Creating the New Earth Together

Archive for the ‘Astronomy’ Category

Our Solar Entity: A Place of Habitation

WE ARE HARDLY AN ISOLATED “tiny oasis of life surrounded by an immensity of death,” as our ageing Star Trek Captain Kurk (William Shatner) described his impression of Earth during his recent venture out into the dark deep of space, featured in my previous post. As I mentioned in that article, light is everywhere but only visible to us as a reflection off of substances, such as water vapor. Except for substance to reflect off of, we could not see light. So the darkness of space is filled with invisible light, and where there’s light there’s life and love.

I received this comment on my previous post from a dear friend and colleague:

I think you allude to something here Tony, and that is: That our Holy Earth is not so tiny as we might think, and it is not an oasis, because it is not located in a desert, and it is not a mirage in the desert of the fallen human consciousness that sees everything in its own likeness, in this case the likeness interpreted as an oasis in a universal desert wilderness. But in Divine Imagination, as we are made in the Image and Likeness of the Divine Elohim, it might well be that our Earth Home is vast, and embedded in what we call a solar system that is akin to an amazon forest teeming with multiplicity of life, all this within a Cosmic Ocean of unblemished Cosmo-Diversity. And, as a wise man once suggested, could it not be that our heavenly earth system is itself one Holy City created to thrive, one City among many, all embedded within a Bright and Morning Star, within a vast Cosmic Field of such cities and such stars. I think so.

David Barnes, Great Cosmic Story


I love this perspective of our Earth as “one Holy City created to thrive, one City among many, all embedded within a Bright and Morning Star….”

In astronomy we refer to the planets orbiting the sun as a “solar system,” as though it was a lifeless grouping of cosmic bodies adrift in empty galactic space. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Earth and all her eight sister planets are living, breathing entities, as is their origin star, the central solar orb around which they orbit. It’s all part of a vast cosmic fabric of stars and galaxies that is “but a cloak” to the living God of Creation, to borrow a phrase from the lyrics of a colleague’s baritone song of praise.


(The following words speak my own thoughts and implications about what I see, read and hear. I do not expect anyone to believe me. In fact, I discourage it. I do invite you to read it, however, and to do your own critical thinking about it.)

There is a tenth planet, according to ancient Sumerian cuneiform texts, recorded on stone tablets and recently translated by Zacharia Sitchin (1920-2010), author of a number of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. Our solar system, or entity, is a massive colonization of planets, one of which is inhabited by the human race along with a vast variety of animal, insect and plant species . . . and another, a planet named “Niburu“— also known as “Planet X”— which is believed to be inhabited by rogue creator beings who came to Earth and genetically engineered the human species.

In his book THE 12TH PLANET, Zacharia Sitchin “attributed the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he stated was a race of extraterrestrials from a planet beyond Neptune called Niburu. He asserted that Sumerian mythology suggests that this hypothetical planet of Niburu is in an elongated, 3,600-year-long elliptical orbit around the Sun.” You are welcome to explore for yourself this ancient story of the origins of humanity.

I mention all this because in the Sumerian cuneiform text Earth is spoken of as the “seventh planet,” and the only possible explanation for this placement of the earth as the seventh planet is if one is counting from the outer planetary orbit, presumably that of Pluto, (which has been counted and excluded as a planet a number of times), and traveling toward the inner planets, which would be Mars (6th), Earth (7th), Venus (8th) and Mercury (9th). Also, in counting and numbering the planets from the outer reaches of the solar system, for earth to be numbered as the seventh planet, there would have to have been ten planets counting the asteroid belt, which is a debris field of a planet that was destroyed in a collision with another planet, or possibly a moon of one of the other planets, or even with a comet.

William Shatner describes planet Earth as an oasis surrounded by a vast dark wilderness of death, as in a desert. When I read this in his account of his space venture, I was reminded of a reference in the Sumerian text to the inhabitants of Niburu (the Anunnaki) seeing the planet Earth as a place to stop off, like an oasis, and exploring for possible deposits of gold on what we now call the African continent, the cradle of civilization and of all life on earth.

According to the story, the Anunnaki needed gold to build a solar shield for their planet. They found gold deposits and began excavating it and shipping it to their planet via space cargo ships. The work became too arduous for the “creator beings” so they created man to “till the ground,” as slave laborers to do the dirty and strenuous work. According to the story, the Anunnaki started with strong and able-bodied apian creatures and genetically altered them using their own DNA, thereby creating man in their own image and likeness. Evolution followed that transformed man through various stages of development.

The notable point for me is that the earth was seen as an oasis and source of minerals in the dark wilderness of the solar system. It is still being mined for its minerals, including gold and silver, lithium, copper, cobalt and uranium, not to mention the coal mines of China and the oil wells of Texas and the Gulf of Mexico; all being done by the powers that control the global economy and manage the industrial complexes.

One may well suspect that the Anunnaki rogue creator beings have incarnated in modern times to finish their pillage of the planet’s riches and energy resources and enslave human beings to do their bidding. Perhaps they never really left Earth as incarnate rogue creator beings, even possessing the Scribes and Pharisees in order to do away with God’s “only begotten Son” once and for all. But they failed to get rid of Him, and that victory over death by Jesus the Christ altered the course of history . . . as far as the Anunnaki are concerned and as far as humanity is concerned. They may have been able to enslave Adam and Eve and their descendants, but they could not enslave the human spirit. Jesus threw the fire of love on the world and initiated once again a cycle of purification and restoration of man to his ordained state of co-creator with the Father of Creation, the third and final opportunity for man, male and female, to return to the Creator and restore the Earth to its Paradise state as “a womb where beauty might be born.

Returning to the tonal words of my friend David Barnes for upliftment to a higher point of view and authentic context:

. . . could it not be that our heavenly earth system is itself one Holy City created to thrive, one City among many, all embedded within a Bright and Morning Star, within a vast Cosmic Field of such cities and such stars. I think so.

I think so as well. “The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein.” The Earth is a Holy City of habitation for the sons and daughters of God. It was created by Elohim for this very purpose in the deep dark of space.


I will conclude this post by saying that Zacharia Sitchin’s scenario of our origins reads like a very possible way in which the events mythologized by Moses in the Book of Genesis manifested and unfolded. I can appreciate the challenge Moses must have faced in writing the Book of Genesis and some of the other books in the Old Testament, especially taking into account the level of consciousness of the relatively primitive “Children of Israel” who had just been delivered from bondage in Egypt. It is said that he had access to ancient Sumerian and Sanskrit scriptures, legends and oral traditions as well. His congregation were truly children who could only relate to mythical stories and parables.

A similar event occurs in the New Testament Gospels when Jesus said to his simple-minded disciples, “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.” (John 16:12). There are many things being revealed that even we have a hard time bearing today . . . and this Nibiru story may just be one of them. It may also be one of the things that are best left in the past and forgotten. But then there’s the danger of repeating our past unless we remember it . . . If we are not already doing so.

I will address this in my next post, “Earth as an Electrical Being.” So, stay tuned. Until then,

Be love. Be loved.


Cornerstone of the Body Temple

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“. . . we remember that the Master said, ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed.’ Its first point of manifestation is very small, but when it is grown it becomes the greatest of the herbs of the field.” (Uranda)

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THE PINEAL GLAND, a pea-size member of the endocrine system nestled in the center of the brain, is the designated point and place of fusion in the body temple between Heaven and Earth for each individual.  When the body temple is a house of prayer and thanksgiving, used as a place of worship of God, it is lifted up vibrationally to a higher level to fuse with the Spirit of Love and is filled with the substance of Love.

When a critical number of individual souls have fused their body temples with the Spirit of Love at this level, and are in tune with the Tone of Love and in step with the pulsations and rhythms of Life, then will the Body of Mankind be filled with the substance of Love.  When the Body of Mankind is filled to over-flowing with the substance of Love, the whole world will begin to be filled with the substance of Love, which no evil can withstand.  The Pineal gland plays a pivotal role in this fusion with and infilling of Love substance. Man restored will then play his appointed role in setting the ordinances of the New Heaven in the New Earth in order for the Cycles of Restoration, pre-ordained in the Inner Plane, to be set in the Outer Planes.  Spiritual mentor, Martin Cecil, once stated it beautifully and succinctly . . .

We are here to fill the world with the substance of love, to fill the world with the transforming power of love. Nothing can withstand that. The transformation occurs. Nothing can stop it. It only happens when there is someone on hand to do it. It doesn’t come magically out of the sky. It’s done because one loves to do it: that’s the only thing to do; one can’t do anything else. Then the world begins to be filled with the substance of love and behold, all things are made new, not in the twinkling of an eye necessarily, but pretty fast nevertheless.  

Used as a house of worship of the treasures and idols in the outer world plane, the body temple crumbles and returns to its origin in the elements of the earth . . . “ashes to ashes, dust to dust” . . . and is blown away by the winds of change into oblivion, as the Story of Daniel portrays in the previous post and this one.  In the final drama of the story, the little white stone, representing the kingdom of Daniel’s “God of Heaven,” is established during the rise of several kingdoms and would remain to fill the whole earth after these other kingdoms had passed away — a prophetic story casting its shadow onto our world today presently undergoing radical change as the old mind-made kingdom crumbles beneath our feet. 


OUR STORY OF DANIEL takes us to the end of an empire that was founded upon worship of the elemental gods of iron, silver, brass and gold.  Today’s industrial empire is founded upon worship of money and addiction to fossil fuels.  Daniel’s God was a God of love, the “cornerstone” of the temple of the living God.  That cornerstone is embodied by the Pineal Gland in our body temples.   It’s location in between the two hemispheres of the brain is strategic to the outworking underway even now of the transformation of human consciousness and the restoration of Mankind to its noble stature.  As stated in my book Sacred Anatomy, a new paradigm is emerging that is guiding us back to love in spite of ourselves.

Read on and be lifted up in your understanding . . .         

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Significance of the Cornerstone

The Pineal Gland

ONE OF THE KEY ELEMETS of the presence of this One who dwells in the midst lies with the secrets inherent in this “little stone” of the Pineal Body.  The Pineal is “a stone cut out without hands,” rejected by men of science for many decades as being insignificant and irrelevant to any important or vital processes in the body.   This “stone which the builders rejected . . . has become the cornerstone of the temple.”  In truth, it has been so from the beginning. What comes to focus by virtue of this tiny gland, the Spirit of Love at the physical plane of being, is even now bringing about a transformation of the body of humanity. We, and all of the kingdoms of this world, are destined to become the “kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ.”  (Rev. 11:15)  

It is, without a doubt, by perfect divine design that the Pineal Body is situated between the two lobes of the brain, where all the structures of beliefs, concepts, busy and ambitious thought processes and images of gold are held sacred so as to be used in building and maintaining this empire and civilization.   Here this little stone, with its radiant field of love, is in the most strategically placed position to strike the great image of this empire of man on its feet made of a mixture of iron and clay.

The feet symbolize the capacity of understanding.  The image’s feet were made of a mixture of iron and clay, substances which do not bond together.   They also represent the foundation upon which this mind-made world stands and the mental understanding as to how it works and is maintained.    As that foundation crumbles, as it is doing today, all hell breaks loose as disorientation creates havoc. The foundations of human civilization are synthetic, produced by constructs such as science, politics and religion.   It is held together, not by the power of love which governs the natural world, but by the concepts and beliefs of those who rule the masses, and by the masses who worship these beliefs and concepts.

Those concepts declare, for example, that if someone has something that you need or want, you have the right to go to war with him and take it from him if you can, and that the lives of young men and women are dispensable to that cause and end.   The whole world supports this belief.  The whole world is thus deceived.  The world’s concepts also declare that if someone hates you and seeks to do you harm, you have the right to hate him back and seek to destroy him first.

 Man’s civilization is governed by the laws of the Medes and Persians, with one exception. The laws of the Medes and Persians could not be altered.  The laws of this civilization can be changed, and are changed, when they no longer serve the needs of those who make them.  Fortunately for us the God of Heaven does not rule His Kingdom nor Her Queendom on the same arbitrary basis, nor out of convenience.   The ordinances of heaven that govern the kingdoms of this world are absolute and immutable.   They hinge on the One Law of Love . . . and Love never fails.  Love radiates forth and response leaps to obey its irresistible attraction.  Community happens, bringing blessings to the whole and to all the parts that make up this whole, holy world.

In a word, man’s civilization is founded upon an understanding of how hate, fear and greed can get us, as individuals and as nations and peoples, just about anything we covet.  The only price we pay is that we must, upon acquiring it, treasure it with our hearts and guard it with our very lives or else someone will come along and try to take it from us.  For where one’s treasure is, there one’s heart is as well.  This is the basis upon which we have established life in this world and have learned to survive in it.  It is not the truth of how life is meant to be lived, and deep down inside our heart of hearts we know that. At deeper levels, hearts desire companionship, trust, meaning.  There would likely be no coveting were these desires met in us individually and nationally.

Upon the very altar of our hearts we continue to worship the gods of gold, silver, brass, wood, stone and now oil, plutonium and the silica of the computer microchip.  In return these gods give us fleeting power over our worlds and over others. We may praise the God of Heaven on Sundays—and at times when He comes through for us as in the story of Daniel—but we turn right around and resort to worshiping these other gods and appeasing them so that they will continue to deliver unto us the material goods we so earnestly believe will bring us life, liberty, security and happiness.  In so doing we compromise our hearts and therein defile our temples.

This paradigm of understanding is being dismantled and transformed by the Spirit of Love now intensifying its radiance through the point of focus this little stone, the Pineal Body, provides in the body temple.   Those who find themselves drawing near to Love and leaving the world to its own demise are experiencing a transformation the likes of which has never before occurred in the recorded history of this planet.  Responding to the Spirit of Love, they find themselves drawn toward love and toward others so responding. 

As the radiation of Love increases and permeates the cells of the brain, it cleanses the atoms which comprise it.  The Pineal becomes a powerful magnetic center which draws all the atoms in the human brain into a pattern of service in the temple.  Its bio-magnetic force field, like a computer reformat program, erases programs in the memory cells of the brain.  Thought patterns that were once held “sacred” for the security they promised are become as iron mixed with clay as they no longer hold together.  Beliefs that were once worshiped are suddenly seen as shams and levers for manipulation by commercial advertising and evangelism.   Belief in “the truth” gives way to the actual experience of truth and the resultant freedom from these limitations

These “sacred” thought patterns and beliefs have been established by isolated and competing human egos. As these old concepts and viewpoints of how the world of man works crumble, giving way to the new thought patterns born out of love for the LORD God and for one another, our world does not make sense any longer.  Nothing is certain anymore, as though it ever was.  We just believed it was because of the structures, the golden images, in our heads.  We are awakening to the stark reality that the LORD of this world is truly the God of heaven and rules yet;  that until we come to love Him above all and with all, and our neighbor as ourselves, there is no hope for this civilization; that oneness is the truth of love and of life.

As we no longer function out of fear, hate and greed, but begin to function out of love, the feet of this great image continues to crumble, for we the people are the feet of this great civilization, the “grass roots” as we are called in the political system.   When we change the way we see things and the way we behave toward God, toward ourselves and one another and toward the natural world, then will the empires of gold, silver, brass, iron, stone and oil come tumbling down to be blown away by the wind of spirit in expression through us so that there will not remain even a memory of it.

The Spirit of Love is even now melting the feet of this golden image in the heart and soul of humanity through this little stone.  Speaking to us vibrationally through the Pineal, it is compelling us all to listen to its voice and heed its command:   “Love one another.  Do good unto those that hate you.  Love your enemies.  Do unto others as you would they should do unto you.”

The Golden Rule is returning to human conscious-ness, and its power is destroying the “laws of the Medes and Persians,” all by virtue of the silent and radiant presence of Love focused in this tiny gland.  The changes are occurring in everyone at the same time even as I write because of one thing and one thing only:   God loves each and every one of us the same and His Spirit of Love, even the LORD of Love who incarnated 2000 years ago, is with us and has been all these two thousand years.  What He set in motion then has now come full cycle.   The victory is His and well at hand for those who believe in what He brought and do what He commanded.  Such are the friends of God.  What He brought was unconditional love, the One Law upon which all other laws hinge.  He sounded the Tone of unconditional love and has filled the Seven Levels of Being with the substance of love. He has opened the Seven Seals that are even now pouring out radiant currents of love into the hearts of human beings everywhere.  Purification is underway in the temple of the living God.

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The news media brings this reality before our eyes and ears daily.  Simply observe the profanity, violence and inhumane behavior gushing forth out of the heart of humanity like foul sewage water pouring out of a cistern as fresh water pours in from above and below pushing out the residue that has settled on the bottom for millennia, now rising to the surface and spilling out over the edges of the cauldron of the human heart.  It’s all coming out, the “good, the bad and the ugly.”  From a higher, fourth-dimensional viewpoint, there’s much cause for rejoicing in all of this chaotic filth coming out of our collective heart because right behind it is the cool, clear water of the truth of love which is life . . . and “Unconquerable Life prevails.”   

Thank you for joining your heart with mine as we meditate on these timely cosmic events and the impact we have on them as well as the impact they have on us.  Until then,

Be love.  Be loved. 


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A “Goldilocks’ Universe” Part 2 . . . . Created With Light


Apocalypse of light

“All things are one.”  —Heraclitus (540-480 BC)

THE SECOND HALF of the ninth chapter of BIOCENTRISM — How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe, authored by globally respected scientist Robert Lanza, MD and renown astronomer Bob Berman, delves into the perspective of a likely pre-existent universe in an indeterminate state of formless, vibrationless wave of potential, possibility and probability — and the necessity, therefore, for a universe that accommodates and supports both life and consciousness . . . simply because of the need for an observer to collapse its wave-function and bring the universe out into particle-form reality. 

This perspective was dubbed “the Anthropic Principle,” a term that emerged in the 1960’s from papers written by Princeton physicist Robert Dicke and elaborated upon by Brandon Carter in 1974. The alternative is a billiard ball model that, by mere happenstance, produced a Michael Angelo and a Amadeus Mozart.  Based simply on such unlikely outcomes, intelligent design wins out over Darwin’s preposterous random selection, as well as religion’s inconceivable creation out of nothing scenarios.  

Starting from where I left off in the previous post . . . .

Carter explained that what we can expect to observe “must be restricted by the conditions necessary for our presence as observers.” Put another way, if gravity was a hair stronger or the Big Bang a sliver weaker, and therefore the universe’s lifespan significantly shorter, we couldn’t be here to think about it. Because we’re here, the universe has to be the way it is and therefore isn’t unlikely at all. Case closed.

By this reasoning, there’s no need for cosmological gratitude. Our seemingly fortuitous, suspiciously specific locale, temperature range, chemical and physical milieus are just what’s needed to produce life. If we’re here, then this is what we must find around us.

Such reasoning is now known as the “weak” version of the Anthropic Principle or WAP. The “strong” version, one that skirts the edges of philosophy even more closely but clearly supports biocentrism, says that the universe must have those properties that allow life to develop within it because it was obviously “designed” with the goal of generating and sustaining observers. But without biocentrism, the strong anthropic principle has no mechanism for explaining why the universe must have life-sustaining properties.

Going even further, the late physicist John Wheeler (1911-2008), who coined the term “black hole,” advocated what is now called the Participatory Anthropic Principle (PAP): observers are required to bring the universe into existence. Wheeler’s theory says that any pre-life Earth would have existed in an indeterminate state, like Schrodinger’s cat. Once an observer exists, the aspects of the universe under observation become forced to resolve into one state, a state that includes a seemingly pre-life Earth. This means that a pre-life universe can only exist retroactively after the fact of consciousness. (Because time is an illusion of consciousness, as we shall see shortly, this whole talk of before and after isn’t strictly correct but provides a way of visualizing things.)

If the universe is in a non-determined state until forced to resolve by an observer, and this non-determined state included the determination of the various fundamental constants [elements such as oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and helium, etc.], then the resolution would necessarily fall in such a way that allows for an observer, and therefore the constants would have to resolve in such a way as to allow life. Biocentrism therefore supports and builds upon John Wheeler’s conclusions about where quantum theory leads, and provides a solution to the anthropic problem that is unique and more reasonable than any alternative. . . .

. . . .  To be honest and present all views, however, it should be noted that some critics wonder whether the Weak Anthropic Principle is no more than a piece of circular reasoning or a facile way of squirming out of explaining the enormous peculiarities of the physical universe. Philosopher John Leslie, in his 1989 book Universes, says, “A man in front of a firing squad of one hundred riflemen is going to be pretty surprised if every bullet misses him. Sure he could say to himself, ‘Of course they all missed; that makes perfect sense, otherwise I wouldn’t be here to wonder why they all missed.’ But anyone in his or her right mind is going to want to know how such an unlikely event occurred.”

But biocentrism provides the explanation for why all the shots missed. If the universe is created by life, then no universe that didn’t allow for life could possibly exist.  This fits very neatly into quantum theory and John Wheeler’s participatory universe in which observers are required to bring the universe into existence. Because, if indeed there ever was such a time, the universe was in an undetermined probability state before the presence of observers (some probabilities — or most — not allowing for life), when observation began and the universe collapsed into a real state, it inevitably collapsed into a state that allowed for the observation that collapsed it. With biocentrism, the mystery of the Goldilocks universe goes away, and the critical role of life and consciousness in shaping the universe becomes clear.

So you either have an astonishingly improbable coincidence revolving around the indisputable fact that the cosmos could have any properties but happens to have exactly the right ones for life or else you have exactly what must be seen if indeed the cosmos is biocentric. Either way, the notion of a random billiard-ball cosmos that could have had any forces that boast any range of values, but instead has the weirdly specific ones needed for life, looks impossible enough to seem downright silly.

And if any of this seems too preposterous, just consider the alternative, which is what contemporary science asks us to believe: that the entire universe, exquisitely tailored for our existence, popped into existence out of absolute nothingness. Who in their right mind would accept such a thing?

Has anyone offered any credible suggestion for how, some 14 billion years ago, we suddenly got a hundred trillion times more than a trillion trillion trillion tons of matter from — zilch? Has anyone explained how dumb carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen molecules could have, by combining accidentally, become sentient — aware! — and then utilized this sentience to acquire a taste for hot dogs and the blues?

How any possible natural random process could mix those molecules in a blender for a few billion years so that out would pop woodpeckers and George Clooney? Can anyone conceive of any edges to the cosmos? Infinity? Or how particles still spring out of nothingness? Or conceive of any of the many supposed extra dimensions that must exist everywhere in order for the cosmos to consist fundamentally of interlocking strings and loops? Or explain how ordinary elements can ever rearrange themselves so that they continue to acquire self-awareness and a loathing for macaroni salad? Or, again, how everyone of dozens of forces and constants are precisely fine-tuned for the existence of life?

Is it not obvious that science only pretends to explain the cosmos on its fundamental level?

By reminding us of its great successes at figuring out interim processes and the mechanics of things, and fashioning marvelous new devices out of raw materials, science gets away with patently ridiculous “explanations” for the nature of the cosmos as a whole. If only it hadn’t given us HDTV and the George Foreman grill, it wouldn’t have held our attention and respect long enough to pull the old three-card Monte when it comes to these largest issues.

Unless one awards points for familiarity and repetition, a consciousness-based universe scarcely seems far-fetched when compared with the alternatives.

We can now add another principle:

Fifth Principle of Biocentrism: The very structure of the universe is explainable only through biocentrism. The universe is fine-tuned for life, which makes perfect sense as life creates the universe, not the other way around. The universe is simply the complete spatio-temporal logic of the self.



This entire consideration around the theme of a life-centered and participatory universe takes me back to a line in the Creation Story as recorded in the Book of Genesis of the Old Testament Bible: “And God saw the light, that it was good.”  If one were so inclined, as I am, one may consider the possibility that this quantum phenomenon of wave-to-particle transformation has been operative since the Beginning.  The phrase “And God saw” is repeated several times in the Genesis  Creation story.  

Is this perhaps the key to how Elohim, the conclave of God Beings who ventured forth into the deep dark void of space to create a “Home among the stars,” created the world “out of nothing”– or no thing — but rather from out of the “void”– or perhaps the “darkness” that was “upon the face of the deep?”  Perhaps even a Quantum Source-Field of the unformed essences of all possibilities and probabilities?  Kind of makes one think twice and critically about what we were taught in our religious upbringing.  

For instance, what was the length of a “day” in Genesis?  According to scholarly biblical time-lines I’ve come across, a cosmic day in Genesis is 25,872 earth years.  This brings the total six days of Creation to 155,232 earth years — then God rested from His work for another cosmic day of 25,872 years.  It’s been surmised that we are living today in the last years — perhaps decades — of the 13th Day of Creation, some 336,336 years since the creation of light on Day One. 

[For my numerology friends, this resolves out to a 6 (3+3+6+3+3+6 = 24 = 6), the number for bringing forth or coming forth — perhaps the coming forth of angelic beings on Earth in an apocalypse of Light, a truly privileged historic time to be living on Earth.]

It all boils down to this one Eternal Moment, doesn’t it?  For, since time is just an idea in our minds, an aid for measuring forward movement through space, another illusionary concept, and the “past” exists only as coded memory engrams in our collective unconscious mind, everything that has happened since Man’s creation on the Sixth Day is happening NOW in human consciousness.  The planet has simply been turning on its axis giving us countless days and nights since the eternal NOW dawned in Eden.  In this light, let’s revisit the story in Genesis. 


“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And God said Let there be light. And God saw the light that it was good.” 

What was the origin of the light?  The simplistic answer is “Well, God made it.” But how?  My conjecture is that a super nova exploded spewing electromagnetic energy along with star debris out into the cosmos, the raw material for creating solar systems and planets. “And God saw the light that it was good.” Another word for “good” is “complete.” Each day of creation came to a point of completion before the next creative cycle was initiated.  Then God separated the light from darkness, day from night. That completed the first day’s work. The operative word here is “saw,” indicating observation by the Creator Beings. 

In a second cosmic day the firmament of Heaven was created, separating the “waters above the Heaven from the waters below the Heaven.”  Water is the womb of living forms and the first of the Four Forces.  Our world was conceived in and brought forth out of water.

During a third cosmic day, the seas were created by the waters under the Heaven gathering into one place . . . and the dry land of Earth “appeared”— from out of the waters under the Heaven. The Heaven came before the Earth. That’s the Divine Order of Creation.

The Earth appeared — dropped down out of its pre-form wave state in the Heaven and into its particle state of physical form. And God “saw” the Earth that it was good, complete, and out of the Earth appeared grass and seed-bearing herbs and trees, and all living things, including the physical body of Man.  

All of the above emerged from its invisible pre-form wave state as God saw, observed, the light and all else that was created from light.  And that action of seeing collapsed the wave function of light and activated the particle function of light, therein making available the positively charged atoms and negative life essences by which our world was created.  Makes perfect sense to me. 

Any thoughts?  Until my next post — on the convenient illusion of space and time, 

Be love. Be loved. 



BIOCENTRISM: A “Goldilocks’s Universe”

“Wherever the life is [the world] bursts into appearance around it.”     Ralph Waldo Emerson

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NOWHERE IS IT MORE OBVIOUS than here on planet Earth where we live, breathe oxygen and enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature’s array of colorful creations that we live in a perfectly balanced universe.  Any closer to the sun, our Star in the heavens, the heat would be unbearable. Any farther away, life forms would freeze and cease growing and multiplying, including our physical forms for incarnating here—which in themselves are miracles of Life’s creations. 

    Our Home among the stars

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“The universe is fine-tuned for life, which makes perfect sense as life creates the universe”

We come to chapter nine of Dr. Robert Lanza and Bob Berman’s enlightening book BIOCENTRISM — How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe.  This is my favorite chapter of the entire book as it’s full of details about the universe and about our world as seen through the beautiful and clear lens of the authors’ minds — like where the oxygen we breathe comes from, and all the carbon that goes into building just about everything; and how the atom maintains its integrity and coherent unity. 

The title of this chapter is “GOLDILOCKS’S UNIVERSE.”  As you may recall the fairytale, Goldilocks came upon a cottage home belonging to a family of three bears, who were away at the time.  There on the table were three bowls of porridge, the first of which was too hot, the second too cold, and the third was just right. 

So is it where our home among the stars is set in the Cosmos: it’s just right for life to flourish and for Man to live and steward creation.  I invite you to come with me on a survey of the microcosmic ingredients of the macrocosmic world and renew your appreciation of the finer and unseen details of our world’s makeup, and that of the Universe where our world lives, that make it just right for life and consciousness. In fact, it has to be just right for life and consciousness for this “Participatory Universe” to exist at all. 

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The world appears to be designed for life, not just at the microscopic scale of the atom, but at the level of the universe itself. Scientists have discovered that the universe has a long list of traits that make it appear as if everything it contains — from atoms to stars — was tailor-made just for us. Many are calling this revelation the “Goldilocks Principle,” because the cosmos is not “too this” or “too that,” but rather “just right” for life. Others are invoking the principle of “Intelligent Design,” because they believe it’s no accident the cosmos is so ideally suited for us, although the latter label is a Pandora’s box that opens up all manner of arguments for the Bible, and other topics that are irrelevant here, or worse. By any name, the discovery is causing a huge commotion within the astrophysics community and beyond.

In fact, we are currently in the midst of a great debate in the United States about some of these observations. Most of us probably followed the recent trials over whether intelligent design can be taught as an alternative to evolution in public school biology classes.  Proponents claim Darwin’s theory of evolution is exactly that — a theory — and cannot fully explain the origin of all life, which naturally it never claims to do. Indeed, they believe the universe itself is the product of an intelligent force, which most people would simply call God. On the other side are the vast majority of scientists, who believe that natural selection may have a few gaps, but for all intents and purposes is a scientific fact. They and other critics charge that intelligent design is a transparent repackaging of the biblical view of creation and thus violates the constitutional separation of church and state.

It would be nice if the debate changed from the contentious one about exchanging evolution for religion, and switched to the more productive tack of asking whether science can explain why the universe appears to be built for life. Of course, the fact that the cosmos seems exactly balanced and designed for life is just an inescapable scientific observation—not an explanation for why.

At the moment, there are only three explanations for this mystery. One is to say, “God did that,” which explains nothing even if it is true. The second is to invoke the Anthropic Principle’s reasoning, several versions of which strongly support biocentrism, which we shall now examine. The third option is biocentrism pure and simple, nothing else needed. No matter which logic one adopts, one has to come to terms with the fact that we are living in a very peculiar cosmos. 

By the late sixties, it had become clear that if the Big Bang had been just one part in a million more powerful, the cosmos would have blown outward too fast to allow stars and worlds to form. Result: no us. Even more coincidentally, the universe’s four forces and all of its constants are just perfectly set up for atomic interactions, the existence of atoms and elements, planets, liquid water, and life. Tweak any of them and you never existed.

The authors provide a chart listing 32 “constants” and their modern values from the CODATA 1998 recommended by the National Institute of Standards and Technology of the United States, along with their mostly Greek symbols — interesting but not necessary for inclusion here.  Most of the elements I’ve never heard of, such as Bohr Magneton, Boltzmann’s Constant, Deuteron Mass, Fine Structure Constant, and Hartree Energy.  The more familiar ones are Atomic Mass Unit, Electric Constant, Faraday Constant, Magnetic Constant, Planck Constant (Length, Mass and Time), and Proton Mass.  I had no idea that the Universe was made up of so many “constants”—and that scientists had discovered, isolated and gave them values, names and symbols.  All this to show how intricately balanced and stable the atomic fabric of the universe is. 


Such life-friendly values of physics are built into the universe like the cotton and linen fibers woven into our currency. The gravitational constant is perhaps the most famous, but the fine structure constant is just as critical for life. Called alpha, if it were just 1.1 times or more of its present value, fusion would no longer occur in stars. The fine-structure constant gets so much scrutiny because the Big Bang created almost pure hydrogen and helium and almost nothing else. Life needs oxygen and carbon (water alone requires oxygen) but this by itself is not so great a problem because oxygen is created in the cores of stars as an eventual product in nuclear fusion.

Carbon is another story.  So where did the carbon in our bodies come from? The answer was found a half-century ago, and, of course, involves those factories where all elements heavier than hydrogen and helium are manufactured — in the centers of suns. When heavier stars later explode into supernovae, this material is released into their environments, where they are taken up, along with nebulous clouds of interstellar hydrogen, into the stuff that composes the next generation of stars and planets. When this happens in a newly formed generation of stars, these further enrich themselves with an even higher percentage of heavier elements, or metals, and the more massive of these eventually explode. The process repeats. In our own neck of the cosmic woods, our sun is a third-generation star, and its surrounding planets, including all materials comprising the living organisms on Earth, are composed of this nicely enriched, third-generation, complex-material inventory. 

For carbon in particular, the key to its existence lies in an odd quirk within the nuclear fusion process itself, the reactions that make the Sun and stars shine. Now, the most common nuclear reaction happens when two extremely fast-moving atomic nuclei or protons collide and fuse to form a heavier element that is usually helium, but can be even heavier, especially as the star ages. Carbon should not be capable of being manufactured by this process because all the intermediate steps from helium to carbon involve highly unstable nuclei. The only way for its creation would be for three helium nuclei to collide at the same time. But the likelihood of three helium nuclei colliding at the identical microsecond, even in the frenzied interiors of stars, are minuscule. It was Fred Hoyle — not of the card rules fame, but the one who championed the steady state theory of an eternal universe until that grand idea’s sad demise in the 1960s — who correctly figured out that something unusual and amazing must be at play in the interior of stars that could vastly increase the odds of this rare three-way collision, and give the universe the abundant carbon found in every living creature. The trick here was a kind of “resonance,” where disparate effects can come together to form something unexpected, the way the wind resonated with the structure of the original Tacoma Narrows Bridge more than six decades ago, causing it to sway violently and collapse. Bingo: turns out, carbon has a resonant state at just the correct energy to let stars create it in significant quantities. The carbon resonance, in turn, directly depends on the value of the strong force, which is what glues together everything in each atomic nucleus out to the farthest villages of space-time.

The strong force is still somewhat mysterious, yet is critical to the universe we know. Its influence only extends within the confines of an atom. Indeed, its strength falls off so quickly it’s already anemic at the edges of large atoms. This is why giant atoms such as uranium are so unstable. The outermost protons and neutrons in their nuclei lie at the fringes of the clump, where the strong force retains only a fragile hold, so occasionally one does overcome the otherwise iron-like grip of the strong force and falls off, changing the atom into something else.

If the strong force and gravity are so amazingly tweaked, we can’t ignore the electromagnetic force that holds sway in the electrical and magnetic connections found in all atoms. Discussing it, the great theoretical physicist Richard Feynman said in his book The Strange Theory of Light and Matter (Princeton University Press, 1985): “It has been a mystery ever since it was discovered more than fifty years ago, and all good theoretical physicists put this number up on their wall and worry about it. Immediately you would like to know where this number for a coupling comes from: is it related to π or perhaps to the base of natural logarithms? Nobody knows. It’s one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say the ‘hand of God’ wrote that number, and ‘we don’t know how He pushed his pencil.’ We know what kind of a dance to do experimentally to measure this number very accurately, but we don’t know what kind of dance to do on the computer to make this number come out, without putting it in secretly!”

It amounts to 1/137 when the units are filled in, and what it signifies is a constant of electromagnetism, another of the four fundamental forces, that helps facilitate the existence of atoms and allows the entire visible universe to exist. Any small change in its value and none of us are here. 

Such factual oddities powerfully influence modern cosmological thinking. After all, mustn’t cosmologists’ theories plausibly explain why we live in such a highly unlikely reality?

“Not at all,” said Princeton physicist Robert Dicke in papers written in the sixties and elaborated upon by Brandon Carter in 1974. This perspective was dubbed “the Anthropic Principle.” Carter explained that what we can expect to observe “must be restricted by the conditions necessary for our presence as observers.” Put another way, if gravity was a hair stronger or the Big Bang a sliver weaker, and therefore the universe’s lifespan significantly shorter, we couldn’t be here to think about it. Because we’re here, the universe has to be the way it is and therefore isn’t unlikely at all. Case closed.

By this reasoning, there’s no need for cosmological gratitude. Our seemingly fortuitous, suspiciously specific locale, temperature range, chemical and physical milieus are just what’s needed to produce life. If we’re here, then this is what we must find around us.

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This “strong force” and electromagnetic gravitational pull at the nucleic core of the atom alludes to the invisible power and control of the Life Force, the Creative Power that holds the Universe together.  This Life — which has eluded scientists, who live to hopefully understand it in their day — is a subtle but irresistibly attractive magnetic Force.  Call it Spirit, or God, or the Supreme Being — by any name we may give to this all-powerful Creating Force, Life wastes nothing as it assembles and dissembles forms.  That which holds together at the core of the atom partakes of creation at that level and ascends to the next level for higher and greater creative purpose to fulfill.  What doesn’t or can’t adhere to the magnetic force at the nucleus falls away to take part in the Creating Process at a lower level. Nothing is lost or destroyed, only the structured state changes form in the ongoing processes of transformation, transmutation and ascension.  All things return to their Origin in the One. I will complete this episode in my next post.  Until then,

Be love. Be loved. 



“Cosmos and Psyche” part 2: Why History Will No Longer Repeat

“Watch and listen, you solitaries! From the future come winds with a stealthy flapping of wings; and good tidings go out to delicate ears.”
rich Nietzsche,Thus Spake Zarathustra

We have entered unprecedented times and space we’ve never occupied wherein intensifying energies and mounting pressures are bringing online a totally new version of the human species as our Earth undergoes an upgrade to a Fourth Density planet — recent and current events notwithstanding.  It’s onward and upward for the ordained representative of the Creator on Earth: Man, male and female, created equal in the image and likeness of Father God and Mother God.

In this post, I will bring forward the essence and some content from a previous post of January, 2020, to update our current cosmological conditions and context.


As I related then, my spiritual mentor once stated that the entire solar system, which he rather called a “Solar Entity,” is the embodiment of Man, total Man, with the planetary orbits serving as “wheels within wheels” turning the Human Psyche, the planets themselves being the manifest form of the collective Mind of Man orbiting a radiant star, the abode and outer garment of man’s Divine Source and that of all life on earth: the Lord of the Sacred Seven Rays and the absolute focalization of this Whole Holy World.

When I first heard this scenario back in the 1970’s, I thought it sounded wonderful, awesome, even plausible, although I didn’t quite understand what he was talking about, nor how it all worked. The idea was only a beautiful concept to me, which I gradually came to comprehend and adopt.  

Then just recently, I read COSMOS AND PSYCHE, an “epoch making” book by distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas, who demonstrates precisely how the cosmic clock ticks off repetitive human behavior and world events. To borrow a quote by one impressed reader, “This is the closest my head has been to exploding while reading a book.” It was that powerful a read, all 492 pages.

Basically, the author assigns archetypal characteristics to the influence each planet exerts upon the human psyche.  He implies that the archetypes are not so much part of the energetic fields of the planets themselves as they are dormant in the collective human psyche where they are reawakened and brought forward into manifestation through individuals, as well as the collective body, during specific planetary alignments: conjunctions and oppositions, as well as other configurations.  Each planet triggers energetically a specific and unique characteristic and archetypal “personality” in the human psyche — (largely influenced, I should add, by the Zodiac House in which their alignments take place). It is a colossal and magnificent cosmic time piece.


These planetary alignments occur repeatedly and with clockwork precision, a phenomenon that the author researches tenaciously and meticulously covering every significant alignment and event that have occurred on the planet since the birth of Jesus in 4 BC, and several decades prior to that, to the present millennium, and every significant historical figure from King Herod the Great and Jesus to the Bush presidencies up until the publication of his research in 2007.

The author calls these events “coincidences,” but the reader is given the incontrovertible impression of a causal relationship.  For a sampling of the author’s comparison of past planetary alignments to present and possibly future alignments and events, I refer you to my post of January, 2020. 

The overall perspective one is afforded as one moves with the author through the centuries of the previous two millennia and into the current era is the progressive nature of the evolutionary continuum guiding the transformation of human consciousness and life experiences, orchestrated by the symphony of our Solar System performing the “Music of the Spheres,” all accomplished and performed under the hand of Divine Providence, whose presence is clearly evident, as well as acknowledged by the author himself.

Each major event initiates a cycle, or advances the previous ongoing evolutionary cycle in its field, as one historic legend or memorialized actor on the world stage (inventor, artist, philosopher, writer, scientist, astronomer, discoverer) gives birth to something new, such as new ideas or inventions, or further develops and implements the ideas and inventions of those who had gone before — all guided and moved along by the clockwork precision of repeating planetary alignments.  

As I was writing that post, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn had moved into alignment on January 6th, 2020 — which is, incidentally, the date when the Epiphany of the Magi is celebrated in the Christian world — and remained in alignment through February 20th.  As foretold by astrologist Pam Gregory, we did experience an energetic jolt and upgrade from this once-in-a-decade alignment. The last one occurred in 2005.

Richard Tarnas describes the archetypal characteristics of these planets, which I published in that post of January of 2020.  You can revisit that article and read his descriptions.  


The first two decades of the current millennium were years of radical change and evolution for the human species.  In his book, Richard Tarnas documents the repetition of history in meticulous detail and synchronistic chronology.  This was the experience of Humanity during millennia of travel through a galactic vibrational cloud, if you will, during which sojourn our vision was limited to the physical, material plane of mere existence and survival.  We were forewarned by the Creator in the Garden of Eden of this approaching period of clouded vision and instructed not to “eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,” as it is put in the creation story in Genesis — not to judge, in other words, or even touch the creative cycles in which forms evolve toward “good.” It was, and still is, our judgement of the evolutionary process, and our self-determination in interfering in the process to please our own desires and achieve our own ends and purposes that has resulted in our loss of Eden and consequent creation of evil upon our planet — such as genetically modified organisms and animal cloning, not to mention the redaction of sacred scriptures and the spinning of news stories by the media and politicians, and other distortion of truth.  In our blindness and arrogance we have brought about much misery and destruction upon our heads and upon the Garden of the Natural World. 

Thankfully, under the hand and by the grace of Divine Providence, we have managed to survive decades upon decades of repetitive cycles, initiated by jolts and waves of energy impacting the human psyche via planetary/zodiacal alignments, to arrive at this moment in time to see the dawn of a New Day.  We’ve moved out of the galactic cloud into the radiant light pouring out of the heart of our Milky Way Galaxy.  In this new year of our Lord 2021, a new dynamic has rendered inapplicable the predictability of the historical influences of planetary/Zodiac alignments upon the human psyche.  We are free from the influence of the “architypes” that have occupied our own human psyche from time immemorial.  Our vision is clearing, allowing us to see with the spiritual eyes of our hearts, presently undergoing a radical purification — which means we must tarry awhile until our spiritual Self fully emerges into radiant expression in an apocalypse of Light Divine.  That Day is nigh, even at the door.    


According to the very popular astrologist and visionary Pam Gregory, we are no longer under the influence of the stars in the same repetitive way we have been for the past 12,000 years.  As she explains in the 23 minute video below, astrologists study cycles.  They look back on previous cycles and see what happened back then, what manifested, and put those aspects into current reality to see how they might manifest in our current time.

However, there are some massive changes that are happening right now that disable that methodology simply by reason of the fact that we are in a new place in the galaxy.  We have moved into a galactic photon belt we’ve never been in before, at least not in our race memory, where we are being bombarded by massive amounts of gamma light we haven’t known in our race’s lifetime.  The Schumann Resonance itself that measures the heartbeat of the earth is spiking beyond its recognized 8.3 Hertz.  The result of all these changes is that we are in an upgrade cycle, both as a planet and as a body of Humanity. “This is the biggest evolutionary leap for Humanity in about 12,000 years.”  For a clearer and exciting understanding of the energetic dynamics of the cosmic context into which we have now moved, I leave you with this 23 minute video.  Enjoy! 

Much is happening in our Solar Entity and cosmos.  So, pitch your frequency at unconditional love, as Pam directs.  Focus your heart’s love response in the Lord of the Sacred Seven Spirits, the quickest way to raise your frequency.  Let your mind be open to the present and free of the former things.  The New Earth is built upon a new design coming down from God out of the Heaven of heavens NOW, and not upon the archetypal patterns of old buried in the human psyche.  Let us recall that we are all angelic beings, members of the same body, the heavenly body of the Archangel, whose Whole Holy World this is, as we enter a new era of another Golden Age. 

I wrote a song back in the day of awakening that speaks to the dawning of a new age and a new world:


Chorus: There’s a new age dawning, you can feel it in the air. There’s a new world a forming, ’cause there are new people, true people there. 

When you look this old world over, pay no heed to what you see.  Lift your heart, reveal the glory and the joy to live and be.  Bless the people and the places that you touch from day to day, and the new world will appear ’cause you are there. (Chorus)

Let your heart be warm and loving, let your mind be open free. Let your spirits soar like eagles o’er the mountains, shore and sea.  Let the reason for your coming be the life with all you share, and the new world will appear ’cause you are there. (Chorus)

Now the past is gone forever, and the future’s but a dream.  Life is in the moment flowing like a cool, clear mountain stream.  Let the beauty that’s within you fill the moment that’s at hand, and the new world will appear ’cause you are there. (Chorus)

Yes, there’s a new world a forming, ’cause there are new people, true people, you people me people there. 

Have a wonderful and joyful trip around our Star on our beautiful planet in 2021. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.






A Nuclear Community, Part 5: Defined by Love


“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not in fighting the old but in building the new.” —Socrates 

IN PREVIOUS POSTS of this series, I have used the design and dynamics of the atom as a model for true and coherent community, what I am calling “A Nuclear Community.” I will switch gears a bit and use the symbol of the wheel to demonstrate a viable design for a nuclear community.

As with the Atom, there are three parts to this wheel: the hub, the spokes and the rim. The hub is connected to the axle which is turned by an engine of some kind. (Except in the case of a hand-drawn cart or a horse-drawn wagon). The hub is connected to the rim by the spokes. With these three parts all in place and properly connected, the wheel turns on its axle properly.  In other words, there is a design that allows the wheel to function in a normal and serviceable manner so that the power that turns the axle, or shaft, is transferred to the hub, which in turn transfers power to the rim by way of the spokes so that movement along the road is possible. 

Let’s say the wheel represents the nuclear community model. The axle represents the stable Power Source of the Spirit of Love that manifests and drives all of Creation. The Hub represents the collective heart of the community—or of the body of humanity itself. The 12 spokes represent the collective consciousness out of which all the various aspects that make up a community manifest, such as housing, food supply, waste management, professional services, environmental care, education, religion, etc.  And the rim represents the community’s connection to and movement within its immediate environment—and, within the larger setting, upon the terrain of the planet, Mother Earth—to use a common metaphor, “where the rubber meets the road.”


There are twelve spokes in the diagram I’ve selected—however, although the number 12 is significant in numerology, as are the numbers 7, 13,17 and so on, any number of spokes can serve the purpose of the wheel, so long as they are supportive and balanced.  The critical factor lies in their connection to the hub and to the rim.  Each and every spoke must connect the axle-driven hub to the rim of the wheel in order for the wheel to move forward—and the hub must be connected to the power source of the axle. 

Now, everyone can see for themselves various implications to community in this model I’ve presented.  The one that stands out to me most relates to the necessity for a coherent transference of creative power, design and control through the various aspects of the community so that the purposes of the ONE and the good of ALL are served.  This requires that all the members of the community know and act out of their own authentic Self and connection with Source, and  that all of the various activities be connected to the Hub and to the nuclear Power of Love that emanates therefrom. There can be no individual self-activity on the part of any member of the community—and no competition between the various “spokes” that would disrupt the harmony and win-win atmosphere in the community.  There can be no profiteering off of another’s creativity.  In fact, money would not even be in the equation as nothing would be assigned a monetary value.  One can see a number of implications just in these few basic requirements.


Returning to the mathematics of numerology, single numbers have their meanings and value, and combinations of numbers have theirs as well. For example, the single digits that make up the number 12, when added together, equal 3, indicating there is a third dimension or reality created when 1 and 2 are added together.  In the example of the wheel, the twelve spokes all point to the hub where they are united in one point of origin creating a collective reality.  With the one point of orientation, a 13th dimension is created.  The number 13, then, represents a creative configuration.

We see this dynamic portrayed in the New Testament, for example, in the configuration of 12 Apostles with Jesus at the center.  We have 13 individuals making up the creative container which the Master drew together in order to accomplish His Heavenly mission and purpose on Earth.  This container also provided a hedge of protection for the Master from the opposing forces present in the religious structure of his day.  To remove any one of the 12 from the group would compromise the container.  As we learn from the Four Evangelists’ accounts, there were at least 2, Peter and Judas, who removed themselves vibrationally from the container by denying and betraying their Master.  Their breach proved fatal to the Master and to his mission and purpose. 

There were a few women along with his brother James and the Beloved Disciple John who provided a more stable and intimate hedge for him so that he could go on to accomplish plan B, so-to-speak, by achieving his own personal victory over death and establishing a precedent for others to follow in the Way to eternal life.  This configuration of 5 opened the Way to salvation for all of mankind—(5 is the symbol for life). These five close and true friends are his mother Mary, his cosmic mate and sweetheart Mary of Bethany, Magdala (“The Apostle of apostles” Mary Magdalene), his brother James, and John the Beloved to whom he passed his mantle of authority while on the cross, and with whom he left the continuance and completion of his ministry on Earth.

But that was not allowed to happen as Peter and Paul set out to establish a religion out of His teachings, conceptualizing and organizing them into doctrines and dogmas. The collapse of that creative crucible had its destructive repercussions throughout the early bloody history of Christianity and even to this day of a divided global community, particularly the diverse Christian communities and the aggregate of divisive world religions.


There was a burgeoning community that had its beginnings several decades prior to Jesus’s arrival called the Essenes who formed a love-based spiritual community along the banks of the Dead Sea.  They were called “Children of the Light.”  I wrote about them in a past series. Their mission and purpose centered in the “Nous”—actually knowing what Jesus taught rather than only believing.  Here’s an excerpt from that series with some interesting history: 

The Essenes were a rather secretive people whose main endeavor was to preserve the “Essene Way” and the secrets and knowledge handed down to them by the “Kaloo,” a very ancient race that was then going extinct. Also called the “Ancient Ones and the Wise Ones,” the Kaloo’s origin appears to have been the ancient and lost island of Atlantis, which sank beneath the ocean waters. The Essenes called it the “Old Land in the West.” Knowing their land was sinking, the Kaloo migrated to Egypt first and then spread out northward toward the Mediterranean Sea.  They were known as the “wanderers” and carried with them many secrets, much knowledge of ancient technology from their ancient world, along with wonderful machines.  They didn’t have mechanical skills to operate and repair these machines, something the Essenes had plenty of and provided. . . .  there was much anticipation of and preparation for the coming of the “Teacher of Righteousness.”

Here was a nuclear community whose collective consciousness was singularly minded in a radiant and stable core with a singular and shared purpose. What became of it is a very sad story in a dark chapter of the early history of Christianity.


Whether an allegory conjured up by Plato or real, Atlantis’s design was that of a nuclear community, only externally polarized in possessions, with all activities orienting around a central hub surrounded by terraces and motes.  The story has it that its collapse came at the peak of its industrial growth which was founded upon a materialistic mindset and dictatorial governance over the people.  According to the legend, their exploration into harnessing the nuclear energy of the sun using pyramid technology ended their “advanced” civilization in a catastrophic submergence under the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. 

There’s a lingering question as to whether or not Atlantis even existed. The short answer, according to DISCOVER Newsletter, is “No. All available evidence indicates that the philosopher Plato, sometime around 360 BCE, invented the island nation in order to illustrate a point about the dangers of aggressive imperialism. In Plato’s telling, Atlantis was no utopia. Rather, it was a foil for an idealized version of Athens from long before Plato’s time.  Archaeologists claim it did indeed exist and some say they have found the sunken island off the coast of Spain. Mark Adams writes: “It gave this sort of template that people could start to follow in decades to come.”³ 


Another example of a configuration comprised of 13 celestial bodies is our solar system, which originally had twelve planets orbiting our star, making thirteen components in a creative dynamic.  Over eons of time that number was reduced in cataclysmic events to nine, creating yet another configuration involving ten participants in the nuclear community of our solar system.  So here we have a wheel of sorts with 9 spokes connecting our star Sol and his planetary satellites with the greater nuclear community of the Milky Way Galaxy through which we travel in time-space.  This new configuration altered the original vibrational dynamic and made life in the “fallen state” possible on Earth.  In common parlance, things are not as they used to be on the planet and with the solar system as a whole. 

Then we have the 12 zodiac signs our planet’s axis travels through over a Mayan Long-Count Calendar period of 2160 years—plus a 13th sign (Ophiuchus)² recently added to the circle.  Our calendar and time measurements are also based on the number 12.  Twelve months make up one year (12+1=13).  Twelve hours make up half a day; added to the other half we have 24 hours in 1 day.  (24+1=25; 2+5=7, another creative number).  


Finally, I want to revisit the excerpt from The Return of King Arthur in the previous post.  I was also engaged with the same Intentional Spiritual Community that Diana Durham wrote about for over thirty years, and I can attest to the sheer magic that manifested in its Attunement program.  I was part of a “World Blessing” team made up of an Attunement Master who provided a focal point at Sunrise Ranch, the program’s headquarters, and several other attunement servers located in various parts of the world, mostly in one or more of 12 Unit Centers located here and abroad.  Those times of “world blessing” were magical and powerfully uplifting.   

The “intention” of the Emissary communities was, and continues to be, to shine the light of divine being into the world by the expression of the many qualities of the Spirit of Love, such as thankfulness, patience and forgiveness.  “Never underestimate the power of spiritual expression” were words oft repeated in services. The full name of the ministry was Emissaries of Divine Light.

As Diana mentioned, after the passing of its spiritual focus, the program went through a transition from a developing spiritual organism to a transformational organization.  The majority of its membership dispersed into the larger world body to share their light and to receive and nurture the response from the field engendered by the ministry of its founder, Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda) and his successor Lord Martin Exeter. All but a few of it’s Unit communities were disbanded. The remaining centers, including Sunrise Ranch, continue to provide a venue for conferences and retreats, as well as classes in true Self emergence and transformation,  both here and abroad. 

Coming into one’s own spiritual presence and authority, one’s authentic Self, is the gift of transformation, the Holy Grail of the knights’ quest.  When the individuals of a community lead forth in  the Spirit of Love, of Truth, and of Life, external leadership and authority are not necessary to maintain order, harmony, peace and safety.

In a word, a nuclear community is a community that is defined, not by its economy or diversity, but by Love.  Profound love for the Lord of Love, and unconditional love for one another.♥

This concludes the series on nuclear communities.  I open now to the Universe for guidance to the topic of my next blog.  Any thoughts you feel like sharing? I welcome them.  Just write me at my email address below.  Until my next post,

Be loving. Be loved.


Credits:  Western Wood Wagon Wheel, taken from Amazon’s webpage. 

¹Artistic rendition of Atlantis taken off the WEB at 

² Ophiuchus is one of the 13 major constellations in the zodiac, according to ancient Babylonians. The Babylonians left it out of the zodiac because they followed the 12-month calendar and assigned the other 12 constellations, or zodiac signs, to different months. . . .  “People born under this sign (which would be anywhere between November 29 and December 17) are said to be mysterious, ambitious, and tend to make good impressions on authority figures—but that doesn’t mean they are totally grounded. They’re also said to be very passionate and power-hungry with a jealous streak.” It’s a fire sign in astrology, which is all about passion, action, and spirit.  (

³Mark Adams, 2015, Meet Me in Atlantis: Across Three Continents in Search of the Legendary Sunken City.


As Below So Above—Divine Cosmology

“When quietly fall the shades on parting day
And whispering shadows ush’ring in the night
Creep o’er the hills and vales imbibing light.
When, harsh, the eye of heaven ceases prey
On verdant sights of Nature’s vast array,
And all that’s bright seems lost, to my dismay.
Then lift I, mind and heart, to heav’n’s embrace,
And there behold in awe majestic wealth:
A myriad worlds and worlds of heavenly dust,
In splendor clad with awe-inspiring grace.
Nay, what seemed lost to darkest night’s cruel stealth
Doth shine against that darkness thrice august.”

(The poem is my attempt at sonnet writing in English Lit Class.  I got an A− on it.  I thought it deserved an A+ of course.  But I was pleased anyway to have the teacher’s recognition of my budding poetry writing talent.  I loved English Literature.)


The Design of the Inner Realms of Light is exactly and precisely mirrored in the design of the Cosmos, where heavenly bodies orbit around central hubs of focused light, all governed by the Law of Attraction.  Also known as The One Law and The Law of Love, this Law simply stated is: Positive Radiation and Negative Response. Everything in the Cosmic Universe radiates God’s love and responds to God’s radiance.  Love is the sole Focus of Divinity, as well as of the Cosmos.  Love is all there is in the entire Universe.

The extension of the One Law in the unfolding of the Creative Process is stated by Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda):  “Radiation Response Attraction Union Unified Radiation.”  As can be demonstrated with a set of magnets, a positive attracts a negative and repels another positive. Spiraling galaxies are held together by this One Law.  Suns hold their planetary satellites and planets their moons in orbits around them on the basis of this Law of Attraction.  Creation unfolds on the basis of this Creative Process, manifesting the beauty and precision of a Divine Order and Design. 


Looking up at the night sky, one can behold that order and design made manifest.  The Design of God, which involves level upon level of focalized spiritual essences and coordinated creative activity.  Every galaxy embodies a Divine Entity in charge of that particular galaxy surrounded by angelic hosts.  Every Sun in each and every galaxy provides a cloak for a LORD God.  Our Sun provides the outer radiant garment for the LORD of Love, also known as the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings, who has visited our planet a number of times.  I am reminded of the opening words from a powerful sacred solo written and sung by two dear friends:

How shall we give Thee glory, who art the Living God? Power? Who art the very flame of Love. Kingdom? When the Universe of stars is but a cloak to Thee. Thou art all things. All things come from Thee, return again unto Thee, and abide always in Thee . . . .

At the supreme apex of Being is the GOD of Gods encircled by heavenly hosts whose “cloak” is the entire vast Cosmos. There is focalized order, in other words, throughout GOD’s Heaven reflected in the Cosmos.  When we pray the “Lord’s Prayer” we invite this heavenly design and order to manifest itself in our world: “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.”

Would that we inhabitants of the Earth would follow through with that invitation by allowing this prayer to manifest, to allow the order and harmony in the invisible realms of Light, GOD’s Heaven, to create order and harmony in the visible realm here on Earth. I grant you that no earthly soul has the faintest clue as to what that would look like.  All we can know is that the Creating Spirit of God, Love, is an organizing Force that alone knows how to bring order out of chaos.  All we have to do is let the light of Love shine through us into the whirling chaos and watch the impeccable order and beautiful harmony of Heaven appear through us on Earth, manifesting in season a true community, a community of friends of God and of one another.


In that Design are various combinations and configurations of 3’s, 7’s, 12’s 13’s 17’s, etc., and an infinite number of pairs of opposites.  It is by way of the various designs and configurations of stars in the Cosmos that control and governance is extended so that order and harmony are made possible.  Without design, control cannot be offered, and chaos results. It is due to our resistance to design and control that the world is in a chaotic state today.

We can observe the control of the positive and negative aspects of the One Law, where a positive central Sun attracts a negative and responsive field of planets and satellites, while at the same time repelling another solar system or galaxy with their radiant positive core, thereby keeping them from colliding with one another.  In this dynamic, repulsion is as crucial to order as attraction, otherwise everything would compress into a gigantic chaotic mass.  The Law works to maintain order and harmony, provided it is allowed to work the way it is designed to work. 

Physicists have learned they can manipulate this Law, to a point, by splitting the atom to release the awesome power of the Universe, which is the power of Love, by destroying the balance of the atomic fabric of Creation through fission.  But fission is not the result of Love’s power working through natural design and control principles.  The power of Love brings things together on the basis of fusion.  Fission is man’s bright idea realized tragically in the explosion of atomic warheads that kill and destroy.  Even in our use of fission to generate electricity we have harnessed power that destroys if accidentally released from a compromised atomic reactor.  On top of that, we’ve created an insoluble problem of storing used radioactive material in a safe place.   

Water is used to cool the radioactive rods and control the release of energy.  Of course, if the water leaks out through a damaged reactor, all hell breaks loose, as was the case with the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan created by an earthquake and a tsunami.  Then there was the explosion of the nuclear plant at Chernobyl in the Ukraine that sent a plume into the atmosphere with radioactive fallout that was 400 times greater than that released in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, which was an atrocity in itself, well justified of course.


Water has been metaphorically used as a symbol of truth, because of how its design and consistency offers a controlling element, as well as a cleansing one.  Water is a excellent solvent as it loosens the bonds that hold certain elements together, like dirt and rust, freeing them from their structured settings.  Water is also used in plants to move building blocks and nutrients up into the fruit.  Water floats giant ships, as well as small fishing boats and canoes.  Water has a memory that records whatever is placed or mixed into it.  Another characteristic of water is its tendency to seek its own level all the way down from the snow-covered mountains to the rivers and creeks in the valley, even down to the swamps and marshlands, winding its way eventually back to its origin in the waters of the oceans and seas. We measure our land elevations on the basis of sea levels.  Water is a great symbol of truth. It is honest.


Design is a controlling factor in the formation of community.  For example, in Jesus’s ministry a community of 12 disciples was drawn together.  His presence in their midst at the central hub made 13 altogether.  So the numbers 12 and 13 have particular significance in the Sacred Geometry manifesting everywhere in our galaxy and solar system.

There were originally 12 planets, for example, orbiting around our Sun, which made a configuration of 13 heavenly bodies.  We can account for only 9 planets, which leaves 3 planets unaccounted for.  It is thought that the asteroid belt was once a planet that exploded, although NASA doesn’t validate this theory.  Then there is the Kuiper belt, which is home to three officially recognized dwarf planets: Pluto, Haumea and Makemake.  

It is believed that there is a “Ninth Planet” named Nibiru that travels an elongated orbit around our Sun, depicted by the blue orbit in this graphic.  My point is that our solar system is out of wack at the present time and therefore does not offer a balanced and coherent design through which control can be offered to its individual parts and through it to other star systems.  Design is an essential factor in controlling the development and movement of cosmic systems, all of which are contained in a web of magnetic energy force-fields. 

Here on Earth, we organize our societies and communities based on a pattern of focalization as well.  It’s the only way things work anywhere in the cosmos, even in and throughout our physical bodies. Having cut ourselves off from the whole where the One Law governs creation throughout the cosmic community, we have made our own laws by which we seek to govern and control people and nations.  Based on segmentation, segregation and border systems, our laws keep things separate rather than joined together as one global community, a oneness from which we cannot actually escape.  The fact is, the human race is one species, one community, separated only by man-made laws, constitutions declaring independence, and imaginary borers.  The fact also is we are very inter-dependent upon one another.  Our independence is an arbitrarily imposed illusion, a figment of human imagination.  We are inseparably one race, one people.

Do we not think that the power and force of the Light of Love can organize a global community that works as orderly as the cosmos it created and maintains without our bright mental ideas?  I have a feeling that we are on the verge of abandoning our mind-made world in lieu of a Spirit-made world.  What do you think, dear reader?  Are you ready to let go of what hasn’t worked, and doesn’t have enough time left to prove it can ever work, and let go to the way Love works in building true community?  Just look up at the night sky to the heavens and see the evidence all around us, around our planet and our solar system, that proclaim the genius and trustworthiness of Love to create a world that works in harmony with the rest of the Universe; that shouts out to us mortals . . .

“Let Love command!   Let wonders form!   Let Heaven’s beauty shine!   Let every living thing Sing praise for Light Divine.”

Those lyrics are from an Emissaries of Divine Light hymnal, originally a global community drawn together on the basis of the truth of love as a light that human beings are designed to radiate into the world.  Its members are dispersed throughout the world now integrated into communities with other light-workers who share the common purpose of creating a New Earth out of the New Heaven that has emerged in human consciousness over the past decades.  There is no greater invitation and call-out to the inhabitants of the Earth than “Let Love Command.”  Let our Global Community be drawn together by Love, and under the dominion of the Lord of Love.  It’s the only Way Life can work to bring about peace and harmony between peoples and nations.  Let Love command our expression in life. I welcome your thoughts and comments on this post.  Until my next post,

Be love.  Be loved.


World View in the 21st Century

There are more things in heaven and earth Horatio Than are dreamt of in our philosophy. —Shakespeare’s Hamlet

Anima Mundi

Lest we allow our world view be shaped by scientists’ shallow materialistic view of a disenchanted universe, let us remember that the Earth is a living, breathing entity with a soul.  It is the human species that has become disenchanted with its home among the stars by maintaining a materialistic view of the Earth, along with the entire Universe, a view that has turned living, soulful matter into potential resource to be harvested and ripped from the bowels of Earth—with eyes now on her sister planets—and used to build, power and feed a civilization that has overrun its boundaries in an exponential explosion of population, with its towering skyscrapers, sprawling subdivisions, and commercial and industrial complexes.

The good Earth is burdened with concrete plastered all over her fertile, breathing soil, and with structures fabricated of iron and steel erected to refine oil and minerals drilled and dug up from her bowels to pave the way for commercial traffic and to fuel the engines of “progress,” a progress designed to enrich the few on the backs of the many.  It hurts my heart to watch the cold, rigid iron and concrete paraphernalia of the oil industry intrude upon the wet and tender marshlands here in the South. Not a very pretty sight.

But “It’s what it is,” to borrow a coded line from The Irishman used to order a “hit”on some expendable gangster. We have reason to suspect our species may be expendable, seeing as how we are so susceptible to plagues such as the current outbreak of the coronavirus. Richard Tarnas paints a rather bleak and ominous picture of the modern world view in COSMOS AND PSYCHE:

The disenchanted cosmos impoverishes the collective psyche in the most global way, vitiating its spiritual and moral imagination—“vitiate” not only in the sense of diminish and impair but also in the sense of deform and debase.  In such a context, everything can be appropriated. Nothing is immune. Majestic vistas of nature, great works of art, revered music, eloquent language, the beauty of the human body, distant lands and cultures, extraordinary moments of history, the arousal of deep human emotion; all become advertising tools to manipulate consumer response. For quite literally, in a disenchanted cosmos nothing is sacred. The soul of the world has been extinguished: Ancient trees and forests can then be seen as nothing but potential lumber; mountains nothing but mineral deposits; seashores and deserts are oil reserves; lakes and rivers, engineering tools. Animals are perceived as harvestable commodities, indigenous tribes as obstructing relics of an outmoded past, children’s minds as marketing targets. At the all important cosmological level the spiritual dimension of the empirical universe has been entirely negated, and with it any publicly affirmable encompassing ground for moral wisdom and restraint. The short term and the bottom line rule all. Whether in politics, business, or the media, the lowest common denominator of the culture increasingly governs discourse and prescribes the values of the whole. Myopically obsessed with narrow goals and narrow identities, the powerful blind themselves to the larger suffering and crisis of the global community.

In a world where the subject is experienced as living in—and above and against—a world of objects, other peoples and cultures are more readily perceived as simply other objects, inferior in value to oneself, to ignore or exploit for one’s own purposes, as are other forms of life, biosystems, the planetary whole. Moreover, the underlying anxiety and disorientation that pervade modern societies in the face of a meaningless cosmos create both the collective psychic numbness and a desperate spiritual hunger, leading to an addictive, insatiable craving for ever more material goods to fill the inner emptiness and producing a manic techno-consumerism that cannibalizes the planet. Highly practical consequences ensue from the disenchanted modern world view. . . .

Defined in the end by its disenchanted context the human self too is inevitably disenchanted. Ultimately it becomes, like everything else, a mere object of material forces and efficient causes: a sociobiological pawn, a selfish gene, a meme machine, a biotechnoligical artifact, an unwitting tool of its own tools. For the cosmology of a civilization both reflects and influences all human activity, motivation, and self-understanding that take place within its parameters. It is the container for everything else.”

The point Tarnas makes throughout his book is that we create our cosmology in our psyche and project that image out into the cosmos. We see the cosmos and our world not as they are but as we are. 

Now is the time to remember our immortal Identity in Spirit and let go of our mortal identity in form; identity in transcendent Reality beyond and encompassing our humanity. The Spirit of God is moving upon the face of the sea of our collective consciousness commanding: “Let there be Light.”  We are the Light-bearers for our world.  It is the Spirit of God that inspires and enchants the cosmos.  The presence of God, however, is not enough to lift the human psyche out of its fear, hatred and despair.  Spirit needs to be expressed to be known. To have love in one’s heart is not sufficient. Love must be expressed, in words, with feeling and with action.

Cosmological Context for the 21st Century

Changing gears now, let’s have a look at what we may expect from the planetary configurations this century according to Richard Tarnas’ research. 

For my readers who are not familiar with astrological terms for planetary alignments, here is a crash course. Planets in conjunction are lined up on the same side of the earth; in opposition on opposite sides; square alignments are at 90°; sextile at 60°; and trine at 120°.

Tarnas writes: (Emphasis mine)

We have discussed the various upcoming dynamic or hard-aspect alignments of the outer-planet cycles. There still remain the trines and sextiles of these cycles. Of these, by far the most significant is the century-long Neptune-Pluto sextile, which began in the mid-twentieth century and will continue until near the middle of the twenty-first. This long sextile takes place once each five-hundred-year Neptune-Pluto cycle, beginning about a half-century after the conjunction. Its unusual duration results from Pluto’s eccentric 248-year orbit, which twice each Neptune-Pluto cycle brings it close to and, briefly, even inside Neptune’s orbit—the first time as a sextile, the second as a trine. Historically, such sustained sextile or trine alignments of Neptune and Pluto have coincided with long epochs in which a certain profound evolution of consciousness appears to be propelled and sustained in a gradual, harmoniously unfolding manner, moving beneath and through the fluctuations and crises that might occur at a more immediate empirical level. The grand trine of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in the 1760’s and 1770’s cited in the previous chapter, which coincided with the peak of the Enlightenment, the birth of Romanticism, and the beginning of the American Revolution, occurred as part of the most recent much longer Neptune-Pluto trine of the eighteenth century. These century-long epochs generally seem to impel the collective experience of a more confluent relationship between nature and spirit, between evolutionary and instinctual forces (Pluto) and the spiritual resources and idealistic aspirations of the pervading cultural vision (Neptune). The archetypal dynamics involved characteristically provide, at an almost subterranean level in the collective psyche, a sustained stabilizing impulse.

This particular category of alignment has special significance: first, because it involves Neptune and Pluto, the two outermost planets; and second, because it lasts longer than any other planetary alignment. The current sextile is also historically noteworthy because of its role in the larger cyclical movements of all three outermost planets, since it coincided with the first Uranus-Pluto and Uranus-Neptune conjunctions to occur after the Neptune-Pluto conjunction of the 1880-1905 period. From a long-term historical perspective, therefore, we are living today at the moment when all three of these cycles, the largest planetary cycles known to us, have just completed their conjunctions in succession, marking the full initiation of the corresponding archetypal dynamics for the next several centuries.

If we consider, then, the unfolding cycles of the three outermost planets, taking into account the current alignment between Neptune and Pluto, the number of years since the most recent Neptune-Pluto conjunction a century ago, and the completion of the subsequent Uranus-Pluto and Uranus-Neptune conjunctions of the 1960’s and 1990’s, respectively, our present moment in history is most comparable, astronomically, to the period exactly five hundred years ago with which we began the book: the era that brought forth the birth of the modern self during the decades surrounding the year 1500. This too was an epoch of extraordinary turbulence and uncertainty, and also of great cultural creativity and dynamism. It was the moment of the High Renaissance of Leonardo and Michelangelo, Erasmus and Thomas More, in the immediate aftermath of PicodelIa Mirandola’s new vision of human possibility in the Oratia and Ficino’s Platonic Academy in Florence-a period shaped by the rapid spread of a powerful new medium of universal communication, the printed book; the first expeditions to a vast new world that, at enormous human and ecological cost, led to the opening of the global community to itself; and the immense spiritual and cosmological transformations, still unfolding, represented by Luther’s start of the Reformation and Copernicus’s conceiving of the heliocentric hypothesis.

Our postmodern age of ceaseless flux and irresolvable complexity, for all its metaphysical disorientation, and despite the collective entrancement produced by the mass media and corporate marketing, has nevertheless brought forth new conditions and possibilities that could prove invaluable for our future. As a result of the many extraordinary changes—cultural, psychological, spiritual—that have unfolded in the past half-century, the collective psyche has undergone a pervasive and in certain respects deeply benign transformation that cannot easily be measured and yet, for all its subtlety, is no less pregnant with historical significance. The rapid dissemination during this era of a fundamental new openness to the perspectives and realities of different cultures, eras, religions, races, classes, genders, sexual orientations, age groups, even different species and forms of life has been an essential characteristic of our time. It is perhaps not too much to say that, in this first decade of the new millennium, humanity has entered into a condition that is in some sense more globally united and interconnected, more sensitized to the experiences and suffering of others, in certain respects more spiritually awakened, more conscious of alternative future possibilities and ideals, more capable of collective healing and compassion, and, aided by technological advances in communications media, more able to think, feel, and respond together in a spiritually evolved manner to the world’s swiftly changing realities than has ever before been possible.

 All of this is, of course, occurring below the radar of the mass media. To paraphrase Shakespeare’s line from Hamlet: There are more things in heaven and earth than are reported by the media.  There is a saying about the content guidelines for media coverage: “If it bleeds it leads. If it tells it sells.”

Attunement with the material world has kept human beings earthbound in a “dust-to-dust” mindset.  We are called to a Light-to-Light level of consciousness and to a greater awareness of being more than “only human.”

Consumed by Fire 

There is a groundswell of spiritual awakening that’s been growing since the 1960’s.  Many who have sufficient resonant substance are being drawn by Love to find attunement with the Tone sounding in the center of our Milky Way Galaxy where the design for a New Earth is established in a New Heaven.  With the current cosmic configuration of stars and planets in our solar system and galaxy, we have the support of the entire Universe to move to a higher dimension and to transform our world by the fire of love into a Paradise—the topic of my next blog series.  Until then,

Be love. Be loved.




Planetary Archetypes . . . . . . . . . . Man in a Cosmic Context

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about….  Rumi

Thank you, Rumi, for your rumination. The world is indeed too full to talk about, so I will simply write about it.  In this series, I’ve been considering the history of archetypes and its parallel evolution with that of human consciousness. The source of my research is Richard Tarnas’ epic book COSMOS AND PSYCHE, which I am finding incredibly fascinating and enlightening a read and study.  

In the previous post I shared Tarnas’ research into the history and evolution of the concept of archetypes and how human consciousness has evolved with it, as though the archetypes and human psyche are intimately blended and impacted by one another. (It may well be that the human psyche itself is the originator of the concept of archetypes.)  In this post, I will share the planetary aspects of the author’s perspective gained in his exhaustive and detailed research.

Listen to the Message of the Planets Aligned

It is not by happenstance that this material has come into my hands just prior to the time of the current planetary alignment, which will end on February 20th, two days before this post will be published. My consciousness is attuned to the energetic messages being transmitted to Earth at this pivotal and chaotic time when the most powerful person in man’s world is about to be chosen by the citizens of the United States of America—who are divided amongst themselves with fear and hatred governing hearts and minds. There is an encoded message for us in the music streaming from these aligned spheres, and one message I am hearing is

“Nothing is wrong. Everything matters. Let not your hearts be troubled. Let love fill them and radiate without concern for results.” 

As I write, I am aware that some of my readers may not have space in their minds and hearts to think and care much about these cosmic events. There is so much to keep up and deal with in our lives these days. And with one’s “nose up against the grindstone,” so-to-speak, one is understandably oblivious to the larger drama of life taking place in the cosmic context.  I say this not in judgment or criticism but with compassion for the busy human state. For reasons that are emerging even as I write, these larger events taking place in our cosmic habitat have projected themselves into my consciousness for consideration at this time.  So I will indulge them and give them due consideration—and I do welcome and appreciate comments and feedback from my readership, which fluctuates up and down with the subject matter.  Currently it’s up, so I’ll keep moving with this consideration—the next one already presenting itself in the back of my mind and having something to do with myths and memories of Paradise.  Hmm, sounds inviting.

Asking your forbearance, I burden you once again with an excerpt from COSMOS AND PSYCHE for your consideration and, hopefully, your edification and intellectual pleasure.  My mind loves to be engaged by truth—not that what follows is true at all levels, as there is always a higher truth.  This author writes from a higher level of consciousness than simply scientific and mental. It’s his spiritual perspectives, which he shares amidst all the astronomical and astrological data, that draws me to his writings—and to sharing them here. (Emphasis mine) 


The astrological thesis as developed within the Platonic-Jungian lineage holds that these complex, multidimensional archetypes governing the forms of human experience are intelligibly connected with the planets and their movements in the heavens. This association is observable in a constant coincidence between specific planetary alignments and specific archetypally patterned phenomena in human affairs. . . . It does not appear to be accurate to say that astrologers have in essence arbitrarily used the mythological stories of the ancients about the gods Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Mercury, and the rest to project symbolic meaning onto the planets, which are in actuality merely neutral material bodies without intrinsic significance [I cannot agree with Tarnas here, as all material forms, especially the planets, have spiritual, or vibrational, significance.] Rather, a considerable body of evidence suggests that the movements of the planets named Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mars, and Mercury tend to coincide with patterns of human experience that closely resemble the character of those planets’ mythical counterparts. That is, the astrologer’s insight, perhaps intuitive and divinatory in its ancient origins, appears to be fundamentally an empirical one. This empiricism is given context and meaning by a mythic, archetypal perspective, a perspective that the planetary correlations seem to support and illustrate with remarkable consistency. The nature of these correlations presents to the astrological researcher what appears to be an orchestrated synthesis combining the precision of mathematical astronomy with the psychological complexity of the archetypal imagination, a synthesis whose sources seemingly exist a priori within the fabric of the universe.

Here is where the distinction between the ancient philosophical (Platonic) and the modern psychological (earlier Jungian) conceptions of archetypes becomes especially relevant.  Whereas the original Jungian archetypes were primarily considered to be the basic formal principles of the human psyche, the original Platonic archetypes were regarded as the essential principles of reality itself, rooted in the very nature of the cosmos.  What separated these two views was the long development of Western thought that gradually differentiated a meaning-giving human subject from a neutral objective world, thereby locating the source of any universal principles of meaning exclusively within the human psyche. Integrating these two views (much as Jung began to do in his final years under the influence of synchronicities), contemporary astrology suggests that archetypes possess a reality that is both objective and subjective, one that informs both outer cosmos and inner human psyche, “as above, so below.” 

In effect, planetary archetypes are considered to be both “Jungian” (psychological) and “Platonic” (metaphysical) in nature: universal essences or forms at once intrinsic to and independent of the human mind, that not only endure as timeless universals but are also co-creatively enacted and recursively affected through human participation. And they are regarded as functioning in something like a Pythagorean-Platonic cosmic setting, i.e., in a cosmos pervasively integrated through the workings of a universal intelligence and creative principle. What distinguishes the contemporary astrological view is the additional factor of human co-creative participation in the concrete expressions of this creative principle, with the human being recognized as itself a potentially autonomous embodiment of the cosmos and its creative power and intelligence. 

In Jungian terms, the astrological evidence suggests that the collective unconscious is ultimately embedded in the macrocosm itself, with the planetary motions a synchronistic reflection of the unfolding archetypal dynamics of human experience. In Platonic terms, astrology affirms the existence of an anima mundi informing the cosmos, a world soul in which the human psyche participates as a microcosm of the whole. Finally, the Platonic, Jungian, and astrological understandings of archetypes are all complexly linked, both historically and conceptually, to the archetypal structures, narratives, and figures of ancient myth. Thus [Joseph] Campbell’s famous dictum: 

It would not be too much to say that myth is the secret opening through which the inexhaustible energies of the cosmos pour into human cultural manifestation. 

. . . .  For conceptual clarity, then, when we consider the meaning and character of each planetary archetype in the following chapters, it will be useful to understand these principles in three different senses: in the Homeric sense as a primordial deity and mythic figure; in the Platonic sense as a cosmic and metaphysical principle; and in the Jungian sense as a psychological principle (with its Kantian and Freudian background)—-with all of these associated with a specific planet.

For example, the archetype of Venus can be approached on the Homeric level as the Greek mythic figure of Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love, the Mesopotamian Ishtar, the Roman Venus. On the Platonic level Venus can be understood in terms of the metaphysical principle of Eros and the Beautiful. And on the Jungian level Venus can be viewed as the psychological tendency to perceive, desire, create, or in some other way experience beauty and love, to attract and be attracted, to seek harmony and aesthetic or sensuous pleasure, to engage in artistic activity and in romantic and social relations. These different levels or senses are distinguished here only to suggest the inherent complexity of arche­types, which must be formulated not as literal concretely definable entities but rather as dynamic potentialities and essences of meaning that cannot be localized or restricted to a specific dimension.

Finally, alongside this essential multidimensionality of archetypes is their equally essential multivalence. The Saturn archetype can express itself as judgment but also as old age, as tradition but also as oppression, as time but also as mortality, as depression but also as discipline, as gravity in the sense of heaviness and weight but also as gravity in the sense of seriousness and dignity. Thus Jung:

The ground principles, the archai, of the unconscious are indescribable because of their wealth of reference, although in themselves recognizable. The discriminating intellect naturally keeps on trying to establish their singleness of meaning and thus misses the essential point; for what we can above all establish as the one thing consistent with their nature is their manifold meaning, their almost limitless wealth of reference, which makes any unilateral formulation impossible.

This discussion is directly relevant to the outcome of our earlier consideration of free will and determinism in astrology. If I may summarize that thesis in a single statement: It seems to be specifically the multivalent potentiality that is intrinsic to the planetary archetypes—their dynamic indeterminacy—that opens up ontological space for the human being’s full co-creative participation in the unfolding of individual life, history, and the cosmic process. It is just this combi­nation of archetypal multivalence and an autonomous participatory self that engenders the possibility of a genuinely open universe. The resulting cosmological metastructure is still Pythagorean-Platonic in essential ways, but the relationship of the human self and the cosmic principles has undergone a metamorphosis that fully reflects and integrates the enormous modern and postmodern developments.

Our philosophical understanding of archetypes, our scientific understanding of the cosmos, and our psychological understanding of the self have all undergone a profound evolution in the course of history, and they have done so in complexly interconnected ways at each stage in this development. Our experience of all these has evolved, century by century, and thus our theories have as well.

Theories abound in the mind-made world, but they only tend to confuse rather than clarify understanding. The questions I ask are: “Who is it that is trying to understand? And what self?”  It seems that the self who is looking IS the self who are trying to “psychologically” understand.  However, as we know, a state cannot observe itself.  I am reminded of words attributed to Saint Francis:  “What you are looking for is who is looking.”

There is one final excerpt I wish to share from Richard Tarnas’ book in which he speaks to where we are now in the 21st century relative to a century-long planetary configuration.  I think you will enjoy his take on the archetypal profile presently at play in the human psyche shaping human behavior and global events.

In the next series I will do my best to offer clarification and enlightenment from a higher perspective. Until then, I greet you in Rumi’s field “beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing.” 

Be love. Be loved.








Archetypes, Gods and Planets and The Evolution of Consciousness

“The earth is the LORD’S, and the fullness thereof: the world and they that dwell therein. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.” (Psalm 24)

The Heart Nebula

Our conscious presence in a cosmic context has been more vividly and visually brought to our awareness, as well as recalled to remembrance, by pictures of the vast cosmos made with the Hubble Telescope and shared with the world by our tenaciously adventurous astronomers who keep peering deeper and deeper into the “dark space” around us. 

What they have brought to us is virtually overwhelming, certainly unfathomable. The greater wonder of it all, however, is our ability to take it all into our consciousness through our very tiny eyes and our very tiny brains. This speaks to the largeness of our Being and our shared Consciousness. We are truly Gods in the midst of Creation enjoying what We have co-created with the Great Spirit Creator, the Lord God and heavenly King, whose Earth it is, “and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein.” 


With that inspirational preface, I will continue from where I left off in my previous post with a consideration of the nature of archetypes and their planetary associations as explored by cultural historian and philosopher Richard Tarnas in his epic work COSMOS AND PSYCHE.

[A graduate of Harvard University and Saybrook Institute, Tarnas is also author of The Passion Of The Western Mind, currently holding professorship of philosophy and cultural history at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, where he founded the graduate program in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness, and at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara.]

As we were considering, archetypes in Greek mythology were gods and goddesses who were enshrined by heavenly bodies, such as planets and constellations. As the Greek mind evolved out of “myth to reason,” archetypes lost their divinity with Plato’s philosophical mentality: (Emphasis mine)

Plato gave to the archetypal perspective its clas­sic metaphysical formulation. In the Platonic view, archetypes–the Ideas or Forms–are absolute essences that transcend the empirical world yet give the world its form and meaning. They are timeless universals that serve as the fundamental reality informing every concrete particular. Something is beautiful pre­cisely to the extent that the archetype of Beauty is present in it. Or, described from a different viewpoint, something is beautiful precisely to the extent that it participates in the archetype of Beauty. For Plato, direct knowledge of these Forms or Ideas is regarded as the spiritual goal of the philosopher and the intel­lectual passion of the scientist.

In turn, Plato’s student and successor Aristotle brought to the concept of universal forms a more empiricist approach, one supported by a rationalism whose spirit of logical analysis was secular rather than spiritual and epiphanic. In the Aristotelian perspective, the forms lost their numinosity but gained a new recog­nition of their dynamic and teleological character as concretely embodied in the empirical world and processes of life. For Aristotle, the universal forms primarily exist in things, not above or beyond them. Moreover, they not only give form and essential qualities to concrete particulars but also dynamically transmute them from within, from potentiality to actuality and maturity, as the acorn gradually metamorphoses into the oak tree, the embryo into the mature organism, a young girl into a woman. The organism is drawn forward by the form to a realization of its inherent potential, just as a work of art is actualized by the artist guided by the form in the artist’s mind. Matter is an intrinsic susceptibility to form, an un­qualified openness to being configured and dynamically realized through form….

The Aristotelian form thus serves both as an indwelling impulse that orders and moves development and as the intelligible structure of a thing, its inner nature, that which makes it what it is, its essence. For Aristotle as for Plato, form is the principle by which something can be known, its essence recognized, its universal character distinguished within its particular embodiment.

The idea of archetypal or universal forms then underwent a number of important developments in the later classical, medieval and Renaissance periods.” It became the focus of one of the central and most sustained debates of Scholastic philosophy, “the problem of universals,” a controversy that both reflected and mediated the evolution of Western thought as the focus of intelligible reality gradually shifted from the transcendent to the immanent, from the universal to the particular, and ultimately from the divinely given archetypal Form (eidos) to the humanly constructed general name (nomina) after a final efflorescence in the philosophy and art of the High Renaissance. The concept of archetypes gradually retreated and then virtually disappeared with the modern rise of nominalist philosophy and empiricist science. The archetypal perspective remained vital principally in the arts, in classical and mythological studies, and in Romanticism, as a kind of archaic afterglow. Confined to the subjective realm of interior meaning by the dominant Enlightenment world view, it continued in this form latent in the modern sensibility. The radiant ascent and dominance of modern reason coincided precisely with the eclipse of the archetypal vision.

The concept of archetypes evolved further over the decades, which Tarnas details further. I will conclude with his summary of its evolutionary journey: 

It was not until the turn of the twentieth century that the concept of archetypes, foreshadowed by Nietzsche’s vision of the Dionysian and Apollonian principles shaping human culture, underwent an unexpected renascence. The immediate matrix of its rebirth was the empirical discoveries of depth psychology, first with Freud’s formulations of the Oedipus complex, Eros and Thanatos, ego, id, and superego (a “powerful mythology,” as Wittgenstein called psychoanalysis), then in an expanded, fully articulated form with the work of Jung and archetypal psychology. Jung, as we have seen, drawing on Kant’s critical epistemology and Freud’s instinct theory yet going beyond both, described archetypes as autonomous primordial forms in the psyche that structure and impel all human experience and behavior. In his last formulations influenced by his research on synchronicities, Jung came to regard archetypes as expressions not only of a collective unconscious shared by all human beings but also of a larger matrix of being and meaning that informs and encompasses both the physical world and the human psyche….

Finally, further developments of the archetypal perspective emerged in the postmodern period, not only in post-Jungian psychology but in other fields such as anthropology; mythology, religious studies, philosophy of science, linguistic analysis, phenomenology, process philosophy, and feminist scholarship. Advances in understanding the role of paradigms, symbols, and metaphors in shaping human experience and cognition brought new dimensions to the archetypal understanding. In the crucible of postmodern thought, the concept of archetypes was elaborated and critiqued, refined through the deconstruction of rigidly essentialist “false universals” and cultural stereotypes, and enriched through an increased awareness of archetypes’ fluid, evolving, multivalent, and participatory nature. Reflecting many of the above influences, James Hillman sums up the archetypal perspective in depth psychology:

Let us then imagine archetypes as the deepest patterns of psychic functioning, the roots of the soul governing the perspectives we have of ourselves and the world. They are the axiomatic, self-evident images to which psychic life and our theories about it ever return …. There are many other metaphors for describing them: immaterial potentials of structure, like invisible crystals in solution or forms in plants that suddenly show forth under certain conditions; patterns of instinctual behavior like those in animals that direct actions along unswerving paths; the genres and topoi in literature; the recurring typicalities in history; the basic syndromes in psychiatry; the paradigmatic thought models in science; the worldwide figures, rituals, and relationships in anthropology.

But one thing is absolutely essential to the notion of archetypes: their emotional possessive effect, their bedazzlement of consciousness so that it becomes blind to its own stance. By setting up a universe which tends to hold everything we do, see, and say in the sway of its cosmos, an archetype is best comparable with a God. And Gods, religions sometimes say, are less accessible to the senses and to the intellect than they are to the imaginative vision and emotion of the soul. They are cosmic perspectives in which the soul participates. They are the lords of its realms of being, the patterns for its mimesis. The soul cannot be, except in one of their patterns. All psychic reality is governed by one or another archetypal fantasy, given sanction by a God. I cannot but be in them. 

There is no place without Gods and no activity that does not enact them. Every fantasy, every experience has its archetypal reason. There is nothing that does not belong to one God or another.

Archetypes thus can be understood and described in many ways, and much of the history of Western thought has evolved and revolved around this very issue. For our present purposes, we can define an archetype as a universal prin­ciple or force that affects–impels, structures, permeates–the human psyche and the world of human experience on many levels. One can think of them in mythic terms as gods and goddesses (or what Blake called “the Immortals”), in Platonic terms as transcendent first principles and numinous Ideas, or in Aris­totelian terms as immanent universals and dynamic indwelling forms. One can approach them in a Kantian mode as a priori categories of perception and cogni­tion, in Schopenhauerian terms as the universal essences of life embodied in great works of art, or in the Nietzschean manner as primordial principles sym­bolizing basic cultural tendencies and modes of being. In the twentieth-century context, one can conceive of them in Husserlian terms as essential structures of human experience, in Wittgensteinian terms as linguistic family resemblances linking disparate but overlapping particulars, in Whiteheadian terms as eternal objects and pure potentialities whose ingression informs the unfolding process of reality, or in Kuhnian terms as underlying paradigmatic structures that shape scientific understanding and research. Finally, with depth psychology, one can approach them in the Freudian mode as primordial instincts impelling and structuring biological and psychological processes, or in the Jungian manner as fundamental formal principles of the human psyche, universal expressions of a collective unconscious and, ultimately, of the unus mundus.

The Evolution of Human Consciousness

I bring this consideration of archetypes and the evolution of their meaning to the human experience of life on planet Earth forward for the overview it provides of the evolution of human consciousness and how we human beings viewed the larger cosmic context in which we live and have our being. For one thing, how we have desperately sought out God and our origins in the external world, hoping to find both “lo here or lo there.”  

Finally, after all these decades, our consciousness has evolved sufficiently to bring to our awareness the awakening realization that the “image and likeness of God” is within us and is who and what we are.  The Archetype of all archetypes is the Light from which all things are made. I love this passage from The Gospel of Thomas:

Jesus said: “The images are revealed to people. The light within them is hidden in the image of the Father’s light. He will be revealed. His image is hidden in the light. . . .  You are pleased when you see your own likeness. When you see your images that came into being before you did, immortal, invisible images, how much can you bear?” 

The Archetype of Man is God, is Spirit, and is hidden in the Light of Love. Our Sun is the origin of the light that encompasses Earth and all the planets. In that light is the essence, the Truth, that makes all things created what they are, what their purpose is in the larger Design, and how they function as integral and essential parts in the One Whole.  As the current planetary alignment draws to a close in six day on February 20th, let us let Love be the Archetypal Spirit that moves us forward as we co-create the New Earth.  

I will conclude this series with my next post. Until then,

Be Love. Be loved.

Happy Valentine’s Day !


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