Creating the New Earth Together

Archive for April, 2022

Angelic Presence In Heaven

Graphic Portrayal of Angelic Presence in the      Mercy Seat  

THE PINEAL GLAND provides our portal of entry as angels of light into our body temples.  Together with the Pituitary Gland, its partner in creation, situated in the bony saddle of the Sella Tursica—what I have seen as related to the “Mercy Seat” in the Ark of the Covenant in my book SACRED ANATOMY—the Father within, who is Love, ignites the spark of Life in the vibrational womb of the Mother and Life is born anew in each and every moment in our living temple. We live in Heaven and have our Being on Earth.  It is a profound privilege to be here on Earth in service to the One. 


I shared a song in my last post that I had composed and given voice to several decades ago entitled “THE FULLNESS THEREOF”— the opening lyrics of which are taken from Psalm 24 in the Old Testament of the Bible: “The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein.” I had just recently emerged from a transformative cocoon-like experience in my life’s journey emerging into a conscious awareness of my own angelic presence in heaven and a coming forth into the earth of my physical body, and in the context of the larger world into which I had incarnated some forty-eight years earlier.  I finally got around to recording the song some years later and shortly thereafter transferred it to a CD.  Last year I had several CD’s made to share with friends and family. 

The song itself can be used and sung by anyone to express the profound burst of sacred energy that pours out of heaven during the birth and full emergence of one’s authentic Self, which for me was an earth-shattering experience—or shall I say cocoon-shattering.  The butterfly comes forth and cannot return to the chrysalis womb that gave it wings and birth. It may light on a flowering event here and there, but it won’t stop flying in the air of the Spirit of Life that fills its wings and propels it forward.  The angel comes forth well before the physical body reaches the end of its earthly journey and succumbs to the laws of disintegration in what is called “death.” There is no death for the soul imbued with the Spirit of the Living God. 

And it is the Spirit of the Living God that incarnates in and through us human beings—made in the image and likeness of the Creator and, therefore, creator beings each one. This is the the reason and purpose for coming forth out of the cocoons of our isolated lives and conditions: that our Creator might be present in His and Her creation to see it, hear it, smell it, taste it and enjoy it. In return we share His life, His love, and His glory.


Music and song are ways to give glory to our Creator.  Worshipful song lyrics written by a scholarly friend, Hugh Malafry, then scored and sung by another friend, operatic baritone PenDell Pittman, come to mind:  

How shall we give Thee glory, who art the Living God?  Power? Who art the very flame of Love?  Kingdom? When the Universe of stars is but a cloak to Thee? Thou art all things.  All things come from Thee, return again unto Thee, and abide always in Thee. We are Thy Kingdom, Power, Thy Glory shinng.  We are Thy bones, Thy blood, Thy flesh singing praises into thee. To know Thee as thou art almighty God and living Word made flesh.

As a lagniappe, I am delighted to be able to include an audio recording of PenDell’s song.  I know you will love it and find deep solace for your soul hearing his rich and powerfully controlled vocal outpouring of his spirit through sacred verse and song: (Best enjoyed with earbuds)


How, indeed, shall we give God glory?  What better way than by giving Him presence and full emergence in and through us on earth.  Our coming forth as angels is more than a personal and individual event.  It is a collective event that signifies the coming into form and expression of the Spirit of the Living God, for whom we each provide individual and unique focus and expression.  We do it not for our own personal fulfillment but for the fulfillment of the One whose Body we comprise:  our eyes for Him to see His beautiful world; our ears that He may hear and enjoy the songs of the birds and crickets and the rush of the wind; our voice that He may speak the Word that gives life to flesh and living forms; our minds that He may share His Light and wisdom with all; our hands that He may touch His creation and extend His blessings; our feet that He may walk upon the sacred Earth; our hearts that He may give His love to us and through us to all of creation.


I’m writing here on behalf of all incarnate angelic beings in whose consciousness has dawned the awareness of their presence in Heaven on Earth and who have a burning desire in their hearts to come forth and shine their light more fully in these historic days of rebirth and ascension.  The time is ripe as our neighboring planets are in alignment and entering the Zodiacal House of Ares, a fire sign, in May.  (And today, April 30th, is the first solar eclipse of 2022, a partial eclipse in Taurus, starting at 2:30 pm.) The world is in crisis.  It’s safe, in other words, as the masses are distracted and preoccupied with pressing existential matters . . . such as climate change, economic crises, pandemics, and somehow restoring normalcy to life on this planet . . . and many souls looking for the Light in the midst of gross darkness.

These are days of advent leading to an apocalypse of angelic light that is even now transforming and transmuting our flesh bodies to a higher vibrational state of transparency, even as Gaia crosses the threshold to a new and higher frequency and state of being herself.  I say come on forth angels and reveal your divine light fully.  Let’s finish the work we came here to do for our Lord and King, whose Earth this is and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein. We are the living Son of Man coming in the clouds of the New Heaven to usher in and set the dominion of heavenly ordinances in the New Earth.  This is our Day of Apocalypse.  Let us shine our heavenly light and together create a Home for God on Earth.  So let it be, to the glory of God and the blessing of all Creation.     —Anthony


The Earth is the Lord’s


(Click on the link below to listen to a sound tract of my Earth Day Song)

The Earth Is The Lord’s

“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof,

The world and they that dwell therein”


I come in the midst of Heaven to bless the fullness thereof.

I stand in midst of the Earth and welcome the fullness thereof.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the Fullness thereof.


Behold, I come in the sea and put my hand on the tides thereof.

And, lo, I come in the wind and put my hand on the currents thereof.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the rhythms thereof.


Behold I come in the Earth and put my hand on the Seasons thereof.

And, lo, I come in the Sun and put my hand on the Fire thereof.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the Season’s thereof.


I come in the towering mountains, I come in the rolling hills,

I come in the blue-green forests, I come in the sweet daffodil.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the beauty thereof.


I mount the sky on wings of eagles,

I run on hooves through the bondless plains.

I plunge the deep in whales of the ocean

I nourish my own in the fields of grain.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the kingdoms thereof.


Who will stand with me in the midst of the fullness thereof?

And put a hand of care on the boundaries of the fullness thereof?

Earth is the Lord’s and the boundaries thereof.


Behold, I’ll come to thee and put my fire in the heart thereof

And, lo, I’ll come through thee and give my love to the fullness thereof.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the Power thereof.


Behold, I’ll come to thee and put my thoughts on the wheel thereof.

And, lo, I’ll come through thee and shed my Light on the fullness thereof.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the Wisdom thereof.


And, yes! I’ll come to thee and put my breath in the flesh thereof.

And, yes! I’ll come through thee and share my Life with the fullness thereof.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.


Who will stand with me and welcome the fullness thereof

And who will dwell with me in the heaven of the fullness thereof?

The Earth is the Lord’s and the heaven thereof.


Come and share with me in blessing with the Spirit of Love

The world and they that dwell in the Earth, and the fullness thereof.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the People thereof.


The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof

The world and they that dwell therein.


“The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.”

(Psalm 24;1)

(The link below will take you to an audio recording of my Earth Day Song)

The Mystery of Consciousness: Conveyor of Light and Love

Where your heart is, there also is your treasure. 

A LINE FROM A POPULAR POEM BY RUMI about a field “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing” has been repeating in my head since I published my previous post: “When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.”  And it truly is. There’s just so much going on in our world today for one to crowd into one’s thimble-size mind.  Another saying that Rumi penned from his home in Konya, Turkey, speaks of the heart’s treasure: “I looked in temples, churches and mosques. But I found the Divine in my heart.” 

In the movie “The Sound of Music,” Maria (Julie Anderson) sings “I go to the hills when my heart is lonely.”  Today, amidst the devastation in Ukraine and the repercussions the sanctions levied against Russia are having on the economy here and globally, I go to my heart to find peace and sanity.  Peace, because love abides here; sanity, because in my heart I know and understand that all is well in the Hands of God. 

By divine design, we human beings are the hands of God here on Earth.  Whatever happens, let me be a beacon of light in the darkness of human consciousness . . . and human consciousness is truly filled with darkness.  But darkness is simply the absence of light.  It’s not something of itself.  It’s nothing.  Light is something! Let there be light! 

A large mass of humanity has withdrawn from the light of love and hunkered down in the shadows of fear and uncertainty.  But let the Spirit of Love move upon the face of the waters of human consciousness and, Voila! There is light! And the light shines in the darkness, but the darkness does not comprehend it. “How can you be so calm and peaceful amid such atrocities and violence?! Where is your outrage!? Your condemnation of Putin and his murderous foot-soldiers who have exterminated tens-of-thousands of their fellow countrymen, women and children included?!” Such reactions are only incapacitating spiritually and contribute nothing but fuel to the fires raging in human hearts and minds, clouding and darkening vision.  If there’s one thing needed at this time it’s clear vision.

Whatever happens, let me be a beacon of light in the darkness

I find it somewhat challenging to refrain from outrage and remain non-judgmental in all of this death and destruction being heaped upon Ukraine and her citizens.  But that doesn’t mean I have blinders over my eyes.  I see clearly what is happening—at least what the news is telling and showing us—but only with my eyes. 

“A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten-thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee, for only with thine eyes shalt thou see and behold the reward of the wicked.” (Psalm 91:7). 

I looked up the word wicked and it has several connotations and applications: vicious, depraved, (wicked habits); mischievous or playfully malicious (a wicked joke); obnoxious or offensive (a wicked stench); formidable or excellent (a wicked tennis player).  The Psalmist most likely would characterize the wicked as “vicious” and “depraved.” Who, then, are these “wicked” ones who are reaping their rewards? I think we all have had some part in wickedness; surely any and all who have lived for the material treasures of the world rather than the spiritual treasures of Heaven. 


Perhaps it’s a bit of a stretch, although a good segue to the theme of this post, the word “wicked” has the word “wick” as its root—which is a woven chord for conveying liquid, like the wick of a candle which is designed to convey the melting candle wax up to fuel the flame for light.  Consciousness is a conveyor of Spirit, given to us by the Creator as a means of connecting with Heaven and for conveying the Light of Truth and Love into the world.  By design, we are much like the whirling dervishes of Turkey who spin ’round and ’round, with one hand pointed upward toward heaven and the other hand turned downward toward the earth, as they provide a channel for bringing Love down from God into the world.  

There’s a wise saw that says you can’t fix a problem at the same level as the problem, but from a level above the level of the problem.  And so it is with the problems that plague human consciousness.  The solutions are to come from above and not from below.  The design for the New Earth descends from Heaven above into the heaven of human consciousness . . . but only as there is room to receive it.  Filled with wickedness, there’s no room for the Truth of Life, which is Love.  We need to cast the devil—literally the divider—out of our heaven, as Jesus did: “Get thee hence!”  Then there will be room for the Truth of the New Earth to emerge from the New Heaven and replace the old earth. 

A large part of the old heaven is occupied by the Christian belief that Jesus came down to earth from Heaven to die for our sins and redeem “us sinners” from the hands of the Devil.  That is a redaction and a lie conjured up by Saint Paul and the Council of Nicaea, the most grievous of lies ever perpetrated upon human beings. 

The truth is that Christ, the Son of God, incarnated in Jesus and came to show us how to love God and one another.  That’s the truth, and I think it’s time that Christians, and particularly Catholics, do away with their crucifixes and repent for having worshiped the murderous crucifixion of the Son of God all these centuries.  I am certain that He doesn’t want nor like that his crucifixion is still being celebrated as the purpose for his visitation to this planet.  We can celebrate His life and victory over death by His resurrection without dragging him through that ignominious ordeal in our memories and our Holy Week liturgies.  Please, take him down from the cross and worship the Father in spirit and in truth, which is all He asked.  His true passion was and is the return of Love of God and love for one another to humanity and to His Father’s world. 

If a cross is needed, one can replace the crucifix with the balanced cross of St. Benedict, which is a plus ⊕, symbolizing a cross-over point between Heaven and Earth, which is what Jesus was and what we are designed to be.  (This cross is believed to protect one from the Devil and was used in exorcisms to cast out demons.)

I’ll leave you with the beautiful and rich Russian choral music of Grechaninov’s Passion Week, Op. 58:1, Behold the Bridegroom, performed by the Phoenix Bach Choir, Kansas City Chorale, conducted by Charles Bruffy.  Enjoy this first track of the album.

Have a Happy Easter Sunday. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved. 



The Mystery of Consciousness: Conditioned by War and Deception


 Sitting in our back yard swing today, I watched a busy bumble bee hovering with watchful antennae over a blossoming azalea and chasing away other bees that are drawn to the same inviting pink flowers. It even hovers over my head when I sit to close to the bush near our patio. Even though I know that the female doesn’t sting unless messed with, it’s not a very comfortable feeling. The males have no stingers, as I’ve learned researching bumble bees’ sex and anatomical features . . . and I learned something else that fits squarely into the theme of this post.

Today I learned that the bumble bee worker can fly at a speed of 34 mph as she goes about gathering food pollen for the queen and the other bees in the hive. It can carry up to 90% of it’s body weight in pollen. That takes a lot of energy—and the bee is 40 minutes away from starvation at any time, so it feeds on the nectar of flowers on its journey back to the hive. Now here’s the fascinating and edifying part.  After it drinks all the nectar from a flower, the thoughtful bee leaves a chemical footprint on the flower petal as a signal to other bees not to waste their time and energy stopping for nectar . . . which disappears when the flower replenishes its sweet nectar! I am in awe of Mother Nature, who obviously has an all-encompassing Consciousness. 

Now, I can understand the bumble bee’s “pledge” and commitment to her queen and fellow bees in the hive, and to its task of gathering pollen for energy and nourishment for itself and them.  What I pondered while watching this busy bee hovering over the pink flowers of the azalea was why it is that she chases away other bees the moment they come by for nectar, which this particular bee doesn’t even take the time herself to enjoy.  It just hovers there over the bush guarding its treasure. 

Now, bumble bees aren’t the only creatures that covet their fodder.  We have a family of beautiful cardinals in our neighborhood that stop by our bird feeder regularly for a meal or a snack of birdseed.  We also have a flock of cute little sparrows that feed frequently and heartedly as well . . . but not while the cardinal is feeding!  No indeed!. They are not welcomed but are directly chased away by the cardinal, which is usually the male.  The female waits patiently until her mate has finished his meal. 

We love all our feathered friends, even with their humanlike quirks . . . which I also pondered sitting there.  I contemplate this instinctive characteristic as well while watching Nature specials on TV.  Why, I muse, do animals behave much like their fellow human inhabitants of the planet—the crowning creation?  I believe it has everything to do with the all-encompassing scope of Consciousness and its conditioning which influences the behavior of life-forms everywhere on the planet . . . and I don’t think I’m overlaying anything on the animals and creatures of the wild.  After all, we occupy the very top of the pyramid of living forms on the planet.  There is surely a “trickle down” flow of energy and spirit in this pyramid that is coded by attitudes and patterns of behavior upstream, where we live and carry out our often selfish life styles.  As I said, I don’t believe this is overlay.  Our connection with the wild kingdoms affords us a means by which peace and harmony can be offered to the animals and creatures of the Wild as well—and we see this happening in isolated instances where man and beasts feel safe with one another—as Dr. Jane Goodall demonstrated so beautifully in her groundbreaking work with chimpanzees in the apian world of the jungles of Africa.  


I received a letter from one of my blog followers and friend in the UK, Peter Watson, that opened up something in my consciousness relating to wars and the conditioning wars have had on the human psyche and collective consciousness and subconsciousness—a timely missive in this day when Russian President Vladimir Putin is conducting an atrocious “genocide” war of aggression against Ukraine, killing innocent civilians and destroying their homes and entire cities and villages. 

War seems to be the default solution to disagreements between nations and tribes, and all over . . . what ?!  Territorial occupation?  Natural resources?  Political and religious ideologies?  I’ve read reports that there are some thirty biolabs in Ukraine, many of them in the southeastern section.  These labs are located in China, as well as in other NATO nations where Gain-Of-Function virus research is being conducted, some of it funded by the US.  Are these labs what Putin is invading Ukraine over?  Does he actually feel that Russia, surrounded by NATO nations, is threatened by bioweapon destruction?  What has happened to negotiation and compromise over such matters of concern? Is war and the threat of destruction by nuclear force the only negotiating tools that work?!  I think not. 

Ukraine is not the only country where warring is going on.  According to Wikipedia, there are around 40 ongoing wars and conflicts presently in around three dozen countries, most of them in the Middle East, North West Asia and Sub-Saharan Arica, plus a major drug-war in Mexico. 


Human consciousness appears to be thoroughly conditioned by war . . . since the day in Biblical history when Cain slew Abel out of envy for the way his brother’s offerings were acceptable to the LORD and his were not.  But this warring pattern may have its heavenly origin that goes back well before Cain slew Abel.   

Human consciousness has been deeply scarred and conditioned by warring in Heaven.  According to sacred scriptures, these distorted patterns of usurping power and control have their origins in the Heaven of heavens.  John of Revelation wrote of this battle between the Forces of Light and the powers of darkness, as did Paul:

John: “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was there place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. (Rev12:7)

Paul: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against a spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12) 

We needn’t wonder how and why there are wars on earth—although the warring elements were cast out of Heaven long ago. They’ve continued to make war on earth.  But what of the wars constantly being waged in human consciousness: bickering, feuding, competing with one another, envying, hating, resenting, back-biting, judging and and condemning one another, constant complaining—not to mention the violence and warring depicted in computer gamming—and so many other conflicting and violent thought entertained in the heaven of human consciousness?  Humans are hard-wired, it seems, for warring.  


Here is my friend’s letter in which he writes about the conditioning of consciousness by war, religion, and education:

Dear Tony

 After WW2 in the UK we had a saying, “If you want to get ahead, get a hat.” Crowns were for Royalty, and self-esteem was at an all-time low. The Hun was our avowed enemy; loving our neighbour, the Hun, was out of the question. Every street was lined with bomb-sites. Yanks were saying they’d won the war for us. What really happened was that they’d delayed their involvement till both sides were exhausted, on their knees, then they came over to mop up. They brought chewing gum, nylon stockings for our girls, and rode around in jeeps wearing their smartly pressed uniforms, smoking cigars. Our boys were dressed in cheap itchy garb, with silly-looking helmets, so there wasn’t much love lost there either.

Education was mandatory for children, and we were taught more about how many battles the British had won, over the past centuries, than any other subject. Looking back you can see the incredible level of propaganda we were fed, and, worse than that, the overall impression we were falsely led to believe, was that without education we were worthless. On top of that, RI (religious instruction), taught us foremost that we were sinners, because some groundsman, called Adam in the far past, had eaten a forbidden apple, which was reserved for the Lord.

 Of course we were also taught to recite The Lord’s Prayer – the same as our mathematics times-table – so, by and large, that was our preparation for navigating the world-of-mankind, in a hostile universe, from which we’d evolved from apes.

Religion, as a Catholic means of excusing the joy-of-sex, without condemning our only means of propagation, invented the myth of a virgin-birth, which is still quite a widespread worldly belief. It’s been refined over time to explain the mystery of consciousness, and the role of being incarnating in human form, but without reference to our purpose (other than the same as Adam’s), or our present origin, which is also supposed to be from the dust-of-the-ground.

To skirt the truth of genuine being, as in the issue of God from heaven on earth, we came through a stage, several millennia, of begetting, wherein rogue sons-of-God came in unto daughters-of-men who bore them children of great renown. These would have been forebears of science, and the Egyptian gods, who still retained some ability to create crude life-forms for purposes of extending domination, through warfare, in the absence of dominion. Dinosaurs were a short-lived war-brigade, which suffocated when Earth’s water-mantle collapsed, high-atmosphere was lost, and Luna’s lesser light was extinguished.

 Creation myth by then was firmly established . . . .[and] virgin birth to explain the purity of Jesus; a level-of-perfection unattainable by sinners, who, cast out of heaven, are convinced they must die, and, unless they claim they believe that Jesus died to save us from our sins, will burn for eternity in hell. You couldn’t make this up!

 Religion plays down the ascension-process, which is natural to awakening from deception, and maturing in grace-and-stature, focusing as it does on the atrocity of the crucifixion, while falsely claiming God needs vengeance for Adam’s sin, and is not almighty enough to forgive without a high-priced sacrifice. This is swallowed – hook, line, sinker, rod and all – by supposedly intelligent people.

 By now the meanest wit should see that the whole world has been deceived, but no longer do we need to remain in the state-of-deception. Perhaps, in easing human beings out of deception, as did Jesus – “I have much to tell you, but ye cannot yet bear it” – Uranda used the idea of a hat, [referencing my previous post] to introduce Class acolytes to our latent, but dormant, creative abilities. Maybe it’s now time to remind us we merit a crown – as members of God’s Crowning Creation – undeceived by mankind’s ungodly education — all glory being to God, in the heaven of our God-given consciousness on earth.


I’ll leave you with something to ponder as you hold your cellphone in your hand.  This came from my poet friend Don Hynes, who is also committed to the transformation and elevation of human consciousness.

“One of the very simple but largely undiscovered teachings I’ve received in my solitude is the sense of each human being a “terminal” receiving input, performing output. All the “terminals” are connected to the central port of intelligence on Earth (and beyond) that we have termed “the wyrrd.” We need be careful about that which is received, although much of it arrives simply because we are all connected, but we do have substantial control about what goes “out.” It takes discipline on both reception and transmission but of these the more critical is transmission. That we can control and we must.

The input is being broadcast world wide without device, yet the cell phone has become an external terminal, which we use without much thought. The darker purpose of this external device is to provide “input” to the human “terminals” world wide, stoking fear, anger, hatred. Humans by and large “copy and paste” what they are being force fed on the input side to their output. Hence the many deranged voices one can witness on social media . . . .  I think there’s something here of a basic education that needs to be developed in the population at large . . . and I am voicing this through my poetry, avoiding the didactic or pedantic as much as possible.”

I voice the same message in my blog.  I will leave this to your own pondering without further comment.  As always, I welcome any thoughts you may have and wish to share. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved. 




The Mystery of Consciousness: Manifestation By The Spoken Word


Rainbow Heart

Creation unfolds out of consciousness—another word for heaven—in very specific stages and rhythmic phases of development following an immutable design governed by Spirit which holds safe and secure the true design and control for living forms.  It is the Spirit of Love, Father God, that begets Life in the Womb of Mother God, the Spirit of Truth.  With our hearts we play a gestational and nurturing role in the process of creating living forms, a process that has been in operation since the beginning of creation when the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters of consciousness, and God said “Let there be light.”

Looking back into the far distant and ancient past, when Egyptian Gods walked the Earth and worked their magic of creating forms, we find the same pattern manifesting through the Creative Process:

Radiation ↔ Response ← Attraction ↔ Union → Unified Radiation.   


It is said that the mouth speaks out of the abundance of the Heart.  The radiation of love is through the heart. Response to the radiation of love comes from the unformed quantum field of infinite possibilities and probabilities where energy waves collapse into particles the moment the light of love shines upon them and the creative Word is spoken.  Living forms are thus created and imbued with the light of love for the purpose of shining light into the creative field; the light that is life for all of creation.  Consciousness provides the matrix in which thought-forms shape intention and vision in an imaginal realm.  Voice and tongue provide the utterance and projection of the Word into the creative field.  Union follows attraction as coherence of structure allows the release of a unified Ray of Love’s Light. Thus has it been and will be for all eternity; surely as far back as history records.  


We are constantly creating our worlds with the utterances of our tongues. I found this interesting piece of Ancient Egyptian history relating to the creator god Ptah while researching the role of sound in creation:  

Ptah is the creator god of the Memphite theology. [Memphis was the capital of Ancient Egypt]. He was said to be the creator of all things, including other creator gods. Self-generated, Ptah, the god of the primeval mound (Tatenen), created by thinking of things in his heart and then naming them by means of his tongue. This is referred to as Logos creation, a label that references the Biblical “in the beginning was the Word (Logos)” [John 1:1]. The Egyptian gods Shu and Tefnut came into being from the mouth of Ptah. Ptah was sometimes equated with the Hermopolitan chaos pair Nun and Naunet. Besides being a creator god, Ptah is a chthonic god of the dead, who seems to have been worshiped since the early dynastic period.

Whether used self-actively in “darkened understand,” as the Gita says, or Spirit-actively by Man restored to the image and likeness of his Creator as God in action on earth, the principles governing the Creative Process are the same and apply without discrimination.  The heart is at the center of creation. “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” 


My critical inquiry goes in the direction of understanding who these Egyptian Gods were that walked the Earth in post-Edenic times.  For surely they were “as God” knowing good and evil and having the knowledge and power to create.  We learn of the “Elohim” from Hebraic scriptures.

In Genesis 1, the Hebrew word for God is “Elohim”, which is the general term for god or gods and is also, rather interestingly, a plural word.  In Genesis 1 Elohim is referred to as “him” (male singular) but speaks in plural (“Let us make man in our image”). However, in Genesis 2, the four-lettered name of God, YHWH, (Yahwey) first appears, and God is mostly referred to by this unique name from there on in.

Was Ptah perhaps one of the Creator Beings of Elohim?  Uranda (Lloyd A. Meeker) in his teachings speaks of a time when creator beings looked out into the unformed void of the Cosmos for a fitting place to create, as he put it, “a Home among the stars.” As I can best recall, they formed the collective group of God Beings known as Elohim.  In their collective One Heart they conceived an image of this Home and then spoke it into existence, sending forth a unified Triune Ray of Light into the unformed cosmic nebulae. The result was a dynamic response to their radiation, followed by an attraction that brought together atom with atom, particle with particle, and molecule with molecule into a cohesive solar entity around lines of force that provided design and control patterns bringing order out of chaos.  And here they established their Home among the stars, our Home among the stars.  To hear Uranda relate the story in detail, one has a sensing that he was there and possibly one among the Elohim.  


What piqued my interest in this legend about Ptah is the way in which he is said to have created things by speaking them into existence . . . having thought about them in his heart before “naming them by means of his tongue”— creation by the Word.  Along this line, I would like to share a presentation by Uranda of “Instantaneous Manifestation” dating back to January 1,1933 toward the beginning of his “Ministry of Truth”   


The first step toward the attainment of instantaneous manifestation is LOVE. LOVE is the shaping force in all creation. This, then, is the secret of why it is so necessary to “love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind,” and to “love thy neighbor as thyself.” That which you send out always comes back to you. If you send out from yourself thoughts of limitation and lack, limitation and lack appear in manifestation to carnal mind. Everyone is manifesting every day. All that appears in your life is manifested according to Law. Do not look at the art of manifestation as if it were something entirely new to be learned. All you need to learn is HOW TO CONTROL COMPLETELY EVERY MANIFESTATION WHICH YOU BRING FORTH. What you seek to know is the perfect application of the Law. You know that the Law works, otherwise you would have nothing but a complete void—you would not even have physical life.

These then are the SEVEN LAWS which govern manifestation:

  1. LOVE THE LORD THY GOD with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
  1. LOVE the thing which you wish to bring forth into manifestation, for this is intense desire and makes possible the application of the Third Law.
  1. CONCENTRATION, which is the elimination from the mind of every thought not directly related to the manifestation.
  1. VISUALIZATION, which is the building of a perfect mold through which the manifestation may come. Each detail must be perfectly visualized or it will not be perfectly manifested.
  1. Become ONE WITH YOUR CREATION so that you lose all consciousness of separate identity. BECOME IT.
  1. SPEAK THE WORD. Having become one with that which you desire to bring forth, you now BRING FORTH YOURSELF.
  1. GIVE THANKS TO GOD THAT IT IS SO. Here you regain consciousness of your identity as being apart from your manifestation. 

Complying with the First Law you become one with God, for if you love God with all of your every sense and part of your being there is no room for anything else. Doing this, you are lifted above consciousness on the material plane of existence to the point where you are vibrating in perfect harmony with the ONE SOURCE of all things. If you desire bread you do not go to a hardware store. You go to the source of the food supply in your locality; that is, a grocery store. Therefore if you desire to bring forth into manifestation a hat, you cannot do so and remain on the plane where the hat will finally manifest. You must change your vibrations and make them harmonize with the one substance from which all things come, before you can influence that substance and make it take form. This is attained by love. You must love the first great cause with all that you are.

Love expressed through the mind that is not supported by the physical expression, that is, the heart, is one-sided and has no power to bring forth quickly. You see, then, that the perfect love which the soul has for God must be allowed to radiate fully and completely through both mind and body before the mind and body can become aware of oneness with God. “Faith without works is dead.” Faith is of the mind, while works are of the body. A mind which is in perfect attunement with the soul has perfect faith, and the body which is in perfect attunement with the soul is a perfect channel for perfect works. Your soul is now in harmony, or a state of oneness, with God; therefore all that is required of you is to so blend and harmonize your mind and body with your soul that you lose all distinction between them and so become aware of God’s oneness with you. This being done, you are vibrating in perfect harmony with the one substance from which all things are created.

Imperfect attunement with this one substance, which is God, brings forth an imperfect manifestation. This shows you why it is that all selfishness and disharmony with your fellow human beings must be eliminated. If you love God with all that you are, you love all of God, and since God is in every man, woman and child, you will love every man, woman and child when you love God. When you become one with God you will love the God substance in every person and thing. You may wish to change the form in which the God substance is manifesting, but you will love the God substance in every manifestation, whether the manifestation be perfect or imperfect, and this love will express in all of your radiation. Contemplation on these words will give you a complete understanding of the first law of manifestation.

When you have attained to this perfect understanding you may give attention to the Second Law, which is: Love the thing which you wish to bring forth into manifestation. Being one with the God substance you may direct your love to the object which you are manifesting. Your vibrations are instantly harmonized with that which you truly love. Thus it is that through love of God you become one with God, and being one with God substance you find that the idea of a thing, or the name of a thing, is the thing itself. The next step, then, is to love the hat which you are bringing forth, and this love is an intense desire to express yourself as a hat. This automatically brings into action the Law of Concentration, so that everything not related directly to the process of manifesting yourself as a hat is excluded from the realm of your attention.

With the perfect control of the attention a fact, the next Law is easily applied. With nothing to distract the attention, perfect visualization is natural, and every detail is perfectly harmonized in the picture. 

Here is a test. Perfect love of a thing brings perfect acquaintance with it. Therefore if you have complied with the Second Law, you will know every detail which is to be incorporated into the manifestation. If you are not divinely aware of every detail in your creation you are not a worthy creator.

When you have complied with every Law thus far it will be easy to obey the dictates of the Fifth Law. Here you become aware of yourself as being’ one with the vibration on which your manifestation is to come forth. This is an understanding of the Law of Being which applies to your particular creation. Remember that the only difference between things is one of vibration. When you harmonize yourself with the vibrations of a hat, you become a hat. When you harmonize yourself with the vibrations of God, you become God, or one with God. Therefore the Fifth Law of Manifestation is to become one with creation so that in consciousness you are it.

The Sixth Law is the point of coming forth. This is done by the use of the spoken word. The spoken word, the creative word, is an acknowledgment that you are it. “Be still, and know that I am God.” Being one with it, you acknowledge that oneness and say, “I am a hat. Let there be a hat in manifestation now.” This law will be easily understood and applied when you have progressed to it. Until you have so progressed, further words concerning it will have little value to you.

The Seventh Law is most important, for through the application of it you make your creation permanent. That which you have created remains in manifestation to you only so long as you solidify it through praise and thanksgiving. Therefore you see the great reason for the many psalms of praise and thanksgiving.

Earnest application of the Seventh Sacred Law will cause that which you now have to grow and multiply. It brings you back to the First Law and makes you see how it is, and why it is, that God works in circles. It is only through the circle that a thing may be complete and yet be endless.

This is my instruction to you. Study it well, that you may learn to live it, for “Faith without works is dead.”


Uranda’s successor, British Lord Martin Exeter, with the agreement of a circle of men and women in a state of accord, gathered around the very location where their vision was to materialize, manifested a dome chapel on Sunrise Ranch in Eden Valley near Loveland, Colorado . . . and later on a pavilion, along with skilled builders . . . and later yet two Lear jets, along with two experienced pilots.  He was a pilot himself, and a lean man of action who drew hundreds of men and women to his ministry.  Among his final words before departing in 1988 was a command to the effect: “Now you do it.  Manifest God in action on Earth through Man restored.” His words have been in my heart ever since.  I came to know oneness with his spirit, my spirit, just hearing him speak and sharing in the radiation of the Word. </strong>

We are here to do the “greater works” relating to the creation of the New Earth, the design and nature of which is being handed down to us via the New Heaven by the Creator of heaven and earth.  How shall we go about these greater works? We’ve talked about them for decades.  But, enough with words.  Words without works are empty.  We speak these days about the “veil” of the heart thinning and clarifying.  As a close friend exclaimed recently, it’s time to go ahead through the veil to the other side and be about the business of manifesting the New Earth and a new way of living.

There is something more that can be done and needs being done. With One Heart, One Mind and One Way, what is it that we are called together to do?  Can we now envision the New Earth in our One Heart and speak that vision into being with our Word as God in action on Earth?  The Way appears and opens before us as we come together in a place of accord. I welcome any thoughts you might have along this line.  Until my next post,

Be love.  Be loved. 


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