Creating the New Earth Together

Archive for the ‘Genetic Engineering’ Category

Our Solar Entity: A Place of Habitation

WE ARE HARDLY AN ISOLATED “tiny oasis of life surrounded by an immensity of death,” as our ageing Star Trek Captain Kurk (William Shatner) described his impression of Earth during his recent venture out into the dark deep of space, featured in my previous post. As I mentioned in that article, light is everywhere but only visible to us as a reflection off of substances, such as water vapor. Except for substance to reflect off of, we could not see light. So the darkness of space is filled with invisible light, and where there’s light there’s life and love.

I received this comment on my previous post from a dear friend and colleague:

I think you allude to something here Tony, and that is: That our Holy Earth is not so tiny as we might think, and it is not an oasis, because it is not located in a desert, and it is not a mirage in the desert of the fallen human consciousness that sees everything in its own likeness, in this case the likeness interpreted as an oasis in a universal desert wilderness. But in Divine Imagination, as we are made in the Image and Likeness of the Divine Elohim, it might well be that our Earth Home is vast, and embedded in what we call a solar system that is akin to an amazon forest teeming with multiplicity of life, all this within a Cosmic Ocean of unblemished Cosmo-Diversity. And, as a wise man once suggested, could it not be that our heavenly earth system is itself one Holy City created to thrive, one City among many, all embedded within a Bright and Morning Star, within a vast Cosmic Field of such cities and such stars. I think so.

David Barnes, Great Cosmic Story


I love this perspective of our Earth as “one Holy City created to thrive, one City among many, all embedded within a Bright and Morning Star….”

In astronomy we refer to the planets orbiting the sun as a “solar system,” as though it was a lifeless grouping of cosmic bodies adrift in empty galactic space. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Earth and all her eight sister planets are living, breathing entities, as is their origin star, the central solar orb around which they orbit. It’s all part of a vast cosmic fabric of stars and galaxies that is “but a cloak” to the living God of Creation, to borrow a phrase from the lyrics of a colleague’s baritone song of praise.


(The following words speak my own thoughts and implications about what I see, read and hear. I do not expect anyone to believe me. In fact, I discourage it. I do invite you to read it, however, and to do your own critical thinking about it.)

There is a tenth planet, according to ancient Sumerian cuneiform texts, recorded on stone tablets and recently translated by Zacharia Sitchin (1920-2010), author of a number of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. Our solar system, or entity, is a massive colonization of planets, one of which is inhabited by the human race along with a vast variety of animal, insect and plant species . . . and another, a planet named “Niburu“— also known as “Planet X”— which is believed to be inhabited by rogue creator beings who came to Earth and genetically engineered the human species.

In his book THE 12TH PLANET, Zacharia Sitchin “attributed the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he stated was a race of extraterrestrials from a planet beyond Neptune called Niburu. He asserted that Sumerian mythology suggests that this hypothetical planet of Niburu is in an elongated, 3,600-year-long elliptical orbit around the Sun.” You are welcome to explore for yourself this ancient story of the origins of humanity.

I mention all this because in the Sumerian cuneiform text Earth is spoken of as the “seventh planet,” and the only possible explanation for this placement of the earth as the seventh planet is if one is counting from the outer planetary orbit, presumably that of Pluto, (which has been counted and excluded as a planet a number of times), and traveling toward the inner planets, which would be Mars (6th), Earth (7th), Venus (8th) and Mercury (9th). Also, in counting and numbering the planets from the outer reaches of the solar system, for earth to be numbered as the seventh planet, there would have to have been ten planets counting the asteroid belt, which is a debris field of a planet that was destroyed in a collision with another planet, or possibly a moon of one of the other planets, or even with a comet.

William Shatner describes planet Earth as an oasis surrounded by a vast dark wilderness of death, as in a desert. When I read this in his account of his space venture, I was reminded of a reference in the Sumerian text to the inhabitants of Niburu (the Anunnaki) seeing the planet Earth as a place to stop off, like an oasis, and exploring for possible deposits of gold on what we now call the African continent, the cradle of civilization and of all life on earth.

According to the story, the Anunnaki needed gold to build a solar shield for their planet. They found gold deposits and began excavating it and shipping it to their planet via space cargo ships. The work became too arduous for the “creator beings” so they created man to “till the ground,” as slave laborers to do the dirty and strenuous work. According to the story, the Anunnaki started with strong and able-bodied apian creatures and genetically altered them using their own DNA, thereby creating man in their own image and likeness. Evolution followed that transformed man through various stages of development.

The notable point for me is that the earth was seen as an oasis and source of minerals in the dark wilderness of the solar system. It is still being mined for its minerals, including gold and silver, lithium, copper, cobalt and uranium, not to mention the coal mines of China and the oil wells of Texas and the Gulf of Mexico; all being done by the powers that control the global economy and manage the industrial complexes.

One may well suspect that the Anunnaki rogue creator beings have incarnated in modern times to finish their pillage of the planet’s riches and energy resources and enslave human beings to do their bidding. Perhaps they never really left Earth as incarnate rogue creator beings, even possessing the Scribes and Pharisees in order to do away with God’s “only begotten Son” once and for all. But they failed to get rid of Him, and that victory over death by Jesus the Christ altered the course of history . . . as far as the Anunnaki are concerned and as far as humanity is concerned. They may have been able to enslave Adam and Eve and their descendants, but they could not enslave the human spirit. Jesus threw the fire of love on the world and initiated once again a cycle of purification and restoration of man to his ordained state of co-creator with the Father of Creation, the third and final opportunity for man, male and female, to return to the Creator and restore the Earth to its Paradise state as “a womb where beauty might be born.

Returning to the tonal words of my friend David Barnes for upliftment to a higher point of view and authentic context:

. . . could it not be that our heavenly earth system is itself one Holy City created to thrive, one City among many, all embedded within a Bright and Morning Star, within a vast Cosmic Field of such cities and such stars. I think so.

I think so as well. “The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein.” The Earth is a Holy City of habitation for the sons and daughters of God. It was created by Elohim for this very purpose in the deep dark of space.


I will conclude this post by saying that Zacharia Sitchin’s scenario of our origins reads like a very possible way in which the events mythologized by Moses in the Book of Genesis manifested and unfolded. I can appreciate the challenge Moses must have faced in writing the Book of Genesis and some of the other books in the Old Testament, especially taking into account the level of consciousness of the relatively primitive “Children of Israel” who had just been delivered from bondage in Egypt. It is said that he had access to ancient Sumerian and Sanskrit scriptures, legends and oral traditions as well. His congregation were truly children who could only relate to mythical stories and parables.

A similar event occurs in the New Testament Gospels when Jesus said to his simple-minded disciples, “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.” (John 16:12). There are many things being revealed that even we have a hard time bearing today . . . and this Nibiru story may just be one of them. It may also be one of the things that are best left in the past and forgotten. But then there’s the danger of repeating our past unless we remember it . . . If we are not already doing so.

I will address this in my next post, “Earth as an Electrical Being.” So, stay tuned. Until then,

Be love. Be loved.


Honoring Our Elders . . . . . . and our Progeny

Christmastime is family time, a time when the kids call home, or travel to be with family and loved ones; a time to share in the joy of  being together in an atmosphere of love and generosity, sharing in the Christed spirit that rises in our hearts every year at this time and bubbles over into tree-trimming and decorating, caroling, gift giving and merry making.  The world is transformed in the outpouring of love and joy.  Christmas is obviously good for the economy, too. It’s the giving spirit that fosters abundance. 

My thoughts today are of the Elderly watching our offspring from afar as they create an altogether different world than the one in which we grew up and raised families of our own.  Closer to home, I think of our dearly departed Mother who spent the last days of her ninety-years on earth in a care center.  None of us eight siblings were in a position to provide care for her in her home, where she wanted to spend her last days.  Closer yet, I think of my own Eldership and that of my spouse and fellow septuagenarians whose homemade nests have long been empty.  Ours are both “broken homes” whose family members live miles apart from one another making it stressful for our children to visit both parents and both grandparents during the holidays, assuming they can afford to travel at all.  Thankfully, we have electronic media like Skype and Google Duo and Hangout, or ZOOM, to bring us closer together, at least virtually.     

It’s a bit disheartening to see how our elders are set aside into care centers where they can be properly cared for while we get on with our busy lives. Gone are the days when we provided living quarters in our homes, or on our properties, for our ageing parents and grandparents — but not that far gone. Our parents actually built a cottage in our backyard for our grandparents. Our ancestry is Sicilian, and Italians historically honored their fathers and their mothers and took great care of them.  “The Godfather” portrays this tradition in extreme.  What has changed?

It seems the youth of today want to distance themselves from their roots and their elders as soon as possible, especially when  our wisdom of yesteryear doesn’t seem to help them handle the complex world of today into which they have been thrust — nor facilitate the realization of their own dreams and aspirations.  They have their own thoughts, as we are reminded by Kahlil Gibran.  Sometimes we find ourselves turning to them for help navigating this new terrain of electronics and economic uncertainty. 

Now, I do appreciate the obvious need to let go of the past and “the way we’ve always done things” for centuries and millennia.  Tradition has always attempted to stand in the way of “progress.” I say “attempted” because progress inevitably wins out over “TRADITION!” — as Tevye finds out in “Fiddler On The Roof.”  And I suppose I should not have implied by my use of quotation marks that progress isn’t really progressive. All too often, it seems, so-called “improvements” only make things worse and more difficult, especially when my computer software updates itself, and when Facebook makes changes in the way we navigate social media.  Changes seem so much more a bother as we age and resist shifts in our routines. 


Sometimes progress is an improvement, even inevitable as our species progresses through a radical transformation, both in consciousness and in physical form — becoming an entirely new species, according to such forward thinkers as Barbara Marks Hubbard and others.  I like the way she sees herself and all of us as being “on the other side of our lives” and “becoming newer” rather than older.  We are being upgraded genetically by Cosmic forces that are altering our very DNA, turning on genetic switches that have lay dormant for thousands of years.  No, we are definitely not the same species we were a hundred years ago, even fifty. 

This is so evident today with the arrival of the electronic age in which our grandchildren are needed to show us older folks how to use and troubleshoot our cell phones and computers, both new and complicated additions to our “old-school” ways of communicating by phone and “snail” mail. Who writes letters anymore? Our ageing Mother, rest her soul, after hearing a daughter talk about her hassle with her computer, asked in her beautiful ignorance, “What in the world is a mouse doing on your desktop?!”  We all enjoyed a good laugh, realizing at the same time the obvious gap her query brought to light  between the old and the new.  I continue to be amused while listening to one of our sons who works in the tech field talk about his work using what sounds like a foreign language to us.  They speak in acronyms these days rather than with fully-worded sentences.  The youth of today were born with brains hardwired for this new electronic age. Where is it all heading?  Apparently toward a totally new species, which one author recently dubbed “Homo Universalis,” one level up from Homo Sapiens.

Honoring Our Bridges

All I can say to this upcoming generation is, while your lifestyle and technology are rightly leaving us old folks behind, please do not forget us. We are the bridges you all crossed over in order to get where you are today, and you do not need to burn all your bridges, just the ones you don’t need any longer and are holding you back.  We do still want to at least feel needed. The bridges we are will fall away soon enough leaving you the simple legacy and memory of our loving and caring presence in your early years of growing up and assuming your rightful places in the world, a world that you will transform beyond recognition in your day.  We are always glad when you call home occasionally to see how we’re doing — and to share your lives and your worlds with us — but especially to say those heart-warming and family-binding words, “I love you.” Really, all we want is to hear from you as often as possible and to reaffirm the love we have for one another and our ongoing presence, and interest, in your lives and in your worlds. Our children do that and it does lighten our lives and bring joy to our hearts. 

I would like to  leave you with these words of “The Prophet” Kahlil Gibran that have been, and continue to be, a source of light upon our shared parental path. 

And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, speak to us of children. And he said: Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, and though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward or tarries with yesterday.

You are the bows from which your children like living arrows are sent forth. The Archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with his might that His arrows may go swift and far.

Let your bending in the Archer’s hand be for gladness; for even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.

I read somewhere that we are loved more than we will ever know.  I know this to be so, and I feel it more as I age and leave behind my illusions of limitation and low self-esteem. That’s a big one for so many of us to overcome.  I know for a fact that I am worthy of love — that I am love. You are loved more than you will ever know. You are love.

Until my next post in the New Year, 

Be love. Be loved.

Anthony Palombo



As Above So Below – As Below So Above

Stories of NDE’s (Near Death Experiences) abound these days.  The accounts are always the same: a person in the midst of a terminal health crisis leaves the body and travels through a silver tunnel toward a white light and enters a heavenly realm of incredible love, returns to the body and lives to tell about the experience. Their lives are changed forever as they begin to see life on earth through new eyes of love. I think that I would like to have such an experience. Wouldn’t you? Not that we need such to see with eyes of love.

But what do we really know about what’s on the other side of the veil that separates us from – and connects us with – the heavenly realms of light divine? No much at all. This is a topic that keeps us in a state of expectant anticipation, begging the question: “Just what is “Above” that shapes what is “Below?”

Macrocosm and Microcosm

In the atomic structuring of the microcosm, we have electrons orbiting around a nucleus of protons and neutrons. The nucleus radiates a positively charged field in which negatively charged electrons are held in an orbital pattern of attraction. Atoms are not objects that can be dissected like a frog but are intangible energetic essences.

In the cosmic macrocosm, our solar system reflects the pattern of the design of the atom, with planets orbiting around a star that radiates a positive field that holds the planets in their respective orbits.

Although it is common for electrons to switch orbits in chemical processes and molecular transmutation, it isn’t so common for planets to do so. Whereas in the microcosm this switching takes place in split seconds, in the larger macrocosm it may take centuries and even millennia for planets to alter their orbits or for our solar system to capture a comet, as it did in the case of Venus some five-thousand years ago, and add it to our planetary system.

As with the microcosm, transmutation takes place in the macrocosm when a planet is added to our solar system causing other planets and moons to alter their orbits. Our solar system – which I prefer to call an Entity in that it embodies the Creator – is not the same since Venus was added as a planet and Mars changed its orbit when these two planets collided with one another in our historical past. Our planet Earth is not the same either: its orbit was altered and the direction of its rotation was reversed when the comet Venus collided with it. According to geological research, our sun once rose in the West and set in the East.

With changes above in the heavens, changes below on earth occur, and not just in geographical structuring of the planet, but also in human consciousness. Human consciousness is impacted by what goes on in the planetary system – “As above so below” – and vice versa.  What goes on in human consciousness impacts what goes on in the solar system, and beyond. “Pluck a flower and disturb a star,” the saying goes. As below so above.

Am I saying that we are responsible for the cataclysms of the past? Yes I am. We were not the victims but the perpetrators of Earth’s traumatic upheavals. When we fell out of alignment with the Creator and began to create life forms on our own, we made a mess of things here below. We created giants and monstrosities multiplying flesh without the true patterns of the divine design and control; outside the “womb” of Mother God, in other words. That mess was cleaned off the face of the earth by cosmic forces in the Deluge of water and the wind storms of tornadoes, as well as conflagrations earth suffered in the fiery tail of the comet Venus.  We play a causal role as a cog in the Wheel of Life in our solar entity.

When we disengaged from the Wheel of Life and started turning our own cog, the wheel spun out of control. Havoc ensued and continues to have ripple effects on our experience of life here on earth.  The asteroid belt tells the story of a planet that exploded, no doubt wrought about by beings like ourselves who raped and pillaged their planet for its resources. Where did all those souls go? Perhaps they came here to rape and pillage the earth for its resources. Seems very likely.

“Third Rock from the Sun”

Perhaps the birth of Venus out of Jupiter’s belly brought balance back to the planetary system. The earth is tilted on its axis and has reversed its direction of rotation, an upheaval that sank continents and buckled the skeletal mantle of the earth, sending some of it shooting up through the surface to create the Himalayas and Rocky Mountains and other mountainous ranges around the globe.  Our Home among the stars has lost its plump spherical shape taking on the appearance of a rock when the oceans, seas and atmosphere are removed, as the video below I borrowed from a Facebook post by Antony Alex Sunab Bagalue graphically and dramatically portrays.


We’re Not Alone

Take heart, however, as we were not and are not alone in our rogue behavior.  The Gods were with us and walked among us in ages past, and I believe that some of them have returned and walk among us today.

There’s GMO in our historic past

Graham Hancock’s Fingerprints Of The Gods and Magicians Of The Gods detail his exhaustive research into the ancient history of the planet and human civilization. He writes of the “Shining Ones” and the “Watchers” who walked the earth before and after the cataclysms and upheavals and went about to restore their “Garden of the Gods” they knew on Atlantis before it sank into the ocean waters.  He also writes of the “fallen watchers” who were responsible for breaking our connection with the Creator, reversing their polarity in the Lord God Creator and falling into lustful response to their creation. They became centered in their external creation and how they were able to manipulate it through genetic modifications. We are still doing that today.

We learn from the sixth chapter of Genesis that the “sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. . . . There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, and the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” 

But that’s another story, too complex and profound for a blog. In a word, Spiritual Man had become physical man and his creations were wiped off the face of the earth in a Deluge. What followed the Deluge begins with this oft-quoted line in Genesis: “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.  And we know the rest of the story, which I’ve been writing about these last few posts. Noah was one of these “Shining Ones” along with several others who went forth after the Deluge to repopulate the human race and to restore civilization, if possible to the “First Time” before we fell from grace and stature and were expelled from the Garden of Eden. As I wrote about in the previous post, that task proved futile. Cosmic factors had changed.  Access to the fruit of the Biblical “Tree of Life” was barred to fallen man.

The Messiah’s Appearance Before Jesus?

Graham Hancock cites other Shining Ones and legendary stories of floods similar to Noah’s Deluge from all over the globe. There was Osiris, thought to be a group of deities who brought ancient technology to help restart civilization in Egypt and throughout the East. Then there were Viracocha and Quetzalcoatl, the civilizing deities of the Andes and of Central America. Viracocha’s Christlike spirit and his mission have an uncanny resemblance to those of Jesus:

He Came in a Time of Chaos

Through all the ancient legends of the peoples of the Andes stalked a tall, bearded, pale-skinned figure wrapped in a cloak of secrecy. And though he was known by many different names in many different places he was always recognizably the same figure: Viracocha, Foam of the Sea, a master of science and magic who wielded terrible weapons and who came in a time of chaos to set the world to rights.

The same basic story was shared in many variants by all the peoples of the Andean region. It began with a vivid description of a terrifying period when the earth had been inundated by a great flood and plunged into darkness by the disappearance of the sun. Society had fallen into disorder, and the people suffered much hardship. Then there suddenly appeared, coming from the south, a white man of large stature and authoritative demeanour. This man had such great power that he changed the hills into valleys and from the valleys made great hills, causing streams to flow from the living stone …

The early Spanish chronicler who recorded this tradition explained that it had been told to him by the Indians he had traveled among on his journeys in the Andes:

And they heard it from their fathers, who in their turn had it from the old songs which were handed down from very ancient times … They say that this man traveled along the highland route to the north, working marvels as he went and that they never saw him again. They say that in many places he gave men instructions how they should live, speaking to them with great love and kindness and admonishing them to be good and to do no damage or injury one to another, but to love one another and show charity to all. In most places they name him Ticci Viracocha ….

Other names applied to the same figure included Huaracocha, Con, Con Ticci or Kon Tiki, Thunupa, Taapac, Tupaca and Illa. He was a scientist, an architect of surpassing skills, a sculptor and an engineer: “He caused terraces and fields to be formed on the steep sides of ravines, and sustaining walls to rise up and support them. He also made irrigating channels to flow … and he went in various directions, arranging many things.”

Viracocha was also a teacher and a healer and made himself helpful to people in need. It was said that wherever he passed, he healed all that were sick and restored sight to the blind. This gentle, civilizing, ‘superhuman’, samaritan had another side to his nature, however. If his life were threatened, as it seems to have been on several occasions, he had the weapon of heavenly fire at his disposal:

Working great miracles by his words, he came to the district of the Canas and there, near a village called Cacha … the people rose up against him and threatened to stone him. They saw him sink to his knees and raise his hands to heaven as if beseeching aid in the peril which beset him. The Indians declare that thereupon they saw fire in the sky which seemed all around them. Full of fear, they approached him whom they had intended to kill and besought him to forgive them … Presently they saw that the fire was extinguished at his command, though stones were consumed by fire in such wise that large blocks could be lifted by hand as if they were cork. They narrate further that, leaving the place where this occurred, he came to the coast and there, holding his mantle, he went forth amidst the waves and was seen no more. And as he went they gave him the name Viracocha, which means ‘Foam of the Sea’….

Other descriptions, collected from many different and widely separated Andean peoples, all seemed to identify the same enigmatic individual. According to one he was: A bearded man of medium height dressed in a rather long cloak … He was past his prime, with grey hair, and lean. He walked with a staff and addressed the natives with love, calling them his sons and daughters. As he traversed all the land he worked miracles. He healed the sick by touch. He spoke every tongue even better than the natives. They called him Thunupa or Tarpaca, Viracocha-rapacha or Pachaccan …

Was he a Messiah? Or perhaps a shaman? Whatever he was, he brought a design for living on earth to mankind, indicating that there is a divine design for a “New Jerusalem” that is wont to come down from God out of Heaven. But it will not bypass human consciousness and somehow magically appear on the earth. The Divine Design for life on Earth comes down from God out of heaven by means of Human Beings, our bodies, minds and hearts. And from what we hear from those who have gone to heaven and back, heaven sounds like a beautiful place to live.

As above so below can be our experience as we would turn away – the literal meaning of repent – from our polarity in externals below and return to our centering in God above and within us; in love for the Lord our God and for one another. The time is right and the conditions in our solar system and galaxy are ripe for a radical transformational shift for Earth and for Humanity.  In true perspective, we rightly are above the earth and the planetary solar system in the sky above and around the earth. And there is the Heaven that is above us populated by Beings of Light whose pleasure it is to give us the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. As a friend put it recently, that radical shift awaits …

... the emergence of a level of consciousness not externally centered but able to coordinate with the creative pulsations of spirit in the moment with a sense of solar and planetary patterns affording a creative field for right action and for right action’s sake.

This, I know, is happening in our day and on our watch. Until my next post then,

Be love. Be loved.


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Genetic Engineering of Our Species?

“And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness” — Genesis

Are we evolved spiritually enough to resume the role of co-creators of our human species using genetic engineering? This is the question I was left asking as I finished reading Dan Brown’s INFERNO a few days ago. (If you’re planning to read the book, then don’t read here any further as I don’t wish to give away the ending for you. Come back to it after reading the book.)

The last chapters of Dan’s book present a solution to overpopulation that may well be worth considering (if it is at all achievable): genetic sterilization of one-third of the human population — the same percentage of the population of Europe that was wiped out in three years by the Bubonic (Black) Plague in the mid fourteenth century (1347-50), nature’s way of purging the cancerous growth of the human population. With genetic engineering, however, there would be no plague, no bodies in the streets and no hospitals overflowing with the sick and dying.

The “villain” in the novel, genetic engineer and “Transhumanist” Bertrand Zobrist, “who believed we are living on the threshold of a glittering ‘posthuman’ age…of true transformation,” developed a highly contagious airborne DNA-altering virus vector and released it into the water and air in Instanbul, Turkey. In a matter of a few weeks, “Inferno,” the name he gave his creation, had gone viral and had, as planned, infected one-third of the world’s human population. There were no symptoms, no side-effects, and no one knew they were infected and, therefore, sterile.

This does sound like some “Orwellian dystopia of the future,” as professor Robert Langdon thought to himself  upon hearing what Zobrist had done. Moments later he found himself arguing in favor of such a radical but promising breakthrough in genetic engineering. “Bertrand Zobrist has redesigned our species . . . in an attempt to save us . . . transforming us into a less fruitful population.”  Sienna Brooks, Zobrist’s long-time lover, protege, and now conflicted defender who set out to destroy the virus vector before it could be released, confesses her fear:

The most frightening thing of all is not that Inferno causes sterility, but rather that it has the ability to do so. An airborne viral vector is a quantum leap — years ahead of its time. Bertrand has suddenly lifted us out of the dark ages of genetic engineering and launched us headlong into the future. He has unlocked the evolutionary process and given humankind the ability to define our species in broad, sweeping strokes. Pandora has opened her box, and there’s no closing it now. Bertrand has created the key to modify the human race . . . and if those keys fall into the wrong hands, then God help us. This technology should never have been created. . . .

Professor Langdon was confused about her conflicted state of mind. If she wanted to destroy the virus, he argued, why did she not cooperate with Dr. Elizabeth Sinskey and the World Health Organization, which she headed up, or report it to the Center for Disease Control or some other government agency? Sienna replied and Robert responds:

“You can’t be serious! Government agencies are the last entities on earth that should have access to this technology! Think about it, Robert. Throughout all of human history, every groundbreaking technology ever discovered by science has been weaponized — from simple fire to nuclear power — and almost always at the hands of powerful governments. Where do you think our biological weapons come from? They originate from research done in places like WHO and CDC. Bertrand’s technology — a pandemic virus used as a genetic vector — is the most powerful weapon ever created. It paves the way for horrors we can’t yet even imagine, including targeted biological weapons. Imagine a pathogen that attacks only those people whose genetic code contains certain ethnic markers. It would enable widespread ethnic cleansing on the genetic level.”

“I see your concerns, Sienna, I do, but this technology could also be used for good, couldn’t it? Isn’t this discovery a godsend for genetic medicine? A new way to deliver global inoculations for example?”

“Perhaps, but unfortunately, I’ve learned to expect the worst from people who hold power.”

I couldn’t argue with her on that point. There’s simply too much hunger for power-and-control in the world, especially in the governing sector. We have to grow up — mentally, emotionally, and especially spiritually.

How would it work?

Well, let’s look at the math to see how this technology might work. There are approximately 7-billion people on Earth at this time. We are adding about 100-million people each year to the population (250,000 each day, rain or shine). The graph is an exponential curve. By the middle of the current twenty-first century, there will be approximately 9-billion people competing for food and shelter on earth. Now, one-third of the current 7-billion population would be about 2.3-billion. With 2.3-billion people made sterile and, therefore, not having babies, that would reduce the number of new people added to the population each year.

Now, it is estimated that 7-billion people will add 2-billion to the population by the year 2050 for a total of 9-billion. Two-thirds of 7-billion, or 4.7-billion fertile humans, would add roughly only 1.2-billion babies to the population by the middle of this century, for a total of 8.2-billion as opposed to 9-billion. Now, only two-thirds of that 1.2-billion humans would be fertile, thus a winnowing of the human population at a manageable rate would take place over time, reducing the birth-rate until the population curve actually inverts and our total numbers begin to decrease.

A moral question

Repeating the question I posed at the top of this post: Are we evolved spiritually enough to resume the role of co-creators of our human species using genetic engineering? After all, we are gods incarnate. Collectively, we are the Creators of our species, according to the plural subject in Genesis: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” Who are “us” that created man in “our” image and likeness in the Beginning?  Are we not the Creators of our very own species?

My personal opinion?

I think genetic engineering to turn the exponential curve of population growth around is a great idea whose time has not yet come. We have a long ways to go before we can be trusted with such technology. The mentally oriented human ego is yet too self-centered and self-serving to be trusted with the awesome responsibility of engineering the genetic material of the human body. We are still blind to the consequences of our own actions. Just because we can do something doesn’t mean that we should.  A case in point: science and medicine are working at helping people live longer, healthier lives while utterly ignoring the current crisis of overpopulation — a topic I will explore further in my next post. It’s what Bertrand Zobrist was working on before he woke up to the stark realization of where extending longevity would inevitably take the human species. What do you think? Share your thoughts, if you like. I would love to hear them. Until my next post, then,

Be love. Be loved.


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