Creating the New Earth Together

Archive for the ‘New World’ Category

Seeking the Face of Jacob

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       The Prince of Peace

“Whoever has come to know the world has found a corpse.
And whoever has found (this) corpse, of him the world is not worthy. . . .  If you do not abstain from the world, you will not find the kingdom.” —Jesus, The Gospel of Thomas

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The world is a corpse . . . so said the Master, the “Prince of Peace.”  Not the planet, just the world of man’s making.  Especially the world we’ve constructed of concrete, iron and plastic — of consumptive commercial enterprise, political polarization and division; of poverty, greed and avarice; of mass starvation and hysteria; of war and genocide.  That world is dead and is only sustained by the life-energy men and women pour into it, draining away their own life substance, their God-given birthright.

War is such a waste of life energy and natural resources.  Those who declare and conduct wars lose their lives just as surely as those who die on the battlefields.  And those who seek to profit from manipulating the masses and selling them false security are foolishly and deceivingly selling dishonest goods.  The lie of the serpent has always been a futile endeavor to be honest with dishonest good.  One cannot give what one doesn’t have oneself.  One cannot sell peace to a world at war with itself who does not own peace oneself.  Nor can one revive a corpse who has not the power to infuse flesh with life.  Best to put one’s efforts toward bringing forth a new world.  (The 1982 film Koyaanisqatsi . . . Life Out of Balance and needing a new beginning . . . comes to mind.)  A world out of balance is destined to topple.


I resonate with the sayings in the Gospel of Thomas. This saying by Jesus is powerfully resonating in my heart and mind as I approach writing this post:

“If the flesh came into being because of the spirit, it is a wonder.  But if the spirit (came into being) because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. Yet I marvel at how this great wealth has taken up residence in this poverty.”

I marvel at how wonderous and mysterious is my own sustained incarnation after eighty-two years, and how this flesh body still pulsates with the breath of life.  I marvel at how my mind arises from my body to meet and share the Consciousness of God descending from Heaven above, a gift that connects me with my Creator making my personal world one, as heaven and earth are one.  This saying of Jesus brings sadness and hope into my heart:

“I stood in the middle of the world, and in flesh I appeared to them. I found all of them drunk. None of them did I find thirsty.  And my soul ached for the children of humanity, because they are blind in their heart, and they cannot see; for they came into the world empty, (and) they also seek to depart from the world empty.  But now they are drunk. (But) when they shake off their wine, then they will change their mind.”

Will we change our minds and our hearts? My hope is likely in vain. That was some twenty-two hundred years ago; not very long when one considers the length of a human lifespan — in terms of generations, perhaps as little as sixty-five or seventy. How much do you think the world has changed in such a short period of time?  Do you think the Master’s words still apply to this generation?  He is on record as having said “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words will not pass away.” I believe the man-made world is just as dead today as it was then.  That said, still . . .

“The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein.  For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.” 

The “ordinances” for the earth and its fullness are established upon the sea of Divine Consciousness, the Heaven for the unfolding of Earth’s journey through the Cosmos. Our part is to set them in the earth, to materialize creation. The true creator stays with his creation throughout the cycles of its existence, and according to astronomical predictions, this planet has several more billion years ahead of it . . . but not necessarily as it now is or has been.  Change is definitely afoot for the earth and for earthlings.

I’m preaching to the choir here, of course, just sharing the thoughts and meditations of my heart that started flowing in upon seeking, asking and knocking on the door of Heaven.  The rest of Psalm 24 wants to be shared here as well, perhaps as the focus for this post.

Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah. 

Who was Jacob that his face would be sought by this generation?  He was, of course, the Father of the Nation of Israel, having received the blessing of Abraham, the father of his father Isaac, from whom he stole his brother Esau’s birthright and their father’s blessing. (The commentary and open forum the link above will take you to is insightful and worthy of your time.) The overarching answer to that question, of course, lies in the Akashic records of the several incarnations of the LORD of lords, who  was incarnate in the man Jesus — and that information lies in the realm of knowledge of a much higher order — which is not unavailable to us today.  According to the words of this psalm, the Lord was incarnate in Jacob as well.

We are in the Day of the “Second Coming” of the Christ , who was incarnate in a number of great beings of renown whose timely and appointed appearances are all part of the restoration of Man to his original state of oneness with the Creator.  The significance of Jacob’s “face” lies in the manner in which Jacob “wrestled with God” and therein proved his worthiness and stature of spirit to bring forth a nation¹ . . . and thereby initiate a cycle of restoration of Man to his rightful state of co-creator with God.  The story in the last chapters of Genesis — along with the dramatic episode of their wandering in the desert for forty-years as told in Exodus — are remarkable stories telling of the hardships the Nation of Israel suffered as the LORD God purified and chastened his children and proved them in the fire of love and truth.  From out of all they went through emerged the opportunity for life to be restored to the body of Man, the Body of God on Earth.  That restoration failed with Israel, and failed again with the re-initiation by the Lord of Love himself. 

This generation once again seeks the face of Jacob through whom the first opportunity of Man’s restoration was initiated . . . only that face today is the face of the Prince of Peace.  For it is peace the peoples of planet Earth now seek and for which we all yearn.  We will bring peace to the world when we look into the face of one another and see the face of God . . . and love what we see . . . what the pure of heart see.  In a sense, we have to wrestle with our traditional concept of who and what God is, just as Abraham wrestled with the angel of God over the tradition which required the sacrifice of his firstborn, Isaac, to Jehovah.  With that denial of tradition, Abraham brought to a close the era of human sacrifice.  Today we sacrifice human lives in the marketplace of Wall Street and in the battlefields of warring nations.  To find peace we need to wrestle with and overcome our own addiction to war and to that which we seek to gain by waging war . . . war of any and all kinds.  

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(The painting of the face of Jesus at the top, “The Prince of Peace,” was done by Akiane Kramarik at the age of 8. According to her story, she felt asked and compelled from within her spirt to paint it.  If you click on her name you can listen to her amazing story. She also painted this one.)

I’ve come to love this One, Jesus (aka Jeshua), in whom the Christ incarnated to bring love into the world and thereby initiate the final cycle of redemption and restoration of Man to his true state of oneness with His Heavenly Father, a oneness which he proclaimed for himself and exemplified to his disciples and to the world during his life and brief public ministry.  I’ve come to know him as my Self, as the One I Am, for I am, and you are, as much a son or a daughter of the Father as He is.  We are in the days of his “Second Coming,” this time through the hearts of human beings — and as the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of the heaven of consciousness. These final words of Psalm 24 describe what we all must do to welcome His coming and complete the cycle of restoration that He initiated two-thousand year ago.

Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory?The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

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I leave you to ponder these words and those of this blog post, which I’m feeling may well be my last post on Healing Tones.  Thank you for sharing the thoughts and meditations of my heart. May God bless and keep you safe from harm in the loving arms of The Prince of Peace.  Aumen 

Be love.  Be loved


¹    “Jacob wrestles with God before going to meet his brother. What do we make of it? Obviously God could beat Jacob in a wrestling match so it seems that it may be that Jacob was having doubts or that God needed to test him. The NJBC says, “Jacob is truly a man of blessing, but this time he wrestles for it and receives it from God (in contrast to his cheating Esau in order to receive Isaac’s blessing.” Jacob has just prayed to God and laid his thoughts bare. Now he has wrestled with him and won. Now Jacob is ready to become the father of Israel. As Orual asked in C.S. Lewis’s masterpiece, Till we have faces, “How can the gods meet us face to face till we have faces?” Also, “I saw well why the gods do not speak to us openly, nor let us answer. Till that word can be dug out of us, why should they hear the babble that we think we mean? How can they meet us face to face till we have faces?’” Jacob now has a face and is ready to become the father of a great nation. First he must make things right with his own brother. Jacob may have been struck by earnest doubts in the face of possible bloodshed and death but this meeting was too important for covenantal history. God had to intervene.” (The BioLogos Forum)



Wetiko: Mind-Virus or Devil?

“If you are going through hell, keep going.” Winston Churchill

I RECEIVED a few thought-full commentaries on my last post.  This first one came from “across the pond” in the UK and was penned by a friend and long-time follower, Peter Watson.  

Will (Wilkinson) is quite right, at least partly. Wetiko, a ‘mind-virus’  that Will has designated as the devil, is now rampant throughout civilization, and not just a white man’s affliction any longer, as it was before it also spread — like fire-water — to indigenous peoples too. 

However, to leave wetiko as only a virus, it could be imagined as just something else to blame for the human problem; something to cure, or attune.  Beware the snare-of-the-fowler, the devil, the self-active human mind, for it is the subtlest beast in the field, and Will’s word substitution is a prime example of translating and using words to dilute truth (as if it could), to divert the spotlight from itself — a “speak or spin” common to clever politicians. 

Would Jesus have addressed a virus trying to tempt him in the desert?  Would he have had a virus? Would a virus have been able to communicate at a mind level?  Or, rather, was Jesus addressing the dis-eased mind of mankind as he brought it to focus within himself to be dealt with? 

Over the millennia the devil has operated under many guises, and behind and in front of many disguises, prominent among them are leadership, patriotism, and enemy.  Perhaps, though, the most insidious is education, at least education designed to further civilization for self-centered purposes. 

How that works on the human mind is key to the human problem, as we shall see. Starting from the premise that there is nothing intrinsically wrong with the design and purpose of the human mind, we’re faced by the fact of what mankind has done with its mind, by what good men have trained their minds to do, which is, for the most part, collect and store data—enrich the mind with knowledge—explore history to validate and correlate the facts, and develop sciences to expand domination beyond the capabilities of their human capacities. We have megaliths and dolmens all over the place attesting to the legacy of demonstrating power, or, as C. S. Lewis called it, “that hideous strength.” 

Now, if there’s nothing inherently wrong with the design and purpose of the human mind, which is a capacity-of-consciousness, ordained to process and apply creative thought, we’re faced with the fact that the content-of-consciousness, used to develop civilizations, has not much been concerned to consider the way-of-Life, let alone allowing Life to call the shots, as it has been and is (concerned) to sustain and magnify self-centered intentions, albeit imagined to be for the best, but clearly without the vision of wisdom.

My poet friend Don Hynes up in Oregon offered these insightful thoughts:

I have a few thoughts concerning the use of wetiko as a substitute for the “devil” as Martin used the term. I’ve met Paul Levy who popularized this term in western psychology, taken from the Native American use as Will notes, and am familiar with Levy’s writings and blog posts. I believe wetiko is a most accurate term for the mass psychosis present in western civilization at this time, but as we might agree has been around for quite a while, and in my judgement would make a ready substitute for what Martin often termed “human nature.” 
However, by the “devil,” Martin, or perhaps I should say I, would indicate an incarnate presence, not a widespread illness as it were. By impersonalizing the “devil” I think the important link of evil with human embodiment is missed. Just as Martin surely emphasized the human form of divine or spiritual government, so I believe he would agree there is a similar form in the focus of anti-spirit or the anti-Christ to use John’s term from 1 John 4:3 in the NT. 
I won’t belabor this but offer it as my thoughts concerning Martin’s use of this specific term. I believe the anti-Christ is present in a number of humans who wield the powers of darkness and desolation, the “spiritual wickedness in high places” referred to by the apostle Paul, but the ultimate presence may be with us as well.
Geoff Tish sent these succinct words of wisdom from “down under” in New Zealand:
Doing nothing whilst achieving everything, is the master art to practice now. Love is the way of the Master.

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“The self-active mind clings to that which is like unto itself, but it is afraid of that to which it clings.”

(Uranda, Third Sacred School, Vol 12, Ch 36)


IT HAS BEEN SAID that perfect love — which is unconditional — casts out fear.  This mass paranoia and “psychosis” that has infected the world is nothing more than a mind-virus.  When a person goes into a fight-flight-or-freeze stress mode, the reptilian brain takes over in a survival mode blocking off all access to critical thinking with logic and reason, love and compassion, functions of the frontal lobe and the cerebrum.  All true thinking comes to a halt, along with the body’s immune system.  How, then, can one have “perfect love” when one’s only concern is to survive a global pandemic?  A large part of the answer lies in facing what it is that one fears and embracing it.  The larger part lies in the direction and object of our love.

Death is not something to fear but something to welcome as a passage to a higher level of life and creativity, a release from the prison of a physical form that offers very limited range of movement, for one thing, and an insecure and fragile abode for another.  From the moment it is born into the material world the human form begins to die and return to the humus from which it arose.  It’s the arduous task of our healthcare system to stave off the inevitable.  To facilitate this process, Life has provided scavengers to help break down and eliminate the metabolic waste of organic processes.  They’re called “viruses.” 

Yes, viruses are organisms we cannot do without.  We wouldn’t make it very far past the crib without them.  They get rid of toxic waste, the breeding ground for pathogens and disease.  In my practice I noticed a repeating pattern that demonstrated this function of viruses in patients that tested positive for a virus after having gotten over a bacterial infection.  The metabolic waste from infection fighting needed cleaning up.  I’ve seen videos showing perfectly healthy cells morph into viruses where scavenging of toxic waste was needed.  This Coronavirus would not be scavenging around in our bodies unless there was toxic waste to scavenge.  With diseases and death, the condition of the host is always the primary consideration in determining the cause. 

On the other side of this paradoxical existence, without a means of returning our human flesh to dust, we might live longer than we are want to in these limiting forms.  That would be a travesty for sure.  We would never be released from the material realm and return to the realms of light.  In the realms of light, there are no viruses.  There’s no need for them, nor for pathogens — nor for death.

Should we dare to look deeper into this “rabbit hole” we may even discover that we don’t really belong here in this plane of temporary existence.  This so-called “existential crisis” with which our planet is presenting us may be trying to tell us we don’t belong here at the level of the animal kingdom — where we behave like beasts at times — and that it’s time to let go of this world we’ve created and be about the business of creating a New World, a world that accommodates spiritual beings incarnate in capacities of light substance that do not break down, get sick and die.  What’s there to fear in this scenario? 

Oh that we could just let go and embrace a new way of living in this magical universe!  Death, then, would surely lose its sting.  Wetiko, this paralyzing mind virus, would be dissipated for the construct of thought it is that has no reality to it whatsoever.  There’s really nothing to be afraid of and everything to look forward to in this right of passage we call death.  

As for a “devil” entity in the world, an embodied anti-Christ as my poet friend describes “the mass psychosis present in western civilization at this time,” perhaps such a devil is in the details, as we say.  And there are so many details in our lives calling for our attention; lots of peripheral fallout from this pandemic, for instance.  I read in the Washington Post that some 140,000 children under age 18 have lost parents or caregivers between March 2020 and June 2021—just one of many crises facing people the world over.  These can be seen a distractions from what’s going on above and behind the surface play of events.  I’m not being cold and uncaring here.  On the contrary, I’m offering a higher view and perspective above our circumstances.   

If we human beings are being asked to let go of this corrupt world, then let us do so graciously and with a attitude of gratitude.  Let us awaken fully to our purpose for incarnating at this moment in time, this historical moment when an old world is passing away needing our blessing, while a new world and New Earth are being born needing our welcome and stewardship.  The second answer to my question “How, then, can one have ‘perfect love’ when one’s only concern is to survive a global pandemic?” lies in what or who is the object of my love response.  

There is no more worthy object of our love than our Creator.  Sometimes in our anguish and grief we look to God with an attitude of blame. “How could God allow this to happen?!” Job’s attitude is exemplary: “Though he slay me yet will I trust him.”  In this biblical story, Job lost everything and was himself inflicted with boils.  His three friends tried to comfort him by encouraging him to blame God for his troubles.  Instead, he blessed God and praised him for his wonderous works.  The result was that everything he lost was returned to him sevenfold.  

If you need some encouraging words of comfort, you may find solace in Sharon Hart’s recent post on Facebook:

“To all my friends out there who know what’s really going on… To all who see through conspiracies and are intuitive… Yes, sometimes it’s a curse and not always a blessing to be awake. Awakening is the most liberating, alienating, excruciating, empowering, lonely, confusing, freeing, frightening, expansive journey.
If you find yourself struggling as you try to process all this insanity, you are not alone. No one talks about the darkness that accompanies awakening, or the GRIEF. Not only grieving the life and illusions you once had but the realization that almost everything you thought you once knew, is a LIE. The beliefs you’ve held, people you were taught to trust, principles you were taught- ALL LIES.
Shattering illusions is RARELY an enjoyable experience. There is a considerable amount of discomfort that comes with growth and the grieving process doesn’t stop there.  With these newfound realizations, you then find yourself grieving all over again.  Grieving the loss of many relationships with people who just don’t and won’t “get it.” 
Feeling alone; being ridiculed and shamed, not only by the masses but for many of you, your very own family and friends too. Feeling like you no longer have much in common with the people you are surrounded by. Struggling with carrying on bullshit, shallow conversations that lack substance with those who are still fast asleep.  Even feeling disconnected from your entire support system because they can’t see what you see. Some even grieve the loss of their ignorance — because “ignorance is bliss” and reality is harsh.
Awakening can be a lonely road and you will often find yourself journeying alone.  There is no way to sugarcoat it – Awakening to the realities of this world is brutal. It will have you running through the entire gamut of human emotions.  You have to master the art of diving down the darkest of rabbit holes only to come out and still function in daily life, and that’s a skill people don’t talk about enough.  
Some of you are struggling with feeling disconnected from family and friends, it’s as though they exist in another world.  Please know you are not alone, and not only are you not alone, you have an entire tribe standing with you. We may be separated by miles, but we are deeply connected; in purpose and in spirit”. (Author unknown)
Sharon wrote in response to this: 
“When I read this I responded – Exactly, but it’s worth it because we will be creating the New Earth – and much sooner than you think.”
This is a time for a reset of our priorities.  We are blessed to have one another to love and care for and share life with. We are blessed by our Creator with a consciousness to know ourselves and each other; above all to know our Creator and share in the creation of our world. To serve God is a privilege not to be taken lightly or begrudgingly, but with a glad heart and an attitude of praise and thanksgiving. Though he slay me, yet will I love and trust him . . . the devil be damned. 
I welcome your thoughts on the subject, which you can share with others by posting them in the comment section.  Until my next post, 
Be love. Be loved.






Spirit of the New Earth, pg 10: Holy Mother Earth

“I was with you in the beginning, in the dawn of all that is holy, I bore you from the womb before the start of day.”

I will return to my consideration of the Vesica Pisces with my final post of this series next weekend.  Being Mothers Day, I will share this excerpt from SACRED ANATOMY featuring feminine deities in celebration of the return of the Divine Feminine to her rightful place alongside the Divine Masculine, co-creating life forms in the Garden of Paradise here on Mother Earth.

It is a peculiar aberration in human consciousness that has allowed women the world around, the very mothers of humanity without whom men could not even exist, to be minimalized and subjected to all sorts of abuse by the male of our species.  It hasn’t always been so.  Mother God has been very present to her living forms on Earth all down through the ages, albeit having to wait in the wings for her day to emerge and make her presence felt.  That day has come, and she will not be hushed or barred from full and equal participation in life with men.  Here is a bit of her history as a goddess in the world.


We have meditated primarily on the biblical texts of John of Revelation, but there have also been visions of feminine deities. Saint Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) also had an appreciation for the sacred nature of sex.  Anglo-Saxon writers A. T. Mann and Jane Lyle in their book Sacred Sexuality, published in 1995, describe a vision that Hildegard has during deep contemplation.  It was of a young girl who was like a goddess and whose radiance surpassed anything she had ever beheld. It was so dazzling that she could not look upon her.  Wearing a brilliant white cloak and gold shoes, she held the sun and moon in her right hand with loving care and bore the deep-blue image of a man on an ivory tablet on her breast.   Known to all of creation as “sovereign lady,” she spoke these words to the image on her breast: “I was with you in the beginning, in the dawn of all that is holy, I bore you from the womb before the start of day.”  Her name was Love.

Hildegard believed the whole earth could be made into a garden of love if men and women simply loved one another, thereby becoming divine themselves.  There would be nothing lacking in this love, for it would shine forth as a unified field of light as a result of complete union of both body and soul with God.   (The Templar Revelation, p. 162)

John of Revelation also had a vision of a feminine being in the heaven. 

And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered….“ (Rev 12)

There were other aspects of the vision that carry significance of their own.  There was the “great red dragon” which stood before the woman ready to devour her child as soon as it was born.  Then something remarkable happened when she brought forth her child, which was a man child who “was to rule all nations with a rod of iron….”  The child was “caught up unto God, and to his throne.”

In this metaphorical story I see the Divine Feminine travailing to give birth to the positive expression of Her own divinity on earth but forced to deliver it in the privacy and solitude of her own sacred space, knowing that it is acceptable in God’s heaven if not in man’s world.   This could be said of the full spectrum of her expression, spiritual, mental, emotional and sexual. So she has kept it all safe from the great red dragon—which could represent here the male-dominated world in which she lives her life, in quiet desperation much of the time.    As for me, I personally rejoice that the feminine has survived all that has been levied against her in the way of persecution and oppression on earth, and is yet available to the masculine that is beginning to understand her, for I love the feminine and all that she brings to the dance of life.

It is undeniably the feminine that has been responsible for holding something special over thousands of years with regard to the sacredness of her sexuality.   It is the male who has historically exploited her sexuality and raped her body and soul, along with the larger body of the Earth Goddess Gaia.  Now that many women have risen up and taken back their power and restored their personal sanctity and collective equality and autonomy as people in a patriarchal society, a major shift has occurred in the collective consciousness.  With career and temporal status still in focus for a majority of women, there is currently hardly anyone managing the home-fires and providing the space for family and intimacy. Thankfully, thousands are rediscovering both their sexuality and their nurturing capacity as being sacred and many strong and enlightened women are leading the way for both sexes in this exponentially expanding field of human endeavor to transcend tradition and live outside the box of what society expects of them.

Contemporary psychologist and teacher of advanced practices of sacred sexuality around the world, Margo Anand, comes to mind.  Author of the bestseller, The Art of Sexual Ecstasy and a tape series on the path to sexual bliss, The Art of Sexual Magic, has brought back the true context of sex as “the most sacred act of creation.”  She writes: 

When two humans come together as lovers, they mirror the divine union…and connect directly with the energy of all life.  Thus, the energy of your sexuality is the source of the greatest ‘magic’ of all—the creation of life itself.

In her book she explores the meaning of Tantra, which means weaving, as a Hindu-Buddhist practice. 

As the threads of life and love cross one another, Tantra teaches, they join in cosmic union. Within this absolute connection with the universe, your most profound yearnings become possible. This is sexual magic.  Using erotic rituals and specific meditations, Tantric lovers can alter their consciousness and channel the energy of orgasm for healing, ecstasy—even enlightenment.

One of the most powerful and prolific voices among contemporary women authors, earth-activist Starhawk, puts these words on the lips of Mother Nature, who is embodied in the Goddess Gaia, in Doreen Valiente’s poem Charge of the Star Goddess, which she adapted for use in her own work of summoning forth and quickening woman’s spirit:

Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold—all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals….  I have been with you from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.

Feminine deities have historically held sex as a sacred ritual. In the East, the Indian Tantra and the Chinese Taoism are the only two disciplines that hold sexuality as something sacred and transcendental. Here in the West, there has been a re-discovery of sacred sex. Sex is seen now by increasing numbers of spiritually awake men and women as the highest form of union with God at the physical level, a virtual erotic bridge between heaven and earth bringing a release of enormous creative energy, revitalizing lovers in unique ways, all the way down to their cells.    

The entire art of sexual expression as a centerpiece in life is out of the closet and being explored with enthusiasm by people of all ages.  We all knew there was more to it than our forebears told us, but this allowed us to stumble into one of life’s most intriguing and most misunderstood secrets.  Increasingly the spiritual aspects of sexuality are being put ahead of the physical act of “making out” and “getting some.”  Sex is being elevated to the level of a sacred art of union with the divine and has become so much more enjoyable.  Shame around this natural function is eroding.  A picture of the little Buddha with a big smile on his face and hands reaching inside his gown and down grasping “nirvana” comes to mind as I write.  Indeed, can we not reach down and lift up unto heaven the earth of our temples with all of its sacred anatomy and physiology in sheer celebration of life and in delightful praise of our Creator?   Through such upliftment, would not the flesh be renewed by the Spirit of the New Earth?  ♥

I will complete this series on the Spirit of the New Earth Vibration with the next post. Until then, I wish all mothers a most Happy Mothers Day.  You’ve earned it.  Blessings upon you all.    — Anthony

Spirit of the New Earth Vibration, pg 8: The Holy Grail

“If your humanity overflows, divinity inevitably happens. If your humanity is allowed to reach its very peak, divinity is a living reality for you. If your humanity is not allowed to reach its peak, divinity is just empty talk.  It’s “up there.”  (Sadhguru Joggi Vasudev)¹      

As I continue to share excerpts from my book SACRED ANATOMY, it is not without an awareness that the subject of our sexuality is not a very relevant one in light of today’s many critical and existential issues.  It is only relevant to an ongoing creative cycle that offers promise of a Golden Age and a New Earth emerging out of the New Heaven.  In this new cycle all creating things continue to be sacred.  The energetic vibration of the first seal in the endocrine system, the Gonads, is one of newness and right-expectancy.  The gift of the Spirit of the New Earth working through this seal is patience.  With these considerations, I continue to share a vision of what might be as we co-create a new world. 


THE HOPE AND POSSIBILITY for restoring connection with Source and returning to the state of union with the LORD God in the Garden of Paradise forms the basis for the Grail Quest in the Arthurian Legend.  Metaphorically speaking, once the cup is reunited with the sword, the feminine with the masculine, and King Arthur restored to the throne with his Queen as an equal and worthy partner in all their royal duties and functions, the magical kingdom of Camelot is restored. Once human consciousness is reunited with divine consciousness and the divine is once again present and in action in human affairs, Paradise can be restored on Earth.

The symbolism of this legendary myth may be seen as pointing to the restoration of the Wounded Fisher King’s sexual potency and productivity.  Remember, it is the Wounded Fisher King who is guardian over the Grail in his home, the Grail Castle. He is wounded early in the story and the wound was caused by a spear that pierced him through his thighs, which also involved his genitals, according to Wolfram von Eschenbach’s version of the story in Parzival.  His wound, which casts a shadow of infertility upon the land and consequent poverty upon the subjects of his kingdom, will not heal.  So his life and entire kingdom are cast into desolation and misery.  It is foretold that healing would be possible only when an innocent fool—Perceval in the story—stumbles into his court and inquires about the purpose of the Grail. 

The placing of the wound in the King’s genitals has been taken by some as reflecting on the church’s suppression of natural sexuality.  It was believed, then, that only by going on a quest for the Holy Grail, would the spiritual stagnation prevalent at that time be eliminated and replaced by enlightenment. There is no mistake that this quest was specifically focused in the feminine, as an Italian painting of Venus being adored by Grail knights portrays. In this fifteenth century painting, Venus is depicted by the artist inside the vesica pisces—representing, as we shall soon see, the womb of the Great Mother, or the Grail itself—with rays of light pouring out from her genital region and with knights and heroes below looking up to her in adoration. While the portrayal of this painting may be seen today as that of “lusting after the flesh,” certainly as lusting after the female body and the pleasure of sexual intimacy, it was seen back then in Eighteenth century Europe as a celebration of sacred sexuality, one of the key elements of Europe’s underground tradition, and of feminine wisdom or Sophia.  The painting clearly portrays how the power of female sexuality was held as something most sacred and that lusting after intimacy with the feminine was a lusting after union with divinity itself, the prime gift of the Holy Grail.  

The restoration of the legendary magical kingdom of Camelot obviously rests upon the sacred reunion of the masculine with the feminine so that the two become one, as it was in the Beginning.  The Grail Quest story indicates that would happen only when the cup and the sword are reunited, the sword representing the empowered masculine and the cup the empowering feminine. Perceval is instructed in the story to be careful not to seduce or be seduced by a woman and to be sure, upon finding the Grail, to ask the question, “Whom does the Grail serve?”  Perceval is so taken by the magical properties of the Grail, which generously serves up his heart’s desire of food and drink, that he fails to ask the right question and soon finds himself outside the King’s court and back out in the wilderness, only now with an unquenchable thirst for the magical experience of the Grail in the King’s court once again. Eventually, after much anguish and bitter toil—and ultimately deep, passionate longing for the Grail—he finds his way back to the Grail Castle.      

(My favorite author on this theme of the search for the Holy Grail is Diana Durham, whom  I’ve introduced in an earlier chapter.  Diana presents her enlightening insights into the Arthurian Legend as she thoroughly and invitingly explores the spiritual significance and essences hidden in its mythical symbolism in The Return of King Arthur. I will include an excerpt from her book in my consideration of the Vesica Pisces in my next post.)

The restoration of the magical kingdom of Camelot—of our sexuality—is possible once the King is honored and served up love from out of the Holy Grail of the human heart.  That would happen only when the man and woman, upon receiving each other’s hearts as they engage their sexuality, ask the right question and heed the answer: The Grail serves the Grail King. The King of Creation, who created the Grail in the first place, is the worthy recipient of the sacred and juicy essences generated and rightly sent upward in the alchemy of sexual union and ecstasy. The secrets to such alchemy and ecstasy lie hidden in the mysteries of feminine sexuality, or more specifically the “Feminine Principle.”  

The suppression of the mysteries of feminine sexuality may well be at the roots of the scandalous turbulence we are witnessing today in the Catholic church relative to pedophile priests.  Thwarting the natural design and purposes of life for human beings can only lead to distortions in behavior. The Divine Feminine cannot be left out of human experience without repercussions. She will find her way into human relationships at the most intimate levels without respect to gender, and those who attempt to deny Her will find themselves seeking union with Her in the shadows of deviant behavior with the same irresistible passion that drives them to seek union with the Divine, for She is divine. 

Historically, the Feminine Principle was once the centerpiece of much controversy and, as we have noted, persecution—strangely enough focused in a hatred and fear of midwives who posed a threat to the status quo of civilized decency because of their knowledge and skills in minimizing the pain in childbirth, when painful childbirth was taught by the Church to be the punishment for original sin.  During the early centuries of the Christian era, women’s sexuality was regarded with fear. Knowledge of the secrets of the Feminine was considered to be so fiercely powerful that it posed a unique threat to Christian thinking and to the authority of the Church itself.  This gave rise to the atrocities perpetrated by the Church against the Cathars during the Albegensian Crusades in thirteenth century France when over a hundred thousand, mostly women, were massacred. 

Even to this day there is no Christian concept of sex for joy only, let alone the idea—as in Tantrism or alchemy—that it can bring spiritual enlightenment. On the contrary, the Catholic Church forbids contraception and other Christian groups, such as the Mormons, frown upon post-menopausal sex. The authors of The Templar Revelation leave little doubt that all of these regulations were really about control over women, who it was thought must be made to view their sexuality with apprehension, “either because it is joyless, their marital duty and nothing else, or because it leads inevitably to the pain of childbirth.” 

Vesica Pisces 

The controversy and persecutions were over the alchemical power inherent in the tiny gland at the top of the gothic archway of the vulva, an archway that embodies the mystical Vesica Pisces, an image in sacred geometry formed by overlapping circles, possibly one of the most profound motifs of ancient and modern times. It represented in ancient religions, among other things, the vulva of the Great Mother and the joining of God and Goddess in the creation of the Universe.  In Christianity, it is the symbol of Jesus Christ which was used by the early Christians to mark their meeting places, referencing by its piscine shape the miracle of the loaves and fishes.  It represented a lot more than that, however.  (Excerpted from SACRED ANATOMY)

I will reveal the “lot more” the Vesica Pisces represents in my next post. I will close by sharing something most thought-provoking that Bishop Desmond Tutu said recently:

I have this secret longing—well, it’s not so secret as I’ve said it before—for women to take over and say “Men, we gave you all of this time. . . . You’ve made a mess of things. Women are taking over.” And women who would be feminine—not women who try to be like men—women who remember that they are life nurturers.  And I’m absolutely certain we would see a different world order.¹

Well, it’s happened before, as we shall see in my next post. Until then, be safe.   Anthony

¹ Transcribed from Time of the Sixth Sun documovie series, featuring Indigenous Elders, Wisdom Keepers and Visionary Thought Leaders sharing their knowledge and teachings, as you go on an inspiring global cinematic journey offering great insights into the incredible changes happening on our planet at this time.

Spirit of the New Earth Vibration, pg 7: The Divine Feminine

“If you don’t know what to do, maybe you shouldn’t do anything and just wait for clarity; wait for the impulse to act.”  — Charles Eisenstein, Time of the Sixth Sun Movie

FIERCE LOVE is one of the chief gifts of the Divine Feminine working through the hearts of both men and women.  Other gifts are resilience and an empathic capacity to embrace pain and bring healing to old wounds in the heart.  From my own experience, some of her greatest needs are honesty, affection, unconditional love, finding her voice and being heard. 

A prophetic promise from the Book of Genesis is unfolding as the head of the serpent of the human intellect is being stepped on and “bruised” by the “heel” of the Feminine.  The masculine destroyer of Mother Nature’s creations for monetary gain is being told by the Great Mother through her rising spirit in womankind: “THAT’S ENOUGH! STOP! THUS FAR AND NO FURTHER!  The news media are not bringing it to us, but it’s happening everywhere the world over.  

Take time to view this brief movie trailer of Time of the Sixth Sun.  It’s happening.  We are moving into the Golden Age of a quantum new world where things are happening as fast as thought, and love and joy are bursting out all over.  The speakers all speak from out of a balanced field of Masculine and Feminine energy.  This is a turning point in the evolution of the human race and of the Earth.  As one speaker summed it up,

“During this time of change we don’t have to do anything to protect ourselves. Going to a secret place somewhere, or hiding food in the ground or guns and stuff, and trying to protect ourselves, it’s not going to work. It’s simply about being in your heart, being connected to the Mother Earth and Father Sky, being directly connected to the Great Spirit.  This is simple. Anybody can do it.”  (Drunvalo Melchizadek)

Excerpt from SACRED ANATOMY:

The Divine Feminine

The Divine Feminine is the negatively charged body of response of Mother God to the positively charged radiance of Father God. This is not a passive receptivity but a very actively charged energy that rushes to meet the positive radiation of love through the Divine Masculine, not to serve him, nor to be at his beck and call, but to empower and dance with him. For the dance to be enjoyable and creative, the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine must both be present on the dance floor of life and engaged with one another.  The commonly known animalistic male-female relationship is not sufficient, and dissolves with the revelation of Divine Man and Divine Woman on earth.

The Feminine Principle produces the alchemy that unites us with God and then draws to us the circumstances in which we find ourselves throughout our lives in and through which we may fulfill our mission and purpose for incarnating, which is to bring the things of God, the gifts of spirit, into the world.  In the Biblical story of the wedding feast at Cana, for example, which is believed to be a celebration of the sacred marriage of Jesus and Mary of Bethany, it is Mary of Bethany who arranges for the vessels of water to be brought to Jesus to be made into wine, bringing to him as well their life’s shared mission and destiny—echoing and rectifying that event in the Genesis story of the Fall wherein reportedly Eve brought Adam the “forbidden fruit,” and with it their life’s work of creating a world on Earth without their Creator but only with their own judgements of what feels good and what is deemed evil.  By turning the water into wine Jesus made the Truth of Life once more available to Man.  

In the story of the Grail Quest, the Feminine Principle, which operates through the heart realm, can be seen as being represented by the Grail itself—the chalice out of which Jesus drank at the Last Supper.  She is the chalice, the cup, for the life blood—the substance of one’s living symbolized by the wine—from which the Lord of the Sacred Dance partakes of life with us. The cup can thus be seen as the cupped hand of Divine Providence that brings to us each moment’s task, be it large or small.

Jesus is recorded to have asked his Father from the deep passion of his heart to take the “cup” of his betrayal and ignominious execution from him.  Sometimes the Feminine brings great challenges to us that will, if accepted courageously and met with a victorious spirit, bring us closer to our core quest in life, that of union with Source. “Thy will be done” was the attitude of the Master in this seemingly impossible situation that ultimately led to his resurrection from the tomb and ascension into the arms of his heavenly Father from whence he came—from whence we all came.

Containment being her very nature, the substance of the feminine energy provides a container filled with the water of truth that turns into the wine of life when she is allowed to embrace—spiritually as well as physically—the hot and fully erected vertical shaft of radiant masculine light. She is as the water surrounding the rod of plutonium in an atomic reactor that allows it to yield its power without burning a hole in the earth, to use a modern-day energy metaphor. If he will let her, she will ground him but not smother his fire nor use it all up loving her.   They both must come clean of their shadow side for this dance to be fun and generative of the essential substance of pneumaplasm that connects them both with the Divine and with each other.  At this level of intimacy, where there is accord between a man and a woman, is found the secrets to the creation of abundance.  In The Gospel of Thomas, Jesus is recorded as saying: “If two can make peace between themselves in a single house, they can say to a mountain, ‘Move!’ and it will move.”

In no way do I imply here that she is nice and sweet and agreeable at all times.  She can be that, but she can also be fierce and tenacious when it comes to exposing and putting down the lie, which she does with equal passion as she pushes forward to uncover and lift up the truth in any given situation in life.  There is nothing quite as exhilarating in the life of a relationship than to dance in the fierce fire of the passionate woman who sees you in the places you would rather not be seen. In the Arthurian legend she is represented by the “Hag.”  Diana Durham portrays the “Hag” as:

An old woman who visits Perceval at Arthur’s court during a banquet in his honor; she lists all his faults, chief among them his failure to ask the question [Whom does the Grail serve?] when in the Grail Castle and thus relieve the king and land from suffering. She is the truth-telling aspect of the deep feminine, and can also be said to represent here withered Mother Earth herself. (Return of King Arthur, page 13)

There is interesting and controversial history associated with this principle of the Feminine aspect of Man, actually spanning all the way back to Adam and Eve in the drama of Eden at the very beginnings of human existence on earth. It is significant that the Feminine is described as a “Principle,”which literally means “beginning.” She was present with God in the Beginning.  In the Latin Mass, the opening words of St. John’s Gospel are: “In principio [my emphasis] erat Verbum, et Verbum erat apud Deus, et Verbum erat Deus.”  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  The Word is the Feminine Principle out of which all of Creation springs forth.  She was called “Eve…mother of all the living…” and She is found not only to be with God in the beginning but is God.  She, the Divine Feminine, is God creating the flesh of all living things.

This ancient story, re-written by the great patriarch Moses, may well be fraught with bias.  It is said that the serpent beguiled the woman and that the woman led the man down the garden path which took them both out of Eden.  Who knows what really constituted the so-called “Fall of man?”  This we do know, women have been blamed for the Fall all down through the ages, a stigma that has caused them unwarranted deprivation and persecution. Women have been greatly feared and therefore suppressed by men in a male-dominated world.  Not understood by men, especially when their emotions take over their expression and their wrath becomes a force with which to be reckoned, women have been kept subdued by men and have been forced to withdraw into a state of obedience and subjection to them and to adopt what is considered to be “appropriate behavior” in order to keep emotions under raps.

On her darker side, woman has been a manipulator and a seducer as well, perhaps in an attempt to reclaim some of her power and control over her life. Historically, she was burned at the stake for her sorcery during the “witch-hunts” in sixteenth and seventeenth century Europe, when forty to sixty thousand people were executed and as many more tortured and imprisoned. This violence against the feminine has left a scar in the collective heart of womankind which overshadows and impacts male-female relationships even to this day.  Deep healing is needed in the heart of Mother God.

The world has not always been dominated by the male of the human species. There were periods of history when the feminine dominated life on this planet, when the Goddess was worshiped as Creator and revered as the Supreme Giver of life.  As I said earlier, in the ancient East, Elat, the feminine gender of the word Allah, was the name used to call upon deity.  In more recent history, however, since the male has dominated the scene, the importance of the role of the feminine in life has gone from one extreme to the other in some religious cultures.

There has been a masculine bias throughout the early history of Christianity, with the feminine principle all but eliminated entirely from the face of the Earth. For example, in the fourth century the early Church Fathers declared women to be “not worthy of life”—certainly not fit to serve as priestesses and bishops as they had been accustomed—and degraded the sexual act from the “ultimate sacrament” to a necessary function to propagate the human race. Before that, sex was a sacred ritual in which the alchemy of the Feminine Principle was engaged as a means of ecstatic union with the Divine.   The secrets of this ritualistic ceremony were held in safekeeping by many groups and organizations—such as the Freemasons, the Knights Templar, the Cathars, the Priory of Sion, the Essenes and the Egyptian cult of Isis and Osiris—until just recently.

Several books have been written and continue to emerge exploring these secrets.  Research-authors Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince have collaborated together in a most provocative book, The Templar Revelation. According to their exhaustive research, it was by way of this sacred sex ritual of “undefiled intercourse” that kings, emperors and pharaohs, as well as messiahs and saviors of mankind, fused with the Divine and became gods themselves, earning the title of Christ, or the Anointed One.

Jesus himself is reported to have become one with the Father within through the anointing by Mary of Bethany, his cosmic mate and partner in this sacred rite of passage, first from humanity to divinity and then back to humanity as God in the flesh.  This anointing was apparently not limited to pouring precious oils (spikenard) over the feet and into the hair, but included sacred sex wherein the two penetrated the veil between heaven and earth to fuse with the Divine.  Sex was called the “ultimate sacrament” because it was through this sacred ritual that sovereign rulers could come to know union with God and release the creative power that would bless and preserve their kingdom—the land and all their subjects—making them fertile and productive.

My next post will once again feature my favorite Arthurian legend author, Diana Durham, in her masterful consideration and interpretation of the legendary Holy Grail.  Until then, I bid you good day and pray health and happiness for you.          -Anthony (


Spirit of the New Earth Vibration, page 2: The Alchemy of Transmutation


For fifty-plus year as a holistic doctor, it has been my role and privilege to serve at the physical level of life’s domain and to bring the higher vibrations of Spirit into the lower levels of Life’s expression in and through the human body.  In keeping with the nature of that service, I have sought to elevate my consciousness, and that of those whom I have served, so as to gain insight beyond the surface of anatomical structure and physiological function and into the energetic world of the Spirit that creates the physical body and continues to maintain it through its years and decades of useful existence and service. To that purpose, I have written down my meditations and compiled them into a book which I entitled “SACRED ANATOMY,” because to me the temple of the living God is sacred in all of its designs and functions, primary of which is the worship of God. 

It is with some reserve that I proceed in sharing this consideration in a public forum such as this, as it is highly esoteric and sacred, intended for the initiated. The consideration of our sacred anatomy, presented here in the form of a meditation on transcendent essences, is not a scholarly study of human anatomy and physiology–although those aspects are given due consideration for accuracy. It is rather a presentation of firsthand esoteric knowledge, as previously noted, and inspired visionary insight and revelation.    

In that light, I will continue sharing excerpts focusing on the reproductive system and the hormonal glands of the gonads that produce the seeds that initiate the creative process that brings forth the human body—under the guidance and protection of the Spirit of the New Earth.  In this excerpt I share my meditation on the role these sacred vessels and their function play in the transmutation of atoms to the rare substance that provides clothing for the spiritual body of the incarnate angel. 

I believe It is our role as divine beings on the physical material plane to fuel the fire of ascension by which physical substance is transmuted and made rare for ascension.  That fire is the transmuting fire of the Spirit of Love at the highest vibration differentiated and stepped down as the Spirit of the New Earth at the lower end of the energy spectrum, as we considered in the previous post—which I encourage you to read, if you haven’t already, for the context it provides for this post.

The Spiritualization of Atoms  

   There is a remarkable and significant similarity between the shape and function of the Pineal Gland, with its mushroom-shaped head, and that of the male and female genitalia on the opposite end of the endocrine system.  They both serve as pointed vessels for focused release of a unified radiant current.  The sensation of intense pleasure during erection of both the glans penis and the clitoris, intensifying as orgasm begins to occur, is powerfully felt in the space behind the eyes where the Pituitary gland, with its anterior and posterior lobes–the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine embracing in the sixth plane of being–rests in the Sella Tursica of the sphenoid bone at the base of the brain. With the facilitation of the Hypothalamus, and the Limbic System just above it in the brain, the pleasure center of the brain, the Pituitary receives the release of the golden light of love emanating from Spirit through the Pineal Body, embracing it on its way to the eyes and forehead and creating the sacred alchemy which allows the fire of love to pour forth from within.  The fire extends down and out through the sexual organs as well as outward through the eyes and permeating the entire body.  All the cells in the body temple are permeated by the radiant outpouring of love and therein rejuvenated in the ecstasy of sexual orgasm.

   With the outpouring of love’s emanations comes a refinement of pneumaplasm as it is drawn into the core of the ascending flame where it is refined even further.  This rarefied substance then rises to mingle with the substance of love contained within the heart.  The heart provides a safe place for the alchemy of transmutation to take place.  From this crucible, the substance continues on its journey upward reaching into the core and bringing the experience of heaven into the body temple.  Upon touching the core of love in our heart of hearts, pneumaplasm acts as a connecting substance between earth and heaven through which the currents of love pour forth into the body-temple and through the body-temple into one’s world.  Thus are the atoms in the earthly plane of being spiritualized and lifted up into the realm of spirit.  

   The experience of this release through the eyes is especially unifying as the two look into each other’s eyes to receive one another as angels while their union makes itself evident and powerfully felt.  Such moments of sacred sexual intimacy reveal the state of ecstatic union with the Beloved, from Whom a rich outpouring of love is known throughout the temple in waves of delightful pleasure. In his instructions on the “seven seals” Uranda describes what occurs at this level:

Here thou seest the activity of the Gonad Glands (ovary or testis) in harmony with the Christ Center in the Sacral region of thy spine.  Here it is that the active Spiritualization process begins, and as the body substance responds to the action of this Seal it is prepared for the ASCENSION. 

This Seal has been variously called the Cave of Darkness, the Serpent’s Seat, the Coil of Kundalini, the Manger of Birth (Bible), and by other names.  As this transmuted substance begins its ascension through the Seven Seals, it is spoken of, all through the Bible, as the River of Life; and the Tree of Life which extends from one side of the River of Life to the other side represents the Positive and Negative phases of the Seven Seals, under or through which the River of Life is flowing.  The Branches of the Trunk of the Tree extend from the Glands on the one side and from the Christ Centers in the Spine on the other side.  (STM, Lesson Fifty-four)¹

Kundalini Shakti 

   The spiritualization of atoms in the ascending fire of transmutation was known to the ancient Hindu world as “Kundalini Shakti.”  Thomas Ashley-Farrand, an expert in the use of Hindu and Buddhist mantras, as well as in ancient Eastern religious ceremonies, sheds some historical light on this power center: 

According to Hindu tradition, the nature of power is feminine.  Although the consciousness that triggers spiritual activity is said to be masculine, it is powerless without the feminine energy that drives it.  The shakti of kundalini, the feminine power cell lying in repose at the base of the spine, is dormant and latent in most of humanity.  When it becomes active even in the smallest degree, we develop the power to heal, the power to see things not yet come, and other special gifts of the Great Feminine.

It is taught that the locus of feminine power in our own bodies is the great kundalini power cell, which lies at the base of the spine.  Over the course of many lifetimes, this personal transformer powers our spiritual progress as its inherent shakti “awakens” and moves up the spine.  As the kundalini shakti touches the pituitary and pineal glands, it activates them in new ways, making more energy available to them. Dormant brain power potential becomes active in a way that cannot be described in words.

Shakti represents the active energy of the divine that powers all forms of creation.  In Hindu tradition, Shakti is anthropomorphized as the consort of Shiva [a masculine deity who directs the rising kundalini energy]. (From Mantra, Sacred Words of Power study guide.)² 

   These sacred vessels can be appreciated for the facilitation they provide in the process of ascension of atoms into the spiritual body of the angel incarnate.  The simple ceremony of caressing them gently so as not to arouse the glands into contraction and orgasm, or simply being still during intercourse, helps to initiate the movement of the current within the ascending flame, drawing atoms from out of the body substance into the upward spiraling flow.  In a rising current, atomic substance ascends before the throne of God in heaven, represented by the Pineal Body, to be transmuted by sacred alchemy into angelic light substance.  Thus is union with the Divine attained through this sacred practice and ritual.

   This is an alchemical fire that burns through and within the flesh but does not consume it. The Crown Chakra plays a role here as well. A single ascending current of golden substance begins to flow and can be felt moving up through the Pineal Gland of both lovers.  In the midst of this sacred alchemy one suddenly knows the other as oneself. Flesh becomes vibrationally fused so that the partners feel what each other is experiencing and lose all sense of separateness, spiritually as well as physically.

   This is, without exception, a most holy and powerful experience of union with the Beloved. Out of this union between two angels on earth comes a most exquisite, yet easy, release of love through a unified current of radiation as a portal is opened in heaven through which light pours out in ceaseless currents. These sacred times of worship, either alone or with another conscious angel, can be used to bring loved ones in our worlds, and our worlds themselves, into consciousness for blessing, healing and sanctification.  Consciousness then becomes an extension of the altar, now sanctified by the oil of love, upon which we may offer the tithes of our world of service upward for healing and spiritualization.   For anything that touches the altar is sanctified.  Sexual intimacy is very much an integral part of our angelic function as co-creators with God, and we would continually know that and participate in ascension as we return these sacred vessels to their holy purpose.  We do this by taking them into our priestly hands and celebrating our temple service to glorify God and to bless our world with shining light. ♦  

The world would be transformed in a cosmic moment were these sacred vessels, now desecrated by abuse in darkened understanding, sanctified and returned to their sacred function. In the wake of such transformative change, spiritualized atomic substance would begin to ascend through the levels of being to find its way back Home in the Heaven of heavens before the throne of God, whose creating substance it is.  In this sacred function, we as the Body of Man restored would fulfill and complete our primary purpose for existence: the return of praise and thanksgiving by way of spiritualized flesh to the Creator, whose world this is. This could only be done by divine beings, angels incarnate, who have come forth in a radiant apocalypse of light, and taken charge of the physical material world in the name of our Lord and King.  It will never be done by “mere humans” eking out transient pleasure in self gratification. Such temporary pleasure is as nothing compared to the ecstatic pleasure of priestly function in service to the Lord of the Sacred Seven.  

That said, the angel can come forth into conscious presence employing the alchemy of sacred sex as a path and means of opening the sacred seals to reveal the Presence of the One I AM.  This path has been taken before in ancient days by Pharaohs who sought to achieve apotheosis through sexual intimacy with the High Priestess, through whom he received his power to rule with divine authority.  It is a worthy and available path to those who would go that way in their transformation journey.  We will revisit this topic later in the chapter on Sacred Sex.  I invite and welcome your thoughts and inspirations. Until my next post in this series,

Be love.  Be loved.



¹ URANDA, Steps To Mastership, Lesson 54. 

² ASHLEY FERRAND, Mantra, Sacred Words of Power study guide  

LAGNIAPPE (Something extra for our urgent attention)

KISS THE GROUND movie: a two-and-a-half-minute trailer about a very hopeful film on saving the planet and our species with nothing more than growing grass on our farm lands through what is called “regenerative agriculture.”

Reclaiming Our Hearts & Our Home, part 2

I received a response to my last post from my friend and favorite poet, Don Hynes, in which he takes the consideration to another level.  It prompted me to write a second article on the subject of reclaiming our hearts and our home.  Here’s Don’s letter:

Thank you Tony. This is an inspiring and very well presented issue of your blog. I found the interview with Vandana Shiva enlightening and grounded with the facts at hand as presented by RFK Jr.

Gates may be a psychopath but I would guess more likely he feels he is doing good for the world, good in his own eyes. This is the very same problem with human nature in general, doing “good” in their singular mental framework without seeing how ultimately destructive the result. This is why the Master could say, “Father forgive them, they know not what they do.” I’d guess the Pharisees and Sadducees as well as Pilate and the Romans thought they were doing good by attempting to murder Christ Jesus, getting rid of a dangerous radical, ban him from Facebook and Twitter.

What I gather from all this is that the substance of the Lord, of Creation, is present, and though oppressed, is waiting to be activated in a positive and wholesome way. This is the new heaven arising in the east and the new earth that will surely follow.


IS IT CURTAINS for the human race, or can we save our species from total obliteration, as environmentalists warn we’re headed?  Or is there a plausible alternative view and option?

There may well be both if philanthropist Bill Gates has any credence left in this highly critical social and political environment.  I know that I’ve been looking at Mr. Gates and his philanthropical activities askance over the past year or more, projecting ulterior motives onto his promotion of the Covid-19 vaccines, for one thing.  Well, I suppose someone with lots of money had to do it, even someone who is viewed as a “psychopath,” an impression one may have gotten from Robert Kennedy, Jr’s interview with Dr. Vandana Shiva in my previous post.  I’m not a psychologist, but I don’t believe the term applies in his case.   

In all fairness, and after some critical thinking, I’ve stopped to do a little research and listen to Bill Gates as a fellow human being who, as my poet friend allowed, may simply be doing his part to make the world a better place to live, if only “in his own eyes.” So, let’s have a look and a listen.  After all, it wouldn’t have to change how some of us may view him . . . although it may.  My view and opinion of him and his endeavors have changed considerably, for whatever that’s worth.  


Bill Gates has been developing and promoting ways to “save our planet” for a number of years, funding “Green Energy” endeavors and projects with his considerable wealth, much of it allegedly accruing from his interest in the Covid-19 vaccines.  Bill Gates was worth $125 billion the first of this year, and would be worth much more were he not such a generous philanthropist.  He gained the distinction of “THE richest man in the world” after his successful launching and promoting of Microsoft, currently worth $1.674 trillion on the market. His share of ownership, after stepping down from the company altogether in 2000, is 1.3%, or $7 billion.  

In 2010 he and his wife founded the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as a vehicle for their philanthropic activities. Ten years ago, Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett founded the Giving Pledge. Today, there are more than 200 billionaires from across the globe that have pledged to give away most of their fortunes to charity. The Gates foundation today has $50 billion in assets.  Bill and Melinda have pledged billions towards the effort to fight the virus and develop a viable vaccine.

Sadly, lately, Bill Gates has been the target of a number of wild conspiracy theories surrounding the coronavirus pandemic. Fortunately, a post about how Gates has spent decades of his life and many tens of millions of dollars supporting humanitarian causes went viral. The post states the very real fact that Gates has pretty much done “more to better life on earth…than any other human being to ever live.” While this is somewhat hyperbole, the fact is that Gates has given more than $50 billion to charity since 1994. The amazing thing is, his wealth has grown at an even faster pace than he’s given it away.  (Celebrity Net Worth)

Here’s a short clip in which Bill Gates offers an optimistic message about the future:

Listening to this, one could critique it by noting that Bill says nothing about the spiritual dimensions of consciousness as he lists assets along the path we might take, such as education, reduced population growth, extended life span, more science, more global understanding and sense of our common humanity, taking advantage of our innate curiosity and capabilities.  All these things are obviously mental and physical assets and activities that require little spiritual resource other than life energy.  Perhaps that’s not his role to play.  Others are offering spiritual inspiration and guidance of a transformational nature in the multilevel and multidimensional consciousness of the Body of Humanity.  We each have our unique and diverse roles to play.

Returning to Don’s comment above, I am compelled to ask the question “How is the “substance of the Lord, of Creation” going to be “activated in a positive and wholesome way” if not through human beings—through you and me?  We are the appointed keepers of the Garden of Eden here on Earth.  All through our biblical history, the delivery of the Lord’s salvation has been done through human beings: Abraham and Moses, for instance, and later on the Buddha and Jesus—not that I’m equating Bill Gates’ stature with that of the Buddha or Jesus, or even Abraham and Moses.  He is, however, a human being, one of us, who is also providing a dynamic focus of light energy in the field of planetary existential issues that impact all of humanity, such as climate control, global warming and world hunger; added to these now is the fresh water crisis and this pandemic.  His focus is at the mental level, like a light-bearer shining the light of possibilities in the darkness of global fear and uncertainty. 

Don concluded his comment saying “This is the new heaven arising in the east and the new earth that will surely follow.”  Well, I think the new heaven has descended upon human consciousness over the past few decades.  It awaits activation through human beings.  In its own season the new earth will follow and continue to unfold on the planet, and all of us are part of the means by which it unfolds, including Bill Gates and his fellow donors to the “Giving Pledge.”  They are part of the means by which the new earth emerges, perhaps even by which the old earth is held in place long enough for the new earth to take its place without too many perishing?  And perhaps the means by which it passes away.  Is this the provision of the Lord that I am questioning and judging as just another example of human nature’s bright ideas that result in destruction?  There’s nothing wrong or evil about human nature under the dominion and activation of the spirit of God.  It’s only in its self-active state that human nature is lost and therefore dangerous and destructive.  

To be honest, I don’t know how it is all to unfold, other than out of the new heaven. I am giving myself pause in my judgement of wealthy philanthropists in our world today.  Surely even “they” have a purpose in the Divine economy and plan for the restoration, as we each one have.  In reality there is no they, only US.  We are one human race and one Creation under the Sun.  Let me not think that I know what those who take the initiative to do what they see is theirs to do, what they should and shouldn’t do. Let me rather be about what is mine to do while sending them love and gratitude.  For, as the co-founder of Chiropractic Dr. BJ Palmer wrote:

”We never know how far reaching something we may think, say or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow.  It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness.”

Perhaps I’m giving away too much of the store here.  I don’t know.  I want to believe . . . NO, I KNOW that every angel now incarnate on Earth is here to take part in the restoration of the Earth and of Humanity in one form and another, and what Bill Gates’ part is, or anyone else’s part to play, is not my business. It’s the Lord’s business. 

My part is to be about my Father’s business, and writing this blog is just one part of my role at this stage of my earthly sojourn of eighty years.  I write about what’s on my platter in the moment and Bill Gates has been on it for some time.  God bless him . . . and, yes poet, Father forgive him and all others who may not know what they do.  God knows, and that’s enough for me.

Speaking of sending love, during my Attunement sessions these past several days I’ve noticed a marked increase in the intensity of the current of love moving through my heart and hands. We have crossed a threshold into a new dimension and layer of cosmic energy pouring out from the radiant core of the Milky Way Galaxy and of the Sacred Heart of God.  Love’s light is increasing.  Praise be to God in the Highest Heaven.

Do send me your thoughts . . . and your vision for a new world.  I may share them unless you prefer not. Until my next post, 

Be love. Be forgiving 


In celebration of the blue-sky sunshiny days we’re having in the aftermath of harsh winter storms, I share this exuberantly jubilant poem by E. E. Cummings, “I Thank You God.”

i thank You God for most this amazing
day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything 
which is natural which is infinite which is yes. 
(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun’s birthday; this is the birthday
of life and of love and wings: and of the gay great
happening illimitably earth)
how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any—lifted from the no of all nothing—
human merely being doubt unimaginable You?
(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened.)

Reclaiming Our Hearts & Home

“The mind, once enlightened, cannot again become dark.” –Tomas Paine in a letter addressed to Abbe Raynal on the Affairs of North America

In keeping with the theme of this blog, Creating a New Earth Together, I would like to share an important and entertaining interview with Dr. Vandana Shiva by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  I am posting it as specific and prevailing events that define aspects of a world passing away as a new world emerges through passionate souls such as Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Dr. Vandana Shiva.  Robert is a tenacious researcher and challenger of the status quo whose expressed mission in life is to expose in the light of truth those who work in the shadows to enrich themselves at the expense of the larger body of humanity and of the Natural World; and Vandana is a bright spirit and beautiful human being who embodies vibrantly the Divine Feminine as a worthy spokesperson for Mother Earth.  I love her fun-loving, impish smile and can-do spirit.  (You can follow the interview with the transcript below the video.)

In this interview we gain a broader awareness of what’s happening behind the scenes in the commercial agriculture industry and the commandeering of our food supply by land-grabbing tycoons enriching their portfolios by buying up farm lands along with global seed banks and genetically modifying seeds in order to grow plants that are impervious to weed-killing glyphosate in Roundup.  There are fifteen of these seed banks in the world cataloging, storing and preserving some 786,000 different seeds for growing our food on the planet.

The goal of these billionaire-backed technocrats is to solve humanity’s problems with their technology, such as world hunger.  The problem is their technological solutions only create more problems, such as greater starvation in third-world countries where the soil is depleted by chemical fertilizers that stimulate the plants to grow fast and produce an empty harvest.  Technologies that promote back-to-back planting and harvesting, exhausting and depleting the soil of minerals, and destroying the microorganisms that make our vegetables and fruit rich with life-supporting vitamins and minerals.  This is happening in India, Vandana’s homeland, and has been for some time:

Vandana: I see the industrial agriculture and industrial processing and the industrial mindset as invasions into our bodies. Earlier, it was happening indirectly, the cancers through the toxics. You’ve been fighting on the Monsanto cancer cases. All of that is an invasion into the body. But now there’s a conscious denial that there’s a harmony between the soil’s health, the plant health, and our health. Our gut microbiome is a rain forest of diversity. And if it doesn’t receive diversity of food and it doesn’t receive fresh food, it is like a war against our gut microbiome, which is 90% of us in terms of biodiversity. We are 10% human, 90% other beings who keep us healthy, who make us. And the war against our bodies is at its last stages. (Emphasis added)

But it’s happening at a time when awareness on health is growing so much. Where awareness of biodiversity is growing so much. And now they’re thinking, “Oh, [let’s do] what we did when colonialism started, just change the mindset, call them barbarians, civilize them.” I mean, they’re basically carrying on the civilizing mission narrative. And that’s why I wrote my book, Oneness Vs. the 1%.  I said Bill Gates keeps talking about innovation; all he’s doing is colonization. And I’ve basically shown how it’s colonization.


It’s worth noting, as RFK, Jr. explains, how glyphosate in Roundup kills vegetation by sucking the minerals out of plants. This chemical, an industrial detergent that chelates minerals — accidentally discovered to also be an herbicide then bottled and marketed as such — has found its way into our bodies via our food where it’s reeking havoc in the lining of our intestines causing the modern condition known as “leaky gut syndrome,” the underlying cause of food intolerances and many diseases.  

We need to stop the genetic modifying of our seeds and food supply.  WE NEED TO WAKE UP AND RECLAIM OUR LAND, OUR FOOD AND OUR HEALTH !

The whole truth and full scope of this existential crisis is discussed at length in this interview. 

RFK Jr. Interviews Vandana Shiva: The Gates Empire ‘Will Own Everything’

AS A CLOSURE, Vandana invites us all to become Earth Activists to protect our Home and reclaim our food through “nonviolent regenerative agriculture” and biodiversity; to put our hands in the soil and bless the Earth with our loving and caring touch. Enjoy her victorious spirit in this short video clip:

Any thoughts you wish to share. Email them to me as I always appreciate it when my readers share their perspectives. Until my next post,



“Rewilding The World”. . . . . . To Save Our Planet and Ourselves

Sir David Attenborough and BBC have produced a sobering, yet hopeful, documentary entitled OUR PLANET a couple of years ago which is being featured on NETFLIX as a television series.  We’ve seen a few of the episodes and I have to say I am shocked and saddened by the reduction in the size and scope of the earth’s wilderness and utter destruction of wildlife and their natural habitats.  Their numbers have decreased at an alarming rate pretty much in proportion with the rate of exponential growth of the human population. 

David’s answer to saving the world and the human race is largely based on what he calls “rewilding the world“— since we depend on a balanced and healthy biosphere in which wild animals play an integral and important role. They are not separate from us in the ecosystem.  Our existence is dependent upon how we live on this planet in balance with Nature.  This is not the case now and hasn’t been for several decades. 

Just this year David published a message to humanity, and last year he produce “A Life on our Planet,” a trailer of which I’ve posted below. I invite and encourage you to take the time to view the videos below.  It’s past time we do something to save our planet . . .  and ourselves.  Take 12 minutes out of your day to spend with David Attenborough via these three clips. Let the information and messages he presents enter the larger consciousness of humanity through your consciousness.  When you’ve finished viewing them, share this post with your friends and relatives.  And if you have NETFLIX, look for David’s documentaries and enjoy them.  I am finding them most inspiring and hopeful. The photography alone is incredible, taking you up close and personal to these beautiful creatures, both great and small, where you can hear them breathing.  I am moved to tears at times seeing the beauty of our planet and its wild inhabitants and seeing how badly we’re treating them.  I am so aware that the Creators enjoys his/her creation through our eyes and ears.  Lend them yours.  Enjoy! 

(View with full screen and listen with earbuds or headphones for a richer experience.)


SEPTEMBER 2020 — A Life On Our Planet

JAUARY 1, 2021 — A Message from David Attenborough

There are many authors and concerned planetary citizens, such as Richard Heinberg (The End of Growth) and Sir David Attenborough, who have been sounding the alarm and wakeup call for at least half a century.  Yet little has been done in the way of significant and essential changes in the industrial complexes of human society. Well, we’ve run out of time.  The eleventh hour has struck.  The brick wall is right in front of our faces: “THUS FAR AND NO FURTHER” reads the handwriting on the wall — Simon and Garfunkel’s “words of the prophets . . . written on the subway walls And tenement halls, And whispered in the sound of silence.”  The whispers and silence of the sixties have been shattered by the shout-outs of Sir David Attenborough, Richard Heinberg and others.  The question is, Who’s listening?  

Apparently, Some Are Listening.

We do see some withdrawal from fossil fuels taking place in certain countries.  Here in the U.S. President Biden is focusing his attention on clean renewable energy, intent on weening America from fossil fuels altogether in two or three decades.  It appears this trend in the area of renewable energy alone has gone global.  It’s a start, but we’re still cutting it close.

There are other areas calling out to us for stewardship, as Sir Attenborough features in his documentaries. Coral reefs are bleaching in warming and acidic sea waters and dying, along with their aquatic inhabitants.  Palm oil farms in Africa are replacing wildlife habitats, driving our apian brothers and sisters out of their familiar dwellings into smaller forests.

On the High Seas, the ocean home of Blue Whales is under threat.  Unsustainable fishing is depleting the coastal herring fish that whales and sea lions feed and depend on.  In some coastal sea waters, fishing restrictions are being put in place where cormorants and boobies feed on sardines and anchovies, allowing our airborne creatures to multiply and grow.  Biodiversity is increasing in protected areas allowing the fish population to increase in number, eventually spilling over into fishable waters, benefitting both sea and human life. 

But in the wild, grasslands are being lost to agriculture, except in places like Mongolia where wild horses survive and thrive — and in India where the great grasslands are aggressively protected.  Where the grasslands are protected, the grazing herds are bouncing back. (

I am encouraged by Sir Attenborough’s documentary OUR PLANET that we can do this: restore our planet’s wilderness to a healthy and balanced ecosystem, the very foundation upon which the human species entirely depends for its survival and longevity.  So, let’s just do it, by God, the only way we can do it.  Although David refers to the planet as “our planet,” Earth does not belong to us.  We are tenants along with the inhabitants of the wild kingdom, put here to steward this Garden of Eden and care for the birds of the air and fishes of the sea and the creatures that crawl upon the earth.  In the words of the psalmist: 

“The earth is the LORD’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.” (Psalm 24)

We were given dominion over creation, not ownership. The word dominion literally means lordship.  As lords and ladies under the loving reign of the Lord of lords, we tend the Garden in partnership with Nature.

I welcome any thoughts you may wish to share.  Until my next post,

By love.  Be loved


Lagniappe:  When you have an hour to spare, you may thoroughly enjoy this “Deep Dialogue” between astrologer Pam Gregory and Stewart Pearce.  A very important, timely and current astrological reading for our times.   

New Heaven New Earth

“For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. But be ye glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy.”  (Isaiah 65:17)

The Heart Nebula

ONE WAY OF PUTTING the “former” to rest is to give our rapt attention to the present and to what’s coming down the pipe, so to speak, in the way of a new heaven, while giving all our energy to co-creating a new earth—a world “a rejoicing, and her people a joy.”   

I see and hear evidence of a new heaven — a new consciousness — manifesting in and through various ones who speak on behalf of us all in the media and elsewhere.  In his Solstice consideration just recently, John Gray, a long-time friend and spiritual guide in Lake Elsinore, California, opened with words I feel are timely . . . and welcome as tone setters for the New Year: 

As calendar years draw to a close it’s usual to look back and assess the year that was. AJ Willingham, a writer for CNN, posted yesterday, “If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that kindness and compassion have never been more important. It’s taught us that difficult times are made easier when we work together, when we take care of each other; when we reach out a hand to those struggling and lift up the heroes that protect us. It’s taught us that the best way through the darkness is to look for the light—and if there is none, to make it ourselves.” When the Washington Post asked readers recently to describe their experience of 2020 in one word or short phrase, they reported receiving over two thousand replies very quickly. The most common one-worders submitted were “exhausting,” “relentless,” “lost,” “chaotic,” and “surreal.” Those are understandable descriptives. But they aren’t words that I’d choose. How about you? The adjectives for 2020 that come to my mind are “attention-getting,” “opportune,” “progressive,” “confirming,” “rut-breaking,” and “uplifting.” Our experienced personal identities determine how we see things, of course.

John Gray’s presentation was subsequently entitled “Compassion.” In this regard he offered words of comfort during these times of grief as an aggressive virus sweeps across the globe taking a toll on human lives and social customs:

I looked up some statistics online an hour ago: About 1.7 million people worldwide are reported to have died of Covid-19 infection complications so far this year, with almost 320,000 of those fatalities in the United States—335,000 if we add Canada. I read that right now the Covid-19 daily mortality rate in America exceeds the number of people dying each day of heart disease and cancer combined. Globally in 2020, an estimated 60 million people died from all causes and about 150 million babies were born. That’s a lot of comings and goings, for sure, but as a proportion of the estimated total human population of 7.85 billion the increase was about 1%. These are just statistics of course, and statistics can be impersonal, even numbing. Let’s draw the matter in from the realm of numbers and closer to home: How many people died this year who you personally knew? How many children were born to people you know? I bet none of us would answer zero to either question; we all know of some departures and arrivals. For the most part, this is all seen as a normal part of human life experience. The coronavirus pandemic introduced a new element into the usual human view of life and death, however. We expect—and are maybe a little numbed to—people dying of heart problems and cancer, for examples, but this has added something different 

It’s human nature to grieve about death and loss. And there’s a lot of grief in the world. This may be especially felt by an individual when it is their loved one who died. The deep substantial connection known in life shifts with death of the physical body. Resisting this process produces a painful experience to the griever. I think grief may be second only to shame as the most painful emotion human beings feel. We feel grief when our heads and our hearts—facts and feelings—pull in opposite directions. A person may feel, “Maybe such-and-such is a fact, but I don’t want it to be and I don’t like it!” It’s this internal division that produces pain. We can understand a toddler’s tantrum, grieving loudly over being told “no,” but it becomes an irrational and irresponsible thing in a person who is chronologically adult. The pain of grief can feel so great that facts are not faced at all.

Grief is an invaluable way to internally deal with events like death, and it shouldn’t be run from. One of our roles as divine beings in human form is, as may at times be necessary, preside over a process of reconciling and realigning mind and heart in ourselves and in the world. I don’t think grief is something to get over. Its presence indicates, often sharply, the need for healing, for making whole. When the heart/mind divide is closed, grief is no more. Just a thin scar remains. Grief is not related to just bodily death, of course. This past year many people have mourned the demise of some comfortable norms of everyday social life. Some grieve the fact that they can’t get together with family and friends as in the past, or they are controlled by those feelings and do it anyway. How many grieve over the death of a rain forest, or of untold species of plants and animals? How many grieve the innumerable imbalanced conditions in the natural and manmade worlds, and the state of the planet itself.

Personal experiences of grief are connected to and are rooted in deeper collective experiences of grief in the whole body of mankind and of the planet. We are each, after all, inextricable parts of that whole and we share a deep subconscious past. Much of that remains unresolved, unhealed. This may help explain why feelings of grief may seem bottomless, as they sometimes do. We feel on behalf of the whole. Doing this is an aspect of our service.

Well, good grief!  What’s needed to comport ourselves effectively and well in the midst of all this? Dealing with grief is just a small bit of what is ours to give and receive and bless in the world, of course, but when it’s to the fore, it can seem pretty big. Spiritual leaders have for centuries emphasized the need for compassion—compassion for oneself and for one’s fellows; to uplift the afflicted. Compassion is defined in dictionaries as “having care and concern for the suffering or misfortune of another, often including the desire to alleviate it.” Both Greek and Latin roots of the word have to do with feeling the suffering and having empathy for another’s plight—and, to me, suggests extending understanding and a helping hand.

There is a well-loved passage in the Old Testament of the Bible which describes these essences so well:

“The spirit of the Lord is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty unto the captives… to comfort all that mourn; to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness…” [Isaiah 61:1-3]

Anyone looking for a resolution for the New Year—and the rest of this incarnation— could hardly do better than adopt these words! The proclamation I quoted, attributed to the prophet Isaiah, comes from the same spiritual symphony as the basic teachings of Buddha a couple of centuries later. Per Wikipedia, “According to Buddhism, compassion is an aspiration, a state of mind, wanting others to be free from suffering. It’s not passive—it’s not empathy alone—but rather an empathetic altruism that actively strives to free others from suffering. Genuine compassion must have both wisdom and lovingkindness.”

Isaiah and Buddha were among enlightened ones who were forerunners to the coming of the one we call the LORD of Lords. What the Christ came to accomplish—minimally, the establishment of a nucleus collective body of spiritually conscious individuals—could not be accomplished the way it might have been had those close to him been more willing. In the New Testament portrayal of this, when this fact became evident, it is said, “Jesus wept.” [John 11:35]I can only imagine his profound sorrow. Not long after this point came his crucifixion. Notwithstanding that horrific event, his attitude toward everyone throughout this whole time was, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” [Luke 23:34] He demonstrated supreme compassion.

In his usual gentle and humble manner—as I have experienced his spirit over the years I’ve known him—John closed his consideration with these uplifting and encouraging words:

I confess that there have been times in my life when I’ve said, “Father forgive me, for I know not what I did.” Gradually I came to know with certainty that it is my anointed place—and it is each of ours—to extend the same qualities of forgiveness and compassion to all and to everything. Let us hold the world this way. It so needs us.


As a way of holding the new world being born, and of closing 2020 and opening a New Year, I offer this Aramaic Prayer of Jesus as an invocation of the spirit of love, and as a carrier wave for an intention for peace and harmony throughout our world at the beginning of the year of our Lord 2021.  Saying this prayer, or listening to it, one can send forth one’s intention into the Universe while being released from all ties to the past and freed up to move forward into a new cycle with a clean slate, so-to-speak.

Aramaic is a sound-based rather than meaning-based language. When spoken or chanted, the tone of the words themselves go forth to cymatically, if you will, shape and inspire new forms with life.  It carries the spirit we send forth to accomplish absolutely that which we intend.  Above all, it sends our words before us to clear the paths upon which we are about to embark of all the clutter of yesterday’s successes and failures. It literally makes our paths new.

The invocation itself creates sacred space for the Great Spirit of the Father and Mother God to enter and be with us as we initiate this new cycle in 2021.

Praying this particular Prayer of Jesus helps us to come in his name (shem in Aramaic), or vibration, which is the vibration of love itself.  Love is, after all, the path of Truth we have chosen to walk in life.  We hereby set our direction and receive the energy and provision we will need to travel and serve upon this path. I invite you to listen to this video recording and simply be with the Aramaic words as they flow through your mind and body.

(There’s music after the “Amen.”  See the Aramaic words and translation below. There are other videos that follow this one with songs in Aramaic and Hebrew you may wish to view as well.) 

The Aramaic Prayer of Jesus

Abwoon d’bwashmaya

Nethqadash shmakh

Teytey malkuthakh

Nehwey sebyanach aykanna d’bwashmaya aph b’ arah

Hawvlan lachma d’sunqanan yaomana.

Washboqlan khaubayn wakhtahayn

aykana daph khnan Shbwoqan I’khayyabayn.

Wela tahlan l’ nesyuna

Ela patzan min bisha.

Metol dilakhie malkutha,

wahayla, wateshbukhta. l’ ahlam almin. Ameyn.


O Birther, Father-Mother of all creation,

Your Name shines everywhere!

Release a space to plant your Presence here.

Envision your “I Can” now.

Embody your desire in every light and form.

Grow through us this moment’s bread and wisdom.

Untie the knots of failure binding us, as we release the strands we hold of others’ faults.

Help us to not forget our Source, yet free us from not being in the Present.

From you arises every vision, power, and song, from gathering to gathering.

Amen: may our future actions grow from here!

May this prayer open up new pathways in your life during 2021 to bring your unique gift of love’s light to your world . . . and may you have a Happy and Blessed New Year!


Credits: For John Gray’s excerpts, gratitude to David Barns for his bog post at 

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