Creating the New Earth Together

Archive for the ‘Adam and Eve’ Category

Our Solar Entity: A Place of Habitation

WE ARE HARDLY AN ISOLATED “tiny oasis of life surrounded by an immensity of death,” as our ageing Star Trek Captain Kurk (William Shatner) described his impression of Earth during his recent venture out into the dark deep of space, featured in my previous post. As I mentioned in that article, light is everywhere but only visible to us as a reflection off of substances, such as water vapor. Except for substance to reflect off of, we could not see light. So the darkness of space is filled with invisible light, and where there’s light there’s life and love.

I received this comment on my previous post from a dear friend and colleague:

I think you allude to something here Tony, and that is: That our Holy Earth is not so tiny as we might think, and it is not an oasis, because it is not located in a desert, and it is not a mirage in the desert of the fallen human consciousness that sees everything in its own likeness, in this case the likeness interpreted as an oasis in a universal desert wilderness. But in Divine Imagination, as we are made in the Image and Likeness of the Divine Elohim, it might well be that our Earth Home is vast, and embedded in what we call a solar system that is akin to an amazon forest teeming with multiplicity of life, all this within a Cosmic Ocean of unblemished Cosmo-Diversity. And, as a wise man once suggested, could it not be that our heavenly earth system is itself one Holy City created to thrive, one City among many, all embedded within a Bright and Morning Star, within a vast Cosmic Field of such cities and such stars. I think so.

David Barnes, Great Cosmic Story


I love this perspective of our Earth as “one Holy City created to thrive, one City among many, all embedded within a Bright and Morning Star….”

In astronomy we refer to the planets orbiting the sun as a “solar system,” as though it was a lifeless grouping of cosmic bodies adrift in empty galactic space. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Earth and all her eight sister planets are living, breathing entities, as is their origin star, the central solar orb around which they orbit. It’s all part of a vast cosmic fabric of stars and galaxies that is “but a cloak” to the living God of Creation, to borrow a phrase from the lyrics of a colleague’s baritone song of praise.


(The following words speak my own thoughts and implications about what I see, read and hear. I do not expect anyone to believe me. In fact, I discourage it. I do invite you to read it, however, and to do your own critical thinking about it.)

There is a tenth planet, according to ancient Sumerian cuneiform texts, recorded on stone tablets and recently translated by Zacharia Sitchin (1920-2010), author of a number of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. Our solar system, or entity, is a massive colonization of planets, one of which is inhabited by the human race along with a vast variety of animal, insect and plant species . . . and another, a planet named “Niburu“— also known as “Planet X”— which is believed to be inhabited by rogue creator beings who came to Earth and genetically engineered the human species.

In his book THE 12TH PLANET, Zacharia Sitchin “attributed the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he stated was a race of extraterrestrials from a planet beyond Neptune called Niburu. He asserted that Sumerian mythology suggests that this hypothetical planet of Niburu is in an elongated, 3,600-year-long elliptical orbit around the Sun.” You are welcome to explore for yourself this ancient story of the origins of humanity.

I mention all this because in the Sumerian cuneiform text Earth is spoken of as the “seventh planet,” and the only possible explanation for this placement of the earth as the seventh planet is if one is counting from the outer planetary orbit, presumably that of Pluto, (which has been counted and excluded as a planet a number of times), and traveling toward the inner planets, which would be Mars (6th), Earth (7th), Venus (8th) and Mercury (9th). Also, in counting and numbering the planets from the outer reaches of the solar system, for earth to be numbered as the seventh planet, there would have to have been ten planets counting the asteroid belt, which is a debris field of a planet that was destroyed in a collision with another planet, or possibly a moon of one of the other planets, or even with a comet.

William Shatner describes planet Earth as an oasis surrounded by a vast dark wilderness of death, as in a desert. When I read this in his account of his space venture, I was reminded of a reference in the Sumerian text to the inhabitants of Niburu (the Anunnaki) seeing the planet Earth as a place to stop off, like an oasis, and exploring for possible deposits of gold on what we now call the African continent, the cradle of civilization and of all life on earth.

According to the story, the Anunnaki needed gold to build a solar shield for their planet. They found gold deposits and began excavating it and shipping it to their planet via space cargo ships. The work became too arduous for the “creator beings” so they created man to “till the ground,” as slave laborers to do the dirty and strenuous work. According to the story, the Anunnaki started with strong and able-bodied apian creatures and genetically altered them using their own DNA, thereby creating man in their own image and likeness. Evolution followed that transformed man through various stages of development.

The notable point for me is that the earth was seen as an oasis and source of minerals in the dark wilderness of the solar system. It is still being mined for its minerals, including gold and silver, lithium, copper, cobalt and uranium, not to mention the coal mines of China and the oil wells of Texas and the Gulf of Mexico; all being done by the powers that control the global economy and manage the industrial complexes.

One may well suspect that the Anunnaki rogue creator beings have incarnated in modern times to finish their pillage of the planet’s riches and energy resources and enslave human beings to do their bidding. Perhaps they never really left Earth as incarnate rogue creator beings, even possessing the Scribes and Pharisees in order to do away with God’s “only begotten Son” once and for all. But they failed to get rid of Him, and that victory over death by Jesus the Christ altered the course of history . . . as far as the Anunnaki are concerned and as far as humanity is concerned. They may have been able to enslave Adam and Eve and their descendants, but they could not enslave the human spirit. Jesus threw the fire of love on the world and initiated once again a cycle of purification and restoration of man to his ordained state of co-creator with the Father of Creation, the third and final opportunity for man, male and female, to return to the Creator and restore the Earth to its Paradise state as “a womb where beauty might be born.

Returning to the tonal words of my friend David Barnes for upliftment to a higher point of view and authentic context:

. . . could it not be that our heavenly earth system is itself one Holy City created to thrive, one City among many, all embedded within a Bright and Morning Star, within a vast Cosmic Field of such cities and such stars. I think so.

I think so as well. “The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein.” The Earth is a Holy City of habitation for the sons and daughters of God. It was created by Elohim for this very purpose in the deep dark of space.


I will conclude this post by saying that Zacharia Sitchin’s scenario of our origins reads like a very possible way in which the events mythologized by Moses in the Book of Genesis manifested and unfolded. I can appreciate the challenge Moses must have faced in writing the Book of Genesis and some of the other books in the Old Testament, especially taking into account the level of consciousness of the relatively primitive “Children of Israel” who had just been delivered from bondage in Egypt. It is said that he had access to ancient Sumerian and Sanskrit scriptures, legends and oral traditions as well. His congregation were truly children who could only relate to mythical stories and parables.

A similar event occurs in the New Testament Gospels when Jesus said to his simple-minded disciples, “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.” (John 16:12). There are many things being revealed that even we have a hard time bearing today . . . and this Nibiru story may just be one of them. It may also be one of the things that are best left in the past and forgotten. But then there’s the danger of repeating our past unless we remember it . . . If we are not already doing so.

I will address this in my next post, “Earth as an Electrical Being.” So, stay tuned. Until then,

Be love. Be loved.


Creation by God with Man

(Note: It’s always best to read this post on the blog itself rather than in your email, as edits made after publication will only appear there.)

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Jesus said: “You are pleased when you see your own likeness. When you see your images that came into being before you did, immortal and invisible images, how much can you bear?” —The Gospel of Thomas

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HUMAN FLESH HAS BEEN GENETICALLY MANIPULATED for centuries, but at no time more so than today.  We humans eat heartedly of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is simply judgement.  In judging ourselves, we never seem to be good enough, and are constantly coming up with new ways to improve on our bodies and stave off the inevitable shrinkage of our skin and depletion of our muscles, and death itself.  Self-improvement — not to be confused with self-care — is a life-time preoccupation with many, which includes “working on myself,” mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.  One may ask “Who is it that’s doing the self-improving ?” The answer, of course, is the outer human self, aka the human ego. 

Literally the term human ego means “human I am,” which sells us short, for we are not “only human.”  We are human beings . . . beings incarnate in human bodies.  Our being is perfect . . . and our human bodies are also perfect the way they are for the beings we are to incarnate and live a fruitful life of service here on Earth. 

That said, I find it intriguing that we have the inclination . . . even developed the capacity and technology . . . to genetically modify the human body.  Why is this so deeply ingrained in human consciousness?  Did the LORD God not do a good enough job forming Adam out of clay, and later on creating Eve from a rib taken out of Adam’s side?  This sounds like there was some kind of medical science and surgical technology in use in an advanced civilization.  Perhaps remnants from Atlantis who had survived its destruction and then set about to re-create the human species.  Then Moses came along and did his best to make sense of human history and its cataclysmic past by composing an allegorical storyline to which the Israelites could relate. Thus The Book of Genesis — and the entire Old Testament that followed, which tells the story of man’s return to his Creator . . . a return that is yet to be fully realized.  The best we have is religion as a means of keeping humans believing a return to oneness with God is possible, only after we die. 


Eugenics has been around for centuries. Webster’s Dictionary defines eugenics: “The practice or advocacy of controlled selective breeding of human populations (as by sterilization) to improve the population’s genetic composition. In 1883 Francis Galton, in England, coined the term “eugenics” to encompass the idea of modification of natural selection through selective breeding for the improvement of humankind.”  (Jeremiah A. Barondess ) 

Why would we want to improve upon humankind ?  Was not Man created in the image and likeness of his Creator?  Is there some question about the story of man’s origins in the Book of Genesis?  


In the Book of Genesis is recorded the formation of the first man, Adam, and how, and for what explicit purpose, he was formed: “…and there was not a man to till the ground . . . and the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.” (Genesis 2:5-7) 

Thus was the story told in the Sumerian cuneiform texts in pre-Biblical days, by oral tradition, and in ancient Sumerian/Babylonian “Creation Myths.” It was finally carved in stone, so to speak, by Moses to become the first Book in the Old Testament of the Bible.  (I write about this in an earlier post, “The Two Trees of Eden,” which adds yet another, and quite interesting, scenario of the creation myth.)

What really took place when the human race was created and placed on Earth? What Moses reveals in his account is that there were two distinct and separate events wherein the creation of man took place: the first in Genesis 1 and the second in Genesis 2.

In the first account, God created Man in his own image and likeness, male and female, as a spiritual and immortal being; a creator like unto Himself. In the second account, the LORD God formed man out of the “dust of the ground”–– out of clay.  

Of course this is all symbolic and allegorical and not to be interpreted literally.  Clay symbolizes the earth, indicating the physical material origin of our flesh bodies.  This clay man became “a living soul” when the LORD God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.   

According to the two versions of the creation of man, male and female, they were first created by God, in God’s own image and likeness, where they shared the heaven with God and His creative work.  This heaven is the same heaven that was created first before the earth in the first sentence of chapter 1: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”  The earth was yet “without form, and void.” The heaven, then, was and is a vibrational sphere, a virtual imaginal realm, where the earth and all created things were and are images in a pre-form state ready to be given form in the earth. 

In Genesis 1 God created the heaven . . . and the earth as an invisible pre-form image in the heaven, not yet in form on earth.  All this was done on the sixth day of Creation, after which God’s work was finished, perfect and complete . . . and God “rested from all his work which God created and made” on the seventh day.   

In chapter 2, we read: “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”  In Genesis 2, then, what was created in the vibrational realm of the heaven, as a pre-form image, took form through Man in the earth. 


I have dwelt and meditated upon these first two books of Genesis for the past two years, thinking that perhaps Moses simply repeated the story of the first event, only with more specific description of the creating process.  I even went so far as to suspect a rogue creator-being had attempted to replicate the Creator’s work and made a man-servant, a slave, to do his tilling in his garden. 

Today, my seeking, asking and knocking has opened a window in Heaven through which a wonderful blessing has poured forth, and the lights came on in my consciousness.  I will attempt to describe what I saw when this window opened, as well as provide a link to a presentation that Uranda (Lloyd A. Meeker) gave back in 1953 addressing the Creation of Man as the means through which the things of God come into form on earth out of the heaven.  The following sentence captures the essence of his presentation: 

So we see that it was man’s business, having dominion on earth, the manifestation of God’s power, it was through man that all of these things took form on earth, without any exception, no matter what it was. . . .

The Creator of heaven and earth created man (male and female) in his own image and likeness, and formed him as a means of conveying the images of creation out of the heaven and into form on earth.  In the context of BIOCENTRISM — a subject I explored earlier in a series of posts, this one entitled “Behold I Create Something from Nothing”— the Creator needed man’s consciousness — and his pineal single eye — to observe by discernment vibrational images placed by God in the heaven intended to be given form on earth — and by such observation collapse the wave function of such energetic images so that they may become subatomic particles as they materialize in form on the physical material plane.  Thus do the things of Spirit in Heaven appear in form on earth through the creating function of man.   

This is both crucial and timely in relation to the Day in which we are now living — poised on the threshold of a final opportunity to return to our purpose as Man, male and female — in the Present and on the edge of creation where the future becomes the present, and the New Heaven is prepared by God to give birth to the New Earth through Man restored. I have seen a livestream filming of the creating activity at the edge of creation where waves of invisible energy collapse and particles appear to jump the threshold into visible molecules that make up the world of creation. Cynthia Bourgeault describes this dynamic between the imaginal realm and the realm of creation eloquently in The Meaning of MARY MAGADALENE — The Woman at the Heart of Christianity:

Between image and analogue there is a dynamic reciprocity as they simultaneously articulate the same reality in two different realms. Image and analogue are in continuously creative tension receiving and fulfilling each other, and it is in the energy exchange that their indivisible wholeness is made manifest.  Images do not arise in this realm, however their origin is several cosmoses more subtle, and trouble begins when this fundamental cosmic law is forgotten.

Heaven and earth are inseparably one.

We who are awake and conscious of our roles in tending the garden of consciousness for Life’s creations are feeling the pangs of pregnancy and delivery as we labor in love to be both midwives and stewards in the birthing of what will be our future and the future of our children and their progeny: a New Earth experience. 


We labor in vain to change and improve upon created things, both God’s and our own, after they have taken form.  We may make them better in our own eyes, but they are still of the old earth.  We can, however, abide in the stillness of the Present and Eternal Moment and receive what’s new coming down from God out of Heaven.  Our own bodies are being re-created anew every second of every day by means of “manna” raining down from heaven via the vibrational sphere around our earthen forms and through the magical chemistry and alchemy afforded by our Pineal gland.  I see it raining down in pulsating waves when I’m sharing attunement, and especially in ecstatic meditation, sometimes tasting its ambrosia-like sweetness. This was spoken of by St. John in Revelation: 

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that  overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.  (Rev. 2:17)


However Creation took place in the beginning, since that day, this formed “living soul” has undergone countless genetic modifications in order to perfect this clay man through eugenics — my take on the evolution of the human species.  Add to this scientific technology the evolutionary and adaptative natural built-in technology of bacteria and especially viruses, the human species has been transformed and re-tooled many times over. 

The way I see it, the human species has been an experimental project from time immemorial, since the time recorded in Genesis 6, when “the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair, and they took unto them wives as many as they chose.”  These were called “Men of Renown,” but they were brought down in the Deluge. “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them.”  Today they are the ones St. Paul called “principalities . . . powers . . . rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).  Their experiments are an endeavor to replicate what God the Creator of heaven and earth had done on the sixth day of creation, as depicted by the serpent’s beguiling words in the second chapter of Genesis: “Ye shall not surely die . . . ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”

We are nothing more than lab monkeys in the eyes of these principalities and powers, who continue to enslave humans to do their bidding in making their lives comfortable and their world a luxurious heaven on earth. In their blindness, however, these entitled oligarch elites who seek to own God’s Creation are only capable of creating war and hell on the planet, shooting themselves in the foot — literally so, by destroying the very earth and people that provide their sustenance and financial wealth. Blinded by greed for control, power and currency, these would-be Gods have not seen their defeat and demise coming.

God is victor yet, as the Forces of Light are even now defeating the “rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places.”  It was said . . . by Lord Acton actually, a British historian of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: “Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” And so it does and has.


Nevertheless, as the saying goes, “We’ve come a long way, baby.” We’ve evolved in consciousness — by the grace of God and the workings of the Holy Spirit — to the level of wakefulness and awareness of our true identity as spiritual beings, angels incarnate in earthen forms, which are not immortal but return to the earth from which they arose—thank God.  Christians are reminded every year on Ash Wednesday to “Remember, man, thou art dust, and unto dust thou shalt return”— not sons and daughters of God and therefore immortal Beings, but dust.  What a slap in the face of the Creator, not to mention a blatant redaction of the account of Man’s creation by God in the first chapter of the Book of Genesis. Rather: “Remember Man thou art God incarnate, and unto God thou shalt return.”

The sons and daughters of God are emerging from behind their wall of humanity to reveal their divinity in an apocalypse of light.  Never have I seen so much love and compassion flowing on earth through people everywhere. Flesh is being transformed and transmuted by the divine technology of love.  Its days of modification by eugenics are no more: “Thus far and no further!” sayeth the Lord I AM.

Today the very Earth is shouting for joy by spiking its resonant frequency. The Schumann Resonance, the heartbeat of Gaia, spiked this week up to 70 Hertz, ten times its usual constant frequency. Something colossal is afoot. Never before has it been so vital to look up and go up.  “Come out of her my people.”

I’ll leave you with these succinct and timeless words of Martin Cecil:

In the state of maturity everything is considered from the standpoint of its value in the fulfillment of the purposes of God, that and that alone. There are no personal overtones at all, none. Man, made in the image and likeness of God, reveals God, not human nature genes. That revelation of God on earth, Jehovah, God in action on earth, is only possible when there are those who have let themselves move to the point of spiritual maturity. Then everything, all the most personal, intimate things, are never seen from a self-centered viewpoint. They are seen simply as a possible means by which the purposes of God may be fulfilled.  ♥

Until my next post

Be love. Be loved. 


The Incarnation of God

I was a hidden treasure, and I loved to be known, and so I created the worlds both visible and invisible.” — Islamic Tradition

CHRISTMAS IS A YEARLY CELEBRATION of the incarnation of God’s only son, the Lord of Love and Prince of Peace, on Earth. I would like to share with you an insightful view and perspective of the incarnation of Jesus as a fully humanized being, taken from Cynthia Bourgeault’s beautifully written and profoundly insightful book THE WISDOM JESUS.  Its author is an Episcopal priest who has written several books exploring Jesus’ life as a mystical teaching and sacrament. 

Having emerged from a Catholic upbringing myself, and having spent seven years in Catholic Seminary, I do enjoy sharing this author’s vision of what Christianity could be simply by adopting a more metaphysical view and understanding of it core truth and of the One whose birth we celebrate this week.  Cynthia takes us from where we’ve been in our religious path of worshiping God, to where we are now at the threshold of opportunity for a radical shift in our attitude and consciousness, and forward to how we could easily move into a more spirit and love based path to knowing God.  I will share selections from her book in two or more blog posts.  I hope you will enjoy her as much as I do.

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IN THE FIRST PART of this book we explored Jesus’s teachings as a comprehensive spiritual path. In this second part we will be shifting our focus to consider Jesus’s life itself as a teaching. By “a teaching” I mean a model, of course; all authentic teachers walk the talk. But more than just a model, I want to consider his life as a sacrament — that is, as a spiritual force in its own right. The traditional definition of a sacrament is “an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.” But what to my mind this definition does not make sufficiently clear is that a sacrament does not merely symbolize a spiritual reality; it lives that reality into existence.

Jesus’s life, considered from this standpoint, is a sacrament: a mystery that draws us deeply into itself and, when rightly approached, conveys an actual spiritual energy empowering us to follow the path that his teachings have laid out. This sacramental life of Jesus rests on four cornerstones which are both historical events and cosmic realities: his incarnation, passion, resurrection, and ascension. Together they compose the foundation of the Christian mystical and devotional life, and to open oneself fully to the meaning of these great mysteries is to be able to read the inner roadmap of the Christian path. In the next four chapters we will be exploring each of these mysteries in turn. My hope is to move beyond the usual theological and critical-historical explanations in order to follow the living mystical thread that will allow us to appropriate each one of these mysteries as food for the journey.

Since the ground we will be traversing is also the sometimes prickly shared territory of Christian liturgy and sacramental theology, let me remind you once again of my own background here, so that you will know where I am speaking from. While I wear the collar of an Episcopal priest, most of my lived liturgical life has been within the wider stream of Benedictine monasticism, primarily Western and Roman Catholic (although the Episcopal liturgy is in most respects identical), and it is from this perspective (as well as my earlier training as a medievalist) that I will primarily be speaking when I describe the ritual celebrations that unfold these great mysteries. I am less familiar with the Orthodox traditions (except through my exposure to the  Christian inner tradition), but at ease within the Celtic and Oriental Orthodox spiritual streams, whose extraordinary insights I will draw on at appropriate moments. As Meister Eckhart once observed, “There is no being except in a mode of being,” and the Western Catholic mode of being is the stream in which I have primarily come to know what I know. With that disclaimer in place, let us see what we can discover about the first great mystery, the incarnation.

“For God So Loved the World . . . .”

I remember being struck many years ago by an insight from the contemporary mystic Bernadette Roberts that crucifixion wasn’t really the hard thing for Jesus; the hard thing was incarnation.” Crucifixion and what followed from it — his death and resurrection — were simply the pathway along which infinite consciousness could return to its natural state. What was really hard for infinite consciousness was to come into the finite world in the first place. With nothing to gain from the human adventure — nothing to prove, nothing to achieve, and a dangerously unboundaried heart that left him defenseless against the hard edges of this world — Jesus came anyway: that, claims Bernadette Roberts, was the real crucifixion! As we saw earlier, Paul grasped that same point in his beautiful hymn in Philippians 2:9-16. The first self-emptying that Jesus goes through is the self-emptying that lands him in bodily form on this planet, a human being. There is definitely something spiritually counterintuitive about this business of incarnation, and to really get what’s at stake in this mystery is for me the acid test as to whether you understand what Christianity is all about.

Unfortunately, this understanding is hard to come by: not only outside of Christianity, but inside it as well. Make no mistake, Christianity is intensely a religion of incarnation. Millions of people caught up in mass hysteria during the Christmas season can’t all be wrong! But even the sentimental excesses of the season only go to reinforce the point. There is a deeper truth at work here that stirs us in spite of ourselves. Who among us has not awakened in the wee hours of Christmas morning to catch the live broadcast of the Ceremony of Lessons and Carols from Westminster Abbey and thrilled to the sonorous reading of those immortal words from the prologue to the Gospel of John: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God . . . And the Word became flesh and dwelled among us”? There is a deep soul-truth here that both contains and redeems our frantic efforts to penetrate its meaning at a more superficial level.

If you were to imagine the great world religions like the colors of a rainbow, each one witnessing in a particular way to some essential aspect of the divine fullness, Christianity would unquestionably hold down the corner of incarnation — by which I mean the vision of God in full solidarity with the created world, fully at home within the conditions of finitude, so that form itself poses no impediment to divinity. There is another beautiful phrase in John’s gospel proclaiming: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son” (John 3:16).  At its mystical best, Christianity reverberates with the warmth of this assurance: with the conviction that creation is good, that God is for us, and that what ultimately gets worked out in the sacred mystery of Jesus’s passage through the human realm is a profound testament to love.

Who Screwed Up?

Unfortunately, Christianity as a religion has never had a sufficient metaphysical understanding of its own core truth. The message gets obscured by its primary interpretive vehicle: the theology of fall and redemption. Virtually all Christian teaching begins from the supposition that Jesus’s incarnation is brought about by the fall of Adam and happens in response to it. “As in Adam all died, so in Christ shall all be made alive” is the classic Pauline formulation of this idea (I Corinthians 15:20). The primordial parents Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and plunged the world into chaos; Jesus came to rescue it. Thus, incarnation is framed from the start within the context of God’s response to a mistake that should never have happened in the first place. This assumption, in turn, deeply colors our understanding of the phrase, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.” It sounds like: “God didn’t give up on us; God bailed us out.”

In a more mystical nuancing of this same basic idea, we encounter the theology of “0 felix culpa”~”O happy fault”~ to quote the first line of a traditional Gregorian Advent hymn which expresses this theology particularly clearly. Rather than blaming Adam and Eve, this line of argument claims, we ought to be grateful for them because their mistake set in motion the chain of events through which Christ would fully reveal himself to this world. Without that initial fall there would have been no need for the redemption. In the most subtle versions of this teaching (as in Karl Barth’s Christ and Adam) linear cause and effect are reversed, and we see Adam and Eve falling into this space/time continuum out of God’s “prior” decision (that is, already made in eternity) to reveal himself in human form. Rather than being the cause of the fall, Adam and Eve become the instruments of the ultimate divine self-communication. This is a much more affirmative teaching, which brings the theology of fall and redemption to its most mature expression.

But I would like to push the metaphysical envelope still further and see if we can approach the mystery of the incarnation through a conceptual framework that does not rely on fall and redemption at all but unfolds along an entirely different line of understanding. Instead of a cosmic course-correction, this other approach envisions the steady and increasingly intimate revelation of divine love along a trajectory that was there from the beginning. The best expression of this idea is actually contained in a beautiful saying from Islamic tradition (although its roots go down into perennial wisdom ground): “I was a hidden treasure, and I loved to be known, and so I created the worlds both visible and invisible.” Both the saying itself and the understanding that illumines it derive from a profound mystical intuition that our created universe is a vast mirror, or ornament (and the Greek word “cosmos” literally means “an ornament”), through which divine potentiality — ­beautiful, fathomless, endlessly creative — projects itself into form in order to realize fully the depths of divine love. And remember that “realize” has two meanings: “to recognize” and “to make real.” The act of loving brings hidden potential to full expression, and the more intimate and costly the self-giving, the more precious the quality of love revealed. This subtle and beautiful understanding of creation will also, as we shall see, have something very important to show us about our true work as human beings.

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We are each one an incarnation of Divine Being.  Our personal incarnations were stressful and limiting, descending from the peaceful Realms of Light and landing in the dark wet terrain of busy embryonic cellular activity; from flying freely in the air of spirit to crawling on our bellies until our toddling forms learn to walk and run.  How we yearn for the freedom we knew before incarnating.  I remember very vivid dreams of flying above the ground at breakneck speed in my youthful years.  Who hasn’t had such dreams?  And I can relate to the thrill a jet pilot must enjoy flying through the air at supersonic speed.  One has to be fit and well trained to fly a jet.  Likewise our human capacities need compassionate care and vital nourishment in order to be fully fit and available in accommodating the incarnate divine beings we are.     

Yet here we are, fully awake and learning how to navigate a multidimensional universe of energy-shaped-and-driven hard and complex materiality only God comprehends.  Being incarnate gods ourselves, we have been gifted the privilege of sharing in Divine Consciousness and comprehending reality that is incomprehensible to the human intellect—for the darkness cannot comprehend the Light in the same way that Light comprehends the darkness.  We incarnate to bring Light into the dark corners of Creation to bring forth a heavenly world here on Earth where we are.  This gives us great cause for celebrating, at Christmas time and throughout the year. 

I celebrate you, dear reader, this Christmas, along with my own Divine incarnation—and my gift to you and myself is unconditional love and acceptance.  May the joy of Love fill you full to overflowing during this Holiday Season.  Until my next post — which will be published this coming Wednesday,

Be love.  Be loved.

Anthony    (

Credits: Artistic drawing by Rose Meeker, author of MAGIC AT OUR HAND – Releasing Our Lives into Order and Beauty


The Two Trees of Eden

“Adam came into being from enormous power and wealth, but he was never worthy of you, for had he been worthy of you he would not have died.” —Jesus, from The Gospel of Thomas¹

ACCORDING TO THE BIBLICAL RECORD OF CREATION handed down to us in the Book of Genesis, among the many trees in the garden planted “eastward in Eden” were the “tree of life” and the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” Both trees grew “in the midst” of the garden.  Now, the garden is the heaven of consciousness, and the East is from whence our tomorrows come. A garden is where seeds are planted for tomorrow’s harvest. So this entire setting relates to the seeding of consciousness for tomorrow’s creations.

For the duration of this writing, let us think of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil as being the double helix DNA molecule—in which case I will call it “the tree of the knowledge of good and evolve,” in so far as our flesh arises out of the unfolding evolutionary cycles of the genetic code as the DNA spiral turns to impart the sequence of genetic information to messenger molecules (mRNA) for the further generation of protein, the building blocks of the body temple.  The fruit of this tree becomes deadly only when we interfere with the evolving processes of life, which can only result in evil creations, distortions of the true design for living forms, which will not be sustained by life and live forever.  So, our DNA spiral very much resembles a tree with code sequences as leaves that, if even touched, much less altered, will result in death.  When left alone, they will continue to evolve according to the Divine Design of life and bring forth appropriate forms for a changing environment.  

Now, let us think of the “tree of life” in our bodies as being the sacred anatomy of our endocrine system, comprised of seven hormonal glands that are under the control and direction of Spirit, the incarnate angel, differentiated into seven vibrational frequencies that nourish them. These sacred parts of our physical anatomy serve as “lamps of fire” (as John of Revelation describes the “seven spirits before the throne of God” set in heaven) that shine the light of Love and Truth into the world through our living.  We can eat freely from the tree of life by giving expression to the spirits of Love, such as patience, thankfulness, compassion and joy, to name but a few.  

We could say that these “trees” are in the midst of the garden of our consciousness, as are our human capacities—remembering that our incarnating capacities are not limited to flesh and bone but include our energetic field that extends out to include, for example, the seven Chakras.  It is all encompassed by the heaven of our consciousness.

The two trees are planted eastward in Eden, indicating they have something to do with the future.  It is from the code sequences set in the DNA spiral that our future bodies roll out into the eternal present.  And it is by way of our seven endocrine glands that we continue to express the radiant energy of life itself through hormonal crystals, messengers of light.  It is truly a tree of life. 

All this to say there are endless and eternal cycles within cycles at work in the Creative Process of Life constantly bringing forth the world of Creation in which we live and have our being . . . and with our human intellects we can’t even begin to comprehend them, much less manage and control them, albeit we tinker with the idea, as well as with the genetic code sequence itself that determines the shape and functions of outer forms.

I am reminded of a warning man was given in the garden, repeated here by Eve to the serpent: “But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die”— to which the serpent replied, “Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” He lied, and has been lying ever since—significantly and with dire consequences in our day with this rampant genetically-modified coronavirus and experimental and risky spike protein injection. 

We have dared to touch and manipulated the DNA tree to create a virus designed to attack human lung tissue and kill its host . . . and I ask, to what end, other than our own? It’s utter insanity.  


There’s another story I would like to visit that may provide background and context for what I have presented above, and that is the possibility of rogue activity on the part of the creator being(s) who made the “clay man,” as a friend in England calls him. There are two creation events in the first and second chapters of the Book of Genesis respectively, as I’ve written about in a previous post. These two trees that grew in the midst of the garden eastward in Eden, put there by the “LORD God,” are mentioned only in the second chapter of Genesis—in which is also recorded this second creation event.  In this event the “LORD God” forms a man from clay and imbues him with life, whereby he becomes a “living soul.”  The stated purpose for creating this man is found in this passage: “and there was no man to till the ground.”  In other words, man was created to be a servant and manual laborer, a slave.

There has arisen a controversy over these two separate events, one in which God creates Man “in his own image and likeness” as the final touch to his magnificent and “completed” Creation, and a second event in which the LORD God—a group of God beings called Elohim—forms a single man from the dust of the ground.  This event is soon followed by the creation of woman from a rib taken out of the side of the man. 


Now, this is no fairy tale made up by Moses when he wrote the Book of Genesis.  It is said that his creation story was based on ancient Sumerian scriptures, some of which were the retelling of mythical oral traditions and stories.  We can discern a lot from myths, as celebrated author and mythologist Joseph Campbell has elucidated, which are metaphors and stories that point to ancient historical events before a written language came into being and usage.  

Along this line, I want to share with you a letter I received from one of my blog followers and close friend, Donald White, in response to my previous post.  Here is his comment that speaks to this controversial rogue behavior, as well as the two creation events, and the conversation Eve had with the serpent which I cited above.

The Genesis story you’ve referred to here, as to whether God as a plurality: “Let US make man in OUR image…”, or “gods” (prior wise ancients, or advanced aliens) devised mankind through genetic manipulation, is perhaps the key to your conclusive consideration of what’s taking place in the evolutionary cycle we’re now experiencing.

Having studied extensively the Sumerian/Babylonian “Myth of Creation” from which 6th Century BC exiled Israelite, Judah, leaders formed their Genesis biblical story, I’m impressed by the quite detailed Creation stories of this early civilization.

Of course I’m referring to the extant Sumerian cuneiform texts that speak of this godly set of individuals, male and female, who were mankind’s creators and masters. They were referred to as the “Anunnaki,” a reference to the common father of the primary Sumerian god who was known as Anu.

As the story goes (as interpreted by Zechariah Sitchin) the two principal sons of Anu were Enki and Enlil who vied competitively for control of the world at that time, and both sons figured heavily in the Creation saga.  Enki was a great scientist and, with his medically-trained sister Ninharsag, the ‘mankind’ project was advanced as a way to lighten the work load of the Anunnaki as they developed their kingdom on earth. The project had received the “go-ahead” from a council of peers and particularly Lord Enlil who was the head Anunnaki leader.

What appears to be genetic manipulation was utilized by Lord Enki and Lady Ninharsag to alter the genes of our primate ancestor to ‘jump-start their evolutionary process. . . .  Mankind, after several notable failed genetic experiments, was born!

Following this story line (and contrary to the moralistic biblical tale), the “Fall of Mankind” wasn’t due to human misdeeds (Original Sin) but was due to a falling out between Lord Enki and his brother, Lord Enlil.  Apparently, Enki decided to improve the new human being so that procreation could commence amongst the fledgling human community. The ability “to Know” (procreate) caused a stir amongst the Enlilites who realized they could no longer control the burgeoning population of the new sentient being.

The human servants in the Mesopotamian “Garden of Eden” were then cast out of the elite Anunnaki community because, God forbid, they might learn all about how to build their own civilization!

A saying of the Master Jesus comes to mind: “I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them.”  This may be one of those things, which, even for many of us, are too much to bear, especially if beliefs prevent exploration and critical thinking.  Personally, I am interested in the possibility that those creator beings, advanced aliens—or rogue “fallen angels”—have reincarnated today and are bent on completing their unfinished genetic experimentation, perhaps even attempt to terminate the “mankind project.” Authors such as David Wilcock (THE SYNCHRONICITY KEY) and Graham Handcock (FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS) write about the reincarnation of historical figures, group-incarnations, and even simultaneous multiple incarnations.  


“Unworthy” Adam was created by the “LORD God” from clay, not in the image and likeness of God, and therefore not an immortal spiritual being.  Adam became a “living soul” when the  LORD God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life—by whatever creating process was thus employed.  Adam and Eve had another son to replace Abel who was slain by his brother Cane.  His name was Seth, from whom descended Noah, who was “perfect in his generations” and “found grace in the eyes of the LORD.”  This was a time when men “began to call upon the name of the LORD.”  It may well be that with Seth began a redemptive cycle with angels, spiritual Man, incarnating on earth in human beings, the “immortal and invisible images” of God the Supreme Being and Creator of the universe.


Be that as it may, we live in a day when angelic hosts are incarnate on planet Earth and men entertain angels unaware and wrestle unknowingly with powers and principalities.  As Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:12, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” 

Let me conclude this post by saying that the current events on planet Earth are being moved by a greater Power and Force than the powers of darkness, all in the design and seasons of the Lord, who can even use lies, deceit (aka “noble lies”)², and genetic manipulation to achieve his purposes.    As in the days of Noah, flesh has greatly multiplied upon the face of the earth and “the thoughts and imaginings of men’s hearts are only evil continually.”  A reduction of the human population by our own undoing, painful and uncomfortable as it is, can be seen as a “good” consequence of eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 

This generation, it is said, is reserved unto fire, the purifying fire of love.  Just look out at the events happening on Earth and see that this is so.  While wind-driven fires destroy forests and peoples’ homes and towns, and floods wash away peoples’ lives, at the same time a tidal wave of love is rising in the hearts of men and women everywhere.  An apocalypse of angelic light is underway bringing joy to a new world dawning as an old world passes away. 

It is a time of woe for the inhabitants of the earth and a time of rejoicing for those who dwell in the heavens.  Let us dwell in the heavens with compassion in our hearts for our fellow men, women and children who inhabit the earth, hundreds of thousands dying from multiple catastrophic events.  Those of us remaining now face an escalating climate crisis as the Earth moves on in its transmutation to a higher density, frequency and form.  Let love radiate without concern for what the future may bring, as it will be perfect in the eyes of the Creator. 

In my next post, “The Great Tree,” I will share a passage from The Gospel of the Beloved Companion by Jehanne De Quillan in which Jeshua shows Mary Magdalene a vision of a “great tree” which she proceeds to ascend up to its crown.  Until then,

Be love.  Be loved.

Anthony  (

¹ The Gospel of Thomas, Translation & Annotation by Stevan Davies, Series Editor Andrew Harvey.

² A “noble lie” is one that is told to protect the general public from the truth about what actually occurred but is rather intended to deceive the public while protecting the liar.








Steps of Ascent 3: Our Return to Eden Underway

THROUGHOUT THE RECORDED HISTORY of man’s sojourn on Earth—and it has been a sojourn, a temporary visit to the lower planes of being—a pattern has been weaving itself around the theme of resurrection and ascension of the body of mankind from out of the depths of perdition and death and into the restored Edenic state of eternal life, not merely in some imagined hereafter but here and now while we have living, breathing flesh to bring it and to enjoy it. It seems evident, by the direction this civilization is headed, that our sojourn in these lower levels of mere existence is near completion. We are being awakened, if not by Spirit then by dire circumstance, to the necessity of ascending to a higher frequency and a more heavenly state of consciousness.  We are being invited to return to Eden.

       We would not be strangers to Eden, however, for it has only been a few thousand years since we left the garden state.  We carry the memory of it all in our collective subconscious.  It is all being recalled to memory.  We also have available to us in the vibrational realm of  heaven the same divine technology of the Creative Process that was operative in Eden and throughout the biblical history of our sojourn through the “valley of the shadow of death.” This is the same divine alchemy that many of the great prophets, including Jesus, evoked and manifested in the many wonders of “miracles” which they wrought.  That technology is available to us today and the memory of it lies not too deeply buried within our collective memory.  

       I invite you to read the following excerpt from The Forgotten Books of Eden as edited by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr. and see what happens in your heart of hearts as you read. We mentioned Seth earlier, the son of Adam who replaced Abel (slain by Cain) and brought with him the seed from which sprang the lineage leading up to Abraham and ultimately to the birth of Jesus the proclaimed Messiah.  There is a description of Seth’s family in chapter eleven from the Second Book of Adam and Eve: 

      “But Seth and his children did not like earthly work, but gave themselves to heavenly things; for they had no other thought than praises, doxologies, and psalms unto God; and within the garden, or when they were sent by God on an errand, or when they were going up to heaven.

      “For Seth and his children, by reason of their own purity, heard and saw those angels.  Then, again, the garden was not far above them, but only some fifteen spiritual cubits.  Now, one spiritual cubit answers to three cubits of man, altogether forty-five cubits.  Seth and his children dwelt on the mountain below the garden; they sowed not, neither did they reap; they wrought no food for the body, not even wheat; but only offerings. They ate of the fruit and of trees well flavored that grew on the mountain where they dwelt. 

    “Then Seth often fasted every forty days, as did also his eldest children.  For the family of Seth smelled the smell of the trees in the garden, when the wind blew that way.   They were happy, innocent, without sudden fear; there was no jealousy, no evil action, no hatred among them.  There was no animal passion; from no mouth among them went forth either foul words or curse; neither evil counsel nor fraud. . . .

“But they contained their children and their women every day in the cave to fast and pray, and to worship the Most High God.”

Earlier on in the First Book of Adam and Eve, the fourth and eighth chapters, we read these accountings of the changed conditions outside the garden of Eden:

        “But Adam and Eve wept for having come out of the garden, their first abode.  And, indeed, when Adam looked at his flesh, that was altered, he wept bitterly, he and Eve, over what they had done. And they walked and went gently down into the Cave of Treasures.  And as they came to it Adam wept over himself and said to Eve, “Look at this cave that is to be our prison in this world, and a place of punishment!  What is it compared with the garden? What is its narrowness compared with the space of the other?  What is this rock by the side of those groves?  What is the gloom of this cavern, compared with the light of the garden?  What is this overhanging ledge of rock to shelter us, compared with the mercy of the Lord that overshadowed us?  What is the soil of this cave compared with the garden land?  This earth, strewed with stones; and that, planted with delicious fruit-trees?”  And Adam said to Eve, “Look at thine eyes, and at mine, which afore beheld angels in heaven, praising; and they, too, without ceasing. But now we do not see as we did: our eyes have become of flesh; they cannot see in like manner as they saw before.”  Adam said again to Eve, “What is our body today, compared to what it was in former days, when we dwelt in the garden?”

  “. . . Then Adam wept and said, ‘O God, when we dwelt in the garden, and our hearts were lifted up, we saw the angels that sang praises in heaven, but now we do not see as we were used to do; nay, when we entered the cave, all creation became hidden from us.’

        “Then God the Lord said unto Adam, ‘When thou wast under subjection to Me, thou hadst a bright nature within thee, and for that reason couldst thou see things afar off.  But after thy transgressions, thy bright nature was withdrawn from thee; and it was not left to thee to see things afar off, but only near at hand; after the ability of the flesh; for it is brutish. . . .'”

      This account of life after Man’s exit from Eden is, of course, a mythical legend handed down through the Ancients.  However, it does serve as a reminder that life on earth the way we know it today has undergone drastic changes over the eons of time.  We have no record of how life was in the fabled Garden of Eden, nor after the legendary fall, except in myths such as this where the key players compare how things were in Eden to how they were after they left the garden, or were expelled as the story recounts.  We only have this sentence from Genesis that gives us a clue about the conditions then and speaks volumes about our state of consciousness before the fall:  “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.” (Genesis 2:25) 

      We were given the promise of a fresh start in a new heaven and a new earth in St. John’s Book of Revelation:

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.  And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.  And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.  And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away.  And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said to me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

Thus it is and thus it shall be.  I welcome any thoughts you may wish to share. Until my next post,

be thankful.


Steps of Ascent 4: How much can we bear?

Blessed is one who existed before coming into being…. You are pleased when you see your own likeness.  When you see your images that came into being before you did, immortal and invisible images, how much can you bear?  — Jesus, The Gospel of Thomas¹


READING THROUGH the first two chapters of the Book of Genesis in the Bible, one cannot help but notice that there are two different incidences that speak of the creation of man.  The first one is in the 26th verse of the first chapter of Genesis:

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after out likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”  

     This may be taken as the creation of Spiritual Man, made in the image and likeness of the Creator.  The second incident, as recorded in the second chapter of Genesis, relates to the creation of Adam, physical man, by the LORD God:

“…and there was not a man to till the ground….  And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed . . .to dress it and to keep it.”


     Who is this “LORD God” that appears on the scene?  In her legacy work, THE BOOK OF GRACE, biblical scholar and spiritual author Grace Van Duzen goes to some length to elucidate:

A new name is introduced here: the LORD God. The capitalization in such case conveys plurality,  a focus of beings, whereas the use (later) of Lord indicates divine presence in a single being.

Rev. Scofield, in his Authorized King James Reference Bible, says:

The primary meaning of the name LORD (Jehovah) is the self-existent One.” Literally (as in Ex. 3.14), “He that is who He is, therefore the eternal I AM.” But Havah, from which Jehovah, or Yahwe, is formed, signifies also “to become,” that is, to become known, thus pointing to a continuous and increasing self-revelation. Combining these meanings of Havah, we arrive at the meaning of the name Jehovah. He is “the self­ existent One who reveals Himself . . . .”

It is significant that the first appearance of the name Jehovah in Scripture follows the creation of man. It was God (Elohim) who said, “Let us make man in our image”. . . but when man, as in the second chapter of Genesis, is to fill the scene and become dominant over creation, it is the LORD God (Jehovah Elohim) who acts. This clearly indicates a special relation of Deity, in His Jehovah character, to man, and all Scripture empha­sizes this. 

The name Lord, or Jehovah, is introduced immediately after the completion of the six-day cycle of Creation which was crowned with the presence of Man, the means whereby God could “live and move and have his being” on this planet in conscious expression. That is the purpose of man, to reveal God through the indwelling presence in himself — not as a stereotyped, preordained blueprint but to allow, moment by moment in living, a New Heaven and a New Earth to take form. 

Herein is the secret of God’s “rest” [on the seventh day], the state of being which became possible as human beings remained in harmony with the Creator, the Law which operates the universe.  Man was not created an automaton, without free will; that would not be an image and likeness of the Creator. On the contrary, all the wonder and diversity of the cosmos was available to be given form on Earth according to the capacities of this new creation, and on the Seventh Day that provision was in place. It was, moreover, a cycle when a “proving” was necessary to complete the creation.

I think we’re still in the proving stage, and not faring too well in it.


     Now, I find all this most intriguing, as others have as well.  Quite frankly, no one really knows what occurred back then.  Some have even speculated that superior beings from outer space came to earth and seeded the human race in various and different locations as genetic experiments, each genetically different with unique physical characteristics, cultures and languages, perhaps to see if they would find a way to meld together as one global human race — a scenario to which I could easily ascribe watching travelogue programs that take you all over the globe to visit the colorful array of nationalities and life styles that exist in near isolation from one another except for media technology and air travel. 

(Watching the spectacular and inspiring 2020 Winter Olympics high-tech opening ceremony in Tokyo, and hearing John Lennon’s “Imagine” sung so passionately by everyone, including John Legend and a couple of other popular vocalists, the world is “as one” for these young athletes from different nations.  I was deeply touched. This upcoming generation just may pull it off — peace and harmony, that is.)  


      There has been for some time a question concerning the two different stories in Genesis relating to the creation of Man which suggests rogue behavior on the part of one or more of the creator beings comprising the Elohim conclave.  I’ve given this considerable thought and meditation, and I resonate more with Grace Van Duzen’s view of the creation story than with the rogue scenario.  Whether critical or speculative inquiry, the fact is that if there’s been any rogue behavior on this planet, it’s been on the part of man himself — and it is precisely this rogue behavior by us that needs to cease before Eden can be restored, along with our partnership with God as co-creators of living forms on Earth . . . according to Divine Design and not human designs.

      Let us not fool ourselves by thinking our past errant ways are gone and forgotten, because this rogue behavior is still going on everywhere on the face of the earth, notably in laboratories where medical scientists tamper and experiment with the genetic code of the double helix DNA and its partner RNA which contain and deliver respectively Life’s instructions for creating and assembling the building blocks of physical matter.


      It all sounds so ingenious and commendable . . . until an experiment gets out of hand and a man-made virus, genetically coded to be more virulent and aggressive by a method called “Gain of Function” (GOF) — for the purpose of developing an appropriate vaccine in the event of a pandemic — is reportedly released accidentally in order to create a global pandemic.  As I understand it, this dangerous research was shut down here in America only to be transferred to a lab in Wuhan by leading medical scientists in the USA, as well as funded.  (Here’s the stunning LATEST DISCLOSURE on the origin of the virus.  Scroll down to read the Story at a Glance, although the video is well worth watching.)

      How much disclosure such as this can we bear before we wake up?!  How much risk are we fool enough to take until we learn that we cannot partake of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil — or evolve, as is the case with the genetic code of the DNA spiral and escape the death-dealing consequence?  The DNA molecule is created by Life and belongs to Life, and we have no business tinkering with it.  We do so at our peril, as it is proving out.    


       There is a restorative process underway, and has been in progress ever since the Fall, to bring us back into alignment with the Great Spirit Creator and into the garden state.  At least two attempts have been made, the first of which was through Abraham and his immediate lineage that brought forth the nation of Israel and Moses, who led the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt and to the “Promised Land” flowing with milk and honey.  But that was as far as human beings at the time moved with that cycle. 

       The cycle of movement through the physical plane was brought to a point of completion, and failure, with King Solomon, who let his success and empirical power, along with his collection of feminine royalty, consume him.  This level is the domain of the Spirit of the New Earth, and there was great expectancy on the part of the tribes of Israel, for example, to come to a new land flowing with milk and honey, an expectancy that was realized after forty years of rebellion and consequent hardship in the wilderness.

      Throughout the Old Testament there is an expectancy of the “coming of a Messiah.” This attempt from the level of the physical plane failed to restore humanity back to God and closed with a promise of a Messiah who would come and restore the kingdom of heaven on earth. But it would not be an earthly kingdom.  It would be a heavenly kingdom that resides within each one, indicating that the garden state is first a spiritual reality based on spiritual consciousness and only secondly, and consequentially, an earthly experience of Paradise.

     A restoration in human consciousness, then, is what is underway — and it began with the incarnation of the Lord of Love 2000+ years ago in the Middle East — which today has become a hotbed of religious wars and human suffering.  The sacred fire of Love is at work through the Spirit of Purification cleansing the body of humanity of hatred, greed and fear, along with a host of other demons . . . and not just in the Middle East. 

     How much more of this cleansing can we bear?  How much of our past can we bear to remember, forgive and move on from.  More pertinent to the Master’s words above: How much of the radiance of our own Being, the “immortal and invisible” image of God revealed through us on Earth, can we bear?  How much peace and joy and happiness?  How much truth can we bear?  How much are we willing and ready to let go of our beliefs, our concepts and opinions, move beyond them, in order to come to the place of knowing and living the truth of life that is love; love of God and of one another?  Oneness with the All that Is?

     The Master told his disciples I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.”  Can we bear them today?  The Holy Spirit, the promised Comforter, is coming now upon the clouds of human consciousness and is bringing to remembrance all the things the Master Jesus said and taught his disciples when he was on earth.  Authors and spiritual teachers abound repeating almost verbatim his gospel of love, of compassion, of forgiveness and of thankfulness.    

Listen! The Comforter speaks in our hearts to our minds: “Be still and know that I AM , , , , and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”  


     I will continue with this provocative and essential consideration and meditation in my next post where I will share the powerful and pragmatic conclusion in a meditation on The Way of the Master.  I welcome your thoughts.                     


¹The Gospel of Thomas, one of the Nag Hammadi texts later translated and annotated by Stevan Davies.


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