Creating the New Earth Together

Archive for the ‘Quartz Crystal Bowls’ Category

My Heart a Sea of Glass. . .Mingled with Fire


When my heart is quiet and my mind is still, my inner landscape becomes a sea of glass clear as crystal, mingled with fire.  Upon this crystal sea of quiet stillness is reflected the light of my spirit divine.  And I am immediately in love with what I see and what I know of who I am.

Then my heart wants to sing and I hear the sounds of light in heaven begging to be sounded on earth . . . the music of the spheres.   Thus am I guided in my quest for the sacred harmonies of the cosmos that make this world, my form, so beautiful, so magical.

I connect these two realms of heaven and earth with the music of the Soul of my soul. The inaudible becomes heard, the invisible  seen, the unspoken finds words in my heart, which alone understands the mystery of the Word made flesh.  The mystery of God is finished in my earth . . . and I know the awful power and sublime bliss of attunement with the One I Am.

Attunement with Sacred Sound

Sound is a natural carrier wave for spirit and for consciousness.  I have found it very useful in my attunement healing work.   I use tuning forks, singing bowls and voice to create sound waves.   Over the years I have collected several such tools for sacred sound. (Click on the above link to obtain a copy on my book exploring this methodology in depth.)

When I found an “A” bowl forged of Tibetan metals that sings a pure tone when stroked with the soft leather-bound end of the baton, I could then play three complete harmonious chords during attunement with sacred sound sessions. They are:

1) the A Major chord (A C# E) for the Spirit of the Womb (Pituitary and Crown Chakra),

2) the F Major chord (F A C) for the Spirit of Purification (Thymus gland and Heart Chakra), and

3) the D Major chord (D F# A) for the Spirit of the Single Eye (Adrenal glands and the Chi power center and/or Root Chakra).

Sacred Anatomy

Now, these pitches and chords are not etched in stone as the pitches and chords for specific energy sites in the body.   Like our physical forms, this is a work in progress, and as we continue to evolve spiritually in consciousness, the flesh of our body temples will continue to spiritualize, the cells that comprise the flesh thus oscillating to higher and higher frequencies, ascending as they shift frequencies.

This said, however, I am inclined to embrace my original inspired realization that the harmonic tones of the light of the sun and the light of love are comprised of relative frequencies, seven in number, and since our physical bodies are created by love from out of the vibrational substances of light and sound, and are positioned at the crossover point between these two creating forces of sunlight and lovelight,  the frequencies of the sacred energy sites of the seven endocrine glands and the seven Chakra are relative harmonics of the tones of these two luminous realities. Indeed, they are prisms for refracting the light of the Spirit of Love into seven spirits and the light of the sun into seven colors and musical pitches.

This is what I mean by the term “sacred anatomy” in my book by the same name. All of the anatomy of our body temples is sacred and connected to everything in heaven above and earth below, as are all things in the Universe. So, I’m not saying anything new here.   I only wish to emphasize the special role the seven hormonal glands of our endocrine system play, in concert with the seven chakras, grounding sacred energy and therein bringing the Creator in touch with Creation . . . God incarnate in human flesh.  Is there anything more special, more mystical and mysterious, more enjoyable than this?!  We have the best seat in the House of many mansions to enjoy the Symphony of the Music of the Spheres.

Is not this something worth being and living in attunement with?!  Worth keeping my heart and mind a sea of glass clear as crystal and mingled with the fire of my love for life?!  Surely it is.

How to do that and still live in the world of turmoil and strife?  The key lies in finding the still point of one’s turning world.  For once one finds it, one will never want to leave it, and once it finds you it will never let you leave it.  One can find it through attunement.  One can find it through meditation.  Of this be assured:  while you are looking for it, it is looking for you, for a creation without a creator is impossible and will always seek out its origins for sovereign benediction and for attunement with the Light of the Creator. Creation also seeks its creator for change and renewal.  Should it not find its creator, it will disintegrate without the blessing of its creator, and that is truly sad. This is why evening and morning sanctification, where one takes one’s world into one’s heart and hands for blessing and forgiveness, is so uplifting.  Because it’s also centering.

I start an attunement session by asking the person to come into the present moment completely with no thought of doing or accomplishing anything other than simply coming into the present moment and being now here.  Putting these two words together we have nowhere.  To help them I suggest they get in touch with the feeling that they will be here for the rest of their life with nothing demanding their attention, either from yesterday or tomorrow, not even in the immediate future after the session.  Be here now forever.  I take that attitude myself so that I can offer the greatest possible blessing.  I then assist them to come to a place where that is the truth of the matter, for the here and now can be taken into every moment of life.   Or, more accurately stated, every moment of living can be brought into the here and now.

So thoroughly can one become absorbed into the here and now and be present in the center of one’s turning world that one can lose the sense of going anywhere, as on a journey, and gain the sense that somewhere is always coming to where one is. One may have to don an automobile or a jet liner to accomplish this task, just as we had to don a physical body in order to walk in a world of space and time. But one no longer sees oneself as moving out of the present here and now at the center on one’s revolving world.  This simple change in perspective is the resolution of all forms of stress, for it puts to rest the desire to be somewhere other than where one is now, and to have anything more than what one has now. All things come to one who waits in patience upon the creative cycles that move one’s world toward the center where I am. And they come at a rate that I can easily handle them appropriately and successfully with the greatest of ease and to the blessing to all concerned.  Above all, it creates the unhurried atmosphere inside of a sea of glass clear as crystal mingled with fire.

Be love. Be loved.








“Sacred Sound Field” Experiential

Still Meadow Attunement Workshop – October 28-29, 2016

My Chorale Pic

Portland, OR Attunement workshop

On Saturday evening we created what I have called a “Sacred Sound field” using four true-tone quartz crystal bowls placed outside the circles of some 40 attunement practitioners at the position of the Four Quarters. The bowls were a 14” B bowl, a 10” D# bowl, an 8” F# bowl, and an 8” B bowl. This combination of bowls created a sound field in the musical key of B Major, what I have designated as Crown Chakra and Pineal gland harmonics. This combination of bowls and tones included two B bowls an octave apart and the Major Third and Perfect Fifth notes of the B Major chord.

To move energy, I used two more bowls: a 10” D bowl to create a minor mode to bring energy up for resolution in a major chord, and an 8” E bowl to create an augmented chord for bringing energy down for resolution.

Technique used: silence the D# bowl and play the D bowl. Then silence the D bowl and return to the D# bowl for resolution of the minor mode to the major mode. Follow the same procedure with the E bowl.

While the bowls were being played, those sitting in the two circles explored sharing attunement within the Sacred Sound field. The ladies formed the inner circle and the men sat in the outer circle. Three chairs were placed in the center of the circles, turned to the left to create yet another circle in the core center of the “vesica” portal created by the sounds converging and crossing one another. In these chairs couples from the outer circles took turns sharing attunement for a few minutes, working with the first two endocrine glands.

While the bowls were being played, I had the men in the outer circle tone an OM in tune with the large B bowl while the ladies toned the Perfect Fifth harmonic in tune with the 8” F# bowl. A few of the ladies who were musically trained toned the third harmonic, moving up and down with me as I changed to a minor and augmented mode. At one point I asked the toning to stop while the bowls only were played, which many preferred.

Lloyd Meeker, the originator of the workshop, noted in the comment period that the playing  of the bowls alone had a more potent and clear impact than when accompanied by the toning. Other comments indicated that the experience inside the sacred sound field was delightful and uplifting. Paul Price, a master attunement practitioner and mentor, shared with me later on how he felt the sound field impacted the bio-molecular field as well as the quality of the energetic field.

I personally came away feeling fulfilled and satisfied with the exploration. From the comments, I felt re-affirmed in my intuitive sensing that Sacred Sound fields may facilitate our attunement work by shifting the cells of the physical body to a higher frequency of vibration while providing a harmonious sound wave for spirit and intention to move upon. The ultimate goal in this work is to help us in our transformational process and journey to lift our physical forms to a higher frequency, above the level of disease, so that they may become impervious to the lower frequencies and more available to the process of transmutation and ascension. I was satisfied and happy to hear that at least one person in her response “got me” on this core intent and purpose, which touched me deeply and nurtured my resolve to continue my exploration in the field of Attunement with Sacred Sound. I am equally thankful for the significant support and encouragement I receive from a few close friends and colleagues.

If you are interested in exploring this work with me, or simply learning more about it, you can obtain a copy of my recently released book, Attunement with Sacred Sound, from me personally (autographed in you wish; just send me an email), or from my publisher at My book is also available from Amazon.

I am thankful for your presence in my life and especially for your readership. I love comments, so please do share any thoughts you may have.

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving,

Anthony Palombo



Blessed By Sound . . . . . . . . . A Sound-Healing Retreat

A time for healing and renewal

(This event has been cancelled to be rescheduled on a future date.)

My Chorale PicIf you’ve never experienced an Attunement with Sacred Sound, then you are in for an awesome experience when you join us at our Blessed by Sound Rretreat in August.(See details below.)

Sound? Well, not just any sound — but coherent and pure sounds that have a unique and magical way of opening energy gateways in the body, allowing deep and immediate access to healing currents from within. Sound can serve as a carrier wave for spirit and intention, and “Sacred Sound” serves the sacred purpose of healing and transforming the “body temple”

Two or more sound waves can harmonize to produce a powerful and irresistible force, melting frigid and stuck energy patterns and opening the heart to the sweet healing balm of love. Harmonic sound can carry one to heights of ecstasy and, as easily, to the place of peace and tranquility in one’s “heart of hearts”. Through resonance, it connects us with the order and harmony of the Universe.

Whether produced by the voice or by musical instruments, by toning sacred vowel sounds or group chanting, by quartz crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, or by a Ukrainian a cappella choir singing beautiful uplifting sacred music – all of which you will experience during our retreat – harmonious sounds can enhance and refine one’s connection with Spirit, as it ascends in the transmuting fire of Love.

My New Book

I explore this sacred healing art in depth in my new book, Attunement with Sacred Sound,currently being published and released through Amazon. I would encourage you to obtain a copy and start reading it well ahead of the Blessed by Sound retreat. Also, I will have books on hand for purchase, along with CD’s that I use in my Attunement service. I look forward to our time of renewal together, sharing insights into this important and powerful field of the sacred healing arts. I hope to see you at Oakwood.

Tony Palombo


Blessed by Sound Event Details: We will begin with 6:00 pm dinner on Thursday, August 18 and conclude with lunch on Sunday, August 21.For travel information, see:

Cost for event, including room and board, is $475 per person ~ $150 with registration, $325 on arrival. Check to Heartland Spirit Network or cash.

To register, please fill out the registration form, to be found when you Click Here

Event Location: Oakwood Retreat Center, 3801 S County Road 575 E, Selma, IN 47383.

For further information. Phone (765) 747-7027 or e-mail

Extinguishing Fire With Sound

My Chorale PicI learned something today that turned on a light in my mind. Someone posted a video clip on Facebook demonstrating how fire can be extinguished with sound – a very low frequency bass sound. Here’s the demo:

Can you see how and why this works? Think about it for a moment. Fire results when atoms and molecules vibrate at a super high frequency, so high that they emit, or transmit, light so intense that it sets matter on fire. Now, the fuel in the skillet is already a high-frequency fuel, like gasoline or lighter fluid.  Add a little frequency boost with fire and the fuel immediately ignites, consuming the oxygen around it.

So how does the low frequency bass sound put out the fire? One possibility is by lowering the vibration of the fuel to such a low level that the atoms and molecules don’t burn.  In other words, fire results when molecules vibrate at a super high frequency. It would seem logical that if you lower the frequency at which they vibrate, they would stop burning. Another possibility is that the bass sound pushes the air with such a force that it blows the fire out. I am inclined to go with the first possibility.

I’ve been working with energy in my attunement with sound healthcare service for some forty years, researching the use of sound in healing for a book that is presently being released by Amazon: Attunement with Sacred Sound.  Being an energy and sound healer, I immediately saw how this phenomenon of sound extinguishing fire may work – (the first possibility above). You see, high frequencies increase the vibration of molecules whereas low frequencies decrease their vibration. This is why most of my clients love the lower frequencies of my fourteen and sixteen inch quartz crystal bowls. Their sound waves are calming. They put out the fire of anxiety, fear and worry, all high-frequency emotional and mental states.  They also calm down inflammation in the body that’s causing pain. I also use the high frequency sounds for fine-tuning the endocrine and chakra energy centers. After I’ve finished fine-tuning these energy centers, I finish with my fourteen-inch C quartz crystal bowl, which I use to attune the skeletal system along with the organs of the body. The low sound frequency is very grounding.

This brings up another way of looking at this sound healing technique, which is to see high frequencies as facilitating ascension to higher levels of being and low frequencies as facilitating a descent of spirit into fuller incarnation in the physical body.  In other words, low frequencies encourage and facilitate grounding, an essential aspect of sound healing, as sound has a tendency to lift one out of the physical and into a more spiritual state of being. Sound healing tends to be un-grounding — a word of caution to my fellow sound healers.

I like a comment a friend and colleague made about attunement on my FB post. He writes: “Attunement modulates and influences vibrational patterns , allowing a pattern that is out of control to return to it’s natural rate [of vibration].”  Sound can serve as a carrier wave for the attunement or healing current. This is what my book is all about. The following is the announcement of the imminent release of my book:


Attunement with Sacred Sound provides a pivotal revelation about the phenomenal connection you and I have to the powerfully grand energies of all creation. The seeming platitude that states, “We are all one,” or “We are one with everything,” is quite true, in fact! Keep reading and you will discover more about just how profoundly this is the case.                   From the Foreword by PenDell Pittman

Sound is a tool for creation.  Not just any sound, but sound that carries a tone and a wave form that is coherent and pure. We call this “music.”  Then there’s the “Musica Universales, or Music of the Spheres” an ancient concept attributed to Pythagoras who reportedly could hear the musical harmonies of the planets. Are these the sound waves that carry the Word that creates all things sent forth by the Creator into the void of space? Pythagoras based our musical theory on this mathematically precise Musica.

Musical sound is being used extensively and increasingly in the healing arts. It can be used effectively with attunement and all forms of energy work. My use of sound in attunement is not so much to heal our physical ills as it is to facilitate the generation and clarification of pneumaplasm, the rarified spiritual substance that connects spirit with form. It is through this substance that spirit has a means of connecting with and managing the world of physical form. This is the medium for the propagation of the Tone that creates all living things and through which Love comes forth out of heaven to touch the earth of our flesh – or, perhaps more accurately, how flesh rises to touch heaven, spiritualized by the radiant current of Love moving in and through it. When flesh is touched by Love it is uplifted, transformed, made whole and holy. What I am suggesting here is that music, harmonic sound, is a tool that can be used as a carrier wave for spirit in the healing and transformational processes.

I emphasize the word resonance in this work to remind us that we are not manipulating physical substance – or mental and spiritual substance for that matter – with sound. We are simply sounding a tone that may engender and give rise to a resonantresponse from within the person’s heart of hearts. It is the vibration of the resonant response within the individual – self or other – that does the ‘work’ in harmonizing and uplifting the vibrations of life in the tissue cells of the body.

My interest in the art of Sacred Sound relates to how it may enhance our attunement energy work as a tool that is vibrational in nature. Beyond the human voice, there are musical and sound-producing instruments that lend themselves to the art of Sacred Sound – such as singing bowls, chimes, tuning forks, drums, and a few others I explore in the book.

My book will be available at Book Price: $35.99 (includes postage within the USA)

Order my book and explore a whole new dimension of sound healing. Purchase a quartz crystal bowl (an 8″ F or a 14″ C bowl) and play it for a few minutes every day. Better still, invest in two bowls, the 8″ F and the 14″ C bowls: F is for the heart Chakra and C is for the bones and whole body.  Play them together and enjoy the harmony they produce. This is a very smart investment in your whole health.

Until my next post, here’s to your good health.

Anthony Palombo, DC

Check out my HealthLight Newsletter on line at for a variety of articles on health and wellness.





Sacred Sound Attunement Workshop

My Chorale PicANNOUNCEMENT: The Sacred Sound Attunement Retreat has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for an undermined date. You are welcome to read this blog post anyway to learn more about this work.

For inner peace and tranquility – deep healing – and personal transformation.

You are invited to participate in a Sacred Sound Attunement workshop intensive at Oakwood Retreat Center in Selma, Indiana , May 15 – 17, 2015

  • For attunement practitioners interested in learning how to incorporate sacred sound into their service.
  • For energy healers interested in learning the art and practice of attunement with sacred sound and incorporating it into their service.
  • For sound healers interested in learning the art and practice of attunement and incorporating it into their service.
  • For anyone and everyone on a spiritual path to wholeness and transformation, sacred sound is a great medium.

Are you fulfilling your destiny as a healer? 

  • Sacred Sound Attunement workshop intensives provide hands-on training in the sacred healing art of Attunement, and an in-depth study of the principles and mystical aspects of Sacred Sound.
  • We will work with sound as a carrier wave for the subtle energy of Spirit in creating a healing field in which the human capacity may shift to a higher vibrational frequency.
  • We will learn to work with tools of sacred sound technology: voice, quartz crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, harps, drums, and didgeridoos. Bring your own musical instruments, such as didgeridoos, drums, flutes, and singing bowls.
  • Experience the resonance of quartz crystal and Tibetan “singing” bowls, the ancient tones of the Solfaggio frequencies, and the ecstatic harmony of Chords of the Cosmos.
  • Consider this a time apart for renewal of body, mind and spirit – a time of healing for the healer.

The weekend will begin with dinner Friday evening at 6, followed by an opening session, and will conclude on Sunday with lunch at noon.  Bring comfortable clothing for a relaxing and rejuvenating time in the peaceful country setting of Oakwood Farm.


The workshop and accommodations have a value of $350. However, in the spirit of inclusiveness and generosity, the cost for this weekend will be determined by each participant’s discernment of their ability to contribute. For more information and to register, call Oakwood Farm Retreat Center at 765-747-7027 or email at


Dr. Anthony Palombo, certified attunement practitioner and teacher; author of Sacred Anatomy and Rediscovering the Soul of Chiropractic. Dr. Palombo has been in the health care field for fifty years and has been exploring the complementary aspects of sound and attunement as an alternative health care practitioner and musician for over three decades. His playful and adventurous style fosters an atmosphere for co-creative discovery and sheer magic. (For more information about his work visit his website at

About Sacred Sound

Sacred Sound is a carrier wave for Spirit and for consciousness.  It serves as a rainbow bridge for the soul’s ascent to higher levels of consciousness. It facilitates attunement with Love through the heart.  Sacred Sound is harmonic sound that finds natural resonance in the heart, opening this resonating chamber upward in love response to the Beloved within, one’s authentic Self.

Used as a tool in offering attunement or in energy work, Sacred Sound helps to refine and rarify the spiritual substance of connection between inner spirit and outer form, creating a bridge for the passage and crossing over of sacred essences. It is through this rarified substance of pneumaplasm that order and coherence is restored to chaotic and dis-eased flesh. Thus does Love work its healing magic in our bodies, minds and hearts in an outpouring of transforming energy.

We will co-create a Sacred Sound Vesica for the release of healing and transforming currents of Love into our world – for our own personal healing and transformation as well as for that of family and friends.  Further, we will extend these currents beyond ourselves in an offering of blessing into the larger world for global peace and harmony among peoples and nations.

A Work in Progress

The sound healing technology presented in this workshop is yet a work-in-progress and will continue to grow in both depth of understanding and encompassment of the vast field of sound healing and what is being called “energy medicine.” In that sense, it is introductory in nature. It suffices to say that Attunement with Sacred Sound has evolved sufficiently to be presented, studied and utilized as a potent and effective healing modality. It is a sacred healing art and as such lives “outside the box” of traditional healing methodologies, hopefully—and intentionally—paving the way for further exploration.

As we move together from the known to the yet unexplored, we are led to deeper realizations about the full return of the ancient sacred healing arts and technologies which I believe originated in the Motherland of mankind, the ancient continent of Lemuria.

About the Workshop

You will learn a methodology by which to incorporate sacred sound into your spiritual practice and employ it as a tool in your healing service to others. You will have hands-on experience with quartz crystal and Tibetan “singing” bowls, learn how to use tuning forks to create high frequency vibrations, and create harmonic overtones with your voice. We will use sacred chant and toning to create a unified field for radiant blessing of our worlds.

What has gone before is as sacred as what has been brought forth in the present. We will look back briefly to ancient practices that have validated and sanctified sacred sound as a carrier wave for the Creative Word that gives form to matter and as a tool for transformation of consciousness – from Pythagoras and Inayat Khan to contemporary sound healing pioneers like Don Campbell, Jonathan Goldman and Ted Andrews. In a word, we will explore this sacred science and art as an avenue for discovery of new ways to share attunement “outside the box” of tradition.

We will explore . . .

  • Sacred sound-healing technology
  • Harmonic Toning to balance endocrine and chakra centers
  • The power of voice and breath: finding and placing your voice
  • Finding your personal tonal frequency
  • Toning to resolve dissonant energy
  • Healing the substance of connection between body and spirit
  • The power of sound based prayer – the Aramaic Prayer of Jesus

From past workshop participants . . .

“An extra-ordinary experience in working with sound to see how it affects your body mind and spirit.”

“I am still resonating with what was brought forth through me and others! I am still experiencing it while writing this evaluation three days after the event.”

“It was fantastic and opened a deeper love of music within me.”

“Attunement is not only wonderful, it is essential!”

It is with a deep desire to share this magical work that I invite you to come and participate in this healing intensive. I do hope you will come. Thank you

Anthony Palombo 


Sacred Minerals

sacred minerals

Colorful stones of the mineral kingdom

How beautiful and colorful are these precious crystals of the Mineral Kingdom. Each color represents a different frequency of vibration.  Each vibration composes and plays the Music of the Spheres . . . and all of them are part of our sacred body-temples.

As I promised in my last blog, I am posting a section from my book Sacred Anatomy which speaks inspiring words about the role of  minerals and trace minerals in our body-temples.  So, here is the first installment. I think you will enjoy it and be inspired.                                                              


 Divine Technology at Work

“  . . . and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and  thunderings  and voices.” (Rev. 4:5)

The throne of God in these temples is a living reality on earth.  It reflects and manifests the throne of God which John of Revelation described as “a throne set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.”   This all relates, as we have seen, to the Pineal Body and the focus in this endocrine gland of the Spirit of Love, the incarnate angel in each one, who sits on this throne.  Divine technology is at work here, just as it was at work in the Ark of the Covenant, which provided a throne for Deity in the midst of the Israelites as they wandered in the wilderness.

The Ark may well have been more than just an elaborate and ornate box for carrying the tablets of the Ten Commandments around.  It was more likely a very precisely designed instrument of a highly advanced technology.  As I described it above, it was lined with pure gold.  Gold is more than just a symbol of power in the world.  Gold is power.  There was real power associated with this ark.

Gold is symbolic of love, the only real power there is.  Among other things, this gives rise to the question: What do we really know about love?  It is powerful beyond human power.  Love has been described as the “cohesive power that holds the universe together.”  That same power made itself evident through the Ark with its precise design and the precious metal of gold with which it was overlaid inside and out.

So is it with our own body temples. There is a correlation between the divine technology at work within the human cranium and that which was at work within the Ark of the Covenant. There is an arc of love in the cranium which gives life to the body.  Great power comes to focus in the body with the Spirit of Love governing thought and action through the heart.  These are the spiritual, or vibrational, factors relating to the heaven within.  There are factors relating to the earth that need to be in place as well. I am referring to the elements of the mineral kingdom. These comprise the conduit and control mechanism through which the power of love can work in these human capacities. 

Minerals and Cosmic Powers

In his Steps To Mastership, lesson thirteen, Uranda gives instructions relative to what he refers to as the “Twelve Cosmic Rays,” among other sacred factors essential to the process of  “spiritualization” of physical matter, which are “sometimes spoken of as zodiacal influences [which] form the directing urges by which mankind functions on the physical plane.”  He then makes this revealing statement: “The points of contact within the body through which the twelve Cosmic Rays are enabled to transmit life to the body, are the twelve Organic Minerals found in the body substance.”

Uranda further instructs: “There is a Tree of Life on every plane of being.  The twelve fruits of the Tree of Life on the physical plane are the twelve body minerals.”  He then goes on to say that all twelve minerals are needed for health in the body, which must be attained before one can be influenced by the Twelve Cosmic Rays.  These twelve minerals and cosmic rays are represented by the “twenty and four elders” who stood around the throne and bowed down to the One who sat thereon casting their crowns down before Him. Great power is released in our bodies when these twelve minerals are present and their powers made available to the One I Am.

Inorganic minerals have a covalent power of their own which causes them to bond together as solid foundational rock. As they are taken up into the vegetable kingdom they are chelated,  literally clawed apart, by organic acids in the plants and then re-arranged and proportioned so as to make them available to the animal kingdom. Inorganic compounds become organic through this process.  In this sense they give up their crowns, their independence and power, to become part of the living temple.  In the process of surrender, their powerful energies are released inside our bodies—the “thunderings and lightnings” that proceeded forth from out of the throne.

These organic minerals are: Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron, Fluorine, Chlorine, Silica, Manganese, Sulphur, and Iodine.  Their functions in the body temple are many and varied. All are essential to the function of the endocrine glands and the nervous system’s capacity to carry electrical current, as well as in the production of enzymes. All are instrumental in the ceremony of ascension in both the body temple and in the larger Cathedral of the Natural World.     (To be continued)


About my book . . .

Your Sacred Anatomy offers a powerful and personal theme for meditation. This book was written to evoke deep currents in the heart for the sacred in everyday life. The author takes you beyond mainstream and even alternative health care to consider the human body in its true purpose and function as a holy temple and an instrument for the magic of creation.

Have you ever wondered how spirit steps down into flesh and incarnates?  If indeed our bodies are temples of the living God, as sacred scripture teaches, how does the spirit of God dwell in them?  What is the mechanism through which spirit incarnates so completely as to govern every detail of our bodily functions?

 Gain a deeper understanding of the sacred nature of your physical body.  Discover a new perspective of an aspect of your anatomy that receives little attention until hormonal chemistry is thrown into a state of imbalance.  Come to appreciate the vital role your seven endocrine glands play in bringing the gifts of spirit and learn how illness plagues human existence when these gifts are withheld and hormonal glands fail to function normally. You will see clearly the role you play in determining which way this plays out in your own life experience.

This book will profoundly change the way you view and treat your human capacities. You will find both inspiration and practical spirituality as you explore the chemistry and alchemy of the endocrine system which sets the stage for the dance of spirit with flesh.

(From the back cover of Sacred Anatomy . . . where spirit and flesh dance in the fires of creation.


To order a copy of Sacred Anatomy, simply drop me am email at

Sound — Carrier Wave for Intention

       When I am in my Sacred Heart my world and all those in it are there with me and my Father.  They are flooded and bathed in His love.

        While sharing attunement long distance today with a dear and faithful friend who was working with ancestral past issues that needed healing and peaceful resolution, I was keenly aware of our oneness within the tangible substance of love.  Love has no limitations when it comes to geographical distance.  Whatever my friend needed to have transpire in her world had a loving surround within which to heal and resolve.  This constitutes my sole role and purpose in offering attunement, close in or from a distance — to provide a loving enfoldment in my healing hands and let love work its magic without concern on my part for results.  The outworking is always perfect and magical.

To create a healing field for transmitting and extending the current of sacred energy, I use sound. Powered by a passionate desire to serve and provide a blessing, sound is the perfect carrier wave for spirit and consciousness.  Sound is a creator tool.  It carries intention where unto it is sent to set heavenly design and purpose in form.  

Through attunement with love, we answer the question posed to Job from out of the Biblical whirlwind: “Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven?  Canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?”   (Job 38:33)  

Occasionally, after an attunement, a curious client will ask if I felt anything, perhaps hoping for some insight into what may be ailing them.  Funny how we tend to suspect  something’s not quite right inside our bodies, a latent disease perhaps that hasn’t manifested symptoms just yet.   I usually say something that will point the client in the direction of life: “I felt a strong current of life moving through your body.”

Actually, what I focus my sense of perception on are the subtle ordinances of heaven, the patterns of health and wholeness in life itself, landing and being set in the earth of the physical body . . .  and sound is part of the technology the Creator uses to convey and set those ordinances.  I like what noted American journalist, George Leonard, author of Silent Pulseso eloquently wrote about sound:

At the root of all power and motion, there is music and rhythm, the play of patterned frequencies against the matrix of time. More than 2,500 years ago, the philosopher Pythagoras told his followers that a stone is frozen music, an intuition fully validated by modern science; we now know that every particle in the physical universe takes its charac­teristics from the pitch and pattern and overtones of its particular frequencies, its singing. And the same thing is true of all radiation, all forces great and small, all information. BEFORE WE MAKE MUSIC, MUSIC MAKES US.

We could paraphrase that last sentence and declare: “BEFORE WE MAKE LOVE, LOVE MAKES US.”  Unfortunately, “making love” is a phrase that is commonly associated with human sexual activity. As we know, Love is not “made” at a physical level of sexual intimacy between human beings.  Love is first “made” in the heart, the Sacred Heart.  Actually, love is not “made,” is it? Love is eternally present everywhere.  My point here is that Love makes us, and it does so in its own image and likeness.  We are love.  I am love.

Coming back to sound, I find recorded sound very useful in creating a carrier wave for heavenly ordinances.  World renown sound guru Jonathan Goldman has produced some very powerful CD’s of sacred sound.  I use and recommend his Ultimate Om and his award winning The Divine Name,  available on his website  You can listen to his CD’s on his website to see which one resonates with you.  

I also use and recommend Deborah Van Dyke’s Chords of the Cosmos for recordings of quartz crystal bowls being played on thirteen 5-minute tracts in triads of sacred harmony for balancing the energetic fields of the endocrine glands with their complementary chakras and with the cosmic energies of the zodiac.  She has some great CD’s for meditation and transformation, such as her Traveling the Sacred Sound Current.  She is a beautiful muse and powerful angel of sacred sound.  I know you will love and cherish her CD’s, as I do.

After 45 years as a chiropractor and nutritional therapist, I’ve come to realize that my real love is music – second only to attunement – and not healthcare.  Healthcare earns me a decent living and puts bread on the table, but music and attunement bring nourishment to my soul.  

Discovering the relationship between music and attunement has been a delightful process of awakening to the secrets hidden within the mystery of life itself.  There is so much more that we haven’t yet even begun to discover and revive, much less utilize, in the magical field of what is being called “sound healing.”  This is a misnomer, as sound doesn’t do the healing of itself but merely provides a carrier wave for the healing currents of Love.  Only Love heals.  

When I use sound to convey the healing currents during attunement sessions, I am transported in consciousness to a magical temple of the sacred healing arts that has never been destroyed in heaven.  It was in magnificent form on earth at one time in the ancient past, and it will be in form again. . . when we are ready to honor it and use it to fulfill sacred purpose.   This is what I came to bring, and I will hold it in my Sacred Heart as a seed if only for my time here.  In the meantime, anyone with clean hands and a pure heart can visit this temple and enter in to work with its divine technology.  

Sound is a powerful energy.  Self-serving humans only hurt themselves and create chaos with sound.  Musicians of today, and those who frequent their loud concerts, have destroyed their delicate hearing mechanisms — not to mention the noise they send out into the world that creates chaos. Ear phones are dangerous in this regard, as are cell phones with ear pieces.  

Sound is a creative force . . . and it will manifest the intention sent forth upon its waveform.  It does manifest it.  Look around and behold what has manifested over the years and continues to be maintained.  

There are those musicians and bands who are sending out positive and transforming intention upon the waveform of their music. These I acknowledge and celebrate.   If you know of some such groups and concerts you’ve attended, I would appreciate hearing from you.  Thank you.

Sound is a carrier wave for intention.  Let it be used for sacred purpose to bless and uplift . . . to create the New Earth. 

Thank you for reading my blog.  Till my next post, 

Be love . . . be loved.


Visit my second blog, Health Light Newsletter, for articles on health and wellness.


Attunement with Sacred Sound

We will pause in our review of Glenda Green’s book, Love Without End, to share something about Attunement from a brochure I just finished writing as it flows naturally from the current of our meditation on the Sacred Heart.

What is Attunement? 

    Attunement is a sacred healing art and a spiritual practice.  It is sacred in that it serves life, and life is sacred. As a sacred healing art, attunement is a technology of Love. It serves to increase the flow and radiance of life in the body by healing, clarifying and strengthening its connection with spirit in the heart — the Sacred Heart —  where oneness with Love is known.  

   As a spiritual practice, one can use attunement to focus a current of Love in one’s Sacred Heart and allow love to radiate outward without concern for any particular desired results. The radiance of love alone brings peace to the heart, clarity to the mind and healing to the body. The Father, who is Love, knows what our real needs are even before we ask.  Entering Sacred Heart space is the only requirement for experiencing attunement with the healing power of Love.  

     As a sacred healing art, attunement is administered by focusing a current of love and then extending the hands to share that current with another. The endocrine system of hormonal glands inside and the Chakra centers of energy outside and enveloping the body can be used as key gateways in the energy body to access organs and systems in the physical body. The practitioner may work with these two systems to bring about a state of balance and harmony in the body’s energy fields. 

What is Sacred Sound? 

    Sacred Sound is sound used specifically to convey life’s healing currents. The sound can be produced using Tibetan and quartz crystal singing bowls, tuning forks, recordings (such as CD’s), as well as the human voice to create an atmosphere for healing . . . and so much more.  Offering a musical carrier wave for spirit, Sacred Sound produces a heavenly harmony of tones that lift the heart and mind to peaceful heights of serenity and utter stillness. Sacred Sound actually transforms and realigns the molecules of the body bringing them into beautiful patterns of harmony that manifest the health and radiance of life in body-mind and heart.  

Toning Aum

   Simply toning Aum with the release of a moderately deep breath, starting with the “ah” sound and open mouth for 5 seconds, then slowing closing the mouth around the ah sound to form the Aum sound, then breathing out the “m” sound through the nose for 10 seconds, will stimulate the pineal gland in the center of the brain and release beneficial hormonal chemistry for the ascension of consciousness to a higher frequency.  Caution: Do this just a few time so as not to over stimulate the pineal gland to the point of becoming ungrounded.

What does attunement feel like?

    Depending on one’s openness to receive, one may experience a feeling of peace and inner stillness. A definite and magical healing can occur and is often keenly felt as a penetrating current moving at a core level within. Some have compared it to touching heaven and being “surrounded by a cloud of angels.” Others have likened their experience to being “kissed by an angel.”  One may come away feeling as though one has left this world and entered a realm of light and peace, which I like to think of as the “kingdom of heaven within,” the inner “closet” the Master Jesus spoke of where one may enter and pray “in secret” to one’s “heavenly Father.”  By whatever name called, it is a place of communion with the Beloved and therefore sacred.  The “Sacred Heart” describes it best for me.

What is the purpose of attunement? 

    Attunement is not so much “given” as it is “shared” by two or more who come together in a spirit of thankfulness. The whole and holy intention of attunement is to clarify and lift one’s own frequency of life energy to a higher level of vibration, above the level where problems, distress and dis-ease are experienced and where oneness with Love is known and keenly felt. Attunement brings a natural sense of wholeness to one’s experience of oneself.    

    Besides being used for personal healing, attunement can also be used to send healing currents to loved ones, or to enfold a life situation in love for peaceful resolution. Anyone can do this, as attunement with love is our natural state.

     Harmony and balance are keys to health, happiness and longevity. Attunement — with or without sacred sound — offers all this and more as one makes attunement with love a way of life and part of one’s daily health and wellness care.

     Thankfulness in all things keeps one attuned with Life’s creative flow. Self-attunement is taught and recommended as a way of re-visiting the sacred space created during an attunement session in one’s quiet moments of morning and evening prayer and sanctification. 

Fees and Appointments

    Attunements are offered freely. Love offerings are welcomed and deeply appreciated. I invite you to call today to schedule an attunement session. Call anytime, day or night, for long-distance attunement and for special enfoldment.

Love’s blessings,                      


For appointments call  (337) 802-5510

For health articles, visit my Health Light Newsletter blog

Mind and Heart in Love

 Continuing with my book review of Love Without End – Jesus Speaks by renowned portraitist Glenda Green, the topic of how the mind and heart work together – or don’t, as the case may be – came up early in the book. The general impression is that the mind seeks to dominate the heart by taking advantage of its troubles.  This occurs sometimes between a professional and his/her client, which then becomes an ethics issue related to the right use of power. These two capacities are intended and designed to form a partnership in the process of bringing forth creation. The author records Jesus on the subject of the mind-heart relationship: 

 The mind will actively seek to compensate or to exploit the heart’s troubles, but it will never seek to remove or to cure them. For the heart’s despair is the mind’s option for power.

She asks if the mind behaves that way always, and he answers:  

Well, often. But actually the mind can be a very good servant, if you allow it to be just that. You must realize and hold firmly to an understanding that the mind has no power of its own. The mind either integrates and projects from experience, or else it develops a logical matrix to serve, to explain, and to implement the powers of the heart and the soul. The problem arises when the heart is oriented negatively in some way toward life, because when the heart gives the mind a negative impulse such as insufficiency, insecurity, fear, or anger, the mind operates with reverse logic

She then asked Jesus for an example:

The most obvious example is simply the absence of data or experience—a tangible mystery—which the mind fills with its own inventions for fear of losing control.

But now, let‘s look at this. When a man’s heart has become attuned to scarcity, his mind will work overtime to generate ways and means of making money. Theres a certain logic to this in relation to survival pressures, but it never solves the problem or changes the basic belief. The man just copes, or grows rich, to finance and perpetuate poverty consciousness in himself or others. And so he overworks to support a kind of material wealth which dominates his life but never results in a deep and true sense of prosperity. There is only compensation for lack, for the mind only solves problems of logic or balance — never problems of life.

The man‘s poverty consciousness resulted from wearing so many blinders to the abundance of life that he eventually believed in scarcity and then invested in it. Now by comparison, there was another man who beheld the wondrous universe with awe as he expressed his gratitude for the infinite supply. This man has given his mind a positive impulse, and so his mind will seek ways to make that abundance real in his life.

With less effort, greater prosperity is attained. The same is true of physical well being. A man who believes in illness will struggle all of his life to be well. And his mind will provide him many ways to prevent or to remedy the ailments without ever removing the source of trouble. Yet a man who believes in health and wholeness will set his mind to the positive service of making it true. Given any negative belief or impulse the mind will operate dysfunctionally. There may be perfect logic, but applied in reverse mode (as if reflected by a mirror) to compensate for—not solve—the problem.  

He continued with a sense of wonder:

My Father’s universe is infinite and infinitely abundant. By beholding and believing in this the mind can then work in a direct and proper way to bring abundance. If given a positive impulse the mind works properly. If given a negative impulse, the mind works in reverse. That is its logic.

Just behold infinity. Behold, and be in awe of the infinite everlasting creation

He finished this brief discourse by reciting one of Glenda’s favorite passages from the Gospels:

Consider the lilies of the field. They do not labor or spin, yet I tell you noeven Solomon in all his splendor was arrayed like one of these. Behold infinity every day and all that you seek shall be given you.”

We touch infinity while sharing attunement with another in the healing current of love.  It pours out through our hearts and hands and fills every cell of our bodies and every corner of our souls.  It overflows like water to satisfy every thirst for love in our worlds.  Behold infinity in the Attunement Current of Love. Let love radiate without concern for results.  Let the mind and heart be in love with one another to fulfill their individual and collective purposes together.  Let Love command.

Love be with you today and always,


Attunement with Sacred Sound

Anthony Palombo

Anthony Palombo

Welcome to Healing Tones!  I have much to share and a passion to get it out there.  I hope you are touched in some way and become a subscriber and “follower” of my blog (click on RSS above to subcribe).   My second post is a report about our March 19-20 workshop intensive, Attunement with Sacred Soundk, at Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, Colorado.   Enjoy!

   Visit my second blog at .

March Intensive A Huge Success

Attunement with Sacred Sound Workshop Intensive at Sunrise Ranch
This was our fifth workshop intensive, our third at Sunrise Ranch.  Over a two-day period, March 19-20, our circle grew from eight Friday morning to eighteen for the Circle of Sound Equinox celebration Saturday evening, drawing thirty-four in all into our dedicated container.  Our theme was the manifestation of a beautiful world through attunement with sacred sound.  It was a totally co-creative event marked by spirited participation on the parts of those attending and spontaneous presentations by several, with soft and easy co-facilitation by Tony & Bonnie Palombo.

We were treated to a Shamanic journey by David Ward, from Ashland, Oregon, who demonstrated his use of crystals inserted inside gloves to assist him in directing energy using the principle of “holophasics,” then spoke of his fascinating healing work which takes him into the underworld to assist departed souls in navigating this dark terrain and finding their way to the light, a journey about which he is presently authoring a book.  Laurence Layne, visiting from St. Augustine, Florida, dropped in to speak about his favorite topic, The Spiritual Nature of the Physical Body, focusing on the relationship between the nervous system and the endocrine glands and how we use these two systems in our attunement work. Mai Tran, from Southern California, presented a brief yet very enlightening explanation of the Chakras as she uses them in offering attunements as a Reiki practitioner.  Finally, Alan Martens, from Sunrise Ranch, demonstrated the Ancient Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation, five exercises that, done diligently, can take one to the fabled “Fountain of Youth” within.

These were the spices that added flavor to our time together, the main ingredient being the ongoing exploration of sacred sound as a carrier wave for consciousness in the attunement current.  Each workshop brings forth something new, and this one brought into our creative field the significance and utter delight of the F Sharp Major triad, F# A# C#.

Now, we’ve had a 16 inch A# quartz crystal bowl for some time but didn’t know its significance, as it didn’t quite harmonize with the other bowls – that is until we discovered the F# chord.  It has now become the center piece of this harmonic triad, which we were guided to use as the harmonic tones in “balancing the cervicals” during attunements. I am seeing it also as the ascending chord at the level of the “Eighth Chakra” with its F# fundamental tone that matches the F# frequency of the Pineal gland.  So, we have B D# F# as the harmonic triad of the Crown Chakra/Pineal gland, and F# A# C# extending the ascending sound current as a sonic bridge to the next level above.  When we played this harmonic triad on the quartz crystal bowls and toned it with our voices, something magically uplifting was felt.

Keith Hancock has been playing around with the key of F# Major for some time and he improvised on the piano, playing only the black keys, which the key of F# Major largely consists of.  It was an open and joyful sound . . . a “joyful noise” as the psalmist writes.  We took five bowls of the F# Major chord into the Dome chapel Sunday morning and played an improvised melody on them during service.  It was just beautiful. The sacred sounds of the bowls filled the dome with awesome resonating frequencies and overtones, echoing the “music of the spheres.”

We filled our container with activities of sacred healing arts technology:  attunement principles and technique; power point presentations bringing in the ancients – such as Apollo, the Greek god of music, harmony, medicine and poetry, and his son the great singer Orpheus, father of truth, wisdom and divination, who gave us stringed instruments, such as the cithara (guitar) and the lyre (harp), and whom the muses taught to play such sweet music as to sway men and gods, enchant plants and even stir inanimate objects. The name Orpheus means “he who heals by the light,” signifying a particular level of healing likely through the application of sacred sound.  The power of his healing voice and music was ascribed to certain magical formula, incantations and charms that are inscribed in the ancient Orphic Tablets.

From the Orphic mystery teachings comes the Platonic Schools of Wisdom which gave us Pythagoras, who gave us our modern musical octave which is based on the Golden Mean (Pi = 1.618), and the musical interval of the “Perfect Fifth.”  We brought in Sufi Master Hazrat Inayat Khan with his mysticism of sacred sound; the “Healing Fifth” harmony of do-sol that brings the endocrine and chakra systems into balance; the phenomena of cymatics with Dr. Peter Guy Manners, of the crickets hymn of praise, both by DVD, and of overtones and harmonic chant with Jonathan Goldman on CD; toning to resolve and reclaim dissonant energy; voice placement and exercises; quartz crystal and Tibetan singing bowls and tuning forks; and just plain fun and laughter.

At the beginning we each and altogether set our intentions for a beautiful new world as seeds into the sacred soil of spirit substance, which we nurtured with our love and friendship throughout the intensive, intoning sessions with a harmonic chant to each of the Seven Spirits of Love.  Toward the end of our time together we shared reading a consideration of the Seven Steps to the “Secret” of Manifestation, a compilation of excerpts from Uranda’s 1933 instruction paper, Instantaneous Manifestation, and Carnelian Sage’s wonderful little book, The Greatest Manifestation Principle in the World.  In closing we created a sacred sound vessica and sent our intentions forth upon the waves of harmonic chant to the Spirit of the New Earth – that’s the grounding root tones of the C Major triad, C E G.  We came, we learned, we shared, we sang, we drummed, we danced, we played, we blessed, we shared attunement, we co-created . . . and it was all very, very good!

(Visit Tony’s blog at )

P.S. I invite you to visit me on the web at : .  Other attunement sites worth visiting are:,

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