Creating the New Earth Together

Archive for the ‘Resurrection’ Category

The Transcendence of Resurrection

THE WAY I SEE IT, Jesus was never not in complete and utter control of his physical body throughout the ordeal of His trial and conviction, the mockery of being crowned with thorns, spit upon and flogged, the carrying of his cross through the streets of Jerusalem and up to the hill of Golgotha, even through the crucifixion and apparent death of His physical body. The silver cord of connection with his body was never loosed or severed. In the end He simply transcended his physical body and rose in consciousness to what spiritual author Joseph Chilton Pearce describes as the “causal body”— with which He may even have had an NDE (Near Death Experience). At least this is the way I see it.

This was not unique to Jesus, as we each have a causal body, only it’s not so much a “body” as an essence of spirit. That spirit is who we are, and it is not a separate entity from God the Creator, any more than the Son of God was separate from His Heavenly Father. As He truly proclaimed in John10:30: “I and my Father are one.” So is it with each and every incarnate Being. To come to a conscious awareness and actual experience of that oneness with our Creator is the challenge of our earthly journey.

At the age of eighty-four I’ve become peculiarly and intensely interested in transcendence. I wasn’t aware of this interest until I inadvertently withdrew a book from off the shelf of our library and opened it to the author’s final chapters where he addresses what is now the very topic of this blog post: Jesus’s transcendent experience, otherwise called and celebrated as his “Resurrection” from the tomb — where, from all outward signs, his “dead” body was placed, wrapped in a shroud of white cloth, anointed with precious healing oils and laid to rest. What occurred after Joseph of Arimathea and a few women had laid his limp body to rest in the tomb, rolling a stone over its entrance, is a process I am compelled from within my heart to meditate upon and explore in a series of posts.

The Holy Shroud of Turin, with its scorched image of Jesus’s entire body imprinted on it, provides ample cause to contemplate what awful transmuting fire must have moved through His body to resurrect the living currents of vital energy that could lift it up to a higher vibrational level of manifestation. His resurrection was at the same time clearly a supernatural and a biological event of transcendence and transmutation.


Yes, indeed, shine your light! But you first must rise! To “rise” is another matter altogether. It’s a required step toward shining. In a transcendent state, to which we all aspire, one’s light is found to have always been shining — only not outwardly — until one rises up in consciousness and identity to the level of one’s “causal” body where one’s radiance is the light of one’s world.

I can easily relate to Joseph Chilton Pearce’s perspective of “bodies within bodies”: physical, subtle and causal. From my own spiritual path the word “pneumaplasm,” coined by Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda), serves my understanding best as descriptive of the “subtle” body. The “causal” body lives and moves independent of the physical and subtle bodies, whereas the subtle body, or pneumaplamic body, is generated out of the physical body as the causal body of spirit expresses its divine qualities with feeling, thought and action of a benevolent quality. Spiritual expression brings about the release of the transforming power of love — the only way open to human beings today as the physical and mental approaches failed miserably.

Again, my spiritual path defines the “causal body” simply as “spirit.” Spirit is divine in nature. Physical and subtle bodies are by nature human. The two are brought together when spirit incarnates and transmits its godly characteristics and benevolent qualities to the human person for expression. Patterns of design and control for the unfolding of one’s earthly journey are also established in the subtle body (pneumaplasm) for the execution of dominion over one’s world. Not domination but dominion.

The word “dominion” derives from the Latin for “lord”: dominus. Dominion is exercised by the lord incarnate whose “body” (of sorts) is causal by divine design, exercising dominion over the physical body, and by way of the body over ones world, in a benevolent, loving, non-imposing manner. Domination, to the contrary, is exercised by the human ego that has taken possession of one’s mental faculty in order to force its contriving and self-serving will upon one’s physical body and one’s world. It’s an apt model of David Hawkins’ Power VS Force –The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior.” They’re not so hidden to one who has risen in consciousness and in identity to the level of spirit in one’s causal body — causal in the sense of creator and designer of the physical body.


Prince of Peace

The Master Jesus spoke those words just before his passion and crucifixion on Calvary. His exact words as recorded in John 16:33 are, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  He transcended His physical body and maintained His identity with His causal body, which in his case was and is our Lord and King, the “Only Begotten Son of God.” Having complete control over His physical body via His subtle body, He did not let it die. The Only begotten Son of the Father was not sacrificed for the sins of the world, a rationalization Paul later contrived, nor for any other purpose rationalized subsequently in Christian dogma. He overcame death by not dying. He then proceeded to raise up his comatose physical body, transmute it to a higher vibration so as to fuse it with His causal body, His very Being, and return to His Father in Heaven — after spending forty days with His disciples eating and drinking with them and bestowing upon them His benediction of love and comfort. These things of spirit are beyond space and time. They are truly and literally timeless.

There is much to share along these lines revisiting Joseph Chilton Pearce’s THE BIOLOGY OF TRANSCENDENCE ~ A Blueprint of the Human Spirit — author of THE CRACK IN THE COSMIC EGG. The book is filled with quotable passages that have the ability to bring about a radical shift in perspective. His chosen character on which to shine light is Jesus himself and his passion and compassion, as the following excerpt demonstrates.


I like the way he speaks his truth. I’ll share more along these lines in my next post of this series. Until then, have a Happy Easter Day.


The “Rainbow Body” of Light

AS PROMISED, here is the excerpt from the last chapter of my book SACRED ANATOMY. I am also pleased to announce that both of my books — Sacred Anatomy and Attunement with Sacred Sound — are now available online at the Amazon Bookstore. You can also order directly from my publisher, Wise Publications, online at Check out the listing, place an order, and spread the word!

The subject of this post may not seem relevant to current global events — with wars waging in the Middle East and in the Ukraine, and several other places, and numerous other existential crises looming on the horizon — and that’s how it should be to perhaps serve as a reprieve from worries over turbulent world events.

It is relevant ,however, to the evolution of human consciousness and subsequent transformation and transmutation currently underway that are bringing about radical changes in our human capacities. We may not be headed in the direction this consideration suggests and even implies. However, our physical bodies are undergoing a steady process of transformation and transmutation into translucent “light bodies.” So, as per the instruction, “Let your light so shine . . . .” Enjoy!

TIBETAN BUDDHISTS practice the “Rainbow Body,” the apparent dematerialization and transmutation of the physical body. The practice may be spread out over many years of meditation until the actual transfiguration is achieved — although more as a gift of spirit than an achievement of mental effort.  A Biblical passage tells of a “transfiguration” of Jesus wherein he appeared in a glorious form with Moses and Elijah in the presence of three of his disciples, and another of his glorified body being resurrected from the grave.  What follows here may give us some inkling of the potential inherent in our own sacred anatomy.

The Sufi call it “the most sacred body” and the “supracelestial body.” Taoists call it “the diamond body,” and those who have attained it are called “the immortals” and “the cloud walkers.” In various other traditions it is called by such descriptive names as “the divine body” (Trantric yoga), “the body of bliss” (Kriya yoga), “the superconductive body” (Zoroastrian Vendanta), “the luminous body or being” (ancient Egypt), “the radiant body” (Gnosticism), “the perfect body” (Mithraic liturgy), “the immortal body” (Hermetic Corpus), and “the Golden Body” (Emerald Tablets of the alchemical tradition). —(Wilcock, The Source Field Investigations.)

Here is a description of the process taken from Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light by Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche and reprinted in David Wilcock’s book, The Source Field Investigations.

This is one of many depictions of the Rainbow Body from Tibet: Body of Light: Tibetan, ja-lus.  Also known as the “rainbow body.”  Certain realized beings . . . achieve the transformation of their ordinary bodies into a Body of Light. . . . In this process the physical body dissolves into its natural state, which is that of Clear Light.  As the elements of the body are purified, they transform from their gross manifestation (body, flesh, bones, etc.) into their pure essence as the five colors: blue, green, white, red and golden yellow.  As the body dissolves into these five colors a rainbow is formed, and all that remains of the physical body are fingernails and hair. . . .

Over 160,000 documented cases of the Rainbow Body have occurred in Tibet and China alone.  David Wilcock cites a most extraordinary event that took place in Kham, a small village in Tibet, in 1998, when a Gelugpa monk, Khenpo A-chos, died leaving nothing of his earthly form behind.  He was described as having . . .

. . . a warm, spiritual nature that touched everyone he met. . . . he often spoke of the importance of cultivating compassion. He had the ability to teach even the roughest and toughest of types how to be a little gentler, a little more mindful. . . . The witnesses reported a rainbow appearing over Khenpo A-chos’s hut a few days before he died, and that “dozens of rainbows appeared in the sky afterward.  He was not sick and nothing appeared to be wrong with him — he simply chanted a mantra.

According to the eyewitnesses, after his breath stopped his flesh became kind of pinkish. One person said it turned brilliant white. All said it started to shine. Lama A-chos suggested wrapping his friend’s body in a yellow robe, the type all Gelug monks wear. As the days passed, they maintained they could see, through the robe, that his bones and his body were shrinking. They also heard beautiful, mysterious music coming from the sky, and they smelled perfume. After seven days, they removed the yellow cloth, and no body remained. Lama Norta and a few other individuals claimed that after his death Khenpo A-chos appeared to them in visions and dreams … Lama A-chos told Tiso that it takes sixty years of intensive practice to achieve the rainbow body. “Whether it always takes that long, I don’t know,” acknowledges Tiso, “but we would like to be able to incorporate, in a respectful way, some of these practices into our own Western philosophical and religious traditions.” … To our knowledge, says Tiso, the bodies of most Christian saints did not disappear or shrink after their deaths …. However, he adds, bodily ascensions are mentioned in the Bible and other traditional texts for Enoch, Mary, Elijah, and possibly Moses. And there are numerous stories of saints materializing after their death, similar to the widespread phenomenon known as the “light- body.” 

As I say, time was when we could “fly over the rainbow.” There was a design in place for such spirit and soul travel. That design was lost, along with the Garden State, and had not been present on earth for many thousands of years when the Lord of Love incarnated on Earth. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that it was human consciousness that got lost. The design did not go anywhere but was hidden in a cloud of mystery for a season until such time that the Sons and Daughters of God would again emerge on Earth through the sons and daughters of Man. That time came with the incarnation of the Lord of Love . . . and continues to this day.

The Lord of Love incarnated with the specific mission of restoring that design on earth as a way by which mankind might be brought back into his Father’s House of many mansions. He referred to it as “the kingdom of heaven” and he did not point to some place up in the sky in some hoped-for “hereafter.” He pointed to the hearts of human beings as portals of entrance into this kingdom. His simple instruction was “Let not your heart be troubled.” Entering into the kingdom of heaven was a frequently repeated theme in his sermons and instructions. His first instruction was that we should “repent” (literally turn around) in order to see that the kingdom of heaven is truly at hand, all around us and right within our own body temples. His commandment and methodology were simple: Love the LORD thy God with all, and thy neighbor as thy Self.

Heaven, then, is not so much a “place” to go to as it is a state of consciousness into which we may ascend, step by step, as the Master Jesus did during his life and ministry.   It is a state into which we may enter any moment we are willing to relinquish our desperate grip on the material world of form and begin living life from out of the world of spirit right here and now, both within us and all around us.  It is the House of God, in which, as He indicated, there are “many mansions.” 

As we saw and explored in some detail, there are specifically seven such mansions, and they all lead to “The Way” upward into the temple of light within these temples of flesh. Within these temples, our sacred anatomy provides us with the hormonal chemistry by which, when activated by the Spirit of Love in expression through our hearts, the Spirit of Truth in expression through our minds, and the Spirit of Life in expression through our bodies, the alchemy of resurrection and ascension is set in motion. The remaining four spirits, moving through the endocrine glands and sacred energy seals, take care of the rest as the body temple is elevated, easily and naturally, back to the vibrational level where it no longer experiences pain, nor suffering, nor death itself, but only life eternal. I believe, and personally know, that this is our destiny.

Heinberg referenced traditions that speak of a rainbow bridge connecting heaven and earth so that incarnate beings could ascend to revitalize themselves and then return to earth. This pattern of renewal continues to manifest itself when we feel the need to take a vacation into the wild country to be close to Mother Nature, or a spiritual retreat to draw closer to God in a place of sanctuary. It manifests powerfully during attunement — and I strongly believe that attunement with sacred sound is a core aspect of the divine technology governing this mechanism of renewal.

As we have seen in depth, we have such a bridge within the sacred anatomy of these flesh temples in the seven endocrine glands that provide a focused grounding for the Seven Spirits before the throne of God. It is the Way the Master was going when he said to his disciples in John 14:2-3:

Much is contained in these poignant words.  At some level we know the Way back to Eden because we were once there.  We walked with God.  We walked together as gods and goddesses and we took part in the creation of Eden.  There is much we know — and are beginning remember — about the forms we once inhabited to walk and play in Eden in an atmosphere of loving kindness and generosity.  For now it suffices to say that these flesh temples are designed for more than simply worshiping God up in His Highest Heaven.  As we have seen, they are designed as transformers to facilitate the very process of ascension through the levels of consciousness and into the kingdom of heaven which, as the Master said more than once, is at hand.

The purpose of all the comings and goings of the great prophets of old, and holy men and women of all times,  indeed of the Lord of Love Himself, was to restore human consciousness to its true state of oneness with God, so that God may have a means for being and acting on Earth.  Once that has occurred — and it is occurring even now — worship of God will be transformed into a continual experience of oneness with God in action on earth.

Today it is fairly widely accepted that the place to truly worship God, whether in the solitude of one’s own sanctuary or in a congregational setting, is at the altar of one’s own heart.  Like Jacob, who, awakening from out of his dream, realized the presence of the divine in human flesh, there is an awakening taking place in the Body of God on Earth to the stark realization that “The Lord is in this place and I knew it not!”, and that the human body is truly a temple wherein the Living God dwells.  Here in these flesh temples is enacted every moment of every day the ceremony of life itself lived daily in this beautiful Cathedral of Gaia, our Earth Mother and Home among the stars.  We are all privileged to be on Earth at this time to finish the work of restoring Eden.  Let us all be about our Father’s business.   ~Fin

* * *

REGARDLESS of how it may appear, we are moving in an upward spiraling direction toward the Light of Love which is drawing us, individually and as a collective body, into a conscious state of union with Source. The key to ascension to a higher level of consciousness is to open in love response to that which is higher in spiritual awareness. My point of response upward is to the Lord of Love as I have come to be aware of His Presence in my life and in the world.

The radiation of love now moving as an Attunement Current through many light-workers and into the consciousness and body of humanity, drawing response from the hearts of awakening and aware human beings, is creating an irresistible force of attraction that is drawing together a new Body of Humanity into a state of union, providing a means for the Presence and action of God on Earth — the Great Spirit of the Archangel responsible for this Earth and our solar system. A Field of unified radiation is even now surrounding and encompassing the earth and the entire solar entity, creating a hedge of radiant protection. The Body of Man, now in process of being restored, is become the conscious Temple of the Living God in this corner of the Universe. My heart rejoices in this momentous and historical day which the Lord has made.

Until my next post . . .

Be Love. Be loved


*MerKaBa: Merkaba Meditation is a type of meditation that opens up your way of life’s infinite potential and lifts your being. (Note: I have not personally experienced the MerKaBa, nor the “rainbow body.” But I will one day.)

Rise and Shine

Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.Song of Solomon

On this Easter morning I invite you to share Uranda’s Easter message:

I Have Finished the Work

I Come To Thee

Uranda, April 8, 1950

It is a joy unspeakable and full of glory to see you, according to your responses and according to the degrees of your letting go, coming under the Law of the Kingdom, that I may receive you Home in the Kingdom in the Name of my LORD. That self which has been crucified in you and which has been placed in the tomb shall surely, according to the faithfulness of your Polarity, come forth in the Resurrection and the Life, not the old self that it was, for the former things are passing away, and in the Name of my LORD and KING all things are being made new.

You are not now what you were, nor are you yet that which you shall be, for entering into the Kingdom you shall move from Glory unto Glory in the outworking of the cycles of Being which are ordained by the Creator; and you begin to know that the Creator is not far away but is at hand in the Kingdom that is at hand, and you are privileged to share in the wonder of His Creative Work whereby all things are made new. . . .

You can read the rest of Uranda’s Easter message in full by clicking on the link below.

 May your Easter morning and day be filled with joy and uplifting gratitude for the New Day. Until my next post,

Be love . . . be loved


Credits: Great Cosmic Story, David Barnes editor: HTTPS://GREATCOSMICSTORY.BLOGSPOT.COM/2023/04/I-HAVE-FINISHED-WORK.HTML 


What Really Happened in Gethsemane? (Reposted)

No Power On Earth Could have Touched Him

The Final Victory

Credits: Great Cosmic Story blog, David Barnes, Author

Until my next post,

Until my next post,

Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


At The Crossover

Christ the Redeemer at Rio de Janeiro

“I am come that they may have life and have it more abundantly . . . that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.— Gospel of John


While attending a memorial service for a departed friend recently, I sat down in one of the pews waiting for the service to begin. When I looked up toward the closed casket, my eyes were met by a large crucifix on the wall behind it with the graven image of the crucified Jesus. I felt a sudden pall of sadness; not for our departed friend and his family, but for our Lord and King whose crucifixion is still being celebrated by Christians two-thousand-plus years after his victory over death and his glorious resurrection.

I long for the day when Christians take down the crucifixes in their churches and elsewhere — ideally, do away with “Good Friday” altogether and only celebrate Jesus’s victory over death and His Resurrection from the tomb. It’s not that He didn’t make the best use of what was imposed upon Him by the world. He did ask His Heavenly Father to take that cup from Him in the Garden of Gethsemane, yet He yielded to His Father’s Will. He knew well what was ahead and yet embraced it fully and used it for a higher purpose: a victory over death and the opening of a portal to eternal life for all of mankind.

His victory is what I celebrate during Holy Week . . . and I invite all of my Christian readers and friends to celebrate with me. Let the joy that was His be fulfilled in our hearts and souls this day.


The crucifix can be seen as a crossover symbol, with its vertical and horizontal aspects joining and crossing at the point of the Golden Mean, the Divine Proportion (1.618) — the vertical representing Heaven and the horizontal representing Earth. The Spirit of God descends from Heaven and touches the Earth. Angels descend from the Realms of Light and incarnate in earthen forms in order to extend that Spirit below the horizontal into the world; to serve the Creator on Earth and bring Heaven here. By extending your arms, like the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro demonstrates, you assume the posture of a cross, signifying that your body temple provides a crossover point between the invisible and visible realms — between Heaven and Earth.

This is the true meaning and significance of the Cross of Jesus. He came to Earth not to die but to demonstrate for us how to live in union with His Father and bring the experience of Heaven on Earth into our lives. Sadly, the world rejected Him and redacted His teachings to align with the traditional religious concepts held sacred in the human mind . . . then crucified His body on the cross at Golgotha, the “place of the skull.”

We are a death-oriented people. We worship death as a necessary evil; a way of escape from pain and hardship, as well as the way to enter Heaven. Truth is, HERE on earth is where the ultimate experience of life take place. Angels in the realms of Light long to have the experience of living on this beautiful planet where Mother God, the Queen of Heaven, creates a Paradise of Edenic beauty and bounty on Earth — Her Queendom. Where delicious fruits and crisp vegetation can be tasted and lifted up in flesh temples as loving tithes to Her Lord and King.


It is said that Martin Luther threw an inkwell at the devil upon awakening one night, and that he was plagued by many demons. My mentor used to cite this incident and then would suggest that he must have smashed the inkwell against his own skull, making and bringing home the point that our demons are in our own heads and projected out there; that the crucifixion of the Christ Spirit is taking place in the skull of human beings where the self-active mind of man shuts out the Kingdom of God from being experienced, by the priesthood and by the faithful. Christians pray unceasingly “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” but they do not allow it to be done. They have their own wills to exercise and fulfill in their lives, individually and collectively.

Am I being too harsh or irreverent? I don’t think so. After all I include myself among those who once recited the Lord’s Prayer daily in seminary while studying to become a Catholic priest. I, too, believed that Jesus died for my sins and that we had to die in order to go to Heaven. How well I recall the many times I knelt at the foot of a large crucifix in the seminary chapel gazing up into the eyes of the image on the cross depicting the brutal crucifixion of Jesus and feeling a deep sadness while trying to get in touch with the anguish and pain He must have felt, abandoned by His world He came to save, with hands and feet nailed to a wooden cross. As I recall those formative days of that fourteen-year-old young man’s life — responding to a calling, a “vocation,” to serve the Lord as His priest — words come to mind the Master spoke to the weeping women of Jerusalem as he carried His cross up the “Via Dolorosa” in the “Holy City” of Jerusalem on the way to Golgotha:

“Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children. For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck.

There’s so much prophecy encoded in that response to the weeping women. Those days have come for millions in war-torn countries such as Ukraine, and where earthquakes and torrential floods have displaced millions from their homes and devastated villages leaving mothers nothing to bring their children home to and raise a family; husbands and fathers gone off to fight their country’s battles and defend their homelands from enemy invaders; too many never to return home, dead or alive.

I feel in my gut that those days have arrived for the entire world and they will be apocalyptic for the human race and for all life on Earth — unless we turn away from our self-centered destructive ways and return to our LORD and KING of Heaven and Earth. This is His world, after all, as are we His body.

A passage from the Book of Malachi (3:7) in the Old Testament wants to be brought forward here:

“Ever since the time of your ancestors you have turned away from my decrees and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you,” says the Lord Almighty.”


There have been six documented mass extinctions, the last one being at the end of the last ice age 12,800 years ago with the Younger Dryas meteor impact that melted the ice cap and caused an apocalyptic deluge that washed away entire advanced civilizations in North America and in parts of Europe and Asia, raising sea levels and sinking the great civilization on the island of Atlantis. Evidence of this massive rush of waters over land can be seen here in the scablands of Washington State and the region around the Great Lakes and the lakes themselves. We may well be headed for a seventh mass extinction.

I highly recommend Graham Hancock’s “Ancient Apocalypse” now streaming on Netflix. It’s a well documented series on our cataclysmic past, a topic well worth visiting at this time — as it seems humanity needs a sobering splash of cold water in the face in order to wake up to reality.

It could well happen again as conditions in the heavens are similar in the Winter Solstice of today as they were in the Summer Solstice 12,800 years ago when Earth wandered into the thick debris tail of the Taurid comet and got showered by a raining mass of meteors. The Zodiacal science of Mazzaroth is an exact science, and our absence from the crossover point of dominion over the whole earth has allowed our planet to be knocked off of its appointed orbit and start wobbling on its axis. Like the Children of Israel, we are wandering in the wilderness of the cosmos into dangerous areas where cataclysms have happened in times past. The Taurid comet observes a 26,000-year cycle, according to Graham Handcock’s documentary. That’s approximately the length of two precession cycles of the earth’s axis around the 12 Zodiac constellations, each cycle being 12,700 – 12,800 years.

I don’t mean to be a prophet of doom and gloom here. But, based on our cataclysmic past, we earthlings would do well to take heed — or as my parents would say “You better straighten up and fly right!”

I will close with those uplifting words from Psalm 24 immortalized in Handle’s Messiah:

“Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.”

Happy Easter


The Mystery of Consciousness: Conveyor of Light and Love

Where your heart is, there also is your treasure. 

A LINE FROM A POPULAR POEM BY RUMI about a field “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing” has been repeating in my head since I published my previous post: “When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.”  And it truly is. There’s just so much going on in our world today for one to crowd into one’s thimble-size mind.  Another saying that Rumi penned from his home in Konya, Turkey, speaks of the heart’s treasure: “I looked in temples, churches and mosques. But I found the Divine in my heart.” 

In the movie “The Sound of Music,” Maria (Julie Anderson) sings “I go to the hills when my heart is lonely.”  Today, amidst the devastation in Ukraine and the repercussions the sanctions levied against Russia are having on the economy here and globally, I go to my heart to find peace and sanity.  Peace, because love abides here; sanity, because in my heart I know and understand that all is well in the Hands of God. 

By divine design, we human beings are the hands of God here on Earth.  Whatever happens, let me be a beacon of light in the darkness of human consciousness . . . and human consciousness is truly filled with darkness.  But darkness is simply the absence of light.  It’s not something of itself.  It’s nothing.  Light is something! Let there be light! 

A large mass of humanity has withdrawn from the light of love and hunkered down in the shadows of fear and uncertainty.  But let the Spirit of Love move upon the face of the waters of human consciousness and, Voila! There is light! And the light shines in the darkness, but the darkness does not comprehend it. “How can you be so calm and peaceful amid such atrocities and violence?! Where is your outrage!? Your condemnation of Putin and his murderous foot-soldiers who have exterminated tens-of-thousands of their fellow countrymen, women and children included?!” Such reactions are only incapacitating spiritually and contribute nothing but fuel to the fires raging in human hearts and minds, clouding and darkening vision.  If there’s one thing needed at this time it’s clear vision.

Whatever happens, let me be a beacon of light in the darkness

I find it somewhat challenging to refrain from outrage and remain non-judgmental in all of this death and destruction being heaped upon Ukraine and her citizens.  But that doesn’t mean I have blinders over my eyes.  I see clearly what is happening—at least what the news is telling and showing us—but only with my eyes. 

“A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten-thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee, for only with thine eyes shalt thou see and behold the reward of the wicked.” (Psalm 91:7). 

I looked up the word wicked and it has several connotations and applications: vicious, depraved, (wicked habits); mischievous or playfully malicious (a wicked joke); obnoxious or offensive (a wicked stench); formidable or excellent (a wicked tennis player).  The Psalmist most likely would characterize the wicked as “vicious” and “depraved.” Who, then, are these “wicked” ones who are reaping their rewards? I think we all have had some part in wickedness; surely any and all who have lived for the material treasures of the world rather than the spiritual treasures of Heaven. 


Perhaps it’s a bit of a stretch, although a good segue to the theme of this post, the word “wicked” has the word “wick” as its root—which is a woven chord for conveying liquid, like the wick of a candle which is designed to convey the melting candle wax up to fuel the flame for light.  Consciousness is a conveyor of Spirit, given to us by the Creator as a means of connecting with Heaven and for conveying the Light of Truth and Love into the world.  By design, we are much like the whirling dervishes of Turkey who spin ’round and ’round, with one hand pointed upward toward heaven and the other hand turned downward toward the earth, as they provide a channel for bringing Love down from God into the world.  

There’s a wise saw that says you can’t fix a problem at the same level as the problem, but from a level above the level of the problem.  And so it is with the problems that plague human consciousness.  The solutions are to come from above and not from below.  The design for the New Earth descends from Heaven above into the heaven of human consciousness . . . but only as there is room to receive it.  Filled with wickedness, there’s no room for the Truth of Life, which is Love.  We need to cast the devil—literally the divider—out of our heaven, as Jesus did: “Get thee hence!”  Then there will be room for the Truth of the New Earth to emerge from the New Heaven and replace the old earth. 

A large part of the old heaven is occupied by the Christian belief that Jesus came down to earth from Heaven to die for our sins and redeem “us sinners” from the hands of the Devil.  That is a redaction and a lie conjured up by Saint Paul and the Council of Nicaea, the most grievous of lies ever perpetrated upon human beings. 

The truth is that Christ, the Son of God, incarnated in Jesus and came to show us how to love God and one another.  That’s the truth, and I think it’s time that Christians, and particularly Catholics, do away with their crucifixes and repent for having worshiped the murderous crucifixion of the Son of God all these centuries.  I am certain that He doesn’t want nor like that his crucifixion is still being celebrated as the purpose for his visitation to this planet.  We can celebrate His life and victory over death by His resurrection without dragging him through that ignominious ordeal in our memories and our Holy Week liturgies.  Please, take him down from the cross and worship the Father in spirit and in truth, which is all He asked.  His true passion was and is the return of Love of God and love for one another to humanity and to His Father’s world. 

If a cross is needed, one can replace the crucifix with the balanced cross of St. Benedict, which is a plus ⊕, symbolizing a cross-over point between Heaven and Earth, which is what Jesus was and what we are designed to be.  (This cross is believed to protect one from the Devil and was used in exorcisms to cast out demons.)

I’ll leave you with the beautiful and rich Russian choral music of Grechaninov’s Passion Week, Op. 58:1, Behold the Bridegroom, performed by the Phoenix Bach Choir, Kansas City Chorale, conducted by Charles Bruffy.  Enjoy this first track of the album.

Have a Happy Easter Sunday. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved. 



Steps of Ascent 5: The Way of the Master

“I have thrown fire on the world. Look! I watch it until it blazes.” —Jesus, The Gospel of Thomas


IN MY PREVIOUS POST I spoke of a restoration process underway since the Fall, so far made in two approaches.  The first one was initiated with Abraham and the nation of Israel. The second approach, from the physical plane as was the first, was initiated with King Solomon.  Both failed to bring mankind back into the Garden state and alignment with the governance of the Kingdom of Heaven. 

      The third and forth approaches were from the mental and spiritual planes respectively and was initiated by the Master Jesus Christ, the incarnate Lord of Love.  Both of these approaches failed as well due to the hardness of men’s hearts and failure to comprehend his dual command to love the Lord God above all and one’s neighbor as oneself, which embodies the essence of his life and teachings.

This post is about the third approach which led to a fourth for him personally, opening the Way to restoration and ascension for all of mankind.  The following is from my book SACRED ANATOMY. 


The Way of the Master                                        

       There was a Man sent from God—an incarnate God Being—who returned to Heaven with his human capacities restored to their glorified state.  His name was Jesus and he was called “Master” by those who loved and followed him closely. 

       Putting these cycles of restoration in a certain perspective, Uranda called them “Sacred Schools” in that they were periods of spiritual education, a time when human beings were taught by great spirits and masters how to function spiritually in each level of ascent as the restoration continued to unfold. Jesus initiated the second cycle, at the level of the mental plane, and opened the door to the third, the level of the expression of Spirit, with his two Great Commandments of Love. But those to whom he brought the Way back into the “kingdom of heaven” either didn’t comprehend him or rejected him out of hand and sought to erase him from the face of the Earth by destroying his personal temple.  This time it was men who failed to defeat the Divine Design for restoration, as it was beyond their reach.

       Jesus dealt with human consciousness from the “mental plane approach.” He offered tranquility, a quality of the Spirit of the Single Eye in the second plane of being, to minds frantically busy with the letter of the law and the prophets.  “Peace, be still,” were words he often spoke before preaching and ministering to his disciples. He took issue with the Scribes and Pharisees, for example, which he blatantly characterized as “hypocrites” and “whited sepulchers full of dead men’s bones” for  the way they allowed the letter of the law to overshadow the “spirit that giveth life.” 

      He came to fulfill the law and the prophets, not to impose them upon the faithful in order to “lord it over them.” Above all, he met and dealt forthrightly and in singleness of purpose with his own human mind and restored order and beauty to his house of Being.  “Get thee behind me, Satan” were his words of rebuke more than once to his own human mind and through it to the collective mind in the larger body of mankind.

       He brought one law, the law of love, to replace the many laws that were on the books and enforced in order to keep the people subdued and under control. That law was stated as two Great Commandments: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all of thy heart and all of thy mind and with all of thy strength,” and “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” 

In giving this one law of love, He began opening the third level of consciousness and plane of being, the spiritual-expression plane approach, which is made from the level of the heart.  It is simply the expression of the spirit of God in living, which brings a realization of the presence of God in one’s temple and an outpouring of blessing into one’s world.  We have seen how this level is the domain of the Spirit of Blessing.

       “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God,” He taught, and in so teaching began to open the way leading up into the fourth level of consciousness, which is the plane of being connecting heaven and earth and the level of awareness of divine identity. The Spirit of Purification reins here to bring clarity to the heaven.

In order to enter this level of consciousness, where one knows with assurance one’s own divine presence in the world, the heart must be purified by the continual and consistent outpouring of the Holy Spirit of Love.  It is the only way—and the Master Jesus went that way, even though no one at the time was willing to go with Him.  “I am the way, the truth and the life,” He proclaimed and then proceeded to exemplify for all who had ears to hear and eyes to see. 

      Here was the Lord of Love himself incarnate on earth attempting to gather human beings back under his wings, “as a hen with her brood,” but they “would not.”  The gospels say Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem.  It was not for himself that he wept but for what he saw human beings were doing to themselves.  He came to initiate the process by which human beings could come out of the state of dying souls and back into the state of original innocence as living souls, only he was met by all sorts of resistance and considerable opposition. 

      When it became apparent to him that he was not going to be allowed to initiate that process for the whole body of mankind through His personal hedge of followers, he accepted the responsibility himself of ascending to the third and fourth planes of being.  But he did not stop here.  There had already been too much failure in the past.  He went all the way through the remaining three levels of being: the fifth which is that of radiance under the domain of the Spirit of Life, the sixth which is that of wisdom under the domain of the Spirit of Truth, or the Womb, and finally the seventh, the dwelling place of the Spirit of Love, with his transfiguration, resurrection and ascension into heaven.

       He stepped from earth back into heaven from whence he had come—and from whence we all have come—giving the simple and apparently achievable instruction to simply follow him: “He that believes in me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” (John 14:12)

      Going unto the Father is the first step and the last that leads to union with God and glorious transfiguration.  He established agreement on earth with His Father in heaven, and where two agree on earth as touching anything “in my name” (in the vibration of love), it shall be done of them by the Father in heaven.  He was able to step, body, soul and spirit, back into the realms of light by reason of the working of this law of love, and the process of ascension manifested in His humanity.

      Each one of these steps of ascent, from one level of consciousness to the next, manifested changes in his outer form.  They each had their impact on Him physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Throughout this process he experienced amazing feats of all sorts: levitation, transfiguration, command of the wind, mental telepathy, long distance healing power,  a potently radiant and highly charged personal atmosphere that when but touched by those around him in faith, wrought healing, power to raise the dead, and many other miracles of transformation. The greatest transformation was that of his own consciousness to the clear, absolute realization that “I and my Father are one.”   He attained to the vibration of the Father, who is love, as he himself had long since earned the title of “Lord of Love.” 

       Probably the toughest of all the outer manifestations of change to move through was his betrayal and subsequent crucifixion. Yet move through it he did, maintaining His connection with his Father and thereby maintaining the continuity of the cycle he had initiated which took him step by step back into the Realms of Light from whence he had come.  He surely saw that experience as a door through which he had to pass in order to go the Way he had chosen. Death with its seeming finality was to him but the shadow side of eternal life itself, and not just for his spirit but for his own body temple as well. 

      The door that leads into the light is always hidden in the shadow, because it is closed.  He opened that door and found resurrection and ascension on the other side, and he opened it with unconditional love for and forgiveness of those who had put him on the cross.  His heart was utterly purified in the fire of love he shared with his Heavenly Father, and which he sought unceasingly to share with his disciples and the world which his Father so loved and had sent him to save.  His outer form was transformed by the Spirit of Purification as He moved through the fourth plane of being on his way up in the ascension process.  Indeed, he became the Spirit of Purification himself at the fourth level of being, the crossover point between spirit and form, and burned his way through the thick veil of the impure heart of humanity. 

      In a service entitled “The Way of the Master,” Martin Cecil describes these events in a remarkably clear and thought-provoking presentation.  He refers to a “tone” sounded:

What a task!  What an unbelievable undertaking, and yet He did it, in spite of everything . . .   He established what we have called the true tone of life for man, an actual vibratory radiation that has been sounding on earth all down the centuries . . . .  It was set of course not by a man as such but by the Lord through a man.  That trumpet tone has been sounding without diminishing for nineteen centuries . . . .

     When He did proceed through the creative cycle in His own personal experience on earth He did what He might to assist those who were present with Him to come along into an experience of greater understanding, but they didn’t get very far.  You may recall, in the Gospel of John, Philip and Thomas, two of the disciples, had no faintest idea as to what it was that our Master was talking about.  He’d been speaking: “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.”  And He said, “I go to prepare a place for you.”  That’s the way He was going, moving through these successive levels of consciousness in the creative cycle, the ascending cycle, thereby preparing the way.  Nobody was going with Him at that time.  The disciples were completely at sea. They enjoyed being with Him, they loved Him, but they didn’t know what was happening and apparently no one has known since. Some beliefs have been generated, some ideas have been produced, and there may have been a little truth back of some of these things. But only now, when it begins to surface and come within the range of present human experience, does it once more become meaningful.  It becomes meaningful to the extent that it is experienced; not to the extent that it is thought about or discussed, or to the extent that doctrines are established; it means something only on the basis of actual experience.  So because there begins to be some actual experience it begins to be meaningful . . . .  (Excerpted from Third Sacred School, Vol. 2, Chapter 28)

       It is the experience that this One Divine Man undertook himself that has established what the body of mankind is to experience and has experienced since he set this tone and sounded it all the way through the seven levels of being as he ascended with his body temple restored to its glorified state.  This is the path that all of mankind has been invited to take and that we each must travel if we are to experience fully the salvation which he brought, the path leading well beyond worship of God to resurrection and ascension in sacred union with God.  Until the reality of such union is actually known, man shall continue his search for Eden outside himself and worship God at the foot of altars made of wood and stone — but not for long. ♦


The purpose of restoration relates primarily to the return of this world, the earth and the fulness thereof, to the One whose world it is, through Man restored.  In my next post, “The Transmutation of Planet Earth,” I will give in-depth and specific consideration to the divine design by which the Earth is restored to the One who is responsible for it.  Until then,

Be love.  Be loved.


Steps of Ascent 2: BE The Fire of Fusion

“Eventually, the time comes when you mourn the comfort you felt in the chaos of the fire. You embrace the smoke and you rise up into your purpose.” (Embracing the Smoke, JESSICA LYNN)

(Jessica Lynn just started following my blog.  I went to her blog and liked what I found there.  You might like it as well.  Click on her name above to visit her.)

As much as I enjoy and value our virtual gatherings by Zoom, I do miss our physical gatherings where we sat in a circle and shared attunement with one another and shared face-to-face our thoughtful expressions of the One Spirit as it moved around the circle to find who is the one it wished to speak through next.  I just love working and sharing in the group dynamic, especially when we tone together, something we can’t do on Zoom very effectively.

I would like to share such an event from out of the past when we were all exploring diverse and innovative ways of generating spiritual substance together.  This event took place at an attunement workshop here in the South.

     A group of about forty were participating in such a musical release one weekend attunement practitioners gathering and something absolutely wonderful and coherent revealed itself.  I had instructed those standing beside their partners, who were sitting, to hold a contact point with their right hand over the chest of their partner, where the Thymus gland is located, and position the left hand above the crown of the head, where the pointed fingers would be in direct alignment with the Pineal Body located in the center of the brain.  I then asked them to be very still and quiet and listen for a tone sounding silently in the dense substance of pneumaplasm that was by then permeating this particular gathering of friends, who had been moving together for several hours that day in a weekend workshop. As this was done, I asked them to sound that tone with their voices upon my signal.  Much to our delightful surprise, everyone sounded the exact same tone right on key, with one or two exceptions who sounded a tone that was one of the natural harmonic overtones of the one tone the majority were chanting. You can imagine the beautiful sound that this unified expression made. It was exquisite, with just the right and balanced volume laced with just the right and fitting number of harmonic tones being sounded, again just the right number.

       This experience demonstrated to us that we are one yet different from each other, and that One Tone sounds throughout the entire body of mankind, finding a point of focused resonance in each one at the level of the pure and silent heart. The Thymus, as we have seen, is the fourth of the seven endocrine glands, representing the connecting point between the three above and the three below it, bringing to focus the Spirit of Purification, which brings to us assurance about our identity as beautiful, innocent, and radiant angelic beings.

       From that moment on throughout the balance of our time together we were an entirely different group. Something entirely new had come into focus, through each one individually and through the collective gathering. We had participated in the shining of light through flesh, of fusion between spirit and form, as the glow in the room gave ample evidence.  Spirit, released through musical sound as a carrier wave, had created a new entity with our grouping, or perhaps had allowed the Presence of the One Great Spirit we comprise altogether to be made manifest in our midst. Whatever it was and with whatever words one may use to describe it, we as a group were not the same as before, and we knew it.

       We also knew that the current of unified radiation that had surely been released through us went forth into the world to accomplish whatever the Great Spirit had to accomplish in and through us that day. It was a beautiful and intense, yet simple and very humbling experience. Humbling because we knew that what we had generated and gathered together within our sacred circle as refined substance, as fun as the gathering was and as delightfully healing and transforming the intense substance felt in our own bodies, the purpose for it was beyond us.  We were available and therefore used by Spirit for the purposes of Spirit. What those purposes were no one of us had the slightest clue, in the sense of something specific that might have been influenced by the impact of the release of spirit through us.  We were not interested in speculating about it either. Our own personal and collective experience of transformation, real as it was, was certainly not the purpose. That was merely a phase in the whole process of what needed to find release through us. In that sense it was a necessary part of the purpose, but the purpose was larger than us. Our purpose in letting the vehicle of our collective substance come into form in order to accommodate the greater release through us of Spirit was simply that, to provide Love with a means of action in the world where we are. That is all.  And it was, incidentally, a wonderful experience of healing and transformation.

       Moments of intensity, such as this, are truly delightful. The fact that a larger purpose, often beyond our scope of vision and ability to observe, is served in and through them in no way diminishes the feeling of exhilaration and sense of wonderment.  It is our holding onto them and wanting more of such moments for our own satisfaction, or even entertainment, that diminishes their potency and eventually prevents us from experiencing them at all. On the other hand, allowing them to serve a higher order and larger purpose in our own consciousness of inclusiveness, broadens our depth of ecstasy and brings us more completely into the very hub of creativity at the core of our being where “firm control and awful power eternally abide.” In this way we are not thrown out into utter confusion, or carried away in emotional bubbles that vanish into thin air, by our mental interpretation of or emotional reaction to what we are experiencing.  We are held steady in the place of absolute stillness where we may continue to abide in the safety and clarity of assurance that the truth is true and all is well, an assurance of the truth of love that only the Spirit of Purification can bring about. ♦


      Speaking of purification, there’s nothing more pure than fire.  When a conflagration is completed, nothing remains but the fire and a bit of smoking ash.  This is so in what is vogue these days in the cremation of our human remains, what we leave behind when we make our transition back Home into the realms of light.  It is likewise so when the fire of purifying love moves through heart, mind and body.  One may feel a bit frayed and fragile after a fire of rebuke has burned through one’s heart and mind, especially when one’s human ego is sizzled in the process and left limp.  I’ve had that experience more than once when it felt like words being spoken by someone were directed toward me specifically.  Ouch!  But it’s a good hurt.  We can meet the fire of purification with our own angelic fire and discover in the encounter that they are one and the same.  Our angelic fire is the fire of purification. 

     I recall a phase in my initial awakening decades ago when my entire outer being was so fused with my angelic emergence that my eyes were ablaze with light and my body felt it was in the cool blue center of a flame.  I remember how my receptionist, who was also on this path to spiritual transformation, could not look into my eyes they were so bright. When I went outdoors into the summer sunshine I felt no heat from the sun and I welcomed the rays of sunlight as part of what and who I Am.  I was meeting fire with fire and it felt so wholesome and natural.  I Am the Sun!

     That went on for several months and eventually led to a moment of transmutation and levitation during a shared group attunement and weekly world blessing service in which I participated, along with several others in various locations around the globe.  I was alone in a garden setting of a monastery when this occurred. I will share insights and implications relating to this experience in a future post. 

     At this time of increasing intensity, it suffices to say that if we are to ascend to a higher vibration — rise up into our purpose, as Jessica worded it — we must be utterly in love with Love, with the fire of transmutation, and meet the fire as our own angelic fire.  Identify with the fire.  BE the fire of fusion.  Find the cool blue undisturbed center of the flame and dwell there.  It’s the one and only way to move out of the heat and discomfort zone in a world aflame — physically, mentally, emotionally as well as spiritually.  It’s only going to get hotter around the edges of the flame.  So stay in the cool blue center.  Let’s up our radiant expression of uplifting spirit and help the world renew itself . . . while embracing the smoke and blessing the ash left behind.   I welcome your thoughts. ♥ 


Steps of Ascent 1: Fusing Flesh with Spirit

When two substances vibrate together at the same rate of frequency, they fuse into one substance.

I would like to complete this cycle of sharing from my book SACRED ANATOMY in my blog.  In this post, I visit the final chapters where I meditate on the process of transmutation of flesh and ascension to higher levels of vibration, in some instances where the “rainbow body” is experienced.  The way of ascension is available and open to those who seek that path.  I am such a seeker.  Here is an excerpt from the last chapter of my book.  I think you will enjoy reading it. 


     LET US COMPLETE our meditative journey through the sacred anatomy of the body temple with a final meditation on the steps of ascent that can take us, individually and collectively, into the garden state within, where we would know our oneness with God while we are incarnate in these flesh temples. I will start by returning to the very beginning of this writing. 

     What if, indeed, we could travel through all the dimensions of the seven planes of being; if there were no veil between heaven and earth; and if we could ascend back up into the Realms of Light and return to this plane once we had rejuvenated our bodies and souls. 

     As we have just finished considering at length, the love-technology, chemistry and alchemy to enable this process are already available to us in our sacred anatomy.  All we need do is take the steps leading to absolute and total attunement with love so that our bodies absorb the radiation of love so fully that they become as radiant as love itself. All we need do is utterly abandon ourselves to the Father’s will within and let love work its wonderful magic upon our hearts, our minds and our bodies.

     The technology of love is inherent in what I have spoken of as the Creative Process, sometimes referred to as The Divine Formula: radiation, response, attraction, union, unified radiation.  The irresistible attraction of love, the Father within, will do all the work of drawing us upward into the Garden state.  Our work is to take the steps leading into the Temple of Light where oneness is known with the All and with all of Creation.

Fusing Flesh with Spirit

       RESONANCE with the vibration of love induces the processes of resurrection and ascension.  There is a law of physics which states that when two substances vibrate together at the same rate of frequency, they fuse into one substance. The Universal Entity within which we are contained—and yet, strangely, from which we feel so separate—sounds the Tone that summons all resonant substance out of chaos and into order.  This Tone is conveyed to all things in the universe through the connecting substance of what I will call “pneumaplasmic space” and is carried through tissue by the current of life itself.  [The word pneumaplasm was coined by Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda) to identify the substance of connection between spirit and flesh that provides a medium for the transmission of life’s designs and instructions for creating and maintaining our body temples.]

       When the body oscillates at the same frequency as this Tone, which is differentiated into seven frequencies, as with light, the two become one.  Light, or spirit, no longer remains silent and invisible, and form no longer remains mere physical flesh.  Spirit is seen and experienced as radiating through flesh and flesh as transparent substance.  An entirely new and different state of being is known when flesh fuses with spirit. 

     Now, what that is is yet largely unknown for all practical purposes.  However, it is certainly not mere theory and speculation any longer.  From my own personal though very limited experience, it is entirely knowable and, in fact, known in isolated human experience, including the Master Jesus’s experience as it has been recorded and handed down to us.  

       ATTUNEMENT is a technology of love and as such a sacred healing art purposed for facilitating transformation, resurrection, transmutation and ascension—essentially the fusion of flesh with spirit.  In the attunement process, the molecules that make up the cells of the body are drawn upward to resonate with the vibration of love.  All the molecules of the body are obedient to the commands of love as they are sent forth into the body-temple by the Seven Spirits of Love, which are energetic vibratory forces operating through the seven endocrine glands and their many and varied hormone crystals, which, as we have seen, carry the vibrational directives of spirit in the form of light to the body cells.

     As the attunement practitioner works with the seven endocrine glands and corresponding Chakra centers, attuning them and bringing them into a state of coherence within themselves and into harmony and balance with one another, the Seven Spirits, or vibratory forces of the Spirit of Love, find clearer and, therefore, more potent focus.  Rarified substance of pneumaplasm begins to accumulate and fill the sacred space between spirit and flesh, providing a medium for the propagation of the Tone throughout the entire body-temple. The differentiated Tone goes forth creating harmonics throughout the body-temple manifesting as health and wellness.  Flesh is imbed and fused with Spirit. 

     This is a technology anyone may learn and utilize as a spiritual practice in uplifting the vibratory frequency of the physical body so as to make it more available to the process of attraction and union with one’s own incarnate Divine Being.  A simple act of kindness or an expression of thankfulness generates this substance as well.  

       Further, each one of us oscillates to the Tone in unique sets of harmonic frequencies.  A perfect analogy of this can be readily enjoyed while listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, or some other choral group.  Here one may hear voices ranging from high soprano to deep bass, and, although they are all singing at least in four-part harmony and blend together in their parts to create ideally a pure and single sound as though it were one voice singing each part, if you listened to each voice individually you would discover that no two of them are alike. Each one has its own unique quality of tone and resonance, as well as projection and penetration. 

     Well, one might argue, these differences in vocal capacity and pitch are determined by hormones and resonant structures in the vocal apparatus and cranial bones and so forth, and  I would agree.  But what force and design determines the number and varying combinations of hormones used in the growth and development, and further refinement and playing, of the artist’s musical instrument, which the body is to the incarnate angel?  It is spirit, of course, and each one of us is unique.

     Here is something you can do right now to find your own uniqueness of spirit and tonal frequency. Come to a place of stillness and quiet and listen for those harmonic tones as they vibrate in the inner and inaudible spaces within.  They are often felt in the thymus region just over the heart.  There will be a dominant tone sounding above all the rest in each one, depending upon which endocrine gland is dominant in the individual—and there is a dominant endocrine gland in each one of us.  When you find that tone, begin sounding it, softly and then loudly. Notice how you feel as you sound it.

     Now place your open hands on your lap about six inches apart with palms facing one another to create an energy ball. Then go to a part in your body that hurts or is ill and place an image of that part inside the energy ball.

     The key here is to be still and sense which part of your body has a certain pressure within it seeking, as it were, to find release. Now, allow yourself to enter into that place of pressure in your body, wherever it may be, and listen carefully to what is going on in this space, naming the color, taste and even the smell of what you feel.

       Initially, one may feel emotional patterns of grief or deep frustration and self-pity, even worry and anxiety. That is all right. That is what is present in this particular space.  Now, go ahead and start groaning with your voice, perhaps just sighing or breathing deeply and fiercely at first.  Let those deep feelings be vented outward through whatever sounds they may naturally make.  (You might wish to be somewhere private where no one will hear you and think you are in distress or something.)  Do not be surprised or alarmed if you start crying without seeming cause.  Keep on letting the flow of the feeling currents translate themselves into audible sounds. 

     Now, gently move those harsh sounds upward a pitch or two until they become more coherent and you reach a pitch that just locks in and holds your voice in an easy but strong release of sound.  Hone in on that sound so that it becomes more clear and beautiful.  Then just pour out your spirit of unconditional love and acceptance of yourself and your feelings through that clear and beautiful note.  Soften it a bit and just enjoy playing around with it.  Listen to it lovingly, because that is your own unique resonant expression of the Tone that orchestrates the entire Universe.  It is your resonant tone, or at least a close relative harmonic of it.  Sing some of the other harmonic notes and create “your song.”  Obtain a quartz crystal bowl tuned to that pitch, or one of its harmonics, and play it as you sing your song. Use this to help fuse your spirit with your body, your Self with your incarnating equipment, your harp.

       As you become more adept in utilizing this simple technique of toning, you will actually begin to feel lighter physically and your flesh will feel as though it were glowing with light.  That is because it is.  This is magic—white-light magic—and it is fun and practical as well.

       Now, one can team up with a friend and have a lot more fun harmonizing your individual tones. Two people make an entirely new configuration of harmonic possibilities. Add a third and a fourth and still further possibilities of harmonic chanting are possible. As the numbers in the group change, so do the overall harmonics change creating a unified expression of a single sound. Perhaps this is an echo of the “sound of many waters.”  Notice it is not plural.  It is a single consolidated blend of sound of many waters that make audible the silent Tone that plays all of our instruments at the same time from one Core of Being. In that place at the Core of Being we are one.  We are the One. This is the essence of true community. ♦

I will tell you about an amazing experience of group toning in my next post. Until then, 

Keep toning.



Kenosis: Self-Emptying Love 2, “The Gift of the Magi”

“Jesus said: Whoever has found the world and become rich should renounce the world . . . . The world is not worthy of one who finds himself.” — From The Gospel of Thomas


Continuing with Cynthia Bourgeault’s insight into Jesus’s chosen kenotic path, I will forgo any introductory comments so as not to clutter the space with thoughts other than those presented in this excerpt from her book THE WISDOM JESUS:

A Pointless Sacrifice?

To flesh out a bit further what this path actually looks like, for­give me if I make a sudden leap into the world of modern litera­ture. Kenosis does not lend itself easily to spiritual theorizing. By far its most powerful and moving enactments have come in the form of story and drama.

One of the most precise descriptions of this path, believe it or not, is the familiar and well-loved story “The Gift of the Magi” by the American author O. Henry. You probably remember the tale. Della and James are newlyweds; they’re madly in love with each other. They are also poor as church mice, and their first Christmas together finds them without sufficient funds to buy each other gifts. But each of these lovers does have one prize possession. James owns a gold watch given to him by his grandfather; Della has stunning auburn hair falling all the way to her waist. Unbeknownst to Della, James pawns his gold watch in order to buy her beautiful silver combs for her hair. Unbe­knownst to James, Della cuts and sells her hair in order to buy him a gold watch chain. On Christmas eve the two of them stare bewilderedly at their completely useless gifts.  It has been a pointless sacrifice—pointless, that is, unless love itself is “the gift of the magi.”

And of course, this is exactly what O. Henry is getting at. In the voluntary relinquishing of their most cherished possessions, they make manifest what love really looks like; they give tangible shape to the bond that holds them together. That’s what kenosis is all about.

Another profoundly kenotic parable of our times is the tale that forms the 1987 movie Babette’s Feast, adapted from a short story by Isak Dinesen.  As the drama unfolds we discover that its heroine, Babette, had until recently been one of the most celebrated chefs in Paris, but during the political riots of 1871 she loses everything—restaurant, livelihood, and family. She flees for her life to rural Denmark and is taken in by two aging sisters who have given their lives to religious work, trying to hold together the spiritual community that their father founded. When Babette arrives, the remaining believers have grown old and weary, lost in petty bickering. Babette tries as best she can to lift their spirits, but nothing seems to be turning the situation around. Out of the blue a letter arrives informing her that she has won three million francs in a lottery back in Paris, and then and there she decides to treat these Danish peasants to a proper French dinner. She imports all the necessary ingredients: not only exotic gourmet delicacies for the seven-course meal itself (each with its appropriate wines, champagnes, and liqueurs) but the china dinnerware, silver cutlery, damask table cloths, and crystal glassware. The film zeroes in on the banquet table as the astonished Danish peasants are suddenly faced with this extrava­gant abundance. At first they are frightened and suspicious, but little by little the mood mellows as they slowly relax into gratitude and forgiveness. The last scene of that banquet night has them all stumbling, a bit drunk but very happy, out into the village square, where they form a circle around the fountain (a vivid image in its own right) and begin to sing and dance togeth­er. After all these years they have finally touched the wellspring, and their hearts are overflowing. Then someone says to Babette, “Well, I guess you’ll be leaving us soon, won’t you, now that you’re a rich woman?” She says, “Rich? I’m not rich. I spent every penny I had on that banquet, three million francs.”

Again we see the same leitmotif as in the O. Henry story. An extravagant sacrifice is in one sense wasted, because these poor peasants cannot really comprehend the magnitude of the gift, and by morning, when they’ve sobered up, they will probably have lost most of its beneficial effect. But no matter; the banquet table is set before them anyway. In her no-holds-barred generos­ity Babette offers these broken, dispirited souls a taste of reassur­ance that their long years of faithfulness have not been in vain. She mirrors to them what God is like, what love is like, what true humanness is like. And she does it precisely by throwing away her entire escape route in a single act of extravagant abundance, extravagant beyond the bounds of earth (and therefore invoking the presence of heaven). That’s the kenotic path.

Theologians have sometimes commented that if the goal of ascent mysticism is to bring about union through convergence at the point of origin, the effect of the kenotic path seems to be. self-disclosure and new manifestation. The act of self-giving brings new realms into being. It shows what God is like in new and different ways. Some of the most intuitive theologians of our times say that this is how the world was created in the first place—because, in the words of Karl Rahner, “God is the prodi­gal who squanders himself.” The act of self-giving is simulta­neously an act of self-communication; it allows something that was coiled and latent to manifest outwardly. “Letting go” (as in non-clinging, or self-emptying) is but a hair’s breadth away from letting be,” and our Judeo-Christian tradition remembers that it is through God’s original “Let there be . . . ” that our visible world tumbled into existence.

I love Cynthia’s authentic thinking and writing outside the box of conventional belief.  She presents a theology that I, as a former Catholic seminary student, can easily accept and understand at a heart level.  In my own published writings and blogging, I have ascribed to “ascent mysticism” as the path of ascension to the “point of origin” we think to be up in some Heaven, a point that Jesus himself taught is within.  When he reportedly ascended into Heaven, did he go up or within? 

There is a passage in my SACRED ANATOMY book where I contemplate this paradoxical dynamic.  The word “up” can be both dimensional and non-dimensional, or vibrational, as in moving up to a higher frequency.  The same is true of the word “down.” The biblical account of Jesus’s ascension indicates that he ascended into “the clouds of heaven.”

For example, I mentioned the “clouds of heaven.”  Jesus was seen by his disciples as ascending into the clouds above their heads. These clouds may have been the conditions in their own (transforming) collective consciousness through which the Lord of Love was making his royal exit from the earthly planes back into the higher planes of being from which he had come, and from which we all come—the “kingdom of heaven” which he had told them more than once “is within you.” This could also be the inference made by the two men in white apparel whom they reportedly saw standing with him and whom they heard say to them:  “Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven?  This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.”  This may well be a classic case where the dimensional state simply did not comprehend the non-dimensional.  The darkness did not comprehend the light.  The lower planes simply cannot comprehend the higher.  But the one who stands in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks, the seven planes of being, in the fourth dimension has both physical and spiritual eyes and can see and comprehend the non-dimensional as clearly and easily as the dimensional.

I can appreciate Cynthia’s inference that Jesus descended down all the way—actually “into hell” according to the biblical text—in order to encompass and include all the dimensions of the vast spectrum of Creation in both heaven and earth, in the cycles of restoration, which he was very intentionally in the process of initiating.  In so doing he opened the gates to the Garden of Paradise here on Earth.  As Cynthia states so well in the next excerpt from this chapter, which I will publish in my next post:

It was not love stored up but love utterly poured out that opened the gates to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Until my next post, be love, be loved and be blessed.


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