit and flesh dance in the fires of creation.)

The Ordinances of Heaven

   One of the meanings of the phrase “to bind” is “to unite or hold, as by a feeling of loyalty or love.” This shines a new light on the question the Lord asked of Job, “Canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades . . . ?”  Rather than the common meaning of bind, which implies to hold back and suppress—an attitude which the human male has historically held toward the feminine, both in himself and in women—the question could be interpreted as asking: “Can you, man, commit yourself to a state of union with woman?  Can you hold her response in a focused current of love?   Can you embrace the feminine vibration of the Pleiades, both in yourself and in woman, so as to hold it steady while you honor her with the release of your masculine vibration into her womb to fertilize the seed planted there by the Spirit of God?”  The question really relates to the business of stewarding the Creative Process by which the invisible is made visible, or as the Lord’s Prayer creatively commands, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

This brings to light another question asked of Job: “Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? Canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?” This can be seen as pertaining to the relationship between God and Man, men and women, between mind and heart, and between Man and Nature. The ordinances of heaven are established as seeds planted in the soil of human consciousness and brought forth in their seasons. Man was put in charge of stewarding this process for the entire Earth.

In what is called “organic gardening,” for instance, the gardener does not merely put the seeds in the soil and forget about them until harvest time. If he did, there would likely not be a harvest. As any truly dedicated organic gardener will tell you, there is a marriage that takes place between the tiller of the soil and the soil itself. There is a love affair here which calls forth every ounce of care and consideration in the gardener for each step and phase along the way of the creative process that brings forth—first the plants, which require a certain kind of care, and finally the vegetables or fruit, which require something entirely different in the way of care. The gardener literally woos the garden until she yields herself into the hands of her lover. If he gets impatient with the soil and starts stimulating it with commercial fertilizers, she knows it and will begin to withdraw her sweetness and her response.

This is reflected in the bitter taste of vegetables grown on plants whose root systems lacked the depth required to reach for the minerals in the soil, which give vegetables their sweetness. If he does not feed her rich organic matter, she will lose her fertility. If he hurts her with pesticides and harsh chemicals, she will give it back to him in her fruit. The garden and the soil are man’s best friends.

   The sweet influences of the divine feminine vibration of Mother Nature long to be taken in hand by the true husbandman who brings, through his gentle but sure hands, the vibration of love that is characteristic of the divine masculine.  His is truly the tender, sure, yet gentle, patient and loving touch.

(See page 2 for the rest of this consideration. I welcome any thoughts, insights and realizations you may have and wish to share about this post.)

Anthony (

For a copy of SACRED ANATOMY simply send your request to me by email. Price is $35 + S&H.

Sacred Organic Minerals

“Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let Earth receive her King. Let every heart preparer Him room, and heaven and nature sing.

Joy to the world the Savior reigns, Let men their songs employ, While fields and floods, Rocks hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy.

He rules the world with truth and grace And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness And wonders of His love.” *

* * *

Colorful crystals of the mineral kingdom

HOW BEAUTIFUL AND COLORFUL are these precious crystals of the Mineral Kingdom. Each color represents a different frequency of vibration determined by the particular “Cosmic Ray” they each channel. Their individual vibration contributes its tone to the Music of the Spheres . . . and all of them together are players in the Symphony of Life sounding throughout the Cosmos and resounding in our body temples.

As I promised in my previous post, I am publishing a section from my book Sacred Anatomy which offers inspiring words about the role of  minerals and trace minerals in our body-temples.  Here is the first installment. I think you will enjoy it and be inspired.  

Having considered in some depth the transmutation of the elements of matter as Walter Russell has detailed the process by which the 121 elements and isotopes that constitute his revised Table of Elements are created, I turn my attention to the Source of the Power of Transmutation: the 12 Cosmic Rays as they enter and work their magic in our bodies

* * *

Divine Technology at Work

“. . . and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and  thunderings  and voices.” (Rev. 4:5)

The throne of God in these temples is a living reality on earth.  It reflects and manifests the throne of God which John of Revelation described as “a throne set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.” This all relates, as we have seen, to the Pineal Body and the focus in this endocrine gland of the Spirit of Love, the incarnate angel in each one, who sits on this throne.  Divine technology is at work here, just as it was at work in the Ark of the Covenant, which provided a throne for Deity in the midst of the Israelites as they wandered in the wilderness.

The Ark may well have been more than just an elaborate and ornate box for carrying the tablets of the Ten Commandments around.  It was more likely a very precisely designed instrument of a highly advanced technology.  As I described it above, it was lined with pure gold.  Gold is more than just a symbol of power in the world.  Gold is power.  There was real power associated with this ark.

Gold is symbolic of love, the only real power there is.  Among other things, this gives rise to the question: What do we really know about love?  It is powerful beyond human power.  Love has been described as the “cohesive power that holds the universe together.”  That same power made itself evident through the Ark with its precise design and the precious metal of gold with which it was overlaid inside and out.

So is it with our own body temples. There is a correlation between the divine technology at work within the human cranium and that which was at work within the Ark of the Covenant. There is an arc of love in the cranium which gives life to the body.  Great power comes to focus in the body with the Spirit of Love governing thought and action through the heart.  These are the spiritual, or vibrational, factors relating to the heaven within.  There are factors relating to the earth that need to be in place as well. I am referring to the elements of the mineral kingdom. These comprise the conduit and control mechanism through which the power of love can work in these human capacities. 

Minerals and Cosmic Powers

In his Steps To Mastership, lesson thirteen, Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda) gives instructions relative to what he refers to as the “Twelve Cosmic Rays,” among other sacred factors essential to the process of spiritualization, or transmutation, of physical matter, which are “sometimes spoken of as zodiacal influences which form the directing urges by which mankind functions on the physical plane.”  He then makes this revealing statement: “The points of contact within the body through which the twelve Cosmic Rays are enabled to transmit life to the body, are the twelve Organic Minerals found in the body substance.”

Uranda further instructs: “There is a Tree of Life on every plane of being.  The twelve fruits of the Tree of Life on the physical plane are the twelve body minerals.” He then goes on to say that all twelve minerals are needed for health in the body, which must be attained before one can be influenced by the Twelve Cosmic Rays. These twelve minerals and cosmic rays are represented by the “twenty and four elders” who stood around the throne and bowed down to the One who sat thereon casting their crowns down before Him. Cosmic energy is released in our bodies when these twelve minerals are present and their powers made available to the One I Am.

Inorganic minerals have a covalent power of their own which causes them to bond together as solid foundational rock. As they are taken up into the vegetable kingdom they are chelated, literally clawed apart, by organic acids in the plants and then re-arranged and proportioned so as to make them available to the animal kingdom. Inorganic compounds become organic through this process.  In this sense they give up their crowns, their independence and power, to become part of the living temple.  In the process of surrender, their powerful energies are released inside our bodies—the “thunderings and lightnings” that proceeded forth from out of the throne.

These organic minerals are: Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron, Fluorine, Chlorine, Silica, Manganese, Sulphur, and Iodine. Their functions in the body temple are many and varied. All are essential to the function of the endocrine glands and the nervous system’s capacity to carry electrical current, as well as in the production of enzymes. All are instrumental in the ceremony of ascension in both the body temple and in the larger Cathedral of the Natural World.  (To be continued)

(Sacred Anatomy . . . where spirit and flesh dance in the fires of creation.)

I will carry on with this theme in my next post. Until then, I wish you a truly Merry Christmas and a Happy and Joyful Holiday Season.

Credits: “Joy to the World” is an English Christmas carol composed by Isaac Watts in the year 1719 as his interpretation of Psalm 98. It’s my favorite carol during the Christmas season, especially when sung by a choir accompanied by orchestra. Here’s an upbeat rendition of the carol by Hillsong Worship choir:

Eye of the Divine was created by artist Goa Lobaugh from Ashland, OR.

About my book . . .

Your Sacred Anatomy offers a powerful and personal theme for meditation. This book was written to evoke deep currents in the heart for the sacred in everyday life. The author takes you beyond mainstream and even alternative health care to consider the human body in its true purpose and function as a holy temple and an instrument for the magic of creation.

Have you ever wondered how spirit steps down into flesh and incarnates?  If indeed our bodies are temples of the living God, as sacred scripture teaches, how does the spirit of God dwell in them?  What is the mechanism through which spirit incarnates so completely as to govern every detail of our bodily functions?

 Gain a deeper understanding of the sacred nature of your physical body.  Discover a new perspective of an aspect of your anatomy that receives little attention until hormonal chemistry is thrown into a state of imbalance.  Come to appreciate the vital role your seven endocrine glands play in bringing the gifts of spirit and learn how illness plagues human existence when these gifts are withheld and hormonal glands fail to function normally. You will see clearly the role you play in determining which way this plays out in your own life experience.

This book will profoundly change the way you view and treat your human capacities. You will find both inspiration and practical spirituality as you explore the chemistry and alchemy of the endocrine system which sets the stage for the dance of spirit with flesh.

To order a copy of Sacred Anatomy simply drop me an email at:

Sacred Organic Minerals, page 2

Twelve Cosmic Rays

“  . . . and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and  thunderings  and voices.”   (Rev. 4:5)

2017 DecemberWE’VE BEEN CONSIDERING COSMIC POWER and the role the Mineral Kingdom plays in grounding cosmic power in the Earth.  We saw how organic minerals ground and channel cosmic energy in and through our body-temples.  Let us read on in Sacred Anatomy and meditate on the mystery of life that unfolds through our body-temples.  Here’s the final installment in this series, which starts with a recalling of the last paragraph of the previous  post and Uranda’s instructions with regard to the Twelve Cosmic Rays:

In his Steps To Mastership, lesson thirteen, Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda) gives instructions relative to what he refers to as the “Twelve Cosmic Rays,” among other sacred factors essential to the process of spiritualization, or transmutation, of physical matter, which are “sometimes spoken of as zodiacal influences which form the directing urges by which mankind functions on the physical plane.”  He then makes this revealing statement: “The points of contact within the body through which the twelve Cosmic Rays are enabled to transmit life to the body, are the twelve Organic Minerals found in the body substance.”

Uranda further instructs: “There is a Tree of Life on every plane of being.  The twelve fruits of the Tree of Life on the physical plane are the twelve body minerals.” He then goes on to say that all twelve minerals are needed for health in the body, which must be attained before one can be influenced by the Twelve Cosmic Rays. These twelve minerals and cosmic rays are represented by the “twenty and four elders” who stood around the throne and bowed down to the One who sat thereon casting their crowns down before Him. Cosmic energy is released in our bodies when these twelve minerals are present and their powers made available to the One I Am.

These organic minerals are: Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron, Fluorine, Chlorine, Silica, Manganese, Sulphur, and Iodine.  Their functions in the body temple are many and varied. All are essential to the function of the endocrine glands and the nervous system’s capacity to carry electrical current, as well as in the production of enzymes. All are instrumental in the ceremony of ascension in both the body temple and in the larger Cathedral of the Natural World.

 Calcium’s function is to build bones and teeth, help with blood coagulation, reduce neuromuscular irritability and facilitate contraction of muscles and nerve conduction in the heart muscles. Magnesium is used in tooth formation, nerve conduction, muscle contraction and enzyme activation. It balances Calcium one-to-two respectively.  Sodium plays a large role in acid-base balance, osmotic pressure, blood pH, muscle contractility and nerve transmission. Potassium’s role is with muscle activity, nerve transmission, intracellular acid-base balance and water retention, and energy management.  It assists in escorting glucose into muscle cells for energy. Phosphorus in closely associated with Calcium and its functions with bone and teeth formation.  It is used in establishing and maintaining acid-base balance, is a component of nucleic acids and is involved in energy production.  Iron assists in the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin, contributes to the production of certain enzymes and iron-sulphur proteins.   Fluorine is used in bone and tooth formation.  Chlorine is used in acid-base balance, osmotic pressure, blood pH and kidney function.

 Silica’s chief role is in the alchemical production of bone tissue through a process of “biological transmutation.”  I suspect it also plays a role in memory storage, similar to that of the silica microchip in the computer.   It is believed that bones provide an atomic memory engram depository that contains the record not only of contemporary legacies but of ancient ones as well.  Manganese is essential to joint mobility and ligament tone, strength and elasticity. It is also vital to the function of the Pituitary gland and plays a component part in the makeup of manganese-specific enzymes.  Sulphur is an antibiotic that also helps with joint motility.   Finally, Iodine is essential to the production of thyroxine in the thyroid gland (T4) and triodothyronine (T3), both essential to growth and development.  It also plays a role as an energy-control mechanism and in fetal differentiation.

 Not mentioned by Uranda are the seventy-two or more trace minerals that play empowering roles in the balancing of body chemistry, especially with the hormones.  Just to name a few of them,  Selenium, found in wheat germ oil, plays a key role as part of the Vitamin E complex in the cardiovascular system. Technically, Selenium is a component of the enzymes glutathione peroxidase, which metabolizes hydroperoxides formed from polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as enzymes that take the iodine out of thyroid hormones before they are recycled.  Chromium is a trace mineral that promotes the utilization of glucose by the muscle cells, thereby supporting the glucose tolerance factor in the bloodstream.  Molybdenum is a transitional metal that forms oxides and is a component of a coenzyme essential to the activity of xanthine oxidase, sulfite oxidase, and aldehyde oxidase, enzymes involved in preventing toxic levels of sulfite, xanthine and aldehyde (such as formaldehyde) in the blood stream.

Magnesium, which most Americans are deficient in, and the trace mineral Gold are essential to balanced and clear mental function.  The presence and function of Gold in the brain is not surprising in light of the presence of the focus of Love in the Pineal.  The trace mineral silver is a protective element that vibrationally alters pathogens, such as harmful bacteria and viruses, upon contact.

These elements of the mineral kingdom are not only present in a healthy body, their levels and ratios to one another are critical to maintaining healthy function, strength and vitality in the body.  Calcium is in critical ratio to Phosphorus, Magnesium and Potassium; Sodium is balanced by Potassium; Copper and Zinc need to be in balanced ratio, as well as Sodium and Magnesium, Copper and Iron.  The degree to which these minerals are present in their proper levels and ratios, the body is healthy.  To the degree they are not, the body is sick and dying.

 While Copper intensifies cellular activity, activating estrogen in cell proliferation, Zinc, which activates progesterone and testosterone, cools it down.  The body contains two to three grams of Zinc, found mainly in bones, teeth, hair, skin, the liver, muscle, leukocytes and in the testes.  It plays a role in skin integrity, enzymes, wound healing and growth.  Inorganic Copper is a heavy metal whose unbound ions are toxic.   Almost all of the Copper in the body is present as an organic mineral component of copper proteins, thereby reducing the in-vivo concentration of unbound copper ions almost to zero.  On average, an adult has about 150 mg of Copper in the body, of which about 10 to 20 mg are in the liver.  (Most of the information about the function of these minerals was taken from The Merck Manual, Seventeenth Edition.)

So we see there is an amazing interrelationship of checks and balances in the way minerals and trace minerals are arranged and proportioned in the body by reason of the chelating activity in the vegetable kingdom, which is designed to provide nutritional nourishment for the animal kingdom, a kingdom which our present physical capacities are yet part of. 

Up until recently these essential nutrients have been virtually ignored in commercial farming.  In America, our agricultural lands were declared demineralized and, therefore, unfit for farming as early as the 1940’s, resulting in Americans becoming the most over-fed and under-nourished nation in the world.  Whereas the human body needs some fifty nutrients for healthy function, our soils are given but a handful of commercial chemicals with which to work in order to produce vegetables and fruit that are pleasant to the eyes but empty of life-sustaining nutrients.

Adrenal exhaustion is presently surfacing as the primary malady of people in this country and the fundamental, underlying cause of nearly all bodily malfunctions.   In his important book,  Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome,  naturopathic physician Dr. James L. Wilson decries the fact that  doctors have been dealing with . . .

“. . . a  problem of monstrous proportions that is largely unrecognized by the medical establishment.  This has left millions of people suffering from an untreated problem that interferes not only with their ability to function but also with their capacity to enjoy life.  It is difficult to assess exactly how much money is lost by corporations due to worker absenteeism, poor or clouded decision making, alcoholism, drug abuse, ‘nervous breakdowns,’ burnout, employee conflict, acute and chronic illness, loss of employees, and a host of other costly problems that stem from the effects of over-stressed adrenal glands.” 

Little wonder that this is so, since ninety-five percent of Americans have been declared severely deficient in organic minerals and trace elements.  If they are not in the soil, of course, they are not to be found in our foods and therefore not in our bodies in sufficient levels or appropriate proportions. Where minerals and essential trace elements for the conduction of life’s energy are lacking in the human body, the stress of daily activities is almost unbearable.

These precious elements work their vibrational magic within the body according to their specific vibratory frequencies. They are the gifts of the mineral kingdom and can only be taken up into the body in colloidal form as they naturally appear suspended in vegetation.  All of these are elements that are readily available today, more than ever before its seems, as Mother Nature yields up her secrets to us in a copious stream of these and other “healing nutrients” in the form of whole food supplements and herbs.  I am forever amazed at the timely provision of life as it demonstrates its loving care for the body of Mankind on earth.  All that remains is for us each one and all to open up and receive these bountiful gifts with joy and thanksgiving while efforts are increasingly being directed by organic farmers the world around toward replenishing the soil and returning to organic gardening practices. 

Organic farming has begun to appear throughout the land, with organically produced vegetables and fruits becoming plentifully available in supermarkets.  One way to tell if a vegetable was grown in mineral-rich soil is its sweetness.  Minerals make your carrots sweet.  If they’re not sweet, they were grown in mineral-depleted soil.  To safeguard your body’s health, I recommend a daily supplementation of organically grown minerals and trace minerals.  They are essential to the utilization of vitamins . . . and to our reception of cosmic rays.

Standard Process Laboratories in Palmyra, Wisconsin has been making wholefood supplements available to doctors and their patients for over a hundred years.  They maintain a large organic farm on site.  Its founder, Dr. Royal Lee, was a dentist who believed that a person’s teeth depend on a well-nourished physical body.  So he developed a line of wholefood supplements in order to provide his patients with vitamin-and-mineral-rich supplements. I’ve used them in my practice for many decades with rewarding success . . . and I supplement my daily diet with them.

I welcome any thoughts you may have and wish to share.  This being Christmas weekend, I wish you each one a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year in 2023.  Until my next post, 

Be love.  Be loved. 


Picture credit: “Eye of the Divine” (Twelve Cosmic Rays) by Goa Lobaugh.  See his art at

Transmutation of the Elements of Matter, part 2: Under Pressure

The elements of matter are but varying aggregations of corpuscular light units gathered together in systems familiarly known as atoms.” —Walter Russell

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THERE ARE NOT NUMEROUS ELEMENTS. According to Dr. Walter Russell, from Nature’s point of view, there is only one substance, Carbon, undergoing changes under changing pressure and transmuting through ten octaves of seven tones each, every element a precursor of the next. “A radium particle was once a light unit of hydrogen and will be so again. More than this, an atom of any element actually contains within itself all of the other elements.” More about this is my next post.

In the vibrational context of Creation, that One Substance is called Light. In a spiritual context, that substance is called Love. Out of the Light of Love all substance is created . . . and transmuted by Love..

All substance in the Creating Universe is under pressure to change, to transmute to a higher vibration . . . including the substance that comprises our physical bodies — and they do transmute at death, at least some of it, leaving the greater portion of mineral ash to fall back down into the earth from which it transmuted to a level just above the mineral kingdom to the animal kingdom.

These are the “kingdoms of this world” that are to become the “Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ.” This restoration awaits the restoration and ascension of Man to his ordained place as keeper of the Garden of Eden on Earth. What needs to be restored, and transmuted, is the substance of human consciousness. Much more of the substance of our physical bodies, and of the entire planet Earth, can and needs to be transmuted than is now occurring. That transmutation will follow in the wake of the restoration of Man. My rationale in writing this blog is that human consciousness might be elevated to a level where understanding of the Whole Holy World is advanced by at least some degree. These are my thoughts as I enter the Golden Years of my life cycle.

In this series I will consider the process by which the elements of matter transmute under pressure to higher and higher levels in the ten octaves of elemental progression to higher tones. I will call on Dr. Walter Russell to guide us through this consideration. The excerpts I will be using are from his 1955 published work A NEW CONCEPT of the UNIVERSE and his 1926 signature work THE UNIVERSAL ONE. I will start at the beginning with Dr. Russell’s stated Life Principle.

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    All life is immortal life. There is no mortal life. Life is a vitalizing property of all matter.   

Life is in and of all matter.

Man’s concept of life is not logical.

Man conceives life to be a property apart from matter, quickening compound elements of inorganic matter into living, functioning, organic beings.

Man defines organic matter as that in which life begins to function, imbuing it with vitality and intelligence. Man defines inorganic matter as those elements or compounds of matter in which there is no life and in which there is no vitality nor intelligence.

    Man conceives life as spontaneously generated in matter at favorable temperatures and under favorable conditions. Such concepts are not true concepts.

In searching for the life principle man is attempting to discover something corresponding to a germ which quickens lifeless matter. Life is not a germ and no matter is lifeless.

     Life is in and of all things from the beginning, always and forever.

     Life has no beginning. Life has no ending. Life is eternal.

     Life is in and of all inorganic as well as all organic matter.

Life is in and of all of the elements and the atoms of the elements and the compounds of the elements.

Life is in and of the sun of the atom, the planets of the atom, and the heavens surrounding the universe of the atom.

Life is the effect produced on the substance of Mind by the sequence of alternating electromagnetic pulsations which constitute the process of thinking. The progress of this effect is registered in integrating light and manifests itself in that orderly periodic phenomenon inherent in all matter and all things which man calls “growth.”

All matter is evolving.

All “growing” things are imbued with the life principle.

All things are “growing” things.

All matter is growing.

All matter is living.

Life is merely the registration, in matter, of states of motion of thinking Mind.

The substance of Mind has the appearance of many states of motion which man calls the “elements of matter.”

The “elements of matter” do not vary in substance. They vary only in their states of motion.

All motion is periodic and evolutionary.

All motion is motion in equilibrium. No other motion is possible.

All motion has the appearance of being divided into opposites. .

These opposites of motion shall henceforth be termed “motion-in-inertia” and ” motion-in-opposition. “

All that appearance which man calls matter is “motion-in-opposition.”

Motion-in-opposition is under either preponderantly electric or magnetic domination. It is a state of motion where pressures are un-equalized and sustained in their state of un-equalization by the resistance of the two opposing forces in motion. The point of maximum motion-in-opposition is the nuclear center of a unit or system where opposing pressures reach their point of maximum pressure.

Form of matter disappears into motion-in-inertia.

Motion-in-inertia is equally electric and magnetic. Neither force dominates. It is a state of motion where pressures are equalized. Man’s concept of life is energized, organic substance. Man’s concept of death is de-energized, organic substance.

There is no death. Life is eternal.

The One substance of the universe cannot become de-energized. Man’s concept of life belongs to motion-in-opposition.

Man’s concept of death belongs to motion-in-inertia.

Life belongs, in principle, to motion.

This is a universe of motion.

The cause of all motion is the dynamic action of thinking of the One universal living Being, which man calls God, or Mind, or by other names, all of which stand practically for the one idea of fatherhood, or deity.

Thinking is a process, an orderly, evolutionary, periodic process of absolute limitations.

All motion of thinking Mind is born in the maximum high speed of the universal constant of energy. It runs the gamut of periodic and opposing deceleration and acceleration in six full tones, one double tone, and a master-tone, to each of nine lowering octaves, and a variable number of mid-tones in each of the last four octaves.

The seven tones are those so-called “elements of matter” which are improperly classified in the eight groups of the commonly accepted Mendeleef periodic table. All effects of motion which cause the appearance of these elements is that which is herein termed “motion-in-opposition.”

The master-tone of each octave is the record of all motion taking place within the octave.

The master-tones are the turning points between reaction and action, just as the double tones are the turning points between action and reaction.

They are the beginnings of each new expression of energy in motion and are records of the old.

They are the ends of exhalations and the beginnings of inhalations.

The master-tone of each octave is the inheritance of the original motion of the thinking process of Mind. These master-tones are the “inert gases” which are classified in the zero group of the Mendeleef table.

The state of motion of these inert gases is that of motion-in-inertia.

Motion-in-inertia is that state of pressure equilibrium which lies between any two masses.

The inertial line, or plane, is that dividing line, or plane, toward which all masses discharge their potential.

It is the line, or plane, of lowest potential of two opposing areas of potential, where opposing pressures neutralize. This is the plane of minimum pressure of two opposing areas.

The master-tones which represent a state of motion-in-inertia and are the inert gases, bear the same relationship to the elements that white bears to the colors. They are a registration of them all. White is not included in the spectrum, it has no place there. The inert gases should not be included in the elements. They have no place there. Of this more shall be written later in its proper place.

The ten octaves constitute a cycle of evolving states of motion. This cycle includes the uttermost limitations of divine possibilities, and beyond it nothing is or can be.

The cycle begins with the highest note and descends the scale sequentially through man’s unseen universe until hydrogen, the first element perceivable to man, is reached.

There is no unseen universe.

Those tones which follow hydrogen are man’s visible or “physical” universe of matter and continue into the tenth octave. Here elemental integration and disintegration have ended the cycle by the attainment of the equilibrium of its beginning.

All motion is oscillatory, swinging in sequence between two apparently opposing forces, gravitation and repulsion, which are respectively electric and magnetic.

This oscillatory motion is a pulsating in-breathing and out-breathing, an inhalation and an exhalation, which is a characteristic of all matter, whether it be in units, or systems of units, or mass.

These two apparently opposite forces are the father … mother forces of Mind, which, added together, make but the One force.

There is but one pendulum to the cosmic clock.

All the so-called “created” universe of matter is but the effect of these two apparently opposing male, female forces exerting their opposition.

All motion-in-opposition is both gravitative and repulsive. This is characteristic of all matter.

Motion, at the inertial line or plane where mass disappears, is neither gravitative nor repelative. Hence the master-tones, which register effects of motion on this line or plane, should not be included in the table of the elements.

All matter is characterized by periodic and alternating opposites of motion in sequence, each opposite being preponderant in sequence.

Each opposite force is the cause of the other.

Opposition is a characteristic appearance of all effects of motion and has no existence other than as an appearance. In inertia, this appearance always disappears.

Motion and matter must not be confounded. Matter, as man understands matter, is only an appearance due to states of motion.

The creation of form in matter is the apparent integration of those things which are and always have been.

The de-creation of form in matter is the apparent disintegration of apparently integrated things.

Creation is transmutation, or integration, of the one simple indivisible substance, into the appearance of many complex substances and things.

Creation may be likened unto the assembling of a few letters of type for the printing of a very complex idea.

De-creation may be likened unto the redistribution of type, after it has served its purpose of giving expression to idea on the printed page.

Matter is light crystallized into the complex idea of this universe, exactly as literature is type assembled into the complex ideas of a library.

Matter is the registration medium of light, just as letters are the registration medium of literature.

Matter is light gravitationally assembled into the appearance of form, and radially disassembled into the disappearance of form.

The assembling process is what man calls life.

The disassembling process is what man calls death.           –

Light exists as light always and forever. 

All matter is but a variation of the state of light due to variation of dimension of the evidence of motion in the wave by which all motion is expressed.

To man, matter means the complexity of many substances and many things.

Complexity and variability belong to motion and not to substance. There is but One unchanging substance.

The appearance of change does not belong to substance but to motion.

Man lives in a universe of motion, a universe of appearances and illusions which deceive him, except for those simple, obvious illusions with which he becomes perfectly familiar.

Man will stoutly aver that matter changes and that there are many substances, but he would not dream of contending that the moon runs along the road behind the trees as he runs.

Yet one contention would be as reasonable as the other.

Matter and Mind and light and energy are eternal. They are constant. They are cause.

Form and motion are illusions. They are fleeting. They are effects.

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This post is quite full, so I will allow space to give it deep thought over the next two weeks. I welcome any thoughts and insights you may wish to share. Until my next post, I wish for you a very Happy Thanksgiving Day. My heartfelt thanks to you for your presence with me in this venture into new insights into the amazing Universe in which we live out our many incarnations.

Thank you!


Equalizing Masculine/Feminine Power

Jesus said: When you give rise to that which is within you, what you have will save you. If you do not give rise to it, what you do not have will destroy you. The Gospel of Thomas

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I WANT TO RETURN to a passage from my previous post which I excerpted from Walter Russell’s THE UNIVERSAL ONE: When the potentials of the opposites are too far removed from equality, then will union cease.” In this statement the converse is implied: When the potentials of the opposites are equal, then union is possible and compelling. I will endeavor to develop this further in this post. For context, I will excerpt some of the larger consideration in which this statement occurs:

Every action is male. Every reaction is female. Every action is electro-positive. Every reaction is electro-negative. Every action has its equal and opposite reaction.

Every action and every reaction is a tone in an octave of the universal constant of energy. Equal and opposite reactions, when united, comprise a unit of an octave of the universal constant of energy.

An action and its opposite reaction are not two. Their energies, when combined, make one. Reaction is born of action; and action is born out of reaction. All idea, and all forms of idea are the result of union between equal or unequal opposite actions and reactions of force.

Perfection of mating lies in the union of exactly equal and opposite male actions and female reactions. In perfection of union lies stability.

Imperfection of mating lies in the union of unequal and opposite male actions and female reactions. In imperfection of union lies instability.

Unequal actions and reactions will unite with unwillingness which increases in proportion to their degree of departure from exact equality in opposition.

When the potentials of the opposites are too far removed from equality, then will union cease. . . .

That which is true of chemical unions is true of all species of organic life.

Now, all of the above is about chemistry and organic life. There is another and higher level of life experience which we’ve come to call the spiritual life, and which I prefer to describe as the life of the spirit. This life is the life of angels incarnate in the realm of creation. We have our mates, but rarely do we incarnate together. As mates, we partner in manifesting the qualities of Heaven in our expression and co-creative activities on Earth.

The incarnate angelic spirits we are can live creatively in loving and fruitful relationships without being limited by so-called “human incompatibilities.” Angels love one another unconditionally, human foibles notwithstanding . . . and when we angels use our human hearts and capacities to express our love for one another and for our world, they are purified and sanctified in the fire of love. They also tend to enjoy health and happiness. The potential of positive preponderance for both men and women is thusly brought into a sustainable state of equality and balance, for Spirit is the Source of our power. We may at times give our power away or have it taken from us, but no one can take away our Source of power within, our God-given capacity to express the power of love.

When the potentials of the opposites are equal, then union is possible and sustainable.

To deepen this consideration, I would like to revisit a section of a blog post of November, 2018, Masculine-Feminine Energy, Part IV, making some revisions and adaptations for this consideration.

Energy Must Flow

Energy wants and needs to flow in order to create forms, illusions though they are said to be. Masculine and Feminine forces interacting with one another make possible the flow of creating energy. The creating energy that flows through their interactions is the creative power of Love manifesting the Ideas in the Mind of the Creator.  

When I speak of masculine and feminine, I do not equate these words with male and female, nor with men and women. As we know, these energies are at work in both men and women. The feminine energy is by design, and hormonal chemistry, more dominant in women, and the masculine energy more dominant in men. This is not always the case, but is generally so.  The ideal would seem to be a balance between these two creative forces in both men and women — something that I have personally worked at in myself over the past two or three decades. 

These two forces are not attracted toward one another in the same manner as is commonly thought. As Walter Russell elucidates, masculine energy spirals centripetally (inwardly) toward its apex, or vortex center, and is thus contractive and magnetic. Contrarily, feminine energy spirals centrifugally (outwardly) away from its apex and is thus expansive and radiative. One inhales while the other exhales in order to restart the inhaling cycle. As the positive masculine force winds inwardly toward its maximum potential charge, it discharges energy via a feminine emoting phase of expansion, much like a spring winding and unwinding. So, there is a continuum here at work, demonstrated in this graphic:

Russell’s primary point is a correction to the current scientific misunderstanding of the law of attraction. The way he sees this law working is a positive charge of lower potential is attracted to a positive charge of greater potential, and that a negative charge repels both positive and negative charges.


Males and females of the same species couple by reason of the law of attraction: positive attracts positive. This is contrary to the current misunderstanding that positive attracts negative, or that the negative female is attracted to the positive male; that men radiate (positive) and women respond (negative) to men; that women are therefore the “weaker” sex and men the “stronger;” that women are to be obedient and subservient to men. All these thwarted concepts and attitudes are the result of a fundamental misunderstanding and therefore misapplication of the law of attraction, not to mention mental fabrications of the patriarchal and dominating male of the species.

Men are attracted to women and women to men by reason of their positive charge. A lower potential seeks a higher potential and a higher potential attracts a lower. This is the law or attraction at work, whether between members of the opposite or the same sex. These raw energies are no respecter of persons, hormonal chemistry taken into consideration — and genitalia not withstanding. Genitals are male and female in their design and function for procreation.  Energy is masculine and feminine in its function and it needs to flow between these two forces. As someone simply voiced in a recent conversation around the subject of LGBT, the chemistry allows the energy to flow, and that’s a large part of what relationships are all about, isn’t it.

Masculine energy is the magnetic force of this universe of integrating matter, which increases in density as pressure and positive charge increases. Feminine energy is radiative and is the repellant, or separative, force of this universe of disintegrating matter. Where they meet in what Russell calls the “inertial” plane, these forces come into a state of balance, which he designates as a “bi-sexual” zone.


How things work in the “physical” world of effects mirrors exactly how things work in the “spiritual” or vibrational realm of cause. In the world we have created, what happens on earth is an exact mirror of what is happening in the heaven of human consciousness. As above so below. Because of human interference and manipulation, the harmony and beauty in the Heaven of Divine Consciousness are not reflected in the world that man has created and maintains. Where man has not manipulated the design for the Natural World, such harmony, beauty and balance are evident. We might say that Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine forces work together in perfect balance and harmony in the pristine world of Nature. This is not accurately reflected in our world where historically males lord it over females — a dynamic that is rapidly changing these days with the “rise of the feminine” currently underway.

Consider what is happening today in Iran, as well as in the United States, where theocracies and authoritative autocracies impose their controls over women. These forced fundamentalist and so-called “Christian morals” are not being tolerated by the youth in Iran nor by the women in America. The call-out for change is unquenchable, and the feminine energy being discharged and given rise to cannot be put back under containment or suppression. It will destroy the structure enforcing the power and control of the oppressive male over women.


The Masculine gathers the energy of the expelled and exhaustive Feminine force unto itself to empower his creativity. He contracts light energy into integrating form. He is Brahma, the Creator, in Hindu religious tradition, which holds to the belief that the universe is cyclically created and destroyed. 

The Feminine discharges the built-up potential of the Masculine in order to disintegrate structured form. She is Shiva, the destroyer, in Hindu religion. She destroys form in order to re-create new form. In this sense, she sees to it that the Creative Process continues to cycle. She does not settle for what the Masculine has created as “permanent” reality, but rather clears the creative field in order for new creations to come into being — sometimes in a fitful outburst of wrathful anger. So, she gives her responsive but charged energy to Brahma so as to foster the ongoing process of creation. Then there’s Vishnu whose role it is to maintain and preserve Brahma’s creations. Vishnu is the second Hindu deity who is both male and female. Perhaps he/she is who Man is designed and intended to be as Steward of the Garden and partners in creation.


These two forces are integrated in the Natural World and are beginning to be allowed to integrate more and more in human beings. The so called “battle of the sexes” describes the creative dynamic at play between these two forces in the Creating Universe. As I said above, Masculine and Feminine forces are raw energies that are no respecter of persons or gender. In the hands of the self-centered human ego, they are being used to enslave women and men and destroy life on Earth, all to enrich the few who endeavor to maintain power and control over the masses. Not for much longer, however.

A third force is needed in order to bridle in these raw forces. Left to their own, they take on the false identities of human nature, dividing men and women in a competitive struggle for power and control over life and the illusory world they create, including their offspring, played out in the legal battle for custody in divorce courts. So long as one force dominates, imbalance and imposition of one will over the other will continue to sow the seeds of conflict and war.  So, a third force is needed . . . and is rising today . . . to harness and balance these two forces.  


Here is where Gurdjieff’s “Law of Three” comes into play, which states that when three forces come together, a fourth and totally different state is born of them.  That third force is the Truth of Love. Spirit. A spiritual force that originates from a higher level than that at which men and women presently conduct their waring affairs on the horizontal two-dimensional plane. The vertical component of Love transforms and levels the playing field, so-to-speak — the field that the poet Rumi speaks of: “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.” That field is the Consciousness of the New Heaven. When we meet in that field, a fourth and totally different state in possible: the New Earth.

This Spirit brings with it seven other spirits, or gifts, that are designed to help us meet the various needs and conditions that present themselves along life’s creating journey.  The late spiritual teacher Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda) presented them as “Seven Steps to the Temple of Light.” There’s Patience, the first step toward enlightenment. Tranquility and single mindedness, the second step. The gift of Blessing is the third step. Can you imagine men and women being a blessing to one another, co-creators instead of competitors?  A fourth gift is Purification, the detoxification of our words and feelings toward one another; our selfish intentions and motivations, not to mention our lack of respect for one another. In a word, purification of our hearts: “Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God”. . . in one another.

The expression and application of these four gifts of Spirit bring about the assurance and confidence of authenticity, along with the fifth step of Radiance, and with it the joy of success and victory. The sixth gift of Spirit is Wisdom, Sophia, whose gift is the sense of what is fitting in our speech and actions with one another. At this level of creativity, Masculine and Feminine forces are brought into balance. Peace is known at a deep heart level, bringing with it the experience of oneness with the All, Love, the seventh gift of Spirit. Enlightenment dawns. These are the qualities and gifts of our Being, our true and divine Self. 

In conclusion, I will simply reiterate what I have stated above. Our true identity is not as men and women. Our true identity is as Human Beings. I am not only a man. I am a human being in a male form with both masculine and feminine creative energies at my command for creative work on Earth.  My origin and Home is Heaven.  I have come here from Heaven, as we all have, to bring Love into the world and to let the New Earth descend from out of the New Heaven. Let us be about our divine mission and purpose together as Human Beings, God incarnate and in action on Earth. In a word, as partners in creation.

I welcome any thoughts and inspirations. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


Love Attracts Love

When the potentials of the opposites are too far removed from equality, then will union cease.—Walter Russell THE UNIVERSAL ONE

IN THE IMPLICATE ORDER OF HEAVEN, which is where we serve our Creator as functional co-creators, like attracts like. Love attracts love. In this electric negative triune world of creation, a positive electric charge of lower potential is attracted to a positive charge of greater positive preponderance in order to find its maximum potential and equilibrium.

According to The Universal Law of One, positives are attracted toward positives of a higher potential and fuse as the lower potential positive unit increases it’s potential and equalizes with the higher potential of the stronger positive. The two then become one as the lower potential positive is consumed by the higher.

This is not congruent with what we were taught in high school science. We were taught that a positive repels a positive and attracts a negative. We had bar magnets to demonstrate this axiom. Well, it ain’t so, according to Walter Russell, who demonstrates in THE UNIVERSAL ONE how a positive charge attracts positives and a negative discharge repels both positive and negative charges. Let’s apply this at a pragmatic level.

As humans beings, we seek a higher potential of awareness of who we are, of knowing the truth of ourSelves, our transcendent being, our greater divine Self. As our greater divine Self, radiant incarnate beings that we are, we are attracted toward beings of higher positive preponderance in order to fulfill our own maximum positive potential and equilibrium as human beings. This is why we are attracted to spiritual gurus and teachers — not to put positive potential into us but to draw it forth from within us. In a word, to realize our own potential.

This is also what draws human beings to religion. We seek an increase in our experience of Spirit, of spiritual power and awareness, of joy, of peace and happiness; ultimately in our connection with God, the Positive One of all positives. Religion doesn’t put power, joy, peace and happiness into our hearts. Being still and prayerful during an hour-long worship service provides the quiet conditions within us that allows these gifts of the Spirit to emerge from within us into our hearts, minds and body temples.

What we seek at a core level is life eternal . . . only to be told by our priest or preacher that we have to die in order to obtain it. This is, of courses, an untruth . . . and a deceptive redaction of sacred scripture, of the teaching of the Christ incarnate in Jesus: “The kingdom of heaven is within you and all around you.” Repent, turn around, and behold it! We can’t behold it unless we are aware of being in it ourselves, and rejoicing to be in it. We can come into a greater awareness of the Kingdom of Heaven in which we are now present — NOW, while we are incarnate. It only requires an elevation of our consciousness to a level above the animalistic physical realm to which human consciousness has fallen. We are not creatures. We are creators seeking our maximum potential of creative power and equilibrium with our Creator in order to be worthy co-creators with God. We are love attracted to Love.

In human relations, this principle is the dynamic of attraction at work between men and women, men and men, women and women. It’s the sex principle operating in and through all creating units in this creating Universe. Returning to the phrase at the top: When the potentials of the opposites are too far removed from equality, then will union cease.” The converse is implied: When the potentials of the opposites are equal, then union is possible and compelling. I will develop this further in my next post, as it’s a thought-process interrupting perspective.


I am reminded of a passage in Revelation (18:4) “Come out of her my people, and be not partakers of her iniquity.” This entire chapter and the one preceding it describe the world and the human state of today. I encourage you to read it, if only to increase your motivation to come completely out of the world . . . but only in your heart, your mind and particularly your consciousness. Not physically.

I am reminded of another more uplifting passage from the Song of Solomon. Enjoy it being sung by a choir as you read it.

“My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land; The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.” [Song of Solomon 2:10-13]

Here in the South our winter is just around the corner from Autumn now dawning. So why am I quoting Solomon’s Song of Songs that sings of winter as past? The winter I speak of is the “winter of our discontent,” as Shakespeare has Richard III bemoaning his plight. The human race is in the winter of its discontent over its self-created existential plight.


While doing an internet search for the full biblical text of the Song of Solomon, I was pleasantly surprised to find this meditation by John Gray, a dear friend who himself is a light in the darkness for many who are drawn to his shining. I excerpted these closing thoughts of his meditation and will use it as grounding for this post:

Rise up. It is our consciousness that rises; our feet stay on the ground. Rising up doesn’t mean leaving; it means being more fully here. The beloved within speaks to “my love, my fair one”— to my mind and heart—and says, “rise up.” This same message is contained in words of the psalm, “Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lifted up… and the King of glory shall come in.” [Psalm 24:7] The seat of experienced spiritual identity rises, is lifted up. Our understanding, symbolized by our feet, stays firmly on the ground and our awareness ascends to accommodate heaven. We stand and walk, upright. We are angels on earth.

In the rising up, our minds and hearts are cleansed, purified and restored. Response to the command rise up comes first; the making new of heart and mind occurs as a result of that. It is clearer to me than ever that purification is not a matter of dealing with the impure, trying to face it, to fight it, or to somehow scrub it out. No, that’s diving down where we don’t belong. There’s nothing to be gained and all to be lost by going into that bottomless pit. That’s the fall again. 

Things come up to be seen and met in us all the time, for sure. But let’s let them come up to us. On their way up they’re cleansed and purified, or they’re cast out. Let the creative process do the sorting!  Let’s not be deceived into getting upset or doing battle with an adversary or thinking we have to fix things. That’s not what our hearts and minds are for; they’re not designed to be battlegrounds. Rise up and come away and stay away from all that, and be in the holy realm where all is already forever pure. 

Then, behold I make all things new! Life is not difficult; it’s wondrous and truly magical. The God of peace is with us.

I think that I will leave you to ponder John’s words. I welcome your thoughts and insights. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


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