Creating the New Earth Together

Archive for the ‘Christmas Music’ Category

The Music of Christmas

IN THE MIDST of all the rush and preparations of the Season, the saving grace for me is the joyful and peaceful music of Christmas. My favorite Christmas albums are Johnny Mathis’s 50th Anniversary Christmas Celebration and A St. Olaf Christmas in Norway with the St. Olaf choir.  For me, it’s the music that carries forward the light of hope and love into the world at Christmas time.  

There’s nothing more beautiful to me than choral singing, especially children singing. The human voice has no match in all the world of musical expression. Here’s an hour-long video of the St Olaf choir’s Christmas concert in Norway for your enjoyment.  I just love seeing our youth sing with such love for their beautiful heavenly music, voices lifting songs of praise and worship up to our Holy Lord and King at Christmas time.

Bonnie and I wish you all and each one a silent, holy, calm and bright Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2024.   (Listen via earbuds or a soundbar. Click on the picture for a full screen option. )  ~Anthony

Tending the Garden of Your Heart

“Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be lift up, ye everlasting doors, and the King of glory shall come in.” (Psalm 24:7)

As we leave 2019, our world is in turmoil. Our government is under siege from within by its political parties battling over the impeachment of the president. Our Beloved America is on the precipice of the implosion of its grossly indebted and unbalanced economy. This civilization is in the throes of an existential crisis.  Wildfires burn in Australia, as they do every year in California. Let’s face the truth and the facts: the world we have created on this planet is not in harmony with the Earth.

While we are busy with our isolated personal lives, striving to make ends meet, or even survive, and to safeguard our health and our sanity, the health of our natural resources deteriorates from a lack of stewardship and sheer exhaustion from an overpopulated planet—not to mention the state of our hearts and collective consciousness, the real garden we were given to tend and keep. The garden of our hearts here in America is in a state of anxiety, chronic stress and eroding fear.

Wars continue to be waged in the Middle East and could escalate into a U.S. involvement in yet another war with Iran in the wake of the killing of Iran’s chief military commander, the head of Iran’s elite Quds Force, under President Trump’s direction.  Endless wars have devastated that part of the world; desperation and fear fill the hearts of millions who are starving for a lack of food and/or driven from their homes and homelands living in tents while seeking refuge in countries, some of whose borders are closed to them, while we are building a wall to keep them out.  This is the sad state of affairs in which we leave our world at the end of the second decade of the 21st Century, and launch into an election year of 2020. 

“The gates of hell shall not prevail. . . .”

The title of my last post in the series on the Thymus Gland is “The Windows of Heaven.” Looking at the current global outpouring of hate, fear and anger from out of the heart and psyche of humanity, I am drawn back to the series to take another look at the heart, this time as a trapdoor to hell—a trapdoor that was sprung open once again in our world’s history during the 2016 Presidential campaigns here in America, the historical moment when one individual stepped up onto the Republican platform and announced his candidacy for the elected office of President of the United States.

The tone this one man sounded, and continues to sound, has summoned up legions of demons from out of the collective unconscious, a reservoir where vibrational patterns of unholy attitudes and dark patterns of violence have been lurking and working behind the scenes of human behavior and activity throughout the warring history of mankind, now released into the collective consciousness full-force, nothing hidden in the secret places of the heart. 

This narcissistic leader has gathered resonant substance around him that has formed a “base” comprised of individuals who feel their voices and concerns have not been heard and met, and whose minds and hearts are open to his revolting and insulting rhetoric while they applaud and egg him on—much like the masses in Germany did to Adolf Hitler in the 1940’s.

This is collective insanity. Our nation is not sane, not whole. We are divided along partisan lines, by racial prejudice, by discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender equality and LGBTQ rights issues, and by religious beliefs and socioeconomic class distinctions. Divided, we are falling apart.

The nauseous brew in the collective unconscious has erupted and is spilling over into the sea of the collective consciousness, polluting these hallowed waters and engulfing the sinking ship of humanity in waves after waves of hate, fear and anger. The undoing of the human condition, created by the human mind out from under Divine governance, is underway—and it’s creator is lashing out in wrathful anger because it knows that it has but a short time remaining on this Earth—this “little blue dot” of a planet adrift in a ray of sunshine, as Carl Sagan graphically portrays our tiny but sacred home among the stars. The human condition is being transformed by fire and transmuted by Spirit even as the old earth is giving way to the emergence of the New Earth.

A phrase from the Book of Revelation in the Bible comes to mind:

Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and those that dwell in them. But woe unto the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea. (Rev. 12:2)


As I turn eighty this new year, what elder wisdom may be mine to offer is becoming more available to me, as experience tends to afford us elders.  In my lifetime, I have wrestled with demons and prayed my way through shadows and dark nights of the soul—not unlike many in the upcoming generation who now have support groups for processing their issues and coming clear of their demons and shadows.  We didn’t have that kind of group processing when we left our father’s house to make a life in the world.  Only later did we begin to have workshops in self-realization available. Even then, I found little encouragement in the wise counsel of the day to “Just Keep moving.” 

In my experience, detoxifying the human psyche can become an obsession, as well as an endless task of dredging up demons out of a bottomless pit. One will never get to the place in Plato’s “cave,” where there are no more demons shadow-dancing on one’s walls, as our “personal” issues and shadows are connected vibrationally by resonance with those in the collective unconscious.  Sometimes one really cannot tell what demons are one’s own to face and what demons come out of the collective. I may get rid of one demon only to have two more move in to fill the void.     

Some say we must face our demons and embrace the darkness. The question I pose is “Who is it that is doing the facing and embracing? The ‘mere human’ or the authentic Self?” My inner wisdom tells me that if the spirit of this world comes and finds something in me, then I have work to do. If not, then I need to let it pass on through . . . and keep moving.  “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” 


There is only one way to  come out of the cave and into the light of day. We must open the Seventh Seal at the highest level of awareness and let the Light of our own angelic and immortal being flood our souls with love, and then step into this Light in the center of our turning worlds and assume our true identity as rays of sunshine, sons and a daughters of God. In this center of Light and Love there are no shadows, and you can see things in your world clearly, no longer through a “glass darkly” but for what they truly are: things, just things that cast shadows on the ground behind them.

Things are nothing more nor less than distortions of the One Light of Love. And by “distortions” I mean lower and denser vibrations of the One Light of Love of which all things in the “material” world are made. You are the pure, differentiated Light that shines on things that, due to their density, cast shadows behind them.  Be the Light of your world, and stop the futile effort of getting rid of the shadows in your life.  They are nothing, have no substance, no reality.  The “things” casting the shadows are the disturbances in the heart, the “wounds” that only love can heal.  Let your light shine, your love radiate through your disturbed and wounded heart, and you discover your Self in the process. Expression is the only way that allows the release of your light.

Sometimes that expression of light needs to be a laser beam of rebuke: “Get thee hence! Begone!” The man Jesus faced his demons in this manner. When vocalized, rebuke is a sonic purifier of dark energy.

Shadows are nothing but the absence of light. If you’re dwelling in the darkness of the shadow, you can’t see the Light. There is “this thing” standing in the way blocking your view: this wound, that issue, that person or those people. We blame the wound and the perpetrators for our unhappiness and depression.  How about simply getting around and over the things casting shadows on our path in life and come into the Light where there are no shadows?  The simple acts of forgiveness and unconditional acceptance could get you there.  The word “empathy” is used in many talk shows and television interviews lately.  

I remember from my early years of awakening a parable my mentor used frequently in his seminars. No doubt you’ve all heard it repeated in various talks and articles yourself.  In the parable a man in an insane asylum is sweeping the floor of his room all night long until the sun rises in the morning, when he would stop sweeping and sit down to rest in blissful satisfaction that he had finally swept all the darkness out of his room. Wrestling with shadows can be nothing more than trying to sweep darkness out of one’s heart and psyche. Just turn on your light and let it shine away the darkness.

Switching metaphors for a moment, this little poem has provided wisdom and guidance for me. It’s called “The River.”

I am the River

The River flows. The River flows.

The River flows up to an obstacle.

The River does not stop at the obstacle.

The River goes around the obstacle.

The River flows. The River flows.

I am the River.

The River is Life, and Life is unconquerable.  If you can be overcome by some obstacle in your path, then you are not identified with Life. Your are in ego identity, and ego identity is an obstacle in itself.  Let go of the obstacles and move on with the River, as the River.  Say “I Am the River and I’m going to keep on flowing.” Perhaps this could be a good New Year’s resolution: to stay identified with the River of Life.

The heart lifted upward lets the light of Heaven in . . . and the blessing you are out; cast downward, it opens to the dark shadows in the collective unconscious.  Let your heart be lifted up in thankfulness for Life and for Light as we begin the New Year and decade in 2020.

I leave you to enjoy two excerpts from Handel’s Messiah sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir to kick-start the New Year.  

“Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors, and the King of glory shall come in.” (Psalm 24:9)


Blessings for a happy, healthy and new life experience in 2020!




The Music of Christmas

“Silent night, holy night. All is calm. All is bright”

IN THE MIDST of all the rush and preparations of the Season, the saving grace for me is the joyful and peaceful music of Christmas. My favorite Christmas albums are Johnny Mathis’s 50th Anniversary Christmas Celebration and A St. Olaf Christmas in Norway with the St. Olaf choir.  For me, it’s the music that carries forward the light of hope and love into the world at Christmas time.  

There’s nothing more beautiful to me than choral singing, especially children singing. The human voice has no match in all the world of musical expression. Here’s an hour-long video of the St Olaf choir’s Christmas concert in Norway for your enjoyment.  I just love seeing our youth sing with such love for their beautiful heavenly music, voices lifting songs of praise and worship up to our Holy Lord and King at Christmas time.

Bonnie and I wish you all and each one a silent, holy, calm and bright Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2024.   (Listen via earbuds or a soundbar. Click on the picture for a full screen option. )  ~Anthony

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