Creating the New Earth Together

Fields Within Fields

If you are thirsty, the river comes to you. If you are not thirsty there is no river.” ~Sat Prem

THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION as it opens a portal to understanding the importance of our individual actions ~ emotional, mental and physical ~ in shaping the world of tomorrow, as well as our collective actions as a Body of Human Beings in shaping our future. The author I will be sharing with you, Joseph Chilton Pearce, published his research back in 2003 in THE BIOLOGY OF TRANSCENDENCE ~ A Blueprint of the Human Spirit, from which the following excerpt is taken.


Thom Hartmann wrote that his mentor and teacher, Gottfried Muller, urged him to look for secret acts of compassion he could perform, acts that would be personal, private, and unobserved. An act of compassion done publicly is done for public acclaim, no matter how subtly or covertly that acclaim is accepted by the actor. [Well, not necessarily always.] Further, this public acclaim is the actor’s reward. Performed in absolute secrecy for the sake of compassion itself, a private compassionate act strengthens the field of compassion — a field that is sadly absent from our planet. [It’s not completely absent since this book was first published in 2003. The Dali Lama and his disciples have done much to create and feed this field.] Jesus contrasted the widow’s mite, given in secrecy, with the alms-giving of the powerful Pharisee who was preceded by trumpeters on his way to temple so that his magnificent gesture of largesse and virtue might be observed by all. “He has his reward,” noted Jesus. The reward, of course, was merely the public acclaim and subsequent ego-inflation.

Interaction between people is public and its own marvelous game, but that between a person and a field is private and hidden, in a secret place — and perhaps a larger, more embracing game in the end. Every negative thought I entertain in my head, which I think is my own secret place, actually strengthens the negative field that sweeps our world, unbeknownst to me — the secret negative thought is shouted from the housetops. Every time I bemoan the negative world out there that I must suffer, I have supported and contributed to it through my moaning. My secret place in my head is not so secret after all.

Our heart participates in electromagnetic fields within fields nestled in hierarchies that are holographic, the whole existing within any part, and all functioning as an integrated dynamic . . . . “the most suggestive evidence for the coherence of the organism is our discovery, in 1992, that all living organisms are liquid crystalline.” [Biologist Mae Wan Ho, “The Entangled Universe”].

Coherence, in this context, refers to the fact that trillions of cells and the myriad parts comprising them function together as a unit to produce the mysterious and magnificent whole called me. . . . We are not just specimens of research material on the microscope’s slide but are, in fact, what all this research is about. . . .

Mae Wan Ho continues: “In the breathtaking color images we generated, one can see that the activities of the organism are fully coordinated in a continuum from the macroscopic to the molecular. The organism is coherent beyond our wildest dreams. Every part is in com-munication with every other part through a dynamic, tunable, responsive liquid crystalline medium that pervades the whole body, from organs and tissues to the interior of every cell. Liquid crystalline gives organisms their characteristic flexibility, exquisite sensitivity and responsiveness, thus optimizing the rapid intercom-munication that enables the organism to function as a coherent whole.”

When coherent, this polyglot of flesh, blood, sweat, and tears has dominion over the word, naming animals and stars, the parts of our own innards and atoms, and is the source of poetry and song. . . .

Mae Wan Ho observes: “The visible body just happens to be where the wave function of the organism is most dense. Invisible quantum waves are spreading out from each of us and permeating into all other organisms. At the same time, each of us has the wave of every other organism entangled within our own make-up. . . . We are participants in the creation drama that is constantly unfolding. We are constantly co-creating ourselves and other organisms in the universe, shaping our common futures, making our dreams come true, and realizing our potentials and ideals.”

“Forbidden knowledge” is held sacrosanct by universities, academies, and professional societies, who punish trespassers in subtle ways while awarding the “liturgists” with scholastic degrees, funds and fellowships — and determine exactly what they are allowed to know. Mae Wan Ho and Lynn Margulis represent a growing wave of new biologists who break beyond the boundaries to lift the field of biology into new dimensions. This is a growth the guardians of the old boundaries resist, as is typical of all institutions.


Use of the word field indicates a habit of our mind to group disparate events, to create from them one unity, a mental category, a taxonomy that lifts the apparent chaos of nature into the order of our thinking. There is a medical field, a field of education, a field of knowledge, the orbital or wave field of a particle, a field of potential energy, neural fields of the brain, fields of stars. All mental, physical, emotional, psychic, religious, spiritual, non-ordinary, or ordinary experience originates as and/or brings about a field.

Fields as artifacts of memory or repositories of experience become sources of potential, creations of thought by which we explain our creations to ourselves, or dream up new creations. No field could be bound into a finite system, yet our intellect, once it creates a field, continually tries to establish final boundaries for it. As Rudolf Steiner and poet-philosopher Goethe pointed out, the human mind, as a field effect, is unbounded. There are no limitations to what thought can do, where it can lead, and we ceaselessly strive to discover the full dimensions of self and define that infinite mind.

For instance, our many definitions of God and any explanations we offer concerning him (or her, or it) are, by and large, projections we make as a result of our longing to bring closure to this open-ended procedure. “The son of Man has no place to lay his head,” our great model observed, a point ignored by that force of mind that longs to bring all things to closure — [to conceptualize everything].

The potential of a field manifests or expresses — presses outward — only through a corresponding neural field (or fields) in our brain. A neural field is an aggregate of particular frequencies and preset us with a valid perception or event. Neural fields are worthless without fields of potential frequencies that they can translate into experience, and potential frequencies are worthless without neural fields to translate them into being. These two field categories give rise to each other — another creator-created dynamic — though which comes first will never be determined.

It’s important to note that fields don’t exist as entities, except as ideas of mind. A “field potential” exists only as a dynamic interaction with a neural field in our head — dynamic here meaning that the action moves both ways, from field to field, from potential to perception and response of the perceiver, then back to the field.

A neuron is made of matter, however flimsy, and matter is an aggregate of particular frequencies, no matter how elusive. Frequencies aggregate in a way that translates other frequencies into a resonant response that is even more elusive and inexplicable: consciousness itself. Physicist David Bohm spoke of consciousness expressing as matter and/or energy.

The meaning of consciousness has been up for grabs for a long time and remains just as elusive as that of mind. Brain, and so brain-mind, is more tangible. With some hundred billion neurons, each of which can connect with upwards of a hundred thousand others in mixtures of field interactions, and a trillion or more glia pumping frequencies to be translated, there are no limits to our brain’s capacity to create experience. And if you recall, there are no limits to the fields available for these constructions because the same brain can create fields to be translated. We really do reap as we sow, whether or not we are aware of it, though much sowing takes place beneath our awareness.

Fields of information and intelligence are built up through activities among people, and any number of people can take part in these frequency fields. Occasionally the same discovery is made in the same field — say, mathematics chemistry, or mechanics — by two individuals on opposite sides of the globe who know nothing of each other. Mae Wan Ho refers to this continuum in her own language and brings into being liquid crystals, invisible quantum wave functions, and other hitherto unknowns. None of us knows precisely what we are talking about, but we are compelled to try to describe and explain to ourselves the magic of our minds.

(Excerpted from THE BIOLOGY OF TRANSCEDENCE ~ A Blueprint of the Human Spirit, by Joseph Chilton Pearce, author of The Crack in the Cosmic Egg.)


Authors like Pearce speak of the mind as though it were a self-activated entity, on its own creating whatsoever it desires, as this phrase demonstrates: “…there are no limits to our brain’s capacity to create experience.” While I get his appreciation for the mind’s seemingly limitless magical capacity in creating experience, let us not overlook the elephant in the room: the presence of an incarnate sovereign Creator Being, without whom — and without whose body — the mind cannot exist at all much less create. The human intellect is only a capacity not a creator. In its self-active state, it has been a serpent and a deceiver. In its ordained role, it is a luciferous bearer of the Light of Truth, once called Lucifer, Morning Star, and Son of the Morning (Isaiah 14:12). Theologians and Christian scholars speculate that Lucifer desired not only to be like God but to be God and rule heaven and earth, so he was expelled from heaven and cast down to the earth — where he is free to play God among humans unaware and utterly deceived — a state in which it seems the masses prefer to live out their lives.

I am not my mind. Like you and like all incarnate angels, I Am a Creator Being incarnate in a triune human capacity of a body-mind-heart continuum which I created in my own image and likeness in order that I may accomplish the work I came here to do for my Lord and King, and that work entails co-creating a world with other Creator Beings that mirrors and manifests the Divine Design in God’s Heaven for our world. This is not the mind-set and state of consciousness out of which by far the majority of human beings function. The state out of which most function is one of self-centeredness and mental self-activity — a state we must transcend, rise above, and join hands with our brothers and sisters in co-creating the New Earth. We must accept the truth and the fact that we are one Humanity sharing a common Home among the stars — for which we are privileged to “dress and keep” for our Lord and King, whose world this is.

Until my next post, Be love. Be loved.

Anthony ~


The fourth edition of SACRED ANATOMY ~ Temple of the Living God has made its debut and is now available from my publisher and on Amazon Books. Have a look inside on Amazon and read about it in the press release below. This is a journey through your body temple that will change forever the way you view and think about your physical body.

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