Creating the New Earth Together

Archive for the ‘Immanuel Velikovsky’ Category

What’s UP for Our Species?

“Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, Santayana declared, and the metaphor is apt. The mind that seeks the deepest intellectual fulfillment does not give itself up to every passing idea.” —(Richard Tarnas, COSMOS AND PSYCHE)

My last post engendered considerable response from readers who shared some very thoughtful views in a lengthy and rich conversation on a group Face Book page around the topic of the current climate crisis.  The last word on the so-called “climate crisis,” of course, has not been written, and may never be. I did receive a lead to my next book to read, COSMOS AND PSYCHE, which I am thoroughly enjoying. Thanks Don!

One of my followers, Marco, from Alojera, Canarias, Spain, shared these three perceptions:

1.That our environment is radically changing and requiring human behavior to adapt in ways that will challenge past behavior.

Yes, and “adapt” is the operative word for the purpose of the current post — as in evolve.

2. That aforementioned human behavior (particularly since the industrial revolution) has increasingly reflected a sense of identity separate and superior from the planet and its natural cycles; and that such separate, superior identity has been fertile ground for the emergence of aberrant, predatory, and ultimately self-defeating identity, convinced not of humankind belonging within a mutually interdependent ecosystem, but in an intrinsically fearful, competitive, and winner-takes-all matrix. 

On the one hand, the industrial complex may be playing a remedial role in getting the oil off our water planet, two substances that don’t mix well together. The late geology professor John Waskom, offered a rationale for the burning of oil, a foreign substance deposited on Earth by Venus when she was a comet some 3570 years ago — according to Dr. Immanuel Vlikovsky, author of Worlds In Collision, who was extremely knowledgeable in the texts of ancient peoples. Dr. Waskom’s scenario was that beings with technological expertise were sent here by the Creators specifically to pump the oil out of the ground and dispose of it. On the other hand, I don’t think the Creators had it in mind to turn the oil into plastic and other polluting and cancer causing chemicals. This has been the doings of “aberrant, predatory, and ultimately self-defeating” humans.

3. That as a result of the above, man is fearful of change, deeply convinced of his reliance on an unsustainable life-style. And unless something changes radically in man’s psychological assumptions, the species will not survive this phase of environmental change.

Radical change is the only path to survival. The question is: Who is it that hopes to survive this “unsustainable life-style?” More to the point: “Who can survive it?” Perhaps those who have thoroughly established a more sustainable life-style in an isolated and insulated community can.

A more transcendent question is: Why limit our thinking to mere survival of our species?  We can radically change our psychological assumptions. Why not think in terms of transcending the human condition altogether and creating a totally new and “greener” world on what seems to be emerging as a New Earth. God knows Gaia is doing her part to clear the way for a restoration to occur.

Behold, I create a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and old earth are passed away; and there is no more sea.

Because the new heaven and new earth are one and the separate “sea” of fallen human consciousness that had been maintaining the old earth is no more.  Human consciousness is transformed and transmuted into Divine Consciousness.  This is how the New Earth appears: “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts.” 

Marco added this quotation from Homer’s The Odyssey, which speaks to the pathetic attitude of irresponsible humans. 

 Men are so quick to blame the gods: they say that we devise their misery. But they
themselves — in their depravity — design grief greater than the griefs that fate assigns.

Question: Is there really a “climate crisis?  This reader’s comment suggests otherwise:

I agree much more can be done to care for the planet, but panic is not good, and it’s scaring children. Many say it’s urgent, but 500! scientists and engineers just told the UN it’s not an emergency, that climate policy is relying on inadequate models, so maybe some balance is required. Indeed, the Russian climate model says things are not as extreme . . . .  Science is wonderful and very useful, but I believe science doesn’t know everything and hasn’t factored in all the variables . . . . [Go to this link for the whole story.]…/scientists-tell-un…/ 

My poet friend sent me these words of wisdom:  When there’s a meme [an idea or behavior circulated on social media] being pushed at a mega scale it behooves one to ask why and for what purpose.”

So I ask why and for what purpose. As I said in my previous post, I am feeling my way through all the reactive journalism and commentaries around the subject of climate change. 

So, what is up for the Human Species?

All of this uproar over climate change poses a few questions in my own mind:  

1. Are we facing the inevitable demise of our species, perhaps in the form of some sort of transmutation of our flesh bodies to a higher form of, say, the frequency of light?

2. This question gives rise to another: Is the earth’s warming climate preparing the way by creating a vibrational caldron as a crucible in which this transmutation might occur “in the twinkling of an eye” and without too much suffering on the part of humans?

3. In other words, are we being asked by the Great Spirit Creator to let go of our attachment to these earthen forms, at least our identity with them, in order to cross over the alchemical threshold where physical materialization meets the spiritualizing realm, the abode of angels . . . if only in consciousness at first?

Transmutation of form follows transformation of consciousness, as consciousness is the matrix out of which form appears. In other words, there is a creative process to be stewarded here whereby all things are made new.  Re-creation in consciousness is accomplished by Spirit as it finds expression through us in our living.  My spiritual mentor articulated this principle forty years ago:

When the spiritual action is present the design in form appears. This is the principle which we have doubtless known for a long time but by which the restoration is made possible. Behold, I make all things new. As there is the means on earth by which the spiritual action may appear, then the substance in the realm of form leaps to reveal it. All this can occur very quickly when there is spiritual action and to the extent that there are people on the face of the earth who are willing to let it happen, who are no longer insisting that material substance should be held in the structured forms set up by fallen human nature.  (Martin Cecil)

Lest We Forget Our Past

What’s buried deep in the human psyche that’s pushing up for conscious acknowledgment and remembrance? Are we awakening from our mass amnesia and remembering our traumatic past so that we do not repeat it?

In an effort to answer these questions, I would like to revisit a post from last year and excerpt the closing paragraphs. The post itself is a review of Graham Hancock’s classic Fingerprints Of The Gods.” Below is a link to the post itself.


When human beings from around the globe, and from many different cultures, share a powerful and overwhelming intuition that a cataclysm is approaching, we are within our rights to ignore them. And when the voices of our distant ancestors, descending to us through myths and sacred architecture, speak to us of the physical obliteration of a great civilization in remote antiquity (and tell us that our own civilization is in jeopardy), we are entitled, if we wish, to stop our ears…

So it was, the Bible says, in the antediluvian world: “For in those days, before the Flood, people were eating, drinking, taking wives, taking husbands, right up to the moment that Noah went into the Ark, and they suspected nothing till the flood came and swept all away.”

In the same manner it has been prophesied that the next global destruction will fall upon us suddenly “at an hour we do not suspect, like lightning striking in the east and flashing far into the west … The sun will be darkened, the moon will lose its brightness, the stars will fall from the sky and the powers of heaven will be shaken ….”

What has happened before can happen again. What has been done before can be done again.

The thread that runs through the pages of Graham’s book weaves a fabric upon which is painted a prophetic picture for our generation specifically that warns of impending disaster for our world and its population based simply on a cosmic clock ticking away the centuries and millennia over the past 12,500 years since a highly advanced civilization was all but wiped off the face of the earth by a cataclysm. That civilization was known as Atlantis and is now believed to be buried beneath a two-mile thick cap of ice. Today that island continent is called Antarctica. Buried with it are the historical records of what this civilization did that brought about its destruction in literally the blinking of an eye — like a thief in the night.  It is likely we will never know the secret buried beneath those two miles of ice. An ancient lost civilization frozen in time and preserved till the day the ice melts and reveals its secrets. . . .

The survivors of the Deluge . . . left messages carved in stone which point to our day — when the sun rises on the Winter Solstice in the House of the constellation of Sagittarius at the South Gate of the Milky Way Galaxy between 1960 and 2040 AD — and when the pendulum of the cosmic clock strikes the hour when the hammer will likely fall again on the civilizations of man.  It is also the dawning of the Age of Aquarius which guards the North Gate of the Milky Way Galaxy.  As I wrote about in a previous post, this is also designated in Mayan cosmology as “the place of creation.”

We ignore the myths of our ancient ancestors to our peril.  The dawn of a New Day lightens the horizon. It’s time to wake up and face the harvest of our sowing days as it spreads ugly before us.  We’ve run into a concrete wall and there’s no way to go forward — only up and over it.  It’s the way Gaia is going — up, up and away!

I believe that collectively — and restoration is a collective experience of transformation, as we are all in the same boat — we have the spiritual substance necessary for Spirit to work through in averting a cataclysmic demise of our species, and to turn the tide of self-destruction by climate collapse or nuclear war.  I see this substance of love being generated by people the world over.  My wife and I participated recently in a diverse group dialogue on the issue of racial justice. The atmosphere in the room was one of accord that we are one race, the human race.  I came away with an uplifted sense that all is well. Unconquerable Life is prevailing, our differences adding color to its expression through us. We are beginning to truly love one another.  Let’s let this atmosphere increase and clarify to give Spirit a means for making all things new through Man restored. 

I leave you with this timely video message: “If we do not wish to die, then we must evolve.” Barbara Mor reads from The Great Cosmic Mother — Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth:

Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved



Earth’s Climate Changes Again . . . Yet Life Prevails

With all the media airing of the climate teen-activism taking place all over the world, spearheaded by 16-year-young Swedish climate activist, Greta Thunberg, I think it’s time I revisit the topic of global warming as a cosmic event — which I blogged extensively about back in 2012

It has come to my awareness via social media that this entire panic-stricken movement may well be politically motivated and even orchestrated, one commentator describing Greta as an “Eco-hysteria girl . . . a victim of extreme psychological terrorism by radical left-wing handlers.” Scary right-wing propaganda, to say the least.

Although my first flush of feeling when this all began to air was empathy for and support of Greta and the teen-activists, I’m still feeling my way through all the repercussions and knee-jerk reactive journalism. Of one thing I am certain: global warming is a cosmic event to which we are contributing very little.  But before you write me off as a “denier,” hear me out.    

Historically, the climate of the Earth has changed on a regular basis — and panic is not a very conscious, nor necessary, response to it.  I don’t mean to be picky or critical here, but “protesting climate change” is protesting the natural evolutionary cycles of not only our planet, but of our sister planets as well, along with the entire solar system as it travels through energetic climate changes in our Milky Way Galaxy.  In a word, it’s protesting against the cosmos itself.  Here’s an excerpt from my June 16, 2012 blog post:

(I love this graphic depicting the earth’s magnetic field being blown back by solar wings, like a woman’s hair blown by the wind, while the front facing the sun is bowed in the shape of a protective shield keeping us from being burned to a crisp.)

Since at least the late 1970’s, the Sun’s overall radiation emissions have increased by 0.5 percent per decade. Between 1901 and 2000, the Sun’s magnetic field increased in size and strength by 230 percent. As of 1999, high increases in the amount of helium and heavier charged particles coming out of the Sun was “more active than in living memory. A mainstream geophysical team recently proved that the Sun has been more active since the 1940’s than in the previous 1,150 years combined.  The new brightening all started in the last 150 years. As of November 2004, the same group proved that the Sun is more energetic than it has been in at least eight-thousand years.

At the same time, scientists also fear there might be a massive new peak of solar activity that could potentially fry electronics on earth—and gave a surprisingly familiar target date of September, 2012 for when this might happen.  A LiveScience article in 2007 seriously considered the social anthropologist Dr. Benny Peiser’s suggestion that the Sun could be responsible for measurable “global warming” on Mars, Jupiter, Neptune’s moon Triton and Pluto, as well as the earth.  Surprisingly, this is one of very few mainstream media articles to have ever made this obvious connection….

Climate Warming: A Cosmic Event

Severe weather brought on by radical climate change, then, is occurring on the surface of all the planets. Our mass protesting and blaming is only imposing erratic and dissonant vibrations upon the energetic climate of the collective consciousness of humanity, as well as that of the earth.  Fear is not a worthy motive for activism or remedial action. That this all may be a politically orchestrated event is a very sad commentary.     

All that aside, I don’t think our scientists know exactly what percentage of climate warming is due to cosmic factors and how much is due to carbon emissions. Besides, atmospheric carbon can be and is being dealt with by Mother Nature, whose infallible economics includes adaptation in order to maintain balance between all the creative forces: water, air, earth and fire— and the word “adaptation” is the operative word here. I’ve read reports about a marked increase in the proliferation of green foliage on the planet, for example, that is taking carbon out of the atmosphere while putting oxygen back into it. It’s called the “Circle of Life” in the theme song of the movie Lion King.  What a timely message that movie shouted out to the world.  

Now, protesting our use of “fossil” fuel for energy is another thing altogether. Protest we should. Cleaner energy sources are available.  It may be a misnomer, however, to call petroleum a fossilized residue of decomposed dinosaurs and other gigantic extinct reptiles and ancient plants. Oil may have a rather extra-terrestrial origin, writes one scientist/historian.

Historical Catastrophic Climate Changes

According to geophysicist Immanuel Velikovsky, naphtha was deposited on the surface of the earth by Venus when she was a comet during her near collision with the earth some 3570 years ago — as well as with Mars, throwing that planet out of its orbit and thus further threatening the earth itself. Ironically, during this upheaval, Mars shielded Earth from a direct hit by the massive comet by nearly colliding with Venus itself, throwing her off her Earth-bent course.  There’s been a lot of cataclysmic activity in Earth’s relatively stable history, and there will likely be more yet to come.  

Velikovsky details how this sticky, volatile substance came from the tail of Venus when it was a comet in his controversial book Worlds In Collision, all of which took place in Biblical days during the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt and forty years in the wilderness — which he claims accounts for all the seemingly miraculous cataclysmic disruptions reported in the Biblical stories, such as the parting of the Red Sea and the “pillar of fire” phenomena. The miracle was the Israelites being in the right place at the right time. It’s a very interesting scenario if you wish to read about it in my 2012 blog posts.

Venus was actually given the name “Baal Zevuv . . . Lord of the Flies” (which later became  Beelzebub), because of the plague of insects and other varmints that rained down out of its tail upon Egypt as Moses called for the release of the Israelites from bondage. Venus was also called “Lucifer”(light-bearer) because of her brightness as the “Morning Star” before she was “cast down” to the ground from the heavens.  The prophet Isaiah writes about this celestial drama:

“How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn. Thou hast been cast down to the ground, thou who once laid low the nations.” (Isaiah 12:14) 

The comet Venus kept the nations’ peoples in a state of fear and dread for several decades until she was captured by the sun and became a planet. Sounds like a science fiction episode, doesn’t it.  If you care to read more about this very interesting historical event, I wrote a series of blogs on the subject back in February, 2018, under the heading “War in Heaven and on Earth.” 

It’s interesting how many of the Biblical stories written around that time have their origin in celestial and cataclysmic events; similar to the Greek mythologies upon which the signs of the Zodiac symbols are based. All this to say our Mother Earth has been through more drastic climate changes in her past than we are having today.

The Question we need to ask is: What the hell are we doing to ourselves?!

All this, however, is a mute point in light of the fact that what is really at stake here is not so much the future of planet Earth as the future of our civilization and of life as we now know it — and not only because of climate change, but also, and chiefly, because of what we are doing to our lifeline with our Earth Mother — not to mention the malignant population explosion.  Our way of life is self-destructive.

We are the only species on the planet that contaminates our water before we drink it, pollutes our air before we breathe it, and poisons our food before we eat it — and the forces of Nature are rising up to wake us up. (About the only good to come out of this insanity is the development of a Healthcare Industry to treat cancer and our many other resulting diseases.) There is one creative force we cannot compromise, and that’s fire, which cannot be poisoned, contaminated nor polluted. Its nature is not to be consumed but to consume, and consume it will, human and wild life habitats and lives notwithstanding.

Yet Life goes on creating after the fires burn themselves out or are extinguished — and the floods subside, the hurricanes move on, and the earthquakes settle down. “Unconquerable Life prevails,” to borrow a line from one of my favorite poems. Perhaps I could share that poem as a closure to this post. It speaks truth and sanity to ambitious and arrogant human consciousness. 


From age to age

Love’s word rings forth,

“The truth is true and all is well,

Unconquerable life prevails.”

Oh, man, whose strident dreams Lead gravewards,

Return to calm and noble

Character of life.

Blaze forth pure virtue;

Depart false ambition’s restless schemes.

Busy thought and troubled feeling

Trespass not in virtue’s wise serenity

Where firm control and awful power

Eternally abide.

Here earth’s pains are healed

And cruel chaos of mind’s spawning

Is called again to order and to beauty. 

                 —Martin Cecil

“Return to calm and noble character of Life. . . Depart false ambition’s restless schemes.” 

We could all do a lot of both about this time, as the world seems to be going mad. A line from the Psalms comes to mind:

“A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten-thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.”(Psalm 91:7) 

The question might be posed as to who the wicked are.  And the answer would be “We have all done our share of wickedness.” There’s no one or ones to blame for our plight other than ourselves, and that’s a fruitless undertaking.  A much more fruitful undertaking would be to remember who we are, our true identity as sons and daughters of God and brothers and sisters inspired by the One Spirit of Life. 

The first verse of that psalm offers a steady and sure lifeline to those disturbed and distraught by current world events:

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”

One might ask where this “secret place” is located so that one may come and dwell there.  The secret place of the Most High is within us, in the heart of one’s heart. It’s always there and cannot be disturbed. 

And I will leave you with these thoughts to ponder . . . until my next post.

Be love. Be loved



Peace in Heaven and on Earth

The Heart Nebula (Thanks to Gary Courtland-Miles)

A Fresh New Beginning

In this Year of our Lord 2018, we find ourselves afloat in space on a planet that is one of nine sister planets (that we’re aware of), all of which appear well established in their orbits around the sun, our star in the heavens.  This stability hasn’t always been so well established and peaceful. Immanuel Verikovsky has shown in his trilogy Worlds In Collision, Earth In Upheaval and Ages In Chaos that in our historical past our solar system has experienced a radical shift and taken on a new planet and, therefore, a new configuration. The once-comet-now-planet Venus, he proposes, was born out of Jupiter and eventually captured by the sun after bouncing around the solar system like a billiards ball, colliding with Earth as well as with Mars, wreaking havoc while nearly obliterating the human race along with all living creature, until it was finally knocked into an orbit around the sun by Mars to become a member of our solar system.  For hundreds of years fear gripped the hearts of human beings. Rituals of human sacrifice numbering into the hundreds of thousands every year of men, women and children were performed to appease the gods of Venus and Mars and hopefully stave off the end of the world. To this day, “The End” is prophesied to be “Near.”

Velikovsky speaks to this fear of cataclysmic upheaval in Worlds In Collision:

The average man is no longer afraid of the end of the world. Man clings to his earthly possessions, registers his landholdings and fences them in; peoples carry on wars to preserve and to enlarge their historical frontiers. Yet the last five or six thousand years have witnessed a series of major catastrophes, each of which displaced the borders of the seas, and some of which caused sea-beds and continents to interchange places, submerging kingdoms, and creating space for new ones.

Cosmic collisions are not divergent phenomena, or phenomena that, in the opinion of some modern philosophers, take place in defiance of what is supposed to be physical laws; they are more in the nature of occurrences implicit in the dynamics of the universe, or, in terms of that philosophy, convergent phenomena. “Lest by chance restrained by religion,” — and we may read ‘science’ instead of ‘religion’ — “you should think that earth and sun, and sky, sea, stars, and moon must needs abide for everlasting, because of their divine body,” think of the catastrophes of the past; and then “look upon seas, and lands, and sky; their threefold nature . . . their three textures so vast, one single day shall hurl to ruin; and the mas­sive form and fabric of the world held up for many years, shall fall headlong.” *

“And the whole firmament shall fall on the divine earth and on the sea: and then shall flow a ceaseless cataract of raging fire, and shall burn land and sea, and the firmament of heaven and the stars and creation itself it shall cast into one molten mass and clean dissolve. Then no more shall there be the luminaries’ twinkling orbs, no night, no dawn, no constant days of care, no spring, no summer, no winter, no autumn.” *

“A single day will see the burial of all mankind. All that the long forbearance of fortune has produced, all that has been reared to eminence, all that is famous and all that is beautiful, great thrones, great nations – all will descend into one abyss, will be overthrown in one hour.” *

The vehemence of flames will burst asunder
the framework of the earth’s crust.*

With those kind of doomsday words of warning, little wonder the hearts of people were gripped with fear. With fear comes weakened immune systems and chronic stress, not unlike the current global atmosphere wherein disease finds us vulnerable hosts.

A New Beginning

But, take heart. There was method in all this madness, however bleak the prospects of survival must have been for our ancestors who suffered through such horrific cataclysmic upheavals.  With the new configuration of planets comes a new energetic dynamic in the solar system, as well as in the evolution of human consciousness.  The conflagrations and deluges had destroyed “all corrupted flesh” and cleansed the earth of the genetically manipulated creations of fallen man. Some survivors had escaped death by fleeing to the Himalaya mountains as they rose up out of the sea during massive earthquakes and the sinking of continents like Lemuria and Atlantis. China and India had their beginnings from these remnants of lost civilizations. Noah-type characters appear in legends and stone carvings in many parts of the world that closely resemble the deluge described in the story of Noah in Genesis. The destruction was global.

In Fingerprints Of The Gods and Magicians Of The Gods, Graham Hancock writes about “the shining ones” with long white beards and white robes who traveled to various postdiluvian settlements to teach them agriculture, architecture, language and writing skills. Their mission was to restore the “garden of the gods” that had been their homelands before the deluge and conflagration. But their mission and efforts were frustrated, so they left feeling defeated, in some cases by boat and in other cases by walking upon the ocean waters, but in all cases they departed by ocean and disappeared into the horizon; perhaps ascended. They did accomplish, however, their main objective of helping to begin again the rebuilding of civilizations on the planet.

I believe that what may have frustrated these “shining ones” was their loss of the power they once enjoyed to create living things. Something had drastically changed in the energy field of the planet. It was as though they were barred from partaking of the “Tree of Life” and thus maintaining their immortality on the pohysical plane. Whatever the case, things were different than before the cataclysmic upheavals that, for one thing, caused the earth’s axis to tilt some 23 degrees and the orbit of the Earth to change. Added to these changes, a new planet, Venus, joined our solar system and the orbit of Mars was altered as well.

Was all of this upheaval on Earth and in our solar system a first step preparing us for the day and place we would find ourselves in at this time in the history of Mankind? The “Place of Creation?” All the factors are in place for a new beginning for the planet and for the human race as we make, with our Earth Mother, an historical frequency shift.

The “Place of Creation”

I return to my post of December 24, 2017. In the year of our Lord 2012 our solar system aligned with the Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy and we find ourselves once again in the “Place of Creation.”  I will end this post with this excerpt from that post reminding us that we have an 80-year window of opportunity to attune ourselves to the divine plan for the restoration of Mankind to the dignity and nobility we once knew as sons and daughters of God.  We are two-thirds of the way across the front of this window.

I am reminded of a passage in the Book of Revelation (12:14):

“And when the dragon saw that he was cast down unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.  And to the Woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and a half time, from the face of the serpent.”

That’s three-and-a-half periods of time, whatever that signifies – days, months, years or perhaps decades or centuries. And I will not even speculate here, only mention that we are in the midst of the “Rise of the Feminine” as She confronts the male-dominated social, political and economic world order. She has taken flight to take her rightful place as co-creator with the Masculine, having been persecuted for hundreds of decades for her positive masculine expression of her truth — her “man child,” for which she has been “travailing in birth” to deliver, and which the dragon seeks to devour.  OMG! How descriptive of current events in the “war of the sexes.” That entire chapter bears reading.

The significance of this alignment lies in the access we have while traveling through this 80-year window of creation to unlimited energy and power to co-create a new world upon the surface of our Home among the stars. This is the time for which we have been born into this world, and we have only 25 more years in which to complete our work of renewal. The New Heaven has been created and established in the collective consciousness of a critical number of human beings in the Body of God on Earth over the past fifty-five years. The New Earth is already emerging out of the chaos of the times, for out of all chaos order emerges. Never mind the mass media which makes its fortune airing the chaos in the world. There is much more occurring of a positive, creative and integrative nature under the radar of the media than the negative stuff of this disintegrating mind-made world that is shown on television newscasts and pictured in newspapers. So, my word today is “Take heart and be about the work of rebuilding and re-birthing the New World of order and beauty from out of the New Heaven of love and truth and life.  Let us make all things new again.”

There is peace in the Heaven of our solar system and galaxy. Let there be peace on Earth as well. Our time has come. ”

“As above, so below” — “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.”

Until my next post, then,

Be love. Be loved.


Read my Healthlight Newsletter online.


*Velikovsky’s references:

1  Lucretius De rerum natura, v (trans!. C. Bailey, 1924).

2 The Sibylline Oracles, transl. Lanchester.

3 Seneca Naturales quaestiones III, xxx (transl. J. Clarke).

4 Seneca Epistolae morales, Epistle xcl (transl. R. M. Gummere).



War in Heaven and on Earth, page 2

Collective Guilt and Amnesia 

Catastrophic events have always been perceived by the inhabitants of the Earth as punishment by the gods for their sinful and ungodly behavior – or, as one native tribe believed, for turning away from the Great Spirit. It hasn’t entered our guilt-laden consciousness that it is we, not the gods, who have brought the sky down upon our own heads, literally, by our failure to play our spiritual role as a vital cog in the Wheel of Life; our failure to remember that what we do here vibrationally impacts the entire solar system. The problem is compacted by the fact that we’ve forgotten our bloody and painful past, blotted it out of memory altogether, while tottering on the brink of repeating it. These blog posts are being written as a reminder of what has gone before — not millions of years ago, but in our own recent historical past.

Immanuel Velikovsky has reminded us of that cataclysmic past in his trilogy, Worlds in Collision, Earth in Upheaval and Ages in Chaos. I bring him forward now in a timely manner because the decisive hour of this civilization’s survival or utter collapse is at hand, and it doesn’t appear likely we are going to repent of our self-centered destructive ways soon enough to avert a man-made global catastrophe. Twice in our historical past our species has been blown to kingdom come and all but annihilated from the face of the earth. A third time would be our last. Just as in America’s favorite sport, three strikes and you’re out. What we need is a Home run.

Here are a few excerpts from Worlds in Collision, describing in graphic details what our species underwent during global cataclysms that took place five-thousand and twenty-seven hundred years ago – in the fifth century before the present era in the days of Noah when Atlantis sank into the ocean and in the eighth century before the present era when Moses led the Jewish Nation out of Egyptian captivity. These excerpts relate to the period following the latter of theses two events when the once-comet Venus, after wreaking havoc on planet Earth, was captured by our solar system after an encounter with Mars which pushed her into a stable orbit around the sun and added her to our planetary system — all of this the end conclusion of Velikovsk’s exhaustive research into the cataclysmic history of our planet.

The Year was -747


ABOUT seven hundred fifty years passed after the great catastrophe of the days of the Exodus, or seven centuries after the cosmic disturbance in the days of Joshua. During all this time the world was afraid of the recurrence of the catastrophe at the end of every jubilee period. Then, starting about the middle of the eighth century before the present era, a new series of cosmic upheavals took place at intervals of short duration.

It was the time of the Hebrew prophets whose books are preserved in writing, of Assyrian kings whose annals are excavated and deciphered, and of Egyptian pharaohs of the Libyan and Ethiopian dynasties; in short, the catastrophes which we are now about to describe did not take place in a mist-shrouded past: the period is part of the well authenticated history of the lands of the eastern Mediterranean. The eighth century also saw the beginning of the nations of Greece and Rome.

The seers who prophesied in Judea were versed in the lore of heavenly motion; they observed the ways of the planetary and cometary bodies and, like the stargazers of Assyria and Babylonia, they were aware of future changes.

In the eighth century, in the days of Uzziah, king of Jerusalem, there occurred a devastating catastrophe called raash or “commotion.” Amos, who lived at the time of Uzziah, began to predict a cosmic upheaval before the raash took place, and after the catastrophe Isaiah, Joel, Hosea, and Micah insisted unanimously and with great emphasis on the inevitability of another encounter of the earth with some cosmic body.

The prophecy of Amos was made two years before the raash (1:1). He declared that fire sent by the Lord would devour Syria, Edom, Moab, Ammon, and Philistia, as well as the far-off countries, “with a tempest in the day of the whirlwind” (1: 14). The land of Israel would not be exempted; “great tumult” would be on its mountains, and “great houses shall have an end” (3: 15). “He will smite the great house with breaches, and the little house with clefts” (6: 11). . . .

Amos, the earliest among the prophets of Judah and Israel whose speeches are preserved in writing,” reveals the concept of Yahweh in that remote period of history. Yahweh orders the planets. “He who maketh [ordains] Khima and Khesil,” and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night, and calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth, the Lord [Yahweh] is his name: He strengtheneth the spoiled against the strong” (5: 8-9).

Amos prophesied: The land “shall rise up wholly as a Rood; and it shall be cast out and drowned, as by the flood of Egypt. And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord God, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear day” (8: 8-9). The “flood of Egypt” mentioned by Amos may be a reference to the catastrophe of the day of the Passage of the Sea; but more probably it refers to an event within the memory of the generation to which Amos spoke.

In the reign of Osorkon II of the Libyan Dynasty in Egypt, in the third year, the first month of the second season, on the twelfth day, according to a damaged inscription,” the flood came on, in this whole land . . . this land was in its power like the sea; there was no dyke of the people to withstand its fury. All the people were like birds upon it . . . the tempest . . . suspended . . . like the heavens. All the temples of Thebes were like marshes.” . . .

On the day of the approaching catastrophe, Amos says, there will be no place of escape, not even on Mount Carmel, rich in caves. “Though they climb up to heaven, thence will I bring them down. And though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel, I will search and take them out thence” (9: 2-3).

Earth will melt and the sea will be heaped up and thrown upon inhabited land. “And the Lord God of hosts is he that toucheth the land, and it shall melt. . . . He that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth” (9: 5-6).

Amos was persecuted and killed. The catastrophe did not fail to come at the appointed time. In anticipation and in fear of it, King Uzzlah went to the Temple to burn incense.” The priests opposed his appropriating their functions. “Suddenly the earth started to quake so violently that a great breach was torn in the Temple. On the west side of Jerusalem, half of a mountain was split off and hurled to the east.”  Flaming seraphim leaped in the air.”. .  

The Year -747

If the commotion of the days of Uzziah was of global character and was brought about by an extraterrestrial agent, it must have caused some disturbance in the motion of the earth on its axis and along its orbit. Such a disturbance would have made the old calendar obsolete and would have required the introduction of a new calendar.

In -747 a new calendar was introduced in the Middle East, and that year is known as “the beginning of the era of Nabonassar.” It is asserted that some astronomical event gave birth to this new calendar, but the nature of the event is not known. The beginning of the era of Nabonassar, otherwise an obscure Babylonian king, was an astronomical date used as late as the second Christian century by the great mathematician and astronomer of the Alexandrian school, Ptolemy, and also by other scholars. It was employed as a point of departure of ancient astronomical tables.

A Blast from Heaven Kills 185,000 Warriors

The destruction of the army of Sennacherib is described laconically in the Book of Kings: “And it came to pass that night, that the angel of the Lord went out, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians a hun­dred fourscore and five thousand; and when the people arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses. So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed, and went and returned, and dwelt in Nineveh.” It is Similarly described in the Book of Chronicles: “And the prophet Isaiah, the son of Amoz, prayed and cried to heaven. And the Lord sent an angel which cut off all the mighty men of valor, and the leaders and captains in the camp of the king of Assyria. So he [Sennacherib] returned with shame of face to his own land.

What kind of destruction was this? Malach, translated as “angel,” means in Hebrew “one who is sent to execute an order,” supposed to be an order of the Lord. It is explained in the texts of the Books of Kings and Isaiah that it was a “blast” sent upon the army of Sennacherib.! “I will send a blast upon him … and [he] shall return to his own land,” was the prophecy immediately preceding the catastrophe. . . . The Talmud and Midrash sources, which are numerous, all agree on the manner in which the Assyrian host was destroyed: a blast fell from the sky on the camp of Sennacherib. It was not a flame, but a consuming blast: “Their souls were burnt, though their garments remained intact.” The phenomenon was accompanied by a terrific noise.”


Here is a story, told to Shelton by the Snohomish tribe on Puget Sound, about the origin of the exclamation “Yahu,” to which I have already referred briefly. “A long time ago, when all the animals were still human beings, the sky was very low. It was so low that the people could not stand erect. . . . They called a meeting together and discussed how they could raise the sky. But they were at a loss to know how to do so. No one was strong enough to lift the sky.  Finally the idea occurred to them that possibly the sky might be  moved by the combined efforts of the people, if all of them pushed against it at the same time. But then the question arose of how it would be possible to make all the people exert their efforts at exactly the same moment. For the different peoples would be far away from one another, some would be in this part of the world, others in an­other part. What signal could be given that all people would lift at precisely the same time? Finally, the word ‘Yahu!’ was invented for this purpose. It was decided that all the people should shout ‘Yahu!’ together, and then exert their whole strength in lifting the sky. In accordance with this, the people equipped themselves with poles, braced them against the sky, and then all shouted ‘Yahu!’ in unison. Under their combined efforts the sky rose a little. Again the people shouted ‘Yahu!’ and lifted the heavy weight. They repeated this until the sky was sufficiently high.” Shelton says that the word “Yahu” is used today when some heavy object like a large canoe is being lifted. 

It is easy to recognize the origin of this legend. Clouds of dust and gases enveloped the earth for a long time; it seemed that the sky had descended low. The earth groaned repeatedly because of the severe twisting and dislocation it had experienced. Only slowly and gradu­ally did the clouds lift themselves from the ground.

One can only imagine what horror human beings experienced in those days. I will share more of Velikovsky in my next post.

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Cataclysms: Velikovsky Revisited


Venus and Earth in comparison

Venus: The Morning Star/Mazzaroth/Lucifer/Satan/Baal/Beelzebub

We inhabit a planet that has undergone radical and traumatic change in the past, and we are in the danger zone chronologically for a revisit of comet debris from outer space. Things have not always been as quiet and stable on Earth as they appear now. In our historical past, for example, Venus was once a comet that legends tell horrific stories about. All of the names listed in the caption above are names by which the once-comet-now-planet Venus, thought to be born out of Jupiter, was called.

The story – as told in ancient legends and retold by Immanuel Velikovsky in his 1950 heavily documented masterpiece of exhaustive research Worlds In Collision – tells of swarms of flies and other insects that plagued, not only the Egyptians in the story of the Exodus, but peoples everywhere on the planet in the wake of comet Venus’ tail as it passed so close to the earth that it scorched its surface and wreaked havoc to the planet.  Venus was thus dubbed “Beelzebub, Lord of the flies” for this reason.

When Venus sprang out of Jupiter as a comet and flew very close to the earth, it became entangled in the embrace of the earth. The internal heat developed by the earth and the scorching gases of the comet were in themselves sufficient to make the vermin of the earth propagate at a very feverish rate. Some of the plagues, like the plague of the frogs (“the land brought forth frogs”) or of the locusts, must be ascribed to such causes. Anyone who has experienced a khamsin (sirocco), an electrically charged wind blowing from the desert, knows how, during the few days that the wind blows, the ground around the villages begins to teem with vermin.

The question arises here whether or not the comet Venus infested the earth with vermin which it may have carried in its trailing atmos­phere in the form of larvae together with stones and gases. It is significant that all around the world peoples have associated the planet Venus with flies. . . .

Modem biologists toy with the idea that microorganisms arrive on the earth from interstellar spaces, carried by the pressure of light.  Hence, the idea of the arrival of living organisms from interplanetary spaces is not new. Whether there is truth in this supposition of larval contamination of the earth is anyone’s guess. The ability of many small insects and their larvae to endure great cold and heat and to live in an atmosphere devoid of oxygen renders not entirely im­probable the hypothesis that Venus (and also Jupiter, from which Venus sprang) may be populated by vermin.

Baal Zevuv (Beelzebub)

The beautiful Morning Star was related to Ahriman, Seth, Lucifer, name equivalents of Satan. It was also Baal of the Canaanites and of the Northern Kingdom of the Ten Tribes, the god hated by the biblical prophets, also Beelzebub or Baal Zevuv, or Baal of the fly. 

In the Pahlavi text of the Iranian book, the Bundahis, describing the catastrophes caused by celestial bodies, it is written that at the close of one of the world ages “the evil spirit [Ahriman] went toward the luminaries.” “He stood upon one-third of the inside of the sky, and he sprang, like a snake, out of the sky down to the earth.” It was the day of the vernal equinox. “He rushed in at noon,” and “the sky was shattered and frightened.” “Like a fly, he rushed out upon the whole creation, and he injured the world and made it dark at midday as though it were in dark night. And noxious creatures were diffused by him over the earth, biting and venomous, such as the snake, scorpion, frog, and lizard, so that not so much as the point of a needle remained free from noxious creatures.” 

Then the Bundahis proceeds: “The planets, with many demons [comets], dashed against the celestial sphere, and they mixed the constellations; and the whole creation was as disfigured as though fire disfigured every place and smoke arose over it.”

A similar plague of vermin is described in the Scriptures, in Exodus, Chapters 8 to 10, and also in Psalm 78 where it is told that there were sent “divers sorts of flies among them [the people of Egypt], which devoured them; and frogs, which destroyed them. (From Worlds In Collision)

Fear reigned in the hearts of the people

Comet Venus, which cycled back toward Earth about every fifteen years, was greatly feared by the people who had survived the first cataclysmic upheaval in the second millennium before the present era and had begun to rebuild their lives and human civilization. Venus was watched by astronomers and fearful humans across the globe for changes in its movement in the heavens. I’ll let Velikovsky tell it in his own words:


“The earth and the water without which we cannot exist suddenly turned into enemies and engulfed the animal kingdom, the human race included, and there was no shelter and no refuge. In such cataclysms the land and the sea repeatedly changed places, laying dry the kingdom of the ocean and submerging the kingdoms of the land.” (Velikovsky, Earth In Upheaval) 

 The movements of Venus were carefully watched by the ancient astronomers of Mexico, India, Iran, and Babylonia. Temple observatories for the cult of the planets were built in both hemispheres. The bamot or “high places” so often mentioned in the Scriptures were observatories as well as places for offerings to the planet-gods, chiefly Venus (Baal). On these high places idolatrous priests, ordained by the erring kings of Judah, burned incense to Baal, to the sun and the moon, and to the planets. . . .

As long as Venus returned at regular intervals, fear of the planet was kept in bounds, when the star passed without causing harm, as it had already done for a few centuries, the people were calmed and felt themselves out of danger for another period. But when Venus, for some reason, began to move irregularly, fear grew intense.

The priests of Iran prayed:

We sacrifice to Tistrya, the bright and glorious star, for whom long flocks and herds and men, looking forward for him and deceived in their hope: When shall we see him rise up, the bright and glorious star Tistrya?

The Zend-Avesta answered for the star:

If men would worship me with a sacrifice in which I were invoked by my own name then I should come to the faithful at the appointed time.

The priests responded:

The next ten nights, 0 Spitama Zarathustra! the bright and glorious Tistrya mingles his shape with light, moving in the shape of a golden-horned bull.

They glorified the star that made “all the shores of the ocean boiling over, all the middle of it boiling over.” They heaped up sacrifices to the star, imploring it not to change its course.

We sacrifice unto Tistrya, the bright and glorious star who from the shining east moves along his long winding course, along the path made by the gods. . . .

We sacrifice unto Tistrya the bright and glorious star, whose rising is watched by the chiefs of deep understanding.

The star of Venus did not appear in the prescribed seasons. In the Book of Job the Lord asks him: “Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season …? Knowest thou the changes of heaven?” 11

11 Job 38: 32-33. The King James translation has, “Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven?” The Septuagint has “the changes of heaven.”

The Science of Mazzaroth

The ancients read the stars and governed according to the signs and seasons – the ordinances – of the heavenly bodies, their risings and their settings. That science was generally lost, only later to be replaced by what we know today as astrology, a rather distorted and poor imitation of this ancient astronomical science and art. This may be the reason, as the author indicates below, for the uncertainty of its meaning.

There exists an extensive exegetic literature on this Mazzaroth from which it can be concluded only that “the meaning of Mazzaroth is uncertain.”  But the Vulgate (Latin) translation of the Bible has Lucifer for Mazzaroth. The (Greek) translation of the Seventy (Septuagint) reads: “Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season and guide the Evening Star by his long hair?” These words of the Septuagint seem very strange. I have already mentioned that the Greek word komet means “the long-haired one,” or a star with hair, a comet. In Latin, coma is “hair.”

Venus ceased to appear in its seasons. What had happened?

Venus Becomes the Morning Star

Since the latter part of the eighth century before the present era, Venus has followed an orbit between Mercury and Earth, which it has maintained ever since. It became the Morning and Evening Star. Seen from the earth, it is never removed more than 48 degrees (when at its eastern and western elongation) or three hours and a few minutes east or west of the sun. The dreaded comet became a tame planet. It has the most nearly circular orbit among the planets.

The end of the terror which Venus kept alive for eight centuries after the days of the Exodus was the inspiration for Isaiah when he said:

“How art thou fallen from heaven, 0 Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.”

Septuagint [Greek Bible]and Vulgate [LatinBible] both translate Morning Star or Lucifer. What does it mean, that the Morning Star was assailing the heavens and rising high, and that it was cut down low to the horizon, and would weaken no more the nations?

More than a hundred generations of commentators have occupied themselves with this passage, but have met with failure.

Why, it is also asked, should the beautiful Morning Star, called Lucifer, the Light Bearer, live in the imagination of peoples as an evil power, a fallen star? What is in this lovely planet that makes her name an equivalent of Satan, or Seth of the Egyptians, the dark power? In his confusion, Origen wrote this question to the quoted verses of Isaiah: “Most evidently by these words is he shown to have fallen from heaven, who formerly was Lucifer, and who used to arise in the morning. For if, as some think, he was a nature of darkness, how is Lucifer said to have existed before? Or how could he arise in the morning, who had in himself nothing of the light?”

Lucifer was a feared prodigy in the sky, and its origin, as illuminated in this book, explains how it came to be regarded as a dark power and a fallen star.

After a great struggle, Venus achieved a circular orbit and a permanent place in the family of planets. During the perturbations which brought about this metamorphosis, Venus also lost its cometary tail.

In the valley of the Euphrates, “Venus then gives up her position as a great stellar divinity, equal with sun and moon, and joins the ranks of the other planets.”

A comet became a planet.

Venus was born as a comet in the second millennium before the present era. In the middle of that millennium it twice made contact with the earth and changed its cometary orbit. In the tenth to eighth centuries of the first millennium, it was still a comet. What caused such further changes in the motion of Venus in the first millennium that it became a planet on a circular orbit? (From Worlds In Collision)

The answer is Mars, which I will write about in my next post. Until then, here’s wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year !


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Velikovsky’s References for this excerpt :Schiaparelli, Astronomy in the Old T’estament, p. 74; Cambridge Bible, Book of Job, by A. B. Davidson and H. C. Lanchester; J.S. Suschken, Unvorgreifliche Kometen-Gedanken: Ob der Kometen in der’heiligen Schrift gedacht werde? (1744); and Isaiah 14 : 12-13); The Writings of Origen, “De principiis” (transl. F. Crombie, 1869), p. 51.; A. Jeremias, The Old Testament in the Light of the Ancient East (1911). I, 18.; Zend-Avesta (transI. Darmesteter ), Pt. II, pp. 94 ff. The belief sometimes expressed, that Tistrya is Sirius, is an obvious error: Sirius does not travel in a winding course. The star in the shape of a golden-homed bull was Venus. Also, inaccurate movements of Sirius could not occur without similar irregularity on the part of all the stars; Job 38: 32-33. The King James translation has, “Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven?” The Septuagint has “the changes of heaven.”

Our Catastrophic Past

Our Planets Saturn and Jupiter

David Talbott

David Talbott

Catastrophes of global proportion have occurred in our past that have been so traumatic as to have been blotted out of race memory. Mass amnesia prevents us from remembering our catastrophic past. Jerry Simonson of The Thunderbolts Project has put together an amazing educational and entertaining movie that begins to reconstruct those memories out of symbols, myths and legends from around the world, validating the monumental work of the late Immanuel Velikovsky. When you have time, sit back for an hour and eighteen minutes — or for convenient intervals — and enjoy this well documented video “Symbols of an Alien Sky” written and narrated by David Talbott and animated by Brian Talbott. 

I hope you enjoyed the movie. In my next post I will explore the nearly forgotten history of sound and music in another video entitled “Sonic Geometry.” So, stay tuned!

Tony picAnthony Palombo

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