Creating the New Earth Together

Archive for the ‘Law of Balance’ Category

Equalizing Masculine/Feminine Power

Jesus said: When you give rise to that which is within you, what you have will save you. If you do not give rise to it, what you do not have will destroy you. The Gospel of Thomas

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I WANT TO RETURN to a passage from my previous post which I excerpted from Walter Russell’s THE UNIVERSAL ONE: When the potentials of the opposites are too far removed from equality, then will union cease.” In this statement the converse is implied: When the potentials of the opposites are equal, then union is possible and compelling. I will endeavor to develop this further in this post. For context, I will excerpt some of the larger consideration in which this statement occurs:

Every action is male. Every reaction is female. Every action is electro-positive. Every reaction is electro-negative. Every action has its equal and opposite reaction.

Every action and every reaction is a tone in an octave of the universal constant of energy. Equal and opposite reactions, when united, comprise a unit of an octave of the universal constant of energy.

An action and its opposite reaction are not two. Their energies, when combined, make one. Reaction is born of action; and action is born out of reaction. All idea, and all forms of idea are the result of union between equal or unequal opposite actions and reactions of force.

Perfection of mating lies in the union of exactly equal and opposite male actions and female reactions. In perfection of union lies stability.

Imperfection of mating lies in the union of unequal and opposite male actions and female reactions. In imperfection of union lies instability.

Unequal actions and reactions will unite with unwillingness which increases in proportion to their degree of departure from exact equality in opposition.

When the potentials of the opposites are too far removed from equality, then will union cease. . . .

That which is true of chemical unions is true of all species of organic life.

Now, all of the above is about chemistry and organic life. There is another and higher level of life experience which we’ve come to call the spiritual life, and which I prefer to describe as the life of the spirit. This life is the life of angels incarnate in the realm of creation. We have our mates, but rarely do we incarnate together. As mates, we partner in manifesting the qualities of Heaven in our expression and co-creative activities on Earth.

The incarnate angelic spirits we are can live creatively in loving and fruitful relationships without being limited by so-called “human incompatibilities.” Angels love one another unconditionally, human foibles notwithstanding . . . and when we angels use our human hearts and capacities to express our love for one another and for our world, they are purified and sanctified in the fire of love. They also tend to enjoy health and happiness. The potential of positive preponderance for both men and women is thusly brought into a sustainable state of equality and balance, for Spirit is the Source of our power. We may at times give our power away or have it taken from us, but no one can take away our Source of power within, our God-given capacity to express the power of love.

When the potentials of the opposites are equal, then union is possible and sustainable.

To deepen this consideration, I would like to revisit a section of a blog post of November, 2018, Masculine-Feminine Energy, Part IV, making some revisions and adaptations for this consideration.

Energy Must Flow

Energy wants and needs to flow in order to create forms, illusions though they are said to be. Masculine and Feminine forces interacting with one another make possible the flow of creating energy. The creating energy that flows through their interactions is the creative power of Love manifesting the Ideas in the Mind of the Creator.  

When I speak of masculine and feminine, I do not equate these words with male and female, nor with men and women. As we know, these energies are at work in both men and women. The feminine energy is by design, and hormonal chemistry, more dominant in women, and the masculine energy more dominant in men. This is not always the case, but is generally so.  The ideal would seem to be a balance between these two creative forces in both men and women — something that I have personally worked at in myself over the past two or three decades. 

These two forces are not attracted toward one another in the same manner as is commonly thought. As Walter Russell elucidates, masculine energy spirals centripetally (inwardly) toward its apex, or vortex center, and is thus contractive and magnetic. Contrarily, feminine energy spirals centrifugally (outwardly) away from its apex and is thus expansive and radiative. One inhales while the other exhales in order to restart the inhaling cycle. As the positive masculine force winds inwardly toward its maximum potential charge, it discharges energy via a feminine emoting phase of expansion, much like a spring winding and unwinding. So, there is a continuum here at work, demonstrated in this graphic:

Russell’s primary point is a correction to the current scientific misunderstanding of the law of attraction. The way he sees this law working is a positive charge of lower potential is attracted to a positive charge of greater potential, and that a negative charge repels both positive and negative charges.


Males and females of the same species couple by reason of the law of attraction: positive attracts positive. This is contrary to the current misunderstanding that positive attracts negative, or that the negative female is attracted to the positive male; that men radiate (positive) and women respond (negative) to men; that women are therefore the “weaker” sex and men the “stronger;” that women are to be obedient and subservient to men. All these thwarted concepts and attitudes are the result of a fundamental misunderstanding and therefore misapplication of the law of attraction, not to mention mental fabrications of the patriarchal and dominating male of the species.

Men are attracted to women and women to men by reason of their positive charge. A lower potential seeks a higher potential and a higher potential attracts a lower. This is the law or attraction at work, whether between members of the opposite or the same sex. These raw energies are no respecter of persons, hormonal chemistry taken into consideration — and genitalia not withstanding. Genitals are male and female in their design and function for procreation.  Energy is masculine and feminine in its function and it needs to flow between these two forces. As someone simply voiced in a recent conversation around the subject of LGBT, the chemistry allows the energy to flow, and that’s a large part of what relationships are all about, isn’t it.

Masculine energy is the magnetic force of this universe of integrating matter, which increases in density as pressure and positive charge increases. Feminine energy is radiative and is the repellant, or separative, force of this universe of disintegrating matter. Where they meet in what Russell calls the “inertial” plane, these forces come into a state of balance, which he designates as a “bi-sexual” zone.


How things work in the “physical” world of effects mirrors exactly how things work in the “spiritual” or vibrational realm of cause. In the world we have created, what happens on earth is an exact mirror of what is happening in the heaven of human consciousness. As above so below. Because of human interference and manipulation, the harmony and beauty in the Heaven of Divine Consciousness are not reflected in the world that man has created and maintains. Where man has not manipulated the design for the Natural World, such harmony, beauty and balance are evident. We might say that Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine forces work together in perfect balance and harmony in the pristine world of Nature. This is not accurately reflected in our world where historically males lord it over females — a dynamic that is rapidly changing these days with the “rise of the feminine” currently underway.

Consider what is happening today in Iran, as well as in the United States, where theocracies and authoritative autocracies impose their controls over women. These forced fundamentalist and so-called “Christian morals” are not being tolerated by the youth in Iran nor by the women in America. The call-out for change is unquenchable, and the feminine energy being discharged and given rise to cannot be put back under containment or suppression. It will destroy the structure enforcing the power and control of the oppressive male over women.


The Masculine gathers the energy of the expelled and exhaustive Feminine force unto itself to empower his creativity. He contracts light energy into integrating form. He is Brahma, the Creator, in Hindu religious tradition, which holds to the belief that the universe is cyclically created and destroyed. 

The Feminine discharges the built-up potential of the Masculine in order to disintegrate structured form. She is Shiva, the destroyer, in Hindu religion. She destroys form in order to re-create new form. In this sense, she sees to it that the Creative Process continues to cycle. She does not settle for what the Masculine has created as “permanent” reality, but rather clears the creative field in order for new creations to come into being — sometimes in a fitful outburst of wrathful anger. So, she gives her responsive but charged energy to Brahma so as to foster the ongoing process of creation. Then there’s Vishnu whose role it is to maintain and preserve Brahma’s creations. Vishnu is the second Hindu deity who is both male and female. Perhaps he/she is who Man is designed and intended to be as Steward of the Garden and partners in creation.


These two forces are integrated in the Natural World and are beginning to be allowed to integrate more and more in human beings. The so called “battle of the sexes” describes the creative dynamic at play between these two forces in the Creating Universe. As I said above, Masculine and Feminine forces are raw energies that are no respecter of persons or gender. In the hands of the self-centered human ego, they are being used to enslave women and men and destroy life on Earth, all to enrich the few who endeavor to maintain power and control over the masses. Not for much longer, however.

A third force is needed in order to bridle in these raw forces. Left to their own, they take on the false identities of human nature, dividing men and women in a competitive struggle for power and control over life and the illusory world they create, including their offspring, played out in the legal battle for custody in divorce courts. So long as one force dominates, imbalance and imposition of one will over the other will continue to sow the seeds of conflict and war.  So, a third force is needed . . . and is rising today . . . to harness and balance these two forces.  


Here is where Gurdjieff’s “Law of Three” comes into play, which states that when three forces come together, a fourth and totally different state is born of them.  That third force is the Truth of Love. Spirit. A spiritual force that originates from a higher level than that at which men and women presently conduct their waring affairs on the horizontal two-dimensional plane. The vertical component of Love transforms and levels the playing field, so-to-speak — the field that the poet Rumi speaks of: “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.” That field is the Consciousness of the New Heaven. When we meet in that field, a fourth and totally different state in possible: the New Earth.

This Spirit brings with it seven other spirits, or gifts, that are designed to help us meet the various needs and conditions that present themselves along life’s creating journey.  The late spiritual teacher Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda) presented them as “Seven Steps to the Temple of Light.” There’s Patience, the first step toward enlightenment. Tranquility and single mindedness, the second step. The gift of Blessing is the third step. Can you imagine men and women being a blessing to one another, co-creators instead of competitors?  A fourth gift is Purification, the detoxification of our words and feelings toward one another; our selfish intentions and motivations, not to mention our lack of respect for one another. In a word, purification of our hearts: “Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God”. . . in one another.

The expression and application of these four gifts of Spirit bring about the assurance and confidence of authenticity, along with the fifth step of Radiance, and with it the joy of success and victory. The sixth gift of Spirit is Wisdom, Sophia, whose gift is the sense of what is fitting in our speech and actions with one another. At this level of creativity, Masculine and Feminine forces are brought into balance. Peace is known at a deep heart level, bringing with it the experience of oneness with the All, Love, the seventh gift of Spirit. Enlightenment dawns. These are the qualities and gifts of our Being, our true and divine Self. 

In conclusion, I will simply reiterate what I have stated above. Our true identity is not as men and women. Our true identity is as Human Beings. I am not only a man. I am a human being in a male form with both masculine and feminine creative energies at my command for creative work on Earth.  My origin and Home is Heaven.  I have come here from Heaven, as we all have, to bring Love into the world and to let the New Earth descend from out of the New Heaven. Let us be about our divine mission and purpose together as Human Beings, God incarnate and in action on Earth. In a word, as partners in creation.

I welcome any thoughts and inspirations. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


Love Attracts Love

When the potentials of the opposites are too far removed from equality, then will union cease.—Walter Russell THE UNIVERSAL ONE

IN THE IMPLICATE ORDER OF HEAVEN, which is where we serve our Creator as functional co-creators, like attracts like. Love attracts love. In this electric negative triune world of creation, a positive electric charge of lower potential is attracted to a positive charge of greater positive preponderance in order to find its maximum potential and equilibrium.

According to The Universal Law of One, positives are attracted toward positives of a higher potential and fuse as the lower potential positive unit increases it’s potential and equalizes with the higher potential of the stronger positive. The two then become one as the lower potential positive is consumed by the higher.

This is not congruent with what we were taught in high school science. We were taught that a positive repels a positive and attracts a negative. We had bar magnets to demonstrate this axiom. Well, it ain’t so, according to Walter Russell, who demonstrates in THE UNIVERSAL ONE how a positive charge attracts positives and a negative discharge repels both positive and negative charges. Let’s apply this at a pragmatic level.

As humans beings, we seek a higher potential of awareness of who we are, of knowing the truth of ourSelves, our transcendent being, our greater divine Self. As our greater divine Self, radiant incarnate beings that we are, we are attracted toward beings of higher positive preponderance in order to fulfill our own maximum positive potential and equilibrium as human beings. This is why we are attracted to spiritual gurus and teachers — not to put positive potential into us but to draw it forth from within us. In a word, to realize our own potential.

This is also what draws human beings to religion. We seek an increase in our experience of Spirit, of spiritual power and awareness, of joy, of peace and happiness; ultimately in our connection with God, the Positive One of all positives. Religion doesn’t put power, joy, peace and happiness into our hearts. Being still and prayerful during an hour-long worship service provides the quiet conditions within us that allows these gifts of the Spirit to emerge from within us into our hearts, minds and body temples.

What we seek at a core level is life eternal . . . only to be told by our priest or preacher that we have to die in order to obtain it. This is, of courses, an untruth . . . and a deceptive redaction of sacred scripture, of the teaching of the Christ incarnate in Jesus: “The kingdom of heaven is within you and all around you.” Repent, turn around, and behold it! We can’t behold it unless we are aware of being in it ourselves, and rejoicing to be in it. We can come into a greater awareness of the Kingdom of Heaven in which we are now present — NOW, while we are incarnate. It only requires an elevation of our consciousness to a level above the animalistic physical realm to which human consciousness has fallen. We are not creatures. We are creators seeking our maximum potential of creative power and equilibrium with our Creator in order to be worthy co-creators with God. We are love attracted to Love.

In human relations, this principle is the dynamic of attraction at work between men and women, men and men, women and women. It’s the sex principle operating in and through all creating units in this creating Universe. Returning to the phrase at the top: When the potentials of the opposites are too far removed from equality, then will union cease.” The converse is implied: When the potentials of the opposites are equal, then union is possible and compelling. I will develop this further in my next post, as it’s a thought-process interrupting perspective.


I am reminded of a passage in Revelation (18:4) “Come out of her my people, and be not partakers of her iniquity.” This entire chapter and the one preceding it describe the world and the human state of today. I encourage you to read it, if only to increase your motivation to come completely out of the world . . . but only in your heart, your mind and particularly your consciousness. Not physically.

I am reminded of another more uplifting passage from the Song of Solomon. Enjoy it being sung by a choir as you read it.

“My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land; The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.” [Song of Solomon 2:10-13]

Here in the South our winter is just around the corner from Autumn now dawning. So why am I quoting Solomon’s Song of Songs that sings of winter as past? The winter I speak of is the “winter of our discontent,” as Shakespeare has Richard III bemoaning his plight. The human race is in the winter of its discontent over its self-created existential plight.


While doing an internet search for the full biblical text of the Song of Solomon, I was pleasantly surprised to find this meditation by John Gray, a dear friend who himself is a light in the darkness for many who are drawn to his shining. I excerpted these closing thoughts of his meditation and will use it as grounding for this post:

Rise up. It is our consciousness that rises; our feet stay on the ground. Rising up doesn’t mean leaving; it means being more fully here. The beloved within speaks to “my love, my fair one”— to my mind and heart—and says, “rise up.” This same message is contained in words of the psalm, “Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lifted up… and the King of glory shall come in.” [Psalm 24:7] The seat of experienced spiritual identity rises, is lifted up. Our understanding, symbolized by our feet, stays firmly on the ground and our awareness ascends to accommodate heaven. We stand and walk, upright. We are angels on earth.

In the rising up, our minds and hearts are cleansed, purified and restored. Response to the command rise up comes first; the making new of heart and mind occurs as a result of that. It is clearer to me than ever that purification is not a matter of dealing with the impure, trying to face it, to fight it, or to somehow scrub it out. No, that’s diving down where we don’t belong. There’s nothing to be gained and all to be lost by going into that bottomless pit. That’s the fall again. 

Things come up to be seen and met in us all the time, for sure. But let’s let them come up to us. On their way up they’re cleansed and purified, or they’re cast out. Let the creative process do the sorting!  Let’s not be deceived into getting upset or doing battle with an adversary or thinking we have to fix things. That’s not what our hearts and minds are for; they’re not designed to be battlegrounds. Rise up and come away and stay away from all that, and be in the holy realm where all is already forever pure. 

Then, behold I make all things new! Life is not difficult; it’s wondrous and truly magical. The God of peace is with us.

I think that I will leave you to ponder John’s words. I welcome your thoughts and insights. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


Transmutation Demystified Part 3: Our Electric Universe of Light

“When they shall know the Light of Me in them, then they shall be Me and I them.” —Russell, from THE DIVINE ILIAD

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SIMPLY PUT, TRANSMUTATION is about energy changing pressure and frequency to manifest new forms. Literally the verb “to transmute” means to change or alter in form, appearance or nature, especially to a higher form, by changing the pressure — as in raising the temperature to change water into steam and air — or by changing the frequency at which a substance vibrates — as in changing the pitch of a guitar string by changing its tensile pressure. All the notes used in a musical composition, regardless of its complexity, can be created on a single piano string simply by changing its tension, or tensile pressure.

In chemistry, all of the elements are created from a single element by a process of transmutation in which the Universal substance of Light changes its potential for power as it transmutes from one form and substance to the next. There are not many elements. There is only one. Change that one element’s pressure, and its form and nature, as well as appearance, change. How amazing is that!

As Walter Russell describes elements: “The elements of matter are but varying aggregations of corpuscular light units gathered together in systems familiarly known as atoms.”

One of the privileges and responsibilities we have as Human Beings made in the image and likeness of our Creator is to transmute the atomic fabric of our physical bodies into the spiritualized substance of pneumaplasm to enrich our connection with our Creator. That connection is by way of what has been described as a “silver cord” in Ecclesiastes: “Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. (Eccl 12:6). It is by means of this silvery substance that the ordinances of heaven descend into the earth to make all things new. This is not simply a belief or even a theory. It is a scientific phenomenon.

Pursuant to a deeper understanding of this transmutation process, the topic of this series, let’s move along with Walter Russell in rectifying a few more scientific misconceptions about the electric universe in which we live as we lay the foundations for understanding the alchemy of transmutation.

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2. Misconception of Electro-Magnetism

“The Einstein theory of the constitution of matter conceives this universe to be “one great ocean of electro-magnetism, out of which – and into which – flow the streams of gravitation, matter and energy.

“Radiation, the equal-and-opposite mate to gravitation, without which gravitation is impossible, is entirely ignored in this fantastic and unnatural concept.

“Equally fantastic is the claim of this theory that “it is impossible to have gravitation without matter,” and “for space to exist without gravity or without matter.”

“The weak point in this theory is the fact that electro-magnetism is not an existent force in Nature; nor are there electro-magnetic fields or magnetic fields. Wave fields are electric – exclusively electric.

“Electricity is the only force which God makes use of to create this universe. And the only two “tools” God makes use of for creating His universe of matter and motion are the two pairs of opposed spiral vortices. One of these opposite pairs meets at apices at wave amplitude to create spheres of matter and the other opposed pair meets at cone bases upon wave axes to void matter and motion.


“These two pairs of opposed electric spiral vortices are the basic units which construct all matter. Together they form the electric waves of motion which create the various pressure conditions which are needed to produce the many seemingly different elements of visible matter.

“Electricity is divided into two equal-and-opposite forces which thrust away from each other to build this polarized universe.

“When inability to thrust away from each other takes its sequential turn in the pulse of the universal heartbeat, depolarization voids all opposition. Thus the universe consists of cycles of life followed by death – growth followed by decay, and generation followed by radiation – each expressed simultaneously and repeated sequentially forever without end.

“That which science calls magnetism, and believes to be a force which has the power of lifting tons of steel, is God’s still Light which balances and controls the equality of electric division, but electricity alone performs all of the work of this universe. The magnetic Light which controls the universal balance performs no work whatsoever.

“A bar magnet picks up nails because of the electric current which divided that steel into its activated polarized condition and not because of its focal poles of stillness which center its two activities. Even though the electric current has been withdrawn, the steel retains its electric activity for long periods and acts as though the current still remained.

“Magnetic Light control might be likened to the rudder of a ship which controls the direction of the ship’s motion without in any way motivating that motion.

“It might again be likened to the fulcrum which extends its power of expression through motion to the lever, without in any way acting to motivate that expressed motion of the lever.

“God’s still magnetic light is the fulcrum of this creating universe. Electricity is the two-way lever which extends from that fulcrum to give the universe its pulsing heartbeat of simulated life-death sequences.

“Wherever God’s Light appears in matter, there stillness centers motion, but there is no motion at that point. The center of gravity in a spherical sun or earth is one locatable point where God’s Light is. Likewise, the two still centers of north and south spiral vortices are other locatable balancing points of control. Likewise, the shaft which connects all pairs of opposed poles is an extension of stillness from the zero of wave beginnings to the zero of wave amplitude, and the return of motion to the zero of its beginnings in the stillness of its borning place on its wave axis.

“This is a universe of Light-at-rest from which two opposed lights-of-motion appear to manifest the IDEA which is eternally sealed in the light-at-rest.

3. Misconception of Energy

“Failure to recognize that this universal body of moving matter has been created by some power outside of itself has led science to conclude that the energy which created matter is within itself. Even more erroneous is the conclusion that energy is a condition of matter, such as heat.

“This failure has led to the conclusion that Creation will disappear when heat energy “runs down.” The first and second laws of thermodynamics are built upon this obviously wrong conclusion. The universe will never “run down.” It is as eternal as God is eternal.

“The poem is not the poet, however, nor is the symphony its composer. In a like sense this universe is not its own Creator. Whatever qualities or attributes there are in any product — whether it be an adding machine or a universe — have been extended to that product by their creator to manifest qualities, attributes and energies which are alone in the creator of that product.

“Nor is the IDEA which matter manifests within matter. IDEA is never created. Idea is a Mind quality. Idea never leaves the omniscient Light of Mind. Idea is but simulated by matter-in-motion.

“IDEA never leaves its invisible state to become matter. Bodies which manifest IDEA are made in the image of their creator’s imaginings.

“Every creation, whether by God or man, is an extension of its creator. It is projected from him by a force which is within its creator and not in the projected product.

“All of the knowledge, energy and method of creating any product are properties of Mind alone. There is no knowledge, energy, life, truth, intelligence, substance or thought in the motion which matter is.” — From A NEW CONCEPT OF THE UNIVERSE

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Throughout Russell’s writings he uses the capitalized word “MIND” as his choice of a term for God, as the Mind of God is one with God. The term “MIND” implies Divine Consciousness, which helps allay any possible concern that he is inferring mental or intellectual activity. He is not. Walter Russell was a genius whose mind was opened upward and receptive to the Truth and to the Genius of God as made manifest throughout His “Creating Universe.” He knew the real meaning of the phrase “mind over matter,” using his mind to channel his creativity. His mind was a true and faithful Light Bearer. I will share more about some of the fruits of his ingenious creativity later as I honor him in this blog series.

The second excerpt above brought up a curious thought in my mind as to what may be implied in the biblical creation story where man is created in “the image and likeness” of God. Did the Creator of heaven and earth simply project an image of Himself into the imaginal realm of His consciousness as a template for the creation of man? Just a thought that crossed my mind as I read the excerpt.

I write these blog posts simply because I enjoy the creative fun of writing as a vehicle for sharing my thoughts and meditations. I always hope my readers enjoy reading them. I invite you to share any thoughts you may have on the subject of this post.

In my next post I will present Russell’s final two misconception rectifications which are concerned with the nature of the substance of matter. So stay tuned. Until then,

Be love. Be loved.


Transmutation Demystified, Part 2: Rectifying Misconceptions

“Great art is simple. My universe is great art, for it is simple. Great art is balanced. My universe is consummate art, for it is balanced simplicity.” Walter Russell, THE DIVINE ILIAD

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TRANSMUTATION IS NO MYSTERY — any more than the digestion of food is a mystery. Transmutation of the earth itself, though presently limited, is an ongoing process of ascension . . . one in which we human beings could well play a more conscious stewarding role. Let me elucidate.

There are some 14 inorganic minerals and 72 trace minerals or more being chelated (literally clawed apart from their covalent bonds) and lifted up through the roots of your garden vegetable plants, transformed and transmuted into organic vegetables that are easily consumed, digested, ingested and absorbed into your body . . . transmuted again into flesh and bone . . . and not one of these steps can be circumvented. Inorganic minerals cannot be transmuted into living flesh without passing through the chelation process of the vegetable kingdom where they are dissembled and rearranged for use in animal organisms, such as our bodies. They are the building blocks of the body temple and facilitators of its chemical processes and nutrient utilization.

But that’s not the final destination for these elemental building blocks, nor their last transmutation to undergo. They have yet a higher purpose to serve and a sacred role to play in this Whole Holy World.

Creation comes from God through Man and returns to God through Man. How this occurs and unfolds is the magic of transmutation, which is no longer a mystery, as “The mystery of God is finished on earth.” (Rev 10:7)

Let me share with you the rest of this amazing story, a story that demystifies not only transmutation, but a story that demystifies as well the “mystery” of God and of our relationship to our Creator. This will be a fascinating series . . . albeit a bumpy ride for a structured mindset.

Before we get into the story, let’s take a few posts to rectify some longstanding misconceptions in the scientific community, which will establish a foundation for our consideration of transmutation. For this I will rely on my science mentor, Walter Russell, and his illumined consort and beloved companion, Lao Russell. (Click on his name above to visit my previous post about him).

We are at the beginning of a glorious New Age of knowledge and awareness of our oneness with all life. May we bring into being in this twentieth century the Life Triumphant for all peoples everywhere and thus fulfill our sole purpose on earth—which is to discover our divinity and live it” LAO RUSSELL

Misconceptions Rectified

1. The cardinal error of science lies in shutting the Creator out of His Creation.

“This one basic error topples the whole structure, for out of it all of the other misconceptions of light, matter, energy, electricity, magnetism and atomic structure have grown.

If science knew what LIGHT actually IS, instead of the waves and corpuscles of incandescent suns which science now thinks it is, a new civilization would arise from that one fact alone.

“Light is not waves which travel at 186,000 miles per second, which science says it is,— nor does light travel at all.

“The light of incandescent suns is but an effect of one of the two equally-opposed electric pressure conditions which interweave this universe into visible solids and liquids surrounded by invisible gases of space.

“These two opposite electric conditions which form the basis of the constitution of matter are the compressed condition of gravity pressure and the expanded condition of radiation pressure. These two electric conditions are the equal-and-opposite pressures which make motion imperative and without which motion is impossible.”

This is essential to our understanding of transmutation, as we’ll see later.


“The positive electric condition compresses large volumes of light-waves into small volumes by winding them up centripetally into spiral vortices by thrusting inward from without. That is what gravitation is.

“The negative electric condition expands small volumes of light-waves into larger volumes by unwinding them centrifugally into voiding equators where matter disappears. This is what radiation is. Radiation thrusts outwardly from within to depolarize matter and void motion.

“The light of suns and the dark of space are but two opposite conditions of the same thing. They interchange constantly. Each becomes the other sequentially.

Science excluded God in its considerations because of the supposition that God could not be proven to exist by laboratory methods.

“This decision is unfortunate for God IS provable by laboratory methods. The locatable motionless Light which man mistakenly calls magnetism is the invisible, but familiar, Light which God IS — and with it He controls His universe — as we shall see.” —Walter Russess, A New Concept Of The Universe

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The disappearance of matter is precisely when the final process of transmutation of flesh to a higher order of Light takes place, as we shall see . . . and it need not all fall back into the soil which gave it rise.

I welcome any thoughts you may wish to share. Next weekend I will post the second misconception of science relating to “electro-magnetism.” Walter Russell proposes and demonstrates how and why there is no such force in Nature. Until then,

Be love. Be loved


BIOCENTRISM: A “Goldilocks’s Universe”

“Wherever the life is [the world] bursts into appearance around it.”     Ralph Waldo Emerson

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NOWHERE IS IT MORE OBVIOUS than here on planet Earth where we live, breathe oxygen and enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature’s array of colorful creations that we live in a perfectly balanced universe.  Any closer to the sun, our Star in the heavens, the heat would be unbearable. Any farther away, life forms would freeze and cease growing and multiplying, including our physical forms for incarnating here—which in themselves are miracles of Life’s creations. 

    Our Home among the stars

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“The universe is fine-tuned for life, which makes perfect sense as life creates the universe”

We come to chapter nine of Dr. Robert Lanza and Bob Berman’s enlightening book BIOCENTRISM — How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe.  This is my favorite chapter of the entire book as it’s full of details about the universe and about our world as seen through the beautiful and clear lens of the authors’ minds — like where the oxygen we breathe comes from, and all the carbon that goes into building just about everything; and how the atom maintains its integrity and coherent unity. 

The title of this chapter is “GOLDILOCKS’S UNIVERSE.”  As you may recall the fairytale, Goldilocks came upon a cottage home belonging to a family of three bears, who were away at the time.  There on the table were three bowls of porridge, the first of which was too hot, the second too cold, and the third was just right. 

So is it where our home among the stars is set in the Cosmos: it’s just right for life to flourish and for Man to live and steward creation.  I invite you to come with me on a survey of the microcosmic ingredients of the macrocosmic world and renew your appreciation of the finer and unseen details of our world’s makeup, and that of the Universe where our world lives, that make it just right for life and consciousness. In fact, it has to be just right for life and consciousness for this “Participatory Universe” to exist at all. 

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The world appears to be designed for life, not just at the microscopic scale of the atom, but at the level of the universe itself. Scientists have discovered that the universe has a long list of traits that make it appear as if everything it contains — from atoms to stars — was tailor-made just for us. Many are calling this revelation the “Goldilocks Principle,” because the cosmos is not “too this” or “too that,” but rather “just right” for life. Others are invoking the principle of “Intelligent Design,” because they believe it’s no accident the cosmos is so ideally suited for us, although the latter label is a Pandora’s box that opens up all manner of arguments for the Bible, and other topics that are irrelevant here, or worse. By any name, the discovery is causing a huge commotion within the astrophysics community and beyond.

In fact, we are currently in the midst of a great debate in the United States about some of these observations. Most of us probably followed the recent trials over whether intelligent design can be taught as an alternative to evolution in public school biology classes.  Proponents claim Darwin’s theory of evolution is exactly that — a theory — and cannot fully explain the origin of all life, which naturally it never claims to do. Indeed, they believe the universe itself is the product of an intelligent force, which most people would simply call God. On the other side are the vast majority of scientists, who believe that natural selection may have a few gaps, but for all intents and purposes is a scientific fact. They and other critics charge that intelligent design is a transparent repackaging of the biblical view of creation and thus violates the constitutional separation of church and state.

It would be nice if the debate changed from the contentious one about exchanging evolution for religion, and switched to the more productive tack of asking whether science can explain why the universe appears to be built for life. Of course, the fact that the cosmos seems exactly balanced and designed for life is just an inescapable scientific observation—not an explanation for why.

At the moment, there are only three explanations for this mystery. One is to say, “God did that,” which explains nothing even if it is true. The second is to invoke the Anthropic Principle’s reasoning, several versions of which strongly support biocentrism, which we shall now examine. The third option is biocentrism pure and simple, nothing else needed. No matter which logic one adopts, one has to come to terms with the fact that we are living in a very peculiar cosmos. 

By the late sixties, it had become clear that if the Big Bang had been just one part in a million more powerful, the cosmos would have blown outward too fast to allow stars and worlds to form. Result: no us. Even more coincidentally, the universe’s four forces and all of its constants are just perfectly set up for atomic interactions, the existence of atoms and elements, planets, liquid water, and life. Tweak any of them and you never existed.

The authors provide a chart listing 32 “constants” and their modern values from the CODATA 1998 recommended by the National Institute of Standards and Technology of the United States, along with their mostly Greek symbols — interesting but not necessary for inclusion here.  Most of the elements I’ve never heard of, such as Bohr Magneton, Boltzmann’s Constant, Deuteron Mass, Fine Structure Constant, and Hartree Energy.  The more familiar ones are Atomic Mass Unit, Electric Constant, Faraday Constant, Magnetic Constant, Planck Constant (Length, Mass and Time), and Proton Mass.  I had no idea that the Universe was made up of so many “constants”—and that scientists had discovered, isolated and gave them values, names and symbols.  All this to show how intricately balanced and stable the atomic fabric of the universe is. 


Such life-friendly values of physics are built into the universe like the cotton and linen fibers woven into our currency. The gravitational constant is perhaps the most famous, but the fine structure constant is just as critical for life. Called alpha, if it were just 1.1 times or more of its present value, fusion would no longer occur in stars. The fine-structure constant gets so much scrutiny because the Big Bang created almost pure hydrogen and helium and almost nothing else. Life needs oxygen and carbon (water alone requires oxygen) but this by itself is not so great a problem because oxygen is created in the cores of stars as an eventual product in nuclear fusion.

Carbon is another story.  So where did the carbon in our bodies come from? The answer was found a half-century ago, and, of course, involves those factories where all elements heavier than hydrogen and helium are manufactured — in the centers of suns. When heavier stars later explode into supernovae, this material is released into their environments, where they are taken up, along with nebulous clouds of interstellar hydrogen, into the stuff that composes the next generation of stars and planets. When this happens in a newly formed generation of stars, these further enrich themselves with an even higher percentage of heavier elements, or metals, and the more massive of these eventually explode. The process repeats. In our own neck of the cosmic woods, our sun is a third-generation star, and its surrounding planets, including all materials comprising the living organisms on Earth, are composed of this nicely enriched, third-generation, complex-material inventory. 

For carbon in particular, the key to its existence lies in an odd quirk within the nuclear fusion process itself, the reactions that make the Sun and stars shine. Now, the most common nuclear reaction happens when two extremely fast-moving atomic nuclei or protons collide and fuse to form a heavier element that is usually helium, but can be even heavier, especially as the star ages. Carbon should not be capable of being manufactured by this process because all the intermediate steps from helium to carbon involve highly unstable nuclei. The only way for its creation would be for three helium nuclei to collide at the same time. But the likelihood of three helium nuclei colliding at the identical microsecond, even in the frenzied interiors of stars, are minuscule. It was Fred Hoyle — not of the card rules fame, but the one who championed the steady state theory of an eternal universe until that grand idea’s sad demise in the 1960s — who correctly figured out that something unusual and amazing must be at play in the interior of stars that could vastly increase the odds of this rare three-way collision, and give the universe the abundant carbon found in every living creature. The trick here was a kind of “resonance,” where disparate effects can come together to form something unexpected, the way the wind resonated with the structure of the original Tacoma Narrows Bridge more than six decades ago, causing it to sway violently and collapse. Bingo: turns out, carbon has a resonant state at just the correct energy to let stars create it in significant quantities. The carbon resonance, in turn, directly depends on the value of the strong force, which is what glues together everything in each atomic nucleus out to the farthest villages of space-time.

The strong force is still somewhat mysterious, yet is critical to the universe we know. Its influence only extends within the confines of an atom. Indeed, its strength falls off so quickly it’s already anemic at the edges of large atoms. This is why giant atoms such as uranium are so unstable. The outermost protons and neutrons in their nuclei lie at the fringes of the clump, where the strong force retains only a fragile hold, so occasionally one does overcome the otherwise iron-like grip of the strong force and falls off, changing the atom into something else.

If the strong force and gravity are so amazingly tweaked, we can’t ignore the electromagnetic force that holds sway in the electrical and magnetic connections found in all atoms. Discussing it, the great theoretical physicist Richard Feynman said in his book The Strange Theory of Light and Matter (Princeton University Press, 1985): “It has been a mystery ever since it was discovered more than fifty years ago, and all good theoretical physicists put this number up on their wall and worry about it. Immediately you would like to know where this number for a coupling comes from: is it related to π or perhaps to the base of natural logarithms? Nobody knows. It’s one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say the ‘hand of God’ wrote that number, and ‘we don’t know how He pushed his pencil.’ We know what kind of a dance to do experimentally to measure this number very accurately, but we don’t know what kind of dance to do on the computer to make this number come out, without putting it in secretly!”

It amounts to 1/137 when the units are filled in, and what it signifies is a constant of electromagnetism, another of the four fundamental forces, that helps facilitate the existence of atoms and allows the entire visible universe to exist. Any small change in its value and none of us are here. 

Such factual oddities powerfully influence modern cosmological thinking. After all, mustn’t cosmologists’ theories plausibly explain why we live in such a highly unlikely reality?

“Not at all,” said Princeton physicist Robert Dicke in papers written in the sixties and elaborated upon by Brandon Carter in 1974. This perspective was dubbed “the Anthropic Principle.” Carter explained that what we can expect to observe “must be restricted by the conditions necessary for our presence as observers.” Put another way, if gravity was a hair stronger or the Big Bang a sliver weaker, and therefore the universe’s lifespan significantly shorter, we couldn’t be here to think about it. Because we’re here, the universe has to be the way it is and therefore isn’t unlikely at all. Case closed.

By this reasoning, there’s no need for cosmological gratitude. Our seemingly fortuitous, suspiciously specific locale, temperature range, chemical and physical milieus are just what’s needed to produce life. If we’re here, then this is what we must find around us.

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This “strong force” and electromagnetic gravitational pull at the nucleic core of the atom alludes to the invisible power and control of the Life Force, the Creative Power that holds the Universe together.  This Life — which has eluded scientists, who live to hopefully understand it in their day — is a subtle but irresistibly attractive magnetic Force.  Call it Spirit, or God, or the Supreme Being — by any name we may give to this all-powerful Creating Force, Life wastes nothing as it assembles and dissembles forms.  That which holds together at the core of the atom partakes of creation at that level and ascends to the next level for higher and greater creative purpose to fulfill.  What doesn’t or can’t adhere to the magnetic force at the nucleus falls away to take part in the Creating Process at a lower level. Nothing is lost or destroyed, only the structured state changes form in the ongoing processes of transformation, transmutation and ascension.  All things return to their Origin in the One. I will complete this episode in my next post.  Until then,

Be love. Be loved. 



The Role of the Thymus Gland Protecting the Body Temple

“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you ?” (1 Cor. 3:16)

In the previous post, I detailed the functions of the thymus as an endocrine gland as well as a key player in what I have called the “immune alliance” of the body temple.  The following excerpt from SACRED ANATOMY continues to elaborate on this dual function with intricate details that describe a powerful and ruthless process, under the direction and control of the Spirit of Purification, whose primary role it is to protect the body temple. It is imperative, for the sake of the ongoing presence and expression of the Spirit of Life in and through our human capacities, focused in and operating through the Thyroid gland, that nothing is allowed to enter the Holy Place of the heart that would defile it or in any way diminish or hinder the governance of the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Love, focused in the Pituitary and Pineal glands respectively. 

It is my intention and desire in publishing these excerpts from my book to provide enlightenment about the miracle of life transpiring in our bodies, which are, individually and collectively, the temple of the Living God on Earth. In reading this excerpt, one may come to appreciate more fully the intricacies and complexities of interaction and communication between the various parts of our anatomy and physiology, and therein be inspired to maintain a personal atmosphere that is conducive and supportive to the work of the Spirit of Purification in one’s temple, so that Life may continue to manifest its radiance in the form of robust health and happiness.  As stated earlier, the key to protection is a balanced immune system.  

Protecting the Body Temple

   The Thymus is probably the most powerful and active of all the seven endocrine centers when it is functioning in a balanced manner, and balance is the key here to a healthy immunity.  In the healthy person there is just the right amount of immune response to repel infection or heal a wound, and just enough of the system involved to stop the response.  There is neither over-active response nor under-active response as just the right amount and types of white blood cells and immune factors are recruited to meet and resolve each challenging “invader.” An invader, as we have noted, is anything that is not “self” and therefore does not belong in the body-temple.  Over-active response results in auto-immunity and allergies, for example, while under-active response makes the body susceptible to infection.

   The key to a balanced immunity is the body’s ability to distinguish between what is self and what is non-self.  The job is usually easy as virtually every living organism and cell has its own unique set of “antigens” (surface molecules called “barcodes”) that identify them.  Early in life, through real encounters, the young immune system learns to recognize these barcodes if given the opportunity.  That opportunity is all too often missed in early childhood where antibiotics are used indiscriminately.  Should such use continue on a regular basis, the child will grow up to be an adult with an “immature immune system.” Immature immune systems abound today with the widespread use of antibiotics, not only within the human system but also in the animals grown for human consumption.  

   On the other hand, where herbs, such as Echinacea, and phytonutrients found in whole foods rich in Vitamins A and C, are used to support the young immune system, it will fare well in its encounters with antigens and pathogens of all kinds and develop properly into a strong fortress as the child matures into adulthood. The problem arises when too much dependency is placed upon antibiotic medication, both in childhood and in later years.  A weak and immature immune system is easily confused and overwhelmed by an onslaught of bacteria and viruses, many of them made stronger by adapting to antibiotics.  The job of distinguishing between self and non-self becomes more complex as viruses, such as HIV which causes Auto-Immune Disease Syndrome (AIDS), take on the surface protein molecules (barcodes) of the immune cells themselves, leading lymphocytes into a battle with themselves and thereby completely destroying the body’s ability to protect itself against opportunistic scavengers, such as bacteria, parasites, viruses, molds and fungus, many of which are produced by the body itself on site where their services are needed to clean up the debris of decay resulting from infection.  Infection is the body’s way of handling the pathology caused by invaders. 

   All this goes to say that our immune system, while powerful when balanced and educated through experience, is impotent when its delicate balance is disrupted and can even be left in a state of incoherence when not allowed to develop.  Therefore a lot of effort and energy is expended by the body balancing white blood cells and immune co-factors to provide exquisite protection and defense against harmful invaders.  Green, living foods are essential as a source of these co-factors. 

   The natural defenses of the immune system consist of an extremely elaborate and complex network of billions of lymphocytes, each one designed for a specific mission.  These cells communicate with one another like construction crew members erecting a tall building.  The result is a sensitive system of checks and balances that produces an immune response that is prompt, appropriate, fierce and  effective, as well as self-limiting.

   As we’ve noted, the thymus is joined by other organs keeping the body cells well fed, repaired and clean. Pockets of white blood cells (leukocytes, from the Greek leukos, meaning “white,” but also “light” or ”brilliant” or clear) can be found throughout the body-temple. The reticuloendothelial tissue of the tonsils, lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow are gathering sites for lymphocytes where cells grow and develop.  Though not commonly recognized for this role, the largest immunological organ of the body is the intestine with its “Peyer’s patches” cells embedded within its wall.  It is estimated that twenty-five percent of the intestines is involved in immunity with an additional seventy to eighty percent of all antibody-producing cells being located in our digestive system.  At any given time there are more than 100 trillion bacteria in our digestive system.  The cells that comprise the body are outnumbered ten-to-one by foreign organisms in and on our bodies.

   Leukocytes recognize foreign invaders and coordinate the natural defenses of the body.  There are three different types of leukocytes, or white blood cells: Granulocytes, monocytes and lymphocytes, each group having its own function.   They all originate in bone marrow and circulate from there by way of the bloodstream throughout the body.  About half of them come to rest in the Thymus, where they continue to differentiate and mature before returning to the bloodstream. Hence they are called T lympho-cytes, or “T cells.”  These are involved in the inflammatory process and in destroying foreign invaders such as cancer cells.   First to recognize the presence of foreign cells and infections, they recruit other cells and start up the immune response, releasing different classes of immune co-factors or bio-chemical signals that activate “B Cells” (blood-plasma cells), for example, to produce specific types of antibodies.  Each B Cell is a self-contained factory that manufactures one specific type of antibody (immunoglobulin).  These antibodies, large proteins, are programmed to identify invaders by their antigens (barcodes).

   There are the “Killer Cells” that kill cancer cells and those carrying viruses. “Macra-phages”  inform the white blood cells about the architecture of the invaders so that it can design the right antibody for the job, initiate immune response and scavenge dead organisms and cells.  “Phagocytes” gobble up infected cells like “PAC-Men.”   Eosinophils kill parasites and “Mast Cells” chemically trigger other cells into action and are involved in allergic reactions.  While many white blood cells recognize and react to specific antigens which starts a specific immune response against an individual class of invaders, other types of cells respond in a nonspecific manner, killing any and all invaders.

   Much more could be said about our powerful immune alliance and its many checks and balances that keep its response measured and timely.  It is fascinating, for instance, how the mother passes on her immune cells to her child, first by her blood stream and then by way of her colostrum-rich milk, emphasizing the tremendous value of supportive nutrition during pregnancy and breast-feeding after birth to give the infant all the support it needs in building its own immune alliance.  This is true for the animal kingdom in general wherein each species passes on its collective immunity and adaptations to the progeny through the egg or the milk.

   Much has been written on the subject of stress and the immune system, a system that actually “talks” to our nervous and hormonal systems and vice versa.  All these systems are integrated as one, as we have noted, and work together in governing our emotional as well as physical feelings.  Stress and fatigue depress the immune system while joy and laughter stimulate it.  Balance in all aspects of our lives is what this is all about.

   Perhaps we can learn something from our body’s ruthless intolerance of non-self invaders of the body-temple in developing a sense of diligence in purging from our hearts and minds feelings and thoughts that are not true to our authentic Self but which invade our personal space without notice and threaten to defile our holy place within.  The simple act of tagging them as not you, naming and acknowledging them as being there in your feelings but not identifying with them, allows them to be released into the purifying fires of the Spirit of Purification, where the energy maintaining them may be harvested and blended back into the circulation of Life in and through the body temple and the individual. In this is Life eternal.

One of my blog followers expresses poetically how his heart is like a furnace in this passionate response to my previous post: 

My heart is a cauldron; a fuming, bubbling lava lake in the core of the volcano. Any thought, word, deed that happens to drop into its reach is decomposed, dissolved from its structure into its original component chemistry, purified, and recycled into the system.

My heart is a bottomless lake; the specific weight of any structure of thought, and emotion, drags it down, slowly, under its own weight; ever lower, deeper. Until, crushed by the pressure of the deep, it fragments, floating back to surface in the unrecognizable guise of its pristine origins.

My heart is a drop of pure elixir; the cure for all ills. The most concentrated, refined, the purest essence of ecstasy. It is the stuff of tears of joy. The product of the cellular absorption of the wonderful way all fits into a multi-dimensional Rubik cube.

Our body temples are created to accommodate the incarnate beings we are –“angels from the realms of glory,” if you will. We are each a unique differentiation of the One Great Spirit, from whom we all spring forth through living flesh to appear on earth and co-create a heaven. The purpose of the incarnate angel is to accommodate the creative expression of the Spirit of God.  In my next post, “The Angelic Gland,” I will expand on this theme and show how our sacred energy anatomy facilitates this expression. If you have any thoughts or inspirations to share, please do so. My email address is below. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.



Masculine-Feminine Energy, part IV: Energy Must Flow

As with a lot of my writings, this post is as much for my own conscious evolution and spiritual transformation as it is for my readers’. If you benefit from them as well, then I am thankful.  This is heady stuff, I will admit. However, we do have minds – although Walter Russell says there is only one Mind we all share – and there are many errors and incomplete truths we hold as sacred in these minds. We are wise to open them up and have another look at things we have been told by those who have gone before. Even the Teacher Jesus said that he had many things to share with his disciples, but they could not “bear” them then.  Well, we’ve evolved since then and there are things we need to unlearn and learn anew. That’s where my passion lies in writing this blog. 

So, let the creating, transforming Masculine-Feminine Energy flow as I put fingers to the keyboard and apply a fraction of the newfound knowledge that Walter Russell has left us in his signature work THE UNIVERSAL ONE to our experience and handling of Masculine-Feminine energy. 


We can be so preoccupied with our creations in life as to become oblivious to the subtle energies at work within us that bring them about. The creating energy of life is very subtle, when one stops to think about it. For example, consider the giant sequoias that have taken decades and even centuries to grow. On a smaller scale, consider the lowly grass blade that seems to grow so fast in Summer that one might even be able to observe it growing. Yet these creations of Mother Nature make no commotion as they slowly increase their mass molecule by molecule. The slow growth of our own bodies testifies to the subtle nature of the creating energy of life.  What Walter Russell presents in his book about energy is also a testament to the subtle but unconquerable nature of life. My desire in this post is to explore some of the implications of his writings. So, I’m just going to write down my thoughts as they present themselves, trusting they will flow together in a coherent manner. 


Energy wants and needs to flow in order to create forms, illusions though they are said to be. Masculine and Feminine forces interacting with one another make possible the flow of creating energy. The creating energy that flows through their interactions is the creative power of Love manifesting the ideas in the Mind of the Creator. This is how Walter Russell’s cosmology works. 

When I speak of Masculine and Feminine, I do not equate these words with male and female, nor with men and women. As we now know in this age of enlightenment, these energies are at work in both men and women. The Feminine energy is by design, and hormonal chemistry, more dominant in women and the Masculine energy more dominant in men. This is not always the case, but is generally so.  The ideal would seem to be a balance between these two forces in both men and women — something that I have personally worked at in myself over the past two or three decades. 

These two forces are not attracted toward one another, as is commonly thought. Walter Russell’s view is that masculine energy spirals centripetally (inwardly) toward its apex, or vortex center, and is thus contractive and magnetic. Contrarily, feminine energy spirals centrifugally (outwardly) away from its spex and is thus expansive and radiative. One inhales while the other exhales only to restart the inhaling cycle. As the positive masculine force winds inwardly toward its maximum potential charge, it discharges energy via a feminine emoting phase of expansion, much like a spring winding and unwinding. So, there is a continuum here at work. (Is this perhaps what our emotions are all about?)

Russell’s primary point is a correction to the current scientific understanding of the law of attraction. The way he sees this law is that positive charge is attracted to and attracts positive charge, and that negative charge repels both positive and negative charge.   


Males and females of the same species couple by reason of the law of attraction: positive attracts positive. This is contrary to the common understanding that positive attracts negative, or that the negative female is attracted to the positive male; that men radiate (positive) and women respond (negative) to men; that women are therefore the “weaker” sex and men the “stronger;” that women are to be obedient and subservient to men. All these thwarted concepts and attitudes are the result of a fundamental misunderstanding and therefore misapplication of the law of attraction, not to mention mental fabrications of the patriarchal human ego. 

Men are attracted to women and women to men by reason of their positive charge. A lower potential seeks a higher potential and a higher potential seeks out a lower. This is the law or attraction at work, whether between members of the opposite or the same sex.  Men are attracted to men in some cases, and women to women on the same basis. These raw energies are no respecter of persons, hormonal chemistry taken into consideration – and genitalia not withstanding. Genitals are male and female in their design and function.  Energy is masculine and feminine in its function and needs to flow between these two forces. As someone simply voiced it in a recent conversation around the subject of LGBT, the chemistry allows the energy to flow, and that’s what relationships are all about, isn’t it.

Masculine energy is the attractive force of this universe of integrating matter, which increases in density as pressure and positive charge increases. Feminine energy is magnetic and is the repellant, or separative, force of this universe of disintegrating matter.  Where they meet in what Russell calls the “inertial” plane, these forces come into a state of balance which he designates as a “bi-sexual” zone. (I do not yet see the implication nor the application here.) 


How things work in the “physical” world of effects mirrors exactly how things work in the “spiritual” or vibrational realm of cause. In the world we have created, what happens on earth is an exact mirror of what is happening in the heaven of human consciousness. As above so below. Because of human interference and manipulation, the harmony and beauty in the Heaven of Divine Consciousness are not reflected in the world that man has created and maintains. Where man has not manipulated the design for the Natural World, such harmony, beauty and balance are evident. We might say that Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine forces work together in perfect balance and harmony. This is not accurately reflected in our world where historically males lord it over females – a dynamic that is rapidly changing these days with the “rise of the feminine” currently underway.  

The Masculine gathers the energy of the expelled and exhaustive Feminine force unto itself to empower his creativity. He contracts light energy into integrating form. He is Brahma, the Creator, in Hindu religious tradition, which holds to the belief that the universe is cyclically created and destroyed. 

The Feminine discharges the built-up potential of the Masculine in order to disintegrate structured form. She is Shiva, the destroyer, in Hindu religion. She destroys form in order to re-create new form. In this sense, she sees to it that the Creative Process continues to cycle.  She does not settle for what the Masculine has created as “permanent” reality, but rather clears the creative field in order for new creations to come into being – sometimes in a fitful outburst of wrathful anger. So, she gives her responsive energy to Brahma so as to foster the ongoing process of creation. Then there’s Vishnu whose role it is to maintain and preserve Brahma’s creations.  Vishnu is the second Hindu deity who is both male and female. Perhaps he/she is who Man is designed and intended to be as Steward of the Garden.


These two forces are integrated in the Natural World and are beginning to be allowed to integrate more and more in human beings. The so called “battle of the sexes” describes the creative dynamic at play between these two forces in the Creating Universe. As I said above, Masculine and Feminine forces are raw energies that are no respecter of persons or gender. 

In the hands of the human ego, they are being used to enslave women and men and destroy life on Earth, all to enrich the few who maintain power and control over the masses. Not for much longer, however.

A third force is needed in order to bridle in these raw forces. Left to their own, they take on the false identities of human nature, dividing men and women in a competitive struggle for power and control over life and the illusory world they create, including their offspring, played out in the legal battle for custody in divorce courts. So long as one force dominates in the affairs of human beings, imbalance and imposition of one will over the other continue to sow the seeds of conflict  and war. So a third force is needed – and is rising today – to harness and balance these raw forces.  


Here is where Gurdjieff’s “Law of Three” comes into play, which states that when three forces come together, a fourth and totally different state is born of them.  That third force is Love. Spirit. A spiritual force that originates from a higher level than that at which men and women presently conduct their waring affairs on the horizontal two-dimensional plane. The vertical component of Love transforms and levels the playing field, so-to-speak — the field that the poet Rumi speaks of: “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.” When we meet in that field, a fourth and totally different state in possible: the New Earth.

This Spirit brings with it seven other spirits, or gifts, that are designed to help us meet the various needs and conditions that present themselves along life’s creating journey.  The late spiritual teacher Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda) presented them as “Seven Steps to the Temple of Light.” There’s Patience, the first step toward enlightenment. Tranquility and single mindedness, the second step. The gift of Blessing is the third step. Can you imagine men and women being a blessing to one another instead of being competitors?  A fourth gift is Purification, the detoxification of our words and feelings toward one another; our selfish intentions and motivations, not to mention our lack of respect for one another. The expression and application of these four gifts of Spirit bring about the assurance and confidence of authenticity, along with the fifth step of Radiance, and with it the joy of success and victory. The sixth gift of Spirit is Wisdom, Sophia, whose gift is the sense of what is fitting in our speech and actions with one another and with our shared world. At this level of creativity, Masculine and Feminine forces are brought into balance. Peace is known at a deep heart level, bringing with it the experience of oneness with the All, Love, the seventh gift of Spirit. Enlightenment dawns. These are the qualities and gifts of our Being, our true and divine Self. 

In conclusion, I will simply reiterate what I have written above. Our true identity is not as men and women. Our true identity is as Human Beings. I am not only a man. I am a human being in a male form with both masculine and feminine creative energies at my command for creative work on Earth.  My origin and Home is Heaven.  I have come here from Heaven, as we all have, to bring Love into the world and to allow Love to create the New Earth. Let us be about our divine mission and purpose together as Human Beings, God incarnate on Earth. 

Thank you for sharing my thoughts and meditations. I welcome yours. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.



Masculine-Feminine Energy, part III: A Balancing Act

Masculine and Feminine forces balance one another in the “Creating Universe” of Walter Russell.  In this third post of the current series, he expands his consideration of electricity and magnetism to include the balancing act performed by the masculine and feminine forces.  I shall excerpt this chapter in its entirety, along with graphics, from his 1927 signature work THE UNIVERSAL ONE.

(Note: you can open the graphics in a new tab by right clicking on the image for a drop down window and a bit larger image. Also, all underscores are mine.)  



Again it must be repeated that in this universe of motion-in-equilibrium all energy equalizes itself in two equal and opposite swings of the cosmic pendulum, no matter where in the cycle those opposites of motion appear.

The cosmic pendulum swings forever between positive and negative electricity, eternally transferring its constant of energy from one dimension to another, but never changing that constant.

The opposing energies of the two swings, added together, make one equalized unit of the universal reproductive constant.

More than this, these opposing swings are simultaneously equalized at corresponding points in each of the ten octaves.

Electric action and its magnetic resisting reactive flow are simultaneous and in equilibrium at all times.

Positive electricity is an endothermic, contractive force which is actively absorbing a comparatively large quantity of generative light units of heat which raises its potential, and is expelling a smaller number of them, devitalized into magnetic radio-active emanations, thus slightly lowering its potential.

Negative electricity is an exothermic, expansive force which is reactively absorbing a small quantity of generative light units of heat which slightly raises its potential, and is expelling a greater number of them, devitalized into magnetic radio-active emanations, thus lowering its potential.

In the term “negative electricity,” the word “electricity” is used in the generic sense, as the inclusive word “man” is used to represent both sexes.

Electro-positive systems are preponderantly charging systems, while electro-negative systems are preponderantly discharging systems.

Charging systems are in the positive half of the octave, the tones of which are generatively dominant. These systems are forcing magnetism out, and because of this they grow more compact. They therefore grow smaller, tone by tone to the fourth tone of the octave. Their atomic volume lessens and their density increases as magnetism is squeezed out, just as a sponge lessens in volume and increases in density as water is squeezed out.

Now must it be clearly understood that magnetism, expelled by electricity from within a charging system, did not enter that system as magnetism or as negative electricity. It entered as positive electricity and became devitalized into negative electricity by nucleal absorption of its positive charge. It was then expelled from the higher inner pressure to the lower outer pressure of the system.

Discharging systems are in the negative half of the octave, the generative tones of which are weakened. Weakening genero-activity results in weakening radio-activity which causes the systems to grow less compact. They, therefore, grow larger, tone by tone, from the fourth to the master tone. Their volume increases and their density decreases as magnetism is allowed to return, just as a sponge increases in volume and decreases in density as water is allowed to return.

By a study of the charts, pages 17, 83 (See chart), it will be seen that when magnetism returns to negative systems it does not return as negative electricity. It impacts against the inertial plane between itself and the system, is regenerated and reconverted into negative electricity after it has made its centripetal journey to the apex of its spiral orbit with ever increasing pressure, and started on its centrifugal run with lowering pressure back to the inertial plane.

Charging systems are simultaneously discharging but their positive charges become increasingly preponderant and dominant until the consequent increase of potential changes the dimensions of the system. They then appear to be another substance.

Discharging systems are simultaneously charging, and their negative discharges become decreasingly dominant until the consequent lowering of potential changes their dimensions. When they have readjusted their various dimensions, they in their turn appear to be another substance.

Charging systems are preponderantly generative, male systems, while discharging systems are preponderantly radiative, female systems. Charging systems are exactly balanced by discharging systems.

For example, exercise discharges energy. It is thus a female activity. At the same time it triggers an increase in muscle mass, a male activity of contracting energy, which in turn radiates discharged energy, a female activity — and the cycle is ongoing, one force giving itself to and empowering the other.  My young son used to say “Let’s go for a walk to get some energy” — and he was right-on.  While we expend energy exercising we increase the potential of our core energy. One can also think of this as the “Breath of Life,” which is twofold in its function and activity: inhaling and exhaling.  But it’s one breath.


All systems are divided into seven tones of energy.

One charging tone, and its exact mate in a discharging tone, balances as one unit constant of energy.

There are four exactly equal unit constants of energy in each octave.

An octave is one universal reproductive constant. Ten octaves constitute one cycle.

Tone 1+ is a charging system exactly balanced in all its periodicities by tone 1−.

Likewise tone 2+ is balanced by tone 2−, and tone 3+ by 3−. Tone 4± is a double tone which is neither positive nor negative. It is bi-sexual.

These seven tones of four unit constants make up the total universal constant of energy which is omnipresent throughout the entirety of this universe of Mind.

Consider, for an example of positive charge attracting positive charge, the sun of our solar system.

It is the nucleal center of this system, the point of maximum positive charge. It is therefore the high potential point of the system.

Consider this planet. It is a doubly charged mass, which means that it is both positive and negative.

Its preponderance of positive charge is always toward the nucleal center, which means that it is always toward the light.

Its preponderance of negative discharge is always away from the nucleal center, which means that it is always away from the light.

The positive charge of this planet is therefore preponderant in that portion which is in daylight and the negative discharge is preponderant in that portion which is night.

The daylight portion of the planet is generative and endothermic, which means active, contractive and heat absorbing.

The daylight portion is that in which the potential is increasing, where flowers open their petals and relive, where life is regenerative and wide awake.

The dark portion of the planet is radiative and exothermic, which means inactive, expansive and heat expelling.

The dark portion is that in which the potential is lowering, where flowers close their petals and become dormant, where life is devitalized and fast asleep.

Well, not all of life is dormant at night, as one reader pointed out in a recent comment. There are flowers that open at night only. The Moonflower comes to mind, as well as Four O’Clocks, the Evening Primrose and Casablanca Lily.  One may well explore as to whether nighttime bloomers are female plants and daytime bloomers male. All flowers are Mother Nature’s creations using Father Sun’s energy. Unlike in man’s world, there is no competition in the Natural World of the Creating Universe. There is only cooperation and co-creation.

Russell explains how the light rays and heat of the sun do not travel to the planets directly but pass trough a very dark and cold space on their way to the surface of our earth, for example. In other words, we do not feel the heat of the sun directly. This is fascinatingly rectifying of common belief and orthodox thinking.  

Just so with all of the other planets.

The positive charge moves around them as they revolve, ever keeping as near as possible to their positive nucleus, the sun.

It is a well known fact that high potential discharges into lower potential.

Consider the radiative rays of the sun as negative light units expelled by positive contraction, which forces them to seek lower pressures and lower potential.

It might be argued that these negative rays are attracted by the positive charge of the daylight portion of the planet.

Consider the law of pressures as stated elsewhere which says that between any two masses is a line or plane of equalized pressures.

As the light units which constitute the rays circle spirally and centrifugally around the sun in their search for lower pressures exactly as this mass of light units which is our planet circles around the sun, they continue to expand and become increasingly negative the farther they recede from the sun.

It must be interpolated right here that “light rays” do not proceed directly from the sun to a planet in straight lines. They follow the orbital lines of lowering pressures exactly as does this planet.

All direction is curved and every curve is a part of an orbit.

When the light units which we familiarly term “light rays,” reach the inertial plane of equalized pressures between the mass of the sun and the mass of this planet, their expanded masses impact against it and continue beyond it in an ever increasing state of solidity.

These expanded, negative particles which have reproduced themselves in transit then become positively charged as they impact with, and plunge gravitatively through the pressures which increasingly rise as they near the mass of this planet.

Eventually they impact against the planet as positive charge attracted toward another positive charge. The potential of each is increased by this impact and the heat generated by magnetic resistance to the impact is absorbed as accumulated energy until it becomes devitalized and is released by the turn of the planet away from the light.

For another example, consider the familiar lightning flash which we know as “forked lightning.” Lightning is a highly generative, positive charge seeking its own pressure and potential.

The maximum positively charged high potential and high pressure of this planet is that part which is nearest its center.

Lightning and all the forks of lightning are gravitative. They always seek the planet. Never do they proceed in the opposite direction toward negative discharge except in rare instances where a minor charge leaps upward toward a cloud of higher positive charge, or higher potential.

This latter effect is exactly analogous to that of an iron nail leaping upward toward a magnet.

Lightning seeking its own potential and an apple falling to the ground are effects of exactly the same cause. Gravitation is the cause of each.

Each is taking a “short cut across lots,” through intervening pressures, to find its equal pressure.

Later it will be seen that the cause of rotation and revolution, together with all of their respective variations and periodicities, can only be solved through the understanding that positive charge attracts positive charge, and negative discharge repels both positive charge and negative discharge.

Well, there you have it – or maybe you don’t and have to read it a couple of times, as I had to. In my next post, I will attempt to apply all this newfound knowledge to our experience and handling of our masculine-feminine creating energy.  This will admittedly be a challenge — and I do have a dawning sensing as to how I will proceed in such a delicate thinking process, especially in the wake of a recent in-depth and insightful conversation my wife and I had with one of our sons and his wife during their richly nourishing visit from Ashland, Oregon, this week — a couple who, for me, exemplify the grounding of masculine-feminine energy in the dance they do together in their shared creative field. We shall see how this unfolds in my final post of this series. Until then, 

Be love. Be Loved.


Masculine-Feminine Energy, Part II: Opposing Forces

It is not the negative “charge” of the female which is attracted to the positive charge of the male, but rather the positive charge of each attracts the other.” (Walter Russell)

In his comprehensive work and captivating book THE UNIVERSAL ONE, Walter Russell lays out a scientific foundation for understanding how the “Creating Universe” works energetically. In sharing excerpts from his book, my hopes and intentions are to offer insight into the way we see and experience out sexuality. We incorrectly identify with our male and female genders, saying “I am a man” or “I am a woman.” However, these are not our identities. On the physical plane of life, the words “male” and “female” identify the gender of our human capacities. But we are not our human capacities. We are Human Beings inhabiting these earthen forms, endowed with mental, emotional and spiritual capacities for the expression of our creativity.  

Russell says we are “creating” human beings, and the energy that empowers our creativity is twofold in nature: masculine and feminine.  However, it is One energy, not two different forces. It is the energy of the Universal One — what Russell calls “Mind” (with a capital “M”) throughout his book, and what we have come to call “God.” This energy moves in two different and opposing directions: inward and outward, toward and away from the apex of a spiraling vortex of creating energy.  On the spiritual level, the words “masculine” and “feminine” identify the nature of our singular creating energy. Note that I use the singular “energy” with a hyphen between the words masculine and feminine to call attention to this reality of singleness. 

In this post, I share Walter Russell’s explanation of the opposing manner in which this singular energy moves and interacts within itself as it creates and dismantles form through a creative process. I find this explanation, and all of Russell’s thought processes and concepts, both fascinating and rectifying. I hope you do as well. (Tip: if you don’t understand what he’s saying, just keep moving as he’ll say it another way the next few lines.) So, with no further ado, I give you the genius himself, Walter Russell. 


Walter Russell

It must be remembered that electricity is the attractive force and that magnetism is the repellant force. The attractive force attracts only attractive force, which is itself.

Electricity attracts electricity. Electricity does not attract the repellant force.  Neither does electricity repel the repellant force.

On the other hand, magnetism, which is the repellant force, does nothing but perform its function of repelling. It does not attract itself. A repellant force cannot be an attractive force, nor can the attractive force be a repellant force.

Each can but fill its own office; one attracts, and thus gathers light units together into an appearance of solids of matter. The other repels, and thus pries light units apart into the dissolution of solids of matter, into gases and vapors.

Magnetism is that force within the universal Mind substance which tends to preserve the Oneness of universal uniformity.

Magnetism desires a formless and dimensionless universe, just as electricity desires a universe of form and dimension.

Magnetism prevents the apparent separation, or division, of divine Mind into parts as electricity attempts this apparent separation.

All the force of electricity is exerted in the attempt to create the illusions of form and dimension.

All the force of magnetism is exerted in the attempt to destroy all illusion, all form and all dimension.

Neither force completely fulfils its desire, for each partially thwarts the other.

The energy of magnetism is the elastic energy of expansion, a straining energy ever pushing toward the inertial line of equalized pressures which lies between any two masses, while the energy of electricity is ever pulling toward the pulsing heart, the gravitational nucleus of every mass.


One of the outstanding characteristics of motion is elasticity which also appears to be an attribute of the One substance.

Elasticity is due to opposition.

Elasticity is that force developed in the One substance of Mind as a reaction to the action of electricity.

It is this quality of elasticity which gives magnetism its rebounding force.

This elastic, magnetic reaction which is forever and eternally pressing against electric action, is that force which surely restores all opposed motion to inertial equilibrium.

Imagine electricity as a compressed spring, with magnetism eternally ready to take advantage of any let-up in the contractive force which is holding it in compression, no matter how slight a relaxation that may be.

If one could imagine such a thing as an absolutely complete and sudden withdrawal of all electric contractive energy, the instantaneous response from this elastic counter pressure would cause a cosmic explosion which would instantly destroy all appearance of form. The universe would then be one of equalized pressures, and opposed motion would be at an end.

This sudden expansion is exactly what occurs when man combines two or more elements which desire to get away from each other because they are tonally too far removed from each other to be possible mates. The elasticity of magnetism takes advantage of the sudden letup in the process of generation and rebounds so swiftly that it instantly tears apart form which otherwise might take a million years to disintegrate.

It is this force of elasticity in magnetism that is constant in its resistance to any appearance of integration into any form whatsoever.


Magnetism is radiative and repellant, as electricity is gravitative and attractive. Magnetism repels, electricity attracts.

That which electricity integrates through gravitation, magnetism disintegrates through radiation.

Magnetism is the brake upon the wheels of electricity resisting its generation of higher potential and registering that resistance in heat.

Electricity is the accelerator which speeds magnetic radiation, the expansion of which is registered in cold.

Electricity and magnetism are actually opposing forces which leap away from each other in exactly opposite directions.

Forces which depart one from the other do not attract each other.

Opposing forces oppose each other.

To say that positive charge and negative discharge attract each other is to say that electricity and magnetism attract each other.

This would be equivalent to saying that centripetal force attracts centrifugal force, or that generation attracts degeneration, or that a charging body attracts a discharging one.

One might as appropriately say that life attracts death.

Electricity and magnetism are opposites, and opposites move in opposite directions.

One is accustomed to thinking that male, which is preponderantly positive, attracts female which is preponderantly negative.

It is not the negative “charge” of the female which is attracted to the positive charge of the male, but rather the positive charge of each attracts the other.

In youth, when the attraction of opposite sexes is at its maximum, the positive charge of each sex is at its maximum.

In age the negative discharge increases, the disintegrating magnetic force dominates, the positive charge decreases, and as a result the attraction of each sex for its opposite decreases until it disappears and repulsion takes its place.

The apparent attraction of each action to its reaction is due to the desire of the active force within each for accumulation, and the consequent continuance of the evolving idea of itself through that accumulation.

When action is preponderant as positive charge, form of idea evolves. When reaction is dominant as negative discharge, form devolves. The record of the idea of both action and reaction is registered in inertia.

The chemist, when breaking up compounds, is accustomed to seeing a negative element seek the positive pole, and a positive element seek the negative pole.

He would know better how to interpret this if he would think of his elements in terms of sex, and also consider the process of regeneration of negative discharge by impact against the inertial plane between a discharging and a charging mass.

When the positive charges of negative reactions are attracted to positive poles, centrifugally dominant force is conquered by centripetally dominant force. The negative reaction then becomes a positive action. The equalization causes reproduction. The union of an action with its reaction is always followed by the reproduction of separate actions and reactions. These reproduced actions and reactions are rebounds of the union.

Magnetism opposes electricity in its desire to transform this universe into one solid, motionless, non-elastic ball of positive electricity. Electricity opposes magnetism in its desire to transform the universe into one of equalized pressures where opposites disappear into dimensionless non-opposition, Positive electricity is preponderantly electric. Positive charge attracts positive charge.

Negative electricity is dominantly magnetic. Negative discharge repels both negative and positive charge, for both are electric and magnetism repels electricity.

Again must it be written down that electricity and magnetism are not opposites, nor are they two forces. There are no opposites of anything in this universe of the One Thing.

Mind is the One substance. Thinking Mind is the One force.

If Mind were not a thinking substance the universe would be without force. It would be without life. It would indeed be a dead universe.

Thinking is a positive action. To every action there is an equal reaction which is the opposite or negative matrix, of that action.

The minus charge of the reactive negative matrix is equal to the plus charge of the active positive form of idea.

The positive form of an idea is stored in inertia as a negative matrix of that form.

There is but One active force of thinking Mind and that is the father force. Man calls it electricity.

Electricity appears as the first action of the process of thinking and disappears, like temperature, in motion-in-inertia.

Electricity therefore has no existence. It belongs to motion, and not to substance.

It is desire which causes the One substance to appear to change in state as it performs its function of recording form of idea.

Opposites are born of attempted division of unity or Oneness.

The very first action which attempts division of unity develops the reactionary apparent opposite reaction which opposes that attempted division.

The father force, acting upon the desire of Mind to create, finds that as Mind is the only substance, idea and its form must be developed out of that One substance of Mind.

The father force which is the image making faculty of Mind, proceeds to create idea and then to fashion the form of that idea out of the One substance.

The opposing magnetic force is then born to prevent the fashioning of the substance of Mind into form. For a time it vainly opposes such formation, but eventually it succeeds.

Electricity and magnetism are the two major dimensions of the universal constant of Mind.

Therefore the beginning of creation is the beginning of an attempted separation of the One substance by the One force of the substance.

The very attempt to divide the One substance gives the appearance of, but does not make, two substances.

It only develops two equal and opposing states of motion which man calls “forces.” It but creates two illusions.

Part of the energy used in the attempted division into two is given to each, and the sum total of this energy is the exact amount of the energy of the One.

Electricity and magnetism are attributes of motion only and as separate entities they are but illusions of the substance of matter.

Form, or solidity of matter, is an electromagnetic record of states of motion. Therefore solidity of matter is but an illusion which is measurable by electro- magnetic dimensions which, in themselves, are but illusions.

Out of the father force then, is born the mother force, which man calls magnetism. The symbolism of the creation of Eve out of Adam is basically sound.

The father force creates all idea and gives it the appearance of form; but that idea cannot be perpetually held as idea in the appearance of form, nor can it be reproduced without the union of the father with the mother force from which the father force has parted and with which it makes an equilibrium of unity.

Both idea and the form of idea return to motion-in-inertia as memory and remain there for a time as formless idea.

A union of the father force with the mother force brings it back again into the form of idea, for the united energies of these apparent opposites make the total required by the One.

Just so with positive electricity and negative electricity. They are not two forces. They are but two aspects of One force attempting to separate, each by its own opposite method, thus becoming two forces.

They never succeed in so doing. Each is charged with the other, permeated more or less in accord with its periodicity.

I love the dynamic creative tension he describes between these two opposing aspects of the One force.  I hope I am making us think outside the traditional box of scientific knowledge.  In my next post we’ll see how these two opposing forces balance one another. Until then,

Be love. Be loved.



“The Secret of Light” page 2

Well, are we ready for another dose of Walter Russel from The Secret of Light ? Here is the second half of chapter twelve in which Russell challenges current scientific thinking about the nature of light, presenting a new paradigm in which light does not travel at 186,400 miles per second. In his physics, light does not travel at all, not even from the sun! Hmm. If you liked the previous post — which you really need to read first if you’re just tuning into this series — you will really like this one — especially after two or three readings!  Enjoy!


There is much confusion concerning the many kinds of particles of matter such as electrons, protons, photons, neutrons and others. These many particles are sup­posedly different because of the belief that some are negatively charged, some are positively charged and some are so equally charged that one supposedly neu­tralizes the other.

There is no such condition in nature as negative charge, nor are there negatively charged particles. Charge and discharge are opposite conditions, as filling and emptying, or compressing and expanding are oppo­site conditions.

Compressing bodies are charging into higher potential conditions. Conversely, expanding bodies are discharg­ing into lower potential conditions. To describe an elec­tron as a negatively charged body is equivalent to saying that it is an expanding-contracting body. 

Contracting and expanding bodies move in opposite directions. Contracting bodies move radially inward toward mass centers, and expanding bodies move radially outward toward space which surrounds masses. In this two-way universe, light which is inwardly directed toward gravity charges mass and discharges space. When directed toward space it charges space and dis­charges mass. All direction of force in Nature is spiral.

The charging condition is positive. It multiplies speed of motion into density of substance. The principle of multiplication of motion because of decrease of volume is the cause of the acceleration of gravity. The discharg­ing condition is negative. It divides speed of motion into tenuity of substance. The principle of the division of motion because of expansion of volume, is the cause of the deceleration of radiation. 

One can better comprehend this principle by knowing that what we call substance is purely motion. Motion simulates substance by its variation of pressures, its speed and its gyroscopic relation to its wave axis.

Particles are variously conditioned as to pressure but there are no different kinds of particles. All are light waves wound up into particles which are doubly charged. Their position at anyone point in their wave causes them to have the electric condition appropriate for that point.  

Light particles are forever moving in their octave waves. All are either heading toward their cathode or their anode, which means toward vacuity or gravity. They are all moving either inward or outward, spirally.


All light particles are either expressing the mother-light principle or the father-light principle. For example, if a particle is on the amplitude of the wave, it would be a true sphere, and as a true sphere it would be neither positive nor negative. It might then appropriately be called a neutron. A particle which is spirally heading inward toward the apex of a vortex in the process of becoming a sphere might appropriately be called a proton, because of its expressing the father-light principle.

Again,if it is moving spirally outward, it could appro­priately be called an electron because it would then be discharging in excess of its charge or expanding in excess of its contraction. 

Light rays, for example, leaving the sun, are discharg­ing the sun. They are also discharging themselves because they are expanding into greater volume. They are also lowering their own potential by multiplying their volume. They reverse their polarity when radially converging upon the earth. They are then charging the earth and themselves by contracting into smaller volume and are simultaneously multiplying their own potential by thus contracting.


In an electric current there is a constant interchange between anode and cathode or positive and negative poles. A light particle expands as it leaves the anode in an outward radial direction and contracts as it radially approaches the anode.’ This light particle has been the same light particle at all times in all parts of its journey.

Its variation of charge and discharge, its direction of motion and the condition of wave pressure in which it finds itself at any time are the sole reasons for its chang­ing from one condition to another. The light particles are all the same light particles, all being different only in pressure condition. 

This is also true of the elements of matter. Whether they be iron, carbon, silicon, bismuth or radium, all are composed of the same kind of light particles. They all seem to have different qualities and attributes, but those qualities and attributes are likewise given to them purely by the positions they occupy in their waves.


A particle of light which belongs to an atomic system of sodium has in it all of the entire range of the ele­ments, besides all of every other creating thing in the universe. It acts to carry out the purposefulness of the idea of sodium simply because it is in the pressure con­dition of sodium, and is a part of the unfolding pattern of the seed of inert gas of the octave from which it has unfolded. 

If that same particle unfolded from the seed of the oak, it would be part of the wood fiber of its trunk, or leaf, or of the chlorophyll which colored its leaves, but it would be the same kind of particle while fulfilling the purpose of cellulose as while fulfilling the purpose of sodium.

All matter in this universe is but differently conditioned motion simulating light, and all differences in condition are pressure differences. 


The speed with which light presumably travels is186,400 miles per second. The distance between stars is so great that the speed of light is computed as light years, for the distance computed by lesser units of time would yield figures so great that they would be meaningless.

Light only seems to travel. It is but one more of the countless illusions caused by wave motion. Waves of the ocean seem to traverse the ocean but they only appear to do so, for waves are pistons in the universal engines, and pistons operate up and down. Wave pistons of light, or of the ocean, operate radially and spirally inward and outward, toward and away from gravity.

Waves of light do not travel. They reproduce each other from wave field to wave field of space. The planes of zero curvature which bound all wave fields act as mirrors to reflect light from one field into another. This sets up an appearance of light as travelling, which is pure illusion.

The sunlight we feel upon our bodies is not actual light from the sun. What actually is happening is that the sun is reproducing its own condition on the earth by extending the reproductions out through cold space into ever enlarging wave fields until those reproductions begin to converge again toward our center of gravity into ever smaller wave fields. The heat we feel and the light we see are dependent entirely upon the ability of the wave fields to reproduce the light and heat, and that ability is conditioned upon the amount of moisture in the atmosphere.

If there were no moisture in the atmosphere, our bodies would carbonize from the heat thus reproduced. One cannot consistently think of that heat as direct rays of the sun, for that same sunlight was intensely cold during its reproduced journey through the immensely expanded wave fields of space between the sun and earth.

The light and heat which appear to come from the star or sun have never left the star or sun. That which man sees as light and feels as heat are the reproduced counterparts of the light and heat which are its cause.

The rate of vibration in a wave field depends upon its volume. Vibration in a wave field means the pulse of interchange between its compressed core and the space surrounding that core. A slow vibration in a large wave field would cool one’s body, or even freeze it, while fast pulsing interchange in extremely small wave fields could burn one’s body. 


A lens which multiplies light and heat toward a focal point which sets paper on fire merely compresses larger wave fields into smaller ones. The rate of vibration increases for the same reason that the planets nearest the sun move much faster in their small orbits than those which are far away from the sun. Kepler’s law covering the speeds of planets will apply to rates of vibration in wave fields as appropriately as with the vements in the solar system.

Stay tuned for more of Walter Russell and The Secret of Light.


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