Creating the New Earth Together

Posts tagged ‘Energy’

Sacred Organic Minerals, page 2

Twelve Cosmic Rays

“  . . . and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and  thunderings  and voices.”   (Rev. 4:5)

2017 DecemberWE’VE BEEN CONSIDERING COSMIC POWER and the role the Mineral Kingdom plays in grounding cosmic power in the Earth.  We saw how organic minerals ground and channel cosmic energy in and through our body-temples.  Let us read on in Sacred Anatomy and meditate on the mystery of life that unfolds through our body-temples.  Here’s the final installment in this series, which starts with a recalling of the last paragraph of the previous  post and Uranda’s instructions with regard to the Twelve Cosmic Rays:

In his Steps To Mastership, lesson thirteen, Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda) gives instructions relative to what he refers to as the “Twelve Cosmic Rays,” among other sacred factors essential to the process of spiritualization, or transmutation, of physical matter, which are “sometimes spoken of as zodiacal influences which form the directing urges by which mankind functions on the physical plane.”  He then makes this revealing statement: “The points of contact within the body through which the twelve Cosmic Rays are enabled to transmit life to the body, are the twelve Organic Minerals found in the body substance.”

Uranda further instructs: “There is a Tree of Life on every plane of being.  The twelve fruits of the Tree of Life on the physical plane are the twelve body minerals.” He then goes on to say that all twelve minerals are needed for health in the body, which must be attained before one can be influenced by the Twelve Cosmic Rays. These twelve minerals and cosmic rays are represented by the “twenty and four elders” who stood around the throne and bowed down to the One who sat thereon casting their crowns down before Him. Cosmic energy is released in our bodies when these twelve minerals are present and their powers made available to the One I Am.

These organic minerals are: Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron, Fluorine, Chlorine, Silica, Manganese, Sulphur, and Iodine.  Their functions in the body temple are many and varied. All are essential to the function of the endocrine glands and the nervous system’s capacity to carry electrical current, as well as in the production of enzymes. All are instrumental in the ceremony of ascension in both the body temple and in the larger Cathedral of the Natural World.

 Calcium’s function is to build bones and teeth, help with blood coagulation, reduce neuromuscular irritability and facilitate contraction of muscles and nerve conduction in the heart muscles. Magnesium is used in tooth formation, nerve conduction, muscle contraction and enzyme activation. It balances Calcium one-to-two respectively.  Sodium plays a large role in acid-base balance, osmotic pressure, blood pH, muscle contractility and nerve transmission. Potassium’s role is with muscle activity, nerve transmission, intracellular acid-base balance and water retention, and energy management.  It assists in escorting glucose into muscle cells for energy. Phosphorus in closely associated with Calcium and its functions with bone and teeth formation.  It is used in establishing and maintaining acid-base balance, is a component of nucleic acids and is involved in energy production.  Iron assists in the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin, contributes to the production of certain enzymes and iron-sulphur proteins.   Fluorine is used in bone and tooth formation.  Chlorine is used in acid-base balance, osmotic pressure, blood pH and kidney function.

 Silica’s chief role is in the alchemical production of bone tissue through a process of “biological transmutation.”  I suspect it also plays a role in memory storage, similar to that of the silica microchip in the computer.   It is believed that bones provide an atomic memory engram depository that contains the record not only of contemporary legacies but of ancient ones as well.  Manganese is essential to joint mobility and ligament tone, strength and elasticity. It is also vital to the function of the Pituitary gland and plays a component part in the makeup of manganese-specific enzymes.  Sulphur is an antibiotic that also helps with joint motility.   Finally, Iodine is essential to the production of thyroxine in the thyroid gland (T4) and triodothyronine (T3), both essential to growth and development.  It also plays a role as an energy-control mechanism and in fetal differentiation.

 Not mentioned by Uranda are the seventy-two or more trace minerals that play empowering roles in the balancing of body chemistry, especially with the hormones.  Just to name a few of them,  Selenium, found in wheat germ oil, plays a key role as part of the Vitamin E complex in the cardiovascular system. Technically, Selenium is a component of the enzymes glutathione peroxidase, which metabolizes hydroperoxides formed from polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as enzymes that take the iodine out of thyroid hormones before they are recycled.  Chromium is a trace mineral that promotes the utilization of glucose by the muscle cells, thereby supporting the glucose tolerance factor in the bloodstream.  Molybdenum is a transitional metal that forms oxides and is a component of a coenzyme essential to the activity of xanthine oxidase, sulfite oxidase, and aldehyde oxidase, enzymes involved in preventing toxic levels of sulfite, xanthine and aldehyde (such as formaldehyde) in the blood stream.

Magnesium, which most Americans are deficient in, and the trace mineral Gold are essential to balanced and clear mental function.  The presence and function of Gold in the brain is not surprising in light of the presence of the focus of Love in the Pineal.  The trace mineral silver is a protective element that vibrationally alters pathogens, such as harmful bacteria and viruses, upon contact.

These elements of the mineral kingdom are not only present in a healthy body, their levels and ratios to one another are critical to maintaining healthy function, strength and vitality in the body.  Calcium is in critical ratio to Phosphorus, Magnesium and Potassium; Sodium is balanced by Potassium; Copper and Zinc need to be in balanced ratio, as well as Sodium and Magnesium, Copper and Iron.  The degree to which these minerals are present in their proper levels and ratios, the body is healthy.  To the degree they are not, the body is sick and dying.

 While Copper intensifies cellular activity, activating estrogen in cell proliferation, Zinc, which activates progesterone and testosterone, cools it down.  The body contains two to three grams of Zinc, found mainly in bones, teeth, hair, skin, the liver, muscle, leukocytes and in the testes.  It plays a role in skin integrity, enzymes, wound healing and growth.  Inorganic Copper is a heavy metal whose unbound ions are toxic.   Almost all of the Copper in the body is present as an organic mineral component of copper proteins, thereby reducing the in-vivo concentration of unbound copper ions almost to zero.  On average, an adult has about 150 mg of Copper in the body, of which about 10 to 20 mg are in the liver.  (Most of the information about the function of these minerals was taken from The Merck Manual, Seventeenth Edition.)

So we see there is an amazing interrelationship of checks and balances in the way minerals and trace minerals are arranged and proportioned in the body by reason of the chelating activity in the vegetable kingdom, which is designed to provide nutritional nourishment for the animal kingdom, a kingdom which our present physical capacities are yet part of. 

Up until recently these essential nutrients have been virtually ignored in commercial farming.  In America, our agricultural lands were declared demineralized and, therefore, unfit for farming as early as the 1940’s, resulting in Americans becoming the most over-fed and under-nourished nation in the world.  Whereas the human body needs some fifty nutrients for healthy function, our soils are given but a handful of commercial chemicals with which to work in order to produce vegetables and fruit that are pleasant to the eyes but empty of life-sustaining nutrients.

Adrenal exhaustion is presently surfacing as the primary malady of people in this country and the fundamental, underlying cause of nearly all bodily malfunctions.   In his important book,  Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome,  naturopathic physician Dr. James L. Wilson decries the fact that  doctors have been dealing with . . .

“. . . a  problem of monstrous proportions that is largely unrecognized by the medical establishment.  This has left millions of people suffering from an untreated problem that interferes not only with their ability to function but also with their capacity to enjoy life.  It is difficult to assess exactly how much money is lost by corporations due to worker absenteeism, poor or clouded decision making, alcoholism, drug abuse, ‘nervous breakdowns,’ burnout, employee conflict, acute and chronic illness, loss of employees, and a host of other costly problems that stem from the effects of over-stressed adrenal glands.” 

Little wonder that this is so, since ninety-five percent of Americans have been declared severely deficient in organic minerals and trace elements.  If they are not in the soil, of course, they are not to be found in our foods and therefore not in our bodies in sufficient levels or appropriate proportions. Where minerals and essential trace elements for the conduction of life’s energy are lacking in the human body, the stress of daily activities is almost unbearable.

These precious elements work their vibrational magic within the body according to their specific vibratory frequencies. They are the gifts of the mineral kingdom and can only be taken up into the body in colloidal form as they naturally appear suspended in vegetation.  All of these are elements that are readily available today, more than ever before its seems, as Mother Nature yields up her secrets to us in a copious stream of these and other “healing nutrients” in the form of whole food supplements and herbs.  I am forever amazed at the timely provision of life as it demonstrates its loving care for the body of Mankind on earth.  All that remains is for us each one and all to open up and receive these bountiful gifts with joy and thanksgiving while efforts are increasingly being directed by organic farmers the world around toward replenishing the soil and returning to organic gardening practices. 

Organic farming has begun to appear throughout the land, with organically produced vegetables and fruits becoming plentifully available in supermarkets.  One way to tell if a vegetable was grown in mineral-rich soil is its sweetness.  Minerals make your carrots sweet.  If they’re not sweet, they were grown in mineral-depleted soil.  To safeguard your body’s health, I recommend a daily supplementation of organically grown minerals and trace minerals.  They are essential to the utilization of vitamins . . . and to our reception of cosmic rays.

Standard Process Laboratories in Palmyra, Wisconsin has been making wholefood supplements available to doctors and their patients for over a hundred years.  They maintain a large organic farm on site.  Its founder, Dr. Royal Lee, was a dentist who believed that a person’s teeth depend on a well-nourished physical body.  So he developed a line of wholefood supplements in order to provide his patients with vitamin-and-mineral-rich supplements. I’ve used them in my practice for many decades with rewarding success . . . and I supplement my daily diet with them.

I welcome any thoughts you may have and wish to share.  This being Christmas weekend, I wish you each one a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year in 2023.  Until my next post, 

Be love.  Be loved. 


Picture credit: “Eye of the Divine” (Twelve Cosmic Rays) by Goa Lobaugh.  See his art at

Oneness With The Ocean of Motion


By PenDell Pittman, MM, MA — Attunement Practitioner, Author and Musician

“We live in an ocean of motion.” This famous little phrase describes the quiet, yet all-encompassing platform of our lives. The rhythm of our breathing, the hum of our nervous system, the wide range of verbal utterances that we voice or hear are but a few reminders, close at hand, of the infinite spectrum of vibration within us and surrounding us.

Vibration with a purpose is “energy”, and specific ranges of energy are identified by us human beings, based on our own sensing of them. Our eyes see the energy range of “visible light”, our ears hear “audible sound”, our skin senses heat and impacts of motion on our physical bodies. Tastes and smells are also particularized ranges of energy. Scientific instruments and other devices engage energy ranges beyond the discernment of our five senses – radio and TV frequencies, microwaves, infrared and ultraviolet light, x-rays, gamma rays, cosmic rays, etc.

Further, the thoughts we think, the emotions we feel, and the whole of “consciousness”, human and otherwise, are waves of energy. The world of so-called “form” around us is but another spectrum of energy, one that moves slowly enough to appear to us to be “solid” and inanimate. Social systems, economies, governments, and countless other forms of human interaction represent the movement of energy among people. Beyond earth, the moon, the planets, the sun, its sun, whole galaxies appear to follow ancient rhythms and resonances. 

The book you now hold in your hands, Attunement with Sacred Sound, by fellow musician and Attunement practitioner, Dr. Anthony Palombo, provides a pivotal revelation about the phenomenal connection you and I have to the powerfully grand energies of all creation. The seeming platitude that states, “We are all one,” or “We are one with everything,” is quite true, in fact! Keep reading and you will discover more about just how profoundly this is the case.

Dr. Anthony Palombo – “Tony” – and I have known each other for almost 40 years. Never has there been a time, in my observation, when Tony has not exhibited a conscious attitude that consistently recognizes the connection between “heaven and earth” (the intangible and the tangible, if you will), a core kinship between all people, and the resonance that entrains throughout all of “creation”, with its infinite components. Tony’s is a noble stance and vision, to be sure, but why is it relevant to us now? Because, if we are to receive the full spectrum of learning, guidance, and inspiration from studying this book – a work that, I believe, largely distills (without coming close to fully biographing) Tony’s life’s work – we will find ourselves adopting that same outlook as Tony has – one filled with awe, wonder, discovery, and a sense of privilege to know and work in this precious, delicate, and, dare I say, sacred field.

What allows the “magic pill” of Attunement with Sacred Sound to uniquely provide healing, relief and upliftment (for many millennia now), where other remedies may not? (And it has been proven to do just that.) For that matter, why exactly does music have “charms to sooth a savage breast”? In answer, we can observe one profound insight (of many) about one of the immutable, universal laws, with just a little “plinking” on a basic piano keyboard. 

Please observe the diagram above, that of a piano keyboard, with its black and white notes. We will focus on the white keys only, for now. Note that there is a repetitive pattern of “letter names” given to those white keys, each of which, when played, sounds a unique musical pitch, or frequency. The keys are named “A” through “G”, and then that pattern of names repeats “an octave higher” (or lower). Without us getting too technical (or bored, I hope), please briefly observe with me the “speed of vibration”, the “frequency”, of two of the piano’s notes — the two “A”’s, shown above:

“The Lower A” (the “A” key to the left) sounds at a frequency of 440 Hertz (Hz), a measurement for “cycles (or complete vibrations) per second”. (Incidentally and interestingly, this 440-Hz, modern-day “concert A” runs four cycles per second faster than the mystical 436-Hz “A” that served as a cornerstone of the work of Pythagoras over 2,500 years ago.)  The “A” that is an octave higher than “A-440” (i.e. the “A” key shown to the right, on the keyboard diagram above) vibrates at a frequency that is exactly twice the speed of the lower “A”, or 880 Hz. Why is this important – to people in general, and to Attunement practitioners and enthusiasts, in specific? It is because the undeviating octave demonstrates a crucial element that binds together the entire Universe, us and all of “creation”.

The Law of the Octave — named for the eight primary, “white” keys that sit between and include, for example, an “A” and the next higher “A”. This universal law recognizes that musical notes sounding an octave apart – with frequencies that are multiples of two (2), relative to each other — have a closely kindred harmonic nature, a unique tonal relatedness that epitomizes unification. This can be heard distinctly when notes in octave are sounded.

Please note that the octave is not, by any means, the only relationship between pitches. Wait until you read Tony’s expositions on the “Perfect Fifth”, harmonics, overtones, and the other sonic wonders of the sound world that come into robust play in health, healing, and Attunement. However, the uniquely “divine” design of the octave illustrates the cohesive nature of the entire, endless frequency spectrum.

Now, here’s where things get pretty cosmic! An “A” vibrates at 440 Hz; and the “A” an octave higher, vibrates at twice the speed (880Hz); the next, higher “A”, an octave above, vibrates at twice that speed (880 x 2, or 1,760 Hz); the next higher “A” at 3,520 Hz, then 7,040 Hz; and so on — continuing to infinity. Along the way, these associated frequencies surpass the audible range and move into the ranges of radio; TV; microwaves; infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light; x-rays, etc. Yet, at any octave, a multiple of (in this example) “A-440” remains in harmonic concord with every other octave of “A” that resonates throughout the heights of the infinite frequency spectrum.

This energy spectrum vibrates, not just throughout the aforementioned range of higher frequencies, but at an equally infinite range of lower frequencies, as well. Infinite literally means infinite, after all.  As we observe frequencies below “A-440”, we find kindred octaves resonating at exactly one-half 440 Hz (440 divided by 2, or 220 Hz); then the next lower “A” at 110 Hz, then at 55Hz; and so on — continuing to infinity. At 27.5 Hz, we near the lowest frequencies audible to humans and approach the range of Schumann Resonances, electromagnetic waves that exist between the earth’s surface and the earth’s ionosphere. When tonal frequencies (like a musical sound) “slow down” sufficiently, they become “rhythms”.

A rhythm that is near and dear to each of us is our own heartbeat – something we just can’t live without – beating at a “frequency” around 1Hz, or one beat per second. Our bodily processes (and that of many organisms on earth) adhere to daily circadian oscillations, coordinating our capacities to the earth’s day-night rhythms. The earth rotates around its axis at a frequency of once per day, revolves around the sun at a frequency of once per year, and responds to the monthly frequencies of the moon’s cycles. Our sun revolves around its sun, as far as we can tell, and the Milky Way itself marches majestically — and for us, QUITE slowly –through the heavens, true to its own frequency that encompasses millions of years. So, to the best of our present understanding, there are infinitely fast vibrations and infinitely slow ones.    

Putting aside, for a moment, the Grand Scale of It All, WHY is all this directly significant to us, and how does it affect our everyday lives? We have a glimpse into the why and how, brought to us once more by that Law of the Octave.

The Law of the Octave reveals a constant, orderly, powerfully resonant framework that governs and integrates the entirety of this infinite, cosmic frequency spectrum – the entire Ocean of Motion that is our Universe. The immutable design governed by the Law of the Octave connects all energy. And our own connectedness with all energy – through the thousands of resonating processes in motion at any given moment, in our own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual-expression capacities, and in our world – is living evidence of the actual, tangible attunement that, in truth, we share with the Creator and with all of Creation.


The practice of Attunement, as so ably and comprehensively introduced by Tony in this book, helps enrich the sacred resonance of our capacities with the Creator, while helping remove dissonance from the creative fields that penetrate and surround us. Whereas “sound therapy” alone uses the relatively slow-moving (though miraculous) realm of sound itself as the source of upliftment, the overall Attunement process engages a much wider (potentially infinite), higher-frequency spectrum of harmonics, one that encompasses the range of audible sound, plus so much more, while differentiating itself through countless, simultaneous Life processes. Sound healing, and any other process that is in resonance with Spirit, is a harmonious aspect of that Spirit substance, and therefore provides, at least to some extent, a resonant field for the energy and blessings of that Spirit.

Sound acts as a carrier wave of sorts for the Attunement current — toning and amplifying the emanations of the endocrine glands, relaxing and entraining the nervous systems, clearing the mind, soothing emotions, and helping one to release various resonances with external stresses. The playing of sustained sound also can be used by an experienced practitioner as an instrument to amplify his or her perceptions. As the sonic and “Spirit” ranges of energy entrain together during an Attunement session, their synergy — true to the Law of the Octave — also activates harmonics in all frequency ranges, from the infinitely high to the infinitely deep.

We are literally moving in harmonic resonance, in attunement, with all of Creation. We not only live in the “universal ocean of motion”, but we play radiantly conscious roles in the flow of its Currents, as we allow our every action to entrain with the infinitely high and deep Tones of the Creator. We are an integral part of the Cosmic Symphony, for sure. Let’s join Tony now, for an in-depth expose of just how integral we really are!  

I hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed PenDell’s music presentation, even if you are not musically inclined — although I can’t imagine there is anyone who does not hum a tune now and then and generally enjoy music.  Perhaps he has imparted to you a deeper appreciation of music, and of musicians.  I welcome any comments you wish to share, which I will forward to my renown guest author.  In my next post “Are We Ascending Yet ” I will return to the theme of ascension. Until then,

Be love.  Be loved.

Anthony (

Note: I have a few copies of my book ATTUNEMENT WITH SACRED SOUND left should you wish a copy.

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