Creating the New Earth Together

Archive for the ‘Resonance’ Category

Oneness With The Ocean of Motion


By PenDell Pittman, MM, MA — Attunement Practitioner, Author and Musician

“We live in an ocean of motion.” This famous little phrase describes the quiet, yet all-encompassing platform of our lives. The rhythm of our breathing, the hum of our nervous system, the wide range of verbal utterances that we voice or hear are but a few reminders, close at hand, of the infinite spectrum of vibration within us and surrounding us.

Vibration with a purpose is “energy”, and specific ranges of energy are identified by us human beings, based on our own sensing of them. Our eyes see the energy range of “visible light”, our ears hear “audible sound”, our skin senses heat and impacts of motion on our physical bodies. Tastes and smells are also particularized ranges of energy. Scientific instruments and other devices engage energy ranges beyond the discernment of our five senses – radio and TV frequencies, microwaves, infrared and ultraviolet light, x-rays, gamma rays, cosmic rays, etc.

Further, the thoughts we think, the emotions we feel, and the whole of “consciousness”, human and otherwise, are waves of energy. The world of so-called “form” around us is but another spectrum of energy, one that moves slowly enough to appear to us to be “solid” and inanimate. Social systems, economies, governments, and countless other forms of human interaction represent the movement of energy among people. Beyond earth, the moon, the planets, the sun, its sun, whole galaxies appear to follow ancient rhythms and resonances. 

The book you now hold in your hands, Attunement with Sacred Sound, by fellow musician and Attunement practitioner, Dr. Anthony Palombo, provides a pivotal revelation about the phenomenal connection you and I have to the powerfully grand energies of all creation. The seeming platitude that states, “We are all one,” or “We are one with everything,” is quite true, in fact! Keep reading and you will discover more about just how profoundly this is the case.

Dr. Anthony Palombo – “Tony” – and I have known each other for almost 40 years. Never has there been a time, in my observation, when Tony has not exhibited a conscious attitude that consistently recognizes the connection between “heaven and earth” (the intangible and the tangible, if you will), a core kinship between all people, and the resonance that entrains throughout all of “creation”, with its infinite components. Tony’s is a noble stance and vision, to be sure, but why is it relevant to us now? Because, if we are to receive the full spectrum of learning, guidance, and inspiration from studying this book – a work that, I believe, largely distills (without coming close to fully biographing) Tony’s life’s work – we will find ourselves adopting that same outlook as Tony has – one filled with awe, wonder, discovery, and a sense of privilege to know and work in this precious, delicate, and, dare I say, sacred field.

What allows the “magic pill” of Attunement with Sacred Sound to uniquely provide healing, relief and upliftment (for many millennia now), where other remedies may not? (And it has been proven to do just that.) For that matter, why exactly does music have “charms to sooth a savage breast”? In answer, we can observe one profound insight (of many) about one of the immutable, universal laws, with just a little “plinking” on a basic piano keyboard. 

Please observe the diagram above, that of a piano keyboard, with its black and white notes. We will focus on the white keys only, for now. Note that there is a repetitive pattern of “letter names” given to those white keys, each of which, when played, sounds a unique musical pitch, or frequency. The keys are named “A” through “G”, and then that pattern of names repeats “an octave higher” (or lower). Without us getting too technical (or bored, I hope), please briefly observe with me the “speed of vibration”, the “frequency”, of two of the piano’s notes — the two “A”’s, shown above:

“The Lower A” (the “A” key to the left) sounds at a frequency of 440 Hertz (Hz), a measurement for “cycles (or complete vibrations) per second”. (Incidentally and interestingly, this 440-Hz, modern-day “concert A” runs four cycles per second faster than the mystical 436-Hz “A” that served as a cornerstone of the work of Pythagoras over 2,500 years ago.)  The “A” that is an octave higher than “A-440” (i.e. the “A” key shown to the right, on the keyboard diagram above) vibrates at a frequency that is exactly twice the speed of the lower “A”, or 880 Hz. Why is this important – to people in general, and to Attunement practitioners and enthusiasts, in specific? It is because the undeviating octave demonstrates a crucial element that binds together the entire Universe, us and all of “creation”.

The Law of the Octave — named for the eight primary, “white” keys that sit between and include, for example, an “A” and the next higher “A”. This universal law recognizes that musical notes sounding an octave apart – with frequencies that are multiples of two (2), relative to each other — have a closely kindred harmonic nature, a unique tonal relatedness that epitomizes unification. This can be heard distinctly when notes in octave are sounded.

Please note that the octave is not, by any means, the only relationship between pitches. Wait until you read Tony’s expositions on the “Perfect Fifth”, harmonics, overtones, and the other sonic wonders of the sound world that come into robust play in health, healing, and Attunement. However, the uniquely “divine” design of the octave illustrates the cohesive nature of the entire, endless frequency spectrum.

Now, here’s where things get pretty cosmic! An “A” vibrates at 440 Hz; and the “A” an octave higher, vibrates at twice the speed (880Hz); the next, higher “A”, an octave above, vibrates at twice that speed (880 x 2, or 1,760 Hz); the next higher “A” at 3,520 Hz, then 7,040 Hz; and so on — continuing to infinity. Along the way, these associated frequencies surpass the audible range and move into the ranges of radio; TV; microwaves; infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light; x-rays, etc. Yet, at any octave, a multiple of (in this example) “A-440” remains in harmonic concord with every other octave of “A” that resonates throughout the heights of the infinite frequency spectrum.

This energy spectrum vibrates, not just throughout the aforementioned range of higher frequencies, but at an equally infinite range of lower frequencies, as well. Infinite literally means infinite, after all.  As we observe frequencies below “A-440”, we find kindred octaves resonating at exactly one-half 440 Hz (440 divided by 2, or 220 Hz); then the next lower “A” at 110 Hz, then at 55Hz; and so on — continuing to infinity. At 27.5 Hz, we near the lowest frequencies audible to humans and approach the range of Schumann Resonances, electromagnetic waves that exist between the earth’s surface and the earth’s ionosphere. When tonal frequencies (like a musical sound) “slow down” sufficiently, they become “rhythms”.

A rhythm that is near and dear to each of us is our own heartbeat – something we just can’t live without – beating at a “frequency” around 1Hz, or one beat per second. Our bodily processes (and that of many organisms on earth) adhere to daily circadian oscillations, coordinating our capacities to the earth’s day-night rhythms. The earth rotates around its axis at a frequency of once per day, revolves around the sun at a frequency of once per year, and responds to the monthly frequencies of the moon’s cycles. Our sun revolves around its sun, as far as we can tell, and the Milky Way itself marches majestically — and for us, QUITE slowly –through the heavens, true to its own frequency that encompasses millions of years. So, to the best of our present understanding, there are infinitely fast vibrations and infinitely slow ones.    

Putting aside, for a moment, the Grand Scale of It All, WHY is all this directly significant to us, and how does it affect our everyday lives? We have a glimpse into the why and how, brought to us once more by that Law of the Octave.

The Law of the Octave reveals a constant, orderly, powerfully resonant framework that governs and integrates the entirety of this infinite, cosmic frequency spectrum – the entire Ocean of Motion that is our Universe. The immutable design governed by the Law of the Octave connects all energy. And our own connectedness with all energy – through the thousands of resonating processes in motion at any given moment, in our own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual-expression capacities, and in our world – is living evidence of the actual, tangible attunement that, in truth, we share with the Creator and with all of Creation.


The practice of Attunement, as so ably and comprehensively introduced by Tony in this book, helps enrich the sacred resonance of our capacities with the Creator, while helping remove dissonance from the creative fields that penetrate and surround us. Whereas “sound therapy” alone uses the relatively slow-moving (though miraculous) realm of sound itself as the source of upliftment, the overall Attunement process engages a much wider (potentially infinite), higher-frequency spectrum of harmonics, one that encompasses the range of audible sound, plus so much more, while differentiating itself through countless, simultaneous Life processes. Sound healing, and any other process that is in resonance with Spirit, is a harmonious aspect of that Spirit substance, and therefore provides, at least to some extent, a resonant field for the energy and blessings of that Spirit.

Sound acts as a carrier wave of sorts for the Attunement current — toning and amplifying the emanations of the endocrine glands, relaxing and entraining the nervous systems, clearing the mind, soothing emotions, and helping one to release various resonances with external stresses. The playing of sustained sound also can be used by an experienced practitioner as an instrument to amplify his or her perceptions. As the sonic and “Spirit” ranges of energy entrain together during an Attunement session, their synergy — true to the Law of the Octave — also activates harmonics in all frequency ranges, from the infinitely high to the infinitely deep.

We are literally moving in harmonic resonance, in attunement, with all of Creation. We not only live in the “universal ocean of motion”, but we play radiantly conscious roles in the flow of its Currents, as we allow our every action to entrain with the infinitely high and deep Tones of the Creator. We are an integral part of the Cosmic Symphony, for sure. Let’s join Tony now, for an in-depth expose of just how integral we really are!  

I hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed PenDell’s music presentation, even if you are not musically inclined — although I can’t imagine there is anyone who does not hum a tune now and then and generally enjoy music.  Perhaps he has imparted to you a deeper appreciation of music, and of musicians.  I welcome any comments you wish to share, which I will forward to my renown guest author.  In my next post “Are We Ascending Yet ” I will return to the theme of ascension. Until then,

Be love.  Be loved.

Anthony (

Note: I have a few copies of my book ATTUNEMENT WITH SACRED SOUND left should you wish a copy.

I invite you to check out my HealthLight Newsletter at    


Steps of Ascent 2: BE The Fire of Fusion

“Eventually, the time comes when you mourn the comfort you felt in the chaos of the fire. You embrace the smoke and you rise up into your purpose.” (Embracing the Smoke, JESSICA LYNN)

(Jessica Lynn just started following my blog.  I went to her blog and liked what I found there.  You might like it as well.  Click on her name above to visit her.)

As much as I enjoy and value our virtual gatherings by Zoom, I do miss our physical gatherings where we sat in a circle and shared attunement with one another and shared face-to-face our thoughtful expressions of the One Spirit as it moved around the circle to find who is the one it wished to speak through next.  I just love working and sharing in the group dynamic, especially when we tone together, something we can’t do on Zoom very effectively.

I would like to share such an event from out of the past when we were all exploring diverse and innovative ways of generating spiritual substance together.  This event took place at an attunement workshop here in the South.

     A group of about forty were participating in such a musical release one weekend attunement practitioners gathering and something absolutely wonderful and coherent revealed itself.  I had instructed those standing beside their partners, who were sitting, to hold a contact point with their right hand over the chest of their partner, where the Thymus gland is located, and position the left hand above the crown of the head, where the pointed fingers would be in direct alignment with the Pineal Body located in the center of the brain.  I then asked them to be very still and quiet and listen for a tone sounding silently in the dense substance of pneumaplasm that was by then permeating this particular gathering of friends, who had been moving together for several hours that day in a weekend workshop. As this was done, I asked them to sound that tone with their voices upon my signal.  Much to our delightful surprise, everyone sounded the exact same tone right on key, with one or two exceptions who sounded a tone that was one of the natural harmonic overtones of the one tone the majority were chanting. You can imagine the beautiful sound that this unified expression made. It was exquisite, with just the right and balanced volume laced with just the right and fitting number of harmonic tones being sounded, again just the right number.

       This experience demonstrated to us that we are one yet different from each other, and that One Tone sounds throughout the entire body of mankind, finding a point of focused resonance in each one at the level of the pure and silent heart. The Thymus, as we have seen, is the fourth of the seven endocrine glands, representing the connecting point between the three above and the three below it, bringing to focus the Spirit of Purification, which brings to us assurance about our identity as beautiful, innocent, and radiant angelic beings.

       From that moment on throughout the balance of our time together we were an entirely different group. Something entirely new had come into focus, through each one individually and through the collective gathering. We had participated in the shining of light through flesh, of fusion between spirit and form, as the glow in the room gave ample evidence.  Spirit, released through musical sound as a carrier wave, had created a new entity with our grouping, or perhaps had allowed the Presence of the One Great Spirit we comprise altogether to be made manifest in our midst. Whatever it was and with whatever words one may use to describe it, we as a group were not the same as before, and we knew it.

       We also knew that the current of unified radiation that had surely been released through us went forth into the world to accomplish whatever the Great Spirit had to accomplish in and through us that day. It was a beautiful and intense, yet simple and very humbling experience. Humbling because we knew that what we had generated and gathered together within our sacred circle as refined substance, as fun as the gathering was and as delightfully healing and transforming the intense substance felt in our own bodies, the purpose for it was beyond us.  We were available and therefore used by Spirit for the purposes of Spirit. What those purposes were no one of us had the slightest clue, in the sense of something specific that might have been influenced by the impact of the release of spirit through us.  We were not interested in speculating about it either. Our own personal and collective experience of transformation, real as it was, was certainly not the purpose. That was merely a phase in the whole process of what needed to find release through us. In that sense it was a necessary part of the purpose, but the purpose was larger than us. Our purpose in letting the vehicle of our collective substance come into form in order to accommodate the greater release through us of Spirit was simply that, to provide Love with a means of action in the world where we are. That is all.  And it was, incidentally, a wonderful experience of healing and transformation.

       Moments of intensity, such as this, are truly delightful. The fact that a larger purpose, often beyond our scope of vision and ability to observe, is served in and through them in no way diminishes the feeling of exhilaration and sense of wonderment.  It is our holding onto them and wanting more of such moments for our own satisfaction, or even entertainment, that diminishes their potency and eventually prevents us from experiencing them at all. On the other hand, allowing them to serve a higher order and larger purpose in our own consciousness of inclusiveness, broadens our depth of ecstasy and brings us more completely into the very hub of creativity at the core of our being where “firm control and awful power eternally abide.” In this way we are not thrown out into utter confusion, or carried away in emotional bubbles that vanish into thin air, by our mental interpretation of or emotional reaction to what we are experiencing.  We are held steady in the place of absolute stillness where we may continue to abide in the safety and clarity of assurance that the truth is true and all is well, an assurance of the truth of love that only the Spirit of Purification can bring about. ♦


      Speaking of purification, there’s nothing more pure than fire.  When a conflagration is completed, nothing remains but the fire and a bit of smoking ash.  This is so in what is vogue these days in the cremation of our human remains, what we leave behind when we make our transition back Home into the realms of light.  It is likewise so when the fire of purifying love moves through heart, mind and body.  One may feel a bit frayed and fragile after a fire of rebuke has burned through one’s heart and mind, especially when one’s human ego is sizzled in the process and left limp.  I’ve had that experience more than once when it felt like words being spoken by someone were directed toward me specifically.  Ouch!  But it’s a good hurt.  We can meet the fire of purification with our own angelic fire and discover in the encounter that they are one and the same.  Our angelic fire is the fire of purification. 

     I recall a phase in my initial awakening decades ago when my entire outer being was so fused with my angelic emergence that my eyes were ablaze with light and my body felt it was in the cool blue center of a flame.  I remember how my receptionist, who was also on this path to spiritual transformation, could not look into my eyes they were so bright. When I went outdoors into the summer sunshine I felt no heat from the sun and I welcomed the rays of sunlight as part of what and who I Am.  I was meeting fire with fire and it felt so wholesome and natural.  I Am the Sun!

     That went on for several months and eventually led to a moment of transmutation and levitation during a shared group attunement and weekly world blessing service in which I participated, along with several others in various locations around the globe.  I was alone in a garden setting of a monastery when this occurred. I will share insights and implications relating to this experience in a future post. 

     At this time of increasing intensity, it suffices to say that if we are to ascend to a higher vibration — rise up into our purpose, as Jessica worded it — we must be utterly in love with Love, with the fire of transmutation, and meet the fire as our own angelic fire.  Identify with the fire.  BE the fire of fusion.  Find the cool blue undisturbed center of the flame and dwell there.  It’s the one and only way to move out of the heat and discomfort zone in a world aflame — physically, mentally, emotionally as well as spiritually.  It’s only going to get hotter around the edges of the flame.  So stay in the cool blue center.  Let’s up our radiant expression of uplifting spirit and help the world renew itself . . . while embracing the smoke and blessing the ash left behind.   I welcome your thoughts. ♥ 


Resonance with the Music of the Spheres


A Presentation at the Attunement Summit of June 19, 2021

Resonance is easier experienced than explained.  I think we all know from experience what it is, so perhaps we could explore some of the implications of resonance as they relate to attunement, and do some experiential exercises.

This Biblical passage speaks to the dynamic of resonance: “The spirit of this world comes and finds nothing in me” — because the Master had no strings attached to this world that would resonate with the coarse vibrations of man’s world at the time.

 Understanding Harmonic Resonance

Everything has a certain frequency at which it vibrates. This is known as an object’s resonant frequency. Some objects have two or more resonant frequencies, just as we have not one, but several endocrine and chakras centers that resonate differently.

When sound or light waves, which have their own resonant frequency, hit an object, it will lead to harmonic resonance if that frequency corresponds to the resonant frequency of the object.

When that happens, they are tuned to one another; therefore, both of them will sync together. They entrain.

Sometimes, in order for harmonic resonance to occur, the amplitude of the vibration of an object must increase due to the corresponding vibrations of the other object.

(This has implications and application in the dynamics at work during attunement.)

Imagine that you’re a clock and the universe is also a clock. If you are in tune and your frequencies match, you will start ticking together through harmonic resonance.

The Chakra’s Emitting Tones

Each chakra has its frequency of vibration, sound, color, and symbol to which it is tuned. When it is balanced, cleansed, and energized, then the chakra is in harmony and plays its most beautiful melody, emitting inherent vibrations.

Many aspects of life can affect these chakra frequencies and ruin the harmony, such as chaotic sounds, stress, and unhealthy thoughts and emotions.

On the other hand, things like certain people’s voices, beautiful music, positive mantras, and the vibrational energy of colors and precious stones can help to bring our chakra frequencies back into harmonic resonance.

Entrainment occurs when one rhythmic vibrating object resonates and synchronizes with another object — demonstrated by one explorer who put several Big Ben clocks with swinging pendulums in a room together. In the morning he discovered they were all ticking and swinging together in sync.

In a TED talk Judie Diamond sent to me recently, Dr. Lee Bartel, who works with honey bees, tells the story about a cricket who chirps in sync with a squeaky fan belt on a piece of machinery in his shop.  He goes on to explain how he uses sound to entrain brain waves and body cells to 40 Hz, which he discovered affected  symptomatic improvement in patients with Alzheimer’s and dementia, even fibromyalgia.  He explains how 40 Hz creates Gamma waves in the brain by way of entrainment. This is equivalent to the low E on a piano.

Gamma rays are right on the edge of the electromagnetic spectrum between x-ray radiation and light.  They are given off by stars, and by radioactive substances. They are extremely high frequency waves, and carry a large amount of energy. They pass through most materials, and are quite difficult to stop – you need lead or concrete in order to block them out.  They are used to kill cancer cells, which, unlike healthy cells, cannot repair themselves once damaged by gamma rays.  There is an implication here relating to the impact stars and heavenly bodies radiate vibrations that resonate within our own body-mind-spirit continuum. There is a very high frequency available to us that, when attuned to, can raise the vibrational frequency of cellular oscillations. It is the spirit of the Creators’ world.

Resonance occurs in music. For example, the musical pitch F, when sounded, sets in motion the overtones and undertones A and C, along with an infinite number of other overtones and undertones.

Resonance also occurs in the vibrational terrain of the heart and the mind.  For example, when someone speaks, the words convey meaning and intention, both of which are vibrational in nature.  When such words are heard by a listener, “heart strings” and “mindsets” are struck and resonate with the words of the speaker, along with the subliminal intention they convey.

Resonance is happening when we laugh, and tear up.  We have a “funny or silly bone” that resonates with the tone of a joke or comedian’s act — as well as a tender place that is touched by a beautiful scene, or an act of compassion and extraordinary kindness and generosity by someone.

Just think of the scene of Tim Conway and Harvey Korman on the Carol Burnett Show in the dental office, in which Tim accidentally stabs himself with the Novocain syringe paralyzing his arm and leg. How many are smiling or laughing? That’s resonance.

Sound-based language has an immediate resonant effect and impact upon the vibrational terrain of human activity without mental interpretation. Music is a prime example of sound-based language; it’s a universal language. The Aramaic, when spoken, is another good example of sound-based language. It’s the language that Jesus spoke with the peasants.

The Aramaic Prayer of Jesus has emerged from out of the past and been revived and set to music and danced to.  I’ve learned to articulate it and it was quite easy to wrap my tongue around it.  I frequently say the Aramaic prayer during an attunement session.  Here is a rendition of the prayer by the San Antonio Vocal Arts Ensemble. (Be sure to listen to the music after the prayer.)

English translation of the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer

Oh Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos,

Focus your light within us. Create your reign of unity now.

Your one desire then acts with ours, As in all light, so in all forms.

Grant what we need each day in bread and insight.

Loose the cords of mistakes binding us,

As we release the strands we hold of others’ guilt.

Don’t let surface things delude us,

But free us from what holds us back.

From You is born all ruling will, the power and the life to do,

The song that beautifies all, from age to age it renews.

Truly – power to these statements – may they be the ground

From which all our actions grow. Amen. 


PREMESIS: The Seven Spirits named by Uranda are, in essence, vibrational frequencies—music, in other words—inaudible music composed and orchestrated by the invisible light, the Light of Love, the true Music of the Spheres.  This is the nature of the Chakra as well. They are energy vortices that emit tones, which I’ve discovered harmonize with the tones of the endocrine centers.

The seven vibrational, or spiritual, essences manifesting and orchestrating the biochemical functions of the seven endocrine glands, nourishing the glands themselves, are sensitive to audible sound and visible light and color, and respond to such by the principle of resonance.

It is my conviction that the “Spirit” of each endocrine center is invoked and summoned forth by sound vibrations based on the principle of resonance. That invocation is partly in response to the musical tones of the Chakras.

I firmly believe that this is why and how we enjoy beautiful music, which is sometimes capable of lifting us into a state of rapturous ecstasy.  For me it is God listening and enjoying the music through me.  Or, rather, I am God enjoying beautiful music. The endocrine glands produce their hormonal chemistry that shapes how we feel physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually as we listen to music that resonates in our soul, heard with our ears, as well as with our Chakras.


As many of you know, I work with sacred sound in my attunement service.  I have found that sound may be used to create a carrier wave for spirit and intention.  I first became aware of this early in my experience of sharing attunement.  The energy in the current resonated in my vocal chords and I had the urge to hum.  When I did, the texture of the energy became smooth like silk.  From that experience, I went on to explore the use of sound in energy healing.

Each endocrine gland resonates to a specific frequency or pitch, starting with the pineal gland that resonates to F# and ending with the gonads that resonate to C natural—according to my own perceptions.

The Chakras also resonate to musical pitches, according to Tantric Yoga traditions handed down, which I’ve discovered are the tonic tones that give rise to the corresponding Major Fifth harmonic frequency, or pitch, of the spiritual energy focused and expressing in and through the endocrine glands.

For example, the Crown Chakra resonates to a B natural pitch, which is the tonic tone – the Do – of the Pineal gland’s harmonic Major Fifth tone F#. (do B, mi D#, sol F#)

For a full list of musical intervals between the Chakras and the Endocrine centers, email me and I will be more than happy to send you a chart from my book Attunement With Sacred Sound, along with a copy of my notes.  My book is also available at a cost of $32 plus postage and handling.


Keep in mind that overtones and undertones are set in motion by these pitches as well as they play upon a vast array of tissue cells throughout the body temple.

I can only imagine the cymatic configurations created in the atomic substance that make up the fabric of our anatomy and physiology.  Mending of broken parts and renewal of old parts take place.  New earth is thusly created.

Cymatics, as you are likely aware, is the phenomenon of sacred geometrical shapes and patterns that sound frequencies produce in matter, such as water.

Our bodies being composed largely of water, some 85% of it, one can only envision the impact sound has on and in them.  Here is a clip of Anna-Maria Hefele demonstrating polyphonic overtone chant.


It is important, as I approach another soul to offer my service, that my energetic atmosphere be clean and buoyant, and that my presence in our shared field is the presence of Love.  As I identify with the Attunement Current, with Love, as what I AM, I can rest assured that I am offering a pure tone for my client’s energetic body to resonate with. Whatever is dominant in my own personal emotional and mental lens — to use one of Lloyd’s useful metaphors — will find resonant substance in the capacities of another.  This is the basis, as we know, upon which response is given rise to radiation. As Paul Price has often reminded us, we bring the essence and quality of our momentary living to our attunement altar.

Resonance plays a large part in the dynamic at play in attunement.  One may simply enter the place of stillness, in Rumi’s agenda-less field of non-judgment of right and wrong, in order to assure that only the pure Tone of Love is reverberating in one’s heart and mind before extending hands and entering another’s personal and sacred space.

“Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?  Or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully.” (Psalm 24: 3-4)


Mother Earth’s natural heartbeat rhythm is the frequency of 7.83 Hz, also known as the “Schumann Resonance”.

The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth‘s electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.[1]   (Wikipedia)

Schumann Resonances were first documented by Nikola Tesla in 1899. A German physicist named Winfried Schumann studied them extensively and began trying to measure them in the 1950s, and got his name attached to them (although accurate measurements weren’t possible until the 60s—and Tesla’s numbers were right from the start.) The resonances arise from lightning storms—of which there are around 2000 occurring planet-wide at any given moment—exciting the cavity of air between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. Acoustically speaking, life on Earth arises and exists within a room whose boundaries are these. Due to the ongoing nature of the storms, this torus-shaped expanse that encases us is forever singing, like a wine glass forever flicked by the finger of fate. The fundamental frequency of that song, the do of its tonality, is, on average with slight variations, 7.83 Hz: the fundamental Schumann Resonance. (That’s about 8 trips around the planet per second.)

To say that the fundamental Schumann Resonance has an influence is an understatement: all of life on Earth—including us and our thoughts and feelings—arises within it and its harmonics. That sounds like a world do if I’ve ever heard one—and that’s the frequency associated with C and the Root Chakra in the Muzoracle system. (While 7.83 Hz is far below the range of our hearing, we can hear—and certainly feel—the resonance two octaves higher, at 31.32 Hz; three octaves higher than that we find our middle C at 250.56 Hz.)  (

Everything from our brain waves and biorhythms to our states of consciousness are directly correlated to the Earth’s frequencies.  The Schumann resonance has been steady at 7.83Hz until three years ago when it began to accelerate to somewhere in the 15 to 25Hz levels. The Earth is rapidly shifting her vibration.  (Google Search) Ω


The 7 Vibrations In Nature

We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music.”   Albert Einstein

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In the wake of the series, The Spirit of the New Earth Vibration, and while scanning my documents in search of a file, I came upon something my friend PenDell Pittman scribed and sent to me several months ago. With his permission, I will share it in this post. As you will see, it echoes and expands in a most clear and thoughtful way the theme of my last few posts in which I described the creative process through which the Spirit of Love moves down into the body mediated and differentiated into seven vibrational frequencies by the 7 glands of the endocrine system in order to touch the physical realm and re-create and maintain the new earth of our physical bodies.  PenDell’s meditation envisions the same creative process as it unfolds Creation itself in the larger cosmic context.  The opening words of Genesis explode in my mind:

“In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth; and the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and God said: “Let there be light.” (Genesis 1:1)

And the universe unfolded out of the Light, shaped by the sound of Love’s Word, differentiated into 7 rainbow frequencies composing the Music of the Spheres. In five cosmic days, the world of Nature was created as a setting for Man and Woman to live and share the ongoing work of creating the world of beauty we see around us in Nature.  As PenDell envisioned and describes it step by cosmic step in this beautiful writing. . . .


Vibration 1:   Lines of Love Force radiate into the unformed. 

Vibration 2:   The unformed is attracted to and becomes stimulated by Vibration 1. A Womb for Vibration 1 is established and becomes Vibration 2. In harmony with Vibration 1, Vibration 2 begins to radiate Lines of Force further into the unformed.    

Vibration 3:   The Radiation of the harmonization of Vibration 1 and Vibration 2 create patterns of complexity in the unformed which blossom into Vibration 3, the Life Force.

Vibration 4:   The radiance of Vibration 3 moves out into a wider radius, enticing greater complexity.  Eurythmic relationships emerge between existing complexities. This intermingling sets in motion a new pulsation that adds Assurance and Clarity to the Lines of Love Force.  

Vibration 5:   Lines of Force moving through Vibration 4 bring about an urge for greater specificity. Direction and Purpose are established within the matrix of complexities by the radiation of Sanctification.

Vibration 6:   The radiation of Vibration 5 brings a calming influence to the creative cauldron out of which a focus of intelligence and coordination comes into play and begins to apply itself as the Force of Tranquility, flowing gently within the matrix of complexities.

Vibration 7:   The Vibration 6 Lines of Force pour out into atomic substance causing it to tremble. Cymatic patterns of design begin to appear in the atomic substance that in time find relationship in symbiotic configurations that grow in complexity. In Patience a New Earth is born.

In this new beginning in our day, God is incarnate on Earth in a body of heavenly hosts who have found one another and connected along ancient lines of eternal friendship. A new Heaven has already descended upon human consciousness for a New Earth, a void awaiting its birth.  Darkness is once again upon the face of the deep of tomorrow.  The Spirit of God once again moves upon the face of the waters; and the angelic host incarnate and awake say in one voice with one accord: “Let there be light!” And there is light. And in the Light of Love there is peace in the heart and stillness in the outer mind.  And the peace and stillness allows the minute and specific details of design and control in Heaven for the New Earth to unfold and reveal themselves, all in the seasons of the Lord and the rhythms of the Music of the Spheres.  Patience is the call of the day.  Let it all unfold naturally.

The light of love shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not comprehend it, for the darkness thinks itself to be the light, the dim and waning light of “knowledge” worshipped by the human intellect.  Nevertheless, the light of love shines in the darkness and enlightens the world and human consciousness so that the New Earth can be clearly seen coming down from God out of Heaven, and joyously welcomed.

And we’ve only just begun Day One.  Let love shine into the darkness without concern for tomorrow.  All is well and well in our hands, the hands of God on Earth.  Let it be so.

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A Nuclear Community Part 3


Light Divine, the Great Creator of the Universe

What does one do while waiting for a hurricane to make land in the next few hours? Well, one can blog! So I will start composing my next blog post. 

In the first two installments of this series, I detailed the anatomy and functional dynamics of the atom, indicating that it is a microcosmic model of creative relationships in true community, and suggesting that we might learn from this model in growing our communities as the New World of another Golden Age dawns. 

I made the statement in the first post of this series that everything in the Universe orbits around a positive center of some kind, from the microcosm of the atomic world to the macrocosm of stars, galaxies and solar systems.  Even the man-made world, with its many and diverse cultures and communities, revolves around an organizing and controlling hub comprised of various belief systems, traditions and, most prevalently, financial economic systems.

In the Eastern cultures, religious beliefs and tradition are at the center of community life.  In the Western civilized world, a capitalistic economy powers the hub of human affairs.  Capitalism—where money markets and market transactions control the economies of nations—shapes and dominates community life in many countries besides the USA.  The most prominent ones are Canada, Chile, Germany, The UK, Japan, South Korea, Bangladesh. The most economical free capitalist countries are Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand and Switzerland.  Some of the poorest capitalist countries are DR Congo, Mozambique, Uganda, Tajikistan, the Yemen, Haiti, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan.  Ironically, capitalism is the root cause of poverty.  

The simple fact is, the creation of poverty is a product of our economic system. It is a necessary by-product of capitalism. It flows from the internal workings of the system, which allows a few rich owners of vast capital to extract the labor of its workers for a pittance. (

I feel fairly confident in saying that the economics of money is what powers the hub around which the wheel of human civilization revolves—and understandably so.  Money, after all, is a symbol for life.  It’s a substitute for life energy itself.  It’s our contrived artificial means of connecting with the world of resource and sustenance, and with one another . . . even Mother Nature’s Cornucopia. You can’t get out of the grocery store with a basket of groceries without handing over the “fare of the land.” Now days that’s a plastic card . . . and that brings up another aspect of our monetary system, which is no longer backed by gold but by debt. 

The money we owe credit card companies, mortgage lenders and banks in exchange for goods, services and housing is the tarnished “gold standard” upon which our economy is based . . . and it’s nothing but numbers in a computer, in virtual space. In other words, it doesn’t exist in real time and space.  Well, for that matter, neither does gold and silver.  It’s all an illusion made up of swirling vortices of atomic energy.  Like it or not, aware of it or not, we live and function in a nuclear community—mostly unaware.  There is no other way for anything to work and function in an orderly fashion except by the natural laws governing the atomic community.  All things in the universe orbit around a positive center of some kind.  

So, why not just drop the symbol of life energy in exchange for Life itself, for the thing represented by the symbol of money?  We don’t really need the symbol when the Essence behind the symbol is freely available to us. Life itself can be the essential basis upon which we build our communities and function within them . . . ABUNDANTLY! WITH NO RESTRICITON OR DEBT!  We simply share our life energy with one another, along with the fruits of our labors of love.  We don’t need money to care for ourselves, for one another and for our planet.  We simply need one another. 

The problem has been our ex-polarity.  We’ve made our external, physical creations the positive hub of control around which we revolve, and we’ve become totally responsive to our creations.  Everything, including human beings, orbit around money—and in one percent of the population, around the possession and hoarding of money.  We are turned inside out, trading Life itself for a symbol, our heritage for a mess of monetary porridge.  We need to turn ourselves outside in. It’s what the word “repent” literally means: turn around.  The Kingdom of Heaven is within us, where the King abides, where Love commands creation into existence. “Love is the Heart of Creation.” 

I’m speaking of a Life-centered, Love-centered, Truth-centered nuclear community.  With this thought in mind, I will share an excerpt from my book SACRED ANATOMY.  In this chapter I meditate upon and write about the spiritual significance of the Pituitary Gland, the physical point of focus in the body temple for the presence and radiation of the Spirit of the Womb, aka the Spirit of Truth. This was written two decades ago as we entered the New Millennium.   

A Collective Body

   Whether we are aware of it or not, our function on Earth greatly impacts the balance of creation throughout the solar entity, just as the function of the Pituitary determines the balance of energy and chemistry in our bodies.  How we use this sacred seal is crucial to the outworking of creative cycles throughout the body, as well as our relationship with others in our worlds.  It is designed to honor and give focus for the Spirit of Truth.   We use this seal correctly when our passion is for the truth of love in our momentary living.   

    It is the prayer of many who have vision and who offer themselves as spiritual mentors these days that we all become conscious of our true identity as angelic beings and aware of our mission and heavenly purpose so that we might play our parts with genuine authority in the collective role of wise stewardship and loving dominion over the balance of Creation on this planet.  A global awakening to this reality in the collective has occurred over the past few decades. 

    What is being called for today,  I feel,  is a certain meekness of mind, a willingness born of true humility to be teachable and to explore together what is required of us during these historic and crucial days of completion and new beginnings as we move into the new millennium.   When the mind is meek and teachable, still and open to explore new possibilities, the heart may feel free to open up and start trusting its perceptions and, more importantly, sharing its perspectives and understanding of how life works.  It is with the heart’s discernment that we feel our way through the darkness in this world.  It is with her understanding and perspectives, based on spirit rather than structure, that we will forge a path to the “world waiting to be born,” Scott Peck envisioned and wrote about. This is what true vision is.   

    It has been said, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” It also follows that where there is vision the people flourish.  It is important, then, that those with vision, those who know and know that they know, by virtue of their own living the truth of love, come forward to shed light into the darkness of human misunderstanding and confusion.  This is happening on a grander scale now than ever before.  Everywhere I turn I see individuals speaking their truth with authority and assurance, even if not with pristine clarity as yet.  There is much more to come in the way of purity of heart and clarity of understanding.  There’s no need to put this process on hold, however, until the heart is fully purified.  As each one puts his and her piece of truth into the collective container of consciousness, the picture continues to clarify for all.   It is the shining of one’s light that the capacity for shining is transformed and clarified.

    To use a biblical metaphor, one does not light a candle and place it under a bushel but in a place where it can be seen by men and where it will light up the entire room.  We all have a part to play and everyone’s part, without exception, is essential to the whole picture and to the inevitable outcome of the cycles of change presently underway on Earth.  No one will remain untouched or unchanged by these re-creative cycles that are bringing us all together as One Body for the One Spirit we all love and seek to serve more fully.  

    In our love for the LORD our God and for one another, the true design of spiritual governance through a pattern of harmonic focalization would naturally begin to be unveiled and fleshed out on a basis that is acceptable to all who keep their I single in the One Spirit whose design it is.  That Spirit is not an elusive, inaccessible entity, but rather is closer than breath and differentiates itself through each one of us, as it does in the natural world around us, in patterns of focalization.  Life is an organizing force that brings order and harmony out of chaos and confusion. The Universe attests to its creative genius. 

     We are drawn toward—and we draw to ourselves—those with whom we naturally resonate in spirit at the core of our hearts. This is what I mean by “harmonic focalization.” To use a musical metaphor, some of us sing melodies in the life of a community and others of us sing harmonies around them.  Those of us who normally sing harmonies sometimes find ourselves singing melodies with others, who perhaps usually sing melodies, gravitating toward us to harmonize—or coordinate—their parts with us. This is the organism rather than the organization model.  It’s the way things work in the kingdom of heaven to achieve anything genuine and organic. 

    Nothing could be achieved in the physiology of the human body but anarchy and pandemonium without the focus of the Spirit of Love in the Pineal Body and the nurturing coordination of the Spirit of the Womb in the Pituitary gland. So is it with the collective body of humanity. Where spirit is focalized and its differentiations coordinated in a pattern of control and design, the collective body temple comes together as a unified expression of divine love to provide a Home for God on Earth.  This, I believe, is the healing the Body of God on Earth is in dire need of today, a process that appears to be underway. 

     I see a collective body temple rising in our midst today composed of  incarnate beings of light the world around, men and women who have remembered who they are and why they are here, who give their utmost care and attention to the sacred in everyday life.  All are invited to play a role in this temple, be it large or small.  The Earth itself is being recognized once again for the Holy Temple it provides for the continual praise and worship of the Creator in this Solar Entity, this Cathedral of the living God. 

    Speaking of individuals emerging who carry a current of love for truth in their writings, poet and author Diana Durham’s recently released book The Return of King Arthur, which is written around the theme of the quest for the Holy Grail, a myth full of symbolism that points to the reality of human experience, past, present and future, may well be the single most important book at the dawn of the New Millennium, certainly among the top ten.  The author names, like no other author I have read to date, where we have been and how we have been wounded, where we are now and where we are headed—and naming the wound is the first step toward healing.  Her chapter eleven, “The Chalice of Collective Sovereignty,” is a must-read for every awakened human being on the planet at this time of global transformation and transition out of the old and into the New Era.  I simply cannot resist sharing just a few of the many morsels of her wisdom here in this consideration of the collective body, and as a fitting closing to our meditation on the roles the Pituitary Gland and Spirit of the Womb play in our worship of God in these temples. 

(Will be continued in the next post of this series.)  Until my next post, 

Be love. Be loved.





The Pituitary’s Role in Building Community

 “To love another person is to see the face of God”

This past Labor Day weekend, Bonnie and I watched PBS’s presentation of Les Miserables in concert format and enjoyed every minute of this powerful musical. Jean Valjean’s (Alfie Boe) last words before dying still resonate in my heart: “To love another person is to see the face of God.” Wow! My eyes teared up as he sang this line, as they did throughout the story.  I was moved by the music and the songs, especially when Fontaine (Lea Salonga) poured her heart out in “I Dreamed a Dream,” and Alfie Boe, with his rich baritone voice, sang “Bring Him Home.” But then, I’m a softy and tear up easily when sweet and caring words are spoken and acts of extraordinary generosity are portrayed in movies. Some scenes simply touch a tender spot in my heart of longing for life in our world to be as beautiful and full of simple acts of kindness and appreciation as portrayed in movies such as this. 

I am blessed to have someone close to love and to share life with. It’s a privilege I do not take for granted—although it is granted. Bonnie and I both acknowledge that we are truly a gift from Life to one another, a gift for whom I am deeply thankful, especially as we age together in a high-tech world that seems to be leaving us behind, and dear friends and family members are departing.

We have been gifted by Life in the many friends we’ve come to know over the years. I marvel at times at how we are naturally, though magically, drawn together by Spirit, occasioned by common interests and sheer resonance at times, and remain connected in spirit, though miles and oceans apart. We are clearly part of a global spiritual community that abides and serves the One in the larger Body of Man at a level clearly above the physical, yet includes the physical.

We are drawn together by Love, just as surely as the cells of our bodies are drawn together by Love and arranged by perfect design to function together in a controlled and purposeful manner as a true community—thanks to our wonderful Pituitary gland and the Spirit of Truth focused here— and the Spirit of Love focused in the Pineal gland . . . and the Spirit of Life focused in and by the Thyroid gland (which I will write about shortly) . . . and all of the other glands of our endocrine system that provide their unique focus for Life in the body.  The word focus is the operative word here for the theme of this post, in which I am happy to share this except from my book SACRED ANATOMY. 

A Collective Body

   Whether we are aware of it or not, our function on Earth greatly impacts the balance of creation throughout the solar entity, just as the function of the Pituitary determines the balance of energy and chemistry in our bodies.  How we use this sacred seal is crucial to the outworking of creative cycles throughout the body, as well as our relationship with others in our worlds.  It is designed to honor and give focus for the Spirit of Truth.  We use this seal correctly when our passion is for the truth of love in our momentary living. 

   It is the prayer of many who have vision, and who offer themselves as spiritual mentors these days, that we all become conscious of our true identity as angelic beings and aware of our mission and heavenly purpose so that we might play our parts with genuine authority in our collective role of wise stewardship, exercising loving dominion over the balance of Creation on this planet.  A global awakening to this reality in the collective has occurred over the past few decades.  What is being called for today, I feel, is a certain meekness of mind, a willingness born of true humility to be teachable and to explore together what is required of us during these historic and crucial days of completion and new beginnings as we move into the new millennium.  When the mind is meek and teachable, still and open to explore new possibilities, the heart may feel free to open up and start trusting its perceptions and, more importantly, sharing its perspectives and understanding. It is with the heart’s discernment that we feel our way through the darkness in this world.  It is with her understanding and perspectives, based on spirit rather than structure, that we will forge a path to the “world waiting to be born” Scott Peck envisioned and wrote about. This is what true vision is.

    It has been said, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” It also follows that where there is vision the people flourish. It is important, then, that those with vision, those who know and know that they know, by virtue of their own living the truth of love, come forward to shed light into the darkness of human misunderstanding and confusion.  This is happening on a grander scale now than ever before.  Everywhere I turn I see individuals living and speaking their truth with authority and assurance, even if not with pristine clarity as yet. There is much more to come in the way of purity of heart and clarity of understanding. There’s no need to put this process on hold, however, until the heart is fully purified.  As each one puts his and her piece of truth into the collective container of consciousness, the picture continues to clarify for all.  It is the shining of one’s light that the capacity for shining is transformed and clarified, as well as grows.     

   To use a biblical metaphor, one does not light a candle and place it under a bushel but in a place where it can be seen by men and where it will light up the entire room.  We all have a part to play and everyone’s part, without exception, is essential to the whole picture and to the inevitable outcome of the cycles of change presently underway on Earth.  No one will remain untouched or unchanged by these re-creative cycles that are bringing us all together as One Body for the One Spirit we all love and seek to serve more fully. 

   In our love for the One and for one another, the true design of spiritual governance through a pattern of harmonic focalization would naturally begin to be unveiled and fleshed out on a basis that is acceptable to all who keep their I single in the Spirit whose design it is.  That Spirit is not an elusive, inaccessible entity, but rather is closer than breath.  It differentiates itself through each one of us, as it does in the natural world around us, in focalized patterns.  Life is an organizing force that brings order and harmony out of chaos and confusion. The Universe attests to its creative genius.

   We each focus a unique aspect and frequency of Spirit. We are drawn toward—and we draw to ourselves—those with whom we naturally resonate in Spirit at the core of our hearts. This is what I mean by harmonic focalization. To use a musical metaphor, some of us sing melodies in the life of a community and others of us sing harmonies around them. Those of us who usually sing harmonies sometimes find ourselves singing melodies with others, who perhaps usually sing melodies, gravitating toward us to harmonize—or coordinate—their parts with us. This is the organism rather than the organization model.  It’s the way things work in the Universe to achieve anything genuine and organic. 

   Nothing could be achieved in the physiology of the human body but anarchy and pandemonium without the focus of the Spirit of Love in the Pineal Body and the nurturing coordination of the Spirit of the Womb in the Pituitary gland. So is it with the collective body of humanity. Where Spirit is focalized and its differentiations coordinated in a pattern of design and control, the collective body temple comes together as a unified expression of divine love to provide a Home for God on Earth.  This, I believe, is the healing the Body of God on Earth is in dire need of today, a process that appears to be underway. 

   I see a collective Body Temple rising in our midst today composed of  incarnate beings of light the world around, men and women who have remembered who they are and why they are here, who give their utmost care and attention to the sacred in everyday life.  All are invited to play a role in this temple, be it large or small.  The Earth itself is being recognized once again for the Sacred Temple it provides for the continual praise and worship of the Creator in this Solar Entity, this Cathedral of the living God.

   Speaking of individuals emerging who carry a current of love for truth in their writings, my friend and poet Diana Durham’s book The Return of King Arthur, which is written around the theme of the quest for the Holy Grail, a myth full of symbolism that points to the reality of human experience, past, present and future, may well be the single most important book at the dawn of the New Millennium, certainly among the top ten. The author names, like no other author I have read to date, where we have been and how we have been wounded, where we are now and where we are headed—and naming the wound is the first step toward healing.  Her chapter eleven, “The Chalice of Collective Sovereignty,” is a must-read for every awakened human being on the planet at this time of global transformation and transition out of the old and into the New Era. I simply cannot resist sharing just a few of the many morsels of her wisdom here in this consideration of the collective body, and as a fitting closing to our meditation on the roles the Pituitary Gland and Spirit of the Womb play in our body temples. –(from SACRED ANATOMY)

Due to their length, I will publish the excerpts from her book in my next post, concluding this series on the Spiritual Significance of the Pituitary Gland.

To my followers and readers

I seek to speak truth to a compromised state of human consciousness in my writings. To the extent my words are received by you my readers, they convey my spirit into the collective consciousness and my purpose for writing and blogging is thereby accomplished. For that I am deeply thankful to God for you and for all who follow and read my blogs.  Feel free to share my posts with friends as deemed fitting. 




The Spiritual Significance of the Pituitary Gland

“If you continue in my word, you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (Jesus)

I love it when someone says or writes something that moves me to re-think my beliefs — my belief about “the Truth” for instance, and how it makes us free. The word “truth” has acquired a rather dogmatic connotation.  I have adopted a more philosophical meaning that’s free of parochial baggage:

Truth is simply design and control.

Truth is what makes things and events what they are — shapes them and gives them purposeful function and freedom of movement. For example, the truth of a hand is its shape and flexibility, its main purpose being to hold things. “Hands are the servants of the body,” someone once said. If it were to lose its characteristics, we could say the hand has lost its truth — along with its freedom of movement. 

In the case of events, the truth is what’s behind the facts that shapes them and gives them their meaning and purpose.  Someone recently said that in order to find the truth you have to know the facts. Facts may lead to the truth, but facts are not truth. Facts are the surface play of events behind which lies their truth. Altering the facts with “fake news” does not change the truth. As the saying goes, the truth will out — and free us from deception. 

All things have their truth, and when their truth is compromised, things break down and fail to function. If one uses one’s hand as a hammer, for example, it will get damaged and eventually break down. Thankfully, we have pain to stop such abuse. When one goes to the doctor with a broken hand, the doctor will put it in a cast to stabilize it so that it can heal. Healing occurs as the truth of the hand returns to it — from within — freeing it from its limitations.

The truth of a human being is not the collection of concepts and beliefs acquired by the mind. The truth of a human being is the Spirit that informs our flesh, gives it design, control and freedom of movement; that enlightens our minds so we can see clearly what is true and what is false, freeing us from the limitations of preconceived concepts and beliefs. That spirit has been called “The Spirit of Truth.”  

This brings me to this new series of considerations on the spiritual significance of the Pituitary gland with excerpts from my book SACRED ANATOMY.  


   Underneath the brain is a saddle-shaped depression in the sphenoid bone called the Sella Tursica.  The sphenoid is a large bone appearing in shape like a bat in flight forming the floor of the skull and connecting all the bones of the cranium together.  Here the Pituitary gland (hypophysis) rests protected in her bony saddle, much as a queen upon her throne exercising loving but firm dominion over her queendom. In size and shape similar to that of a green pea, the Pituitary’s domain is the entire endocrine system and the overall production of hormones throughout the body.  It accomplishes all of this with the coordinating assistance of the Hypothalamus. For this reason it has earned the distinguished title of the “Master Gland” or “Mother Gland.”

    The Pituitary encompasses both masculine and feminine functions. Comprised of two lobes, anterior and posterior, this gland is suspended by a stalk attached to the Hypothalamus at the base of the brain, from which it receives decision-making commands regarding its own hormonal secretions.  These commands are the positive creative emanations of the Spirit of Love. They are based in part on information about the surrounding circumstances received through the eyes by way of light, as well as through the other physical, mental and emotional senses. They bring the patterns of design and control for the manifestation of life in and through the body temple.

   Pituitary gland seated in the  Sella Tursica

    The anterior lobe of the Pituitary (adenohypophysis) secretes most of the Pituitary hormones which stimulate growth, egg and sperm development, milk secretion, as well as determining the hormonal secretions of the thyroid, adrenal and gonadal glands and affects the growth of long bones, muscles and internal organs, all functions of the achieving masculine. 

   The posterior lobe of the Pituitary (neurohypophysis) stores and releases hormones from the hypothalamus that control Pituitary function, uterine contraction and milk release and blood pressure.  It is concerned more with the mammary glands, stimulating the production of milk through the hormone prolactin, for example, and the kidneys by regulating the secretion of urine and body fluid levels in general, all functions of the nurturing feminine. 

   There are many functions in the body temple which this tiny but pivotal gland services. One of its most important ones is the production of growth hormones that regulate the cellular absorption of nutrients to control their development. Growth hormones also work with insulin in controlling blood sugar.  Another function influenced by the Pituitary gland is the metabolism, the building up and tearing down of tissues and the burning of food for energy. This is likely its most important of services to the body, one which it carries out in partnership with the thyroid and adrenal glands by stimulating them to release thyroxine and glucocorticoid hormones. In fact, most of the production of pituitary hormones is for the purpose of stimulating other hormonal glands. Such hormones are called precursors because they are literally forerunners to the hormones that are produced by their facilitation.  

   An interesting function of the Pituitary, relating to its motherly role, is the production of oxytocin, a hormone secreted by the pituitary glands of both mother and baby triggered by the pressure on the top of the infant’s head exerted by the hyper-extended surrounding tissues of the womb.  This somehow gives a signal to the child to initiate the series of contractions in the uterus that push it out at the time of birth.  At the same time it starts up the production of milk, the first food it will need after the umbilical cord is cut. One doesn’t commonly think of the baby initiating its own birthing process.  Nevertheless, here is a living example of the child of Love obeying the wise direction of its Mother, the Spirit of Truth working through the Pituitary gland, while exercising its freedom, based simply in how things work in the natural order and design, to set its own cycles in motion and therein assume full responsibility for all that follows this first step that initiates life in the conscious world. 


   In partnership with the Pineal gland, the Pituitary gland provides a focus in the body temple for the nurturing Spirit of the Womb, another name for the Spirit of Truth. These names aptly describe the function of this gland in the growth and maturation processes in the body, much as a mother wisely oversees the care and nurturing of her offspring. Here is the seat of wisdom where the impeccable design and absolute control bring the firm dominion of spiritual and corporeal governance into the affairs of the temple and beyond.

   The essences of the Spirit of the Womb may begin to be perceived as we meditate more deeply upon the furnishings of the temple, represented in their metaphorical details in the story of the Ark of the Covenant.  In front of the ark an altar was placed and on the altar a golden candlestick.  This candlestick was unusual in that it held seven candles.  It was so fashioned that out from the one central candlestick branched six other candles so as to form a candelabrum which held seven candles. The description of this candelabrum is remarkably detailed in Exodus (25:31-40).   

    And thou shalt make a candlestick of pure gold: of beaten work shall the candlestick be made: his shaft, and his branches, his bowls, his knobs, and his flowers, shall be of the same….Three bowls made like unto almonds, with a knob and a flower in one branch; and three bowls made like almonds in the other branch, with a knob and a flower: so in the six branches that come out of the candlestick.  

The Menorah

First of all, the candlestick is made of pure gold, symbolizing the spirit and golden substance of love out of which the seven endocrine glands, along with the entire body temple, are made.  It was a “beaten work” which means it was all made out of one solid piece of gold.  As portrayed in this picture of the Menorah, the shaft, branches, bowls, knobs and flowers of this candlestick symbolize the endocrine system with its masculine and feminine hormonal glands, many of them almond-like in shape. They are blended together in this candelabrum just as both the man and the woman have masculine and feminine energies working within them.   

     A profound sense of awe comes over me each time I read this passage, arousing in my innermost core a sense of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine together in rapturous embrace — Father God received into the womb of Mother God.   It is clearly apparent to me that present within our own body temples is the reality which this prophetic candelabrum symbolizes — the seven endocrine glands powered by the Spirit of Love focused in the Pineal and carefully coordinated by the Spirit of the Womb via the Pituitary, to make the Spirit of Life manifest in the body temple with all its majesty and glory in a continual ceremony of ascension. Here, indeed, is where divine Man was created and placed by the LORD God on the sixth day of creation.  Not the mortal man we know today but divine Man, a state of Immortal Being which we have long forgotten but are beginning to re-member, not only in theory but in actual experience.

     The first divine man . . . was created on the sixth day; that is, on the sixth plane of world being, where union takes place and the change from negative to positive is consummated. Divine man was to have dominion over all the earth, and everything on the earth.  (Uranda, The Triune Ray)

   Here is the positive radiation of love coming to focus in the masculine energy which gives its release potency and penetration. This description of “his shaft, his branches, his bowls, his knobs and his flowers” portrays the Divine Masculine in his positive, vertical presence in harmonious partnership with the Divine Feminine, drawing forth the creativity inherent in her responsive juiciness and elegant, nurturing reception and embrace of his seminal expressions of love at the sixth level of being where they were placed together in the Garden planted Eastward in Eden to dress and to keep it.  She never tires in her role of preparing a fertile womb for their gestation, protection and maturation.

The Spirit of the Womb contains the very essences of the Creative Process at the sixth plane of being, a principle that is solely concerned with bringing forth the seeds of love through the cycles of conception, gestation, growth and development, and eventual harvest and birth.  It is the role of Mother God, played so majestically and meticulously, looking after every last detail with as much care as she will show for the baby itself once it is born through her womb. It is the role of Father God empowering her and supporting her in every large and small way needed for their labor of love. Man, Masculine and Feminine, is the Mother of God.

   This was not just an ordinary candelabrum for holding candles to illumine an otherwise dark temple.  It was a ceremonial candle depicting the profoundly sacred and erotogenic anatomy of Man which is designed to facilitate creation, which itself was designed to facilitate the ceremony of ascension of substance before the throne of God in heaven as well as on earth. —-(Excerpted from SACRED ANATOMY)

To be continued….

Credits: Graphic art by David Stefaniak

Culling and Purification by Resonance

“The prince of this world cometh, and findeth nothing in me.” (Jesus)

I would like to pause in this series to focus on purification of the heart, mainly because it’s what we’re going through, individually and collectively, as conditions in the global climate, and in world politics, heat up. In the physical body, purification is a function of the Thymus gland and immune system — which we will consider later. In the spiritual body, purification takes place in the heart. 



There was good reason why shepherds mixed goats in with their herd of sheep in Biblical days. The reason was to protect the sheep from being attacked by wolves. It seems the strong body odor of the goats provided a protective shield around the herd, acting as sort of a “wolf-repellent.” I guess wolves don’t particularly like goat for dinner, or being gored by their pointed horns.  Whatever the reason, wolves tended to stay away from sheep herds that had goats mixed in with them. Upon returning from the grazing fields to the corral, the sheep were culled out from the goats and placed in separate enclosures — thus the Biblical parable of the shepherd separating the sheep from the goats.


Today we are experiencing the reality portrayed by this parable, only the culling is by resonance. It’s vibrational and it works through the heart. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

The full passage from James Allen’s book reads:

“As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” As the plant springs from, and could not be without, the seed, so every act of a man springs from the hidden seeds of thought.

Those seeds of thought lay dormant in the heart and spring forth in resonance with a vibration in an outside source — a teacher, for example Jesus, or a spiritual guru — or, in the case of a terrorist, a radical ideology.

In musicology the principle of resonance states that when a single tone is played, that tone will find a similar and sympathetic frequency in another instrument and cause it to sound,


Resonance occurs between all vibrating substances, including people. We tend to gravitate towards people who “strike a chord” in us, as we say. That’s resonance — and here in the US there’s been a lot of resonance experienced in us as we’ve listened to the rhetoric coming out of Washington DC these past few years. The fact is, our resonance with the tone of that rhetoric, and lack thereof, has served as a culling factor in calling us out and amplifying the split in our Nation right down the middle into right and left “camps.” Not “right and wrong” but simply “right and left” — conservative and liberal — and there are degrees of conservatism and liberalism. We have the “far right” and the “far left,” and the “moderates” in between these two extremes.  We are divided and separated from one another by our political views — our resonance with different ideologies and views — none of which are worthy of us,

Before we got separated into camps, we were all mixed together, like the sheep with the goats, and we respected one another’s political views and orientation. Not anymore. Unless you are prepared to meet the repercussions, you are wise to avoid bringing up politics at a family gathering. 


This holds true with the topic of religion as well – perhaps even more so. There’s nothing more vexing to my spirit than evangelical rhetoric. I was brought up Catholic and truly believed that only Catholics would go to heaven when they died. All the other religions were outside the circle of “chosen ones.” I used to preach this narrow and misguided view trying to convince others that, if they wanted to go to Heaven, they needed to become Catholics. I was a “staunch Catholic,” even an aspirant to the priesthood. But I was not being a Christian. A true Christian would love people just the way they are and respect their beliefs.

My awakening came when a wise teacher told me with a compelling tone of authority: “You are not a Catholic. You are a human being made in the image and likeness of God.” Shortly after that surprisingly resonant encounter with primal truth, I stopped being a Catholic and set out on a path toward learning how to live life as an authentic human being made in the image and likeness of God, with love, respect and compassion for all – “believers” and “nonbelievers” alike.  


Resonance is a good thing, as it exposes and releases the hidden patterns of thought and feeling that spur our behavior. It lets us see what’s really inside ourselves and gets it out here where we can observe it, bless it, and take steps to change the way we think in our hearts.  In this sense, it’s a blessing, for instance, when feelings of fear and hate are triggered by what someone says, or preaches from their political lectern — or what we see on social media and hear in the news. Only we do not have to act on those feelings.

I recall a television interview with Dr. Depak Chopra, a highly regarded and beloved spiritual guru. It was during the 2016 presidential elections when Donald Trump was rising to take the helms of our Nation’s government. The interviewer asked Dr. Chopra what he thought about the hate and fear-mongering rhetoric pouring out of this man’s mouth on a daily basis. Depak’s countenance immediately changed as he began formulating his response. He said that he experienced real fear for the first time and it shocked him. The fear in his heart had been hidden from him until this moment in time. He expressed utter dismay in its eruption, triggered up in resonance to the tone of Donald Trump’s rhetoric.


Then he shared his realization of what was taking place vibrationally and proceeded to demonstrated how he handled the fear as the mindful person he is. Rather than let the feeling consume his outer being, he observed it with love and embraced it with compassion so as to transform it and reclaim the energy it was holding captive back into the Whole. I was utterly amazed and edified by his mastery and humility.  Even the greatest among us have hidden thoughts and feeling reactions in our hearts that can and will resonate with similar thoughts and feelings in others when they are vented with passion.

Then he said something most profound and prophetic. He said that the repercussions of Trump’s rhetoric had knocked the lid off of the collective unconscious and has released all sorts of ill patterns of thought, feeling and unwholesome spirits that have lay dormant there for eons. Those unholy patterns of thought, feeling and behavior are finding expression through the masses and being acted out, particularly by those who resonate with the tone of Trump’s rhetoric.

The lid is off the id and anything can happen . . . not just here in America, but globally.  Apocalypse — a revelation of what has been hidden, of truth and of deception — is happening.


Take heart, however, for we can seize the opportunity to let our hearts be cleansed of hidden ill thoughts and feelings that are triggered up, so that when the “prince of this world” comes, it finds nothing in us that resonates with its dissonant hateful tones. These ill thoughts and feelings are held in distorted patterns by energy that has been leached and stolen from the Whole, from the Source of all energy.  Stolen by the human ego, the self-active human mind, which is bringing great wrath to bear on the earth and humanity because it knows that its days are numbered and it has but a short time to exist in its present self-centered state —  and it resists transformation and redemption. In the metaphor above, the wolf is the self-active human mind, the prince of this world, and he has learned to come in sheep’s clothing. 


We all have a mixture of sheep and goat in us — of true and false beliefs and convictions, of good and bad spirits and attitudes, and buttons that get pushed. Perhaps we have hidden our true convictions behind traditional and conventional beliefs and attitudes in order to avoid judgment and criticism, or inciting an argument with friends we don’t want to lose. Real friends are precious, though rare. Or we criticize and judge so as to appear “only human” in the sight of our peers. My point is that we have a mixture of both pure and vile in us that keeps us, in appearance anyway, out of range of the  wolf’s “evil eye,” so to speak; and there is no one eligible to throw the first stone. 


Whereas I do my best to respect another’s beliefs, short of imposing mine on others, I have come to make no excuses for my own convictions gained by experience of truth in living life beyond my prior beliefs. Truth does, after all, free us of our beliefs.  Should the wolf come, my Spirit will be my “shield and buckler.” There’s no need to defend my truth, nor my Self.  Action may be appropriate, but not defense. The true shepherd steps forward to protect his sheep from the wolf when there are no goats in the herd. The pure of heart see God, see the good in all. There comes a time when one simply cannot hide behind convention and tradition any longer. “Let the chips fall where they may” has served as an appropriate attitude. We can come clean of our beliefs, the ego’s feelings not withstanding.


The Ego is simply our sense of self; the capacity with which we are consciously aware of who we are. The word “ego” is Latin for “I am,” as we learned in high school. We have been taught that we are “only human.” But that is our human ego speaking. We are Human Beings, and our Being is divine, made in the image and likeness of God. We can begin the process of remembering who we are by changing how we see ourselves, not as “merely human” but as Human Beings, as Divine Man, masculine and feminine. That is the truth of the matter. Our sense of self, our ego, is being called to “come up hither” and give us the capacity to know who we truly are, our Divine Self.


OM in a drop of oil

Speaking and acting out of love, expressing the qualities of Being, such as peace, thankfulness, and compassion, we sound a Tone with which those who have resonant substance in their hearts can resonate. With many now so living and expressing out of love, a line is drawn upon the Earth based on resonance to the Tone of the Seventh Angel’s Trumpet. 

That Angel visited this planet two-thousand-plus years ago and set the Tone for the culling of the body of Man on Earth. Those who resonate with the Tone of Love rise up in joy. There is no need to judge those who do not resonate with Love but who yet resonate with fear and hate. That’s not my business. The Lord would that none should perish, but that all should come to repentance and turn from their orientation in the material world and discover their spiritual orientation and true identity as sons and daughters of the Father and brothers and sisters to one another.  It is my prayer as well.  But let us not tarry, as time is no more. 

Until my next post, when I will resume sharing excerpts from Sacred Anatomy, let your beautiful light shine,


I welcome your thoughts and responses. My email address is

Extinguishing Fire With Sound

My Chorale PicI learned something today that turned on a light in my mind. Someone posted a video clip on Facebook demonstrating how fire can be extinguished with sound – a very low frequency bass sound. Here’s the demo:

Can you see how and why this works? Think about it for a moment. Fire results when atoms and molecules vibrate at a super high frequency, so high that they emit, or transmit, light so intense that it sets matter on fire. Now, the fuel in the skillet is already a high-frequency fuel, like gasoline or lighter fluid.  Add a little frequency boost with fire and the fuel immediately ignites, consuming the oxygen around it.

So how does the low frequency bass sound put out the fire? One possibility is by lowering the vibration of the fuel to such a low level that the atoms and molecules don’t burn.  In other words, fire results when molecules vibrate at a super high frequency. It would seem logical that if you lower the frequency at which they vibrate, they would stop burning. Another possibility is that the bass sound pushes the air with such a force that it blows the fire out. I am inclined to go with the first possibility.

I’ve been working with energy in my attunement with sound healthcare service for some forty years, researching the use of sound in healing for a book that is presently being released by Amazon: Attunement with Sacred Sound.  Being an energy and sound healer, I immediately saw how this phenomenon of sound extinguishing fire may work – (the first possibility above). You see, high frequencies increase the vibration of molecules whereas low frequencies decrease their vibration. This is why most of my clients love the lower frequencies of my fourteen and sixteen inch quartz crystal bowls. Their sound waves are calming. They put out the fire of anxiety, fear and worry, all high-frequency emotional and mental states.  They also calm down inflammation in the body that’s causing pain. I also use the high frequency sounds for fine-tuning the endocrine and chakra energy centers. After I’ve finished fine-tuning these energy centers, I finish with my fourteen-inch C quartz crystal bowl, which I use to attune the skeletal system along with the organs of the body. The low sound frequency is very grounding.

This brings up another way of looking at this sound healing technique, which is to see high frequencies as facilitating ascension to higher levels of being and low frequencies as facilitating a descent of spirit into fuller incarnation in the physical body.  In other words, low frequencies encourage and facilitate grounding, an essential aspect of sound healing, as sound has a tendency to lift one out of the physical and into a more spiritual state of being. Sound healing tends to be un-grounding — a word of caution to my fellow sound healers.

I like a comment a friend and colleague made about attunement on my FB post. He writes: “Attunement modulates and influences vibrational patterns , allowing a pattern that is out of control to return to it’s natural rate [of vibration].”  Sound can serve as a carrier wave for the attunement or healing current. This is what my book is all about. The following is the announcement of the imminent release of my book:


Attunement with Sacred Sound provides a pivotal revelation about the phenomenal connection you and I have to the powerfully grand energies of all creation. The seeming platitude that states, “We are all one,” or “We are one with everything,” is quite true, in fact! Keep reading and you will discover more about just how profoundly this is the case.                   From the Foreword by PenDell Pittman

Sound is a tool for creation.  Not just any sound, but sound that carries a tone and a wave form that is coherent and pure. We call this “music.”  Then there’s the “Musica Universales, or Music of the Spheres” an ancient concept attributed to Pythagoras who reportedly could hear the musical harmonies of the planets. Are these the sound waves that carry the Word that creates all things sent forth by the Creator into the void of space? Pythagoras based our musical theory on this mathematically precise Musica.

Musical sound is being used extensively and increasingly in the healing arts. It can be used effectively with attunement and all forms of energy work. My use of sound in attunement is not so much to heal our physical ills as it is to facilitate the generation and clarification of pneumaplasm, the rarified spiritual substance that connects spirit with form. It is through this substance that spirit has a means of connecting with and managing the world of physical form. This is the medium for the propagation of the Tone that creates all living things and through which Love comes forth out of heaven to touch the earth of our flesh – or, perhaps more accurately, how flesh rises to touch heaven, spiritualized by the radiant current of Love moving in and through it. When flesh is touched by Love it is uplifted, transformed, made whole and holy. What I am suggesting here is that music, harmonic sound, is a tool that can be used as a carrier wave for spirit in the healing and transformational processes.

I emphasize the word resonance in this work to remind us that we are not manipulating physical substance – or mental and spiritual substance for that matter – with sound. We are simply sounding a tone that may engender and give rise to a resonantresponse from within the person’s heart of hearts. It is the vibration of the resonant response within the individual – self or other – that does the ‘work’ in harmonizing and uplifting the vibrations of life in the tissue cells of the body.

My interest in the art of Sacred Sound relates to how it may enhance our attunement energy work as a tool that is vibrational in nature. Beyond the human voice, there are musical and sound-producing instruments that lend themselves to the art of Sacred Sound – such as singing bowls, chimes, tuning forks, drums, and a few others I explore in the book.

My book will be available at Book Price: $35.99 (includes postage within the USA)

Order my book and explore a whole new dimension of sound healing. Purchase a quartz crystal bowl (an 8″ F or a 14″ C bowl) and play it for a few minutes every day. Better still, invest in two bowls, the 8″ F and the 14″ C bowls: F is for the heart Chakra and C is for the bones and whole body.  Play them together and enjoy the harmony they produce. This is a very smart investment in your whole health.

Until my next post, here’s to your good health.

Anthony Palombo, DC

Check out my HealthLight Newsletter on line at for a variety of articles on health and wellness.





“Sonic Geometry” and the . . . . “Music of the Spheres”

Tony Pics for SA BookThis is a fascinating video, especially for the mathematicians and musicians among us, as well as those of us who know  Sacred Geometry. For the mathematician, the presentation delves into numbers and numerical ratios that form the basis for structure and shaping of life forms in our world and throughout the Universe. For the musician, it presents the geometrical basis for the Pythagorean determination of note frequency values and the musical scale used here in the West. For those knowledgeable of Sacred Geometry, you’ll find nothing new here but you may delight in the clarity and simplicity of the presentation of the profound design behind all of Creation. For the rest of us who are not mathematically, geometrically, or musically inclined, we will find the video full of interesting and thought-provoking historical facts and developments that have led to consciousness evolution and our simple enjoyment of the beauty of form in the Natural world, and of music itself. 

As a musician, I must say that I came away from viewing this video with a deep sense of sadness and disappointment over the changes made to the note frequencies in our modern day musical scale which is based on A 440 rather than on the ancient and more natural A 432, as you will see in the video. I don’t know exactly what to make of it, as all the beautiful music of the Masters we enjoy so much today is written for instruments tuned to an A 440 based scale. So, I don’t know what we’ve been missing out on; perhaps ecstatic sounds and harmonies infinitely more beautiful, uplifting and transforming than even Handel’s Alleluia Chorus. I’ve heard piano music played on a piano that was tuned according to “just tuning,” which is based on natural harmonics as opposed to contrived “even tuning.”  The music seemed to rise to infinite heights and plunge to bottomless depth. What I mostly fear is that the masses are once again being manipulated and kept imprisoned by those who seek to limit the evolution of human consciousness for political power and control purposes. Why did the “powers that be” back then find it so necessary to change these frequency values used to create our music? And why by 8 hertz, the difference between 432 and 440? 

Sacred Sound Tools

Sacred Sound Tools (click on picture to enlarge)

Just for example, take the ancient Solfaggio frequencies of a six-notes scale (ut, re, me, fa, sol, la) used in ancient chants that put people in an ecstatic state of communion with God, rendering the priesthood unnecessary and more of an impediment to the realization of the literal meaning and purpose of religion (which means to bind hack to, in this instance to God) than a facilitation. They were banned by the Catholic Church and forbidden to be used. Fortunately, they have been re-discovered and returned to use in sacred sound healing schools and by alternative healthcare practitioners. I use them in my sound healing work. Their overtones and undertones have no top or bottom. In other words, they are not boxed in as though they existed independent of a larger range of frequencies, like the modern musical scale suggests. There’s no “do” (or in this case “ut”) at the end of the scale to close it off to further expansion into the inaudible range of frequencies, so as to produce a sense that one has arrived at the end of the music. There’s no end to the music of the Salfaggio frequencies. They’re open ended.

Don’t get me wrong or misinterpret my implications here. Classical and even some modern music can warm the heart and bring peace and solitude to one’s soul and inner terrain, even bring one to a state of ecstasy — or perhaps mesmerize and lull one into an oblivious state of utter tranquility and receptivity to subliminal encoded suggestions. Don’t think it isn’t done in elevators and shipping malls and via the music played in the background of TV commercials. But does it facilitate real transformation and ascension of consciousness? Can it lift one’s spirit to ecstatic heights of union with God? Possibly. Handel was said to have exclaimed “I have seen the face of God!” upon completing his Alleluia Chorus. But did it change his life here on earth? To see God is not necessarily to know God. So many of the great classical composers left us heavenly music while their lives were less than heavenly and harmonious. Their music rather seemed to have driven some of them mad, as did art for some artists, like Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh, whom Kirk Douglas portrayed so dramatically in Lust for Life.    

I had a dream many years ago when I began to explore sacred sound as a healing modality. And in this dream I heard a chord that ascended and descended in ranges of frequency to infinity. It had no beginning and no end but encompassed both earth and heaven as a connecting chord — perhaps the mythical and mystical “Lost Chord.”  I head that sound again many years later during a workshop intensive I was presenting in Attunement with Sacred Sound at a retreat center in Corona, California. We were combining sacred harmonies with sacred energy, using sound as a carrier wave for spirit. Apparently the sacred energy of love took the harmonies we were toning and lifted them up to their natural tones and overtones to carry it upward and outward for world healing. Heaven and earth were definitely connected by the sound wave of harmony we were generating. It was as though we had generated a tangible and malleable substance — what we know of a “pneumaplasm” in the Attunement Field — fine enough for the spirit of Love to move through and flow down out of heaven into the earth . . . and I now begin to see, even as I write these words, that perhaps this is what has been taken away by mind-oriented and manipulative man by changes made to the ancient musical scale based on A 432. Just perhaps. I would love to see the restoration of the original tone frequencies based on Sacred Geometry. It was encouraging to hear that a movement is underway among musicians to tune guitars, flutes and other instruments to A 432.

If you wish to read further on this historical and ongoing pitch battle, you’ll find this rather comprehensive article by Colin Dickey most informative and entertaining: “Pitch Battles — How a paranoid fringe group made musical tuning and international issue.”

Enjoy the video.

You can see it on YouTube here:

In my next post we will explore the electromagnetic universe and the Earth-Sun connection. Until then, 

Be love. Be loved. ~Anthony

Read my Health Light Newsletter online at for informative and inspiring articles on health and healing.  Current issue features “Food Our Medicine — Medicine Our Food.”  Thank you for following my blogs.


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