Creating the New Earth Together

Posts tagged ‘Reincarnation’

The Essenes, “Children of the Light,” part 2: Group Souls

My Chorale PicI love books that arouse in me that gut-wrenching deja vu that shouts  “I know, I was there!” Stuart Wilson & Joanna Prentis’s book The Essenes – Children of the Light is such a book.

Have you ever had a deep core feeling that you are part of a group Soul that’s been on Earth before, probably in several incarnations? I have. I’m having that gut feeling  again as I read about the Essenes, especially about how they healed with sound and practiced attunement on a daily basis. I have the feeling when singing with or listening to a choral group, like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. To me all musicians are angels of sound, of which there are legions, most of whom dwell in the Realms of Light singing praises to the Creator of the Universe. Others comprise groupings that incarnate together to bring the music of heaven to earth to facilitate specific outworkings in human affairs and world events . . . and perhaps to make life in this “vale of tears” a bit more enjoyable. 

This is the case with the Essenes, who lived in intentional communities along the shores of the Dead Sea prior to and during the life of Jesus, whom they called “The Teacher.”   They are a group Soul that has incarnated on many occasions to prepare the way for the incarnation and mission of great ones, like the Buddha, Krishna, and Jesus, all three of which are believed to be the incarnations of the same great Being, the Lord of Love.  They are back — or perhaps I can say “we are back” — and have been for the duration of the last century, at lease since the early 1900’s. Our purpose is to bring the New Heaven into the world to provide a living foundation based on the truth of love and of life upon which the New Earth is to be created and is being created even now. 

Is Jesus Returning?

Does this mean that the Lord of Love is about to return? I don’t know. What I do know is that we have been visited by great ones in our time. I personally know of two such ones who have come and gone after bringing the same message of love that “The Teacher” brought two-thousand years ago, and more. They were my spiritual teachers and guides, and they had their group Soul around them to assist in their missions. And there are others, such as the Dalai Lama, who has his “followers,” or group Soul, around him. David Wilcock is now known in some circles to be the reincarnation of Edgar Casey, and he has his group Soul with him again in this lifetime.  He even looks like Edgar Casey, as do some of his close circle of friends look like those who where part of Edgar Casey’s entourage. His books are compelling reading.  

So, what are these great ones with their group Souls heralding if not the coming of someone or something great into the world at this time?  I’ve written in a previous post about the Archangel taking back his Body for the purpose of returning to His Father’s world to reclaim its kingdoms and make them once again the “Kingdoms of our LORD, and of his Christ,” as St. John wrote about and foretold in his Book of Revelation (11:15).  I’m not preaching here. Just citing historical evidence that something BIG is afoot.  And the Essenes are back to assist in giving it birth and full revelation in our day.  This is exciting! This is unprecedented. This IS the Day which the Lord has made, and we can rejoice and be glad in it. Now I’m preaching. But why not? Are we going to just sit around the TV and mope and whine about the dire state of our world, especially in the Middle East and with our run-away economy? Little good it does toward changing anything.  Only makes matters worse. We can change ourselves, however, and how we see what’s going down in our time.

What is Poverty, Really?

I awoke this morning at 4:30 with this thought pressing to be entertained — and I’m sure it arises out of all the fuss and bother we’ve been making over the top 1% who own 90% of the wealth (money) and the bottom 10% who live in various degrees of what is called “poverty.”  I may have my percentages wrong, but you get the idea.  The thought that came rushing into my awakening mind was this. What is poverty? Who has decided that a person’s collection of money and goods is the measure of his economic state, be it an individual or a nation of people?  The Federal Poverty Line in this country is around $23,000 in yearly income.  That’s what an average family needs to sustain itself in America.  Of course, it depends on where you live. If you live in California, for instance, you need two or three times that amount in yearly income just to stay afloat.  

But poverty is a state of mind. My yearly income is around $24,000 with my Social Security check and what little I earn as a semi-retired healthcare practitioner.  Yet, I don’t consider myself as being poor or living in poverty. Between our combined SS checks, my wife and I do alright. We eat well and probably more than we need to sustain life. We have a roof over our heads and a cat and birds to feed and keep us company. We even have a garden in our back yard and maintain two automobiles. Sure, we would like to have more money to travel and spend time with our children and grandchildren, all of whom live on the West Coast, where we can’t afford to live — or rather choose not to afford.  But we don’t consider ourselves to be living in poverty.  It’s definitely a state of mind, created by those who use money and possessions as a measure of a person’s “net worth.”  

So, why are we so bothered, or at least entertained, by the fact that 1% of the population owns 90% of the wealth in this country?  Or is that a global phenomenon? Is it the media that keeps shaping our perception of reality?  Or is it rather my own narrow-minded perception of who I am and what I am; my occasional forgetfulness of the abundance that surrounds me in the natural world, and even in the man-made world. We see new buildings and houses going up all around us.  So, there’s obviously no lack of money in the world.  It’s all a mater of perception.  And who in their sane mind wants the headache and stress that comes with worldly wealth. I buy lottery tickets and sometimes, when the pot is in the hundreds of millions, I get a little worrisome fear that I might win! 

The Simple Life for Me

I’m going to close this post with a couple of excerpts from “The Essenes – Children of the Light.” They didn’t care much about material possessions and yet they apparently lived very rich, full and meaningful lives. They also had a spiritual basis and purpose for their lives.  

The working day of the Essenes gave a balanced discipline of practical work, creative craft and art, exercise of the body, a period of study of great masterworks, a time of teaching and learning and of recreation. And through it all is the sense of working closely with the nature spirits and the angelic worlds, with all activity dedicated to the glory of God, and with joy in the heart. (Sir George Trevelyan, Summons to a High Crusade)

They lived literally in heaven on earth, and they made it so. The simple life is not a life of poverty nor of lack of what one needs to live a meaningful and creative life here on Earth. It’s rather a life lived in balance with nature and with one’s particular environment and circumstance.  A life lived with respect for the natural resources of the planet, such as water, which is rapidly becoming a precious commodity due to its scarcity in some places, like the West Coast.  Here’s what Daniel had to say about that in the interview in the book: 

The Kaloo [ancient ones from Atlantis] told us much concerning the use of water, and over time we became expert in this area. Our buildings were fashioned so that the walls were continuous, one flowing into the other. Using common walls and adjoining roofs enabled us to channel the rainwater down into great storage tanks. Where there was a nearby wadi  [a rocky watercourse which is dry except during rainy season] the waters from this were also directed down into the tanks.  So we preserve every drop of water, and this enables us to survive in arid areas that are considered too poor for any other people to farm and settle. Water is one of the most vital things, and we respect it and preserve all the water which comes from the heavens. There is a special quality about rain which has fallen through pure air in a good place. These are the essentials of life: pure air and water. Without these how can we be at ease within our bodies?

“Ease within our bodies.” Isn’t that really enough? Do we actually need more? More stuff? More luxury? More energy? To do what? Destroy our natural habitat and that of the animal kingdom? Unfortunately, we don’t have pure air nor pure rain water in most areas where human beings conglomerate in communities. But we do have filtering systems.

The point, of course, is that we can alter our perception and our perspective about so called “poverty” and  “wealth.” And we can do better than we have been doing in managing our economy and stewarding the natural resources of the Earth.

As I lay there this morning with my head comfortably on my pillow thinking on these things, I called my mind away from entertaining depressing and stressful thoughts and toward an awareness of the richness and abundance present with me in the present moment, the eternal Now.  It felt good and I felt secure in my Father’s world where peace eternally abides and love yet rules the day.  His love for His world and for us, for each and every human being on the face of the earth, is what keeps us from total annihilation.  The Father provides all that I need, has done so all of my life, and I have no reason to believe He will do less in what days I have left here.  God loves us more than we can ever imagine.  If it were not so, we would truly be living in abject poverty.  A timely thought in the wake of Fathers Day.

Until my next post in this series, 

Be love. Be loved.


P.S. Speaking of the scarcity of water, here’s a link to a revolutionary idea that’s taking hold in Africa. Just the music is worth the two minutes of watching.

Read my HealthLight Newsletter online at The current theme of consideration is “Depression: Its Causes and Cures.”

Bill Moyers posted an up-to-date article on poverty in America at Just click on “poverty in America.”








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