Creating the New Earth Together

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“Cosmos and Psyche” part 2: Why History Will No Longer Repeat

“Watch and listen, you solitaries! From the future come winds with a stealthy flapping of wings; and good tidings go out to delicate ears.”
rich Nietzsche,Thus Spake Zarathustra

We have entered unprecedented times and space we’ve never occupied wherein intensifying energies and mounting pressures are bringing online a totally new version of the human species as our Earth undergoes an upgrade to a Fourth Density planet — recent and current events notwithstanding.  It’s onward and upward for the ordained representative of the Creator on Earth: Man, male and female, created equal in the image and likeness of Father God and Mother God.

In this post, I will bring forward the essence and some content from a previous post of January, 2020, to update our current cosmological conditions and context.


As I related then, my spiritual mentor once stated that the entire solar system, which he rather called a “Solar Entity,” is the embodiment of Man, total Man, with the planetary orbits serving as “wheels within wheels” turning the Human Psyche, the planets themselves being the manifest form of the collective Mind of Man orbiting a radiant star, the abode and outer garment of man’s Divine Source and that of all life on earth: the Lord of the Sacred Seven Rays and the absolute focalization of this Whole Holy World.

When I first heard this scenario back in the 1970’s, I thought it sounded wonderful, awesome, even plausible, although I didn’t quite understand what he was talking about, nor how it all worked. The idea was only a beautiful concept to me, which I gradually came to comprehend and adopt.  

Then just recently, I read COSMOS AND PSYCHE, an “epoch making” book by distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas, who demonstrates precisely how the cosmic clock ticks off repetitive human behavior and world events. To borrow a quote by one impressed reader, “This is the closest my head has been to exploding while reading a book.” It was that powerful a read, all 492 pages.

Basically, the author assigns archetypal characteristics to the influence each planet exerts upon the human psyche.  He implies that the archetypes are not so much part of the energetic fields of the planets themselves as they are dormant in the collective human psyche where they are reawakened and brought forward into manifestation through individuals, as well as the collective body, during specific planetary alignments: conjunctions and oppositions, as well as other configurations.  Each planet triggers energetically a specific and unique characteristic and archetypal “personality” in the human psyche — (largely influenced, I should add, by the Zodiac House in which their alignments take place). It is a colossal and magnificent cosmic time piece.


These planetary alignments occur repeatedly and with clockwork precision, a phenomenon that the author researches tenaciously and meticulously covering every significant alignment and event that have occurred on the planet since the birth of Jesus in 4 BC, and several decades prior to that, to the present millennium, and every significant historical figure from King Herod the Great and Jesus to the Bush presidencies up until the publication of his research in 2007.

The author calls these events “coincidences,” but the reader is given the incontrovertible impression of a causal relationship.  For a sampling of the author’s comparison of past planetary alignments to present and possibly future alignments and events, I refer you to my post of January, 2020. 

The overall perspective one is afforded as one moves with the author through the centuries of the previous two millennia and into the current era is the progressive nature of the evolutionary continuum guiding the transformation of human consciousness and life experiences, orchestrated by the symphony of our Solar System performing the “Music of the Spheres,” all accomplished and performed under the hand of Divine Providence, whose presence is clearly evident, as well as acknowledged by the author himself.

Each major event initiates a cycle, or advances the previous ongoing evolutionary cycle in its field, as one historic legend or memorialized actor on the world stage (inventor, artist, philosopher, writer, scientist, astronomer, discoverer) gives birth to something new, such as new ideas or inventions, or further develops and implements the ideas and inventions of those who had gone before — all guided and moved along by the clockwork precision of repeating planetary alignments.  

As I was writing that post, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn had moved into alignment on January 6th, 2020 — which is, incidentally, the date when the Epiphany of the Magi is celebrated in the Christian world — and remained in alignment through February 20th.  As foretold by astrologist Pam Gregory, we did experience an energetic jolt and upgrade from this once-in-a-decade alignment. The last one occurred in 2005.

Richard Tarnas describes the archetypal characteristics of these planets, which I published in that post of January of 2020.  You can revisit that article and read his descriptions.  


The first two decades of the current millennium were years of radical change and evolution for the human species.  In his book, Richard Tarnas documents the repetition of history in meticulous detail and synchronistic chronology.  This was the experience of Humanity during millennia of travel through a galactic vibrational cloud, if you will, during which sojourn our vision was limited to the physical, material plane of mere existence and survival.  We were forewarned by the Creator in the Garden of Eden of this approaching period of clouded vision and instructed not to “eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,” as it is put in the creation story in Genesis — not to judge, in other words, or even touch the creative cycles in which forms evolve toward “good.” It was, and still is, our judgement of the evolutionary process, and our self-determination in interfering in the process to please our own desires and achieve our own ends and purposes that has resulted in our loss of Eden and consequent creation of evil upon our planet — such as genetically modified organisms and animal cloning, not to mention the redaction of sacred scriptures and the spinning of news stories by the media and politicians, and other distortion of truth.  In our blindness and arrogance we have brought about much misery and destruction upon our heads and upon the Garden of the Natural World. 

Thankfully, under the hand and by the grace of Divine Providence, we have managed to survive decades upon decades of repetitive cycles, initiated by jolts and waves of energy impacting the human psyche via planetary/zodiacal alignments, to arrive at this moment in time to see the dawn of a New Day.  We’ve moved out of the galactic cloud into the radiant light pouring out of the heart of our Milky Way Galaxy.  In this new year of our Lord 2021, a new dynamic has rendered inapplicable the predictability of the historical influences of planetary/Zodiac alignments upon the human psyche.  We are free from the influence of the “architypes” that have occupied our own human psyche from time immemorial.  Our vision is clearing, allowing us to see with the spiritual eyes of our hearts, presently undergoing a radical purification — which means we must tarry awhile until our spiritual Self fully emerges into radiant expression in an apocalypse of Light Divine.  That Day is nigh, even at the door.    


According to the very popular astrologist and visionary Pam Gregory, we are no longer under the influence of the stars in the same repetitive way we have been for the past 12,000 years.  As she explains in the 23 minute video below, astrologists study cycles.  They look back on previous cycles and see what happened back then, what manifested, and put those aspects into current reality to see how they might manifest in our current time.

However, there are some massive changes that are happening right now that disable that methodology simply by reason of the fact that we are in a new place in the galaxy.  We have moved into a galactic photon belt we’ve never been in before, at least not in our race memory, where we are being bombarded by massive amounts of gamma light we haven’t known in our race’s lifetime.  The Schumann Resonance itself that measures the heartbeat of the earth is spiking beyond its recognized 8.3 Hertz.  The result of all these changes is that we are in an upgrade cycle, both as a planet and as a body of Humanity. “This is the biggest evolutionary leap for Humanity in about 12,000 years.”  For a clearer and exciting understanding of the energetic dynamics of the cosmic context into which we have now moved, I leave you with this 23 minute video.  Enjoy! 

Much is happening in our Solar Entity and cosmos.  So, pitch your frequency at unconditional love, as Pam directs.  Focus your heart’s love response in the Lord of the Sacred Seven Spirits, the quickest way to raise your frequency.  Let your mind be open to the present and free of the former things.  The New Earth is built upon a new design coming down from God out of the Heaven of heavens NOW, and not upon the archetypal patterns of old buried in the human psyche.  Let us recall that we are all angelic beings, members of the same body, the heavenly body of the Archangel, whose Whole Holy World this is, as we enter a new era of another Golden Age. 

I wrote a song back in the day of awakening that speaks to the dawning of a new age and a new world:


Chorus: There’s a new age dawning, you can feel it in the air. There’s a new world a forming, ’cause there are new people, true people there. 

When you look this old world over, pay no heed to what you see.  Lift your heart, reveal the glory and the joy to live and be.  Bless the people and the places that you touch from day to day, and the new world will appear ’cause you are there. (Chorus)

Let your heart be warm and loving, let your mind be open free. Let your spirits soar like eagles o’er the mountains, shore and sea.  Let the reason for your coming be the life with all you share, and the new world will appear ’cause you are there. (Chorus)

Now the past is gone forever, and the future’s but a dream.  Life is in the moment flowing like a cool, clear mountain stream.  Let the beauty that’s within you fill the moment that’s at hand, and the new world will appear ’cause you are there. (Chorus)

Yes, there’s a new world a forming, ’cause there are new people, true people, you people me people there. 

Have a wonderful and joyful trip around our Star on our beautiful planet in 2021. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.






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