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“The Hero’s Journey”. . . . part 2: The Journey

My Journey in Chiropractic and the Healing Field

My professional journey in life began when I turned twenty-one and left the seminary to pursue a career in Chiropractic. The year was 1961. I graduated from Chiropractic college in 1963 and immediately moved south with my family and opened my first practice in Crowley, Louisiana in the Winter of 1963-64. The Healing Field was ripe for a new paradigm of health care and I was eager to deliver it. 

Little did I know then that my journey through the field of health care was to be a journey of the profession I had joined that was already engaged in a political battle with its nemesis: the medical profession, the Guardian of the Threshold leading to licensure as a separate, distinct and independent profession with a vitalistic philosophy and a drugless healing science and art.

A Battle for Licensure and Freedom of Choice

I joined in the fight for licensure here in Louisiana, my home state — as well as the battle for patients’ “Freedom of Choice” in health care, a separate journey and battle led by a group of passionate Chiropractic patients with whom we shared a common cause and a common nemesis.

After several years of legislative efforts — and court battles to stop the arrest and jailing of chiropractors — we finally defeated our nemesis in 1974 when Louisiana became the last state in the Union to license Chiropractors. It also became the last state to grant patients the freedom and right to go to the doctor of their choice.

The victory was a partial one, however, as licensure was not the ultimate goal of the profession’s quest. The ultimate goal, the Elixir of Immortality, was access to health insurance, the Golden Goose, well guarded by the insurance industry: equality under the law with Medicine in the reimbursement for Chiropractic services. Licensure was only a means to this end — an end that, to this day, Medicine is bent on denying chiropractors by controlling how freely and deeply they are allowed to dip into the Golden Goose’s nesteggs. After all, health insurance was a creation of medical doctors as a way of insuring they got paid for their services. So it’s their game and they don’t want anyone else dipping into their fee-pool. Stiff restrictions and fine-bearing compliance laws have been put in place via HIPPA, making it costly and time-consuming for doctors to file and follow up with reimbursement claims. Documentation has become one of the dreaded aspects of modern day health care, seconded by the escalating cost of malpractice insurance in a litigious society to which healthcare providers dedicate their lives of service. So, the insurance industry has become a nemesis to both professions by determining the amount of the reimbursement for services rendered. 

All this to say the field of healthcare — a misnomer in itself — does not have the same lure of attraction it had when I entered it some fifty-six years ago. Medicine continues to be a nemesis to the Chiropractic profession — but only as long as chiropractors worship at the altar of the insurance industry and hold financial remuneration as their primary goal, their Elixir of Immortality.

There is a trade-off, however, in this pursuit for insurance equality alongside Medicine. That trade-off is the surrender of the very soul of Chiropractic, nourished by its philosophy, which honors the Innate Power of the human body to heal itself naturally and without the toxic and invasive intervention of drugs and surgery. A motto of the chiropractors, once held religiously, was “Chiropractic first—Medicine second—surgery last.”

Sadly, that trade-off was made by the bulk of the members of our beloved profession, along with all but a few of its colleges, who continue in the sacred philosophical tradition of our Beloved Founder and developer, Drs. D.D. and B.J. Palmer, respectively.  

A schism has rocked the profession at its very foundation, sending it down the same lost path Osteopathy took, as many chiropractors began to look more and more like medical doctors, prescribing diagnostic tests, and in some states even delivering babies, all the while selling out their inheritance for the proverbial mess of porridge.  They had turned their backs on the holistic model of natural health care and embraced the reductionistic medical model of relieving pain and treating symptoms, settling for acceptance by their medical colleagues as musculoskeletal specialists, an area of expertise in which chiropractors excel.  

Heralds of Vibrational Healing

Chiropractic was born on September 18, 1895, in Watcheer, Iowa. through the heart and hands of a magnetic healer, Daniel D. Palmer. That places it at the fountainhead of vibrational healing and what today is called “energy medicine.” Daniel Palmer had a large vision of his new healing art becoming more a spiritual than a physical remedy for all of mankind’s diseases — or dis-eases, as his son, BJ, spelled it in order to describe illness as a lack of ease. This vision became the Palmers’ quest, their Elixir of Immortality. Their belief in the innate healing power of the body, along with the discovery of the spinal adjustment, led them to the principle of natural healing: Remove the interference to the unfettered flow and expression of life energy and let the body heal itself. They took the “whole man” into consideration to determine the cause of the patient’s dis-ease, along with the solution for a cure. That cause was seen as being “quantitative” as well as “qualitative”– physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual — or a combination thereof. In other words, they looked for the cause of dis-ease in higher levels than just the physical and chemical. They sought the cause of the cause of the effects of dis-ease. The obvious solution and cure, then, was to correct or remove the cause, the interference, and the manifest symptoms would simply no longer be necessary to signal a need for change — change in lifestyle and/or mental and emotional stress and attitude. The symptoms would then simply abate naturally. 

This was and is the essence of the Holistic model of healthcare, an entirely new and different model from the medical reductionistic model of disease management — both being essential in the healthcare arena. The ideal is for both to work together for the benefit of the patients they serve. 

Evolution of Health Care

As health care itself evolved, our professional journey merged into a collective and global journey of the Human Species in search for the Elixir of Immortality in the field of health-and-wellness care.  Building and maintaining a healthy physique has become the focus of health-and-wellness centers throughout the land. “Functional Medicine” is the latest buzz word among chiropractors who are exploring the benefits of nutrition in restoring function to failing organs, tissues and glands. “Clinical Nutrition” has come into the holistic model here in the West, as the cause of more and more diseases was found to be related to poor dietary habits and an “Empty Harvest,” as Dr. Bernard Jensen describes our commercially grown fruits and vegetables in his book by the same name. Depleted soil can only render foods deficient in vital nutrients, resulting in missing cogs in the nutrient chain, thereby creating an interference to the flow of vital life force in and through the body. This is a modality that I have found to be essential in my practice.

Acupuncture and several other techniques, such as BioEnergetic Synchronization (BEST), have also emerged as energy-oriented healing methodologies to take their places in Western Holistic Medicine.  Eastern healing traditions have long been harbingers of holistic healing and many of their traditions have found their way into our healthcare systems. Practices such as meditation and yoga have become popular, and gyms are popping up everywhere.

This revolution in health-and-wellness care has drawn the attention of the Guardian of the Threshold, the medical licensing boards in states where chiropractic boards have expanded their scope of practice to include procedures that heretofore have been the exclusive domain of Medicine.  With the emergence of Applied Clinical Nutrition, Contact Reflex Analysis (muscle testing) and Functional Endocrinology, such conditions as diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, and even autoimmune disease are being treated and reversed by chiropractors and other alternative practitioners, much to the objection of medical licensing boards. Law suits have been filed and fines levied.

This is not stopping the evolution of health care, however. People have awakened and started to assume responsibility for their own health, a responsibility that had been placed in the willing and able hands of Modern Medicine — which unfortunately has cornered the market on the treatment of disease, especially of Diabetes, Coronary Heart Disease, Cancer, and other autoimmune diseases. 

The Torch Has Not Been Entirely Dropped

“Alternative healthcare” made its debut in the last half of the twentieth century carrying the torch of holistic healing into the New Age of Aquarius. Holistic practitioners began popping up throughout the healing field. The words Attunement and Sound Healing entered our vocabulary as energy healing modalities. I was introduce to a model of Attunement in the late nineteen-sixties that works with the energy fields around the endocrine glands, as well as with the Chakra energy centers of the Eastern tradition and Reiki. I later incorporated Sound Healing into my attunement service. The consciousness of humanity has begun to shift to a higher frequency of awareness that has awakened a realization that we are spiritual beings having a human experience rather than physical beings having a spiritual experience.

This realization was actually dawning as early as the turn of the twentieth century when BJ Palmer published The Bigness of the Fellow Within in which he tells stories about the “Giant and the pigmy”– the inner spiritual Self and the outer mental self, or the “Innate Intelligence” and the “educated intelligence.” This realization lit up his mind and put a fire in his heart that burned passionately for several decades and was carried forward by those who came to the light of his shining and became inspired to bring forth a new paradigm of vibrational healing.

As the fire began to cool in their hearts and the light began to dim in their minds, the torch was set aside in lieu or a “more scientific” approach to Chiropractic. Now the torch has been given to others to carry forward along with a new paradigm of health care which honors the innate healing powers of the body. We’ve come full cycle back, or forward, to our humble beginnings as magnetic healers, only now calling ourselves “Holistic Healers” and “Energy Workers.” A small but passionate number of chiropractors still carry the flame in their hearts and in their clinics. The Torch has not been entirely dropped.

The table has been turned

Alternative health care has now become Medicine’s nemesis as more and more doctors are returning to school and abandoning the reductionistic model in lieu of the holistic model of true health care. Chiropractors, MD’s and Acupuncturists are attending seminars to educate and certify themselves in clinical nutrition, herbal medicine and other modalities emerging with the holistic paradigm. It’s what the people want and are asking for, and the people have the final say in such personal matters as their health. And the irony of it all is that health insurance doesn’t cover alternative health care.

The wave has been set in motion and it will dissolve the monopolistic stronghold Medicine has assumed over health care.  It will ultimately be defeated by its nemesis and be forced to vacate its self-appointed role as the Guardian of the Threshold to the health care arena.  Licensing boards will not be able to stem the tide of this revolution as they become swamped by law suits from doctors and non-medical practitioners in the field who dare to take on the reversal and cure of diseases only Medicine has held the legal right to treat. 

It’s a new day . . . thank God! And I am glad to have lived long enough to see it and be a part of its dawning. God bless our doctors, especially our surgeons, whose hearts are in the right place of compassion for the sick and suffering and have only a prescription pad and a scalpel between them and their patients.  The vast world of Mother Nature’s Cornucopia of natural medicines lies open and ready to heal all our ills. 

Thank you for sharing my thoughts. Do feel free to share yours. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved



Disclosure, Part 3: Seizing The Elixir of Immortality

The goal in “The Hero’s Journey” is attainment of the “Elixir of Immortality.”  For Americans, this elixir could be the hopeful American Dream, or our promised constitutional rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. For Christians and other religions, it’s the promise of eternal life in the hereafter. For those seeking enlightenment, it’s the discovery of one’s authentic divine Self.

According to the story of the Hero’s Journey, the Elixir of Immortality is guarded by the “Guardian of the Threshold,” the nemesis, and held out of the hero’s reach. The hero has to defeat the nemesis in order to cross the threshold and seize the goal. Let’s see how this holds up in real time.

In America, citizens are granted constitutional rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. However, these rights are not entirely free. US citizens pay dearly for them in taxes and high interest rates. The Cabal, which controls the interest rates on loans and credit cards, has put a toll on this highway to happiness, and one needs credit in order to travel on this road to cash in on the American Dream.


Credit and debt are what create our monetary system. Money is considered as sacred as life itself, if not moreso. Life is the only thing that’s free, other than air—although living in America is taxable, and childbirth can be expensive ($3500 avg), as well as funerals ($9000 avg), plus the cost of a cemetery plot—all of which are taxable.

Credit card interest is one of the Cabal’s greatest sources of wealth. Every time we swipe our credit cards the merchant has to pay 3.5-4% of the purchase to the bank. Multiply that by about four-billion transactions a day and you get about fourteen-billion dollars pouring into the banks every day. Add to that the accrued interest of 15% average on the unpaid balance due at the end of each month. Here are more facts I found on Google search:

U.S. GDP, the total value of all money spent in the U.S. domestic economy in a year, was approximately $16.8 trillion in 2014. Divide that by 365, and we have a lower bound of at least around US$46 billion a day changing hands between investors, producers and consumers of goods and services.

Over 75 percent of Americans have at least one credit card and 44 percent of households with credit cards hold balances. Americans held a total of $721 billion in outstanding balances on credit cards, according to the Federal Reserve. On average, an American between the ages of 18 and 65 has $4,717 of credit card debt.

Based on the Federal Reserve report, cash made up 31% of all transactions in terms of volume in 2016. That number is down from 40% in 2012, according to a previous report. Even with internet sales led by Amazon growing quickly, e-commerce represents less than 10 percent of all retail transactions. With the rise of cryptocurrencies as another digital cash alternative, you may be wondering if and when cash will no longer be part of our everyday lives. And, if you’re scratching your head thinking cash will never go away, here’s another fact: some countries have already started moving toward a cashless economy. [Sweden is leading the way.]

Some businesses do not accept cash because it takes too much time giving change, counting the money and balancing the register at the end of the day — plus going to the bank to make a deposit. Credit card terminals do it all for you…and there’s no cash for thieves to steal, or employees to palm. 


Let’s look at the national debt – our debt. This just in from the Washington Post: According to this dependable news source, our nation presently has a $22 trillion debt. We, as a nation, are living way beyond our revenue means. The interest we will pay on our debt next year is $482 billion, more than the Medicaid budget that provides health care for millions of Americans.  The Republicans are putting forward a plan that could create $4.3 trillion in new debt over 4 years.  On the other side of the isle, the Democrats are calling for a raise in taxes on the wealthiest Americans and expanding provisions for Medicaid and college benefits, plus Medicare for everyone.

According to Robert Reich, the Conservatives blame the deficit on social programs, such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, which they want to cut. The Liberals point to the tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy for the shortfall in revenues.

Then there are the illegitimate “charities” set up by the rich and famous to handle the transfer of huge sums of money without it being taxed—as in the recent college admissions cheating scandal in California with bribes paid to key players in elite colleges and universities by the rich and famous to secure seats for their privileged sons and daughters—-and the “loop-holes” in the tax code—-all of which account for much of the shortfall in revenues. 

The question I have is this: To whom do we owe all this debt and pay all this interest? Well, here’s what my internet research found: 

“The interest on the national debt is how much the federal government must pay on outstanding public debt each year. . . . As of September 2014, foreigners owned $6.06 trillion of U.S. debt, or approximately 47 percent of the debt held by the public of $12.8 trillion and 34 percent of the total debt of $17.8 trillion. As of 2018, the largest holders were ChinaJapan, Ireland, and Brazil.”

In other words, the big bankers — such as the Rockefeller Standard Oil dynasty in America and the Rothschild banking dynasty in Europe — the Federal Reserve, what Wilcock calls the heart of the Cabal, which began its unprecedented expansion in 1896 with the election of the imperialist president William McKinley. 

According to [Harry V.] Martin, “Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution provides that Congress shall have the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof and of any foreign coins. But that is not the case. The United States government has no power to issue money, control the flow of money, or to even distribute it. That belongs to a private corporation, registered in the State of Delaware—the Federal Reserve Bank.”

Senator Ron Paul uttered the following words in a landmark Congressional speech from 2002. Ron Paul definitely seems to fulfill the wise old man archetype in our story, giving us the magic gift of knowledge that we still haven’t fully utilized against our global nemesis.

Since the creation of the Federal Reserve, middle and working-class Americans have been victimized by a boom­-and-bust monetary policy. In addition, most Americans have suffered a steadily eroding purchasing power because of the Federal Reserve’s inflationary policies. This represents a real, if hidden, tax imposed on the American people.

From the Great Depression, to the stagnation of the seven­ties, to the burst of the dotcom bubble last year, every eco­nomic downturn suffered by the country over the last 80 years can be traced to Federal Reserve policy. The Fed has followed a consistent policy of flooding the economy with easy money, leading to a misallocation of resources and an artificial “boom” followed by a recession or depression when the Fed-created bubble bursts.

With a stable currency, American exporters will no lon­ger be held hostage to an erratic monetary policy. Stabilizing the currency will also give Americans new incentives to save, as they will no longer have to fear inflation eroding their savings. (Wilcock)

The nemesis, then, is the Cabal with its high interest rates and greedy grip on the global economy. In order to use the Cabal’s debt-based economy to live—largely beyond our means—we have to pay interest to the Cabal. The only obvious way around the Cabal is to face it and defeat it. Adopting a cash-only policy would do just that—and that is an option. The president of the US could reset the nation’s economy by reinstating the gold standard and printing gold certificates, currency backed by gold rather than by debt. That could bankrupt the Federal Reserve and pull the rug out from under the feet of the Cabal. It could happen. 

Of course, the obvious solution to personal debt is to live within our means and stop buying stuff we can really do without, so much of which ends up in storage units–which I notice more of them cropping up lately.  Do I hear an “Ouch!”?


The nemesis is often within as well as without, as Joseph Campbell acknowledges and includes in his story. It could be the flaws in the hero’s own character—arrogance, for example, or greed, or a weakness of some kind, such as cowardice. It could be racial prejudice, or prejudice of any and all kinds.

For example, White supremacists claim to fear the rise of Black power in a movement organized on social media and fueled by hatred. Some fear an invasion of immigrants taking over the country, and the workplace particularly. So, the nemesis for these is the taking over of America by other races, potentially depriving them of their jobs and entitlements—their Elixir of Immortality.

In these cases, the nemesis is clearly within and not in the Black or Hispanic or Muslim races.  Of course, the Black community sees the Whites as its nemesis, and they have every right to do so given their history of slavery by the White race. They’ve had a number of heroes, too, most celebrated of which is Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.—and they won their freedom . . . from slavery and segregation, but not from fear and prejudice.  On both sides of the racial divides, fear of being deprived of the Elixir of Immortality is the nemesis within.

As we face and overcome our fear of one another and our prejudice, and begin to love one another and treat each other with respect,  the nemesis is defeated and the Elixir of Immortality is immediately within reach. Racial divides disappear. One Human Race living in a world with no borders, can be the ultimate Elixir of Immortality for the entire world.  

In the examples I cited above, the nemesis outside was either defeated or not, depending from which side we’re looking. But the nemesis inside remains unfaced and, therefore, undefeated. The nemesis inside—the flaw in one’s character—could be arrogance, and/or greed, prejudice, fear, or any number of flaws that prevent the hero from facing and defeating his nemesis and obtaining the Elixir of Immortality. And we cannot confront and defeat our nemesis until and unless we see what and where it is. Seeing the nemesis discloses and exposes it—and, by and large, it’s not “out there” but within. In reality, the nemesis is always inside, and only outside by way of projection and blame, which is projection—Wilcock describes it as the “projection of ego.” 

With Christianity, the Elixir of Immortality is held beyond the reach of the faithful, who are told they are sinners who must repent of their sins and die in good grace and standing with the dogmas of the Church in order to “go to Heaven.” So, the Church itself is the nemesis—always has been.

The Scribes and Pharisees of Jesus’ time were berated by him for being hypocrites because they hoarded the Law and the Prophets, not entering the door to the Kingdom themselves and not allowing the people to enter it either.

It’s no different today. The Kingdom of Heaven is just as much “at hand” as it was when Jesus proclaimed it was over two-thousand years ago. That nemesis needs to be faced squarely and defeated by “perfect love,” the only way to cast out the fear instilled in the hearts of the people by the Church—fear of going to hell and suffering the loss of Paradise for eternity.  What nonsense. What betrayal of trust. What arrogance.  

But fear has to be defeated by more than perfect love. The nemesis of the false ego self, which alone can know fear, can only be defeated by the emergence of the true hero, the authentic Self, whose immortal nature is love itself.

That said, I will share the Hero’s Journey from David Wilcock’s perspective in The Synchronicity Key in my next post. Until then,

Be love. Be loved.







Disclosure, Part 2: . . . . Exposing the Corporate Global Adversary

In Chapter Four of The Synchronicity Key, “Understanding The Psychopath,” David Wilcock delves into a rather in-depth study of and extensive commentary on the subject of psychopathic and sociopathic behavior.  Under the subheading “The Path of Separation,” he makes a very astute observation about people who are privy to highly classified information and top secrets, such as UFO sightings the government tries desperately to keep under raps. Wilcock says “There was indeed one great secret — more highly classified and jealously guarded than all others in modern history . . . including the UFO subject.”  I’ll get to that “one great secret” shortly.

Ordinary people could not hold a secret like this. Telling such incredibly vast lies would utterly ruin their lives, leaving them so plagued with anxiety that they would eventually break down and either tell the truth or commit suicide. However, about one percent of the people in our world are sociopaths.” Humanity as a whole is only just beginning to understand that there really are people out there who think, feel, and behave this way. Breaking through the denial is a very important step for our healing on a collective level. Sociopaths honestly do not think they are doing anything wrong — and in Law of One terms, they are practicing the path of “service-to-self,” also known as the path of separation.

36.14 We remind you that the negative path is one of separation. What is the first separation? The self from the Self. . . .

80.15 The service-to-self adept will satisfy itself with the shadows and, grasping the light of day, will toss back the head in grim laughter — preferring the darkness. 

He goes on to explain that eventually the negative “entity” has to go positive to stay alive. It “can only go so far on the negative path before it has to go positive and fully integrate a love, forgiveness, and appreciation of all others. Otherwise, it will completely disintegrate into pure energy and cease to exist, through a process called ‘spiritual entropy.'” 

This is a very interesting study, one that I may write about in a future post. In this post, however, I want to continue my consideration of the disclosure of the nemesis, or what Wilcock calls the “Global Adversary.” I will go further and call the nemesis the Corporate Global Adversary.

On January 21, 2010, Citizens United lost its case against the Federal Election Commission in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled (5–4) that laws that prevented corporations and unions from using their general treasury funds for independent “electioneering communications” (political advertising) violated the First Amendment’s guarantee. . . .  In other words, the Supreme Court granted corporations the full privileges of personhood, which opened the door to corporate financial contributions to federal election campaigns. Since that decision was made, corporations have literally controlled Congress. So much so that our senators and representatives no longer represent the wishes of the people whom they are elected to serve. They represent the directives and wishes of the corporations who wine and dine them and contribute massive amounts of money to their political action coffers. They are who make our laws and control their interpretation and enforcement. They are the servants of the Cabal and have their fingers in everything political and economic, both locally and globally. They are 147 corporations controlling 80 percent of the world’s wealth — wealth and power that has led to blatant sociopathic behavior. I’ll let Wilcock tell the story.

The Global Adversary

David Wilcock

Many plays, novels, movies, and television shows have explored how ordinary, kindhearted people can become highly negative after acquiring money and power. What is still not understood on a widespread level, at this time, is the extent to which wealthy and powerful people have formed a global elite. In 20II Dr. Clive Boddy of Nottingham Trent University wrote a peer-reviewed theoretical paper entitled “The Corporate Psychopaths Theory of the Global Financial Crisis.” Mitchell Anderson offered some interesting thoughts on this study in the Toronto Star newspaper.

Only a small subset of psychopaths become the violent criminals so often fictionalized in film. Most simply seek to blend in, and conceal their difference, in order to more effectively manipulate others. This frightening condition has existed throughout human history. . . . Scientists believe about 1 per cent of the general population is psychopathic, meaning there are more than 3 million moral monsters among normal United States citizens. There is emerging evidence that this frequency increases within the upper management of modern corporations. This is not surprising, since personal ruthlessness and fixation on personal power have become seen as strong assets to large publicly traded corporations (which some authors believe have also become psychopathic).

However, appearance and performance are two different things. While psychopaths are often outwardly charming and excellent self promoters, they are also typically terrible managers — bullying co-workers and creating chaos to con­ceal their behaviour. [Anyone we know?] When employed in senior levels, their pathology also means they are biochemically incapable of something they are legally required to do: act in good faith on behalf of other people ….

Boddy suggests that corporations have changed from relatively stable institutions where psychopaths would have a dif­ficult time concealing themselves, to highly fluid organizations where it is much easier for them to disappear within the chaos in their wake. . . . [Hmm…]

Boddy is not hopeful that the current round of expensive public bailouts will solve the problem. If psychopaths have, in fact, installed themselves in the upper reaches of the world’s financial institutions, their genetic deficiency dictates that their greed knows no bounds. They will continue to act in anti-social, remorseless ways, amplified by their enormous corporate influence, until the institutions they represent –­ and perhaps the entire global economy — collapses. [The subject of my next post]

Unraveling the Great Secret

Our great secret starts to unravel even further when we confirm that the American financial system was privatized in 1913. America’s right to issue money was handed over to a group of private bankers, including the Roth­schild and Rockefeller families, calling themselves the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve banking families also formed the Bank for Interna­tional Settlements, or BIS, creating the first “worldwide central bank.”

On September 19, 2011, a Swiss scientific study led by Dr. James Glattfelder proved that a staggering 80 percent of all the money that was being made in the world was filtering back into the pockets of the Fed­eral Reserve through very carefully disguised “interlocking directorates” of corporations. This includes the big media conglomerates. Supercom­puters were used to analyze a database of the top 37 million corporations and individual investors worldwide. Shockingly, only 737 corporations controlled a network that was earning 80 percent of all the world’s prof­its. This information was deeply hidden within the data and required supercomputer power to discover. These 737 entities enjoyed power in the system that was ten times greater than they should have had from their wealth alone. With even greater number crunching, this web of ownership could be further narrowed down to a superentity of only 147 companies. An astonishing 75 percent of the corporations within this superentity are financial institutions. The top 25 financial institutions within this highly covert group include Barclays, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Merrill Lynch, UBS, Bank of New York, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Bank of America-all of which are allegedly members of the Federal Reserve. The actual banks running the Federal Reserve have never been openly and officially revealed —  ostensibly for their own safety and privacy — but most researchers and insiders I’ve spoken with agree on who the main players are. The degree of control enjoyed by these top banks is a scientific fact — not a conspiracy theory­and that’s not all. 

Representative Alan Grayson, former representative Ron Paul, and now deceased senator Robert Byrd forced through a congressional audit of the Federal Reserve in 2011 and found that the Fed secretly gave away $26 trillion worth of American taxpayers’ money. Twenty-six trillion dollars — not to the people, not to the government, but to the top Federal Reserve banks themselves — to bail them out. Several of the bailed-out banks were not even based in the United States. Had this money been redirected to the people, it could have done wonders, considering this staggering figure is well over a third of the value of the entire world’s gross domestic product in a given year. However, the greed of the finan­cial institutions is so high, and the gambles they have taken are so huge, that this was only barely enough money to keep them alive. I did find out from the 160-nation alliance that the 2008 financial collapse was directly engineered by members within the alliance to financially wipe out the Federal Reserve cabal. No one in the alliance suspected the Fed­eral Reserve would be able to create such a massive bailout to keep their corrupt financial institutions afloat — and get away with it — but they did.

It seems impossible to believe that these facts are true — but the su­perentity of 147 corporations controlling 80 percent of the world’s wealth, and the $26 trillion of bailouts they created to keep themselves alive are both proven realities. Normally we think of sociopaths as working in isolation, but power is very hierarchical by nature. I have spoken to peo­ple who have broken free of this group or are actively working to bring it down from the inside. One of the most common things I’ve heard is that wealthy and powerful people believe you are automatically smarter, stronger, and better than others if you achieve worldly riches. By teaming up with the wealthy and powerful and accepting your position in the hierarchy, you can become even more wealthy and powerful. [This is how Donald Trump achieved his wealth–see my next post.] Elaborate secrecy is used, so that those who do not have the stomach for truly so­cio-pathic behaviors never find out what the group is doing at the higher levels. Ruthlessness and a willingness to do anything to accomplish the goals of the organization are rewarded with further progress. The farther up you go, the more the group resembles the worst aspects of Nazi Germany. In fact, there is undeniable proof that the Nazi Party was fi­nanced and supported by these same people, an idea we will explore in chapter 13. The Bolshevik Revolution, which created the Soviet Union beginning in 1917, was also financed by Federal Reserve bankers, as we find in G. Edward Griffin’s The Creature from Jekyll Island and Dr. Antony C. Sutton’s Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution. I do honestly believe this entire system is crumbling apart now, and that’s why I’m taking the time to talk about it. (Underscores are mine)

This is powerful writing, isn’t it. And David just marches forward fearlessly. I do believe, as I’ve said before, that David Wilcock is truly Edgar Cayce revisiting the planet to complete the work he started. (See for yourself at the link above.)

In my next post, I will write about the “Elixir of Immortality.” So, stay tuned for more disclosure. Until then,

Be Love. Be Loved


Disclosure, part I: Facing and Defeating the Nemesis

“Because the forces of darkness are dying, and they are thrown back on such things [confrontations, aggression and obscurantism] as a last resort.” — Athena, the witch of Portobello 

Obscurantism — a new word I recently added to my vocabulary while reading The Witch Of Portobello by Paulo Coelho — no longer works to hide what’s really happening behind the smoke screen of obscure verbiage and out right lies. Instant fact checking quickly clears the smoke these days to expose the lie, and social media is providing an open window to the reality in world events, leaving nowhere for crooked politicians and media manipulators to hide. The light of the new day dawning is dispelling the darkness of ancient evil forces.

The pivotal event in Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey” is the moment the hero comes face to face with his nemesis; when he has to either defeat it or be defeated by it. One way or the other, the nemesis will be fully disclosed and seen for what it is and the hero will then see clearly the strategy needed in order to confront it and hopefully defeat it.  What’s at stake is the Elixir of Immortality.

Disclosure is happening in our day.  The recent appearance of Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer and fixer, along with other Trump associates, before the congressional committees investigating the president’s past and present potentially criminal business and financial dealings, marks the beginning of the exposure of the “Global Adversary” nemesis and the ultimate downfall of the Cabal.

The truth is outing. Heads will roll.  Corporations will fold. Congress men and women will be liberated from the controlling bribes of lobbyists. American citizens will have their voices heard in the newly hallowed halls of Congress. America’s greatness will shine forth and the world will once again be sane. Awakening is already underway and has been for several decades. The Elixir of Immortality is at hand — always has been.

In this blog post I want to talk about the disclosure of the shadow government controlling our leaders and the global economy, and what’s been going on over the past seven years to face and defeat this global nemesis. In chapter four of The Synchronicity Key David Wilcock presents his quest for the truth in the worlds of politics and finance, which go hand in glove. I will share excerpts from this section of the book in this blog post. So, get comfortable and enjoy the read. Here we go . . . .

Understanding the Sociopath

Most of us naturally want to believe that everyone is kindhearted and considerate of others, and has at least predominantly posi­tive intentions. We want to believe that our governments and financial systems are fair and equitable, and aside from a certain amount of greed and corruption, they are basically trustworthy and responsible. On a global level, we are increasingly awakening to the fact that some people can be very negative in their conscious focus—and they may also have formed shadowy, elite groups that have manipulated politics, fi­nance, and media for generations. On April 2, 20I3, a survey by Public Policy Polling, a top American organization analyzing political trends, revealed that “28 percent of [American] voters believe a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government, or New World Order.” This included thirty-eight percent of all Republican/Romney voters.”? If alm­ost one-third of the American public is willing to tell an anonymous stranger on the phone that they believe a dangerous, elite group like this really does exist, we are no longer dealing with a “fringe” subject. Thou­sands of hours of academic research on this subject since 1992 have con­vinced me that a shadowy group like this does exist—and must be stopped.

On November 23, 2011 — just days before I legally agreed to write The Synchronicity Key — an incredible lawsuit emerged that was a bold and direct act of war against many top global players, including some of the international bankers who formed the Federal Reserve.  A fifty-seven nation alliance, headquartered in Southeast Asia, was seeking the return of a massive amount of wealth, mostly in gold, that they felt had been stolen from them and put on “deposit” with the Federal Reserve. This alliance has now expanded to more than 160 countries as of April 2013. As a result of being an increasingly visible public figure since I launched my own website in 1999, I have gained the trust and confidence of a group of patriotic, high-level insiders who have access to classified information, and want to restore freedom and peace on earth. According to these insiders, this 160-nation alliance is supported by a significant majority of the US military, who swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and do­mestic. I was told that certain branches of the US military were IOO percent in support of exposing how the Federal Reserve bankers had infiltrated government and politics in our modern world.

On April 25, 2013, the ugly truth became even more apparent as an­other massive financial scandal leaked into public view — revealed through the brave investigative journalism of Matt Taibbi with Rolling Stone magazine.

Conspiracy theorists of the world, believers in the hidden hands of the Rothschilds and the Masons and the Illuminati, we skeptics owe you an apology. You were right. The players may be a little different, but your basic premise is correct: The world is a rigged game. We found this out in recent months, when a series of related corruption stories spilled out of the financial sector, suggesting the world’s largest banks may be fixing the prices of, well, just about everything.

You may have heard of the Libor scandal, in which at least three—and perhaps as many as 16—of the name-brand too­-big-to-fail banks have been manipulating global interest rates, in the process messing around with the prices of upward of $500 trillion (that’s trillion, with a “t”) worth of financial instruments. When that sprawling con burst into public view last year, it was easily the biggest financial scandal in history­. MIT professor Andrew Lo even said it “dwarfs by orders of magnitude any financial scam in the history of markets.” 

That was bad enough, but now Libor may have a twin brother …. It should surprise no one that among the players implicated in this scheme …. are the same megabanks­ — including Barclays, UBS, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and the Royal Bank of Scotland—that serve on the Libor panel that sets global interest rates. In fact, in recent years many of these banks have already paid multimillion-dollar settlements for anti-competitive manipulation of one form or another …. The only reason this problem has not received the attention it deserves is because the scale of it is so enor­mous that ordinary people simply cannot see it.

A war like this could not be fought by conventional means, as these powerful banks have almost limitless financial resources to fight back with. The lawsuit was one key part of a much larger operation the alliance was conducting to legally and financially block the adver­sary from being able to do harm, while systematically exposing its great­est secrets at the same time. This lawsuit was filed two hundred years and sixteen days after the Prophet’s alliance of Native American tribes attacked Harrison’s forces in Tippecanoe, on November 7, 1811 — which I did not realize until I was writing this chapter of the book. In the Battle of Tippecanoe, back in 1811, the Native Americans were demanding the return of massive amounts of land they felt had been stolen from them. In 2011, the alliance was seeking the return of massive amounts of gold they felt had been stolen from them. Again, these two events were only sixteen days apart within two turns of a hundred-year cycle — or ten turns of a twenty-year cycle. Whether the initiative will succeed in this cycle or fall prey to the same weaknesses and failures that occurred in the previous cycle remains to be seen at the time of this writing.

Again — this battle had to be fought through multiple, nonlethal means, including hacking and deleting bank accounts, filing key lawsuits, exposing corruption, blocking the inflow of money, and threaten­ing key members with public exposure, thus forcing them to peacefully step down and resign. An international businessman named Neil Keenan filed this ground-breaking lawsuit on November 23, 2011 — on behalf of the Asian members of the alliance. This was a direct attack against finan­cial tyranny, in the interest of peace and freedom for everyone — and was deliberately timed to coincide with the forty-eight-year anniversary of Kennedy’s assassination. I wrote a detailed criticism of this lawsuit three days after it appeared and was very surprised when the alliance contacted me directly to provide further evidence. One thing the alliance told me was that Kennedy’s move to print silver certificates, outside of Federal Reserve control, was planned out with Indonesian president Sukarno to help restore the US Constitution, and was apparently the main reason Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.

Beginning on December 1, 2011, I was given fascinating inside infor­mation by the alliance, much of which could be proven. This included a treasure trove of hundreds of original documents and photographs. The problem was this: Whether or not this story was true, it was consid­ered so dangerous to investigate, so highly classified, and so complicated that no one else in the public eye was willing or able to write it up. The government leaders and officials within the alliance had been told that their entire family tree would be tortured and killed if they stood up to this Global Adversary. As those shocking emails first came rolling in, I had no idea that I was about to get drawn into writing an entire book’s worth of material on the subject of the Global Adversary. I never took a single penny of money from any person or group involved in the operation, in order to remain truly independent, so no one could ask me for a favor later on. I had no idea, at the time, that the difficulty and deadly seriousness of this investigation would distract me from finishing The Synchronicity Key for more than a year — but this did seem like a small price to pay for freedom.

Although the whole idea of a Global Adversary might have been writ­ten off as crazy by most people, I had been tracking it ever since my college class in 1992 had revealed the truth — and now the lawsuit and the documents were very real. I realized that if the alliance’s plans to expose corruption and change the world were successful, this could be­come the mother of all historical events. Rather than just observing the cycles of history, I had the opportunity to jump right into the global Wheel of Karma myself. I could now directly assist an international alliance — featuring a majority of the largest countries in the world — in fighting the globalist bankers who had seized control of several top Western financial systems. I knew that the ageless wisdom behind the Wheel of Karma tells us that if we learn the lessons these cycles of boom and bust are teaching us, we can have the wheel reach the top without having to repeat the same sequence of misery and pain. Three of my all-time favorite Law of One quotes explain this very well.

17.20 In forgiveness lies the stoppage of the wheel of action — or what you call karma. 

18.12 Forgiveness of other-self is forgiveness of self. An un­derstanding of this insists upon full forgiveness upon the conscious level of self and other-self, for they are one. A full forgiveness is thus impossible without the inclusion of self. 

1.9 The distinction between yourself and others is not vis­ible to us. We do not consider that a separation exists between … the distortion which you project as a personality and the distortion which you project as an other personality.

Forgiveness with unconditional love is the weapon that alone can defeat the nemesis and thereby grant access to the Elixir of Immortality. 

(To be continued)







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