Creating the New Earth Together

Archive for the ‘Elohim’ Category

Our Solar Entity: A Place of Habitation

WE ARE HARDLY AN ISOLATED “tiny oasis of life surrounded by an immensity of death,” as our ageing Star Trek Captain Kurk (William Shatner) described his impression of Earth during his recent venture out into the dark deep of space, featured in my previous post. As I mentioned in that article, light is everywhere but only visible to us as a reflection off of substances, such as water vapor. Except for substance to reflect off of, we could not see light. So the darkness of space is filled with invisible light, and where there’s light there’s life and love.

I received this comment on my previous post from a dear friend and colleague:

I think you allude to something here Tony, and that is: That our Holy Earth is not so tiny as we might think, and it is not an oasis, because it is not located in a desert, and it is not a mirage in the desert of the fallen human consciousness that sees everything in its own likeness, in this case the likeness interpreted as an oasis in a universal desert wilderness. But in Divine Imagination, as we are made in the Image and Likeness of the Divine Elohim, it might well be that our Earth Home is vast, and embedded in what we call a solar system that is akin to an amazon forest teeming with multiplicity of life, all this within a Cosmic Ocean of unblemished Cosmo-Diversity. And, as a wise man once suggested, could it not be that our heavenly earth system is itself one Holy City created to thrive, one City among many, all embedded within a Bright and Morning Star, within a vast Cosmic Field of such cities and such stars. I think so.

David Barnes, Great Cosmic Story


I love this perspective of our Earth as “one Holy City created to thrive, one City among many, all embedded within a Bright and Morning Star….”

In astronomy we refer to the planets orbiting the sun as a “solar system,” as though it was a lifeless grouping of cosmic bodies adrift in empty galactic space. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Earth and all her eight sister planets are living, breathing entities, as is their origin star, the central solar orb around which they orbit. It’s all part of a vast cosmic fabric of stars and galaxies that is “but a cloak” to the living God of Creation, to borrow a phrase from the lyrics of a colleague’s baritone song of praise.


(The following words speak my own thoughts and implications about what I see, read and hear. I do not expect anyone to believe me. In fact, I discourage it. I do invite you to read it, however, and to do your own critical thinking about it.)

There is a tenth planet, according to ancient Sumerian cuneiform texts, recorded on stone tablets and recently translated by Zacharia Sitchin (1920-2010), author of a number of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. Our solar system, or entity, is a massive colonization of planets, one of which is inhabited by the human race along with a vast variety of animal, insect and plant species . . . and another, a planet named “Niburu“— also known as “Planet X”— which is believed to be inhabited by rogue creator beings who came to Earth and genetically engineered the human species.

In his book THE 12TH PLANET, Zacharia Sitchin “attributed the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he stated was a race of extraterrestrials from a planet beyond Neptune called Niburu. He asserted that Sumerian mythology suggests that this hypothetical planet of Niburu is in an elongated, 3,600-year-long elliptical orbit around the Sun.” You are welcome to explore for yourself this ancient story of the origins of humanity.

I mention all this because in the Sumerian cuneiform text Earth is spoken of as the “seventh planet,” and the only possible explanation for this placement of the earth as the seventh planet is if one is counting from the outer planetary orbit, presumably that of Pluto, (which has been counted and excluded as a planet a number of times), and traveling toward the inner planets, which would be Mars (6th), Earth (7th), Venus (8th) and Mercury (9th). Also, in counting and numbering the planets from the outer reaches of the solar system, for earth to be numbered as the seventh planet, there would have to have been ten planets counting the asteroid belt, which is a debris field of a planet that was destroyed in a collision with another planet, or possibly a moon of one of the other planets, or even with a comet.

William Shatner describes planet Earth as an oasis surrounded by a vast dark wilderness of death, as in a desert. When I read this in his account of his space venture, I was reminded of a reference in the Sumerian text to the inhabitants of Niburu (the Anunnaki) seeing the planet Earth as a place to stop off, like an oasis, and exploring for possible deposits of gold on what we now call the African continent, the cradle of civilization and of all life on earth.

According to the story, the Anunnaki needed gold to build a solar shield for their planet. They found gold deposits and began excavating it and shipping it to their planet via space cargo ships. The work became too arduous for the “creator beings” so they created man to “till the ground,” as slave laborers to do the dirty and strenuous work. According to the story, the Anunnaki started with strong and able-bodied apian creatures and genetically altered them using their own DNA, thereby creating man in their own image and likeness. Evolution followed that transformed man through various stages of development.

The notable point for me is that the earth was seen as an oasis and source of minerals in the dark wilderness of the solar system. It is still being mined for its minerals, including gold and silver, lithium, copper, cobalt and uranium, not to mention the coal mines of China and the oil wells of Texas and the Gulf of Mexico; all being done by the powers that control the global economy and manage the industrial complexes.

One may well suspect that the Anunnaki rogue creator beings have incarnated in modern times to finish their pillage of the planet’s riches and energy resources and enslave human beings to do their bidding. Perhaps they never really left Earth as incarnate rogue creator beings, even possessing the Scribes and Pharisees in order to do away with God’s “only begotten Son” once and for all. But they failed to get rid of Him, and that victory over death by Jesus the Christ altered the course of history . . . as far as the Anunnaki are concerned and as far as humanity is concerned. They may have been able to enslave Adam and Eve and their descendants, but they could not enslave the human spirit. Jesus threw the fire of love on the world and initiated once again a cycle of purification and restoration of man to his ordained state of co-creator with the Father of Creation, the third and final opportunity for man, male and female, to return to the Creator and restore the Earth to its Paradise state as “a womb where beauty might be born.

Returning to the tonal words of my friend David Barnes for upliftment to a higher point of view and authentic context:

. . . could it not be that our heavenly earth system is itself one Holy City created to thrive, one City among many, all embedded within a Bright and Morning Star, within a vast Cosmic Field of such cities and such stars. I think so.

I think so as well. “The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein.” The Earth is a Holy City of habitation for the sons and daughters of God. It was created by Elohim for this very purpose in the deep dark of space.


I will conclude this post by saying that Zacharia Sitchin’s scenario of our origins reads like a very possible way in which the events mythologized by Moses in the Book of Genesis manifested and unfolded. I can appreciate the challenge Moses must have faced in writing the Book of Genesis and some of the other books in the Old Testament, especially taking into account the level of consciousness of the relatively primitive “Children of Israel” who had just been delivered from bondage in Egypt. It is said that he had access to ancient Sumerian and Sanskrit scriptures, legends and oral traditions as well. His congregation were truly children who could only relate to mythical stories and parables.

A similar event occurs in the New Testament Gospels when Jesus said to his simple-minded disciples, “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.” (John 16:12). There are many things being revealed that even we have a hard time bearing today . . . and this Nibiru story may just be one of them. It may also be one of the things that are best left in the past and forgotten. But then there’s the danger of repeating our past unless we remember it . . . If we are not already doing so.

I will address this in my next post, “Earth as an Electrical Being.” So, stay tuned. Until then,

Be love. Be loved.


The Mystery of Consciousness: Manifestation By The Spoken Word


Rainbow Heart

Creation unfolds out of consciousness—another word for heaven—in very specific stages and rhythmic phases of development following an immutable design governed by Spirit which holds safe and secure the true design and control for living forms.  It is the Spirit of Love, Father God, that begets Life in the Womb of Mother God, the Spirit of Truth.  With our hearts we play a gestational and nurturing role in the process of creating living forms, a process that has been in operation since the beginning of creation when the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters of consciousness, and God said “Let there be light.”

Looking back into the far distant and ancient past, when Egyptian Gods walked the Earth and worked their magic of creating forms, we find the same pattern manifesting through the Creative Process:

Radiation ↔ Response ← Attraction ↔ Union → Unified Radiation.   


It is said that the mouth speaks out of the abundance of the Heart.  The radiation of love is through the heart. Response to the radiation of love comes from the unformed quantum field of infinite possibilities and probabilities where energy waves collapse into particles the moment the light of love shines upon them and the creative Word is spoken.  Living forms are thus created and imbued with the light of love for the purpose of shining light into the creative field; the light that is life for all of creation.  Consciousness provides the matrix in which thought-forms shape intention and vision in an imaginal realm.  Voice and tongue provide the utterance and projection of the Word into the creative field.  Union follows attraction as coherence of structure allows the release of a unified Ray of Love’s Light. Thus has it been and will be for all eternity; surely as far back as history records.  


We are constantly creating our worlds with the utterances of our tongues. I found this interesting piece of Ancient Egyptian history relating to the creator god Ptah while researching the role of sound in creation:  

Ptah is the creator god of the Memphite theology. [Memphis was the capital of Ancient Egypt]. He was said to be the creator of all things, including other creator gods. Self-generated, Ptah, the god of the primeval mound (Tatenen), created by thinking of things in his heart and then naming them by means of his tongue. This is referred to as Logos creation, a label that references the Biblical “in the beginning was the Word (Logos)” [John 1:1]. The Egyptian gods Shu and Tefnut came into being from the mouth of Ptah. Ptah was sometimes equated with the Hermopolitan chaos pair Nun and Naunet. Besides being a creator god, Ptah is a chthonic god of the dead, who seems to have been worshiped since the early dynastic period.

Whether used self-actively in “darkened understand,” as the Gita says, or Spirit-actively by Man restored to the image and likeness of his Creator as God in action on earth, the principles governing the Creative Process are the same and apply without discrimination.  The heart is at the center of creation. “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” 


My critical inquiry goes in the direction of understanding who these Egyptian Gods were that walked the Earth in post-Edenic times.  For surely they were “as God” knowing good and evil and having the knowledge and power to create.  We learn of the “Elohim” from Hebraic scriptures.

In Genesis 1, the Hebrew word for God is “Elohim”, which is the general term for god or gods and is also, rather interestingly, a plural word.  In Genesis 1 Elohim is referred to as “him” (male singular) but speaks in plural (“Let us make man in our image”). However, in Genesis 2, the four-lettered name of God, YHWH, (Yahwey) first appears, and God is mostly referred to by this unique name from there on in.

Was Ptah perhaps one of the Creator Beings of Elohim?  Uranda (Lloyd A. Meeker) in his teachings speaks of a time when creator beings looked out into the unformed void of the Cosmos for a fitting place to create, as he put it, “a Home among the stars.” As I can best recall, they formed the collective group of God Beings known as Elohim.  In their collective One Heart they conceived an image of this Home and then spoke it into existence, sending forth a unified Triune Ray of Light into the unformed cosmic nebulae. The result was a dynamic response to their radiation, followed by an attraction that brought together atom with atom, particle with particle, and molecule with molecule into a cohesive solar entity around lines of force that provided design and control patterns bringing order out of chaos.  And here they established their Home among the stars, our Home among the stars.  To hear Uranda relate the story in detail, one has a sensing that he was there and possibly one among the Elohim.  


What piqued my interest in this legend about Ptah is the way in which he is said to have created things by speaking them into existence . . . having thought about them in his heart before “naming them by means of his tongue”— creation by the Word.  Along this line, I would like to share a presentation by Uranda of “Instantaneous Manifestation” dating back to January 1,1933 toward the beginning of his “Ministry of Truth”   


The first step toward the attainment of instantaneous manifestation is LOVE. LOVE is the shaping force in all creation. This, then, is the secret of why it is so necessary to “love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind,” and to “love thy neighbor as thyself.” That which you send out always comes back to you. If you send out from yourself thoughts of limitation and lack, limitation and lack appear in manifestation to carnal mind. Everyone is manifesting every day. All that appears in your life is manifested according to Law. Do not look at the art of manifestation as if it were something entirely new to be learned. All you need to learn is HOW TO CONTROL COMPLETELY EVERY MANIFESTATION WHICH YOU BRING FORTH. What you seek to know is the perfect application of the Law. You know that the Law works, otherwise you would have nothing but a complete void—you would not even have physical life.

These then are the SEVEN LAWS which govern manifestation:

  1. LOVE THE LORD THY GOD with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
  1. LOVE the thing which you wish to bring forth into manifestation, for this is intense desire and makes possible the application of the Third Law.
  1. CONCENTRATION, which is the elimination from the mind of every thought not directly related to the manifestation.
  1. VISUALIZATION, which is the building of a perfect mold through which the manifestation may come. Each detail must be perfectly visualized or it will not be perfectly manifested.
  1. Become ONE WITH YOUR CREATION so that you lose all consciousness of separate identity. BECOME IT.
  1. SPEAK THE WORD. Having become one with that which you desire to bring forth, you now BRING FORTH YOURSELF.
  1. GIVE THANKS TO GOD THAT IT IS SO. Here you regain consciousness of your identity as being apart from your manifestation. 

Complying with the First Law you become one with God, for if you love God with all of your every sense and part of your being there is no room for anything else. Doing this, you are lifted above consciousness on the material plane of existence to the point where you are vibrating in perfect harmony with the ONE SOURCE of all things. If you desire bread you do not go to a hardware store. You go to the source of the food supply in your locality; that is, a grocery store. Therefore if you desire to bring forth into manifestation a hat, you cannot do so and remain on the plane where the hat will finally manifest. You must change your vibrations and make them harmonize with the one substance from which all things come, before you can influence that substance and make it take form. This is attained by love. You must love the first great cause with all that you are.

Love expressed through the mind that is not supported by the physical expression, that is, the heart, is one-sided and has no power to bring forth quickly. You see, then, that the perfect love which the soul has for God must be allowed to radiate fully and completely through both mind and body before the mind and body can become aware of oneness with God. “Faith without works is dead.” Faith is of the mind, while works are of the body. A mind which is in perfect attunement with the soul has perfect faith, and the body which is in perfect attunement with the soul is a perfect channel for perfect works. Your soul is now in harmony, or a state of oneness, with God; therefore all that is required of you is to so blend and harmonize your mind and body with your soul that you lose all distinction between them and so become aware of God’s oneness with you. This being done, you are vibrating in perfect harmony with the one substance from which all things are created.

Imperfect attunement with this one substance, which is God, brings forth an imperfect manifestation. This shows you why it is that all selfishness and disharmony with your fellow human beings must be eliminated. If you love God with all that you are, you love all of God, and since God is in every man, woman and child, you will love every man, woman and child when you love God. When you become one with God you will love the God substance in every person and thing. You may wish to change the form in which the God substance is manifesting, but you will love the God substance in every manifestation, whether the manifestation be perfect or imperfect, and this love will express in all of your radiation. Contemplation on these words will give you a complete understanding of the first law of manifestation.

When you have attained to this perfect understanding you may give attention to the Second Law, which is: Love the thing which you wish to bring forth into manifestation. Being one with the God substance you may direct your love to the object which you are manifesting. Your vibrations are instantly harmonized with that which you truly love. Thus it is that through love of God you become one with God, and being one with God substance you find that the idea of a thing, or the name of a thing, is the thing itself. The next step, then, is to love the hat which you are bringing forth, and this love is an intense desire to express yourself as a hat. This automatically brings into action the Law of Concentration, so that everything not related directly to the process of manifesting yourself as a hat is excluded from the realm of your attention.

With the perfect control of the attention a fact, the next Law is easily applied. With nothing to distract the attention, perfect visualization is natural, and every detail is perfectly harmonized in the picture. 

Here is a test. Perfect love of a thing brings perfect acquaintance with it. Therefore if you have complied with the Second Law, you will know every detail which is to be incorporated into the manifestation. If you are not divinely aware of every detail in your creation you are not a worthy creator.

When you have complied with every Law thus far it will be easy to obey the dictates of the Fifth Law. Here you become aware of yourself as being’ one with the vibration on which your manifestation is to come forth. This is an understanding of the Law of Being which applies to your particular creation. Remember that the only difference between things is one of vibration. When you harmonize yourself with the vibrations of a hat, you become a hat. When you harmonize yourself with the vibrations of God, you become God, or one with God. Therefore the Fifth Law of Manifestation is to become one with creation so that in consciousness you are it.

The Sixth Law is the point of coming forth. This is done by the use of the spoken word. The spoken word, the creative word, is an acknowledgment that you are it. “Be still, and know that I am God.” Being one with it, you acknowledge that oneness and say, “I am a hat. Let there be a hat in manifestation now.” This law will be easily understood and applied when you have progressed to it. Until you have so progressed, further words concerning it will have little value to you.

The Seventh Law is most important, for through the application of it you make your creation permanent. That which you have created remains in manifestation to you only so long as you solidify it through praise and thanksgiving. Therefore you see the great reason for the many psalms of praise and thanksgiving.

Earnest application of the Seventh Sacred Law will cause that which you now have to grow and multiply. It brings you back to the First Law and makes you see how it is, and why it is, that God works in circles. It is only through the circle that a thing may be complete and yet be endless.

This is my instruction to you. Study it well, that you may learn to live it, for “Faith without works is dead.”


Uranda’s successor, British Lord Martin Exeter, with the agreement of a circle of men and women in a state of accord, gathered around the very location where their vision was to materialize, manifested a dome chapel on Sunrise Ranch in Eden Valley near Loveland, Colorado . . . and later on a pavilion, along with skilled builders . . . and later yet two Lear jets, along with two experienced pilots.  He was a pilot himself, and a lean man of action who drew hundreds of men and women to his ministry.  Among his final words before departing in 1988 was a command to the effect: “Now you do it.  Manifest God in action on Earth through Man restored.” His words have been in my heart ever since.  I came to know oneness with his spirit, my spirit, just hearing him speak and sharing in the radiation of the Word. </strong>

We are here to do the “greater works” relating to the creation of the New Earth, the design and nature of which is being handed down to us via the New Heaven by the Creator of heaven and earth.  How shall we go about these greater works? We’ve talked about them for decades.  But, enough with words.  Words without works are empty.  We speak these days about the “veil” of the heart thinning and clarifying.  As a close friend exclaimed recently, it’s time to go ahead through the veil to the other side and be about the business of manifesting the New Earth and a new way of living.

There is something more that can be done and needs being done. With One Heart, One Mind and One Way, what is it that we are called together to do?  Can we now envision the New Earth in our One Heart and speak that vision into being with our Word as God in action on Earth?  The Way appears and opens before us as we come together in a place of accord. I welcome any thoughts you might have along this line.  Until my next post,

Be love.  Be loved. 


The Two Trees of Eden

“Adam came into being from enormous power and wealth, but he was never worthy of you, for had he been worthy of you he would not have died.” —Jesus, from The Gospel of Thomas¹

ACCORDING TO THE BIBLICAL RECORD OF CREATION handed down to us in the Book of Genesis, among the many trees in the garden planted “eastward in Eden” were the “tree of life” and the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” Both trees grew “in the midst” of the garden.  Now, the garden is the heaven of consciousness, and the East is from whence our tomorrows come. A garden is where seeds are planted for tomorrow’s harvest. So this entire setting relates to the seeding of consciousness for tomorrow’s creations.

For the duration of this writing, let us think of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil as being the double helix DNA molecule—in which case I will call it “the tree of the knowledge of good and evolve,” in so far as our flesh arises out of the unfolding evolutionary cycles of the genetic code as the DNA spiral turns to impart the sequence of genetic information to messenger molecules (mRNA) for the further generation of protein, the building blocks of the body temple.  The fruit of this tree becomes deadly only when we interfere with the evolving processes of life, which can only result in evil creations, distortions of the true design for living forms, which will not be sustained by life and live forever.  So, our DNA spiral very much resembles a tree with code sequences as leaves that, if even touched, much less altered, will result in death.  When left alone, they will continue to evolve according to the Divine Design of life and bring forth appropriate forms for a changing environment.  

Now, let us think of the “tree of life” in our bodies as being the sacred anatomy of our endocrine system, comprised of seven hormonal glands that are under the control and direction of Spirit, the incarnate angel, differentiated into seven vibrational frequencies that nourish them. These sacred parts of our physical anatomy serve as “lamps of fire” (as John of Revelation describes the “seven spirits before the throne of God” set in heaven) that shine the light of Love and Truth into the world through our living.  We can eat freely from the tree of life by giving expression to the spirits of Love, such as patience, thankfulness, compassion and joy, to name but a few.  

We could say that these “trees” are in the midst of the garden of our consciousness, as are our human capacities—remembering that our incarnating capacities are not limited to flesh and bone but include our energetic field that extends out to include, for example, the seven Chakras.  It is all encompassed by the heaven of our consciousness.

The two trees are planted eastward in Eden, indicating they have something to do with the future.  It is from the code sequences set in the DNA spiral that our future bodies roll out into the eternal present.  And it is by way of our seven endocrine glands that we continue to express the radiant energy of life itself through hormonal crystals, messengers of light.  It is truly a tree of life. 

All this to say there are endless and eternal cycles within cycles at work in the Creative Process of Life constantly bringing forth the world of Creation in which we live and have our being . . . and with our human intellects we can’t even begin to comprehend them, much less manage and control them, albeit we tinker with the idea, as well as with the genetic code sequence itself that determines the shape and functions of outer forms.

I am reminded of a warning man was given in the garden, repeated here by Eve to the serpent: “But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die”— to which the serpent replied, “Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” He lied, and has been lying ever since—significantly and with dire consequences in our day with this rampant genetically-modified coronavirus and experimental and risky spike protein injection. 

We have dared to touch and manipulated the DNA tree to create a virus designed to attack human lung tissue and kill its host . . . and I ask, to what end, other than our own? It’s utter insanity.  


There’s another story I would like to visit that may provide background and context for what I have presented above, and that is the possibility of rogue activity on the part of the creator being(s) who made the “clay man,” as a friend in England calls him. There are two creation events in the first and second chapters of the Book of Genesis respectively, as I’ve written about in a previous post. These two trees that grew in the midst of the garden eastward in Eden, put there by the “LORD God,” are mentioned only in the second chapter of Genesis—in which is also recorded this second creation event.  In this event the “LORD God” forms a man from clay and imbues him with life, whereby he becomes a “living soul.”  The stated purpose for creating this man is found in this passage: “and there was no man to till the ground.”  In other words, man was created to be a servant and manual laborer, a slave.

There has arisen a controversy over these two separate events, one in which God creates Man “in his own image and likeness” as the final touch to his magnificent and “completed” Creation, and a second event in which the LORD God—a group of God beings called Elohim—forms a single man from the dust of the ground.  This event is soon followed by the creation of woman from a rib taken out of the side of the man. 


Now, this is no fairy tale made up by Moses when he wrote the Book of Genesis.  It is said that his creation story was based on ancient Sumerian scriptures, some of which were the retelling of mythical oral traditions and stories.  We can discern a lot from myths, as celebrated author and mythologist Joseph Campbell has elucidated, which are metaphors and stories that point to ancient historical events before a written language came into being and usage.  

Along this line, I want to share with you a letter I received from one of my blog followers and close friend, Donald White, in response to my previous post.  Here is his comment that speaks to this controversial rogue behavior, as well as the two creation events, and the conversation Eve had with the serpent which I cited above.

The Genesis story you’ve referred to here, as to whether God as a plurality: “Let US make man in OUR image…”, or “gods” (prior wise ancients, or advanced aliens) devised mankind through genetic manipulation, is perhaps the key to your conclusive consideration of what’s taking place in the evolutionary cycle we’re now experiencing.

Having studied extensively the Sumerian/Babylonian “Myth of Creation” from which 6th Century BC exiled Israelite, Judah, leaders formed their Genesis biblical story, I’m impressed by the quite detailed Creation stories of this early civilization.

Of course I’m referring to the extant Sumerian cuneiform texts that speak of this godly set of individuals, male and female, who were mankind’s creators and masters. They were referred to as the “Anunnaki,” a reference to the common father of the primary Sumerian god who was known as Anu.

As the story goes (as interpreted by Zechariah Sitchin) the two principal sons of Anu were Enki and Enlil who vied competitively for control of the world at that time, and both sons figured heavily in the Creation saga.  Enki was a great scientist and, with his medically-trained sister Ninharsag, the ‘mankind’ project was advanced as a way to lighten the work load of the Anunnaki as they developed their kingdom on earth. The project had received the “go-ahead” from a council of peers and particularly Lord Enlil who was the head Anunnaki leader.

What appears to be genetic manipulation was utilized by Lord Enki and Lady Ninharsag to alter the genes of our primate ancestor to ‘jump-start their evolutionary process. . . .  Mankind, after several notable failed genetic experiments, was born!

Following this story line (and contrary to the moralistic biblical tale), the “Fall of Mankind” wasn’t due to human misdeeds (Original Sin) but was due to a falling out between Lord Enki and his brother, Lord Enlil.  Apparently, Enki decided to improve the new human being so that procreation could commence amongst the fledgling human community. The ability “to Know” (procreate) caused a stir amongst the Enlilites who realized they could no longer control the burgeoning population of the new sentient being.

The human servants in the Mesopotamian “Garden of Eden” were then cast out of the elite Anunnaki community because, God forbid, they might learn all about how to build their own civilization!

A saying of the Master Jesus comes to mind: “I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them.”  This may be one of those things, which, even for many of us, are too much to bear, especially if beliefs prevent exploration and critical thinking.  Personally, I am interested in the possibility that those creator beings, advanced aliens—or rogue “fallen angels”—have reincarnated today and are bent on completing their unfinished genetic experimentation, perhaps even attempt to terminate the “mankind project.” Authors such as David Wilcock (THE SYNCHRONICITY KEY) and Graham Handcock (FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS) write about the reincarnation of historical figures, group-incarnations, and even simultaneous multiple incarnations.  


“Unworthy” Adam was created by the “LORD God” from clay, not in the image and likeness of God, and therefore not an immortal spiritual being.  Adam became a “living soul” when the  LORD God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life—by whatever creating process was thus employed.  Adam and Eve had another son to replace Abel who was slain by his brother Cane.  His name was Seth, from whom descended Noah, who was “perfect in his generations” and “found grace in the eyes of the LORD.”  This was a time when men “began to call upon the name of the LORD.”  It may well be that with Seth began a redemptive cycle with angels, spiritual Man, incarnating on earth in human beings, the “immortal and invisible images” of God the Supreme Being and Creator of the universe.


Be that as it may, we live in a day when angelic hosts are incarnate on planet Earth and men entertain angels unaware and wrestle unknowingly with powers and principalities.  As Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:12, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” 

Let me conclude this post by saying that the current events on planet Earth are being moved by a greater Power and Force than the powers of darkness, all in the design and seasons of the Lord, who can even use lies, deceit (aka “noble lies”)², and genetic manipulation to achieve his purposes.    As in the days of Noah, flesh has greatly multiplied upon the face of the earth and “the thoughts and imaginings of men’s hearts are only evil continually.”  A reduction of the human population by our own undoing, painful and uncomfortable as it is, can be seen as a “good” consequence of eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 

This generation, it is said, is reserved unto fire, the purifying fire of love.  Just look out at the events happening on Earth and see that this is so.  While wind-driven fires destroy forests and peoples’ homes and towns, and floods wash away peoples’ lives, at the same time a tidal wave of love is rising in the hearts of men and women everywhere.  An apocalypse of angelic light is underway bringing joy to a new world dawning as an old world passes away. 

It is a time of woe for the inhabitants of the earth and a time of rejoicing for those who dwell in the heavens.  Let us dwell in the heavens with compassion in our hearts for our fellow men, women and children who inhabit the earth, hundreds of thousands dying from multiple catastrophic events.  Those of us remaining now face an escalating climate crisis as the Earth moves on in its transmutation to a higher density, frequency and form.  Let love radiate without concern for what the future may bring, as it will be perfect in the eyes of the Creator. 

In my next post, “The Great Tree,” I will share a passage from The Gospel of the Beloved Companion by Jehanne De Quillan in which Jeshua shows Mary Magdalene a vision of a “great tree” which she proceeds to ascend up to its crown.  Until then,

Be love.  Be loved.

Anthony  (

¹ The Gospel of Thomas, Translation & Annotation by Stevan Davies, Series Editor Andrew Harvey.

² A “noble lie” is one that is told to protect the general public from the truth about what actually occurred but is rather intended to deceive the public while protecting the liar.








Steps of Ascent 4: How much can we bear?

Blessed is one who existed before coming into being…. You are pleased when you see your own likeness.  When you see your images that came into being before you did, immortal and invisible images, how much can you bear?  — Jesus, The Gospel of Thomas¹


READING THROUGH the first two chapters of the Book of Genesis in the Bible, one cannot help but notice that there are two different incidences that speak of the creation of man.  The first one is in the 26th verse of the first chapter of Genesis:

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after out likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”  

     This may be taken as the creation of Spiritual Man, made in the image and likeness of the Creator.  The second incident, as recorded in the second chapter of Genesis, relates to the creation of Adam, physical man, by the LORD God:

“…and there was not a man to till the ground….  And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed . . .to dress it and to keep it.”


     Who is this “LORD God” that appears on the scene?  In her legacy work, THE BOOK OF GRACE, biblical scholar and spiritual author Grace Van Duzen goes to some length to elucidate:

A new name is introduced here: the LORD God. The capitalization in such case conveys plurality,  a focus of beings, whereas the use (later) of Lord indicates divine presence in a single being.

Rev. Scofield, in his Authorized King James Reference Bible, says:

The primary meaning of the name LORD (Jehovah) is the self-existent One.” Literally (as in Ex. 3.14), “He that is who He is, therefore the eternal I AM.” But Havah, from which Jehovah, or Yahwe, is formed, signifies also “to become,” that is, to become known, thus pointing to a continuous and increasing self-revelation. Combining these meanings of Havah, we arrive at the meaning of the name Jehovah. He is “the self­ existent One who reveals Himself . . . .”

It is significant that the first appearance of the name Jehovah in Scripture follows the creation of man. It was God (Elohim) who said, “Let us make man in our image”. . . but when man, as in the second chapter of Genesis, is to fill the scene and become dominant over creation, it is the LORD God (Jehovah Elohim) who acts. This clearly indicates a special relation of Deity, in His Jehovah character, to man, and all Scripture empha­sizes this. 

The name Lord, or Jehovah, is introduced immediately after the completion of the six-day cycle of Creation which was crowned with the presence of Man, the means whereby God could “live and move and have his being” on this planet in conscious expression. That is the purpose of man, to reveal God through the indwelling presence in himself — not as a stereotyped, preordained blueprint but to allow, moment by moment in living, a New Heaven and a New Earth to take form. 

Herein is the secret of God’s “rest” [on the seventh day], the state of being which became possible as human beings remained in harmony with the Creator, the Law which operates the universe.  Man was not created an automaton, without free will; that would not be an image and likeness of the Creator. On the contrary, all the wonder and diversity of the cosmos was available to be given form on Earth according to the capacities of this new creation, and on the Seventh Day that provision was in place. It was, moreover, a cycle when a “proving” was necessary to complete the creation.

I think we’re still in the proving stage, and not faring too well in it.


     Now, I find all this most intriguing, as others have as well.  Quite frankly, no one really knows what occurred back then.  Some have even speculated that superior beings from outer space came to earth and seeded the human race in various and different locations as genetic experiments, each genetically different with unique physical characteristics, cultures and languages, perhaps to see if they would find a way to meld together as one global human race — a scenario to which I could easily ascribe watching travelogue programs that take you all over the globe to visit the colorful array of nationalities and life styles that exist in near isolation from one another except for media technology and air travel. 

(Watching the spectacular and inspiring 2020 Winter Olympics high-tech opening ceremony in Tokyo, and hearing John Lennon’s “Imagine” sung so passionately by everyone, including John Legend and a couple of other popular vocalists, the world is “as one” for these young athletes from different nations.  I was deeply touched. This upcoming generation just may pull it off — peace and harmony, that is.)  


      There has been for some time a question concerning the two different stories in Genesis relating to the creation of Man which suggests rogue behavior on the part of one or more of the creator beings comprising the Elohim conclave.  I’ve given this considerable thought and meditation, and I resonate more with Grace Van Duzen’s view of the creation story than with the rogue scenario.  Whether critical or speculative inquiry, the fact is that if there’s been any rogue behavior on this planet, it’s been on the part of man himself — and it is precisely this rogue behavior by us that needs to cease before Eden can be restored, along with our partnership with God as co-creators of living forms on Earth . . . according to Divine Design and not human designs.

      Let us not fool ourselves by thinking our past errant ways are gone and forgotten, because this rogue behavior is still going on everywhere on the face of the earth, notably in laboratories where medical scientists tamper and experiment with the genetic code of the double helix DNA and its partner RNA which contain and deliver respectively Life’s instructions for creating and assembling the building blocks of physical matter.


      It all sounds so ingenious and commendable . . . until an experiment gets out of hand and a man-made virus, genetically coded to be more virulent and aggressive by a method called “Gain of Function” (GOF) — for the purpose of developing an appropriate vaccine in the event of a pandemic — is reportedly released accidentally in order to create a global pandemic.  As I understand it, this dangerous research was shut down here in America only to be transferred to a lab in Wuhan by leading medical scientists in the USA, as well as funded.  (Here’s the stunning LATEST DISCLOSURE on the origin of the virus.  Scroll down to read the Story at a Glance, although the video is well worth watching.)

      How much disclosure such as this can we bear before we wake up?!  How much risk are we fool enough to take until we learn that we cannot partake of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil — or evolve, as is the case with the genetic code of the DNA spiral and escape the death-dealing consequence?  The DNA molecule is created by Life and belongs to Life, and we have no business tinkering with it.  We do so at our peril, as it is proving out.    


       There is a restorative process underway, and has been in progress ever since the Fall, to bring us back into alignment with the Great Spirit Creator and into the garden state.  At least two attempts have been made, the first of which was through Abraham and his immediate lineage that brought forth the nation of Israel and Moses, who led the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt and to the “Promised Land” flowing with milk and honey.  But that was as far as human beings at the time moved with that cycle. 

       The cycle of movement through the physical plane was brought to a point of completion, and failure, with King Solomon, who let his success and empirical power, along with his collection of feminine royalty, consume him.  This level is the domain of the Spirit of the New Earth, and there was great expectancy on the part of the tribes of Israel, for example, to come to a new land flowing with milk and honey, an expectancy that was realized after forty years of rebellion and consequent hardship in the wilderness.

      Throughout the Old Testament there is an expectancy of the “coming of a Messiah.” This attempt from the level of the physical plane failed to restore humanity back to God and closed with a promise of a Messiah who would come and restore the kingdom of heaven on earth. But it would not be an earthly kingdom.  It would be a heavenly kingdom that resides within each one, indicating that the garden state is first a spiritual reality based on spiritual consciousness and only secondly, and consequentially, an earthly experience of Paradise.

     A restoration in human consciousness, then, is what is underway — and it began with the incarnation of the Lord of Love 2000+ years ago in the Middle East — which today has become a hotbed of religious wars and human suffering.  The sacred fire of Love is at work through the Spirit of Purification cleansing the body of humanity of hatred, greed and fear, along with a host of other demons . . . and not just in the Middle East. 

     How much more of this cleansing can we bear?  How much of our past can we bear to remember, forgive and move on from.  More pertinent to the Master’s words above: How much of the radiance of our own Being, the “immortal and invisible” image of God revealed through us on Earth, can we bear?  How much peace and joy and happiness?  How much truth can we bear?  How much are we willing and ready to let go of our beliefs, our concepts and opinions, move beyond them, in order to come to the place of knowing and living the truth of life that is love; love of God and of one another?  Oneness with the All that Is?

     The Master told his disciples I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.”  Can we bear them today?  The Holy Spirit, the promised Comforter, is coming now upon the clouds of human consciousness and is bringing to remembrance all the things the Master Jesus said and taught his disciples when he was on earth.  Authors and spiritual teachers abound repeating almost verbatim his gospel of love, of compassion, of forgiveness and of thankfulness.    

Listen! The Comforter speaks in our hearts to our minds: “Be still and know that I AM , , , , and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”  


     I will continue with this provocative and essential consideration and meditation in my next post where I will share the powerful and pragmatic conclusion in a meditation on The Way of the Master.  I welcome your thoughts.                     


¹The Gospel of Thomas, one of the Nag Hammadi texts later translated and annotated by Stevan Davies.


The Garden of Consciousness — “As Above So Below”

🎶 This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine . . . Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. 🎶

Fig trees provide an archway in our back yard paradise

Co-creation At Home

The picture of our back yard above stands as a living example of how easily creation can unfold out of our consciousness where there is partnering with Nature.  Our yard didn’t always look so paradisal. It was totally destroyed back in 2005 when Hurricane Rita came through and uprooted our great sycamore tree and other trees in our back yard.  It was a surreal disaster.

At first, restoring our yard seemed an insurmountable task. Being a man and physician, I suggested we have a professional landscaper come in and “fix it.” Bonnie, on the other hand, wanted us to restore it ourselves, which we did—and it was fun doing it as we both loved working with the situation just as it was and expressing our creativity into it, which eventually transformed it into the garden spot it is today.  We did bring one of our sons, Leo, into the setting who contributed his carpentry skills into repairing the damage to our home—along with much-appreciated loving enfoldment and emotional support. Thank you again, Leo.

It took more time than a landscaper would likely have taken, but then we would have missed out on the joy of creating it together as ideas came to us, taking one task at a time. Realizing and implementing those ideas was a large part of the fun and joy. Then, watching Mother Nature take what we had accomplished and put Her finishing touches on it, we saw our yard grow and blossom as only She knows how. And now we have the pleasure of enjoying our little piece of paradise right here at home.

Here’s what our back yard looked like after the storm debris was cleared off.






And here’s our back yard today!

The Garden of Eden and The Garden of Paradise

I’ve been meditating on the biblical Garden of Eden, variously thought to have been located somewhere on earth. However, Eden may be considered more a heavenly garden than an earthly one; an internal garden rather than an external one. Paradise may be thought of as an external garden—an earthly paradise, which still exists in the pristine wilderness of this planet.

I’ve come to see the Garden of Eden as a Garden of Consciousness in which the seeds of Paradise are sown by the Creator.  Out of the Heaven of Divine Consciousness Paradise is born on Earth. We see it all around us in the God-made world of Mother Nature.

On the same basis, out of human consciousness is born the mind-made world of mankind into which we are born and live out our lives.  It’s simply the way creation works: from invisible heaven to visible earth. “As above so below.”

Our sun rises in the East as our planet rotates towards the future. It’s where the Garden of Eden is planted—by the LORD God.  I think this is important for us to understand.  Our today’s come prepared for us by the Lord: “This is the day which the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” 

We know that Man did not plant the Garden of Eden.  The LORD God planted this Garden.  Man was placed in the Garden of Eden to dress and keep it— not to seed it with his own ideas as to how the Earth should be created and utilized. The CREATING IDEA for the Earth is in the MIND of the Creator, planted in the Garden of Eden, in the sacred soil of Divine Consciousness, as seed for the creation of the Earth and for all the plants, creatures and critters that live on the earth. I see the earth as the Garden of Paradise, the physical manifestation of the Garden of Eden.

Original Man was the creation of Elohim, a council of Divine Beings, as we saw in an  earlier post.  Man, created male and female in the image and likeness of God, was endowed by the Creator with the privilege, and the responsibility, of participating with God in creation by dressing and keeping the Garden.

It would serve us well to remember what this privilege actually entails—and what it doesn’t.  To start with, it does not entail the right to plunder Paradise for our own self-serving pleasure and enrichment.  That is what caused the Fall, and what has maintained the separation of human consciousness from Divine Consciousness. What it does entail is aptly contained in words penned by Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda): “Let love radiate without concern for results.”  In other words, I am responsible for maintaining an atmosphere of love in the Garden of Consciousness.

Spiritual Man was endowed with a consciousness of his own, which went with him when he left Eden and incarnated in physical man on earth—“fell into creation,” as one reader described it in a comment—and to this day he has cultivated it as a garden in which he plants his own seeds—the seeds of competition and discontent, of greed and envy, the seeds of war.  Basically the seeds that will bring forth the kind of world in which he wants to live with all the self-serving comforts and pleasures it can afford.  This world is not in harmony with the Natural world of Paradise, which the Creator maintains with minimal help from mankind.  It seems that man is determined to continue building his world on top of God’s world, slashing and burning it to make room to grow food for his belly, and drilling it to produce fuel for his machines. 

The usurper and self-appointed ruler of human consciousness is the self-active human mind, which has assumed its own identity, the “human ego,” which many an ambitious leader has inflated in order to exercise power and control over others and the world, especially the world of Nature, Gaia’s Paradise, the cornucopia of the resources for life on Earth.  Even now he is eyeing the pristine National Parks of America with intent to harvest their hidden treasures of oil and minerals, Gaia’s very blood and bones. He has no respect for the Earth, nor for life.

Do I paint a too painfully accurate picture?  And do you detect a righteous tone in my words?  Perhaps it is because I do have a bit of righteous anger in my heart, tempered only by compassion for the deceived masses of humanity, as I look at what has become of mankind on Earth, and what a miserable and desperate condition we’ve created in human consciousness, out of which only misery and desperation can be born.  I use the word “righteous” in its literal sense of “right-use-ness,” of which there’s been a gross lack.  Little wonder Man ejected himself from the Garden of Eden, out of God’s Heaven, and separated himself from Divine Consciousness by his commandeering of the Creating Process.  

And now we want to get back into Eden?  We can’t “get back” into Eden, at least not as we are in our fallen state of consciousness.  We have to welcome the Edenic state into our consciousness, then co-create Paradise out of that heaven.  Anything we might endeavor to do to create a Paradise on Earth is a waste of precious energy and resource without first letting Eden, Heaven, be restored to human consciousness.  The mind’s bright ideas haven’t worked in the past and there is no reason to think they will work now.  They only make living conditions on the planet worse. 

Mankind may be like Man, but mankind is not Man.  Original Man is a spiritual being made in the image and likeness of God, who is Spirit, presently and temporarily incarnate in human form.  What we call “mankind” is a substitute for Man, a temporary creation “formed” from the dust of the ground, nevertheless used by an all-wise and merciful God as a means of incarnating on Earth in order to steer the evolutionary process of Restoration.

This is what I see underway on Earth in our day—has  been since the Fall.  It has taken this long for the evolution of human consciousness to reach a level of transformation that is sufficiently enlightened to accommodate the conscious emergence and revelation of incarnate angelic hosts through the bodies of as many human beings as are willing and transmute them in an apocalypse of Light.

It has also taken this long—after at least two failed opportunities—for the vibratory conditions in the energetic field of our planet and solar system, as well as cosmic factors in our relation, for example, to the constellations of Orion and The Pleiades, and our position in the energy belts of our Milky Way Galaxy, for the Restoration to be at all possible.  We are here, along with countless heavenly hosts, to steward this process so that Man can be restored to God and return to the Garden of Eden, where we will co-create with God a Garden of Paradise for and on the New Earth. It is why we incarnated. We are the appointed ones to get the job done.

I sense that time is at hand.  As I sat out with Bonnie in our paradisal back yard this evening, I felt a powerful wave of peace move through my body, moving across the entire globe.  I feel it even now as I write. Something of cosmic proportion is happening in the solar system, in the earth and in the body of Humanity. A New Heaven is descending upon human consciousness—the Heaven of Divine Consciousness—and already sown in its fecund soil are the vibrational seeds that hold sacred the patterns of design and control for the New Earth, along with instructions on how we are to go about co-creating Paradise here on earth.

In order to make room for the “New Jerusalem” descending from God out of Heaven, we must unclutter our consciousness of all the accoutrements and pabulum of the mind-made world to prepare our hearts to receive it.  John the Beloved describes it as “the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God our of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” In other words, as one who is loved with all of one’s heart, all of one’s mind, and all of one’s strength.

Shining the Light of Love

At the moment we are facing “darkness upon the face of the deep.” Just as darkness was upon the face of the deep in the Beginning, so is the New Earth emerging in a shroud of darkness. Darkness is the condition in which the seeds of change gestate and develop, out of sight and mental observation that typically leads to judgment and temptation to interfere.  I suspect that as the New Heaven gives birth to the New Earth, it will be unlike anything we’ve ever imagined or expected.  I pray we will not fall for the temptation to judge it as it evolves and interfere with the Creating Process, but let it be what it is and simply shine our “little light” into the darkness.  All creating cycles move toward oneness, from love—and already I see the Light of a New Dawn shining in the darkness; shining through emissaries of Light Divine throughout the world, angels coming forth in expression.

Let love radiate without concern for results.  As we are faithful to this one important and pivotal role, we can be assured that there will be results, and we will be surprised and greatly blessed, as will the Earth. 

Paradise, as I said, is still materializing on Earth. There are still parts of the planet that have not been consumed by man and left barren.  Therefore there is a harmonious chord of synergy between Heaven and Nature manifesting beauty and sustainability with which we may partner, synchronize our life styles, alter the course of devolution and extinction of our species, and halt the total destruction of Paradise.  As we attune to the harmonious music of Mother Nature and dance to her rhythms and seasons, She welcomes us back and gladly accommodates our metamorphosis and restoration to the Creator of the heavens and the earth.  She awaits our return, and the return of her Beloved Creator to her Garden.

We are not alone in the process of transformation.  The entire Universe is with us as we turn around—the literal meaning of repent-–from our downward spiral to a dying exit from this earthly plane and start our journey back to Eden and an upward spiral that takes us back Home by way of ascension. No one need suffer or perish. We are loved more than we will ever know by the One who desires nothing more than to come into His Garden here on Earth, filled with peace and the fine substance of love. Love for this One with our all, and love for one another as our Self, is the only true way our personal and collective garden of consciousness can be prepared to receive the New Heaven for the New Earth.

I welcome any thoughts you may have. Until we meet again on this blog,  

Be love. Be loved.


Paradise Remembered: Tending the Garden of Consciousness


There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Einstein 

The miracle of life lies in the alchemy it creates to manifest forms from out of “nowhere” to “now here”—out of an invisible Heaven and into a visible Earth. “As above so below.” We invoke this alchemy, consciously or unconsciously, each time we recite the Lord’s Prayer and pray the will of God in heaven to manifest on earth. How this works is by Divine Alchemy — only it can’t and won’t work in human affairs without Man’s/our participation.

Words of the Teacher speak to this order of creation: “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you”– counsel my passionate father imparted repeatedly, and for which I am most grateful.


In our scientific approach, we employ elemental interactions in chemistry, and physical labor, to manufacture products.  We even view conception and embryonic development as a biologically driven process. We till the ground to grow our foods and rape the earth for our fuel and building materials.

Forms may appear to rise up from out of the earth, and they do, as my sprouting beans in the garden magically demonstrate.  However, it is the subtle energy of life that creates the irresistible force of attraction that draws form up from out of the earth.  Man uses chemistry to make things.  Life uses Divine Alchemy to manifest Creation.  Everything is a miracle, including the chemistry. Even this coronavirus!

What is it that drives these alleged “lifeless” germs, made of RNA messaging molecules with protein mooring apparatuses, held together with fat, to attach themselves to cells so they can steal their DNA to reproduce themselves?  As Krishna exclaims in the Gita: “Life it is! Life’s urge it is! . . . man’s enemy or friend!” A harbinger of death, perhaps, nevertheless a miracle of life!

Consolation may be found in words penned by Charles Eisenstein in an excellent online article entitled The Coronation: “Remember, death is no ending. Death is going home.” Why, then, do we fight it and stave it off? Seems we would be happy to be going Home.

That said, my heart goes out to those who are mourning the loss of loved ones and dear friends, and to those special souls, heroes all, who are taking care of the afflicted, putting their lives on the line while struggling with fear and uncertainty, yet passionately going about their tasks caring for the sick. God bless and protect them each one. 


There are many myths about the origin of our species, including the Creation Story of Genesis.  In the previous post I excerpted passages from The Book of Grace in which its author, my dearest late friend Grace Van Duzen, offers insights into the biblical account of the Creation and Fall of Man from grace, stature and dominion.  I also shared excerpts from Richard Heinberg’s MEMORIES and VISIONS of PARADISE, and I’ve received several comments, one from a friend and fellow wayfarer, Donald White, who offered this critique and encouragement:

While I agree with much of your treatise here, I’m still wondering why the “story of man” as presented by the most ancient cultures known to have lived upon the planet with actual written records (the Sumerians and the civilizations that followed) are not part of your consideration of our origins on planet Earth. Atlantis (and Lemuria) may have existed…I don’t dispute that they MIGHT have…but we really don’t know (with apologies to the late Edgar Cayce!).

(True, even the Greek philosopher Plato used the Atlantis legend in his Socratic Dialogues as a fictitious tale, a mythical parable about the cultural and political deterioration of life in the state — casting a shadow onto our modern day.)

The biblical texts regarding these ancient times are highly mythologized, having been translated several times so that we have a version in English (King James Bible), but they still allude to more substantive, extant ancient writings in cuneiform from Mesopotamia (Sumer, Assyria, Akkadia & Babylonia). It just seems that what these ancient scribes had to say about their ‘gods’ and the origins of their culture (attributed to their gods) should have at least equal validity to any of today’s lucid dreamers, biblical pundits, and scholarly professional authors on this subject.

Are we as a species the product of a ”magical’ divine Creation or a design-driven, divine Evolution? Are we still evolving (with fits and starts from proto-human to Neanderthal to Cro Magnon) where angelic consciousness emerges as a whole in the world, or do we need to experience a resurrection from a fall from a place of divine identity where we already knew that identity in human form? These questions are key to your subject matter and I welcome your current focus in this area as it has allowed some deep meditation on my part about where we are today as God’s vessel and representation for this world. This I agree with wholeheartedly, beyond belief!


In the Beginning, Man was given a garden called Eden to dress and to keep. No tilling was required because this garden was, and still is, an invisible one.  It was the Consciousness of the Creator, who was willing and eager to share with Man its care and creating magic, along with its material manifestation — a desire that awaits fulfillment.  That’s why we are here today.  Eden awaits Man’s return to dressing and keeping it — the topic of my next post.  

In this series I have also been sharing some of Peter Watson’s commentaries, which have actually provided thought-provoking upgrades for my own understanding of things hidden in the Creation Story handed down to us in the Book of Genesis, for which I am profoundly grateful.  Here is an excerpt from his most recent dialogue:

As the heaven – the realm of preform – must logically precede the realm of form, as with invisible life that designs and then grows the forms it inhabits, the idea of debris from dead suns being drawn together by gravity, so that under the right circumstances, with water air and earth, and a safe distance from the fire of a sun, the collection of debris would be suitable to support animated ecosystems is far-fetched to say the least. Such a materialistic view is clearly in denial of heavenly preordination, and is therefore flawed inasmuch as it cannot account for our invisible animating force, life, nor its origin; i.e. the Father and Mother of Life.

Fortunately Jesus foresaw the scientific dilemma that would eventually surface as men of intellect probed only the heavens, and the past, for mankind’s meaning and origins, instead of looking within, and perceiving the kingdom-of-heaven as instructed. His remedial advice, and blueprint for the way life works, are contained concisely in the so-called Lord’s Prayer, portraying the simple outline of the order in which life works (i.e. from the heaven and then into the earth; “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”), which must be complied with if our latent human potential is to be realized and made manifest. All of this he liberally demonstrated in working with the four forces, starting his ministry in a water cycle, and miraculously healing those who responded appropriately to his presence, “Wilt thou be made whole?

(His brief earthly life and ministry ended in a Fire cycle with his celebratory entrance into Jerusalem, commemorated in the Christian world on Palm Sunday, and his crucifixion and victory over death that led to his resurrection from the tomb and ascension back into Heaven from whence he came — commemorated during Holy Week and Easter Sunday throughout the Christian world.)  

It’s now up to a precious few of us who are remembering and enacting the instructions of Jesus, so that what he initiated may be brought to fruition as intended. I rejoice in sharing these words with you and seeing the seeds planted by Jesus replace the superstitious seeds of religious fear, and bring the Garden-of-God, Eden, back to life on earth. “I am come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly.


Having followed up on Don’s encouragement to at least expand my research to include the Sumerian and other ancient mythical stories of the formation of the human species, and having meditated on Peter’s commentary on the two accounts of the Creation story in Genesis 1 and 2, as well as on Grace’s insightful interpretation of the biblical Creation Story, I have finally come to terms with my own inner struggle to make sense of it all — and it all comes down to the first paragraph of this post: the Heaven gives form and birth to the Earth.

In Genesis 1, God, Elohim, created Man male and female, in their own image and likeness and placed them in Eden, a Paradise where everything they needed in the way of food and sustenance was freely provided, requiring no tilling but only a thought form to manifest what they needed to sustain their heavenly forms. God blessed them and gave them dominion over all the life forms in Eden, instructing them to be fruitful and multiply and “replenish the earth.” We’ve done a lot of multiplying of our species, but very minimal replenishing of the earth.

In Genesis 2, “The LORD God” (a conclave of God Beings, as Grace explained) is said to have “formed” man (male only) from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man “became a living soul.” Life, the originating and organizing force of Creation, is given to this man after he is formed by matter — the heaven and the earth in reversed order — “when the earth and the heaven were created”— contrary to the way the Law of One works to bring forth Creation out of Heaven.

Here we again have a committee of God Beings, not creating but forming a man out of clay, as many myths describe their various “gods” did.  As for woman, well, she was an after-thought by the rogue creators seeing as how the man was alone and in need of a “help mete”— not an equal partner but a helper.  So, it’s been a man’s world ever since the Fall.

This conclave of God Beings “planted a garden Eastward in Eden, and there they placed the man whom they had formed.” Here we have the first division, that of Man, created by God male and female in His own image and likeness, divided into a man and a woman, a pair of opposites — from oneness to duality.  One myth describes the First Man as being male on one side and female of the other.  Hmm?

Peter’s Comments:

Let it be said that any compromise, or reversal of the principle of cause-and-effect, heaven-and-earth in that order, would inevitably result in a state of decay, and eventual death. We cannot deny or ignore the way-of-life; i.e. what Jesus demonstrated admirably, with impunity.

Let’s say, in Genesis chapter one, we have a true account of creation, with Man, male and female, designated to share God’s dominion . . . .  Alongside, we have chapter two that denigrates mankind (not Man) to have come from the dust-of-the-ground, subject to externals and a tree-of-the-knowledge-of-good-and-evil, a tree-of-death, with no mention of dominion, only subjection, and we have a reliable perspective of how humanity has been coerced into falsely interpreting God’s will.

Earlier on in this commentary:

Fortunately, death and decay can only spread so far in either direction in the microcosm and the macrocosm at a form (material) level, beyond which life reclaims waste and renews it in the mineral kingdom and on up. As is recognized by physicists, no energy is ever lost; you cannot have a ‘dead’ (motionless) atom, or indeed a motionless galaxy. Where there is motion there is evidence of life; where there is life there is the ever-present origin-of-life.

We cannot separate matter from motion. Even using negative numbers, Euclidian geometry, or quantum mechanics, matter and motion are inseparable except in human imagination. However, designed as it is to participate in the furtherance of creation, imagination of the human mind can and will manifest if concentrated over a sufficient period of gestation. Beyond a certain point it becomes questionable as to what human imagination manifests is of any practical value; we may use disease and weaponry as examples of negative manifestation.

Stephen Hawking asks, “What place for God” in his imaginary universe.  Einstein said “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Observational science limits itself to the analytical view of “nothing is a miracle.” Participatory science (ontology) expands its parameters to see “everything is a miracle.” Einstein’s vision extends the reach-of-science beyond the grasp of mankind.

The grasp of mankind is limited to material observation and measurement, a phenomenal mental approach to understanding the universe, but which denies or otherwise ignores the essential encompassment of a motivating force, such as that which makes vegetation grow, human digestion allocate protein where it belongs, and guides the constellations along their celestial paths.

And from an earlier commentary:

So there’s the so-called Fall-of-man in a few lines, sustained by, but not initiated by Eve — the cloned after-thought companion of a simple gardener when it was noticed, “It is not good that the man should be alone”. Unfortunately, Sunday-school translation has made them both appear to have been the original sinners, upon which religion has capitalised in using a ‘sinner’ identity to cover up the rogue’s role of Godlessness, and at the same time keep congregations in the dark regarding our true identity in original Man, male and female, not made from the dust-of-the-ground, but by the male and female spirits of God incarnate. “BIG mistake!” as Schwarzenegger would say.


Now, the Sumerian, Babylonian and other ancient myths tell of many gods flying in the heavens and roaming the earth making things they needed, which included laborers — more like slaves — to till the ground; and warring with one another over the manner in which things were being done, especially in the slave-making department.  They also created “giants” to do the heavy lifting. 

Donald’s Commentary:

Here’s a short summary of the story of mankind’s creation as told in the Sumerian ‘Enuma ‘Elish’ (deciphered from clay tablets uncovered when ancient Ninevah was excavated circa mid 19th century):

“… What is extremely interesting in the ancient Sumerian Creation Story is the fact that initially, man created by the Gods was not able to reproduce on their own. This is why the Gods ‘MODIFIED’ mankind with the help of Enki and his sister Ninki. After the Gods had modified mankind, Adapa was created as a fully functional human being which had the ability to reproduce. However, this ‘modification’ was done without being approved by Enlil, brother of Enki and Ninki, which created a conflict among the Gods.

The conflict made Enlil the first adversary of human beings and according to ancient Sumerian texts, mankind went through an extremely difficult time while serving the gods.”

As you can see, there are numerous similarities between the creation story of Ancient Sumer and other ancient cultures and religions around the globe, but interestingly, in all of them, we learn that mankind was literally CREATED by the GODS in their own image.”

Perhaps the beginning of religion and slavery imposed upon our earliest ancestors? What an awful implication (and indictment) on our false ‘god/creators’!

I think Don is onto a hidden truth.  Here’s an interesting side-story I came upon in my limited studies of ancient cosmology. The word El, as in Elohim, is feminine in gender, indicating that it was a Goddess who created Man — or at least the Elohim may have been a group of feminine deities who were commissioned by the Godhead to create the world and Man in it.  Heinberg cites a man’s near-death-experience in which the God he saw was a woman.  I rather like this kind of musing about God being both male and female and how this works in the invisible order of angelic and creator beings.   


So, Don, I trust I have adequately addressed your queries about who we are and were we are in our evolution of consciousness — our heaven out of which our earthly forms and world continually and momentarily materializes.  I’m right in there with you meditating on our current role as representatives of God on Earth, and as co-creators and keepers of the Garden — and with you Peter, in uncovering the clarifying truth of the Creation of Heaven and Earth, in that order, and of Man and mankind, hidden in myths until a time when we can bear to hear it — realizing that we can correct the “Original Sin” of Adam by reclaiming our Original Innocence.

In our innocence — not by faith and belief in an unknowable God, but by conscious knowing of our own divine identity as Sons and Daughters of God, co-creators with God — we can intelligently engage the Law of One that governs Creation to create Paradise on Earth.  As we hold the image and likeness of God in our consciousness as the template of our outer forms, letting love radiate without concern for results, our bodies will continue to evolve and be transformed, ultimately transmuted into angelic light forms. “As above so below.”

It was Man’s concern for results and his self-determination that reversed his polarity, repelling our first parents from God and ejecting them from Paradise.  We are here to “repent,” literally turn around, restore our polarity in God, in Love, and allow a resurrection and ascension to take place.  All we have to do is dress and keep the Heaven.

I’ll leave it there for your meditation. Until my next post,

Have a Happy Easter and/or a Joyous Passover.



Paradise Remembered, part 2: The Garden of Eden

“And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he placed the man whom he had formed.” (Genesis 2:8)

Most of us today are awake sufficiently and quite able to bear the “many things” the Master Jesus had to share with his disciples but could not due to their limitations of consciousness.  After all, we’ve experienced more than two-thousand years of awakening in consciousness and spiritual maturity since then. What I’m about to share, then, concerning Man’s origins should not disturb anyone, and may even free some from limiting beliefs. Just for one, that it was Eve, tempted by the “serpent,” who then tempted Adam in the Garden of Eden to disobey God’s command that they not partake of “the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,” thereby initiating the “Fall” that resulted in the loss of Paradise for them and their progeny.

Contrary to this belief, it was Adam, Divine Man, created in the image and likeness of God, a son of God, enamored by the beauty of the forms they had co-created with God, who acted contrary to the Law governing Creation by reversing his polarity with the Creator and polarizing his outer mind in Eve and in Creation itself, and then proceeding to judge the forms, no doubt with Eve’s full participation, as the forms were evolving toward becoming good and complete.  (I take writer’s license here in spelling the word “evil” as “evol,” as it is a habit we humans seem to have inherited of judging and interfering with the Creative Process, thereby creating something evil.)  And their eyes were opened and they saw that they were naked, which apparently they didn’t think was a good thing, seeing as how they covered their nakedness with leaves. I’ll pick up on this later on.  First I would like to give thought to the two different versions of the creation of Man as recorded in the first and second chapters of Genesis. 

In chapter one, on the sixth day of Creation, God created Man.

“Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion . . . over all the earth. . . .  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” 

Now, a “day” of Creation was a lot longer than an Earth day of 24 hours. Some 25,872 years longer, as author and biblical historian Grace Van Duzen explains in her epic work and legacy, THE BOOK OF GRACE — A Cosmic View of the Bible:

Cycles of time have been recognized, such as an “age,” consisting of 2,156 years; a “solar age” of 25,872 years; and a “universal age” of 310,464 years. The solar age is made up of 12 ages, and the universal age of 12 solar ages. It is the solar age that is referred to in the Book of Genesis as a “day,” with the seven days of Creation totaling 181,104 years. 

The word us in this passage indicates that God, the Creator, was not a single entity but more like a conclave of Creator Beings. Grace offers a more precise explanation:

The word us in this text, “Let us make man in our image,” is derived from the word Elohim, plural of the ancient word for God, El—a designated number of God Beings under the focus of One, El.  A term used later, and consistently, in the Bible story, will be LORD of Lords, referring to this same Being. Elohim was a group, or body of divine Beings who created a body of human beings, for the purpose of indwelling in physical form to continue God’s work on this planet, His image and likeness. Other derivations of the word El have come through varying religions, as for example, Allah, designating the supreme God or ultimate point of focus for the universe.  

In chapter two of Genesis, we find this version of the same creation of Man, male and female: 

Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made, and he rested. . . . 

These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in  the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,

And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. . . .

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.” (Genesis 2: 1-7)

A question one might rightly ask, then, is “Why was there a need for a ‘man’ to till the ground if the Garden of Eden yielded up food for foraging literally upon demand?” What’s going on here?

We find a fascinating answer to this question in Grace Van Duzen’s book, and further historical details in Richard Heinberg’s.  So, between these two authors, I think we will come away with a deeper and more vital understanding of our origins in Genesis, and what caused the “Fall” and the expulsion of our first parents from the Garden of Eden. This will take several posts, so stay with me.

The Garden of Eating

So many legends and myths tell of a time when Man lived in a Garden of Eden before agricultural practices of tilling the ground to plant seeds for food became vogue.  Food was plentiful in the Garden.  And yet, reading the second version of the creation of Man from the second chapter of the Book of Genesis, supposedly written by Moses, one is left asking, “Why was a ‘man’ needed to till the ground?”   

Here are a few excerpts from Heinberg. (I will share excerpts from Grace’s book in the next post):

Somewhere down in the underworld we were created by the Great Spirit, the Creator. We were created first one, then two, then three. We were created equal, in oneness living in a spiritual way, where life is everlasting. We were happy and at peace with our fellow men.  All things were plentiful, provided by our Mother Earth upon which we were placed. We did not need to plant or work to get food. Illness and troubles were unknown.  (Hopi Elder Dam Katchongva)

Under the subheading The Golden Race there is this: 

The third-century B.C. Neoplatonist Porphyry said that the Greek philosopher Dicaearchus, of the late fourth century B.C., spoke of

men of the earliest age, who were akin to the gods and were by nature the best men and lived the best life, so that they are regarded as a golden race in comparison with the men of the present time … of these primeval men he says that they took the life of no animal. … Dicaearchus tells us of what sort the life of that Age of Cronus was: if it is to be taken as having really existed and not as an idle tale, when the too mythical parts of the story are eliminated it may by the use of reason be reduced to a natural sense. For all things then presumably grew spontaneously, since the men of that time themselves produced nothing, having invented neither agriculture nor any other art. It was for this reason that they lived a life of leisure, without care or toil, and also—if the doctrine of the most eminent medical men is to be accepted-without disease …. And there were no wars or feuds between them; for there existed among them no objects of competition of such value as to give anyone a motive to seek to obtain them by those means. Thus it was that their whole life was one of leisure, of freedom from care about the satisfaction of their needs, of health and peace and friendship. Consequently this manner of life of theirs naturally came to be longed for by men of later times who, because of the greatness of their desires, had become subject to many evils …. All this, says Dicaearchus, is not asserted merely by us, but by those who have thoroughly investigated the history of early times.

The classical Roman authors Ovid, Cratinus, Pausanias, Tibullus, Virgil, and Seneca expanded freely on Hesiod’s story of the original golden race, always emphasizing those qualities that characterize the benefits of the simple, primitive life—freedom, self-sufficiency, and lack of dependence on technology and complex social organization. Ovid’s Metamorphoses was for centuries standard fare in all Euro­pean schools, and his description of the Golden Age in Book I became the definitive form of the myth for the Middle Ages and the Renais­sance: 

The first age was golden. In it faith and righteousness were cherished by men of their own free will without judges or laws. Penalties and fears there were none, nor were threatening words inscribed on unchanging bronze; nor did the suppliant crowd fear the words of its judge, but they were safe without protectors. Not yet did the pine cut from its mountain tops descend into the flowing waters to visit foreign lands, nor did deep trenches gird the town, nor were there straight trumpets, nor horns of twisted brass, nor helmets, nor swords. Without the use of soldiers the peoples in safety enjoyed their sweet repose. Earth herself, unbur­dened and untouched by the hoe and unwounded by the plough­share, gave all things freely …. Spring was eternal … untilled the earth bore its fruits and the unploughed field grew hoary with heavy ears of wheat.

Elsewhere, Ovid speaks of the peaceful amity of Nature herself, before the degeneration of humankind. “That ancient age,” he writes, to which we have given the name of Golden, was blessed with the fruit of trees and the herbs which the soil brings forth, and it did not pollute its mouth with gore. Then the birds in safety winged their way through the air and the hare fearlessly wan­dered through the fields, nor was the fish caught through its witlessness. There were no snares, and none feared treachery, but all was full of peace.

Under the subheading Paradise of the East there is this Indian legend in the Vaya Purana:

In the Krita age human beings appropriated food which was produced from the essence of the earth …. They were character­ized neither by righteousness nor unrighteousness; they were marked by no distinctions. They were produced each with authority over himself. They suffered no impediments, no susceptibilities to the pairs of opposites (like pleasure and pain, cold and heat), and no fatigue. They frequented the mountains and seas, and did not dwell in houses. They never sorrowed, were full of the quality of goodness, and supremely happy; they moved about at will and lived in continual delight …. Produced from the essence of the earth, the things which those people desired sprang up from the earth everywhere and always, when thought of. That perfection of theirs both produced strength and beauty and annihilated disease. With bodies which needed no decora­tion, they enjoyed perpetual youth …. Then truth, content­ment, patience, satisfaction, happiness and self-command prevailed …. There existed among them no such things as gain or loss, friendship or enmity, liking or dislike.”

In China, we again find the Paradise myth flavored somewhat according to local cultural sensibilities, but nevertheless characterizing humankind’s earliest condition as one of ease, plenty, and free­dom. Taoist philosophy, profoundly and often sardonically primitivist, has permeated Chinese thought for at least the last two and a half millennia. According to the earliest Taoist sages, Lao Tzu and Chuang
Tzu, it is Nature herself who is wise, and the intelligent man knows better than to impose on her creative rhythms. “Profound intelli­gence,” according to Lao Tzu, “is that penetrating and pervading power to restore all things to their original harmony.” (Emphasis mine)

I will take up from this last paragraph in my next post—and share some of  Grace Van Duzen’s perspectives from THE BOOK OF GRACE. Until then, 

Be love. Be loved.


The Shaman’s Gift of Healing, Page 3

Tony picConcluding the story of the Biblical “Fall” of Man from grace and stature as Hugh Malafry retells it through two of the main characters in the first book of his fascinating Blue Shaman Trilolgy, we left off in the middle of a dialogue between shaman Morgon Kara and Maia, his consort in the “Otherworld,” as Morgan Kara contemplates the power of the stone of sovereignty, which he lifted from around the neck of the blue shaman Caron as he slept by his fire after Morgon had rescued him from certain death. Maia is telling Morgon Kara the legendary story as handed down through the “Sisters” of the Blood Royal. Here’s the final installment of this excerpt from Stone of Sovereignty

And so it was that over time, brooding on her words, Morgan Kara began to realize what man had done, and that when he was prepared to ask with understanding, she was ready to speak of it. And so when again they met by her well beneath the tree, he was encouraged to ask: “So, given this gift, what did man create contrary to the will of the Makers?” This time Maia seemed almost relieved to tell him.

“I know only what the Sisters know of this, but we know that in the First Time there were those, beguiled by the pleasure they took in the life of things, who thought it would be good to come closer to the things of the earth, and these contrived to make in their own image bodies of animal flesh, imbued with life essence.”

“They made themselves coats of skins,” Morgan Kara said. Maia nodded. “They thought only of it as a kind of dress,” she said. “Believing they would be able to come and go as they pleased and so take pleasure in the world of sense, they contrived and entered into their creation. But the understanding of the art was beyond them, and what they had done was out of harmony with the whole. Beguiled by sense and the subtlety of the weave of life, they lost consciousness, and were unable to release themselves from what they had made.”

He understood at once, because in his transmigrations he had taken the bodies of others to his use. It had never particularly troubled him to do so, for so lonely is man that those Morgan Kara took were almost always relieved to feel his presence. But he was nevertheless gratified to realize all this had come of some miscreation, and his way justified by necessity.

“Like a garment that will not come undone,” he said, “they became trapped in the creature they had made; but what of the Makers?”

“The act was out of harmony with the way of the First Time, and threatened to disrupt greater cycles of creation. And so the Makers would not yield to man’s insistence that it now be as he willed, for man had desecrated the pattern of the seven worlds, and violated the way of the subtle body given to dwell in all the worlds, by incarcerating it in a body of animal flesh.”

“The Makers might have destroyed him,” Morgan Kara said. “Yet material man continues to live.”

Genetic tampering has historically been a tempting, though deadly, preoccupation with humans. We entered into the animal kingdom and lost sight of our original divine identity. We fell from grace and stature and became animals. Now we have ventured into the vegetable kingdom with our genetically modified organisms, and into the mineral kingdom by delegating our intelligence and control of our lives to the silicon computer chip and “smart phones.” Is this our understanding of what dominion is? Where will this endeavor to improve upon life’s design lead? Where will it end? We have created a world on this planet that cannot prevail against the unconquerable world of Mother Nature. (The article at this link, “Learning How to Die in the Anthropocene.” is a sobering one worth the time to read it.)

“It is a law of creation that the creator is responsible for his creation, so long as it shall continue to exist, and this applies as much to the Makers as to man. So through the alchemy of spirit, the Makers fashioned a way for the transmutation of the flesh body, and many there were who walked in that way, ascended and found release. But those who had shaped this path, insisting it was right for all to walk in it, hardened their hearts, adamant that free will allowed the way they had chosen, and the Makers must acknowledge it.

“And so death came into the world?”

“Not at once, but man was caught up in the tides of the seasons, and entering into time there is a time appointed to everything made. When death finally came it came as a gift.

“The Makers had offered a way back,” she said, “but man was determined to go his own way and spurned them. So they hedged themselves from human influence, withdrawing, the Sisters believe, into some realm of the Otherworld unknown to these kingdoms, and the Makers left man to the cycle he had initiated until it should run its course. Having taken the shaping of creation into his own hands man must face the consequences of what he has done, until he is willing to return to the pattern of the First Time.”

“Was it then he lost knowledge of the place of shaping and the world of the First Time?” Morgon Kara asked.

“Yes, but not all at once, for the Makers hoped those now in rebellion might yet relent. Instead, there was contention how to forge ahead in man’s own way; and these differing opinions fell into grievance with one another. Before long and over increasingly trivial matters men began to fight with those whose opinions differed from their own, not realizing there was no answer in the way they had chosen. There came an age of wrath in which they used those powers of the shaping remaining to them to draw fire from the center of the earth, and contrive grotesque forms to loose destruction upon their enemies. In those days there were dragons in the air, great beasts in the wilderness, and creatures within the seas that wrecked havoc on man and all that he had made.

“It is written in the stones of the Ancients,” Morgon Kara said.

“I can tell you only what the Sisters know of this,” Maia said. “We know that in the abuse of those forces remaining to him man became the enemy of life. In the cataclysms that followed vast lands sank beneath the waters, the mountains were raised and the waters under the earth rose up and swept over the burned and scarred lands where man had loosed fire from the center of the earth. Some regions were buried under mountains of ice; others became high plateaus and shifting desert sands. “

” And the earth was moved out of its place,” Morgon Kara said. “I have seen this.”

“The Sisters know those surviving sought refuge in the high mountains and in the vast wilderness places, searching for a memory of what once was, now an elusive dream of paradise. Most tried to forget what had been but feared the cycle of destruction would come round again. In the burning time man would have utterly destroyed the earth, had not the Makers once more intervened and set narrow bounds to his power: The place of shaping was veiled from him and material man was incarcerated in the outer realm of things.

Mass amnesia has wiped out all memory of man’s history before the Fall. The only record we have of how man was in the Garden of Eden is found in Genesis: “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.” (Gen. 2:25)  Man did not emerge from caves as apes. Man fell into them and all records and memories of what went before were destroyed and erased in cataclysmic upheavals. And we are on a path of repeating our past unless we remember it. I think this is what Malafry is helping us do: remember what we did to bring the human race down to the level of the beast by offering a glimpse through the veil of forgetfulness. 

“And yet I have crossed over,” Morgon Kara said.

“There is a rent in the veil between the worlds, for the Makers were not finished with man.”

“Is there a way back to what once was?” It was then she had first spoken to him of the blue stone.

“There is a stone, in the old tongue called, Uru An-Na, light of heaven,” she told him. “It is in the world and the world is in it; its virtue is to bind, loose and shape the world within, and so shape what is in the world without.”

“Riddles, Maia, always riddles,” he had said. But even as she spoke of it he knew he had within him some knowledge from another time.

“The truth of the worlds was written in Uru AnNa,Maia said, “and entrusted by the Makers to the Na-Akhu-El sages, who continued to dwell among men. After the mountain rising these alone of the Shining Ones remained incarnate in the earth, wholly conscious of what man was, with the wisdom to return the world to the patterns of the First Time.”

“And what is become of them?” Morgon Kara asked.

“The last of these have walked into the light and are no more.”

Maia teared. She always ended the telling of her story of man with a lament for the passing of the Na-Akhu-El sages.

“And if they are no more how shall we return to the First Time?” Morgon Kara asked.

“The regeneration of the world is written in stone,” she said, “and by Uru An-Na true change comes into the world. But there must be those to loose its virtue, and it will not be forced nor will it suffer imposition.”

Even for Morgon Kara this was too much. It troubled him that by some power beyond his understanding the stone existed in its own right, shaped its own destiny, and was both catalyst and seed of worlds yet to be. But she was right, something there was in the world that from time to time opened the heart of man, and the veil between the worlds thinned. Then was there change in heart and mind and new worlds were conceived, until old sorrows came round again, the angry ones appeared, and man must choose or suffer consequences, and truth vanish again in the wilderness of the world for another cycle in another time.

“It is not given me to possess the stone,” Morgon Kara said.

“There is none with your skill or understanding, so you must possess whom it has chosen, and by him loose the power of Uru An-Na.

He had taken her at her word and watched for the power of the stone working through those who had possessed it. It had come tantalizingly close to him, but he had found nothing in those who possessed it to suggest they could loose what was within.

He believed in time the stone would come of its own to him, and with its power he would renew the world. He would open wide the doors between the worlds. Like the sages of old he would loose fire from the center of the earth to the shape of his pure will, and empower his creations. Like the gods he would churn the world ocean for the elixir of immortality. And when it was done the world that was, the world of the heart’s desire before cataclysm swept it away, would by his hand be restored. It would be his gift: He would live ten thousand years and in a thousand forms, if need be, until it was done.

With each telling Morgon Kara learned something new, and always when she was done he confirmed, “It is for you, beloved, I seek understanding.” It was what she wanted to hear.

And so the plot thickens as Morgon Kara sets out to bring Caron under his spell and to own him and through him the stone of sovereignty. Material man seeks to own and control spiritual Man, when in truth spiritual Man created and looks after material man, as it was in the days of Cain and Abel, and we know what the record says happened with those two brothers of Adam and Eve. Well, Abel has returned from the dead. Spiritual Man has emerged and his presence in the Earth is a powerful one. The old heaven and old earth are in the process of passing away and the Makers and Shapers are incarnate once again to created the New Earth. We are the Makers and Shapers of our world.

The stone of sovereignty in the body temple is the pineal gland, a little white crystal that refocuses the Light of Love and brings heaven into the earth, uniting these two worlds as one in human consciousness and experience. Heaven and Earth are one. The Shaman in each one of us knows how the connect them in momentary every-day living. 

And that’s where I’ll leave you hanging and, no doubt, ordering a copy of Malafry’s trilogy. I hope you enjoyed this excerpt as much as I did. Does it leave you with haunting ancient memories? 

Thank you for reading my post. I’m looking forward to what’s next!  Until then,

Be love. Be loved.


The Shaman’s Gift of Healing, Page 2

Tony picContinuing the story of the historical “Fall” of Man from grace and stature as Hugh Malafry retells it through two of the main characters in the first book of his fascinating Blue Shaman Trilolgy, we left off in the middle of a dialogue between shaman Morgon Kara and Maia, his consort in the “Otherworld,” as Morgan Kara contemplates the power of the stone of sovereignty, which he lifted from around the neck of the blue shaman Caron as he slept by his fire after Morgon had rescued him from certain death. Maia is telling Morgon Kara the legendary story as handed down through the “Sisters” of the Blood Royal. Here’s the second of three installments of this excerpt from Stone of Sovereignty.

Many generations had come and gone since the shaman first crossed over into the place of shaping, and learned of the pattern the Makers established to inform the things of the earth. He learned, too, of the burning time [of the Papal Inquisition when the Roman Catholic Church burned to death thousands of men, women and children and the Cathars of Languedoc as heretics) and of the great transgression, when to preserve life man was confined to the outer realms, and the Makers set a veil between the worlds through which few might pass. Other shamans had come into the place of shaping before him: Some to heal the wounds of the exploited, some to exploit the hurts of the wounded. Morgan Kara saw his art as a gift of white magic. He came seeking power to heal the human soul; he understood the ills of this world are rooted in its misalignment with the patterns of the other, so there is shadow where there should be light. . . .

On another journey Morgon Kara again came upon Maia weeping on a last hill of green, at the edge of a desert that stretched to the horizon. It is always wise to begin with stillness, so he sat and watched with her in silence. Through her eyes he saw how here and there the desert advanced, and here and there relented, but overall the wasteland grew, and unchecked would overwhelm the world.

“What have you shown me?”

“The end,” she said.

“Of the world?”

“Fear engenders greed, and greed lays wastes the earth: I fear the pattern of the Makers for the keeping of the earth is broken.”

“How can that be?”

“Everyone seeks his own and none takes responsibility: The burden is too great, and these worlds will perish.”

“Can the pattern of the Makers be restored?”

“Think you shaman to heal this?” she asked bitterly. “There is not water enough to bring life back to this wasteland.”

He was overwhelmed by her mood of desolation. Seven days he sat with her, considering what might be done, and all that time his body lay in a trance, so that those who watched over him began to think him lost in his journey, as sometimes happens to a shaman who goes out too far.

“Is it not for the Makers to set this right?” he asked. “Will they now give all over to death? Shall Erlik Khan in his castle of black clay alone rule this realm, and earth become a barren stone?”

“What do you know of the Makers,” she said.

“Only that they have made these realms.”

“And withdrawing have left us desolate,” she said. “The Sisters have sought an answer to the Makers. We know it is in their power to restore the world they made. Nothing is withheld them, but what they choose themselves to deny. We know they exist and have sought them, but they will not reveal themselves to us nor intercede on our behalf, but make us bear the burden of the law of creation.”

“The law?”

“Of reaping what we sow,” she said.

“Who are the Makers?”

“Those in whom the essence of the world is inborn.”

Maia casts blame upon the Makers as though they were withholding pity and forgiveness from errant man and refusing to undo the hurt he had brought upon himself and the earth.  

He pressed her, but it was all she would say. She knew nothing more, or did not care to speak of it. They sat silently together until Morgon Kara knew his time was short, and he must find his way back or perish in the flesh.

As he rose to depart Maia clasped his hand, her face bright with passion. “In us let the worlds be one.” She joined with him as a goddess takes a mortal lover. She did not ask, but he did not object: Who can resist a goddess? From that moment, of brittle bone and fragile flesh she enlarged the soul of her shaman with such influence as she had, to foster the healing of the heart. With her he felt complete; alone, Morgon Kara was never alone.

Maia longed to renew the world, and would do so by shaping her shaman to that purpose. And so it was there came a time when she revealed to him what had become of man. “There was a time, in the First Time, when the human body was not as it now is,” she confided. Maia sat with Morgon Kara at the well beneath the tree where she first met him. He remembered how she had then paused to feel the sun on her face, tied up her dark hair, and set it with a silver pin, while he watched and waited her revelation. “In the First Time the body was less dense,” she said, “and of a subtle substance infused with light. In his first form man was conscious of all the worlds and not the earth alone, where now he survives only as material man in exile from what he once was.”

“What became of him?” He was fascinated with her beauty and the tale she told, and could not takes his eyes from her.

“I know only what the Sisters know of this,” she said, ritually, “and what befell man is a matter for the Makers, but we do know that in the First Time he was given the power of the shaping, though 
within limits, for he had not yet come into the fullness of his gifts.

“He transgressed?”

Maia nodded pensively. “Had he not no evil would have befallen him.”

“What was his transgression?”

Maia took the green leaf that had fallen on her lap, and with her finger tips carefully traced the stem and veins, following her thoughts to an answer. “I know only what the Sisters know of this,” she said. “We know there came a time when man was told to refrain from the making, until a cycle bearing on the seven worlds was fulfilled. He was warned that the shaping of new patterns was untimely, and would gravely alter the weave of life.”

“He didn’t listen,” Morgan Kara said.

She shook her head. “Sadly, he never does.” Her dark hair came loose and she fumbled with it a moment, then let it fall; she turned to him hands folded on her lap. “There were those who thought they knew better, and could improve upon the design of the Makers. They believed the time was right to do what they intended and acted willfully, out of harmony with what was unfolding in the whole. All that has become of the earth is because of this, and has yet to run its course.”

Morgan Kara asked specifically what they had done, but she feared what she had revealed to him, and on that occasion would speak only of the transgression itself.

Another time, she spoke to him of how the world was in the First Time, before the realms were sundered. She told him how man in subtle form had the gift to enter into the life of all living things over which he was guardian in the earth, so that he could take pleasure in their lives, and they in his presence.

“Do you mean enter into bird flight, or a dolphin in the sea?” Morgan Kara asked.

“Even into the constancy of stone, the flowering of a rose, or the great green life of trees,” she said. “And this gift was given so he might understand from within, the beauty that is woven into the essence of all living. By this means he was shown how the patterns of things fit together, to learn to shape new forms and imbue them with life; for the creation is in man even as man is in the creation, and he was made to keep the way of life from within all living.”

“Now everything flees from him,” Morgan Kara said.

” And with good reason,” she replied.  (To be continued)

These words gave me pause as I read them.

“Fear engenders greed, and greed lays wastes the earth: I fear the pattern of the Makers for the keeping of the earth is broken. . . .  Everyone seeks his own and none takes responsibility: The burden is too great, and these worlds will perish.”

Have we broken the earth beyond its ability to sustain living beings? Have we gone past the point of no return? What will become of the human race? Is it in the Makers’ pattern that the human species be allowed to go extinct to make way for a new beginning? If that is our future, then so let it be.  What we have started has to run its course. As Maia says in the next installment,

“It is a law of creation that the creator is responsible for his creation, so long as it shall continue to exist, and this applies as much to the Makers as to man.”

We may well end up exiting with the demise of our battered and poisoned habitat unless we make a radical shift in the way we live on planet Earth. As was stated by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in an interview with Matt Lauer this Sunday morning — and I paraphrase:  “We’ve become a ‘Me Now’ people with no concern for our children’s future.” We want what we want NOW, no matter the consequences to future generations, our own progeny. What will become of us is being decided NOW by us. As we sow, so shall we reap. It’s all in God’s hand, isn’t it?

“Can you make whole what has been broken?”  [Lady Esclarmonde asks the blue shaman. His reply is wise.]  ”God has made a whole and it cannot be otherwise,” he said. “I will give it to God: He will determine in this matter what is to be.”

Until my next post, 

Be love. Be loved.


Read my Health Light Newsletter online at This issue features my input to the conversation around Obamacare entitled The Affordable “Disease Care” Law. When you think about it, so-called “health insurance” isn’t so much about care of our health as it is about managing human diseases. I think you’ll agree with my take on it. 

“Pyramid Power,” page 4: Healing Temples and More

Sumarian scholar Zecharia Sitchin, author of The 12th PlanetStairway to Heaven, and more recently The End of Days, writes that there is no evidence that the Pyramids of Giza were tombs for the pharaohs and, furthermore, that they were rather healing chambers used to concentrate aetheric energy.  It was Sitchin who first published research in 1976 about the Sumarian origins of the human race and Nibiru (Planet X), home planet of the Anunnaki, the alien creators of the human race—a fascinating and timely topic in itself, what with all the current speculation and doom-saying over the foreboding return of this “Dreaded One.” It is rather bizarre, if not significant, that Sumeria lies just above the Persian Gulf in the midst of Middle East turmoil—but that’s another topic.

Author Wynn Free notes in his recent book The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce that “Napoleon was said to have spent a night in the Great Pyramid. When he emerged, he was reportedly ‘pale and dazed,’ and when questioned about his experience he replied, ‘You wouldn’t believe me if I told  you.'”   Something extraordinary happens to substances that spend the night, or even days, in pyramids. 


The short answer to that question is money.  As my good accountant friend David Waskom keeps reminding me from time to time, “Nothing happens until money says it happens.”  A case in point is when Ciba-Geigy, makers of chemical fertilizers, found out through their own research project that seeds placed between two metal plates and zapped with a weak DC current for three days as they germinated could be caused to rewrite their DNA—essentially what happened in Dr. Golod’s pyramid experiments we’re about to consider—and be reverted back to a much older and stronger variety of wheat that could be harvested in four to eight weeks instead of the “normal” seven months. Essentially, they foresaw their profits on sales of fertilizers evaporating and the ultimate demise of their business. They abandoned the project altogether, never minding the deprivation of food to the starving in third world countries.  Fortunately the original research papers where not lost.  It didn’t happen because money said it wouldn’t.  I’m here to help see that this changes, never mind the money! This is why I write these blogs. 


Dr. Golod’s Pyramid

In 1990, Russian scientist and defense engineer Dr. Alexander Golod began building large pyramids within Russia and the Ukraine.  By 2001 seventeen pyramids had been built in eight different locations.  By the summer of 2010, more than fifty pyramids have been built worldwide, with the majority still in Russia and the Ukraine.   Breathtaking studies have come out of this project which were first published for the Western world by Dr. John  DeSalvo in 2001 on his Giza Pyramid Research Association Website.

Golod’s pyramids were constructed to comply with the Golden Section—the phi ratio of 1 to 1.618— using PVC pipes and fiberglass sheets.  His largest pyramid is 144 feet tall and weighs more than 55 tons.  It took five years to build and cost him more than a million dollars.  Only non-conductive materials were used without a single metal piece, as metal tended to decrease, if not nullify altogether, the “seemingly magic effects.”  

(Would love to have one of these myself here in Louisiana to do my healing work.  I probably worked as a priest or shaman in some of these ancient pyramids in a previous incarnation, seeing as how this topic has captivated my deep interest.)

Here is a list from Dr. DeSalvo’s website of some of these breathtaking studies, along with my comments and excerpts from David Wilock’s book The Source Field Investigations

  • Immune system of organisms increased upon exposure in the pyramid  (Leukocyte composition of the blood increased). Also increased regeneration of tissues. 

Russian medical scientist Dr. N.B. Egorova, head of a Russian Academy of Medical Science group, gave two groups of normal white laboratory mice strains of typhoid fever viruses and placed one group in a pyramid for a period of time.  Amazingly, 60 percent of the pyramid group survived compared to 7 percent of the control group.  Even when given lethal doses of the virus strain, 30 percent of the pyramid mice survived as compared to 3 percent who were unlucky enough to be in the control group. 

  •  Agricultural seeds placed in the pyramid for 1-5 days showed a 30-100% increase in yield.

 . . . Golod’s team kept agricultural seeds in a pyramid for one to five days before they were planted. This was done with more than twenty different seed varieties, planted across tens of thousands of hectares. In every single case, the pyramid seeds experienced a 20 to 100 percent increase in crop production. These plants did not get sick, and were not affected by droughts. The same effect could be achieved by placing rocks that were stored inside the pyramid around the edges of the crops. (Wilcock)

  •  Russian Military radar (locator) spotted an energy column rising several miles high in the sky above the 22m Lake Seliger pyramid.  Several months after this pyramid was built, the Ozone layer improved in the atmosphere in Russia.  
  • Areas near the pyramids seem to have diminished seismic activity.  Instead of one large powerful earthquake occurring, there are hundreds of tiny ones.  Also violent weather seems to decrease in the area of the pyramids.

 The pyramids were apparently bleeding off the charge of friction and geotectonic stress that would normally cause huge, catastrophic earthquakes to occur under the surface—obviously by a process that remains unknown to mainstream science. (Wilcock)

  • A pyramid complex was built in an oil field in Southern Russia (Bashkiria).  The oil became lighter (less viscous) by 30% and the yield of the oil wells increased.  These results were confirmed by (Gubkin) Moscow Academy of Oil and Gas.  
  • Newborns were given solutions that had been placed in the pyramid and their health indexes increased greatly.

This is a phenomenal story.  Professor A.G. Antonov and his associates from the Russian R & D Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, in the routine treatment of premature babies in their hospital ward, learned of the powerful healing properties of “pyramid water.” Knowing how the pyramids had remarkable strengthening effects on medications, and the drugs themselves were not even necessary, rather than using medicine in the treatment of these infants with only days to live, they used instead a placebo of a 40% solution of glucose in distilled water that had been stored in a pyramid. “By administering only one milliliter of this solution to twenty different premature babies who were almost certainly going to die, every single one of them enjoyed a complete recovery. The babies given only ordinary glucose solution were just as likely to die as before. . . .  Ordinary placebo solutions like glucose in water now became effective remedies that could successfully treat alcoholism and drug addiction. All you have to do is keep them in the pyramid for a few days first. The cure could be administered either by an intravenous needle or through simply drinking the liquid.” (Wilcock) 

  • Experiments with about 5000 people in jails in Russia showed that in a few months most crimes almost disappeared and behavior was much improved.  This was attributed to the salt and pepper added to their food which had been placed beforehand in the Pyramid.

This phenomenon also occurred in jails in which marble slabs that had been “treated” in pyramids were placed randomly in an around the jailhouses.  

The Russian National Academy of Sciences confirmed that pyramid energy could reduce criminal behavior and increase feelings of love and peace. All they did was store granite and other crystalline structures in the pyramid and then set them up in and around certain jails in Russia, which held a total of about five thousand prisoners,” According to the Giza Pyramid Research Association Web site’s summary of these results, “In a few months most crimes almost disappeared, and behavior was much improved.?” Nothing in the jails under study had changed except that this pyramid-charged granite had been built into their own surroundings.  (Wilcock)

  • The potency of pharmaceuticals increased with decreasing side effects.

The drug industry would be greatly downsized if they used pyramid power in the manufacturing of their drugs. Professor Klimenko and Dr. Nosik of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, in one study from the Ivanovskii R & D Institute of Virology, diluted a concentration of a naturally occurring virus-fighting compound called “venoglobulin” and placed it in a pyramid for a few days. The result was that it became three times more effective.  “Strangely, the drug worked just as well as they diluted it more—even though these ultra-weak concentrations, such as 0.00005 per milliliter, would have no effect whatsoeverr in the fight against viruses.” (Wilcock) 

  • There is an increase in survival of cellular tissue infected by viruses and bacteria  – The pyramids decrease the strength of various viruses and bacteria.  
  • When radioactive waste is placed inside the pyramids, there is a decrease in their level of radioactivity. Spontaneous charging of capacitors  (leyden jaw on top and energy source?) 

In fact, what Golod and his associates found out was that “anything that was harmful to life would transform, for the better, if it was kept inside the pyramid. Poisons and other toxins would miraculously become far less destructive after even a short stay in the Pyramid of Life. Radioactive materials decayed faster than they were expected to.” (Wilcock)  

  • Changes in superconductivity temperature thresholds and properties of semiconductors and carbon materials.  
  •  Ordinary water does not freeze even at 40 degrees below zero and retains its properties for years.
  • Synthesized diamonds turn out harder and purer.
  • It is interesting that the results seem to show that increasing the height of the pyramid increases the quality of the results. 


Here’s something for you athletes.  Instead of using steroids to improve your performance, try pyramid power!  That and a few more useful discoveries by the Russians:

 Dr. Uri Bogdanow, from the Scientific and Technological Institute of Transcriptions, Translation and Replication, conducted the following studies in some of Golod’s smaller pyramids.

  • Bogdanov and his associates found that rabbits and white rats became 200 percent stronger in their endurance, and their white-blood-cell counts went up. This discovery has obvious implications for professional sports. Such performance enhancements do not cause any of the damaging effects we see from the illegal use of steroids—in fact, those athletes would get healthier from the treatments. If the reality of this pyramid power were to spread, with national prestige and millions of dollars of endorsements at stake, what country wouldn’t want their Olympic athletes enjoying the benefits of these effects—not to mention all the other professional sports teams fiercely competing around the world? 
  • In the Arkhangelsk region of Russia, they had a serious problem with the water—and looked to Dr. Golod’s pyramids as a potential solution. Strontium and heavy metals were contaminating their supply. The municipal administration ordered a series of pyramids to be built over the area, and within a short time they were pumping out clean water. It appears that this water has remained pure ever since. The same thing happened in the town of Krasnogorskoe near Moscow, where a single pyramid was able to clear up all the salt that had been polluting their water.” 
  •  A team from the All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute in Moscow found that if they took seven one-hundred-gram chunks of granite that had been stored in the pyramid and arranged them into a one meter circle, that area was 5,000 percent less likely to be struck by lightning. They were able to confirm this by putting the granite on a flat, metallic plane, with an electrode that would discharge one thousand, four hundred kilovolts of power overhead. Normally, when they turned on the juice for a short time, there was a good chance that the electrical current would “arc out” and form a lightning bolt-striking the metallic plate and creating a nasty burn mark that melted right through. Over the course of one hundred different discharges, the circle of pyramid granite proved to have a remarkable effect on protecting the inside area from lightning strikes—there were five times fewer eruptions, which again is 5,000 percent. 
  • Remember the five-hundred-meter-wide column of energy that formed around the pyramid, as well as the much larger three-hundred-kilometer circle—which would have taken all the energy from Russia’s power plants to form? Apparently this enormous column doesn’t just sit there doing nothing—it actively deflects storms and severe weather from the area around the pyramid.” Incredibly, incoming storms go around this whole area, not through it. Imagine what this technology could do for areas that were prone to being destroyed by hurricanes. The cost of building pyramids could be much, much less than the expense of rebuilding from inevitable hurricane damage.
  • Yet another series of observations further added mystery and intrigue to the puzzle. The three-hundred-kilometer column of energy just mentioned had appeared around a twenty-two-meter pyramid that was built on Seliger Lake. Several months later, the ozone hole that had been sitting over that area substantially improved. As time went on, new streams of water appeared in the surrounding countryside. A stork felt comfortable enough to set up a nest. And most amazingly, the fields became covered with Bowers that shouldn’t even exist—as they were supposedly extinct. In short, the land was renewed, healed and transformed—suggesting that the life-giving energies harnessed by the pyramid had a significant effect upon everything around them.  

David Wilcock expresses his passion for natural energy such as pyramids provide, which I share: 

The full extent of the power of this ancient technology didn’t become clear until I read about what some of the other teams within the Russian National Academy of Sciences had discovered—where we see how the pyramids actually give us clear protection against catastrophic Earth Changes. Given the incredible damage that can be caused by hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes and the like, there is absolutely no reason why we shouldn’t be exploring these possibilities on a worldwide, massive scale. And if a skeptic comes along and tries to tell you we shouldn’t even try to use this technology, because it’s “fringe pseudoscience,” my obvious response would be, “How can we afford not to try it?” Do we dare to be so arrogant and overconfident in conventional science
that we completely ignore the power of a cheap, easy-to-build technology  that could save the earth? 

The fact that all this data has been overlooked, and never even mentioned as a possibility after all these years, seems to be little more than criminal when you consider how many lives could have been saved in the process. And it also makes you wonder if other cultures in the past have built pyramids for very practical reasons-perhaps because they were in a race against time with climate change and possible catastrophes that could have wiped out their own civilization. That could explain why they had such a strong incentive to build massive pyramids. 

And there’s more to come.  So, stay tuned.  Until then,

Be love. Be loved.

Dr. Anthony Palombo

Visit my other Health Light Newsletter blog at for an inspiring meditation on Seven Glands for Seven Spirits.






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