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The Heart: Door to the Garden

    The Heart Nebula

“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Jesus, Luke 11:9)

I will start this post with words by Martin Exeter that are part of an excerpt I used in my previous post:

The Garden is so close that we cannot in fact get out of it, and yet we don’t know it is there. We don’t know it is there because there is this veil, or I suppose it might be called a transformer, in between, which steps down the Garden Radiation to something that human beings can stand in their murky state.

That transformer is the impure heart of humanity, filled with the residue of past failures to repent, turn around and see that the Kingdom is truly at hand.  That heart is the very portal to the Garden, the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven within.  How can one enter through this door, or even find one’s way to the door, what with all the stuff in the heart obscuring the way in?  Well, the answer is simple: Seek.  How does one open the door?  Knock.  How is one allowed to enter? Ask.  When the door opens, what one finds is that one has always been in the Garden, as Martin said, but didn’t know it for all the dense and cloudy heart substance that obscured one’s perception of the Garden.  As he put it, the impure heart steps down the Garden Radiation so that fallen man can live in his murky state.  The heart needs to be made pure so the radiation can shine through the heart into the world.  How does one purify one’s heart?  By allowing the purifying waters of the truth of love to flow through it. 

Using your imagination for a moment, imagine a glass full of dirty water.  Now place that glass of dirty water in the sink and run a steady stream of water into the glass so that it overflows.  The dirty water begins to be replaced by the clear water from the faucet.  Eventually there is more clear water than dirty water in the glass so that clear water begins to spill out over the rim of the glass.  Magically, the glass is soon full of pure water.  The heart is purified by letting the pure river of Life flow through it.   By giving expression to love and all its qualities: patience, gratitude, compassion, kindness, generosity, forbearance, acceptance, forgiveness.  This is the only way the heart is purified. 

There’s a passage in the Old Testament that speaks to this:

Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you a window of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. (Malachi 3:10)

This speaks to the First Great Commandment: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all of thy heart, and with all of they mind, and with all of thy strength.” Nothing withheld, “all the tithe.”  And the blessing will pour out from the house of the Lord — blessing to you and blessing as you.  You receive blessings and you are the blessing poured out by the Lord of host to his world, your world.  The implication here is that the windows of heaven are opened from within by the Lord of hosts. Likewise, the door to the kingdom of heaven within is opened from within by the lord of the house incarnate to pour out blessings through the heart by how I express love, through the mind by what I think and say, and through the body by what I do in service to others and to my world. 


What we resonate with when someone speaks is the tone of a person’s voice while we do our best to hear what they are saying.  Sometimes the tone drowns out the words spoken.  What is the tone of gratitude compared to the tone of resentment, for example?  It’s sweet and uplifting, isn’t it?  No matter how justified a resentful attitude may be, the sound of it is draining and depressing.  This is because the tone of resentment is not resonant with the tone of love and therefore disconnects one from the integrating and uplifting power the permeates the Universe.  Gratitude, on the other hand, connects one with the integrating power of love that permeates the Universe.  It also dissipates the lower vibrational patterns in the heart, such as fear, shame and resentment, thereby cleansing the heart of dissonant and dissipating feelings and attitudes.  I will bring back an excerpt of Martin Exeter’s quoted in a previous post where he speaks to this cleansing:

“What is it that makes possible the cleansing of the heart? It isn’t anything that the mental apparatus of human beings can do. There is a means by which the heart may be purified. Fundamentally that means comes by reason of the sounding of the tone. This requires that the tone be sounded within the range of the substance of human minds and hearts. This process was described as the angels being sent forth with a great sound of a trumpet. If the impurities of heart can just be shuffled to one side sufficiently for the moment, there is the experience of that tone and love for the tone, the sound of the trumpet, and love for the source from which that tone proceeds. When that is greater than anything else, the human heart may be purified, purified by whatever this tone is.

Resonance is a somewhat tenuous feeling-guide. Just because something someone says “feels right” doesn’t necessarily make it true and resonant with the truth of love, nor with one’s authentic Self.  It may just be striking a resonant chord in one’s heart or mind — a sympathetic feeling or a pet belief — rather then a chord of truth and love at the core of one’s being.  Or it may just be filling a void in one’s heart, or enlightening an area of darkened understanding in one’s mind.  The saying “That strikes a chord in me” can be honestly questioned and critically considered for its depth of resonance.  If it triggers an emotional reaction or knee-jerk response, it is likely a shallow chord.  When it causes one to pause and listen deeply, bringing a sense of accord and deep stillness with no impulse to react verbally, then it is very likely a chord in the fabric of one’s being. 


There’s a saying in the Scriptures “In all things give thanks.”  This is easy to do when things are going our way and when blessings are being bestowed upon us.  It isn’t so easy when things are not going our way and when disaster strikes in one form or another; especially when it strikes home personally.  “Oh my, why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this?” It’s easy to see it as a disaster rather than as an opportunity for the Sprit of God to move through us in order to bring about change and something good.  In the excerpt below Martin Exeter offers a reason for being “deliberately thankful” that is worthy of consideration: 

An opportunity is being offered for the easy movement of the spirit of God in our experience. That easy movement will be known when we are thankful, and here is the evidence then of the beauty and the joy that is natural when the spirit of God is being experienced in expression. There is nothing more wonderful than that experience. Whatever blocks the spirit of God may run into, of which we become aware in our own field of experience, in our own worlds—we become aware of these things because obviously there is a lot of resistance in the world to the movement of the spirit of God—the spirit of God is going to move anyway, whether anyone likes it or not. It has been doing this for millennia. It has been doing it always, as far as that is concerned. But within the experience of resistant human beings the spirit of God has been moving, and in that movement it has produced a certain amount of enjoyment for human beings who are not resisting it at the moment; it has produced a good deal of discomfort and a great deal of pain for those who were resisting it. This is true of everybody from time to time presumably. But we are thankful for the movement of the spirit of God, no matter what it produces, because it is the spirit of God for which we are responsible in order to permit the re-creation that is to occur. So regardless of the results that may appear in any particular experience, we know that those results are there because of the movement of the spirit of God and we are thankful for that movement; not for the results necessarily, but we are thankful in a way for those too because here is the evidence of the movement of the spirit of God. It is what should be happening; even if it is painful it is what should be happening. 

So we accept naturally the movement that occurs and we have a sense of thankfulness for it. There is no other reason for our being present on earth except to participate in the movement of the spirit of God into expression. We are thankful for that movement, and we are thankful therefore for the results that occur by reason of that movement, even if it may be a disastrous result from the human standpoint, even if it may be a painful result. You may say, “Well if that pain is my pain, how can I be thankful for that? It may be easier with someone else’s suffering over there.” You are thankful that the spirit of God is moving. Do you think that is a possible attitude to assume? We’d better assume it because this is the only way that we can sustain and maintain our connection, establish it to start with, and sustain and maintain our connection with that fine substance through which the spirit of God is moving freely. We are associated then with that free movement and we will find that it keeps moving on further out, producing whatever result will naturally occur by reason of the attitudes and the actions, the behavior, of people all around. If disaster comes, praise the Lord! That’s what should come.

Disaster is coming thick and fast these days.  How can one be thankful with all the pain and suffering in the world?  I personally feel a great deal of compassion for those suffering and dying — though death puts one “in a better place,” as we sometimes say.  One has to rise above it all and adopt the attitude that there is a reason and a purpose for everything that happens under heaven.  It is obvious that the lifestyle we humans have chosen and the world we’ve created need to be allowed to pass away to give room for something new and sustainable, even heavenly. 

The winds of change blow fiercely over the entire planet, evidence of the Spirit of God moving upon the face of the waters.  Wind-driven fires and waters wreak havoc in people’s lives, bringing about change.  “Give thanks to the Lord, oh my soul, for his mercy endureth forever.”  The Lord of Creation shows great mercy in bringing an end to the murky state of human existence and taking mankind our of its misery.  “Behold I create at new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and old earth are passed away.”  Praise the Lord and give thanks in and for all of it.  Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved. 









The “Mystery of Consciousness”. . . The Addiction to Narrative

“Don’t be afraid to face the facts, and never lose your ability to ask the questions: Why? and How?”   Immanuel Velikovsky 

CONSCIOUSNESS IS NO MYSTERY.  Like a seedbed wherein ideas are planted, nurtured by unwavering belief, and given birth in their seasons, consciousness is the matrix for creation.  It is very fertile soil, so fertile that one has to be very careful about the nature of the seeds one plants. 

This fertile soil can be cultivated and seeded from below as well as from above and within.  Our physical bodies and the natural world are the fruits of seeds planted by Life from above.  The world that man has constructed and imposed upon the surface of this planet, with its skyscrapers, concrete roadways and parking lots, industrial and commercial complexes, along with its burgeoning landfills, are all the product of seeds planted by human beings from below . . . none of it compatible with the fine living, breathing fabric of our beautiful Home among the stars. 

Not all is a burden to the Earth, as many of our ideas and dreams, visions and asperations are creative and harmonious with the natural climate of Gaia.  There is a saying among the spiritually awake when an idea presents itself for manifestation, “Put it in the heaven.”  A more common expression is “Put it on the back burner.” If it is resonant with Life, it may be useful to the creation of a living world.  What we now have is a dying world created by dying human beings. 

Weeds find their way into this sacred soil as well, deposited there by birds-of-sorts in their fertilizing poop. There’s a biblical passage that cautions “Beware the snare of the fowler,” the web-like net of the human mind that snares fleeting ideas. The soil of consciousness can become cluttered with weed-yielding seeds, so we have a responsibility to “Tend and keep the Garden.”

The content of human consciousness is generally a clutter of “false ambition’s restless schemes” . . . busy thoughts and self-serving ideas and concepts—many of them like concrete: thoroughly mixed up and permanently set . . . and ardently defended when challenged.  Just consider the “narrative” put forth by the official guardians of the nation’s health with regard to the current global health crisis.  Try and put forward an alternative narrative on social media, even amongst friends and family, and you’ll find yourself quickly censored and cancelled.  Mark Twain had something to say about this: “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they’ve been fooled.”


Human consciousness, in its state of uncertainty and insecurity, greatly values official and popular narratives, and will ardently defends them against any and all challenges to the contrary.  It’s an addiction affording a sense of comfort, though false, in knowing what’s going on in the world, especially in a life-threatening crisis.  Most are fear mongering motivators. 

There are a number of crises constantly going on in our world of many problems.  One such crisis is in the Christian world of religious beliefs and doctrines.  I ran into this one several months ago during a fairly pleasant conversation with a nephew who is heavily invested in the Pentecostal narrative that “All men are sinners”—until I suggested he consider the passage in Genesis that says he is made in the image and likeness of God and is therefore Divine.  He vehemently objected to even the suggestion of a different narrative about the nature of man. “Oh No! I am a sinner! The Bibles says all men are sinners.”  I recall a biblical passage that declares “All men are liars.” (Psalm 116:11).  It was Paul who declared all men to be sinners, but Paul didn’t know the Master, nor did he ever hear Him speak of His Gospel of the Kingdom of Love.

Then, there’s this “pandemic” which has polarized the population of the world in two different camps believing in two opposing narratives.  Friends and families have been torn apart by this controversy.  The attitude is taken, on both sides, “Don’t mess with my belief if you don’t want to start a heated argument.  I need to believe in this for my own sanity and security.”  Apparently, this is not a good time nor topic for inquiry and critical thinking.

People have been censored and imprisoned, even scrubbed out, for putting forth a narrative that radically differs from the “official” narrative . . . and not only in modern times.  We have the historical precedent of the crucifixion of Jesus.  He was denied not once but three times by a disciple, abandoned by all but two or three, and crucified by those to whom he had come to offer salvation and a Way into the Kingdom of Heaven without having to die—all for proclaiming his divinity and the divinity of all men, male and female, made in God’s image and likeness.  He brought forward a narrative that was radically different from the long-standing Hebrew doctrines, and it was rejected by staunch believers in an ancient narrative that a Messiah would come and set things to right here on earth.  “My kingdom is not of this world” he told Pilate . . . yet another narrative that no one in his day could quite comprehend much less adopt.  The narrative of a temporal kingdom with a Messiah as king was deeply invested in by the religious authorities of the day, as well as the Zealots among the people, who cried out for his crucifixion. 


Then there’s the “climate crisis” everyone’s polarized in . . . well, almost everyone, most actively our youth since it’s their future that’s at stake.  Here’s a report by Somini Sengupta, Global Correspondent on climate issues for the New York Times from a recent survey of 10,000 young people on the issue of climate change. 


Four Takeaways on the youth climate movement: They’ve grown up in a pandemic.  They’ve come of age in an era of strongman leaders.  The climate crisis looms over their very lives. Generation Z, the cohort born after 1996, has inherited a set of compounding uncertainties. It explains, in some measure, the vibe of the youth climate movement. Powered by rage and distrust, it is decentralized and it is increasingly focused on the inequitable effects of global warming.

The global youth movement known as Friday for the Future has called on its members to organize protests around the world this Friday, March 25 (yesterday).  Its rallying cry is “climate reparations and justice.”

Here’s what I find most revealing about this generation of climate activists: They distrust government.

In a survey of 10,000 people between ages 16 and 25 in 10 countries, three-fourths said they think “the future is frightening.”  The survey was funded by an advocacy group, Avaaz, led by researchers at the University of Bath in England and published in The Lancet in December.  It asked respondents to answer “yes” or “no” or “prefer not to say” to a series of questions.

More than 64 percent said their governments were not “doing enough to prevent a climate catastrophe”; more than 61 percent said they did not have trust in their government; and more than 58 percent said their governments were “betraying” them.  In the U.S., they are mostly female and white.

This state of protest in the consciousness of our youth, seeded and nurtured by fear of extinction of our species, and anger toward the government for not doing more to avert an existential crisis, ignores the fact that the government has little real control over the climate of the planet.  The climate of the earth and all the planets is largely controlled and determined by what’s happening with the Sun at the center of our solar system.  Earth is part of a unit and moves with what is moving within it—which for the past several years has been a gradual heating-up, bringing about climate changes on all the planets, severe storms and turbulences just like those here on Earth. 

Our planet is not in jeopardy of extinction.  We are.  Not by climate change alone but by our own hand.  We’re poisoning our water, our air and our earth with our waste and industrial pollution. The fourth Creative Force, fire, cannot be polluted, and is at work cleansing and purifying the earth and its inhabitants. 


Returning to the ill-conceived cancellation of Jesus by the radical fundamentalists of his day—a cancellation that was echoed and repeated at the ecumenical Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325, a council of Christian bishops convened by Roman Emperor Constantine, in which Jesus’s message of the Kingdom of love was literally redacted and the official narrative of Christianity for the entire world established and published in the Nicaean Creed, a narrative recited at Sunday Services in the Christian world year ’round. The narrative Jesus brought and offered to the world hasn’t been successfully cancelled but continues to be offered by the Lord of lords and King of kings.  His Kingdom is the Kingdom of Heaven from which his Father, who is Love, seeds the sacred soil of Consciousness from which Mother God brings forth the fruits of the Tree of Life in the Garden of the Natural World and so-called “wild kingdoms,” even with a few faithful stewards on hand to tend and keep it. 

The youth of today protest to the government for its lack of doing more about the “climate crisis.”  The truth is, WE are the government.  As youth choirs sing out these days, “We are the world.  We are the people.” It’s our job to set things to right here on Earth.  We are the designated keepers of Eden. 


When was the last time you looked around and marveled at the beauty of Mother Nature’s wonderful world?  The wondrous works of the Creator, seeded from above by Father Sun, as the Native American Indians saw the world and honored the Earth and the Great Spirit whose world it is?  As I stated earlier, we must take great care for what seeds we sow in the garden of human consciousness.  Seeds of fear for what the climate prophets predict lies ahead for mankind and the planet invite that which we most fear to come upon us. The narratives we uphold and hold sacred in consciousness have the potential of doing more than simply defining what is thought to be going down in our world.  They have the seminal potential of determining what will transpire down the road, if not sooner.  


When I think deeper about it, why do we need a narrative at all?  About anything? Why, indeed?  A narrative is not needed to define what’s going on in the world. It’s plain to see. As the current popular quip puts it, “It’s what it is.”  The world is what it is . . . and how we’ve made it.  There’s a saying in the Bible “Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.” The New World—the biblical “New Jerusalem”—comes down from God out of Heaven . . . “adorned as a bride for her husband” . . . all ready to be received and established on Earth.  That’s why we’re here.  The only reason why we were put here: to know the ordinances of Heaven and to set their dominion in the Earth.  Let us lift up our hearts unto Heaven and welcome the New Earth . . . even as we totter on an existential precipice “between the devil and the deep blue sea,” as the ancient saying goes.  

I leave you with these timeless words in the form of a poem composed by a remarkable spiritual teacher, Lord Martin Exeter.  May they quicken the angelic spirit of love for the truth of life in you, my cherished reader and follower.

                            THUS IT IS

From age to age

      Love’s word rings forth,

          “The truth is true and all is well,

                 Unconquerable life prevails.”

Oh, man, whose strident dreams

       Lead gravewards,

               Return to calm and noble

                       Character of life.

Blaze forth pure virtue;

        Depart false ambition’s restless schemes.

Busy thought and troubled feeling

        Trespass not in virtue’s wise serenity

              Where firm control and awful power

                      Eternally abide.

Here earth’s pains are healed

       And cruel chaos of mind’s spawning

              Is called again to order and to beauty.

 Thus it is. Until my next post,

Be love.  Be loved. 



The Two Trees of Eden

“Adam came into being from enormous power and wealth, but he was never worthy of you, for had he been worthy of you he would not have died.” —Jesus, from The Gospel of Thomas¹

ACCORDING TO THE BIBLICAL RECORD OF CREATION handed down to us in the Book of Genesis, among the many trees in the garden planted “eastward in Eden” were the “tree of life” and the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” Both trees grew “in the midst” of the garden.  Now, the garden is the heaven of consciousness, and the East is from whence our tomorrows come. A garden is where seeds are planted for tomorrow’s harvest. So this entire setting relates to the seeding of consciousness for tomorrow’s creations.

For the duration of this writing, let us think of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil as being the double helix DNA molecule—in which case I will call it “the tree of the knowledge of good and evolve,” in so far as our flesh arises out of the unfolding evolutionary cycles of the genetic code as the DNA spiral turns to impart the sequence of genetic information to messenger molecules (mRNA) for the further generation of protein, the building blocks of the body temple.  The fruit of this tree becomes deadly only when we interfere with the evolving processes of life, which can only result in evil creations, distortions of the true design for living forms, which will not be sustained by life and live forever.  So, our DNA spiral very much resembles a tree with code sequences as leaves that, if even touched, much less altered, will result in death.  When left alone, they will continue to evolve according to the Divine Design of life and bring forth appropriate forms for a changing environment.  

Now, let us think of the “tree of life” in our bodies as being the sacred anatomy of our endocrine system, comprised of seven hormonal glands that are under the control and direction of Spirit, the incarnate angel, differentiated into seven vibrational frequencies that nourish them. These sacred parts of our physical anatomy serve as “lamps of fire” (as John of Revelation describes the “seven spirits before the throne of God” set in heaven) that shine the light of Love and Truth into the world through our living.  We can eat freely from the tree of life by giving expression to the spirits of Love, such as patience, thankfulness, compassion and joy, to name but a few.  

We could say that these “trees” are in the midst of the garden of our consciousness, as are our human capacities—remembering that our incarnating capacities are not limited to flesh and bone but include our energetic field that extends out to include, for example, the seven Chakras.  It is all encompassed by the heaven of our consciousness.

The two trees are planted eastward in Eden, indicating they have something to do with the future.  It is from the code sequences set in the DNA spiral that our future bodies roll out into the eternal present.  And it is by way of our seven endocrine glands that we continue to express the radiant energy of life itself through hormonal crystals, messengers of light.  It is truly a tree of life. 

All this to say there are endless and eternal cycles within cycles at work in the Creative Process of Life constantly bringing forth the world of Creation in which we live and have our being . . . and with our human intellects we can’t even begin to comprehend them, much less manage and control them, albeit we tinker with the idea, as well as with the genetic code sequence itself that determines the shape and functions of outer forms.

I am reminded of a warning man was given in the garden, repeated here by Eve to the serpent: “But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die”— to which the serpent replied, “Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” He lied, and has been lying ever since—significantly and with dire consequences in our day with this rampant genetically-modified coronavirus and experimental and risky spike protein injection. 

We have dared to touch and manipulated the DNA tree to create a virus designed to attack human lung tissue and kill its host . . . and I ask, to what end, other than our own? It’s utter insanity.  


There’s another story I would like to visit that may provide background and context for what I have presented above, and that is the possibility of rogue activity on the part of the creator being(s) who made the “clay man,” as a friend in England calls him. There are two creation events in the first and second chapters of the Book of Genesis respectively, as I’ve written about in a previous post. These two trees that grew in the midst of the garden eastward in Eden, put there by the “LORD God,” are mentioned only in the second chapter of Genesis—in which is also recorded this second creation event.  In this event the “LORD God” forms a man from clay and imbues him with life, whereby he becomes a “living soul.”  The stated purpose for creating this man is found in this passage: “and there was no man to till the ground.”  In other words, man was created to be a servant and manual laborer, a slave.

There has arisen a controversy over these two separate events, one in which God creates Man “in his own image and likeness” as the final touch to his magnificent and “completed” Creation, and a second event in which the LORD God—a group of God beings called Elohim—forms a single man from the dust of the ground.  This event is soon followed by the creation of woman from a rib taken out of the side of the man. 


Now, this is no fairy tale made up by Moses when he wrote the Book of Genesis.  It is said that his creation story was based on ancient Sumerian scriptures, some of which were the retelling of mythical oral traditions and stories.  We can discern a lot from myths, as celebrated author and mythologist Joseph Campbell has elucidated, which are metaphors and stories that point to ancient historical events before a written language came into being and usage.  

Along this line, I want to share with you a letter I received from one of my blog followers and close friend, Donald White, in response to my previous post.  Here is his comment that speaks to this controversial rogue behavior, as well as the two creation events, and the conversation Eve had with the serpent which I cited above.

The Genesis story you’ve referred to here, as to whether God as a plurality: “Let US make man in OUR image…”, or “gods” (prior wise ancients, or advanced aliens) devised mankind through genetic manipulation, is perhaps the key to your conclusive consideration of what’s taking place in the evolutionary cycle we’re now experiencing.

Having studied extensively the Sumerian/Babylonian “Myth of Creation” from which 6th Century BC exiled Israelite, Judah, leaders formed their Genesis biblical story, I’m impressed by the quite detailed Creation stories of this early civilization.

Of course I’m referring to the extant Sumerian cuneiform texts that speak of this godly set of individuals, male and female, who were mankind’s creators and masters. They were referred to as the “Anunnaki,” a reference to the common father of the primary Sumerian god who was known as Anu.

As the story goes (as interpreted by Zechariah Sitchin) the two principal sons of Anu were Enki and Enlil who vied competitively for control of the world at that time, and both sons figured heavily in the Creation saga.  Enki was a great scientist and, with his medically-trained sister Ninharsag, the ‘mankind’ project was advanced as a way to lighten the work load of the Anunnaki as they developed their kingdom on earth. The project had received the “go-ahead” from a council of peers and particularly Lord Enlil who was the head Anunnaki leader.

What appears to be genetic manipulation was utilized by Lord Enki and Lady Ninharsag to alter the genes of our primate ancestor to ‘jump-start their evolutionary process. . . .  Mankind, after several notable failed genetic experiments, was born!

Following this story line (and contrary to the moralistic biblical tale), the “Fall of Mankind” wasn’t due to human misdeeds (Original Sin) but was due to a falling out between Lord Enki and his brother, Lord Enlil.  Apparently, Enki decided to improve the new human being so that procreation could commence amongst the fledgling human community. The ability “to Know” (procreate) caused a stir amongst the Enlilites who realized they could no longer control the burgeoning population of the new sentient being.

The human servants in the Mesopotamian “Garden of Eden” were then cast out of the elite Anunnaki community because, God forbid, they might learn all about how to build their own civilization!

A saying of the Master Jesus comes to mind: “I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them.”  This may be one of those things, which, even for many of us, are too much to bear, especially if beliefs prevent exploration and critical thinking.  Personally, I am interested in the possibility that those creator beings, advanced aliens—or rogue “fallen angels”—have reincarnated today and are bent on completing their unfinished genetic experimentation, perhaps even attempt to terminate the “mankind project.” Authors such as David Wilcock (THE SYNCHRONICITY KEY) and Graham Handcock (FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS) write about the reincarnation of historical figures, group-incarnations, and even simultaneous multiple incarnations.  


“Unworthy” Adam was created by the “LORD God” from clay, not in the image and likeness of God, and therefore not an immortal spiritual being.  Adam became a “living soul” when the  LORD God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life—by whatever creating process was thus employed.  Adam and Eve had another son to replace Abel who was slain by his brother Cane.  His name was Seth, from whom descended Noah, who was “perfect in his generations” and “found grace in the eyes of the LORD.”  This was a time when men “began to call upon the name of the LORD.”  It may well be that with Seth began a redemptive cycle with angels, spiritual Man, incarnating on earth in human beings, the “immortal and invisible images” of God the Supreme Being and Creator of the universe.


Be that as it may, we live in a day when angelic hosts are incarnate on planet Earth and men entertain angels unaware and wrestle unknowingly with powers and principalities.  As Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:12, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” 

Let me conclude this post by saying that the current events on planet Earth are being moved by a greater Power and Force than the powers of darkness, all in the design and seasons of the Lord, who can even use lies, deceit (aka “noble lies”)², and genetic manipulation to achieve his purposes.    As in the days of Noah, flesh has greatly multiplied upon the face of the earth and “the thoughts and imaginings of men’s hearts are only evil continually.”  A reduction of the human population by our own undoing, painful and uncomfortable as it is, can be seen as a “good” consequence of eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 

This generation, it is said, is reserved unto fire, the purifying fire of love.  Just look out at the events happening on Earth and see that this is so.  While wind-driven fires destroy forests and peoples’ homes and towns, and floods wash away peoples’ lives, at the same time a tidal wave of love is rising in the hearts of men and women everywhere.  An apocalypse of angelic light is underway bringing joy to a new world dawning as an old world passes away. 

It is a time of woe for the inhabitants of the earth and a time of rejoicing for those who dwell in the heavens.  Let us dwell in the heavens with compassion in our hearts for our fellow men, women and children who inhabit the earth, hundreds of thousands dying from multiple catastrophic events.  Those of us remaining now face an escalating climate crisis as the Earth moves on in its transmutation to a higher density, frequency and form.  Let love radiate without concern for what the future may bring, as it will be perfect in the eyes of the Creator. 

In my next post, “The Great Tree,” I will share a passage from The Gospel of the Beloved Companion by Jehanne De Quillan in which Jeshua shows Mary Magdalene a vision of a “great tree” which she proceeds to ascend up to its crown.  Until then,

Be love.  Be loved.

Anthony  (

¹ The Gospel of Thomas, Translation & Annotation by Stevan Davies, Series Editor Andrew Harvey.

² A “noble lie” is one that is told to protect the general public from the truth about what actually occurred but is rather intended to deceive the public while protecting the liar.








Reclaiming Our Hearts & Home

“The mind, once enlightened, cannot again become dark.” –Tomas Paine in a letter addressed to Abbe Raynal on the Affairs of North America

In keeping with the theme of this blog, Creating a New Earth Together, I would like to share an important and entertaining interview with Dr. Vandana Shiva by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  I am posting it as specific and prevailing events that define aspects of a world passing away as a new world emerges through passionate souls such as Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Dr. Vandana Shiva.  Robert is a tenacious researcher and challenger of the status quo whose expressed mission in life is to expose in the light of truth those who work in the shadows to enrich themselves at the expense of the larger body of humanity and of the Natural World; and Vandana is a bright spirit and beautiful human being who embodies vibrantly the Divine Feminine as a worthy spokesperson for Mother Earth.  I love her fun-loving, impish smile and can-do spirit.  (You can follow the interview with the transcript below the video.)

In this interview we gain a broader awareness of what’s happening behind the scenes in the commercial agriculture industry and the commandeering of our food supply by land-grabbing tycoons enriching their portfolios by buying up farm lands along with global seed banks and genetically modifying seeds in order to grow plants that are impervious to weed-killing glyphosate in Roundup.  There are fifteen of these seed banks in the world cataloging, storing and preserving some 786,000 different seeds for growing our food on the planet.

The goal of these billionaire-backed technocrats is to solve humanity’s problems with their technology, such as world hunger.  The problem is their technological solutions only create more problems, such as greater starvation in third-world countries where the soil is depleted by chemical fertilizers that stimulate the plants to grow fast and produce an empty harvest.  Technologies that promote back-to-back planting and harvesting, exhausting and depleting the soil of minerals, and destroying the microorganisms that make our vegetables and fruit rich with life-supporting vitamins and minerals.  This is happening in India, Vandana’s homeland, and has been for some time:

Vandana: I see the industrial agriculture and industrial processing and the industrial mindset as invasions into our bodies. Earlier, it was happening indirectly, the cancers through the toxics. You’ve been fighting on the Monsanto cancer cases. All of that is an invasion into the body. But now there’s a conscious denial that there’s a harmony between the soil’s health, the plant health, and our health. Our gut microbiome is a rain forest of diversity. And if it doesn’t receive diversity of food and it doesn’t receive fresh food, it is like a war against our gut microbiome, which is 90% of us in terms of biodiversity. We are 10% human, 90% other beings who keep us healthy, who make us. And the war against our bodies is at its last stages. (Emphasis added)

But it’s happening at a time when awareness on health is growing so much. Where awareness of biodiversity is growing so much. And now they’re thinking, “Oh, [let’s do] what we did when colonialism started, just change the mindset, call them barbarians, civilize them.” I mean, they’re basically carrying on the civilizing mission narrative. And that’s why I wrote my book, Oneness Vs. the 1%.  I said Bill Gates keeps talking about innovation; all he’s doing is colonization. And I’ve basically shown how it’s colonization.


It’s worth noting, as RFK, Jr. explains, how glyphosate in Roundup kills vegetation by sucking the minerals out of plants. This chemical, an industrial detergent that chelates minerals — accidentally discovered to also be an herbicide then bottled and marketed as such — has found its way into our bodies via our food where it’s reeking havoc in the lining of our intestines causing the modern condition known as “leaky gut syndrome,” the underlying cause of food intolerances and many diseases.  

We need to stop the genetic modifying of our seeds and food supply.  WE NEED TO WAKE UP AND RECLAIM OUR LAND, OUR FOOD AND OUR HEALTH !

The whole truth and full scope of this existential crisis is discussed at length in this interview. 

RFK Jr. Interviews Vandana Shiva: The Gates Empire ‘Will Own Everything’

AS A CLOSURE, Vandana invites us all to become Earth Activists to protect our Home and reclaim our food through “nonviolent regenerative agriculture” and biodiversity; to put our hands in the soil and bless the Earth with our loving and caring touch. Enjoy her victorious spirit in this short video clip:

Any thoughts you wish to share. Email them to me as I always appreciate it when my readers share their perspectives. Until my next post,



“Rewilding The World”. . . . . . To Save Our Planet and Ourselves

Sir David Attenborough and BBC have produced a sobering, yet hopeful, documentary entitled OUR PLANET a couple of years ago which is being featured on NETFLIX as a television series.  We’ve seen a few of the episodes and I have to say I am shocked and saddened by the reduction in the size and scope of the earth’s wilderness and utter destruction of wildlife and their natural habitats.  Their numbers have decreased at an alarming rate pretty much in proportion with the rate of exponential growth of the human population. 

David’s answer to saving the world and the human race is largely based on what he calls “rewilding the world“— since we depend on a balanced and healthy biosphere in which wild animals play an integral and important role. They are not separate from us in the ecosystem.  Our existence is dependent upon how we live on this planet in balance with Nature.  This is not the case now and hasn’t been for several decades. 

Just this year David published a message to humanity, and last year he produce “A Life on our Planet,” a trailer of which I’ve posted below. I invite and encourage you to take the time to view the videos below.  It’s past time we do something to save our planet . . .  and ourselves.  Take 12 minutes out of your day to spend with David Attenborough via these three clips. Let the information and messages he presents enter the larger consciousness of humanity through your consciousness.  When you’ve finished viewing them, share this post with your friends and relatives.  And if you have NETFLIX, look for David’s documentaries and enjoy them.  I am finding them most inspiring and hopeful. The photography alone is incredible, taking you up close and personal to these beautiful creatures, both great and small, where you can hear them breathing.  I am moved to tears at times seeing the beauty of our planet and its wild inhabitants and seeing how badly we’re treating them.  I am so aware that the Creators enjoys his/her creation through our eyes and ears.  Lend them yours.  Enjoy! 

(View with full screen and listen with earbuds or headphones for a richer experience.)


SEPTEMBER 2020 — A Life On Our Planet

JAUARY 1, 2021 — A Message from David Attenborough

There are many authors and concerned planetary citizens, such as Richard Heinberg (The End of Growth) and Sir David Attenborough, who have been sounding the alarm and wakeup call for at least half a century.  Yet little has been done in the way of significant and essential changes in the industrial complexes of human society. Well, we’ve run out of time.  The eleventh hour has struck.  The brick wall is right in front of our faces: “THUS FAR AND NO FURTHER” reads the handwriting on the wall — Simon and Garfunkel’s “words of the prophets . . . written on the subway walls And tenement halls, And whispered in the sound of silence.”  The whispers and silence of the sixties have been shattered by the shout-outs of Sir David Attenborough, Richard Heinberg and others.  The question is, Who’s listening?  

Apparently, Some Are Listening.

We do see some withdrawal from fossil fuels taking place in certain countries.  Here in the U.S. President Biden is focusing his attention on clean renewable energy, intent on weening America from fossil fuels altogether in two or three decades.  It appears this trend in the area of renewable energy alone has gone global.  It’s a start, but we’re still cutting it close.

There are other areas calling out to us for stewardship, as Sir Attenborough features in his documentaries. Coral reefs are bleaching in warming and acidic sea waters and dying, along with their aquatic inhabitants.  Palm oil farms in Africa are replacing wildlife habitats, driving our apian brothers and sisters out of their familiar dwellings into smaller forests.

On the High Seas, the ocean home of Blue Whales is under threat.  Unsustainable fishing is depleting the coastal herring fish that whales and sea lions feed and depend on.  In some coastal sea waters, fishing restrictions are being put in place where cormorants and boobies feed on sardines and anchovies, allowing our airborne creatures to multiply and grow.  Biodiversity is increasing in protected areas allowing the fish population to increase in number, eventually spilling over into fishable waters, benefitting both sea and human life. 

But in the wild, grasslands are being lost to agriculture, except in places like Mongolia where wild horses survive and thrive — and in India where the great grasslands are aggressively protected.  Where the grasslands are protected, the grazing herds are bouncing back. (

I am encouraged by Sir Attenborough’s documentary OUR PLANET that we can do this: restore our planet’s wilderness to a healthy and balanced ecosystem, the very foundation upon which the human species entirely depends for its survival and longevity.  So, let’s just do it, by God, the only way we can do it.  Although David refers to the planet as “our planet,” Earth does not belong to us.  We are tenants along with the inhabitants of the wild kingdom, put here to steward this Garden of Eden and care for the birds of the air and fishes of the sea and the creatures that crawl upon the earth.  In the words of the psalmist: 

“The earth is the LORD’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.” (Psalm 24)

We were given dominion over creation, not ownership. The word dominion literally means lordship.  As lords and ladies under the loving reign of the Lord of lords, we tend the Garden in partnership with Nature.

I welcome any thoughts you may wish to share.  Until my next post,

By love.  Be loved


Lagniappe:  When you have an hour to spare, you may thoroughly enjoy this “Deep Dialogue” between astrologer Pam Gregory and Stewart Pearce.  A very important, timely and current astrological reading for our times.   

Remembering Paradise . . . Finale

Whether it happened or not I do not know; but if you think about it, you can see that it is true. —Black Elk        

I will bring this series to a close with excerpts from Richard Heinberg’s MEMORIES AND VISIONS OF PARADISE, including his Epilogue .

This haunting memory is found among the myths of the Omaha Indians, who, along with the entire Native American Nation, have held the sacredness of their Mother Earth in their hearts and in their culture:


The Omaha Indians of the North American plains also believed in the heavenly or spiritual preexistence of human beings prior to their appearance on Earth in physical form. “At the beginning,” they say, “all things were in the mind of Wakonda.” All creatures, including man, were spirits. They moved about in space between earth and the stars (the heavens). They were seeking a place where they could come into bodily existence ….  Then they descended to the earth. They saw that it was covered with water. They floated through the air to the north, the east, the south and the west, and found no dry land …. Suddenly from the midst of the water uprose a great rock. It burst into flames and the waters floated into the air in clouds. The hosts of the spirits descended and became flesh and blood. They fed on the seeds of the grasses and the fruits of the trees, and the land vibrated with their expressions of joy and gratitude to Wakonda, the maker of all things.”

A Native American vision from chapter 6 — Prophecy: The Once and Future Paradise

One of the most eloquent modern enunciations of the Native American vision is contained in these words of Hopi elder Dan Katchongva:

Hopi is the bloodline of this continent as others are the bloodline of other continents.  So if Hopi is doomed, the whole world will be destroyed. This we know, because the same thing happened in the other world. So if we want to survive we should go back to the way we lived in the beginning, the peaceful way, and accept everything the Creator has provided for us to follow ….

My father, Yukiuma, used to tell me that I would be the one to take over as leader at this time, because I belong to the [Clan of the] Sun, the father of all the people on the Earth. I was told that I must not give in, because I am the first. The Sun is the father of all living things from the first creation. And if I am done, the Sun Clan, then there will be no living thing left on the Earth. So I have stood fast. I hope you will understand what I am trying to tell you.

I am the Sun, the father. With my warmth all things are created. You are my children, and I am very concerned about you. I hold you to protect you from harm, but my heart is sad to see you leaving my protecting arms and destroying yourselves. From the breast of your mother, the Earth, you receive your nourishment, but she is too dangerously ill to give you pure food. What will it be? Will you lift your father’s heart? Will you cure your mother’s ills? Or will you forsake us and leave us with sadness, to be weathered away? I don’t want this world to be destroyed. If this world is saved, you all will be saved, and whoever has stood fast will complete this plan with us, so that we will all be happy in the Peaceful Way.

And finally, our renown author’s vision and rationale from his EPILOGUE:

DID AN EARTHLY PARADISE ONCE REALLY EXIST, or is it the product of human imagination? Even now, at the end of our investigation, we must acknowledge that this is a problem that may never be settled by archaeologists or anthropologists. On one hand, it is impossible to prove the historical reality of a Golden Age by physical evidence alone; on the other hand, the material evidence by no means rules out the possibility, and the less tangible evidences of myth and culture simply will not allow us to dismiss it. Of course, the answer we settle on depends largely on our definition of what Paradise was, is, or should be.

The myths and traditions of the ancients do not portray Eden as the sort of technological Paradise that our present civilization tends to project into the future. If the Golden Age really existed, it must instead have been, as the Chinese describe it, an Age of Perfect Virtue — an age in which

they were upright and correct, without knowing that to be so was righteousness; they loved one another, without knowing that to do so was benevolence; they were honest and leal-hearted with­out knowing that it was loyalty; they fulfilled their engagements, without knowing that to do so was good faith; in their simple movements they employed the services of one another, without thinking that they were conferring or receiving any gift. There­fore their actions left no trace, and there was no record of their affairs. . . .

Of course, there may be some trace of the First People’s actions in Mysterious ancient megaliths, and some record of their affairs may be preserved in myth and legend. Nevertheless, these are fragmentary and ephemeral clues. And yet the vision of Paradise—be it distorted, misunderstood, or even imaginary—has somehow insinuated itself into the vital core of every religious movement and every culture’s literature and social ideals. Whatever the myth’s origin—historical reality or mass delusion—it now has a life of its own in the collective unconscious.

The principal thesis presented here—which is really only a re­statement in modern terms of what spiritual teachers have been saying for millennia—is that the memory of Paradise represents an innate IPO and universal longing for a state of being that is natural and utterly fulfilling, but from which we have somehow excluded ourselves. Per­haps our most useful new clue to this lost state of being is contained in he modern study of altered states of consciousness and, in particular, of the near-death experience. The essence of Paradise is, as we have seen, equivalent to what various traditions have termed nirvana, ecstasy, divine union, and cosmic consciousness. It is the condition of the absence of the separate human ego with all its defenses, aggres­sions, and categories of judgment.

This interpretation may seem like an obvious one, but it has been only recently that developments in several disciplines have made it so. In the field of psychology, for example, the systematic study of alternate states of consciousness did not really begin until this century, and the greatest advances have taken place only within the last twenty years. In anthropology, it has also been only in recent decades that we have come to respect the wisdom of tribal peoples and to take seriously their beliefs about the nature of reality. The field of comparative religion—which has opened a view to the fundamental similarities of the core teachings of all spiritual traditions—has likewise only begun to come of age. All of these developments converge, enabling us to leave behind both the dogmatic religious ideas of the Middle Ages and the simplistic evolutionary assumptions of the last century. We are thus free to attain a new vision not only of the mythic past, but also of our own miraculous potentialities in the present and future.

One of my purposes in writing this book has been to bring together the principle myths of Paradise, Fall, catastrophe, and purification. But another was to recall the texture and nuance of the spiritual worldview of ancient and tribal peoples. Their perspective, so at odds with our modern way of looking at things, may contain some of the very elements that we in postindustrial civilization need if we are to build a sustainable, regenerative culture.

We are living not in a static world that affords us endless time for leisurely academic discussion, but in one that is busily undermining its own biological viability. We have lost our sense of proportion, our sense of the fitness of things, and our sense of being contained within a greater Knowing that provides our lives with meaningful context, and to which we are responsible not only for our actions but for our motives and values as well. We have lost, in short, the sense of the sacred. The Paradise myth is the account of this loss of the sacred dimension, this loss of innocence. And if it contains clues to help us
understand why we have come to this precarious juncture in history and how we may go about regaining what we have left behind, then a retelling of the story may now be a worthy undertaking.

Somehow the timing of this retelling seems to have an almost apocalyptic significance of its own. Many generations have felt that they were seeing the culmination of history, but never has any genera­tion had better reasons for feeling this way. Perhaps we are indeed living in the time prophesied in every tradition, when the profane world of human history and the miraculous world of myth are to be somehow reunited.

We seem to have come very far indeed from the state of innocence and communion with Nature described in the Paradise myths. Depletion of the Earth’s ozone layer, pollution of water and air, loss of topsoil and forest cover, the greenhouse effect, and mass extinctions of species all bespeak a way of existence tragically out of touch with the pulse of the planet on which we live. And burgeoning crime, mental illness, and drug abuse seem to signal some deep estrangement of society from the nourishing aspirations of the human spirit.

Our world is filled with complex political, economic, social, and environmental problems. Yet we cannot expect to solve these prob­lems without first addressing the values and motives that produced them. And how are we to approach the clarification of human values and motives? Surely, we must look to the human psyche itself–that mysterious realm whose suprarational powers and dynamics find first expression in myths, dreams and visions. We are presented therefore with the apparently paradoxical likelihood that the examination of ancient and seemingly irrational stories may be one of the most practical pursuits available to us in the modern world.

Perhaps, if we are willing to become partners once again with Heaven and Nature in the realization of an already existing design that transcends self-centered human purposes, then memory and vision may converge in a realized Paradise in which the tensions that pres­ently bedevil us—tensions between humanity and Nature, heart and mind—may be dissolved in a universal spirit of accord. If we can hear and obey a voice from the timeless source of myths and dreams, there may open before us an age not of technologically engineered comfort and prosperity, but of miraculous beginnings—a new Creation-Time. And perhaps it is only the mysterious power of Creation itself that will permit us to survive, and at last to fully live.Fin

I hope you have enjoyed this series as much as I have enjoyed creating and presenting it. By some of the comments I received, I know that Richard Heinberg’s thoughts and visions found resonance with several. MEMORIES AND VISIONS OF PARADISE, along with his several other books, are available at For a more current Heinberg vision and perspective, view the video clip below. 

As always, I welcome your thoughts and comments by email. Until my next post, already in the hopper, 

Be love. Be loved


Getting Back to Eden, part 5: The Process of Transformation 2


Is it not written in your law, ‘I have said, “You are gods”?’  —Yeshua 

Paradigm shifts have occurred in our consciousness rather frequently over the course of the last several decades, and innovations have emerged in the ways we do things.  In the way we relate to God, for example, we’ve gone from church affiliation and attendance to spiritual transformation by way of “paths” to enlightenment and Self realization; from being mere humans to angels incarnate in bodies that are temples of a living God; from awareness as humans seeking an experience of God to that of God seeking a fuller experience of our humanity, as expressed in the saying “I am God being Human.”

In the field of healthcare, we’ve gone from the medical model of treating the symptoms of disease to the holistic model of treating the whole person and addressing the cause; from physical medicine to “energy medicine,” embracing esoteric energy healing modalities; from running costly and invasive diagnostic tests to honoring the body’s innate intelligence and wisdom by reading its energy fields and meridian circuits via muscle-testing for first hand information from the body itself about its condition and need for intervention and/or nutritional support; and from reactive passive healthcare to proactive preventive wellness care. We’ve even found a way via bio-energetic inquiry to discern and treat the cause of dis-ease at the emotional and subconscious levels with “Neuro-Linguistic Programing,” an approach too innovative and subtle for the reductionist “fix the problem from outside-in” mindset. Ultimately, we’ve dared to transplant organs from one body to another, even clone living forms via genetic engineering and test-tube creation.

In the tech world we’ve gone from naturally endowed intelligence to artificial intelligence; from building structures with bricks and mortar to constructing matter at the atomic level with nanotechnology; from assembly-line manual labor to robotics; from land lines to cell phones, from writing letters to sending emails, and now texts; and from attending seminars and conferences to teleconferencing in virtual “face time” space. We’ve gone from doing research in a library to “Googling” just about anything we want to know.

In science and physics we’ve seen leaps upward and out into the macrocosm of space and downward into the microcosm of quantum physics. We’ve “progressed” from mechanical and chemical engineering to genetic engineering of plants, foods, and, God help us, our own species.

In a word, we’ve evolved in our consciousness — and in our identity — as well as in our expression and functions, from being “creatures of circumstance” to creators; from being “mere humans” to becoming gods in our own right.

Transformation, the changing of the outer form of things, has been the main event of the last sixty years. And now with this coronavirus pandemic, social distancing has isolated us from one another—coupled by job and economic disruptions, world-wide social transformation is underway. The last 40 years of the 20th Century were particularly marked by transformation, preparing us for radical changes in the new millennium. The most important and pivotal transformation underway is a spiritual one, more like a transmutation of our identity from human to divine.


It seems the number 40 carries the energy of change in numerology.  A Facebook friend posted this recently: “The Latin root of the word ‘quarantine’ is ‘forty.’ The official lock-down started March 23 and will likely end May 1st. That is EXACTLY 40 days.” She cited biblical events, such as the 40 days Moses stayed on Mount Sinai to receive the Commandments and the 40 days of his wandering in the wilderness with the children of Israel; and Jesus fasting in the desert for 40 days.  The optimum number of weeks for human gestation is 40, and the rest period for a woman after giving birth is 40 days.  Essentially it is the time needed for preparing a person, or people, to make a fundamental change, to let go of things we no longer need to live fully and move forward into a new beginning in a New Earth. 


Richard Heinberg sheds light on the process of transformation in MEMORIES AND VISIONS OF PARADISE, characterizing the personal transformation of Jesus and the Buddha as “opening a door between worlds.”

The process of transformation need not be arduous. Indeed, in some respects it is more play than work — though not the competitive, win/lose play of civilized adults, but more the spontaneous, mutually trusting, experimental, and ecstatic play of young children and wild animals. As psychologist O. Fred Donaldson puts it, “Play is nature’s way of triumphing over culture.”  If Paradise is our natural state of being, then the deepest and most compelling force at the core of the collective unconscious is one that is always urging us toward that state of equilibrium. As we deliberately work toward a future characterized by respect and care for Nature and toward the nurturing of love, forgiveness, compassion, and celebration in ourselves and in one another, our conscious efforts resonate with the pattern at the core of our being. Heaven and Nature rush to return to a condition of balance and accord.

It is also true that as we move in the transformational process, we are working against social conditioning that continually tends to divide us both from one another and from the very ground of our own being. Hence, the need for the spiritual quest, which in all its guises is essentially a process of cutting through the crust of ego that prevents us from experiencing and revealing our own innate paradisal character.

This quest is neither new nor unprecedented. It is neither more nor less than the archetypal hero’s journey, identified by Joseph Campbell as being central to every mythic tradition. Every culture remembers exemplary men and women who have accomplished inter­nal transformations, and who have left instructions by which others can do the same. While the details of the instructions may differ, all spiritual exemplars agree on the broad outline of the process. It consists, first, of a withdrawal from the world-as-it-is, and a deliberate act of purification. This is followed by a period of integration within the system of universal spiritual values. The process culminates in a final realization of unity with the ultimate Principle of all that is. While the details of the process are individual, the essential outline of the journey is always the same, as is the goal: Paradise — the realization of oneness with Heaven and Nature.

The heroic quest is fundamentally a symbolic journey, representing the progressive unfoldment of the hero’s transcendent character and destiny. Jesus and the Buddha are figures who accomplished the profound inner transformation by which a door was opened between worlds, and human society was led to a partially or temporarily restored condition. Ultimately, the records of their lives are metaphors for what must occur in the experience of anyone who takes up the quest.

In every hero myth, the first stage in the journey consists simply of hearing and responding to a call. The hero or heroine must realize that the world is in need of healing, and that his or her own actions will make a difference to others. For the Buddha, the call came when he was thirty years of age and first saw sickness, old age, and death. He was so profoundly moved by the suffering he saw that he stole away from his sleeping wife and child to seek the key to liberation from the universal human condition. For Jesus, the first awareness of the call came when he was only twelve years old. He left his parents and spent three days in the temple among the doctors, discussing theology. When his worried parents finally found him, he said simply, “Wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?”

As we lift our attention above our conditioned wants and fears long enough to become aware of the purposes of a greater Whole, we suddenly see the possibility that our lives could have significance beyond comfort and self-satisfaction. The call may be faintly sensed, or it may blare. In either case, a conscious decision must be made to either listen or shut it out. To ignore the call is to die to the purposes of life. But to listen and to accept the challenge of the quest requires a willingness to leave behind the ruts established for us by heredity and environment, and to explore unfamiliar territory. We cannot enter Paradise without leaving behind our present cultural or psychic envi­ronment.

The second stage of the quest involves coming to terms with a dragon, demon, or enemy. Seeing suffering, we seek its cause, and causes of human suffering are legion. At the beginning of this stage we may see a dragon that is external to ourselves — an immediate source of injustice and cruelty. We may decide that the dragon is embodied in a philosophy we detest, or in a person whose actions seem to cause others pain. Many people become fixed in this phase of the quest and never proceed further. Their lives are spent battling the demons of the world, which, even when apparently slain, seem to grow new heads and return to torment them again.

As long as we continue battling external demons, we are incapable of fully bringing peace to our world. Eventually, if we remain true to the call — if we continue to listen — we will come to understand that the real dragon is within us: all the problems of our world have been produced by tendencies present in ourselves. Until and unless our internal dragons can be dealt with, even the most valorous external battle cannot fully bear fruit. Some of the great heroes in religious literature seem to have realized this from the beginning. Both Jesus and the Buddha, for example, knew from the outset that the victory they sought was a triumph over their own lower natures. Gandhi, on the other hand, began his career with the belief that the dragon consisted entirely of governmentally enforced racism; only gradually did he come to see his own attitudes and behavior as the battleground for the forces of good and evil.

Once the dragon is recognized as being an internal force, a different kind of battle begins. This stage of the process, in which the hero is wrestling with his own inner demons, doesn’t seem especially paradisal. It involves the exposure of one’s weaknesses and the surrender of personal attachments. Paradoxically, it seems, one can only get to Paradise by being willing to go through hell. But this conflict, too, must come to an end. The resolution of the battle with the inner demon is represented in the story of Jesus’ temptations in the wilderness. Before Jesus began his public ministry, and after he had fasted in the wilderness for forty days, the Devil appeared to him. The Devil first offered Jesus bread, symbolizing personal fulfillment at the physical level; then he challenged Jesus’ authority; and finally he offered the kingdoms of the world, “if thou will fall down and worship me.” But Jesus, refusing physical desire, the need to prove himself, and personal ambition as motives for his behavior, replied, “Get thee hence, Satan!” For him, the demon was gone.

A similar story of the Buddha says that while he was sitting under the Bodhi tree, immediately before attaining enlightenment, he was tempted by the god-demon Mara. Amid both violence and offers of pleasure and power, he simply sat and remained calm, “like a lion seated in the midst of oxen.” Mara and his armies, frustrated, left in defeat.

The dragon or demon can be fully tamed only through consistent inner work over a period of years. Yet, there is an instantaneous quality to the essential transformation that eventually comes: at any time a sudden change of state may occur and Paradise will be present, if only for a moment. The hero tames the dragon not by fighting it, but by refusing to fight it — by facing it, courageously holding steady, and expressing the character of innocence and love. Suddenly, the hero realizes that Paradise has been there all along, unnoticed.

Even after the hero has momentarily achieved paradisal awareness, he must still learn to sustain and communicate that state. From this point on, he is certain that he has known the true and natural condition of human consciousness — the pearl of great price, for which the wise person will sell everything (Matthew 13:46).

After having developed the ability to consistently maintain paradisal consciousness, the hero returns to the mundane world with a healing balm. Having found Heaven, he must share it — which means sharing himself, his state of being. For the individual, the return is the culmination of the journey, but the quest is not complete until the world has been restored.

Richard is interviewed briefly in Michael Moore’s recently released film PLANET OF THE HUMANS, an hour-and-forty-minute documentary update on the present state of our world and our ill-placed hope in biomass, wind turbans and solar panels — well worth your time watching.

Hello Octogenerians! 

On a more personal note, I will join the elder generation of octogenerians and complete my 80th trip around the sun on May 20, 2020. There’s got to be a few 40’s in those numbers, as I have certainly gone through many changes in those eighty years. I have been greatly blessed by many life-long friends and clients over the years.  I thank you for following my blogs and sharing them with your friends.  Feel free to share your thoughts by email. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved



Getting Back to Paradise, part 2: Reading the Transition Signals

Apocalypse of light

“The peasant doesn’t cross himself until he hears the thunder.”

In bringing this series to a conclusion with this and my next two blog posts, I will share excerpts from the closing chapters of Richard Heinberg’s MEMORIES and VISIONS of PARADISE.  But before I do, I would like to share some uplifting words my friend and favorite poet Don Hynes sent to me a few days ago, as they resonate with the theme of my current considerations.


After the fall, which was a planetary solar progression as much as human, moving through a cloud where our current reality became possible, the Atlantean manipulations were fatal death-like steps for humanity and the planet. The trauma of those nightmares is in the genetic memory of the human race and the trajectory of that epoch was downward, from the downfall of the Lemurian priesthood through Atlantean science-abused wars to the caveman, cannibalism and the following centuries of darkness and struggle. 

We are now passing through a very similar time of genetic manipulation, of atomic and biological warfare, and are in a subconscious way re-experiencing the ancient trauma along with the current horror. However, despite the obvious implications that our current trajectory is likewise downward, thinking of this as an historic and metaphorical “V,” my sense is that we are currently passing out of the cloud where our current reality became possible, as Uranda and many mystics forecast, into the clear sky and open heaven of the seven dimensional reality. We are on the upward stroke of the V, not the downward, and so my/our word to the people is FEAR NOT as we pass through this time of collective Gethsemane in our return to the Garden.

We Pass Through Nightmares
There are places we enter
at the peril of our planet,
dark chambers 
where manipulation 
of life itself becomes
the deadly fascination.
What was once horror,
now scientific reality,
barely stirs
our deadened senses,
”because we can”
the blanketing rationale
for behaviors unspeakable.
We’ve been here before
and it ended badly.
Contrary to the logic
of linear progression
we pass through nightmares,
remembering and feeling
what was once left behind
and now rushes past
as we ride the currents
of disease and terror,
of compassion beyond measure
into our new place
in the universe.  —Don Hynes


Don’s words are a clarion call to sanity and for an about-face retreat from our mad drive toward extinction — touchstone words to keep on hand as the transitional pressure gets more and more compressed, as it will.  The birthing of a new world is in process and the contractions are beginning to be closer and more intense.  It’s time to breathe deeply and exhale expectantly as we labor in love for the truth of life on our home among the stars. 


Richard Heinberg has been very active in the environmental movement since the 1980’s. He has written several books on climate and clean energy issues, including The Party is Over: Oil War and the Fate of Industrial Societies —  AFTERBURN: Society Beyond Fossil Fuel — Our Renewable Future: Laying the Path for One Hundred Percent Clean Energy — and his latest work The End of Growth, in which he examines how the expansionary trajectory of industrial civilization is colliding with non-negotiable natural limits. 

In the following excerpt, Richard takes a hard and sobering look at the shadows cast by coming events, the symptoms of mankind’s abuse of the earth’s generosity.  Keep in mind that this was written some forty years ago.  Since then climate and energy issues have gained greater attention as the environment continues to deteriorate further and time runs out on the implementation of viable solutions. His and other authors’ warnings having gone unheeded, Richard’s optimism about our future has diminished considerably. 

(For a rather sobering update on where we have come over the last several decades, you may wish to view — at a later time — Michael Moore’s recently-released film PLANET OF THE HUMANS, an hour-and-forty-minute documentary on the present state of our world and our ill-placed hope in biomass, wind turbans and solar panels; well worth watching.)

And now, without further ado, here’s an excerpt from chapter 12, “To Get Back to the Garden.

Warnings from the Collective Unconscious

When we diverge from the way we were designed to function, Nature sends warning signals. For example, when we eat foods we are unable to digest, our stomachs rebel; when we use our limbs in ways in which they were not designed to be used, our muscles and bones protest. When we do such things habitually over time, we are likely to receive not only external signals in the form of pain, accidents, or disease, but we may also receive internal signals. Such signals may take the form of nightmares and premonitions through which the body’s own unconscious wisdom attempts to alert us and to influence our behavior.

If this is true for us individually, perhaps it is also true for human­ kind collectively — that is, if humanity is ignoring an innate paradisal design (by envisioning and working toward a world characterized by artificiality, separateness, and the suppression of Nature), then we should expect to be receiving both external and internal warnings. On the collective level, such external warning signs might take the form of war, environmental degradation, famine, or plague; internal warn­ing signs might appear as widely occurring visions of apocalyptic events.

As Norman Cohn showed in The Pursuit of the Millennium, apoca­lyptic visions have tended to appear in profusion during historical periods of political and religious oppression, social upheaval, war, and pestilence. The Hebrew prophets lived in an age of defeat and captiv­ity; Jesus lived at the height of the decadent and oppressive Roman Empire; and medieval millenarian movements seemed always to flour­ish in places and times of unusual hardship. We see the same associa­tion of apocalyptic vision with societal stress among tribal peoples: in North America, Africa, and the Pacific islands, new spiritual movements that have arisen during the last century in response to the onslaught of civilization have invariably been prophetic and millenarian in character. 

There are many reasons for thinking that contemporary Western civilization is approaching a period of maximum divergence from the paradisal ideal. Instead of simplicity, innocence, and the ability to work in harmony with natural processes, industrial civilization values sophistication, abstraction, the concentration of wealth, and the complete subjugation of Nature. These values have not appeared suddenly or recently; rather, they can be traced back to the beginnings of civilization itself. But we do seem to be witnessing the culmination of their influence. And as we actualize the ultimate implications of long-term trends leading toward the centralization of social power, the technological domination of Nature, and the fragmentation of human consciousness, we find ourselves on what appears to be a collision course with a deeper reality.

We see external warning signals appearing everywhere around us. We hear, for example, of the death of thousands of lakes and forests from the effects of acid rain. As the thinning of the ozone layer creates an epidemic of skin cancer, we simultaneously discover that a greenhouse effect — created by the carbon dioxide released from the burning of fossil fuels — is altering global weather patterns. We hear of the disappearance of tens of thousands of species as the result of the clear-cutting of rain forests, and of the loss of millions of tons of irreplaceable topsoil due to modern mechanized agricultural practices. These and other warning signals portend catastrophes of truly apocalyptic dimensions, catastrophes that can be averted only if immediate steps are taken to change our fundamental relationship with the natural environment. 

At the same time, we are seeing an unprecedented eruption of what could be interpreted as internal, psychic warning signals. The past two decades have seen burgeoning numbers of people turn to millenarian fundamentalism for a sense of meaning and purpose. Christian fundamentalists look toward the imminent end of the world, the destruction of unbelievers, and the restoration of an earthly Para­dise characterized by all the qualities of the original Eden — peace, happiness, and, above all, the opportunity to dwell in the immediate presence of the Lord.

But while fundamentalist millenarianism draws upon apocalyptic scriptural visions from eras past, we are also surrounded by fresh and original prophetic utterances. The classic apocalyptic scenario — a final battle between the forces of good and evil, followed by the advent of a restored condition of peace and beatitude — appears, for example, in numerous science-fiction plots and in the psychic predictions of Edgar Cayce and the “channelers” of the 1980s. Moreover, near-death experiences are making their own contribution to what amounts to a contemporary explosion of apocalyptic prophecy. 

While conducting his NDE studies, Kenneth Ring began to hear reports of prophetic visions (PVs) of humanity’s future, and he de­cided to collect and compare them. Ring found that PVs seem to occur most frequently during core NDEs, and that there is an “impressive similarity” among the visions. In Heading toward Omega, Ring summa­rizes the common elements of the classic PV:

There is, first of all, a sense of having total knowledge, but specifically one is aware of seeing the entirety of the earth’s evolution and history, from the beginning to the end of time. The future scenario, however, is usually of short duration, seldom extending much beyond the beginning of the twenty-first century. The individuals report that in this decade there will be an increasing incidence of earthquakes, volcanic activity, and generally massive geophysical changes. There will be resultant disturbances in weather patterns and food supplies. The world economic system will collapse, and the possibility of nuclear war or accident is very great (respondents are not agreed on whether a nuclear catastrophe will occur). All of these events are transi­tional rather than ultimate, however, and they will be followed by a new era in human history marked by human brotherhood, universal love, and world peace. Though many will die, the earth will live.

Ring then quotes several PV reports. The following is from a woman whose near-death experience occurred in 1967: 

The vision of the future I received during my near-death experi­ence was one of tremendous upheaval in the world as a result of our general ignorance of the “true” reality. I was informed that mankind was breaking the laws of the universe and as a result of this would suffer. This suffering was not due to the vengeance of an indignant God but rather like the pain one might suffer as a result of arrogantly defying the law of gravity. It was to be an inevitable educational cleansing of the earth that would creep up on its inhabitants, who would try to hide blindly in the institutions of law, science, and religion. Mankind, I was told, was being consumed by the cancers of arrogance, materialism, racism, chauvinism, and separatist thinking. I saw sense turning to nonsense, and calamity, in the end, turning to providence.  

At the end of this general period of transition, mankind was to be “born anew,” with a new sense of its place in the universe.  The birth process, however, as in all the kingdoms, was exqui­sitely painful. Mankind would emerge humbled yet educated, peaceful, and, at last, unified.

Ring attempted to find a rational explanation for the remarkably consistent patterns of imagery in the PVs he had collected. Could these experiences be projections of unconscious fears? Or, perhaps, do individuals who perceive themselves as dying somehow generalize the experience as being “the death of the world”? Ring found both of these explanations unconvincing: Why not a greater variety of global-future scenarios? The PVs are just too consistent to be personal projections.  Could they, then, be eruptions of unconscious Jungian archetypes?

Ring found this explanation more plausible, but he was still uncom­fortable with the specificity and paranormal character of PVs. After examining all of the explanations he could devise, Ring found himself left with the interpretation the NDErs themselves insist upon: that PV’s are in fact exactly what they seem to be: inspired prophe­cies of future events.  

If this is the case, why is humanity propelling itself toward a cataclysmic day of reckoning? Ring invokes a sobering metaphor: he suggests that humanity is approaching — and subconsciously preparing for — a collective near-death experience. As we noted earlier, NDErs almost invariably undergo a sudden and radical restructuring of values. A typical comment is this: “My interest in material wealth and greed for possessions was replaced by a thirst for spiritual understanding and a passionate desire to see world conditions improve.”

Throughout history, moral reformers have sought to inspire hu­manity to change its collective values and to regain its sense of the sacred. Despite occasional and temporary successes, such exhortations have generally been ignored. We seem convinced that greed and aggression are constants, restrainable only by the force of law. But Ring’s hypothesis implies that human nature, when it comes face to face with annihilation, may dissolve to reveal a deeper and more profound nature, one that has been hidden for millennia behind the veil of the human ego. 

The Russians have a saying: “The peasant doesn’t cross himself until he hears the thunder.” That is, people tend to make basic changes in attitude and behavior only when their backs are to the wall. This observation seems as true for society as a whole as it is for individuals. Often, only a crisis will awaken us to the results of a destructive habit. In the case of late-twentieth-century humanity, the habitual behavior (and the potential awakening) is at a critical level and underlies all of our social, economic, scientific, and political realities. This crisis amounts to far more than just a serious inconvenience, or even a catastrophe on the scale of the Great Depression or the two world wars. Religious prophets and scientific futurists alike envision what amounts to the end of our entire way of life, and, conceivably — in the event of an all-out nuclear conflict or the irreversible destruction of the environment — the death of the human race itself. 

We recall the prophecies of the tribal peoples concerning a Great Purification, which will cleanse the world of human depravity but will also reunite Heaven and Earth, ushering in a new age of spirituality and light. Is this what we are all unconsciously laboring to bring about?

Yes — and with a large “critical mass” of humanity, that labor is conscious and deliberate, done with joy and a sense of mission and purpose; truly a labor of love.  Apocalypse means revelation.  Every death is an apocalypse of light — only the light is revealed in the invisible realms. What is needed is an apocalypse of light in the visible realms — as above so below — on earth as it is in heaven.  I see this occurring as this pandemic brings out the best of the human spirit. May it continue long after the crisis is over. 

I leave you with this tidbit of common-sense wisdom: “Like the proverbial bar of soap when squeezed, looking downward we go down; looking upward we go up.”  So, remember to look up when the squeeze is on.  Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved    


I think you will find solace in this video clip.  “Death is not an end-point. It’s a transformation moment.” 


What’s UP for Our Species?

“Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, Santayana declared, and the metaphor is apt. The mind that seeks the deepest intellectual fulfillment does not give itself up to every passing idea.” —(Richard Tarnas, COSMOS AND PSYCHE)

My last post engendered considerable response from readers who shared some very thoughtful views in a lengthy and rich conversation on a group Face Book page around the topic of the current climate crisis.  The last word on the so-called “climate crisis,” of course, has not been written, and may never be. I did receive a lead to my next book to read, COSMOS AND PSYCHE, which I am thoroughly enjoying. Thanks Don!

One of my followers, Marco, from Alojera, Canarias, Spain, shared these three perceptions:

1.That our environment is radically changing and requiring human behavior to adapt in ways that will challenge past behavior.

Yes, and “adapt” is the operative word for the purpose of the current post — as in evolve.

2. That aforementioned human behavior (particularly since the industrial revolution) has increasingly reflected a sense of identity separate and superior from the planet and its natural cycles; and that such separate, superior identity has been fertile ground for the emergence of aberrant, predatory, and ultimately self-defeating identity, convinced not of humankind belonging within a mutually interdependent ecosystem, but in an intrinsically fearful, competitive, and winner-takes-all matrix. 

On the one hand, the industrial complex may be playing a remedial role in getting the oil off our water planet, two substances that don’t mix well together. The late geology professor John Waskom, offered a rationale for the burning of oil, a foreign substance deposited on Earth by Venus when she was a comet some 3570 years ago — according to Dr. Immanuel Vlikovsky, author of Worlds In Collision, who was extremely knowledgeable in the texts of ancient peoples. Dr. Waskom’s scenario was that beings with technological expertise were sent here by the Creators specifically to pump the oil out of the ground and dispose of it. On the other hand, I don’t think the Creators had it in mind to turn the oil into plastic and other polluting and cancer causing chemicals. This has been the doings of “aberrant, predatory, and ultimately self-defeating” humans.

3. That as a result of the above, man is fearful of change, deeply convinced of his reliance on an unsustainable life-style. And unless something changes radically in man’s psychological assumptions, the species will not survive this phase of environmental change.

Radical change is the only path to survival. The question is: Who is it that hopes to survive this “unsustainable life-style?” More to the point: “Who can survive it?” Perhaps those who have thoroughly established a more sustainable life-style in an isolated and insulated community can.

A more transcendent question is: Why limit our thinking to mere survival of our species?  We can radically change our psychological assumptions. Why not think in terms of transcending the human condition altogether and creating a totally new and “greener” world on what seems to be emerging as a New Earth. God knows Gaia is doing her part to clear the way for a restoration to occur.

Behold, I create a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and old earth are passed away; and there is no more sea.

Because the new heaven and new earth are one and the separate “sea” of fallen human consciousness that had been maintaining the old earth is no more.  Human consciousness is transformed and transmuted into Divine Consciousness.  This is how the New Earth appears: “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts.” 

Marco added this quotation from Homer’s The Odyssey, which speaks to the pathetic attitude of irresponsible humans. 

 Men are so quick to blame the gods: they say that we devise their misery. But they
themselves — in their depravity — design grief greater than the griefs that fate assigns.

Question: Is there really a “climate crisis?  This reader’s comment suggests otherwise:

I agree much more can be done to care for the planet, but panic is not good, and it’s scaring children. Many say it’s urgent, but 500! scientists and engineers just told the UN it’s not an emergency, that climate policy is relying on inadequate models, so maybe some balance is required. Indeed, the Russian climate model says things are not as extreme . . . .  Science is wonderful and very useful, but I believe science doesn’t know everything and hasn’t factored in all the variables . . . . [Go to this link for the whole story.]…/scientists-tell-un…/ 

My poet friend sent me these words of wisdom:  When there’s a meme [an idea or behavior circulated on social media] being pushed at a mega scale it behooves one to ask why and for what purpose.”

So I ask why and for what purpose. As I said in my previous post, I am feeling my way through all the reactive journalism and commentaries around the subject of climate change. 

So, what is up for the Human Species?

All of this uproar over climate change poses a few questions in my own mind:  

1. Are we facing the inevitable demise of our species, perhaps in the form of some sort of transmutation of our flesh bodies to a higher form of, say, the frequency of light?

2. This question gives rise to another: Is the earth’s warming climate preparing the way by creating a vibrational caldron as a crucible in which this transmutation might occur “in the twinkling of an eye” and without too much suffering on the part of humans?

3. In other words, are we being asked by the Great Spirit Creator to let go of our attachment to these earthen forms, at least our identity with them, in order to cross over the alchemical threshold where physical materialization meets the spiritualizing realm, the abode of angels . . . if only in consciousness at first?

Transmutation of form follows transformation of consciousness, as consciousness is the matrix out of which form appears. In other words, there is a creative process to be stewarded here whereby all things are made new.  Re-creation in consciousness is accomplished by Spirit as it finds expression through us in our living.  My spiritual mentor articulated this principle forty years ago:

When the spiritual action is present the design in form appears. This is the principle which we have doubtless known for a long time but by which the restoration is made possible. Behold, I make all things new. As there is the means on earth by which the spiritual action may appear, then the substance in the realm of form leaps to reveal it. All this can occur very quickly when there is spiritual action and to the extent that there are people on the face of the earth who are willing to let it happen, who are no longer insisting that material substance should be held in the structured forms set up by fallen human nature.  (Martin Cecil)

Lest We Forget Our Past

What’s buried deep in the human psyche that’s pushing up for conscious acknowledgment and remembrance? Are we awakening from our mass amnesia and remembering our traumatic past so that we do not repeat it?

In an effort to answer these questions, I would like to revisit a post from last year and excerpt the closing paragraphs. The post itself is a review of Graham Hancock’s classic Fingerprints Of The Gods.” Below is a link to the post itself.


When human beings from around the globe, and from many different cultures, share a powerful and overwhelming intuition that a cataclysm is approaching, we are within our rights to ignore them. And when the voices of our distant ancestors, descending to us through myths and sacred architecture, speak to us of the physical obliteration of a great civilization in remote antiquity (and tell us that our own civilization is in jeopardy), we are entitled, if we wish, to stop our ears…

So it was, the Bible says, in the antediluvian world: “For in those days, before the Flood, people were eating, drinking, taking wives, taking husbands, right up to the moment that Noah went into the Ark, and they suspected nothing till the flood came and swept all away.”

In the same manner it has been prophesied that the next global destruction will fall upon us suddenly “at an hour we do not suspect, like lightning striking in the east and flashing far into the west … The sun will be darkened, the moon will lose its brightness, the stars will fall from the sky and the powers of heaven will be shaken ….”

What has happened before can happen again. What has been done before can be done again.

The thread that runs through the pages of Graham’s book weaves a fabric upon which is painted a prophetic picture for our generation specifically that warns of impending disaster for our world and its population based simply on a cosmic clock ticking away the centuries and millennia over the past 12,500 years since a highly advanced civilization was all but wiped off the face of the earth by a cataclysm. That civilization was known as Atlantis and is now believed to be buried beneath a two-mile thick cap of ice. Today that island continent is called Antarctica. Buried with it are the historical records of what this civilization did that brought about its destruction in literally the blinking of an eye — like a thief in the night.  It is likely we will never know the secret buried beneath those two miles of ice. An ancient lost civilization frozen in time and preserved till the day the ice melts and reveals its secrets. . . .

The survivors of the Deluge . . . left messages carved in stone which point to our day — when the sun rises on the Winter Solstice in the House of the constellation of Sagittarius at the South Gate of the Milky Way Galaxy between 1960 and 2040 AD — and when the pendulum of the cosmic clock strikes the hour when the hammer will likely fall again on the civilizations of man.  It is also the dawning of the Age of Aquarius which guards the North Gate of the Milky Way Galaxy.  As I wrote about in a previous post, this is also designated in Mayan cosmology as “the place of creation.”

We ignore the myths of our ancient ancestors to our peril.  The dawn of a New Day lightens the horizon. It’s time to wake up and face the harvest of our sowing days as it spreads ugly before us.  We’ve run into a concrete wall and there’s no way to go forward — only up and over it.  It’s the way Gaia is going — up, up and away!

I believe that collectively — and restoration is a collective experience of transformation, as we are all in the same boat — we have the spiritual substance necessary for Spirit to work through in averting a cataclysmic demise of our species, and to turn the tide of self-destruction by climate collapse or nuclear war.  I see this substance of love being generated by people the world over.  My wife and I participated recently in a diverse group dialogue on the issue of racial justice. The atmosphere in the room was one of accord that we are one race, the human race.  I came away with an uplifted sense that all is well. Unconquerable Life is prevailing, our differences adding color to its expression through us. We are beginning to truly love one another.  Let’s let this atmosphere increase and clarify to give Spirit a means for making all things new through Man restored. 

I leave you with this timely video message: “If we do not wish to die, then we must evolve.” Barbara Mor reads from The Great Cosmic Mother — Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth:

Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved



Earth’s Climate Changes Again . . . Yet Life Prevails

With all the media airing of the climate teen-activism taking place all over the world, spearheaded by 16-year-young Swedish climate activist, Greta Thunberg, I think it’s time I revisit the topic of global warming as a cosmic event — which I blogged extensively about back in 2012

It has come to my awareness via social media that this entire panic-stricken movement may well be politically motivated and even orchestrated, one commentator describing Greta as an “Eco-hysteria girl . . . a victim of extreme psychological terrorism by radical left-wing handlers.” Scary right-wing propaganda, to say the least.

Although my first flush of feeling when this all began to air was empathy for and support of Greta and the teen-activists, I’m still feeling my way through all the repercussions and knee-jerk reactive journalism. Of one thing I am certain: global warming is a cosmic event to which we are contributing very little.  But before you write me off as a “denier,” hear me out.    

Historically, the climate of the Earth has changed on a regular basis — and panic is not a very conscious, nor necessary, response to it.  I don’t mean to be picky or critical here, but “protesting climate change” is protesting the natural evolutionary cycles of not only our planet, but of our sister planets as well, along with the entire solar system as it travels through energetic climate changes in our Milky Way Galaxy.  In a word, it’s protesting against the cosmos itself.  Here’s an excerpt from my June 16, 2012 blog post:

(I love this graphic depicting the earth’s magnetic field being blown back by solar wings, like a woman’s hair blown by the wind, while the front facing the sun is bowed in the shape of a protective shield keeping us from being burned to a crisp.)

Since at least the late 1970’s, the Sun’s overall radiation emissions have increased by 0.5 percent per decade. Between 1901 and 2000, the Sun’s magnetic field increased in size and strength by 230 percent. As of 1999, high increases in the amount of helium and heavier charged particles coming out of the Sun was “more active than in living memory. A mainstream geophysical team recently proved that the Sun has been more active since the 1940’s than in the previous 1,150 years combined.  The new brightening all started in the last 150 years. As of November 2004, the same group proved that the Sun is more energetic than it has been in at least eight-thousand years.

At the same time, scientists also fear there might be a massive new peak of solar activity that could potentially fry electronics on earth—and gave a surprisingly familiar target date of September, 2012 for when this might happen.  A LiveScience article in 2007 seriously considered the social anthropologist Dr. Benny Peiser’s suggestion that the Sun could be responsible for measurable “global warming” on Mars, Jupiter, Neptune’s moon Triton and Pluto, as well as the earth.  Surprisingly, this is one of very few mainstream media articles to have ever made this obvious connection….

Climate Warming: A Cosmic Event

Severe weather brought on by radical climate change, then, is occurring on the surface of all the planets. Our mass protesting and blaming is only imposing erratic and dissonant vibrations upon the energetic climate of the collective consciousness of humanity, as well as that of the earth.  Fear is not a worthy motive for activism or remedial action. That this all may be a politically orchestrated event is a very sad commentary.     

All that aside, I don’t think our scientists know exactly what percentage of climate warming is due to cosmic factors and how much is due to carbon emissions. Besides, atmospheric carbon can be and is being dealt with by Mother Nature, whose infallible economics includes adaptation in order to maintain balance between all the creative forces: water, air, earth and fire— and the word “adaptation” is the operative word here. I’ve read reports about a marked increase in the proliferation of green foliage on the planet, for example, that is taking carbon out of the atmosphere while putting oxygen back into it. It’s called the “Circle of Life” in the theme song of the movie Lion King.  What a timely message that movie shouted out to the world.  

Now, protesting our use of “fossil” fuel for energy is another thing altogether. Protest we should. Cleaner energy sources are available.  It may be a misnomer, however, to call petroleum a fossilized residue of decomposed dinosaurs and other gigantic extinct reptiles and ancient plants. Oil may have a rather extra-terrestrial origin, writes one scientist/historian.

Historical Catastrophic Climate Changes

According to geophysicist Immanuel Velikovsky, naphtha was deposited on the surface of the earth by Venus when she was a comet during her near collision with the earth some 3570 years ago — as well as with Mars, throwing that planet out of its orbit and thus further threatening the earth itself. Ironically, during this upheaval, Mars shielded Earth from a direct hit by the massive comet by nearly colliding with Venus itself, throwing her off her Earth-bent course.  There’s been a lot of cataclysmic activity in Earth’s relatively stable history, and there will likely be more yet to come.  

Velikovsky details how this sticky, volatile substance came from the tail of Venus when it was a comet in his controversial book Worlds In Collision, all of which took place in Biblical days during the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt and forty years in the wilderness — which he claims accounts for all the seemingly miraculous cataclysmic disruptions reported in the Biblical stories, such as the parting of the Red Sea and the “pillar of fire” phenomena. The miracle was the Israelites being in the right place at the right time. It’s a very interesting scenario if you wish to read about it in my 2012 blog posts.

Venus was actually given the name “Baal Zevuv . . . Lord of the Flies” (which later became  Beelzebub), because of the plague of insects and other varmints that rained down out of its tail upon Egypt as Moses called for the release of the Israelites from bondage. Venus was also called “Lucifer”(light-bearer) because of her brightness as the “Morning Star” before she was “cast down” to the ground from the heavens.  The prophet Isaiah writes about this celestial drama:

“How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn. Thou hast been cast down to the ground, thou who once laid low the nations.” (Isaiah 12:14) 

The comet Venus kept the nations’ peoples in a state of fear and dread for several decades until she was captured by the sun and became a planet. Sounds like a science fiction episode, doesn’t it.  If you care to read more about this very interesting historical event, I wrote a series of blogs on the subject back in February, 2018, under the heading “War in Heaven and on Earth.” 

It’s interesting how many of the Biblical stories written around that time have their origin in celestial and cataclysmic events; similar to the Greek mythologies upon which the signs of the Zodiac symbols are based. All this to say our Mother Earth has been through more drastic climate changes in her past than we are having today.

The Question we need to ask is: What the hell are we doing to ourselves?!

All this, however, is a mute point in light of the fact that what is really at stake here is not so much the future of planet Earth as the future of our civilization and of life as we now know it — and not only because of climate change, but also, and chiefly, because of what we are doing to our lifeline with our Earth Mother — not to mention the malignant population explosion.  Our way of life is self-destructive.

We are the only species on the planet that contaminates our water before we drink it, pollutes our air before we breathe it, and poisons our food before we eat it — and the forces of Nature are rising up to wake us up. (About the only good to come out of this insanity is the development of a Healthcare Industry to treat cancer and our many other resulting diseases.) There is one creative force we cannot compromise, and that’s fire, which cannot be poisoned, contaminated nor polluted. Its nature is not to be consumed but to consume, and consume it will, human and wild life habitats and lives notwithstanding.

Yet Life goes on creating after the fires burn themselves out or are extinguished — and the floods subside, the hurricanes move on, and the earthquakes settle down. “Unconquerable Life prevails,” to borrow a line from one of my favorite poems. Perhaps I could share that poem as a closure to this post. It speaks truth and sanity to ambitious and arrogant human consciousness. 


From age to age

Love’s word rings forth,

“The truth is true and all is well,

Unconquerable life prevails.”

Oh, man, whose strident dreams Lead gravewards,

Return to calm and noble

Character of life.

Blaze forth pure virtue;

Depart false ambition’s restless schemes.

Busy thought and troubled feeling

Trespass not in virtue’s wise serenity

Where firm control and awful power

Eternally abide.

Here earth’s pains are healed

And cruel chaos of mind’s spawning

Is called again to order and to beauty. 

                 —Martin Cecil

“Return to calm and noble character of Life. . . Depart false ambition’s restless schemes.” 

We could all do a lot of both about this time, as the world seems to be going mad. A line from the Psalms comes to mind:

“A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten-thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.”(Psalm 91:7) 

The question might be posed as to who the wicked are.  And the answer would be “We have all done our share of wickedness.” There’s no one or ones to blame for our plight other than ourselves, and that’s a fruitless undertaking.  A much more fruitful undertaking would be to remember who we are, our true identity as sons and daughters of God and brothers and sisters inspired by the One Spirit of Life. 

The first verse of that psalm offers a steady and sure lifeline to those disturbed and distraught by current world events:

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”

One might ask where this “secret place” is located so that one may come and dwell there.  The secret place of the Most High is within us, in the heart of one’s heart. It’s always there and cannot be disturbed. 

And I will leave you with these thoughts to ponder . . . until my next post.

Be love. Be loved



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