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Archive for the ‘Zodiac Cycles & Wars’ Category

Wheels Within Wheels: Breaking the Cycles of War, part 4 (Reposting)

WITH THE THREAT OF NUCLEAR WAR once again in the news engendering fear in the mass consciousness, I thought to repost a blog articles from last year completing a series on “Breaking the Cycles of War.” This time around, it isn’t only Putin dangling the nuclear carrot in the face of the West and NATO nations closing in on Russia. The cabal in the US and UK has been generating and fostering animosity against Russia in its ongoing efforts to maintain a “forever war” agenda.

My poet friend, Don Hynes, posted this comment on my previous blog post which I feel is worth republishing here.

Thank you for this post. It is well that humanity becomes aware of “sleepwalking” into nuclear confrontation. Our individual determination to peaceful resolution of the Ukraine and any conflict are key to how we might regain peace in this world.

Those who are most in need of such awakening are the collective “West,” i.e. US and EU. Just a few years ago one of the most educated populations in the world accepted the “science” about Covid and the Covid Vaxx that was amplified by weaponized empathy. The progression in our culture was from anti-Trump (I am not a Trump supporter) to Covid fear to mandated Vaxx to Ukraine war. The text in this progression was lies, weaponized empathy, government control and now war.

I believe the West is in an adolescent state of maturity. Self preoccupied with image, status and social hierarchy, the population is easily controlled and has not gone through the necessary steps to develop psychological and spiritual maturity. How many put the Ukraine flags on their various social media accounts without understanding the US engineered Maidan coup in 2014, the targeted murder of thousands of Russian speaking people in eastern Ukraine, the US funded and operated biolabs in eastern Ukraine, the moving of missiles into every eastern Europe member of NATO and which was in process in Ukraine when Putin struck back.

The engendered public hostility against Russia was instigated and funded by the failed Clinton campaign to cover their disastrous loss in 2016 and carried on throughout the Trump presidency. Trump’s own bellicosity did little to temper the growing anti-Russia sentiment, used by the US government to further enrich the military industrial surveillance complex that is devouring the wealth of the US and laying waste to many areas of the globe through senselessly provoked war.

The reason why most in the West think Russia is threatening nuclear confrontation is because those same threats that originate in the US and UK governments receive no press coverage, then when the Russian Foreign Minister or President responds the headlines are blared to the gullible population. The nonsense that Ukraine might be winning the war is carried across most if not all the major news outlets whereas the reality is that Ukraine has suffered horrendous casualties with a whole generation of Ukrainian men needlessly slaughtered.

As you know I am a very strong advocate for peace and peaceful resolution of conflict. I share this perspective with you in the spirit of de-escalation your post promotes, which I agree is critical at this time.

Holding Steady blog post

* * *

REPOSTING OF EXCERPTS FROM “Wheels Within Wheels: Breaking the Cycles of War”

As hard as the Cabal* tried to instigate wars, there inevitably appeared on the scene a hero whose actions averted a US attack on a Middle East country and a nuclear conflagration. Such was the case with Iran and Afghanistan. I will let David Wilcock tell how it all unfolded in this excerpt from his thoroughly researched and fascinating book The Synchronicity Key


Smart Enough Not to Take the Bait

I was very relieved to discover that the United States appears to be in­creasingly pulling away from the Roman wars that occurred in the Age of Aries. The potential triggers were still offered to the public, right on schedule, but we finally got smart enough not to take the bait. Masson believed that the period from 1988 to 1992 could be as dangerous as the Cuban Missile Crisis nuclear showdown, if not more so — but the proxywar with the USSR in Afghanistan did not turn into a world nuclear Armageddon. 

We also saw the original, short-lived Gulf War in Iraq, known as Desert Storm, in the key risk period of 1988 to 1992. This war began on August 2, 1990, when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. Aerial bom­bardment of Iraq began on January 17, 1991. Iraq declared a cease-fire only one hundred hours after the February 24, 1991, start of the ground campaign. Although many people died in the bombardment, Desert Storm was nowhere near the global disaster that Masson had feared it could have been if the zodiac cycle had exerted the full force of seem­ingly ancient Roman wars upon the destiny of the United States.

I grad­uated from high school in 1991, and that was also the last year I watched television on a regular basis. Since there was no Internet back then, I quickly made friends with books, because every time I turned on the television during the Gulf War, attractive female newscasters and un­smiling male anchors were interviewing “experts” who insisted the entire Middle East was about to light up like a huge, fiery cauldron of violence. Everyone was afraid that World War III was about to begin, fulfilling biblical prophecy — but the other Middle Eastern countries never took the bait. After all this time, they finally broke the old pattern and real­ized that the nemesis was trying to provoke them into having a violent reaction, in order to cause much greater harm — with vastly superior weapons.

American Heroes Block “Biblical Armageddon” in 2006

As we learned in the previous chapter, the period 1988 to 1992 in the Age of Pisces corresponds to Rome’s second war with Macedonia — from 172 to 168 B.C. — in the Age of Aries. The next significant event was Rome’s war against Lusitania, beginning in 154 B.C. When we look 2,160 years into the future, this brings us to the year 2006. Although it may seem, at first, that nothing significant happened in 2006, we did actually come very close to a disastrous war that same year.

On March 16, 2006, the United States formally declared war against Iran. The declaration appeared in that day’s National Security Strategy announcement: “We may face no greater challenge from a single country than from Iran …. When the consequences of an attack with WMD are potentially so dev­astating, we cannot afford to stand idly by as grave dangers materialize.”

This declaration also made it clear that the United States would use nuclear weapons to fight this conflict.” This was very serious, and it appeared that a nuclear first strike against Iran was imminent. The Cabal* wanted their biblical Armageddon as soon as possible. Thankfully, peo­ple in key positions rose to stop the cycle of violence from playing out as it had in Rome during the Age of Aries. John Negroponte, the director of national intelligence, became the hero who directly confronted the nemesis when he told the press in April 2006 that it would be “a number of years off” before Iran would be “likely to have enough fissile material to assemble into or to put into a nuclear weapon—perhaps into the next decade.”

A National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) that made the same conclu­sions about Iran was held up for more than a year by the Bush adminis­tration. It was finally released on December 4, 2007: “We judge that in fall 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program. Tehran has not restarted its nuclear weapons program as of mid-2007. We judge with high confidence that Iran will not be technically capable of producing and reprocessing enough plutonium for a weapon before about 20I5.”

The very beginning of this ground-breaking report said, “This NIE does not assume that Iran intends to acquire nuclear weapons.” The words “does not” were italicized in the original document. As of this writ­ing in 20I3, it’s now been seven years since Rome started fighting the Lusitanian War in the previous zodiac cycle, during the Age of Aries­ but we still haven’t seen any overt aggression toward Iran. Nor are there any other major new wars. The United States does still maintain a pres­ence in Afghanistan but has now largely pulled out of Iraq. I was quite relieved to discover that the old cycles finally appear to be breaking down.

If forgiveness is the key that will stop the Wheel of Karma from spinning, then it appears we are finally learning to love and accept one another. The nemesis can continue to harm us only if we fail to learn the lessons of forgiveness — and accept the temptation to turn against one another.

We Can Change the Outcome

It is very important to remember that we can change the outcome in these cycles. We are not trapped — and we do not need to keep repeating the same wars and atrocities again and again. As we learned earlier, we now have direct scientific proof that a small group of people can have a major effect on the behavior of the entire planet for the positive. Specifi­cally, a group of seven thousand ordinary people was able to reduce worldwide terrorism by 72 percent — simply by meditating. They had similarly powerful effects in stopping wars, violent outbreaks, and loss of life. Fifty different scientific studies have validated this meditation ef­fect. This proves that the cycles are not fixed. Wars will not keep repeat­ing, right on schedule. We can change the outcome. The lesson is that if enough of us begin practicing peace in our lives, the ancient story finally achieves its purpose in bringing all of us face-to-face with the nemesis, so we can integrate our ego and learn not to blame one another for our feelings of pain, fear, and anger. We can finally master the lessons this pattern of archetypes is teaching us — and stop projecting our shadow onto others by making them into our nemeses.

We may then experience a stunning, worldwide curtain call, such as in a full breakdown of government, media, and financial secrecy. Based on the testimonies of multiple high-ranking witnesses I have personally interviewed, once the Cabal is fully exposed on the world stage, this will quickly lead to a disclosure of the advanced human relatives who have been assisting us — and were seen as gods in every ancient culture on earth. These people have been here all along but appear to have largely stepped behind the curtain since the rise of Islam in the 700’s in order to allow us to become a modern society. Because they remain shielded from public view, each person has the freedom to accept or reject the idea of their presence. This premise of free will is very important in the Law of One series, but once we shift into fourth density, at the end of the twenty-five-thousand-year cycle, everything changes. Apparently, as we settle into this new reality, we will graduate into an entirely new time structure with surprisingly different rules.

I have often said that if reincarnation has been proven to be a scientific fact, how can we assume that we will just keep coming back and repeating the same lessons, lifetime after lifetime? Isn’t there a point at which we learn the greatest teachings of the Hero’s Journey — and are now ready to step into a higher level of our own human evolution? (Wilcock, THE SYNCHRONICITY KEY)



Our Earth and the human species are about to step into a higher level of evolution. Between now and my next series, make time and space available to view this presentation by David Wilcock on the spiritual implications of what’s happening in our world today.  I’ve been following David for several years and I am more and more convinced that he is indeed the reincarnation of Edgar Casey. His message here is for the entire human race — at least for those of us who are awake and available to hear it.  The fact that you are following this blog indicates a heightened level of wakefulness.  His is an urgent message that I know you will appreciate hearing.  

Until my next post, 

Be love. Be loved.


*FOOTNOTE: The Federal Reserve: The Heart of the Cabal

Michel Helmer did not detect a cyclical connection between the Roman Empire and the United States before 1896. This was the year that big­ business bankers began seeing their plans realized with the election of the imperialist president McKinley. Under McKinley’s reign, the Cabal soon began an unprecedented expansion of its power, using the United States as its new staging area. After many years of planning, the big bankers — such as the Rockefeller-Standard Oil dynasty in America and the Rothschild banking dynasty in Europe — pooled their resources to create the Federal Reserve in 1913. The creation of the Federal Reserve effectively overthrew the US Constitution. Harry V. Martin published the following research online in 1995, before so many others discovered the same facts. Now, even the corporate media is increasingly beginning to discuss this hidden truth. The number of people who know the real story of the Federal Reserve has skyrocketed since I first began research­ing this mystery in 1992. According to Martin, “Article I, Section 8, clause 5 of the United States Constitution provides that Congress shall have the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof, and of any foreign coins. But that is not the case. The United States government has no power to issue money, control the flow of money, or to even distribute it. That belongs to a private corporation, registered in the State of Delaware—the Federal Reserve Bank.”

Wheels Within Wheels: Breaking the Cycles of War, part 4

This will be my final post of this series. Enough already about ancient Roman wars repeating during the last zodiac cycle. It’s time to move on to  something a bit more NOW. This final post is about events that are at least current in our recent history.  

As hard as the Cabal* tried to instigate wars, there inevitably appeared on the scene a hero whose actions averted a US attack on a Middle East country and a nuclear conflagration. Such was the case with Iran and Afghanistan. I will let David Wilcock tell how it all unfolded in this excerpt from his thoroughly researched and fascinating book The Synchronicity Key


Smart Enough Not to Take the Bait

I was very relieved to discover that the United States appears to be in­creasingly pulling away from the Roman wars that occurred in the Age of Aries. The potential triggers were still offered to the public, right on schedule, but we finally got smart enough not to take the bait. Masson believed that the period from 1988 to 1992 could be as dangerous as the Cuban Missile Crisis nuclear showdown, if not more so — but the proxywar with the USSR in Afghanistan did not turn into a world nuclear Armageddon. 

We also saw the original, short-lived Gulf War in Iraq, known as Desert Storm, in the key risk period of 1988 to 1992. This war began on August 2, 1990, when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. Aerial bom­bardment of Iraq began on January 17, 1991. Iraq declared a cease-fire only one hundred hours after the February 24, 1991, start of the ground campaign. Although many people died in the bombardment, Desert Storm was nowhere near the global disaster that Masson had feared it could have been if the zodiac cycle had exerted the full force of seem­ingly ancient Roman wars upon the destiny of the United States.

I grad­uated from high school in 1991, and that was also the last year I watched television on a regular basis. Since there was no Internet back then, I quickly made friends with books, because every time I turned on the television during the Gulf War, attractive female newscasters and un­smiling male anchors were interviewing “experts” who insisted the entire Middle East was about to light up like a huge, fiery cauldron of violence. Everyone was afraid that World War III was about to begin, fulfilling biblical prophecy — but the other Middle Eastern countries never took the bait. After all this time, they finally broke the old pattern and real­ized that the nemesis was trying to provoke them into having a violent reaction, in order to cause much greater harm — with vastly superior weapons.

American Heroes Block “Biblical Armageddon” in 2006

As we learned in the previous chapter, the period 1988 to 1992 in the Age of Pisces corresponds to Rome’s second war with Macedonia — from 172 to 168 B.C. — in the Age of Aries. The next significant event was Rome’s war against Lusitania, beginning in 154 B.C. When we look 2,160 years into the future, this brings us to the year 2006. Although it may seem, at first, that nothing significant happened in 2006, we did actually come very close to a disastrous war that same year.

On March 16, 2006, the United States formally declared war against Iran. The declaration appeared in that day’s National Security Strategy announcement: “We may face no greater challenge from a single country than from Iran …. When the consequences of an attack with WMD are potentially so dev­astating, we cannot afford to stand idly by as grave dangers materialize.”

This declaration also made it clear that the United States would use nuclear weapons to fight this conflict.” This was very serious, and it appeared that a nuclear first strike against Iran was imminent. The Cabal* wanted their biblical Armageddon as soon as possible. Thankfully, peo­ple in key positions rose to stop the cycle of violence from playing out as it had in Rome during the Age of Aries. John Negroponte, the director of national intelligence, became the hero who directly confronted the nemesis when he told the press in April 2006 that it would be “a number of years off” before Iran would be “likely to have enough fissile material to assemble into or to put into a nuclear weapon—perhaps into the next decade.”

A National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) that made the same conclu­sions about Iran was held up for more than a year by the Bush adminis­tration. It was finally released on December 4, 2007: “We judge that in fall 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program. Tehran has not restarted its nuclear weapons program as of mid-2007. We judge with high confidence that Iran will not be technically capable of producing and reprocessing enough plutonium for a weapon before about 20I5.”

The very beginning of this ground-breaking report said, “This NIE does not assume that Iran intends to acquire nuclear weapons.” The words “does not” were italicized in the original document. As of this writ­ing in 20I3, it’s now been seven years since Rome started fighting the Lusitanian War in the previous zodiac cycle, during the Age of Aries­ but we still haven’t seen any overt aggression toward Iran. Nor are there any other major new wars. The United States does still maintain a pres­ence in Afghanistan but has now largely pulled out of Iraq. I was quite relieved to discover that the old cycles finally appear to be breaking down.

If forgiveness is the key that will stop the Wheel of Karma from spinning, then it appears we are finally learning to love and accept one another. The nemesis can continue to harm us only if we fail to learn the lessons of forgiveness — and accept the temptation to turn against one another.

We Can Change the Outcome

It is very important to remember that we can change the outcome in these cycles. We are not trapped — and we do not need to keep repeating the same wars and atrocities again and again. As we learned earlier, we now have direct scientific proof that a small group of people can have a major effect on the behavior of the entire planet for the positive. Specifi­cally, a group of seven thousand ordinary people was able to reduce worldwide terrorism by 72 percent — simply by meditating. They had similarly powerful effects in stopping wars, violent outbreaks, and loss of life. Fifty different scientific studies have validated this meditation ef­fect. This proves that the cycles are not fixed. Wars will not keep repeat­ing, right on schedule. We can change the outcome. The lesson is that if enough of us begin practicing peace in our lives, the ancient story finally achieves its purpose in bringing all of us face-to-face with the nemesis, so we can integrate our ego and learn not to blame one another for our feelings of pain, fear, and anger. We can finally master the lessons this pattern of archetypes is teaching us — and stop projecting our shadow onto others by making them into our nemeses.

We may then experience a stunning, worldwide curtain call, such as in a full breakdown of government, media, and financial secrecy. Based on the testimonies of multiple high-ranking witnesses I have personally interviewed, once the Cabal is fully exposed on the world stage, this will quickly lead to a disclosure of the advanced human relatives who have been assisting us — and were seen as gods in every ancient culture on earth. These people have been here all along but appear to have largely stepped behind the curtain since the rise of Islam in the 700’s in order to allow us to become a modern society. Because they remain shielded from public view, each person has the freedom to accept or reject the idea of their presence. This premise of free will is very important in the Law of One series, but once we shift into fourth density, at the end of the twenty-five-thousand-year cycle, everything changes. Apparently, as we settle into this new reality, we will graduate into an entirely new time structure with surprisingly different rules.

I have often said that if reincarnation has been proven to be a scientific fact, how can we assume that we will just keep coming back and repeating the same lessons, lifetime after lifetime? Isn’t there a point at which we learn the greatest teachings of the Hero’s Journey — and are now ready to step into a higher level of our own human evolution? (Wilcock, THE SYNCHRONICITY KEY)



Our Earth and the human species are about to step into a higher level of evolution. Between now and my next series, make time and space available to view this presentation by David Wilcock on the spiritual implications of what’s happening in our world today.  I’ve been following David for several years and I am more and more convinced that he is indeed the reincarnation of Edgar Casey. His message here is for the entire human race — at least for those of us who are awake and available to hear it.  The fact that you are following this blog indicates a heightened level of wakefulness.  His is an urgent message that I know you will appreciate hearing.  

Until my next post, 

Be love. Be loved.


*FOOTNOTE: The Federal Reserve: The Heart of the Cabal

Michel Helmer did not detect a cyclical connection between the Roman Empire and the United States before 1896. This was the year that big­ business bankers began seeing their plans realized with the election of the imperialist president McKinley. Under McKinley’s reign, the Cabal soon began an unprecedented expansion of its power, using the United States as its new staging area. After many years of planning, the big bankers-such as the Rockefeller-Standard Oil dynasty in America and the Rothschild banking dynasty in Europe-pooled their resources to create the Federal Reserve in 1913. The creation of the Federal Reserve effectively overthrew the US Constitution. Harry V. Martin published the following research online in 1995, before so many others discovered the same facts. Now, even the corporate media is increasingly beginning to discuss this hidden truth. The number of people who know the real story of the Federal Reserve has skyrocketed since I first began research­ing this mystery in 1992. According to Martin, “Article I, Section 8, clause 5 of the United States Constitution provides that Congress shall have the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof, and of any foreign coins. But that is not the case. The United States government has no power to issue money, control the flow of money, or to even distribute it. That belongs to a private corporation, registered in the State of Delaware—the Federal Reserve Bank.”

Wheels Within Wheels: Breaking the Cycles of War, part 3

The  zodiac “wheel” cycle of 1,260 years is subdivided into smaller cycles: 630, 315, 260, 52 and as small as 13 years. In his controversial book The Synchronicity Key, lecturer and author David Wilcock studies repetitive events that fall within the zodiac cycle measured by the Mayan Great Year of 1,260 years connecting the Roman Empire in the Age of Aries with the modern world in the Age of Pisces. This zodiac cycle is accented by periods of war that mirror the many and various wars that took place during the reign of the Roman Empire. His purpose for studying this cycle and documenting his findings is to show how in our day, on this side of the zodiac cycle, the pattern of repeating wars has been broken and the pall of nuclear war that’s been hanging over our heads for decades is no longer a threat.

My purpose in blogging about Wilcock’s investigation is to bring his finding into the light of day for our more current awareness so that we can put to rest the background fears of nuclear annihilation that have kept us from moving forward with a revitalized sense of assurance that all is indeed well.

But this is not the only nor primary reason why all is well. The primary reason why all is well is because we are being watched over by “guardian angels” — in the form of “Watchers,” according to David Wilcock’s cosmology. But more about that in a future  post.

In the previous post, we looked at two incidents where the imminent threat of nuclear war was defused. In this post I will present another war that mirrored a war in the Roman Empire on the far side of the zodiac cycle. I will again let David Wilcock tell the story from his investigative journalism in an excerpt from The Synchronicity Key. 



Rome went to war against Antiochus III in 192 B.C. Antiochus III was a king who ruled over Greater Syria and western Asia. Antiochus III invaded Greece with a ten-thousand-man army, triggering the Roman-Syrian War, which raged from 192 to 188 B.C.

When we advance this same time period ahead by 2,160 years, we have 1968 to 1972. This precisely corresponds to the key turning points of the Vietnam War—which also was a war in Asia.

The United States first began covert operations in North Vietnam in 1964. On August 2, 1964, three North Vietnamese PT boats fired on the USS Maddox. This led to the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, in which Lyndon Baines Johnson, Kennedy’s former vice president, gained permission to wage war against North Vietnam without a congressional declaration. The United States began bombing North Vietnam in 1965 while troop levels topped two hundred thousand. In 1967, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara said the bombing raids were not effective enough to solve the problem and more needed to be done.

Then, in January 1968 — 2,160 years after the Asian king Antiochus III invaded Greece with ten thousand men, plunging him into an all-out war with the Roman Empire — North Vietnamese and Vietcong forces swept into South Vietnam. The Asian enemy attacked several cities, in­cluding the capital — similar to Antiochus’ attack on Greece in the Age of Aries. This bold and daring military maneuver was called the Tet Offensive. Though this attack was repelled, it was a political and psychological victory, causing great questions about whether the United States was involved enough in the war. General William Westmoreland requested a doubling of the troop presence in February, calling for an additional 206,000 men. The idea of ordinary young men being drafted into military service suddenly became a very real and very terrifying prospect.

Then, on March 16, 1968, American soldiers massacred hundreds of innocent people in the village of My Lai. In 1969, when the incident be­came public knowledge, it caused shockwaves through the American po­litical and military establishment as well as the general public. The American people had an opportunity to demand the end of the war right there, but the political will was not yet strong enough.

These three events­—the Tet Offensive, the proposed doubling of the troop presence, and the My Lai massacre—dramatically increased the emotional impact of the war. The number of young men being drafted suddenly skyrocketed.

Again, these events all occurred in 1968–precisely 2,160 years after Rome went into full-scale war against the Asian king Antiochus III in 192 B.C.

A BITTER TASTE OF TREASON — Served on a Fifty-Two-Year-Old Platter

Furthermore, on March 17, 2013, it was revealed that presidential candi­date Richard M. Nixon had deliberately sabotaged peace talks with Viet­nam that same year, 1968. I happened to find this article through synchronicity, while looking for other information on Nixon to help flesh out this part of the book. This incredibly treasonous story was cov­ered by Rachel Maddow on MSNBC, as well as in other media outlets, but I wouldn’t have found it if I hadn’t already been looking for links to Nixon and 1968. We now know that Nixon bribed the Vietnamese with promises that they would get a much better peace deal if they held off until he became president. This shocking betrayal of the American people guaranteed that the deadly Vietnam War would grow much, much larger-and far more profitable for the military-industrial complex.

This treasonous secret deal with the enemy provided fuel for much greater military power in Nixon’s presidency. President Eisenhower had warned America about the growing, potentially “disastrous” menace of the military-industrial complex in his closing address on January 17, 196I. Eisenhower was another mentor figure who gave America a magic gift in this speech, which could ultimately be used to defeat the nemesis: “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military­ industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists-and will persist.”

The president at the time, Lyndon Baines Johnson, was aware of Nix­on’s treasonous deal but said nothing. Nixon thereby sentenced hundreds of thousands of additional young men into the military draft, and tens of thousands more American soldiers into their deaths—when it was all entirely preventable. The audiotapes that proved Nixon did this were declassified by the LBJ Presidential Library in 2013. The story was pub­lished literally the day before this chapter of the book was being revisited for its final publication for the first time since 2010.

It is interesting that fifty-two years elapsed between Eisenhower’s pro­phetic warning in January 1961 and the final exposure of Nixon’s treason in 2013. The Maya strongly believed that history moved in fifty-two-year cycles, which were made up of four smaller cycles of thirteen years. Peo­ple throughout Mesoamerica celebrated this “Sacred Round” cycle as “the Binding of the Years” and used it to help them understand past and future events.”  For example, the Spanish conqueror Hernan Cortes be­gan destroying the Aztecs shortly after his initial, peaceful visit in No­vember 1519 — causing the Aztec prophecy of “nine hells” of fifty-two years to begin. Five “Sacred Round” cycles of fifty-two years add up to the tzolkin cycle of 260 years, which was widely revered throughout Mesoamerica. Australian professor Robert Peden discovered that the 260-year tzolkin cycle is a perfect “common denominator” for all the orbits of the planets in our inner solar system. The period of 260 years is a sub cycle that divides perfectly into the exact length of every orbit within the inner solar system. It is quite astonishing that the “primitive” cultures of Mesoamerica were somehow able to discover this number.

They also constructed an estimated three hundred to five hundred pyra­mids out of huge stone blocks-which again suggests they may have had
access to advanced technology.


According to Helmer and Masson, Rome went to war with the Syrian king Antiochus III in 192 B.C.; 2,160 years later, in 1968, the Vietnam War dramatically expanded. (Remember that we now have absolute proof that Nixon bribed the Vietnamese government to extend the war.) The Roman-Syrian War lasted five years, finally ending in 188 B.C. If we ad­vance 188 B.C. forward by 2,160 years, we arrive at 1972, which is the exact year that a cease-fire was negotiated by Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho.

John Lennon’s song “Imagine,” released in September 1971, now seems oddly prophetic as a foretelling of the defeat of the Cabal. In ar­chetypal terms, “Imagine” was a harbinger of the Elixir of Immortality that would soon be seized — the promise of peace — once the dragon of the Cabal, and its military draft of ordinary young men, had been slain.

“I hope someday you’ll join us; and the world will live as One.”

The final peace treaty was signed with Vietnam and went into effect on January 27,1973. This led to the formal announcement of the end of the draft and the withdrawal of the last American troops from Vietnam.

[On April 30,1975, the North Vietnam Army tanks rolled through the gates of the Presidential Palace in Saigon headquarters, effectively ending the war, winning the war for Communist Russia — a huge loss for the USA, the nemesis defeating the hero in our Nation’s “Hero’s Journey.“]



There are a few other more recent breaks in the cycles of war as the United States in this age of Aquarius pulls away from the Roman wars that occupied the Age of Aries. These more recent incidences are the anti-terrorists wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, occasioned by the “9/11” attacks and destruction of the World Trade Center in New York, and the nuclear arms crisis of Iran, a crisis still unsettled now that President Trump has canceled the Iranian Nuclear Treaty.  With the US pulling out of the INF treaty with the USSR yesterday, the nuclear arms race is likely to start up again. What insanity on the part of our leaders. I will present these events in my next two posts of this series.  As always, I welcome your thoughts in the Comment section. Until my next post, fear not.  

Be love. Be loved.



Wheels Within Wheels: Breaking the Cycles of War, part 2

“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” 

(This saying is a paraphrase of the original words penned by George Santayana: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”)


There have been several occasions when nuclear war has been averted in recent history. The most outstanding event occurred in 1983 when Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov, a lieutenant colonel on the Soviet Air Defense Forces, single-handedly saved the world from nuclear war by listening to his gut feeling about what turned out to be a nuclear false alarm. As the story is told by Wikipedia:

On 26 September 1983, three weeks after the Soviet military had shot down Korean Air Lines Flight 007, Petrov was the duty officer at the command center for the Oko nuclear early-warning system when the system reported that a missile had been launched from the United States, followed by up to five more. Petrov judged the reports to be a false alarm, and his decision to disobey orders, against Soviet military protocol, is credited with having prevented an erroneous retaliatory nuclear attack on the United States and its NATO allies that could have resulted in large-scale nuclear war. Investigation later confirmed that the Soviet satellite warning system had indeed malfunctioned.

(BREAKING NEWS: The US is withdrawing from an old Cold War nuclear arms treaty with Russia due to Russia’s failure to comply with the NIF agreement. This may trigger another nuclear arms race.)

This story speaks to the insecurity inherent in modern technology’s “Artificial Intelligence” when it involves vital information about threats to our national security.  It also speaks to the presence of spirit guiding us in our decision making processes, working at times through our gut sensing, as it did with this Russian lieutenant colonel. This is a past event worthy of remembering. 


Looking back six decades to 1960 when the United States drew up plans to attack Cuba in what was actually a proxy war with the USSR, America’s long-time nemesis, we see the war cycle broken by players on both sides of these global-threatening conflicts: the Korean war and the Cuban Missile Crisis. I’ll let David Wilcock describe the details of these historical events in an excerpt from his controversial book The Synchronicity Key. 

(Remember, we are looking at the influence of zodiac cycles on global events and how The Hero’s Journey plays out in the lives of individuals and nations, as well as in the story of mankind’s evolutionary journey. The zodiac cycle of 2,160 years Wilcock explores here brings to light the mirroring of the Roman Empire’s warring years by our warring years this side of the zodiac cycle. This is as fascinating as it is educational for those of us who slept through history class — or were born in the post-war era, in which case you can learn what happened before your were born that got us where we are today.)


The Korean War–and a Chance for Peaceful Coexistence

The zodiac cycle gets slightly harder to follow once we see that the Sec­ond Punic War lasted until 201 B.C. [in the Age of Aries]–which is 1959 in our own Age of Pisces. Even though World War II seemingly ended in 1945 with Hitler and Japan’s defeat, the United States immediately began fighting another Cabal-financed superpower–the USSR. The Cold War started directly after the end of World War II with the highly deadly nuclear arms race, threatening all life on earth. This significantly raised the stakes from the previous age, as no matter how much Rome attacked and defeated its neighbors, life on earth was never threatened in an overall sense. 

The war against the USSR went hot from 1950 to 1953, when the United States battled the USSR’s hidden ally, North Korea, in the Ko­rean War. The Soviet Communists were supporting North Korea, while the United States was supporting the pro-Western regime of South Ko­rea. The United States considered this a fight against global communism, and the threat of a much bigger war with the USSR or China was always looming. Five million soldiers and civilians were killed in this war. The Cold War continued escalating after the Korean conflict ended in 1953, until a remarkable breakthrough finally occurred. On September 25, 1959, Russian premier Nikita Khrushchev visited the United States to meet with President Eisenhower. This highly influential visit occurred exactly one zodiac cycle after the Second Punic War ended in 201 B.C. This was the first time in the entire history of the Cold War that a Soviet leader had visited the United States.

As revealed on, in this groundbreaking summit, Khrush­chev “denounced the ‘excesses’ of [communist] Stalinism and said he sought ‘peaceful co-existence’ with the United States …. In a joint communique, issued after two days of meetings, the leaders said…they believed that ‘the question of general disarmament is the most important one facing the world today.'” Although the talks didn’t last, this meeting was a key harbinger of a positive future, as it presented the people with a real opportunity to end the war, and achieve true, lasting peace.

Hardly anyone knew, at the time, that a very similar peace opportunity had occurred exactly 2,160 years before, when the second Punic War had ended in 201 B.C.

The Macedonian War

Rome’s taste of peace was very short-lived, as the Macedonian War be­gan the very next year, in 200 B.C. Macedonia is a very small country just north of Greece–and in our modern zodiac cycle, its equivalent may be Cuba…. In March of 1960, 2160 years after Rome attacked Macedonia in 200 B.C., the United States drew up plans to attack Cuba. The conflict between the United States and Cuba was another proxy war fought be­tween the United States and the USSR. The Soviet Union had made economic and trade agreements with Fidel Castro, the prime minister of Cuba, in February 1960, and the United States felt the need to mount an immediate counterattack. Cuba was directly southeast of the continen­tal United States, just ninety miles from the southern tip of Florida. This provided the USSR with a valuable strategic location from which to wage war–including the potential placement of first-strike nuclear weapons that would hit before the United States could effectively counter-attack.

On May I, 1960, the United States provocatively flew a U-2 spy plane over Russian airspace. The Soviets shot it down and captured the pilot, Gary Powers. The Cold War immediately restarted–precisely 2,160 years after Rome plunged into another war with Macedonia. Kennedy won the 1960 presidential election and was sworn in on January 20, 196I. In February 1961, very soon after his inauguration, Kennedy trusted his new, Cold War veteran advisers and authorized the CIA’s plan to invade Cuba. Air strikes began on April 14, 1961, in B-26 bombers disguised as Cuban aircraft, but the planes were quickly identified as belonging to the United States.

Kennedy was embarrassed and canceled the next round of air strikes, but the land invasion went ahead on April 17, 1961, at the Bay of Pigs.

Twenty thousand Cuban troops were waiting for the invading force of about fourteen hundred Cuban exiles who had been trained by the United States. The battle quickly ended with 144 of the exiles killed and 1,189 captured. This was a great embarrassment for the United States and immediately threw its fledgling president into full-scale crisis. In terms of the ancient story, the failed Bay of Pigs invasion would be seen as another all-is-lost point for the United States–a nationwide dark night of the soul in its battle against the Soviet nemesis.

Predictably, the USSR then began beefing up Cuba with weapons­ including nukes. This caused the United States and USSR to come very close to full-scale nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis, which reached its peak on October 22, 1962. On this day, Kennedy addressed the nation to present solid evidence that the Soviets had positioned nu­clear weapons in Cuba. This was a tense third-act moment: The United States had regrouped, learned from the dark night of the soul in the Bay of Pigs disaster, and gained the strength to confront their own Soviet nemesis through its proxy state in Cuba. Out of a total of 1,436 B-52 bombers in the Strategic Air Command, fully one-eighth were sent airborne–to be ready to strike at a moment’s notice. US military forces worldwide were placed at DEFCON 2, requiring an increase in force readiness. Twenty-three nuclear-armed B-52 bombers were placed in orbit within striking range of the Soviet Union as well.

After a series of terrifying moves in a very high-stakes chess game, Khrushchev admitted what the USSR had done and announced it would pull back as of October 28. All offensive weapons in Cuba would be dismantled and returned to the USSR. This was a great triumph mo­ment for Kennedy and for America as a whole in the ancient Hero’s Journey story line, and the dramatic events have triggered multiple movies, novels, and TV adaptations. The last US missiles were removed from Turkey on April 24, 1963, ending the conflict on both sides. In Rome, the Battle of Cynoscephalae ended in 197 B.C.–exactly 2,160 years be­fore the Cuban Missile Crisis ended. The Battle of Cynoscephalae was the decisive turning point that led to Macedonia losing the war.

It’s not always easy to figure out what our modern equivalents may be for the countries against which Rome waged war. The Age of Pisces equivalent of Macedonia appears to be Cuba, but the USSR was the real nemesis lurking behind the scenes all along. It seems that the great cycles of history describe an overall script of what types of events will happen, but various characters here on earth will shift in and out of those roles, ultimately depending upon how the people in each cycle respond. And, of course, not all events fit perfectly into these cycles. Multiple cycles can be intersecting and colliding at once, providing a push-pull of competing influences that we may not be able to map out without a great deal more information and computer power. Nonetheless, it is amazing to see how well the biggest events, and the most significant wars, all seem to reappear so precisely across the zodiac cycle.

The Macedonian War did not actually end at the battle of Cynoscep­halae; it ended a year later, in I96 B.C. Although Kennedy was assassinated in November 22, I963, Khrushchev was ousted on October I4, I964–exactly 2,160 years after the Macedonian War finally ended for Rome. Although Khrushchev appeared to have been secretly working to negotiate peace treaties and alliances all along, he was still the primary figurehead for the USSR in worldly terms.

There may well be a vast wealth of other interlocking events that are not significant enough, in the Roman Empire, to be well documented as historical events–such as examples of music or theater that had as much of an effect as the Beatles would in the next cycle. There may well be a vast array of details that are repeating with equally stunning precision. This may all seem very hard to fathom, since we are used to thinking of time as completely linear. However, if we begin envisioning time as cycli­cal, moving through circular loops that are created by the celestial energy fields we move through as a planet, it makes more sense. Each time our planet reaches the same position in the circle, the events from previous rounds are much more likely to bleed through into our own reality-and repeat again.


Looking back at these warring years, we can see how close we came to a nuclear destruction of this civilization. The next opportunity to break the zodiac cycles of wars comes in 1964 with the Vietnam War–which I will write about in my next post. Until then, 

Be love. Be loved.




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