Creating the New Earth Together

Archive for the ‘LGBT’ Category

Rise of the Masculine In Men and Women

Taken 12/01/2012

For the past several decades, we have been experiencing the “Rise of the Feminine.” This resurgence of feminine energy in virtually all sectors of society — including the political sector, which has traditionally been dominated by men in both the congressional and the executive branches — is being met with much welcome and celebration by both women and men.  The infusion of estrogen into the bloodstream of the body politic has been a refreshing and nurturing reprieve from the testosterone-laden climate in Washington and elsewhere. Let’s face it, guys, the aggressive corporate male of our species has taken us down the industrial path to an existential crisis, according to climatologists — not that the shadow side of women’s wiles haven’t played their alluring part.  Both genders have let our shadow sides take the lead in human endeavors to achieve what we each want out of life.  Notwithstanding all of the competitive strife, we are encouraged, I believe, by the rising of the female of our species to help bring about a balance, and hopefully a change in our suicidal course toward extinction. The Masculine is rising alongside the Feminine. 

I take note of the fact that in virtually all situations where women are speaking out and taking on leadership roles, there are men present in the mix supporting them — which may well be being prompted by the rise of feminine energy is men, as we men are “getting in touch,” as we say, with own own femininity. So, I thought it timely, in the wake of my recent series on masculine-feminine energy, to acknowledge the Rise of the Masculine prior to and alongside the Rise of the Feminine, and perhaps see it in a new light.  It could well be that women are also experiencing the rise of their own Masculine energy while men are experiencing the rise of their Feminine energy.  Whatever the scenario, something of a balancing of these two energetic creative forces is trying to take place in the Human species. 


In these articles I have been capitalizing the words “Masculine” and “Feminine,” but not the words “male” and “female,” for the purpose of differentiating between energy and gender, a distinction I made in my last post.  For me, the words “Masculine” and “Feminine” represent the Divine creating energy of the Universal One Walter Russell writes about, which is shared in a co-creative partnership with Man, who was created both male and female. The words “male” and “female” represent the specific genders of our species, distinguished by our anatomical, chemical (hormonal), physical and psychological makeup.  

While I celebrate the men who have risen up with the women in support of their movement underway — a movement that is boldly ignoring the domineering male ego while giving women back their power and voice to speak and be heard and assume their rightful place in the forefront of human endeavors as equal partners in co-creation with men — I am also cognizant of the energetic factors at play behind the scene, so-to-speak, in the spiritual or vibrational levels of our Being, as well as in the larger galactic context. There is something much larger and grander afoot in the overall scheme of things than the rather miniscule “battle of the sexes” that’s been being waged for all too many centuries now.  It’s time we took a break from our competitive warring and put a listening ear to the shifting frequency of the harmonic Tone sounding in our galactic home among the stars.

We’re not just being invited to harmonize with this Tone, which is sounding the vibrational frequency of Love. We are being compelled to do so or perish. What we have created on Earth, and the way we have been behaving toward one another and toward our planet, can no longer be sustained by the Tone of Love — and the Tone of Love is what creates and sustains the Natural World, the Earth and our entire Universe.  Love has accommodated us thus far in our evolution from out of the cave world into which we tumbled in our fall from grace, but it is moving on in the larger cycles of planetary evolution and transformation, and we need to hurry and finish growing up in order to move on with it — and not as passive passengers but as active stewards of the evolution of our species and of our planet.  And, yes, that is a mouth full. 

So, a timely and compelling resurgence of both Masculine and Feminine energy is afoot, and it has nothing to do with women’s and men’s so-called “rights.” It’s much larger than that. It’s about the creation of a new world that is in harmony with the Tone of the Universal One and the Natural World itself.


The “Rise of the Feminine” is not so much or merely a women’s movement as it is a natural and timely movement of the Divine Feminine energy through the body of Mankind. In other words, the rise of the Divine Feminine is taking place in both genders of our species, in women and men alike, and it is doing so simultaneously with and in response to the rise of the creating force of the Divine Masculine.

It wasn’t too many years ago that we saw the “Men’s Movement” sweep through our species here in America and elsewhere. These two movements are taking place in both men and women, and they’re doing so at a time when the “New Earth” project is emerging from out of the “New Heaven” — something that men and women throughout the world have been welcoming into their consciousness yea these many, many years since the dawning of the “Age of Aquarius.”

If you’ve read my previous two posts — and if you haven’t then I would encourage you to do so — you will recall how Walter Russell describes the Masculine force of energy as the attractive, magnetic, contracting and integrating force of the Universe moving centripetally (inward) toward the apex of a spiraling vortex. The Feminine force he describes as the radiant, expelling and disintegrative force moving centrifugally (outward) from the apex of the same spiraling vortex of energy.  The Masculine builds up form while the Feminine dismantles form in a creative destructive process of clearing the deck, so-to-speak, for the creation of the next new form — only one of her more nurturing roles. This creative process is ongoing eternally at both the level of consciousness (cause) and the level of form (effect).  Mental constructs and outdated concepts and belief systems are discarded in this way.

We are experiencing such a discard now, along with a radical revision and transformation of our consciousness that is allowing us to invision new possibilities for life on Earth. To refer back to a Biblical prophecy, the “old heaven” and the “old earth” are passing away in our time, making room for a “New Heaven” and the “New Earth” to manifest. The image of the “New Jerusalem,” if you will, has descended down from God out of Heaven into the consciousness of enough human beings on earth to begin transforming our collective consciousness. We see it and feel it as a real possibility. 

It’s time for us to go to work now as equal partners in letting a New Earth and a New World be born — a vision and dream that was held by one of our own generation, the late Scott Peck, beloved author of “The Road Less Traveled” and “A World Waiting To Be Born” — whom I celebrate with profound gratitude.  The dream has been dreamt. The image is firmly planted in our consciousness, as Simon and Garfunkel sang out some years back when the cancerous “Silence” was being disturbed and broken and we began to speak our truth in poems, songs, books, blogs and demonstrations.

My wife Bonnie and I recently saw the movie Bohemian Rhapsody about the British rock band Queen and their amazing lead singer, Freddie Mercury, played by Remi Malek in an outstanding performance worthy of an Oscar. I don’t know if some of the film footage was of Queen’s actual concert at Knebworth in 1986 or not, the last time the four original members of Queen performed on stage together and when they sang that powerful mantra “We Are The Champions” with the crowd. Over a million people attended that Queen tour, one of the largest ever, which was part of a global “Aids Benefit” for the famine in Ethiopia involving several bands in various locations. But the sight and sound of so many young people our age all gathered in one place and in one accord was heart stopping.  A shift took place in the way I have been viewing rock concerts, which are not my “cup of tea.” I prefer good jazz and the classics. 

Such gatherings have been taking place at concerts all over the world for several decades, and I now see how their “rock” sounds have been instrumental in shattering the silence of the youthful masses, along with the stigmas attached to AIDS and homosexuality, among other fixations in the collective consciousness. They have literally rocked the foundations of our culture and disrupted the status quo.  It is perhaps telling how Freddie and several others in his circle of male friends became confused about their own sexual orientation, feeling the emergence of their femininity, which I felt was given rise by the music they were writing and singing. 

But what I also see in all of this is the Feminine force at work clearing out the old to make room for the new. I see a  phenomenon that speaks loudly and clearly that we very much want a new world on the face of our planetary home — and even more obvious, that we have the energy and the power in our hearts to create it — and God knows we have the technology.  


What we are witnessing and experiencing in our time is the rise of Spirit from within the heart of Humanity — which is the Heart of God incarnate on this planet. It is Love that is drawing us to each other and gathering us in concerts and demonstrations — and also in relationships. Let there be no wavering or doubt that Love is in charge and moving us all into position to do our part each one in revisioning and transforming the consciousness of Humanity by bringing our individual spirits and gifts into the process of creating the New Earth. We simply need to let love command — an unconditional love that “keeps no record of wrong,” as novelist Ted Bekker describes love in his book The Rise of the Mystics, which I just finished reading,  I am finding this kind of love a challenge to have consistently in my heart — and it is the heart that keeps record of wrong.  “Let it go” the song in Frozen sings out.  “Let it go!” I tell my heart.

This morning my wife asked me what I thought these recent blogs are all about, and, more pointedly, what I have learned in writing them. We were having one of those heart-rending moments couples have when love is asking for more and deeper change yet. Perhaps, after some personal reflection and introspection, that could be the content of my next blog — and why not? I have indeed learned much, about myself and about my partner.  I have also learned something about human behavior and the greater potential of success and harmony available to us as co-creators on this beautiful planet Earth, pregnant with life yet to be born, nurtured and stewarded by men and women in partnership with one another in Love’s embrace.  

I sincerely thank you for sharing my thoughts and views . . . and I would love sharing yours.  So, email me at  Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved,



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