Creating the New Earth Together

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Gurdjieff’s Ray of Creation: A Cosmic Symphony

“In my Father’s house are many mansions.”

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BEFORE getting into the main topic of this post, I would like to share a comment on my previous post by my poet friend, Don Hynes, along with his songful poem of blessing:

“This is a beautiful post. The historical scheme may be questioned but the vibration is perfect. In this air cycle of awakening our purpose is to accelerate human conscious-ness that it may rise with the ascending vibration of the Sun enveloping the Earth. Of course the specific consciousness is my own, the individual always, but also to befriend each other in this task, those seen and unseen, known and unknown, that all may rise in this new day. If you will allow, I’ll close with a few poetic words that might add to your masterwork:

We are an old people,
the stories say among the first,
who walked the land
when fresh with the Creator’s touch.
Though scarred with years of trouble
we still sing the blessing songs,
greeting the Sun each day
with the thankfulness it deserves.
And so I sing for you this morning
a song of your belonging,
child of a distant Light
and ancient Mother,
may you walk in beauty
all your days, and if forgotten
may this song remind you.

* * *

THANK YOU DON. We are indeed “an old people” . . . and we live on an old planet in an even older universe. How old nobody can really know, though scientific estimates have been made. What is time anyway? Everything happens in this eternal now. There is, however, great but simple method to the ongoing unfolding evolution of the universe as it moves forward through cycles of chaos-to-order and dissonance-to-consonance.

As George Gurdjieff reminds us in his Law of Seven (also called the Law of Octaves) — which I explored in my previous post — “nothing continues forever.” Creation unfolds within an energetic and musical continuum. Or as Russell Walter postulates, “Everything that is, is of everything else that is. Nothing is of itself alone. All created things are indissolubly united”. . . and sing together the “Music of the Spheres,” as George Gurdjieff demonstrates in his “Ray of Creation.” And there’s no one more articulate and comprehensive in unpacking Gurdjieff ‘s complex and profound vision of “worlds within worlds” than Episcopal prelate and author, Cynthia Bourgeault. So I will share excerpts from her book THE EYE OF THE HEART in bringing you Gurdjieff’s cosmogony in the context of her life’s journey in search and discovery of the “Imaginal Realm”. . . and its location and function within the Ray of Creation. This first excerpt if from chapter two “Worlds Within Worlds.”

The Ray of Creation

Gurdjieff actually makes use of two cosmic maps, and to situate the imaginal sphere of operations within his teaching, you have to overlay them.

The first, and probably more widely known of these (because of its close tie-in with the enneagram and the Law of Seven), is his Ray of Creation, which, as I have mentioned already, is the Gurdjieffian version of the Great Chain of Being. In most respects this follows the standard processionary model of traditional [religious] sophia perennis metaphysics, with progressively denser and colder kingdoms emerging out of that initial fiery explosion of the divine will-to-form that sets the whole thing in motion. The counter-entropic trajectory is not at first clearly visible.

What is immediately interesting about this map, however, is that the entire ray is located within the physical universe — although of course, the word physical here must be expanded to the widest and wildest reaches of our cosmological imagination. Gurdjieff’s “Megalocosmos,” the vast celestial canvas on which his map is drawn, stretches even beyond the fourteen billion years of our present “universe story,” reaching back into that implicitly endless matrix from which big bangs emerge like virtual particles. It is on the grandest possible cosmic scale that his vision plays out.

So too, the realms on this ray are not named by spiritual or theological names, as is typical of sophia perennis metaphysics. You will not find here logoic realms, angelic realms, heaven and hell realms — or for that matter, imaginal realms. Instead, you will find actual inter-planetary locations, named in an order that some of you may find strangely familiar: dominus (Holy Absolute), siderum (all galaxies), lactera (Milky Way, our galaxy), sol (our sun),fatum (fate, our own solar system or sphere of planetary influence), mixtus orbis (“mixed realm,” our planet earth), regina coeli (queen of the heavens, the
moon) — or do, si, la, sol, fa, mi, re, do. (bold emphasis added)

Wait a minute! Isn’t that our modern Western musical scale?

Indeed, it is. And this is where the second fascinating feature of the Ray of Creation comes in. According to Gurdjieff, our modern major scale actually preserves in the names of its notes and the arrangement of its intervals a vestigial memory of an ancient esoteric teaching about the “cosmic solfeggio,” not only in the way in which the created order originally came into existence but also in the way in which energy is continuously transmitted and replenished along the Ray of Creation. That knowledge is still there, hidden in plain sight in the musical scale, to be dug out by those so inclined; its articulation dovetails precisely with what in the Gurdjieff work is known as the Law of Seven, the Law of World Maintenance.

This is not the place to get sidetracked into a lengthy discussion of the Law of Seven. . . . But from the point of view of imaginal exchange, it does yield up one very interesting piece of data, again a stable feature of the Law of Seven. If you look at the schematic that follows, you notice those two lines cutting across the map, between do and si near the top and between fa and mi closer to the bottom. These correspond to the “hesitation” points on the ray — half steps on the musical scale — where a new infusion of energy, or a different kind of energy, must be introduced in order to keep the whole ray flowing on trajectory. Otherwise the whole thing will veer off track or be halted at a threshold it cannot cross. In Gurdjieffian terminologies, these are the “shock” points, the places where the entire progression is the most vulnerable but, equally, the most permeable.


In the case of the higher (do-si) shock point, that bridging energy is provided by the will of the Holy Absolute, still close enough to ground zero to easily span the descending gap. In the latter case, as we will see shortly, the shock point falls right between fa, the traditional endpoint of the so-called subtle realms, and mi, the beginning of those “dense material realms.” And this is exactly the place where traditional metaphysics and I locate the imaginal realm. In other words, the mi-fa shock point falls right in the middle of the imaginal intertidal zone. In and of itself, if you ponder it deeply, this realization will tell you most everything you need to know about the primary cosmic function of the imaginal realm and our specific human contribution to this sphere of operations. But since these ideas may be very new to some of you not previously familiar with Gurdjieffian metaphysics, rest assured that I will circle back in chapter 3 and unpack them much
more systematically.

I like this first map because it is real. Not only does it accord with a more contemporary understanding of the relationship between matter and energy, it also situates the whole unfolding here (admittedly a huge and vast “here”) rather than in some mirage-like “spiritual” realm that floats “above” our visible solar system like a huge celestial theme park. It calls us to order, to a path of transformation that does not lead us away from materiality but straight into it and through it. Particularly when we enter those two lowest realms, mi and re, we are talking about our actual earth and our actual moon, and we are discussing planetary evolution along lines strikingly parallel to Teilhard de Chardin’s. Nor will Gurdjieff let us off the hook here. For him, the major vehicle mediating that mi-fa shock is the biosphere — yes, organic life on earth! — and its ultimate recipient is the moon, not our eternal souls. And yes, our conscious attention and willing participation will certainly make a huge difference in how our contribution is mediated and in which realm it is received. But willingly or unwillingly the tribute is exacted, and it is paid in the coin of this realm, in flesh and blood. Our inner work exists within the Megalocosmos and for the sake of the Megalo-cosmos, not the other way around; it is important never to forget this.


Our own Earth realm has long been known on the cosmological maps as mixtus orbis, the “mixed realm.” While the full explanation for this designation is complex, something does seem to get mixed and mingled here. We humans are curiously bilingual; we speak the language of this world with all its charms and nuances, but we also strain toward that invisible other that seems to hover right beyond us in those dazzling glimpses and visions: that intuition of “another intensity,” in the words of T. S. Eliot, to which we know we also belong. That invisible but always interpenetrating other is the imaginal realm.”

The earlier metaphysical roadmaps, as mentioned, tended to draw a sharp dividing line between matter and spirit, with the result that the imaginal, hovering just on the horizon of our mixtus orbis, often appeared to be a world in itself, with no obvious commerce with our own. As the last outpost of the “spiritual” realms, how and why would it bridge the divide into the material realms? In the previous chapter I tried to recast this traditional metaphysical habit in terms of the more contemporary under-standing that there is in fact no such “divide” but rather a single continuum of energy manifesting in various degrees of subtlety or coarseness. Transposing the metaphysical map from its original Platonic milieu to this more Einsteinian one in fact takes us far beyond traditional esoteric understandings of the imaginal, which focused on the personal and elusive nature of this realm, into a new appreciation of its collective and evolutionary importance.

It was Gurdjieff who really got the ball rolling here by adding in the key puzzle piece (undetectable through the lens of traditional sophia perennis metaphysics), which he called “reciprocal feeding.” He proposed that along the entire Ray of Creation (his equivalent term for the Great Chain of Being), there is a continuous, active exchange proceeding in both directions — not only from higher realms to lower but also from lower to higher — in order to maintain the entire ray in a state of dynamic equilibrium according to a cosmic principle to which he gives the rather unwieldy name “Trogoautoegocrat.”

Mouthful though the term may be, the idea itself is a remarkably prescient attempt to view the entire created order as what we would nowadays call a “self-specifying system,” a whole greater than the sum of its parts, whose chief metaphysical feature is no longer involution — the gradual loss of energy as the lower end of the chain plunges steadily toward entropy — but rather an elaborate homeostasis that preserves (and even increases) the energy of the total system as each realm makes its required contri-bution to the whole.

Gurdjieff referred to this system as “reciprocal feeding” for good reason: the exchange he has in mind involves the actual transformation of cosmic substances based models—more like digestion than the simple information-sharing favored in contemporary consciousness . . . .

But the idea itself is fairly straightforward and so flagrantly timely for a planet careening toward ecological catastrophe that I believe it’s simply no longer conscionable to allow it to be held captive in a maze of Gurdjieffian Fourth Way esoterica. More to our immediate concern here, this broader vision of what amounts to a vast intergalactic bootstrapping is utterly essential if we hope to have some true feeling for what the imaginal realm is all about, beyond just some allusive bandwidth of inner guidance and bedazzling intensity. If exchange is indeed the principal business of this realm, we must picture this exchange from the outset as a two-way street. (All bold emphasis added)


That’s a very appropriate question to ask at this point in the series.  My destination, after laying the groundwork, is the creating ground of the “Imaginal Realm” and the “reciprocal feeding” that takes place in the “exchange between the realms.”  This is the realm where we’re destined to ascend in consciousness, where the two realms meet — and from whence we, as a “conscious circle of humanity,” co-create and recreate the “mixed realm” of the New Earth . . . and our moon, which is included in Gurdjieff’s Ray of Creation. Our fascination with going to the moon is significant at this time . . . but are we in position, mentally and spiritually, to take on the re-creation of our moon while our Home planet goes neglected and raped for her resources? I think not. We would treat Her Majesty no differently. But then, maybe not!

I do hope you enjoy flowing with Cynthia’s stream of consciousness as much as I do. I will share more in my next post, “Worlds Within Worlds.” As always, I welcome your thoughts, insights and inspirations. Until next time,

Be love. Be loved.


Sacred Organic Minerals, page 2

Twelve Cosmic Rays

“  . . . and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and  thunderings  and voices.”   (Rev. 4:5)

2017 DecemberWE’VE BEEN CONSIDERING COSMIC POWER and the role the Mineral Kingdom plays in grounding cosmic power in the Earth.  We saw how organic minerals ground and channel cosmic energy in and through our body-temples.  Let us read on in Sacred Anatomy and meditate on the mystery of life that unfolds through our body-temples.  Here’s the final installment in this series, which starts with a recalling of the last paragraph of the previous  post and Uranda’s instructions with regard to the Twelve Cosmic Rays:

In his Steps To Mastership, lesson thirteen, Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda) gives instructions relative to what he refers to as the “Twelve Cosmic Rays,” among other sacred factors essential to the process of spiritualization, or transmutation, of physical matter, which are “sometimes spoken of as zodiacal influences which form the directing urges by which mankind functions on the physical plane.”  He then makes this revealing statement: “The points of contact within the body through which the twelve Cosmic Rays are enabled to transmit life to the body, are the twelve Organic Minerals found in the body substance.”

Uranda further instructs: “There is a Tree of Life on every plane of being.  The twelve fruits of the Tree of Life on the physical plane are the twelve body minerals.” He then goes on to say that all twelve minerals are needed for health in the body, which must be attained before one can be influenced by the Twelve Cosmic Rays. These twelve minerals and cosmic rays are represented by the “twenty and four elders” who stood around the throne and bowed down to the One who sat thereon casting their crowns down before Him. Cosmic energy is released in our bodies when these twelve minerals are present and their powers made available to the One I Am.

These organic minerals are: Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron, Fluorine, Chlorine, Silica, Manganese, Sulphur, and Iodine.  Their functions in the body temple are many and varied. All are essential to the function of the endocrine glands and the nervous system’s capacity to carry electrical current, as well as in the production of enzymes. All are instrumental in the ceremony of ascension in both the body temple and in the larger Cathedral of the Natural World.

 Calcium’s function is to build bones and teeth, help with blood coagulation, reduce neuromuscular irritability and facilitate contraction of muscles and nerve conduction in the heart muscles. Magnesium is used in tooth formation, nerve conduction, muscle contraction and enzyme activation. It balances Calcium one-to-two respectively.  Sodium plays a large role in acid-base balance, osmotic pressure, blood pH, muscle contractility and nerve transmission. Potassium’s role is with muscle activity, nerve transmission, intracellular acid-base balance and water retention, and energy management.  It assists in escorting glucose into muscle cells for energy. Phosphorus in closely associated with Calcium and its functions with bone and teeth formation.  It is used in establishing and maintaining acid-base balance, is a component of nucleic acids and is involved in energy production.  Iron assists in the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin, contributes to the production of certain enzymes and iron-sulphur proteins.   Fluorine is used in bone and tooth formation.  Chlorine is used in acid-base balance, osmotic pressure, blood pH and kidney function.

 Silica’s chief role is in the alchemical production of bone tissue through a process of “biological transmutation.”  I suspect it also plays a role in memory storage, similar to that of the silica microchip in the computer.   It is believed that bones provide an atomic memory engram depository that contains the record not only of contemporary legacies but of ancient ones as well.  Manganese is essential to joint mobility and ligament tone, strength and elasticity. It is also vital to the function of the Pituitary gland and plays a component part in the makeup of manganese-specific enzymes.  Sulphur is an antibiotic that also helps with joint motility.   Finally, Iodine is essential to the production of thyroxine in the thyroid gland (T4) and triodothyronine (T3), both essential to growth and development.  It also plays a role as an energy-control mechanism and in fetal differentiation.

 Not mentioned by Uranda are the seventy-two or more trace minerals that play empowering roles in the balancing of body chemistry, especially with the hormones.  Just to name a few of them,  Selenium, found in wheat germ oil, plays a key role as part of the Vitamin E complex in the cardiovascular system. Technically, Selenium is a component of the enzymes glutathione peroxidase, which metabolizes hydroperoxides formed from polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as enzymes that take the iodine out of thyroid hormones before they are recycled.  Chromium is a trace mineral that promotes the utilization of glucose by the muscle cells, thereby supporting the glucose tolerance factor in the bloodstream.  Molybdenum is a transitional metal that forms oxides and is a component of a coenzyme essential to the activity of xanthine oxidase, sulfite oxidase, and aldehyde oxidase, enzymes involved in preventing toxic levels of sulfite, xanthine and aldehyde (such as formaldehyde) in the blood stream.

Magnesium, which most Americans are deficient in, and the trace mineral Gold are essential to balanced and clear mental function.  The presence and function of Gold in the brain is not surprising in light of the presence of the focus of Love in the Pineal.  The trace mineral silver is a protective element that vibrationally alters pathogens, such as harmful bacteria and viruses, upon contact.

These elements of the mineral kingdom are not only present in a healthy body, their levels and ratios to one another are critical to maintaining healthy function, strength and vitality in the body.  Calcium is in critical ratio to Phosphorus, Magnesium and Potassium; Sodium is balanced by Potassium; Copper and Zinc need to be in balanced ratio, as well as Sodium and Magnesium, Copper and Iron.  The degree to which these minerals are present in their proper levels and ratios, the body is healthy.  To the degree they are not, the body is sick and dying.

 While Copper intensifies cellular activity, activating estrogen in cell proliferation, Zinc, which activates progesterone and testosterone, cools it down.  The body contains two to three grams of Zinc, found mainly in bones, teeth, hair, skin, the liver, muscle, leukocytes and in the testes.  It plays a role in skin integrity, enzymes, wound healing and growth.  Inorganic Copper is a heavy metal whose unbound ions are toxic.   Almost all of the Copper in the body is present as an organic mineral component of copper proteins, thereby reducing the in-vivo concentration of unbound copper ions almost to zero.  On average, an adult has about 150 mg of Copper in the body, of which about 10 to 20 mg are in the liver.  (Most of the information about the function of these minerals was taken from The Merck Manual, Seventeenth Edition.)

So we see there is an amazing interrelationship of checks and balances in the way minerals and trace minerals are arranged and proportioned in the body by reason of the chelating activity in the vegetable kingdom, which is designed to provide nutritional nourishment for the animal kingdom, a kingdom which our present physical capacities are yet part of. 

Up until recently these essential nutrients have been virtually ignored in commercial farming.  In America, our agricultural lands were declared demineralized and, therefore, unfit for farming as early as the 1940’s, resulting in Americans becoming the most over-fed and under-nourished nation in the world.  Whereas the human body needs some fifty nutrients for healthy function, our soils are given but a handful of commercial chemicals with which to work in order to produce vegetables and fruit that are pleasant to the eyes but empty of life-sustaining nutrients.

Adrenal exhaustion is presently surfacing as the primary malady of people in this country and the fundamental, underlying cause of nearly all bodily malfunctions.   In his important book,  Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome,  naturopathic physician Dr. James L. Wilson decries the fact that  doctors have been dealing with . . .

“. . . a  problem of monstrous proportions that is largely unrecognized by the medical establishment.  This has left millions of people suffering from an untreated problem that interferes not only with their ability to function but also with their capacity to enjoy life.  It is difficult to assess exactly how much money is lost by corporations due to worker absenteeism, poor or clouded decision making, alcoholism, drug abuse, ‘nervous breakdowns,’ burnout, employee conflict, acute and chronic illness, loss of employees, and a host of other costly problems that stem from the effects of over-stressed adrenal glands.” 

Little wonder that this is so, since ninety-five percent of Americans have been declared severely deficient in organic minerals and trace elements.  If they are not in the soil, of course, they are not to be found in our foods and therefore not in our bodies in sufficient levels or appropriate proportions. Where minerals and essential trace elements for the conduction of life’s energy are lacking in the human body, the stress of daily activities is almost unbearable.

These precious elements work their vibrational magic within the body according to their specific vibratory frequencies. They are the gifts of the mineral kingdom and can only be taken up into the body in colloidal form as they naturally appear suspended in vegetation.  All of these are elements that are readily available today, more than ever before its seems, as Mother Nature yields up her secrets to us in a copious stream of these and other “healing nutrients” in the form of whole food supplements and herbs.  I am forever amazed at the timely provision of life as it demonstrates its loving care for the body of Mankind on earth.  All that remains is for us each one and all to open up and receive these bountiful gifts with joy and thanksgiving while efforts are increasingly being directed by organic farmers the world around toward replenishing the soil and returning to organic gardening practices. 

Organic farming has begun to appear throughout the land, with organically produced vegetables and fruits becoming plentifully available in supermarkets.  One way to tell if a vegetable was grown in mineral-rich soil is its sweetness.  Minerals make your carrots sweet.  If they’re not sweet, they were grown in mineral-depleted soil.  To safeguard your body’s health, I recommend a daily supplementation of organically grown minerals and trace minerals.  They are essential to the utilization of vitamins . . . and to our reception of cosmic rays.

Standard Process Laboratories in Palmyra, Wisconsin has been making wholefood supplements available to doctors and their patients for over a hundred years.  They maintain a large organic farm on site.  Its founder, Dr. Royal Lee, was a dentist who believed that a person’s teeth depend on a well-nourished physical body.  So he developed a line of wholefood supplements in order to provide his patients with vitamin-and-mineral-rich supplements. I’ve used them in my practice for many decades with rewarding success . . . and I supplement my daily diet with them.

I welcome any thoughts you may have and wish to share.  This being Christmas weekend, I wish you each one a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year in 2023.  Until my next post, 

Be love.  Be loved. 


Picture credit: “Eye of the Divine” (Twelve Cosmic Rays) by Goa Lobaugh.  See his art at

The “Mystery of Consciousness”. . . The Addiction to Narrative

“Don’t be afraid to face the facts, and never lose your ability to ask the questions: Why? and How?”   Immanuel Velikovsky 

CONSCIOUSNESS IS NO MYSTERY.  Like a seedbed wherein ideas are planted, nurtured by unwavering belief, and given birth in their seasons, consciousness is the matrix for creation.  It is very fertile soil, so fertile that one has to be very careful about the nature of the seeds one plants. 

This fertile soil can be cultivated and seeded from below as well as from above and within.  Our physical bodies and the natural world are the fruits of seeds planted by Life from above.  The world that man has constructed and imposed upon the surface of this planet, with its skyscrapers, concrete roadways and parking lots, industrial and commercial complexes, along with its burgeoning landfills, are all the product of seeds planted by human beings from below . . . none of it compatible with the fine living, breathing fabric of our beautiful Home among the stars. 

Not all is a burden to the Earth, as many of our ideas and dreams, visions and asperations are creative and harmonious with the natural climate of Gaia.  There is a saying among the spiritually awake when an idea presents itself for manifestation, “Put it in the heaven.”  A more common expression is “Put it on the back burner.” If it is resonant with Life, it may be useful to the creation of a living world.  What we now have is a dying world created by dying human beings. 

Weeds find their way into this sacred soil as well, deposited there by birds-of-sorts in their fertilizing poop. There’s a biblical passage that cautions “Beware the snare of the fowler,” the web-like net of the human mind that snares fleeting ideas. The soil of consciousness can become cluttered with weed-yielding seeds, so we have a responsibility to “Tend and keep the Garden.”

The content of human consciousness is generally a clutter of “false ambition’s restless schemes” . . . busy thoughts and self-serving ideas and concepts—many of them like concrete: thoroughly mixed up and permanently set . . . and ardently defended when challenged.  Just consider the “narrative” put forth by the official guardians of the nation’s health with regard to the current global health crisis.  Try and put forward an alternative narrative on social media, even amongst friends and family, and you’ll find yourself quickly censored and cancelled.  Mark Twain had something to say about this: “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they’ve been fooled.”


Human consciousness, in its state of uncertainty and insecurity, greatly values official and popular narratives, and will ardently defends them against any and all challenges to the contrary.  It’s an addiction affording a sense of comfort, though false, in knowing what’s going on in the world, especially in a life-threatening crisis.  Most are fear mongering motivators. 

There are a number of crises constantly going on in our world of many problems.  One such crisis is in the Christian world of religious beliefs and doctrines.  I ran into this one several months ago during a fairly pleasant conversation with a nephew who is heavily invested in the Pentecostal narrative that “All men are sinners”—until I suggested he consider the passage in Genesis that says he is made in the image and likeness of God and is therefore Divine.  He vehemently objected to even the suggestion of a different narrative about the nature of man. “Oh No! I am a sinner! The Bibles says all men are sinners.”  I recall a biblical passage that declares “All men are liars.” (Psalm 116:11).  It was Paul who declared all men to be sinners, but Paul didn’t know the Master, nor did he ever hear Him speak of His Gospel of the Kingdom of Love.

Then, there’s this “pandemic” which has polarized the population of the world in two different camps believing in two opposing narratives.  Friends and families have been torn apart by this controversy.  The attitude is taken, on both sides, “Don’t mess with my belief if you don’t want to start a heated argument.  I need to believe in this for my own sanity and security.”  Apparently, this is not a good time nor topic for inquiry and critical thinking.

People have been censored and imprisoned, even scrubbed out, for putting forth a narrative that radically differs from the “official” narrative . . . and not only in modern times.  We have the historical precedent of the crucifixion of Jesus.  He was denied not once but three times by a disciple, abandoned by all but two or three, and crucified by those to whom he had come to offer salvation and a Way into the Kingdom of Heaven without having to die—all for proclaiming his divinity and the divinity of all men, male and female, made in God’s image and likeness.  He brought forward a narrative that was radically different from the long-standing Hebrew doctrines, and it was rejected by staunch believers in an ancient narrative that a Messiah would come and set things to right here on earth.  “My kingdom is not of this world” he told Pilate . . . yet another narrative that no one in his day could quite comprehend much less adopt.  The narrative of a temporal kingdom with a Messiah as king was deeply invested in by the religious authorities of the day, as well as the Zealots among the people, who cried out for his crucifixion. 


Then there’s the “climate crisis” everyone’s polarized in . . . well, almost everyone, most actively our youth since it’s their future that’s at stake.  Here’s a report by Somini Sengupta, Global Correspondent on climate issues for the New York Times from a recent survey of 10,000 young people on the issue of climate change. 


Four Takeaways on the youth climate movement: They’ve grown up in a pandemic.  They’ve come of age in an era of strongman leaders.  The climate crisis looms over their very lives. Generation Z, the cohort born after 1996, has inherited a set of compounding uncertainties. It explains, in some measure, the vibe of the youth climate movement. Powered by rage and distrust, it is decentralized and it is increasingly focused on the inequitable effects of global warming.

The global youth movement known as Friday for the Future has called on its members to organize protests around the world this Friday, March 25 (yesterday).  Its rallying cry is “climate reparations and justice.”

Here’s what I find most revealing about this generation of climate activists: They distrust government.

In a survey of 10,000 people between ages 16 and 25 in 10 countries, three-fourths said they think “the future is frightening.”  The survey was funded by an advocacy group, Avaaz, led by researchers at the University of Bath in England and published in The Lancet in December.  It asked respondents to answer “yes” or “no” or “prefer not to say” to a series of questions.

More than 64 percent said their governments were not “doing enough to prevent a climate catastrophe”; more than 61 percent said they did not have trust in their government; and more than 58 percent said their governments were “betraying” them.  In the U.S., they are mostly female and white.

This state of protest in the consciousness of our youth, seeded and nurtured by fear of extinction of our species, and anger toward the government for not doing more to avert an existential crisis, ignores the fact that the government has little real control over the climate of the planet.  The climate of the earth and all the planets is largely controlled and determined by what’s happening with the Sun at the center of our solar system.  Earth is part of a unit and moves with what is moving within it—which for the past several years has been a gradual heating-up, bringing about climate changes on all the planets, severe storms and turbulences just like those here on Earth. 

Our planet is not in jeopardy of extinction.  We are.  Not by climate change alone but by our own hand.  We’re poisoning our water, our air and our earth with our waste and industrial pollution. The fourth Creative Force, fire, cannot be polluted, and is at work cleansing and purifying the earth and its inhabitants. 


Returning to the ill-conceived cancellation of Jesus by the radical fundamentalists of his day—a cancellation that was echoed and repeated at the ecumenical Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325, a council of Christian bishops convened by Roman Emperor Constantine, in which Jesus’s message of the Kingdom of love was literally redacted and the official narrative of Christianity for the entire world established and published in the Nicaean Creed, a narrative recited at Sunday Services in the Christian world year ’round. The narrative Jesus brought and offered to the world hasn’t been successfully cancelled but continues to be offered by the Lord of lords and King of kings.  His Kingdom is the Kingdom of Heaven from which his Father, who is Love, seeds the sacred soil of Consciousness from which Mother God brings forth the fruits of the Tree of Life in the Garden of the Natural World and so-called “wild kingdoms,” even with a few faithful stewards on hand to tend and keep it. 

The youth of today protest to the government for its lack of doing more about the “climate crisis.”  The truth is, WE are the government.  As youth choirs sing out these days, “We are the world.  We are the people.” It’s our job to set things to right here on Earth.  We are the designated keepers of Eden. 


When was the last time you looked around and marveled at the beauty of Mother Nature’s wonderful world?  The wondrous works of the Creator, seeded from above by Father Sun, as the Native American Indians saw the world and honored the Earth and the Great Spirit whose world it is?  As I stated earlier, we must take great care for what seeds we sow in the garden of human consciousness.  Seeds of fear for what the climate prophets predict lies ahead for mankind and the planet invite that which we most fear to come upon us. The narratives we uphold and hold sacred in consciousness have the potential of doing more than simply defining what is thought to be going down in our world.  They have the seminal potential of determining what will transpire down the road, if not sooner.  


When I think deeper about it, why do we need a narrative at all?  About anything? Why, indeed?  A narrative is not needed to define what’s going on in the world. It’s plain to see. As the current popular quip puts it, “It’s what it is.”  The world is what it is . . . and how we’ve made it.  There’s a saying in the Bible “Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.” The New World—the biblical “New Jerusalem”—comes down from God out of Heaven . . . “adorned as a bride for her husband” . . . all ready to be received and established on Earth.  That’s why we’re here.  The only reason why we were put here: to know the ordinances of Heaven and to set their dominion in the Earth.  Let us lift up our hearts unto Heaven and welcome the New Earth . . . even as we totter on an existential precipice “between the devil and the deep blue sea,” as the ancient saying goes.  

I leave you with these timeless words in the form of a poem composed by a remarkable spiritual teacher, Lord Martin Exeter.  May they quicken the angelic spirit of love for the truth of life in you, my cherished reader and follower.

                            THUS IT IS

From age to age

      Love’s word rings forth,

          “The truth is true and all is well,

                 Unconquerable life prevails.”

Oh, man, whose strident dreams

       Lead gravewards,

               Return to calm and noble

                       Character of life.

Blaze forth pure virtue;

        Depart false ambition’s restless schemes.

Busy thought and troubled feeling

        Trespass not in virtue’s wise serenity

              Where firm control and awful power

                      Eternally abide.

Here earth’s pains are healed

       And cruel chaos of mind’s spawning

              Is called again to order and to beauty.

 Thus it is. Until my next post,

Be love.  Be loved. 



A Nuclear Community

“I have thrown fire on the world. Look. I watch it until it blazes.” —Jesus, The Gospel of Thomas

The “fire” that Jesus threw on the world was not wild fires like we’re experiencing along the West Coast.  It’s the all-consuming flame of love, the atomic power at the heart of creation.  In this series I will explore how the design of true community unfolds naturally and organically, fueled by atomic power released under the control of the stabilizing design and dynamics of the atom. Without further intro, I’ll dive right into it.

Our Judaeo-Christian model shaping social and family configurations, dictating human morality and ethics, and designing community structure and governance, needs to be revisited in the light and context of the Natural Laws governing all of Creation, from atom to galaxy and beyond.  In our close in relationships, for instance, monogamy is not a natural arrangement. Neither is marriage, for that matter. They have been necessary, however, as temporary control measures in humanity’s fallen state of consciousness—as are all man-made laws.  

Bible “thumpers” and scholars will surely take issue with me on this and argue that marriage was established and sanctified by the Creator from the beginning when He created Adam and Eve and declared that a woman shall cling to her husband and the two shall be as one.  However, we must remember that the Creation Story in Genesis was written by the patriarch Moses and not by an eyewitness to Creation in the Garden of Eden. . .and it was most likely redacted in order to support the seventh and tenth Commandments.  His was the job, after all, of governing these unruly tribes of Israel reveling in their newfound freedom after their release from bondage in Egypt.  Moses’s Ten Commandments gave him the leverage and divine authority he needed to reign in and cultivate the Nation of Israel into a civilized “Chosen People.” That’s my speculative opinion anyway, for whatever it’s worth. 

In a restored state of consciousness, a new model and paradigm of governance by Love and the Truth of Life come into play.  As the Master Jesus told those who challenged him on the issue of divorcing and remarrying,

For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. 

He was speaking to a somewhat elevated level of human consciousness, compared to that of the Israelites of old, attempting to elevate it even further by extending an invitation to humanity to rise up, “come up hither,” and enter the Kingdom of Heaven, a spiritual level of consciousness, just above the mental and physical levels—an invitation few at that time accepted.  Nevertheless, through His own victorious life, He established the Way by which resurrection and ascension would be possible for the entire Body of Humanity after his resurrection from the tomb and his eventual ascension from this earthly plane back into Heaven.

As human consciousness rises to higher and higher levels, and human beings are increasingly governed by Spirit from within, rather than by man-made laws—laws that the Master himself admonished us not to make beyond the two Great Commandments He had given—marriage ceases to be necessary.

This is already a dawning reality in many sectors of society, even within the Judaeo-Christian world.  Couples are coming together as “partners” in life.  Angels may not marry but I believe we do come in inseparable pairs, or as “soul mates,” most often with only one incarnating leaving the other to provide guardianship and heavenly connection and support.

Conscious awareness of our angelic nature has already dawned in the experience of a growing number of awakened souls who are conscious of their presence in heaven on earth—the kingdom of Heaven that is at hand and all around us.  Obviously, we are not even close to a collective transformation and transmutation of the mass consciousness of humanity.  However, we are on our way, and a new Golden Age awaits us. This I know.

The Nuclear World of Controlled Power

The atom is a micro model of right relationships in true community.  In it is manifest the working dynamic of the One Law, simply stated by Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda) (1907-1954) as “Positive Action, Negative Reaction or Response.” Walter Russell called it “The Law of One.” As I consider these two nomenclatures, I see how compliance with the One Law would bring about Oneness in the human family as “one Nation under God.” 

Consider what we now know about the structure and dynamic operation of this fundamental building block of Creation.  At the center of the atom dwell one or more positively charged Protons and one or more neutral particles called Neutrons.  Orbiting around this central hub of focused power are a number of Electrons carrying a negative charge.  Looming behind this nuclear structure lies a potential of awesome power held in check by the integrity and stability of the tiny atom.  We know this by reason of our experience destroying that integrity and releasing that awesome power to destructive ends.

As I pondered this model at three o’clock yesterday morning, awakened by a pressing urgency to explore it further and perhaps do a blog series on it, I am finding much food for meditation as I write.  It’s a huge and complex consideration.  It may not be relevant to all that’s going on in our world today with the West Coast ablaze and smothered in smoke, and the Southern Gulf States ravaged by hurricanes, including our home town in Southwest Louisiana, not to mention the human tragedies occurring globally in war-torn nations, and the divisive political climate here in the US, my thoughts today soar in the New Heaven and engage in the imaging of tomorrow and the New Earth already being born in and through the hearts, minds and innovative activities of thousands around the globe.  So, I ask you my readers to bear with me as I dream of a new world for tomorrow in the midst of a crumbling and burning old world of today.  There’s a legendary phoenix in the ashes.

I will continue in this exploration in my next post and leave you with this provocative saying of the Master Jesus:

“Let those who seek, continue seeking until they find. And when they find, they will become troubled. And when they become troubled, they will be astonished, and will reign over all. [And after they have reigned they will rest.]” –Jesus, The Lost Gospel of Thomas

Until my next post of this new series,

Be love. Be loved.


Paradise Remembered: Tending the Garden of Consciousness


There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Einstein 

The miracle of life lies in the alchemy it creates to manifest forms from out of “nowhere” to “now here”—out of an invisible Heaven and into a visible Earth. “As above so below.” We invoke this alchemy, consciously or unconsciously, each time we recite the Lord’s Prayer and pray the will of God in heaven to manifest on earth. How this works is by Divine Alchemy — only it can’t and won’t work in human affairs without Man’s/our participation.

Words of the Teacher speak to this order of creation: “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you”– counsel my passionate father imparted repeatedly, and for which I am most grateful.


In our scientific approach, we employ elemental interactions in chemistry, and physical labor, to manufacture products.  We even view conception and embryonic development as a biologically driven process. We till the ground to grow our foods and rape the earth for our fuel and building materials.

Forms may appear to rise up from out of the earth, and they do, as my sprouting beans in the garden magically demonstrate.  However, it is the subtle energy of life that creates the irresistible force of attraction that draws form up from out of the earth.  Man uses chemistry to make things.  Life uses Divine Alchemy to manifest Creation.  Everything is a miracle, including the chemistry. Even this coronavirus!

What is it that drives these alleged “lifeless” germs, made of RNA messaging molecules with protein mooring apparatuses, held together with fat, to attach themselves to cells so they can steal their DNA to reproduce themselves?  As Krishna exclaims in the Gita: “Life it is! Life’s urge it is! . . . man’s enemy or friend!” A harbinger of death, perhaps, nevertheless a miracle of life!

Consolation may be found in words penned by Charles Eisenstein in an excellent online article entitled The Coronation: “Remember, death is no ending. Death is going home.” Why, then, do we fight it and stave it off? Seems we would be happy to be going Home.

That said, my heart goes out to those who are mourning the loss of loved ones and dear friends, and to those special souls, heroes all, who are taking care of the afflicted, putting their lives on the line while struggling with fear and uncertainty, yet passionately going about their tasks caring for the sick. God bless and protect them each one. 


There are many myths about the origin of our species, including the Creation Story of Genesis.  In the previous post I excerpted passages from The Book of Grace in which its author, my dearest late friend Grace Van Duzen, offers insights into the biblical account of the Creation and Fall of Man from grace, stature and dominion.  I also shared excerpts from Richard Heinberg’s MEMORIES and VISIONS of PARADISE, and I’ve received several comments, one from a friend and fellow wayfarer, Donald White, who offered this critique and encouragement:

While I agree with much of your treatise here, I’m still wondering why the “story of man” as presented by the most ancient cultures known to have lived upon the planet with actual written records (the Sumerians and the civilizations that followed) are not part of your consideration of our origins on planet Earth. Atlantis (and Lemuria) may have existed…I don’t dispute that they MIGHT have…but we really don’t know (with apologies to the late Edgar Cayce!).

(True, even the Greek philosopher Plato used the Atlantis legend in his Socratic Dialogues as a fictitious tale, a mythical parable about the cultural and political deterioration of life in the state — casting a shadow onto our modern day.)

The biblical texts regarding these ancient times are highly mythologized, having been translated several times so that we have a version in English (King James Bible), but they still allude to more substantive, extant ancient writings in cuneiform from Mesopotamia (Sumer, Assyria, Akkadia & Babylonia). It just seems that what these ancient scribes had to say about their ‘gods’ and the origins of their culture (attributed to their gods) should have at least equal validity to any of today’s lucid dreamers, biblical pundits, and scholarly professional authors on this subject.

Are we as a species the product of a ”magical’ divine Creation or a design-driven, divine Evolution? Are we still evolving (with fits and starts from proto-human to Neanderthal to Cro Magnon) where angelic consciousness emerges as a whole in the world, or do we need to experience a resurrection from a fall from a place of divine identity where we already knew that identity in human form? These questions are key to your subject matter and I welcome your current focus in this area as it has allowed some deep meditation on my part about where we are today as God’s vessel and representation for this world. This I agree with wholeheartedly, beyond belief!


In the Beginning, Man was given a garden called Eden to dress and to keep. No tilling was required because this garden was, and still is, an invisible one.  It was the Consciousness of the Creator, who was willing and eager to share with Man its care and creating magic, along with its material manifestation — a desire that awaits fulfillment.  That’s why we are here today.  Eden awaits Man’s return to dressing and keeping it — the topic of my next post.  

In this series I have also been sharing some of Peter Watson’s commentaries, which have actually provided thought-provoking upgrades for my own understanding of things hidden in the Creation Story handed down to us in the Book of Genesis, for which I am profoundly grateful.  Here is an excerpt from his most recent dialogue:

As the heaven – the realm of preform – must logically precede the realm of form, as with invisible life that designs and then grows the forms it inhabits, the idea of debris from dead suns being drawn together by gravity, so that under the right circumstances, with water air and earth, and a safe distance from the fire of a sun, the collection of debris would be suitable to support animated ecosystems is far-fetched to say the least. Such a materialistic view is clearly in denial of heavenly preordination, and is therefore flawed inasmuch as it cannot account for our invisible animating force, life, nor its origin; i.e. the Father and Mother of Life.

Fortunately Jesus foresaw the scientific dilemma that would eventually surface as men of intellect probed only the heavens, and the past, for mankind’s meaning and origins, instead of looking within, and perceiving the kingdom-of-heaven as instructed. His remedial advice, and blueprint for the way life works, are contained concisely in the so-called Lord’s Prayer, portraying the simple outline of the order in which life works (i.e. from the heaven and then into the earth; “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”), which must be complied with if our latent human potential is to be realized and made manifest. All of this he liberally demonstrated in working with the four forces, starting his ministry in a water cycle, and miraculously healing those who responded appropriately to his presence, “Wilt thou be made whole?

(His brief earthly life and ministry ended in a Fire cycle with his celebratory entrance into Jerusalem, commemorated in the Christian world on Palm Sunday, and his crucifixion and victory over death that led to his resurrection from the tomb and ascension back into Heaven from whence he came — commemorated during Holy Week and Easter Sunday throughout the Christian world.)  

It’s now up to a precious few of us who are remembering and enacting the instructions of Jesus, so that what he initiated may be brought to fruition as intended. I rejoice in sharing these words with you and seeing the seeds planted by Jesus replace the superstitious seeds of religious fear, and bring the Garden-of-God, Eden, back to life on earth. “I am come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly.


Having followed up on Don’s encouragement to at least expand my research to include the Sumerian and other ancient mythical stories of the formation of the human species, and having meditated on Peter’s commentary on the two accounts of the Creation story in Genesis 1 and 2, as well as on Grace’s insightful interpretation of the biblical Creation Story, I have finally come to terms with my own inner struggle to make sense of it all — and it all comes down to the first paragraph of this post: the Heaven gives form and birth to the Earth.

In Genesis 1, God, Elohim, created Man male and female, in their own image and likeness and placed them in Eden, a Paradise where everything they needed in the way of food and sustenance was freely provided, requiring no tilling but only a thought form to manifest what they needed to sustain their heavenly forms. God blessed them and gave them dominion over all the life forms in Eden, instructing them to be fruitful and multiply and “replenish the earth.” We’ve done a lot of multiplying of our species, but very minimal replenishing of the earth.

In Genesis 2, “The LORD God” (a conclave of God Beings, as Grace explained) is said to have “formed” man (male only) from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man “became a living soul.” Life, the originating and organizing force of Creation, is given to this man after he is formed by matter — the heaven and the earth in reversed order — “when the earth and the heaven were created”— contrary to the way the Law of One works to bring forth Creation out of Heaven.

Here we again have a committee of God Beings, not creating but forming a man out of clay, as many myths describe their various “gods” did.  As for woman, well, she was an after-thought by the rogue creators seeing as how the man was alone and in need of a “help mete”— not an equal partner but a helper.  So, it’s been a man’s world ever since the Fall.

This conclave of God Beings “planted a garden Eastward in Eden, and there they placed the man whom they had formed.” Here we have the first division, that of Man, created by God male and female in His own image and likeness, divided into a man and a woman, a pair of opposites — from oneness to duality.  One myth describes the First Man as being male on one side and female of the other.  Hmm?

Peter’s Comments:

Let it be said that any compromise, or reversal of the principle of cause-and-effect, heaven-and-earth in that order, would inevitably result in a state of decay, and eventual death. We cannot deny or ignore the way-of-life; i.e. what Jesus demonstrated admirably, with impunity.

Let’s say, in Genesis chapter one, we have a true account of creation, with Man, male and female, designated to share God’s dominion . . . .  Alongside, we have chapter two that denigrates mankind (not Man) to have come from the dust-of-the-ground, subject to externals and a tree-of-the-knowledge-of-good-and-evil, a tree-of-death, with no mention of dominion, only subjection, and we have a reliable perspective of how humanity has been coerced into falsely interpreting God’s will.

Earlier on in this commentary:

Fortunately, death and decay can only spread so far in either direction in the microcosm and the macrocosm at a form (material) level, beyond which life reclaims waste and renews it in the mineral kingdom and on up. As is recognized by physicists, no energy is ever lost; you cannot have a ‘dead’ (motionless) atom, or indeed a motionless galaxy. Where there is motion there is evidence of life; where there is life there is the ever-present origin-of-life.

We cannot separate matter from motion. Even using negative numbers, Euclidian geometry, or quantum mechanics, matter and motion are inseparable except in human imagination. However, designed as it is to participate in the furtherance of creation, imagination of the human mind can and will manifest if concentrated over a sufficient period of gestation. Beyond a certain point it becomes questionable as to what human imagination manifests is of any practical value; we may use disease and weaponry as examples of negative manifestation.

Stephen Hawking asks, “What place for God” in his imaginary universe.  Einstein said “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Observational science limits itself to the analytical view of “nothing is a miracle.” Participatory science (ontology) expands its parameters to see “everything is a miracle.” Einstein’s vision extends the reach-of-science beyond the grasp of mankind.

The grasp of mankind is limited to material observation and measurement, a phenomenal mental approach to understanding the universe, but which denies or otherwise ignores the essential encompassment of a motivating force, such as that which makes vegetation grow, human digestion allocate protein where it belongs, and guides the constellations along their celestial paths.

And from an earlier commentary:

So there’s the so-called Fall-of-man in a few lines, sustained by, but not initiated by Eve — the cloned after-thought companion of a simple gardener when it was noticed, “It is not good that the man should be alone”. Unfortunately, Sunday-school translation has made them both appear to have been the original sinners, upon which religion has capitalised in using a ‘sinner’ identity to cover up the rogue’s role of Godlessness, and at the same time keep congregations in the dark regarding our true identity in original Man, male and female, not made from the dust-of-the-ground, but by the male and female spirits of God incarnate. “BIG mistake!” as Schwarzenegger would say.


Now, the Sumerian, Babylonian and other ancient myths tell of many gods flying in the heavens and roaming the earth making things they needed, which included laborers — more like slaves — to till the ground; and warring with one another over the manner in which things were being done, especially in the slave-making department.  They also created “giants” to do the heavy lifting. 

Donald’s Commentary:

Here’s a short summary of the story of mankind’s creation as told in the Sumerian ‘Enuma ‘Elish’ (deciphered from clay tablets uncovered when ancient Ninevah was excavated circa mid 19th century):

“… What is extremely interesting in the ancient Sumerian Creation Story is the fact that initially, man created by the Gods was not able to reproduce on their own. This is why the Gods ‘MODIFIED’ mankind with the help of Enki and his sister Ninki. After the Gods had modified mankind, Adapa was created as a fully functional human being which had the ability to reproduce. However, this ‘modification’ was done without being approved by Enlil, brother of Enki and Ninki, which created a conflict among the Gods.

The conflict made Enlil the first adversary of human beings and according to ancient Sumerian texts, mankind went through an extremely difficult time while serving the gods.”

As you can see, there are numerous similarities between the creation story of Ancient Sumer and other ancient cultures and religions around the globe, but interestingly, in all of them, we learn that mankind was literally CREATED by the GODS in their own image.”

Perhaps the beginning of religion and slavery imposed upon our earliest ancestors? What an awful implication (and indictment) on our false ‘god/creators’!

I think Don is onto a hidden truth.  Here’s an interesting side-story I came upon in my limited studies of ancient cosmology. The word El, as in Elohim, is feminine in gender, indicating that it was a Goddess who created Man — or at least the Elohim may have been a group of feminine deities who were commissioned by the Godhead to create the world and Man in it.  Heinberg cites a man’s near-death-experience in which the God he saw was a woman.  I rather like this kind of musing about God being both male and female and how this works in the invisible order of angelic and creator beings.   


So, Don, I trust I have adequately addressed your queries about who we are and were we are in our evolution of consciousness — our heaven out of which our earthly forms and world continually and momentarily materializes.  I’m right in there with you meditating on our current role as representatives of God on Earth, and as co-creators and keepers of the Garden — and with you Peter, in uncovering the clarifying truth of the Creation of Heaven and Earth, in that order, and of Man and mankind, hidden in myths until a time when we can bear to hear it — realizing that we can correct the “Original Sin” of Adam by reclaiming our Original Innocence.

In our innocence — not by faith and belief in an unknowable God, but by conscious knowing of our own divine identity as Sons and Daughters of God, co-creators with God — we can intelligently engage the Law of One that governs Creation to create Paradise on Earth.  As we hold the image and likeness of God in our consciousness as the template of our outer forms, letting love radiate without concern for results, our bodies will continue to evolve and be transformed, ultimately transmuted into angelic light forms. “As above so below.”

It was Man’s concern for results and his self-determination that reversed his polarity, repelling our first parents from God and ejecting them from Paradise.  We are here to “repent,” literally turn around, restore our polarity in God, in Love, and allow a resurrection and ascension to take place.  All we have to do is dress and keep the Heaven.

I’ll leave it there for your meditation. Until my next post,

Have a Happy Easter and/or a Joyous Passover.



Anthropos: Being Fully Human

This is huge. I will be challenged in these next two or three post to my utmost capacity to synthesize, as I have been studying various authors and each one of them sheds a different light on the subject — and I will lean heavily upon them all for excerpts. So, I’ll just dive right in and let Spirit guide me where it will.

I will launch this multi-post consideration with this passage from logion 114 of the Gospel of Thomas:

Simon Peter said to him: “Let Mary leave us, for women are not fit for the life.” Jesus answered: “See, I have been guiding her so as to make her into a human [Anthropos]. She, too, will become a living breath like you. For any woman who becomes a human will enter into the Kingdom of God.”

Another translation of the same passage says it differently and more to the point I’m aiming to make:

Simon Peter said to them: “Mary should leave us because women are not worthy of the life.” Jesus responded: “Look, I’ll lead her in order to make her male so that she can become a living spirit as you males are. For each woman who makes herself male wll enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.” 

In the first translation, the word “human” is used. In the second, the word “male” is used. I will call upon Jean-Yves Leloup for an interpretation of this poignant passage in her book The Gospel of Mary Magdalene:

The error of many translators is to render this as having something to do with being male. It is clear from the original Greek that the meaning
is that of anthropos (human being in the general sense), and not of andros (man in the masculine sense). It is true that in order to become whole, a human being must integrate in herself or himself the complementary gender. And this work or realization of wholeness is certainly not some­thing that only or especially women have to do–we each have our own work of becoming an Anthropos, a fully human being. . . .

The term anthropos is also richer than the term androgyne, which is sometimes used as the translation of the former, for sexual and psychic
polarities form only a part of what must be integrated in becoming fully human.

The other part is contained in the words “living breath” or “living spirit,” one’s true Self. And here I would introduce a consideration of the differences between male and masculine and between female and feminine. The first, male, relates to physical form, whereas masculine relates to spiritual or energetic essences. The same is applicable for female and feminine. I will address this difference after this clarifying explanation by the same author: 

This recalls a passage from the Gospel of Matthew:

But he said to them, “Not all men can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. He who is able to receive this, let him receive it.”

Some scholars have detected here the hand of an editor who was influenced by some sort of dualistic or ascetic teaching, one that was to
influence Christianity’s monastic departure from Old Testament teach­ings. Indeed, it does seem implausible that Yeshua would advocate
destroying the work of the Creator. How could he who claimed to be One with the Father advocate such mutilation of his creatures?

Others explain this by an improper translation or transmission of Yeshua’s words. The word eunuch should be replaced by the word androg­yne. Unfortunately the latter word (like so many others) was and still is often misunderstood and reduced to a sexual meaning that evokes some
sort of freakish bisexual mixture that is neither male nor female–hardly an advantage for someone who is already having difficulties in finding his or her identity!

As in so many other domains, one can only transcend that which one has fully known and accepted. One must live one’s own sexuality in one’s
own body before speaking of a higher state of androgyny. As in psychotherapy, one must first have an ego that is as sane and stable as possi­ble before pretending to have access to what is often (perhaps too often) called the Self.

This is why the authors of the Gospel of Mary considered it so important that Yeshua really lived his masculine sexuality, perhaps with Miriam, perhaps with another woman. This was necessary in order for him to become the archetype of synthesis, the Anthropos that he was. I prefer the term anthropos to androgyne because the former word still leads to confusion today, in spite of a widespread contemporary appreciation of
the value of spiritual integration and balance of male and female polarities in us. Rather than defending the literal translation of the original
word used in certain early Christian texts, it is preferable here to defend, through the word we choose as its translation, the truth and richness of meaning in what the original word communicates.

What is important is to become whole. This is what makes us able to truly love, not from our sense of lack, but from our plenitude, as Yeshua
himself loved us.

In the same way, we can say that it is because Miriam of Magdala fully lives her feminine sexuality, and because she fully accepts and integrates the masculine dimension of her being, that she is able to speak with authentic knowledge of the Word–though today, as during her time, there are still those who would deny her this. But it is only after the long and slow work of becoming fully human that she can legitimately speak, as an Anthropos, of the fullness of a humanity that, like Yeshua’s, is open to the Divine and transparent to its clear light–the most invisible and subtle of lights.

Of course one can take or leave Leloup’s interpretation of these passages. I personally resonate with his words of clarification.  For one thing, he has helped me come to terms with my own conflicted view of homosexuality, having been somewhat biased by my unsavory confrontation with pedofilia in my seminary years studying for the Roman Catholic priesthood, which left me with a deep aversion to anything the looked like men doing anything sexual to or with other men. But, that’s mine to work with and through. 


Masculine and feminine energies exist as two seemingly separate forces only in this “creating universe,” this illusory world of material forms, as Walter Russell expounds upon in his 1926 signature masterpiece THE UNIVERSAL ONE. The energy out of which these forces are born and in which they move and have their being in One, male and female bodies not withstanding. There is only One who occupies these capacities, and that One is what Jesus calls the “Living Spirit” and “Living Breath” in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and the Gospel of Thomas. With this clarification–and with what I have written about in my previous post “The Imaginal Realm: As Above So Below”–see if you can “see” with the spiritual eyes of your heart what is being conveyed in the following passage from The Gospel of Thomas (22a & 22b):

Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples: “These infants taking milk are like those who enter the Kingdom.”

His disciples asked him: “If we are infants will we enter the Kingdom?”

Jesus responded: ” When you make the two into one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the upper like the lower and the lower like the upper, and thus make the male and the female the same, so that the male isn’t male and the female isn’t female. When you make an eye to replace an eye, and a hand to replace a hand, and a foot to replace a foot, and an image to replace an image, then you will enter the Kingdom.”

I could ponder this passage for days and still not comprehend with my intellect what the Teacher is saying. And what does it have to do with babies being suckled? He was obviously coming from a wisdom higher than that of the world. One can understand why he once told his disciples that he had much more to share with them, but they could not bear it. I wonder if we are able to bear it today with our highly educated intellects. It has been said that understanding if of the heart. This teaching has to be taken into the heart for understanding, something that the books I have been reading this past year have helped me to do.   

The Teacher in speaking here from the standpoint of creating in and from the imaginal realm, where images are sown as seeds from above into the soil of human consciousness. He is speaking of the alchemy of begetting as compared to the chemistry of making. “Begotten not made” is a phrase found in the Nicene Creed referring to the “only begotten Son of the Father.” This is historically known as “Fifth Way Love,” which I will consider in my next post. 


From the standpoint of subtle energy healing through what has come to be called the “Attunement Process” in my field of service, the conscious focus of the practitioner is not on the analogue but on the image; not on the distorted physical form, perhaps fragmented and depleted, but on the perfection of the spiritual body which is whole and vital.  Our work is primarily done in the secret place of the Heaven, in Love’s domain, where we conceive images of wholeness and vitality. That wholeness and vitality is being transferred moment by moment to the physical body via this imaginal realm of spiritual substance — “pneumaplasm”– which bridges the two worlds that are one in reality.  Attunement is with the vibrational tone of Love.  

This is what the Teacher called the “Kingdom.” When we as healers, or as complete human beings, anthropos, access and enter into the imaginal realm — which we can only do as Beings coming from above — where the images of healthy form and function are available for transference to the physical body, then we can make an eye to replace an eye, and a hand to replace a hand, and a foot to replace a foot, and an image to replace an image. From the view in the Heaven, the inside is like the outside and the outside like the inside; the upper is like the lower and the lower like the upper; then the male isn’t male and the female isn’t female but they are the same. We are not male and female. We are Anthropos, fully Human and living spirits, with masculine and feminine energies blended together in our incarnating capacities. We are sons and daughters of God. “Ye are gods.”

As a segue to my next post, I will close with an excerpt from Cynthia Bourgeault’s signature work, The Meaning of MARY MAGDALENE – Discovering The Woman at the Heart of Christianity. She quotes here a passage from the Gospel of Philip:

“The one who creates objects works outwardly in the external world. The one who labors in secret, however, works within the icon, hidden inwardly from others. The one who creates make objects visible to the world. The one who conceives gives birth to children in the Realm of the Unseen.”

In this complex distinction . . . Philip insists that begetting must come “from above”. . . .  It requires a free and conscious regeneration in the Spirit. “Begotten” is an alchemy in which spirit actively participates, and its fruit is the anthropos, or completed human being. 

Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


I invite you to visit my website at for information about my work and my books SACRED ANATOMY and ATTUNEMENT WITH SACRED SOUND. 



The Imaginal Realm: “As Above So Below”

I just finished listening to an interview with Dr. Becca Tarnas on the blog Rune Soup. She and George, the moderator, have a most interesting conversation on the topic of the “Imaginal Realm.”  If you have an hour or so to spare, have a listen. In the interview Dr. Tarnas focuses on Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy and Carl Jung’s “Red Book” as examples of  authors who cross over into the “imaginal realm” from which they tell stories that convey messages for our time and civilization.  I would like to delve into this topic a bit in this blog post.

In her evocative and controversial book The Meaning of Mary Magdalene – The Woman at the Heart of Christianity, author and Episcopal prelate Cynthia Bourgeault makes a distinction between the “imaginal realm” and imagination which I feel deserves in-depth consideration. The context of this consideration is the vision Mary Magdalene has of Jesus just after his resurrection when she reportedly mistakes him for the gardener.  In her gospel, Mary Magdalene tells the apostles of Jesus’ resurrection and goes on to describe her remarkable experience with him. 

I saw the Master in a vision and I said to him, “Lord I see you now in a vision.” And he answered me, “You are blessed, Mary, since the sight of me does not disturb you. For where is the nous [the heart] lies the treasure.” Then I said to him: “Lord, when someone meets you in a Moment of vision, is it through the soul [psyche] that they see, or is it through the Spirit [Pneuma] ?”

The Teacher answered: “It is neither through the soul nor the spirit , but the nous between the two that sees the vision….”

The “nous” is the heart, or the “eye of the heart.” It’s our capacity to discern spiritual or vibrational essences. It’s the space between the infinite and the finite, between pure spirit and gross matter – and it is said to belong to Spirit, generated as it is by Spirit for communicating with the physical world and for conveying “images” for the manifestation of “analogues”– the manifest forms.

From Cynthia’s book:

Most of us, reared in the scientific objectivism of our times, tend to think of visions as “subjective.” They belong to the realm of the personal and interior and, while perhaps illuminating the workings of an individual psyche, do not conform to anything in external reality. These, in fact, were precisely the criticisms that began to be raised during the third and fourth centuries, when visionary revelation was rejected as an authentic mode of knowing within the church. But in the original wisdom anthropologies . . . visionary knowledge is not an “experience,” let alone a private or subjective one; it is “of an ontological reality entirely superior to mere possibility” It emanates from an actual realm, a realm that is in fact more subtle and endowed with real Being than our own. In fact, in the reversal of our usual sense of things, it is the place of origin from which what we usually refer to as “reality” is merely the shadow projected into space and time.

Many centuries later, when this implicit anthropology came to maturity in the work of some remarkable Near Eastern Is­lamic mystics, this realm would be given the title “the imaginal realm.” Imaginal does not mean “imaginary”—that is, fictitious or subjective. It means the realm in which the images—the eternal prototypes—reveal themselves in their full authenticity. Remember how, in dialogue I, Jesus introduced the notion of “image” as a kind of primordial template? The imaginal is the realm from which these images emanate. . . . “that in-between zone where spirits become embodied and bod­ies become spiritualized.”


The word “pneumaplasm” was coined by Lloyd Meeker (Uranda) eighty some years ago to represent this substance through which Spirit communicates with the material world.  Uranda was the founder of the Attunement service now being offered by attunement practitioners the world over.  I have incorporated sacred sound in my personal attunement service and have written a book about this sacred technology. I would like to share an excerpt from my book, Attunnement With Sacred Sound, from the section “Cellular Replication in a Musical Matrix of Light.”

“Image” and “Analogue” — “As Above so Below”

“From a mystical and metaphysical perspective, the Hermetic teaching ‘as above so below’ is restated by the great mystic Jesus who left a profound teaching himself with his disciples in a stream of dialogue that was recorded in both the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and the Gospel of Thomas, manuscripts that were discovered as early as 1896 (the Magdalene text) and as late as the mid twentieth century [1945] when Nag Hammadi material was discovered. In both of these Gospels, Jesus speaks about an ‘Image.’

“In her powerfully compelling and provocative book, The Meaning of MARY MAGADALENE—Discovering the Woman at the Heart of Christianity, Episcopal priest and author Cynthia Bourgeault shares teachings of the Master Jesus from The Gospel of Mary Magdalene that transgress lines of traditional orthodoxy. I will excerpt several passages from the fourth chapter of her book that are pertinent to this discussion, starting with a dialogue around ‘image’ and ‘analogue.’

Within the particular metaphysical stream that Jesus seems to be working in, image corresponds to that primordial template mentioned earlier—“the origin” of each created form. Very cautiously, you might label it an archetype. At first glance you may be tempted to transpose this teaching into Platonic categories and assume that Jesus is talking about the “ideal form” of a thing. But be cautious in doing so, for there is a distinctly different dynamism at work here. For Jesus, the “image” is not merely a static blueprint, a preexistent prototype that its earthly analogue mechanically reflects. Between image and analogue there is a dynamic reciprocity as they simultaneously articulate the same reality in two different realms. Image and analogue are in continuously creative tension receiving and fulfilling each other, and it is in the energy exchange that their indivisible wholeness is made manifest.

Images do not arise in this realm, however (their origin is several cosmoses more subtle), and trouble begins when this fundamental cosmic law is forgotten. . . .

“I like her use of the word ‘analogue’ here, which means similar in function but not in origin and structure, as it represents accurately the relationship between Man and his Creator, in whose image and likeness we are made in order to function as creators ourselves. In our energy and attunement work you might say that we seek to facilitate a clarifying, balancing and intensification of this ‘energy exchange’ between image and analogue with the intention that the oneness between them may be made manifest in the person’s experience of life, as well as in our own. . . .

“In ‘Dialogue One,’ a disciple asks Jesus about matter and whether it will ‘survive.'”[This inquisitiveness on the part of the disciple, taking place as this dialogue does in the wake of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, makes perfect sense. “Are you really here in the flesh or simply in a vision?” Or, more to the point, “Did the matter of your body live on after death?” the student asks.] 

“Jesus answered: ‘All of nature with its forms and creatures exist together and are interwoven with each other. They will be resolved back, however, to their own proper origin, for the compositions of matter return to the original roots of their nature. Those who have ears, let them hear this.’

“Cynthia Bourgeault expands on this:

But by this . . . he does not mean they dissolve into their component atoms, quarks and/or humors. Instead, they return to an original template—or ‘image’— whose place of arising is in another realm.

“The dialogue suddenly turns into an inquiry about sin and its origin, into which Jesus offers a remarkably clarifying perspective.

Sin as such does not exist. You only bring it into manifestation when you act in ways that are adulterous in nature. It is for this reason that the Good has come among you pursuing its own essence within nature in order to reunite everything to its origin. This is also the reason for sickness and death, because you embrace what deceives you. Consider these matters, then, with your spiritual intellect. Attachment to matter gives birth to passion without an Image of itself because it is drawn from that which is contrary to its higher nature. The result is that confusion and disturbance resonates throughout one’s whole being. It is for this reason that I told you to find contentment at the level of the heart, and if you are discouraged, take heart in the presence of the Image of your true nature. Those with ears, let them hear this.

“A ‘Vertical Axis’

“Cynthia Bourgeault offers that ‘within his particular frame of reference, acting in ways that are ‘adulterous in nature’ will prove to have very specific meaning. It signifies a failure to stay aligned with origin; with that mysterious ‘root’ (or template) of one’s nature he has already alluded to, which, while arising beyond this realm, seeks its full expression here.” . . . [Jesus] quickly assures his students that this world is valuable and precious; indeed, this is the very reason the Good has come among them in the first place—“pursuing its own essence within nature . . . in order to reunite everything to its origin.’ There is important integrative work to be done here. But it all depends upon keeping a right alignment along what wisdom tradition typically refers to as the ‘vertical axis’: the invisible spiritual continuum that joins the realms together. Nearly sixteen centuries later, the German mystic Jacob Boehme would express this cosmological insight with poetic precision and beauty:

‘For you must realize that earth unfolds its properties and powers in union with Heaven aloft above us, and there is one Heart, one Being, one Will, one God, all in all.’

“The author then offers these words of truth and wisdom derived from Jesus’ teaching: 

When the realms are in spontaneous resonance—’One Heart, one Being, one Will, one God, all in all’—the music of the spheres bursts forth. When they are not, disease and disharmony inevitably ensue. As he quickly points out (again, with a contemporary feeling to the teaching), ‘Confusion and disturbance resonate throughout one’s whole being,’ and sickness and death are the inevitable result.

“The heart realm is the ‘secret place’ in which we commune with God; the capacity for spiritual discernment and understanding. It is precisely this ‘vertical axis’ around which we must wrap our hearts in order to attune to the vibration of the Lord of Love, from whence all power to heal and uplift derives. I bring these excerpts into this writing for the profoundly clear light they shine on the core essence and purpose of attunement and energy work, as well as for the perspective and insight they offer into the dynamism at work between inner Reality and outer form—continually giving to and receiving from each other the spiritual energies that generate the pneumaplasmic substance that connects spirit with form and makes possible their manifest wholeness and oneness. I was deeply moved when I first read this chapter, as I was profoundly uplifted—and continue to be—reading and re-reading Cynthia’s book.”

The imaginal realm is precisely the realm that we, as healers and co-creators, must become intimate with in bringing down into the earth the true patterns of life which alone can restore order and harmony to our world. As we make visible the invisible Reality imaged for us in this heaven, our Earth is restored.  

I will leave this consideration at that and continue the discussion in my next post, in which I will open up a consideration of the masculine and feminine energies at work in our human capacities and throughout the “creating universe,” as Walter Russell describes the world in which we live and have our being. Until then, 

Be love. Be loved.


I invite you to read my Health Light Newsletter at

Apocalypse of Light 2013, Part 5: Questions Answered, page 5, Cosmic Consciousness

Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra


Deepak Chopra defines cosmic consciousness very succinctly: 

In cosmic consciousness the psyche or individual consciousness expands to a cosmic or universal level. The small personality with its identification with the body, the mind and relationships makes a radical shift so that the self now identifies with the non-local, timeless existence of the cosmos. So it is called cosmic consciousness. —Deepak Chopra

Walter Russell expands on the topic — and more — in the “QUESTIONS ANSWERED” part of his book THE MESSAGES OF THE DIVINE ILIAD.

Walter Russell

Walter Russell


Q. Did Jesus know all things? I mean by that, did He have omniscience?

A. Yes, He did have omniscience. He was undoubtedly the only man who had known complete Cosmic Consciousness. 

Q. Can a cosmic conscious man see Jesus as a person?

A. No one has ever seen the Person of Jesus-or Beethoven-or you. The body alone can be seen and the Person alone can be known.

Q. Are Jesus and God the same?

A. Yes, they are One-and so are you One with God when you know that you are.

Q. What is the Soul?

A. Soul is the desire force in Mind, the will to extend desire from the Light to manifest the Light
in form.

Q. How does desire manifest itself?

A. Without desire, the seed would not germinate into form. The Soul centers the seed in the pattern of desire to express form. The seed records the pattern of the body as it changes throughout eternity. The
record changes according to the desire of the Soul-will to become a different body. 

Q. Could you give an example?

A. Yes. The pattern of a tree in Maine where the winds blow hard is recorded in the seed of that tree. The same ruggedness of pattern will be recorded in the seed and repeated as the same kind of tree when the seed again unfolds. 

Q. Your statement that trees have Souls as well as human beings is rather extraordinary. Would you explain it further?

A. The Soul is universal in all things. It does not belong to man alone. God is Light. The Soul is DESIRE in the Light. It might also be termed the WILL.

Q. How does animal life differ from vegetable and mineral life?

A. What you call animal life is not rooted to earth. It has entirely different bodies which must interchange in order to continue. The vegetable kingdom is rooted to earth. The mineral kingdom is the earth itself.

All of these function alike. They all begin and end in the same way. 

Q. What are their relations to each other? Which comes first?

A. The mineral kingdom comes first-the planet is all mineral until sufficiently cooled by the coming of water. Interchange between water and minerals begets the vegetable kingdom.

Interchange between the vegetable and mineral kingdoms begets the animal kingdom. Each of these three depends upon each other or survival. Each is an extension of the other. 

I marvel at the depth and height of Russell’s understanding. A man who truly tapped the secrets of the universe and articulated the simple truth of it all.

I will end this series at this point to explore some of the profound perspectives and transcendent vision of Hugh Malafry as shared in his landmark and timely novel The Light at Lindisfarne. So, until next post,

Be Love. Be loved.

Tony's picture 2 from PeggyAnthony

Read my Health Light Newsletter online at 


Apocalypse of Light 2013, Part 5 Questions Answered in the Light, page 1

Walter Russell

Walter Russell

Walter Russell tapped into the secrets of the Universe. He was able to do this because he lived his life in the Light.  His intense desire for knowledge was the key that opened his heart and mind to receive knowledge directly from God. His writings and revelations indicate clearly and repeatedly that each one of us can access knowledge directly from God just as easily as he did, echoing words the Master Jesus reportedly uttered: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth in me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” (John 14:12) That is a promise worth exploring and receiving.

In THE MESSAGE OF THE DIVINE ILIAD  Russell answers questions concerning life and universal truths in the Light. I will share some of these questions and answers in the next few blog posts. As always, you comments are welcome and encouraged.


Q. Why is it you are able to answer all of our questions upon any subject so easily?

A. Because all knowledge exists and one can have all knowledge by desiring to have it. To quote from THE DIVINE ILIAD: “All questions are answerable in Light. Thou art Light. Thou can’st answer them.You can answer them as well as I if your desire for knowledge is sufficiently intense. Let me call to your attention, however, that I cannot answer questions which are not knowledge. I could not tell you the date of Julius Caesar’s birth, for that is not knowledge; that is but information. Knowledge is limited to cause. Information concerns effect. Effect belongs to the sensed electric universe of motion. Motion cannot be known. It can but be comprehended.

Q. What is the underlying principle of motion?

A. The universe of motion is founded upon a very simple principle, as simple as your heartbeat or your incoming-outgoing breath. All effects are the result of the two desires of the Creator for expression of His idea. One desire is for division of oneness of idea into multiple forms of ideas. The other is for a return to oneness for repetition of multiplicity through rest. Each of these desires is expressed by half a cycle of two-way motion between two opposite points of rest to other opposite points. Each opposite voids its other opposite, but our senses do not detect this fact. If they did, they would sense the illusion which the universe of motion is. All effects of motion are the result of either balanced or unbalanced interchange between the pairs of opposites which manifest God’s two desires while on their respective journeys to and from the rest points in the Light from which each is extended. 

Q. Have you any simple key, or formula, which helps you answer questions?

A. Yes. My knowledge of the wave is the key. 

Q. Tell us about the wave.

A. The wave is the foundation of God’s creative expression. By means of light-waves God expresses His two desires. There can be nothing more simple than the wave principle of equal giving and regiving for the purpose of repeating the giving and regiving. Complexity lies only in multiplying simplicity. The principle that two times two are four is simple, but the same simple principle applies when you multiply 5648 by 4872. All you have done is to create the idea of complexity by multiplying simplicity. That in no wise alters the simple principle. When you learn to think in terms of the wave, you will find yourself living in another world. The more you know the light-wave which records God’s thinking, the more you will be enabled to think with Him. The more you think with God, the more you will know, for God is all knowledge and His knowing will be your knowing. 

The wave is the key.  Until the next post, may the Wave be with you. 🙂 Tony's picture 2 from PeggyAnthony Palombo

Read my Health Light Newsletter online at my other blog  The current post is a five-minute video clip entitled “BOUGHT” in which Jeff Hayes, author of the film “DOCTOR,” shares information he gathered while making the film that shows how our health care system and our food supply are bought and controlled by Big Pharma and the Chemical Corporations.  A very timely and important piece of research. (Scroll down a bit and receive a quick sound attunement for your pineal gland.)


Apocalypse of Light 2013, Part 4: Divine Economics page 3 — Reciprocity and Compensation


Tony's pictureIn a previous post I related how at our clinic in Baton Rouge, La. years ago we offered healthcare on a “giving basis,” allowing patients to give within their means for services received.  We had a high volume patient flow with a low volume cash flow.  The compensation wasn’t always balanced by the priceless worth of the services we offered.  Health in itself is priceless. In an effort to help patients understand the spirit of our Cooperative Fee System, often I would say “Your visit was paid for by the person who just left. You can pay for the person coming behind you.”  Precious few really caught the vision; most couldn’t quite make such a radical shift in their customary way of paying for services received.

One peculiarity I noted was how people tended to place more monetary value on a chiropractic adjustment than on an attunement, which was viewed as a form of “spiritual” healing and was therefore somehow exempt from monetary consideration — quite understandably, I will add.  The experience of sharing an attunement is priceless.  We simply do not know how to measure priceless spiritual gifts by material standards — and in truth we really can’t.  How do you reciprocate to God, for example, and compensate Him for the gift of life, other than with the spiritual currency of a life well lived in expressed love for God and one’s neighbor?  

On the subject of reciprocity and compensation, my friend and follower I mentioned in the last post offered this perspective in his comments to a previous blog post, referring to a question the founder of the attunement service, Uranda (Lloyd A. Meeker), once posed: 

From the  divine standpoint, I don’t think reciprocity in kind is the rule and more importantly there is a vertical dimension to this which is negotiated only by an exchange of spiritual substance. Your article caused me to remember Uranda’s pointed question, “How much is an attunement worth?” And he went on by degrees to suggest there really wasn’t compensation enough in human terms for an attunement.  But, of course, according to our response, so is it established unto us. Some may give much but it is little enough of what they have to give; some may give little but it is all they have to give. The considerations are not material but spiritual substance.

If I look at my own life from human appearances it’s easy to suppose I gave up far more materially than I ever gained by reason of spiritual expression. . . .   What [one has to] understand is that I have spent my life ‘laying up treasure in heaven.’  That’s the vertical dimension of divine economics and it can only be understood in terms of the generation of spiritual substance as the primary purpose for our being in this world.

We generate spiritual substance when the spirit of God is allowed to move upon the face of the waters of our consciousness — out hearts and minds.  When that happens there is Light.  As it was in the Beginning, so is it now and will always be.  Another word for Light is Life.  In other words, when we put Life, the real and lasting currency in divine economics, into our exchanges between one another, we generate spiritual substance, and that spiritual substance is stored in our consciousness — our “heaven.”  With his permission, I will share the rest of my friend’s comments, as he accurately articulates a very pivotal perspective from his own life experience, one with which I resonate deeply at many levels based upon my own experiences in serving the health needs of my patients.

Lest I be misunderstood, life long there has been an appropriate translation of that spiritual substance into the just fulfilling of material necessities — never extravagant, only fitting to the need; no more, no less. What I’ve noted about exchanges in the material world is that the thing itself exchanged — money for this or that object/service, etc — is not the primary concern. A true exchange in spirit — even if from outer appearances you may look to be receiving the ‘short end,’ as they say — always results in an increase of substance for both concerned. So my lifelong commitment to [my spiritual path], apparently getting the short end so far  as outside observation is concerned, was really an exchange of substance which resulted in laying up treasure in heaven for whatever purpose the Lord has and has yet to reveal.

The reference here is to something the Master Jesus is recorded to have said in his Sermon on the Mountain.  “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt , and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will be your heart.” (Matt 6: 19-21)


This vertical  dimension is where the real balance has to come; the earth responding in kind to the impulse of the spirit so that what rises up meets and corresponds to what is coming down from God out of the Heaven. That truly is out of balance in the  world and it is the vertical dimension that brings balance to the horizontal give-and-take on the plane of materiality. And it is this vertical dimension that has been largely ignored creating an inflated state of affairs in the world with ‘things’ being demanded and/or exchanged without regard to spiritual substance. But man won’t discover this until he gets beyond the two dimensional currency of the earth and discovers the vertical dimension of spiritual substance.

The interesting thing about the generation and use of spiritual substance for spiritual purposes is that what you give and what comes back may have an entirely different complexion. It’s an economy that  works through the whole.

 My friend, who was a university professor, cited an incident in his career which demonstrates an important misunderstanding of the principle of reciprocity.

I remember a circumstance years ago when I had very little and lived for a period of several months “rent free” with an acquaintance, for which I was very grateful. He  agreed I shouldn’t pay rent (though I picked up the cost of food for him and me) but at the end of that time he made the comment to me with a sigh, “Well, I guess that rent will come  back to me some other way,” implying it should have come from me. What he didn’t realize was there was a divine exchange going on. He had been a student of mine when I was still a graduate student and teaching assistant.  He’d had some difficulties and I excused him a final paper so he  could graduate. I had also introduced him to [my spiritual path] and lifted him up out of a very difficult circumstance. In other words I had extended spiritual substance to uplift him, and yet, apart from the ‘rent,’ he couldn’t see the outworking of divine reciprocity except it be in financial terms. What he had done was ‘given back’ bread  I had cast upon the waters, but for him it was another matter.


This opens up, for me anyway, a entirely new and fresh perspective with regard to paying for goods and services. If I only pay what they are worth in material terms, then I have given nothing more than what the merchant has invested into his business.  I have not appreciated, added to, his worth. As my friend put it, I only returned the “bread” he had cast upon the waters of life in hopes, and perhaps with faith, that he would receive it back with “interest,” or “lagniappe,” as we call it here in the South.  The “lagniappe” is usually given by the merchant in goods or services.  How about it being given by me for a change? And it doesn’t necessarily have to be in material or monetary terms, although a “tip” is always appreciated.

Giving with a thankful and generous heart, for example, appreciates the value of the transaction.  Complaint, on the other hand, depreciates its value.  We may well wonder if complaint about the state of our economy is not the root cause of the recessions and depressions we bring upon ourselves.  I personally have never felt good when I’ve allowed my complaint over prices to be voiced toward the cashier, who had nothing at all to do with pricing the goods I was purchasing.  My words, to my regret, only left a dissonant vacuum behind me. The wise admonition “Never underestimate the power of spiritual expression” my spiritual mentor reiterated, non too often for me, applies to all spirits we express in life, both loving and resentful. The spirit of thankfulness always uplifts the situation.  My friend concludes his comments with these timeless words:  

We live in this realm of divine exchange constantly, allowing the interactive nature of spiritual substance to give shape to whatever is appropriate in the current of the spirit, and those gifts we give and gifts we receive are not to be measured against human standards of valuation. This is the true meaning of Christ having given his life for the flock; of true love being the laying down of one’s life  for one’s friend, of  the gift [great spiritual messengers like Uranda] gave us at the expense of their own “personal fulfillment” that many might come and know what it means to lay up treasure in heaven to the restoration of divine balance to the human race.

This is what we had accomplished in our Baton Rouge clinic serving on a “Giving Basis.”  Together, through our passion and agreement to serve from a spiritual state of consciousness, we had generated quite a rich atmosphere of spiritual substance.  In such a buoyant atmosphere of rich spiritual substance, miracles of healing took place.  Results were forthcoming with little effort.  Spirit had created a healing matrix in our clinic and human flesh rushed to respond to the love with which we imbued and truly enriched our services.  This is what I am talking about — laying up riches in heaven. 

Those riches we laid up in heaven back then have continued to bring blessings into my life, and through me into the lives of those who have come to me for healing over yea these many years.  I celebrate my Golden Anniversary as a Chiropractor this year.  It’s been an incredibly rich and rewarding career and journey spiritually and, consequently but modestly, materially.  As my friend pointed out in his comments, the provision of the Lord is always just perfect for the need of the day. Never too much nor too little. I suspect the Lord has the same attitude toward His provision as my late mother-in-law had, God rest her soul, “Waste not, want not” — a legacy, I am thankful to say, her daughter faithfully carries forward.  I think of it every time I brush my teeth and turn off the running tap until I need to rinse.  The provision of life is really abundant.  As wise stewards of that provision, we can enjoy the riches of heaven without wasting the wealth of the earth.

In closing, let me thank my friend for taking the time to write and send me his comments. Through his words and shared insights, he really did add to (appreciate) the depth of our consideration.  I trust his commenting will inspire and encourage other readers to not be shy is sharing their thoughts with me and with others through my blog. 

I’ll share more from Walter Russell’s Messages of the Divine Iliad next post.  Until then,

Be love. Be loved.


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WELCOME READER IN MALDIVES! (The Maldives are islands in the Laccadive Sea located south of India.)


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